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Module 10: The A to Z of Gender


The two: sex and gender are social and biological constructs; sex refers to biological

traits and gender to an identity. Contrary to popular belief, sex is not exclusively

associated with males or females. Gender expression refers to how a person displays

their gender identification through gestures, dress, and behavior, whereas gender

identity is a person's unique sense of self. Gender presentation is the external

expression of one's gender, and it is crucial to avoid assuming something about

someone's gender just by looking at them. These are socially constructed concepts that

are subject to change. A more accepting and helpful society depends on individuals

being aware of and supportive of their gender.


Ace refers to asexuality, while asexuality is the absence of a feeling of gender. Ally

sympathizes with oppressed groups, while Androgynous is neither masculine nor

feminine. Aphobia discriminates against asexual and aromantic people, exclusion from

queer communities. BDSM acronyms describe sexual power relations. Bisexual is

attracted to multiple sexualities, while bent is used in the UK for "Queer." Bi-curious is

heterosexual but has sexual or romantic curiosity. Binder is a clothing item used to

flatten the chest, while biphobia refers to fear or contempt for bisexuals. Bottom surgery

is a kink and gay slang term for genital surgery for trans people. Bottom is a masculine
gender expression, while boy pussy refers to a bottom man's anus. Chosen family is a

queer concept, while cis gaze refers to objectification, dehumanization, and tokenization

of trans people by cis people. Closet refers to individuals who are not comfortable

disclosing their sexual orientation or gender identity due to taboos or social stigmas.

Coming out is the process of recognizing, accepting, and sharing one's sexual

orientation with others. Conversion therapy is a pseudoscientific practice attempting to

change one's sexuality to align with norms. Cross dressing is an act of wearing clothes

meant for another gender. Dead name refers to a transgender or non-binary person by

their birth name, either unintentionally or deliberately. Discreet is when a person

discloses their sexual orientation to a small number of people. Effeminate is someone

traditionally considered masculine with traits, tastes, and habits considered feminine.

Fag or faggot is an abusive term for women, often used to refer to homosexuality.

Femme is a queer person who expresses feminine identity through feminine behaviors

and political views.

Gender encompasses social, psychological, cultural, and behavioral aspects of being a

man, woman, or other gender identity. Gender dysphoria occurs when there is a conflict

between a person's assigned sex and their identified gender. Gender identity can also

correlate with a person's assigned sex or differ from it. Gender-affirming procedures can

help people transition to their self-identified gender, such as facial surgery, top surgery,

or bottom surgery. Gender dysphoria is a feeling of discomfort or distress experienced

by individuals with different gender identities or physical characteristics. Hermaphrodite

is a disorder or condition of having both male and female reproductive organs, while
heteroflexible heterosexual is attracted to opposite sex. Heteronormativity assumes that

the "default" sexual orientation is straight, leading to heterosexism and homophobia.

Homophobia encompasses negative attitudes and feelings towards homosexuality,

including contempt, prejudice, aversion, hatred, and may be related to religious beliefs.

Intersex individuals may have traits of both genders, and being intersex can manifest at

birth, childhood, later in adulthood, or never. The Kinsley scale, also known as the

Heterosexual–Homosexual Rating Scale, describes a person's sexual orientation based

on their experience or response at a given time. Lesbians are physically and

romantically attracted to women, while male gaze represents women through the sexual

desires of heterosexual male viewers. Male privilege is a system of advantages or rights

available to men based on their sex, and masochism is a sexual behavior where

gratification depends on suffering physical pain or humiliation. Matriarchy is a social

system where positions of dominance and authority are primarily held by women.

Misogyny leads to violence, oppression, and injustice towards women, while misandry is

the opposite. Nancy-boy is a term for a softer, feminine gay, and nonbinary individuals

do not identify with any gender. Some undergo medical procedures to make their bodies

more congruent with their gender identity, while others have the freedom to express

their sexuality. Pansexual individuals can be physically attractive regardless of their

gender meaning. Paraphilia is an atypical sexuality involving sexual arousal to atypical

objects, situations, or targets. Patriarchy is a system of relationships, beliefs, and values

that structure gender inequality between men and women.

Pride is a cultural concept within the LGBTQI community, representing solidarity,

collectivity, and resistance to discrimination and violence. June is Pride Month, where

the world's LGBTQ communities come together to celebrate the freedom to be

themselves. Pussy, queen, queer, rainbow flag, rape culture, sadism, safe sex, safe

space, sapiosexual, she-male, and stealth are all terms used to describe sexual and

gender identities. Rape culture normalizes and plays down sexual violence and abuse,

while sadism is a psychosexual disorder that involves gratification from inflicting pain,

suffering, or humiliation on others. Safe sex practices prevent the spread of sexually

transmitted infections (STIs) and can lead to serious health issues. Safe spaces provide

a supportive environment where participants can express themselves without fear of

discrimination or reprisal. Sapiosexual individuals are sexually attracted to highly

intelligent people, while she-male individuals are trans women with enlarged breasts

and hormone therapy. Stealth refers to individuals transitioning to a cisgender person

without publicly acknowledging their status or history, often requiring multiple forms of

transition. In summary, Pride, safe sex, safe space, sapiosexual, she-male, and stealth

are all important terms used to represent the diverse identities and experiences of

LGBTQ+ individuals.

The Stonewall Riots, a series of protests and clashes in 1969, began when New York

City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in Greenwich Village. The riots led to the

gay rights movement in the US and worldwide. The term "third sex" refers to individuals

not fitting into Western binary gender and heterosexual roles. Other terms include "top,"

"tranny," "transgender," "transition," "toxic masculinity," "twink," "unisex," "versatile," and

"womanism." These terms highlight the diverse experiences and contributions of women

to society, challenging traditional gender roles and promoting a more inclusive and

inclusive society.


As a result, we discover that while gender identities will vary more greatly, sex

characteristics will probably vary less among individuals. That's because when a person

grows older and gains more experiences, they come to that more advanced realization.

They therefore frequently become part of them. Understanding the variations between

sex and gender might help one become more self-aware and socially conscious. No

matter a person's sex, gender, or sexual orientation, it is still imperative that they be

treated with the utmost respect. The most popular method of showing respect for all is

to use their appropriate pronouns.

Prepared by:

Bicomomg, Co, Castigador and


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