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Acupuncture in Pain Relief

Dr. med.

Radha Thambirajah

*(geringfügige Zeitanpassungen vorbehalten)

Freitag bis Sonntag

abz Akupunktur, Bücher und Zubehör GmbH 23. bis 25. Oktober 2020
Ausserfeldstrasse 9
5036 Oberentfelden Anerkennung
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Unseren Onlineshop erreichen Sie unter: Sprache Englisch

Ihr Partner für Produkte der TCM!

Kursgebühr CHF 630.-
Weiterbildungszentrum Careum
Aula im EG
Mühlenmattstrasse 42 Freitag, 23. Oktober 2020 Samstag, 24. Oktober 2020 Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2020
15:oo bis 19:15 Uhr* 09:oo bis 12:3o Uhr* 09:oo bis 13:oo Uhr*
5000 Aarau 13:45 bis 17:3o Uhr*
Dr. med.

Radha Thambirajah

Acupuncture in Pain Relief


A practice orientated workshop with Dr. med. Radha Thambirajah

• “Where do you feel pain?”

• “How would you describe your pain?”
• “In what situations do you feel the pain?”
• “How long have you been you suffering with this pain?”

These are questions we ask of each patient with muscular or joint pains.
But what do we make of their answers? How do these answers help us
decide if this is a hot, cold, damp or wind caused pain?

Once we make this diagnosis, how do we treat these pains differently,

with the
right approach using appropriate extra-ordinary therapies such as moxa
or hot needles, cooling or dispersing heat with electro-stimulation of
needles, using cupping, cupping massage or wind elimination needle
techniques? The appropriate technique is crucial in quick and effective
pain relief.

Come and join a small group workshop with Radha over a weekend. In
a relaxed working atmosphere, you can learn, discuss, practice and
refine your ability to treat any musculo-skeletal pains that you see.

Dr. med.
Radha Thambirajah
graduated from Shanghai Medical College in 1970. She studied Medicine and specialised in Acupuncture.
After her internship in China, she returned to Sri Lanka where she established her practice. She founded
the Academy of Chinese Acupuncture in Sri Lanka in 1980, and trained doctors and health professionals all
over the world. In 1984, she moved to England following the communal problems in Sri Lanka. She opened
the Academy in Berlin, and to date, the Academy has trained over 9000 students worldwide. She lectures
acupuncture in Europe for over 20 years. She does regular courses for the Forschungsgruppe Akupunktur
in Germany, and is a visiting lecturer for number of teaching organisations in Germany, Switzerland, Greece,
Poland and Barcelona. Radha practices in Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands. Her first book, ‘Energetics in
Acupuncture’ has been published in German and English. Radha follows the Chinese style of teaching with
the ‘hands-on’ method and lot of practice. Courses are lively and interactive. Learning Acupuncture should
be fun and enjoyable and create confidence in the learner!

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