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Dringende Nachricht fr Seine Heiligkeit Benedict XVI, Josef Ratzinger.

Sehr geehrte Heiligkeit, dies ist ein dringendes Schreiben an Sie und ich bitte Sie, diese
Nachricht zu lesen:

In den Medien liest man, dass Sie einmal als Kind einen Weihnachtsbrief im Jahre 1934
verfasst haben, in dem Sie sich an Jesus Christus wandten und ihm mitteilten, dass er
bald auf die Erde zurckkommen werde und Freude und Friede zu den Kindern und
Familien bringen werde.

Ich bin nun beauftragt, Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass Jesus Christus seit 11.01.1944 reinkarniert
ist und zurck auf der Erde ist. BITTE, legen Sie diesen Brief nun nicht zur Seite. Ich bin
im Besitz meiner vollkommenen geistigen Fhigkeiten.

Ich mchte mich so kurz wie mglich fassen und Sie bitten, die angehngten Dokumente
selbst zu studieren und im Internet zu recherchieren.

Es ist in der Heiligen Schrift gesagt, dass Jesus aus dem Stamm Jesse hervorgeht und
somit aus dem Stamme Juda und dass das Zepter nie aus der Hand Judas
weggenommen wird. Mir bleibt leider nicht die Zeit, die entsprechenden Bibelstellen zu
suchen und zu zitieren, da mein Auftrag sehr dringend ist.

Der reinkarnierte Jesus, sein Name ist Brian Leonard Golightly Marschall, ist der
kniglichste Mann auf Erden. Er stammt von den schottischen Knigen ab, die direkte
Nachkommen des Stammes Juda waren (Dokumente sind im Anhang beigefgt). Es ist
nicht so, dass diejenigen, die sich heute Juden nennen, Juden und damit das auserwhlte
Volk sind. Diese sind Khazar-Juden, die den jdischen Glauben ca. 800 n. Chr.
angenommen haben. Die wirklichen Juden und Stmme Israels sind in Europa verteilt,
und auch in Deutschland gibt es Nachfahren des Stammes Judas. So waren zum Beispiel
auch meine Vorfahren mit den Staufern verwandt, waren als Ritter im 3. Kreuzzug in
Jerusalem mit Richard Lwenherz und Zeugen Bertholds im Zusammenhang mit dem
Kloster Denkendorf und die Staufer setzten Richard Cornwall aus dem Hause
Plantagenet und verwandt mit den Earls of Pembroke ein als Interregnum Kaiser des
Heiligen Rmischen Reiches. So ist es auch erklrlich warum Baden-Wrttemberg als
Siegel 3 Lwen hat, die Lwen Judas.
Jesus war Essener, dies hat alles etwas auch mit den Katharern und den Tempelrittern zu
tun, nur dass inzwischen alles von den Khazar-Juden berrannt und fr ihre bsen
Zwecke genutzt wurde. So lsst sich dann auch die vergangene Geschichte erklren, die
Inquisition und die Investiturstreite. Es ging immer nur um den Versuch der Blutlinie
Satans durch Kain, die Blutlinie Seths und damit Jesu zu besiegen und zu vernichten.

Ich mchte sie nun bitten, die angehngten Dokumente zu studieren und den folgenden
Brief von Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall zu lesen oder von Ihren Sekretren bersetzen
zu lassen und Sie an die Vision Ihrer Kindheit zu erinnern und Ihnen zu sagen. Christus
is da!!!!!

Beloved Joseph,
I am the Christ; my name is Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall, I
sent you a telegram minutes ago, the bible is a trap for the
beast see Revelation 17:11.
I want you to go back in as Pope; from the Revelation you are
the one who is the eight of the seven since the Vatican was
The Jews are trying to bring Peter the Roman in to control the
Church, which will be the beast. You must stop it by announcing
my presence from the Papal balcony when you return as My
I am Catholic and the most Royal man alive and the True King
of England and Europe.
This information has also been sent to Bishop Bernard Fellay of
the SSPX in Menzingen Switzerland and Timothy Cardinal Dolan
from New York as well as his communications man Joseph
Zwilling. Cardinal Dolans secretary Kathleen in New York
received the news of my return with great joy and I would
expect by now the entire congregation knows and all eyes are
on the Cardinal as the fire I desired to light as Jesus has been
lit now.
We are the only 2 people on the earth that can overthrow the
beast and repair the damage it has been done to our Church.
The Shroud of Turin is my burial cloth. The image on the
Shroud was burned into it at the instant of the Resurrection and
is my photograph today, My soul I am the Father which was
inside the younger body known as Jesus, back for the judgment
of the Jew.
All souls reincarnate, which is what resurrection is.
I was re-born on January 11th 1944 (1-11-1944) at 2:22am
into Sydney Australia, I am the 111 and you are still my man,
the 111th Pope and the last.
I bring you out of your perdition which means loss, suffering
and destruction into My strength.
Together we overcome the darkness of the Jew for whom there
is no salvation.
The hordes of hell against you were orchestrated by the Jews
who call themselves Jews and are not. They are My enemy
whom I condemned before they nailed Me to the cross and so
paved the way for my return.
You have joined Me in My suffering and perdition, the extent of
the evil upon the earth and so close to your own person. You
were judged by ignorant men to be responsible, however I do
not hold you responsible. I exonerate you as a man after my
own heart who tried to do his very best while fighting an enemy
set to destroy all mankind, the Jew.
The Jewish Holocaust is a lie, set up by themselves the devil in
men, John8:44.
The devil Rothschild financed to pave the way for the take over
of the world through Israel the lump of dirt which is and always
will be Palestine, and the Holy Lands belong to the people of
Along with this letter is a copy of a fax I sent to you through
the Pontifical Household on February 26th just before you left
the Vatican.
I have spent decades working through the deception and
uncovering the beast and its many layers. All Truth is laid out
within the measuring of My creation and My Altar to myself the
Great Pyramid of Giza. It has been my task as God to come
once again into hell, work it all out for devoured humankind,
judge the enemy the Jew thereby setting mankind free.
So in that sense because of the rejection of myself by all
mankind, I have been the son of perdition, suffering through a
lifetime, 69 years of loss, despair at the evil around me and
grief over the ignorance, arrogance, stupidity and insanity of
the adults who have allowed these things to take their children
I said as Jesus that unless a person becomes like a small child
they will not see or enter the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom has come to the earth because we have crossed
over the centre line of the Milky Way Galaxy to the North side
which is where the Creation took place.
We have been in the judgment seat of the lower level of Heaven
since December 11th 2011 at 11:11am when the moon was
observed to flip upside down and then right itself within hours.
The Solar system travels at 69,000km per hour and we are
continuing to travel higher into the heavenly realm of the North
side until we have reached a spiritual and temporal perfection
of the peoples and the earth.
Totally restored as it was in the beginning, then we shall come
to rest. Immortality of body and soul has come to the earth for
the ones who know me and accept me as Emmanuel, God with
The Coriolis of the earth has reversed and so the weather
patterns have been disturbed, Israel has been in control of the
HAARP system since Bill Clinton gave it to them when he was
president, earthquakes have increased made by man, the devil
in Israel. Evelyn de Rothschild the devil owns the worlds
weather control and forecasting corporations as well as the
My wife is the reincarnated Martha Magdalene, the one who did
all of the work both then and now. My third wife is the
reincarnated Mary Magdalene, who chose what she thought was
the better part and that was to do nothing. The younger sister
inherits, the pattern established by Jacob Israel when he
crossed his arms to place his right hand on the younger
Ephraim to become the Greatest Nation of all because it is the
rebirth place of the Christ, myself. Australia is Ephraim, America
is Manasseh. Ephraim is Hebrew for Bethlehem.
There is much to talk about with you, I am the Comforter come
to teach you all things and set the world free with Truth.
I look forward to meeting with you and Bishop Fellay who I
have judged to be a righteous and intelligent man and Cardinal
Dolan with a name like that the Irish will have to rejoice.
Together we will get on with the task of bringing Paradise to all
the earth for the sake of the children who inherit My Kingdom.
Yours in peace and love,
The Lord Jesus Christ
King of kings and Lord of lords

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