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ISSN 1845-2086

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Dragi čitatelji!

Pred vama je novi broj magazina DalCasa s zanimljivim i aktualnim temama.

Izdvajamo tekst u kojem donosimo informaciju o otvaranju novog centra Cas-
cade u Zagrebu. Osim toga, donosimo tekst o interijeru i eksterijeru novog
DAL’CASA d.o.o. Kempinski Golf & Spa Resortu u Istri. Nekoliko riječi i interesantnih teza donosimo
Put Brodarice 6 u dva intervjua, prvi sa pjevačem Tonijem Cetinskim i drugi sa poznatim diza-
21000 Split jnerom svjetla Deanom Skirom. Izdvajamo tekst o zanimljivom dijelu hrvatske
tel.: +385(0)21 332 725; +385(0)21 332 726 baštine, o Trogiru srednjovjekovnom gradu pod zaštitom UNESCO-a. Avantura
fax:+385(0)21 380 852 nas u ovom broju vodi na otok Hvar i mali napušteni gradić Velo Grablje, od- lični primjer lokalnog tradicionalnog graditeljstva. Reporteri DalCase su posjetili
proizvođača vina Andru Tomića na Hvaru, a probali su i delicije u restoranu
Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief:
Vanesa Bilbija Velvet u Zagrebu. Novost u svijetu dizajna je obnova Midland hotela u More- cambo Bayu u Engleskoj. Interijer hotela je donio novu razinu dizajna interijera
upotrebom suvremenih materija-
Izvršni urednik/Executive editor: la. Od trendova u dizajnu interijera
Leo Nikolić predstavljamo vam nove forme
upotrebe mozaika. Također vas
Grafički urednik/Graphic editor: informiramo o trendovima upotre-
Marija Tudor be PVC stolarije. Na kraju objavlju-
jemo pitanja i odgovore, te novi
Art director: zakon o poljoprivrednom zemljištu.
Stephan Lupino Donosimo najbolji izbor ekskluziv- nih nekretnina u Hrvatskoj. Vjeru-
jemo da će te se dobro informirati
Marketing i prodaja oglasa/
Marketing and advertising: i zabaviti čitajući naš magazin.
Maja Šarić, dipl. oec.
Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)95 906 2913
Dear readers!
Ivana Radeljić Vrdoljak
Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)99 230 5973 You are holding the brand-new
issue of DalCasa with interesting
Prijevod na engleski/English translation: and actual topics. Allow us to
Zoran Abaza point out a text that will inform
you about opening new center
Suradnici/Associates: Cascade u Zagrebu. We also
Jelena Badovinac, Ana Bralić, Lovorka
bring you a text about interior and
Buterin, Nikola Čelan,Jadran Lazić, Lupino,
Hajdi Mihanović, Romina Peritz, Domagoj exterior of the new Kempinski Golf & Spa Resort in Istria. We bring you several
Tomić, Aleksandar Vrtarić words, interesting theses in two interviews with singer Toni Cetinski and light
designer Dean Skira. We point out on interesting text about interesting part
Distribucija/Distribution: of Croatian heritage, city of Trogir, medieval town under the protection of
Tisak d.d., Distripress, Tim Press, Slobodna UNESCO. Adventure take us on the island of Hvar and little deserted town of
Dalmacija, Glas Istre Velo Grablje, perfect egzample of the local traditional architecture. Report-
ers of magazine DalCasa visited Andro Tomić, producer of wine from Hvar
Fotografija na naslovnici/Cover photo:
and tasted delicious food in restaurant Velvet in Zagreb. News in the world
of design is renovation of the Midland hotel in Morecambo Bay in England.
ČASOPIS DALCASA JE LICENCNO IZDANJE, Interior of that hotel raised up the level of interior design using contemporary
TE JE ZABRANJENO KOPIRANJE I materials. In articles about interior design we present you new forms in use of
PRENOŠENJE SADRŽAJA mosaic. Also we inform you about trends in use of PVC joinery.
We bring your question and answers and the text about reapplying agri-
DALCASA IS LICENCED EDITION cultural parcels. We bring our usual overview of the Croatia’s exclusive real
estates. We hope you will be well informed and have u fun in reading our
Suton tisak Split Vanesa Bilbija


8 Investicije
Investments Cascade

16 Intervju
Interview Tony Cetinski

24 Vijesti iz kulture
Culture news


28 Ambijent
Ambient Kempinski

38 Dekoracije

42 Dizajneri
Designers Dean Skira



56 Avantura
Adventure Velo Grablje

64 Fine stvari

70 Aktualno
Events Hotel DuPont


76 Baština
Herritage Trogir

86 Gastro
Gastro Velvet

92 Vinoteka
Exterior Tomić

98 Vijesti

104 Kultura
Culture Grožnjan

112 Trend
Trend Mozaik Sicis

120 Materijali
Materials PVC stolarije

130 Pitanja i odgovori

Questions & answers

134 Zakon o nekretninama

Law on the
properties Zakon o prometu nekretnina

139 Nekretnine
Real estates

Shopping u centru grada

Zagreba u samome centru grada

dobit će prvu shopping aleju koja će
im omogućiti da na jednome mjestu
i u kratkom vremenu pronađu sve
relevantne sadržaje koji ih zanimaju,
od shoppinga do ugodne šetnje.

Hibridni trgovački centar

Cascade pruža svjež i potpuno nov
koncept hibridnog lifestyle trgovač-
kog centra, koji osim shoppinga nudi
raznovrsne druge sadržaje za sve
generacije. Naime, hibridna arhi-
tektonska rješenja podrazumijevaju





Piše: Marko Horvat

Foto: Arhiva DalCasa

T rgovački centar Cas-

cade, prostire se na
17.831,00 kvadratnih
metara oblikovane
izgrađene površine di-
rektno uklopljene u tok
pješačke zone Tkalčićeve ulice, jed-
ne od najstarijih ulica središta Zagre-
ba. Centar zbog svog izgleda pred-
stavlja spoj modernih i sofisticiranih
arhitektonskih rješenja s dugom tra-
dicijom koja obilježava staru jezgru
grada – Kaptol i Gornji grad.
Cjelokupnu projektno tehničku do-
kumentaciju za izgradnju centra
izradila je Radionica Arhitekture iz
Zagreba, a glavni projektant je prof.
Goran Rako.
Centar je prepoznatljiv po specifič-
noj terasastoj strukturi koja se sastoji
od pet etaža. Od toga dvije etaže
nalaze se pod zemljom i u njoj su
smješteni garažni prostori. Na osta-
le tri etaže iznad zemlje su smješte-
ne trgovine, lokali za zakupce, te
prostori za ostale sadržaje kao što
su višenamjenska dvorana, šetnice,
uredi, gospodarski i servisni prostori.
Fizičkim spajanjem dvaju trgovačkih
centara – Cascade i Kaptol Centra
šetnicom na dvije razine, građani
kombiniranje čvrstih arhitektonskih luksuznih lifestyle trgovačkih centara NA PERIFERIJI CASCADE JE SMJEŠTEN
struktura sa živim dijelovima poput u sama središta gradskih jezgri. U SRCU METROPOLE
parkova uz nezaobilazno raslojava- U pitoresknoj Tkalči arhitekt Goran UNLIKE THE MOST OF LARGE CENTERS ON THE
nje zgrada tako da cijela struktura Rako dizajnirao je trgovački centar EDGE OF TOWN, CACADE IS PLACED
zapravo izgleda prozračno i omogu- u kojem će tijekom kupovine moći
ćuje da se bez ulaska u centar fizički, uživati u panorami povijesnog dijela
izvana vidi sama unutrašnjost cen- Zagreba. Cascade će, osim kupovi-
tra. Osim prozračne strukture centra, ne u luksuznom ambijentu, Zagrep-
Cascade ima i tzv. „zeleni krov“, na čanima ponuditi i okrjepu u nekima
kojemu je napravljen park s drve-
ćem i cvijećem, a koji prekriva niže
etaže centra. On prekriva prostorije
na nižim etažama centra, a može se
vidjeti iz Tkalčićeve ulice.
Trgovački centar Cascade je ime
dobio zbog svog specifičnog ka-
skadnog izgleda koji podsjeća na
obližnje stube koje spajaju Tkalčiće-
vu ulicu s Gornjim gradom. Za razliku
od velikih centara koji se u zadnje
vrijeme otvaraju na periferiji grada,
Cascade je smješten u srcu metro-
pole i na samo je nekoliko minuta
hoda udaljen od glavnog zagrebač-
kog trga. To odražava trend prisutan
u zapadnom svijetu, pozicioniranje
od najopremljenijih i najuređenijih
barova i restorana.
Trgovački centar Cascade spoj je
tradicije, suvremene arhitekture,
ugodne kupovine, vrhunske gastro-
nomije i atraktivnog noćnog života.
To ga čini posebnim i zbog toga se
izdvaja od većine preostalih zagre-
bačkih trgovačkih centara. Nedvoj-
beno je da će popularni up-scale
brandovi, ali i mnogobojni dodatni
sadržaji poput banke, ljekarne, ke-
mijske čistione ili pak dizajnerskih stu-
dija privući velik broj građana željnih
kupovine u ugodnom, opuštenom
Dodatna atrakcija centra Cascade
je šetnica koja ga spaja s obližnjim
Centrom Kaptol. Spojem ta dva
centra posjetiteljima je omogućeno
nesmetano kretanje između ta dva
centra, a Tkalčićeva ulica postala je
prava shopping-aleja. Projekt je rea-
liziran na zemljištu u vlasništvu Zbora
prebendara, koji je investitoru dao
koncesiju na 99 godina. U čast pre-
bendarima koji su na tom području
obitavali od 14. stoljeća, dio centra
zadržat će ime Prebendarski vrtovi.

Izgled centra prilagođen okolnim

Posebna briga tijekom gradnje Cas-
cade vodila se o tome da se ne na-
ruši izgled stare gradske jezgre. Iako
je građen uz pomoć najsuvremeni-
jih građevinskih znanja i tehnologi-
ja, arhitekt Goran Rako ističe da je
to prava tradicionalna građevina,
ali s elementima 21. stoljeća. Sama
bit izgleda centra i šetnice koja će
se nalaziti u sklopu njega proističe iz
onoga što ga okružuje, a to su moti-
vi prebendarskih vrtova, gliptoteka i
stube koje vode na gornji grad.
Fasada će biti od crvenkaste filtri-
rajuće cigle koju su preporučili sami
zaštitari spomenika kulture kako bi se
cijeli objekt što bolje uklopio u oko-
liš koji ga okružuje. Ovakva fasada
odabrana je jer najviše sliči obližnjoj
zgradi Gliptoteke koja je cijela nači-
njena od cigle. S druge strane, ovaj
tip fasade ima vrlo visok rok trajanja
tako da će ona s godinama ostati

Shopping in the

Centre of the City
Written by: Marko Horvat Photo: DalCasa Archive

the Zagreb Architecture Workshop, and Professor Go-
ran Rako was the main architect. The shopping centre
is recognizable for its specific terrace-like structure that
consists of five levels. The first two levels are below the
ground, and they feature garage spaces. The rema-
ining three above-ground levels feature stores, coffee
shops for buyers, and other features like a multifuncti-
onal hall-room, walking paths, offices, business and
service premises. The physical merger of two shopping
centres – Cascade and Kaptol Centre – with a two-level
walking path will create the very first shopping area in
the centre of Zagreb that will provide the buyers with an
opportunity to find all relevant features, from shopping
to having a pleasant walk, in one location and in a short
period of time.

A Hybrid Shopping Centre

Cascade provides a fresh and entirely new concept of
a hybrid lifestyle shopping centre, which provides an op-
portunity for numerous other activities besides shopping
for al generations. That is because hybrid architectonic
solutions imply combinations of firm architectonic struc-
tures with living sections like parks, and an unavoidable
layering of buildings provides an ethereal look for the
whole structure with an opportunity to see into the inside
of the building without physically entering the centre. In
addition to its ethereal structure, Cascade also posse-
sses a so-called “green roof”, which features a park with
trees and flowers. It covers areas in lower floors of the
centre, and will be clearly visible from Tkalčić Street.
Shopping centre Cascade received its name becau-
se of a specific cascade look that is reminiscent of the

Unlike most large shopping centres that have

lately been opened in suburbs of various ci-
ties, Cascade is located in the heart of our
nation’s capital, just several walking minutes
away from the main Zagreb square. This re-
flects the established trend in the Western
world, as most luxurious shopping centres are
positioned in city centres

S hopping centre Cascade spreads across

17.831,00 square metres of well-shaped
surface that directly continues into the
pedestrian zone at Tkalčić Street, which
is one of the oldest streets in the centre of
Zagreb. Due to its appearance, the cen-
tre presents a combination of modern and sophistica-
ted architectonic solutions with a long tradition that is
evident in the very centre of the city – Kaptol and Gornji
The entire architectonic and technical documentation
for the shopping-centre construction was created by
nearby stairway that connects Tkalčić Street with Gornji
Grad. Unlike most large shopping centres that have la-
tely been opened in suburbs of various cities, Cascade
is located in the heart of our nation’s capital, just seve-
ral walking minutes away from the main Zagreb square.
This reflects the established trend in the Western world,
as most luxurious shopping centres are positioned in city
Architect Goran Rako designed a shopping centre in
picturesque Tkalča that will allow citizens to spend time
shopping while also enjoying a panoramic view over
the historic part of Zagreb. In addition to shopping in a
luxurious ambience, Cascade will offer the citizens of
Zagreb some well-deserved refreshment in some of the
city’s most stylish and equipped bars and restaurants.
Shopping centre Cascade is a combination of traditi-
on, modern architecture, pleasant shopping, top-qua-
lity gastronomy and attractive nightlife. These elements
make it truly special and allow it to stand out from most
remaining Zagreb shopping centres. There is no doubt
that the popular up-scale brands, as well as numero-
us other elements like banks, drugstores, dry-cleaning
stores and design studios will attract a large number of
citizens to enjoy shopping in a pleasant and relaxed en-
The additional attraction in the Cascade Centre co-
mes in the form of a walking path that connects it to
the neighbouring Kaptol Centre. A physical connection
of these two centres will allow the buyers to freely wan-
der between the two buildings, while also transforming
Tkalčić Street into a true shopping area. The project was
created on a parcel owned by the Prebendar Church

Council, which provided the investor with a concession

for a period of 99 years. In honour to this council that in-
habited this part of Zagreb since the fourteenth century,
a section of the centre will retain the name Prebendar

The Centre’s Look Adjusted to the Surrounding Buildings

While designing and constructing Cascade Centre, spe-
cial attention was given to the effort of not disrupting
the aesthetical harmony of the old city centre. Although
it was built with top-modern technologies and construc-
tion methods, architect Goran Rako points out that this
is a true traditional building, albeit with elements of the
21st century. The very essence of how the centre and
the accompanying walking path look is reflected in the
surrounding elements, which feature motifs of Preben-
dar gardens, gliptotheques and stairs that lead to Gornji
The facade will be made of reddish filtrating bricks,
which was recommended by conservators of cultural
monuments in order to blend the object into the surro-
unding scenery as successfully as possible. This type of
facade was chosen because of its striking resemblance
to the nearby Gliptotheque building, which is entirely
made of bricks. On the other side, this type of facade is
very durable, and guarantees to remain intact for years
and years.
Sam sebi


Sve što radim je odraz mog duha. Tempera-

ment i energija je sigurno dio toga. Sada kad
poslušate klasični album koji snimam vidjet
ćete da sam namjerno ostavio temperament
da samo proviruje, a u prvi plan stavio emo-
cionalnu energiju i dubinsku ljubav koju imam
prema glazbi, mirnoću koju nalazim u glazbi i
zrelost koju sam dobio godinama

Piše: Jelena Badovinac Foto: Lupino

reba li Tonyiju Cetinskom uopće pisati

uvodnik u intervju, jer uvodnik uglav-
nom podrazumijeva predstavljanje!? U
svojih nedavno napunjenih četrdeset
godina uspio je ostvariti, ako ne sve, a
onda barem puno u svojoj glazbenoj
karijeri. Brojne diskografske nagrade, koncerti za koje se
traže ulaznice više i nagrađivani albumi. Tony Cetinski
pripada skupini „najboljih“. Poznajem ga kroz svoju no-
vinarsku karijeru godinama i kada bih ga u četiri riječi
morala opisati zvučale bi otprilike ovako: temperamen-
tan, jednostavan, duhovit i nenametljiv. I da, mi žene
itekako vrištimo na njegovim koncertima jer Tony pjeva
kao slavuj!

DC: Trenutno pripremate album na s klasičnom glaz-

bom. Kako ste došli na tu ideju?
Album je to koji radim iz gušta i bez ikakvog presinga.
Nisam si zadao ni vremenske ni diskografske, a ni tržišne
ili financijske okvire i nevjerovatno koliko zapravo uživam
u toj situaciji. Na albumu će se naći uglavnom poznate
talijanske kancone i poneka arija, dakle glazba uz koju
sam odrastao prije nego sam se zaljubio u AC-DC. Sam
sam radio izbor pjesama, a na njemu će se naći i dvi-
je autorske pjesme za koje je tekst napisao Talijan Italo
Stabile. Sve ih je orkestrirao poznati producent i dirigent
John Cameron. Neću baš sve otkriti, ali radi se o posla-
stici. Album će se zvati Da capo, što bi glazbenim riječ-
nikom značilo iz početka.

DC: Jednom ste rekli da je vaša glazba odraz vašeg

duha. Znači li to da temperament i energiju koju vidimo status neprikosnovenog glazbenika. Što je ono što je u
na sceni zapravo odražava vaš karakter? ovih dvadesetak godina karijere bilo presudno da us-
Sve što radim je odraz mog duha. Temperament i ener- pijete?
gija je sigurno dio toga. Sada kad poslušate klasični al-
bum koji snimam vidjet ćete da sam namjerno ostavio Baš tako je moralo biti. Polagano, ali temeljito, osjetiti
temperament da samo proviruje, a u prvi plan stavio plafon i pod. Za uspjeh je potreban talent, puno rada,
emocionalnu energiju i dubinsku ljubav koju imam pre- upornosti, ljubavi i zrno sreće.
ma glazbi, mirnoću koju nalazim u glazbi i zrelost koju
sam dobio godinama. DC: Biste li nedavna dva dana koncerta u zagrebačkoj
Areni nazvali krunom vaše karijere?
DC: Vaša priča o uspjehu je nije oduvijek bila laka. Pe- Najbolje od svega je da u posljednjih pet godina sve što
njali ste se polagano, bilo je i padova, no uspjeli ste steći napravim nazivaju krunom moje karijere To nesumnjivo
postavljam granice


znači da stalno idem prema naprijed. To je možda samo ko kako želim živjeti, na način da posve uživam u životu.
trenutni doseg moje karijere. Krunu još ne želim, imam To ne znači da se pod time podrazumijeva savršenstvo,
još puno toga za dati glazbi, pa želim da je i kruna još ali ne bi ni valjalo da jest.
DC: Jednom ste rekli da vam vaša supruga Ivana svaki
DC: Je li teško živjeti od glazbe? Je li to na neki način dan šalje mailom raspored u kojem vam napiše što taj
kruh sa sedam kora? dan imate za raditi. Jeste li pomalo gotovan ili naprosto
Eventualno možemo reći da je ponekad teško živje- boem?
ti. Svaki posao ima težih i lakših strana. Istina je da ljudi I jedno i drugo. S jedne strane, komocija je moja kreaci-
uglavnom misle da je od glazbe lakše živjeti, no što uisti- ja, a s druge nisam baš talentiran za organizaciju, osim
nu jest. Glazba je čarolija, umjetnost, kako god hoćete. onu u studiju kad snimam album. To je naš mali ustroj,
Osjećam se povlaštenim što od glazbe živim točno ona- veseli nas oboje i funkcionira. To je najvažnije.
DC: I ove ste godine u žiriju RTL-ovog reality showa „Hr-
vatska traži zvijezdu“. Što su vam kriteriji kad je u pitanju
mlada osoba željna glazbene karijere?
Prije svega pjevački talent koji je poželjno da zna uvjer-
ljivo pokazati, a pobjednik mora imati neki takozvani
„faktor x“.

DC:Mislite li da su reality showovi poput ovog u kojem

ste u žiriju potrebni hrvatskoj mladeži? Nemamo li ionako
dosta glazbenika od kojih mnogi ne rade?
Zašto ne? To je šansa za pokazati se, a nekima i ulaznica
u svijet show biznisa. Za neke to je zabava, čak i oklada.
Svi trebaju imati šansu, a kasnije tržište profiltrira i sortira.

DC: Jedna ste od rijetkih hrvatskih zvijezda, nazovimo

vas tako, za kojega nikada mediji nisu imali lošu riječ
kad je stil u pitanju. Koliko vam je estetika inače važna
u životu?
Nije mi najvažnija, definitivno nije srž, ali mi je važna.
Obično se nema što prigovoriti kada čovjek fura svoj
film i kada vanjska slika pokazuje ono što i kako čovjek
zapravo živi. Kod mene je to slučaj i zato se osjećam

DC: Imala sam prilike vidjeti da vam je dom uređen vrlo

ukusno, ali i vrlo funkcionalno. Zapravo, prvenstveno je
napravljen na način da prostor služi vama, a ne vi nje-
mu. Koliko ste vi sami bili dio uređenja?

Dom smo do najsitnijeg detalja uređivali Ivana i ja zajed-

no, što je logično, ali imamo sreću što oboje ispred sve-
ga stavljamo funkcionalnost. Sve što imamo služi nama,
a ne obrnuto. Želimo udobnost u domu, vikendici, bro-
du, restoranu, odjeći, svemu.

DC: Gdje je po vama granica dobrog ukusa kad je u

pitanju uređenje vlastitog prostora?
Ne volim granice, a ponajviše ne one koje postavljaju
drugi. Svatko ima pravo sebi postaviti granicu. Ja volim
jednostavnost, udobnost, praktičnost, ali i toplinu.

DC: Proputovali ste pola svijeta. Kad biste sad morali iz-
dvojiti neku građevinu koja vas je fascinirala što bi to bilo
i zbog čega?
Ne mogu odgovoriti na to pitanje. Kad odlazim u neki
novi grad, uvijek razgledam sve bitno, kao pravi turist,
a arhitektura daje nekom gradu osobnost i po tome ga
uglavnom pamtim. Ima prelijepih građevina i u Londo-
nu, Parisu i Istanbulu, ali i u Hrvatskoj. Svaki put, bolje re-
čeno svaki dan, kad prođem pored HNK, pomislim kako
je to lijepo zdanje.

DC: Koje su vam vrijednosti najvažnije u životu i držite li

ih se i sami?
Pokušavam se držati svega do čega mi je stalo i što sma-
tram vrijednim. Poštenje prije svega i iskrena ljubav. Tu
možete naći sve ostalo. To je polazište.

DC: Kad biste nešto mogli promijeniti u životu što bi to

Kad gledam objektivno, ima toga dosta, možda par kru-
cijalnih stvari, ali subjektivno….ne bih mijenjao ništa, jer
niz događaja bi bio drukčiji da promijenim bilo što. Mora
biti ružnih situacija da biste znali cijeniti one lijepe. Ako
nema grešaka i padova, ne napredujete i ne borite se u
životu za nešto drugo i bolje. S okruglih četrdeset sretan
sam čovjek.
DC: Slažete li se kao muškarac da postoji smao jedna
ljubav u životu kad su u pitanju žene?
Ma ne. Mora biti više ljubavi. Onu prvu, dječju, iz vrtića ili
škole ne možete mjeriti s prvom tinejdžerskom, a kamoli
s onom s kojom se poželite zaručiti ili oženiti i imati djecu.
Koja je najjača ili najveća ljubav? Ona koja se događa
u tom trenutku. Zato je ljubav lijepa i inspirirajuća. Jed-
na je ona trajna, odrasla, duboka, koja vas povezuje u
nekoliko nivoa.
DC: Koliko se imate vremena posvetiti svojoj kćerkici Piji?
Komunicira li s vama na svoj dječji način?
Kao i svi roditelji, volio bih biti više sa svojim djetetom i
trudim se biti nabolji što mogu. Imam super komunika-
ciju, puno slušamo glazbu,pjevamo, plešemo i sviramo
bubnjeve zajedno što je trenutno najviše veseli.

DC: Kako najradije provodite slobodno vrijeme?

S obitelji i prijateljima u vrtu gdje napravimo neki roštilj
ili u našoj oazi mira u jednom istarskom selu, gdje je sve
podređeno odmoru i zabavi.

DC: Kako zamišljate svoju starost, gdje biste voljeli biti za

trideset godina?
Za 30 godina želim biti još aktivan, iako vidim da ste me
sa 70 strpali u penziju i proglasili starim. Kad odlučim biti
star, povući ću se u Istru i uživati u laganom životu u pri-
I Set My Own Boundaries

Everything I do is a reflection of my spirit. My temperament

and energy are surely a part of it. When you hear the
classical album I’m recording at the moment, you will see
that I’ve purposely left only glimpses of my temperament,
while putting emphasis on emotional energy and the deep
love I have for music, as well as the serenity that music
gives me and the maturity I’ve gained over the years

Written by: Jelena Badovinac Photo: Lupino


oes a Tony Ce- ves for myself, and it is actually quite as the serenity that music gives me
tinski interview amazing how I’m enjoying this situ- and the maturity I’ve gained over
even require an ation. The album will mostly feature the years.
introductory pa- some famous Italian “canzonas”
ragraph, as one and several arias, which is the music DC: Your success story has not always
usually assumes I grew up on before I fell in love with been a smooth ride. Your climb was
introducing the person you talk to? AC/DC. I selected the songs myself, steady, but not without falls, but you
Having just turned forty, he has ma- and the album will also feature two have managed to deserve the sta-
naged to achieve many accolades new songs written by Italian author tus of an important musician. What
in his music career, if not everything Italo Stabile. They were all orche- was the essential element of your su-
he ever wanted. Numerous disco- strated by famous producer and ccess over the last twenty years?
graphy awards, constantly sold-out conductor John Cameron. I will not Everything happened for a reason.
concerts and award-winning al- reveal everything about the album, It was a slow but thorough ride, and
bums are some of the elements that but it will be a treat. The album’s title I have felt both the ceiling and the
confirm Tony Cetinski as one of “the is Da Capo, which would imply star- floor. Success requires talent, plenty
best”. Throughout my reporting ca- ting from the beginning music-wise. of work, persistence, love and some
reer, I have known him for years and luck.
if I had to describe him in four words, DC: You once said that your music
they would be: temperamental, sim- reflects your spirit. Does that mean DC: Would you refer to the two re-
ple, funny and unassuming. And yes, that the temperament and energy cent Zagreb Arena concerts as the
we women certainly scream hard at we’re seeing on stage reflect your crowning achievements of your ca-
his concerts because Tony sings so character? reer?
magnificently! Everything I do is a reflection of my The best part of the story is the fact
spirit. My temperament and energy that everything I’ve done over the
DC: You are currently recording a are surely a part of it. When you hear last five years is referred to as the
classical-music album. How did you the classical album I’m recording at crowning achievement of my ca-
come across that idea? the moment, you will see that I’ve reer. That undoubtedly means I’m
It is an album I’m creating for sheer purposely left only glimpses of my moving forward. This may just be the
pleasure and without any pressure. temperament, while putting emp- crowning achievement of this pha-
I haven’t set any time-limit, disco- hasis on emotional energy and the se of my career, but I don’t want
graphy, market or financial imperati- deep love I have for music, as well to talk about my entire career, as I

feel I have a lot more to give to the
world of music.

DC: Is it hard making a living from

music? Is it one of the more difficult
ways of making money?
I guess we can say that it gets diffi-
cult from time to time. Every line of
work has its upsides and downsides.
It’s true that people generally think
that the music business is easy living,
but that may actually be true. Mu-
sic is magic, art, or whatever you
want to call it. I feel privileged to be
spending my life exactly the way I
want to, and that is making music
and enjoying everything about it.
That doesn’t necessarily imply per-
fection, but I wouldn’t have it any
other way.

DC: You once said that your wife

Ivana e-mails your schedule on a
daily basis. Does that make you a
tad spoiled or just bohemian?
Both, I guess. On one side, my level
of comfort is my creation, but I am
also not very talented when it co-
mes to organizing myself, except
in the studio during the recording
process. That is our little way of fun-
ctioning – it works and it makes us
both happy. That is the most impor-
tant thing.

DC: You’ve once again signed

up to the “Croatia Is Looking for a
Superstar” reality show. What are
your criteria when it comes to yo-
ung people wanting to break into
the music business?
The convincing amount of singing
talent comes first, but the winner
also must possess the so-called “x-

DC: Do you feel that these types

of reality shows are what Croatian
youth really needs? Don’t we alre-
ady have a large number of unem-
ployed musicians?
Why not? It is a chance to demon-
strate your talents, and some may
even break into show-business this
way. Some see it as entertainment,
others as a sure bet. Everybody de-
serves a chance, and the market
will filter and select the best.

DC: You are one of the rare Croati-

an stars, if we may call you that, who
have never been criticized for your
style. How much importance do you
place on aesthetics in your life?
It is definitely not essential or a pri-
ority, but it is important. There are

usually no complaints when people carry Of course not, there must be more than one
themselves true to who they are. That is love. How can you compare your first kin-
what I try to do and that is why I feel com- dergarten or school crush to your first tee-
fortable. nage romance, let alone to meeting a wo-
man you want to propose, marry or have
DC: I had the opportunity to see your home, kids with? Which is the strongest or biggest
and it is decorated in very tasteful and fun- love? The one that takes place at that very
ctional manner. In fact, it is primarily desi- moment. That is why love is so inspiring and
gned to serve your needs, instead of the beautiful. There is only one permanent,
other way around. How involved were you deep and grown love, which connects you
in the decorating process? on several different levels.
Ivana and I decorated everything to the ti-
niest little detail, which is only logical, but it’s DC: How much time do you have for your
fortunate that we both place a great deal little daughter Pia? Does she communicate
of importance on functionality. Everything with you in her own childish way?
we have serves our purposes, not the other Like any parent, I would love to spend more
way around. We want comfort in our home, time with my child, and I’m trying very hard
vacation house, boat, restaurant, clothes to be the best I can be. We have a fabulo-
etc. us way of communicating: we listen to a lot
of music, sing, dance and play the drums
DC: Where do you set boundaries of good together, which seems to be her new favo-
taste in terms of home decoration? urite thing.
I don’t like boundaries, especially those that
are set by others. Everybody has the right to DC: What is your favourite way of spending
set their own boundaries. I prefer simplicity, free time?
comfort, practicality, but also warmth. Cooking up a barbecue with friends and
family in my garden, or spending time in our
DC: You’ve travelled half the world. If you oasis of peace in a small Istrian village, whe-
had to point out a single building that fasci- re everything we do is relaxing and fun.
nated you, what would it be and why?
I can’t answer that question. When I arrive DC: How do you picture yourself when
in a town I’ve never visited before, I always you’re older, and where would you like to
visit all sights like any other tourist, and I usu- find yourself in thirty years?
ally remember cities for their architecture I still want to be active in thirty years, altho-
that provides them with a certain persona- ugh I see you’ve already labelled me as old
lity. There are fascinating buildings in Lon- when I’m seventy and have put me out to
don, Paris, Istanbul, but also Croatia. Every pasture. When I decide it’s time to be old, I
time, or should I say every day, I walk by the will go back to Istria and enjoy a life in har-
Croatian National Theatre building, I think mony with nature.
about how beautiful it is.

DC: What are the most important values

in your life, and do you live by them?
I try to respect everything I care about
and consider valuable. That primarily
relates to honesty and true love. That is
the starting point for everything else.

DC: If you could change something

about your life, what would that be?
If I try to be objective, there are plen-
ty of things that are even crucial, but
subjectively... I wouldn’t change anyt-
hing, because that would change an
entire line of events that led me where
I am now. Every person must encounter
bad situations in order to appreciate
the good times. If there are no stumbles
and struggles, a person isn’t making
progress or fighting for something that’s
better. I am forty years old, and I am a
happy man.

DC: As a man, would you agree that

there is only one true love when it co-
mes to women in a lifetime?


ZAGREB - MÜNCHEN Zagreb – Munich
Izložba “Zagreb – München” - Hrvatsko slikarstvo i Akademija likovnih Exhibit “Zagreb – Munich – Croatian Painting and the Academy of Fine Arts
umjetnosti u Münchenu (21.10.2009 - 06.12.2009) predstavlja presjek in Munich” (October 21st 2009 – December 6th 2009) presents an overvi-
hrvatskog slikarstva na prijelazu 19. u 20. stoljeće s temeljnim nagla- ew of Croatian painting in late 19th and early 20th century, with special
skom na poveznice s münchenskom slikarskom školom, te se na taj emphasis on the connections with the Munich painting school. This exhibit
način uključuje u obilježavanje 200. godišnjice Akademije likovnih further improves the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Academy
umjetnosti u Münchenu i projekt “München kao europsko središte of Fine Arts in Munich, as well as the project “Munich – the centre of Euro-
umjetničkog školovanja”. pean artistic education”.
Izložba “Zagreb - München” - Hrvatsko slikarstvo i Akademija likovnih Exhibit “Zagreb – Munich – Croatian Painting and the Academy of Fine Arts
umjetnosti u Münchenu, u organizaciji Instituta za povijest umjetnosti in Munich” is organized by the Institute of Art History and the Art Pavilion
i Umjetničkog paviljona u Zagrebu po prvi put pokazuje djela hrvat- in Zagreb, is the first event to display works from Croatian painters who
skih slikara – münchenskih đaka koja ponajbolje pokazuje poveznice studied in Munich, which is the best way to demonstrate strong connecti-
s münchenskom Akademijom koja je uz bečku bila važno odredište hr- ons with the Munich Academy that, along with the Vienna Academy, ser-
vatskih slikara krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća. ved as a very important destination for Croatian painters in late 19th and
Na izložbi “Zagreb – München” izloženo je osamdesetak radova hrvat- early 20th century.
skih slikara upisanih na Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u Münchenu The “Zagreb – Munich” exhibit features around eighty works by Croatian
od 1870.-1920. godine među kojima su Izidor Kršnjavi, Ferdinand Qu- painters who studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich between 1870
iquerez, Josip Bauer, Nikola Mašić, Anton Aron, Dragan Melkus, Hugo and 1920, including paintings by Izidor Kršnjavi, Ferdinand Qiuquerez, Jo-
Lukšić, Marko Murat, Mato Celestin Medović, Menci Clement Crnčić, sip Bauer, Nikola Mašić, Anton Aron, Dragan Melkus, Hugo Lukšić, Marko
Bela Čikoš Sesija , Oton Iveković, Ivan Tišov, Robert Auer, Oskar Herman, Murat, Mato Celestin Medović, Menci Clement Crnčić, Bela Čikoš Sesija,
Josip Račić, Vladimir Becić, Miroslav Kraljević i Ljubo Babić. ntimizam u Oton Iveković, Ivan Tišov, Robert Auer, Oskar Herman, Josip Račić, Vladimir
hrvatskom slikarstvu Becić, Miroslav Kraljević and Ljubo Babić.

Intimizam Intimacy in Croatian Painting

Izložba „Intimizam u hrvatskom slikarstvu“ održava se ove jeseni u Mo- Exhibit “Intimacy in Croatian Painting” is held at Modern Gallery in Zagreb
dernoj galeriji u Zagrebu. Autorica izložbe i kataloga je mr. sc. Smiljka this autumn. The author of the exhibit and catalogue is Master of Science
Domac-Ceraj, muzejska savjetnica Moderne ga- Smiljka Domac-Ceraj, museum councillor at
lerije. Izložba obuhvaća djela različitih muzejskih the Modern Gallery. The exhibit features works
fundusa, javnih ustanova te određeni broj djela from different museum collections, as well as
zbirki privatnih vlasnika. Izložba predstavlja više public institutions and several private collec-
od 140 djela četrdeset i jednog autora koji pri- tions. The exhibit displays over 140 works by
padaju intimističkom tematskom krugu, kao što forty-one author that can be qualified as inti-
su Antun Motika, Emanuel Vidović, Marino Tarta- mate, and some of the authors include Antun
glia, Ljubo Babić, Leo Junek, Ivo Dulčić, Vladimir Molika, Emanuel Vidović, Marino Tartaglia, Lju-
Becić, Ivan Rein, Omer Mujadžić i dr. bo Babić, Leo Junek, Ivo Dulčić, Vladimir Becić,
Ivan Rein, Omer Mujadžić and others.

The Marriage of Maria Braun
Godine 1979. godine na filmskom festivalu u Cannesu održana je
premijera jednog od najuspješnijih filmova R. W. Fassbindera BRAK The 1979 Cannes Film Festival hosted the premiere of one of R.W. Fassbinder’s
MARIJE BRAUN. Trideset godina kasnije redateljica Tea Alagić Vlašić, most successful movies – The Marriage of Maria Braun. Thirty years later, di-
koja godinama živi i radi u New Yorku, dolazi u Hrvatsku i zajedno s rector Tea Alagić Vlašić, who has been living and working in New York for
ansamblom Zagrebačkog kazališta mladih radi na kazališnom upri- years, has arrived to Croatia to work on a theatre version of this cult piece
zorenju ovog kultnog djela. Predstava BRAK MARIJE BRAUN igra od with the ensemble from the Zagreb Youth Theatre. Play “The Marriage of Ma-
31. listopada u Zagrebačkom kazalištu mladih. ria Braun” will be running from October 31st at the Zagreb Youth
BRAK MARIJE BRAUN priča je iz vremena obnove Theatre.
Njemačke nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Njemačka “The Marriage of Maria Braun” is a story from the period of
glumica Hanna Schygulla kao Marija Braun ostva- Germany’s renovation after World War II. German actress Hanna
ruje legendarnu filmsku ulogu koja joj donosi me- Schygulla achieved a legendary role as Maria Braun, which had
đunarodnu slavu. Mariji Braun uspijeva uspon na catapulted her to international fame. Maria Braun has achie-
društvenoj ljestvici, ali u osobnom životu cijena je ved success on the social scene, but the price is too high in her
previsoka. U društvu u kojem bogatstvo predstavlja personal life. In a society where material wealth represents the
vrhunac moći, čak i uspješna i samostalna žena kao maximum amount of power, even a successful and independent
Marija Braun naposljetku je prisiljena priznati sebi woman like Maria Braun ends up forced to admit to herself that
da ne predstavlja više od figure u insceniranoj igri she isn’t nothing more than a pawn in a scripted game that is
koju pokreću muškarci. played by men.

IVO GAMULIN GIANNI I Ivo Gamulin Gianni and
ANNA OXA U LISINSKOM Anna Oxa at Lisinski
Humanitarni gala koncert Osmijeh za Djecu leptire Charity Gala Concert “A Smile for Butterfly-Children”

Ivo Gamulin Gianni, tenor, ugostit će u Koncertnoj dvorani Va- Tenor Ivan Gamulin Gianni will host the Italian singing diva
troslav Lisinski u Zagrebu talijansku pjevačku divu Annu Oxu Anna Oxa at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall in Zagreb on
25. studenoga 2009. godine na humanitarnom gala koncertu November 25th 2009 for the charity gala concert titled “A Smile
za udrugu Debra pod nazivom Osmijeh za Djecu leptire, uz re- for Butterfly-Children” for the Debra association. The concert
vijski orkestrar Zagrebačke filharmonije i zbor Cantores Sancti will be conducted by the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra and
Marci. Na pozornici Velike dvorane , pridružit će im se Ivana Hu- the Cantores Sancti Marci Choir. They will be joined on stage by
sar–Mlinac i Luciano Batinić. Ivana Husar-Mlinac and Luciano Batinić.
Debra, društvo oboljelih od bulozne epidermolize, rijetke i ne- Debra, an association for people suffering from a rare and incu-
izlječive bolesti kože, osnovano je 1996. godine s ciljem pove- rable disease called bullous epidermolysis, was founded in 1996
zivanja obitelji oboljelih od bulozne epidermolize. Prikupljena with the goal of connecting families of those suffering from the
sredstva koristit će se kao početni kapital za izgradnju među- illness. The acquired funds will be used as basis for construc-
narodnog rehabilitacijskog kampa kakav još ne postoji, a pred- tion of an international rehabilitation camp that doesn’t exist
stavljao bi golemu pomoć i bar malo olakšanje svakodnevnih anywhere yet, and which would be of great assistance in an
životnih tegoba oboljelima od ove neizlječive bolesti. effort to make the everyday life of people battling this deadly
disease a little bit easier.


“Hercegovina - zemlja svjetlosti” „Zbirka namještaja u Muzeju grada Splita“

Na tristotinjak stranica fotomonografije „Hercegovina – zemlja Knjiga autorice Vjekoslave Sokol, više kustosice Muzeja grada
svjetlosti“ čiji tekst potpisuje Božo Skoko, fotografije Ivo Per- Splita predstavlja prvi monografski prikaz jedne zbirke Muzeja
van, a dizajn Boris Ljubičić, prikazane su dosad neviđene pri- grada Splita premda su pojedini predmeti i do sada objavljivani
rodne ljepote Hercegovine, kulturne znamenitosti, tradicija, u katalozima određenih tematskih izložbi. Takvo djelo uvijek je
povijesni spomenici, ali i prizori iz svakidašnjeg života njezina rezultat je dugogodišnjeg rada i istraživanja muzejskog kustosa.
urbanog i ruralnog dijela. “Zahvaljujući stručnoj obradi građe, te široko zasnovanom pri-
Fotografije za monografiju Ivo Pervan snimao je tijekom dvije stupu temi knjiga predstavlja zaokruženi doprinos poznavanju
godine, u svim godišnjim dobima, nastojeći na njima prikazati važne sastavnice naše kulturne baštine. Naime u njoj nije izne-
“svu ljepotu predmeta, biljaka i dušu re- sen samo prikaz zbirke namještaja Mu-
gije”. zeja grada Splita već je ponajprije znan-
Zagrebački nakladnik “Noveliti mileni- stveno obrađena višestoljetna prisutnost
um” dio naklade otisnuo je na engleskom drvodjelske i drvorezbarske djelatnosti u
jeziku što je namijenjeno trećoj i četvrtoj gradu, potvrđujući i na ovom području
generaciji Hercegovaca u svijetu koji više visoku kulturnu i civilizacijsku razinu ži-
ne vladaju dobro hrvatskim jezikom. vota njegovih stanovnika“, iz recenzije dr.
Alene Fazinić.

EDITIONS “A Collection of Furniture

“Herzegovina – A Land of Light” in the Split City Museum” Pripremila / Edited by: Romina Peritz

Around 300 pages of photo-monograph “Herzegovina – A Land This book by Vjekoslava Sokol, senior custodian at the Split City
of Light”, written by Božo Skoko with photos by Ivo Pervan and Museum, presents the first monographic display of one of this
design by Boris Ljubičić, display the previously unseen natural museum’s collections, although certain objects have already
beauties of Herzegovina, as well as its cultural sights, tradition, been published in catalogues of certain topical exhibits. Such an
historical monuments, but also scenes from its everyday urban edition is always the result of a multi-year working process and
and rural life. the museum custodian’s extensive research.
Ivo Pervan has been shooting the photos for this monograph for “Thanks to the subject’s scientific analysis and a detailed appro-
over two years and in all seasons of the year, and his goal was to ach to the project, this book represents an essential contribution
show “the entire beauty of objects, plants and the region’s soul”. to the overall knowledge of an important part of our cultural he-
Zagreb publishers “Noveliti Milenium” printed a part of the book’s ritage. It doesn’t just contain images from the furniture collection
circulation in English, which aims at the third and fourth genera- at Split City Museum, but rather features a scientific study of a
tion of Herzegovinians who are scattered all over the world and multi-century progress of our city’s woodcarving and carpentry
aren’t fluent in the Croatian language. trades, which also confirms a high level of culture and civilization
of the local people”, says in a review by Dr. Alena Fazinić.

Kempinski u Istri

Ovog ljeta na sjeverozapadnoj obali Istre, na samo pet sati
me Kempinski označava ko-
vožnje od Milana, Minhena i Beča, svoja vrata posjetiteljima
lekciju jedinstvenih i osebujnih otvorio je Kempinski Hotel Adriatic. Kao prvi hrvatski luksuzni
hotela i posjeda rasprostra- Golf & Spa Resort hotel je omogućio ovom renomiranom hote-
njenih diljem svijeta i slovi za
najstariji europski lanac luk-
lijeru poziciju prvog međunarodnog luksuznog lanca prisutnog
suznih hotela. Ekskluzivnost i na tom području
individualnost kao ključne sastavni-
ce istinskog luksuza Kempinski gradi
svoju reputaciju u Europi, na Bliskom Piše: Nikola Æelan Foto: Arhiva DalCasa
Istoku, u Africi i Aziji. U svrhu očuvanja
ekskluzivnosti i razvitka istinskog luk-
suza vodstvo lanca odlučilo je ipak koplovnih kompanija. Članovi GHA Ovog ljeta na sjeverozapadnoj obali
ograničiti broj svojih hotela. Kempin- su Anantara, Cham, Dusit, Kempin- Istre, na samo pet sati vožnje od Mi-
ski je, pored toga član Global Hotel ski, Landis, Leela, Marco Polo, Omni, lana, Minhena i Beča, svoja vrata
Alliance, najvećeg svjetskog udru- Pan Pacific, Parkroyal i The Doyle posjetiteljima otvorio je Kempinski
ženja neovisnih hotelskih brandova, Collection koji obuhvaćaju 180 luk- Hotel Adriatic. Kao prvi hrvatski luk-
nastalog na modelu udruženja zra- suzna hotela u 43 zemlje. suzni Golf & Spa Resort hotel je omo-

gućio ovom renomiranom hotelije- s 5 zvjezdica. Sve kupaonice imaju je laganom mediteranskom kuhi-
ru poziciju prvog međunarodnog kadu i power-shower tuš kabinu te zr- njom. U rustikalnoj konobi Kanova,
luksuznog lanca prisutnog na tom calo s integriranim televizorom. Sobe smještenoj uz morsku obalu, poslužu-
području. Smješten na samoj obali s balkonom s pogledom su na more ju se izvorna istarska jela pripremlje-
mora Adriatic raspolaže sa 186 pro- ili na golf terene i obiluju zelenilom na uglavnom na otvorenom ognjištu
stranih i raskošno opremljenih soba istarskog krajolika. Devetnaest luksu- i pod pekom. Kalifornijski restoran
i apartmana tople mediteranske znih apartmana, od kojih dva pred- „Slice“ smješten je na samom golf
atmosfere od kojih svaki uključuje to- sjednička, smješteni su na samom terenu resorta i temelji se na jed-
uch screen telefon, besplatni WLAN vrhu hotela. Ova raskošna zdanja sa- nostavnim, zdravim i suvremenim
internet, Bang & Olufsen flat screen stoje se od zasebne blagavaonice, jelima, s naglaskom na raznovrsnim
televizor i Bose HI-FI opremu. Digitalni dnevnog boravka, spavaćeg dijela jelima sa žara. Ponuda pića organi-
Pay TV s međunarodnim i domaćim te radne sobe. S prostranih terasa zirana je kroz elegantan Adriatic Bar
programima i sef pogodan za po- pruža se pogled na Piranski zaljev, klasično - modernog ugođaja, smje-
hranjivanje laptopa samo nadopu- a posebnost ovih apartmana još je šten u predvorju hotela, Pool Bar na
njuju standardnu hotelsku ponudu. i nesvakidašnja intervencija - jacuzzi vanjskom bazenu, Beach Bar na pri-
pod vedrim nebom. vatnoj plaži hotela, te Golf Bar.
Hotel Adriatic sa 5 zvjezdica Resort gastronomski opskrbljuju tri Sadržaji vezani uz užitak i zdravlje
Kempinski Hotel Adriatic prvi je hrvat- konceptualno različita restorana. smješteni su unutar Carolea Spa
ski luksuzni Golf & Spa Resort na moru Glavni a-la-carte „Dijana“ obilježen centra uređenog u grčko - rimskom




ponudi je teretana opremljena su-

vremenom Technogym opremom,
osobni trener te 4 teniska terena.
Slikoviti krajolik hotela okružen vino-
gradima i povijesnim starinama te
mnogobrojnim biciklističkih stazama
prilagođen je joggingu, nordijskom
hodanju i biciklizmu.

Kongresni centar
Poslovni sastanci, konferencije, pro-
mocije i ostala događanja održa-
vaju se, osim velike konferencijske
dvorane i u dvama salama za sa-
stanke unutar samog hotela. Resort
raspolaže jednim kongresnim cen-
trom smještenim u zasebnoj zgradi s
stilu. Na površini od 3000 m2, s jed- nij, tepidarij, frigidarij, kneipp staza, pogledom na more koji nudi prostra-
nim unutarnjim i dva vanjska grijana transformativna komora za plutanje ne, fleksibilne i lako pregradive po-
bazena, gostima je na raspolaganju (floating tank), hamam turska kupelj, vršine opremljene najsuvremenijom
16 soba za uljepšavanje i tretmane, prostor za opuštanje s vodenim kre- opremom i besplatnim brzim WLAN
raznovrsne aromaterapijske saune, vetima te brojni drugi tretmani. Za internetom. Sve sobe za sastanke
parna kupelj, rimski kaldarij, lako- ljubitelje aktivnijeg vida odmora u imaju dnevnu svjetlost. Kempinski
Golf Adriatic prvo je profesionalno
natjecateljsko golf igralište s 18 rupa
u Hrvatskoj. Udaljeno tek stotinjak
metara od morske obale, stopilo se s
okolnim krajobrazom i prirodnim ka-
rakteristikama prostora, a aktivnosti
na njemu predviđene su kroz cijelu
godinu. Dio Kempinski Adriatic Re-
sorta je i 20 luksuznih apartmana te
22 raskošne samostojeće vile u četiri
različita dizajna, ponuđene na pro-
daju zainteresiranim kupcima.
Ponudu hotela nadopunjuje širok
dijapazon usluga poput privatne
plaže, sletališta za helikoptere, ču-
vane podzemne garaže za 120 au-
tomobila, višejezično osoblje, 24-sat-
ni concierge, 24-satni room service,
pranje, peglanje, transfer limuzinom,
frizerski salon, boutique i dječji klub.
Transferi od zračne luke odvijaju se
limuzinom, helikopterom ili brodom
uz udaljenost od važnijih centara pri-
mjerice 90 km od Trsta, isto toliko od
Pule, 110 od Rijeke, zatim 150 km od
Ljubljane i tek 215 km od Venecije.





Kempinski in Istria

On the north-western coast of Istria, just a five-hour drive from

Milan, Munich and Vienna, the Kempinski Hotel Adriatic opened its
doors to visitors this summer. As the first Croatian luxurious Golf
& Spa Resort, this is the first establishment from an international
chain of luxury hotels to appear in this area

Write: Nikola Æelan Photo: DalCasa Archive

J The name Kempinski signals a collection of

unique and specific hotels and estates that
can be found all over the world and repre-
sent the oldest European chain of luxurious
hotels. With exclusive and individual presen-
tations of true luxury, Kempinski has built its
reputation in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia. In
an attempt to preserve exclusivity and development of
true luxury, the chain’s management has decided to li-
mit the number of Kempinski hotels. In addition to these
elements, Kempinski is a proud member of the Global
Hotel Alliance, which is the world’s largest association
of independent hotel brands that come together by fo-
llowing the airline companies’ formula. Members of the
GHA include Anantara, Cham, Dusit, Kempinski, Landis,
Leela, Marco Polo, Omni, Pan Pacific, Parkroyal and the



Adriatic features 186 spacious and luxurious rooms and

suites with warm Mediterranean atmosphere, and all of
these rooms include touch-screen phones, free WLAN
Internet, Bang & Olufsen flat-screen TV sets, Bose HI-FI
equipment, digital Pay TV with local and international
programmes, and a vault big enough to store a laptop.

Kempinski Adriatic with 5 stars

Kempinski Hotel Adriatic is Croatia’s first luxurious five-
star Golf & Spa Resort on the coast. All bathrooms have
tubs and power-shower cabins, as well as a mirror with
an integrated TV set. The rooms with balconies over-
look the sea, the golf courses or Istria’s green scenery.
Nineteen luxurious apartments, two of which carry the
“president” title, are located at the very top of the ho-
tel. These lavishing facilities consist of a separate dining
room, living room, sleeping section and study. The spaci-
ous terraces overlook the Piran Bay, and these suites are
embellished by another special intervention – a Jacuzzi
tub under the sky.
The resort’s gastronomic offer includes three restau-
rants of entirely different concepts. The main a-la-car-
te “Dijana” specializes in light Mediterranean cuisine.
The rustic tavern “Kanova” is located right on the coast
and serves authentic Istrian meals cooked mostly on an
open fireplace. Californian restaurant “Slice” is located
right on the golf courses and is characterized by simple,
healthy and modern dishes, with emphasis on various
grilled specialties. The beverage offer is organized throu-
gh the elegant Adriatic Bar with its classical-modern pre-
sence in the hotel lobby, as well as the Pool Bar on the
Doyle Collection, and these brands possess 180 luxurious outdoor pool, Beach Bar on the hotel’s private beach,
hotels in 43 countries. and the Golf Bar.
On the north-western coast of Istria, just a five-hour dri- Various health and pleasure services take place within
ve from Milan, Munich and Vienna, the Kempinski Hotel the Carolea Spa centre, which is decorated in Greek-
Adriatic opened its doors to visitors this summer. As the Roman fashion. This 3000-m2 facility with one indoor
first Croatian luxurious Golf & Spa Resort, this is the first and two heated outdoor pools includes sixteen rooms
establishment from an international chain of luxury ho- reserved for makeover treatments, as well as various
tels to appear in this area. Located right next to the sea, aromatherapy saunas, steam baths, Roman caldarium,
laconium, tepidarium, frigidarium, kneipp track, tran-
sformative floating tank, “hamam” Turkish bath, relaxa-
tion room with waterbeds and various other treatments.
Lovers of more active vacations can use the gym with
top-modern Technogym equipment, a personal trainer
and four tennis courts. The hotel’s picturesque scenery is
surrounded with vineyards, historical sites and numerous
bike tracks, and there are lots of opportunities for jog-
ging, Nordic walking and biking.

Congress centre
Business meetings, conferences, promotions and other
events take place in a large conference hall and two
meeting halls within the hotel. The resort does possess
one congress centre located in a separate building that
overlooks the sea and offers spacious, flexible and easily
divided rooms with top-modern equipment and free and





fast WLAN Internet. All conference rooms have plenty of The hotel’s offer is completed by different other perks
daylight. Kempinski Golf Adriatic is the first professional like a private beach, heliport, supervised underground
golf course with 18 holes in Croatia. Merely a hundred garage for 120 cars, multi-lingual staff, 24-hour concier-
metres from the sea, the course blends with the surroun- ge, 24-hour room service, laundry service, ironing servi-
ding scenery and the area’s natural characteristics, and ce, limousine services, hair salon, boutique and children
the activities take place throughout the year. Kempin- club. Guests are picked up from the airport in limousi-
ski Adriatic Resort also includes 20 luxurious apartments nes, helicopters or boats, and the resort is located 90 km
and 22 detached sumptuous villas in four different desi- from Trieste and Pula, 110 km from Rijeka, 150 km from
gns, which are on sale for any interested buyers. Ljubljana and 215 km from Venice.
U prošlom broju nenamjernom pogreškom f
otografije u tekstu o hrvatskim dvorcima,
na koje autorska prava polaže tvrtka
GRAFIKA-GRAFOPRINT nisu pravilno potpisane,
te se ovim putem ponovno ispričavamo.













APOSTROPHE - Nož za guljenje naranče

Design by LPWK Gabriele Chiave


CHIP - Magnetni držač spojnica

Design by Rodrigo Torres

FOTELJE POM-PON - Sedes Reggia



Rasvjeta za čovjeka kao


Uvijek naglašavam važnost integracije u dizajnu rasvjete što podrazumijeva usku

suradnju s arhitektom i dizajnerima interijera. Imam tu sreću da su česte situacije
gdje se arhitekt i ja međusobno nadahnjujemo, iz čega proizlaze svjetlosne i
strukturne instalacije u prostoru. Građevinski zahvat koji se izvede u arhitekturi i
interijeru radi svjetla postaje integralni dio tog prostora,
bez obzira je li svjetlo upaljeno ili nije

Piše: Jelena Badovinac Foto: Arhiva DalCasa

uća svjetla u Puli Po struci ste dizajner rasvjete što je jektirali smo i nadzirali zajedno što je
primjer je uspješnog mnogima u Hrvatskoj još uvijek neo- za mene bilo neprocijenjivo iskustvo.
i ambicioznog po- bično zanimanje. Što vas je ponuka- Učiti, raditi i vidjeti realizacije dizajna
slovnog pothvata lo da se bavite svjetlom? rasvjete u zemlji odakle struka i po-
koji je vlastitim pri- Oduvijek sam gravitirao prema arhi- tječe.
mjerom pokazao tekturi, uređenju, formi i svjetlu. Nedu-
mogućnosti struke dizajnera rasvjete go nakon dolaska u New York 1986., Kakva je situacija u struci u Hrvatskoj
i tehnoloških dostignuća s područja imao sam sreću upoznati ljude koji su i inozemstvu?
osvjetljavanja. Nedavno uručena se bavili upravo svjetlom i ubrzo sam Nakon povratka u Hrvatsku bilo mi je
nagrada „Award of Merit“ prestiž- počeo raditi s njima. Paralelno sam puno lakše pratiti tehnologije u gra-
nog IES udruženja Sjeverne Amerike upisao FIT gdje sam studirao dizajn diteljstvu budući da je Amerika u tom
nadovezala se na niz priznanja koje interijera i dizajn rasvjete. Na fakul- području puno naprednija od nas.
je Kuća dobila za svoja ostvarenja. tetu smo imali vrhunski opremljen la- Već tada, prije 23 godine, imao sam
Vlasnik Kuće svjetla, korporativnog boratorij svjetla gdje su profesori, koji priliku vidjeti što znači građevinski
sjedišta tvrtki Skira d.o.o. i Lumenart su morali imati najmanje 10 godina izvesti neki detalj u stropu u knaufu,
d.o.o., dizajner rasvjete Dean Skira iskustva u privatnoj praksi, prenosili proučiti ugradnju centralnog uprav-
pojasnio nam je nepobitne činjeni- znanja na buduće generacije. Uz taj ljanja rasvjetom i mnoge druge pri-
ce svog 20-godišnjeg profesional- studij radio sam direktno u struci, od- mjere koji su kod nas zaživjeli tek pri-
nog iskustva. lazio s kolegama na gradilište, pro- je desetak godina ili koji tek sad stižu
Intervju: DEAN SKIRA

integralni dio arhitekture

kao novitet. Europa tehnološki sustiže Ameriku Na hrvatskim sveučilištima ne postoji kolegij o
velikim koracima, a možda ju je u kreativnom dizajnu rasvjete. Na koji način se ljudi u Hrvat-
pristupu i prestigla. Međutim, u Americi se nove skoj educiraju o njoj i postoji li sve veća potreba
tehnologije i proizvodi puno brže prihvaćaju i za tom strukom?
plasiraju do krajnjih korisnika zbog ogromnog U Hrvatskoj su tržište i trgovina doveli novitete i
tržišta od 250 milijuna ljudi koje je jedinstveno. U edukaciju u vezi svjetla, za razliku od Amerike
Europi je tržište kompleksno, svaka država ima gdje se o svjetlu uči unutar obrazovnog susta-
svoj jezik, kulturu, norme i uzance. va i kroz udruženje koje svaki mjesec organizira







zagrebačkog i splitskog sveučilišta,

gdje sam održao predavanja o di-
zajnu rasvjete u arhitekturi, također
dokazuju da je danas svijest o rasvje-
ti na daleko višoj razini nego što je
bila prije 15 godina.

Koje su specifičnosti oblikovanja ra-

svjetom i mogućnosti za kreativnost?
Budući da je rasvjeta neodvojiva od
arhitekture, najčešće mi se postavlja
pitanje koliko je svjetlo važno u arhi-
tekturi, na što odgovaram da uopće
nije važno u arhitekturi, već je važ-
no za čovjeka. Kuće ne osvjetljava-
mo radi kuća, slike u muzejima nisu
osvjetljene radi slika nego radi ono-
ga koji ih gleda. U tom smislu pristup
u osvjetljavanju arhitekture je pogre-
šan. Naš je posao specifičan prven-
stveno zbog izuzetno dobrog pozna-
vanja psihološkog utjecaja svjetlosti
na ljude i njihovih generalnih reakcija
na određenu vrstu svjetla. Moguće
je procijeniti da će većina ljudi reagi-
rati na određeni način ako se nađe
u mračnom prostoru i da će, ako im
upališ neko hladno, bijelo, jako svje-
tlo reagirati na drugi. U nijansama i
varijacijama između tih dviju krajnosti
leži naša kreativna snaga.

Koje se prepreke i izazovi javljaju pri

realizaciji projekata? Kakvi su odnosi
s investitorima, arhitektima i dizajne-
rima interijera?
Uvijek naglašavam važnost integra-
cije u dizajnu rasvjete što podrazu-
stručna predavanja. Ovdje stručna jektantima olakšaju odabir lampi u mijeva usku suradnju s arhitektom i
predavanja organiziraju ljudi koji fazi projektiranja. Strani investitori su dizajnerima interijera. Imam tu sreću
prodaju lampe i prezentiraju svoj također odigrali važnu ulogu u ge- da su česte situacije gdje se arhitekt
proizvod kako bi uvjerili kupca da je neriranju potrebe za našom strukom i ja međusobno nadahnjujemo, iz
upravo taj proizvod najbolji za neku pošto su inzistirali da projektni tim čega proizlaze svjetlosne i strukturne
određenu funkciju. Na taj način pro- uključuje dizajnera rasvjete. Pozivi sa instalacije u prostoru. Građevinski
zahvat koji se izvede u arhitekturi i in-
terijeru radi svjetla postaje integralni
dio tog prostora, bez obzira je li svje-
tlo upaljeno ili nije. Imamo primjer
arhitektonske simulacije vena smo-
kvinog lista u Novom Vinodolskom
gdje čitav strop zapravo postaje
rasvjetno tijelo. Možemo reći da je
Lumenartov i Skirin trodimenzional-
ni pristup projektiranju rasvjete vrlo
specifičan i mnogima prepoznatljiv.
Nažalost, nema uvijek prilike za ta-
kve izvedbe, tu je odnos mene, in-
vestitora i arhitekta ključan. Ukoliko
i jedna karika u tom lancu pukne,
ideja se ne može realizirati. Nedav-
no sam imao slučaj gdje smo svi





veći od troška koji stvara klasična

žarulja. Dalje, njena staklena opna
sadrži određenu količinu žive koja
je u jednoj žarulji možda i zanema-
riva, ali u milijunima štednih žarulja
nailazimo na ogromnu količinu žive
koja zagađuje vodu i okoliš. Ukoliko
se takva žarulja razbije, potrebno ju
je ukloniti na za to predviđen način


uključeni u projekt bili za realizaciju

ideje koja je, priznajem, dosta radi-
kalna. Ideju, u kojoj smo kolni ulaz u
hotel Four Seasons u Baku pretvorili
u azerbejdžanski tepih, nije podupro
jedino predstavnik investitora i taj je
najbitniji detalj ostao nerealiziran.

U posljednje vrijeme dosta se u me-

dijima spominje Zakon o štednim ža-
ruljama. Kakvo je mišljenje struke po
tom pitanju?
Osobno i stručno mišljenje iza ko-
jeg čvrsto stojim je da, u svojoj kući
i kući svojih klijenata, apsolutno ne
dolazi u obzir korištenje štednih ža-
rulja u prostorijama poput dnevnog
boravka gdje svjetlo treba biti toplo,
s mogućnošću regulacije i koje ne
titra. Sve te zahtjeve još uvijek ispu-
njava jedino klasična žarulja sa žar-
nom niti. Štedna žarulja, koja dolazi
u 99% slučajeva iz Kine, u stvari nije
ni ekološka, uzmemo li u obzir tro-
šak njezine proizvodnje, transporta
i eksploatacije koji je neuporedivo


i pakirati je u nekoliko vrećica prije su dokazala da izlaganje u prostoru
odlaganja u otpad. Također, nji- koji je konstantno osvijetljen štednim DECORATIVE AND INTEGRATED LIGHTING IN
hov veliki nedostatak je to što se ne žaruljama izaziva migrene. Nedosta-
mogu regulirati, ne podnose često taka je mnogo. Sva stručna udruže-
paljenje i gašenje i imaju izuzetno nja, europski PLDC, američki IES, svi
lošu reprodukciju boje. Njezino svje- su protiv zabrane običnih žarulja. osvjetljenje? Koji su novi trendovi u
tlo je zapravo nekvalitetno, prostor Međutim, glavni lobisti tog zakona svijetu rasvjete?
koji osvjetljava djeluje neprirodno i ostvaruju daleko veći profit na šted- Prilikom realizacije dijela porečke
boje ne dolaze do izražaja, crvena nim žaruljama. zaobilaznice prvi smo u Hrvatskoj pri-
nije crvena, plava nije plava. Iz tih mjenili princip novih optika u javnoj
razloga ljudi često ne vole boraviti Na koji način je onda moguće ostva- rasvjeti. Kod nas kad se priča o eko-
pod tim svjetlom. Neka istraživanja riti uštede energije i ostvariti ekološko loškoj svjetiljci još uvijek se spominje
samo karakteristika da svijetli prema
dolje, odnosno da ne isijava svje-
tlost prema gore. Ukoliko je potreb-
no osvijetliti ulicu od 4-5 km gdje se
inače prosječno nalazi stotinjak stu-
pova, tada čini veliku razliku hoće
li ih biti 100 ili 70 komada i u tome
je bit uštede energije, istovremeno
poštujući principe protiv svjetlosnog
zagađenja. Danas je tendencija da
se u velikim komercijalnim prostori-
ma, poput nedavno realiziranog NY
Times buildinga Renza Piana u New
Yorku, kontrolira i upravlja umjetnim i



dnevnim svjetlom u radnom prosto- voljiti niti jednim proizvodom koji je izgledati krajnji rezultat. Uvijek se
ru. Prema današnjoj dostupnoj teh- trenutno dostupan na tržištu. Počeo trudimo vizualno prezentirati priču,
nologiji ta kontrola uključuje regula- sam ozbiljno razmišljati prvenstveno nakon čega slijedi inženjerski dio koji
ciju rasvjete, motoriziranih vanjskih o funkciji i nakon toga je forma doš- je važan izvođačima. Prvenstveno
žaluzina i motoriziranih unutarnjih la sama po sebi. Međutim, forma te je ključno da svi sudionici, od inve-
prozorskih sjenila Lutronovim Eco i lampe nije bila moguća prije 3 godi- stitora do onoga koji to realizira, ot-
Quantum sistemima koji su tek odne- ne, zato što tehnologija potrebna za početka do kraja dobiju sve neop-
davno dostupni i u Europi. Mjerenjem njenu izvedbu nije tada bila dostu- hodne podatke za obavljanje svog
kuta upada svjetlosnih zraka, takav pna. To pokazuje koliko je ova struka posla. I naravno da korisnik, prije
napredan sustav regulira podiza- izuzetno vezana uz razvoj tehnologi- nego je instalacija uopće izvedena,
nje i spuštanje prozorskih sjenila te ja. Serija lampi koje sam dizajnirao i ima jasnu viziju kako će izgledati ra-
paljenje i gašenje rasvjete ovisno o koje će ići u proizvodnju za iGuzzini, svjetno rješenje. Zato često radimo
položaju zgrade u odnosu na sunce jednog od vodećih svjetskih proi- foto simulacije interijera i eksterijera
i godišnje doba. Daylight harvesting zvođača rasvjetnih tijela, bit će pre- koje su 80-90 % točne. Nemoguće je
(žetva dnevnog svjetla) maksimal- zentirana na sajmu 2011. Dotad će dostići stopostotnu vjerodostojnost
no je iskorištena. U Europi se sprema biti korištena kao specijalni proizvod jer je svjetlo jako često nepredvidi-
2012. zakon zbog kojeg će arhitekti na određenim objektima. Forma te vo, bez obzira što je linearno i što je
koji projektiraju komercijalne objek- lampe vrlo je zahvalna i prilagod- njegova putanja predvidljiva. Posto-
te morati osigurati određenu količi- ljiva, može se koristiti u neizmjerno je mnogi izvanjski utjecaji na fasa-
nu svjetla u svim prostorima i na taj mnogo različitih varijacija, u kutevi- du, utjecaji javne rasvjete, refleksije
način će projektirati fasade. ma, u interijeru i u eksterijeru, i iz nje materijala i sl. Stoga kad kažem da
se mogu generirati razni oblici. mi to uspjevamo sa osamdesetpo-
Okušali ste se vrlo uspješno i u dizajni- stotnom preciznošću, onda to jako
ranju rasvjetnih tijela. Kako je nastala Na koji način prezentirate svoje ide- puno znači.
ideja? je? Kako pojašnjavate klijentima što
Ideja za dizajn nove lampe proizaš- Koji je pristup u projektiranju kojeg
mogu očekivati kad se posao završi?
la je iz potrebe za točno određenim zastupate u Kući svjetla?
Moji prvi projekti i način na koji da-
zahtjevom koji nisam uspio zado- Nastojimo se svakom projektu po-
nas projektiramo u Kući svjetla uvijek
slijede istu filozofiju. Naš projekt mora svetiti kao da je jedan jedini i ne
SPA NOVI, DIZAJN RASVJETE PRIDONOSI biti razumljiv svakome, što znači da uspoređivati ga ni s jednim drugim.
STVARANJU OPUŠTAJUĆE ATMOSFERE će svim sudionicima projekta kroz Nema univerzalnog rasvjetnog rje-
SPA NOVI, DESIGN OF LIGHT CONTRIBUTE IN prezentaciju biti razumljivo kako će šenja, postoje slični primjeri. Jedini
CREATION OF RELAXING ATMOSPHERE ograničavajući faktori u poslu su po-
stojeći tehnološki izvori svjetla i lam-
pe u kojima se oni nalaze. Žarulje u
sebi imaju određenu optiku, uzak ili
širok snop, isijavaju toplo ili hladno
svjetlo određenog intenziteta, sna-
ge, mogućnosti usmjerenja, mon-
taže itd. Tehnološki si ograničen, ali
kreativno nisi i to je najčešći problem
na koji nailaziš u struci. Kad želiš po-
stići neki efekt, uvijek razmišljaš da to
što si zamislio mora biti izvedivo i da
je moguće dugoročno održavati.
Stoga nastojiš ne montirati rasvjetna
tijela na mjesta do kojih više nitko
ne može doći. Onda jednom kad
žarulja izgori fasada izgleda okrnje-
na. Bitno je sagledati sve elemente,
kako kuća izgleda oblikovno, gdje je
smještena, u kakvom okruženju, gdje
su ključne vizure te kuće. Otpočetka
točno znamo sve detalje, gdje će
biti koja lampa, kako će biti usmje-
rena, tako da kasnije nema izne-
nađenja. Budući da u našem timu
rade dizajneri, elektroinženjeri i pro-
grameri, proizvod je cjelovit jer ima
svoj kreativni sadržaj te je tehnološki,
energetski i upravljački maksimalno
obrađen. U svim fazama projekta
poduzimamo sve potrebno kako bi
to doslovno bila pametna kuća u
kojoj će se naši klijenti osjećati ugod-
no i opušteno.

Human light as an integral

Written by: Jelena Badovinac Photo: DalCasa Archive

he House of Light in Pula stands as an exam- is the corporate centre of companies Skira d.o.o. and
ple of a successful and ambitious business Lumenart d.o.o., has enlightened some basic facts of his
project that has set the example for the po- 20-year experience in this field for our readers.
ssibilities within the profession of lighting de-
sign and technological achievements from Your professional calling is a lighting designer, which is
the lighting field. The recently-won “Award still a fairly unusual job for many people in Croatia. What
of Merit” from the prestigious IES Association of North encouraged you to start working with light?
America stands as the latest in a string of awards that I have always gravitated towards architecture, decora-
The House received for its accomplishments. Lighting de- tion, form and light. Not long after I arrived in New York
signer Dean Skira, the owner of The House of Light, which in 1986, I was fortunate enough to meet some people
part of architecture
Interview: DEAN SKIRA

I always emphasize the importance of

integration in lighting design, which assumes
a close cooperation with architects and
interior designers. I am fortunate enough
to often find myself in situations where the
architect and I mutually inspire each other,
which results in lighting and structural
installations in the space. Constructions
procedures that are performed in the
interior with the purpose of light become
integral parts of architecture, regardless of
whether the light is turned on or not

who were involved in the lighting business, and I soon

started working with them. I simultaneously entered the
FIT University where I studied interior design and lighting
design. Our university featured a laboratory with top-qu-
ality equipment where the professors, all of whom had
at least ten years of experience in private practice, tau-
ght the future generations everything about this field of
work. Along with that I worked directly in the profession
as I walked around construction sites with my co-wor-
kers, projecting and supervising various projects. That
was simply an invaluable experience for me. To learn,
work and observe performance of lighting design in a
country that is the home of this profession.

What is the current situation in this profession in Croatia In our country, professional lectures are organized by
and the world? people who sell lamps in order to present their product
After my return to Croatia, it was a lot easier for me to and convince the buyer in its adequacy for a certain
keep up with the latest construction technologies as function. These lectures make the process of choosing
America is way ahead of us in that department. That lighting objects a lot easier for consultants in designing
was 23 years ago, and I already had a chance to see phase. Foreign investors have also played an important
what it means to perform a knauf ceiling, install a cen- role in the process of generating the need for our pro-
tral lighting control system and observe numerous other fession as they insisted on lighting designers in basically
methods that only arrived to our part of the world ten all architectonic teams. The level of consciousness on
years ago or even now. Europe is catching up America the subject of lighting is now much higher than it was 15
in big steps, and maybe it has already caught up crea- years ago.
tively. However, in America new technologies and pro-
ducts are embraced and placed in much faster fashion Which are the specific aspects of shaping a space with li-
by the users due to the enormous market of 250 million ghting, and where are our opportunities to get creative?
people that has certain unique rules. The European mar- The lighting aspect cannot be separated from archi-
ket is much more complex, as every country has its own tecture, so I am often questioned of the importance of
language, culture, rules and standards. lighting in architectural processes, and my usual respon-
se states that lighting is not important for architecture,
Croatian universities do not offer classes on the subject but for people. I do not arrange lighting because of
of lighting design. How do Croatian people get educa- houses, and museum paintings are not highlighted with
ted on this matter and is there an increasing need for light because of themselves, but because of the people
this profession? watching them. In that sense, the entire approach of
The Croatian market and the trading business have led lighting up architecture is fundamentally wrong. Our job
to certain novelties in educational methods within the is specific primarily because we know psychology of li-
lighting business, unlike America that offers education ght and general reactions of people to the certain type
on lighting within their universities and various associa- of light. It is possible to predict that the majority of peo-
tions that organize professional lectures every month. ple will react a certain way if they find themselves in a



darker room, and that they will change their behaviour if you
turn on a cold, strong, white light. The shades and variations
between those two extremes reveal our creative strength.

What are some of the obstacles and challenges during the

course of your projects? What are your experiences with in-
vestors, architects and interior designers?
I always emphasize the importance of integration in lighting
design, which assumes a close cooperation with architects
and interior designers. I am fortunate enough to often find
myself in situations where the architect and I mutually inspire
each other, which results in lighting and structural installations
in the space. Constructions procedures that are performed in
the interior with the purpose of light become integral parts of
that space, regardless of whether the light is turned on or not.
We have an example of an architectonic simulation of fig-
leaf veins in Novi Vinodolski, which resulted in the entire object
becoming a lighting object. It is fair to say that Lumenart’s
and Skira’s three-dimensional approach to lighting design is
very specific and recognizable to many. Unfortunately, the-
re aren’t always opportunities for those scenarios, as the re-
lationships between myself, the architect and the investor
become crucial. If one of the links in that chain breaks, the
idea is dead. There are numerous obstacles. I recently had a
situation where everybody involved in the project agreed on
an idea, which was admittedly rather radical. Idea, in which
we wanted to transform the driveway to the Four Seasons Ho-
tel in Baku into a gigantic Azerbaijan carpet, wasn’t backed



down by investor’s representative and that crucial de-

tail wasn’t realized like we planned.

There has been a lot of talk lately about the Law on Eco-
nomical Light Bulbs. What is the profession’s opinion on
that matter?
My personal and professional opinion that I wholehear-
tedly represent is that I would never install an econo-
mical light bulb into my house or the house of my cli-
ents, due to the fact the light in living rooms needs to be
warm, non-vibrating and with regulation options, which
is best accomplished by the classic bulb filaments. That
economical light bulb, which is manufactured in China
in 99% of cases, is not even ecological, as the manu- PLDC Europe and IES America, have made it clear that
facturing, transporting and exploitation costs are much they oppose to banning regular light bulbs. However,
higher than those of a classic light bulb. Furthermore, its the strongest lobbyist of that law turn a much bigger
glass membrane contains a certain amount of mercu- profit on economical bulbs.
ry, which may seem irrelevant in one light bulb, but the
millions of such bulbs release a huge amount of mer- If that is the case, which is the way to achieve energy
cury that pollutes the water and the environment. If preservation and ecological lighting? What are the new
such a bulb breaks, it needs to be removed in specific trends in the lighting world?
manner that involves several different packages befo- While we were building a part of a bypass road in Poreč,
re throwing it away. One of their huge disadvantage is we were the first to use the new optical principle in pu-
they also have no regulation options, do not have high blic lighting in Croatia. When people talk about ecologi-
tolerance for frequent on-off situations, and the level of cal lamps in our country, they still exclusively refer to tho-
colour reproduction is extremely bad. Their light is ac- se lamps directing light downwards, and not radiating
tually of low quality, as the room often looks unnatural light upwards. If we need to light a 4-to-5-kilometre road
without true colour penetration – red isn’t red, blue isn’t where it’s common to build about 100 poles, building
blue. These are the reasons why people often don’t like about 70 poles would make a big difference in terms of
spending time in rooms with these light bulbs. Some re- energy preservation, while also respecting the principles
searches have shown that spending time in such rooms that oppose to lighting pollution. It is now a tendency in
causes severe cases of migraine. There are numerous large commercial spaces, such as the recently-built NY
shortcomings. All professional associations, including Times building by Renzo Piano in New York, to control

and regulate artificial and natural light in a working fa-

cility. The latest technology allows this control to include
lighting regulation with motorized outdoor shutters and
motorized indoor widow shades by Lutron’s Quantum
and Eco systems that are from recently available in Eu-
rope. By measuring the light rays’ invasion angle, this
advanced system regulates the moving of window sha-
des and the ignition of artificial light depending on the
building’s position towards the sun and the season of
the year. Daylight harvesting has been put to maximum
effect. Europe will receive a new law in 2012, which will
determine the minimum amount of light in all commer-
cial objects and have a direct effect on the way archi-
tects project facades in the future.

You’ve also been very successful in designing lighting

objects. How did that idea come about?
The idea to design a new lamp originated from a very
precise demand that couldn’t be solved by any of the
products on the market. I started to seriously think prima-
rily about function, and the form simply came as a logi-
cal extension. However, the form of that lamp wouldn’t
have been possible three years ago, as the required
technology wasn’t available at that time. That exam-
ple clearly shows just how dependent this profession is
to the development of technology. The series of lamps
I’ve designed and that will be manufactured by iGuzzi-
ni, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of lighting
objects, and will be presented at the fair in 2011. Un-
til then, the lamps will be used as special products on
specific objects. The form of this lamp is very convenient
and adjustable, and can be used in numerous different
variations in both interiors and exteriors, as well as gene-
rate into different forms.

How do you present your ideas? How do you suggest ODABIR RASVJETNIH TIJELA U SKLADU JE S INTERIJEROM

your clients what they can expect when the job is fi- SELECTION OF LIGHTING FITTINGS IS IN ACCORD WITH INTERIOR
My first projects and the way we now project at The
House of Light always follow the same philosophy. Our re are no universal lighting solutions, but only rather simi-
project must be understandable to everyone, which lar examples. The only limitation factors in our business
means that each participant can visualise the final re- are existing technological sources of light and lamps. In
sult after our presentations. We always make an effort wich bulbs are situated. Bulbs possess a certain optic,
to visually present the story, and that is followed by the narrow or wide beam, warm or cold light of a certain
all-important engineering part. It is absolutely crucial to intensity, power, direction options, installation etc. We
ensure that all participants in the process, from the inve- are technologically limited, but there are no creative
stors to people in charge of the realisation, receive all boundaries, and that ends up as maybe the biggest
the essential information from the get-go. And it is also problem in our profession. When you’re going for a cer-
imperative for the user to have a clear vision of what li- tain effect, you always feel that the vision in your head
ghting solution will look like before the installation is even can be accomplished and permanently maintained,
in the works. That’s why we frequently perform photo- which is why it isn’t desirable to install lighting objects at
simulations of interiors and exteriors and I must say that inaccessible places – a facade is damaged if the bulb
I feel our simulations are about 80-90% accurate, as it is stops working and it can’t be replaced. It is important
impossible to create a 100% credibility because light is a to analyze all elements – the shape of the house, its lo-
very unpredictable phenomenon. Despite the fact that cation and surrounding, which side is more accessible
light is linear and its direction can be predicted, there and which points of view are crucial. As we simulate the
are numerous external factors that affect a facade, pu- lighting arrangement, we already know where to put
blic lighting or material reflexes etc. meaning it is very di- certain types of lamps, how to direct them and arran-
fficult to visualize everything prior to the realization pro- ge all other details, so there aren’t really any surprises.
cess. That’s why our 80-percent precision actually goes As our team consists of designers, electro-engineers and
a long way in serving our clients. programmers, the product is a complete unit because
of its creative value and because of maximum attenti-
What is the projecting approach you represent in The on to issues in technology, energy and management.
House of Light? All phases of our project include all necessary steps to
We try to approach every project as if it is our only job, make these houses truly intelligent, and to make our cli-
and we never compare it to any other assignment. The- ents feel comfortable and relaxed.

dobitnik nagrade ECOLAB Inc.

“Tekne Green Company” winner of award
Ecolab Inc. je 26. listopada objavio da
je dobitnik nagrade “Tekne Green Com-
“Tekne Green Company”
pany” za 2009. godinu, koju dodjeljuje
Minnesota High Tech Association (MHTA),
On October 26th Ecolab Inc. announced that it has re-
udruga za promicanje visoke tehnologije
ceived the 2009 Tekne Green Company Award from the
u ovoj saveznoj američkoj državi, u surad-
Minnesota High Tech Association (MHTA). The award ho-
nji s industrijskim udruženjem LifeScience
nours businesses that practice environmental awarene-
Alley i tvrkom za poslovno savjetovanje
ss/responsibility and incorporate sustainability into their
Enterprise Minnesota. Nagrada se dodje-
overall business model.
ljuje tvrtkama koje provode praksu eko-
loške osviještenosti i odgovornosti i koje “Ecolab has long been an industry leader in sustainability
u svoj poslovni model sustavno ugrađuju - every day we help our customers reduce waste, con-
načelo održivosti. serve water, save energy and improve safety through our
concentrated, high-efficiency cleaning products and te-
“Ecolab je već dugi niz godina industrijski
chnology and our personalized service,” said Douglas M.
lider na planu održivosti – svakog dana
Baker, Jr., Ecolab Chairman, President and Chief Executi-
pomažemo svojim klijentima da smanje
ve Officer. “We are also committed to sustainable prac-
otpad, štede vodu i energiju i povećava-
tices in our own operations, and being recognized with
ju razinu sigurnosti primjenom naših kon-
the Tekne Green Company Award is terrific acknowled-
centriranih, visoko djelotvornih sredstava za čišćenje, naše vrhun-
gement for practices that are integral to the way we do
ske tehnologije i korištenjem naših personaliziranih usluga”, izjavio
je Douglas M. Baker, Jr., predsjednik uprave kompanije Ecolab. “
Načelima održivosti predani smo i u svojim proizvodnim pogonima, In addition to helping its customers operate more su-
te je dodjela nagrade Tekne Green Company fantastično priznanje stainably, Ecolab has achieved significant reductions in
praksi koja je sastavni dio onoga kako mi radimo svoj posao.” Uz to both energy and water usage in its plants worldwide. The
što pomaže klijentima da svoje poslovanje sve snažnije temelje na company has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas
načelima održivosti, sam Ecolab ostvario je značajno smanjenje po- emissions by 20 percent per dollar sales from 2006 to 2012
trošnje kako energije tako i vode u svojim vlastitim pogonima diljem as part of the U.S. EPA Climate Leaders program, and
svijeta. U okviru američkog programa EPA Climate Leaders kompa- has achieved LEED-EB Gold certification for its Research,
nija se obvezala u razdoblju od 2006. do 2012. smanjiti svoju vlastitu Development and Engineering facilities in Eagan, Minn.
emisiju stakleničkih plinova za 20% po dolarskoj jedinici prodaje, a za The Minnesota High Tech Association accelerates the
svoj pogon istraživanja, razvoja i inženjerstva u Eaganu, Minessota, growth, sustainability and global competitiveness of
dobila je i zlatno priznanje LEED-EB. Minnesota High Tech Associati- Minnesota’s technology-based economy through pu-
on ima za cilj ubrzanje rasta i globalne konkurentnosti gospodarstva blic policy advocacy, member collaboration and edu-
Minessote temeljenog na tehnologiji, pri čemu koristi instrumen- cation, and community outreach. Presented by the
te poput javne potpore proklamiranoj politici, suradnju članstva, MHTA in partnership with LifeScience Alley and Enter-
edukaciju i proaktivne ciljane programe u zajednici. Nagradama prise Minnesota,the Tekne Awards annually recognize
Tekne, koje MHTA dodjeljuje u partnerstvu s LifeScience Alley and Minnesota’s best and brightest technology users and
Enterprise Minnesota, svake godine odaje se priznanje najboljim i developers in innovation, development, education, co-
najnaprednijim korisnicima i kreatorima tehnologije u Minnesoti za mmercialization and management.
inovacije, razvoj, edukaciju, komercijalizaciju i upravljanje. With sales of $6 billion and more than 26,000 associates,
S ukupnim prometom od 6 milijardi dolara i s više od 26.000 zapo- Ecolab Inc. (NYSE: ECL) is the global leader in cleaning,
slenika, Ecolab Inc. (oznaka na Njujorškoj burzi: ECL) je globalni lider sanitizing, food safety and infection prevention products
na području proizvoda i usluga za čišćenje, dezinfekciju, sigurnost and services. Ecolab delivers comprehensive programs
hrane i prevenciju infekcija. Kompanija je dobavljač integriranih and services to foodservice, food and beverage proce-
programa i usluga za ugostiteljstvo, industriju hrane i pića, zdravstvo ssing, healthcare, and hospitality markets in more than
i hotelijerstvo na tržištima više od 160 zemalja. Opširnije informacije i 160 countries. More news and information is available at
novosti dostupne su na internetskoj stranici

Mediteran iz
Već nakon nekoliko sati boravka u tom mjestu ta prva
impresija prošlih stoljeća se pretopi u bezvremensku
dimenziju i vremenski aspekt postaje nevažan.
Velo Grablje je prije svega biser pučkog
graditeljstva, ambijentalno remek djelo pučkog
urbanizma i fizička činjenica

Piše: Leo Nikoliæ Foto: Leo Nikoliæ


vremenima ipak ostajemo u direk- nevažan. Naravno, kao reporter na-
tnom dodiru sa suvremenošću, a vodim osobno iskustvo i impresiju, ali
užurbanost i dinamičnost ljetovali- taj susret i dojam je tako snažan da
amo jedanaest kilo- šta nas drži čvrsto u 21. stoljeću. Tek prestaje biti osoban. Velo Grablje je
metara vožnje starom
odlaskom u Velo Grablje utonemo prije svega biser pučkog graditelj-
hvarskom cestom di-
u ugođaj devetnaestog stoljeća i u stva, ambijentalno remek djelo puč-
jeli mondeni razvikani
mislima se vratima na Mediteran iz kog urbanizma i fizička činjenica.
grad Hvar i naselje Velo
Grablje u unutrašnjosti otoka. Tih je- prošlosti, onakav kakvog pamtimo u
danaest kilometara i petnaestak mirisima i zvukovima iz našeg ranog Pravi mali grad
minuta oprezne vožnje su relativna djetinjstva. Danas u je tom gradiću nastanjeno
mala fizička razdaljina, ali ta dva to- Već nakon nekoliko sati boravka u tek nekoliko kuća i živi pet stalnih sta-
ponima dijele zapravo stoljeća. tom mjestu ta prva impresija prošlih novnika. Po nekim izvorima taj broj je
Na hvarskoj rivi i u starom gotičko-re- stoljeća se pretopi u bezvremensku šest, ali po svemu sudeći biologija je
nesansnom Hvaru koji odiše prošlim dimenziju i vremenski aspekt postaje neumitna i taj broj se mijenja. Obli-

otočkih ratara koji su kamenjaru oti-
mali prostor i izgradili terasasta polja
za uzgoj vinove loze, maslina i po-
sebno lavande. Svaki suhozid, gro-
mača i terasa su izgrađeni rukama,
kamen po kamen i raster suhozida
dominira cijelim krajolikom.
Kuće, ulice i dvorišta su i danas u
odličnom stanje, crkva je u funkciji i
svake nedjelje je misa kojoj osim ne-
koliko stalno naseljenih, prisustvuju i
veliki broj mještana koji danas žive
u Hvaru. Drugi, veći dio populacije
Velog Grablja je uglavnom u preko-
morskim zemljama, najviše u Kalifor-
niji i pretežno se bave vinogradar-
stvom u čemu su vrlo cijenjeni kao i
drugi dalmatinski vinogradari.
Naselje je osnovano krajem 16. sto-
ljeća doseljenjem nekoliko porodi-


žnje Malo Grablje je potpuno na- GRABLJU PRATE NAGIB TERENA
pušteno. Velo Grablje je po svemu HOUSES AND STREETS
gradić u minijaturi i ima sve atribute IN VELO GRABLJE
urbaniteta. Prije svega tu je razmjer-
no velika crkva izgrađena 1886. go-
dine i mali trg na uzvisini, a u blizini je trebu kamena. Naselje je smješteno
i druga važna institucija Poljoprivred- u maloj udolini usred otoka sa otvo-
na zadruga Velo Grablje. Na zapad- renim pogledom na Paklene oto-
nom rubu naselja je i groblje. ke i otvoreno je prema maestralu,
Oko ta dva objekta i trga se organ- ugodnom vjetru koji donosi svježinu
ski razvija naselje u nekoliko ulica i u vrelim ljetnim danima. Zaštićeno je
pravaca, prateći teren, te tako čine od direktnog udara juga i bure i na
zaokruženu cjelinu. Sve kuće i objek- padinama su polja prekrivena suho-
ti su građeni tipičnim rukopisom dal- zidima.
matinskog pučkog graditeljstva, a Polja su posebno zanimljiva, to je
to prije svega podrazumijeva upo- spomenik stoljetnog truda i rada
ca iz središnjeg dijela Hvara i stolje- inicijative u Dalmaciji u cilju zaštite i da se ostvare uvjeti za boravak .
ćima se živjelo od poljoprivrede, u pučkog graditeljskog naselja i au- Razlika je doći na dan-dva kao tu-
harmoniji sa okolišem. Velike kuće i tentične tradicije. U tijeku su izrade rist u potrazi za novim iskustvom od
prostrane konobe svjedoče o sret- detaljnih prostornih planova i Velo stalnog boravka i kreiranja stvarnog
nijim vremenima i obilnim žetvama, Grablje će biti revitalizirano u poljo- realnog života i egzistencije na tom
ali arhitektura je skromna, odmjere- privrednom i turističkom smislu. Velo- mjestu.
na i funkcionalna. Šetajući ulicama grabljani nisu rasprodali djedovinu i Nakon faze gađevinske obnove
naselja od sedamdesetak kuća, aktivno su uključeni u navedenu ini- zapuštenih kuća i neophodnih in-
pokušavamo zamisliti živopisno na- cijativu. frastrukturnih zahvata dolazi trenu-
selje, ćakule na skalama, radosnu Vrlo je važno da se aktivnost revitali- tak istine, trenutak u kojem će se
viku djece, nedjeljni ručak na velikoj zacije ne banalizira i pretvori isključi- vidjeti dali je moguće ostvariti tako
terasi otvorenoj prema moru i svje- vo u turistički sadržaj bez uporišta u kompleksan zadatak revitalizacije i
dočimo istinskom skladu čovjeka i stvarnom životu. Za početak je do- kreiranja novog oblika života na za-
ambijenta. bro da se obnovi ruševni dio naselja danom prostoru, a u skladu sa tra-
dicijom i ambijentom. U turističkom
Trenutak istine smislu, to je od ključne važnosti, jer
Općina Hvar je od splitsko-dalma- VELIKE KUĆE I PROSTRANE KONOBE autentičnost je zapravo jedini pravi
tinske županije dobila sredstva i pot- SVJEDOČE O SRETNIJIM VREMENIMA kapital ovog podneblja koji ponovo
poru za izradu planova revitalizacije može vratiti živost, harmoniju i obilje
Malog i Velog Grablja, a u okviru šire LARGE HOUSES AND SPACIOUS PANTRIES u Velo Grablje.

Mediterranean of old

Written by: Leo Nikoliæ Photo: Leo Nikoliæ

ust an eleven-kilometre drive over the old tion spot are firmly rooted in the 21st century. But a short
Hvar road separates the renowned trendy trip to Velo Grablje is enough to take us to what the 19th
Hvar and a small town called Velo Grablje century must have felt like, as our thoughts bring back
in the centre of the island. These eleven kilo- the Mediterranean of old that exists in the sounds and
metres and a careful fifteen-minute drive are aromas of our early childhood.
a relatively small physical distance, but these After merely several hours in this town, that original impre-
two entities might as well be separated by centuries. ssion of past centuries transforms into a timeless dimen-
The Hvar promenade and the town’s gothic-renaissan- sion where the very aspect of time becomes irrelevant.
ce centre have a definite connection with past times, Naturally, I am merely a reporter who is writing about
but they still keep us in direct touch with modern times, personal experience and impression, but this encounter
while the rush and dynamic tempo of this summer vaca- left such a strong mark that it ceased being personal.
After merely several hours in this town, that

original impression of past centuries tran-
sforms into a timeless dimension where the
very aspect of time becomes irrelevant. Velo
Grablje is primarily a pearl of traditional archi-
tecture, an ambience-evoking masterpiece of
traditional urbanism and a physical fact

tely deserted. Velo Grablje has all the elements of a true

little town with all the urban attributes. We are primarily
referring to the reasonably large church, which was built
in 1886, and to the small square on a slope, and we also
find an important institution like the Velo Grablje Agri-
cultural Community nearby. The western section of the
town is occupied by the local cemetery.
These two objects and the town square are the orga-
nic centre of the town that consists of several streets
and roads, and they create a harmonic unit with the
accompanying turf. All houses and objects were built in
typical Dalmatian architecture, which primarily implies
the usage of stone. The town is situated in a small valley



Velo Grablje is primarily a pearl of traditional arc-

hitecture, an ambience-evoking masterpiece of
traditional urbanism and a physical fact.

True little town

Only several houses in this small town are inhabi-
ted nowadays, and only five people decided on
this town as their permanent place of residence.
Some sources say that number is six, but biology
is ultimately merciless and that number is chan-
ging. The neighbouring Malo Grablje is comple-


in the middle of the island with an open view over Pa-

kleni Islands, and is oriented towards the pleasantness of
the sea breeze that brings comfort in hot summer days.
The town is protected from direct hits of southern and
northern winds, while the nearby slopes reveal fields co-
vered in drywall. They are particularly interesting, as they
stand as a monument of centuries of hard work from
the island’s farmers who conquered the stone turf and
created terrace fields filled with wine grape, olives and
especially lavender. Every drywall and terrace was built
with bare hands – one stone at a time, and a line of
drywalls dominates the entire area.
Houses, streets and yards are still in excellent condition,
and the church is also still in function and holds a holy
mass every Sunday, which is attended by the several
residents and a large number of locals who are currently
located in Hvar. The much larger section of the Velo
Grablje population is now located in transatlantic co-
untries, particularly in California where they still produce
very wine of very high quality, just like numerous other
Dalmatian wine producers.
The town was formed in late 16th century when several
families moved from the centre of Hvar, and everyone
lived in harmony with nature and working in agriculture
for centuries. Large houses and spacious pantries bring
back happier times and rich harvests, but the architectu-
re is modest, well-measured and functional. As we walk


the streets of this town with about

seventy houses, we’re doing our
best to imagine a vivacious small
town with small talk on the sta-
irs, the children’s playful yelling,
and a Sunday lunch on the large
terrace facing the sea, and all
these things deliver an image of
true harmony between people
and the natural ambience.

Moment of truth
Hvar District recently received
funds from the Split-Dalmatia
County to create a revitalization
plan for Velo and Malo Grablje,
which is a part of the ongoing initiative to protect tradi- difference between being a tourist and coming over for
tional architecture and authentic tradition in Dalmatia. a couple of days while searching for new experiences
Detailed physical planning is currently in the process, and creating a real life with your existence at stake in
which will hopefully result in Velo Grablje being revitali- this town. After the neglected houses are renovated and
zed in agricultural and tourist sense. The people of Velo essential infrastructural procedures are performed, we
Grablje refused to sell away their ancestors’ land and will be faced with the moment of truth in which we will
are an active part of this initiative. It is very important see if it is possible to succeed in such a complex process
to prevent the trivialization of this process, which would of creating a new form of life in a certain location that
turn this town into a tourist location without any foun- doesn’t disrupt its tradition and ambience. Tourist-wise,
dation in real life. The logical first step is to renovate the this is absolutely crucial, as authenticity is this area’s one
demolished parts of town and create a healthy basis for true asset that can restore life, harmony and wealth to
the return of people who used to live here. There is a big Velo Grablje.


radikalnog dizajna
Zbirka “Valentina, La donna è mobile”
potječe iz teorije umjetničkog pokreta Ra-
dical Design, koji proizvode više ne dizaj-
nira u pogledu njihove puke funkcije, već
ih pretvara u stvarni “emocionalni medij”
što utjecajima iz svijeta umjetnosti i filo-
zofije stvara inovativne predmete i komade
namještaja, projekte i prototipove. Zbirka
se temelji na uvjerenju o umjetnosti koja
slijedi um te dizajnu koji to čini s tijelom.

Bringing a Radical Design to Life

Collection “Valentina, La Donne è Mobile” originates from the theory of an art movement called Radi-
cal Design, which no longer aims to design products with their mere function in mind, but rather prefers
to turn them into real “emotional mediums” that come off as innovative objects and pieces of furniture,
projects and prototypes with influences from art and philosophy. The collection is based on the vision
of art that follows the mind, as well as design that follows the body.

Tandem za neogranièene
Do-Lo-Rez je prva zajednièka zbirka
dvaju velikana avangardnog dizaj-
na nanimarquine i Morosa koje je
za ovu prigodu okupio Ron Arad.
Rijeè je o spoju dva struèno izraðe-
na komada u jedan element.
Sofu je proizveo Moroso a tepih
nanimarquina, mogu se kombini-
rati za stvaranje neogranièenih moguænosti gdje se dva komada zajedno mogu ugraditi vertikalno ili horizontalno. Svaki tepih je
sastavljen od razlièitih kvadrata razlièitih nijanse (izmeðu 8 i 12 boja po tepihu) i tri razlièite dubine (8mm, 15mm, 30mm) koje stvaraju
raznolike efekte.
Ima projekta Do-Lo-Rez dolazi od izraza “do low resolution” i temelji se na
konceptu piksela, vitalne komponente virtualnog svijeta.

A Duo for Endless Possibilities

Do-Lo-Rez is the first joint collection from two great brands of avant-garde desi-
gn – nanimarquina and Moroso, which were brought together for this occasion
by Ron Arad. They created a combination of two wonderfully crafted pieces
into one element.
The sofa was produced by Moroso, while the carpet was created by nanimarqu-
ina, and these two elements can be positioned vertically or horizontally to cre-
ate endless possibilities together. Every carpet consists of different squares with
different shades of colour (between 8 and 12 colours per carpet) and three
different levels of depth (8mm, 15mm, 30mm) that create different effects.
The project’s name Do-Lo-Rez comes from the term “do low resolution”, which
is based on the concept of pixel, virtual world’s vital component.

Buðenje iz snova

U lipnju je Bang & Olufsen predstavio neo-
bièan i elegantan sat s alarmom i tajmerom
s koji omoguæuje integriranje s Bang & Oluf-
sen sustavima. Naglasak je stavljen na esteti-
ku i jednostavnost upotrebe ovog proizvoda.
BeoTime je sat s alarmom koji bi buðenje
trebao pretvoriti u najljepši dio dana, buduæi
da omoguæuje buðenje uz vlastitu diskretnu
melodiju sata BeoTime, ili zvuk omiljenog TV
programa, radio stanice ili glazbe. BeoTime
omoguæuje i daljinsku kontrolu nad Bang &
Olufsen sustavom u stanu, kroz programira-
no iskljuèivanje, jer ima ugraðen „sleep“ taj-
mer koji omoguæuje prebacivanje svih Bang
& Olufsen ureðaja u prostoriji u stanje pri-
pravnosti nakon podešenog vremenskog pe-
rioda (najviše 120 minuta) - iznimno praktiè-
na funkcija za one koji vole gledati televiziju
do kasno u noæ ili zaspati uz glazbu omiljenog CD-a
bez da moraju voditi raèuna o iskljuèivanju glazbe. Uz A Dream Wakeup
funkciju alarma i „sleep“ tajmera, BeoTime se može This June, Bang & Olufsen presented an unusual and elegant clock with
iskoristiti za upotrebu osnovnih funkcija televizora, an alarm and timer that enables complete integration with other Bang
zvuènika i rasvjete u spavaæoj sobi, a odlikuje ga i & Olufsen systems. The main emphasis was put on this product’s ae-
visoka razina praktiènosti i jednostavnost upotrebe. sthetics and simple method of usage. BeoTime is an alarm clock that
Može ga se držati u jednoj ruci i upotrebljavati po- aims to turn the waking-up process into the loveliest part of your day,
moæu palca. as it allows you to wake up along your own discrete BeoTime melody,
or along your favourite TV programme, radio station or music. BeoTime
also enables remote control over the apartment’s Bang & Olufsen sy-
stem through the function of programmed disconnection, as it posse-
sses an installed “sleep” timer that transfers all Bang & Olufsen systems
in the room into “full alert” mode over a programmed time period
(maximum 120 minutes) – a very practical function for those who like
to watch late-night TV or fall asleep with their favourite CD playing on,
as they don’t have to worry about shutting the music down. Along with
its alarm and “sleep” timer functions, BeoTime can also be used for
basic functions like TV, sound speakers and bedroom lighting, and it is
characterized by a high level of practicality and very simple usage met-
hods. It can be held in one hand and controlled with just your thumb.

Slušalice s osjeæajem
Sony Ericsson je u rujnu predstavio prve slušalice na svijetu koje se aktiviraju
pokretom i „osjećaju“ korisnika. Pametne MH907 slušalice pale se pukim stav-
ljanjem u uši, a pauziraju skidanjem jedne slušalice. Za ponovno slušanje do-
voljno je vratiti slušalicu u uho. Na isti se način preuzimaju i završavaju pozivi.
Sony Ericsson’s SensMe™ Control tehnologija reagira bez pritiska na tipku.
Upotpunivši je Clear Audio iskustvom Sony Ericsson je u partnerstvu s medu-
narodno priznatim animatorom Kristoferom Strömom napravio i kratki film
koji demonstrira tehnologiju ovog proizvoda. Uz MH907 korisnici mogu držati
telefon u džepu i ipak ostati povezani cijeli dan, svaki dan, jednostavno stav-
ljajuci ili skidajuci slušalicu iz uha – nema potrebe za daljinskom kontrolom
ili bilo kakvim tipkama,” izjavio je Jacob Sten, stariji potpredsjednik, SEMC
dodatna oprema. MH907 podržava unaprijeđenu strategiju ovog branda, čiji je
cilj stvoriti zabavnu, zaigranu i sveobuhvatnu interakciju s korisnicima.

Headphones with a Feeling

This September, Sony Ericsson introduced the world to the first set of headphones that are activated by movement and the user’s “feeling”. The
intelligent MH907 headphones are started simply by plugging them into your ears, and they are set on pause by removing one of them from
your ear. If you want to continue listening, all you have to do is put it back into your ear. The same method is used for taking and finishing pho-
ne calls. Sony Ericsson’s SensMe Control technology reacts without pressing any buttons. Accompanied by the Clear Audio experience, Sony
Ericsson and internationally renowned animator Kristofer Strom have also created a short film that demonstrates this product’s technology.
“With MH907, users can keep their telephone in their pocket and still remain connected all day and every day, as they just plug or remove the
headset from their ear – there is no need for remote control or buttons of any kind”, says Jacob Sten, Senior Vice-President of SEMC Accesso-
ries. MH907 supports this brand’s advanced strategy with the goal of creating a fun, playful and complete interaction among the users.
Noviteti u ponudi Stipiæ Interarta
Keramika Casamood tek je nekoliko tjedana dostupna hrvatskim kupcima, zahvaljujuæi Stipiæ Interartu, ekskluzivnom zastupniku
Casamooda za našu zemlju. Zahvaljujuæi kvaliteti, dizajnu i širokoj paleti moguænosti, Casamood zaslužuje znaèajno mjesto meðu
najboljim talijanskim proizvoðaèima keramièkih ploèica. Meðu brojnim kolekcijama, najatraktivnija je linija porculanskih ploèica Vetro,
dizajniranih poput antiknih mozaika. Stipiæ Interart nedavno je u ponudu rezidencijalnog namještaja uvrstio i sjedalice Fiocco, èiji je ne-
obièno hrabri dizajn doveo tvrtku Busnelli na stranice svih relevantnih dizajnerskih enciklopedija. Nekonvencionalan oblik, živahne boje
te moderna konstrukcija od metalnih i plastiènih materijala najprepoznatljivije su osobine ove sjedalice. Treæa tržišna intervencija ove
tvrtke odnosi se na keramiku Rex, veæ dugo na talijanskom i svjetskom vrhu, što je potvrdila i serijom New Tribal, uvrštenom u bogati
katalog keramike Stipiæ Interarta. Serija nudi velik izbor modela,
od najjednostavnijih - glatkih i jednobojnih, pa sve do ukra-
snih reljefa prožetih detaljima koji predstavljaju prava mala
umjetnièka djela. Osim umjetnièkog dojma, u Rexu izni-
mno paze i na kvalitetu, koju postižu uporabom isklju-
èivo prirodnih, ekološki provjerenih sastojaka. Inaèe,
sve tvrtke koje zastupa Stipiæ Interart podijeljene su u
pet osnovnih skupina: uredski namještaj, rezidencijalni
namještaj, keramika, sanitarije i rasvjeta, a i inaèe je
jedan od nosivih principa ove tvrtke stalno obnavljanje
asortimana, kao i širenje ponude novim artiklima zna-
èajnih svjetskih proizvoðaèa.

New Items on Offer at Stipiæ Interart

Casamood ceramics have been available for Croatian buyers for several weeks now, thanks to Stipiæ Interart, the exclusive Casamood
distributor for our country. Because of its quality, design and a wide palette of options, Casamood has earned a significant position
among the finest Italian manufacturers of ceramic tiles. The most attractive of the numerous collections must be Vetro, a line of por-
celain tiles that have been designed like antique mosaics. Stipiæ Interart has recently enriched its residential-furniture assortment with
Fiocco chairs, which possess an unusually courageous design
that has placed company Busnelli into all relevant designer en-
cyclopaedias. An unconventional shape, vivacious colours and
a modern metal-plastic construction define this chair’s most
recognizable characteristics. This company’s third market inter-
vention relates to Rex ceramics, which have long occupied top
positions on the Italian and world market, and that has now
been confirmed with their New Tribal series, also on offer in the
rich Stipiæ Interart catalogue. This series offers a large range of
models, from the simplest smooth pieces in just one colour, all
the way to decoration relief surfaces that are embellished by
details that qualify as true little works of art. In addition to the
artistic impression, experts at Rex put a great deal of emphasis
on quality, which is achieved with usage of exclusively natu-
ral, ecologically tested materials. All companies represented by
Stipiæ Interart can be divided into five primary groups: office
furniture, residential furniture, ceramics, sanitary elements and
lighting objects. This company also works under the constant
principle of renewing its assortment, as well as enriching it with
new items from famous world manufacturers.
Coleova tropska kolekcija
Dizajner Jeremy Cole pokrenuo je program Aloe, inspiriran agavom,
tropskim kaktusom s prepoznatljivim mesnatim poljskim cvijeæem ponu-
ðenim do razine skulpturalne rasvjete, od kojih se svaki sastoji od niza
kompleksnih keramièkih geometrijskih oblika. Postoje tri Aloe dizajna
– Bud, koji predstavlja roðenje biljke, Blossom za srednju životnu dob,
s punoæom ljepote cvijeæa i Shoot kao smrtno
poražavajuæi. Svjetiljke emitiraju topao, prima-
mljiv sjaj u noæi, a služe kao umjetnièko djelo po
danu. Svako pojedino svjetlo ruène je izrade i s
potpisom autora.

Cole’s Tropic Collection

Designer Jeremy Cole started the Aloe Programme,
which is inspired by agave and tropical cactus with
recognizable pulpy wild flowers that reach the level
of sculptural lighting, and each light consists of a
line of complex ceramic geometrical shapes. There
are three available Aloe designs – Bud, which repre-
sents the plant’s birth, Blossom stands for its regular
lifespan with the flower’s beauty on full display, and
Shoot recalls the defeating effects of death. The
lamps radiate a warm, luring light in the night, and
they can also function as works of art during the
day. Each individual lamp is hand-made and signed
by its author.

„Naopaki“ susret staroga i suvremenoga

Kiparica, slikarica i grafièka dizajnerica Liana Jaroslavljski lansirala je svoju prvu kolekciju stolova na križanju vremena i
inovacija. Djelo je plod njezine kozmopolitske kulture i èestih putovanja. Inspiraciju pronalazi u glazbi, od Lennyja Kra-
vitza do Chopina te iz fotografije i kinematografije, a kolekciju je zapoèela okretanjem naopako Muranovog lustera
iz 19. stoljeæa, nakon što joj je zatrebao stoliš za kafu te je razvijanjem tog postupka ostvarila mješavinu paradoksa i
profinjenosti, barokne i suvremene vizije.

The “Reverse” Encounter of Old and Modern

Sculptor, painter and graphic designer Liana Yaroslavsky has launched her first table collection at the crossroads of time
and innovations. The work stands as a result of her cosmopolitan culture and frequent journeys. She finds inspiration
in various types of music, from Lenny Kravitz to Chopin, as well as in fields of photography and cinematography, and
this collection was started when she turned a 19th-century Murano chandelier upside down in need of a coffee table,
and that action managed to achieve a mix of paradox and sophistication, baroque and contemporary vision.

Art deco u suvremenom

Elegancija dizajna priziva sofisticiranost i glamur

tridesetih, dok su njegovane linije i
završeci bez šavova razlog
futurističkoj privlačnosti
novog dizajna
Midland hotela

Piše: Romina Peritz

M alo je hotelskih projekata privuklo

toliku pozornost posljednjih godi-
na kao nedavno ponovno otva-
ranje art deco Midland Hotela u
Morecambe Bayu na engleskom
sjeverozapadu. Nekoć omilje-
no utočište za ikone poput Coco Chanel, Wallacea
Simpsona i Lawrencea Oliviera, hotel iz tridesetih godi-
na 20. stoljeća bio je u posljednje vrijeme tužno prepu-
šten propadanju, sve dok nagrađivani graditelji Urban
Splash i arhitekti Union Northa nisu krenuli u impresivan
program obnove i oživljavanja zgrade. DuPont Corian
je ponosan što su surađivali u ovoj golemoj prenamjeni



koja je trebala pomoći The Midlandu

da postane jedinstvena destinacija
dizajna, gdje su suvremena arhitek-
tonska rješenja interijera skladno slju-
bljena s art deco čarima prošlosti.
Središnja razina u hotelu je čarobni
Rotonda Bar, skulpturalna instalaci-
ja oblika kružne trake u izboru boja
Glacier White i Beach Glass.
Elegancija dizajna priziva sofisticira-
nost i glamur tridesetih, dok su nje-
govane linije i završeci bez šavova
razlog futurističkoj privlačnost pro-
izvoda. “Koristili smo Corian za Ro-
DuPont je tvrtka bazirana na znanstvenom pristupu proizvodnje i
tunda bar jer nam je trebalo rješenje
usluga. Osnovana 1802, tvrtka koristi znanost kao bazu za stvaranje za glatke staklaste završetke. Tako-
održivih rješenja neophodnih za bolji, sigurniji i zdraviji život. Djelujući đer je trebao biti dovoljno svestran
u više od 70 zemalja, DuPont nudi širok asortiman inovativnih proi- kako bi se mogao nositi sa slože-
zvoda i tržišnih usluga, uključujući poljoprivredu i hranu, građevinar- nom geometrijom čitavog dizajna,
stvo, komunikacije i transport. objašnjava Su Stringfellow arhitekt
DuPont Corian je solidan pokrivni materijal koji se koristi u širokom Union Northa. “Materijal treba biti
rasponu i različitim segmentima poput ugostiteljstva, zdravstva, ho- higijeničan i nepropusan i iz prijaš-
telijerstva, javnim prostorima i maloprodaji, kao i za uređenje doma, njih iskustava u radu s Corianom prije
kod opremanja barova i restorana,
namještaj, rasvjetu i ukrasne predmete. To je neporoznan, čvrst ma-
bili smo već svjesni njegove kvalite-
terijal otporan na mrlje, lako se čisti, trajan, obnovljiv i popravljiv. te u tom pogledu tako da odluko
Dostupan u oko 100 standardnih boja, može se oblikovati unutar go- o odabiru nije bilo teško donijeti”.
tovo svakog postojećeg dizajna. DuPont Corian u Glacier White
boji je također naveden za bar u Funkcijskoj prosto-
riji u kojoj, u kombinaciji sa Summer Sky tonovima u
svojstvu zidne obloge, stvara atraktivno žarište po-
debljanog bloka boje i geometrijske zaigranosti.
“Dobiti precizno ispravan, ujednačeni ton boje izra-
zito je važan čimbenik jer je ona morala odgova-
rati strogo definiranoj paleti Art Deco baštine u se-
gmentu boje za zidove”, objašnjava Stringfellow”.
Gosti koji borave u apartmanu Honeymoon ili jednom
od penthousea također će pronaći DuPont Corian s dra-
matičnim učinkom u kupaonicama i zidnim plohama.
Materijal “je previše očigledan izbor za klozete, u svojstvu
dizajna prilično je složen, a trebao nam je materijal isto-
vremeno nosiv, higijenski i trajan” nastavlja Stringfellow.
Prednosti DuPont Coriana kao površnog materijala u
prometnim gostinjskim okruženjima nadilaze svestra-
nost i svježu, čistu estetiku. On također nudi trajnost, ot-
pornost na mrlje i jednostavno održavanje u smislu da
se dnevna onečišćenja skidaju redovnim čišćenjem. U
slučaju ostalih slučajnih oštećenja, površine su poprav-
ljive i obnovljive te nude dugovječnu, održivu funkcio-
nalnost kao ključnu brigu suvremenih dizajnera i vlasnika
hotela The Midland. Homogen, bez šavova i poroznosti,
materijal nudi dodatne pogodnosti u obliku higijene što
ga čine neizbježnim u svakom gostinjskom okruženju.
DuPont Corian također pruža izuzetne higijenske oso-
bine. Neovisna organizacija LGA Qualitest GmbH cer-
tificirala je higijenske performanse, superiorne onima
raznih konvencionalnih materijala, nakon izvedenog
niza komparativnih testova. DuPont Corian može tako-
đer doprinijeti kvaliteti zraka u zatvorenim prostorima.
Institut okoliša Greenguard dodijelio mu je certifikat
GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality koji garantira da su
njegove čvrste površine u skladu sa strogim kriterijima
Art deco in

contemporary designers
The design’s elegance calls upon the sophistication and glamour of the
1930s, while the nurtured lines and stitch-free corners provide the
product with a futuristic attractiveness in new design of Midland hotel

Written by: Romina Peritz

ery few hotel projects attracted as becoming a unique design destination with perfect har-
much attention over the last several mony between modern architectonic interior solutions
years as the recent reopening of the and art-deco flavours of the past.
art-deco Midland Hotel in Morecam- The hotel’s middle level comes in the form of the ma-
be Bay on the northwest of England. gical Rotonda Bar, a sculptural installation in, which is
A hotel from the 1930s, which used to shaped like a circular tape in colours Glacier White and
serve as a popular refuge to icons like Coco Chanel, Beach Glass.
Wallace Simpson and Laurence Olivier, has lately been The design’s elegance calls upon the sophistication
left for decay, until the award-winning constructors from and glamour of the 1930s, while the nurtured lines and
Urban Splash and architects from Union North started an stitch-free corners provide the product with a futuristic
impressive renovation and revitalization process of the attractiveness. “We used Corian for the Rotunda Bar
building. DuPont Corian is proud to be a part of this because we needed a solution for smooth glassy cor-
gigantic transformation, which should help Midland in ners. We also needed enough versatility to cope with

DuPont is a company based on a scientific appro-
ach to manufacturing and providing services.
Started in 1802, DuPont uses science as basis for
creation of maintainable solutions that are requ-
ired for a better, safer and healthier life. Active in
over 70 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of
innovative products and market services, inclu-
ding agriculture, food, construction, communica-
tion and transport.
DuPont Corian is a solid covering material that
is used in numerous situations and different se-
gments like restaurants, medical institutions, ho-
tels, public facilities and retail stores, as well as for
home decoration, furniture, lighting and decora-
tion objects. It is a non-porous, hard material that
is resistant to stains, easily cleaned, durable, re-
newable and can be repaired. Available in aro-
und 100 colours, can be shaped within almost all
types of design.

the design’s complex geometrics”, says Su Stringfellow,

architect from Union North. “The material needed to be
hygienic and tight, but we have previously worked with
Corian while decorating bars and restaurants, so we
were aware of the material’s quality and it ended up
being a rather simple decision”.
DuPont Corian in Glacier White is also found on the Fun-
ction Room bar, where it is combined with Summer Sky

tones of the wallpapers to create an attractive centre

of thick colour and geometric playfulness. “Creating a
precise, well-balanced colour tone was extremely im-
portant because it had to match the predetermined
palette of Art Deco heritage in terms of wall colour”,
says Stringfellow, “and Corian had the widest spectrum
with the perfect match of Summer Sky”.
Guests who stay in the Honeymoon Suite or one of the
penthouse apartments will also find DuPont Corian with
its dramatic effect in bathrooms and wall surfaces. The
material “is too obvious for closets and rather complica-
ted in terms of design, and we needed a material that the material offers additional advantages in the aspect
is simultaneously bearing, hygienic and durable”, says of hygiene, which increases its importance in accom-
Stringfellow. modation establishments.
The advantages of DuPont Corian as a superficial ma- DuPont Corian also provides exceptional hygienic cha-
terial in accommodation establishments on the road racteristics. Independent organization LGA Qualitest
surpass the boundaries of versatility and fresh, clean Gmbh has performed a string of comparative tests and
aesthetics. It also offers durability, resistance to stains verified its hygienic performances, which were declared
and simple maintenance in terms of regular cleaning vastly superior to those of various conventional materi-
methods. In cases of other accidental damages, surfa- als. DuPont Corian can also improve the quality of air in
ces are repairable and renewable, which offers a long- indoor environments. Environmental institute Greengu-
standing, maintainable functionality as a crucial asset ard presented it with the GREENGUARD Indoor Air Qua-
for contemporary designers and owners of the Midland lity certificate that guarantees its hard surfaces staying
Hotel. Homogeneous, without any stitches or porosity, within imperative levels of emission.
Trogir, grad anđela

Trogir je odlično sačuvani primjer srednjovjekovnog utvrđenog grada,

smještenog na otočiću, sa nizom spomenika koji su neodvojivi dio
hrvatske baštine. Posebno je zanimljiva i dalmatinska tradicionalna
pučka graditeljska baština unutar urbanog rastera planiranog grada

Piše: Leo Nikoliæ Foto: Leo Nikoliæ

a zapadnoj strani Kaštelanskog za-
ljeva, područja u kojem su nađeni
tragovi civilizacije još iz pretpovije-
snih vremena, na otočiću između
kopna i otoka Čiova smjestio se
grad Trogir. Naselje su osnovali Grci
iz Syracuse na Siciliji i trgovci sa Isse u
3. stoljeću prije Krista. Nazvali su ga
Tragurion po grčkom nazivu za kozu tragos, kojih je
bilo jako puno po obližnjoj planini Kozjaku. Pronađen
je značajan broj arheoloških nalaza koji su datirani u
to vrijeme i dragocjeni su za rekonstrukciju najranije
faze najstarijeg naselja u ovom dijelu Dalmacije.
Kasnije faze antičkog i posebno srednjovjekovnog
Trogira su znatno bolje očuvane do današnjih vre-
mena i razlog su uvrštenja na prestižnu UNESCO-vu
listu svjetske baštine.
Nakon završetka građanskog rata između Pompeja
i Cezara, u kojem se Tragurion zajedno sa Issom na-
šao na poraženoj strani, osniva se municipij Roman
Tragurion. Obližnja Salona je metropola Rimske pro-
vincije Dalmacije i iz tog grada se u četvrtom sto-
ljeću širi rano kršćanstvo na istočnoj obali Jadrana.
Posebno je značajan kult mučenika sv. Dujma, pr-
vog biskupa salonitanske crkve i u Trogiru su se prvi
kršćani okupljali kraj Južnih vrata na mjestu današ-
njeg samostana i crkve sv. Nikole.

Odlična lokacija za obranu

U sedmom stoljeću na području Trogira i Kaštelan-
skog zaljeva se nastanjuju i Hrvati. Salona je razorena,
Hrvati se nastanjuju na suprotnu obalu rijeke Jadro,

je gradila taj objekt u romaničkom
stilu punih sto godina, da bi za grad-
nju zvonika trebala još sto godina.
Na zvoniku bilježimo prijelaze iz ro-
maničkog u gotički stil, da bi zadnji
kat već bio renesansni. Remek djelo
romaničke skulpture u našoj zemlji je
Radovanov portal, završen 1240. go-
dine na ulazu u katedralu. Katedrala
odiše romaničkom mistikom i na lije-
voj strani je još jedan značajan dio
hrvatske baštine, najznačajniji rene-
sansni spomenik u Dalmaciji, kapela
blaženog Ivana Orsinija. Autori, Nikola
Firentinac, Andrija Aleši i Ivan Dukno-
vić su za uzor imali Jupiterov hram u



ali i u okolici Trogira u Bijaćima. Tu se GOTIČKA TRIFORA NA PALAČI

bilježe prvi pisani dokumenti hrvatskih
vladara, primjerice isprava kneza Tr- GOTHIC WINDOW ON
pimira iz 852. godine. Trogir, kao i dru-
gi tipični mediteranski i dalmatinski
gradovi tog vremena je multietnička ra u gradu i okolici sačuvani su zna-
i multikulturna zajednica u kojem hr- čajni spomenici ranoromaničkog pe-
vatski element uz ilirski, grčki i rimski rioda. Ipak, grad svoj vrhunac bilježi
polako postaje prevladavajući. u trinaestom, četrnaestom i petnae-
Grad, smješten na otočiću, zaštićen stom stoljeću od kada datiraju i naj-
morem i zidinama u srednjem vijeku značajniji objekti, crkve i samostani u
je vrlo dobra lokacija za uspješnu gradu. Na glavnom gradskom trgu
obranu od neprijatelja imajući u vidu 1200. godine započinje gradnja tro-
naoružanje i strategiju tog vremena. girske katedrale sv. Lovre. Relativno
Iz perioda vladavine hrvatskih vlada- siromašna srednjovjekovna komuna
Dioklecijanovoj palači, pa su oblikom
i dimenzijom kapele odali počast an-
tičkim korijenima arhitekture u ovom
području. Po sredini glavnog broda
visi raspelo koje je naslikao 1440. Blaž
Jurjev, najznačajniji slikar 15. stoljeća
u Dalmaciji.
U gradu je sačuvano još nekoliko zna-
čajnih crkvi i samostana predroma-
ničkog, romaničkog i gotičkog peri-
oda i veliki broj palača i municipalnih
objekata, utvrda i kula. No ono što je
posebno zanimljivo je urbani raster
srednjovjekovnog planiranog grada
sa glavnim trgom na kojem su zajed-
no katedrala i vijećnica. U drugim



Norman Foster za budućnost
Kamen od kojeg je izgrađen cijeli
grad dolazi iz obližnjeg kamenoloma
koji je na istom mjestu još od antič-
kih vremena. Ulice, kuće i palače u
gradu su tipičan primjer tradicional-
ne dalmatinske arhitekture. Lokalne
institucije koje se brinu za očuvanje
baštine kontroliraju sve aktivnosti oko
obnove i adaptacije pojedinih obje-
kata na otoku i grad jest biser sred-
njovjekovne arhitekture. U turističkom
smislu grad sa okolicom i obližnjim
otocima u destinacijskom smislu ima
potencijal Dubrovnika i vrlo je važ-
no kako će se rasplesti aktualna pri-
ča oko privatizacije brodogradilišta.
Rašireno je mišljenje da grad treba
strategiju razvoja usmjeriti u turistič-
kom pravcu i trenutno je relevantan
projekt poduzetnika Slobodana Lju-
bičića koji predviđa bitno drugačiji
sadržaj na poluotoku na kojem je
sada smješten škver. Projekt za to je
srednjovjekovnim gradovima stolna GOTIČKI PROZORI, KULA UTVRDE naručen u uredu glasovitog Norma-
crkva je na jednom trgu, a gradska
na Fostera i u slučaju realizacije tog
vijećnica na drugom trgu, no u Tro- GOTHIC WINDOWS, TOWER OF KAMERLENGO plana, grad Trogir bi napravio znača-
giru su ta dva objekta na istom trgu,
jan iskorak u novom pravcu razvoja.
jedan do drugoga. Zgrada gradske Logično je da nakon Radovana, Ni-
vijećnice i danas, sedam stoljeća na- kole Firentinca, Blaža Jurjeva i Ivana
kon prvog spomena i dalje služi istoj Duknovića, još jedan velikan Norman
funkciji. Foster ostavi trag u gradu anđela.


The City of Angels
Trogir is an excellently
preserved example of a
medieval fortified town
located on a little island,
with a string of monuments
that are an integral part of
the Croatian heritage. It is
particularly interesting for
traditional Dalmatian
construction heritage
within the planned town’s
urban raster.

Write: Leo Nikoliæ Photo: Leo Nikoliæ

B etween the mainland and the island of Čiovo,
on the western side of the Kaštela Gulf, in an
area that possesses traces of civilization from
prehistoric times, we find the town of Trogir.
The town was formed by Greeks from Syra-
cuse, Sicily, as well as by merchants from Issa in the 3rd
century BC. It was named Tragurion after a Greek term
for “goat”- “tragos”, as there were plenty of goats on the
ancient and particularly medieval Trogir have been much
more preserved, which resulted in Trogir being selected
for the prestigious UNESCO list of world heritage. After
the end of the civil war between Pompey and Caesar,
which saw Tragurion and Issa find themselves on the side
of the defeated, the Roman-Tragurion Municipality was
started. The neighbouring Salona became the capital of
Roman province Dalmatia, as well as the main source of
neighbouring mountain of Kozjak. A significant number of expanding Christianity of the eastern side of the Adriatic.
archaeological traces that date back to this period have Special significance goes to the cult of St. Dujam, the first
been found, and they are a very precious element in the bishop of the Salona Church, and the first Christians in Tro-
process of reconstructing the earliest phase of the oldest gir gathered around the Southern Gates, in the position
town in this part of Dalmatia. The subsequent stages of of today’s convent and St. Nicholas church.

Excellent location for defence
During the seventh century, Croatians inha-
bited the area of Trogir and the Kaštela Gulf.
Salona has been demolished, and Croatians
started living on the opposite side of river Ja-
dro, but also in Bijaći near Trogir. This is where
archaeologists found the first written docu-
ments from Croatian rulers, like the decree by
Count Trpimir from year 852. Trogir, like any ty-
pical Mediterranean and Dalmatian town of
that era, functioned as a multi-ethnical and
multicultural community, in which the Croati-
an element slowly started to dominate Illyrian,
Greek and Roman sections. The town, located
on a small island, was protected by the walls
and the sea, which served as excellent loca-
tion for successful defence against the enemy
during the Middle Ages, keeping in mind the
strategy and weaponry of that era. From the
period of Croatian rulers, numerous significant
monuments of the early Romanic period have
been preserved. However, the town was at
the peak of its powers during the thirteenth,





fourteenth and fifteenth century, which is when all the larly have the main church on one square and the city
important objects, churches and convents in the town hall on the other square, but those two objects stand
have been built. In 1200, the construction of the St. Lo- side by side on the same Trogir square. The city-hall buil-
vre Cathedral started on the main town square, and the ding still serves the same purpose, seven centuries after
relatively poor medieval community needed a hundred it was first mentioned.
years to complete that Romanic object, while the chur-
ch tower took wasn’t finished before another hundred Norman Foster for future
years went by. The church tower signals a slight transition The stone that was used to build the town comes from the
from the Romanic to Gothic style, while the top floor alre- nearby quarry, which also existed in the ancient times.
ady showed signs of the Renaissance. The masterpiece Streets, houses and palaces stand as a typical example
of Romanic sculpturing in our country comes in the form of traditional Dalmatian architecture. Local institutions
of the Portal of Master Radovan, which was finished in that look after the preservation of heritage control all
1240 at the cathedral entrance. The cathedral radiates activities regarding the renovation and adaptation of
Romanic mystique and hosts another significant element certain objects on the island, and this town truly is a pe-
of Croatian heritage on its left side – The Chapel of Ble- arl of medieval architecture. Tourism-wise, the town, its
ssed Ivan Orsini, the most significant renaissance monu- immediate environment and the neighbouring islands
ment in Dalmatia. Authors Nikola Firentinac, Andrija Aleši have Dubrovnik-like potential in terms of the destination,
and Ivan Duknović projected the chapel after Jupiter’s which makes the result of the ongoing shipyard privati-
Temple from Diocletian’s Palace, so its shape and dimen- zation even more important. It is generally considered
sions pay homage to the ancient roots of architecture in that the town needs to direct its strategy towards the
this area. The church’s central part features a cross that tourism sector, and one of the most current projects co-
was painted by Blaž Jurjev, Dalmatia’s most important mes from businessman Slobodan Ljubičić who designed
painter of the 15th century, in 1440. a significantly different set of activities on the peninsu-
The town reveals several other significant churches and la than the existing shipyard. This project was ordered
convents of pre-Romanic, Romanic and Gothic perio- in the office of renowned Norman Foster, and if it goes
ds, as well as numerous palaces, municipal objects, forts through, Trogir will experience a major breakthrough in
and towers. However, the town’s most fascinating as- terms of development. After Radovan, Nikola Firentinac,
pect comes in the form of the urban raster of the pla- Blaž Jurjev and Ivan Duknović, it is logical for another
nned medieval town with the main square featuring a great figure like Norman Foster to make his mark in the
cathedral and the city hall. Other medieval towns regu- town of angels.
Novi život kultnog kafića
Piše: Romina Peritz Foto: Saša Šekoranja

Z agrebački akademski slikar, poznati cvje-
ćar, fotograf i scenograf Saša Šekoranja,
uplovio je od nedavno i u ugostiteljske
vode i zajedno s Anom Petričić Gojanović
otvorio “Velvet”, mjesto koje je svojevrsni
spoj bistroa, galerije i dućana dizajnerskih predmeta. Ime
Saše Šekoranje odavno je priznato u svijetu umjetnosti, di-
zajna i mode. Njegove cvijetne aranžamane vole baš svi:
od osoba iz svijeta estrade i političara pa sve do širokog
sloja građana koji godinama navraćaju u njegovu sad već
kultnu cvjećarnu u blizini Britanskog trga u Zagrebu, ako
ništa onda barem da samo pogledaju njezin izlog koji je
svojevrsna izložba u malom. Velika je vjerojatnost da će i
njegov novootvoreni kafić “Velvet” postati također kultno
mjesto, kao što je to uostalom bio i stari “Velvet” koji se na-
lazio u istome prostoru u Dežmanovom prolazu. Šekoranja
i Ana Petričić Gojanović nastojali se oživjeti to legendarno
mjesto gdje su godinama Zagrepčani ispijali kave, s namje-
rom stvaranja nove povijesti “Velveta”. Otkako je otvoren,
“Velvet” plijeni pažnju ne samo ponudom već i izgledom.
Vrhunski osmišljen u svakom detalju, taj je prostor izniman
u cjelokupnoj ugostiteljskoj ponudi metropole jer ima ono
nešto što ga čini drugačijim od drugih. Prije svega to je taj
Šekoranjin prepoznatljivi umjetnički stil: osmislio je baš sve
do najmanjeg detalja – od tamno sive boje zidova na koji-
ma vise njegove bijelo uramljene sli- “Svi ljubitelji zanimljivih i pomalo ne- drveni, rustikalni stolovi od hrasta,
ke, do zanimljivo ofarbanih stolaca konvencionalnih predmeta imaju svijećnjaci, posude za svijeće, vaze
ala thonet, staklenih vaza, ukrasa, priliku da iz bogatog asortimana svih veličina i vrsta, prekooceanski
svijeća kojih ne manjka u tom kafiću. ‘Velvet Living’ odaberu detalje koje putni kovčezi, rasvjetna industrijska
U “Velvetu” se kad je riječ o ponudi stilski i svojom osobnošću odgovara- i dizajnerska tijela, zatim cvijeće,
mogu kušati najfinije torte, pite, kek- ju osobnom ili poslovnom životnom crteži, slike i umjetnički radovi Saše
si, juhe i naravno kava, koje će vam prostoru. Velvet Living predstavlja Šekoranje, kolekcija dječje odjeće,
poslužiti šarmantni barmen iz Indije. vrhunski spoj umjetnosti i dizajna vo- obuće i igračaka “Little Horse and
Uz kafić se nalazi prostor koji funkci- deći se idejom kako uređenje doma Baby Beuys” Maje i Mejre Mujčić, a
onira kao galerija i dućan. Naime, nikad nije i nikad ne može biti do kra- kao posebnost programa izdvajaju
prilikom otvorenja „Velveta“ Šekora- ja dovršeno već se mijenja sukladno se porculanski komadi servisa bel-
nja je tu upriličio izložbu svojih crteža, osobnim željama i osjećajima osoba gijske konceptualne umjetnice Roos
slika, skulptura, dok je sredinom listo- koje u njemu borave”, tvrde vlasnici. Van de Velde. Za Božić pak najav-
pada u galeriji upriličeno predstav- U bogatom asortimanu “Velvet Li- ljuju predstavljanje prigodnog blag-
ljanje programa “Velvet Living”. ving” programa mogu se pronaći danskog asortimana.

A New Life of a

Legendary Cafe
Written by: Romina Peritz Photo: Saša Šekoranja

amous academic painter, florist, photo- nowned in the world of art, design and fashion. His flo-
grapher and stage designer Saša Šekoranja ral arrangements are loved by everyone: from public
recently became an owner of a cafe af- people and politicians to a wide range of citizens who
ter he and Ana Petričić Gojanović opened have spent years frequenting his now-legendary floral
“Velvet”, an establishment that represents shop near British Square in Zagreb, at least to take a look
a combination of a bistro, gallery and store at the interesting little exhibits in the window. It is quite
for designer objects. Saša Šekoranja has long been re- likely that his newly opened cafe “Velvet” will also be-
slightly unconventional objects have
an opportunity to choose some de-
tails from the rich “Velvet Living”
assortment that possess a style or
personality that suits different living or
office spaces. Velvet Living presents
a top-quality combination of art and
design while making sure to support
the fact that home decoration is a
never-ending process that evolves
according to personal wishes and
feelings of people that spend time
there”, the owners say.
The rich assortment of the “Velvet
Living” programme includes woo-
den rustic oak tables, candlesticks,
candle dishes, vases of all types and
sizes, transatlantic suitcases, indu-
strial and designer lighting objects,
flowers, drawings, paintings and ot-
her artistic projects by Saša Šekora-
nja, as well as a collection of children
clothes, footwear and toys called
“Little Horse and Baby Beuys” cre-
ated by Maja and Mejra Mujčić.
The special aspect of the program-
me comes in the form of porcelain
china elements by Belgian concep-
tual artist Roos Van de Velde. The
owners have already announced
the appropriate holiday assortment
for the Christmas season.

come a legendary location, just like the old “Velvet”

that occupied the same space in Dežman Aisle. Šeko-
ranja and Ana Petričić Gojanović made an effort to
revive that legendary spot that spent years hosting a
slew of Zagreb citizens for their coffee-drinking rituals,
and their intention is to start creating a new history for
“Velvet”. Ever since its opening, “Velvet” has attrac-
ted a lot of attention with its offer and appearance.
Fantastically envisioned in every sense of the term, this
facility is exceptional in the whole of Zagreb due to
those small things that create a sense of uniqueness.
Šekoranja’s recognizable artistic style is the primary
reason: he came up with everything to the smallest
of details – from the dark-grey walls with his paintings
in white frames, to the fascinatingly painted chairs a
la thonet, as well as glass vases, decorations and nu-
merous candles. When it comes to the food segment,
“Velvet” offers the finest cakes, pies, cookies, soups
and coffee, which will be served by a charming bar-
tender from India. Right next to the cafe, we find a
little space that serves as a gallery/store. On the night
of the cafe opening, Šekoranja organized an exhibiti-
on of his drawings, paintings and sculptures, while the
gallery witnessed a presentation of the “Velvet Living”
programme in mid-October. All fans of interesting and
Duh otoka u

boci vina
Piše: Romina Peritz Foto: Lupino

U našoj svakoj boci skriven

je duh otoka», slogan je
poznatog hvarskog vi-
nara Andro Tomića. A
kada se zamišlja najsun-
čaniji hrvatski otok gotovo da je logično
da dar prirode, u ovom slučaju vinova
loza, bude usko povezan sa životom na
uz neophodni glamour koji danas prati
uspješne vinare.

Živa i duga tradicija

Loza i vino Hvaranima su uvijek bili i hra-
na i lijek, kako navodi sam Tomić, ali pri-
je svega i sigurnost. Raskoš mediterana
donosio je na stol delicije koje su prije
svega značile za one koji su ih proizvo-
Povezati staro i novo san je svakog vi- dili siguran život, uz mnogo truda i odri-
nogradara, a Tomić je u mnogočemu u canja. Tako je bilo uostalom i kod svih
tome uspio. Rođen Hvaranin, dobro je generacija Tomićevih, a isti put prošao
osjetio vlastiti otok, na koji su stari Grci je i Andro Tomić. Dvadeset godina nije
još u četvrtom stoljeću prije naše ere živio na otoku, ali je to vrijeme iskoristio
donijeli vinovu lozu i nasadili plodno za učenje sve onoga što je danas naj-
starogradsko polje. Ali, Tomić je otišao novije u proizvodnji vina. Nove tehno-
i korak dalje, pa je nastavio posao svo- logije, uz dar prirode, jedini su recept
jih predaka, ali mu dao novu dimenziju, uspjeha, a 1997. Tomić osniva firmu Ba-

stijan, kojoj je cilj promicanje kulture je donijele sve moguće novosti, ali
vina, ali i proizvodnja najboljeg od bačve ostaju osnov za čuvanje i
najboljeg, kada je riječ o vinima. dozrijevanje vina. Bačve daju vinu
Tomić je bio svjestan ogromne kon- i onaj poseban i potreban okus,
kurencije koja danas vlada u svijetu koji je prepoznatljiv za cijeli proces,
vinara i od samog početka je znao od sazrijevanja do dorade i zrenja.
da može uspjeti jedino ako proizvodi Mnoga vina iz Tomićevog podruma
najbolje, što će i svijet tako prihvati- prepoznata su po svojoj kvaliteti i
ti. Domaće sorte vina, koje su Hva- posebnom okusu, poput nagrađiva-
rani njegovali kroz stoljeća burne nih vina Plavac mali, koje je između
prošlosti, bile su dobar temelj za to. ostalog i dobilo nagradu zbog pažlji-
Ali, ipak je ostao izazov kako sve to ve dorade i zrenja u hrastovim ba-
zaokružiti i dobiti proizvod koji će se čvama. Na spisku nagrađivanih vina
moći natjecati u surovoj utakmici je i Opolo nobile, Plavac, Hektor.
svjetskih vinara. Vrlo brzo Tomić je Tomić se posebno ponosi prošekom,
pronašao formulu da njegova firma izvornim hrvatskim desertnim vinom
Bastijana stekne ugled kod znalaca
od posušenog grožđa najkvalitetni-
vina i da, što je ujedno i najvažnije,
jih autohtonih dalmatinskih sorti.
postane sinonim za kvalutetu. «Filo-
Sve je to rezultat i klime na Hvaru, koji
zofija naše kuće je proizvesti što kva-
ima 2730 sunčanih sati godišnje. Po-
litetnija vina, te održati živom dugu
godan godišnji raspored oborina te
tradiciju obogaćujući je uvijek po-
niska relativna vlažnost zraka u pe-
nekim novim proizvodom», napisao
je sam Andro Tomić, predstavljajući riodu rasta i zrenja bobica također
svoju firmu. povoljno utječu na rast loze i kvali-
Impozantan podrum smješten je u tetu grožđa, a nepovoljno na biljne
novosagrađenoj vinariji u uvali Mina bolesti. Ne zaboravimo i rijedak dar
u Jelsi, a danas Tomić proizvodi oko među vječno žednim mediteranskim
150.000 boca godišnje. Cijela obitelj otocima - izvore žive vode. Tomićevi
je u biznisu, a pomažu i u firmi rade imaju vinograde na paklenim oto-
i mnogi Hvarani, neki za stalno, neki cima, u starogradskom polju, te u
povremeno. Po uzoru na starorimske okolici Jelse. Želja im je proširiti se i u
prostorije za blagovanje Tomić je u uvalu Vira kraj samog grada Hvara.
podrumu vlastite vinarije u kamenu Dominiraju sorte plavac mali i pla-
isklesao dio, koji je namijenjen za de- vac veliki kao crne sorte, te pošip,
gustaciju. U konobi obiteljske kuće u bogdanuša, maraština i prč kao bi-
staroj Jelsi uređen je i Studio za vino, jele. Od drugih sorata tu je drneku-
koji će posjetitelja odvesti u čarobni šica, cabernet sauvignon, cabernet
svijet vinarstva, raznih vinskih kultura, franc, merlot, kuč, muškat rumeni i
ali upoznati i s dugom tradicijom uz- još neke stare autohtone sorte.
goja vinove loze na predivnom oto- Sve u svemu, tradicija, podneblje i
ku Hvaru. upornost prepoznati su u svijetu, a
Andro Tomić danas je zasigurno je-
Nagrađivana vina dan od najvažnijih hrvatskih vinara,
Grci i Rimljani vino su prevozili am- izuzetno cijenjen i van granica ze-
forama, danas su nove tehnologi- mlje.





The spirit of the island
in the bottle of wine
Written by: Romina Peritz Photo: Lupino

Ancient Greeks and Romans used amphoras to transport wine, and
today’s technologies changed a lot of things in that area, but barrels re-
mained the basis of the process of keeping and holding the wine. Barrels
also provide the wine with that special necessary flavour that is recogni-
zable for the entire process, from holding to processing the wine

E ach of our bottles cap-

tures the spirit of the
island”, says Andro To-
mić, famous winemaker
from Hvar. And when we
think about the sunniest Croatian island,
it is perfectly logical to connect a gift of
nature like wine grape with all elements of
the Hvar life.
Connecting new and old elements is every
winemaker’s dream, and Tomić has surely
made that dream a reality. Born in Hvar, he
has a natural understanding of the island
that was filled with wine grape by ancient
Greeks four centuries before Christ. Howe-
ver, Tomić has taken it one step further by
adding a new dimension to the methods
of his predecessors and introducing gla-
mour into the winemaking business.

Long alive tradition

Wine grape and wine itself have always
served as food and medicine to the peo-
ple of Hvar, says Tomić, but they primarily
brought a sense of security. Mediterrane-
an richness filled the table with delicacies
that provided safety for those who worked
very hard to produce them. That is what
happened with all Tomić generations, and
Andro Tomić was no exception. He spent
twenty years outside of the island, but he
used that period of time to learn all the
newest methods in the winemaking business. A combination of these
new technologies and natural blessings are the only recipe for succe-
ss, and Tomić started a company called Bastijan in 1997, which has the
job of promoting the culture of wine, but also producing the best wine
you could ever find.
Tomić was well-aware of the enormous amount of competition in
today’s winemaking business, and he knew the only way to succeed
was to produce the best possible product, which would be recognized
by the whole world. Local wine types, which were produced by the
people of Hvar for centuries, served as a good enough foundation.
However, he still had to face the challenge of combining all elements
to create the product that will be competitive on today’s wine mar-
ket. It didn’t take long for Tomić to find the necessary formula, and
his company Bastijan soon earned its reputation with wine lovers and
became synonymous for quality. “Our house’s philosophy is to produ-
ce the best possible wine, as well as retaining centuries of tradition by
adding several new products”, says Andro Tomić in a presentation of
his company.
The imposing newly-built wine cellar is located in Mina Beach in Jelsa,
and Tomić now produces around 150.000 bottles per year. The entire
family is involved in the business, and numerous locals also help out,
permanently or occasionally. Trying to emulate old Roman dining-room
style, Tomić built a small stone space for sommeliers in his All this wouldn’t have happened without the Hvar clima-
cellar. The family-house pantry in Jelsa has been tran- te, which offers 2730 sunny hours per year. The conveni-
sformed into a wine studio, which guarantees to take ent yearly raining schedule and the low level of relative
visitors into a magical world of wine and different wine humidity in the air during the growing and maturing peri-
cultures, as well as introducing them to a long tradition od also have a positive effect on the growth and quality
of producing wine on the beautiful island of Hvar. of wine grapes, while being effectively fatal to numero-
us plant diseases. Let’s also not forget a rare blessing for
Awarded wines the constantly thirsty Mediterranean islands – sources of
Ancient Greeks and Romans used amphoras to transport fresh water. The Tomić family owns vineyards on Pakleni
wine, and today’s technologies changed a lot of things Islands, in the fields of Stari Grad, and in the Jelsa area.
in that area, but barrels remained the basis of the process It is their ambition to expand their operations to beach
of keeping and holding the wine. Barrels also provide the Vir near the town of Hvar. The dominating wine types
wine with that special necessary flavour that is recogniza- are Plavac Mali and Veliki as red wine, and pošip, bog-
ble for the entire process, from holding to processing the danuša, maraština and prč as white wine. Other wine
wine. Numerous types of wine from Tomić’s cellar are re- types include drnekušica, cabernet sauvignon, caber-
nowned for their quality and special flavour, such as the net franc, merlot, kuč, red mace wine, and some other
award-winning Plavac Mali, which is the result of meticu- autochthon types.
lous holding and processing in oak-wood barrels. Awards In the end, it must be said that tradition, autochthon
have also been presented to wines Opolo Nobile, Plavac background and persistence are recognized all over
and Hektor. Tomić takes special pride in his sherry wine, the world, and Andro Tomić stands as one of the most
which is the original Croatian dessert wine made of top- important Croatian wine makers who is also renowned
quality autochthon Dalmatian dry grapes. outside of the country.
Wienerberger predstavio novi Wienerberger presented new

sustav gradnje construction system

Tvrtka Wienerberger predstavila je novi sustav gradnje za Company Wienerberger presented their new construction
21. stoljeæe Najnoviji proizvod: POROTHERM PLAN bruše- system for the 21st century with the latest product: POROT-
nu opeku koja kao vezivo rabi HERM PLAN clay blocks with the
POROTHERM tankoslojni mort. usage of thin-layered POROTHERM
Proizvodi su to koji æe uvelike mortar as adhesive. These products
olakšati posao u graðevinar- will increasingly simplify the pro-
stvu, a pritom æe znatno utje- cess of building houses, as well as
cati na uštedu energije te samu positively influence the preserva-
kvalitetu izvoðenja radova. PO- tion of energy and the quality of
ROTHERM plan brušena opeka construction. POROTHERM PLAN
prirodni je i ekološki prihvatljiv clay bricks are a natural and eco-
proizvod, precizno je bruše- logically acceptable product that is
na s obje strane kontroliranim passed through a precise grinder
kompjuterskim procesom te je on both sides with a controlled
izraðena od prirodnih proizvoda computer process. The blocks are
- gline, pijeska i piljevine, a na- made of natural materials – clay,
kon uporabe može se reciklirati. Novi sustav gradnje za 21. sand and sawdust, and can be subsequently recycled. This
stoljeæe ispitan je na IGH Zagreb. new construction system for the 21st century has been tested
at IGH Zagreb.

Dizajnerski kamini u
salonima tvrtke Špina
Od svog osnutka 1960. godine pa do danas
talijanska tvrtka Piazzetta profilirala se u jednu
od vodeæih europskih kompanija za proizvod-
nju kamina. Proizvode iz linije Piazzetta design,
koja osobitu pažnju polaže na pomno osmišljen
dizajn kamina, odnedavno je moguæe pronaæi u
salonima Špine u Poreèu, Puli, Rijeci, Zagrebu,
Varaždinu i Splitu. Kao materijali za izradu ko-
riste se glina, mramor, metali i posebna vrsta
keramike - majolica, linije su minimalistièke i
oštre, a toplina se dodatno potencira posebnim
sustavom distribucije, sistemom Multifuoco.
Dostupni u više dimenzija, boja i oblika, kroz tri
osnovne linije. Kamini se nude u dvije verzije:
tradicionalnoj - koja za održavanje vatre koristi
drvo te suvremenoj koja funkcionira na plin.

Design fireplaces in
Špina’s showrooms
Ever since 1960 when this Italian company was
started, Piazzetta has established itself as one of
the leading European fireplace manufacturers.
Products from the Piazzetta Design series, which
put a lot of emphasis on meticulous fireplace de-
signs, are now available in Špina stores in Poreè,
Pula, Rijeka, Zagreb, Varaždin and Split. The main
construction materials are clay, marble, metals and
a specific type of ceramics – majolica. The lines
are minimalist and sharp, while the heat is further
emphasized by the special Multifuoco distribution
system. The products are available in several di-
mensions, colours and shapes, and are presented
in three separate series. There are two main versi-
ons of fireplaces: the traditional one, which uses
wood as the burning material, and the contempo-
rary one which runs on gas.
Diskontna ponuda Kenda
Diskontna ponuda Kenda namještaja ostvaruje se isklju-
èivo preko ON LINE trgovine: www.kenda-namjestaj.
com, koja nudi artikle po najkonkurentnijim cijena-
ma, dostupne odmah. Ovim virtualnim izlogom Kenda
namještaj predstavlja artikle koje ne možete pronaæi
nigdje osim u web trgovini ili artikle po specijalnim ci-
jenama. Asortiman se mijenja prema zahtjevima i inte-
resima posjetitelja, a recenzije i tagovi otvoreni su svim
posjetiteljima za razmjenu iskustava ili pitanja. Ponuda
je svrstana u osam glavnih grupa, radi lakšeg pronalaže-
nja željenog. Pregled je prilagodljiv svakom posjetitelju,
prema grupama, podgrupama, cijeni, koloni... Svatko
se može prijaviti, registrirati i koristiti sve opcije trgovine
bez obveze. Cijene su maloprodajne i navedene u kn.
Kenda Furniture on
Discount Prices
Discount prices for Kenda furniture are valid exclusively thro-
ugh ON LINE store:, which offers
immediate delivery for items on extremely accessible prices. This
cyber-shop window presents items from the Kenda furniture
assortment that cannot be found in any other store, as well as
items on special prices. The assortment changes according to
demands and interests of the visitors, and tags and review spa-
ces are left for all visitors to exchange experiences or questions.
The offering is divided into eight main groups for easier orien-
tation, and all visitors can choose the main searching criterion
– groups, sub-groups, price, file etc. Everyone can enter, register
and use all the store’s options without any obligations. Prices
are with VAT and in kunas.

Nova serija Schmidler slavina

Schmidler od studenog 2009. ima nadopunjen asortiman novim
serijama slavina. Siluete, slavina koja svojom siluetom ocrtava
jednostavnost i profinjenost, a svojim dizajnom je uklopiva u
svaki dom. Point, elegantna, a opet moderna slavina koja osva-
ja minimalistièkim dizajnom i elegancijom èistih linija. Obje se-
rije proizvode se u Hrvatskoj. U slavine Schmidler ugraðuje se
Hydroplast (Italija) keramièka ploèica (kartuša) i NEOPERL (Švi-
carska) perlator, èime jamèe vrhunsku trajnost i izdržljivost, a
dodatno su testirane i mogu izdržati minimalno 100 otvaranja i
zatvaranja svaki dan 5 godina bez prestanka. To iznosi 180 000
puta! Testom na buku utvrðeno je da “stvaraju” buku manju
od 18 db i time spadaju u prvu klasu po kategorizaciji kvalitete

New series of Schmidler faucets

Schmidler has updated its assortment with new series of faucets from No-
vember 2009. Faucet Siluete with its silhouette exemplifies simplicity and
sophistication, while also possessing design that will perfectly fit into each
home. Point is elegant but also modern faucet that conquers with minimalist
design and elegance of pure lines. Both series are manufactured in Croatia.
Schmidler faucets feature Hydroplast (Italy) ceramic tiles (cartridge) and NE-
OPERL (Switzerland) aerators. They guarantee a high level of durability as
they’ve been submitted to additional testing – they can release and close
the water 100 times a day for five years. That is all together 180 000 times!
The volume tests established that these faucets “create” less than 18 DB of
noise, which puts them in the top-category of quality mechanisms.
Phoenix Plaza osvojio nagradu u kategoriji
„Best retail development”
Super - regionalni trgovaèki i zabavni centar Phoenix Plaza je na glamuroznoj dodjeli u Londonu osvojio nagradu u
kategoriji „Best retail development“ pri „European Property Awards“, te je na taj naèin i službeno zauzeo èelno mjesto
meðu trgovaèkim centrima u Europi. Na ceremoniji održanoj u petak, 16. listopada, u Hotelu Marriott na Grosvenor
Squareu u Londonu dodijeljene su europske nagrade najboljim projektima. Prema analizama struènjaka trgovaèki centri
nove sedme generacije treæe su najvažnije i omiljeno mjesto u životu èovjeka. Upravo je Phoenix Plaza to omiljeno mjesto
za boravak ljudi sa svim sadržajima trgovaèkog centra sedme generacije.

Phoenix Plaza won the

„Best retail development” award
The super-regional shopping and entertainment centre Phoenix
Plaza won the „ Best Retail Development“award at the glamorous
European Property Awards in London, which officially confirmed
its place on the top of the European shopping-centre list. The ce-
remony was held on Friday, October 16th at the Marriott Hotel at
Grosvenor Square in London, and it presented the best projects in
Europe with accompanying awards. According to some experts,
shopping centres of the seventh generation are the third favou-
rite place for today’s people to spend time in, and Phoenix Plaza
stands as a perfect example of the people’s favourite location with
numerous elements of seventh-generation shopping centres.

Metropolis -
najnoviji projekt

tvrtke TriGranit
Korporacija TriGranit predstavila je svoj naj-
noviji projekt ‘’Metropolis’’, tehnološki naj-
napredniji trgovaèko-zabavni centar u Europi
koji æe se graditi u predgraðu Bratislave i èija
je investicija vrijedna 1,5 milijardi eura. Pro-
jekt Metropolis otvorit æe preko 10.000 no-
vih radnih mjesta u vrijeme izgradnje koja æe
trajati skoro pet godina. Bruto graðevinska Metropolis - Trigranit’s latest project
površina cijelog višenamjenskog projekta je
više od 1.200.000 m2 a u njemu æe se naæi Corporation TriGranit has presented its latest project called Metropolis – the
trgovine, zabava, Aqua Park, golf, hoteli, ka- most technologically sound entertainment-shopping centre in Europe that will
sina, te kulturne i kongresne dvorane. Najno- be built in the suburbs of Bratislava, and the entire project is worth 1,5 billion
viji projekt TriGranita prostire se na 30 hekta- Euros. Metropolis will open over 10.000 new jobs over the five-year construc-
ra velikom zemljištu južno od Bratislave. Ovaj tion period. The gross construction surface for this multifunctional project is
projekt služit æe turistima iz cijelog svijeta koji over 1.200.000 m2, and the centre will feature stores, entertainment spaces,
dolaze zbog top klase ugostiteljstva, zabave, Aqua Park, golf courses, hotels, casinos, cultural and congress halls. The latest
šopinga i konferencija. project by TriGranit spreads across 30 hectares of land just south of Bratislava.
This project will serve tourists from all over the world who come to Bratislava
for top-class restaurants, entertainment, shopping and conferences.

Inovativni prozor
Bloomframe, inovativan prozor koji se uklapa „ma-
gièno“ u balkon na dodir gumba napokon je napu-
stio fazu prototipa. Balkon Bloomframe je sada do-
stupan na tržištu u Nizozemskoj gdje je proizvoðaè
Hurks Geveltechniek dobio sve potrebne certifikate
za transformaciju u siguran i povoljan gradivni ele-
ment. Njegove dimenzije, boje i materijali potpuno
su prilagodljivi i proizvod može biti dizajniran po
mjeri kupca za dopunu proèelja novih i postojeæih

Bloomframe -
an innovative window
Bloomframe, an innovative window that
“magically” fits into a balcony at the press of a bu-
tton, has finally surpassed the prototype phase. The
Bloomframe balcony is now available on the Dutch
market as manufacturers Hurks Geveltechniek re-
ceived all essential certificates for its transformati-
on into a safe and accessible building element. Its
dimensions, colours and materials are completely
adjustable, and the product can be custom-designed
to complete facades of all new and existing objects.
Umjetnički život

Piše: Romina Peritz Foto: Lupino

P itoreskni istarski gradić Grožnjan do-

bio je impresivnu fotomonografiju
čiji je autor priznati fotograf Stephan
Lupino. Knjiga obiluje umjetničkim
fotografijama na temu Grožnja-
na uz nezaobilazne prepoznatljive
lupinovske scene s ljepoticama. Grožnjan, grad
umjetnika već četrdesetak godina, pokazao se
kao nepresušna inspiracija poznatom fotografu.
Kroz portrete i motive grožnjanskih ulica Lupino je
na svojstven način dočarao posebnost toga mje-
sta. Lupinove fotografije svojevrsni su dokument umjetnič-
kog života Grožnjana. Posvećujući posebnu pažnju detalji-
ma Lupino fotografira stanovnike, goste tamošnjih likovnih,
glazbenih, kazališnih događanja, ali i slučajne prolaznike,
ulične zabavljače, prodavače, umjetnike, djecu, stare ka-
mene kuće, cvijeće na prozorima, vrtovima, ulicama. Da
nema pomno izrežiranih prizora s ljepoticama rekli bismo
da je to sasvim jedan novi, drugačiji Lupino!
Lupinove fotografije diskretno upotpunjuju tri kraća teksta
koja potpisuju načelnik općine Grožnjan Rino Duniš, zatim
nezaobilazni gost, glazbenik Boško Petrović te Eugen Bor-
kovsky. Knjiga, koju je Lupino i grafički uredio izašla je u iz-
danju Općine Grožnjan.
Artistic life
of Grožnjan

Written by: Romina Peritz Photo: Lupino

icturesque little Istrian town Grožnjan received a very

impressive photo-monograph, courtesy of renowned
photographer Stephen Lupino. The book is filled
with artistic photographs portraying Grožnjan, and
accompanied with Lupino’s trademark unavoidable
scenes with beautiful women. Grožnjan, the artist’s town for over
forty years, has once again proved to be a permanent inspiration
for the famous photographer. Lu-
pino displayed portraits and motifs
of Grožnjan streets that perfectly
capture everything that is special
about this little town, and his pho-
tographs stand as a document of
Grožnjan’s artistic life. Putting a
great deal of emphasis on details,
Lupino takes pictures of local peo-
ple, guests of local art, music and
theatre events, as well as acciden-
tal passengers, street entertainers,
sellers, artists, children, old stone
houses, as well as flowers in win-
dows, gardens and streets. If the-
re weren’t for carefully directed
scenes with beautiful women, we
would be seeing a whole different
side of Lupino. Lupino’s photo-
graphs are discretely completed
by three short texts signed by Gro-
žnjan mayor Rino Duniš, the town’s
constant guest and musician Boš-
ko Petrović, and Eugen Borkovsky.
The book was also graphically edi-
ted by Lupino, and has been pu-
blished by District Grožnjan.
Uredila: Vanesa Bilbija
Foto: Arhiva DalCasa


Luksuz, elegancija, stil

M ozaik datira još

od antičkih vre-
mena kao slikar-
ska tehnika koja
se izvodi slaga-
njem raznobojnih pravilnih kockica
kamena, stakla ili keramike. Kroz
Grčku i Rim pojavljuje se kao deko-
rativni element u arhitekturi. Nakon
procvata u Bizantu, primjena mo-
zaika pada u sjenu jednostavnijih
likovnih tehnika. Danas u arhitek-
turi i dizajnu mozaik postaje glavni
dekorativni element u oslikavanju
zidnih, podnih i svodnih površina.
Vodeći svjetski brand u proizvod-
nji i primjeni mozaika je talijanska
tvrtka Sicis iz Ravene, koja je ispred
sebe postavila cilj da tu tradicio-
nalnu tehniku prilagodi suvreme-
nom dizajnu.
Cilj je više nego uspješno realiziran
što se vidi iz kolekcija i uspješnih
projekata diljem svijeta.
Filozofija tvrtke je da ne promatra
mozaik kao materijal za oblogu,
već kao medij za komunikaciju i
izraz trenda, mode i stila života.
Sicis površine tretira kao ikone koje
prenose simbole i jezik današnjice.
Kockice mozaika zajedno sa de-
korativnim i kromatskim elemen-
tima oslikavaju i ocrtavaju oblike





arhitekture i prostora za život. Ta-
kvom filozofijom nastale su kolek-
cije poput Murano, Smalto, Glass
3, Iridium, Metalissmo, Water Glass,
Glimmer, Basic, Neoglass, Colibri,
Flower Power, Mirror, Bathtub, do
zadnjih Pin Up, Hedonism, Magic
Rug, Petites Flower, Bisancio… sve
su to prilike za autentičan umjet-
nički izričaj.
Jasno je da se s tim izričajem sje-
dinjuju talijanska kreativna senzibil-
nost, te stil sa poznavanjem duše i
biti materijala i stalne želje za ek-
Desetljećima Sicis iznenađuje svo-
je štovatelje svojom inovativnišću
i savršenom tehnikom. Duša tvrtke
odana je univerzalnom principu ot-
krivanja ljepote koju postiže odabi-
rom dragocjenih materijala poput
kamena, mramora, stakla, metala i
posebnih umetaka, te kompozicija
i dekorativnih motiva, jedinstvenih
po bezvremenskoj ljepoti.
Sicis je uvijek korak ispred u avan-
gardnom promišljanju i daje novi
oblik arhitekturi i suvremenom ži-
votu. Mozaici tvrtke Sicis se koriste
u prostorima koji teže originalnosti,
ne samo domovima, već i u javnim
prostorima gdje se traži i očekuje









Written by: Vanesa Bilbija
Photo: Archive DalCasa

M osaic is dated in
antic ages as a
painting tehnic,
performed with
composing regu-
lar chicken in di-
fferent colours of stone, glass or cera-
mic. In Greek and Rome, mosaic is in
use as decorativ element in architec-
ture. After flourishing in Bizant, using of
mosaic became unimportant com-
pare with later simple artistic technic.
Today in architecture and design, mo-
saic became most important decora-
tive elament in painting of walls, floor
and dome surface.
Leading world brand in producing
and using of mosaic is italian compa-
ny Sicis from Ravena, which setting the
goal to adjust that traditional tehnic
to contemporary design. Goal is more
than successfully realised and that is
obvious from collections and projects
all over the world.
Philosophy of the company not see
mosaic as simple tilling product, but
as a means of communication and
expression of trend, fashion and life-
style. Sicis treat surface as an icons
which transfered simbols and langua-
ge of contemporary.
Chicke of mosaic, joined together
with decorative and chromatic ele-
ments shaping the outlines of archi-
tectural and living space. Results of
that kind of philosophy are collections
like Murano, Smalto, Glass 3, Iridium,
Metalissmo, Water Glass, Glimmer,
Basic, Neoglass, Colibri, Flower Power,
Mirror, Bathtub, and at last Pin Up, He-
donism, Magic Rug, Petites Flower,

Luxury, elegance, style
Bisancio...all authentic opportunities for artistic
It is clear that expression bring together versati-
lity combine with italian creativ sensibilities and
deep awareness of material and constant desi-
re for experiment.
For the decades Sicis suprising funs with inova-
tions and perfect tehnic. The soul of the com-
pany is dedicated to the universal doctrine in
relevation of beauty, reached with using pre-
cious materials like stone, marble, glass, metal
and special implants, combine with compo-
sition and decorativ motive, with unic timeless
Sicis is allways one step ahead in avantgard sta-
te of mind and gives new shape to the archi-
tecture and contemporary life. Mosaics of Sicis
are used in in spaces that aspire to originality,
not only in homes, but in public spaces where is
claimed and expect unpredictability.





PVC stolarija štedi energiju

Uvid u povijest PVC-a kaže kako je on jedan od najstarijih polimernih materijala. Stalnim po-
boljšavanjem svojstava do danas je postao jedan od najznačajnih materijala u građevinarstvu

Uredio: Nikola Èelan Foto: Arhiva DalCasa

lažne mrlje na zido- osoba u malom prostoru. Štednjaci, rok kod gradnje traži prije svega
vima, iza namješta- kamini, sobne peći troše kisik i stva- uključivanje adekvatnih, suvremenih
ja, orošavanje na raju štetne plinove. Loše brtvljenje materijala kod zatvaranja objekta i
staklu posljedice starih drvenih prozora uzrok je stalnoj komunikacije unutarnjeg i vanjskog
su loše toplinske nekontroliranoj izmjeni zraka te na prostora.
izolacije čitavog koncu i velikim troškovima grijanja,
objekta, ali i nepravilno izvedenog prodoru buke, prašine i vode. Redo- Umjetni materijal visoke
grijanja i zasićenja unutarnjeg zraka vito i pravilno prozračivanje nužno je postojanosti
vlagom. Akumulacija vlage u sta- zbog dovođenja svježeg zraka, prije Za potpune laike, PVC je skraće-
nu pak posljedica je kuhanja, pra- svega u zimskim uvjetima. Ekološko ni naziv za kemijsku smjesu polivi-
nja, prisutnosti biljaka i boravka više i ekonomično razmišljanje na dugi nil – klorida. Riječ je o plastičnom,
sorbira zvučne valove te funkcionira

i na polju zaštite od zvučnog zaga-
đenja. U procesu proizvodnje PVC
stolarije ne eksploatiraju se šumska
bogatstva. Izolacijska svojstva ovog
umjetnog materijala posljedica su
njegova jednakomjernog rasteza-
nja u vremenu. PVC je otporan na
UV zračenje, ne stari, ne blijedi... Za-
ključimo, PVC materijal je vrlo dobar
izolator, zahtijeva minimalno održa-
vanje i neosjetljiv je na vremenske
utjecaje, a s jamstvima proizvođača
od cca 10 godina imaju i vrlo dug
životni vijek.
Uvid u povijest PVC-a kaže kako je
on jedan od najstarijih polimernih
materijala. Stalnim poboljšavanjem
svojstava do danas je postao jedan
od najznačajnih materijala u građe-
vinarstvu. U postupku proizvodnje
do izražaja dolaze njegova kemijska
svojstva: PVC spada u polimernu
grupu plastomera koji zagrijavanjem
mekšaju i zbog svoje strukture na
povišenim temperaturama prelaze
u tekuće stanje, te se u kalupima
daju odlično oblikovati. Gruba po-
djela PVC-a je ona na meki i tvrdi:
Najčešća uporaba tvrdog PVC-a je
u proizvodnji podnih obloga, obloga
kablova, cijevi, prozorskih profila i ro-
leta, cijevi za građevinarstvo (voda,
kanalizacija), obloge kablova, oblo-
ge podova, dječje igračke, dijelovi
automobila. To je kemijski i mehanič-
ki stabilan materijal kojem se ovisno
o postavljenim zahtjevima u različi-
tim omjerima dodaju stabilizatori,
omekšivači, pigmenti, antistatici, pu-
nila... Upravo zbog široke primjene u
kućanstvima tvrdi PVC okosnica je u
izradi PVC stolarije.
umjetnom materijalu dobivenom prilog PVC stolariji - moguće je uklo-
obradom prirodnih sirovina, soli i naf- piti u svaki okoliš, a pored toga PVC Mehanička tvrdoća i čvrstoća
te. PVC kao jedan od najprilagod- je u potpunosti ekološki materijal, Kao i svojstva samog materijala tako
ljivijih i najrasprostranjenijih umjetnih osim što ne zagađuje okoliš u cijelo- i proizvode tvrdog PVC-a krase nje-
materijala visoke postojanosti dobija sti se reciklira. Bitno svojstvo PVC-a gove glavne karakteristike. PVC pro-
se dugim nizom proizvodnih postu- je to da je riječ o ne-
paka, no nas, prije svega interesira zapaljivom materijalu
njegova uporabna vrijednost. Što to koji ima i sposobnost
čini PVC dominantnim materijalom samogašenja. Što
danas u široj upotrebi? se održavanja tiče,
Prije svega PVC stolarija pruža od- PVC stolariji dovoljno
ličnu toplinsku izolaciju, čime stvara je samo uobičajeno
značajnu uštedu na grijanju. Proi- čišćenje a vlaga, sla-
zvođači kao drugo korisno svojstvo nost zraka ili sunčeve
navode njezinu funkcionalnost te zrake nemaju na nju
estetsku, oblikovnu fleksibilnost, što nikakav utjecaj. A
znači da se lako može oblikovati osim kemijskog, tvar-
prema zahtjevima i potrebama kup- nog zagađenja, PVC
ca. Tradicionalno, PVC stolarija ne stolarija nudi i druge
traži nikakva dodatna ulaganja u ekološke prednosti.
održavanje, a nepropusna je za zrak Budući da je izrađena
i vodu čak i u ekstremnim uvjetima. od profila s više ko-
Estetska dimenzija također govori u mora kvalitetno ap-
zorski profili sadrže visoku mehanič- Prozorski elementi su svakodnevno
ku čvrstoću i tvrdoću, otporni su na opterećeni vlastitom težinom, više-
udarce, teško zapaljivi i samogasivi, kratnim otvaranjem i zatvaranjem
visoko otporni na različite kemikali- te temperaturnim oscilacijama na
je, starenje te su dobre zavarivosti. vanjskim i unutarnjim stjenkama, izlo-
Zbog svih ovih svojstava PVC se če- ženi su vlazi i ledu, jakom sunčevom
sto naziva materijalom budućnosti. zračenju, a ponekad i olujnim naleti-
Dva su osnovna tipa prozorskih ma vjetra i kiše. Niz je praktičnih sa-
profila, onaj s vanjskom te sa sre- vjeta koje treba uzeti u obzir prilikom
dišnjom brtvom. Ovi prozorski okviri ugradnje PVC-prozorskih elemenata
najčešće svoju dodatnu stabilnost od kojih se najvažniji odnose na spo-
duguju čeličnim ojačanjima. Već u menuta čelična pojačanja u jezgri.
osnovnoj izvedbi proizvođači navo- Ona su nužna za ispravno funkcio-
de još jednu bitnu kvalitetu, a to je niranje sustava, a posebno se loša
visoki stupanj protuprovalne sigurno- iskustva navode kod korisnika sta-
sti. Svi elementi mogu se dodatno rijih sustava, prozora s više vezanih
opremiti posebnim okovom sa ili bez “krila”, kad su moguća nepoželjna
alarmnog uređaja, teško lomljivim uvijanja ili vibracije tijekom uporabe
staklima te dodatnim bravicama za
zaključavanje. Moguća je ugrad-
ili pri jačem vjetru nedovoljno ukru-
ćenih većih prozorskih konstrukcija.
PVC klizna vrata
nja dojavnog sustava povezanog Problematičnima su se pokazali i Program Tecnocor>2 tvrtke Deceu-
s alarmnim uređajima, a prozorski proizvodi izrađeni iz profila vanjskih ninck omogućava izradu kliznih vrata
elementi mogu se i naknadno opre- stijenki tanjih od 3mm. Struka navo- s više panela za stvaranje ugođaja vr-
miti protuprovalnim sustavima svih di kako je PVC podložniji mekšanju, hunske estetike. S njih najmanje 2, a
kategorija. Postoje i dodatni sigurno- čak i pucanju ukoliko nema potreb- najviše 6 Tecnocor>2 daje dvostruko
sni elementi poput “gljivastog” za- nu debljinu. Također se ne preporu- više harmonije, udobnosti, boje i svje-
bravljenja te ručice s bravom. Kod ča ni izrada prigodnih roletnih kutija tlosti Vašem prostoru. Dizajniran je
osmišljavanja sustavnih sigurnosnih bez izolacije jer se time krnji smisao posebno za sve one koji vole prostor,
rješenja kombiniraju se s teško lomlji- materijala koji inače pruža odličnu puno svjetlosti i slobodu kretanja, ali
vim staklima i drugim, posebnim na- toplinsku i zvučnu izolaciju. i udobnost, eleganciju i mir. Kao har-
činima ugradnje. PVC elementi pak omogućuju pro- moničan kompromis modernoga i kla-
Opremanje PVC stolarijom danas je izvođačima raznolike individualne sičnoga, dizajn Tecnocora>2 temelji se
važan element u sanaciji starih kuća invencije. IKS prozor proivođača IKS na blagoj krivulji. Vidljiva površina
i stanova, tj. zamjenu novima starih Pavić, primjerice, svojim osobinama okvira maksimalno je smanjena kako bi
neupotrebljivih drvenih prozora. Pla- premašuje osnovne zahtijeve. Pro- se dobila veća površina stakla. Sofisti-
nirate li se, dakle, primiti ovakvog izveden je od profila renomiranog
posla vrijedno je napomenuti kako
ciranost i elegancija čine ga idealnom
njemačkog proizvođača te ‘po- alternativom aluminijskim kliznim
je riječ o jednom od grubljih zahva- jačan’ visokokvalitetnim okovom,
ta koji stvara najviše prašine, te ga vratima, jer ima sve prednosti PVC-a,
low-e staklom, sistemima vanjskog kao i trajnost, lagano održavanje i to-
je najbolje poduzeti prije svih ostalih odnosno srednjeg brtvljenja, a u
građevnih zahvata. U Roh (sirovoj) plinsku izolaciju. Profil drške utjelov-
potpunosti je ekološki te se kupnjom
– fazi građenja postavljaju se te- ljuje cijelu filozofiju programa. Postav-
ovog proizvoda daje doprinos odr-
melji kvalitetnog dovršenja objekta. ljen cijelom dužinom, naglašava okvir,
živom razvoju. Nevidljiv okov, osim
ali i poboljšava unutrašnjost vrata te
funkcionalnosti prozora, stvara vi-
omogućuje izvedbu s tri velike stakle-
soku estetiziranost zbog koje je pro-
ne površine te zadržavanje otpornosti
finjenost IKS prozora vidljiva na prvi
i rigidnosti cijelih kliznih vrata. Vijci
pogled, čime se konkretno doprinosi
minimalističkom oblikovanju građev-
za učvršćivanje i spojevi nisu vidljivi.
nih elemenata (a kojem zapadnjač- Tecnocor>2 je posebno dizajniran kako
ka kultura sve više teži). Čeoni pogon bi odgovarao bilo kojem arhitektonskom
omogućuje jednostavno rukovanje, stilu i unutarnjem uređenju. Odabirom
naročito kod visokih elemenata gdje između različitih završetaka prozora
se često moramo popeti da bismo ih može se promijeniti cjelokupan izgled
dosegnuli. Osigurač pravilnog ruko- vrata. Odabir boje je uvijek težak, stoga
vanja, sigurnosni sistem koji dozvo- je kreiran program obrade boja Deucto-
ljava otvaranje isključivo na otklop, ne. Sve boje su testirane i zadovoljavaju
inteligentni samoregulirajući sustav tehničke parametre, dok je posebna po-
provjetravanja, elektromotori i sen- zornost pružena otpornosti na djelova-
zori te razne boje i dekori još su neke nje UV zraka. Tecnocor>2 klizna vrata
od njegovih karakteristika, u svojstvu podnose testove na minimalno 10.000
“dodane vrijednosti”. otvaranja, kompatibilna su sa svim vr-
Općenito, postoji niz finih mehanič- stama protuprovalnih okova. Otvaraju
kih rješenja za podnošenje teških se i zatvaraju prema novoj europskoj
elemenata poput višestruke predi- regulativi, a imaju posebno izdržljive
menzioniranosti, za dobro zatvaranje okvire koji su testirani za ugradnju u
sljubnih ploha, krila i štokova kako bi zonama tornada.
se izbjegli gubici na toplinskoj energiji
i prodiranju zvučnih valova – buke u
oba smjera.
Statistički podaci kažu kako se go-
dišnje u EU proizvede 5 milijuna tona
PVC-a. Kako svaka priča o izvrsnosti
ima i svoju tamniju stranu ovdje tre-
bamo spomenuti stabilizatore koji se
koriste u proizvodnji vrhunskog mate-
rijala: kadmij i olovo elementi su koji
imaju štetna, čak i opasna svojstva.
Odlukom EU komisije za zaštitu okoli-
ša do 2010. količina korištenog olova
u PVC materijalima mora se smanjiti
za 33%. Domaći proizvođači, po-
put, primjerice Navigatora, navode
potpuno izostavljanje tih elemenata
u vlastitoj proizvodnji te njihovu za-
mjenu za okoliš i ljude prihvatljivog
kalcij-cinka. PVC kao i većina ostalih
polimernih materijala stvara i nešto
malo statičkog elektriciteta koji se
nastoji smanjiti antistaticima. EU već
neko vrijeme ulaže u postrojenja za
reciklažu zastarjelih i demontiranih rijala ili snižavanje razine usluge. Što
prozorskih elemenata. Tu se oni uba- se pak cijena u Hrvatskoj tiče, za
cuju u mlin koji cijele prozore hlad- proizvode PVC stolarije od prozora
nim postupkom mrvi u sitne koma- najmanjih dimenzija do PVC ulaznih
de i automatski odvaja PVC, čelik, vrata navedene su najniže cijene od
gumu i staklo, te ih ponovo vraća u 250 do 2500 kuna kod renomiranih
proizvodni ciklus. U nekim se zemlja- proizvođača. Kod nabave i opre-
ma, primjerice Njemačkoj, već vade manja doma PVC stolarijom kao i
stari PVC-prozorski elementi naprav- inače najbolje se obratiti renomira-
ljeni i ugrađeni prije dvadeset, tri- nim proizvođačima s višegodišnnjim
deset ili više godina. To se čini zbog iskustvom, po mogućnosti vrhunskim
promjene tehnologije i standarda, stručnjacima u sektorima proizvod-
budući da su danas postali rigoro- nje, prodaje i montaže. Neke hr-
zni, obzirom prije svega na toplinsku vatske tvrtke, izvoznici na zahtjevno
izolaciju objekta. U tu se svrhu de- europsko tržište, poput ABS-a, svoju
montaža ovih elemenata i ugradnja stolariju izrađuju na najmodernijim
novih čak i subvencionira posebnim cnc strojevima, a poželjne su i sto-
fiskalnim mjerama. Riječ je o zemlja- ga što za svoje proizvode pribavljaju
ma gdje se najmanje pola od svih certifikat o kvalteti te ih provjeravaju
u ovlaštenim institutima.
prozorskih i fasadnih elemenata pro-
izvodi iz PVCmaterijala.
Još jedno važno upozorenje stru-
ke odnosi se upravo na nerezonsku
uporabu komora, brtvi, dubine ma-
terijala, koji su besmisleni u situaciji
tržišnog natjecanja proizvođača
u uvjetima krize. Hrvatsko mlado i
malo tržište poebno je osjetljivo na
poplavu materijala još uvijek treti-
ranih recikliranim ili regeneriranim
zrnima zastarjelih generacija PVC
materijala. Činjenica je kako ni u Hr-
vatskoj nema više niti jedne ozbiljne
građevinske firme ili obrta koji nisu na
gradilištima bili u doticaju s PVC-om.
Tehnološka razvijenost omogućila je
bržu i precizniju izradu, tehnički do-
rađenije proizvode i manji broj rad-
nika. A s unapređenjem tehnologije
dolazi i do pritisaka tržišta i konku-
rencije prema nižim cijenama, čega
su posljedice korištenje lošijih mate-
PVC joinery save energy

Written by: Nikola Èelan Photo: Archive DalCasa

amp stains on the walls and behind the water. Regular and correct airing is important because
furniture, as well as dewy glass surfaces of the presence of fresh air, primarily in winter conditions.
come from badly performed heat isola- Ecological and economical long-term judgment would
tion in the entire object, as well as from suggest using adequate, contemporary materials whi-
incorrectly performed heating and the le closing the object and introducing communication
interior air’s saturation with humidity. The between indoor and outdoor premises.
accumulation of humidity in an apartment can be the
result of cooking, washing, plant presence or the pre- Artificial materials of high resistance
sence of more people in a small room. Stoves, fireplaces For those of you who aren’t so well-informed, PVC stan-
and furnaces waste oxygen and create harmful fumes. ds for a chemical combination of polyvinyl-chloride. This
Inadequate sealing of old wooden windows can cause is a plastic and artificial material that is primarily gained
constant and uncontrolled flow of air, which results in by processing natural materials like salt and oil. PVC is
large heating expenses, penetration of noise, dust and one of the most adjustable and widespread artificial
materials of high resistance, and it is created with a long lose its colour or show signs of age. In conclusion, PVC

string of manufacturing procedures, but we are primarily is an excellent isolator that demands minimum mainte-
interested in its utilization value. What makes PVC such a nance and doesn’t get affected by weather conditions,

dominant material for mass purposes? and 10-year guarantees from manufacturers vouch for
PVC joinery primarily provides excellent heat isolation, its long lifespan.
which leads to significant savings on the heat bill. Ma- An insight into the history of PVC tells us that it is one of
nufacturers point out its functionality and flexibility of the oldest polymeric materials. It has now become one
aesthetical shapes as other useful characteristics, whi- of the most significant construction materials thanks to
ch means that can very simply be processed into many constant improvement of its characteristics. The manu-
different shapes according to the buyer’s wishes and facturing process points out its chemical attributes: PVC
needs. Traditionally, PVC joinery doesn’t require any ad- is a polymeric plasticizer that is softened by the hea-
ditional investments in terms of maintenance, and it also ting process and is forced by its structure to turn liquid
doesn’t release air or water even in extreme conditions. at high temperatures, which allows it to be excellently
The aesthetical dimension is also in favour of PVC – it is shaped in moulds. PVC can be roughly divided in hard
easily adaptable to every environment and is comple- and soft PVC: hard PVC is primarily used in production
tely ecological, which means that it is fully recyclable of wall covers, cable covers, hoses, window profiles and
and doesn’t pollute the environment. It is also important shutters, construction pipes (water, sewerage), children
to say that PVC is a non-flammable material that tends toys and car parts. It is a chemically and mechanically
to put out any signs of fire by itself. As far as maintenan- stable material that can receive additional stabilizators,
ce, PVC joinery requires nothing more than simple clea- softeners, pigments, antistatic materials and fillers, de-
ning, while humidity, salty air or sunshine have absolutely pending on the demands at hand. Precisely due to its
no effect on it. In addition to avoiding chemical pollu- massive usage in households, hard PVC is essential to
tion, PVC joinery offers some other ecological benefits. the production of PVC joinery.
Due to the fact it is made of multi-chamber profiles, it
absorbs sound waves and functions as protection from Mechanical firmness and hardness
noise pollution very effectively. Forest capacities are Just like the material itself, products made by hard PVC
not exploited during the process of manufacturing PVC have the same characteristics. PVC window profiles po-
joinery. This artificial material’s isolation characteristics ssess a high level of mechanical firmness and hardness,
come as a consequence of its proportional stretching in and they are also resilient to blows, non-flammable, hig-
time. PVC is resilient of UV radiation, and it also doesn’t hly resilient to different chemicals and signs of age, and
are easily welded. All these characteristics
cause PVC to be called the material of the
There are two basic types of window pro-
files: windows with outside and inside sea-
ling. These window frames often owe their
additional stability to steel support. Manu-
facturers also point out another quality in
the early performance stages, and that is
a high level of anti-burglary safety. These
elements can be additionally locked with
special collars with or without alarms, as
well as with non-breakable glass and ad-
ditional locks. It is also possible to install a
beeper system connected with the alarm,
while the window elements can be additi-
onally equipped with anti-burglary systems
of all categories. There are also additional
safety elements like “mushroom” sealing
and a locked handle. They are combined
with non-breakable glass and other speci-
al installing methods.
These days, using PVC joinery is an impor-
tant element in the process of renovating
old houses and apartments, especially
when replacing old wooden windows that
cannot be used anymore. If you’re pla-
nning on undertaking such a job, it must be
said that it is one of the harder procedures
that creates a lot of dust, and it is advisa-
ble to go through with it prior to any other
construction procedures. The Roh (raw)
phase of construction sets the foundation

PVC Sliding Door

Programme Tecnocor >2 by company Deceuninck offers multi-panel sliding doors
for an ambience with a high level of aesthetics. With their number ranging from 2 to
6, Tecnocor >2 provides twice as much harmony, comfort, colour and light for your
space. It is especially designed for those who prefer lots of space, plenty of light and
movement freedom, as well as comfort, elegance and peace. Representing a harmo-
nious compromise between modern and classical, designs by Tecnocor >2 are based
on a slight curve. The visible frame surface is significantly reduced in order to create
a larger surface of glass. Sophistication and elegance make it an ideal alternative to
aluminium sliding doors because of all PVC advantages, such as durability, simple
manner of maintenance and heat isolation. The handle profile embodies the entire
programme philosophy. It emphasizes the frame with its positioning all along the
doorway, but it also improves the inside of the door and enables performance with
three large glass surfaces for better resistance and rigidness of the entire sliding door.
Bolts and connections are not visible. Tecnocor >2 is designed to complement any
architectonic style of interior decoration. Different choices of window ends can prac-
tically change the appearance of the doorway. Choosing the colour is always difficult,
which caused the Deuctone programme of colour processing. All colours have been
tested and meet the necessary technical parameters, while special attention was paid
to high resistance to UV radiation. Tecnocor >2 sliding door have passed tests for up
to 10.000 openings, and are compatible to all types of anti-burglary collars. They are
opened and closed in accordance to the new European set of regulations, and their
frames are particularly strengthened in order to withstand possible tornados.
for a high-quality job on the object. Window elements by manufacturer IKS Pavić, go way beyond the call of
are constantly affected by their weight, multiple ope- duty in an attempt to meet the basic demands. They
ning and closing activities, and temperature oscillations are made of profiles by renowned German manufac-
on indoor and outdoor surfaces – they are submitted to turers, and supported with a high-quality collar, low-e
ice and humidity, strong sunlight, and sometimes flurries glass, and outside and inside sealing systems, while still
of strong wind and rain. There are numerous practical being completely ecological and contributing to main-
advices that should be taken into consideration while tainable development. The invisible collar, besides ad-
installing PVC window elements, and some of the really ding to the window’s functionality, also creates a high
important ones include usage of steel support in the aesthetical impression that makes IKS windows more
centre. It is essential for the correct functioning of the appealing at first sight, which also goes with the trend
system, as users often complain about bad experiences of minimalist construction elements (a trend particularly
with older systems windows with several wings, which visible in Western countries). Frontal usage secures a sim-
often result in damaging bending or vibrations during ple manner of handling, especially with high elements
repeated usage or stronger winds with inadequately that often require climbing. Some other characteristics
supported larger window constructions. There were that add up to the product’s overall value include a sa-
also frequent problems with products made of profiles fety system that allows the mechanism to be switched
with less than 3mm on the outside surface. Professionals open and secures proper handling, as well as intelligent
say that PVC is more likely to soften over time, which self-regulating winding system, electro-motors, sensors,
may even result in cracking if the support isn’t adequ- different colours and decorative elements.
ate enough. It is also not recommended to use shutter Generally, there are numerous subtle mechanical solu-
boxes without isolation, as that damages the potential tions that allow the mechanism to absorb the pressure
of a material that generally provides excellent heat and of heavy elements like excessive dimensions, and also
sound isolation. allow proper closing of overlapping surfaces and wings
PVC elements provide manufacturers with opportuniti- to prevent the loss of heat energy and penetration of
es to create different individual inventions. IKS windows, sound waves – noise in both directions.
recycled or regenerated beans of out-of-
date PVC generations. The fact remains
that Croatia doesn’t have even one seri-
ous construction firm or company that has
avoided the usage of PVC in constructi-
on sites. Technological development has
enabled a faster and more precise way of
manufacturing technically better products
with a smaller number of workers. However,
the advancement of technology brings
more pressure from the market and com-
petition in terms of lower prices, which of-
ten results in usage of less-quality materials
or a lower level of product quality. As far
as Croatia goes, PVC products like small-
dimension windows or PVC entrance doors
cost from 250 to 2500 KN with renowned
manufacturers. While furnishing your home
with PVC joinery, we advise you to talk to
manufacturers with many years of experi-
ence, who are preferably experts in the fiel-
ds of production, sale and installing. Some
Croatian companies like ABS, which have
succeeded to export their products on
the demanding European market, produ-
ce their joinery by using top-modern CNC
machinery, and they also make a good
choice because of numerous certificates
of quality and various testing in authorized

Statistical information says that EU countries produce 5

million tonnes of PVC every year. As every story of exce-
llence has a darker side, we must mention stabilizators
that are used in the production of this fine material: cad-
mium and lead are elements that have harmful, even
dangerous characteristics. The EU Commission for Envi-
ronmental Issues made the decision to reduce the amo-
unt of lead in PVC materials for 33%. Local manufac-
turers, like Navigator for example, point out complete
absence of such materials in their production process,
as they replace it with the much more environment-and-
people-friendly calcium-zinc. Just like other polymeric
materials, PVC creates a certain amount of static elec-
tricity that is generally reduced with antistatic elements.
For a while now, the EU has attempted to increase inves-
tments in facilities for recycling old and demolished win-
dow elements. They are thrown into a mill that crushes
entire windows into tiny pieces, and it also automatically
separates PVC, steel, rubber and glass to reintroduce
them to the manufacturing process. In some countries
like Germany, old PVC-window elements from twenty or
thirty years ago are already taken out because of chan-
ges in technology standards, which have now become
much more rigorous, especially in terms of the object’s
heat isolation. That is why disassembling these elements
and installing new elements is even encouraged with
special fiscal measures. It must be said that at least half
of window elements in these countries feature PVC ma-
Another important warning by the profession relates to
excessive usage of sealing, chambers and deep materi-
als, which is pointless in a situation where manufacturers
compete against each other in the middle of crisis. The
young and small Croatian market is especially sensitive
to a flood of materials that have been processed with


Dala bih u najam stan na godinu

dana. Taj stan smo ja i moj suprug
kupili tokom braka, ali sam u zemljiš-
nim knjigama kao vlasnik upisana
smo ja. Da li je za pravnu valjanost
Ugovora o najmu potreban potpis i
Prema Obiteljskom zakonu (N.N
br.1007/2007) Vi i suprug ste u jedna-
kim dijelovima suvlasnici bračne ste-
čevine, samim time i tog poslovnog
prostora, bez obzira što vaš suprug
nije upisan kao vlasnik u zemljišnim
knjigama. Kako se u Vašem slučaju
radi o najmu stana u razdoblju do
jedne godine, radi se o poslu redovi-
te uprave gdje se smatra da je drugi
bračni drug dao pristanak, što znači
da potpisnik Ugovora o najmu može-
te biti samo Vi.

Sa zakupoprimcem sam sklopio

Ugovor o zakupu poslovnog prostora
na neodređeno vrijeme.U početku je
uredno plaćao zakupninu, ali zadnja
2 mj. nije platio pa sam ga i usmeno
upozorio, ali bez uspjeha. Da li mogu
raskinut Ugovor o zakupu?
U vašem slučaju morate prvo pi-
smeno opomenut zakupodavca na
plačanje dospjelih zakupnina. Ako
u roku 15 dana od dana priopčenja
pisane opomene na plati dospje-
le zakupnine ovlašteni ste Ugovor o
zakupu sklopljen na neodređeno vri-
jeme otkazati pisanim otkazom koji
se dostavlja poštom preporučeno ili
otkazom putem javnoga bilježnika.
Urednom dostanom pisanog otkaza
prestaje Ugovor o zakupu. Ako zaku-
podavac kome je učinjena izjava o
otkazu ugovora ne preda ispražnjen
poslovni prostor, a ugovor o zakupu
je sačinjen kao ovršna isprava u smi-

slu Zakona o javnom bilježništvu (n.n.

78/93) ovrha se provodi neposredno
na temelju ugovora o zakupu. Osim
navedenog imate pravo na dospi-
jele nepodmirene zakupnine, koje
također možete ptraživati ovršnim
prijedogom ili tužbom, ovisno o obliku
ugovora o zakupu.

U jednosobnom stanu koji je u mom

vlasništvu imam podstanara koji
mi je priopćio da u stanu želi izvršiti
određene popravke, između ostalog,
i dotjerati kuhinju, iako je upoznat s
tim da stan redovito oglašavam za
prodaju. Ako bi slučajno došlo do
prodaje, on bi imao otkazni rok od
mjesec dana. Može li mi podstanar
u tom slučaju raditi probleme ako on
bude vršio određena investiranja?
Stječe li on investiranjem u stan ika-
kva prava?
Najmoprimac ne smije vršiti preinake
u stanu bez prethodne pisane sugla-
snosti Vas kao najmodavca sukladno
odredbi č Zakona o najmu
stanova. Ukoliko najmoprimac to
ipak učini te preinačuje stan, zajed-
ničke prostorije i uređaje zgrade bez
Vaše prethodne pismene suglasnosti
sukladno odredbi č Zakona o
najmu stanova imate pravo raskinu-
ti ugovor o najmu stana, u pisanom
obliku i s obrazloženjem, s rokom ise-
ljenja najmoprimca koji ne smije biti
kraći od 15 dana. Otkazni rok u slu-
čaju prodaje stana ovisi o odredba-
ma Ugovora o najmu kojeg ste sklo-
pili. Ukoliko date svoj pisani pristanak,
najmoprimac ima pravo ulagati u
Vaš stan. U tom slučaju najmoprimac
od Vas može potraživati da mu se
naknadi vrijednost onoga što je ulo-
žio u stan. Uspjeh njegovog zahtjeva
ovisit će o tome koliko će moći do-
kazati da je uložio, odnosno ovisno
o odredbama ugovora. Ukoliko naj-
moprimac pristaje, s istim možete
eventualno sklopiti aneks Ugovora u
kojem ćete uvrstiti odredbu da naj-
moprimac nema pravo na naknadu
troškova zbog ulaganja u stan.

Direktorica Tana Imobilia d.o.o.

Lara Hraste

I am planning on leasing out my apar-

tment for a year. This apartment was
purchased by me and my husband
during our marriage, but I am the
sole enlisted owner in the land-regi-
stry books. Is my husband’s signature
necessary for the legal validity of the
leasing contract?
According to the Law on Family (NN
1007/2007), you and your husband
are equal co-owners of all assets you
acquired during your marriage, whi-
ch includes the office space in que-
stion, regardless of the fact that your
husband isn’t enlisted as the owner
in the land-registry books. Due to the
fact that you’re planning to lease out
the apartment in question for a peri-
od of one year, that qualifies as a re-
gular administrative act that assumes
the consent of your marital spouse,
which means that your signature is all
that is required for the validity of the

I signed a leasing contract for an un-

determined period of time with the
leaseholder. He regularly paid the le-
ase in the early stages, but he hasn’t
paid for the last two months and I
gave him a verbal warning, which
hasn’t resulted in any success. Is it
possible for me to break off the lea-
sing contract?
The first thing you need to do is hand
out a written warning to the lea-
seholder regarding the neglected
payments. If the leaseholder fails to
pay the neglected payments in the
period of fifteen days from the act of

notification, you are entitled

to break off the leasing con-
tract on an undetermined
period of time, and you must
do it with a written note that
is delivered by registered mail
or with a note from the public-
notary office. The delivery of
the written notice effectively
terminates the leasing con-
tract. If the freeholder with the
contract-termination docu-
ment doesn’t pass the office
space along, and the leasing
contract features a legal-en-
forcement clause that relates
to the Law on Public Notary
(NN 78/93), the legal enfor-
cement takes place directly
based on the leasing con-
tract. In addition to that, you
are entitled to the neglected
payments, which you can
demand with a legal-enforcement
claim or a lawsuit, depending on the
type of the leasing contract.

I own a one-bedroom apartment that

is currently occupied by a leasehol-
der, and he informed me of certain
repair work he wanted to do, inclu-
ding the kitchen renovation, even
though he is familiar with the fact that
I’m constantly attempting to sell the
apartment. If I do manage to sell it,
he would have a one-month period
to move out. Can the leaseholder
cause any problems in the case he
made certain investments into the
apartment? Does he acquire any ri-
ghts with certain investments?
The leaseholder is not allowed to
perform any renovation in the apar-
tment without written consent of you
as the apartment owner, according
to Law on Apartment Leasing, para-
graph 14-item 2. If the leaseholder
goes ahead with the renovation work
in the apartment, joint rooms or buil-
ding premises without your previous
written consent, paragraph 20-item
1 of the Law on Leasing Apartments
states that you are entitled to break
off the leasing contract in written
form and with written explanation,
and the leaseholder must leave the
premises within the 15-day period, or
within the period that is stated in the
leasing contract between yourself
and the leaseholder. If you do sign
a written consent, the leaseholder
has the right to make investments
into your apartment. In that case,
the leaseholder does have the right
to demand the return of his invested
funds. The success of his demand will
mostly depend on his success in pro-
ving his investments, as well as on the
content of the leasing contract. If the
leaseholder agrees, the two parties
can sign a contract annexe that sta-
tes that the leaseholder is not entitled
to demand the return of the funds he
invested into the apartment.

Director of Tana Imobilia d.o.o.

Lara Hraste

Promjena namjene poljoprivrednog


zemljišta u građevinsko

oljoprivredno zemljište je dobro te provedbeni Program prostornog potrebno je u pravilu prvo izmijeniti
od interesa za Republiku Hrvat- uređenja Republike Hrvatske. Na te- prostorni plan.
sku. Ono uživa njenu osobitu melju tamo utvrđenih ciljeva, mjera i Prema Zakonu o prostornom uređe-
zaštitu. Iz toga su razloga mogućno- aktivnosti donose se prostorni plano- nju i gradnji svaki zahvat u prostoru
sti raspolaganja i načini korištenja vi za županije, Grad Zagreb, velike provodi se u skladu s dokumentima
poljoprivrednog zemljišta ograniče- gradove, gradove i općine. Prostorni prostornog uređenja, posebnim pro-
ni. Ujedno, vlasnici poljoprivrednog plan izrađuje se i za područja poseb- pisima i lokacijskom dozvolom. Mini-
zemljišta imaju i posebne obveze u nih obilježja. Stručne poslove u po- starstvo poljoprivrede utvrđuje po-
pogledu održavanja i zaštite takvo- stupcima izrade prostornih planova sebne uvjete u postupku izdavanja
ga zemljišta. Ograničene su i moguć- obavljaju uredi državne uprave u žu- lokacijske dozvole i rješenja o uvje-
nosti prenamjene poljoprivrednog paniji odnosno upravno tijelo Grada tima građenja za zahvate u prosto-
zemljišta u nepoljoprivredne svrhe. Zagreba nadležno za poljoprivredu, ru izvan građevinskog područja. Te
Da bi se promijenila namjena poljo- te Agencija za poljoprivredno zemlji- uvjete Ministarstvo utvrđuje sukladno
privrednom zemljištu moraju biti is- šte. Agencija je osnovana u ožujku navedenom Zakonu o prostornom
punjene posebne pretpostavke pro- 2009. godine, na temelju Zakona o uređenju i gradnji te ostalim propisi-
pisane u Zakonu o poljoprivrednom poljoprivrednom zemljištu. U postup- ma iz toga područja.
zemljištu (NN 152/08), koji je stupio na cima izrade prostornih planova sudje- Prenamjena poljoprivrednog zemlji-
snagu 1. siječnja 2009. godine. Ovaj luje i Ministarstvo poljoprivrede. Ono šta u građevinsko provodi se prema
Zakon je stroži u pogledu mogućnosti daje prethodno mišljenje na prostor- navedenim propisima i dokumenti-
prenamjene, u odnosu prema ranijim ne planove županija i Grada Zagre- ma, na temelju konačnog akta kojim
propisima. To se poglavito odnosi na ba, te suglasnost na nacrt konačnog se odobrava gradnja, te uz plaćanje
cijenu koja se plaća za prenamjenu prijedloga prostornih planova velikog jednokratne naknade za prenamjenu
poljoprivrednog zemljišta koje se na grada, grada i općine. koje se utvrđuje posebnim rješenjem.
dan 1.siječnja 2009. godine nije na- Temeljni propis u području prostor- Promjenom namjene poljoprivred-
lazilo unutar granica građevinskog nog uređenja je Zakon o prostornom nog zemljišta u građevinsko smatra
područja te je nakon izmjene prostor- uređenju i gradnji (NN 76/07 i 38/09). se i izgradnja sportskih terena i obje-
nog plana njime obuhvaćeno. Njime je utvrđen i pojam prostora kata u smislu posebnog zakona.
unutar i izvan građevinskog područ- Za vrijedna poljoprivredna zemljišta
Prostorno uređenje ja. Tako se poljoprivredno zemljište prenamjena je dopuštena samo u
Promjena namjene poljoprivrednog može nalaziti unutar prostora koje iznimnim slučajevima
zemljišta u nepoljoprivredne svrhe, se prema prostornom planu naziva U Zakonu o poljoprivrednom zemlji-
poglavito u svrhu izgradnje, provodi građevinsko područje, a može se štu propisano je da osobito vrijedno
se u skladu s dokumentima prostor- nalaziti i izvan njega. O tome gdje se obradivo poljoprivredno zemljište
nog uređenja i drugim propisima. poljoprivredno zemljište nalazi, ovisit (P1) i vrijedno obradivo poljoprivred-
Među temeljne dokumente prostor- će i iznos naknade te druge pretpo- no zemljište (P2) ne mogu biti korišteni
nog uređenja pripadaju dokumenti stavke za prenamjenu. Za prenamje- u nepoljoprivredne svrhe, osim u izni-
koji se donose na državnoj razini, a nu poljoprivrednog zemljišta koje se mnim slučajevima.
to su Strategija prostornog uređenja nalazi izvan građevinskog prostora Osobito vrijedno obradivo poljopri-
vredno zemljište (P1) je najkvalitetnije
zemljište za poljoprivrednu proizvod-
nju jer svojim oblikom, položajem i ve-
ličinom omogućava najučinkovitiju
primjenu poljoprivredne tehnologije.
Vrijedno obradivo poljoprivredno ze-
mljište (P2) je zemljište primjereno za
poljoprivrednu proizvodnju, obzirom
na svoja prirodna svojstva, oblik, polo-
žaj i veličinu. Ministarstvo poljoprivre-
de utvrđuje koje se poljoprivredno ze-
mljište smatra osobito vrijednim (P1) i
vrijednim (P2), na temelju mjerila koje
propisuje ministar poljoprivrede. Do
danas takva mjerila još uvijek nisu do-
nesena pa se na pitanje naknade za
prenamjenu ovakvih zemljišta primje-
njuju ista pravila koja se primjenjuju i
na pitanje naknade za prenamjenu
svih ostalih niže vrijednih poljoprivred-
nih zemljišta.
Oslobađanje od plaćanja naknade
za prenamjenu
Zakonom o poljoprivrednom zemljištu
propisani su i posebni slučajevi u ko-
jima je investitor oslobođen plaćanja
naknade za prenamjenu poljopri-
vrednog zemljišta u građevinsko. Rje-
šenje o oslobađanju od plaćanja na-
knade donosi županijski ured državne
uprave nadležan za gospodarstvo
odnosno upravno tijelo Grada Zagre-
ba nadležno za poljoprivredu.
Neće biti dužan platiti naknadu za
prenamjenu poljoprivrednog ze-
mljišta onaj tko gradi građevine za
zaštitu od poplava kao i sustave za
navodnjavanje i odvodnju te slične
vodne građevine. Oslobođen plaća-
nja naknade će biti i onaj tko gradi
građevine za zaštitu i spašavanje, te
građevine koje služe za zaštitu tla.
Kao što je rečeno, osobito vrijedno prenamjenu iznosi 5% od prosječne Naknada se ne plaća ni kod izgrad-
(P1) i vrijedno (P2) poljoprivredno cijene zemljišta. nje objekata i uređaja komunalne
zemljište se ne mogu prenamijeniti Za poljoprivredno zemljište koje se na infrastrukture, objekata prometne
u građevinsko, osim u iznimnim slu- dan 1.siječnja 2009. godine nalazilo infrastrukture te građevina društvene
čajevima. Takva će prenamjena biti izvan granica građevinskog područ- infrastrukture. Neće plaćati naknadu
moguća kada nema niže vrijednoga ja, a nakon izmjene prostornog plana ni onaj tko gradi gospodarske objek-
poljoprivrednog zemljišta, kada je ga se obuhvati unutar građevinskog te namijenjene isključivo za poljopri-
utvrđen interes za izgradnju objeka- područja, visina naknade za prena- vrednu djelatnost i preradu poljopri-
ta koji se prema posebnim propisima mjenu iznosi 50% od prosječne cijene vrednih proizvoda.
grade izvan građevinskog područja, zemljišta unutar granica građevin- Posebno je uređeno da hrvatski bra-
kao i pri gradnji gospodarskih građe- skog područja. Ako se u ovakvom nitelji, kao ni članovi obitelji smrtno
vina namijenjenih isključivo za poljo- slučaju radi o osobito vrijednom (P1) stradalih, zatočenih ili nestalih hr-
privrednu djelatnost i preradu poljo- ili vrijednom (P2) poljoprivrednom ze- vatskih branitelja također nisu dužni
privrednih proizvoda. mljištu, naknada za prenamjenu izno- platiti naknadu za prenamjenu poljo-
si 100% od prosječne cijene zemljišta privrednog zemljišta u građevinsko,
Visina naknade za prenamjenu unutar građevinskog područja. ako nisu prema posebnim propisima
Na temelju konačnog akta kojim se Naknada za prenamjenu prihod je ostvarili pravo na stambeno zbrinja-
odobrava gradnja na poljoprivred- državnog proračuna u iznosu od 70%. vanje. Nadalje, ako se radi o gradnji
nom zemljištu u pravilu se plaća po- Smije se koristiti isključivo za finan- građevina za javne namjene u mje-
sebna jednokratna naknada. Ta se ciranje troškova okrupnjavanja po- stima u kojima su te građevine uni-
naknada plaća zbog umanjenja ljoprivrednog zemljišta koje provodi štene u oružanoj agresiji te stanova
vrijednosti i površine poljoprivrednog Agencija za poljoprivredno zemljište. i kuća za stradalnike Domovinskog
zemljišta kao dobra za Republiku Hr- Preostalih 30% pripada proračunu je- rata, također se ne plaća naknada
vatsku. dinica lokalne samouprave odnosno za prenamjenu.
Rješenje o naknadi donosi nadlež- Grada Zagreba, na čijem se području Nisu dužni platiti naknadu za prena-
ni ured državne uprave u županiji ili zemljište nalazi. Ta se sredstva koriste mjenu ni investitori građevina razvi-
upravno tijelo Grada Zagreba nad- za programe i mjere osposobljava- jene bruto površine do 400 m2, ako
ležno za poljoprivredu. Iznos naknade nja neplodnog zemljišta i povećanja grade unutar građevinskog područ-
za prenamjenu izračunava se prema proizvodne sposobnosti ostalog po- ja, kao ni investitori stambenih obje-
ljoprivrednog zemljišta, sukladno po- kata poticajne stanogradnje.
površini građevne čestice stambene
sebnom Pravilniku o uvjetima i načinu I naposljetku, naknada za prenamje-
ili druge građevine te na temelju po-
korištenja sredstava naknade koja se nu poljoprivrednog zemljišta ne pla-
dataka porezne uprave o prosječnoj
plaća zbog promjene namjene po- ća se ni pri gradnji igrališta za golf u
cijeni zemljišta u toj ili susjednoj kata-
ljoprivrednog zemljišta (NN 87/09). užem smislu.
starskoj općini u prethodnoj kalen-
darskoj godini.
Za poljoprivredno zemljište koje se
nalazi unutar granica građevinskog
područja visina naknade za prena-
mjenu iznosi 1% od prosječne cijene
zemljišta. Za osobito vrijedno (P1) i
vrijedno (P2) poljoprivredno zemljište
koje se nalazi unutar granica građe- Stručni suradnik Tana Patents d.o.o.
vinskog područja visina naknade za Romana Matanovac Vučković

Reapplying Agricultural Parcels


for Construction Purposes

gricultural parcels are units of proposal for physical plans of large Reapplying agricultural parcels for
high interest for Republic of cities, towns and districts. construction purposes is performed in
Croatia, and they possess the The primary regulation in the field of accordance with the previously sta-
government’s special protection. For physical planning is the Law on Physi- ted regulations and documents and
that reason, ways of disposing and cal Planning and Construction (NN based on the final ruling that appro-
using agricultural parcels are fairly 76/07, 38/09). It precisely determines ves the construction process, with the
limited. At the same time, owners of the term of a parcel within and out- condition of paying immediate com-
agricultural parcels have special obli- side of the construction area. That pensation for the reapplying proce-
gations in terms of maintaining and means that a construction parcel ss, the height of which is separately
protecting such a parcel. Ways of can be located within an area that determined.
reapplying agricultural parcels for ot- the physical plan defines as con- Constructing sporting arenas and
her purposes are also limited. In order struction area, or outside of it. The objects in accordance with specific
to change the function of an agri- fact of the agricultural parcel’s loca- laws is also considered reapplying
cultural parcel, specific regulations tion will determine the height of the agricultural parcels for construction
from the Law on Agricultural Parcels price and other circumstances of the purposes.
(NN 152/08), which became valid on reapplying process. To go through Reapplying Valuable Agricultural
January 1st 2009, must be honoured. with the reapplying of an agricultural Parcels Is only Exceptionally Allowed
This law is much stricter in terms of re- parcel that is located outside of the The Law on Agricultural Parcels sta-
applying options than some earlier construction area, it is imperative to tes that that the particularly valua-
regulations. That particularly relates make changes to the physical plan. ble arable agricultural parcels (P1)
to the price of the reapplying proce- According to the Law on Physical Pla- and the valuable arable agricultu-
ss of a parcel that wasn’t located wit- nning and Construction, every spati- ral parcels (P2) cannot be used for
hin the construction area on January al procedure must be performed in non-agricultural purposes, other than
1st 2009, but has been included after accordance with physical-planning some exceptional cases.
the changes in physical planning. documents, special regulations and The particularly valuable arable agri-
the location license. The Ministry of cultural parcel (P1) is the parcel of
Physical Planning Agriculture determines special cir- highest quality for agricultural culti-
The process of reapplying agricultural cumstances in the process of obta- vation because it allows the most ef-
parcels for other purposes, particu- ining the location license and certi- ficient application of agricultural te-
larly for construction purposes, takes ficates for performing construction in chnology with its shape, position and
place in accordance with physical- an area that isn’t deemed for con- size. The valuable arable agricultural
planning documents and other regu- struction purposes. Those circumstan- parcel (P2) is a parcel suitable for
lations. ces are established by the Ministry in agricultural cultivation, considering its
The primary physical-planning docu- accordance to the Law on Physical natural characteristics, shape, positi-
ments include several government- Planning and Construction, as well on and size. The Ministry of Agriculture
level documents, such as the Strategy as other regulations from that field of establishes parcels that are deemed
of Physical Planning, and the Progra- work. particularly valuable (P1) or valuable
mme of Physical Planning in Republic
of Croatia. The goals, measures and
activities that are established in these
documents determine physical plans
for counties, the City of Zagreb, lar-
ge cities, towns and districts. Physical
planning is also produced for areas
with special statuses. During the pro-
cess of creating a physical plan, pro-
fessional affairs are conducted by
government departments in county
offices or the Zagreb Agriculture De-
partment, as well as the Agency of
Agricultural Parcels. This agency was
started in March 2009, based on the
Law on Agricultural Parcels. The pro-
cesses of constructing physical plans
also include the Ministry of Agricultu-
re. It provides its judgement on the
proposed physical plans by counties
and the City of Zagreb, as well as its
consent on the final version of the

Exceptions from the Obligation of
Paying the Compensation for the Re-
applying Process
The Law on Agricultural Parcels de-
termines special exceptions where
the investor is not obligated to pay
the compensation for the process of
reapplying an agricultural parcel for
construction purposes. The ruling on
the exception from paying this com-
pensation is delivered by the county
economy department, or the agri-
cultural department of the City of
The obligation of paying the com-
pensation for the reapplying pro-
cess will not be enforced on entities
that construct buildings for flooding
protection, as well as watering or
draining systems and other water
(P2) based on standards that are de- the height of compensation for the buildings. This obligation will also not
termined by the agriculture minister. reapplying process is equal to 1% be enforced on entities constructing
These standards are actually yet to of the parcel’s average price. For a buildings for protection and rescuing,
be determined, so the issue of com- particularly valuable (P1) or valuable as well as for buildings that serve for
pensation for these types of parcels is (P2) agricultural parcel that is loca- ground preservation.
resolved with the same set of rules as ted within the construction area, the This compensation will also not be
for all other less valuable agricultural compensation amounts to 5% of the paid in cases of building objects and
parcels. parcel’s average price. elements of municipal infrastructu-
As was previously stated, particularly For all agricultural parcels that were re, objects of traffic infrastructure, or
valuable (P1) and valuable (P2) agri- located outside of the construction buildings of public infrastructure. En-
cultural parcels cannot be reappli- area on January 1st 2009, but have tities that build economic objects for
ed for construction purposes, unless been included in the construction exclusive agricultural purposes and
in exceptional cases. Such reappli- area after the changes in the physi- for processing agricultural products
cation will be made possible in the cal plan, the compensation for the will also not be obligated to pay this
absence of an agricultural parcel reapplying process amounts to 50% compensation.
of lesser value, in situations of esta- from the parcel’s average price wi- A special regulation also states that
blished interest for the construction thin the construction area. If such a Croatian war soldiers, as well as fami-
of the object outside of the construc- case involves a particularly valuable lies of killed, imprisoned or disappea-
tion area, and in the situation of con- (P1) or valuable (P2) agricultural par- red Croatian war soldiers are not obli-
structing economic buildings that are cel, the compensation for the reappl- gated to pay the compensation for
exclusively designed for agricultural ying process is equal to the parcel’s reapplying an agricultural parcel for
purposes and the processing of agri- average price within the constructi- construction purposes, unless special
cultural products. on area. regulations implemented their right
Seventy percent of this compensati- to residential housing. Furthermore,
The Height of Compensation for the on goes to the government budget, the compensation isn’t paid in cases
Reapplying Process and can be used exclusively for finan- of constructing public buildings on lo-
Based on the final ruling that allows cing expenses of agricultural parcels’ cations that were demolished during
construction on an agricultural par- concentration that is performed by the war, as well as in cases of apar-
cel, an immediate compensation is the Agency for Agricultural Parcels. tments and houses for the casualties
generally paid. That compensation The remaining thirty percent goes to of the War of Independence.
is paid because of the deduction of the local budget of the county (or the Investors in buildings of up to 400 m2
value and overall surface of agricul- City of Zagreb) that includes the par- of gross surface are also not obli-
tural parcels as units of interest for the cel in question. These funds are used gated to pay this compensation if
Republic of Croatia. for programmes and measures that they’re building within the construc-
The compensation ruling is delivered attempt to work on infertile parcels tion area, as well as investors in resi-
by the authorized county depar- and increasing the cultivating capa- dential objects of government hou-
tment or the agricultural department cities of other agricultural parcels, in sing programmes.
of the City of Zagreb. The height of accordance to a special statute that And finally, the compensation for the
compensation for the reapplying prescribes conditions and methods process of reapplying agricultural
process is determined according to for using compensation funds from parcels will not be paid in cases of
the surface of the residential or other the processes of reapplying agricul- the construction of golf courses that
construction unit, as well as on the tural parcels. serve no other function.
information from the IRS regarding
the parcels’ average prices in that or
neighbouring cadastre districts in the
previous calendar year.
For all agricultural parcels that are Professional associate Tana Patents d.o.o.
located within the construction area, Romana Matanovac Vučković








BADERNA 140 str. PULA 158 str.

KAŠTELIR 145 str. SELCE 159 str.
KORÈULA 146 str. SPLIT 160 str.
KVARNER 147 str. VIŠNJAN 162 str.
POREÈ 151 str.

Prodaje se ladanjska vila u izgradnji nedaleko od Poreča površine: 333,00 m² (netto površine 295 m², uz još jedan
pomoćni objekt sa saunom, wc-om i fitness dvoranom površine 33,35 m²) s okućnicomn površine 1.850.00 m²
udaljenosti 15 min. od mora. Projektom je predviđena za iznajmljivanje kao rijedak objekt s 5 zvijezdica. Teren se
proteže na 1850 m², nalazi se rubu građevinske zone i ima nesmetan pogled na more. U kući se nalaze 3 spavaće
sobe, svaka sa svojim kupatilom, kuhinja, blagavaonica, salon i dnevni boravak, garaža, vešeraj i skladište. U dvorištu
se nalazi pomoćni objekt, bazen i grill.

A countryside villa under construction has been put up for sale not far from Poreč. It covers 333 m² of surface (295 m² of
net surface, with an additional object that possesses a sauna, toilet and a 33,35-m² fitness room) on an 1850-m² court-
yard that is located just 15 minutes from the sea. It is projected for renting purposes as a rare 5-star object. The parcel
spreads across 1850 m² of surface and is situated on the edge of the construction zone with a clear view over the sea. The
house consists of three bedrooms with accompanying bathrooms, as well as a kitchen, dining room, salon, living room,
garage, laundry room and storage room. The courtyard features an additional object, swimming pool and grill area.

Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726


Prodaje se samostojeća kamena kuća u blizini Poreča površine 220,00 m², s okućnicom površine 1.800,00 m²
i udaljena 17 000 m od mora. Sastoji se od četiri spavaće sobe, četiri kupatila, dnevnim boravkom s kaminom,
velikom okućnicom i bazenom. Kuća je u stadiju 95 postotne dovršenosti, smještena u istarskom prirodnom ambijentu
i idealna je za iznajmljivanje.

A detached stone house has been put up for sale near Poreč, with 220 m² of surface standing on an 1800 m² courtyard
and located around 17000 metres from the sea. It consists of four bedrooms, four bathrooms, living room with fireplace,
large courtyard and swimming pool. The house is about 95% completed, and it is located within a natural Istrian ambi-
ence, which makes it perfect for renting purposes.

Cijena / Price: 490.000,00 € / 3.654.955,57 kn

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

Prodaje se vila u mjestu Kaštelir udaljenom 10km od mora i grada Poreča. Građena od kamena i najkvalitetnijih
materijala raspolaže prostorom površine 354m2, od čega u prizemlju 265m2, a na katu 89m2. Pored kuće je garaža
od 58m2. U prizemlju se nalazi veliki dnevni boravak s kaminom, dvije spavaće sobe, kupatila, blagavaonica, kuhinja
i ostava. Na katu su dvije spavaće sobe s kupatilima, sve sobe imaju prekrasan pogled na more. Iz dnevnog boravka
izlaz je na bazen površine 40m2. Okućnica je uređena i raspolaže automatskim navodnjavanjem.Vila ima podno
centralno grijanje na plin, te klima uređaje za hlađenje, grijanje i solarni sistem.

A villa has been put up for sale in a small town called Kaštelir, and it is located 10 kilometres from the sea and city Poreč.
Built of stone and top-quality materials, it covers 354 m2 of surface, with 265 m2 on the ground floor and 89 m2 on the
upper floor. There is a 58-m2 garage right next to the house. The ground floor features a large living room with fireplace,
two bedrooms and bathrooms, dining room, kitchen and pantry room. The upper floor reveals two bedrooms with bath-
rooms, and all rooms have a glorious view over the sea. The living room leads to a 40-m2 swimming pool. The courtyard
is decorated and possesses automatic watering. The villa has floor central gas heating, as well as heating-and-cooling
air conditioners and a solar system.

Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726


Prodaje se nova vila stambene površine 398 m² na otoku Korčula na prelijepoj lokaciji uz more. Vilu je dizajnirao
jedan od najboljih hrvatskih arhitekata. Na dva kata smješteno je devet spavaćih soba. Lokacija vile ima u blizini sve
uslužne djelatnosti.

Newly built villa has been put up for sale at beautiful seaside location in Korčula. Villa covers 398 m² of residential sur-
face. It was designed by one of the best Croatian architects. Villa has two floors with nine bedrooms. The location has all
the necessary facilities for everyday life in its immediate environment.

Cijena/Price: na upit / on inquiry

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

Prodaje se luksuzna reprezentativna austrougarska vila na Kvarneru na prelijepoj lokaciji uz more. Specifične građe
i uređenja interijera s privatnom plažom sastoji se od dva komforna peterosobna stana s garažom za 2 automobila,
površine preko 600 m2, i 100 m2 iskoristivog prostora na tavanu. Vila sadrži okućnicu površine 1500 m2 s dekorativno
uređenim zelenilom, fontanom i skulpturama. Zaštićena plaža do koje se dolazi kamenim zavojitim stubištem, ima
molić i mogućnost rampe za gliser s kojim se može za par minuta biti na Cresu, Krku ili u marini u Ićićima. Lokacija
ima u blizini sve uslužne djelatnosti.

A representative luxurious Austro-Hungarian villa has been put up for sale at a beautiful seaside location in Kvarner. Fea-
turing a specific structure, decorated interior and a private beach, this house consists of two spacious five-room apartments
with a garage for two cars. It takes up over 600 m2 of surface with about 100 m2 of useable space on the attic. The villa
also possesses a 1500-m2 courtyard with decoratively maintained green surfaces, a fountain and sculptures. A curved
stone stairway leads to the private beach that also possesses a little pier and a ramp for a speedboat, which can take you
to Cres, Krk or the Ičići marina within a matter of minutes. The location has all the necessary facilities for everyday life in
its immediate environment.

Cijena / Price: 2 500 000 Eur

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726


Projekt za izgradnju dvije stambene zgrade na splitkom predjelu Brda Zahvaljujući položaju objekti će imati i vrlo dobru prometnu poveza-
sa ukupno 125 stanova. Obje zgrade će se sastojati od prizemlja, če- nost s dva cestovna prilaza – jedan prilaz će zgrade povezivati sa Brdi-
tiri kata, nadgrađa te podzemne garaže predodređene za parkiralište ma, dok će drugi prilaz omogućiti pristup sa Solinske ceste.
stanara. Sve etaže povezane su panoramskim liftom. Na objektima se
primijenjuje tzv. pametna gradnja - korištenje najkvalitetnijih materi- Brda, nekadašnje predgrađe u sjvernom dijelu Splita, a danas vitalan
jala uz visoki stupanj komfora, s okolišem oplemenjenim jedinstvenim dio grada sa svim sadržajima koji omogućavaju kvalitetno življenje kako
hortikulturnim uređenjem. mladim obiteljima, tako i starijim građanima.

Projektirani stanovi su prilagođeni potrebama, mogućnostima i stambenim Iako gravitiraju centru, zadržala su pogodnosti samostalnog gradskog
navikama najvećega dijela današnjih obitelji, tako da veličine stanova varira- predjela, tako da vam na Brdima neće nedostajati tržnica, trgovački cen-
ju od 36,20 m2 do 82 m2, te svaki stan ima svoje garažno parkirno mjesto. tar, vrtić ili škola.
Projekt za prodaju!

6 000 2
E M L JIŠTE 13 00
Project includes two residential objects with 125 new apartments. Both tment sizes vary from 36,20 m2 to 82 m2, and every apartment also recei-
objects consist of the ground floor, five upper floors, annex and the su- ves a parking space in the garage.
bterranean garage that will provide parking spaces for tenants. A panora-
mic elevator connects all floors. The “intelligent construction” approach is Brda was previously known as a suburb in the northern section of Split,
used in the process of construction, which includes usage of top-quality but it now comes across as a vital part of the city that possesses all ne-
materials with a high level of comfort, as well as an environment that is cessary facilities for a quality life for young families and senior citizens.
ennobled by unique horticultural decorations. Although the area gravitates towards the city centre, it still possesses all
Apartments are adjusted to the needs, capabilities and residential habits characteristics of an independent section of the city, so Brda has a market,
of the largest number of today’s families, which means that the apar- shopping centre, kindergarten and school.

T: +385 (0)21 332 725 Ι F: +385 (0)21 380 852 Ι M: +385 (0)99 199 19 92
Put Brodarice 6 Ι 21000, Split Ι CROATIA Ι Ι

Prodaje se novosagrađena ladanjska vila s bazenom u okolini Poreča. Ispred vile rasprostire se poljoprivredno zemljište,
a pogled na more je već od razine bazena.Vila je građena u rustičnom istarskom stilu s modernim elementima. U
prizemlju se nalazi stan s dvije en-suite spavaće sobe koji se otvara na terasu-sunčalište s bazenom površine 5m x 10
m. Na katu su dva apartmana s po jednom spavaćom sobom i terasom površine 40 m2 s pogledom na more.

A newly built countryside villa with a swimming pool has been put up for sale near Poreč. There is an agricultural parcel in
front of the house, and the view over the sea starts from the swimming-pool level. The villa was built in rustic Istrian fashion
with modern elements. The ground floor is occupied by an apartment with two en-suite bedrooms, and it possesses an exit
to the terrace-sunbathing area with a swimming pool (5m x 10m). The upper floor features two apartments that possess
one bedroom and a 40-m2 terrace overlooking the sea.

Cijena / Price: 570.000 Eur

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726


Prodaje se ladanjska vila površine 300,00 m² s okućnicom površine 1.850,00 m² u Poreču, projektirana za boravak
kroz čitavu godinu ili za iznajmljivanje za odmor.U prizemlju se nalaze ulazni trijem, ulazni prostor, salon i dnevni
boravak, kuhinja i blagovaonica, vešeraj, wc, garaža, spremište i izba, natkrivena terasa i terasa pergola. Na katu
se nalaze hodnik, tri spavaće sobe, svaka sa svojom kupaonicom i baladur. U pomoćnom objektu nalaze se sauna,
fitness i wc. Projekt je prilagođen kategorizaciji 5 zvjezdica te se kao takav može iznajmljivati (poslovna namjena).
Udaljenost od mora je 15 000 m.

A 300-m² countryside villa has been put up for sale in Poreč. It stands on an 1850-m² parcel, and is projected for yearlong
usage or renting purposes. The ground floor features entrance porch, entrance hallway, salon and living room, kitchen
and dining room, laundry room, toilet, garage, storage room and pantry, covered terrace and terrace pergola. The upper
floor revealed a hallway, three bedrooms with accompanying bathrooms, and an archaic covered terrace. The additional
object features a sauna, fitness room and toilet room. The project is adjusted for five-star categorization, and can be used
for rental purposes. The sea is about 15000 metres away.

Cijena / Price: 890.000 EUR / 6,638.592,77 kn

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanovi u podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine

j i vo o dmah
Use l ozvola
b n a d
/ P ric e:
Cijen a 2
0 0 € / m
od 21

Na jedinstvenoj lokaciji na Šestinama nudimo stanove We are offering apartments at unique location, on Šesti-
koji pružaju više od kvalitetne gradnje i vrhunske opre- ne, that provide more than quality construction and top-
mljenosti. Objekti su pod videonadzorom i alarmom. notch equipment. The objects have video supervision and
Svi stanovi imaju po dva parkirališna mjesta, zajednič- alarms. All apartments have two parking spaces, a joint
ku teretanu, ostave te pripadajuće zelene površine. Svi gym, pantries and green surfaces. All objects also have
objekti su opremljeni dizalima, a stanovi u svim prosto- elevators, and the apartments have central heating and
rijama imaju centralno grijanje i klime, internet i SAT/ air conditioning in all rooms, as well as Internet access and
Preostali stanovi: Remaining apartments:


• suteren 139,05 m2 – 2100 €/m2 • ground floor 1/ 139,05 m2 – 2100 €/m2
• prizemlje 165.98 m2 – 2200 €/m2 • ground floor 2/ 165.98 m2 – 2200 €/m2
• 1. Kat 113,91 m2 – 2300 €/m2 • 1st floor 113,91 m2 – 2300 €/m2

T: +385 (0)21 332 725 Ι F: +385 (0)21 380 852 Ι M: +385 (0)99 199 19 92
Put Brodarice 6 Ι 21000, Split Ι CROATIA Ι Ι

Prodaje se samostojeća vila u Poreču površine 141,00 m² s okućnicom površine 760,00 m² i pogledom na more.
Vila se satoji od velikog dnevnog boravka s kaminom, kuhinje i blagavaonice, tri spavaće sobe, dva kupatila, bazena
i kotlovnice. Udaljenost od mora je 8000m.

A detached 141-m² villa has been put up for sale in Poreč. It stands on a 760-m² parcel and offers a view over the sea.
The villa consists of a large living room with fireplace, kitchen, dining room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, swimming
pool and boiler room. The sea is about 8000 metres away.

Cijena / Price: 310.000 EUR / 2,312.318,83 kn

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Prodaje se samostojeća kamena vila površine 117,00 m², s okućnicom površine 1.000,00 m² u malom istarskom selu
kraj Poreča, okružena također tipičnim kamenim kućama. Sastoji se od dnevnog boravka sa kuhinjom i blagovaonom,
kupatilom u prizemlju i dvije spavaće sobe sa kupatilima na katu. Ima pogled na more i vlastiti bazen.

A detached 117-m² stone villa has been put up for sale in a small village near Poreč, and it stands on a 1000-m² parcel.
It is surrounded by similarly stone houses, and it consists of a living room with kitchen and dining room, ground-floor bath-
room, and two bedrooms with bathrooms on the upper floor. It offers a view over the sea and its own swimming pool.

Cijena / Price: 280.000 EUR / 2,088.546,04 kn

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
“RAJSKI VRTOVI” - Rudine, Kaštela
Prvo luksuzno zatvoreno naselje obiteljskih vila u Hrvatskoj

A - 2 41 m
Vil a
0 €

Naselje će se sastojati od 56 moderno dizajniranih kamenih obiteljskih vila Rudine su odlično su povezane sa gradom Trogirom i Splitom; očekuje se
sa vlastitim bazenom. Grade se tri tipa vila koje će se sastojati od prizemlja skori završetak izgradnje brze prometnice kojom će se do Splita stizati za
i kata, a razlikovati će se uglavnom po svojoj veličini koja će iznositi 160 10 minuta, a do Trogira za svega 5 minuta.
m2, 203 m2 i 241 m2. Svaka vila će se nalaziti na ograđenoj parceli od 500 Rajski vrtovi, kako je ovo naselje nazvano zbog estetske privlačnosti s daš-
do 800 m2, te će okućnica biti pomno uređena u mediteranskom stilu. kom hedonizma, kao i izrazite funkcionalnosti i sigurnosti, namijenjeno je
Naselje je smješteno u predjelu Rudina, te je zahvaljujući blago nagnu- obiteljima koje izrazito cijene kvalitetu života, vlastitu privatnost, tišinu
tom terenu osiguran pogled na Kaštelanski zaljev i more. Cijelo naselje će dalmatinske prirode te miran i siguran obiteljski život.
biti ograđeno kamenim zidom, a pristup kontroliran.

Rezervirajte svoju vilu na vrijeme i sudjelujte u njenom unutarnjem uređenju!

-2 0 4 m
Vila B 0 €
5 9 0 . 0 0
“PARADISE GARDENS” - Rudine, Kaštela
First luxury residential gated community of family villas in Croatia

Book your villa in time and take part in its interior design!

C - 1 6 0m
Vila 0 €
49 0 . 0 0

Community will consist of 56 villas. Each villa will be built on a parcel from Rudine are excellently connected with the city of Trogir and Split; a con-
500 - 800 m2, and will feature a sumptuous green courtyard, swimming struction of the motorway is expected to be finished soon and it will
pool, parking places and a sea view due to the cascade-like terrain. shorten the trip to Split on to 10 minutes and to Trogir to 5 minutes.
Villas will consist of two floors and are designed in three basic types. Most Due to its aesthetic attractiveness with a glimpse of hedonism the project
important difference between them makes their size and by this crite- Paradise Gardens is targeting families looking for privacy, peace and a
ria are divided into three types of 160 m2, 203 m2 and 241 m2. Villas will break from the urban every-day life and a secure family life.
be constructed of the best quality building materials and equipped with
top-notch designers equipment for the interior design.

T: +385 (0)21 332 725 Ι F: +385 (0)21 380 852 Ι M: +385 (0)99 199 19 92
Put Brodarice 6 Ι 21000, Split Ι CROATIA Ι Ι

Prodaje se predivna vila u Puli stambene površine 200 m², izgrađena u 2009. godini. Vila sadrži okučnicu površine
1000 m ² i bazen. Lokacija ima u blizini sve uslužne djelatnosti. Vila ima predivan pogled na more.

Newly built villa in Pula has been put up for sale. It covers 200 m² of residential surface and it was built in 2009. It stands
on a 1000-m² parcel overlooking the sea. The location has all the necessary facilities for everyday life in its immediate
environment. The villa also possesses swimming pool.

Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

Prodaje se romantična obiteljska vila na mirnoj lokaciji, smještena iznad centra Selca na vrlo mirnoj lokaciji ispod
planine Velebit, manje od kilometar udaljenosti od mora. Vila se proteže na dva kata, koji se mogu koristiti kao jedna
cjelina ili svaki zasebno. Prostor dnevnog boravka i blagovaone je spojen s kuhinjom te je vrlo prostran. Dvije spavaće
sobe, kupaone, ugrađeni garderobni ormari, ostava i velika terasa nalaze se na oba kata. Kuća ima i prostran podrum
i okružena je vrtom u Mediteranskom ugođaju. Vila raspolaže prekrasnim pogledom na more i otok Krk, prema
svjetlima Vrbnika i Sila, sve do Učke koja dijeli Kvarner od poluotoka Istre.

A romantic family villa has been put up for sale at a peaceful location, right above the centre of Selce below mountain
Velebit, less than a kilometre from the sea. The villa has two floors, which can be used as a single unit or separately.
Living room and dining room are connected to the kitchen, which creates a very large space. Both of the floors feature
two bedrooms and bathrooms, built-in closets, pantry and large terrace. The house also has a spacious basement and is
surrounded by a Mediterranean garden. The villa possesses a wonderful view over the sea and the island of Krk, towards
the lights of Vrbnik and Sil, all the way to the mountain of Učka, which divides Kvarner from peninsula Istria.

Cijena / Price: 1 450 000 Eur

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726


Prodaje se novosagrađena obiteljska vila u Splitu na Mejama sa otvorenim pogledom na more. Stambena površina
iznosi 280 m2 što uključuje 4 spavaće sobe. Uz vilu se nalaze terasa od 160 m2 i vrt od 500 m2. Pod opremu spadaju:
protuprovalna zaštita, alarm, kamere, burmanska tikovina, satelitska TV, kompletan klimatizacijski sustav, luksuzne
sanitarije, kamene obloge, profesionalno izrađen projekt hortikulture, kamin, itd.

Newly build family villa in south part of Split under the slopes of Marjan hill with sea view is for sale. Living area is 280 m2
which includes 4 bedrooms. Villa includes 160 m2 of terrace and garden of 500 m2. Equipment includes: Intrusion detec-
tion, alarm, camera, Burmese teak, satellite TV, full air-conditioning, luxury toilets, stone cladding, professionally made
project gardens, fireplace, etc.

Cijena/Price: 1.700.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)99 199 1992
Nedaleko od centra Rogoznice gradimo objekt na jednoj od poslijednjih građevnih parcela, udaljenoj samo 10
metara od mora. Nalazi se u zoni individualnih građevina naselja Rogoznice gdje su uglavnom obiteljske stambene
Stanovi su u naravi različitih prostornih površina, od 30 m² do 50 m², a svaki stan ima balkon ispred dnevnog boravka
i spavaćih soba, i orijentiran je prema moru kako bi se vlasnicima priuštio istinski ugođaj i stil života na Jadranu.
Ujedno i svaka stambena jedinica ima pripadajući natkriveni parkirališni prostor.

Not far from the centre of Rogoznica, we are building an object at one of the last remaining construction parcels, at just
10 meters from the sea. It is situated in a zone of individual buildings of the Rogoznica settlement, joined mostly by family
residential objects.
The apartments have different sizes, from 30 m2 to 50 m2, and every apartment has a balcony in front of the living room
and the bedrooms, and it is oriented towards the sea to give the owners a true sense of Adriatic lifestyle. Every residential
unit also has an adequate covered parking area.

Cijena/Price: 2.700-3.200 €/m2

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 99 199 19 92

U Višnjanu, u blizini Poreča prodaje se renovirana vila iz 1770. godine stambene površine 175 m² na zemljištu
površine 590 m² potpuno okružena kamenim zidom. U prizemlju vile nalaze se kupatilo sa tušem, ostava, kuhinja,
blagovaonica i dnevni boravak. Vila ima veliko predvorje sa rustikalnim otvorenim kaminom. Na prvom katu nalaze se
dvije spavaće sobe, kupatilo sa tušem i kadom. U sklopu vile nalazi se apartman površine 42 m². Apartman se nalazi u
zasebnoj kamenoj kućici, a sastoji se od kuhinje, dnevnog boravka sa otvorenim kaminom, kupatila sa tušem, ostave
i spavaće sobe za dvije osobe. Rustikalna ljetna kuhinja je natkrivena a u njoj se nalaze otvoreni kamin i peć za pizzu.
Vanjska terasa obložena je pločicama i drvetom. Vila sadrži i bazen površine 36 m².

Renovated villa from year 1770 has been put up for sale in Višnjan, near Poreč. It covers 175 m² of residential surface.
The villa stands on a 590-m² parcel completely surrounded by stone wall. The ground floor features bathroom with
shower, storage, kitchen, dining room and living room. Villa has great lobby with rustically open fireplace. First floor
consists of two bedrooms, bathroom with shower and bath. It also features apartment with 42 m² surface that consists of
kitchen, living room with an open fireplace, bathroom with shower, storage and bedroom for two. Apartment is situated
in separated small stone house. Rustic summer kitchen is covered and has open fire place and stove for pizza. Outdoor
terrace is covered with tiles and wood. The villa also possesses swimming pool with 36 m² surface.

Cijena / Price: 450.000,00 €

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726


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