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Progressive Education Society's

Modern College of Engineering, Pune-05.

217533-Project Based Learning-II

Second Year [Semester-IV]

Academic Year-2021-2022
Project Synopsis

A. Team Members:
1. Krishna Dudhate - 22520
2. Harshavardhan Patil - 22549
3. Jatin Shinde - 22557
4. Yash Bhandure - 22509
5. Pranav Ajagekar – 22502

B. Tile of the Project

Temperature Measurement

C. Problem Definition
To detect human body temperature using Arduino kit and LM35 sensor, display it in
LCD display. Also implement a buzzer system so that if temperature exceeds a certain
range the buzzer should start making beep sound.

D. Introduction
Nowadays, health monitoring is a global challenge in people’s life time. The comfort
of life lies in a healthy condition which effected by environmental and surgical facts.
The measurement of human body vital signs is an important to acknowledge the health
status. The performance of any work or exercise in hot conditions disturb the balanced
thermal homeostasis state of human body (HB). This balance acknowledges the HB
about physiological and cognitive performance of body. The normal body temperature
ranges by 36.50C to 37.50C. The status of health below this limit is stated as
hypothermia and the status above are referred as fever and hyperthermia conditions.
The hyperthermia also referred as tumor conditional stage that ranges more than 38.5
In the project "Body temperature measurement using Arduino" we are using
Arduino kit, Temperature Sensors to measure the body temperature digitally and
E. Hardware Requirement
1. Arduino kit,
2. Temperature sensors LM35,
3. MLX-90614,
4. LCD Display,
5. Buzzer.

F. Software Requirement
1. Arduino IDE,
2. Python programming language

G. Conclusion
Temperature Measurement is one of the most basic and important aspect of living
healthy life. Healthcare organizations i.e., insurance companies need a real-time,
reliable and accurate diagnostic monitoring system provided by Arduino and low-cost
sensor system application, whether the patient is in hospital or at home. A real time
monitoring of body temperature using embedded platform is possible using this
device. The daily monitoring of body temperature can prevent the people from
threaten of fever, hypothermia and hyperthermia illness.

H. References/Bibliography
1] M. A. Miah, et al., “Continuous Heart Rate and Body Temperature Monitoring System
using Arduino UNO and Android Device,” in International Conference on Electrical
Information and Communication Technology (EICT), pp. 183-188, 2015.
2] Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol. 19, No. 3,
September 2020, pp. 1251~1258 ISSN: 2502-4752, DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs. v19.i3. pp1251-

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