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Buchbesprechungen | 89

Bevölkerung sowohl in den Niedriglohn- mit der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts
ländern als auch die von Lohnarbeit ab- friedliche Zusammenwachsen der Welt
hängigen Klassen und Schichten in den könnte weitergehen“ (S. 93).
Metropolen. Zum Schutz dieser Men- Die Publikation gibt einen klar geglie­
schen vor den negativen Folgen der kapi- derten, gut lesbaren Überblick über
talistischen Globalisierung sei deshalb der die Globalisierungsprozesse in den ver-
Aufbau bzw. die weitere Ausgestaltung von gangenen anderthalb Jahrhunderten, der
Sozialsystemen notwendig. mit den Erkenntnissen der wirtschafts-
Im letzten Drittel seiner Broschüre befasst historischen Forschung übereinstimmt.
sich Loheide mit der Opposition gegen die In Zusammenhang mit der relativ aus-
Globalisierung. Im 19. Jahrhundert hätte führlichen Behandlung der Frage durch
sie zur Hervorhebung der Interessen des ei- Loheide, ob es von der Mitte des 19.
genen Landes gegenüber anderen Staaten, Jahrhunderts bis heute einen, durch die
zu Protektionismus (ab 1880) und schließ- Weltkriege nur unterbrochenen oder zwei,
lich zu zwei Weltkriegen geführt, in denen sich in ihrer Qualität unterscheidende
nationale Wirtschafts- sowie politische In- Globalisierungsprozesse gegeben habe, un-
teressen mit militärischer Gewalt durchge- terschätzt Loheide m. E. jedoch die 1929
setzt wurden. Eine derartige Entwicklung einsetzende Weltwirtschaftskrise, die, wie
sei zwar bei List, der von „Erziehungszöl- auch aus Tabelle I (S. 63) ersichtlich, we-
len“ sprach, die eine Volkswirtschaft nur sentlich zur damaligen De-Globalisierung
so lange vor der Weltwirtschaft schützten beitrug. Das ist insofern auch für die Ge-
sollten, bis das Land das Niveau der tech- genwart von Bedeutung, als die Möglich-
nisch und ökonomisch fortgeschrittenen keit einer weiteren tiefen Weltwirtschafts-
Staaten erreicht habe, nicht angelegt ge- krise besteht, die eine erneute Flucht in
wesen, aber die Rechte habe sich auf ihn die Nationalwirtschaften begünstigen und
berufen. Auch in der Gegenwart gäbe es den Rechten zusätzlichen Auftrieb geben
parallel zur verstärkten Globalisierung eine könnte. Zumindest hätte Loheide auf die-
Zunahme nationalistischer Strömungen, se Möglichkeit hinweisen sollen.
die vorgeben, Schäden infolge weltwirt-
schaftlicher Turbulenzen könnten nur
durch Rückbesinnung auf die Interessen Darren J. O’Byrne / Alexander
der eigenen Nation und deren rücksichts- Hensby: Theorizing Global Studies,
lose Durchsetzung begegnet werden. Vor Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan,
dieser Art der Globalisierungskritik, die 2011, 237 S.
schon einmal rechte Regierungen an die
Macht gebracht habe, warnt Loheide nach-
drücklich. Als Gegenmaßnahme empfiehlt Rezensiert von
er leistungsfähige Sozialsysteme zu entwi- Tayyibe Zeynep Armagan, Wien
ckeln bzw. zu erhalten. „So würden sich
die Spannungen zwischen den Völkern,
Nationen und Regionen automatisch re- The frequency with which the word “glo-
duzieren und das zumindest im Vergleich balization” is present in today’s discourse
90 | Buchbesprechungen

does not indicate a universal agreement on similarities as well as differences can be

what, precisely, the term means. Rather, spotted among them. However, they nev-
individuals of varying disciplines and aca- ertheless do a good job in differentiating
demic backgrounds employ the “buzz” the theories from each other and legiti-
word as an empty rhetorical tactic, gloss- mizing their choices for this specific list of
ing over its ambiguity in the hope that its theories over other possible ones.
mere application will lend credence to The narration of these models helps resolve
their argument. It is such usage of the the aforementioned problem of defining
term, as well as its inadequacy to explain globalization and determining the contents
the many complex dynamics associated of global studies. Not only do O’Byrne
with it, that Darren J. O’Byrne and Alex- and Hensby provide a simple definition
ander Hensby are concerned with in their of globalization in their introduction, they
new volume titled Theorizing Global Stud- also have a chapter expanding on this defi-
ies. As O’Byrne and Hensby would agree, nition. In this chapter, the readers are in-
for several reasons, the term has exhausted troduced to the idea of globalization “as a
its utility. First, as the authors also point process of becoming global” (p. 10). They
out, the task of defining globalization and are also introduced with the problematic
clarifying the subject matter of global stud- of measuring “globality” and important
ies, a fairly new interdisciplinary field, still terms of global studies such as “intercon-
remains. Furthermore, the field seems to nectedness.” Nonetheless, it is essential to
lack a systematic theory of its own. In the understand that O’Byrne and Hensby’s
light of such deficiencies, a lot of responsi- concept of globalization can only be un-
bility is left to academics. In fact, O’Byrne derstood in relation to the other theories.
and Hensby’s book can be considered as an The same goes for other concepts such as
attempt to address these deficiencies and Americanization and McDonaldization.
further develop the field of global studies. Although these two concepts may seem
Here, it is important to mention that the to refer to the same phenomenon, the au-
authors have been careful enough to move thors show the distinct logic behind these
away from what they refer to as “the un- two models. Furthermore, as if to preemp-
helpful and almost labyrinthine study of tively undermine criticism that may come
globalization” (p. 3) to that of global stud- on that ground, the authors clearly state
ies. While this field is broad and its borders that these eight models are ideal-types
are often difficult to determine, O’Byrne which may not be always consistent with
and Hensby have selected eight models: real life situations. This seems plausible as
globalization, liberalization, polarization, the book is a theoretical one.
Americanization, McDonaldization, cre- Secondly, the narration of these models
olization, transnationalization and bal- paves the way for the second problem, that
kanization which they discuss in the fol- of theorization. However, readers should
lowing eight chapters of the volume. These not expect a conclusive, standardized theo-
models are theories of global change that ry of globalization. In fact, attention must
are referred to within the field of global be paid to the present progressive tense in
studies. The authors acknowledge that the title (i.e. theorizing) as it indicates that
Buchbesprechungen | 91

the production of global studies theory is tion even more in the style is the sense of
a continual process. In other words, the objectivity apparent through the authors’
book is not for those who are seeking a presentation of both sides of the issue in
fixed, clear-cut answer. This is made clear almost all cases. Indeed, O’Byrne and
by the authors as well: “[…] but the task of Hensby have been careful to address the
theorizing global studies is far from com- potential questions and criticisms on each
plete” (p. 208) Rather, in its effort to help model.
define the contents of the field, the book Before concluding, a remark must be made
can be seen as one of the first steps in this on the conclusion of the authors, where
long and difficult task. On a slightly dif- they claim to “pull some themes togeth-
ferent note, the book’s importance for the er” (p. 9). Firstly, one would expect to see
field of global studies must be emphasized. some broader explanation on the issue of
By distinguishing global studies from in- theorizing global studies. Acknowledging
ternational relations, sociology, anthro- the fact that coming up with a theory of
pology and history and by making global global studies is a difficult task, it is hard to
studies its subject matter; the authors have see why the authors refrained from giving
also indirectly put forth a defense for glob- suggestions on what can be done in this re-
al studies to exist on its own right. This gard. Where else, if not in the conclusion,
is significant for the newly emerging field could such suggestions be made? Secondly,
which is contested from time to time by the authors have selected three questions
defenders of classical disciplinary borders. to address each model with. Although the
Up to this point, this review has focused first two of these make sense in relation
on contextual issues, but indeed the struc- to the rest of the book, the last on human
ture and style warrant mention as well. rights remains unexplored and weak. After
Firstly, the well-knit structure of the book all, little has been said about human rights
is exceptional; references to previous and throughout the book and this last endeav-
forthcoming chapters are made through- or seems irrelevant. Perhaps this could be
out the text and thus a textual integrity strengthened in further editions.
is maintained at all times. Secondly, in As a whole the book makes a great source
addition to the general introduction and for both undergraduate and graduate stu-
conclusion, each chapter consists of its dents of social sciences, and in particular
own introduction and conclusion. This international relations, political science,
enhances the coherency of the text. The sociology and, of course global studies.
charts and biography boxes used through- Indeed, beginners or anyone interested in
out the book also serve a similar purpose in the field are sure to benefit from this ency-
addition to further acquainting the reader clopedic source.
with the field. What is apparent in the au-
thors’ style is the frequent use of exempli-
fication whether in the form of metaphors
or actual events. These help readers to get
a grip on the theories and easily remember
them. What might draw the reader’s atten-

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