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Annotated Bibliography

Can we prevent global warming from happening?

What are the sources of carbon footprint which are responsible for this effect?

The carbon footprint, which contributes to climate change and global warming, is primarily

generated by human activities.

Chand, Subhash, et al. “A Study of Carbon Footprints and Its Impact on the Environment.” Bulletin of

Pure & Applied Sciences-Geology.

The overarching argument and purpose of the article are to examine the sources of carbon

footprints and the gases responsible for these emissions. It explains the impact of human actions

on the environment. It points out specific things causing direct emissions like burning fossil fuels,

transportation, food production, electricity generation, and construction. It also highlights

activities leading to indirect carbon footprints, including deforestation, agriculture, climate

change, communication technology, and nuclear. The article is directly relevant to my research

question because it provides a comprehensive breakdown of human activities contributing to

carbon footprints.

Chand, Subhash, et al. “A Study of Carbon Footprints and Its Impact on the Environment.” Bulletin of

Pure & Applied Sciences-Geology, vol. 41F, no. 2, July 2022, pp. 251–57. EBSCOhost, https://doi-
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Can economic systems be adapted to be more environment friendly, and can we achieve zero

carbon emissions in near future?

Capitalism's strong focus on making money and increasing its value doesn't really take the

environment into account. It's so fixated on growing profits that it often harms the environment

in the process. Elimination of global warming and zero net carbon emissions entirely may be

challenging at this point. There is also a difficulty in creating such technologies and the

requirement for significant changes in our culture and practices to decrease greenhouse gas


Sayer, Andrew. “Geography and Global Warming: Can Capitalism Be Greened?” Royal

Geographical Society.

The main point of this article is that it's a complex challenge to balance capitalism's profit-

driven nature with environmental sustainability and the fight against global warming. It

suggests that capitalism might embrace eco-friendly technologies if they're more profitable

but points out that creating these technologies is tough. The article also highlights the need

for significant cultural changes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions effectively. In simpler

terms, it explores how capitalism can be environmentally friendly if it's profitable, and it

stresses the importance of changing our culture to combat climate change.

This article is relevant to my research question as it delves into understanding whether

economic systems can be adapted to be more environmentally friendly with the essence that

capitalism can align with environmental goals if profitability is involved as an exchange value.

However, it also highlights the challenges of developing carbon-neutral technologies and

greenwashing in today’s day and age.

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Sayer, Andrew. “Geography and Global Warming: Can Capitalism Be Greened?” Area, vol. 41, no. 3,

Sept. 2009, pp. 350–53. Royal Geographical Society,

What is role of social campaigns in climate change?

Social movements play crucial role in climate change. They raise awareness among people about

climate change, ask for new rules, get communities involved, and make sure governments, big

companies do the right things.

Raducu, Raluca, et al. “Climate Change and Social Campaigns.” Journal of Medicine & Life.

The overarching argument and purpose of the article is to highlight the significant role of

social movements in addressing climate change. They help by making people more aware of

the issue, pushing for climate-friendly rules, and getting communities involved. The article

also shows that these movements come in different forms, like young people taking the lead

or global groups working together, all with the same goal of fighting climate change.

The article is relevant to the question of how social campaigns contribute to climate change,

because it proofs that these movements do make a difference. It proves that they work on

changing policies, get people to take action, and make sure governments and big companies

do what they should. This fits into the bigger picture of how social movements are a big deal

in shaping climate policies and actions.

Raducu, Raluca, et al. “Climate Change and Social Campaigns.” Journal of Medicine & Life, vol. 13,

no. 4, Oct. 2020, pp. 454–57. EBSCOhost,

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How much investment is required to prevent catastrophic climate change?

Although an exact estimate of fundings and finances required to prevent climate catastrophe and

zero net carbon emissions is close to impossible, but an article published by Time magazine

provides a great overview and insight on this matter by considering a small percentage from total

global GDP.

Harari, Yuval Noah. “The 2% Solution to Climate Change.” TIME Magazine.

The article discuses that reducing global warming and carbon emissions is feasible, and it would

only cost about 2% of the whole world’s money or revenue generated in one year. This means it's

not super expensive when everyone plays their equal part in this cause, and they can do so by

investing in green technology. The main point of the article is to show that dealing with climate

change doesn't equate for an enormous cost, and with proper planning and collaboration it can

be achieved.

This article can be used to answer a research question related to the financial feasibility of climate

change mitigation and how much investment is required to prevent catastrophic climate change.

It provides evidence and a perspective that highlights the manageable cost of actions, which can

inform discussions and policies aimed at addressing climate change and achieving sustainability


Harari, Yuval Noah. “The 2% Solution to Climate Change.” TIME Magazine, vol. 199, no. 3/4, Jan. 2022,



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Can advanced technology reduce the negative effects of climate change?

Yes, using high-tech energy-efficient manufacturing processes and equipment can lower greenhouse

gas emissions from companies.

Apostu, Simona Andreea, et al. “Exploring the Influence of Innovation and Technology on Climate

Change.” Energies.

The article's main argument is that innovation and technology play a crucial role in

addressing climate change by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It emphasizes the

importance of research and development (R&D) costs and technological advancements in

mitigating the negative environmental impacts of industrial activities.

This article is in conversation with the research question related to the impact of innovation

and technology on climate change. It provides a literature review and empirical findings that

highlight the relationship between research and development costs and GHG emissions,

presenting varying perspectives on how innovation affects emissions.

Apostu, Simona Andreea, et al. “Exploring the Influence of Innovation and Technology on Climate

Change.” Energies (19961073), vol. 16, no. 17, Sept. 2023, p. 6408. EBSCOhost, https://doi-

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