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A. How to make an effective presentation

Before the - Know your audience
presentation - Choose a presentation style
- What do you want to do: teach/ reveal/ want the audience to take action
- Outline what you want to present
- Write down the presentation
- Practice and internalize
- Visualize your success
- Turn off the phone before presenting
- Check the equipment (projector, speaker, TV, microphone) in advance
During the - Use gestures and body language to express ideas
presentation - Make eye contact, look at the audience, do not look at the floor or ceiling
- Do not just look at the paper and read
- Use personal stories or experiences as examples
After the - Thank the audience after they ask you a question
presentation - Try to answer the audience question (in case you do not know the answer,
admit that and promise to provide the answer later

Suggested structure:
A presentation is divided into 3 main parts: the introduction, body, and conclusion. There are
some tips that help you have an effective talk. Before the presentation, you need to ……..
Then, you should…….. Next, you'll need to …... Moreover, ……….. During the presentation,
you should……... Besides, you shouldn’t………After the presentation, …….
B. Example --- Structure of a Presentation
1. Introduction
- Greeting audience: Good morning lady and gentlemen. Welcome to our presentation today.
- Purpose: What I want to do this morning is to talk about a type of a mobile phone. It’s iPhone
- Content of your presentation: This talk is divided into 4 main parts:
 Firstly, I’d like to look at its Features
 Secondly, I’ll be talking about its Functions
 The third point will be about its Advantages
 Finally, I’ll be looking at its disadvantages
- Timing: Our presentation will last about 20 minutes
- Handling questions: I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have at the end of my
2. Body: explain the topic and all information using languages of
- Introducing visual aids
- Introducing the next presenter
- Giving examples
- Summarize
3. Conclusion:
- I’d like to say that….
- Thank you for your listening. If you have any questions, I’ll do my best to answer.

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