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Exercise for the test 2 AV

1. Ask for the underlined parts!

My mother invented a new recipe yesterday.
What did my mother invented yesterday?
Who invented a new recipe yesterday?
The ship hit the iceberg in the middle of the night.
What did the ship hit in the middle of the night?
Who hit the iceberg in the middle of the night?
The boys found the dog in the backyard.
Who found the dog in the backyard?
Where did the boys found the dog?
My sister always has a snack before she goes to sleep.
Who always has a snack before she goes to sleep?
What did my sister always have before she goes to sleep?
The concert started 2 hours later.
When did the concert started?
What started 2 hours later?
Mike gave us some money for the broken window.
What did Mike gave us for the broken window?
Who gave us some money for the broken window?
Mary is thinking about the new business.
Who is thinking about the new business?
What is Mary thinking about?

2. Translate! (all tenses)

a) Mein Nachbar steht gewöhnlich vor der Tür wenn sein Sohn heimkommt.
b) Sie kennen niemanden in London, deshalb schlafen sie in einem Hotel.
c) Der Dieb war geflohen als die Polizei ankam.
d) Während Mary den Topf in den Garten trug, begann es zu regnen.
e) Die Gäste saßen still im Wohnzimmer, als meine Mutter hereinkam.
f) Bevor Karl ins Bett ging, hatte er den Hund hinausgelassen.
g) Wir wussten nichts von der Party, deshalb blieben wir zu Hause.
h) Inge schlief auf dem Sofa ein, nachdem sie nach Hause gekommen war.
i) Sie putzte die Fenster, als sie den Sprung (crack) im Glas bemerkte (notice).
j) Paul hatte das Gras geschnitten, bevor seine Freunde kamen.

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