Sie sind auf Seite 1von 21

Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen LayPLAN Software

Diese Lizenz und Nutzungsbedingungen gelten ausschließlich Personen oder Vertreter von Firmen deren
Sitz sich nicht in den USA befindet.

Seite 2 bis 8

Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use for LayPLAN


These license and terms of use apply exclusively to persons or representatives of companies whose
registered office is not in the USA.

Page 9 to 15


These license terms and conditions apply exclusively to persons or representatives of companies based
in the United States of America.

Page 16 to 21
Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen – LayPLAN Software, Deutsch - Stand Mai 2021

Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen

LayPLAN Software
Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co. KG,
Ochsenbacher Straße 56, 74363 Güglingen-Eibensbach

Die Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co KG, Ochsenbacher Straße 56, 74363 Güglingen-Eibensbach (nachfolgend
„Layher“ genannt) lizenziert Ihnen die Software LayPLAN ausschließlich unter den in diesen Lizenz- und
Nutzungsbedingungen enthaltenen Bestimmungen.
Indem Sie diese Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen über die entsprechende Schaltfläche akzeptieren oder
indem Sie die Software vollständig oder teilweise installieren, hochladen, aufrufen oder anderweitig
kopieren oder benutzen, erklären Sie sich mit den Bestimmungen dieser Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen
einverstanden. Falls Sie nicht einverstanden sind oder falls Sie weder sich selbst noch die Gesellschaft, die
Sie vertreten, verpflichten wollen: Installieren und benutzen Sie die Software nicht, laden Sie diese nicht
hoch, rufen Sie diese nicht auf und kopieren oder benutzen Sie diese nicht anderweitig.

Die in diesen Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen enthaltenen Bestimmungen gelten für sämtliche von
Layher angebotenen LayPLAN Softwareprodukte einschließlich deren Module (nachfolgend gemeinsam
„LayPLAN Software“ genannt).
Die LayPLAN Software wird Ihnen gegen Bezahlung der Lizenzgebühr überlassen oder im Wege eines
Software as a Service-Modells über das Internet bereitgestellt.
Ihnen sind die wesentlichen Funktionsmerkmale der LayPLAN Software bekannt, z.B. durch
Informationsmaterial, Testversion, usw.; Sie tragen das Risiko, ob die LayPLAN Software Ihren Wünschen,
Anforderungen und Bedürfnissen entspricht.
Die Nutzung der Vollversionen der LayPLAN Software ist kostenpflichtig, eine kostenlose, 30-tägige
Testversion einzelner LayPLAN Softwareprodukte mit eingeschränkten Funktionen steht zum Download zur
Layher behält sich vor, zukünftige Leistungen einschließlich neuer Softwarefunktionen, Updates, Upgrades
und Pflegeleistungen zu ergänzenden Bedingungen anzubieten, ein Rechtsanspruch hierauf besteht nicht.
Unbeschadet dieses Vorbehaltes gelten diese Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen auch für alle künftigen
Updates, Upgrades oder sonstige Lieferungen von LayPLAN Software.


2.1 Die nachfolgenden Nutzungsbedingungen gelten ausschließlich für die Verwendung der LayPLAN

2.2 Layher räumt Ihnen gegen Zahlung der Lizenzgebühr an der LayPLAN Software

2.2.1. im Falle der Überlassung gegen Einmalzahlung („Software-Kauf“) ein einfaches, zeitlich und
räumlich unbeschränktes,

Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen – LayPLAN Software, Deutsch - Stand Mai 2021

2.2.2. im Falle der zeitlich beschränkten Bereitstellung von Software oder Services über das
Internet („Software as a Service“) ein auf die Dauer des Lizenzvertrages zeitlich beschränktes

Nutzungsrecht an der Software oder den Services ein, jedoch nur für die Nutzung im eigenen

2.3 Sie dürfen die LayPLAN Software nur zu dem Zweck einsetzen, Ihre internen Geschäftsvorfälle und
die von solchen Unternehmen abzuwickeln, die mit Ihnen i.S. des § 15 AktG verbunden sind.
Insbesondere ein Rechenzentrumsbetrieb für Dritte oder das vorübergehende Zur-Verfügung-Stellen
der erworbenen LayPLAN Softwareprodukte (z.B. als Software as a Service) für andere als
verbundene Unternehmen, sind nur nach vorheriger schriftlicher Zustimmung von Layher erlaubt. Die
gewerbliche Weitervermietung ist generell untersagt.

2.4 Vervielfältigungen der LayPLAN Software sind nur insoweit zulässig, als dies für den
vertragsgemäßen Gebrauch notwendig ist. Bei im Wege des Software as a Service-Modells
bereitgestellten LayPLAN Softwareprodukten oder Services zählt hierzu das Laden in den
Arbeitsspeicher, nicht jedoch die auch nur vorübergehende Installation oder das Speichern der
Software oder Services auf lokalen Datenträgern der von Ihnen eingesetzten Hardware. Beim
Software-Kauf dürfen Sie vom jeweiligen LayPLAN Softwareprodukt Sicherungskopien nach den
Regeln der Technik im notwendigen Umfang anfertigen. Sicherungskopien auf beweglichen
Datenträgern sind als solche zu kennzeichnen.

2.5 Die LayPLAN Software als auch die Bauteilblockbibliothek, die mit LayPLAN CAD bereitgestellt wird,
stellt geistiges Eigentum von Layher dar und darf ohne vorheriger, schriftlicher Zustimmung von
Layher weder verändert, ergänzt oder an Dritte verkauft, vermietet, wirtschaftlich verwertet oder auf
andere Art bereitgestellt werden.

2.6 Sie dürfen im Falle des Software-Kaufs das jeweilige LayPLAN Softwareprodukt einem Dritten nur
einheitlich und unter vollständiger und endgültiger Aufgabe der eigenen Nutzung des LayPLAN
Softwareprodukts überlassen. Die vorübergehende oder teilweise entgeltliche Überlassung der
Nutzung an Dritte ist untersagt, gleich ob das LayPLAN Softwareprodukt in körperlicher oder
unkörperlicher Form überlassen wird. Das Gleiche gilt bei unentgeltlicher Überlassung.


3.1 Lizenzgewährung
Sie haben beim Software-Kauf das Recht, eine Kopie des LayPLAN Softwareproduktes, das mit dieser
Lizenz erworben wurde, auf einem Einzelcomputer unter der Voraussetzung zu nutzen, dass das LayPLAN
Softwareprodukt zu jeder beliebigen Zeit auf nur einem einzigen Computer genutzt wird
Bei Software as a Service-Leistungen haben Sie das Recht, das LayPLAN Softwareprodukt und/oder die
bereitgestellten Services im Rahmen der vorgegeben Funktionalitäten und nach Maßgabe dieser
Lizenzbedingungen über das Internet zu nutzen. Die für das jeweilige Softwareprodukt einschlägigen
besonderen Bestimmungen finden ergänzende Anwendung.
Sie dürfen die in diesem Vertrag eingeräumten Nutzungsrechte erst nach vollständiger Bezahlung der
Lizenzgebühr ausüben.

3.2 Lizenzarten beim Software-Kauf

Studentenversion und Version für den individuellen Schulungsbedarf.

Falls Layher das LayPLAN Softwareprodukt in der anwendbaren Benutzerdokumentation als
'Studentenversion' oder 'Version für den individuellen Schulungsbedarf' bezeichnet, dürfen Sie Kopien des
Softwareprodukts auf der erlaubten Anzahl von Computern installieren und aufrufen, und zwar nur für

Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen – LayPLAN Software, Deutsch - Stand Mai 2021

persönliche Lernzwecke und für keine anderen Zwecke. Studentenversionen und Versionen für den
individuellen Schulungsbedarf des LayPLAN Softwareprodukts dürfen für einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr
ab dem Tag benutzt werden, an dem Sie das LayPLAN Softwareprodukt erstmalig installiert haben, sofern
Layher in der Benutzerdokumentation nichts anderes vorgesehen hat. Ohne die Allgemeingültigkeit des
Voranstehenden einzuschränken, dürfen die Studentenversionen und Versionen für den individuellen
Schulungsbedarf der LayPLAN Softwareprodukte nicht für kommerzielle, professionelle oder für
gewinnorientierte Zwecke benutzt werden. Studentenversionen dürfen außerdem nur von
Fakultätsmitgliedern, Personal und von Studenten benutzt werden, und diese Personen müssen einer
anerkannten Bildungsinstitution angehören. Sie erklären sich bereit, auf Aufforderung durch Layher einen
Einschreibungsnachweis zu erbringen.

Falls Layher die LayPLAN Softwareprodukte in der anwendbaren Benutzerdokumentation als
Demoversion/Testversion bezeichnet, dürfen Sie eine Kopie des LayPLAN Softwareprodukts nur zum
Zwecke der Evaluierung und Demonstration installieren und aufrufen. Ohne die Allgemeingültigkeit des
Voranstehenden einzuschränken, dürfen Sie die LayPLAN Softwareprodukte nicht zur
produktvergleichenden Analyse oder für kommerzielle, professionelle oder sonstige gewinnorientierte
Zwecke benutzen. Vorbehaltlich anderweitiger schriftlicher Festlegungen durch Layher darf die
Demoversion nur für einen einzigen insgesamt dreißigtägigen (30-tägigen) Evaluierungszeitraum installiert

3.3 Besondere Nutzungsvoraussetzungen LayPLAN CAD und LayPLAN TO RSTAB

Zur Nutzung des LayPLAN Softwareprodukts LayPLAN CAD wird, entsprechend den
Systemvoraussetzungen von LayPLAN CAD, eine kompatible Version der Software AutoCAD der Autodesk
Inc. benötigt. Um das LayPLAN CAD Softwaremodul LayPLAN TO RSTAB nutzen zu können, ist außerdem
eine kompatible Version der Software RSTAB der Dlubal Software GmbH erforderlich. Diese sind gesondert
zu erwerben und nicht Bestandteil dieser Nutzungsbedingungen. Somit sind neben der Beachtung dieser
Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen, auch die Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen der jeweiligen Version von
AutoCAD und RSTAB zu beachten.


4.1 Anforderung eines Aktivierungscodes

Zur vollen Nutzung einzelner LayPLAN Softwareprodukte ist möglicherweise ein Aktivierungscode
erforderlich. Die Aktivierung kann direkt nach Abschluss der Installation des LayPLAN Softwareprodukts
erfolgen. Zur Bereitstellung des Aktivierungscodes durch Layher müssen vorab Ihre individuelle Hardware-
ID, Ihre kundenbezogene Serialnummer zur Aktivierung und weitere zur Aktivierung relevante Daten per E-
Mail an Layher übermittelt werden. Anschließend wird durch Layher ein Aktivierungscode generiert und in
der Regel innerhalb von drei Werktagen an Sie per E-Mail zurückgesendet.

4.2 Erneute Anforderung eines Aktivierungscodes

Der Aktivierungscode zur vollen Nutzung des LayPLAN Softwareprodukts ist hardwaregebunden. Für den
Fall, dass Sie Ihre Hardware austauschen oder erneuern oder aus anderen Gründen das LayPLAN
Softwareprodukt auf einer anderen Hardware nutzen möchten als ursprünglich vorgesehen oder im Falle
einer Änderung des Betriebssystems, ist die Generierung eines neuen Aktivierungscodes durch Layher
erforderlich. Hierfür ist erneut der unter Punkt 4.1 beschriebene Anforderungsprozess von
Aktivierungscodes zu berücksichtigen.

4.3 Beschränkungen

Layher behält sich das Recht vor, Ihnen beim Software-Kauf ab einem Jahr nach Erwerb der Lizenz keinen
neuen Aktivierungscode zu den zugehörigen Serialnummern, zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen – LayPLAN Software, Deutsch - Stand Mai 2021

Nach Änderungen der Hardware gemäß Punkt 4.2 ist die erneute Generierung eines Aktivierungscodes
erforderlich. Layher behält sich das Recht vor, die Anzahl der Herausgabe neuer Aktivierungscodes
angemessen zu begrenzen und von Ihnen entsprechende Nachweise zur Änderung Ihrer Hardware
einzufordern, bevor ein neuer Aktivierungscode generiert wird.


5.1 Layher ist bemüht, sofern Updates und Upgrades geliefert werden, diese so zu gestalten, dass sie in
der Regel Funktionen und Merkmale der vorherigen Version in gleichem oder ähnlichem Umfang
enthalten. Upgrades können jedoch abweichende Funktionen und Merkmale enthalten und einer
neuen Programmlogik unterliegen.

5.2 Die Übernahme von abgespeicherten Projektdaten kann aufgrund der Anpassung (Upgrade) der
LayPLAN Software an den neuen Stand der Technik Konvertierungsleistungen von Ihnen sowie
manuelle Ergänzungen beispielsweise einzelner Parameter und/oder neu hinzugekommener
Datenfelder erfordern.

5.3 Sie sind verpflichtet, sich vor der Installation eines Updates oder Upgrades über unterschiedliche
Leistungsmerkmale, Programmabläufe und Datenstrukturen, sowie deren Auswirkungen zu
informieren, sowie Ihre vorhandenen Datenbestände zu sichern.


6.1 Für die Nutzung unseres LayPLAN Softwaremoduls „LAYPLAN TO REVIT CAD-Konverter“
(nachfolgend „CAD-Konverter“) gelten ergänzend die nachfolgenden Bestimmungen.

6.2 Der CAD-Konverter ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre über das LayPLAN Softwareprodukt „LayPLAN CAD“
geplanten Gerüstkonstruktionen in ein mit der Planungssoftware „Revit“ der Autodesk Inc., San
Rafael, USA kompatibles Format („Revit“) zu konvertieren. Die Lizenzierung von Revit (kompatibel
ab Version 2018) und die Schaffung der hierfür notwendigen Systemvoraussetzungen selbst ist nicht
Gegenstand der von Layher angebotenen Leistungen und steht in Ihrer alleinigen Verantwortung.

6.3 Layher stellt Ihnen ab dem vereinbarten Zeitpunkt für die Dauer des Nutzungsvertrages den CAD-
Konverter über das Internet zur Nutzung gegen Zahlung der vereinbarten einmaligen Vergütung zur
Verfügung. Dazu ermöglicht Layher Ihnen den Zugang zum CAD-Konverter und räumt Ihnen die dazu
notwendigen Nutzungsrechte gemäß Ziffer 6.5 ff. ein.

6.4 Um den CAD-Konverter nutzen zu können, müssen Sie sich zunächst über registrieren. Sie sind
verpflichtet die Registrierungsdaten korrekt und vollständig anzugeben. Zur Registrierung sind
ausschließlich gewerbliche Nutzer berechtigt. Eine Nutzung durch Verbraucher im Sinne von § 14
BGB ist ausgeschlossen. Sie sind verpflichtet Ihre Zugangsdaten gegenüber unbefugten Dritten
geheim zu halten und sicher vor dem Zugriff durch unbefugte Dritte aufzubewahren, sodass ein
Missbrauch der Daten durch Dritte unmöglich ist.

6.5 Layher räumt Ihnen ein auf die Dauer des Nutzungsvertrages beschränktes, einfaches, nicht
unterlizenzierbares und nicht übertragbares, Recht ein, den CAD-Konverter zur Konvertierung von
über die LayPLAN Software erstellten Gerüstkonstruktionen für eigene interne Unternehmenszwecke
zu nutzen. Ihnen ist insbesondere die Konvertierung von einzelnen Bauteilen losgelöst von
Gerüstkonstruktionen sowie die Erstellung einer aus einzelnen Bauteilen bestehenden Datenbank

6.6 Sie dürfen den CAD-Konverter nur zu eigenen Zwecken und für solche Unternehmen einsetzen, die
mit Ihnen i.S. der §§ 15 ff. AktG verbunden sind.

Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen – LayPLAN Software, Deutsch - Stand Mai 2021

6.7 Das Nutzungsrecht am CAD-Konverter wird für die Dauer des Nutzungsvertrages eingeräumt. Der
Nutzungsvertrag läuft auf unbestimmte Zeit und kann durch Sie oder Layher mit einer Frist von 2
Monaten gekündigt werden. Das Recht zur außerordentlichen Kündigung aus wichtigem Grund bleibt

6.8 Für die Nutzung der über den CAD-Konverter erstellten CAD-Modelle, darin enthaltenen Daten und
sonstigen Inhalte (gemeinsam „Konvertierungsergebnisse“) gelten die nachfolgenden

6.8.1 Die Konvertierungsergebnisse sind überwiegend geschützt durch das Urheber-, Marken- und
Wettbewerbsrecht oder durch sonstige Schutzrechte. Inhaberin aller Rechte an den
Konvertierungsergebnissen ist Layher.

6.8.2 Layher räumt Ihnen ein einfaches, zeitlich und räumlich unbeschränktes Nutzungsrecht an den
Konvertierungsergebnissen inhaltlich beschränkt auf die Nutzung zu eigenen internen
Unternehmenszwecken ein.

6.8.3 Sie sind innerhalb Ihres Unternehmens berechtigt, die Konvertierungsergebnisse an mehreren
Endgeräten oder zeitgleich an mehreren Arbeitsplätzen zu nutzen und zu diesem Zweck zu
vervielfältigen. Dies beinhaltet auch die Nutzung an Geräten und Arbeitsplätzen von
verbundenen Unternehmen i.S. der §§ 15 ff. AktG.

6.8.4 Sie dürfen die Konvertierungsergebnisse ohne vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung von Layher
nicht verändern, bearbeiten, ergänzen oder an Dritte verkaufen, vermieten, wirtschaftlich
verwerten oder auf andere Art bereitstellen. Vervielfältigungen der Konvertierungsergebnisse
sind nur insoweit zulässig, als dies für den vertragsgemäßen Gebrauch notwendig ist.

6.8.5 Urhebervermerke, Metadaten sowie sonstige der Identifikation dienende Merkmale der
Konvertierungsergebnisse dürfen nicht entfernt oder verändert werden.

6.9 Der CAD-Konverter steht Ihnen an sieben Tagen die Woche jeweils 24 Stunden zur Verfügung
("Betriebszeit"). Die durchschnittliche Verfügbarkeit während der Betriebszeiten beträgt 98,5 % im
Monatsmittel. Während der übrigen Zeiten ("Wartungszeiten") kann der CAD-Konverter dennoch, ggf.
mit Unterbrechungen und Einschränkungen, verfügbar sein. Es besteht jedoch kein Anspruch auf
Nutzung während Wartungszeiten.

6.10 Übergabepunkt für die vertraglichen Leistungen von Layher ist der Routerausgang der von Layher
genutzten Rechenzentren zum Internet. Ihre Anbindung an das Internet, die Aufrechterhaltung der
Netzverbindung sowie die Beschaffung und Bereitstellung der auf Ihrer Seite erforderlichen
Infrastruktur, insbesondere Hard- und Software ist nicht Gegenstand der von Layher geschuldeten


7.1 Die LayPLAN Software ist für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungsmöglichkeiten konzipiert worden und
kann nicht jeden denkbaren Anwendungsfall in allen Einzelheiten berücksichtigen. Es werden
keinerlei spezifische Eigenschaften der LayPLAN Software neben den ausdrücklich dokumentierten
Leistungsmerkmalen vereinbart.

7.2 Technische Daten, Spezifikationen und Leistungsangaben in öffentlichen Äußerungen, insbesondere

in Werbemitteln sind keine Beschaffenheitsangaben. Die Funktionalität der LayPLAN Software richtet
sich nach der Beschreibung in der Benutzerdokumentation und den ergänzend hierzu getroffenen

7.3 Mängelansprüche verjähren in zwölf Monaten, es sei denn, der Mangel wurde arglistig verschwiegen.

Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen – LayPLAN Software, Deutsch - Stand Mai 2021

7.4 Die Durchsetzung von Mängelhaftungsansprüchen ist davon abhängig, dass Mängel innerhalb von
einer Woche nach ihrem erstmaligen Erkennen schriftlich gemeldet werden.

7.5 Layher kann die Nacherfüllung verweigern, solange Sie die Lizenzgebühren noch nicht vollständig
bezahlt haben.

7.6 Layher haftet nicht in den Fällen, in denen Sie Änderungen an der LayPLAN Software oder den
System- und sonstigen Nutzungsvoraussetzungen vorgenommen haben, es sei denn, dass diese
Änderungen ohne Einfluss auf die Entstehung des Mangels waren.

7.7 Sie werden Layher bei der Mangelfeststellung und -beseitigung angemessen unterstützen und
unverzüglich Einsicht in die Unterlagen, Aufzeichnungen, Datenbestände etc. gewähren, aus denen
sich die näheren Umstände des Auftretens des Mangels ergeben.

7.8 Sofern ein behaupteter Mangel nach entsprechender Untersuchung nicht einer
Mängelhaftungsverpflichtung von Layher zuzuordnen ist (Scheinmangel), kann Layher Ihnen die für
Verifizierung und Fehlerbehebung erbrachten Leistungen zu den jeweils gültigen Vergütungssätzen
zuzüglich der angefallenen Auslagen berechnen, es sei denn, Sie hätten den Scheinmangel auch bei
Anstrengung der gebotenen Sorgfalt nicht erkennen können.

7.9 Die verschuldensunabhängige Haftung wegen anfänglicher Mängel gemäß § 536a Abs. 1 BGB ist für
Software as a Service-Leistungen ausgeschlossen.


8.1 Die LayPLAN Software dient lediglich der Unterstützung, der Planung und Konfiguration von
Gerüstkonstruktionen. Es ist daher notwendig, dass Sie sich vorab sowohl umfassend über die
Erstellung und Nutzung von Gerüstsystemen im Allgemeinen, als auch über die Erstellung und
Nutzung von Gerüstsystemen aus dem Hause Layher informiert haben. Sie benötigen daher
ausreichend eigene Kenntnisse über die Verwendung der Layher Gerüstmaterialien sowie über die
aktuell geltenden Vorschriften und Regelwerke und Sie müssen über Kenntnisse zum aktuellen Stand
der Technik verfügen. Die erforderlichen Kenntnisse weichen je nach Gerüstsystem,
Gerüstkonstruktion und Anwendung stark voneinander ab und sind vom Nutzer vorab selbstständig
in Erfahrung zu bringen. Etwaige länderspezifische Abweichungen sind ebenfalls von Ihnen zu

8.2 Sie haben Planungen und Planungsunterlagen, die mit der LayPLAN Software erstellt wurden auf
Richtigkeit zu prüfen. Dies gilt sowohl in Bezug auf die Vollständigkeit von Materiallisten, als auch in
Bezug auf statische und sicherheitstechnische Belange. Planungen und Planungsunterlagen, die mit
vorkonfigurierten Konstruktionen oder Vorlagenzeichnungen erstellt wurden, sind ebenfalls von Ihnen
zu prüfen.

Bitte beachten Sie: Layher übernimmt keinerlei Verantwortung oder Haftung

für die Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit der Ergebnisse von LayPLAN
Software. Diese dienen lediglich Ihrer Unterstützung und sind vor
Verwendung durch eine fachkundige Person zu prüfen und zu bestätigen.
8.3 Sie haben sich vorab mit den Systemvoraussetzungen der LayPLAN Software vertraut zu machen.


9.1 In allen Fällen vertraglicher und außervertraglicher Haftung leistet Layher Schadensersatz
ausschließlich nach Maßgabe folgender Grenzen:

Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen – LayPLAN Software, Deutsch - Stand Mai 2021

9.1.1 bei Vorsatz und grober Fahrlässigkeit in voller Höhe, ebenso bei Fehlen einer Beschaffenheit,
für die Layher eine Garantie übernommen hat;

9.1.2 in anderen Fällen: nur aus Verletzung einer wesentlichen Vertragspflicht, wenn dadurch der
Vertragszweck gefährdet ist, jedoch stets nur in Höhe des vorhersehbaren Schadens. Die
Haftung ist auf Euro 10.000,00 pro Schadensfall begrenzt, insgesamt auf höchstens Euro 50
000,00 aus diesem Vertrag.

9.2 Die Haftungsbegrenzungen gemäß Ziffer 9.1 gelten nicht bei der Haftung für Personenschäden und
bei der Haftung nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz.

9.3 Layher bleibt der Einwand des Mitverschuldens unbenommen.

9.4 Für die Verjährungsfrist gilt Ziffer 7.3 entsprechend, mit der Maßgabe, dass für Ansprüche nach Ziffer
9.1.1 und Ziffer 9.2 die gesetzliche Verjährungsfrist gilt. Die Verjährungsfrist gem. Satz 1 beginnt mit
dem in § 199 Abs. 1 BGB bestimmten Zeitpunkt. Sie tritt spätestens mit Ablauf der in § 199 Abs. 3
und 4 BGB bestimmten Höchstfristen ein.


10.1 AGBs
Es gelten ergänzend die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen von Layher. Bei Widersprüchen gehen die
Regelungen dieser Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen den Bestimmungen der Allgemeinen
Geschäftsbedingungen vor.

10.2 Nebenabreden
Nebenabreden zu diesen Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen wurden nicht getroffen. Änderungen dieser
Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen bedürfen der Schriftform; dies gilt auch für den Verzicht auf dieses
Sollten einzelne Bestimmungen dieser Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen unwirksam sein oder werden,
wird hiervon die Wirksamkeit der übrigen Bestimmungen nicht berührt.

10.3 Rechtswahl
Diese Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen und alle aus oder im Zusammenhang mit diesen Lizenz- und
Nutzungsbedingungen entstehenden Streitfälle unterliegen der Rechtsordnung der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland, mit Ausnahme der Bestimmungen des Internationalen Privatrechts und der U.N. Konvention
über Verträge über den Internationalen Kauf von Waren.

10.4 Salvatorische Klausel

Falls und soweit eine Bestimmung dieser Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen nach geltendem Recht
vollständig oder teilweise für rechtswidrig, unwirksam oder nicht durchsetzbar erklärt wird, ist eine solche
Bestimmung oder ein solcher Teil davon in der Gerichtsbarkeit ungültig, in der die Bestimmung rechtswidrig,
unwirksam oder nicht durchsetzbar sind. Eine derartige Bestimmung gilt insoweit als geändert, als dies zur
Einhaltung anwendbaren Rechts erforderlich ist, um dem Willen der Parteien so weit wie möglich Wirkung
zu verleihen. Die Rechtswidrigkeit, Unwirksamkeit oder Undurchsetzbarkeit einer solchen Bestimmung in
dieser Gerichtsbarkeit hat keinen Einfluss auf die Rechtmäßigkeit, Wirksamkeit oder Durchsetzbarkeit einer
solchen Bestimmung in einer anderen Gerichtsbarkeit und beeinträchtigt nicht die Rechtmäßigkeit,
Wirksamkeit oder Durchsetzbarkeit einer anderen Bestimmung dieses Vertrags.

10.5 Sprache
Die deutsche Sprachversion dieser Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen ist verbindlich, falls die deutsche
Version und eine Übersetzung voneinander abweichen.

Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use for the LayPLAN Software, English – Last revised: May 2021

Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use for

LayPLAN Software

Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co. KG,
Ochsenbacher Straße 56, 74363 Güglingen-Eibensbach, Germany

Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co KG, Ochsenbacher Straße 56, 74363 Güglingen-Eibensbach, Germany
(hereinafter referred to as “Layher”) licenses the LayPLAN Software to you solely subject to the terms and
conditions of these Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use.
By accepting these Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use by clicking the respective button or by fully
or partly installing, uploading, calling up or otherwise copying or using the software, you agree to be bound
by the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use. If you do not agree or you wish to
place neither yourself nor the company that you represent under a binding obligation: Do not install and use
the software, do not upload and call up the software and do not otherwise copy or use the software.


The provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use shall apply to all LayPLAN Software
Products including its modules (hereinafter jointly referred to as “LayPLAN Software”).

The LayPLAN Software is provided to you against payment of the license fee on a permanent basis or as a
software as a service model via the Internet.

You are familiar with the essential functional features of the LayPLAN Software, e.g. through information
material, the test version, etc.; you bear the risk as to whether the software meets your wishes, requirements
and needs.

Use of the full versions of individual LayPLAN Software Products is subject to a charge; a free, 30-day test
version with restricted functions is available for downloading.

Layher reserves the right to offer future services including new software functions, updates, upgrades and
maintenance services under additional terms and conditions; there shall be no legal entitlement thereto.

Notwithstanding this reservation, these Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use shall also apply to all
future updates, upgrades or other deliveries from LayPLAN Software.


2.1 The following terms and conditions of use apply exclusively to use of the LayPLAN Software.

2.2 In exchange for payment of the license fee, Layher grants to you

2.2.1 in the event of permanent licensing against a one-time payment (“Software Purchase”) a non-
exclusive right, without restriction as to time and place,

Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use for the LayPLAN Software, English – Last revised: May 2021

2.2.2 in the event of the provision of software limited in time via the Internet (“Software as a
Service”) a right limited to the duration of the license agreement

to use the LayPLAN Software or the services, but only for use at your own business establishment.

2.3 You may use the LayPLAN Software only for handling your internal business transactions and those
of companies that are affiliated with you within the meaning of Section 15 of the German Stock
Corporation Act (AktG). In particular, operation of the acquired LayPLAN Software Products for third
parties at a data center or the temporary provision of the LayPLAN Software Products (for example
as software as a service) to parties other than affiliated companies shall be permitted only subject to
Layher’s prior written consent. Commercial leasing of the LayPLAN Software shall be prohibited in

2.4 Copying of the LayPLAN Software shall be permissible only insofar as that is necessary for using it
in accordance with the agreement. In the event that LayPLAN Software Products or services are
made available as Software as a Service, this shall include the loading into the internal memory, but
not the installation - even temporarily - or the storage of the software or the services on local data
volumes of hardware used by you. In the event of a Software Purchase you shall be allowed to make
backup copies of the respective LayPLAN Software Product in accordance with the state of the art to
the necessary extent. Backup copies on portable data media shall be indicated as such.

2.5 The LayPLAN Software as well as the component block library which is provided with LayPLAN CAD
are the intellectual property of Layher and may not, without the prior written consent of Layher, be
altered or supplemented, sold or leased to third parties, or economically exploited or made available
in another way.

2.6 In the event of a Software Purchase you may provide the respective LayPLAN Software Product for
use by a third party only as a single entity and if you definitively cease using the LayPLAN Software
Product yourself. Provision of LayPLAN Software for use by a third party on a temporary basis or
partially in exchange for payment shall be prohibited, irrespective of whether the LayPLAN Software
Product is provided in a corporeal or incorporeal form. The same shall apply if the LayPLAN Software
is provided to a third party free of charge.


3.1 Granting of a license

In the event of a Software Purchase you have the right to use a copy of the LayPLAN Software Product
acquired with this license on an individual computer, provided the LayPLAN Software Product is used only
on a single computer at any given time (single-user license).
In the event of Software as a Service licensing, you shall have the right to use the LayPLAN Software
Product and/or the services within the scope of the given functionalities and in accordance with these Terms
and Conditions of Licensing and Use. In addition, special Terms of Use regarding the respective LayPLAN
Software Product shall apply, if applicable.
You may exercise the rights of use granted under this agreement only after the license fee has been paid
in full.

3.2 Types of licenses Software Purchase

Student version and Version for individual training requirements.

If Layher designates the LayPLAN Software Product as a “Student version” or “Version for individual training
requirements” in the applicable user documentation, you may install and call up copies of the LayPLAN
Software Product on the permitted number of computers only for personal learning purposes and for no
other purposes. Student versions and Versions for individual training requirements of the LayPLAN Software

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Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use for the LayPLAN Software, English – Last revised: May 2021

Product may be used for a period of one year from the day on which you installed the LayPLAN Software
Product for the first time, unless Layher has specified otherwise in the user documentation. Without limiting
the general validity of the above, the Student versions and Versions for individual training requirements of
the LayPLAN Software Product may not be used for commercial, professional or profit-oriented purposes.
In addition, Student versions may only be used by faculty members, staff and students, and these persons
must belong to a recognized educational institution. You agree to provide a certificate of enrolment at
Layher’s request.

Demo version/Test version.

If Layher designates the LayPLAN Software Products as a “Demo version/Test version” in the applicable
user documentation, you may install and call up one copy of the LayPLAN Software Product only for
evaluation and demonstration purposes. Without limiting the general validity of the above, you may not use
the LayPLAN Software Product for product-comparing analysis or for commercial, professional or other
profit-oriented purposes. Subject to other written stipulations by Layher, the Demo version may only be
installed for a single evaluation period totaling thirty (30) days.

3.3 Special requirements for use of LayPLAN CAD and LayPLAN to RSTAB
In accordance with the system requirements for LayPLAN CAD, a compatible version of the AutoCAD
software from Autodesk is needed to use the LayPLAN Software Product LayPLAN CAD. In order to use
the LayPLAN CAD software module LayPLAN TO RSTAB, a compatible version of the RSTAB software
from Dlubal Software GmbH is also required. These must be licensed separately and are not part of these
Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use. You must therefore comply not only with these Terms and
Conditions of Licensing and Use but also with the terms and conditions of licensing and use for the
respective version of AutoCAD and RSTAB.


4.1 Requesting an activation code

An activation code may be required so that you can use individual LayPLAN Software Products in full. The
LayPLAN Software Product can be activated as soon as installation of it has been completed. So that Layher
can provide you with the activation code, you must first send your individual hardware ID, your customer-
specific serial number for activation of the software, and other data of relevance for activation to Layher by
e-mail. An activation code is then generated by Layher and sent back to you by e-mail, usually within three
business days.

4.2 Requesting an activation code again

The activation code to enable full use of the LayPLAN Software Product is linked to the specific hardware.
If you replace or refresh your hardware or, for other reasons, wish to use the LayPLAN Software Product
on other hardware than that originally intended, or if the operating system changes, a new activation code
must be generated by Layher. The process for requesting activation codes under Section 4.1 is then
necessary again.

4.3 Restrictions

In the event of a Software Purchase, Layher reserves the right not to provide a new activation code for the
associated serial numbers as of one year after the license has been purchased.

A new activation code must be generated after changes to the hardware in accordance with Section 4.2.
Layher reserves the right to limit the number of new activation codes issued to a reasonable extent and
request that you provide suitable proof of the change to your hardware before a new activation code is

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Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use for the LayPLAN Software, English – Last revised: May 2021


5.1 If updates and upgrades are supplied, Layher shall endeavor to ensure that they usually contain
functions and features of the previous versions to the same or a similar extent. However, upgrades
may have differing functions and features, as well as a new program logic.

5.2 The migration of stored project data may require conversion work on your part and manual
modifications, for example to individual parameters and/or newly added data fields, due to the fact
that the LayPLAN Software is adapted (upgraded) to the state of the art.

5.3 Before installing an update or upgrade, you are obliged to inform yourself about different performance
features, program flows and data structures and their effects, as well as to back up existing data.


6.1 The following provisions shall apply in addition to the use of the LayPLAN Software module
"LAYPLAN TO REVIT CAD Converter" (hereinafter "CAD Converter").

6.2 The CAD Converter enables you to convert your scaffold constructions planned via the LayPLAN
Software Product "LayPLAN CAD" into a format compatible with the planning software "Revit" from
Autodesk Inc., San Rafael, USA ("Revit"). The licensing of Revit (compatible as of version 2018) and
the provision of the system requirements itself is not the subject of the services provided by Layher
and shall remain your sole responsibility.

6.3 Layher shall make available the CAD Converter to you via the Internet against payment of a one-time
fee for the duration of the User Agreement. For this purpose, Layher shall make available the CAD
Converter and shall grant to you the necessary rights of use in accordance with Section 6.6 ff.

6.4 To use the CAD Converter, you must first register via
libs/layher/_assistant/index.html. You are obliged to provide the registration data correctly and
completely. Only commercial users are entitled to register. Use by consumers within the meaning of
Section 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) is prohibited. You are obliged to keep your access data
secret from unauthorized third parties and to keep it safe from access by unauthorized third parties
in order to prevent misuse of the data.

6.5 Layher grants to you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferable right to use the CAD
Converter as a converter for scaffolding structures created by LayPLAN Software for your own
internal company purposes during the term of the User Agreement. You are especially not allowed to
convert individual components detached from complete scaffold constructions or to create a
component library consisting of individual components.

6.6 The CAD Converter shall only be used for your own business purposes and for such companies that
are affiliated with you within the meaning of Section 15 ff. of the German Stock Corporation Act.

6.7 The right to use the CAD Converter is granted for the term of the User Agreement. The User
Agreement shall run for an indefinite period and may be terminated by you or Layher with a notice
period of 2 months. The right to extraordinary termination for good cause shall remain unaffected.

6.8 The following provisions shall apply to the use of the CAD models created by the CAD Converter, all
data contained therein and other contents (jointly "Conversion Results"):

6.8.1 The Conversion Results are predominantly protected by copyright, trademark and competition
law or by other intellectual property rights. Layher is the exclusive owner of all rights regarding
the Conversion Results.

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Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use for the LayPLAN Software, English – Last revised: May 2021

6.8.2 Layher grants you a non-exclusive, temporally and spatially unrestricted right of use to the
Conversion Results, limited in its content to usage for own internal company purposes.

6.8.3 Within your company, you shall be entitled to use the Layher Component Library for Revit on
several end devices or simultaneously on several workstations and to duplicate it for this
purpose. This also includes the use on devices and workstations of affiliated companies within
the meaning of Section 15 ff. of German Stock Corporation Act (AktG).

6.8.4 You may not modify, edit, supplement or sell, lease, commercially exploit or otherwise make
available the Conversion Results to third parties without Layher's prior written consent.
Duplications of the Conversion Results shall only be permitted to the extent that this is
necessary for contractual use.
6.8.5 Copyright notices, metadata and other identifying features of the Conversion Results may not
be removed or modified.

6.9 The CAD Converter will be available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week ("Operating Hours").
The average availability during the operating hours is 98.5% on a monthly average. During the other
times ("Maintenance Times") the CAD Converter may nevertheless be available, possibly with
interruptions and restrictions. However, there is no entitlement to use during these Maintenance

6.10 The transfer point for the contractual services of Layher shall be the router exit of the datacenters
used by Layher to the Internet. Your connection to the Internet, the maintenance of the network
connection as well as the procurement and provision of the infrastructure required on your side, in
particular hardware and software requirements, are not the subject of the services owed by Layher.


7.1 The contractual LayPLAN Software has been designed for a large number of possible applications
and cannot take into account every conceivable application scenario in all its details. No specific
qualities of the LayPLAN Software are agreed apart from the explicitly documented performance

7.2 Technical data, specifications and particulars relating to performance in public statements, in
particular in advertising, do not constitute warranted qualities. The LayPLAN Software’s functionality
shall be as defined in the user documentation and the additionally agreed arrangements.

7.3 Claims for defects shall become time-barred after 12 months, unless the defect was not disclosed
with intent to deceive.

7.4 So that claims for defects can be asserted, defects must be reported in writing within one week of
being discovered for the first time.

7.5 Layher can refuse to remedy defects for as long as the license fees have not been paid in full.

7.6 Layher shall not be liable in cases where you have made changes to the LayPLAN Software or the
system and other usage requirements, unless occurrence of the defect is not attributable to the

7.7 You shall provide Layher with reasonable assistance in identifying and rectifying defects and allow it
without undue delay to view documents, records, data, etc., revealing the more detailed
circumstances of how the defect occurred.

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Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use for the LayPLAN Software, English – Last revised: May 2021

7.8 If liability for a claimed defect cannot be attributed to Layher after the defect has been examined
(fictitious defect), Layher may charge you for the work involved in verifying that and for rectifying the
defect at its applicable remuneration rates, plus expenses it incurs, unless you would not have been
able to identify that the defect was fictitious even if you exercised due care and diligence.

7.9 The strict liability regardless of fault or other for initial defects pursuant to Section 536a (1) of German
Civil Code (BGB) shall be excluded in the event of a provision of Software as a Service.


8.1 The LayPLAN Software is used only to support planning and configuration of scaffolding structures.
It is therefore necessary for you to have familiarized yourself thoroughly beforehand both with the
erection and use of scaffolding systems in general and with the erection and use of Layher scaffolding
systems. You therefore require adequate knowledge of your own in using Layher scaffolding materials
and of the currently applicable rules and regulations, and you must have knowledge of current state-
of-the-art technology. The knowledge required differs markedly depending on the scaffolding system,
scaffolding structure and application and must be acquired independently by the user in advance.
Any potential country-specific deviations must likewise be taken into consideration by you.

8.2 You must check plans and planning documents which have been created with the LayPLAN Software
for completeness. This applies both with regard to the completeness of materials lists and with regard
to statics and safety issues. Plans and planning drawings which have been created with preconfigured
structures or draft drawings must likewise be checked by you.

Please note: Layher accepts no responsibility or liability for the results of

LayPLAN Software being complete or correct. The results are merely to assist
you and must be checked and confirmed by an expert person before being
8.3 You must familiarize yourself in advance with the system requirements of the LayPLAN Software.


9.1 In all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability, Layher shall compensate for damage only
subject to the following limitations:

9.1.1 In the full amount in the event of intent or gross negligence, as well as in the event of the
absence of a quality for which Layher has given a guarantee;

9.1.2 In other cases: only due to violation of a material contractual obligation, if such violation
jeopardizes the purpose of the agreement, but always only to the amount of the foreseeable
damage. Liability shall be limited to €10,000.00 per damaging event and to a maximum total of
€50,000.00 under this agreement.

9.2 The limitations on liability in accordance with Section 9.1 shall not apply to liability for injury to persons
and liability under the German Product Liability Law (Produkthaftungsgesetz).

9.3 Layher reserves the right to plea comparative negligence.

9.4 Section 7.3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the period of limitation, with the proviso that the statutory
period of limitation applies to claims under Section 9.1.1 and Section 9.2. The period of limitation in
accordance with Sentence 1 shall commence at the time defined in Section 199 (1) of the German

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Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use for the LayPLAN Software, English – Last revised: May 2021

Civil Code (BGB). It shall come into effect no later than the end of the maximum periods of time
defined in Section 199 (3) and (4) of the German Civil Code (BGB).


10.1 General Terms and Conditions

The General Terms and Conditions of Layher shall apply in addition. In the event of contradictions, the
provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use shall take precedence over the provisions
of the General Terms and Conditions.

10.2 Ancillary agreements

There are no ancillary agreements to these Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use. Any amendments
to these Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use shall only be valid when given in writing; the same
shall also apply to any waiver of this requirement for written form.
If a provision of these Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use is or becomes invalid, this shall not affect
the other provisions.

10.3 Applicable law

These Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use and all disputes arising from or in connection with these
Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany,
with the exception of the provisions of international private law and the U.N. Convention on Contracts for
the International Sale of Goods.

10.4 Severability clause

If and insofar as a provision of these Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use according to the applicable
law is fully or partly declared to be illegal, ineffective or unenforceable, such a provision or such a part
thereof is invalid in the jurisdiction in which the provision is illegal, ineffective or unenforceable. Such a
provision is deemed to be altered insofar as this is required to comply with the applicable law in order to
give effect as far as possible to the will of the parties. The illegality, ineffectiveness or unenforceability of
such a provision in this jurisdiction has no bearing on the legality, effectiveness or enforceability of such a
provision in another jurisdiction and does not detract from the legality, effectiveness or enforceability of
another provision of this agreement.

10.5 Language
The German version of these Terms and Conditions of Licensing and Use is binding if the German version
and a translation deviate from one another.

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Version 05th June 2021
This End User License Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Layher, Inc. (“Layher”, “we”, “us” or “our”) and you,
the person accepting this Agreement and registering for use of our proprietary software product (as defined in further detail below,
the “Software”), or the organization or entity that has authorized you to accept this Agreement and register for access to the Software
for its benefit (in either case “you”, “your”), and governs your access to and use of the Software.
ORGANIZATION OR ENTITY. You may not accept this Agreement on behalf of another entity unless you are an employee or other
agent of such other entity with the right, power and authority to act on behalf of such other entity.
OR USE THE SOFTWARE. The effective date of this Agreement is the date on which you select the Checkbox “I accept the terms of the
licence agreement” and click on “Next” below (“Effective Date”). Please print this Agreement for your records.

1. License Grant. During the Term (as defined in Section 6 herein), functionality. You will be responsible for compliance with this
and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Layher Agreement by your employees, agents, and any other persons who
grants to you a nonexclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, may have access to the Software through you (whether or not such
fully-paid up limited license to install and run in the United States access is authorized by Layher or within the scope of the applicable
the applications made available to you hereunder, together with all license type and permitted users).
content therein, and all applications, programs, license keys,
patches, updates, or upgrades provided by us from time to time, 1.1 Student Version. If we designate any Software as a
and any improvements, modifications, enhancements, fixes and “Student Version” or “Version for Individual Training
revised versions of any of the foregoing, any derivative works of any Requirements” in the applicable user documentation, you may
of the foregoing that are not separately licensed by Layher, any only install and use the Software on the permitted number of
combination of the foregoing, and any documentation provided by computers for personal learning purposes and for no other
us in connection with any of the foregoing (collectively, the purposes. Student Versions and Versions for Individual Training
“Software”), in object code format only, on computers owned or Requirements may be used for a period of one (1) year from the
controlled solely by you and your Affiliates, and solely for your day on which you installed the Software for the first time, unless
internal business operations. “Affiliate” means any entity otherwise specified in the user documentation. The Student
controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the Versions and Versions for Individual Training Requirements may
referenced entity, where the term “control” means the possession, not be used for commercial, professional or profit-oriented
direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of purposes. In addition, Student Versions may only be used by
the management and policies of an entity, whether through the faculty members, staff and students, and these persons must
ownership of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise. We belong to a recognized educational institution. You agree to
reserve all rights not expressly granted herein and, except as provide a certificate of enrollment at Layher’s request.
expressly granted in this Section 1, no right or license is granted
hereunder, express or implied or by way of estoppel, to any 1.2 Demo version/Test version. If we designate the
technology or intellectual property rights. As between the parties, Software as a “Demo version/Test version” in the applicable user
we retain all right, title, and interest in and to the Software and all documentation, you may install and use one (1) copy of the
copies and derivative works thereof, which rights include, but are Software for evaluation and demonstration purposes only. You
not limited to, patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, and all may not use the Software for product-comparing analysis or for
other intellectual property rights. You acknowledge and agree that commercial, professional or other profit-oriented purposes. The
when you acquire a license of the Software, your acquisition is Demo version/Test version may only be installed for a single
neither contingent on the delivery of any future features or evaluation period totaling thirty (30) days.
functionality nor subject to any public or other comments (oral,
written or otherwise) made by Layher regarding future features or

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2. Third Party Software Requirements. Use of the Software to the Software. You may not use the Software for illegal or
may require installation of certain third-party software programs unlawful or malicious activities. You are responsible for use of
in accordance with the system requirements, such as a the Software by you and your Affiliates and your respective users,
compatible version of the AutoCAD software from Autodesk or and for all their compliance with this Agreement, and any breach
other third-party software providers. Third party software must of this Agreement by any Affiliate or user shall be deemed to
be licensed separately and is not included with the Software have been a breach by you.
provided under this Agreement. Use of any third party software
is not governed by this Agreement and is subject to the terms and 5. Support and Maintenance. We may provide you with
condition of the applicable third party software license Software support and maintenance services in our sole
agreement. You will take sole responsibility for obtaining and discretion, but we are not obligated to provide support or
complying with any licenses that may be necessary to use third- maintenance, and we may elect to charge fees for support and
party software, data or other materials that you use or obtain for maintenance services with advance notice to you. If we elect to
use in conjunction with the Software. You acknowledges and provide any updates or upgrades to you, such upgrades may have
agree that Layher has no responsibility for, and makes no differing functions and features, as well as a new program logic.
representations or warranties regarding, such third-party The migration of stored project data may require conversion
software, data or other materials or your use of such third-party work on your part and manual modifications, for example, to
software, data or other materials. individual parameters and/or newly added data fields, due to the
fact that the Software is upgraded. Before installing an update or
3. Activation Codes. An activation code may be required in upgrade, you are obliged to inform yourself about different
order to use all features and functionality of the Software. The performance features, program flows and data structures and
Software may be activated as soon as installation is complete. To their effects, as well as to back up existing data.
obtain an activation code, you must first send to Layher via email
your individual hardware ID, your customer-specific serial 6. Term and Termination. This Agreement commences on the
number and any other data we may request. An activation code Effective Date and continues until expiration of the license grant
is then generated by Layher and sent back to you by e-mail, under Section 1.1 or Section 1.2, if applicable, or the Agreement
usually within three (3) business days. The activation code to is otherwise terminated as permitted herein (the “Term”). Either
enable full use of the Software is linked to the specific hardware. party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the
If you replace or refresh your hardware or, for other reasons, other at any time, with or without cause. Expiration or
wish to use the Software on other hardware than originally termination of this Agreement shall immediately terminate the
intended, or if the operating system changes, a new activation license granted in Section 1. Immediately upon any expiration or
code must be generated by Layher. The process for requesting termination of this Agreement, you shall: (a) un-install and cause
activation codes under this section shall be repeated. Layher all users to un-install all copies of the Software, and cease and
reserves the right to limit the number of new activation codes cause all users to cease all use of the Software; (b) upon request,
issued and to request that you provide suitable proof of the return to us (or destroy) all copies of the Software in your
change to your hardware before a new activation code is possession or control; and (c) upon request, certify in writing
generated. For Software licenses that run for an unlimited time, your compliance with (a) and (b). Upon termination of this
Layher reserves the right not to provide a new activation code for Agreement, each party shall return or destroy the Confidential
the associated serial numbers as of one (1) year after the license Information of the other party that is in such party’s possession
commenced. or control. Any terms of this Agreement which by their nature
extend beyond termination as well as any rights or obligations
4. Restrictions on Use. You shall not directly or indirectly, nor that have accrued prior to termination or expiration, will survive
authorize any person or entity to: (a) sell, rent, lease, distribute, such termination including but not limited to Sections 7, 8, 9, 10,
redistribute or transfer the Software or any rights in any of the 11, 12, 13, and 14 hereof.
Software, or use the Software in a hosted or managed services
environment; (b) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, re- 7. Special Terms of Use for the LayPLAN to REVIT CAD
engineer or otherwise create or attempt to create or permit, Converter. The following provisions shall only apply if you use the
allow, or assist others to create or derive the source code of the Software "LAYPLAN TO REVIT CAD Converter" (hereinafter "CAD
Software, or its structural framework; (c) modify or create Converter"). The CAD Converter enables you to convert your
derivative works of the Software; (d) use the Software in whole scaffold constructions planned via the Software into a format
or in part for any purpose except as expressly provided under this compatible with Revit from Autodesk. The Software is made
Agreement; (e) remove any proprietary notice, labels, or marks available to you via the Internet against payment of a one-time
on or in Software; or (f) disable or circumvent any access control fee for the Term of Agreement as defined in Section 7.2.
or related device, process or procedure established with respect

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7.1. License Grant; Term. Layher grants to you a non-exclusive, all technology, information, data and know-how, whether in
non-sublicensable and non-transferable right to use the CAD tangible or intangible form, whether designated as confidential
Converter as a converter for scaffolding structures created by the or not, and whether or not stored, compiled or memorialized
Software for your own internal company operations and your physically, electronically, graphically, photographically, or in
Affiliates during the Term of the Agreement. You shall not writing. Confidential Information does not include any
directly or indirectly, nor authorize any person or entity to (a) information which the receiving party can demonstrate by
convert individual components detached from complete scaffold evidence: (i) is, as of the time of its disclosure, or thereafter
constructions or (b) to create a component library consisting of becomes, part of the public domain or otherwise available to the
individual components. The right to use the CAD Converter is public through no fault of the receiving party; (ii) was rightfully
granted for the Term of the Agreement. The Agreement shall run known to the receiving party without obligation of confidentiality
for an indefinite period and may be terminated by you or Layher to the disclosing party prior to the time of its disclosure, as
with a notice period of 2 months. evidenced by its records kept in the ordinary course of its
business; or (iii) is, subsequent to disclosure hereunder, rightfully
7.2. Conversion Results. All CAD models created by the CAD learned from a third party not under a confidentiality obligation
Converter and all data contained therein (jointly "Conversion to the disclosing party with respect to such Confidential
Results") are predominantly protected by copyright, trademark Information, as evidenced by its records kept in the ordinary
and competition law or by other intellectual property rights. course of its business.
Layher is the exclusive owner of all rights regarding the
Conversion Results. Layher grants you a nonexclusive, temporally 8.2 Obligations. Each party shall: (a) not use any of the other
and spatially unrestricted right of use to the Conversion Results, party’s Confidential Information for any purpose except in
limited in its content to usage for own internal business performance of its rights and obligations hereunder; (b) disclose
operations. Within your company, you shall be entitled to use the Confidential Information of the other party only to such party’s
Conversion Results on several end devices or simultaneously on employees and agents who need to know such information in
several workstations. This also includes the use on computers of support of the receiving party’s performance of this Agreement,
your Affiliates. You may not modify, edit, supplement or sell, provided that such individuals have previously agreed, either as
lease, commercially exploit or otherwise make available the a condition to employment or in order to obtain the Confidential
Conversion Results to third parties without Layher's prior written Information, to be bound by terms and conditions no less
consent. Duplications of the Conversion Results shall only be restrictive than those of this Section 7; and (c) treat all
permitted to the extent necessary for contractual use. Copyright Confidential Information of the other party with the same degree
notices, metadata and other identifying features of the of care as such party accords its own Confidential Information of
Conversion Results may not be removed or modified. a similar nature, but in no case less than reasonable care. This
Section shall survive for five (5) years from expiration or
7.3. The CAD Converter will be available to you 24 hours a day, termination of the Term.
seven days a week ("Operating Hours"). The average availability
during the operating hours is 98.5% on a monthly average. During 8.3 Authorized Disclosure. A disclosing party’s Confidential
the other times ("Maintenance Times") the CAD Converter may Information that is required to be disclosed by the other party
nevertheless be available, possibly with interruptions and pursuant to a duly authorized subpoena, court order, or
restrictions. However, there is no entitlement to use during these government authority may be disclosed by the receiving party to
Maintenance Times. The transfer point for the contractual the extent required, and shall continue to be the disclosing
services of Layher shall be the router exit of the datacenters used party’s Confidential Information for all other purposes and the
by Layher to the Internet. Your connection to the Internet, the receiving party shall, prior to disclosing pursuant to a subpoena,
maintenance of the network connection as well as the court order, or government authority, provide prompt notice and
procurement and provision of the infrastructure required on assistance to the disclosing party prior to such disclosure so that
your side, in particular hardware and software requirements, are the disclosing party may seek a protective order or other
not the subject of the services provided by Layher. appropriate remedy to protect against or limit disclosure.

8. Confidentiality. 9. Warranty Disclaimer; Acknowledgements.

8.1 Definition. “Confidential Information” means all non-public 9.1 Disclaimer. ALL SOFTWARE MADE AVAILABLE BY US TO YOU
information that either party provides to the other party HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY
hereunder and reasonably considers to be of a confidential, WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, AND WE EXCLUDE AND DISCLAIM ALL
proprietary or trade secret nature. Our Confidential Information WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATING TO THE
includes but is not limited to: (a) the Software, and (b) SOFTWARE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED

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WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A knowledge of current state-of-the-art technology. The

PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. LAYHER DOES knowledge required differs markedly depending on the
NOT WARRANT: (a) THAT THE OPERATION OR OUTPUT OF THE scaffolding system, scaffolding structure and application and
SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, ERROR-FREE, SECURE, must be acquired independently by you in advance. Any potential
ACCURATE, RELIABLE OR COMLETE; (b) THAT ERRORS WILL BE country-specific deviations must likewise be taken into
CORRECTED BY LAYHER OR ANY THIRD PARTY; OR (c) THAT consideration by you. You are required to check plans and
LAYHER OR ANY THIRD-PARTY WILL RESOLVE ANY PARTICULAR planning documents which have been created with the Software
SUPPORT REQUEST OR THAT SUCH RESOLUTION WILL MEET for completeness; this requirement includes, without limitation,
YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR EXPECTATIONS. WE MAKE NO checking the completeness of materials lists and statics and
WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING ACCURACY OF safety issues. You are also required to check any Plans and
INFORMATIONAL CONTENT OR SYSTEM INTEGRATION, OR THE planning drawings created with preconfigured structures or draft
APPLY TO YOU, BUT THIS SECTION SHALL BE ENFORCEABLE TO 10. Indemnification. You will defend, indemnify and hold
THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. harmless Layher, its Affiliates, and its and their officers, directors,
employees and agents (“Layher Indemnitees”) from and against
9.2 Your Obligations, Acknowledgments and Warranties. any claims, actions, suits and proceedings brought against any
Layher Indemnitee arising from or related to your breach of this
9.2.1 You acknowledge that the Software is Agreement and your use of the Software delivered hereunder.
designed to supplement other sources of information and is not We will provide you with (a) prompt written notice of the claim;
intended to replace your professional discretion and judgment. (b) all necessary assistance, information and authority necessary
You accept responsibility for, and acknowledge that you exercise for you to defend the claim (at your expense); and (c) sole control
your own independent and professional judgment in the of the defense of such claim and all associated settlement
selection and use of Software and any results obtained negotiations; provided, however, that you may not settle any
therefrom. You warrant that you have the right to enter into this claim that does not fully and unconditionally release the Layher
Agreement and to install the Software on any machine, Indemnitees from any and all liability.
equipment, device, network or system where the Software is
installed. 11. Limitations of Liability. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT
9.2.2 The Software is used only to support LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE
planning and configuration of scaffolding structures and to assist FOR LOST PROFITS OR REVENUES OR LOST DATA OR SIMILAR
you with your design, analysis, simulation, estimation, testing ECONOMIC LOSS, REGARDLESS OF HOW SUCH LOSSES OR
and/or other activities. The Software is intended to be used by DAMAGES ARE CHARACTERIZED, OR FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL,
trained professionals only and is not a substitute for your own SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES,
independent design, analysis, simulation, estimation, testing, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING OUT OF
and/or other activities, including those with respect to product OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, EVEN IF WE HAVE
stress, safety and utility. You acknowledge that before using the BEEN ADVISED OF SUCH CLAIM. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT
Software you have familiarized yourself with both with the PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL OUR
erection and use of scaffolding systems in general and with the TOTAL, AGGREGATE LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO
erection and use of Layher scaffolding systems specifically. You THIS AGREEMENT (INCLUDING FOR NEGLIGENCE, STRICT
represent and warrant that you have adequate knowledge of LIABILITY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, WARRANTY, AND OTHER
your own in using Layher scaffolding materials and of the CONTRACT OR TORT CLAIMS) EXCEED ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS
currently applicable rules and regulations, and you have ($100.00). Layher's entire liability and your exclusive remedy for

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breach of any warranty will be, with the exception of any shall be knowledgeable in the subject matter hereof. The parties
statutory warranty or remedy that cannot be excluded or limited shall agree upon the selection of the arbitrator, but if the parties
under law, at Layher 's option, (i) to attempt to correct or work cannot agree on such selection within ten (10) days following the
around errors, if any, or (ii) to refund the license fees, if any, paid submittal of a demand for arbitration by a party, then the
by you and terminate this Agreement. Such refund is subject to arbitrator shall be selected by JAMS. The arbitrator will provide
the return of the Software. a written explanation to the parties of any arbitration award. Any
decision rendered by the arbitrator shall be binding, final and
12. Compliance With Laws. The Software is provided solely for conclusive upon the parties, and a judgment thereon may be
lawful purposes and use. You are solely responsible for, and entered in, and enforced by, any court having jurisdiction over
agree to comply with, all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, the party against which an award is entered or the location of
and other governmental authority, however designated, with such party’s assets, and the parties hereby irrevocably waive any
respect to the use of and access to the Software, including, objection to the jurisdiction of such courts based on any ground,
without limitation, United States government laws, regulations, including without limitation, improper venue or forum non
orders or other restrictions regarding export from the United conveniens. The parties and the arbitrator shall be bound to
States and re-export from other jurisdictions of software, maintain the confidentiality of this Agreement, the dispute and
technical data and information or derivatives of such software, any award, except to the extent necessary to enforce any such
or technical data and information. You acknowledge that none award. Notwithstanding the parties’ agreement to arbitrate, you
of the Software or underlying information or technology may be acknowledge that your material breach of this Agreement may
downloaded, or otherwise exported or re-exported into (or to a cause us irreparable harm for which there may be no adequate
national or resident of), or used in any countries or by any remedy at law, and that under such circumstances, we shall be
individual subject to U.S. any trade embargo or exclusion, entitled to equitable relief by injunction or otherwise in any court
including without limitation Iran, Cuba, Syria, North Korea and having jurisdiction, without the obligation of posting any bond or
Sudan. You warrant that you will not, directly or indirectly, surety.
without obtaining prior authorization from the competent
government authorities as required by those laws and 15. Severability; Amendment. If any provision of this Agreement
regulations: (a) sell, export, re-export, transfer, divert, or is held to be illegal or unenforceable for any reason, then such
disclose or provide Software or any related documentation to provision shall be deemed to be restated so as to be enforceable
any prohibited person, entity, or destination; or (b) use the to the maximum extent permissible under law; the remainder of
Software or any related documentation for any use prohibited by this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
the laws or regulations of the United States or your country of Amendments or changes to this Agreement must be in writing
residence or location. You will reasonably cooperate with us, and and be executed by both parties to be effective. You
will provide us promptly upon request with any certificates or acknowledge that you have not relied upon any written or oral
documents, in each case as are reasonably requested to obtain representations of Layher in entering into this Agreement other
approvals, consents, licenses and/or permits required for any than the representations, if any, expressly set forth in this
payment or any export or import of Software or any related Agreement.
documentation under this Agreement. Nothing in this
Agreement shall preclude us from cooperating in any legal 16. Use of Names. You hereby authorize us to use your name
proceeding or government inquiry. and logo in our marketing efforts, including being listed as a
customer of Layher.
13. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed in all
respects by the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to 17. United States Governmental End Users. The Software is
conflicts of law rules or principles that would dictate a different copyright protected Commercial Computer Software and
governing law. This Agreement shall not be governed by the Computer Software Documentation as those terms are defined
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International in 48 C.F.R. 2.101. The U.S. Government shall obtain only those
Sale of Goods. rights to the Software as are authorized by 48 C.F.R. 12.212 or 48
C.F.R. 227.7202-3, as applicable. Any use, modification,
14. Arbitration. Unless resolved amicably between the parties, reproduction, release, performance, display or disclosure of the
any and all disputes, controversies, or differences which may Software by the U.S. Government shall be governed solely by this
arise between the parties, out of or in relation to or in connection Agreement. The Software is deemed to be “commercial
with this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be solely and computer software” and “commercial computer software
finally settled by binding arbitration pursuant to the then-current documentation,” respectively, pursuant to DFAR Section
rules of JAMS. Such arbitration shall be held in Houston, Texas. 227.7202 and FAR Section 12.212, as applicable. Any use,
The arbitration shall be conducted by a single arbitrator, who modification, reproduction, release, performance, display or

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disclosure of the Software by the United States Government shall provision of an ordering document directly conflicts with, or
be governed solely by the terms of this Agreement and shall be expressly supersedes, any term within the main body of this
prohibited except to the extent expressly permitted by the terms Agreement, then the provision of the ordering document shall
of this Agreement. govern solely for the Software described therein.

18. Assignment. You may not assign or otherwise transfer this 20. General. The parties are independent contractors for all
Agreement without our prior written consent. We may assign purposes under this Agreement. Neither party shall be liable for
this Agreement upon a sale of all or substantially all of our any delay or failure due to force majeure and other causes
business or assets to which this Agreement pertains, or transfer beyond its reasonable control. The parties do not intend that any
this Agreement to an affiliate or subsidiary. This Agreement shall term of this Agreement be enforceable by any third party. Any
be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties’ waiver or failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement will
successors and permitted assigns. not be deemed a waiver of any other provision or of such
provision on any other occasion. Any notices or consents under
19. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire this Agreement to either party must be in writing and personally
contract between you and Layher with respect to the subject delivered or sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt
matter of this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes all prior requested, or by nationally recognized overnight express courier,
agreements and understandings between you and us, whether and will be delivered upon receipt. Notices sent to you will be
written or oral. The terms of a purchase order or other ordering sent to the address specified in the ordering document or such
document are expressly rejected by both you and us, and our other address as you may specify in writing by notice. Notices to
failure to object to such terms shall not be construed as a waiver us shall be sent to Layher, Inc., 8225 Hansen Rd, Houston, TX
of this Agreement nor an acceptance of such terms. If any 77075.


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