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Energy Audit Methodology for Motor

Driven Systems based on
International Standards and Tools
zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades
Diplom-Ingenieur für technisch-wissenschaftliche Berufe

Betreuer: Prof.(FH) Dr. DI Gernot Hanreich / Mag. DI Konstantin

Eingereicht von: David Presch, BSc.
Personenkennzeichen: 1510400013
Datum: 12. November 2017

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Fachhochschul-Masterstudiengang Nachhaltige Energiesysteme
Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH

Die vorliegende Masterthesis ist im Rahmen meines Masterstudiums für Nachhaltige
Energiesysteme an der FH Burgenland entstanden.
Im Hinblick auf meine Arbeit möchte ich mich vor allem für die gute inhaltliche
Betreuung, die tatkräftige Unterstützung, Korrekturen und Ratschläge sowie
Hilfestellungen bei meinem Betreuer und Rektor der Fachhochschule Burgenland,
Herrn Prof. Dr. DI Gernot Hanreich, recht herzlich bedanken.
Ebenso gilt mein besonderer Dank auch Herrn DI Marcus Keding, meinem
Studiengangsleiter, der während des gesamten Studiums am Wohlergehen jedes
einzelnen Studierenden interessiert war und immer ein offenes Ohr für seine
Studenten hatte.
An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich auch bei Frau Sabine Halper für die ständigen
Bemühungen im Office der FH Burgenland bedanken. Ihre Flexibilität und ihre
schnellen Rückmeldungen bezüglich Studieninfos suchen ihresgleichen.
Da das Schriftstück auch in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Energieagentur
entstanden ist, gilt mein Dank vor allem auch meinem Betreuer und Arbeitskollegen
Herrn Mag. DI Konstantin Kulterer. Seine Expertise und seine Begeisterung bezüglich
des Themas Energieeffizienz in der Industrie, vor allem bei elektrischen
Motorsystemen, führten dazu, dass ein Teil seiner Begeisterung im Laufe der
Erstellung dieser Thesis auch auf mich überspringen konnte. Hilfsbereitschaft, Wissen
und Kollegialität kamen bei ihm nie zu kurz – vielen Dank.
Meine besondere Wertschätzung gilt meiner Familie, meinen Eltern und meiner
Schwester. Sie haben mich während meines gesamten Studiums immer unterstützt,
sind auch in schwierigen Zeiten immer an meiner Seite gestanden und waren bis zum
Schluss meine Motivatoren – ein großes Dankeschön.
Zu guter Letzt möchte ich mich bei all meinen FH Kollegen und auch Freunden, die
mich während meines Studiums begleitet und bereichert haben, bedanken und damit
die Studienzeit an der FH Burgenland für mich unvergesslich gemacht haben.

David Presch
Wien 13. Oktober 2017

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Hiermit erkläre ich ehrenwörtlich, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig
angefertigt, andere als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel nicht benutzt und
die den benutzten Quellen wörtlich oder inhaltlich entnommenen Stellen als solche
kenntlich gemacht habe.

Diese Masterarbeit wurde in gleicher oder ähnlicher Form noch keiner anderen
Prüfungsbehörde vorgelegt und auch noch nicht veröffentlicht.

Ich bin mir des Weiteren bewusst, dass eine falsche Erklärung rechtliche Folgen
haben kann.

___________________________ _________________
Ort, Datum Unterschrift

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Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH

This master thesis aims to help energy auditors, energy consultants, industrial
companies, and engineers to achieve their goals of saving energy in the sector of
industry. Industrial pump-, ventilation-, electric motor and compressed air systems
are considered to be one of the largest energy consumers in the industrial sector.
Therefore an energy audit methodology for motor driven systems based on
international standards and tools has been developed in order to simplify the
detection of energy saving potentials in the field of industrial electric motor systems.
Furthermore, the above mentioned methodology facilitates the implementation of
energy saving measures as well.
One of the main tasks of this thesis is the combination of the theory and practice in
the field of energy auditing. Practicality, easy usage and good structure should be
the main characteristics of this energy audit methodology. The energy audit
methodology is structured into the following seven steps:

- Energy audit planning

- Opening meeting & Data collection
- Measurement plan
- Conducting the site visit
- Data-Analysis
- Energy Audit reporting
- Closing meeting

These single steps are filled with lots of helpful information to support the energy
auditor to successfully conduct an energy audit in the field of motor driven systems.
In addition also some checklists and tables, for example for a successful opening
meeting or data collection process, are provided to help the energy auditor. In
addition international energy audit tools are explained and were assigned to the
energy audit steps to support and help to speed up the energy auditor’s work.
The evaluation of the energy savings and cost savings is often the hardest part of an
energy audit. In the course of this thesis energy saving formulas, for each energy
saving measure and technology, have been developed to guarantee a standardized
cross-technological calculation of the savings.
Furthermore this energy audit methodology for motor driven systems has been
verified. This has been done by conducting a short pump system energy audit at the
laboratory of the University of Applied Sciences-Burgenland. The successful Best-
Practice reflects the user-friendliness, functionality and practicability of the developed
energy audit methodology.

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Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH

Diese Masterarbeit zielt drauf ab, Energieauditoren, Energieberater,
Industrieunternehmen und Ingenieure zu unterstützen, ihre Ziele bezogen auf die
Energieeinsparung in der Industrie zu erreichen. Industrielle Pumpen-, Lüftungs-,
elektrische Motor- und Druckluftsysteme gelten als eine der größten
Energieverbraucher im Industriebereich. Daher wurde eine Energie Audit Methode für
motorgetriebene Systeme auf Grundlage von internationalen Standards und Tools
entwickelt, um die Erfassung von Energieeinsparungspotentialen bei industriellen
Motorsystemen zu vereinfachen. Darüber hinaus erleichtert die oben genannte
Energieauditmethode die Umsetzung von Energieeinsparungsmaßnahmen.
Eine der Hauptaufgaben dieser Arbeit stellt die Kombination von Theorie und Praxis
im Bereich des Energieaudits dar. Praktikabilität, einfache Nutzung und gute Struktur
sind die Hauptmerkmale dieser Energie-Audit-Methode. Die entwickelte Methode
kann in folgende sieben Schritte gegliedert werden:
- Energieauditplanung
- Eröffnungsmeeting & Datenaufnahme
- Messplan
- Durchführung des Besuchs vor Ort
- Datenanalyse
- Energieaudit-Berichterstattung
- Abschlussmeeting
Diese einzelnen Schritte beinhalten viele nützliche Informationen und können somit
den Energieauditor dabei unterstützen ein erfolgreiches Energieaudit im Bereich von
Motorsystemen besser durchzuführen. Darüber hinaus werden auch einige
Checklisten und Tabellen, zum Beispiel für ein erfolgreiches Opening Meeting oder
Datenerhebung, zur Verfügung gestellt, um den Energieauditoren zu helfen.
Zusätzlich werden interanationale Energie-Audit-Tools den einzelnen Auditschritten
zugeordnet, um den Energieauditor zusätzlich zu unterstützen und ihn zu einer
schneller effizienteren Arbeitsweise zu motivieren.
Die Bewertung von Energieeinsparungen und Kosteneinsparungen sind oft der
schwierigste Teil eines Energieaudits. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit wurden
Energieeinsparungsformeln für verschiedenste Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen und
Technologien entwickelt, um einen standardisierte, übergreifende Berechnung der
Einsparungen zu gewährleisten.
Des Weiteren wurde die Energie-Audit-Methode für Motorsysteme validiert. Dies
geschah durch die Durchführung eines Pumpensystem-Energieaudits, welches an der
Fachhochschule Burgenland im Laborgebäude durchgeführt wurde. Das erfolgreiche

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Best-Practice spielgelt die Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Funktionalität und Praktikabilität

der entwickelten Energieaudit-Methode wieder.

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Table of contents
1 Introduction & Objective ........................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Scientific research question ...................................................................... 2
2 Basics of energy audit methods ............................................................. 3
2.1 Energy audit process – in general ............................................................. 3
2.1.1 Energy audit planning ........................................................................ 3
2.1.2 Opening meeting ............................................................................... 4
2.1.3 Data collection ................................................................................... 4
2.1.4 Measurement plan ............................................................................. 5
2.1.5 Conducting the site visit ..................................................................... 5
2.1.6 Analysis ............................................................................................. 6
2.1.7 Energy audit reporting........................................................................ 7
2.1.8 Closing meeting ................................................................................. 7
2.2 Relevant standards and directives in addition to the ISO 50002 .................. 7
2.2.1 ISO 14414 ......................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 ISO 11011 ......................................................................................... 8
2.2.3 Comparison ISO 14414, ISO 11011 with ISO 50002 ............................. 9
2.2.4 VDMA 4370 ..................................................................................... 11
2.2.5 ISO 50004 ....................................................................................... 11
2.2.6 EED (Energy Efficiency Directive) ...................................................... 11
2.3 Relevant Tools ....................................................................................... 12
2.3.1 SOTEA ............................................................................................ 12
2.3.2 ILI+ ................................................................................................ 12
2.3.3 STR ................................................................................................. 13
2.3.4 EMSA .............................................................................................. 13
2.3.5 AIRMaster+ ..................................................................................... 13
2.3.6 PSAT ............................................................................................... 13
2.3.7 FSAT ............................................................................................... 13
3 Energy audit method for MDS based on ISO 50002 ............................ 14
4 Step 1: Energy audit planning .............................................................. 15

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4.1 Gathering general information on the company/factory/business .............. 15

4.2 Pre-Screening ........................................................................................ 18
5 Step 2: Opening meeting & data collection.......................................... 22
5.1 Opening meeting ................................................................................... 22
5.1.1 Invite right representatives to the opening meeting ........................... 23
5.1.2 Preparation of documents for the meeting ......................................... 23
5.1.3 Convince the top-management ......................................................... 24
5.1.4 Define scope, boundaries and methods of the energy audit ................ 25
5.1.5 Assign personnel to assist the energy auditor .................................... 25
5.1.6 Ensure the cooperation of the affected parties ................................... 26
5.1.7 Confirm any unusual conditions ........................................................ 27
5.1.8 Arrangements for access .................................................................. 27
5.1.9 Requirements for health, safety and security ..................................... 28
5.1.10 Availability of financial resources .................................................... 28
5.1.11 Requirements and procedures to be followed for installation of
measuring equipment .................................................................................. 28
5.1.12 An action plan for the assessment shall be developed ..................... 29
5.1.13 Agreed by the assessment team and top-management ................... 29
5.2 Data collection ....................................................................................... 29
5.2.1 General data collection ..................................................................... 30
5.2.2 Technology- specific data collection .................................................. 35
6 Step 3: Measurement plan ................................................................... 51
6.1 Relevant points which should be included in the measurement plan .......... 51
6.2 Relevant measurement equipment for MDS ............................................. 56
7 Step 4: Conducting the site visit .......................................................... 59
8 Step 5: Data-Analysis ........................................................................... 62
8.1 Energy Audit Tools for Data-Analysis ....................................................... 62
8.1.1 EMSA-Motor-System-Tool ................................................................. 62
8.1.2 STR-Standard Test Report ................................................................ 64
8.2 Energy Saving Measures ......................................................................... 65
8.2.1 Electric Motors ................................................................................. 65
8.2.2 Pumps ............................................................................................. 69
8.2.3 Ventilation ....................................................................................... 81
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8.2.4 Compressed air systems ................................................................... 90

9 Step 6: Energy Audit reporting ............................................................. 99
10 Step 7: Closing meeting ................................................................... 102
11 Best-Practice .................................................................................... 103
11.1 Opening meeting & Data Collection at UAS-Burgenland ........................103
11.2 Conduction the site visit - laboratory of UAS-Burgenland ......................105
11.3 Analysis of the energy data.................................................................120
12 Conclusio .......................................................................................... 146
13 Appendix .......................................................................................... 148
13.1 Bibliography.......................................................................................148
13.2 List of Figures ....................................................................................152
13.3 List of Tables .....................................................................................154

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1 Introduction & Objective

The present document aims to help energy auditors, energy consultants, industrial
companies and engineers to achieve their goals of saving energy in the sector of
industry. Industrial pump-, ventilation-, cold- and compressed air systems are all
driven by electric motors which are considered to be one of the largest energy
consumers in the industrial sector.
An energy audit methodology for motor driven systems based on international
standards (e.g. ISO 50002) and tools has been developed in order to simplify the
detection of energy saving potentials in the field of industrial electric motor systems.
Furthermore, the above mentioned methodology facilitates the implementation of
energy saving measures as well.

1.1 Introduction
Within the framework of the Annex Electric Motor Systems (IEA 4E Annex), the aim
is to raise awareness of the immense energy saving potential of electric motor
systems and to identify ways to realize these potentials.
Motor driven systems are responsible for approximately 75 % of electric power
consumption in the industrial sector in Austria. They involve i.e. pump-, ventilation-,
cold- and compressed air systems. Approximately 20 % of the electricity
consumption can be saved through appropriate optimization measures. (BMVIT,
According to the WEO-2016 (World Energy Outlook 2016), the potential for further
improvement in the performance of electric motor systems might be very high which
accounts for more than half of today’s electricity consumption in a range of end-use
devices (e.g. fans, compressors, pumps, vehicles and refrigerators).
Only in the industrial sector, there was an additional cumulative investment of $ 300
billion in energy efficiency which reduces global electricity demand by about 5 %.
Furthermore, an investment of $ 450 billion in power generation can be avoided.
(IEA – World Energy Outlook, 2016, p.3)
In the recent years, many political and normative activities have been founded to
adapt energy efficiency criteria and to test standards and minimum standards.
To identify the minimum standards, in particular, increase the efficiency of single
components, energy audits take account of the actual conditions on site.
It is essential to provide the companies with suitable devices when choosing electric
motor systems. In this way, the implementation of the EU-Energy Efficiency Directive
can be carried out to fulfil the requirement for compulsory implementation of energy
audits for companies.

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1.2 Scientific research question

The present thesis aims to respond to the question how the theory and practice can
be combined in the field of energy auditing. The theoretical basis is described in
ISO 50002 (Energy Audits – Requirements with guidance for use) which is required
to be followed during an energy audit. However, many other points should be
considered in practice, e.g. during energy auditing. As a matter of fact, different
technologies require different approaches. For instance, an energy audit of a
compressed air system might require different skills from an audit of cold systems.
In order to combine the necessary practical knowledge related to electric motor
driven systems and the structure of the international energy audit standard
(ISO 50002), the present document aims to provide a guideline.
Several standards exist which are based on ISO 50002, e.g. ISO 14414 (Pump
system energy assessment), VDMA 4370 (Energy efficient compressed air systems –
Guideline for identification and evaluation of existing weakness and the correct
coverage of potential energy savings) and ISO 11011 (Compressed air – Energy
efficiency – Assessment). The mentioned standards can be used for the development
of the present audit methodology.
However, the developed audit methodology should involve not only the systematic
approach but also further tools that could be used for auditing electric motor
systems. The mentioned audit methodology might be an effective way to connect
theory with practice in the field of energy auditing.

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2 Basics of energy audit methods

Since understanding of the basics of an energy audit is essential to create a new
energy audit method for electric motor driven systems, section 2.1 provides an
overview. In section 2.2, various standards and guidelines are explained in detail
which serve as a basis for the audit methodology. The methodology itself is
described in section 3.
Furthermore, different useful energy audit tools suitable for auditing electric motor
driven systems have been analysed utilized during the process of developing the
energy audit methodology (see section 2.3).
The tools used in certain phases have a significant advantage. They help the energy
auditor to carry out audits of electric motor driven systems in a highly efficient way
and meet the international standards as well.

2.1 Energy audit process – in general

Section 2.1 focuses on the basics of an energy audit process and on the usual
structure of an audit process. The ISO 50002 (Energy audits – Requirements with
guidance for use) is the international standard which deals with the field of energy
audit. There are numerous further standards related to energy auditing. They are
usually applied in the development of specific technologies. The ISO 50002 aims to
specify the process requirements for carrying out an energy audit in relation to
energy performance. It is applicable to all types of organizations and establishments
and all forms of energy and energy use which means a significant advantage.
Not only the process of an energy audit but also several additional pieces of
information are defined in the ISO 50002 which are required during different energy
audit processes. The standard energy audit process consists of the following stages,
as illustrated in Figure 2.1. Each phase is discussed in detail in the following sections
(see section 2.1.1 to 2.1.8).

Figure 2.1: Energy audit process flow diagram (EN ISO 50002, 2014, p.5)

2.1.1 Energy audit planning

The first step of an energy audit is the planning. Energy audit planning activities are
essential to define the energy audit objectives and to gather preliminary information

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of the organization. In order to develop the scope of the energy audit and ensure
that the energy audit is effective, some points have to be considered. In the
following paragraph, the most relevant points referring to energy audit planning are
summarized. Detailed information can be found in the ISO 50002.
The energy auditor and the organization should agree on the defined energy audit
scope boundaries. It is also very important to define the needs and expectations to
achieve the audit objectives. Moreover, the further topics should be discussed: the
necessary period of time to complete the energy audit, relevant data and resources
from the organization, naming the organization’s representative responsible for the
energy audit process.
In addition, an energy auditor can request information to establish the energy audit
context, e.g. regulatory requirements, other indicators affecting the energy audit,
strategic plans that may affect the organization’s energy performance, management
systems, such as environmental, quality, energy management, factors or special
considerations that may change the energy audit scope, process and conclusions.
Not only the organization can provide the auditor with information but the auditor
can inform the organization of the facilities, equipment and services which are
required to carried out the energy audit. (EN ISO50002, 2014, p. 6-7)

2.1.2 Opening meeting

During the opening meeting, the primary tasks of an energy auditor are briefing the
interested parties defining energy audit scope, boundaries and methods, and
reviewing the arrangements for the energy audit (e.g. site safety inductions, access,
security, etc.) The auditor has the possibility to request the organization to provide
personnel to assist him or her. The people assisting the auditor are required to have
the necessary competences and authority to request or carry out direct operations on
processes and equipment. In addition, the auditor informs the personnel and other
interested parties of the energy audit, their roles, responsibilities, cooperation and
requirements. If the energy auditor is a member of the energy auditing team of the
organization, a lead energy auditor should be named.
In conclusion, the energy auditor reviews the details of the energy audit planning
with the organization, including schedules, processes, the possible need for
additional metering equipment, interviewing the organization’s personnel, meetings,
site visits, etc. (EN ISO 50002, 2014, p. 7)

2.1.3 Data collection

According to the ISO 50002, the “data collection” phase of an energy audit should
run parallel to the “opening meeting”. In this phase, the energy auditor collates and
records the appropriate energy data that enable the auditor to reach the audit
In the initial phase, one of the major tasks of the energy auditor is to produce an
inventory of energy consuming systems, processes and equipment. To compile the
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inventory, he detects numerous items of previous and current energy performance

data and he or she analyses the characteristics of the different energy uses in detail.
Gathering information of operation and maintenance documents might be beneficial
during this phase. For example, prior energy audits and studies related to energy
performance can be utilized. In addition, information of energy use management and
consumption can be collated as well. (EN ISO 50002, 2014, p. 8)

2.1.4 Measurement plan

The present section aims to describe the development of a measurement plan.
In order to complete an energy audit, on-site data measurement might be necessary.
It is recommended to establish an agreement of a measurement plan between the
auditor and the organization.
This plan is supposed to include several tasks. The most relevant ones are
enumerated in the following paragraph. For example, the measurement plan includes
an inventory which contains the significant factors and processes of the
measurement and names the measuring equipment. Furthermore, the plan deals
with the feasibility of installation of the measurement equipment. Since accuracy and
repeatability is required during the process of measurement, measurement
uncertainty is mentioned in the plan as well.
According to ISO 50002, the following factors are essential: setting of measurement,
duration and frequency of each measurement and the collection of relevant
indicators provided by the organization such as the operating parameters and
production data.
The responsibilities of the personnel and the organization during the process of
measurements should be clarified as well. (EN ISO 50002, 2014, p. 8-9)

2.1.5 Conducting the site visit

The present section deals with the management of the field work and with the site
visits of the energy auditor.
Management of field work:
According to the ISO 50002, the energy auditor observes the energy uses within the
organization and compares them to the information gathered in the phase “data
collection”. The second step involves the evaluation of the energy consumption
according to the energy audit scope, boundary, audit objectives and agreed
methods. In this phase, the energy auditor also generates preliminary ideas,
possibilities, operational changes or technologies that can lead to energy
performance improvement.
Site visits:
During site visits, the energy auditor and the organization agree that one or more
individuals provide access and act as guide of the energy auditor during the visits. It
is of great importance that these people have necessary competences and authority
to request or carry out direct operations on processes and equipment if required. The
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energy auditor should also agree with the organization to permit the installation of
energy monitoring equipment and data loggers as agreed during the energy audit
planning. (EN ISO 50002, 2014, p. 9-10)

2.1.6 Analysis
In order to provide energy audit with an effective guideline, the section “analysis” is
divided into four parts: general analysis, analysis of current energy performance,
identification of improvement opportunities and evaluation of improvement
The auditor is required to use transparent and technically appropriate calculation
methods to define the energy consumption and production of the organization which
is audited. The energy auditor also documents the different methods he has used
and the assumptions or estimates he has made during the execution of his
calculations. In this way, the transparency of his work is ensured and possible future
corrections can be done easier. Furthermore, the auditor should ensure that the
indicators that affect measurement uncertainty and the effects of the measurement
results have been taken into account.
Analysis of current energy performance:
The section “analysis of current energy performance” deals with the evaluation of the
current energy performance of the energy uses within the defined energy audit
scope. The current energy performance provides the basis for evaluating
improvements. It is expected to include several factors such as a division of the
energy consumption by use and source. In this phase, it can be very beneficial for
the energy auditor to build relationship between energy performance and relevant
indicators. The energy auditor also carries out an evaluation of the existing energy
performance indicators. If it is necessary, proposals for new energy performance
indicators can be formulated.
Identification of improvement opportunities:
After the completion of the basic analysis and the energy performance analysis, the
improvement possibilities should be identified. Before the energy auditor identifies
improvement possibilities related to a process, he evaluates the design and
configuration options to address the system needs. Gathering information on the
operating lifetime, condition, operation and level of maintenance of the audited
objects are also crucial factors in this phase. While comparing the existing technology
of energy uses to the most efficient ones on the market, an identification of
improvement possibilities can be completed. The energy auditor should also consider
the future energy use and the possible changes in operation of the audited object,
company or process.
Evaluation of improvement opportunities:
The ultimate task of the analysis phase deals with the evaluation of each opportunity
of the current energy performance based on different energy efficiency indicators.
For example, indicators can be energy savings over an agreed period of time or
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expected operating lifetime of the devices. The economic factor is required to be

taken into account. For instance, necessary investments, previous financial savings of
each improvement or the implemented measures should be considered as well.
(EN ISO 50002, 2014, p. 10-11)

2.1.7 Energy audit reporting

During the phase “energy audit planning”, the auditor arranges a reporting schedule.
In this section, the most important issues of an energy audit report are discussed.
The audit report includes an executive summary which contains a brief account of
energy use and consumption, a suggested implementation program and a ranking of
possibilities for improving energy performance.
The second relevant point which should be included in the reporting schedule is
information on the entire background of the energy audit, e.g. general information
on the organization, energy auditor and energy audit methods.
In addition, the relevant legal framework and other requirements applicable to the
energy audit should also be mentioned in this section. Furthermore, it is essential to
discuss the context of the energy audit in the report. The description of the energy
audit, the defined scope and boundaries, audited objectives and timeframe should be
The third part of the report intends to provide information of the energy audit
details, e.g. information on data collection (measurement plan and type of data
used), analysis of energy performance and further energy performance indicators,
basis for calculations, estimates and assumptions and the resulting accuracy and
criteria for ranking opportunities for improving energy performance.
The following part deals with the possibilities for improving energy performances
which provides advice on the suggested implementation program, assumptions and
methods used in calculating costs of implementation.
The final part of the report includes the conclusion and further advice.
(EN ISO 50002, 2014, p. 12-13)

2.1.8 Closing meeting

The closing meeting is the last step of a successful energy audit according to
ISO 50002. Before the closing meeting, the auditor provides the organization with
the report on the energy audit. At the closing meeting, the results of the energy
audit are presented. (EN ISO 50002, 2014, p. 13)

2.2 Relevant standards and directives in addition to the

ISO 50002
This section deals with relevant documents and directives which are based on the
ISO 50002. They are of great importance for developing the energy audit
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methodology for motor driven systems. Since the length of the documents does not
enable a complete presentation, only the most significant factors are presented in
the following sections. This section focuses on the relevant information for the audit
methodology for motor driven systems and takes into account the standards of
ISO 50002.

2.2.1 ISO 14414

Before the main steps of the ISO 14414 will be discussed, a short summary of the
ISO 14414 is given. The ISO 14414 “Pump system energy assessment” deals with
the energy auditing process and efficiency of pump systems.
This international standard sets the requirements for conducting and reporting the
results of a pumping system energy assessment. It considers the entire pumping
system, from energy inputs to the work performed as the result of these inputs. The
objective of a pumping system energy assessment is to determine the current energy
consumption of an existing system and to identify ways to improve system efficiency.
(EN ISO 14414, 2016, p. 7)
In addition, it is of great importance to mention that the ISO 14414 is based on the
structure of the ISO 50002. The main steps of the ISO 14414 (pump system energy
assessment) can be found in Figure 2.2.

Identification of the assessment

Conducting the assessment Reporting and documentation
team authority and functions

Figure 2.2: Pump system energy assessment – different steps (EN ISO 14414, 2016)

The three steps of the ISO 14144 basically reflect the phases of the ISO 50002.
However, there is a significant difference between them. These steps have been
applied to a particular technology, in this case pump systems.
The comparison between ISO 14414 and ISO 50002 can be found in chapter 2.2.3.

2.2.2 ISO 11011

Another relevant standard for the development of the audit methodology for motor
driven systems is the ISO 11011. ISO 11011 “Compressed air – Energy efficiency –
Assessment” deals with the energy auditing process and efficiency of compressed air
The main idea of this international standard is to set the requirements for conducting
and reporting the results of a compressed air system assessment that considers the
entire system, from energy inputs to the work performed as the result of these
inputs. (EN ISO 11011, 2013, p. 1)

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Furthermore, it is important to note that the ISO 11011 is also based on the
structure of ISO 50002. The major steps which present the ISO 11011 (Compressed
air – Energy efficiency – Assessment) are listed in Figure 2.3.

Reporting and
Parameters Initial data Analysis of
Roles and Assessment documentation
and their collection and data from
reponsibilities methodology of assesment
determination evaluation assessment

Figure 2.3: Compressed air – Energy efficiency – Assessment – different steps (EN ISO 11011, 2013)

The six steps of the ISO 11011 also reflect the phases of the ISO 50002. However,
there is a difference since they focus on a specific technology which is, in this case,
compressed air system. The comparison between ISO 14414 and ISO 50002 can be
found in chapter 2.2.3.

2.2.3 Comparison ISO 14414, ISO 11011 with ISO 50002

In order to be able to carry out a meaningful comparison of the two standards
(ISO 14414 & ISO 11011) with the ISO 50002, the respective flow charts from the
ISO 14414 and ISO 11011 were used and compared with the flow chart of the
ISO 50002.
ISO 14414 with ISO 50002:
The comparison of the ISO 14414 with the ISO 50002 is presented in Figure 2.4. The
goal is to be able to emphasize the similarities between these two standards. The
upper half of the figure shows the different phases of the ISO 50002 and the lower
part demonstrates those of the ISO 14414. In addition, the phases of the ISO 50002
have been divided into three blocks which are marked by the blue-coloured frames.
Dividing the ISO 50002 into phases should help by combine the phases of process of
the IOS 14414 phases with the suitable phases of the ISO 50002.The blue arrows
between these two flow charts indicate the combination of the individual phases of
the ISO 14414 and the phases of the ISO 50002.

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Figure 2.4: Comparison ISO 14414 with ISO 50002

The comparison (see Figure 2.4) shows that the phases of the ISO 14414 can be
assigned relatively well to the phases of the ISO 50002 which can be confirmed by
the fact that the ISO 14414 is based on the ISO 50002.
ISO 11011 with ISO 50002:
The comparison of the ISO 11011 with the ISO 50002 is presented in Figure 2.5. In
this case, the same procedure was used for the comparison as in Figure 2.4. The
high efficiency of the comparison drawn between the two standards indicates that
the ISO 11011 is based on the ISO 50002.

Figure 2.5: Comparison ISO 11011 with ISO 50002

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2.2.4 VDMA 4370

Another essential source for developing an energy audit methodology for motor
driven systems is VDMA 4370: “Energy efficient compressed air systems – Guideline
for identification and evaluation of existing weakness and the correct coverage of
potential energy savings”. The mentioned document was written by the VDMA
(„Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau“). The VDMA document was
developed by experts working for companies of the compressed air- and vacuum
technology association in the VDMA. (VDMA 4370, 2012, p. 3)
The present document intends to help to describe the basics for an on-site
consultation in industrial and commercial companies which operate with compressed
air systems. Furthermore, it also aims to optimize their technology and the costs of
target groups. In summary, this VDMA-document describes the national standard for
the effective and simplified usage of the ISO 11011. It particularly focuses on the
consulting concept in relation to the energy audit which is explained in a highly
comprehensible way. Thus, it can be utilized as a qualitative source for the audit

2.2.5 ISO 50004

During the planning and conducting phases of an energy audit, it is also essential to
consider an implementation of an energy management system. The ISO 50004,
“Energy management systems – Guidance for the implementation, maintenance and
improvement of an energy management system” deals with the examples for
establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management
system (EnMS) in accordance with the systematic approach of ISO 50001 (“Energy
Management System”).
The document provides the users with guidance on different levels of energy
management and EnMS experience which includes
 those with little or no experience of energy management or management
system standards;
 undertaking energy efficiency projects but with little or no EnMS experience;
 having an EnMS in place, not necessarily based on ISO 50001;
 having experience with ISO 50001 and looking for additional ideas or
suggestions for improvement.

2.2.6 EED (Energy Efficiency Directive)

The Energy Efficiency Directive establishes a common framework of measures for the
promotion of energy efficiency within the European Union. It ensures the
achievement of the Union’s 2020 headline target on energy efficiency and to pave
the way for further energy efficiency improvements beyond the mentioned date.
Furthermore, the directive provides a framework for the establishment of indicative
national energy efficiency targets for 2020. (Schuch A., Presch D. & Simader G.,
2014, p. 21)

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This directive has the effect that energy efficiency measures gain greater
importance. In addition, also the role of the energy audits becomes more important
that should notice the energy saving potential.

2.3 Relevant Tools

A great number of analysis- and calculating tools have been developed all over the
world which support the energy auditors’ tasks. Before describing and implementing
the different tools in the audit methodology, it is crucial to select the necessary tools.
The selection process of the tools is based on the following criteria:
 Support of the audit step:
Is the tool able to support the energy auditor in this step of the energy audit?
 Required input data:
Which input data must be available to make the calculation possible by using
the tool?
 Output data:
Which output data could be generated by using the tool?
 Simple User interface:
How long does it take to understand the main functions of the tool?

The following tools have been selected according to the above mentioned criteria
(short-description of the tools see links):
 SOTEA (see 2.3.1)
 ILI+ (see 2.3.2)
 STR (see 2.3.3)
 EMSA (see 2.3.4)
 AIRMaster+ (see 2.3.5)
 PSAT (see 2.3.6)
 Fan System Assessment Tool (see 2.3.7)

2.3.1 SOTEA
SOTEA (“Software Tool für effiziente Antriebe”) is utilized to assess the efficiency
potential of motor systems in one plant. It aims to give the industrial user a rough
number of possible savings which mainly depends on the age of the installed motor
stock. (, 2015)

2.3.2 ILI+
ILI (Intelligent Motor List) is used to compile a list of motors. The motors with the
highest saving potential can be chosen for retrofit. The “Decision Maker” of the tool
supports the users and identifies a relatively small number of motors representing a
relatively large share of total possible savings. (, 2015)

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2.3.3 STR
STR (Standard Test Report) is a standardized template for a motor system analysis
protocol and helps to summarize motor test results and proposes motor system
efficiency measurers together with the expected costs and savings. (,

2.3.4 EMSA
The Motor System Tool, developed by the International Energy Agency Efficiency
End-Use Equipment (IEA-4E) Electric Motor System Annex, calculates the efficiency
of a complete motor system (motor plus VFD, gear and transmission). It intends to
assist engineers, machine builders, machine component suppliers, energy consultants
and other working on optimizing machine systems to benefit from reduced electricity
consumption. (IEA-4E, 2016)

2.3.5 AIRMaster+
AIRMaster+ is a free online software tool that helps users to analyse energy use and
saving opportunities in industrial compressed air systems. It can be utilized to
benchmark existing and model future system operations improvements, and evaluate
energy and cost savings from many energy efficiency measures. AIRMaster+
provides a systematic approach to assessing compressed air systems, analysing the
collected data and reporting results. (U.S. Department of Energy, 2010)

2.3.6 PSAT
PSAT (Pump System Assessment Tool), distributed by the US Department of Energy,
helps users assess energy saving opportunities in existing pump systems. It relies on
field measurements of flow rate, head and motor power or current to perform the
assessment. Using algorithms form the Hydraulic Institute and standards and motor
performance characteristics of the US DOE Motormaster database, PSAT estimates
existing pump and motor efficiency and calculates the potential energy/cost savings
for a system optimized to work at peak efficiency. (U.S. Department of Energy, 2008)

2.3.7 FSAT
FSAT (Fan System Assessment Tool) is a free online software tool that helps
industrial users measure energy use and saving opportunities in industrial fan
systems. It can be used to calculate the amount of energy used by a fan system,
determine system efficiency, and quantify the saving potential of an upgraded
system. The tool also provides a pre-screening filter to identify fan systems that are
likely to offer optimization opportunities based on the system’s control, production
and maintenance and effect. (U.S. Department of Energy, 2010)

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3 Energy audit method for MDS based on ISO 50002

Figure 3.1 defines the entire energy audit methodology for motor driven systems. In
order to give a brief overview the flow chart will be described: The blue rectangles in
the flow chart stand for the main steps of the audit methodology and the white ones
for the different sub items. In addition, there are also several gear-wheels allocated
to the audit steps, which symbolize the different tools, which can or should be used
in the different phases. The eight main steps of the energy audit methodology for
motor driven systems are listed below:
 Step 1: Energy audit planning
 Step 2: Opening meeting & Data collection
 Step 3: Measurement plan
 Step 4: Conducting the site visit
 Step 5: Analysis
 Step 6: Energy Audit reporting
 Step 7: Closing meeting

Figure 3.1: Flowchart for the energy audit method for MDS – including the different tools

In order to structure the energy audit methodology in an efficient way, each step of
the methodology should ideally contain a part dealing with
organizational/management aspects, a part describing the technical aspects and a
part enumerating the available tools which can support the energy auditor in the
respective step. This structure should help energy auditors understand the energy
audit method in a highly efficient and time sparing way.

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4 Step 1: Energy audit planning

The first step in the energy audit methodology for motor driven systems is the
energy audit planning. In this phase, the energy auditor and the audited company is
expected to develop and define the scope of the energy audit. A great number of
questions should be answered which are necessary for the energy auditor to be able
to conduct an effective electric motor audit:
 Is an energy audit for electric motor systems necessary at all in this company?
 Are there enough financial resources to set energy efficiency measures?
 Is there enough energy saving potential?
 Is the company able to support an auditor?
 Is the management of the company generally interested in the topic?
This chapter supports energy auditors in answering the questions in an effective and
quick way. Further questions will be discussed during the opening meeting. The
energy audit planning phase can be structured in two different parts (see
Figure 4.1):

Figure 4.1: Different parts of the energy audit planning step

1) Gathering general information on the company/factory/business

2) Pre-Screening (estimation of energy saving potential related to electric
motor systems)

4.1 Gathering general information on the

In the present part, the energy auditor should gather general information on the
company. This it is not always very easy, because the questions which should be
posed are not defined and the spectrum is great. Therefore, a checklist has been
developed to support the energy auditor in his work. Existing checklists in the
annexes of the ISO 11011 (see Annex A of ISO 11011, p. 32) and the VDMA 4370
(see Annex A of VDMA 4370, p. 16) were used to summarize the most significant
criteria in a checklist (see Table 4.1):

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Table 4.1: Checklist - General Information (VDMA 4370, 2012, p. 16-17 & EN ISO 11011, 2013, p. 32)

Company profile
Company name:
Address 1: Telephone:
Address 2: Fax:
City/Town: E-Mail:
Post/Zip Code:

Electric motor system site address (if different than company address)
Address 1:
Address 2:
Post/Zip Code:
In which industrial sector the company operates?
Textile/- Wood/paper/ and
☐ Food ☐ ☐ ☐ /Pharma ☐
clothing print plastic
Engineering Auto-motive Glas/stone/ Supply/
☐ ☐ ☐ engineering/ ☐ ☐
/metal- industry earth disposal
Power Building
☐ ☐ ☐ Basic materials industry
engineering technology
☐ Others:

For what the electric motor systems are used?

(e.g. for control, power generation processes, chemical processes, …)

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Number of employees

………… employees

How many shifts there are?

………… shifts

Working time
Weekday Time Weekday Time
Mon From ……… to Fri From ……… to ………
Tue From ……… to
Wed From ……… to Sat From ……… to ………
Thu From ……… to Sun From ……… to ………
……… annual operating hours
Contact person

The Energy Auditor is expected to be able to fill in most of the information for
Table 4.1 by himself. If there is still lacking information, a short phone call with the
respective company should provide quick help to complete the check list. In case of a
special question, a personal meeting can be arranged with a representative person of
the company. Depending on the importance of these questions, the energy auditor
should discuss them in the upcoming opening meeting which can be found in step 2
of the energy audit methodology.

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4.2 Pre-Screening
One of the most crucial points in the planning phase of an energy audit is the pre-
screening, which provides information on the need of an audit in the field of electric
motor systems. In order to identify energy saving potential in electrical motor
systems of the company, some calculations and additional technical and financial
data is required. Therefore, “SOTEA”, a free software-tool developed by in cooperation with the EnergieSchweiz in Switzerland, can help energy
auditors with this subject. By entering relevant data into the tool, it is possible to
determine the need of an electric motor energy audit in the company. One should
also note that not every part of the input-interface of SOTEA (see Figure 4.2) has to
be filled in to receive a result. The minimum required input-data for the calculation
process can be found in Table 4.2. In addition, it is also marked with red in
Figure 4.2 in order to help the energy auditor during the data-input process.
In addition it should be mentioned that “SOTEA” has already been used successfully
in several energy audits. The audits were conducted by the EnergieSchweiz and
other energy efficiency programs. Some of these projects will be listed here:

 Chocolats Halba (Chocolate factory):

o Location: Wallisellen
o Conductor of the audit: EnergieSchweiz & Topmotors
 Reber Ernst Sutter AG (Butchery):
o Location: Langnau
o Conductor of the audit: EnergieSchweiz & Easy, “Effizienz für
 Milk Processing:
o Location: Western Switzerland
o Conductor of the audit: EnergieSchweiz & Topmotors
 Emmi AG:
o Location: Ostermundigen
o Conductor of the audit: EnergieSchweiz

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Figure 4.2: SOTEA Input-interface (, 2015)

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Table 4.2: Required data input for SOTEA:

Required Data Example

Tool-language English
Currency EUR
Turnover 1 000 000
Total number of
Factor of office workplaces 10 [%]
Annual costs of electricity 20 000 [EUR/a]
Use of electricity 100 000 [kWh/a]
Average price of electricity
0.20 [EUR/KWh]
Last major renewal electric
or machinery

After the data entry SOTEA is able to calculate and estimate the energy efficiency
potential of electric motor systems in the respective company. According to the input
the tool automatically split up the input and generates energy consumption values,
which can be found in the tab “User estimate” of the tool. In addition it is also
possible for the user to adapt these different values to grant a more accurate
estimation of the energy consumption.
An example for the output of the calculation can be seen in Figure 4.3. In this case,
the energy efficiency potential accounts for 13.9 %. By possessing this piece of
information, the energy auditor and the company can decide with ease whether an
energy audit is necessary or not. If an audit is necessary step 2 (“Opening meeting &
data collection”) of the audit methodology should be carried out.

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Figure 4.3: Output-Data - SOTEA (, 2015)

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5 Step 2: Opening meeting & data collection

If enough energy saving or efficiency potential in the field of electric motors exists
(also see chapter 4.2 - Pre-Screening), the technical and financial scope of the
energy audit can be defined. Chapter 5 deals with the detailed description of the
second step of the energy audit methodology, called “Opening meeting & data
collection”. It should be noted that these two steps (opening meeting and data
collection) are starting at the same time in the audit methodology.

5.1 Opening meeting

The opening meeting should be the first physical get-together between the energy
auditor and the representative of the company. In this step, the energy auditor
should inform the interested parties regarding to the energy saving potential of the
electric motor systems, the audit scope which have to be defined further, boundaries
and methods and the site safety inductions. In addition, it is of great importance to
choose the appropriate people working for the company for the opening meeting in
order to grant a higher chance to carry out the audit. The most important points
which should be mentioned by the energy auditor before and at the opening meeting
are listed in Table 5.1. The detailed description of these points and additional
information can be found below.
Table 5.1: Relevant points for the opening meeting (EN ISO 50002, 2014, p. 7)

Before the meeting

Invite right representatives to the opening meeting (see

Preparation of documents for the meeting (see 5.1.2) ☐

During the meeting

The energy auditor shall request the organization to:

Convince the top-management (see 5.1.3) ☐
Define scope, boundaries and methods of the energy audit ☐
(see 5.1.4)
Assign personnel to assist the energy auditor (see 5.1.5) ☐

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Ensure the cooperation of the affected parties (see 5.1.6) ☐

Confirm any unusual conditions (see 5.1.7) ☐

The energy auditor shall agree with the organisation on:

Arrangements for access (see 5.1.8) ☐
Requirements for health, safety and security (see 5.1.9) ☐
Availability of financial resources (see 5.1.10) ☐
Requirements and procedures to be followed for installation ☐
of measuring equipment (see 5.1.11)

Action plan

An action plan for the assessment shall be developed (see ☐

Agreed by the assessment team and top-management (see ☐

5.1.1 Invite right representatives to the opening meeting

A good conversation base is highly significant for the opening meeting. In this way,
the probability for a commitment to carry out the energy audit is higher. It is not
always possible for the energy auditor to choose meeting partners freely for the
opening meeting, but if he or she has the possibility, the following individuals should
be invited:
 Top-management or head of the company
 Experts on the industrial processes in the company
 If existing: energy manager of the company

5.1.2 Preparation of documents for the meeting

Good preparation for the opening meeting is crucial for a good outcome. The energy
auditor should write down the most relevant topics which he or she wants to address
at the opening meeting. In addition, he or she can make an additional list where only
the most important points are enumerated because often there is not enough time to
discuss every single question at the opening meeting. The energy auditor should be
able to present his estimation referring to the energy saving potential (see
chapter 4.2: “SOTEA-Tool”) at the opening meeting and to convince the top-
management of the company of a necessary energy audit. The different factors

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which can help the energy auditor to convince the top-management of a company
will be discussed in detail in chapter 5.1.3.

5.1.3 Convince the top-management

During the opening meeting the energy auditor should be able to convince the top-
management of the advantages of carrying out an energy audit process.
Management’s attitude toward the topics energy efficiency and energy saving
potential will determine the success of the energy audit to a substantial degree. The
required financial and personnel resources for carrying out an energy audit must be
accepted and provided by the top-management of the company. Furthermore,
employees will apply their best efforts to an energy audit only if their management
displays awareness of the audit’s importance.
Some key point to help energy auditors convince the top-management:
 The auditor should assess the efficiency of electric motor systems which can
contribute to the strategic goals and why energy efficiency is a strategic issue.
The annual reports on company´s website (vision, mission) is supposed to
contain information on the general situation of the company, such as the
economic situation, future prospects, expected development of production
volumes or current energy management systems (e.g. ISO 9001 and
ISO 14001). In this way, he or she can obtain insight into corporate strategy
and market developments within the sector where the company is operating,
e.g. developments of competitors, local, national, worldwide. Optimized
efficient motor systems can contribute on a broader scale to the success of a
company. For instance, there is less risk of down-times (if an important motor
fails), it decreases the maintenance costs and the energy costs. Furthermore,
it reduces the use of carbon and creates a better working environment with
less noise and lower temperature.
 The process of convincing the top management often starts with the
preliminary efforts to persuade other key players in the organization to
support the idea to implement energy saving projects that require significant
 A good structured presentation (usually PowerPoint)
 The presentation materials or slides should be precisely addressing the
following questions:
o What the top-management would like to hear, see and talk about?
o When is the return on the investment expected?
o What are the risks based on the implementation of an energy audit?
o How to get the savings?
o Which amount of money is necessary to launch the project?
 Often not enough time is provided to present (5-10 minutes), so the
presentation should be very compact.
(Wahab Z., 2013)
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5.1.4 Define scope, boundaries and methods of the energy

One of the main points which have to be discussed in an opening meeting is defining
of the scope, boundaries and methods of the energy audit. In this phase, the primary
goals and scope of the energy audit process is discussed and agreed on by the
company and the energy auditor.
Firstly, several parts for energy audit planning will be discussed during this meeting:
needs and expectations, time period to complete the energy audit, level of detail
required, criteria for evaluation and ranking of opportunities, relevant data to be
made available before the start of the energy audit, expected format of report and
process to finalize it.
The following recommendations help the energy auditor define the scope and
boundaries of an energy audit in the field of electric motor driven systems:
 Defining the energy efficiency potential of the different electric motor systems
in the company
 Identification of performance improvement opportunities in the area of electric
motor systems
 Detection of the areas and electric motor system components which are
required to be analyzed during the energy audit
 Defining which areas of the company the energy auditor and the assessment
team should get access to
 Inspection and selection of which kind of system components have to be
measured during the energy audit (see more chapter 6)
 Determination of the involved plant personal (engineering, operations,
maintenance, etc.)
 Defining which kind of information sources should or can be used, e.g.
drawings, manuals, test reports, historical utility bill information, computer
monitoring and control data or electric equipment panels
 Every goal which will be defined is reviewed for relevance, cost effectiveness,
and capacity to produce the desired results.

5.1.5 Assign personnel to assist the energy auditor

In order to be able to carry out an energy audit successfully the energy auditor
depends on additional assistance. Organizing an assessment team, gain site
management support and identifying other specialized staff are the main functions of
the energy auditor in this step.
Assessment team:
According to the ISO 50002, the energy auditor assigns personnel to support him/her
in his/her work. Therefore, the energy auditor should know which kind of knowledge
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is necessary to conduct an energy audit for electric motor driven systems. This
knowledge can help him/her to contact and assign the right personnel for his/her
energy assessment team. The assessment team should include the following
 An assessor who has the electric motor system analysis competencies
 The host organization representative who has overall responsibility and
ownership for the assessment
 Experts on the processes and the function of the system
 Experts on the maintenance practices of the electric motor systems
 Experts who can provide the team with cost data
(EN ISO 14414, 2015, p. 9)
Site management support:
Not only the right assessment team is essential for the successful outcome of the
energy audit but a good site management support is also required. The site
personnel is engaged in the energy audit process to the necessary extent.
Furthermore, these people should understand and support the purpose of the energy
auditor and his/her assessment team.
Further specialized knowledge:
The energy audit considers the entire system form energy inputs to the work
performed as a result of those inputs. Therefore specialized knowledge related to
different technologies (e.g. electric motor systems) is often required.

5.1.6 Ensure the cooperation of the affected parties

The energy auditor is responsible for a good cooperation between the affected
parties of the energy audit. He/she should provide guidance to facilitate
communication among the members of the assessment team. In this way, all
necessary pieces of information and data can be communicated in time. During the
preparatory process of the present thesis, Table 5.2 was created. The table shows an
example of the possible affected parties and their functions in the energy audit
process. Furthermore, it should help the energy auditor and the assessment team to
gain a better overview of the cooperation of the different parties of the energy audit.
(EN ISO 14414, 2015, p. 9 & ÖNORM EN 16247-2, 2014, p. 17)
Table 5.2: Examples for parties of an electric motor driven system energy audit

Involved in
Involved receivers of Involved in
Data delivery the on-site
parties the energy the meetings
Owner of the
x x x

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x x x x
x x
(x) x
x (x)
x x x x
x (x) x

5.1.7 Confirm any unusual conditions

The energy auditor should confirm any unusual conditions that may affect the energy
audit or energy performance, i.e. maintenance work, special visits (customer,
regulatory, etc.), significant changes in production volume and others. In this way,
possible risks can be identified and the energy auditor will be better prepared in
these special cases. (EN ISO 50002, 2014, p. 7)
Furthermore, the influence of such events on the energy consumption data collection
and on choosing the appropriate measurement time has to be considered.

5.1.8 Arrangements for access

The energy auditor and the assessment team should have access to:
 Facility areas and electric motor systems required to conduct the assessment
 Facility personnel (engineering, operations, maintenance), their equipment
vendors, contractors and others, to collect information pertinent and useful to
the energy audit activities. It is also essential to have contact with the people
who are responsible for the analysis of data which will be used for preparation
of the report.
 Other information sources such as drawings, manuals, data sheet,
maintenance records, test reports, historical utility bill information, computer
monitoring and control data, electrical equipment panels and calibration
records. (EN ISO 14414, 2015, p. 9)
If access to these previous points is denied, the energy auditor and his assessment
team will not be able to conduct the energy audit.

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5.1.9 Requirements for health, safety and security

Further important points which have to be discussed in the opening meeting are the
requirements for health, safety, security and emergency rules and procedures. For
example, the company is working in the field of chemical industry or steel industry
aggressive media such as sulfuric acid or other chemicals and extremely hot
materials such as molten iron have to be respected. In this case, the energy auditor
and his/her assessment team should follow the safety instructions to avoid injuries of
the personnel and destruction of the measurement equipment.

5.1.10 Availability of financial resources

As mentioned in chapter 5.1.3 (“Convincing the top-management”), financial
resources play a significant role in the energy audit methodology. It is not always
easy to convince the top-management to spend enough money for the energy audit
Depending on the amount of time, data, knowledge and financial resources the
company or the energy auditor can choose between the based-level audit (called
level 1 audit in ISO 50002) and the investment-level audit (called level 2 or 3 audit in
ISO 50002). The general expectation is that investment-level audits generally require
more significant amounts of data collection, measurement equipment use and skilled
people time than a based-level audit. Regarding the financial aspect, there are
significant differences between the investment- and based-level methods:
 For an investment-level audit, the cost will depend on the size of the
company, the number of electric motor driven systems and system boundaries
that have been defined in the scope. In addition, the costs will depend on the
level and duration of energy, flow and pressure measurements which are
required and any third-party contractors that are required to undertake
 For a based level-audit, the measurement and reporting requirements will be
significantly less and so the energy audit costs will be also on a lower level.
(EMANZ, 2017, p. 7-8)

5.1.11 Requirements and procedures to be followed for

installation of measuring equipment
When it comes to the installation of measurement equipment, many requirements
and procedures have to be followed. The following questions referring to measuring
equipment should be discussed in the opening meeting:
 Is the chosen measuring method the appropriate one?
 Is special measuring equipment required due dangerous measuring
 Which measuring accuracy will be required for the energy audit process?

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5.1.12 An action plan for the assessment shall be developed

The energy auditor and his/her assessment team should take notes during the
opening meeting to transform the discussed topics into a meaningful action plan.
This plan should include all the planned activities the energy auditor and his/her
assessment team but also activities the company has to carry out during the energy
audit process. A well-designed and thought-out action plan can simplify the following
steps of the energy audit. In addition, it helps people who are involved in the energy
audit process and understand processes and structure in a highly efficient way.

5.1.13 Agreed by the assessment team and top-management

The last point of the opening meeting is dedicated to the management’s commitment
referring to the energy audit. Therefore all points from chapter 5.1.1 to 5.1.12 have
been discussed and the management and the auditor have agreed with it. If
everything is clarified the energy auditor can focus on the data collection (see
chapter 5.2).

5.2 Data collection

The time spent on site during the opening meeting can already be used to start the
data collection. The main advantage of the early data collection is the low number of
additional meetings which have to be arranged to collect data. Furthermore, the
remaining time can be used for other steps in the audit methodology. Referring to
the ISO 50002, the energy auditor should collect, collate and record the appropriate
energy data that support the audit objectives.
The step “data collection” of the energy audit methodology can be divided into two
levels of detail (also see Figure 5.1):
 General data collection
 Technology-specific data collection

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Figure 5.1: Classification in two levels of the step: “Data Collection”

Figure 5.1 shows the classification of the step “Data Collection”. The idea is to go
from the technology-independent data collection (general data collection) of electric
motor driven systems in the company into the technology-specific data collection
(electric motors, pumps, compressed air and ventilation). These two levels will bring
more structure and clearness in the data collection phase. In chapter 5.2.1 and
5.2.2, the two steps will be described in detail. In addition, some useful advices,
related to the use of the energy audit tools ILI+, also provide the energy auditor and
his/her team in his work with support.

5.2.1 General data collection

The first step in data collection is to carry out a rough analysis of the existing data
referring to electric motor driven systems. Therefore, a tool which is called
“Intelligent Motor List” (ILI+) can be used for the analysis of the existing electric
motor driven systems with the focus on energy efficiency and potential on
improvement measures. “ILI+” is a free software-tool based on Microsoft Excel and
has been developed by in Switzerland. The present paper intends to
give only a short user-guide and description of the most relevant functions to handle
the usage of the tool. The “Intelligent Motor List” has lots of other additional
functions which can be found on the website “”.
Also the “ILI+” - tool has been used frequently in energy audits. These are the same
audits in which the software tool “SOTEA” has been used (for references see
chapter 4.2)
The following step-by-step user guide should help the energy auditor use this energy
audit tool.

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Step 1 – The ILI+ starting page:

After the start of the energy audit tool, the language section appears. For this
example, “English” (red cycled see Figure 5.2) has been chosen.

Figure 5.2: Starting page “ILI+” – choosing the language (, 2015)

Step 2 – The menu:

After choosing the right language, the main menu pops up (see Figure 5.3). The
menu is structured into three sections, which are also circled with red in Figure 5.3:
 Basic data
 Decision Maker
 Base/Support

Figure 5.3: The main menu of ILI+ (, 2015)

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Step 3 – Basic Data: “User estimate”:

This step deals with the basic data input, which should be done by the energy
auditor or by his/her assessment team. Figure 5.4 shows the data input mask which
will be opened in by clicking the button “User estimate” in the main menu of the tool
(see Figure 5.3). The green coated fields which also can be seen in Figure 5.4 are
suitable for editing. The minimum required input-data for the calculation process are
currency and the use and cost of electricity which are circled with red (see
Figure 5.4). After the input, the button “Apply” should be pressed.

Figure 5.4: User estimate menu of ILI+ - input of required data (, 2015)

Step 4 – Basic data: “Basic data of motors”:

The next step the energy auditor has to do is to click on the button “Basic data of
motors” in the main menu (see Figure 5.3). Figure 5.5 shows the data input-mask of
the “Basic data of motors” menu. In this section, the energy auditor should make a
list of all electric driven systems and give input data to their age, operating hours,
control elements, power and number of poles. The minimum required input-data for
the calculation process can be found in Table 5.3. In addition, it is also circled with
red in Figure 5.5 to help the energy auditor during the data-input process into the

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Figure 5.5: Basic data of motors menu of ILI+ - input of required data (, 2015)

Table 5.3: Basic data of motors menu – minimum required data-input

Required Data Example

Number of the motor
Year of construction 1999
Operating hours 3 000
Frequency converter
Mechanical nominal power 100 [kW]
Number of poles 4

In addition, the energy auditor is able to fill in some optional data, such as the
efficiency class of the motor and what application it is (fan, compressor, etc.). The
more data the tool gets the better the outcome will be.
Step 5 – Decision Maker: “Selection tool”:
The last step deals with the analysis of the input data and the output data of the
tool, for example the consumption data, potential of reduction by motor replacement
and the potential of reduction according to different criteria. Figure 5.5 shows the
data input-mask and output-mask of the “Decision maker” menu. In the section
“specifications of enterprise”, the energy auditor can chose which percentage of the
whole energy consumption of the company are caused by the electric motor systems
(red cycled in Figure 5.6). Furthermore, the energy auditor has to define the
following criteria (orange cycled in Figure 5.6):

 Rate of realization of the maximal saving potential in % (e.g.: 50 %)

 Age, older than x years (e.g.: 15 years)
 Operating hours per year > x hours (e.g.: x = 3,000 h)
 Dimension of motors > x kW (e.g.: x = 10 kW)
 Motors without FC (frequency converter) (e.g.: “yes” - when there is no FC)

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 Application (pump, ventilator, compressed air system, cold system, others,

etc.) (e.g.: yes)
(, ILI+ information sheet, 2017)
After the calculation done automatically by the tool the output-data of the ILI+ tool
lists the most relevant motor driven systems based on the criteria which have been
This list should help the energy auditor focusing on the largest energy consumers
with the greatest saving potential in [EUR/a] in the company and forms the basis for
the selection of those systems for which detailed data will be collected.

Figure 5.6: Selection tool-menu of ILI+ - input and output data (, 2015)

After the completion of the general data collection of electric motor driven systems,
the energy audit methodology focuses on the collection of the technology-specific
data (see chapter 5.2.2). Before it comes to the technology-specific data collection, a
short summary of the required data will be given in Table 5.4.

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Table 5.4: Summary - required data with their units for the general data collection process

Required Data Example Unit

Currency EUR [EUR], [CHF], [USD], etc.
Total use of 100 [MWh/a]
Total costs of electricity 20 000 [EUR/a]
Energy Price per kWh 0.15 [EUR/kWh]
Number of the motor
1 -
Year of construction 1999 -
Operating hours 3 000 [h]
Frequency converter
no -
Mechanical nominal power 100 [kW]
Number of poles 4 -
Consumption part, electric
80 [MWh/a]
motor systems

5.2.2 Technology- specific data collection

In this chapter, the second level of data collection for the energy audit methodology
of motor driven systems will be discussed.
The selection of those systems for which more details data will be collected is based
on the list of the first step but in addition several other criteria should be considered.
In this chapter for each technology these criteria are specified and the specific data
is defined. The technology-specific data collection is divided into the following
 Electric motors
 Pump systems
 Ventilation systems
 Compressed air systems
If the right technology has been chosen, the energy auditor can start the detailed
energy data collection (specific system data and nameplate data). The procedure for
the data collection is described in detail in the following chapters (see chapter
to chapter

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The detailed data collection should concentrate on motors with the following
 Big Equipment
 Old Equipment
 Long Down times
 Varying duties but fixed speed
 Support Equipment
 Problem Equipment
This paragraph deals with the detailed data collection of electric motors. In addition
to the general data collection (see chapter 5.2.1, Table 5.4), an energy audit of
electric motors requires additional specific data to describe the respective motor
system more precisely.
Firstly general data referring to the electric motor system should be collected (see
Table 5.5), e.g.: coupling type, motor type (AC or DC), manufacturer, etc. Secondly
Table 5.6 deals with the collection of the specific/technical data of the electric motor
system, e.g.: synchronous speed, full load efficiency, full load amperage, enclosure
type, full load power factor, etc. The last part of the specific data collection deals
with the detailed operating profile of the electric motors (see Table 5.7).
All tables show the required data for the specific data collection of electric motors in
industrial companies, examples and the corresponding units. The tables can be used
as a kind of check list and should help the energy auditor collect the appropriate data
in an efficient way. (Gilbert A. et al, 2000, Appendix C-1)
Table 5.5: General data of the electric motor system

General motor data

Required Data Example Unit
Coupling type (belt, gear,
direct [-]
direct, etc.)
Motor type (Design AC or
DC [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history (Original,
Original [-]
rewound or replaced)

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Table 5.6: specific/technical data of the electric motor system (Gilbert A. et al, 2000, Appendix C-1)

Specific motor data

Required Data Example Unit
Manufacturer Siemens AG [-]
Motor ID number GP 1LE1523 [-]
Eagle Line
Serial Number 136521445 [-]
Power (also see Table 5.4) 160 [kW]
Full load speed 1791 [min-1]
Full load voltage 230/400 (star- or delta
Full load amperage 225 [A]
Full load power factor 0.87 [-]
Full load efficiency (4/4) 96.2 [%]
Part load efficiency (3/4) 96.2 [%]
Part load efficiency (2/4) 95.7 [%]
Efficiency class (if
IE3 [-]
Frame designation 315 L [-]
Unusual operating
nothing detected [-]

Table 5.7: Detailed operating profile of the electric motor system

Operating profile motor data

Weekdays Weekend/Holiday
Days/Year_____ Days/Year_____
Hours 1st shift ________ ________
per 2nd shift ________ ________
day 3rd shift________ ________
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Annual operating time________ hours/year (also see Table 5.4)

Part load________ %
Full load ________ % Pump systems

The detailed data collection should concentrate on pumps with the following
 Pumps running independent of demand
 Pumping systems where significant throttling takes place
 Pumping systems with recirculation of flow used as a control scheme
 Pumping systems with large flow or pressure variations
 Systems with multiple pumps where number of operated pumps is not
adjusted in response to changing conditions
 Systems serving multiple end uses where minor user sets pressure
 Cavitating equipment
 High vibration and/or noisy pumps, motors or piping
 Equipment with high maintenance requirements
 Systems for which the functional requirements have changed with time, but
the pumps have not
 Worn, eroded, corroded, distorted or broken impellers/vanes or wear rings
 Low pumping system efficiency indicator
 Clogged pipelines or pumps
 Seized valves or leaking recirculation valves
 Sealing systems, esp. high temperature, requiring cooling
(Austrian Energy Agency, 2017)
Table 5.8, Table 5.9, Table 5.10, Table 5.11, Table 5.12, Table 5.13 and Table 5.14
show the required data for the specific data collection of pump systems in industrial
companies, examples and the corresponding units.

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Table 5.8: Electrical motor/drive data of the pump system

Electrical motor/drive data

Required Data Example Unit
Manufacturer Grundfos AG [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC [-]
DC, etc.)
Coupling type (belt, gear,
direct [-]
direct, etc.)
Motor history (Original,
original [-]
rewound or replaced)
Power 3.5 [kW]
Motor full load speed 1500 [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 230/400 (star- or delta [V]
Motor full load amperage 11.6 [A]
Full load efficiency 96.2 [%]
Efficiency class (if
IE3 [-]
Frequency converter yes [-]

Table 5.9: Specific pump data (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 44-50)

Specific pump data

Required Data Example Unit
Manufacturer Grundfos AG [-]
Pump type CH 12-40 [-]
Shaft power 2.74 [kW]
Flow 15 or 1.39 [m³/h] or [l/s]
Static/variable flow static [-]
Throttle (Pressure side) n.a. [-]

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Pump History (Original or

original [-]
Operating pressure 6 [bar]
Operating temperature 56 to + 90 [°C]
Suction pressure n.a. [bar]
Pump control data
Variable speed drive (VSD) no [-]
Throttled yes [-]
By-pass/recirculation no [-]
On/Off no [-]
Pumps in series or in 2 pumps parallel, 2 pumps
parallel, or split duty in series
not controlled (pump just
no [-]

Table 5.10: Transport and distribution system data of the pump system (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K.,
2013, p. 44-50)

Transport and distribution system data

Required Data Example Unit
Piping material steel [-]
Diameter 250 [mm]
Open/closed - system closed [-]
Number of installed pumps 5 [-]

Table 5.11: Built-in fittings and data of consumers of the pump system (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K.,
2013, p. 44-50)

Built-in fittings and data of consumers

Required Data Example Unit
Name of the process wastewater treatment [-]
Total flow requirement 12 [m³/h]

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Total pressure
3 [bar]
Simultaneity of the
n.a. [-]
individual components

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Table 5.12: Liquid properties data of the pump system (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 44-50)

Liquid properties data

Required Data Example Unit
Name of liquid water [-]
Dynamic viscosity 1.0087 [mPa s]
Temperature 70 [°C]
Density 1 [g/cm³]
Presence of solids and
sand/dirt (capillary) [-]
their characterization
Free gas percentage n.a. [-]
Hazards [-]
Inflammability no [-]

Table 5.13: Additional system and control data of the pump system (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013,
p. 44-50)

Additional system and control data

Required Data Example Unit
System data
Unusual operating
no [-]
static head (only for rotor
2 [bar]

Table 5.14: Detailed operating profile of the pump system

Operating profile pump system data

Weekdays Weekend/Holiday
Days/Year_____ Days/Year_____
Hours 1st shift ________ ________
per 2nd shift ________ ________
day 3rd shift________ ________

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Annual operating time________ hours/year

Part load________ %
Full load ________ % Ventilation systems

The detailed data collection should concentrate on fans and ventilation systems with
the following characteristics:
 Running without need
 Variable demand
 Significant changes to the system since installation (change of flow rate by
more than 20%)
 Constant throttling
 Worn, eroded or broken blades
 Pressure loss across filters (above…)
 Air is extracted from whole hall (instead of specific location)
 Maintenance plan
(Austrian Energy Agency, 2017)
Table 5.15, Table 5.16, Table 5.17, Table 5.18, Table 5.19, Table 5.20 and
Table 5.21 show the required data for the specific data collection of ventilation
systems in industrial companies, examples and the corresponding units.

Table 5.15: Electrical motor/drive data of the ventilation system (Energy Management Association of
New Zealand, 2015, p. 20-22)

Electrical motor/drive data

Required Data Example Unit
Manufacturer VENTS [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC [-]
DC, etc.)
Coupling type (belt, gear,
direct [-]
direct, etc.)
Motor history (Original,
replaced [-]
rewound or replaced)
Power 0.055 [kW]

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Motor full load speed

2300 [min-1]
Motor full load voltage (V) 230 [v]
Motor full load amperage
0.26 [A]
Full load efficiency 95.3 [%]
Efficiency class (if
IE3 [-]
Frequency converter yes [-]

Table 5.16: Specific fan data (Energy Management Association of New Zealand, 2015, p. 20-22)

Specific fan data

Required Data Example Unit
Manufacturer n.a. [-]
Model n.a. [-]
Serial Number 01256897 [-]
Year 2000 [-]
Fan type n.a. [-]
Impeller Diameter 1,000 [mm]
Shaft power 0.040 [kW]
Efficiency class fan (if
n.a. [-]
Specific nominal flow 860 [m³/h]
Fan diameter 200 [mm]
Fan control data
Flow control method n.a. [-]
Pressure control method n.a. [-]
Variable speed drive
no [-]
(VSD), which HZ

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VSD power loss [W]

Throttled, which damper
Yes [-]
By-pass/recirculation no [-]
On/Off no [-]

Table 5.17: Additional system ventilation system data (Energy Management Association of New
Zealand, 2015, p. 20-22)

Required Data Example Unit
Driver Coupling yes [-]
Pulley Diameter (motor
n.a. [mm]
Pulley diameter (fan side) n.a. [mm]
Estimated efficiency 89.7 [%]
Distribution Channels
Length 160 [m]
Diameter 500 [mm]
Material n.a. [-]
Filter differential pressure n.a. [Pa]

Table 5.18: Specific Air Characteristics

Specific Air Characteristics

Required Data Example Unit
Temperature Inlet/Outlet n.a. [-]
Air quality Inlet/Outlet n.a. [-]
Hazard ingredients no [-]

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Table 5.19: Data of consumers of the ventilation system (Energy Management Association of New
Zealand, 2015, p. 20-22)

Data of consumers
Required Data Example Unit
Name of the process n.a. [-]
Total flow requirement n.a. [m³/h]
Total pressure
n.a. [MPa]

Table 5.20: Additional fan system data

Additional fan system data

Required Data Example Unit
Unusual operating
no [-]
Static pressure of the fan
125 [Pa]
system (if provided)

Table 5.21: Detailed operating profile of the ventilation system

Operating profile fan system data

Weekdays Weekend/Holiday
Days/Year_____ Days/Year_____
Hours 1st shift ________ ________
per 2nd shift ________ ________
day 3rd shift________ ________
Annual operating time________ hours/year)
Part load________ %
Full load ________ %

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For a special compressed air audit the Annexes of ISO 11011 give very detailed data
sheets for analysis of a compressed air system, including air treatment. For a first
evaluation of the most important saving opportunities, the following tables
(Table 5.22, Table 5.23, Table 5.24, Table 5.25, Table 5.26, Table 5.27 and
Table 5.28) show the data which should be necessary.

Table 5.22: Specific compressed air system data (ISO 11011, 2013, p. 39-42)

Specific compressed air system data

Required Data Example Unit
Manufacturer AGRE Kompressoren
Model/Serial Number n.a. [-]
Year of construction 2001 [-]
Compressor type:
Reciprocating, Screw,
n.a. [-]
Vane, Turbo (Centrifugal,
Lubricated (Yes, No) no [-]
Coolant (Water, Oil) water [-]
Power 30 [kW]
Electric power
consumption at operating n.a. [kW]
pressure and nominal flow
Max. operating pressure
12.5 [bar]
Flow 2.98/49.7/105.3 [m³/min], [l/s] or cfm
Power consumption at
n.a. [kW]
running idle (kW)
Pressure area: On (bar), On: 6
Off (bar) [bar]
Off: 12.5
Full load hours n.a. [h/a]

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Part load hours n.a. [h/a]

Total running time n.a. [h/a]

Table 5.23: Additional compressed air system data

Additional compressed air system data

Required Data Example Unit
Unusual operating
no [-]
Heat Recovery (yes/no) yes [-]

Table 5.24: Control data of compressed air system (ISO 11011, 2013, p. 39-42)

Required Data Example Unit
Type of Control no [-]
Automated control:
Speed control, Throttling,
n.a. [-]
Bypass control

Multi compressor control n.a. [-]

n.a. [-]
n.a. [-]

Table 5.25: Piping system information of the compressed air system (ISO 11011, 2013, p. 39-42)

Piping systems information

Required Data Example Unit
Pipe material Steel [-]
Pipe diameters n.a. [mm] [DN]
Pipe lengths n.a. [m]
System pressure drop n.a. [bar]

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Leakage rate n.a. [%]

Table 5.26: Data about End-use applications/consumers (ISO 11011, 2013, p. 39-42)

End-use applications/consumers
Required Data Example Unit
Name of consumption
n.a. [-]
Flow rate n.a. [l/s]
Current (flowing) pressure n.a. [bar]
Necessary pressure n.a. [bar]
Duration n.a. h/day
Vacuum Applications
no [-]
Cleaning applications yes [-]
Blowing application:
no [-]
Nozzles installed?

Table 5.27: Additional compressed air system data

Additional compressed air system data

Required Data Example Unit
Unusual operating
no [-]

Table 5.28: Detailed operating profile of the compressed air system

Operating profile compressed air system data

Weekdays Weekend/Holiday
Days/Year_____ Days/Year_____
Hours 1st shift ________ ________
per 2nd shift ________ ________
day 3rd shift________ ________

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Annual operating time________ hours/year

Part load________ %
Full load ________ %

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6 Step 3: Measurement plan

Step 3 of the energy audit methodology deals with the measurement plan. In order
to complete an energy audit, on-site data measurement might be necessary. It is
recommended to establish an agreement of a measurement plan between the
auditor and the organization. This plan is dependent on the target of the
This chapter can be structured in two subchapters. Subchapter 6.1 deals with the
most important points which should be included in the measurement plan according
to the ISO 50002. Moreover the chapter describes the right procedures for setting up
a measurement plan. On the other hand chapter 6.2 should provide advice and
useful information on the required measurement equipment related to the
measurement of electric motor driven system.

6.1 Relevant points which should be included in the

measurement plan
According to the ISO 50002, ISO 14414, ISO 11011 and electric motor systems the
plan should include the following points:
 A list of current and identification of additional measurement points:
As a first step, current measurement points in the company should be
identified, e.g. see Table 6.1 below.

Table 6.1: List with an example of a current measurement point

Place of Measured Number of Measure- Interval of Last Accuracy
Measure- energy Measuring ment Meter Calibration
ment consumer/ equipment principle Reading

Work shop L 47 electro- monthly April 2011 5%

 Identification of any additional measurement points depending on the purpose

of the measurement (see Table 6.2 with different possible measurement
points at supply, distribution network and end-consumer of a system):
In the following Table 6.2 test points for measurements on site are identified.
Not all points are valid for all systems and additional points can be required,
therefore, the actual points used shall be identified in the assessment plan.
(ISO 11011, 2013)

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Table 6.2: Test points for measurements on site

Motors Fans Pumps Compressed Chillers

Supply True Fan: Suction side Pressure, Compressor:

RMS- differential- of pump: flow and power
Power pressure pressure, flow electrical
Meter test points
Filter: Discharge- discharge:
differential- side of pump: pressure
pressure pressure


Distribution Filter pressure Pressure loss Entrance to Distribution

network drops in distribution distribution network
network piping, evaporator:
Duct supply
Up- and Temperature
downstream up- and
of treatment downstream of
equipment, evaporator, Fan-
pressure and Power
flow controls consumption

Flow rate of cold

Temperatures of

Water or air

End- Flow and Flow and Specific Temperature

pressure pressure point of use of cooled
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Consumer measurement measurement up- and media to and

downstream from
of treatment evaporator
flow control
ambient wet-
bulb and dry-

 Specification of the associated measurement uncertainty:

This is described by precision and confidence level. Precision refers to the
error bound around the true estimate (range around the estimate). Confidence
refers to the probability that the estimate will fall in the range of precision.
Unless stated otherwise, the confidence of meters stated is likely to be 95 %.
Some meters give the precision relative to maximum reading, therefore the
precision of the actual metering might be lower.
 Measurement duration:
When considering the duration of baseline measurement, all typical periods of
operation shall be measured. The measurement is done during a period where
all other influence factors are known, e.g. production rate, temperature inside
and outside the building and employees in the building. In some cases, instant
measuring can be enough. However, in most cases, a measurement period of
one week or ten days (to verify the first week’s data) is recommended.
(ISO 11011, p. 14)
 Measurement duration for systems that are dependent on the
outside temperature:
For example, HVAC or chiller systems, which are dependent on the outside
temperature, a measurement period during periods with a wide range of
outside temperature can be recommended to model whole year consumption
(based on outside temperature). For all these cases also other existing data
sources should be checked for historical operating information (e.g. control
systems, load analysis of the utility).
 Data interval:
In case dynamic events occur and recorded data is required, a data interval of
at least on order of magnitude less than the duration of the event being
measured shall be applied (if a dynamic event in the system has a duration of
one second, the data interval would have to be no greater than one tenth of a
second or less, to characterize that event) (ISO 11011, 2013, p. 10).
 Representative time period:
The required time periods vary according to the energy uses and processes
involved. (ISO 50002, 2014, p. 14)

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Typical periods are representative for planned or unplanned changes in

production. Changes can be seasonal, based on the day of the week, market
conditions, availability of raw material. (ISO 11011, 2013, p. 14)
ISO 14414 (2015, p. 20): “If the operating conditions of the system are
constant or only vary minimally in time, a snapshot of the operating conditions
may be enough to assess the system.” If the system demand varies over time,
the assessment team shall determine if the system needs to be monitored
over time and what time period is reasonable to get a representation of all
operating conditions.
 Relevant variables:
According to ISO 50006, relevant variables are quantifiable variables that
impact energy performance. Examples are production parameters (production
volume, production rate, or for motor systems: pressure, flow rate), weather
conditions (outdoor temperature, humidity), operating hours, operating
parameters. These data must be provided by the organisation. Further
necessary information can be e.g. the damper position. To select relevant
variables, regression analysis can be helpful (see for example IPMVP).
 Responsibilities of the measurement should be clarified:
In principle, the auditor is responsible for the measurement. For the
installation of the meters, other persons can be involved (e.g. as specialized
skills are required).
 Using the right measurement equipment:
According to ISO 11011, measuring equipment shall be calibrated, verified or
both at specified intervals or prior to use against measurement standards. If
no standards exist, the basis used for calibration shall be recorded. All
instruments used for measurement shall have a record of the most recent
calibration information. (The accuracy details should be mentioned in the
report). The auditor has to have access to calibration records of the company,
the measurement plan should include calibration of the equipment (if
practicable and feasible). (ISO 11011, 2013, p. 10)
In the second part of this chapter the right procedure for setting up a measurement
plan will be discussed. There are three important stages during the implementation
of the measurement plan which are described in detail below and are also mentioned
in Annex A7 of ISO 50002 (see Figure 6.1):

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Preliminary data
Data measurement Evaluation of uncertainty
(all elements)
Use of measurement Provision of additional Quality and validity
instrument variables and adjustment checks of calculations
Defnition of factors Make calculations,
measurements presentation in
methodology and diagramms, tables
accuracy Summary of results
Check operation and
functioning of
Check accuracy of
Selection of type of
measuring device in line
with variables to be
Figure 6.1: Stages of the development and implementation of a measurement plan (Kulterer K., 2015,
p. 10)

Use of measurement instrument/equipment:

The first step deals with the usage of the right measurement instruments/equipment.
Then, the measurement methodology and the accuracy of the measurement
equipment have to be defined. After that the operation and functioning of the
selected equipment have to be checked. Furthermore, the accuracy of the
measurement equipment has to be considered. The last step is the selection of the
appropriate type of measuring device in line with the variables to be measured.

Data measurement:
The second step deals with the measurement process itself, the provision of
additional variables and adjustment of factors.

Preliminary data treatment:

The right treatment of measurement data is part of the third stage of the
implementation of the measurement plan. Several points like the evaluation of
uncertainty, quality and validity check of the measurement data should be
performed. The last step in data treatment is to make calculations, presentations in
diagrams and tables and a summary of the results of the measurement process.

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6.2 Relevant measurement equipment for MDS

The selection of the right measuring instrument is another important point of the
measurement plan. Since this paper relates to electric motor systems, the following
Table 6.3 should give recommendations regarding the choice of the right measuring
instrument. It includes recommendations for measurement methods and
measurement equipment for all motor driven systems (fan systems, pump systems,
compressed air systems and electric motors) which are discussed in the audit
Table 6.3: Recommended measurement methods and equipment for all motor driven systems (Presch
D, Kulterer K., Hofmann M & Mitterndorfer M., 2015, p. 20-21)
Application Recommended measuring Recommended measuring
system (portable) system (stationary)

Electrical power Electrical power

Electric motor consumption: consumption:

 True RMS-Powermeter  True RMS-Powermeter

Flow: Flow:

 Vane anemometer  Differential pressure

measuring method
Fan system
 Vortex measuring
Electrical power consumption: method
 True RMS-Powermeter  Hot-wire anemometer

Flow: Flow:

 Ultrasonic flow  Differential pressure

measuring method measuring method
(Clap-on-System)  Electromagnetic
Pump system measuring method

Electrical power

 True RMS-Powermeter

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Electrical power Flow:

 Hot-wire anemometer
 True RMS-Powermeter
Compressed air system

 Manometer
 Thermic pressure

In order to assist the energy auditor choosing the right measuring equipment (see
Table 6.3), further influencing parameters must be taken into account additionally to
the type of motor system. These parameters play an important role, especially in the
selection of the flow-meters. Taking a closer look on the following parameters can be
important for choosing the right flow-meter:

 Aggregate state
 Properties of the substance to be measured
 Corresponding pipe diameter
 Pressure loss
 Operating pressure
 Operating temperature
 Reynolds number
 Inlet and outlet sections
 Flow direction
 Explosion protection
 Tubing
 Installation location
(Presch D, Kulterer K., Hofmann M & Mitterndorfer M., 2015, p. 23)
Based on these criteria, the appropriate flow measurement method for the specific
applications can be selected using the following Figure 6.2:

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Properties of the medium Properties of the measuring section & instruments

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Measuring Methods

chemically strongly agressive
Solids content
Gas bubbles
No electrical conductivity
Small tube diameter
DN 2-25
Huge tube diameter
DN 200-2500
Low pressure loss ∆p
High operating pressure
> 40bar
High operating temperature
> 120°C
Samll Re-Numbers
Short inlets and outlets
dynamic range (mesurement)
Mesurement accuracy
Explosive environment

Electromagnetic 1 5 5 1 3 2 1 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100/1 0,2-0,5% m.v. 0,1% m.v. 1

variable area flowmeter 1 1 4 1 5 3 5 4 1 5 1 5 2 1 1 3 2 10/1 0,5-1% FS k.A. 4
Blind 1 1 1 1 4 5 4 4 1 5 2 3[1] 4 1 1 3 5 10/1 0,6-2% FS 0,5% m.v. 5
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Venturi-tube 1 5 5 1 2 4 4 n.a. 1 5 2 3 3 1 1 3 5 10/1 0,6-2% FS 0,5% m.v. n.a.
Ultrasonic-run-time 1 5 5 1 5 1 3 5 1 5 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 20/1 0,5% m.v. -2% FS 0,25% m.v. n.a.
Ultraschall-Doppler 1 5 5 5 5 1 3 5 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 5 4 20/1 1% m.v.-2%FS 0,5% m.v. n.a.
Coriolis 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 2 1 100/1 0,05-0,2% m.v. 0,2% m.v. n.a.
Vane anemometer 5 1 5 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 5 1 1 1 n.a. 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 3% m.v. n.a. n.a.

2015, p. 24)
Vortex 1 1 1 1 4 5 5 4 1 5 3[4] 3[5] 3 2 1 3 4 10/1 0,5-1% m.v. 0,2% m.v. n.a.
Hot-wire anemometer 1 1 5 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 5 1 5 2 n.a. n.a. 10/1 1,5% m.v. n.a. n.a.

Rating scale
very good 1 [1] bis DN1000 and > Rating: 5
good 2 [2] bis DN4000
practical 3 [3] bis DN150

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able 4 [4] erst ab DN15, < Rating: 5
not able 5 [5] bis DN400, > Rating: 5
not available n.a.
of full scale FS
of measured value m.v.

Figure 6.2: Selection table flow measurement (Presch D, Kulterer K., Hofmann M & Mitterndorfer M.,
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7 Step 4: Conducting the site visit

“Conduction the site visit”, which is step 4 of the energy audit methodology can be
structured into two sections:
 Management of the field work
 Site visits
According to the ISO 50002, the general meanings of these two sections are
described in chapter 2.1.5 before.
When it comes to the site visit in the field of electric motor driven systems the
energy auditor should act as follows:
During the site visit the energy auditor should check the criteria for motor systems
which are supposed to be anlaysed further and completes the data collection sheets
for the appropriate systems. The indicators listed in Table 7.1 should help the energy
auditor to achieve a targeted data collection on site. It includes lots of useful
indicators relating to electric motor-, pump-, fan- and compressed air systems.
Table 7.1: Data collection on site

Motors Pumps Fans
Big Equipment Pumps running Running without Pressure loss
independent of demand need due leakages
in the
Long Down compressed
times Pumping systems where Variable demand air system
significant throttling takes
Varying duties Significant changes Old flexible
to the system since elements
Pumping systems with installation (change (couplings,
Support recirculation of flow used of flow rate by more switching
Equipment as a control scheme than 20%) components,
etc.) in the
Problem Pumping systems with Constant throttling air system
Equipment large flow or pressure
Worn, eroded or Pressure loss
broken blades due to
Systems with multiple different
pumps where number of pressure
operated pumps is not Pressure loss across
levels, e.g.
adjusted in response to filters (above…)

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changing conditions pressure

Air is extracted from levels of the
Systems serving multiple whole hall (instead
of specific location) air
end uses where minor consumers
user sets pressure
requirements Maintenance plan
No control
system, e.g.
Cavitating equipment frequency

High vibration and/or

noisy pumps, motors or Compressed
piping air system
runs 24 hours
a day
Equipment with high
maintenance requirements
Pressure loss
due un-
Systems for which the necessary
functional requirements filters, valves
have changed with time, and T-pieces
but the pumps have not in the pipe
Worn, eroded, corroded,
distorted or broken Compressed
impellers/vanes or wear air
rings consumers
are running
without need
Low pumping system
efficiency indicator

Clogged pipelines or

Seized valves or leaking

recirculation valves

Sealing systems, esp. high

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temperature, requiring

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8 Step 5: Data-Analysis
After collecting the energy specific data and carrying out the required measurements,
the energy auditor should be able to analyse the available data. The main target of
the analysis is to find the right energy saving measures for the particular technology.
The most relevant energy saving measures and their formulas for the saving
calculations will be given in chapter 8.2.
In addition to the measures and formulas which will be given in chapter 8.2, the
energy audit tools called “EMSA” and “Standard Test Report” can be used for the
data-analysis referring to electric motor systems. A short introduction and the most
important functions of the tools will be given in chapter 8.1.

8.1 Energy Audit Tools for Data-Analysis

8.1.1 EMSA-Motor-System-Tool
Energy management and optimizing of motor driven systems is about detecting
energy saving potentials and subsequently choosing the right components and
getting them to work well together.
An electric motor system consists of several components, which must be coordinated
with one another. Not only the optimization of an existing, old electric motor system,
but also the assessment of the effects of increased energy efficiency during a new
installation requires extensive calculations. In order to assist technicians and energy
auditors in system optimization, EMSA developed the Motor System Tool.
It should be noticed that there aren’t any references with regard to the testing of the
Motor System Tool in practice. In course of this work no guarantee will be given
regarding the applicability of the tool in practice. This is just a suggestion for using
the tool.
Function of the tool:
The tool is able to calculate the efficiency factor of different motor systems and
provides technical support in selecting the optimal components. It dynamically
calculates how the change in speed, operating point, or other elements affects the
overall system efficiency. In addition the tool contains models for pumps, fans and
compressors, electric motors, as well as transmission types such as V-belts and
frequency converters and other combinations of those.
However the basic idea of the tool is, to map a complete, simplified model of the
electric motor system. The tool can be structured into following sections:
 Section 1: “Load”
This section deals with the definition of the load-profile of the electric motor
system. Here the user is able to choose different load-profiles (linear, square,
constant or reciprocal) referring to the speed of the electric motor.

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 Section 2: “Transmission”
In the section “Transmission” the selection of the drive type, e.g. direct drive
or V-belt, should be done. These elements can be found and selected in a
database by means of various parameters, e.g. size of the diver pulley.
 Section 3: “Motor & Drive”
In the third part, the input of the electric motor data is required. If not all
motor data are known, predefined standard motors can also be selected in the
tool. In addition the selection of the electric motor system should be
completed due to the control (frequency converters or without control) in this
Figure 8.1 shows the main menu of the motor system tool which includes the three
sections mentioned above.

Figure 8.1: Screenshot Motor Systems Tool (, 2016)

The basic function of the Motor-Tool can be summarized as follows:

The user defines a working point of the electrical motor system, e.g. the speed or
the required load. From this point on, all efficiency factors can be calculated. The
next step involves assessing the efficiency by changing various parameters. The
output of the tool is the energy consumption of the defined system.
(, 2017)

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8.1.2 STR-Standard Test Report

Another tool which can support the energy auditor in the energy analysis is called
“Standard Test Report” and was published by This tool is used for
standardized documentation of the actual and the target state (before and after the
implementation of improvement measures) of motor driven systems. In the following
paragraph the main function and features of the STR-tool will be described.
Also the “STR” - tool has been used frequently in energy audits. These are the same
audits in which the software tool “SOTEA” and “ILI+” has been used (for references
see chapter 4.2)

Function of the tool:

The tool can be structured into five parts, which will be described in this paragraph:
 Detailed description of the actual state of the electric motor driven
In this section of the Excel-tool, the user has to provide a great amount of
information on the actual state of the electric motor driven system he/she
wants to audit. First of all, the motor system nameplate data must filled in by
the user. The next step deals with the evaluation of plant documents and
installation schemes. Relevant data which can be found in these documents,
e.g. efficiency and age of the electric motor system, should be also filled in the
Excel-tool. In addition also operating data, for example the operating hours
per year of the system should be known. In the last step of this section the
type of electric motor system should specified, e.g. pump, fan or electric
motor, etc.
 Results of electrical load measurement:
The second section of the Excel-tool deals with the measurement of the
electric motor system. The electric power (motor or motor with frequency
converter) is measured at startup and during operation and should be
documented together with the information on the actual state. The results are
displayed in a graph and the minimum, maximum and average values of the
electrical power will be documented in a table as load factor. Together with
the power requirement at the start, the average load factor gives an indicator
of the under- or over-dimensioning of the system.
 Rough costs of the individual energy improvement measures:
The next step in the Excel-tool includes a list of the single improvement
measures. This list not only describes the improvement measures itself but it
also gives information about the scope and energetic effect of this measures.
In addition, the user of the Excel-tool should fill in the cost estimations of the
different measures because the sum of these costs is used to for the cost
benefit and pay-back calculation of the tool.

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 Calculation of the energy demand of the total system in the actual

and the target status:
The main part of the tool deals with the calculation of the energy demand of
the total system in the actual and the target status. The tool analyses the
measuring results of the actual state and is able to estimate the effective
mechanical power requirements of the different components of the electric
motor system. Better and adapted components can be evaluated based on
this analysis of the actual state and the target state can be defined with the
help of the new efficiency levels and necessary power requirements. The
calculation results in lower energy consumption in the future due to setting of
various energy efficiency measures.
 Box for additional explanations:
In the last section of the Excel-tool there is a box which can be filled out with
additional information like:
o Occurrences or observations during the measurement
o Detailed information about the process during the measurement
o Suggestions for further investigations
o Alternative enhancement variants with higher intervention level
o General notes and findings on the propulsion system

The basic function of the STR-Tool can be summarized as follows:

The Excel-tool can help the energy auditor to collect the right motor system data and
can analyze the efficiency of the system and its single components. In addition, the
energy auditor can simulate different energy saving measures and the program can
estimate the costs of the whole motor system in the actual and the target status.
(, 2015)

8.2 Energy Saving Measures

8.2.1 Electric Motors

This chapter obtains information about the most effective energy saving measures in
for electric motors. Measure 1: Motor replacement

The most common energy saving measure in the field of electric motors is the
replacement. This is about replacing the old inefficient electric motor with a new,
more efficient one.
However, before a replacement of the old motor can take place, it has to be
checked. The following criteria are important for the implementation of this measure:
 high run-times of the electric motor

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 high age of the electric motor

 low efficiency factor of the electric motor
In addition, it is important to know that depending on the power range, the most
motors have an efficiency factor of 80 to 93%. Motors in the high power ranges can
have a higher efficiency. However, it is known that motors lose more and more of
their efficiency in the course of their operating time. There are two types of energy
losses in motors:
 Performance-related losses (e.g. stator losses, rotor losses, etc.)
 Not Performance-related losses (e.g. mechanical losses, etc.)
According to the international standard IEC 60034-30-1:2014 (Rotating electrical
machines - part 30-1: Efficiency classes of line operated AC motors) electric motors
can be divided into the following efficiency classes:
 IE1 – Standard Efficiency
 IE2 – High Efficiency
 IE3 – Premium Efficiency
 IE4 – Super Premium Efficiency
Since January 2015, electric motors in the power range of 7.5 kW to 375 kW have to
comply with the efficiency class IE3 or correspond to the IE2 standard and should be
equipped with frequency converters. Figure 8.2 shows the efficiency factor
depending on the motor size (power of the motor) of the different efficiency classes.

Values for

Power (kW)

Figure 8.2: Scope of IEC 60034-30-1 (Siemens AG, 2017)

When it comes to the calculation of the energy saving potential due to the
replacement of the old inefficient motor by a new more efficient one, the following
Equation can be used. (Gilbert A.,, 2000, p. 6.1)

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Equation 8.1:

∆ = ∙ ∙ ∙( − )∙
𝜂 𝜂
∆ Energy cost savings due to the replacement of the electric
motor [€/a]
Nominal power of the electric motor [kW]
Current load of the electric motor [-]
Run-time of the electric motor [h/a]
Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]
𝜂 Efficiency factor of the old/inefficient electric motor [-]
𝜂 Efficiency factor of the new/efficient electric motor [-]
(Gilbert A. et al., 2000, p. 6.1)
This measure of the replacement of the electric motor can also be used as an energy
saving measures for pump- and ventilation systems (see chapter and Measure 2: Control and performance adjustment

A further important measure to save energy and in addition costs is the control and
performance adjustment of electric motors. In particular the usage of frequency
converters can help to reduce the energy consumption enormously. For the electric
motor itself, however, this measure is not of importance, but rather for the
technology which is driven by it, for example compressed air-, pump-, ventilation
systems. References to this measure can be found in chapter and Measure 3: Maintenance and repair

When it comes to maintenance and repair in the field of electric motors, also a great
amount of energy can be saved by setting the right measures. The traditional
purpose of maintenance has been two-fold: keep equipment from failing prematurely
and keep equipment calibrated for optimum performance. Both of these objectives
can be thought of as preventative maintenance. According to a two-year Factory
Mutual study “Quality Partnering: A Guide to Maximizing Your Electromechanical
Systems,” which was written by the Electrical Apparatus Service Association in St.
Louis, effective preventative maintenance programs could have prevented more than
half the losses associated with electrical equipment failure. It also showed that well-
maintained motors dramatically improve a facility’s overall efficiency. However, a
good maintenance program should contain elements of both predictive (testing,
measurement, trending) and preventative maintenance (PPM).
The following activities should be executed in order to have an effective maintenance
plan in the field of electric motors:

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 Cleaning:
o Avoid too many thick coats of paint or dirt build-ups which can foul
heat transfer surfaces
o Avoid dirt, because it can damage a motor in three ways. It can attack
the electrical insulation by abrasion or absorption into the insulation. It
can contaminate lubricants and destroy bearings.
o Compressed air (2 bar maximum), vacuum cleaning and direct wipe
down with rags or brushes should be used to remove the dirt form the
electric motors
 Lubrication:
Many small or integral horse-power motors have factory-sealed bearings that
do not require relubrication. Typical lubrication intervals vary from less than
three months (for larger motors subject to vibration, severe bearing loads, or
high temperature) to five years for integral horsepower motors with
intermediate use. Motors which are used seasonally should be lubricated
annually before the season of use.
 Correct mounting, coupling and alignment:
o Correct Mounting is not really a maintenance issue, but if it is
inadequate, it can result in serious maintenance problems. Failure to
provide a solid mounting can lead to vibration or deflection which leads
to bearing failure.
o Coupling alignment is often promoted for energy efficiency. Energy loss
in couplings is sometimes overstated, but proper alignment is always
important to bearing and coupling life.
 Optimize operating conditions:
Motor operation conditions affect efficiency and reliability. The following
activities can help to optimize them:
o Recording of the current operating conditions at regular intervals. This
will ensure that they are within tolerances for the motor.
o Trending these conditions can allow early detection of problems
developing in the motor, load, or power distribution system.
o Further operating speed, voltage and current on all three phases should
be recorded. In addition also the power and the power factor of the
motor should be known.
 Thermal, vibration and acoustic tests:
o Measuring the surface temperature of the motor, because over time
increases in the temperature which cannot be explained by other
observed factors often signals problems.

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o When it comes to vibration it often can signal problems like load

imbalance, bent shaft, rotor damage, coupling misalignment, increase
or change in linear harmonics or even voltage unbalance.
 Electrical tests:
Certain electrical tests should be periodically performed on the motor and
motor circuit. This test should generally detect insulation problems. Moreover
tests performed on the distribution system frequently detect loose connections
in the motor circuit, and can also detect winding errors in the motor. In
addition such errors could be detected with thermographic inspections.
(Gilbert A. et al., 2000, p. 9.1 – 9.12)

8.2.2 Pumps
This chapter obtains information about the most effective energy efficient measures
in pump systems. Measure 1: Coordinate operation of the pump with load

The first question when optimizing pump systems is which consumer can or must be
supplied. Therefore the right coordination of the operation of the pump system with
the load is a very important measure to save energy and costs.
Examples of questions for this topic are:
 Which maximum flow is required for the process?
 Are their fluctuations in the load?
 Are there any options for controlling the water, cooling or heating demand
depending on the load?
 Have there been set any simple measures for reducing the heating and
cooling demand?
The questions above should serve as a support and at the same time they should
provide an assessment which measures have already been set referring to the
optimization of the pump system. In case of the coordination of the operation of the
pump system with the load the following measures can be set:
 Reduction of the run-time of the pump system:
Pumps often have very long operating times and these kind of pump systems
are often called endurance runners. An important measure therefore is the
examination of the necessary running time of the pump system and the
provided heat or cold energy which the pump system should provide. The first
measure to reduce the run-time is to switch off pumps which are not needed.
In addition the operating time of all pumps should be adapted to the actual
required operating time. For example time-, temperature-, pressure and level
control (level indicators) are simple control mechanisms for adjusting the
operating time of the pumps to the process. The estimation of the energy

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costs saving potential due to the reduction of run-times is shown in

Equation 8.2:
Equation 8.2:

∆ = ∙( − )∙

∆ Energy cost savings due to the reduction of the run-time

of the pump system [€/a]
Electrical power input to the pump system [kW]
Current running time of the pump system [h/a]
Running time of system after optimization [h/a]
Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]

 Switching off pumps or power supplies with different pressure

Often pump systems supply consumers, which require different pressure
levels, at the same time. In that chase it is necessary to check if the high
pressure level consumers can be supplied by a pressure boosting pump and so
the main network can be supplied with a lower pressure level. Another
measure to save energy is to switch off pump system parts (pumps or
consumers) which are not required at the moment (e.g. operational
downtime). This can be done with a simple ball-valve or valve. The energy
costs saving potential due to the reduction of the pressure level or switching
off some pumps is the same as for the reduction of running time. The energy
saving potential due to this measure can be calculated as follows (see
Equation 8.3).
Equation 8.3:
∆ = _ − _ ∙ ∙

∆ Energy cost savings due to the reduction of the run-time

of the pump system [€/a]
_ Electrical power input to the pump system before reducing
pressure level [kW]
_ Electrical power input to the pump system after pressure
reduction [kW]
Current running time of the pump system [h/a]

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Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]

(Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 31-22) Measure 2: Pump replacement

A pump runs most efficiently when it operates at its designed operating point with its
optimal efficiency factor. The intersection point of the system- and the pump
characteristic curve defines the optimal operating point of the pump. There can be
several reasons why the intersection point is not placed in the optimal operating
range of the pump:
 Oversizing: The consideration of a safety margin leads to the installation of
pumps which are oversized and have to be throttled.
 Subsequent structural changes to the pump system lead to a change in the
delivery volume and the delivery head (system curve changes)
 Natural time-related loss of efficiency due to degeneration
 Change of the process to be supplied
Table 8.1 should help the energy auditor to find out when a pump has to be
Table 8.1: Indicators to check if pump should be replaced

Indicator Value
Pumps with high power
Pump size and run-time consumption [kW] and
long run-times [h/a]
When flow rate differs
Flow rate more than 30 % from the
name plate data
When delivery head differs
Delivery head more than 20 % from the
name plate data

In addition there are some other indicators which often can lead to a replacement of
a pump system, e.g.: high maintenance requirements (due to cavitation problems),
noise emissions and constantly throttled pump system or a corroded throttle valve.
In order to evaluate the pump replacement, the check of the actual efficiency factor
of the pump system is crucial. The efficiency of pumps depends on the pump type
and the power of the pump and can be taken from data sheets or the pump curves
for the specific pump. The efficiency also depends on the specific operating point of
the pump. If the operating point is removed from the optimum operating point the

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efficiency also decreases. Figure 8.3 shows the efficiency as a function of the actual
flow of a pump.



Figure 8.3: Dependence of the efficiency on the deviation of the delivery volume for the most used
characteristics (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 25)

Furthermore, the efficiency reduces with 0.5 % to 1 % per year during the entire
operating period. It is important to add that the decrease in the efficiency factor of
the pump, especially in the first years of operation is very high (also see Figure 8.4).

Figure 8.4: Degree of efficiency losses in pumps depending on maintenance (DETR, 1998, p. 9)
The estimation of the energy costs saving potential due to the replacement of the
pump systems is shown in Equation 8.4 to Equation 8.6:
Equation 8.4:
𝜂 .
∆ = ∙ ∙ − ∙
𝜂 .

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∆ Energy cost savings due the replacement of the pump [€/a]

Electrical power input to the pump system [kW]
Run-time of the pump system [h/a]
𝜂 . Efficiency factor of the pump system before the optimization [-]
𝜂 . Efficiency factor of the pump system after the optimization [-]
Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]

Equation 8.5:
𝜂 . = 𝜂 ∙𝜂
Equation 8.6:
𝜂 . =𝜂 ∙𝜂

𝜂 Efficiency factor of the electric motor of the pump system [-]

𝜂 Efficiency factor of the pump of the pump system [-]
(Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 26) Measure 3: Control and performance adjustment

Poorly or not controlled pump systems, which supply consumers with variable flow,
should be examined at first. For example, in heating or cooling systems low
temperature spreads during the transition time are an indication for poorly or not
controlled pump systems. This problem can be solved through the control of the
pump system by a frequency converter. It is well known that a control by frequency
converters is the most efficient way to adapt the pump power to the variable load.
Of course, there are other control types for pumps to adapt the power, e.g. due to a
throttle valve. However the use of a throttle valve for pumps should be avoided. The
pressure drop due to the throttle valve represents wasted energy potential which is
proportional to the pressure drop and flow. The Table 8.2 shows a comparison of the
power consumption of a throttled and speed controlled pump system at different
load states:

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Table 8.2: Percent reduction of the power requirement for flow as a function of closed-system control
(for a closed system, without static head) (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 27)

Throttled Speed controlled

Flow [%]
Power [W] Power [W]
0 40 0
10 46 1
20 53 2
30 59 4
40 66 9
50 72 14
60 78 24
70 84 37
80 90 53
90 95 74
100 100 100

In addition Table 8.2 also shows that in the case of a control with the frequency
converter the pump requires significantly less power in partial load operation than in
the case of a throttle control. On the basis of the available results only the energy
savings according to the control via frequency converter will be discussed. When it
comes to the assessment of the saving potential, this can be done by following the
steps below.
The first step is to calculate the hydraulic power of the pump (see Equation 8.7):
Equation 8.7:

ℎ = ∙g∙ ∙

ℎ Hydraulic power of the pump system [W]

Density (e.g. water) [kg/m³]
g Gravitational acceleration [m/s²]
Flow rate [m³/s]
Delivery head [m]

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The second step deals with the calculation of the rated power of the pump and can
be seen in Equation 8.8:
Equation 8.8:

ℎ ∙g∙ ∙
= =
𝜂 𝜂

Nominal power of the pump [W]

𝜂 Efficiency factor of the pump [-]

Finally the power of the electric motor can be calculated by taking into account the
efficiency factor of the motor (see Equation 8.9):
Equation 8.9:
∙g∙ ∙
= =
𝜂 𝜂 ∙𝜂

Electric power of the motor [W]

𝜂 Efficiency factor of the motor [-]

When using a frequency converter, the additional power loss caused by the
frequency converter must be taken into account by adding an additional efficiency
factor (𝜂 ) to the Equation 8.10:
Equation 8.10:
∙g∙ ∙
_ =
𝜂 ∙𝜂 ∙𝜂

_ Electric power of the motor with frequency converter [W]

𝜂 Efficiency factor of the frequency converter [-]

Last but not least the solution of Equation 8.11 can be used to calculate the required
power (P2) for a closed system without static head in part load by using a frequency
Equation 8.11:

=( ) ∙ _ ∙

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Electric power of the motor with frequency converter in part load

Speed in part load [RPM]
Speed in full load [RPM]
The electrical energy costs which have to be paid due to the different load states of
the pump system can be calculated with Equation 8.12:
Equation 8.12:
= _ _ ∙ + _ _ ∙ + _ ∙ +⋯ ∙

Energy cost of the pump system when controlled with frequency

converter [€/a]
_ _ , _ _ , … Power of the motor with frequency converter in in different part
load levels [kW]
, Different run-times of the pump system [h/a]
Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]

If in addition also the energy costs are known before the usage of a frequency
converter control, Equation 8.13 can be used to calculate the actual energy cost
Equation 8.13:
∆ = 𝑦 − 𝑦

∆ Energy cost savings which can be saved through frequency

converter control of the pump [€/a]
𝑦 Energy costs of the not-controlled pump system [€/a]
𝑦 Energy costs of frequency converter controlled pump system
(Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 28-30) Measure 4: Motor replacement

Another energy saving measure is the replacement of the drive of the pump system.
A big advantage is that by the replacing of the electrical motor of the pump system
significant efficiency improvements can be achieved with particularly low structural
When it comes to the assessment of the saving potential due to the replacement of
the motor of the pump system the following Equation 8.14 can be used:
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Equation 8.14:

∆ = [( ∙ ∙ ∙ − )
𝜂 . 𝜂 .

+( ∙ ∙ ∙ − )+⋯]∙
𝜂 . 𝜂 .

∆ Energy cost savings due to the replacement of the motor of the

pump system [€/a]
Nominal power of the motor of the pump system [kW]
, Different run-times of the motor of the pump system [h/a]
, Different workloads of the motor of the pump system [-]
𝜂 . Efficiency factor of the new/efficient motor [-]
𝜂 . Efficiency factor of the old/inefficient motor [-]
Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]

The energy savings due to the higher efficiency factor of the new motor can be
calculated through the multiplication of the electrical power of the motor ( ) with the
run-times ( , , …) at different workloads ( , , …), the
difference of the efficiency factors (𝜂 .−𝜂 . ) and the energy cost factor
(Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 31-35) Measure 5: Optimization of the pipework system

Optimization of the hydraulic system is another energy efficiency measure which can
be used to optimize the energy consumption of pump systems. The aim is to reduce
the relevant delivery head in the pump system.
Each pump system has to overcome a certain amount of resistance due to the
pressure increase which is known as the so called delivery head. This resistance
includes a static and a dynamic part. The static part is determined by the
static/geodetic height and the dynamic part results of the pipe friction losses and the
sum of the hydraulic resistances of the built-in fittings. The following section shows
measures reducing the delivery height (static and dynamic part) of the pump system.
Firstly the static part of the delivery height should be reduced, e.g. the entire flow
volume should not be pumped to the highest level, but only to the height required
for the particular application. In addition the position of water tanks and boilers has
to be checked. This measure is particularly relevant for plant planning, but it can also
play a role in larger retrofitting of the plant.
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The next step is to reduce the dynamic part of the delivery height. In case of the
reduction of the dynamic part the following measures have to be kept in mind:
 Checking the pipe diameter:
The pipe diameter should be checked, especially in the case of obvious cross-
sectional changes or subsequent production expansions leading to the
connection of further machines. In order to minimize the pipe friction losses
and also the high power requirement of the pump, the pipe diameter should
be chosen wisely.
The following pipe diameters and the flow velocity should be regarded as a
guideline for an efficient pipe dimensioning:
o Water distribution systems (mostly open systems): up to 3.0 m/s
depending on application
o Heating/cooling/ventilation systems (mostly closed systems):
 Up to DN 32 max. 1.2 m/s
 DN 40 & 50 max. 1.5 m/s
 DN 65 & 80 max. 1.8 m/s
 DN 100 & larger max. 2.0 m/s

Equation 8.15 should help the energy auditor to calculate the flow velocity at
any pipe diameter:
Equation 8.15:

∙ ̇∙ ∗
∙ 𝑖 ∙

𝜈 Flow velocity [m/s]

̇ Flow rate [m³/h]
𝑖 Inner diameter of the pipe [mm]
3600 calculation factor from h to s
There is a mistake in the literature! It should be
instead of , because the calculation factor from mm²
to m² should be .
(Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 34)
 Take a look at the hydraulic losses of the installed components:
A pipe system consists not only of one or more straight pip sections it also
includes a large number of different parts: components for cross section-,
directional- and flow change, valves and throttle valves. However, these
components produce an additional increase in the dynamic delivery height.
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The problem is that this additional pressure drop also has to be covered by
the pump system. Therefore, the lowest possible pressure losses of the valves
must be taken into consideration during procurement. The following Table 8.3
gives examples of pressure losses for various built-in fittings in the pump
Table 8.3: Pressure losses of fittings in the pump system (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p.

Fittings Coefficient of loss 

Pipe bend 90° 0.3

Flap trap 1 to 2

Non-return valve 0.7 to 1.2

Slider 0.2

Pipes 0.0

 Optimization of suction and pressure side of the pump system:

In addition the design of the pipeline on the suction side of the pump has a
considerable influence on the energy costs and the service life on the pump.
Another important point is that the suction of the pump is swirl- and vortex-
When it comes to the assessment of the saving potential due to the
optimization of the pipework system the following formulas can be used:
Equation 8.16:
= +

Delivery head [m]

Static part of delivery head [m]
Dynamic part of delivery head [m]

Equation 8.17:
= +( + ∑ ) ∙

𝜆 Friction factor [-]

Length of the tube [m]

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Outside diameter tube [m]

 Coefficient of loss [-]
Flow velocity [m/s]
g Gravitational acceleration [m/s²]

Equation 8.18:
∙ ∙ ∙
𝜂 ∙𝜂

Electrical power of the motor [W]

Density (e.g. water) [kg/m³]
Flow rate [m³/s]
𝜂 Efficiency factor of the pump [-]
𝜂 Efficiency factor of the motor [-]

Equation 8.19:

= ∙ ∙ ∙

Electrical power of the motor [W]

Energy costs of the pump system [€/a]
Run-time of the pump system [h/a]
Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]

Equation 8.20:
∆ = 𝑦 . − 𝑦 .

∆ Energy cost savings through the optimizing of the

pipework system [€/a]
𝑦 . Energy costs before the optimization of the
pipework system [€/a]
𝑦 . Energy costs after the optimization of the pipework
system [€/a]
(Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 36-40)
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The last energy saving measure discussed in this section is maintenance and repair
of pump systems. Maintenance costs often account for only 5-10 % of the total life
cycle costs of a pump system. In turn, however, they have a strong influence on
electricity consumption, which accounts for about 85 % of the life cycle costs.
Therefore, special attention should also be paid to maintenance and repair of pump
systems. In order to keep the pump efficiency factor high and the energy costs low,
the following points should be noted on the maintenance schedule:
 Visual checks for leaks depending on the application (weekly to semi-annual):
Permissible leakages should be between 2 and 60 drops per minute.
 In case of heavy leakage due to high wear, the mechanical seals have to be
 Check the leak-tightness of the re-circulation valves
 Checking for cavitation
 Lubrication of the bearings should be done according to the manufacturer’s
 Increased “clack” noise and unusual vibrations indicate bearing wear
(Replacement of the bearing if necessary)
 Quit running and vibrations: If necessary, correct the orientation of the motor
and the pump in order to bring theses exactly back into alignment
 Checking the insulation of the pump motor
 Built-in filter should be cleaned regularly, because from a certain degree of
pollution, the pressure loss increases rapidly.
 Checking the oil level, fittings and instruments

8.2.3 Ventilation
This chapter obtains information about the most effective energy efficient measures
in ventilation systems. However it should be mentioned that there are some other
important measures for ventilation systems which can also help to save energy and
costs, for example the “Humidification and dehumidification (will not be described in
this document because of complexity). Measure 1: Operating time reduction

The first measure for ventilation systems is the reduction of the operating time. This
reduction leads to energy savings in the entire ventilation system. Before this
reduction is possible, however, it should be checked if it is useful to shorten the
operating times. In Equation 8.21 the energy saving calculation of this measure can
be seen:

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Equation 8.21:

∆ = ̇∙ − ∙ ,ℎ , , 𝑖

∆ Energy cost savings due to the reduction of the run-time of the

ventilation system [€/a]
̇ Rated flow [m³/h]
, Operating times of the fan (before and after the reducing of the
run-time) [h/a]
,ℎ , , 𝑖 . Specific volume-related costs for electricity (el), heat, cold and
maintenance [€/m³]
(Gerstbauer C., Presch D. & Hofmann M., 2017, p. 14) Measure 2: Flow rate adjustment

Another energy saving measure is the adjustment of the flow rate of the ventilation
system. In order to calculate the energy saving potential due to the adjustment of
the flow rate the following formulas should be used:
At first the determination of the actual flow rate before the optimization is necessary.
For this calculation a time period should be defined. In this case, the period is one
year. Equation 8.22 and Equation 8.23 should be used to calculate the annual
supply-air and extract-air volume flow:
Equation 8.22:
̇ , = ̇ , ∙

̇ , Annual transported supply-air volume flow [m³/a]

̇ , Specific flow rate [m³/h]
Operating hours of supply-air [h/a]

Equation 8.23:
̇ , = ̇ , ∙

̇ , Annual transported extract-air volume flow [m³/a]

̇ , Specific flow rate [m³/h]
Operating hours of supply-air [h/a]

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Furthermore, the data for the annual conditioning- and transport energy has to be
collected. Another way to calculate the transport energy is shown in the following
Equation 8.24:
Equation 8.24:

, = √ ∙ ∙ ∙ cos  ∙

, Annual electricity consumption of the motor of the ventilation

system [Wh/a]
Supply voltage of the motor of the ventilation system [V]
Supply current of the motor of the ventilation system [I]
cos  Power factor of the motor [-]
Operating hours of the motor of the ventilation system [h/a]

Equation 8.24 assumes that the system is operating without a special control (e.g.
frequency converter) over the operating time. In addition Equation 8.24 should be
used to calculate the electricity consumption of the supply- and extract-air fans:

, , Annual electricity consumption of the motor of the extract-air fan

, , Annual electricity consumption of the motor of the supply-air fan

For the energy saving calculation, the annual thermal energy for heating and cooling
, ℎ [kWh/a] must also be determined, for example via a heat quantity counter. For
further calculation, the specific thermal characteristic factor has to be calculated,
which is shown in Equation 8.25:
Equation 8.25:

, ℎ
ℎ =
̇ ,

ℎ Specific thermal characteristic factor [kWh/m³]

The second part of the energy saving calculation deals with the calculation of the
new annual thermal energy for heating and cooling , ℎ, [kWh/a] due to the
optimization of the flow rate (see Equation 8.26).
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Equation 8.26:

, ℎ, = ℎ ∙ ̇ , ,

, ℎ, New annual thermal energy for heating and cooling [kWh/a]

̇ , , Annual transported supply-air volume flow [m³/a]

When it comes to the calculation of the energy cost savings the difference between
, ℎ and , ℎ, should be multiplied with the energy cost factor to calculate the
energy cost saving potential (see Equation 8.27).
Equation 8.27:
∆ = , ℎ − , ℎ, ∙ ℎ ,

∆ Energy costs savings through the optimizing of the flow rate of

the ventilation system [€/a]
ℎ , Specific energy costs for heat and cold [€/kWh]
(Gerstbauer C., Presch D. & Hofmann M., 2017, p. 15-20) Measure 3: Plant parts replacement

The next saving measure deals with the replacement of plant parts of the ventilation
system, for example the fan, the drive and the motor. This chapter concerns with the
calculation of the energy- and cost savings resulting from the replacement of the old
parts of the ventilation system by new efficient parts.
Replacement of the fan:
At first energy savings due to the replacement of the fan will be discussed. Before
the fan can be replaced the energy auditor should check the specific fan-power of
the current fan, because this characteristic factor helps to declare the efficiency of
the fan. This factor is calculated in Equation 8.28. The result of the calculation should
be compared withTable 8.4. According to the current state of the art, the - value
should not be greater than 4, otherwise the fan should be replaced.
Equation 8.28:

= =
̇ 𝜂

Specific fan-power [kW/(m³/s)]

Electric power of the motor [kW]
̇ Nominal air volume flow of the fan [m³/s]
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∆ Total pressure increase of the fan [kPa]

𝜂 Overall efficiency (fan, drive, motor) [-]

Table 8.4: Classification of the specific fan-power (Gerstbauer C., Presch D. & Hofmann M., 2017, p.

Classification Specific fan-power in [kW/(m³/s)]

SFP 1 < 500
SFP 2 500-750
SFP 3 751-1250
SFP 4 1251-2000
SFP 5 2001-3000
SFP 6 3001-4500
SFP 7 > 4500

When it comes to the evaluation of the energy saving potential of this measure the
energy auditor should refer to the Eco-design directive. The first step is to identify
the current efficiency factor of the fan 𝜂𝑖 . In the next step this factor should be
compared with the defined levels of the efficiency factor of the Eco-Design directive.
The energy cost savings due to the replacement of the fan can be calculated with
Equation 8.29.
Equation 8.29:

Δ = ∙ ∙ ∙( −( )) ∙ ℎ ,

𝜂𝑖 Current efficiency factor of the fan [-]

𝜂 Efficiency factor of the fan according to Eco-design 1 [-]
Δ Energy costs savings through the replacement of the fan [€/a]
Electric power of the motor [W]
Operating hours of the motor of the ventilation system [h/a]
ℎ , Specific energy costs for heat and cold [€/kWh]

Replacement of the drive:

Another potential to save energy and costs is to take a look at the efficiency of the
drive of the ventilation system. Equation 8.30 should help to evaluate the drive.

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Equation 8.30:

𝜂 𝑖

Power of the electric motor of the ventilation system [kW]

ℎ Shaft-power of the ventilation system [kW]
𝜂 𝑖 Efficiency factor of the drive of the ventilation system [-]

Equation 8.30 shows that the power output of the motor is related to the efficiency
factor of the drive and so also affects the electrical energy consumption of the
motor. When selecting or replacing a more efficient drive for the fan system, the
following guide-values for the efficiency factor of the drive 𝜂 𝑖 can be used:
 Direct-drive: 𝜂 𝑖 =1

 Single-V-belt: for Pel < 5 Kw 𝜂 𝑖 = 0,83

for Pel > 5 Kw 𝜂 𝑖 = 0,90

 Multiple-V-belt: Each additional V-belt reduces power transmission by 1%!

 Flat belt: for Pel < 5 Kw 𝜂 𝑖 = 0,90

for Pel > 5 Kw 𝜂 𝑖 = 0,96

When it comes to the evaluation of the energy saving costs due to the replacement
of the inefficient drive of the fan system the cost savings can be calculated as follows
(see Equation 8.31):
Equation 8.31:
∆ = , − , ∙ ∙

∆ Energy costs savings through the replacement of the drive [€/a]

, Power of the electric motor of the fan system by using the old
drive [kW]
, Power of the electric motor of the fan system by using the new
drive [kW]
Operating hours of the motor of the ventilation system [h/a]
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Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]

Replacement of the electric motor:

Further the inefficient electric motor of the fan system can also be replaced to save
energy and in addition money. In order to be able to carry out an energy-saving
evaluation with reference to the replacement, the two efficiency factors of the
electric motors (the old one and the new one) must be known. If the efficiency factor
of the existing motor is not known, it can also be determined using the following
Equation 8.32:
Equation 8.32:

𝜂 =

𝜂 Efficiency factor of the current electric motor [-]

ℎ Shaft-power of the current/inefficient electric motor [kW]
Electric-power of the electric motor [kW]

In order to be able to calculate the energy cost savings by replacing the inefficient
electric motor of the fan system, the efficiency factor of the new efficient motor also
has to be known. If both efficiency factors are determined the following equation
should be used to calculate the energy cost savings:
Equation 8.33:

∆ = ℎ ∙ ∙ ∙ − ∙
𝜂 𝜂

∆ Energy costs savings through the replacement of the electric

motor [€/a]
ℎ Shaft-power of the current/inefficient electric motor [W]
Operating hours of the motor of the ventilation system [h/a]
𝜂 Efficiency factor of the efficient/new electric motor [-]
Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]
(Gerstbauer C., Presch D. & Hofmann M., 2017, p. 20-27) Measure 4: Heat recovery

Heat recovery is a further measure to reduce the energy consumption of the fan
system. In order to estimate the potential of heat recovery, the average outside
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temperature Tam,H over a specific heating period is required. This temperature

depends on the location and can be seen in the following Table 8.5:
Table 8.5: Average outside temperature (Gerstbauer C., Presch D. & Hofmann M., 2017, p. 28)

Average outside
Location temperature
(Tam,H) [°C]
Vienna 3,4
Graz 3,4
Klagenfurt 2,5
Innsbruck 3,6
Bregenz 4,1
Salzburg 3,8
Linz 3,2
St. Pölten 3,5

The second step is to calculate the power potential of the extract-air Pextract-air during
the heating period, which is shown in Equation 8.34:
Equation 8.34:
̇ − 𝑖 ∙ 𝑖 ∙ ∆𝜗
− 𝑖 =

− 𝑖 Power potential of the extract-air [kW]

̇ − 𝑖 Mass flow of the extract-air [kg/h]
𝑖 Specific heat capacity of the air [kJ/kgK]
∆𝜗 Temperature difference between room air ϑRA and average
outside temperature ϑextract-air [K]

The calculated power potential of the extract-air must now be multiplied by the so-
called heat recovery factor  , which varies according to the type of the heat
recovery system used, in order to calculate the recoverable power (see
Equation 8.35):

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Equation 8.35:

ℎ = Φ∙ − 𝑖

ℎ Power, which can be recovered through a heat recovery system

Φ Heat recovery factor [-]

Now the energy cost savings due to this measure can be calculated (also see
Equation 8.36):
Equation 8.36:
∆ = ℎ ∙ ∙ ℎ ,

∆ Energy costs savings through the replacement of the electric

motor [€/a]
Running-time of the ventilation system in the heating period
ℎ , Specific energy costs for heat and cold [€/kWh]

In addition it should be mentioned that the energy cost savings calculation due to
the heat recovery process, can be also used for the cold-recovery process. In this
case only the average outside temperature in the cooling-period is required.
(Gerstbauer C., Presch D. & Hofmann M., 2017, p. 27-30) Measure 5: Maintenance and repair

Maintenance and repair is also a significant measure to reduce energy consumption
and energy costs. When it comes to maintenance and repair of a fan system the first
thing to do is to ensure that the system is clean and tight, because:

 Leakages in the air ducts can cause losses in the flow rate
 Dirt contributes to higher pressure drops in the fan system

Now some examples will be given to avoid leakages and dirt contributions in fan

 Checking the sealing classes of the fan system components to avoid big
 Differential pressure monitoring of the filters of the ventilation system to avoid
pressure drops

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The effect on the cost of the transport energy of an increased flow rate or an
increased pressure drop can be calculated using Equation 8.37:
Equation 8.37:
̇ − ̇ ∙ ∆ −∆
∆ = ∙ ∙

∆ Energy costs savings through the maintenance and repair of the

ventilation system electric motor [€/a]
̇ − ̇ Difference between the flow rate before and after the measure
∆ −∆ Difference between the pressure loss before and after the
measure [Pa]
𝜂 Overall efficiency of the ventilation system (fan, drive, motor)
Operating time of the ventilation system [h/a]
Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]

It’s also important to add that by regular maintenance, pressure losses and losses in
the flow rate can be countered and so energy and costs can be saved.
(Gerstbauer C., Presch D. & Hofmann M., 2017, p. 38-40)

8.2.4 Compressed air systems

This chapter obtains information about the most effective energy efficient measures
in compressed air systems. Measure 1: Reduction of leakages

One of the biggest energy losses in compressed air systems are caused by leakages
in the system. A leakage percentage of 50 % is not unusual in compressed air
systems. Due to this fact, the leakage percentage should/can be reduced to 10 %.
As a result of this measure, the compressor running time will be lowered and in
addition also the energy costs.
Before the leakages can be reduced, they have to be detected in the compressed air
system. The leakages can be detected with ultrasound equipment. In addition, it is
well known that especially flexible elements and connectors tend to leak (couplings,
switching components, cylinders, etc.). In chase of the leakage reduction the
following measures can be used:

 Tightening of cutting ring fittings, renewal of threaded seals (Teflon-tape or

liquid thread sealing compound)
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 Replacement of valves, cylinders, couplings, sealing rings

 Procurement of low-loss couplings
 Net-pressure optimization

When it comes to the assessment of the saving potential, this can be done by the
measurement of leakages over operating time of the compressor. Moreover it is of
great importance to conduct the operating time measurement in the operational
downtime of the compressed air system, when the compressor cover leakages losses
only. Afterwards, through the multiplication of the power of the compressor PKomp or
the load of the compressor VKomp (in the loaded state) with the measured operating
times the leakage losses and the leakage amount in the operational downtime can
be calculated.

Equation 8.38 and Equation 8.39 show the leakage losses [kWh/a] and the leakage
amount [m³/a]:
Equation 8.38:

𝐿 = ∙ ∙ℎ

Equation 8.39:

𝐿 = ∙ ∙ℎ

𝐿 Energy losses due to the leakages in the compressed air system

𝐿 Amount of leakages in the compressed air system [m³/a]
Time in load [h/a]
Total measuring time (full load, part-load, stop) [h]
Power of the compressor at full load [kW]
ℎ Annual operating hours (full load) [h]
Load of the compressor [m³/h]

The energy costs, which can be saved through the reduction of the leakages to
10 %, can be calculated in the two following formulas (Equation 8.40 and
Equation 8.41) below:
Equation 8.40:
𝑦 = ∙ %∙

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𝑦 Energy costs after the reduction of the leakage losses to

10% relating to the total energy consumption ( ) of the
compressed air system [€/a]
Total energy consumption of the compressed air system
Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]

Equation 8.41:
𝑦 =𝐿 ∙

𝑦 Energy costs before the reduction of the leakage losses

𝐿 Energy losses due to the leakages in the compressed air
system [kWh/a]
Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]

The difference between the result of Equation 8.40 and Equation 8.41 are the energy
costs which can be saved through this measure (see Equation 8.42):
Equation 8.42:
∆ = 𝑦 − 𝑦

𝑦 Energy costs before the reduction of the leakage losses

𝑦 Energy costs after the reduction of the leakage losses to
10% relating to the total energy consumption ( ) of the
compressed air system [€/a]
∆ Energy cost savings which can be saved through the
reduction of the leakages to 10 % [€/a]
(Kulterer K. et al., 2015, p. 11-13) Measure 2: Optimization of the system pressure

Optimization of the system pressure is another energy efficiency measure which can
be used to optimize the energy consumption of compressed air systems. According
to experience, the lowering of the system pressure by up to 1 bar will lead to an
energy saving amount of more than 7 % of the total energy consumption of the
system. In addition, due to the reduction of the system pressure by up to 1 bar,
there should be no relevant effect on the compressed air consumers.
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Beside the energy saving, a reduction of the system pressure by 0.3 bar can lead to
a reduction of the leakages by more than 4 %. It’s important to add that, only after
checking the necessary working pressure for the compressed air consumers, the
system pressure should be lowered. In case of the system pressure reduction, the
following measures can be set:
 Selection of dryers and coolers with pressure drop at selected conditions
 Replace unnecessary filters, valves and T-pieces in the pipe system
 Replacement of flexible by short straight PU-tubing  usage of spiral tubing
only on the last 3-5 m (pay attention to the cross section)
 Specification of pressure regulators, oilers, hoses and connections (couplings)
with the best performance characteristics and the lowest pressure drop
 State-of-the-art high-speed couplings
 Avoid temporary pipes, replace hose clamps with crimp connections
 Avoiding long distances pressure nets
 Dismantling of all superfluous extraction points
 Separating compressed air consumers which use different pressure levels in,
e.g.: two different pressure nets  so there is no problem of over- or under-
supply and in addition energy can be saved
 Avoid pressure fluctuations by installing local pressure accumulators
 Adapt/reduce the system pressure to the load
 Selection of consumers, tools that can be operated at low pressure (large air
cylinders), e.g.: Modern compressed air guns have a better efficiency at 30 %
lower pressure level.
 Compressed air consumers:
o Avoid compressed air for cleaning
o Avoid compressed air for cooling
o Avoid compressed air for the atomizing of liquids
The energy cost which can be saved due to the reduction of the pressure by up to
1 bar can be calculated through Equation 8.43:
Equation 8.43:

∆ = ∙ . ∙ ∆ −∆ ∙

Total energy consumption of the compressed air system [kWh/a]

Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]
∆ System pressure before the optimization [bar]
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∆ System pressure after the optimization [bar]

0.07 Factor to calculate energy saving amount when system pressure
is lowered by 1 bar [1/bar]
∆ Energy cost savings which can be saved through the reduction of
the system pressure up to 1 bar [€/a]
(Kulterer K. et al., 2015, p. 14-15) Measure 3: Control and performance adjustment

Another reduction of energy consumption and energy costs can be achieved by
improving the adjustment of the control of the compressed air system. By
modernising the control system of the compressed air system, the necessary
switching differential between upper and lower switching point can be optimized.
This optimization can lead to a pressure reduction. Thus, useful energy can be saved.
The key figure for this energy saving measure is the net pressure range (switch on-
and switch off pressure), wherein a distinction should made between the net
pressure range of single compressed air systems and mulita compressed air systems.
A good guide value for the net pressure range is 1 bar for multi compressed air
systems and 0.5 bar for single compressed air systems. In addition, it should be
mentioned that a pressure reduction of 0.5 bar can lead to an energy saving
percentage of 3 % to 4 % of the whole energy consumption of the compressed air
system. (Kulterer K. et al., 2015, p. 16) Measure 4: Reduction of the idle part

The next energy saving measure will be the reduction of the idle part of the
compressed air system. Oversized or poorly controlled compressors often have a load
factor of only 50 %. As a result, compressed air systems which are not controlled by
frequency converters are running frequently in the unfavourable idle sate. In this idle
state the compressor system, depending on the size, only runs on 20 % to 50 % (on
average about one third) of the full load and so doesn’t deliver compressed air.
However the target value for the use of peak load compressors should be 70 % and
above. When it comes to controlled multi compressed air systems, the target value
for those compressors is even over 90 %.
Before the idle part of the compressed air system can be reduced, it has to be
detected, measured or estimated. The idle part of the compressed air system is
calculated from the ratio of the time which the compressor runs in part load to the
total running time of the compressor (also see Equation 8.44):
Equation 8.44:

= ∙

Percentage of total running time in which the compressor runs in

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part-load [%]
Time compressor runs in part load [h]
Total running time of the compressor [h]

If the idle part is over 20 %-50 %, due to the calculation above, there is a need for
action. The causes of a too high idle part can be:

 Reduction of the original compressed air requirement (standstill of a line,

disconnection of a power supply, closure of a production hall)
 Oversized compressor
 Highly fluctuating compressed air demand

The energy which will be wasted trough the high idle part of the compressor system
can be calculated in the following way (see Equation 8.45):
Equation 8.45:
= ∙

Total energy consumption of the compressor system in part load

Power of the compressor system when it runs in part load [kW]
Time the compressor system runs in part load [h/a]

The energy costs, which can be saved due to the reduction of the idle part of the
compressor should be calculated as followed (see Equation 8.46):
Equation 8.46:
∆ = ∙

∆ Energy costs which can be saved due the reduction of the idle
part [€/a]
Total energy consumption of the compressor system in part load
Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]

In case of the reduction of the idle part and the part load time the following
measures can be set:

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 Reduce the overrun-time of the motors:

As a result, the compressor system switches off earlier and the time during
which the compressor is in part load decreases. The overrun-time can be
adjusted for new compressors via the control system.
 Check the use of a smaller compressor:
The purchase of a smaller compressor, which allows a more precise adaption
to the demand, can also help to hold the part load time low.
 Installation of a control unit (e.g. frequency converter):
By installing a frequency converter, the energy consumption of a badly
charged compressor system can be reduced by around 25 %-30 %
(Kulterer K. et al., 2015, p. 17-18) Measure 5: Heat recovery

In this section the energy saving potential trough heat recovery will be discussed.
The amount of useable energy trough heat recovery depends on the cooling system
of the compressor system. For example, an air-cooled system can provide 80 % to
90 % and a water-cooled system 50 % to 60 % of its rated power as usable heat.
Since the air in the compressor chamber should not exceed 20°C (max. 35°C), the
heat generated can be used for the following applications:

 Usage of hot air

 Heating of water and domestic water
 Drying
 Preheating for feed water for steam boilers or other applications
 Cleaning processes

However the energy due to the heat recovery rarely corresponds to the current
demand of heating systems. The recoverable energy quantity decreases as soon as
the compressor runs or stops in part load. Therefore, it is useful to use the energy
from the heat recovery process only as a supplementary energy source for the
heating system. Nevertheless, using heat recovery in compressed air system is
always a good alternative to save energy and costs. (Kulterer K. et al., 2015, p. 19) Measure 6: Switch off system and consumers

Switching off the compressed air system and the consumers for a while is a very
simple energy saving measure, but it can have a great effect to the energy saving
potential. The following question should be asked by the energy auditor or the
operator of the compressed air system: “Is compressed air outside the operating
times (night or weekend) required?” If there is no compressed air required outside of
the operating times, the running time of the system outside the operating times
should be checked. One or more of the following options can be chosen to adjust the
compressed air supply with the actual consumption:
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 Disconnection of the whole line network of the unused line lines:

This measure doesn’t turn off the compressor system directly, but leaves it in
readiness, e.g. only the necessary areas should be supplied with compressed
air. Due to this measure the leakage losses can be minimized. For this
purpose, an electrically operated ball-valve with a time switch is necessary,
because it can disconnect the line network from the compressed air supply
outside the normal operating time of the compressed air system.
 Manual shutdown:
However, for this measure one or more persons should be chosen to carry out
this manual shutdown.
 Fully automatic switching on/off of the system:
This measure requires the installation of a fully automatic control system with
an electrically operated ball valve. The operating times are programmed with
a timer so that the compressed air system is already fully operational at the
beginning of the working period.
 Switching off unused production machines:
Unused compressed air consumers should be switched off by a magnetic-valve
which is situated in the compressed air line and is connected to the main
switch of the respective consumer.

Equation 8.47 shows how much energy cost can be saved due to the switching off of
compressed air systems or the lowering of their running times:
Equation 8.47:
∆C = ∙ − ∙

∆ Energy costs which can be saved due the reduction of the

running times of the compressed air systems [€/a]
Electrical power of the compressed air system [kW]
Total running time of the compressed air system before the
optimization [h/a]
Total running time of the compressed air system after the
optimization [h/a]
Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]
(Kulterer K. et al., 2015, p. 22) Measure 7: Optimization of the compressed air consumers

The optimization of the compressed air consumers should be the first thing to focus
on when it comes to the optimization of compressed air systems. It should be noted
that compressed air consumers have the highest efficiency potential in compressed

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air systems (up to 40 %). In addition the compressed air consumers affect all other
parts of the compressed air systems. One or more of the following options can be
chosen to optimize the compressed air consumers:

 Maintenance:
Pneumatic systems, which wearing parts are regularly inspected and serviced
or replaced, don’t cause higher compressed air consumption. The result of a
bad maintenance is the decrease in leak tightness and a higher energy
consumption of the compressed air consumers.
 Replacement of used/polluted filters:
Another efficiency measure for compressed air consumers is the timely
exchange of contaminated/polluted filter elements. The problem is that there
is a very quick increase in differential pressure due to a polluted filter after a
certain operating time. As a rule, a filter should be replaced once a year or
with a pressure loss of 0.35 bar.
 Blowing applications using nozzles or blow guns:
Due to the usage of efficient nozzles or blow guns 15 % to 55 % of amount of
the compressed air can be saved.
(Kulterer K. et al., 2015, p. 23-24)

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9 Step 6: Energy Audit reporting

Step 6 of the audit methodology deals with the outcome of the energy audit and
subsequently with the preparation of the energy audit report. Important points which
should be included in the report according to ISO 50002 can be found in the previous
chapter 2.1.7.
However, since this paper relates to the energy audit of electric motor driven
systems an example of the main chapters of such an energy audit report will be

1) Executive summary:
The executive summary shall provide an overview of the whole energy audit
process. It is recommended to limit the summary to the essential and also to
emphasize the economic benefits, because the management will read through
the executive summary first.

2) Introduction and facility information:

This section of the report should include a brief description of the background,
the team and scope of the electric motor audit.

3) Description of system(s) studied in assessment and significant

system issues:
The report shall include a detailed description of the specific motor systems on
which the assessment was performed. Depending on the system assessed, the
discussion of system operation can be extensive and should be supported by
graphs, tables and system schematics. Supporting documentation, such as
data sheets and handbooks, should be also included if necessary.

4) Assessment data collection and measurements:

The methods used to identify and interview key facility personnel, obtain data,
and conduct measurements shall be identified, including an overview of the
measurement plan. The following relevant data should be included:

o Definition of system requirements and a determination of how system

operation changes during the year (drawings, system process data)
o Electrical energy consumption data
o Other specific data relating to the motor driven systems such as pump
total head, specific fan power, working pressure, flow, etc.
o Determination of operating hours of the motor systems
o Performance information of the motor system when available
o Measurement or estimation of system losses

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Also information about data accuracy and the need for verification before the
recommended projects are approved should be given in this section of the report.

5) Data analysis:
The outcome of the measurements and data analysis should be mentioned in
the report. Any significant analytical methods, measurements, observations
and results from data analysis form completed action items shall be

6) Annual energy consumption baseline:

If sufficient data exist, the assessment report shall contain the baseline of
total annual energy consumption for the motor driven system. In addition the
analytical method used to develop the annual energy consumption baseline
shall be described. Furthermore facility functional and production process
observations and information shall be reported.
The report shall clearly describe the assessment baseline as a basis for both
routine (energy- governing factors that are expected to change such as
production volume variations) and non-routine adjustments (factors that are
not usually expected to change during the short term, e.g. facility size, etc.).
In addition the report shall provide sufficient information on the facility
functional baseline during the assessment to provide a basis for adjustments.

7) Performance improvement opportunities identification and

The main part of the energy audit report shall quantify estimates of energy
reduction and energy cost savings from recommended performance
opportunities. Additional calculations may address other energy and non-
energy benefits.
The identified performance improvement opportunities can structured into:

o Maintenance improvements
o Operational improvements
o Equipment upgrades and replacement
o Revising control strategies
o Process improvements and change-over
o Other actions that reduce energy consumption

In order to better classify and assess the performance improvement

opportunities they should be categorized according to high, medium or low
priority based on the following factors:

o Energy and cost savings

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o Likelihood of achieving projected savings

o Likelihood of long project life with sustained savings
o Impact to on-going operations
o Changes or modifications necessary for the existing equipment
o Time and cost for implementation
o Complexity of implementation steps
o Potential parallel benefits (e.g. improved profitability, improved
reliability and maintenance costs, improved operations and lower
environmental impact).

The presentation of each measure in the report should be limited to a brief

description of the proposed improvement and a summary of the benefits. In addition
general observations of non-motor driven system related energy saving opportunities
should also be discussed in the report.

8) Recommendations for implementation activities:

After the prioritization of the energy saving measures the energy auditor
should give some recommendation for implementation activities in the report.
Therefore only the most relevant energy saving measures should be listed and
explained in detail. In addition information about the cost for implementation
of the measures should be given in the report. The assessment report should
note that further engineering analysis be performed prior to implementing the
recommendations contained in the assessment report.

9) Appendices
This part should include information that is lengthy and not required for the
presentation of the report to ensure clarity of the body of the report. Detailed
supporting data, such as energy consumption calculations, cost savings
calculations and economic analysis, should be referenced and included in the
report appendices.
(ISO 14414, 2015, p. 23-26)

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10 Step 7: Closing meeting

The final step of the energy audit methodology is the closing meeting. Before the
meeting, the report on the energy audit shall be provided to the organization. At the
closing meeting the energy auditor should conduct the following:

 Present the results of the energy audit in a way that facilitates decision
making by the organization. More information and tips about the
presentation and the convincing of the management can be found in
chapter 5.1.3 “Convince the top management”.
 Be able to explain the results and address questions
 If applicable, identify items requiring further analysis or follow-up by the
energy auditor

The aim of the closing meeting is to force the management to implement the
recommended energy saving measures. (ISO 50002, 2014, p. 13)

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11 Best-Practice
In this chapter the developed energy audit methodology for electric motor driven
systems will be validated. This is done by conduction a real energy audit at the
laboratory of the University of Applied Sciences - Burgenland”, which is situated in
the city Pinkafeld. In addition it is important to add that not all steps of the energy
audit methodology will threaten in this Best-Practice, because of the meaningfulness
and the extent of this paper. The following steps are regarded as most important to
validate the energy audit methodology:

 Step 2: Opening meeting & Data Collection

 Step 4: Conduction the site visit
 Step 5: Analysis

Step 2, step 4 and step 5 have been chosen, because they are the most practical
steps in the energy audit methodology. In addition also step 3 (Measurement plan) is
very practical, but this Best-Practice doesn’t deal with this step, because of the short
time, which was available for the site visit. However, this should not be a problem
since measurement is not always necessary for an energy audit.
The other steps like step 1 (Energy Audit Planning), step 6 (Energy Audit Reporting)
and step 8 (Closing Meeting) will not be discussed in this best-practice, because they
rather have an organizational character. Moreover also the usage of the energy audit
tools is not part of this Best-Practice.
The following chapter 11.1 to 11.3 will describe the energy audit of the laboratory at
the UAS-Burgenland.

11.1 Opening meeting & Data Collection at UAS-Burgenland

Before the laboratory of the UAS-Burgenland can be audited, an opening meeting
with the representatives of the UAS-Burgenland should take place. The director of
the University of Applied Sciences and the head of the laboratory took part in the
meeting. At first the scope of the energy audit has been discussed. All participants of
the meeting agreed that the focus of the energy audit should be on the numerous
pump systems which are installed in the laboratory. Since the UAS-Burgenland is a
competence center for building technology, this type of energy consuming unit is
most frequently found in the laboratory and thus also accounts for a larger part of
energy consumption and costs. The aim of the audit deals with the identification of
energy saving potentials of the pump systems and the proposal for appropriate
energy efficiency measures.
After discussing the scope and aim of the audit, other important topics like the
arrangements for access and the requirement for health, safety and security
referring to the laboratory, have been reviewed. Another important point which
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should be discussed in the opening meeting is the assigning of the personnel to

assist the energy auditor. In this case, however, no additional staff will be required,
since this is a simple energy audit, which the auditor can carry out alone. Since this
energy audit is only to serve as a best practice for the validation of the audit method,
the point “availability of financial resources” should also be ignored in the opening
After completion of the opening meeting, the second part of step 2, “Data
Collection”, takes place. According to the energy audit methodology, the data
collection process can be divided into the general and the technology-specific data
When it comes to the general data collection the currency, total use of electricity/
energy, total costs of electricity, energy price and the operating hours of the pump
systems should be identified. This general data will be summarized in the following
Table 11.1. In addition it is important to note that these data are based on

Table 11.1: General Data-Collection for the laboratory at the UAS-Burgenland

General Data Collection Value Unit

Currency EUR [EUR], [CHF], [USD], etc.
Total use of
n.a. [MWh/a]
electricity/energy per year
Total costs of electricity n.a. [EUR/a]
Energy price per kWh 0.375 [EUR/kWh]
Total operating hours 2 496 [h]

Referring to Table 11.1, the respective assumptions will be explained briefly in the
following section.

 Currency:
Since it is an energy audit conducted in Austria, the currant is in euros.

 Total use of electricity/energy:

The total use of electricity/energy per year of the laboratory cannot be
identified exactly, because only the total electricity/energy of the whole UAS-
Burgenland is known. This is no problem, because due to the detailed data
collection in the laboratory the electricity/energy consumption per year can be
calculated (see chapter 11.3 below).

 Total costs of electricity:

The total costs of electricity per year of the laboratory before and after the
energy efficiency measures will be calculated also in chapter 11.3.
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 Energy price in €/kWh:

The energy price was taken from the study “Evaluation of the industry price
increase in January 2017”, which was published by the E-Control. In the
study, the average value of the industrial energy price of several hundred
companies in Austria was collected. The energy price can be assumed with
approximately 0.375 €/kWh (see Table 11.1). (E-Control, 2017)

 Total operating hours:

In the course of the general data collection it is important to know the total
operating hours and the load of the pump system equipment in the laboratory.
It is assumed that the laboratory can be used 8 hours per day during the
week. Since the UAS-Burgenland has also opened on Saturdays and in the
study-free time in the summer month, because of the “Research-Burgenland”,
these additional working hours should also be mentioned. It is assumed that
the pump system applications in the laboratory work about 2 496 hours per
year (see Table 11.1).

The second phase of the data collection is the so called technology-specific data
collection. This phase often runs parallel to step 4 (Conduction the site visit) of the
energy audit methodology. In this case the two steps will be combined in
chapter 11.3.

11.2 Conduction the site visit - laboratory of UAS-Burgenland

The next step is to collect the technology- specific energy data of the pump systems
in the laboratory of the UAS-Burgenland. The data of the individual pumps has been
collected from the name plates on site in the laboratory. The laboratory includes
about 33 electric pump systems of various types (single- and three-phase
consumers). The detailed data can be found in the following tables below:
Table 11.2: Specific data - WILO Typ Star-E 25/1-5

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 2 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type Star-E 25/1-5 [-]
Article number 2009897/9812
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 1~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
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Power 0.116 [kW]

Motor full load speed n.a. [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 230 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 0.55 [A]
Full load efficiency n.a. [%]
Additional information Power variable:
about pump system 34 W - 116 W
(control, etc.)
Control: 5 different stages
can be set

Table 11.3: Specific data - WILO Star-RS 25/6 Classic Star

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type Star-RS 25/6 Classic Star [-]
Article number 4032956/07w10 [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 1~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 0.084 [kW]
Motor full load speed n.a. [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 84 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 0.36 [A]
Full load efficiency n.a. [%]
Additional information Power:
about pump system Stage 1: 43 W
(control, etc.) [-]
Stage 2: 61 W
Stage 3: 84 W

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Control: 3 different stages

can be set

Table 11.4: Specific data - WILO Stratos 30/1-12

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type Stratos 30/1-12 [-]
Article number 2030540/0403 [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 1~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 0.29 [kW]
Motor full load speed n.a. [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 230 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 1.32 [A]
Full load efficiency n.a. [%]
Additional information Power variable:
about pump system [-]
(control, etc.) 18 - 290 W

Table 11.5: Specific data - WILO Star-RS 25/4

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 2 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type Star-RS 25/4 [-]
Article number 4032954/0404
Motor type (Design AC or AC 1~ [-]

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DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 0.065 [kW]
Motor full load speed n.a. [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 230 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 0.28 [A]
Full load efficiency n.a. [%]
Additional information Power:
about pump system
Stage 1: 30 W
(control, etc.)
Stage 2: 46 W
Stage 3: 65 W [-]

Control: 3 different stages

can be set

Table 11.6: Specific data - WILO Star-RS 25/6 Classic Star

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 6 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type Star-RS 25/6 Classic Star [-]
Article number 4032956/0404
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 1~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 0.093 [kW]

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Motor full load speed n.a. [min-1]

Motor full load voltage 230 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 0.4 [A]
Full load efficiency n.a. [%]
Additional information Power:
about pump system Stage 1: 46 W
(control, etc.)
Stage 2: 67 W
Stage 3: 93 W [-]

Control: 3 different stages

can be set

Table 11.7: Specific data - WILO EA525/6-3

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type EA525/6-3 [-]
Article number 4507328 [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 1~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 0.093 [kW]
Motor full load speed 2 200 [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 230 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 0.4 [A]
Full load efficiency n.a. [%]
Additional information Power:
about pump system
Stage 1: 46 W [-]
(control, etc.)
Stage 2: 67 W

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Stage 3: 93 W

Control: 3 different stages

can be set

Table 11.8: Specific data - WILO TOP-S 30/10

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type TOP-S 30/10 [-]
Article number 2001350/0202 [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 1~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 0.4 [kW]
Motor full load speed n.a. [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 230 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 2.02 [A]
Full load efficiency n.a. [%]
Additional information Power:
about pump system
Stage 1: 345 W
(control, etc.)
Stage 2: 390 W
Stage 3: 400 W [-]

Control: 3 different stages

can be set

Table 11.9: Specific data - GRUNDFOS UPE 32-80 180

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
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Manufacturer GRUNDFOS [-]

Pump type UPE 32-80 180 [-]
Article number 52052028 [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 1~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 0.25 [kW]
Motor full load speed n.a. [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 230 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 1.08 [A]
Full load efficiency n.a. [%]
Additional information Power variable:
about pump system [-]
(control, etc.) 40 - 250 W

Table 11.10: Specific data - WILO TOP-S 30/10

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 2 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type TOP-S 30/10 [-]
Article number 2001350/0007
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 1~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 0.4 [kW]
Motor full load speed n.a. [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 230 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 1.9 [A]

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Full load efficiency n.a. [%]

Additional information Power:
about pump system
Stage 1: 365 W
(control, etc.)
Stage 2: 390 W
Stage 3: 400 W [-]

Control: 3 different stages

can be set

Table 11.11: Specific data - WILO S90L

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type S90L [-]
Article number 999082 LA005 [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 3~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 1.5 [kW]
Motor full load speed 1 430 [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 400 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 6.2 [A]
Power factor 0.81 [-]
Full load efficiency 82.8 (IE2) [%]
Additional information
frequency converter
about pump system [-]
(control, etc.)

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Table 11.12: Specific data - WILO W071 080 – 2 – F157E

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type W071 080 – 2 – F157E [-]
Article number n.a. [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 3~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 0.55 [kW]
Motor full load speed 2 860 [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 400 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 1.33 [A]
Power factor 0.76 [-]
Full load efficiency 77.4 (IE2) [%]
Efficiency by load 75% 77.4 [%]
Efficiency by load 50% 74.0 [%]
Additional information
frequency converter
about pump system [-]
(control, etc.)

Table 11.13: Specific data - WILO W080070 - 2F188E

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type W080070 - 2F188E [-]
Article number n.a. [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 3~ [-]
DC, etc.)

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Motor history original [-]

Power 0.75 [kW]
Motor full load speed 2 840 [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 400 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 1.4 [A]
Power factor 0.82 [-]
Full load efficiency 77.4 (IE2) [%]
Efficiency by load 75% 77.4 [%]
Efficiency by load 50% 76.0 [%]
Additional information
frequency converter
about pump system [-]
(control, etc.)

Table 11.14: Specific data - WILO 2109677

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type n.a. [-]
Article number 2109677 [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 3~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 4.0 [kW]
Motor full load speed 2 875 [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 400 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 7.2 [A]
Power factor 0.92 [-]
Full load efficiency 85.8 (IE2) [%]
Efficiency by load 75% n.a. [%]

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Efficiency by load 50% n.a. [%]

Additional information
frequency converter
about pump system [-]
(control, etc.)

Table 11.15: Specific data - WILO AF 100L/2F-11+E2/0902

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type AF 100L/2F-11+E2/0902 [-]
Article number 2109676 [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 3~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 3.0 [kW]
Motor full load speed 2 890 [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 400 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 5.7 [A]
Power factor 0.91 [-]
Full load efficiency 84.6 (IE2) [%]
Efficiency by load 75% n.a. [%]
Efficiency by load 50% n.a. [%]
Additional information
frequency converter
about pump system [-]
(control, etc.)

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Table 11.16: Specific data - WILO W071080-2-F 154E

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 6 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type W071080-2-F 154E [-]
Article number n.a. [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 3~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 0.55 [kW]
Motor full load speed 2 860 [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 400 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 1.33 [A]
Power factor 0.76 [-]
Full load efficiency 77.4 (IE2) [%]
Efficiency by load 75% 77.4 [%]
Efficiency by load 50% 77.0 [%]
Additional information
frequency converter
about pump system [-]
(control, etc.)

Table 11.17: Specific data - WILO IP-E40/150-3/2

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type IP-E40/150-3/2 [-]
Article number 2109765/1101 [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 3~ [-]
DC, etc.)

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Motor history original [-]

Power 3.9 [kW]
Motor full load speed 2 960 [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 400 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 8.8 [A]
Power factor 0.67 [-]
Full load efficiency 86.6 (IE2) [%]
Efficiency by load 75% n.a. [%]
Efficiency by load 50% n.a. [%]
Additional information
frequency converter
about pump system [-]
(control, etc.)

Table 11.18: Specific data - WILO IP-E40/2-12

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type IP-E40/2-12 [-]
Article number 2012586/9908 [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 3~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 0.865 [kW]
Motor full load speed 2 900 [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 400 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 1.8 [A]
Power factor 0.7 [-]
Full load efficiency 79.6 (IE2) [%]
Efficiency by load 75% n.a [%]

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Efficiency by load 50% n.a. [%]

Additional information
frequency converter
about pump system [-]
(control, etc.)

Table 11.19: Specific data - WILO 1LA 70902AA99-ZND3

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type 1LA 70902AA99-ZND3 [-]
Article number n.a. [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 3~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 1.5 [kW]
Motor full load speed 2 860 [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 400 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 3.25 [A]
Power factor 0.85 [-]
Full load efficiency 82.8 [%]
Efficiency by load 75% n.a. [%]
Efficiency by load 50% n.a. [%]
Additional information
frequency converter
about pump system [-]
(control, etc.)

Table 11.20: Specific data - WILO TOP-S 50/10

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]

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Pump type TOP-S 50/10 [-]

Article number 112122097/9011 [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 3~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]
Power 0.85 [kW]
Motor full load speed n.a. [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 400 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 1.65 [A]
Power factor n.a. [-]
Full load efficiency 79.6 (IE2) [%]
Efficiency by load 75% n.a [%]
Efficiency by load 50% n.a. [%]
Additional information Power:
about pump system Stage 1: 495 W
(control, etc.)
Stage 2: 660 W
Stage 3: 850 W [-]

Control: 3 different stages

can be set

Table 11.21: Specific data - WILO TOP-S 30/10

Specific pump data

Required Data Value Unit
Number of pumps 1 [-]
Manufacturer WILO [-]
Pump type TOP-S 30/10 [-]
Article number 2001351/0403 [-]
Motor type (Design AC or
AC 3~ [-]
DC, etc.)
Motor history original [-]

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Power 0.39 [kW]

Motor full load speed n.a. [min-1]
Motor full load voltage 400/230 [V]
Frequency 50 [Hz]
Motor full load amperage 0.78/0.83 [A]
Power factor n.a. [-]
Full load efficiency 71.0 (IE2) [%]
Efficiency by load 75% n.a [%]
Efficiency by load 50% n.a. [%]
Additional information Power:
about pump system Stage 1: 195 W
(control, etc.)
Stage 2: 270 W
Stage 3: 390 W [-]

Control: 3 different stages

can be set

11.3 Analysis of the energy data

The last step which will be discussed in the Best-Practice is the analysis of the
collected energy data. This chapter deals with the actual energy consumption of the
pump systems in the laboratory and in addition with the identification of energy
saving potentials. After the identification of these potentials individual energy saving
measures for pump systems (also see chapter 8.2.2) can be proposed. Finally, this
Best-Practice should show how much energy and costs, depending on the operating
costs, can be saved each year due to the implementation of energy saving measures.
Actual energy consumption of the pump systems in the laboratory:
The first step of analysis is to calculate the actual energy consumption of the pumps
systems of the laboratory. This can be done by multiplying the total electrical pump
power with the load and the operating hours per year (see Equation 11.1 to
Equation 11.6). Since this is a simple Best-Practice, a standardized load profile for
circulation-pumps, which was published by the organization “Blue Angle”, can be
used. Table 11.22 is showing this profile:

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Table 11.22: Load profile of a circulation pumps with indication of the volume flow and the operating
time (Kulterer K., 2017, p. 7)

Load/Volume flow Operating time share

100 % 6%
75 % 15 %
50 % 35 %
25 % 44 %

This load profile (see Table 11.22) has a high part load percentage, because in case
of heating application it is assumed that volume flow is often throttled by
thermostatic valves.
In addition to the load the operating time of the pump systems is assumed with
2 496 hours per year (see general data collection – chapter 11.1). These total hours
should be divided according to the above load profile to the individual load
conditions. Equation 11.2 to Equation 11.6 show the energy consumption of the
pump systems in the different part load states:
Equation 11.1:
= _ ∙ ∙

Total energy consumption of the electric pump systems per year

before the optimization [kWh/a]
_ Sum of electrical power of all pump systems [kW]
Factor at which load the pump is working (between 0 to 1) [-]
Operating time of the pump systems per year [h/a]

Equation 11.2:

𝒍 _ %

= ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . +
∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ + ∙ +
∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . kW ∙ %
h h
∙ = . kW ∙ ∙ ( ∙ . )≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
a a

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Equation 11.3:
= . kW ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
𝒍 _ %

Equation 11.4:
= . kW ∙ . ∙ ( ∙ . )≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
𝒍 _ %

Equation 11.5:
= . kW ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
𝒍 _ %

Equation 11.6:
= %
+ 75%
+ 5 %
+ 5%
kWh kWh kWh kWh
= . + . + . + .
a a a a
≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

According to the result of Equation 11.6, an energy consumption of around

27,000 kWh per year can be expected due to the pump systems. Furthermore the
annual energy costs can be calculated though the following Equation 11.7:
Equation 11.7:
= ∙

Energy costs per year before the optimization of the pump

systems [€/a]
Total energy consumption of the electric pump systems per year
before the optimization [kWh]
Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]

The energy price used in Equation 11.8 has been taken from Table 11.1, which can
be found in chapter 11.1.

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Equation 11.8:
kWh €
= . ∙ . ≈ . €/𝐚
a kWh

It can be assumed that the UAS-Burgenland has to pay about 10 000 € per year for
the electrical energy which is used for the pump systems in the laboratory. It should
be mentioned that this assumption is only right, if the corresponding load profile is
given. In fact, a much lower load profile and also lower costs are to be expected due
to the laboratory operation in the UAS-Burgenland.
The next step is to find ways to lower energy consumption and energy costs. This
could be done by identify energy saving potential and further by recommendations
due to energy saving measures. The most common energy saving measures referring
to pump systems can be found in the energy audit methodology step 5 in
chapter 8.2.2.
The following saving measures have been selected for the energy audit in the
laboratory for the UAS-Burgenland:

 Coordinate operation of pump with load (see chapter

 Pump replacement (see chapter

In this section it will be calculated how much energy and costs can be saved due to
these two measures. Furthermore it has to be clarified why exactly these energy
saving measures have been selected.

Coordinate operation of pump with load:

Since the pump systems in the laboratory of the UAS-Burgenland are operating about
2 496 hours per year the energy saving measure “Coordinate operation of pump with
load” plays an important role in optimization. It is very likely that not all pump
systems in the laboratory are needed at the same time, therefore some pumps can
be switched off or their operating time can be reduced. The following equation will
be used to calculate the energy saving potential of this measure (for more detailed
description see chapter
Equation 11.9:

∆ = ∙ ∙( − )∙

∆ Energy cost savings due to the reduction of the run-time of the

pump system [€/a]
Electrical power input to the pump system [kW]
Current running time of the pump system [h/a]

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Running time of system after optimization [h/a]

Specific energy costs for electricity (el) [€/kWh]

For this Best-Practice it is assumed that the running times of the smaller pump
systems, which include single-phase motors, can be reduced by approximately 20 %.
This can be reached only due to a right load management, which ensures that all
consumers are supplied well. Equation 11.9 shows the energy and cost saving
potentials due to the reduction of the operating times of the pump systems.
Equation 11.10:
∆ 𝒍 − 𝒍 _ %

= ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . +
h h
∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . kW ∙ ( − . )
a a
= . kW ∙ ∙( . ∙ . )≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

Equation 11.11:
∆ 𝒍 − = . kW ∙ . ∙( . ∙ . )≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
𝒍 _ %

Equation 11.12:
∆ 𝒍 − = . kW ∙ . ∙( . ∙ . )≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
𝒍 _ %

Equation 11.13:
∆ 𝒍 − = . kW ∙ . ∙( . ∙ . )≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
𝒍 _ %
Equation 11.14:
∆ 𝒍 −
=∆ 𝑖 − ℎ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%
+∆ 𝑖 − ℎ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%
+∆ 𝑖 − ℎ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%

+∆ 𝑖 − ℎ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%
kWh kWh kWh kWh
= . + . + . + .
a a a a
≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

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Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH

∆ 𝑖 − ℎ Energy savings due to the reduction of the run-time of the pump

system with single-phase motors [kWh/a]

Equation 11.15:
kWh €
∆ 𝒍 − = . ∙ . ≈ . €/
a kWh

∆ 𝑖 − ℎ Energy cost savings due to the reduction of the run-time of the

pump system with single-phase motors [€/a]

Furthermore it can also assumed that the running times of the larger pump systems
which include three-phase motors, can be reduced by up to 30 %. The following
equation will show their energy and cost saving potentials:
Equation 11.16:
∆ − 𝒍 _ %

= ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ . + ∙ + ∙ + ∙ , + ∙ , +
h h
∙ . + ∙ , + ∙ . + ∙ . kW ∙ ( − . )
a a
= . kW ∙ ∙( . ∙ . )≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

Equation 11.17:
∆ − = . kW ∙ . ∙( . ∙ . )≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
𝒍 _ %

Equation 11.18:
∆ − = . kW ∙ . ∙( . ∙ . )≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
𝒍 _ %

Equation 11.19:
∆ − = . kW ∙ . ∙( . ∙ . )≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
𝒍 _ %

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Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH

Equation 11.20:
∆ − =∆ ℎ − ℎ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ ℎ − ℎ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75%
+∆ ℎ − ℎ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %

+∆ ℎ − ℎ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%
kWh kWh kWh kWh
= . + . + . + .
a a a a
≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

∆ ℎ − ℎ Energy savings due to the reduction of the run-time of the pump

system with three-phase motors [kWh/a]

Equation 11.21:

∆ − = . kWh ∙ . ≈ . €/𝐚

∆ ℎ − ℎ Energy cost savings due to the reduction of the run-time of the

pump system with three-phase motors [€/a]

Equation 11.22:
€ €
∆ =∆ 𝑖 − ℎ +∆ ℎ − ℎ = . + . ≈ . €/𝐚
a a

The whole energy which can be saved due to the reduction of operating times of the
pump systems is about 10,177.75 kWh per year. In addition to the energy
reduction the cost savings are about 3,816.65 € per year.

Pump replacement:
Another effective energy saving measure is the replacement of the pump systems. In
course of the data collection, it has been shown that the electric motors of the pump
systems are between two and eight years old and have a relatively high efficiency.
The data collection has shown that nearly all pump systems in the laboratory of the
UAS-Burgenland include IE2 motors. However an even more efficient pump system
with an IE2 motor can save more energy and money. Therefore, the aim of this
measure is to replace the less efficient pump systems, including IE2 motors, with
more efficient pump systems, including IE2 motors.
Before the energy saving potential can be calculated the efficiency factors of the
efficient IE3 motors have to be chosen from the following Table 11.23:

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Table 11.23: Example table for the efficiency of electric motors according to IEC 60034-30, “nominal
limits for efficiency”. (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 32)

Efficiency of 4-pole motors

[kW] > 28 eff 3 IE1. IE2 IE3
years 18 to 28 8 to 18 0 to 8 years NEW
years years
0,75 63,73% 66,52% 72,10% 79,60% 82,50%
1,1 67,50% 70,00% 75,00% 81,40% 84,10%
1,5 70,36% 72,64% 77,20% 82,80% 85,30%
2,2 73,61% 75,64% 79,70% 84,30% 86,70%
3 75,95% 77,80% 81,50% 85,50% 87,70%
4 78,03% 79,72% 83,10% 86,60% 88,60%
5,5 80,11% 81,64% 84,70% 87,70% 89,60%
7,5 81,80% 83,20% 86,00% 88,70% 90,40%
11 83,88% 85,12% 87,60% 89,80% 91,40%
15 85,31% 86,44% 88,70% 90,60% 92,10%
18,5 86,09% 87,16% 89,30% 91,20% 92,60%
22 86,87% 87,88% 89,90% 91,60% 93,00%
30 88,04% 88,96% 90,80% 92,30% 93,60%
37 88,69% 89,56% 91,30% 92,70% 93,90%
45 89,21% 90,04% 91,70% 93,10% 94,20%
55 89,86% 90,64% 92,20% 93,50% 94,60%
75 90,51% 91,24% 92,70% 94,00% 95,00%
90 90,90% 91,60% 93,00% 94,20% 95,20%
110 91,29% 91,96% 93,30% 94,50% 95,40%
132 91,68% 92,32% 93,60% 94,70% 95,60%
160 91,94% 92,56% 93,80% 94,90% 95,80%
200 92,20% 92,80% 94,00% 95,10% 96,00%
220 92,20% 92,80% 94,00% 95,10% 96,00%
260 92,20% 92,80% 94,00% 95,10% 96,00%
315 92,20% 92,80% 94,00% 95,10% 96,00%
330 92,20% 92,80% 94,00% 95,10% 96,00%
370 92,20% 92,80% 94,00% 95,10% 96,00%

The following equation will be used to calculate the energy saving potential of this
measure (for more detailed description chapter

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Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH

Equation 11.23:
𝜂 .
∆ = ∙ ∙ ∙ − ∙
𝜂 .

∆ Energy savings due the replacement of the pump [kWh/a]

Electrical power input to the pump system [kW]
Run-time of the pump system [h/a]

This equation will be used for each pump system. The sum of the energy savings
due to the pump replacements is shown in Equation 11.124.

2 x WILO Star-E 25/1-5:

Equation 11.24:
h . %
∆ − / − 𝒍 = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.25:
h . %
∆ − / − 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
_ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.26:
h . %
∆ − / − 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.27:
h . %
∆ − / − 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
_ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

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Equation 11.28:
∆ − / −
=∆ − / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ − / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75%
+∆ − / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 % +∆ − / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%
kWh kWh kWh kWh
= . + . + . + . ≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
a a a a

1 x WILO Star-RS 25/6:

Equation 11.29:
h . %
∆ − / 𝒍 = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.30:
h . %
∆ − / 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.31:
h . %
∆ − / 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.32:
h . %
∆ − / 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.33:
∆ − / =∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75% +∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %
+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%
kWh kWh kWh kWh
= . + . + . + . ≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
a a a a

1 x WILO Stratos 30/1-12:

Equation 11.34:
h . %
∆ / − = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

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Equation 11.35:
h . %
∆ / − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.36:
h . %
∆ / − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.37:
h . %
∆ / − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.38:
∆ / −
=∆ / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75%

+∆ / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %
+∆ / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%
kWh kWh kWh kWh
= . + . + . + . ≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
a a a a

2 x WILO Star-RS 25/4:

Equation 11.39:
h . %
∆ − / 𝒍 = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.40:
h . %
∆ − / 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.41:
h . %
∆ − / 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

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Equation 11.42:
h . %
∆ − / 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.43:
∆ − / =∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75% +∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %
kWh kWh kWh kWh
+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5% = . + . + . + .
a a a a
≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

6 x WILO Star-RS 25/6:

Equation 11.44:
h . %
∆ − / 𝒍 = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %
Equation 11.45:
h . %
∆ − / 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.46:
h . %
∆ − / 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.47:
h . %
∆ − / 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.48:
∆ − / =∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75% +∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %
kWh kWh kWh kWh
+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5% = . + . + . + .
a a a a
≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

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1 x WILO EA525/6-3:
Equation 11.49:
h . %
∆ 𝑨 / − 𝒍 = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.50:
h . %
∆ 𝑨 / − 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.51:
h . %
∆ 𝑨 / − 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.52:
h . %
∆ 𝑨 / − 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.53:
∆ 𝑨 / − =∆ 𝐴 / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ 𝐴 / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75% +∆ 𝐴 / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %
kWh kWh kWh kWh
+∆ 𝐴 / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5% = . + . + . + .
a a a a
≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

1 x WILO TOP-S 30/10:

Equation 11.54:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.55:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

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Equation 11.56:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.57:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.58:
∆ − / =∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75%
+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %
kWh kWh kWh kWh
+∆ − / = . + . + . + .
𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%
a a a a
≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

1 x GRUNDFOS UPE 32-80 180:

Equation 11.59:
h . %
∆ − = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.60:
h . %
∆ − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.61:
h . %
∆ − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.62:
h . %
∆ − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

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Equation 11.63:
∆ −
=∆ − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75%

+∆ − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %
+∆ − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%
kWh kWh kWh kWh
= . + . + . + . ≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
a a a a

2 x WILO TOP-S 30/10:

Equation 11.64:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.65:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.66:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.67:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ %) ∙ ( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.68:
∆ − / =∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75%
+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %

+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%

kWh kWh kWh kWh

= . + . + . + . ≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
a a a a

1 x WILO S90L:
Equation 11.69:
h . %
∆ 𝑳𝒍 = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

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Equation 11.70:
h . %
∆ 𝑳𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.71:
h . %
∆ 𝑳𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.72:
h . %
∆ 𝑳𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
_ %
a . %

Equation 11.73:
∆ 𝑳 =∆ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75%
+∆ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %
+∆ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%

kWh kWh kWh kWh

= . + . + . + . ≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
a a a a

1 x WILO W071 080-2-F157E:

Equation 11.74:
h . %
∆ 𝑾 − − = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.75:
h . %
∆ 𝑾 − − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.76:
h . %
∆ 𝑾 − − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

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Equation 11.77:
h . %
∆ 𝑾 − − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.78:
∆ 𝑾 −
=∆ 𝑊 − − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ 𝑊 − − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75%

+∆ 𝑊 − − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %
+∆ 𝑊 − − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%
kWh kWh ℎ ℎ
= . + . + . + . ≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
a a

1 x WILO W080070 – 2F188E:

Equation 11.79:
h . %
∆ 𝑾 − = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.80:
h . %
∆ 𝑾 − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.81:
h . %
∆ 𝑾 − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.82:
h . %
∆ 𝑾 − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

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Equation 11.83:
∆ 𝑾 −
=∆ 𝑊 − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ 𝑊 − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75%

+∆ 𝑊 − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %
+∆ 𝑊 − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%
kWh kWh kWh kWh
= . + . + . + . ≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
a a a a

1 x WILO 2109677:
Equation 11.84:
h . %
∆ = ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.85:
h . %
∆ = ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.86:
h . %
∆ = ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.87:
h . %
∆ = ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 _ %
a . %

Equation 11.88:
∆ = ∆ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75%
+∆ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %

+∆ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%

kWh kWh kWh kWh

= . + . + . + .
a a a a
≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

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1 x WILO AF 100L/2F-11+E2/0902:
Equation 11.89:
h . %
∆ 𝑨 𝑳/ − + / = ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.90:
h . %
∆ 𝑨 𝑳/ − + / = ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.91:
h . %
∆ 𝑨 𝑳/ − + / = ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.92:
h . %
∆ 𝑨 𝑳/ − + / = ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.93:
∆ 𝑨 𝑳/ − + /
= ∆ 𝐴 / − + / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ %
+∆ 𝐴 / − + / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_75%

+∆ 𝐴 / − + / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_5 %
+∆ 𝐴 / − + / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑_ 5%

kWh kWh kWh kWh

= . + . + . + . ≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
a a a a

6 x WILO W071080-2-F 154E:

Equation 11.94:
h . %
∆ 𝑾 − − = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

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Equation 11.95:
h . %
∆ 𝑾 − − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.96:
h . %
∆ 𝑾 − − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.97:
h . %
∆ 𝑾 − − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 _ %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.98:
∆ 𝑾 − −
=∆ 𝑊 − − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 %
+∆ 𝑊 − − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑75%

+∆ 𝑊 − − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑5 %
+∆ 𝑊 − − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 5%
kWh kWh kWh ℎ
= . + . + . + .
a a a
≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

1 x WILO IP-E40/150-3/2:
Equation 11.99:
h . %
∆ 𝑰 − / − / 𝒍 = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
a . %

Equation 11.100:
h . %
∆ 𝑰 − / − / 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

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Equation 11.101:
h . %
∆ 𝑰 − / − / 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . ℎ/
a . %

Equation 11.102:
h . %
∆ 𝑰 − / − / 𝒍 = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.103:
∆ 𝑰 − / − /
=∆ − / − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 %
+∆ − / − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑75%
+∆ − / − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑5 % +∆ − / − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 5%
kWh kWh kWh kWh
= . + . + . + .
a a a a
≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

1 x WILO IP-E40/2-12:
Equation 11.104:
h . %
∆ 𝑰 − / − = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 %
a . %

Equation 11.105:
h . %
∆ 𝑰 − / − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 %
a . %
Equation 11.106:
h . %
∆ 𝑰 − / − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 %
a . %

Equation 11.107:
h . %
∆ 𝑰 − / − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 %
a . %

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Equation 11.108:
∆ 𝑰 − / − /
=∆ − / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 %
+∆ − / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑75%
+∆ − / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑5 %

+∆ − / − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 5%
kWh kWh kWh kWh
= . + . + . + . ≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
a a a a

1 x WILO 1LA 70902AA99-ZND3:

Equation 11.109:
h . %
∆ 𝑳𝑨 𝑨𝑨 − = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11 110:
h . %
∆ 𝑳𝑨 𝑨𝑨 − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.111:
h . %
∆ 𝑳𝑨 𝑨𝑨 − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a

Equation 11.112:
h . %
∆ 𝑳𝑨 𝑨𝑨 − = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙
𝒍 %
a . %
≈ . kWh/a
Equation 11.113:
∆ 𝑳𝑨 𝑨𝑨 −
=∆ 𝐴 𝐴𝐴 − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 %
+∆ 𝐴 𝐴𝐴 − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑75%

+∆ 𝐴 𝐴𝐴 − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑5 %
+∆ 𝐴 𝐴𝐴 − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 5%
kWh kWh kWh kWh
= . + . + . + . ≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
a a a a

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1 x WILO TOP-S 50/10:

Equation 11.114:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 %
a . %

Equation 11.115:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 %
a . %

Equation 11.116:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 %
a . %

Equation 11.117:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 %
a . %

Equation 11.118:
∆ − / =∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 %
+∆ − / +∆
𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑75% − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑5 %
kWh kWh kWh kWh
+∆ − / = . + . + . + .
𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 5%
a a a a
≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

1 x WILO TOP-S 30/10:

Equation 11.119:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 %
a . %

Equation 11.120:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 %
a . %

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Equation 11.121:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ . )∙( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 %
a . %

Equation 11.122:
h . %
∆ − / = . ∙ . ∙( ∙ %) ∙ ( − )∙ ≈ . kWh/a
𝒍 %
a . %

Equation 11.123:
∆ − / =∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 %
+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑75%
+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑5 %

+∆ − / 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 5%
kWh kWh kWh kWh
= . + . + . + . ≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚
a a a a

Equation 11.124 and Equation 11.125 shows the energy and cost savings which can
be achieved due to the replacement of the inefficient pumps:

Equation 11.124:
∆ =∆ − / − +∆ − / +∆ / − +∆ − /
+∆ − / +∆ 𝐴 / − +∆ − / +∆ −
+∆ − / +∆ +∆ 𝑊 − +∆ 𝑊 −
+∆ +∆ 𝐴 / − + / +∆ 𝑊 − −
+∆ − / − / +∆ − / − +∆ 𝐴 𝐴𝐴 −
+∆ − +∆ −/ /
kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh
= . + . + . + . + .
a a a a a
kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh
+ . + . + . + . + .
a a a a a
kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh
+ . + . + . + . + .
a a a a a
kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh
+ . + . + . + . + .
a a a a a
≈ . 𝐤𝐖𝐡/𝐚

Equation 11.125:
kWh €
∆ = . ∙ . ≈ . €/𝐚
a kWh

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The whole energy which can be saved due to the replacement of the inefficient
pump systems is about 1 079.88 kWh per year. In addition to the energy
reduction the cost savings are about 404.96 € per year.

Conclusio of the Best-Practice:

Although this best-practice does not replace a full energy audit, it shows that
thorough the usage of this energy audit methodology the energy saving potential of
the laboratory in the UAS-Burgenland have been identified and the cost savings
based on the selected measures have been calculated. The energy and cost savings
which have been calculated can be seen in Figure 11.1 and Figure 11.2.
The blue balk in Figure 11.1 shows the current energy consumption of the pump
systems in the laboratory, which account for 26 768.86 kWh/a. In addition the two
green balks show the energy saving potential, due to the two chosen energy saving

 Energy savings due to the reduction of the run-time of the pump systems
accounts for 10 177.75 kWh/a.
 Energy savings due to the replacement of the inefficient pump systems
accounts for 1 079.88 kWh/a.

Figure 11.1: Current energy consumption and energy saving potential of the pump systems

It should be added that due to the reduction of the run-time of the pump systems an
energy saving potential of more than 38 % can be achieved. However the
replacement of the inefficient pump systems only shows an energy saving potential
of about 4 %. However, it should be mentioned that the replacement of the IE2
motors by the more efficient IE3 motors, doesn’t make a huge difference in energy
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efficiency. Maye the energy saving potential could be still increased due to the usage
of IE4 motors.
The main goal of an energy audit is the cost saving, which can be achieved due to
the energy saving measures (see Figure 11.2). The blue balk, in Figure 11.2, shows
the energy costs of the pump systems in the laboratory, which account for
10 038.24 €/a. In addition the two green balks show the cost saving potential, due to
the two chosen energy saving measures:

 Cost savings due to the reduction of the run-time of the pump systems
accounts for 3 816.65 €/a.
 Cost savings due to the replacement of the inefficient pump systems accounts
for 1 079.88 €/a.

Figure 11.2: Current energy cost and cost saving potential of the pump systems

In conclusion, it can be said that this best-practice shows that simple energy saving
measures, e.g. the reduction or optimization of the pump systems operating times,
can lead to significant energy and cost savings. Furthermore this example underlines
the functional capability of energy audit methodology, which has been developed in
the course of this master thesis.

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12 Conclusio
Energy efficiency has gained of huge importance in the last view years.
As climate change, the growing world population and the finite resources are
becoming more and more the focus of various discussions and events, solutions for
these problems are being sought, especially in Europe as well as around the world.
Events such as the implementation of the EU-Energy Efficiency Directive, the
implementation of the COP 21 in Paris in 2015 and the increased research and
production in the electro vehicle sector underline this trend.
One of the biggest energy consumers are electric motor systems in the industrial
sector. This master thesis deals with energy efficiency and savings of motor driven
systems in the industrial sector. In order to partially solve the problems mentioned
above, this energy audit methodology for motor driven systems based on
international standards and tools has been developed.
One of the most important tasks has been the combination of the theory and
practice in the field of energy auditing. In course of this thesis, a practically relevant
energy audit methodology has been developed which is characterized by its
practicality, easy usage and good structure. In addition this method also incorporates
the most important international standards and energy audit tools relating to energy
audits (e.g. ISO 50002). This document is able to help energy auditors, energy
consultants, industrial companies and engineers all over the world to achieve their
goals of saving energy in the sector of industry.
The most important results and findings in the development of the individual steps of
the energy audit method will be discussed in the following paragraphs:
The first step of the energy audit methodology is the “Energy audit planning”. With
the help of this chapter the energy auditor or the affected company is able to find
out whether an energy audit is necessary or not. This can be done by the gathering
of some basic information about the company and energy consumers. Further this
data, which have to be collected, can be entered into the pre-screening tool “Sotea”.
In combination with the developed checklist for the general information and the tool
the energy auditor is able to quickly make meaningful decisions.
The chapter “Opening meeting & Data collection” helps the energy auditor in the
conviction of the top management and in the correct data collection. A checklist
which has been developed in the course of this thesis should give the energy auditor
helpful tips to be successful at the opening meeting. When it comes to data
collection it is important to differentiate between the general data and technology
specific data collection. The general data collection should help the energy auditor to
evaluate the general energy saving potential and the type of the motor driven
systems which are installed. Further the chapter “Technology- specific data
collection” supports the energy auditor in detailed data collection and in evaluating
energy saving potential due to the specific technology. This chapter not only provides
data collection tables for pump-, electric motor-, ventilation- and compressed air
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systems, it also gives information about the most common energy efficiency indictors
for these technologies.
Furthermore also measurement is an important point in the energy audit
methodology. This chapter will support the energy auditor in choosing the right
measurement equipment referring to the specific technology. Helpful tips and
information such as proposed measurement duration, accuracy of measurement
equipment, relevant variables, and responsibilities due to measurement are given. In
addition also the different phases of a correct measurement plan according to the
ISO 50002 will be discussed. These tools will help the energy auditor to quickly and
correctly conduct measurements at specific motor driven systems.
One of the main parts of this thesis is the analysis of the collected data. In this chase
the chapter supports the energy auditor with two different energy efficiency tools
(EMSA and STR) and individual energy saving measures which can be set depending
on the technology. The big difficulty was to find or develop energy saving formulas
for each of these measures and to guarantee a standardized cross-technological
calculation. These formulas help the energy auditor to determine the energy savings
and cost for each defined measure in this thesis.
The last two steps “Energy audit reporting” and “Closing meeting” also provide lots
of helpful information to the energy auditor to carry out an energy audit successful.
The energy audit methodology for motor driven systems also has to be verified. This
has been done by conducting a short pump system energy audit at the laboratory of
the UAS-Burgenland. The results were amazing, because only two energy saving
measures of the energy audit methodology have been selected and nevertheless a
huge energy and cost saving potential has been calculated. The successful Best-
Practice reflects the user-friendliness, functionality and practicability of the developed
energy audit methodology.
It can be concluded that new technology, higher production and digitalization in the
industrial sector will drive the energy consumption up all over the world. In order to
be able to slow the increase in energy consumption, more attention must be paid to
energy efficiency. This document should support this way of thinking, therefore it
supports the energy auditors and engineers in setting energy efficiency measures
and conduction energy audits in the field of industrial motor driven systems.
Finally, it must be said that it is not possible to make everything immediately more
energy efficient in the industrial sector, but every small step in this direction will lead
to success. A Chinese proverb would say: “It is better to take many small steps in the
right direction, than to make a great leap forward, only to stumble backward.”

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13 Appendix

13.1 Bibliography
DETR (1998): Good practice guide 249 – Energy savings in industrial water
pumping systems, website:, downloaded on 14.06.2017, at
09.33 am, source:

Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council

(2012): Directive on energy efficiency, amending Directives 2009/125/EC and
2010/30/EU and repealing Directives 2004/8/EC and 2006/32/EC, Edition:
14.11.2012, downloaded on 10.04.2017, at 11:27 am, source: http://eur-

E-Control (2017): Evaluation of the industry price increase in January 2017,

website:, downloaded on 10.07.2017, at 11.05 am, source:

EN ISO 11011 (2013): Compressed air - Energy efficiency – Assessment, Edition:


EN ISO 50002 (2014): Energy Audits – Requirements with guidance for use,
Edition: 01.07.2014

EN ISO 50004 (2014): Energy management systems - Guidance for the

implementation, maintenance and improvement of an energy management system,
Edition: 15.12.2014

Energy Management Association of New Zealand (EMANZ) (2017): Fan

System Audit Standard, A standard for the auditing of the energy efficiency of
electric-powered fan systems, website:, downloaded on
12.05.2017, at 10:16, source:

Energy Management Association of New Zealand (EMANZ) (2017): Pumping

Systems Audit Standard, A standard for the auditing of the energy efficiency of
electric motor-powered pumping systems used for liquid transport, website:, downloaded on 21.05.2017, at 18:20 pm, source:

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Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT)

(2017): IEA 4E Annex: Electric Motor Systems – Working Period 2014-2017, IEA
Research Cooperation, downloaded on 26.01.2017, at 12:11 pm, source:

Gerstbauer C., (2017): klimaaktiv Ventilation System Guideline: Guideline

for the assessment and energy auditing of industrial ventilation systems, Austrian
Energy Agency, downloaded on 26.01.2017, at 17:20 pm, source:

Gilbert A. McCoy, (2000): Energy Management for Motor-Driven Systems,

Office of Industrial Technologies Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – U.S.
Department of Energy, Edition: March 2000, website:,
downloaded on 21.05.2017 at 17:51 pm, source:

Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K. (2013): klimaaktiv Pump System Guideline: Guideline

for the assessment and energy auditing of industrial pump systems, Austrian Energy
Agency, downloaded on 25.01.2017, at 15:20 pm, source:

IEA-4E (2016): Electric Motor Systems - EMSA, Motor System Tool V2.16.01,
website:, downloaded on 12.04.2017, at 14:10 pm, source:

International Energy Agency (IEA) (2016): World Energy Outlook 2016,

Executive Summary, downloaded on 25.01.2017, at 16:30 pm, source:

K. Kulterer (2016): klimaaktiv Procurement Specifications for Pumps, Austrian

Energy Agency, downloaded on 10.08.2017, at 16.05 pm, source:

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Kulterer K. (2015): klimaaktiv Measurement I: Guideline for the assessment of

energy savings & guideline for measurement technology, Austrian Energy Agency,
downloaded on 25.01.2017, at 15:20 pm, source:

Kulterer K. et al. (2015): klimaaktiv Compressed Air System Guideline: Guideline

for the assessment and energy auditing of compressed air systems, Austrian Energy
Agency, downloaded on 19.06.2017, at 18:05 pm, source:

Kulterer K., Hofmann M. Presch D. & Mitterndorfer M. (2015): klimaaktiv

Measurement II: Guideline for the assessment of energy savings & guideline for
measurement technology, Austrian Energy Agency, downloaded on 25.01.2017, at
16:21 pm, source:
/techno_messen.html (2016): “EMSA” Motor System Tool, website:, downloaded on 14.07.2017, at 12:33 pm, source:

ÖNORM EN 16247-2 (2014): Energy audits – Part 2, Edition: 01.07.2014

ÖNORM EN ISO 14414 (2016): Pump system energy assessment, Edition:


Schuch A., Presch D. & Simader G. (2014): IEA AFC Annex 33, Subtask 3 -
Report 2016: The implementation of European Directives and Regulations:
Opportunities or threats for fuel cell systems?, Austrian Energy Agency, downloaded
on 10.04.2017, at 11:07, source:

Siemens AG (2017): Overview: Efficiency classes for IEC motors, website:, downloaded on 08.06.2017, at 17:55 pm, source:
effizienzklassen/seiten/netzmotoren.aspx (2014): Standard Test Report (STR) V2.0, website:, downloaded on 12.04.2017, at 14:01 pm, source:

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Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH (2015): Intelligent Motor List ILI+ V2.0, website:, downloaded on 12.04.2017, at 14:04 pm, source: (2015): Potential assessment - tool SOTEA V2.1, website:, downloaded on 12.04.2017, at 13:56 pm, source: (2017): Intelligent Motor List ILI+ V2.0, ILI+ Information sheet
2017 website:, downloaded on 12.08.2017, at 19:04 pm, source:

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (2008): Office of Energy Efficiency &

Renewable Energy, Pumping System Assessment Tool (PSAT), website:, downloaded on 12.04.2017, at 14:35 pm, source:

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (2010): Office of Energy Efficiency &

Renewable Energy, AIRMaster+, website:, downloaded on
12.04.2017, at 14:33 pm, source:

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (2010): Office of Energy Efficiency &

Renewable Energy, Fan System Assessment Tool (FSAT), website:,
downloaded on 12.04.2017, at 14:35 pm, source:

VDMA 4370 (2012): Energy efficient compressed air systems - Guideline for
identification and evaluation of existing weakness and the correct coverage of
potential energy savings, Edition: 05.2012

Wahab Z. (2013): Convincing the top to get the money, Energy Efficiency Blog of
Zaini Abdul Wahab (Energy Management System consultant), website:, downloaded on 01.05.2017, at 19:17 pm, source:

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13.2 List of Figures

Figure 2.1: Energy audit process flow diagram (EN ISO 50002, 2014, p.5) ............. 3
Figure 2.2: Pump system energy assessment – different steps (EN ISO 14414,
2016) ................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 2.3: Compressed air – Energy efficiency – Assessment – different steps
(EN ISO 11011, 2013) ........................................................................................ 9
Figure 2.4: Comparison ISO 14414 with ISO 50002 ............................................ 10
Figure 2.5: Comparison ISO 11011 with ISO 50002 ............................................ 10
Figure 3.1: Flowchart for the energy audit method for MDS – including the different
tools ................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 4.1: Different parts of the energy audit planning step ............................... 15
Figure 4.2: SOTEA Input-interface (, 2015) .................................... 19
Figure 4.3: Output-Data - SOTEA (, 2015) ..................................... 21
Figure 5.1: Classification in two levels of the step: “Data Collection” .................... 30
Figure 5.2: Starting page “ILI+” – choosing the language (, 2015).. 31
Figure 5.3: The main menu of ILI+ (, 2015) .................................. 31
Figure 5.4: User estimate menu of ILI+ - input of required data (,
2015) .............................................................................................................. 32
Figure 5.5: Basic data of motors menu of ILI+ - input of required data
(, 2015) ....................................................................................... 33
Figure 5.6: Selection tool-menu of ILI+ - input and output data (,
2015) .............................................................................................................. 34
Figure 6.1: Stages of the development and implementation of a measurement plan
(Kulterer K., 2015, p. 10) .................................................................................. 55
Figure 6.2: Selection table flow measurement (Presch D, Kulterer K., Hofmann M &
Mitterndorfer M., 2015, p. 24) ........................................................................... 58
Figure 8.1: Screenshot Motor Systems Tool (, 2016) ........ 63
Figure 8.2: Scope of IEC 60034-30-1 (Siemens AG, 2017) .................................. 66
Figure 8.3: Dependence of the efficiency on the deviation of the delivery volume for
the most used characteristics (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 25) .............. 72
Figure 8.4: Degree of efficiency losses in pumps depending on maintenance (DETR,
1998, p. 9)....................................................................................................... 72
Figure 11.1: Current energy consumption and energy saving potential of the pump
systems ..........................................................................................................144

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Figure 11.2: Current energy cost and cost saving potential of the pump systems 145

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13.3 List of Tables

Table 4.1: Checklist - General Information (VDMA 4370, 2012, p. 16-17 & EN ISO
11011, 2013, p. 32).......................................................................................... 16
Table 4.2: Required data input for SOTEA: ........................................................ 20
Table 5.1: Relevant points for the opening meeting (EN ISO 50002, 2014, p. 7) .. 22
Table 5.2: Examples for parties of an electric motor driven system energy audit .. 26
Table 5.3: Basic data of motors menu – minimum required data-input ................ 33
Table 5.4: Summary - required data with their units for the general data collection
process ............................................................................................................ 35
Table 5.5: General data of the electric motor system .......................................... 36
Table 5.6: specific/technical data of the electric motor system (Gilbert A. et al,
2000, Appendix C-1) ......................................................................................... 37
Table 5.7: Detailed operating profile of the electric motor system ....................... 37
Table 5.8: Electrical motor/drive data of the pump system .................................. 39
Table 5.9: Specific pump data (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 44-50)......... 39
Table 5.10: Transport and distribution system data of the pump system (Hoffmann
M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 44-50) ...................................................................... 40
Table 5.11: Built-in fittings and data of consumers of the pump system (Hoffmann
M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 44-50) ...................................................................... 40
Table 5.12: Liquid properties data of the pump system (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K.,
2013, p. 44-50) ................................................................................................ 42
Table 5.13: Additional system and control data of the pump system (Hoffmann M. &
Kulterer K., 2013, p. 44-50) .............................................................................. 42
Table 5.14: Detailed operating profile of the pump system ................................. 42
Table 5.15: Electrical motor/drive data of the ventilation system (Energy
Management Association of New Zealand, 2015, p. 20-22) ................................. 43
Table 5.16: Specific fan data (Energy Management Association of New Zealand,
2015, p. 20-22) ................................................................................................ 44
Table 5.17: Additional system ventilation system data (Energy Management
Association of New Zealand, 2015, p. 20-22) ..................................................... 45
Table 5.18: Specific Air Characteristics ............................................................... 45
Table 5.19: Data of consumers of the ventilation system (Energy Management
Association of New Zealand, 2015, p. 20-22) ..................................................... 46
Table 5.20: Additional fan system data .............................................................. 46

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Table 5.21: Detailed operating profile of the ventilation system ........................... 46

Table 5.22: Specific compressed air system data (ISO 11011, 2013, p. 39-42) ..... 47
Table 5.23: Additional compressed air system data ............................................ 48
Table 5.24: Control data of compressed air system (ISO 11011, 2013, p. 39-42) . 48
Table 5.25: Piping system information of the compressed air system (ISO 11011,
2013, p. 39-42) ................................................................................................ 48
Table 5.26: Data about End-use applications/consumers (ISO 11011, 2013, p. 39-
42) .................................................................................................................. 49
Table 5.27: Additional compressed air system data ............................................ 49
Table 5.28: Detailed operating profile of the compressed air system.................... 49
Table 6.1: List with an example of a current measurement point ......................... 51
Table 6.2: Test points for measurements on site ................................................ 52
Table 6.3: Recommended measurement methods and equipment for all motor
driven systems (Presch D, Kulterer K., Hofmann M & Mitterndorfer M., 2015, p. 20-
21) .................................................................................................................. 56
Table 7.1: Data collection on site ...................................................................... 59
Table 8.1: Indicators to check if pump should be replaced .................................. 71
Table 8.2: Percent reduction of the power requirement for flow as a function of
closed-system control (for a closed system, without static head) (Hoffmann M. &
Kulterer K., 2013, p. 27) ................................................................................... 74
Table 8.3: Pressure losses of fittings in the pump system (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer
K., 2013, p. 39) ................................................................................................ 79
Table 8.4: Classification of the specific fan-power (Gerstbauer C., Presch D. &
Hofmann M., 2017, p. 21) ................................................................................. 85
Table 8.5: Average outside temperature (Gerstbauer C., Presch D. & Hofmann M.,
2017, p. 28) ..................................................................................................... 88
Table 11.1: General Data-Collection for the laboratory at the UAS-Burgenland ....104
Table 11.2: Specific data - WILO Typ Star-E 25/1-5...........................................105
Table 11.3: Specific data - WILO Star-RS 25/6 Classic Star ................................106
Table 11.4: Specific data - WILO Stratos 30/1-12 ..............................................107
Table 11.5: Specific data - WILO Star-RS 25/4 ..................................................107
Table 11.6: Specific data - WILO Star-RS 25/6 Classic Star ................................108
Table 11.7: Specific data - WILO EA525/6-3 .....................................................109
Table 11.8: Specific data - WILO TOP-S 30/10 ..................................................110

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Table 11.9: Specific data - GRUNDFOS UPE 32-80 180 ......................................110

Table 11.10: Specific data - WILO TOP-S 30/10 ................................................111
Table 11.11: Specific data - WILO S90L ............................................................112
Table 11.12: Specific data - WILO W071 080 – 2 – F157E .................................113
Table 11.13: Specific data - WILO W080070 - 2F188E .......................................113
Table 11.14: Specific data - WILO 2109677 ......................................................114
Table 11.15: Specific data - WILO AF 100L/2F-11+E2/0902 ...............................115
Table 11.16: Specific data - WILO W071080-2-F 154E .......................................116
Table 11.17: Specific data - WILO IP-E40/150-3/2 ............................................116
Table 11.18: Specific data - WILO IP-E40/2-12 .................................................117
Table 11.19: Specific data - WILO 1LA 70902AA99-ZND3 ..................................118
Table 11.20: Specific data - WILO TOP-S 50/10 ................................................118
Table 11.21: Specific data - WILO TOP-S 30/10 ................................................119
Table 11.22: Load profile of a circulation pumps with indication of the volume flow
and the operating time (Kulterer K., 2017, p. 7) ................................................121
Table 11.23: Example table for the efficiency of electric motors according to IEC
60034-30, “nominal limits for efficiency”. (Hoffmann M. & Kulterer K., 2013, p. 32)

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