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- The moment when he says ich will eure Hände sehen, and the crowd does raise their hands. Never fails to give me chills.

- It's something about that many Germans raising their hands at the same time that freaks me the fuck out

- This song is made for live performance

- It must be a feeling of absolute Dominance to see the crowd interact with you like thatAnd then you read what he is saying! He wrote a
song talking to the crowd about needing the crowds energy! The crowd also has a part in the song to answer back!

- You are a god to them, they need to look at the floor for you...what shall I do, aqurdseee

- the most interactive song with people. I LOVE IT.

- The crowd has merged into a one big, loyal audience. So excited, they forgot about the deafening sounds of the speakers!

- Its awesome how the crowd can participate with the Wir hören dich/Wir sehen dich/Wir fühlen dich parts.

- I was there is the front line ... I had goosebumps for the hole period of the song specialy when the crowd screamed
 Hintergrund:
 Als Massenfänger gedacht
 Parodie
 Musik:
 Techno Anlehnung
 Barocke Harmonie Elemente
 Text:
 Kohärenter Satzbau/Anaphern
 Befehle/Dominanz
 Versuch alte harte Ästhetik wieder einzubringen
 Bild der „bösen Jungs“ (Maskulinität)
 Anerkennung, Aufmerksamkeit und Benutzung der
 „Falsches“ Verhalten der Medien
 Entertainment der Massen
 Versuch alte harte Ästhetik wieder einzubringen
 Bild der „bösen Jungs“ (Maskulinität)
 Anerkennung, Aufmerksamkeit und Benutzung der
 „Falsches“ Verhalten der Medien
 Entertainment der Massen
 Radio
 Schwarz-Weiß
 Maskulinität
 Freiheitssymbol
 Ähnliche Harmonik/Techno Elemente
 DDR-Bezug

 Stripped
 Schwarz-Weiß
 Heroisches Bild der Protagonisten

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