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Bei Mir Bistdu Sheyn

Kh'vel dir zogn, dir glaykh tzu hern

Az du zolst mir libe erklern
Ven du redst mit di oygn
Volt ikh mit dir gefloygn vu du vilst
S'art mikh nit on...
Ven du host a visele seykhl
Un ven du veizt a narishn shmeykhl
Ven du kuymst vi Indianer
Bist afile Galitsianer
Zog ikh: "Dos art mikh nit."


bistu sheyn,
hostu kheyn,
bistu eyner oyf der velt.
bistu gut
hostu "it",
bistu tayerer fun gelt.

Fil sheyne Yinglekh hobn

Shoyn gevolt nemen mikh,
Un fun zey ale oys-geklibn
Hob ikh nor dikh.
Ikh hob dikh tsufil lib,
ikh trog oyf dir kayn has,
ikh hob dikh tsufil lib,
zu zayn oyf dir in kas.
Vayl ikh hob dich tsufil lib,
tsu zayn oyf dir gor beyz,
a nar ikh heys, ikh veys,
ikh hob dikh lib.
Ikh volt mayn lebn avekgegebn,
mayn harts un mayn neshome,
ikh bin krank, nor mayn gedank,
trakht nit fun nekome.
ikh hob dikh lib.

So that you would declare your love to me

When you speak with your eyes,
I would fly with you wherever you wish
I do not care where.
When you have a bit of sense
And when you show your childlike smile
When you are wild as an Indian
Even if you were a Galitzyaner,
I say: It doesn't bother me.

To me,
To me,
To me,
To me,
To me,
To me,


are lovely,
are charming.
are the most precious ___ _____

_______ ________ boys wanted have

Already wanted to ___________________
And from among them all
I chose only you.

Ich hab dich zu arg _________

Ich emfinde keinen ______ gegenber dir,
Ich hab dich zu arg lieb,
Um _______ gegenber dir zu empfinden.
Ich hab dich zu arg ________
Um dir bse zu sein,
Ein Narr bin ich, ich ________
Ich hab dich zu arg ________
Ich hab dir _________________
Mein _______ und meine Seele,
Ich bin ________, nur mein Gedanke,
Sehnt sich nicht nach Rache.
Ich ______ dich.

A kalte nakht a nepldike finster umetum,

shteyt a yingele fartroyert un kukt zikh arum.
Fun regn shitst im nor a vant,
a koshikl halt er in hant,
un zayne oygn betn yedn shtum.
Ikh hob shoyn nit keyn koyekh mer
arumtsugeyn in gaz, hungerig un
opgerizn fun dem regn naz.
Ikh shlep arum zikh fun baginen,
keyner git nisht tsu fardinen,
ale lakhn, makhn fun mir shpaz.
Kupitye koyft she, koyft she papirosn,
trukene fun regn nisht fargozn.
Koyft she bilik benemones,
koyft un hot oyf mir rakhmones,
ratevet fun hunger mikh atsind..
Kupitye koyft she shvebelakh antikn,
dermit verd ir a yosiml derkvikn.
Umzizt mayn shrayen un mayn loyfn,
keyner vil bay mir nit koyfn,
oysgeyn vel ikh muzn vi a hunt.
Mayn tate in milkhome hot farloyrn zayne hent,
mayn mame hot di tsores mer oyshaltn nisht
Yung in keyver zi getribn,
bin ikh oyf der velt farblibn,
ungliklekh un elnt vi a shteyn.
Breklekh klayb ikh oyf tsum ezn
oyf dem kaltn mark,
a harte bank iz mayn geleger in dem kaltn park.
In dertsu di politziantn, shlog mikh shvern kantn,
zi helft nit mayn betn, mayn geveyn.
Ikh hob gehat a shvesterl, a kind fun der natur,
mit mir tsusamen zikh geshlept hot zi a gants yor.
Mit ir geven iz mir fil gringer, laykhter vern flegt
der hunger, ven ikh fleg a kuk ton nor oyf ir.
Mit amol gevorn iz zi shvakh un zeyer krank,
oyf mayne hent iz zi geshtorbn oyf a gazn-bank.
Un az ikh hob zi farloyrn, hob ikh alts ongevoyrn,
zol der toyt shoyn kumen oykh tsu mir.

The night is cold, and all around is dark;

A boy stands there and looks around;
Only a wall protects him from the rain.
In his hand is a little tray,
And his eyes beckon everyone who goes by.
I no longer have the strength left
To walk about the streets;
I'm hungry, disheveled and wet from the rain.
I shlep around from the day's beginning;
Nobody wants to do business with me.
They all laugh and make fun of me
Come buy some cigarettes!
They're dry, the rain did not get to them.
They're real cheap, it's true;
Buy them and have pity on me;
Save me from hunger...
Come buy these matches, the best of any,
And you'll help a poor orphan.
Forgive me my shouting and rambling;
Nobody buys anything from me,
And so I'll perish like a dog.
My father lost his hands in the war;
My mother couldn't bear it anymore;
She went to her grave still young
And I was left in this world,
Alone and unhappy like a stone.
I gather up crumbs in the cold marketplace;
My bed is a hard bench in the cold park;
The police beat me with their sticks
And do not heed my cries.
I had a little sister, a child of nature she was;
We were always together, traveling for a whole year.
With her I was happy, and when I could look at her,
It was easier to bear hunger and my troubles.
Then she grew weak and ill
And she died in my arms on a street bench.
When I lost her, I lost everything.
May death soon take me too.

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