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Detection of air temperature, humidity and

soil pH by using DHT22 and pH sensor based

Arduino nano microcontroller
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2221, 100008 (2020);
Published Online: 31 March 2020

Yuan Alfinsyah Sihombing and Sustia Listiari


A simple calibration methods of relative humidity sensor DHT22 for tropical climates based on
Arduino data acquisition system
AIP Conference Proceedings 2062, 020009 (2019);

Monitoring the soil parameters using IoT and Android based application for smart agriculture
AIP Conference Proceedings 1989, 020003 (2018);

Factors that affect soil electrical conductivity (EC) based system for smart farming application
AIP Conference Proceedings 2203, 020055 (2020);

AIP Conference Proceedings 2221, 100008 (2020); 2221, 100008

© 2020 Author(s).
Detection of Air Temperature, Humidity and Soil pH by
Using DHT22 and pH Sensor Based Arduino Nano
Yuan Alfinsyah Sihombing1,a) and Sustia Listiari1,b)
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Bioteknologi
No.1, Medan, Indonesia, 20155
Corresponding author:

Abstract. The tools for detection of air temperature, humidity and soil pH by Using DHT22 and pH Sensor based
Arduino Nano microcontroller have been successfully conducted. The components used in this research are Arduino
Nano, DHT22 sensor, pH sensor, LCD 16x2, and power supply. The entire system on the device is supplied by a power
supply. DHT22 sensor functions as a gauge of temperature and humidity of the air. The pH sensor functions as a soil pH
meter. The measurements were taken at four points where strawberry plantations in Berastagi, Karo regency. The four
points are Tambak Lau Mulgap II as point 1, Berastepu as point 2, Jl. Udara as point 3, and Sempa Jaya as point 4. The
results of the test are Point 1 has air temperature of 30.92°C, air humidity is 69.06% and pH of soil is 6.95. Point 2 has air
temperature, humidity and soil pH, 29.32°C, 68.62% and 6.75, respectively. The point 3 has air temperature, humidity
and pH soil, 29.42°C, 68.25% and 6.29, respectively. While the point 4 has air temperature, humidity and pH of soil are
31.05°C, 67.65% and 7.08 respectively. All of the results show that for the four points around Mt. Sinabung have air
temperature and humidity and also the pH of soil suitable for growing strawberry.

Along with the rapid development of the times, gathering accurate and fast information is needed. One of them is
in the field of climatology. Climate information of a region is very much needed, especially in agriculture. This
information is needed to identify the potential and carrying capacity of regions such as cropping patterns, irrigation
methods, determination of agro ecological areas and commodities.
Soil is a natural medium for plant growth. Research to determine the internal factors of farmers' crop failure, one
of which is due to the balance of nature in unstable soils that inhibit plant growth and plant root development. Soil
pH is the acidity or basicity of an object measured on a pH scale between 0 to 14. An object is said to be acidic if the
pH scale number is less than 7 and is called base if the pH scale is more than 7. If the pH scale is 7 then the object is
neutral, neither acidic nor basic. The most ideal soil conditions for growing and developing plants are neutral soil.
However, some types of plants are still tolerant of soils with slightly acidic pH, ie soils with a maximum pH of 5 [1-
Strawberries are high economic value fruit plants. Its appeal lies in the striking red color of the fruit and its sweet
fresh taste. Strawberry plants can grow and produce well in areas that have climatic conditions with optimum air
temperatures between 17-20°C, humidity 80-90%, sun exposure 8-10 hours per day, rainfall ranges between 600-
700 mm per year and soil pH of 6.5–7.0. Strawberry plants need environmental conditions and sufficient light
sources, strawberry plants also need a good and balanced growth media, such as the availability of sufficient water
and soil fertility. This situation is very important for the continuation of photosynthesis, respiration, and metabolism
[3-4]. The planting of strawberries in Indonesia has been done since the Dutch era, but the development is still on a
small scale. At present the development of strawberry plants in Indonesia has experienced many improvements. This

The 1st International Conference on Physics and Applied Physics (The 1st ICP&AP) 2019
AIP Conf. Proc. 2221, 100008-1–100008-6;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1980-3/$30.00

is driven by the increasing need for strawberries for domestic consumption. Based on sources from the Central
Statistics Agency, strawberry production in Indonesia was 24,846 tons in 2010, 41,035 tons in 2011, 169,796 tons in
2012, 90,352 tons in 2013, and 58,882 tons in 2014 [5].
One of the strawberry producers in North Sumatra is Berastagi, Karo Regency. Karo Regency is located on the
Bukit Barisan plateau with the lowest elevation 140 m above sea level and the highest is 2,451 meters above sea
level. Most (90%) of the Karo Regency region is at elevation 140 m to 1400 m above sea level. Karo Regency has a
tropical climate with significant rainfall, the average rainfall is above 1,000 mm / year and is evenly distributed
throughout the year. Then the annual rainfall ranges from 1,000-4,000 mm / year. The greatest rainfall occurs in the
wet months, namely August to January and March to May.
According to the results of research conducted by Soelaeman and Abdullah (2014) volcanic ash released during
the eruption of Mount Sinabung has an acidic pH of 4.3 [6]. The acidity of volcanic ash can change the physical,
chemical and biological properties of the soil. The physical properties of soils that change due to volcanic ash are
relatively high mass densities and very low water holding capacity, while the chemical properties that are changed
due to volcanic ash are very low pH and Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). The acidity of volcanic ash also
influences the biological nature of the soil, especially in the content and activity of microorganisms in the soil. This
is very influential on the survival of strawberry plants that can survive if the pH is 6.5-7.0[7].
For this reason, researchers feel the need to create a system of measuring data temperature and humidity of air
and pH of the soil that is fast and accurate. This tool uses a DHT22 sensor as a sensing temperature and humidity
and a pH sensor as a sensing soil pH on the growth of strawberry plants. Arduino Uno microcontroller is used as a
sensor data reader which is then processed and displayed on a 16 × 2 LCD. It is expected that this system can work
on behalf of instruments measuring temperature, humidity and soil pH, but at a lower cost, lower power
consumption but still accurate and precise with calibrated sensors.

In this research, the components are in the form of Arduino Nano, DHT22 sensor, pH sensor, LCD 16x2, and
power supply. The entire system on the device is supplied by a power supply. DHT22 sensor functions as a gauge of
temperature and humidity of the air. The pH sensor functions as a soil pH meter. The Arduino Nano microcontroller
functions as a controller, receiver and processor of data from the DHT22 sensor and the pH sensor, the results of the
DHT22 sensor measurement and the pH sensor will be displayed on the 16 × 2 LCD and the LED functions as an
indicator [8-12].The block diagram to measure the air temperature and humidity and soil pH was shown in Fig. 1.

FIGURE 1. Block Diagram of Measurement System

The Measurement of Air Temperature, Humidity and Soil pH of Strawberry Plants
Tool testing is done by inserting the program into the microcontroller, and then measurements were made
directly in the strawberry garden and at several points in Berastagi by comparing the value of standard tools with the
value of tools that have been made. The configuration of measurement tool of air temperature and humidity and also
pH of soil was shown by Fig.2. From Fig. 2 we can see that DHT 22 Sensor is attached to pin 12 of Arduino Nano
microcontroller, pH sensor to pin A0, IC regulator to pin 5V and GND, and then LCD Display 16x2 to pin 5, 6, 7, 8,
10 and 11. The real instrument was provided in Fig. 3.

FIGURE 2. Configuration of Measurement Tool of Air Temperature, Humidity and pH of Soil

FIGURE 3. The Instrument to Measure Air Temperature and Humidity and Also pH of Soil

In this study, measurements were taken at four points where strawberry plantations in Berastagi, Karo regency.
The four points are Tambak Lau Mulgap II, Berastepu, Jl. Udara, and Sempa Jaya, Berastagi, Karo regency. Tambak
Lau Mulgap II is on the east side of Mt. Sinabung with a distance of about 15 km. Berastepu is on the south side
with a distance of 7 km. Jl. udara on the east side with a distance of 15 km and Sempa Jaya is on the east side with a
distance of 18 km.
Before the tool is tested at these four points, the tool is first checked with the comparison tool KTENG Air
Handling Unit Trainer Model KTE – 2000AHU. DHT22 Sensor of Temperature and Humidity compared with
KTENG Air Handling Unit Trainer Model KTE – 2000AHU. The results of testing the own tool with comparator
tool can be seen in Table 1 and Table 2.
From Table 1 and Table 2 can be seen that the own tool showed almost the same results with the KTENG Air
Handling Unit Trainer tool. Own tool reading error was not more than 5%. So these results confirmed that the device
can be tested on other samples.

TABLE 1. Comparison of Chamber Temperature between Own Tool and KTENG Air Handling Unit Trainer Model KTE –
Temperatures (°C)
Own Tool KTENG Air Handling Unit Trainer
Minute – 1 21.52 22.59
Minute – 2 22.01 22.50
Minute – 3 22.32 22.51
Minute – 4 22.50 22.60
Minute – 5 23.30 23.54
Minute – 6 24.20 24.52

TABLE 2. Comparison of Chamber Humidity between Own Tool and KTENG Air Handling Unit Trainer Model KTE –
Humidity (%)
Own Tool KTENG Air Handling Unit Trainer
Minute – 1 22.5 23.2
Minute – 2 47.2 45.5
Minute – 3 70.4 70.0
Minute – 4 86.3 85.2
Minute – 5 95.2 94.7
Minute – 6 97.1 95.6

Then the own tools were tested at four points around the Mt. Sinabung. This test was carried out to see whether
the area around Mount Sinabung is suitable for growing strawberries. Considering the Mt.Sinabung still shows its
activities since 2010 until now. The tests were conducted at all locations are air temperature and humidity and also
pH of soil. The results of the test are shown in Fig. 4. Point 1 is Tambak Lau Mulgap II, point 2 is Berastepu, point 3
is Jl. Udara and point 4 is Sempa Jaya, Berastagi, Karo Regency. Based on Fig. 4.(a), we can see that air temperature
at point 1 is 30.92°C by using own tool and 31.68°C by using thermometer. While at point 2, 3, and 4, the air
temperature are 29.32°C, 29.42°C and 31.05°C by using own tool and 30.42°C, 30.21°C and 31.52°C by using
thermometer respectively.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 4. The Result of Test Between Own Tool and Comparator Tool at a) Air Temperature, (b) Air Humidity and (c) pH of

Furthermore, the air humidity was shown in Fig.4.(b). The air humidity at four points are 69.06%, 68.62%,
68.25% and 67.65% by using own tool and then 70.21%, 69.07%, 68.82% and 69.75% by using hygrometer
respectively. Whereas pH of soil at four points was shown in Fig.4.(c). The pH of soil at four points are 6.95, 6.75,
6.29 and 7.08 respectively by using own tool. Then 7.27, 6.90, 6.85 and 7.63 are soil pH at four points respectively
by using pH meter.
All of the results were shown by the own tools and the comparator tools can be said that the own tools provide
accurate results. The four points around Mt. Sinabung namely Tambak Lau Mulgap II, Berastepu, Jl. Udara and
Sempa Jaya have air temperature and humidity suitable for growing strawberry as well as the pH of soil. The
eruption of Mt. Sinabung did not significantly affect to the soil pH. It is also necessary to carry out testing in a
radius of 5 km from Mt. Sinabung. A radius of 5 km from the Sinabung volcano is a restricted area for live. So the
people cannot work their land for agriculture.

The tools for detection of air temperature, humidity and soil pH by Using DHT22 and pH Sensor based Arduino
Nano microcontroller have been done. The measurements were taken at four points where strawberry plantations in
Berastagi, Karo regency. Point 1 is Tambak Lau Mulgap II, point 2 is Berastepu, point 3 is Jl. Udara and point 4 is
Sempa Jaya, Berastagi, Karo Regency. All of the results were shown by the own tools and the comparator tools can

be said that the own tools provide accurate results. The four points around Mt. Sinabung have air temperature and
humidity suitable for growing strawberry as well as the pH of soil.

The authors are very grateful to UPT. Laboratorium Penelitian Terpadu Universitas Sumatera Utara for his
permission to use the KTENG Air Handling Unit Trainer Model KTE - 2000AHU.

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