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1. FACEBOOK: page Dyscalculia

Ida-Maria Ailurophilos
I can braid my own hair, but have a hard time with braiding others, I gave
up knitting and other handicrafts like that at an early age, I really wanted
to, but it was too hard for me. My handwriting was awfull (then as grown,
I got better - but now using the computer more it's back to something like
a child in the first couple of grades.. ) it took me ages to learn how to tie
my shoes - and zip the zipper in a jacket without it getting caugth in the
fabric, or fall out of "the mount" so it would open in the bottom, or zip
However I was and still am quite good with pencil and paper or brushes
and a canvas... (this drawing is of a friends wonderful Maine Coon, done
from a picture and corrected a bit by my memory of her presence: The
look in her eyes ) And I have made many things in clay and other
materials so its not like I cant use my hands for creativity: Was educated
as a windowdresser in my youth, so am both quite handy and creative by
nature, but not really in the "classical" female handicrafts.. I also stink at
sewing both in hand and by machine ..


Dyscalculia is still an under-researched and understudied subject.

Thus, there is no definite list of symptoms. The symptoms may
change person to person. Severity may alter as the child grows.
Please note that not all children may show all symptoms, and kids
might occasionally have trouble with math. But children with
dyscalculia will struggle a lot more than other kids who are the
same age.

Signs and symptoms of Dyscalculia in Children

Preschool or Kindergarten
 Dyscalculic children have trouble in counting. They miss
numbers while counting. They have difficulty operating
addition sequences in mind. Dyscalculics, at this age, can’t
relate arithmetic with real-life concepts. For instance, asking
to hand over two apples will generally end up him/her
bringing the whole pack of it.
 Troubles in recognizing, forming patterns and distinguishing
by size, shape, or color. Dyscalculics generally have a low
ability to do comparisons at this age.
 Dyscalculics will find it difficult to relate words to numerals –
could not tell 8 or ‘Eight’ are the same. Their power of
processing of written numbers is relatively less than a non-
dyscalculic. They can’t quantify numbers as we can when a
number comes up in our minds. For them, 7 maybe just one
shorter and another long line connected at an angle.
 Have trouble remembering numbers and other fundamentals
arithmetic facts. They are generally slower in oral tests and
need more effort to memorize stuff

Grade School or Middle School
 Children with dyscalculia or number dyslexia at this age will
have difficulty remembering fundamental facts of
mathematics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division. For us, 2+ 8 = 10, but for dyscalculics, they
have to put much effort to process their memory power to
know what’s 2 and 8 and what are we doing with it.
 Dyscalculics are usually less capable to do mental math and
have to rely on fingers to count.
 Students with dyscalculia will have trouble in understanding
arithmetic symbols and often mess up equations like using ÷
in place of +, doing subtraction even though the question
asked to do addition.
 Comparison symbols, like < or >, and terms like greater
than or smaller than are a nightmare for them.
 Often times, they forget to apply the BODMAS rule to solve
math questions.
 Individuals suffering from number-dyslexia at this age will
have trouble relating math to real-world concepts. They will
find it difficult to keep up with the scorecard in sports,
calculating the price of items, pocket money, show timings,
countdown, and stopwatch.
 Try to avoid situations involving mathematics such as board
games, puzzles, studying, revisions and etc.

High School
 Students with dyscalculia may lack the ability to fully
understand diagrams, analyze charts and decipher graphs.
 The ability to relate the real world with maths may lack.
Dyscalculics will find trouble in calculations relating to
money. Difficulty in keeping up with the records of
expenditure and savings.
 They lack the sense of measurability like filling beaker up to
the mark, using a measuring tape to measure
distances, Distance = speed * time related calculations.
 They can get confused while explaining or receiving
 Has trouble finding different approaches to the same math
problem, such as simplifying 4x +24y = 100 as x + 6y = 25.
 Struggles to learn and understand reasoning methods and
multi-step calculation procedures
 Negative attitude towards mathematics. In severe cases,
developing a sense of phobia for math affecting other
subjects as well.

Signs and symptoms of Dyscalculia in Adults

 They may still lack to fundamentals of mathematics

 They need the effort to perform calculations and usually take
a longer time than others.
 Dyscalculics are usually less capable to do mental math and
have to rely on fingers to count
 Dyscalculics may still lack number sense and poor ability to
make estimates.
 Difficulty in understanding place value
 Messing up math equations and using addition often than
any other operations.
 Negative attitude towards mathematics. In severe cases,
developing a sense of phobia for math affecting other
activities as well.

Other symptoms
Some of the signs and symptoms other than the mentioned above
are given below. It’s because they really didn’t fit any particular age
group. The occurrence of these symptoms may not be directly
related to age or mathematics.

1. Having difficulty in reading. Either read slow or need full effort to

manipulate words and make sentences.
2. Lack of focus. Dyscalculics will often struggle to put all their
attention towards one thing at a time.
3. Spatial difficulties (not good at drawing, visualization,
remembering arrangements of objects, understanding
4. Short term memory difficulties (the literature on the relation
between these and dyscalculia is very controversial)
5. Dyscalculics may have poor coordination of movement. It is
referred to as dyspraxia.
6. Trouble analyzing trajectory. Our mind works in a way that when
a ball is thrown to us, our brain starts processing parameters like
speed, angle of projection, acceleration, wind, and gravity. On the
basis of these parameters, the brain prepare calculations that
derive our possibility of catching the ball or not. This brain’s ability
to crack the code of the trajectory may lack in the dyscalculics.
7. Difficulty telling time, especially from an analog clock.

Dyscalculia is a life long learning disability affecting a person’s

ability to understand numbers and learn math facts. It is seen as
the mathematical equivalent to dyslexia and hence, the name –
Number Dyslexia. It severely affects the life of a dyscalculic
(commonly referred to as a person suffering from dyscalculia). An
individual may lose the ability to visually interpret data. In severe
cases, Number dyslexia may develop into math phobia.
As the age progresses, it may severely hinder our ability to do day
to day calculative tasks. Hence, it’s important that early signs must
be identified and necessary counseling be undertaken.
First, let us make it clear that like other learning
disabilities, dyscalculia cannot be treated with medication.
Rather, specialized learning strategies and strategic
accommodations are used to help children and adults with the
The idea is to teach to build the student’s academic strengths and
provide accommodations for the disability so that the student with
disabilities (in this case, dyscalculia) can be maintained over time
at an academic level with his or her peers.
The main goal is to teach calculation techniques and improve the
reasoning skills needed to solve math problems. But first, it is
necessary that any obstacle hindering down the pace of the child’s
math learning process must be eliminated. The focus is to make
Maths – a fun to learn subject for the child.
Dyscalculia treatment at academic place
Teachers can play an important role in improving the math learning
ability of the child. We noted down some tips that schools must
consider while dealing with a dyscalculic student.

Learning Approach: Teachers or personal tutors need to

approach differently while teaching maths. A relaxed environment
is pretty essential. The child must not be forced to be competitive
right away. Give him/her time. The stress of competition can
hammer any possible interest in studies, especially maths.

If possible, teachers must work out a special plan with the other
school officials for dyscalculics. As they need more time in even
basic calculations, more time may be provided for math tests.
Any dyscalculics may find it difficult to learn by seeing a lecture just
once. It’s highly recommended to provide them with recorded
lectures. Repetitive learning is the key to strongly grip on the
subject. Moreover, Teachers’ notes may be provided to ease their
life a bit.

Tools and Devices: Several tools and devices can effectively

improve number sense. Abacus is one of them. Let them play with
it. When they get a good grasp of it, encourage them to solve
various maths operations through it. Award them on successful
attempts and encourage them to do better on failed to ones.
Let them use calculators in maths tests. When they get
comfortable with the calculators, try them to do mental calculations
Give students individual dry-erase boards to use at their desks.
With this tool, students can complete one step of a problem at a
time, erasing any mistakes they may make.

Mental support:  Encouragement and appreciation for efforts will

motivate students to perform further well in the next task. Students
dealing with dyscalculia often feel frustrated or embarrassed when
asked to do things — like reciting multiplication tables — that are
difficult for them, especially during class or when other students
are present. Talk to them about it. Encourage them to participate in
other curricular activities. Don’t scold them on getting low marks,
instead try to identify their specific strengths and encourage them
to follow it.

Frequent classwork check: Teachers must frequently check the

worksheet of the student and thoroughly analyze writing patterns.
Instead of giving just the right or wrong for the answer, providing
proper feedback on why and how is really beneficial.
Allow them to use calculators for the questions they are troubling
with. If the problem with the same question arises several times,
Lend a hand by breaking solution into chunks for the child, or by
doing a few problems together so he gets a sense of the required

Visual presentation:  Students must be provided with as much

visual presentation of the topic as possible. Our memory can retain
charts and diagrams way longer than paragraphs. Help students
analyze and jot down important points represented by it.
Stepwise instructions: Instructions related to maths problems
must be written in steps on board. How did we reach the solution
to this equation? How did we apply BODMAS?  Everything from
the question number to the solution must be written in a clear and
stepwise manner.
Dyscalculia treatment at Home
Parents didn’t have to teach maths specifically but can make an
environment that effectively builds strong math skills. Trying
different types of support can help you and your child find the right
tools for his needs
Understand behavior: Parents need to keep a check on the
behavioral patterns of their child. The best treatment that you could
offer — is to identify the problem early. The earlier the problem is
identified, the earlier the child will adapt to a new learning process
and will able to avoid other co-occurring issues. Ask how he/she
feels about the school? Which is his/her favorite subject? Which
games he/she likes?
As per observations to date,  Most individuals with dyscalculia or
dyslexia will show a negative attitude towards school and hesitate
to speak about their favorites. Give positive encouragement
whenever you can, and try not to get frustrated if your child is
struggling with a basic concept — if he senses you’re upset, it will
only make him more nervous and unwilling to practice.

Introduce math in day to day tasks: Try to teach math with real-

life applications. Ask him/her — How many cars are parked? How
many spoons of sugar do you want in your tea? How many sides
and corners does a kite have?
Once the child gets a good grip on these, move to a little more
complicated ones. Doing this repeatedly will build confidence in the
child and his/her ability to analyze things both mathematically as
well as visually.

Encourage extracurricular activities: Studying is important but so

does the other activities. Identify areas of the child in which he/she
really good at. If possible, sign up for the classes that they wish for.
Extracurricular activities like dancing, singing, and basketball will
loosen up their stress and help them relax.

Frequent homework checks: Parents must frequently check the

homework of the student and thoroughly analyze writing patterns.
Check for any odd similarity. If any, ask about it.
Students, most likely will hesitant to talk about it. Politely tell the
right way to do the questions. Do a couple of math-related
questions together daily. Explain solutions clearly and in a
stepwise manner. Whenever calculation gets more complex than
addition or subtraction, allow the child to use calculators to make
basic steps quicker and more accessible.
Self tips to cope up with the dyscalculia
If you’re an adult with dyscalculia, little adjustments can help you
cope up with this disorder. At this point in life, you are more likely
to deal with math at a workplace or money-related activity.

Practice math through Abacus: Abacus is a manual aid for

calculating that consists of beads or disks that can be moved up
and down on a series of sticks or strings within a usually wooden
frame. It is considered one of the best ways to develop number
sense. Numbers are physically constructed and manipulated in
Abacus. Practicing 10-15 minutes daily can effectively build your
math calculative skills.
Frequent use of calculator: Since you’re not being tested for
mental math, it’s highly recommended that you take the help of a
calculator whenever possible.  If your job requires more complex
calculations, request a graphing or scientific calculator.
Plan early: Dyscalculics often have difficulty keeping track of the
time. So, plan your day early. Have a reminder app that reminds
you to do the respective tasks.
Do yoga and meditation: Everyone is aware of yoga’s potential to
our physical and mental health. Yoga is a very effective stress
reduction and relaxation tool. Yoga practice draws attention
towards breathing, which produces a meditative and soothing state
of mind. Practicing yoga every day for about 20 minutes can
seriously improve your brain capabilities.

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