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NAME: _________________________
(Include both surname and given)
TERM 4 2017 /35 Marks
Year 9 Italian La ricetta di tiramis
Part A: Viewing, Reading and Responding (15 marks)
Part B: Writing (20 marks)
/ 35 marks
PART A: Viewing, Reading and Responding

La ricetta di Tiramis
INGREDIENTI per quattro persone:
1 confezione di Savoiardi 6 tazze di caff
6 uova (amaro o leggermente zuccherato)
500g di mascarpone sale
6 cucchiai di zucchero cacao amaro
Tempo per preparazione: quaranta minuti
Grado di difficolt: facile
Mescolare i tuorli (yolks) duovo con lo zucchero fino a ottenere una crema
morbida. Unire lalbume (egg whites) montato a neve, salare e sempre
mescolando, aggiungere il mascarpone poco per volta.

Inzuppare nel caff i Savoiardi e disporli sul piatto di portata, quindi ricoprirli
con met della crema ottenuta. Fare un altro strato di Savoiardi e crema,
decorando infine con una spruzzata di cacao. Lasciate in frigo per unora.

PART A (15 marks)

Question 1
How many people does this Tiramis recipe cater for? (1 mark)

Question 2
What quality of sugar is needed for the recipe? (2 marks)
Question 3
The recipe describes two ways the coffee can be prepared. Tick two boxes,
indicating the correct responses. (2 marks)
Sweetened/Sugar added Bitter

Slightly Sweetened/Lightly sugared Slightly bitter

Unsweetened/no sugar added It does not say

Question 4
What type of cocoa should be used, cooking, sweetened or unsweetened
cocoa? (1 mark)

Question 5
How long should it take to prepare the Tiramis in total? (2 marks)

Question 6
What level of difficulty is this recipe? (1 mark)

Question 7
When mixing the egg yolks and sugar together, what texture/consistency
should the mixture be? (2 marks)

Question 8
Before adding a pinch of salt, what should the egg whites look like? (2 marks)

Question 9
How does the recipe describe to add the mascarpone? (1 mark)

Question 10
How long should the Tiramis be placed in the fridge before eating? (1 mark)

/15 marks
PART B (20 marks)
You need to write a shopping list in Italian of the correct quantities and
ingredients to make Tiramis, which you are planning to make on the weekend.

Tiramis shopping list

INGREDIENTS for 8 people

2 packets of Lady finger biscuits
12 eggs (1 dozen eggs)
1kilo (1,000grams) of Italian cream cheese
12 tablespoons of sugar
12 cups of espresso coffee
cocoa (cooking)

Rewrite a shopping list in Italian including all ingredients, quantities and for how
many people, on the note paper provided below. Numbers and quantities must
be written in Italian words. Refer to the original recipe on the previous page, as
a reference.

La lista della spesa per Tiramis

/20 marks
Filename: Assessment La ricetta di Tiramis.docx
Template: /Users/KorenBryan/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User
Author: BRYAN Koren
Creation Date: 27/10/2017 14:12:00
Change Number: 2
Last Saved On: 27/10/2017 14:12:00
Last Saved By: BRYAN Koren [Balcatta Senior High School]
Total Editing Time: 0 Minutes
Last Printed On: 27/10/2017 14:12:00
As of Last Complete Printing
Number of Pages: 3
Number of Words: 430
Number of Characters: 2,456 (approx.)

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