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Oktober 2010 bis Mai 2011

Hanna Lichtenberger Instiut fr Politikwissenschaft Fachbereich Internationale Politik, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brand

Zeitschriftenschau ........................................................................................................... 1 Oktober 2010 bis Mai 2011 .............................................................................................. 1 Politische Vierteljahreszeitschrift ....................................................................................... 5 Leviathan ........................................................................................................................ 6 Prokla ............................................................................................................................. 7 Bltter fr deutsche und internationale Politik ................................................................... 9 FORUM WISSENSCHAFT .................................................................................................16 Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte .........................................................................................17 THEORY CULTURE AND SOCIETY ....................................................................................26 Sociological Forum..........................................................................................................28 Theory and Society.........................................................................................................30 Economy and Society......................................................................................................31 Political Theory...............................................................................................................32 Cultural Studies ..............................................................................................................34 Millenium Journal of Peace Research..............................................................................37 International OrganizationStudies ....................................................................................40 Truth, Values and the Value of Truth in Critical International Relations Theory ...................41 International Theory-......................................................................................................42 A Journal of International Politics, Law and Philosophy .....................................................42 European Journal of International Relations .....................................................................43 Journal of European Public Policy ....................................................................................44 GLOBAL GOVERNANCE- A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations ..........47 Globalizations .................................................................................................................49 International Studies Quarterly........................................................................................50 International Studies Review ...........................................................................................53 Iz3w ..............................................................................................................................55 Zeitschrift fr Internationale Beziehungen ........................................................................60

World Development- The Multi-Disciplinary International Journal Devoted to the Study and Promotion of World Development ....................................................................................60 WORLD POLITICS ..........................................................................................................67 Dealing With Difference: Problems and Possibilities for Dialogue in International Relations .68 Cambridge Review of International Affairs........................................................................70 DAS ARGUMENT.............................................................................................................71 Das Journal fr Entwicklungspolitik ..................................................................................73 Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture & Society. .......................................74 grundrisse......................................................................................................................76 NUEVA SOCIEDAD ..........................................................................................................77 PERIPHERIE ...................................................................................................................79 Geoforum.......................................................................................................................81 Historical Materialism ......................................................................................................84 Review of Radical Political Economics ..............................................................................85 The Journal of Environment & Development.....................................................................86 Global Environmental Politics...........................................................................................87 Review of International Political Economy ........................................................................88 Capitalism Nature Socialism ............................................................................................90 Journal of Political Ecology ..............................................................................................92 Ecological Economics ......................................................................................................93 Environment and Planning D: Society and Space ............................................................102 International Socialism journal ......................................................................................105 NEW LEFT REVIEW.......................................................................................................107 New Political Economy ..................................................................................................109 Monthly Review, An Independent Socialist Magazine.......................................................110 Capital&Class ...............................................................................................................114 Kurswechsel .................................................................................................................115 International Peacekeeping ...........................................................................................116

Development and Change .............................................................................................119 Review of International Studies .....................................................................................121 PERSPEKTIVEN- MAGAZIN FR LINKE THEORIE UND PRAXIS.........................................125 Third World Quarterly ...................................................................................................127 The British Journal of Politics & International Relations ...................................................132 Antipode ......................................................................................................................133 Progress in Human Geography ......................................................................................137 express- Zeitung fr sozialistische Betriebs- und Gewerkschaftspolitik..............................140 Journal of European Integration ....................................................................................143 Journal of European Social Policy...................................................................................145 Global Social Policy .......................................................................................................146 Environment and Planing A ...........................................................................................152 International Feminist Journal of Politics ........................................................................159 European Journal of Women's Studies ...........................................................................161 Femina Politica- Zeitschrift fr feministische Politikwissenschaft.......................................162 Gender & Society..........................................................................................................165 Feminist Theory ...........................................................................................................167 Feminist Economics ......................................................................................................167 Feminist Review ...........................................................................................................169 Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society .............................................................170 Latin American Research Review ...................................................................................172 Latin American Perspectives ..........................................................................................174 Sozialismus: Kommentare und Analysen ........................................................................176 Sozialismus Supplements ..............................................................................................184 WIDERSPRUCH ............................................................................................................184 WSI- Mitteilungen.........................................................................................................186 Global Social Policy .......................................................................................................190 Social Politics ...............................................................................................................191

Economic Geology ........................................................................................................193 January-February 2011, Volume 106, Issue 1.................................................................194 Urban Studies ..............................................................................................................197 International Journal of Action Research ........................................................................205 Research Policy ............................................................................................................206 ECOLOGY AND SOCIETY ...............................................................................................212 European Urban and Regional Studies ...........................................................................218 Global Environmental Change........................................................................................219 Journal of Sustainable Development ..............................................................................225 Environmental Policy and Governance............................................................................233 Journal of Cleaner Production........................................................................................234

Politische Vierteljahreszeitschrift
September 2010
Sabine Kropp In eigener Sache Harald Schoen Ein Bericht von der Heimatfront Christoph Knill / Kai Schulze / Jale Tosun Politikwandel und seine Messung in der vergleichenden Staatsttigkeitsforschung: Konzeptionelle Probleme und mgliche Alternativen Philip Manow Dimensionen der Disproportionalitt Erststimmen und Direktmandate in den Bundestagswahlen von 1953 bis 2009 Michael Haus Governance-Theorien und Governance-Probleme: Diesseits und jenseits des Steuerungsparadigmas Katrin Prinzen Politische Kommunikation, Priming und Wahlverhalten Christoph Hnnige / Thomas Gschwend Das Bundesverfassungsgericht im politischen System der BRD ein unbekanntes Wesen? Joachim Behnke berhangmandate bei der Bundestagswahl 2009 das ewige Menetekel

Dezember 2010

Laudatio: Verleihung des DVPW-Frderpreises fr Dissertationen des Jahres 2010 Cees van der Eijk / Hermann Schmitt / Eliyahu V. Sapir PhD Die politischen Konsequenzen der niedrigen Wahlbeteiligung bei der Europawahl 2009 Detlef Sack Europisierungsdruck und Parteiendifferenz in den deutschen Bundeslndern Carina Schmitt M.A. / Herbert Obinger Verfassungsschranken und die Privatisierung ffentlicher Dienstleistungen im internationalen Vergleich Michael Herrmann Wenn Wenige den Ausschlag geben Strategisches Erststimmenwhlen bei deutschen Bundestagswahlen 19942009 Gerhard Ghler / Ulrike Hppner / Sybille De La Rosa M.A. / Stefan Skupien Steuerung jenseits von Hierarchie Thorsten Faas / Sascha Huber Experimente in der Politikwissenschaft: Vom Mauerblmchen zum Mainstream

September 2010
Dagmar Simon Leviathan 3/2010 Manfred Boni Analoges Geld fr digitale Zeilen: der Publikationsmarkt der Wissenschaft Rainer Kuhlen Open Access eine elektronischen Umgebungen angemessene Institutionalisierungsform fr das Gemeingut Wissen Klaus-Rainer Brintzinger Piraterie oder Allmende der Wissenschaften? Alfred Kieser Unternehmen Wissenschaft? Michael Hartmann Die Exzellenzinitiative und ihre Folgen Nicole Deitelhoff / Anna Geis Entkernt sich der Leviathan? Cord Jakobeit / Robert Kappel / Ulrich Mckenberger Zivilisierung der Weltordnung Claudio Franzius Vom Nationalstaat zum Mitgliedstaat und wieder zurck? Roland S. Kamzelak Literaturarchivalien im Informationszeitalter

Dezember 2010
Hans-Jochen Luhmann Der (Flug-)Verkehr nimmt zu auch in Zeiten des Klimawandels: Wie kommt es zu diesem Paradox? Andreas Knie / Dagmar Simon / Tim Flink Akademische Unternehmensgrndungen: ber den schwierigen Nachweis der Ntzlichkeit ffentlicher Forschungsfrderung Sebastian Dullien / Daniela Schwarzer Die Zukunft der Eurozone nach der Griechenland-Hilfe und dem Euro-Schutzschirm Mischa Hansel Keine neue Weltordnung mehr? Ludwig Dehios Gleichgewicht oder Hegemonie als Beitrag zur Theoriebildung in den Internationalen Beziehungen Kerstin Jrgens Deutschland in der Reproduktionskrise Christian Henkes M.A. / Sascha Kneip Von offener Neutralitt zu (unintendiertem) Laizismus Jrgen Frster Taking Schmitt seriously

Mrz 2011
Reinhard Blomert Zu diesem Heft Detlev Schttker Architekturtheorie zwischen Gesellschafts- und Kulturtheorie. Von Adorno zu Sloterdijk Katrin Meyer Kritik der Postdemokratie Sighard Neckel Der Gefhlskapitalismus der Banken: Vom Ende der Gier als ruhiger Leidenschaft Bernd Sommer Interdependenzen und Ungleichzeitigkeiten im Kontext des anthropogenen Klimawandels Dirk Halm / Martina Sauer Die trkische Gemeinde in Deutschland und das Konzept der sozialen Milieus Heinz Fassmann Die Messung des Integrationsklimas Axel T. Paul / Benjamin Schwalb M.A. Wie organisiert ist das organisierte Verbrechen? Eva-Maria Ziege Die Kunst der Unterscheidung. Soziologie der Mode


Nr. 160, September 2010, Kulturkmpfe

PROKLA-Redaktion Editorial David Salomon Elemente neuer Brgerlichkeit. Bourgeois und Citoyen in der postdemokratischen Elitenherrschaft Jasmin Siri Die Halbierung der Brgerlichkeit. Zur Form neo-brgerlicher Diskurse in der massenmedialen ffentlichkeit Susanne Draheim/ Alexandra Krause/ Tilman Reitz Von Chancen und Statuskmpfen. Klassenverhltnisse in der Erziehungsgesellschaft Magdalena Freudenschu Prekre (Kultur-)Kmpfe? Die Verhandlung gesellschaftlicher Verhltnisse im Diskurs zu Prekarisierung Beat Weber Finanzbildungsbrgertum und die Finanzialisierung des Alltags Martin Seeliger/ Katharina Knttel Ihr habt alle reiche Eltern, also sagt nicht, Deutschland hat kein Ghetto! Matthias Schnat Hartz IV Armut anerkannt, gefrdert und gefordert Paul Burkett/ John Bellamy Foster Stoffwechsel, Energie und Entropie in Marx Kritik der politischen konomie (Teil 2) Sonja Mangold Arbeitsrecht unter Druck Jan Schlemermeyer Kritik der Politik als Politikwissenschaft? Zur Aktualitt der Staatstheorie von Johannes Agnoli und den Chancen einer kategorialen Marxrezeption

Nr. 161, Dezember 2010, China im globalen Kapitalismus

PROKLA-Redaktion Editorial Stefan Schmalz Chinas neue Rolle im globalen Kapitalismus Ingo Schmidt Exportorientiertes Wachstum in China, Deutschland und Japan Herausforderung oder Bestandteil der US Hegemonie? Gerhard Armanski Chinas Abgang von der Weltbhne Ngai-Ling Sum: Die (Semi)-Peripherie ins Zentrum rcken. Zur Kulturellen Politischen konomie der BRIC-Staaten

Tobias ten Brink Der Aufstieg Chinas und die neuen Krftekonstellationen in Ostasien Jrg Goldberg Afrika und die neuen asiatischen Wirtschaftsmchte: Entwicklungspartnerschaft oder Balgerei um Rohstoffe? Beverly J. Silver/ Lu Zhang China als neuer Mittelpunkt der globalen Arbeiterunruhe Florian Butollo Streikwelle in China Der Anfang vom Ende des Niedriglohnmodells? Kevan Harris Die Geschichte zweier Nationalismen: Irans grne Bewegung

Nr. 162, Mrz 2011, Nie wieder Krieg?

PROKLA-Redaktion Editorial Dorothea Schmidt Deutscher Militarismus eine unendliche Geschichte? Markus Euskirchen/ Martin Singe Gesellschaftliche Militarisierung. Die Bundeswehr und ihr Einsatz im eigenen Hinterland Peter Strutynski Uneingeschrnkte Solidaritt: Das neue strategische Konzept der NATO und die Auenund Sicherheitspolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Werner Ruf Die militrpolitische Emanzipation Deutschlands Afrika als Exerzierplatz? Manfred Lauermann Zum Frieden verdammt Bundeswehr 2011 Gerhard Armanski/ Jens Warburg Warum die NATO den Krieg in Afghanistan nicht gewinnen wird Florian Flrsheimer Die Bundeswehr als modernes Wirtschaftsunternehmen Eugen Januschke Politisch relevanter Totenkult Alex Demirovi Kritische Staatstheorie in emanzipatorischer Absicht. Anmerkungen zu Jan Schlemermeyers Aufsatz in PROKLA 160 Jan Schlemermeyer Die historische Dynamik des Kapitalismus und linke Strategien. Zu Alex Demirovi Anmerkungen

Bltter fr deutsche und internationale Politik

Oktober 2010

Albrecht von Lucke Wir sind das Volk und ihr seid es nicht Dirk Vogelskamp / Wolf-Dieter Narr Verbrannt in Dessau Bernard Schmid Brandstifter Sarkozy Janna Greve Brasilien: Lula forever? Maria Oshana/ Jan van Aken Sudan: Eskalation mit deutscher Hilfe Tine Hanrieder Big Pharma und die WHO Frithjof Schmidt NATO auf Jobsuche Frank Deppe Think Tank Daniel Leisegang Wikileaks: Macht und Verantwortung Uli Gellermann Hexenverbrennung Lamya Kaddor Muslima in Sarrazinland Oliver Schmidtke Einwanderer als Ware Otto Khler Der Amoklauf der Erika Steinbach Mathias Lindenau 100 Jahre Kibbuzbewegung: Eine gescheiterte Utopie? Norman Birnbaum Heldin und Staatsfeindin Brbel Bohley An den Widerstnden in diesem Lande bin ich ICH geworden Armin Paasch Exportschlager Hungerkrise

November 2010
Rudolf Martens Die Hartz-IV-Abrechnung Tim Engartner Stuttgart 21: Zurck in die Zukunft

Dorothea Jung Politically Incorrect: Die Allianz der Islamhasser Antonio Brettschneider Zapateros Horrorkatalog Helge Buttkereit Hugo Chvez und die Bolibourgeoisie Behrooz Abdolvand/ Michael Liesener Tadschikistan vor dem Brgerkrieg Siegfried Knittel Showdown in Ostasien Valerie Wilms Die Plnderung der Tiefsee William Pfaff Amerika allein zu Haus Claus Leggewie Vom Brgerprotest zur Volkspartei? Harald Welzer Die automobile Republik Elmar Altvater Im Schlepptau der Finanzmrkte Michael Hirsch Die Restauration der Arbeitsgesellschaft Dierk Hirschel/ Thorsten Schulten Wirtschaftsdemokratie contra Krisenkapitalismus Homi K. Bhabha Der dritte Ort Moshe Zimmermann Israel oder Die Angst vor dem Frieden Dieter Maier Im Schatten der Souvernitt Liu Xiaobo Chinas Weg in eine freie Gesellschaft Till Eulenspiegel der friedlichen Revolution Ernst Ulrich von Weizscker Sonnenklar Albert Scharenberg Studium globale Uli Gellermann Die deutschen Kennedys

Gerhard Stuby Gegen den Strich

Dezember 2010
Albert Scharenberg Gibt Obama jetzt den Clinton? Reinhard Mutz NATO: Expansion im Tarnanzug Michael R. Krtke Thatchers Enkel Dniel Fehr Ungarische Mitgift Raimund Feld Schwedisches Volksheim von rechts? Dorothea Jung Feindbild Jude, Hassobjekt Israel Rupert von Plottnitz Religise Neutralitt statt christlich-jdischer Leitkultur Peter M. Kaiser Sarrazins Legende vom klugen Gen William Pfaff EU: Am deutschen Wesen genesen? Thilo Bode Alles aus Zucker Hermann Scheer Atomenergie: Brcke ins Nichts Albert Sterr Global Player Brasilien: Wie weiter nach Lula? Annette Weinke/ Norbert Frei Warum es um die "Mumien" einsam wird Dieter Senghaas Der Frieden und seine Erforschung Christoph Fleischmann Eine kleine Geschichte der Gier Klaus Drre Arbeitskampf oder Korporatismus Rupert Neudeck Eine andere Geschichte der Welt Albrecht von Lucke Viva la Googolucin!

Jnner 2011
Albrecht von Lucke Grn schlgt Schwarz Wieslaw Jurczenko Euroland in Bankenhand Ulrike Baureithel Rslers Rosskur Hans-Jrgen Urban Hartz IV: Lohndumping mit System Thomas Hndel Europa im Arbeitszeitkampf Andreas Buro Die Welt vor dem Irankrieg? Stefan Rother Migration im Interessenkonflikt Knut Henkel Liberalisierung auf Kubanisch Emanuel Richter Demokratie paradox William Pfaff Sind Obama die Hnde gebunden? Seymour M. Hersh Cyberwar: Die neue Front Winfried Nachtwei Die neue Bundeswehr: Freiwillig und kriegerisch? Mussie Habte Afrika neu denken Jochen Stay Der Kampf um Gorleben Klaus Lederer Programmatisch festgefahren Susanne Baer Braucht das Grundgesetz ein Update? Ilja Braun Die Rckkehr der Autoren Daniel Leisegang Kulturflatrate: Der neue Sozialvertrag Jan M. Piskorski Das europische Memento

Rudolf Walther Rechtsstaat? Ausgeschafft! Carl Wilhelm Macke Journalisten im Fadenkreuz

Februar 2011
Michael R. Krtke Etikettenschwindel Euro-Krise Dniel Fehr Orbns Durchmarsch Maximilian Pichl Eine Mauer fr Europa Heiko Flottau Das Versagen der Mubaraks Volker Perthes Sdsudan - Afrikas neuer Staat Jochen Hippler Pakistan im Krisenwirbel Werner Rgemer Deutsche Bank: Betrug mit Systemrelevanz Jutta Roitsch Grundrechte nur gegen Bezugsschein William Pfaff China als Miltrmacht Otto Khler Warum "Das Amt" missfllt Uli Gellermann Fortschritt la SPD Albrecht von Lucke Schweigen und siegen Ulrich Beck Kooperieren oder scheitern Ned Brown Demokraten ohne Vertrauen Markus Holzinger Die Schleifung des Rechts Axel Troost Das Kasino bleibt geffnet Elmar Altvater Solar, solidarisch, sozialistisch

Saskia Sassen Die Macht des Digitalen: Ambivalenzen des Internet Alexandra Senfft Wettbeweb der Katastrophen Thomas Mttig l oder Demokratie? Jens Becker Die schpferische Kraft des Subjektiven Appell gegen die Kriminalisierung von WikiLeaks

Mrz 2011
Albrecht von Lucke Solidaritt? Nein Danke! Heiner Flassbeck Merkels Pakt, des Euros Pleite Anne Roth/ Daniel Leisegang Zensus 2011: Volkszhlung im Verborgenen Susanna Bhme-Kuby Italia desolata Manfred Quiring Kaukasischer Krisenkreis Siegfried Knittel Sbbelrasseln in Fernost Christa Wichterich Mikrokredite: Das Geschft mit der Armut Oliver Matz Die weibliche Seite der FARC Reinhard Mutz Bundeswehr: Reform ins Blaue Mohammed Bamyeh gyptische Zeitenwende Cilja Harders Das arabische 1989 Werner Ruf Tunesien: Fanal fr den Maghreb? Jens Heibach Jemen: Protest und Dialog Rami G. Khouri Das Militr ist nicht die Lsung Tariq Ramadan

Europa und die Herausforderung der muslimischen Prsenz Dan Diner/ Gudrun Krmer Kommentare und Diskussionsbeitrge zum Vortrag von Tariq Ramadan Bascha Mika Die Feigheit der Frauen Ulrich Schneider Verhartztes Elend: Deutschland am Scheideweg Jens Hacke Stuttgart 21: Das lange Leben des technischen Staates Fabian Scheidler Indien: Der Preis des Wachstums Uli Gellermann Not in Nadelstreifen Heinrich Senfft Ganz und gar dagegen

Forum Wissenschaft 3/2010
Martin Kutscha Verfassungs-Streich. Von der Verteidigungsarmee zur globalen Interventionstruppe Jost Dlffer Im Schatten des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Soldatentod und Erinnerungskultur Rainer Mausfeld Foltern ohne Spuren. Psychologie im Dienste des "Kampfes gegen den Terrorismus" Jrgen Wagner Europas Auswrtiger Dienst. Machtpolitik sui generis Robert Blttermann/Nicole Gohlke Schavans Bologna-Gipfel. Viel versprochen, alles gebrochen Torsten Bultmann Eliten statt Massen. Zum neuen nationalen Stipendienprogramm Emilija Mitrovic Papierlos, aber nicht rechtlos. Die gewerkschaftliche Anlaufstelle fr Menschen ohne Papiere in Hamburg Wolfgang Benz Aufklrung statt Ausgrenzung. Islamophobie und Antisemitismus Hans-Jrgen Arlt/ Wolfgang Storz Finanzmarkt-Journalismus in der Krise. Ein Befund und sieben Thesen Steffen Kthner Freie Radios - zwischen Gegenffentlichkeit und Medienpdagogik

Christian Schilcher/ Gunter Weidenhaus Wann bin ich anders? Alternativsein: Erfahrungen aus einer Lehrveranstaltung

Forum Wissenschaft 4/2010 Kinder- und Jugendpolitik

Michael Klundt Kinder in der Zerreiprobe - Zwischen Sozialpolarisierung, Sozialstaatsabbau und Sozialrassismus Nicola Wolf-Khn: Medikalisierte Kindheit - Soziale Prvention statt Medikamente Klaus Weber: Grenzen fr Kinder - Ein neoliberales Projekt Uta Mader/ Jens Wernicke: Kinder vor Ausbeutung und Kinderarbeit schtzen - Und vor der Resignation fragwrdiger Helfer Manfred Liebel: Kinderarbeit verbieten? - berlegungen zu aktuellen Kampagnen und Kontroversen Fabian Lindner: Jung gegen Alt? - Zum Verhltnis von Generationengerechtigkeit und Rentensicherheit Nicole Gro: Bildungsgutscheine und -chipkarten - Was taugen sie gegen Kinderarmut Kurt Stiegler / Lea Hagedorn: Negativbilanz eines Freilandversuchs - Zur Geschichte der Studiengebhren in NordreinWestfalen Friedemann Vogel / Evi Schedl: Konkret-utopisch: Menschenbildung - Jenseits humboldtscher Bildungsfetische Klemens Himpele: ,Schuldenbremse als Politikverzicht - Wie Bildungsabbau: Negativspirale nach unten Michael Paetau: Die Piratenpartei - Vision einer freien Wissensordnung Georg Flberth: Kolumne Wissenschaftszweck

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 36-37/2010)- Spanien
Johannes Piepenbrink Editorial Walter Haubrich Besser als gestern, schlechter als morgen" - Essay Holm-Detlev Khler Spanien in Zeiten der globalen Wirtschaftskrise

Walther L. Bernecker Zwischen "Nation" und "Nationalitt": das Baskenland und Katalonien Deniz Devrim Die spanische EU-Ratsprsidentschaft 2010 - eine Bilanz Matthias Jger Brckelt die "geistige Reserve des Okzidents"? Ulrike Capdepon Der ffentliche Umgang mit der Franco-Diktatur

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 38/2010)- Kinderrechte

Johannes Piepenbrink Editorial Sabine Andresen / Klaus Hurrelmann Was bedeutet heute "Glck" fr Kinder? Essay Jrg Maywald UN-Kinderrechtskonvention: Bilanz und Ausblick Waldemar Stange Partizipation von Kindern Wilfried Schubarth Neue Gewalt- und Mobbingphnomene als Herausforderung fr Schulen Uwe Britten Kindheit in der "Dritten Welt"

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 39/2010)- China

Thomas Heberer Chinas zivilgesellschaftliche Entwicklung: Von Massen zu Brgern? () Tobias ten Brink Chinas neuer Kapitalismus: Wachstum ohne Ende? Anja-Dsire Senz Zwischen kultureller Anpassung und Autonomie: Nationale Minderheiten in China Gerhard Paul "Chinas Mona Lisa" - Zur Geschichte des Mao-Portrts und seiner globalen Rezeption Marcus Hernig "Groartiges Reich der Mitte": Zur Aktualitt chinesischer Mythen Heinrich Kreft Chinas Aufstieg - eine Herausforderung fr den "Westen" Jin Ling Gemeinsam mehr. Wege fr eine chinesisch-europische Zusammenarbeit in Afrika?

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 40/2010)- Intellektuelle

Kroly Mhes

Die Intellektuellen und Europa - ein intelligentes Europa - Essay Dietz Bering "Intellektueller": Schimpfwort - Diskursbegriff - Grabmal? Barbara Vinken Die Intellektuelle: gestern, heute, morgen Dorothea Wildenburg Sartres "heilige Monster" Friedrich Wilhelm Graf Propheten moderner Art? Die Intellektuellen und ihre Religion Hauke Brunkhorst Die Macht der Intellektuellen

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 41-42/2010) - Revolutionen in Lateinamerika

Josef Oehrlein Die Vermessung der Unabhngigkeit - Essay Romeo Rey Die Linke in Lateinamerika Cristian Balteo Yazbeck / Melina Fernndez Temes Venezuela: Lektre eines geteilten Landes Juliana Strbele-Gregor Demokratische Revolution in Bolivien? Michael Zeuske Traditionen, Gegenwart und Zukunft der kubanischen Revolution Nikolaus Werz Revolutionsmythen zu Lateinamerika) Stephan Lahrem Faszination Che

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 43/2010)- Europa und der Euro
Guy Kirsch Die Euro-Krise ist (nicht nur) eine Whrungskrise - Essay Henrik Enderlein Die Krise im Euro-Raum: Auslser, Antworten, Ausblick Pascal Kauffmann / Henrik Uterwedde Verlorene Konvergenz? Deutschland, Frankreich und die Euro-Krise Kenneth Dyson Krise? Welche Krise? Wessen Krise? Andreas Busch Der Euro als Vorteil und Nachteil fr Deutschland

Timm Beichelt / Bartek Pytlas Mittelosteuropa und der Euro Werner Abelshauser Die Erblast des Euro eine kurze Geschichte der Europischen Whrungsunion

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 44/2010)- Extremismus

Gero Neugebauer Einfach war gestern. Zur Strukturierung der politischen Realitt in einer modernen Gesellschaft - Essay Matthias Mletzko Gewalthandeln linker und rechter militanter Szenen Ulrich Dovermann / Eren Gvercin "Auf Fragen von Extremisten reagieren knnen." Eren Gvercin im Gesprch mit Ulrich Dovermann Jan Schedler "Autonome Nationalisten" Roland Eckert Kulturelle Homogenitt und aggressive Intoleranz. Eine Kritik der Neuen Rechten Karin Priester Flieende Grenzen zwischen Rechtsextremismus und Rechtspopulismus in Europa? Matenia Sirseloudi Radikalisierung von europischen Muslimen - Radikalisierungsprozesse in der Diaspora Syed Mansoob Murshed / Sara Pavan Radikalisierung von europischen Muslimen - Identitt und Radikalisierung

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 45/2010)- Gesundheit

Paul U. Unschuld Kranke als Ressource, Gesundheit als Ware - Essay Nils C. Bandelow / Florian Eckert / Robin Rsenberg Reform(un)mglichkeiten in der Gesundheitspolitik Stefan Felder konomie des Gesundheitswesens: Genese und Optimierung Kerstin Funk Gesundheitspolitik in internationaler Perspektive Uwe H. Bittlingmayer / Diana Sahrai Gesundheitliche Ungleichheit. Pldoyer fr eine ethnologische Perspektive Thomas Lampert / Thomas Ziese / Brbel-Maria Kurth Gesundheitliche Entwicklungen und Trends in Ost- und Westdeutschland Detlef Briesen Was ist "gesunde Ernhrung"?


Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 46-47/2010)- Anerkennung, Teilhabe, Integration

Eren Gvercin / Feridun Zaimoglu / Mo Asumang / Neco elik "Ein Teil Deutschlands, mit etwas mehr Farbe" Naika Foroutan Neue Deutsche, Postmigranten und Bindungs-Identitten. Wer gehrt zum neuen Deutschland? Dietrich Thrnhardt Integrationsrealitt und Integrationsdiskurs Hartmut M. Griese / Isabel Sievers Bildungs- und Berufsbiografien erfolgreicher Transmigranten Karen Schnwlder Einwanderer in Rten und Parlamenten Michael Bommes Kommunen: Moderatoren im Prozess der sozialen Integration? Klaus J. Bade / Ferdos Forudastan Teilhabe in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 48/2010)- Arbeitslosigkeit

Josef Schmid Wer soll in Zukunft arbeiten? Zum Strukturwandel der Arbeitswelt Markus Promberger Hartz IV im sechsten Jahr Irene Dingeldey Agenda 2010: Dualisierung der Arbeitsmarktpolitik Matthias Knuth / Martin Brussig Zugewanderte und ihre Nachkommen in Hartz IV Rosine Schulz Freiwilliges Engagement Arbeitsloser - Chancen und Herausforderungen Karl Brenke Aus der Krise zum zweiten Wirtschaftswunder?

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 49/2010) Grobritannien

Holger Ehling Uneiniges Knigreich - Essay Paul Webb Unterhauswahl 2010 Diane Reay Gesellschaftliche Spaltungen, Geschlecht und Ethnizitt im Bildungssystem Brigitte Schumann Nordirlands Bildungspolitik und die politische Lage

Ralph Rotte / Christoph Schwarz Still Special? Britische Sicherheitspolitik und die USA Charlie Jeffery Devolution: Auflsung des Vereinigten Knigreichs? Yvonne Esterhzy Grobritannien und die Folgen der Finanzkrise

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 50/2010)- Sicherheitspolitik

Oliver Thrnert Die "globale Null" fr Atomwaffen Essay Christopher Daase Wandel der Sicherheitskultur Harald Mller / Niklas Schrnig Drohnenkrieg: Die konsequente Fortsetzung der westlichen Revolution in Military Affairs Johannes Varwick Das neue strategische Konzept der NATO Stefan Gnzle / Benedikt Franke Afrikanische Friedens- und Sicherheitsarchitektur: Institutionalisierte Zusammenarbeit in und fr Afrika Thomas Jger / Daria W. Dylla Diplomatischer Erfolg und kommunikatives Desaster: Die Raketenabwehrplne der USA Gitti Hentschel Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik braucht Geschlechteranalysen - Essay

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 51-52/2010)- Armut in Deutschland

Stefan Hradil Der deutsche Armutsdiskurs - Essay Olaf Groh-Samberg Armut verfestigt sich - ein missachteter Trend Karl August Chass Kinderarmut in Deutschland Hartmut Hussermann Armutsbekmpfung durch Stadtplanung? Gabriele Lingelbach "... die Hungernden zu speisen" - Zur Entwicklung des Spendenverhaltens in Deutschland Claudia Nospickel Armutsbekmpfung durch Corporate Social Responsibility? Maja Malik Armut in den Medien

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 1-2/2011) -Postdemokratie?


Chantal Mouffe "Postdemokratie" und die zunehmende Entpolitisierung - Essay Paul Nolte Von der reprsentativen zur multiplen Demokratie Dirk Jrke Brgerbeteiligung in der Postdemokratie Petra Bhnke Ungleiche Verteilung politischer und zivilgesellschaftlicher Partizipation Sabine Schiffer Informationsmedien in der Postdemokratie. Zur Bedeutung von Medienkompetenz fr eine lebendige Demokratie Birgit Sauer Die Allgegenwart der "Androkratie": feministische Anmerkungen zur "Postdemokratie" Axel Honneth Verwilderungen. Kampf um Anerkennung im frhen 21. Jahrhundert

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 3/2011)- Jugend und Medien

Uwe Hasebrink / Claudia Lampert Kinder und Jugendliche im Web 2.0 - Befunde, Chancen und Risiken Christian Stcker / Stefan Aufenanger / Christian Pfeiffer "Man wird nicht Amoklufer, weil man ein brutales Computerspiel gespielt hat" Doppelinterview mit Stefan Aufenanger und Christian Pfeiffer Ingrid Mller Gewaltmedienkonsum und Aggression Helga Theunert Aktuelle Herausforderungen fr die Medienpdagogik Arne Busse et al Mit "Ballerspielen" gegen pdagogische "No-Go-Areas"? Erfahrungen mit Eltern-LANs Margreth Lnenborg / Claudia Tpper Gezielte Grenzverletzungen - Castingshows und Werteempfinden Joachim Weiner "Medienkompetenz" - Chimre oder Universalkompetenz?

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 4/2011)- Parlamentarismus

Frank Decker Brauchen wir ein neues Wahlrecht? Volker von Prittwitz Hat Deutschland ein demokratisches Wahlsystem? Joachim Behnke Grundstzliches zur Wahlreformdebatte Mark T. Fliegauf / Sebastian Huhnholz

Parlamentarische Fhrung Katja Marie Fels Reformkommunikation - eine aussichtslose Schlacht? Gerd Strohmeier Westminster im Wandel Stefan Marschall Wahlen, Whler, Wahl-O-Mat

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 5-6/2011)- Arktischer Raum

Arved Fuchs Nordpoldmmerung - Essay Christoph Humrich Ressourcenkonflikte, Recht und Regieren in der Arktis Valur Ingimundarson Die Kartierung der Arktis: Bodenschtze, Gromachtpolitik und multilaterale Governance Dirk Notz Die Arktis im Klimawandel Christoph Seidler Die traditionellen Arktis-Bewohner und der Klimawandel Matthias Hannemann "North to the Future" - die Arktis und die Medien

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 7-8/2011)- Kommunalpolitik

Johannes Slawig Der Tag danach - Essay Hiltrud Namacher Kommunalpolitik in Deutschland Lars Holtkamp Kommunale Haushaltspolitik bei leeren Kassen Joy Richard Fatoyinbo Kommunale Kulturfinanzierung im Zeichen der Krise Angelika Vetter Lokale Politik als Rettungsanker der Demokratie? Ulrich Sarcinelli / Mathias Knig / Wolfgang Knig Brgerbeteiligung in der Kommunal- und Verwaltungsreform Scott Stock Gissendanner Kommunale Integrationspolitik

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 9/2011)- Irak

Henner Frtig Der Irak als demokratischer "Musterstaat" in Nahost? Eine Zwischenbilanz

Karin Mlodoch Zwischen individueller Verarbeitung und gesamtgesellschaftlicher Vershnung: Vergangenheitsbewltigung im Irak Birgit Svensson Von Frhling und Herbst der Pressefreiheit im neuen Irak - Essay Ferhad Ibrahim Droht eine Zerstrung der ethnischen und religisen Vielfalt im Irak? James Dingley Kurdistan zwischen Autonomie und Selbstverantwortung Lamis Andoni Hat die arabische Welt den Irak vergessen? - Essay Loay Mudhoon Wandel der regionalen Ordnung und Aufstieg neuer Mchte in der Golfregion

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 10-11/2011)- Demografischer Wandel

Bjrn Schwentker / James W. Vaupel Eine neue Kultur des Wandels - Essay Tilman Mayer Demografiepolitik - gestalten oder verwalten? Axel Brsch-Supan konomische Auswirkungen des demografischen Wandels Norbert F. Schneider / Jrgen Dorbritz Wo bleiben die Kinder? Der niedrigen Geburtenrate auf der Spur Hans Dietrich von Loeffelholz Demografischer Wandel und Migration als Megatrends Thomas Bryant Alterungsangst und Todesgefahr - der deutsche Demografie-Diskurs (1911-2011)

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 12/2011)- konomische Bildung

Hermann May konomische Bildung als Allgemeinbildung Dirk Loerwald / Rudolf Schrder Zur Institutionalisierung konomischer Bildung im allgemeinbildenden Schulwesen Thomas Retzmann Kompetenzen und Standards der konomischen Bildung Hans Jrgen Schlsser / Maria Neubauer / Polia Tzanov Finanzielle Bildung Ilona Ebbers / Rebekka Klein Kultur der unternehmerischen Selbststndigkeit Andreas Liening

E-Learning in der konomischen Bildung Wolfgang Gaiser / Martina Gille / Johann de Rijke Jugend in der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise Gerd-E. Famulla / Andreas Fischer / Reinhold Hedtke / Birgit Weber / Bettina Zurstrassen Bessere konomische Bildung: problemorientiert, pluralistisch, multidisziplinr

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 15/2011)- Humanisierung der Arbeit

Oskar Negt Arbeit und menschliche Wrde Essay Carsten Keller / Olaf Groh-Samberg / Michael Hofmann / Silke Rbenack / Gilles Reckinger / Diana Reiners / Kathrin Schrader / Kathrin Englert Ein halbes Leben. Vier Kurzportrts aus einer Arbeitswelt im Umbruch Dieter Sauer Von der "Humanisierung der Arbeit" zur "Guten Arbeit" Eva Senghaas-Knobloch Arbeitskraft ist mehr als eine Ware. Arbeiten in der postfordistischen Dienstleistungsgesellschaft Julia Lepperhoff Qualitt von Arbeit: messen - analysieren - umsetzen Alexander Bhne "Humanisierung" der Arbeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit - Essay Cordula Drautz Arbeit und Autonomie. Pldoyer fr eine nachhaltige Arbeitspolitik

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 13-14/2011)- Islam in Deutschland

Eren Gvercin / Hamed Abdel-Samad / Lamya Kaddor / Milad Karimi Was ist ein zeitgenssischer Islam? Stefan Weidner Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Islamkritik fr das Leben Nimet eker Ist der Islam ein Integrationshindernis? - Essay Mathias Rohe Islam und skularer Rechtsstaat: Grundlagen und gesellschaftlicher Diskurs Nilden Vardar / Stephanie Mssig Zur Rolle von muslimischen Konvertierten im Gemeindeleben Michael Kiefer "Islamische Studien" an deutschen Universitten - Zielsetzungen, offene Fragen und Perspektiven Michael Borgolte Der Islam als Geburtshelfer Europas



November 2010; 27 (6) Megacities and Violence // Zygmunt Bauman

Ryan Bishop Introduction: The Problem of Violence: Megacities and Violence Special Section Eyal Weizman Legislative Attack Saskia Sassen When the City Itself Becomes a Technology of War Peter Adey Vertical Security in the Megacity: Legibility, Mobility and Aerial Politics Jordan Crandall The Geospatialization of Calculative Operations: Tracking, Sensing and Megacities Roy Boyne Introduction: Three Responses to Zygmunt Bauman Martin Jay Liquidity Crisis: Zygmunt Bauman and the Incredible Lightness of Modernity John Milbank Culture and Justice Julia Hell Modernity and the Holocaust, or, Listening to Eurydice

December 2010; 27 (7-8)- Fanon: The Wretched of the Earth Fifty Years On // Photography and the State // Global Public Life
Lynne Huffer / Elizabeth Wilson Mad for Foucault: A Conversation Vikki Bell Introduction: Fanons The Wretched of the Earth 50 Years On Paul Gilroy Fanon and Amry: Theory, Torture and the Prospect of Humanism David Macey I Am My Own Foundation: Frantz Fanon as a Source of Continued Political Embarrassment Mohammed A. Bamyeh On Humanizing Abstractions: The Path beyond Fanon Azzedine Haddour Torture Unveiled: Rereading Fanon and Bourdieu in the Context of May 1958 Franoise Vergs There Are No Blacks in France: Fanonian Discourse, the Dark Night of Slavery and the French Civilizing Mission Reconsidered Ghassan Hage The Affective Politics of Racial Mis-interpellation

AbdouMaliq Simone A Town on Its Knees?: Economic Experimentations with Postcolonial Urban Politics in Africa and Southeast Asia Jennifer Bajorek Introduction: Special Section on Recent Photography Theory: The State in Visual Matters Jens Andermann State Formation, Visual Technology and Spectatorship: Visions of Modernity in Brazil and Argentina Andrea Noble Recognizing Historical Injustice through Photography: Mexico 1968 Bronwyn Law-Viljoen Bang-Bang Has Been Good to Us: Photography and Violence in South Africa Ariella Azoulay Getting Rid of the Distinction between the Aesthetic and the Political Jennifer Bajorek /Erin Haney Eye on Bamako: Conversations on the African Photography Biennial Stewart Motha Begging to Be Black: Liminality and Critique in Post-Apartheid South Africa Susanne Neubauer On Visualized Vision in the Early Photographic Work of Warren Neidich

Sociological Forum
December 2010, Volume 25, Issue 4, Pages 643882
Rosanna Hertz Economic Crisis and New Social Realities: Bait and Switch and the American Dream Presidential Address 2010 (pages 643654) Bernice A. Pescosolido and Sigrun Olafsdottir The Cultural Turn in Sociology: Can It Help Us Resolve an Age-Old Problem in Understanding Decision Making for Health Care? (pages 655676) Amanda Miller and Sharon Sassler Stability and Change in the Division of Labor among Cohabiting Couples (pages 677702) Catharine H. Warner Emotional Safeguarding: Exploring the Nature of Middle-Class Parents School Involvement (pages 703724) Zakia Salime Securing the Market, Pacifying Civil Society, Empowering Women: The Middle East Partnership Initiative (pages 725745) Brian Mayer, Phil Brown and Rachel Morello-Frosch Labor-Environmental Coalition Formation: Framing and the Right to Know (pages 746 768) Ziad Munson

Mobilizing on Campus: Conservative Movements and Todays College Students (pages 769786) Robert A. Lonardo, Wendy D. Manning, Peggy C. Giordano and Monica A. Longmore Offending, Substance Use, and Cohabitation in Young Adulthood (pages 787803) Margaretha Jrvinen and Gale Miller Methadone Maintenance as Last Resort: A Social Phenomenology of a Drug Policy (pages 804823) Stephen F. Ostertag Processing Culture: Cognition, Ontology, and the News Media (pages 824850) Javier Auyero Chuck and Pierre at the Welfare Office (pages 851860)

March 2011, Volume 26, Issue 1, Pages 1213

Naomi Gerstel Rethinking Families and Community: The Color, Class, and Centrality of Extended Kin Ties (pages 120) Joachim J. Savelsberg and Sarah Floo American Criminology Meets Collins: Global Theory of Intellectual Change and a PolicyOriented Field (pages 2144) Elizabeth Williamson The Magic of Multiple Emotions: An Examination of Shifts in Emotional Intensity During the Reclaiming Movements Recruiting/Training Events and Event Reattendance (pages 4570) Xinxiang Chen Tolerance and Economic Performance in American Metropolitan Areas: An Empirical Investigation (pages 7197) Katja M. Guenther, Sadie Pendaz and Fortunata Songora Makene The Impact of Intersecting Dimensions of Inequality and Identity on the Racial Status of Eastern African Immigrants (pages 98120) Hana Shepherd The Cultural Context of Cognition: What the Implicit Association Test Tells Us About How Culture Works (pages 121143) Ed Collom Motivations and Differential Participation in a Community Currency System: The Dynamics Within a Local Social Movement Organization (pages 144168) Rebecca Tiger Drug Courts and the Logic of Coerced Treatment (pages 169182) Karen A. Cerul The Forum Mailbox (pages 183186) Arlene Stein The Forum: Therapeutic PoliticsAn Oxymoron? (pages 187193)


Theory and Society

Volume 39, Number 6 / November 2010
Roberto P. Franzosi Sociology, narrative, and the quality versus quantity debate (Goethe versus Newton): Can computer-assisted story grammars help us understand the rise of Italian fascism (1919 1922)? Benjamin Gregg Individuals as authors of human rights: not only addressees Omar Lizardo Beyond the antinomies of structure: Levi-Strauss, Giddens, Bourdieu, and Sewell Dennis Mares Stephen Mennell: The American civilizing process

Volume 40, Number 1 / Januar 2011

Peter P. Houtzager und Arnab K. Acharya Associations, active citizenship, and the quality of democracy in Brazil and Mexico Hazem Kandil Islamizing Egypt? Testing the limits of Gramscian counterhegemonic strategies Jason Owen-Smith The institutionalization of expertise in university licensing Eitan Y. Alimi Relational dynamics in factional adoption of terrorist tactics: a comparative perspective

Volume 40, Number 2 / Mrz 2011

Jason Kaufman und Matthew E. Kaliner The re-accomplishment of place in twentieth century Vermont and New Hampshire: history repeats itself, until it doesnt Harvey Molotch Granite and green: thinking beyond surface in place studies Sharon Zukin Reconstructing the authenticity of place Balihar Sanghera, Mehrigiul Ablezova und Aisalkyn Botoeva Everyday morality in families and a critique of social capital: an investigation into moral judgements, responsibilities, and sentiments in Kyrgyzstani households Nicolas Mariot Does acclamation equal agreement? Rethinking collective effervescence through the case of the presidential tour de France during the twentieth century

Volume 40, Number 3 / Mai 2011

Chandra Mukerji


Jurisdiction, inscription, and state formation: administrative modernism and knowledge regimes Isaac Ariail Reed und Julia Adams Culture in the transitions to modernity: seven pillars of a new research agenda Michael Strand Where do classifications come from? The DSM-III, the transformation of American psychiatry, and the problem of origins in the sociology of knowledge Matthew Norton A structural hermeneutics of The OReilly Factor

Economy and Society

Volume 39, Issue 4, 2010
Michael Pryke Money's eyes: the visual preparation of financial markets Erik W. Larson Time and the constitution of markets: internal dynamics and external relations of stock exchanges in Fiji, Ghana and Iceland Pat O'Malley Resilient subjects: uncertainty, warfare and liberalism Kathrin Braun; Alfred Moore; Svea Luise Herrmann; Sabine Knninger Science governance and the politics of proper talk: governmental bioethics as a new technology of reflexive government Patrick John Ring Governance and governmentality: a discussion in the context of UK private pension provision Maurizio Meloni Review: Biopolitics for philosophers

Volume 40, Issue 1, 2011

Kees van Veen; Jan Kratzer National and international interlocking directorates within Europe: corporate networks within and among fifteen European countries Aaron Z. Pitluck Distributed execution in illiquid times: an alternative explanation of trading in stock markets Tat Yan Kong Pathways to cooperation: the transformation of labour relations among leading South Korean firms Marc T. Moore; Antoine Rebrioux Revitalizing the institutional roots of Anglo-American corporate governance Brett Christophers Making finance productive

Galit Ailon Mapping the cultural grammar of reflexivity: the case of the Enron scandal

Political Theory
October 2010; 38 (5)
Albert W. Dzur Democracys Free School: Tocqueville and Lieber on the Value of the Jury Bart van Leeuwen Dealing with Urban Diversity: Promises and Challenges of City Life for Intercultural Citizenship Andrew Mason Rawlsian Theory and the Circumstances of Politics Dan Sabia Defending Immanent Critique James M. Glass Review Essay: Romancing Sovereignty: Democracy and Its Enthusiasts: Twenty Theses on Politics, by Enrique Dussel (Translated by George Ciccariello-Maher). Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2008. 160 pp. Democracy and the Politics of the Extraordinary: Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, and Hannah Arendt, by Andreas Kalyvas. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 326 pp. Critique and Disclosure: Critical Theory between Past and Future, by Nikolas Kompridis. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2006. 337 pp Elisabeth Ellis Review Essay: Difficult Discoveries: Rousseauian Investigations of Love and Democracy: The Deepening Darkness: Patriarchy, Resistance, and Democracys Future, by Carol Gilligan and David A. J. Richards. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. 339 + xi pp. $29.99 cloth. Political Solidarity, by Sally J. Scholz. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008. 286 + ix pp. $55.00 cloth Keith Topper Book in Review: Logics of Critical Explanation in Social and Political Theory, by Jason Glynos and David Howarth. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2007. 288 pp. $150.00 (cloth), $41.95 (paper) James Miller Book in Review: The Ethos of a Late-Modern Citizen, by Stephen K. White. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009. 135 pp. $45.00 (cloth)

December 2010; 38 (6)

Mary G. Dietz From the Editor Timo Pankakoski Conflict, Context, Concreteness: Koselleck and Schmitt on Concepts Horacio Spector Four Conceptions of Freedom Lars Vinx

Constitutional Indifferentism and Republican Freedom Eugene Garver Why Cant We All Just Get Along: The Reasonable vs. the Rational According to Spinoza Stefan Dolgert Species of Disability: Response to Arnei Barbara Arneil Animals and Interdependence: Reply to Dolger Harry C. Boyte A Commonwealth of Freedom: Response to Beltrn Cristina Beltrn Everyday Acts of Greatness: Reply to Boyte Sharon R. Krause Review Essay: Beyond Capitalism?: Why Not Socialism? by G. A. Cohen. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009. 92 pp. $14.95 (hardcover). Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies: Communicative Capitalism and Left Politics, by Jodi Dean. Durham: Duke University Press, 2009. 232 pp. $21.95 (paperback

February 2011; 39 (1)

Mary G. Dietz From the Editor Special Section: Freedom and the Feminine in Locke Timothy Stanton Authority and Freedom in the Interpretation of Lockes Political Theory Torrey Shanks Feminine Figures and the Fatherhood: Rhetoric and Reason in Lockes First Treatise of

Special Section: Freedom and the Fool in Hobbes Johan Tralau Hobbes contra Liberty of Conscience Patricia Springborg Hobbess Fool the Insipiens, and the Tyrant-King Feature Symposium: Reading James Tully, Public Philosophy in a New Key (Vols. I & II) Anthony Simon Laden The Key to/of Public Philosophy Rainer Forst The Power of Critique David Armitage Probing the Foundations of Tullys Public Philosophy Duncan Ivison Another World Is Actual: Between Imperialism and Freedom

Bonnie Honig [Un]Dazzled by the Ideal?: Tullys Politics and Humanism in Tragic Perspective James Tully Dialogue Katherine Smits Review Public Philosophy in a New Key, vols. I and II, by James Tully. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008 Dean Hammer Review Thomas Hobbes, Translations of Homer, 2 vols, edited by Eric Nelson. Clarendon, UK: Oxford University Press, 2008 William Corlett Review Reflections on Time and Politics, by Nathan Widder. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008. 224 pp. $45.00 (cloth Stephen K. White Reply to James Millers Review of The Ethos of a Late-Modern Citize

April 2011; 39 (2) Special Section: Enlightenment

Annelien de Dijn On Political Liberty: Montesquieus Missing Manuscript Ryan Patrick Hanley David Hume and the Politics of Humanity Shalini Satkunanandan The Extraordinary Categorical Imperative Mika LaVaque-Manty Our Kant: The Force of the Example: Explorations in the Paradigm of Judgment, by Alessandro Ferrara. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. Enthusiasm: The Kantian Critique of History, by Jean-Franois Lyotard. Translated by G. van den Abbeele. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2009. Force and Freedom: Kants Legal and Political Philosophy, by Arthur Ripstein. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009. Kant and the Limits of Autonomy, by Susan Meld Shell. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009 Steven B. Smith Secularization and Its Discontents: The Politics of Postsecular Religion: Mourning Secular Futures, by Ananda Abeysekara. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. Christianity, Democracy, and the Radical Ordinary: Conversations between a Radical Democrat and a Christian, by Stanley Hauerwas and Romand Coles. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2008. Secularisms, edited by Janet Jakobsen and Ann Pellegrini. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009. Prodigal Nation: Moral Decline and Divine Punishment from New England to 9/11, by Andrew R. Murphy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009

Cultural Studies
Volume 24, Issue 6, 2010
Gail Baylis; Sarah Edge

THE GREAT FAMINE. Absence, memory and photography Susannah Bowyer QUEER PATRIOTS. Sexuality and the character of national identity in Ireland Anthony McNicholas FAITH AND FATHERLAND. Cultural nationalism and the Irish press in mid-Victorian England Diane Negra URBAN SPACE, LUXURY RETAILING AND THE NEW IRISHNESS Sean Phelan; Pat Brereton NEITHER WITH YOU OR AGAINST YOU. Irish cultural representation of America after September 11 Pauline Whelan Review: SUGARY TALES AND DEVELOPMENTAL TRAGEDIES

Volume 25, Issue 1, 2011

Stephen Chan; Po-keung Hui INTRODUCTION. Education and Cultural Studies Vinod Raina BETWEEN BEHAVIOURISM AND CONSTRUCTIVISM. Quality education in a multicultural context Stephen Chan; Muriel Law TAKING EDUCATION SERIOUSLY AS REFORM. Curriculum policy research and its implications for Cultural Studies Xiaoming Luo CURRICULUM REFORM IN THE COURSE OF SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION. The case of Shanghai Julian Sefton-Gree CULTURAL STUDIES AND EDUCATION. Reflecting on differences, impacts, effects and change Anup K. Dhar CULTURAL STUDIES AS LABOR OF NEGOTIATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION Nancy Lien BEYOND LIFE IN SCHOOLS. Stories of border pedagogy in Taiwan Po-keung Hui; Chak-Sang Pang DOING CULTURAL STUDIES IN THE HONG KONG EDUCATIONAL CONTEXT. A tale of two action research experiments

Volume 25, Issue 2, 2011

Angela McRobbie INTRODUCTION. Queer adventures in Cultural Studies Donna Landry QUEER ISLAM AND NEW HISTORICISM

Volker Woltersdorff PARADOXES OF PRECARIOUS SEXUALITIES. Sexual subcultures under neo-liberalism Lisa Blackman AFFECT, PERFORMANCE AND QUEER SUBJECTIVITIES Cecilia Sosa BEAU TRAVAIL (1998) AND JUDITH BUTLER. Dancing at the limits of queer melancholia Leticia Sabsay THE LIMITS OF DEMOCRACY. Transgender sex work and citizenship Tim Lawrence DISCO AND THE QUEERING OF THE DANCE FLOOR Heidi Hoefinger 'PROFESSIONAL GIRLFRIENDS. An ethnography of sexuality, solidarity and subculture in Cambodia

Volume 25, Issue 3, 2011

Justin Armstrong EVERYDAY AFTERLIFE. Walter Benjamin and the politics of abandonment in Saskatchewan, Canada Benzi Zhang THE CULTURAL POLITICS OF GENDER PERFORMANCE. An inquiry into fe/male impersonation Emma Kowal THE STIGMA OF WHITE PRIVILEGE. Australian anti-racists and Indigenous improvement Michele Rapoport DUALISM AND DESIRE IN THE LANDSCAPE OF THE DIVINE Piotr M. Szpunar NEITHER 'NON-'NOR 'BECOMING'. American Polonia and the need to reformulate whiteness Younghan Cho DESPERATELY SEEKING EAST ASIA AMIDST THE POPULARITY OF SOUTH KOREAN POP CULTURE IN ASIA Christine Buzinde; Iyunolu Osagie WILLIAM WELLS BROWN. Fugitive subjectivity, travel writing, and the gaze

Special section: Responses to Arturo Escobar's 'Latin America at a Crossroads: Alternative Modernizations, Post-Liberalism, or PostDevelopment'
Lawrence Grossberg; Della Pollock A Note from the Editors Cristina Rojas LATIN AMERICA. Turning left or crossing multiple roads? Eduardo Restrepo


Millenium Journal of Peace Research

September 2010; 47 (5)
Aysegul Aydin The deterrent effects of economic integration Reat Bayer Peaceful transitions and democracy Cullen F Goenner From toys to warships: Interdependence and the effects of disaggregated trade on militarized disputes Taehee Whang Structural estimation of economic sanctions: From initiation to outcomes Daphna Canetti, Stevan E Hobfoll, Ami Pedahzur, Eran Zaidise Much ado about religion: Religiosity, resource loss, and support for political violenc Anjali Thomas Bohlken, Ernest John Sergenti Economic growth and ethnic violence: An empirical investigation of HinduMuslim riots in India Reed M Wood Rebel capability and strategic violence against civilians Aaron M Hoffman Voice and silence: Why groups take credit for acts of terror Jeni Whalan The power of friends: The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands

Jan Bender Shetler Historical memory as a foundation for peace: Network formation and ethnic identity in North Mara, Tanzania Clionadh Raleigh, Andrew Linke, Hvard Hegre, Joakim Karlsen Introducing ACLED: An Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset: Special Data Feature Pavel Baev, Clark Capshaw, Suk Chun, Rene Gendron, Jonas Hagmann, Jrgen Jensehaugen, Paul T Levin, Hanne Eggen Rislien, Stein Tnnesson, Hilde Wallacher Book Notes

November 2010; 47 (6)

Massimo Guidolin and Eliana La Ferrara The economic effects of violent conflict: Evidence from asset market reactions Benjamin O Fordham Trade and asymmetric alliances T. Camber Warren The geometry of security: Modeling interstate alliances as evolving networks Irfan Nooruddin and Autumn Lockwood Payton Dynamics of influence in international politics: The ICC, BIAs, and economic sanctions Dong-Hun Kim and Peter F Trumbore Transnational mergers and acquisitions: The impact of FDI on human rights, 19812006 Quy-Toan Do and Lakshmi Iyer Geography, poverty and conflict in Nepal Rafael Reuveny, Andreea S Mihalache-O'Keef, and Quan Li The effect of warfare on the environment Hvard Hegre, John R Oneal, and Bruce Russett Trade does promote peace: New simultaneous estimates of the reciprocal effects of trade and conflict Gne Murat Tezcr When democratization radicalizes: The Kurdish nationalist movement in Turkey Bruce Cronin Be careful what you wish for: War aims and the construction of postwar political orders Tricia D Olsen, Leigh A Payne, and Andrew G Reiter Transitional justice in the world, 1970-2007: Insights from a new datase

January 2011; 48 (1)

Special Section on Terrorism Eric Neumayer and Thomas Plmper Foreign terror on Americans Joseph K Young and Laura Dugan Veto players and terror Michael Mousseau

Urban poverty and support for Islamist terror: Survey results of Muslims in fourteen countries

Special Data Feature

Luis de la Calle and Ignacio Snchez-Cuenca The quantity and quality of terrorism: The DTV dataset

Research Articles
Christopher S P Magee and Tansa George Massoud Openness and internal conflict Marie Olson Lounsbery and Alethia H Cook Rebellion, mediation, and group change: An empirical investigation of competing hypotheses Toby J Rider, Michael G Findley, and Paul F Diehl Just part of the game? Arms races, rivalry, and war Krista E Wiegand Militarized territorial disputes: States attempts to transfer reputation for resolve Ifat Maoz Does contact work in protracted asymmetrical conflict? Appraising 20 years of reconciliation-aimed encounters between Israeli Jews and Palestinians

March 2011; 48 (2)

Michael Bleaney and Arcangelo Dimico How different are the correlates of onset and continuation of civil wars? Jelena Subotic Expanding the scope of post-conflict justice: Individual, state and societal responsibility for mass atrocity Nicolas Rost and J Michael Greig Taking matters into their own hands: An analysis of the determinants of state-conducted peacekeeping in civil wars Timothy M Peterson Third-party trade, political similarity, and dyadic conflict Eelco van der Maat Sleeping hegemons: Third-party intervention following territorial integrity transgression Christopher Cotton and Chang Liu 100 Horsemen and the empty city: A game theoretic examination of deception in Chinese military legend Armand Chatard, Leila Selimbegovi, Paul NDri Konan, Jamie Arndt, Tom Pyszczynski, Fabio LorenziCioldi, and Martial Van der Linden Terror management in times of war: Mortality salience effects on self-esteem and governmental and army support Rafi Nets-Zehngut

Origins of the Palestinian refugee problem: Changes in the historical memory of Israelis/Jews 19492004

Special Data Feature

Jonathan M Powell and Clayton L Thyne Global instances of coups from 1950 to 2010: A new dataset

International OrganizationStudies
Volume 64 - Issue 04 - 2010
Kenneth Scheve and David Stasavage The Conscription of Wealth: Mass Warfare and the Demand for Progressive Taxation Karen J. Alter and Laurence R. Helfer Nature or Nurture? Judicial Lawmaking in the European Court of Justice and the Andean Tribunal of Justice Daniela Donno Who Is Punished? Regional Intergovernmental Organizations and the Enforcement of Democratic Norms Todd S. Sechser Goliath's Curse: Coercive Threats and Asymmetric Power Jeff D. Colgan Oil and Revolutionary Governments: Fuel for International Conflict J. Lawrence Broz and Michael Plouffe The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Anchors: FirmLevel Evidence

Volume 65 - Issue 01 - 2011

Jordan Branch Mapping the Sovereign State: Technology, Authority, and Systemic Change Helen V. Milner and Dustin H. Tingley Who Supports Global Economic Engagement? The Sources of Preferences in American Foreign Economic Policy R. Charli Carpenter Vetting the Advocacy Agenda: Network Centrality and the Paradox of Weapons Norms Sarah Sunn Bush International Politics and the Spread of Quotas for Women in Legislatures Hctor Perla Jr. Explaining Public Support for the Use of Military Force: The Impact of Reference Point Framing and Prospective Decision Making Eric Helleiner and Stefano Pagliari The End of an Era in International Financial Regulation? A Postcrisis Research Agenda

Volume 65 - Issue 02 - 2011


Christian Reus-Smit Struggles for Individual Rights and the Expansion of the International System Brian C. Rathbun Before Hegemony: Generalized Trust and the Creation and Design of International Security Organizations David B. Carter and H. E. Goemans The Making of the Territorial Order: New Borders and the Emergence of Interstate Conflict Thomas Oatley The Reductionist Gamble: Open Economy Politics in the Global Economy Dustin H. Tingley and Barbara F. Walter The Effect of Repeated Play on Reputation Building: An Experimental Approach

December 2010; 39 (2)

Alejandro Cols & George Lawson Fred Halliday: Achievements, Ambivalences and Openings Matthew Fluck

Truth, Values and the Value of Truth in Critical International Relations Theory
September 2010; 24 (3)
Richard Ned Lebow The Past and Future of War Denise Garcia Warming to a Redefinition of International Security: The Consolidation of a Norm Concerning Climate Chang Andrew Brown and Lorna Arnold The Quirks of Nuclear Deterrence Sebastian Kaempf Russia: A Part of the West or Apart from the West Andrew D. Brunatti and David M. Malone Fading Glories? Indias Relations with Western Europe and Russia

December 2010; 24 (4)

Des Browne, Shatabhisha Shetty, and Andrew Somerville The Importance of Political Leadership in Achieving a World Free of Nuclear Weapons Douglas B. Klusmeyer Hans Morgenthau and Republicanism Andreas Armborst Modelling Terrorism and Political Violence Simon Curtis and Marjo Koivisto

Towards a Second Second Debate? Rethinking the Relationship between Science and History in International Theory Alexandria J. Innes When the Threatened Become the Threat: The Construction of Asylum Seekers in British Media Narratives Jonathan Joseph Is Waltz a Realist?

March 2011; 25 (1)

Barry Buzan The Inaugural Kenneth N. Waltz Annual Lecture A World Order Without Superpowers: Decentred Globalism Laust Schouenborg A New Institutionalism? The English School as International Sociological Theory Kuniyuki Nishimura E. H. Carr, Dostoevsky, and the Problem of Irrationality in Modern Europe Daniel Brunstetter and Scott Brunstetter Shades of Green: Engaged Pacifism, the Just War Tradition, and the German Greens1 Lisa L. Ferrari Catholic and Non-Catholic NGOs Fighting HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: Issue Framing and Collaboration Laura Sjoberg Gender, the State, and War Redux: Feminist International Relations across the Levels of Analysis Jean Bethke Elshtain Reply

International TheoryA Journal of International Politics, Law and Philosophy

Table of Contents - Volume 2 - Issue 03 - 2010
Wouter G. Werner The changing face of enmity: Carl Schmitts international theory and the evolution of the legal concept of war Hans Agn Why democracy must be global: self-founding and democratic intervention Casper Sylvest Realism and international law: the challenge of John H. Herz David A. Welch

A Cultural Theory meets cultures of theory

Nicholas Rengger

Remember the Aeneid? Why international theory should beware Greek gifts Jacques E.C. Hymans The arrival of psychological constructivism William C. Wohlforth A matter of honor James D. Morrow Eight questions for A Cultural Theory of International Relations James Der Derian Reading Lebow: a funny thing happened on the way to the oracles Richard Ned Lebow Motives, evidence, identity: engaging my critics

Volume 3 - Issue 01 - 2011

Emanuel Adler and Vincent Pouliot International practices Edward A. Page Cosmopolitanism, climate change, and greenhouse emissions trading Markus Kornprobst The agent's logics of action: defining and mapping political judgement Reinhard Wolf Respect and disrespect in international politics: the significance of status recognition Renee Jeffery Reason, emotion, and the problem of world poverty: moral sentiment theory and international ethics

European Journal of International Relations

December 2010; 16 (4)
Ted Hopf The logic of habit in International Relations Jean-Frdric Morin and E. Richard Gold Consensus-seeking, distrust and rhetorical entrapment: The WTO decision on access to medicines Thomas Rixen Bilateralism or multilateralism? The political economy of avoiding international double taxation Ian Bruff European varieties of capitalism and the international C. William Walldorf, Jr Argument, institutional process, and human rights sanctions in democratic foreign policy Andrei P. Tsygankov and Pavel A. Tsygankov National ideology and IR theory: Three incarnations of the Russian idea

Brent E. Sasley Affective attachments and foreign policy: Israel and the 1993 Oslo Accords Stephanie J. Rickard Democratic differences: Electoral institutions and compliance with GATT/WTO agreements Derrick Frazier and Robert Stewart-Ingersoll Regional powers and security: A framework for understanding order within regional security complexes

March 2011; 17 (1)

Nukhet A. Sandal and Patrick James Religion and International Relations theory: Towards a mutual understanding Srdjan Vucetic Bound to follow? The Anglosphere and US-led coalitions of the willing, 19502001 Lene Hansen Theorizing the image for Security Studies: Visual securitization and the Muhammad Cartoon Crisis Klber Ghimire The United Nations world summits and civil society activism: Grasping the centrality of national dynamics Isak Svensson and Mathilda Lindgren Community and consent: Unarmed insurrections in non-democracies Brian Grodsky Exploring the Schelling conjecture in reverse: International constraints and cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Anthony J. Langlois Is global justice a mirage

Journal of European Public Policy

Volume 17, Issue 7, 2010
David Howarth; Tal Sadeh


David Howarth; Tal Sadeh The ever incomplete single market: differentiation and the evolving frontier of integration Mitchell P. Smith Single market, global competition: regulating the European market in a global economy Nikolaos Zahariadis Discretion by the rules: European state aid policy and the 1999 Procedural Regulation Georg Menz Are you being served? Europeanizing and re-regulating the single market in services Judith Clifton; Daniel Daz-Fuentes; Julio Revuelta

The political economy of telecoms and electricity internationalization in the single market Lucia Quaglia Completing the single market in financial services: the politics of competing advocacy coalitions Vincent Della Sala Stakes and states: gambling and the single market Paul Stephenson Let's get physical: the European Commission and cultivated spillover in completing the single market's transport infrastructure Achim Kemmerling Does Europeanization lead to policy convergence? The role of the Single Market in shaping national tax policies

Volume 17, Issue 8, 2010

Charlotte Wagnsson Divided power Europe: normative divergences among the EU 'big three' Elisabeth De Zutter Normative power spotting: an ontological and methodological appraisal Fabio Wasserfallen The judiciary as legislator? How the European Court of Justice shapes policy-making in the European Union Stefaan Walgrave; Rens Vliegenthart Why are policy agendas punctuated? Friction and cascading in parliament and mass media in Belgium Sofia A. Perez; Jonathan Westrup Finance and the macroeconomy: the politics of regulatory reform in Europe Milena I. Neshkova The impact of subnational interests on supranational regulation Martijn Groenleer; Michael Kaeding; Esther Versluis Regulatory governance through agencies of the European Union? The role of the European agencies for maritime and aviation safety in the implementation of European transport legislation Sandra Eckert Between commitment and control: varieties of delegation in the European postal sector Amandine Crespy When 'Bolkestein' is trapped by the French anti-liberal discourse: a discursiveinstitutionalist account of preference formation in the realm of European Union multilevel politics Jrgen Rland BALANCERS, MULTILATERAL UTILITIES OR REGIONAL IDENTITY BUILDERS? INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND THE STUDY OF INTERREGIONALISM

Volume 18, Issue 1, 2011


Joost Berkhout; David Lowery Short-term volatility in the EU interest community Mark Callanan EU decision-making: reinforcing interest group relationships with national governments? Tore Vincents Olsen The political constitution of the EU citizen rights regime David Judge; David Earnshaw 'Relais actors' and co-decision first reading agreements in the European Parliament: the case of the advanced therapies regulation Robert Ackrill; Adrian Kay Multiple streams in EU policy-making: the case of the 2005 sugar reform Martin Lodge; Kai Wegrich Governance as contested logics of control: Europeanized meat inspection regimes in Denmark and Germany Carsten Jensen Catching up by transition: globalization as a generator of convergence in social spending Ian Bache; George Andreou; Gorica Atanasova; Danijel Tomsic Europeanization and multi-level governance in south-east Europe: the domestic impact of EU cohesion policy and pre-accession aid

Volume 18, Issue 2, 2011

Jeremy Richardson Editorial announcement: JEPP and EUSA Michael E. Smith A liberal grand strategy in a realist world? Power, purpose and the EU's changing global role Skander Nasra Governance in EU foreign policy: exploring small state influence Semin Suvarierol Everyday cosmopolitanism in the European Commission Darren R. Halpin; Anne S. Binderkrantz Explaining breadth of policy engagement: patterns of interest group mobilization in public policy Scott L. Greer; Simone Rauscher Destabilization rights and restabilization politics: policy and political reactions to European Union healthcare services law George Christou; Seamus Simpson The European Union, multilateralism and the global governance of the Internet Jan Karlas Parliamentary control of EU affairs in Central and Eastern Europe: explaining the variation

Johan Schot; Frank Schipper Experts and European transport integration, 1945-1958 Carl Dahlstrm Who takes the hit? Ministerial advisers and the distribution of welfare state cuts Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling; Kutsal Yesilkagit DIFFERENTIAL LEGACY EFFECTS: THREE PROPOSITIONS ON THE IMPACT OF ADMINISTRATIVE TRADITIONS ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM IN EUROPE EAST AND WEST

Volume 18, Issue 3, 2011

Andreas Dr; Manfred Elsig Principals, agents, and the European Union's foreign economic policies Dirk De Bivre; Jappe Eckhardt Interest groups and EU anti-dumping policy Arlo Poletti World Trade Organization judicialization and preference convergence in EU trade policy: making the agent's life easier Daniel Mgge The European presence in global financial governance: a principal-agent perspective Eugnia da Conceio-Heldt Variation in EU member states' preferences and the Commission's discretion in the Doha Round Arne Niemann; Judith Huigens The European Union's role in the G8: a principal-agent perspective Patrick Leblond EU, US and international accounting standards: a delicate balancing act in governing global finance

GLOBAL GOVERNANCE- A Review of Multilateralism and

International Organizations
Vol. 16 No. 4 Oct.Dec. 2010
Abiodun Williams Strategic Planning in the Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General Andrea Birdsall The Monster That We Need to Slay? Global Governance, the United States, and the International Criminal David A. Lake Making America Safe for the World: Multilateralism and the Rehabilitation of US Authority Lise Morj Howard Sources of Change in United StatesUnited Nations Kent J. Kille and Ryan C. Hendrickson

Secretary-General Leadership Across the United Nations and NATO: Kofi Annan, Javier Solana, and Operation Allied Force Herbert Wulf and Tobias Debiel Systemic Disconnects: Why Regional Organizations Fail to Use Early Warning and Response Mechanisms

Vol. 17 No. 1 Jan.Mar. 2011

Margaret Joan Anstee The John Holmes Memorial Lecture: What Price Security? Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and David Hulme International Norm Dynamics and the End of Poverty: Understanding the Millennium Development Goals Astri Suhrke Virtues of a Narrow Mission: The UN Peace Operation in Nepal Ann Florini and Benjamin K. Sovacool Bridging the Gaps in Global Energy Governance Alexandra Gheciu and Roland Paris NATO and the Challenge of Sustainable Peacebuilding Anand Menon and Jennifer Welsh Understanding NATOs Sustainability:The Limits of Institutionalist Theory Alexandra Gheciu Divided Partners: The Challenges of NATO-NGO Cooperation in Peacebuilding Operations Michael J. Williams (Un)Sustainable Peacebuilding: NATOs Suitability for Postconflict Reconstruction in Multiactor Environments

Vol. 17 No. 2 Apr.June 2011

Gilles Carbonnier Introduction: The Global and Local Governance of Extractive Resources Paul Stevens Contractual Arrangements and Revenue Management: The UK/Scotland and Norwegian Experience Christine Batruch Does Corporate Social Responsibility Make a Difference? Xiaojie Xu Chinese Responses to Good Energy Governance Jonathan Di John Is There Really a Resource Curse? A Critical Survey of Theory and Evidence Peter Schaber Property Rights and the Resource Curse

Jorge E. Viuales The Resource Curse: A Legal Perspective Giacomo Luciani Price and Revenue Volatility: What Policy Options and Role for the State? Matthew S. Winters and John A. Gould Betting on Oil: The World Banks Attempt to Promote Accountability in Chad Gilles Carbonnier, Fritz Brugger, and Jana Krause Global and Local Policy Responses to the Resource Trap Achim Wennmann Breaking the Conflict Trap? Addressing the Resource Curse in Peace Processes

Globalizations, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2010, Financial Crisis Special Issue: Globalization and Crisis
Mark Beeson Asian Antinomies: East Asia's Continuing Engagement with the Global Political Economy Vinod K. Aggarwal Look West: The Evolution of US Trade Policy Toward Asia Martin Gainsborough Present but not Powerful: Neoliberalism, the State, and Development in Vietnam Lena Rethel Financialisation and the Malaysian Political Economy Mark Beeson; Andr Broome Hegemonic Instability and East Asia: Contradictions, Crises and US Power Silje Johannessen; Harold Wilhite Who Really Benefits from Fairtrade? An Analysis of Value Distribution in Fairtrade Coffee Rohan K. Kalyan Ghostly Images, Phantom Discourses, and the Virtuality of the Global Donald G. Richards Contradictions of the 'New Green Revolution': A View from South America's Southern Cone

Globalizations, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2011, Financial Crisis Special Issue: Globalization and Crisis
Rowan Wilken; John Sinclair Global Marketing Communications and Strategic Regionalism Niamh Gaynor The Global Development Project Contested: The Local Politics of the PRSP Process in Malawi Martin Aranguren

Power Politics, Professionalism, and Patron-Client Relationships in Human Rights Advocacy: How Dalit Rights became Human Rights Jeffrey Ayres; Michael J. Bosia Beyond Global Summitry: Food Sovereignty as Localized Resistance to Globalization Ramona Fruja Amthor; Scott Alan Metzger Neoliberalism, Globalization, and the American Universities in Eastern Europe: Tensions and Possibilities in 'Exported' Higher Education Miriam C. Heigl An Operationalization of the Strategic-Relational Approach: The Contested Privatization of the Mexican Oil Sector (1982-2006) Desmond McNeill; Asuncion Lera St. Clair Poverty, Human Rights, and Global Justice: The Response-Ability of Multilateral Organizations Silke Trommer Activists beyond Brussels: Transnational NGO Strategies on EU-West African Trade Negotiations

International Studies Quarterly

September 2010 Volume 54, Issue 3
David A. Lake Rightful Rules: Authority, Order, and the Foundations of Global Governance (pages 587 613) Madeleine O. Hosli and Christine Arnold The Importance of Actor Cleavages in Negotiating the European Constitution (pages 615 632) Ellen A. Cutrone and Benjamin O. Fordham Commerce and Imagination: The Sources of Concern about International Human Rights in the US Congress (pages 633655) Andrew Kerner and Jeffrey Kucik The International and Domestic Determinants of Insider Trading Laws (pages 657682) Nathan Lillie Bringing the Offshore Ashore: Transnational Production, Industrial Relations and the Reconfiguration of Sovereignty (pages 683704) Amir Lupovici The Emerging Fourth Wave of Deterrence TheoryToward a New Research Agenda (pages 705732) Erin K. Wilson Beyond Dualism: Expanded Understandings of Religion and Global Justice (pages 733 754) Trevor Rubenzer and Steven B. Redd

Ethnic Minority Groups and US Foreign Policy: Examining Congressional Decision Making and Economic Sanctions (pages 755777) David R. Dreyer Issue Conflict Accumulation and the Dynamics of Strategic Rivalry (pages 779795) Rick Travis Problems, Politics, and Policy Streams: A Reconsideration US Foreign Aid Behavior toward Africa (pages 797821) Xun Cao Networks as Channels of Policy Diffusion: Explaining Worldwide Changes in Capital Taxation, 19982006 (pages 823854) Edward Schatz and Renan Levine Framing, Public Diplomacy, and Anti-Americanism in Central Asia (pages 855869) Alexandru Grigorescu The Spread of Bureaucratic Oversight Mechanisms across Intergovernmental Organizations (pages 871886) Benjamin J. Cohen Are IPE Journals Becoming Boring? (pages 887891) Vinod K. Aggarwal I Dont Get No Respect: The Travails of IPE (pages 893895) Robert A. Denemark Toward a Vibrant IPE Literature: Commiserating with Cohen (pages 897899) Lorraine Eden Adding Spice to Our Scholarly Journals: The JIBS Experience (pages 901907)

March 2011 Volume 55, Issue 1 Pages 1283

Brian C. Rathbun The Magnificent Fraud: Trust, International Cooperation, and the Hidden Domestic Politics of American Multilateralism after World War II (pages 121) Ron E. Hassner Blasphemy and Violence (pages 2345) James M. Scott and Carie A. Steele Sponsoring Democracy: The United States and Democracy Aid to the Developing World, 19882001 (pages 4769) Andreea Mihalache-Okeef and Quan Li Modernization vs. Dependency Revisited: Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Food Security in Less Developed Countries (pages 7193) Jason Ralph War as an Institution of International Hierarchy: Carl Schmitts Theory of the Partisan and Contemporary US Practice Badredine Arfi Rethinking International Constitutional Order: The Auto-immune Politics of Binding Without Binding

Luke Glanville Retaining the Mandate of Heaven: Sovereign Accountability in Ancient China Chris Paul Methmann Climate Protection as Empty Signifier: A Discourse Theoretical Perspective on Climate Mainstreaming in World Politics Alex Prichard Introduction: Anarchism and World Politics Richard Falk Anarchism without Anarchism: Searching for Progressive Politics in the Early 21st Century Erika Cudworth &Stephen Hobden Anarchy and Anarchism: Towards a Theory of Complex International Systems Adam Goodwin Evolution and Anarchism in International Relations: The Challenge of Kropotkins Biological Ontology Alex Prichard David Held is an Anarchist. Discuss Daniel Murray Democratic Insurrection: Constructing the Common in Global Resistance Chris Rossdale Anarchy is What Anarchists Make of it: Reclaiming the Concept of Agency in IR and Security Studies Scott M. Thomas Living Critically and Living Faithfully in a Global Age: Justice, Emancipation and the Political Theology of International Relations Corinna Mullin Islamist Challenges to the Liberal Peace Discourse: The Case of Hamas and the Israel Palestine Peace Process Mariano Pasquale Barbato Conceptions of the Self for Post-secular Emancipation: Towards a Pilgrims Guide to Global Justice

OnlineFirst April 27, 2011

Mustapha Kamal Pasha Western Nihilism and Dialogue: Prelude to an Uncanny Encounter in International Relations Amitav Acharya Norm Subsidiarity and Regional Orders: Sovereignty, Regionalism, and Rule-Making in the Third World (pages 95123) Erik Wibbels and John S. Ahlquist Development, Trade, and Social Insurance (pages 125149)

Madhav Joshi and T. David Mason Peasants, Patrons, and Parties: The Tension between Clientelism and Democracy in Nepal (pages 151175) Tristen Naylor Deconstructing Development: The Use of Power and Pity in the International Development Discourse (pages 177197) Kathryn C. Lavel Multilateral Cooperation and Congress: The Legislative Process of Securing Funding for the World Bank (pages 199222) Andrew A. Latham Theorizing the Crusades: Identity, Institutions, and Religious War in Medieval Latin Christendom (pages 223243) Jason Reifler, Thomas J. Scotto and Harold D. Clarke Foreign Policy Beliefs in Contemporary Britain: Structure and Relevance (pages 245266) Jennifer Bussell Explaining Cross-National Variation in Government Adoption of New Technologies (pages 267280)

International Studies Review

December 2010 Volume 12, Issue 4 Pages 479719
Miriam Prys Hegemony, Domination, Detachment: Differences in Regional Powerhood (pages 479 504) M. Taylor Fravel International Relations Theory and Chinas Rise: Assessing Chinas Potential for Territorial Expansion (pages 505532) Paul D. Kenny Structural Integrity and Cohesion in Insurgent Organizations: Evidence from Protracted Conflicts in Ireland and Burma (pages 533555) Christoph O. Meyer, Florian Otto, John Brante and Chiara De Franco Recasting the Warning-Response Problem: Persuasion and Preventive Policy (pages 556 578) Sen Molloy Global Ethics in the Contemporary Age Program, Critique, and Deconstruction (pages 579582) John M. Schuessler Should Realism Return to its Roots? (pages 583589) Erin K. Jenne Mediating Conflict from the Inside Out (pages 590596) Wayne Bert Continuity and Change: Great Power Politics in East Asia (pages 597602)

Juanita Elias Locating the Everyday in International Political Economy: That Roar Which Lies on the Other Side of Silence (pages 603609) Laura L. Janik-Marusov Fighting Infectious Enemies: Innovative Thinking to Tackle Modern Day Health Problems (pages 610618)

March 2011 Volume 13, Issue 1 Pages 1191

Thomas G. Weiss and Anoulak Kittikhoun Theory vs. Practice: A Symposium (pages 15) Bruce W. Jentleson and Ely Ratner Bridging the BeltwayIvory Tower Gap (pages 611) Amitav Acharya Engagement or Entrapment? Scholarship and Policymaking on Asian Regionalism (pages 1217) Anoulak Kittikhoun and Thomas G. Weiss The Myth of Scholarly Irrelevance for the United Nations (pages 1823) Ann Florini Rising Asian Powers and Changing Global Governance (pages 2433) Ramesh Thakur Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament: Can the Power of Ideas Tame the Power of the State? (pages 3445) Eileen Babbitt and Fen Osler Hampson Conflict Resolution as a Field of Inquiry: Practice Informing Theory (pages 4657) Roland Paris Ordering the World: Academic Research and Policymaking on Fragile States (pages 58 71) Michael W. Doyle International Ethics and the Responsibility to Protect (pages 7284) David P. Forsythe Human Rights and Mass Atrocities: Revisiting Transitional Justice (pages 8595) Daniel W. Drezner Sanctions Sometimes Smart: Targeted Sanctions in Theory and Practice (pages 96108) Raj M. Desai and James Raymond Vreeland Global Governance in a Multipolar World: The Case for Regional Monetary Funds (pages 109121) Sakiko Fukuda-Parr Theory and Policy in International Development: Human Development and Capability Approach and the Millennium Development Goals (pages 122132) Elizabeth R. Desombre Studying and Protecting the Global Environment: Protecting the Trees but Sometimes Missing the Forest (pages 133143)

Andrew Hurrell The Theory and Practice of Global Governance: The Worst of All Possible Worlds? (pages 144154)

320 Was bewegt Zentralamerika? Die Zukunft im Nacken

Politik und konomie

Jan Bongers Entwicklungszusammeanarbeit I: Ins Netz gegangen - Die NRO-Fazilitt Afghanistan entzweit Hilfsorganisationen Olaf Reetland Entwicklungszusammenarbeit II: Ach so, deswegen! - Eine Glosse ber wirkungsorientiertes M&E in der EZ Luisa Seeling Trkei: Erdogans Drahtseilakt - Die AKP-Regierung instrumentalisiert die Israel-Krise Tina Sanio und Julia Odumuyiwa Nepal: Hoffen auf bessere Tage - Was ist aus Nepals Aufbruch in die Demokratie geworden? Wladimir Sgibnev Kirgistan: Programmierte Gewalt - Die Massaker haben eine lange Vorgeschichte Iran: Die Deutschen und der Iran. Ein Streitgesprch zwischen MdB Gernot Erler und Buchautor Matthias Kntzel Ulrich Brand, Bernd Beier, Albert Sterr, Oscar Vega, Wolf-Dieter Vogel und Britt Weyde Debatte: Nach dem Neoliberalismus ist vor ... - Was ist aus der Linken in Lateinamerika geworden? Tobias Lambert Aufgeputscht - Reform und Reaktion la Centroamrica Volker Hamann Vom Fuballkrieg zur regionalen Integration - Migration in Zentralamerika Natalie Wegmann Er soll zurckkehren - Auswirkungen der Migration in Todos Santos Rosa Lehmann und Malte Lhmann Politik der harten Hand - Ungleiche Sicherheit und sichere Ungleichheit Rosa Lehmann und Peter Clausing Schutzlos im Schutzgebiet - Repressive Formen des Naturschutzes Interview mit Eileen Mairena Cunningham Der totale Naturschutz - Landkonflikte in einem nicaraguanischen Naturschutzgebiet Interview mit Carlos Aguilar ber den Widerstand gegen Freihandelsabkommen mit der EU: Assoziierung oder Neokolonialismus? Vera Henler

Nationalsozialismus: Das Werk des Propheten vollenden - Die Propaganda der Nationalsozialisten in die arabisch-islamische Welt Katja Behrens Gerettete Schtze: Wissenschaft ist Politik Ein kunsthistorischer Blick ins antike Afghanistan Felix Koltermann Fotojournalismus: Der dokumentarische Moment - Die Ausstellung Kunduz, 4. September 2009 geht neue Wege Martina Backes Auch in Kinshasa wird Weltmusik gespielt Interview mit dem Filmemacher Martin Baer Singen ist wie zweifach Beten Thomas Schmidinger Islam: Den Koran neu denken - Ein Nachruf auf Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid

November/Dezember 2010 Nr. 321 | umkmpftes Recht auf GesundheitCorpus delicti

Thomas Schmidinger Swaziland: Die Tyrannei des Lwen - Ein besonders repressives Patriarchat frdert die Ausbreitung von Aids Stefan Sommer Ruanda: Kagame, wer sonst? - Tagebuchnotizen zur Prsidentenwahl in Ruanda Sren Scholvin Namibia: Entlang der Roten Linie - Die Landreform ist mehr als eine Frage der Umverteilung Ismail Kpeli Aserbaidschan: Regiert wie geschmiert - Was bedeuten Wahlen im Erdlstaat Aserbaidschan? Sabine Hagemann-nlsoy Zypern: Kalter Krieg im Mittelmeer - Die Lsung des Zypernkonflikts rckt in die Ferne Alice Rombach Jungfrulich, nackt, unrein - Eine Reise in die Porno-Tropen Rita Schfer Untergeben und erobert - Der Schwarze Frauenkrper in Sdafrika Interview mit Erika Feyerabend ber die Gobalisierung der Eizellmrkte Gespendet gehandelt getauscht Kirsten Achtelik Umkmpft und verteidigt - Streit um (un-)sichere Abtreibungen in Lateinamerika Martina Backes Symptomatisch verkannt - Gegen Mttersterblichkeit helfen keine einfachen medizinischen Lsungen

Interview mit dem Arzt Michael Runge ber medizinische Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Weg vom Albert-Schweitzer-Modell Arvid Vormann Verletzt verstmmelt verkannt - Genitalverstmmelung im Nordirak Veronika Ott Ausgebeutet oder ausgeschlossen? - Gesundheit im Kontext migrantischer Prostitution von Simon Brggemann Sklaverei: Wettstreit der Erinnerungen - Ein neues Buch facht die Debatte ber den arabischen Sklavenhandel an Medien: Wir sind offen fr Kontroversen Interview mit Tidiane Kass ber die panafrikanische Internetplattform Pambazuka News Katja Behren Kunst: Die Versprechen der Moderne - Lateinamerikas abstrakte Kunst

322 | Verteilungskmpfe. Wenn ffentliches privat wird Januar/Februar 2011

Regine Richter

Atomkraft: Corporate Killers - Die Atomauenpolitik der deutschen Bundesregierung

Heinz Reinke Nicaragua: Tdlicher Biosprit - Die Renaissance des Zuckerrohranbaus Interview mit Geschdigten des Zuckerrohrbetriebs Ingenio Monte Rosa Nicaragua: Wir hinterlassen unseren Kindern nur Krankheiten Ameli Cosenza Fair Trade: Geprfter Kaffee - Was ndern die Sozialstandards? Ralf Leonhard Kolumbien: Auf Distanz zu Uribe - Der neue Prsident Santos berrascht mit einer Landreform von Klaus Jetz Homophobie: Sexualapostel - In vielen afrikanischen Lndern richten religise Extremisten ber sexuelle Minderheiten von Bernard Schmid Ruanda: Verbrechen auf 522 Seiten - Ein UN-Bericht ber Ruandas Vorgehen in der DR Kongo wird zum Politikum (Langfassung) Christa Wichterich Asienpolitik: Die Karten werden neu verteilt - EU, Asien und ein Peoples Forum in der Krise Sren Scholvin gypten: Demokratie auf gyptisch - Seit fast sechzig Jahren herrschen die Freien Offiziere Gerhard Hanloser Alles fr Alle! - Eine Tour de Force durch die lange Geschichte der Verteilungskmpfe

Stefan Meretz Einschluss statt Ausschluss - Commons jenseits des Kapitalismus Winfried Rust Which Commons Sense? - Die Debatte um Gemeingter ist oft rckwrtsgewandt Katja Polnik Revolte am Drehkreuz - Nulltarif-Kampagnen in Brasilien als Teil sozialer Bewegungen Gruppe ZAK3 Tbingen Klimawandel im Kapitalismus - Warum die Kampagne TBus umsonst! bers Schwabenland hinausweist Interview: Was zhlt, ist Macht - Brasilianische Fischer kmpfen gegen die Enteignung durch ThyssenKrupp Gerhard Kienast No Land! No House! No Vote! - In Sdafrika kmpfen lokale Bewegungen um das Recht auf Wohnraum Ella von der Haide und Severin Halder Eine andere Welt ist pflanzbar - Verteilungsfragen in urbanen Gemeinschaftsgrten Samuel Weber Das ist unser Monte! - Die mexikanische Genossenschaft Piedra Canteada eignete sich ein Waldgebiet an Christoph Spehr Kalorien oder Joule - Der globale Verteilungskampf um das Meer Ulrike Mattern Krimi: Detektiv mit Pfeife - Eine faszinierende Krimireihe aus Sansibar kommt endlich nach Deutschland Nataly Jung-Hwa Han Vergangenheitspolitik: Meine Jugend wird niemals wieder gut - Frauen sprechen ber ihre Zeit in japanischen Militrbordellen Katja Behrens Kunst: Vorwrts erinnern - Moderne Aboriginal Art aus Australien kommt nach Kln

323 | Die Islamdebatte .Ganz unten angekommen Mrz / April 2011

Frederic Schmachtel Nordafrika: Die Angst wechselt das Lager. Im Nahen Osten und in Nordafrika beginnt eine neue Epoche Thomas Schmidinger Sudan: Stabiler Frieden in weiter Ferne. Der Sdsudan auf dem Weg in eine ungewisse Zukunft Axel Goldau Westsahara: Eine endlose Geschichte. In Marokkos Kolonie eskaliert der Konflikt erneut Philipp Eckstein gypten: Wenn Schlepperbanden zu Geiselnehmern werden. Skrupellose Geschfte mit afrikanischen Flchtlingen

Miriam Edding Somalia: Gar nicht romantisch. Die militrische Pirateriebekmpfung Bettina Engels Cote dIvoire: Dj Vu. Das Wahldesaster von 2000 droht sich zu wiederholen Andreas Wulf Entwicklungspolitik: Ohne Risikodeckung. Knnen Mikroversicherungen Gesundheit fr alle gewhrleisten von Jrn Schulz Die Regression der Islamdebatte Birgit Rommelspacher, Lothar Galow-Bergemann, Markus Mersault und Ismail Kpeli Kritik ja! Aber woran?. Eine Debatte ber Rassismus, Ressentiment und Islamkritik von Winfried Rust Licht und Dunkel. Die Islamdebatte und der Rechtspopulismus Ahmet Toprak Alles Machos? Der Topos islamische Jugendliche wird niemandem gerecht Sabine Kper-Busch Unter Kontrolle des Staates. In der Trkei wird eine ganz eigene Islamdebatte gefhrt Hannah Wettig Nachhaltig angekratzt. Die Islamdebatte wird in arabischen Medien als Kampf der Religionen empfunden Michael Hahn Whats right with America. In den USA etabliert die Tea Party eine anti-islamische Stimmung Tobias Mller Land der kurzen Lunten. Die niederlndische Islamdebatte ist notorisch leicht entflammbar Eine Diskussion zwischen Lotte Arndt, Kolja Lindner und Bernhard Schmid Grenzen der Nation. Die Islamdebatte in Frankreich zwischen Universalismus und Rassismus. Christian Neven-du Mont Glosse: Ein Job fr Lebensmde. In der Zeitschrift welt-sichten sucht die Bundeswehr Kanonenfutter fr Afghanistan Kristina Kontzi Postkolonialismus: Ich helfe, du hilfst, ... ihnen wird geholfen. Der Freiwilligendienst weltwrts reproduziert altbekannte Strukturen Winfried Rust Literatur: Trilogie des Terrors. Drei Romane von Yasmina Khadra zeigen die Gesichter hinter der islamistischen Gewalt Gerhard Hanloser Debatte: Lieberman in Freiburg? Eine Replik zur Rezension von Moshe Zuckermanns Buch Antisemit!

Zeitschrift fr Internationale Beziehungen

Heft 2, 2010
Anna Geis/Harald Mller/Niklas Schrnig Liberale Demokratien und Krieg. Warum manche kmpfen und andere nicht. Ergebnisse einer vergleichenden Inhaltsanalyse von Parlamentsdebatten Dirk Peters/Wolfgang Wagner Parlamentsvorbehalt oder Exekutivprivileg? Ursachen unterschiedlicher Entscheidungsverfahren beim Einsatz von Streitkrften Alexander Kocks Die Theorie der globalen ffentlichen Gter. Forschungsstand und Perspektiven Peter Niesen Internationale Politische Theorie: Eine disziplinengeschichtliche Einordnung Nicole Deitelhoff Parallele Universen oder Verschmelzung der Horizonte? Hauke Brunkhorst Neustart Kritische Theorie Internationaler Beziehungen Oliver Kessler Internationale Politische Theorie: Fehlentwicklung oder fehlende Entwicklung der IB? Antje Wiener Zur normativen Wende in den IB: Triangulation of a Different Kind Rainer Forst Was ist und was soll Internationale Politische Theorie?

World Development- The Multi-Disciplinary International Journal Devoted to the Study and Promotion of World Development
Volume 38, Issue 10, Pages 1341-1526 (October 2010)
Jere R. Behrman The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Mexican PROGRESA Anti-Poverty and Human Resource Investment Conditional Cash Mohamed A.M. Ahmed, Kamel Shideed, Ahmed Mazid Returns to Policy-Oriented Agricultural Research: The Case of Barley Fertilization in Syria Tom Walker, Jim Ryan, Tim Kelley Impact Assessment of Policy-Oriented International Agricultural Research: Evidence and Insights from Case Studies Regina Birner, Danielle Resnick The Political Economy of Policies for Smallholder Agriculture Steven Haggblade, Peter Hazell, Thomas Reardon The Rural Non-farm Economy: Prospects for Growth and Poverty Reduction

Deborah Jane Templeton, Nelissa Jamora Economic Assessment of a Change in Pesticide Regulatory Policy in the Philippines David A. Raitzer Assessing the Impact of Policy-Oriented Research: The Case of CIFORs Influence on the Indonesian Pulp and Paper Sector Simeon Kaitibie, Amos Omore, Karl Rich, Patti Kristjanson Kenyan Dairy Policy Change: Influence Pathways and Economic Impacts Elisabetta Gotor, Francesco Caracciolo, Jamie Watts The Perceived Impact of the In-Trust Agreements on CGIAR Germplasm Availability: An Assessment of Bioversity Internationals Institutional Activities Steve Wiggins, Johann Kirsten, Luis Llamb The Future of Small Farms Colin Poulton, Andrew Dorward, Jonathan Kydd The Future of Small Farms: New Directions for Services, Institutions, and Intermediation Michael Lipton From Policy Aims and Small-farm Characteristics to Farm Science Needs T.S. Jayne, David Mather, Elliot Mghenyi Principal Challenges Confronting Smallholder Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa Xinshen Diao, Peter Hazell, James Thurlow The Role of Agriculture in African Development Alberto Valds, William Foster Reflections on the Role of Agriculture in Pro-Poor Growth

Volume 38, Issue 11, Pages 1527-1666 (November 2010)

David Hauner, Annette Kyobe Determinants of Government Efficiency Thomas Kemeny Does Foreign Direct Investment Drive Technological Upgrading? Loren Brandt, Eric Thun The Fight for the Middle: Upgrading, Competition, and Industrial Development in China Inge Ivarsson, Claes Gran Alvstam Supplier Upgrading in the Home-furnishing Value Chain: An Empirical Study of IKEAs Sourcing in China and South East Asia Lucia Cusmano, Andrea Morrison, Roberta Rabellotti Catching up Trajectories in the Wine Sector: A Comparative Study of Chile, Italy, and South Africa Liesbet Steer, Kunal Sen Formal and Informal Institutions in a Transition Economy: The Case of Vietnam Sasiwimon Warunsiri, Robert McNown The Returns to Education in Thailand: A Pseudo-Panel Approach Richard H. Adams Jr., Alfredo Cuecuecha

Remittances, Household Expenditure and Investment in Guatemala Jean-Marie Baland, Pranab Bardhan, Sanghamitra Das, Dilip Mookherjee Forests to the People: Decentralization and Forest Degradation in the Indian Himalayas Yvan Guichaoua How Do Ethnic Militias Perpetuate in Nigeria? A Micro-level Perspective on the Oodua Peoples Congress

Volume 38, Issue 12, Pages 1667-1814 (December 2010)

Yongfu Huang Political Institutions and Financial Development: An Empirical Study S.L. Reiter, H. Kevin Steensma Human Development and Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries: The Influence of FDI Policy and Corruption Sophie Mitra Disability Cash Transfers in the Context of Poverty and Unemployment: The Case of South Africa Sumila Gulyani, Debabrata Talukdar Inside Informality: The Links Between Poverty, Microenterprises, and Living Conditions in Nairobis Slums Kathleen Beegle, Deon Filmer, Andrew Stokes, Lucia Tiererova Orphanhood and the Living Arrangements of Children in Sub-Saharan Africa Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Susan Pozo Accounting for Remittance and Migration Effects on Childrens Schooling Katsushi S. Imai, Thankom Arun, Samuel Kobina Annim Microfinance and Household Poverty Reduction: New Evidence from India Bart Minten, Thomas Reardon, Rajib Sutradhar Food Prices and Modern Retail: The Case of Delhi Paulo Santos, Christopher B. Barrett Identity, Interest and Information Search in a Dynamic Rural Economy Julie Ferguson, Marleen Huysman, Maura Soekijad Knowledge Management in Practice: Pitfalls and Potentials for Development

Volume 39, Issue 1, January 2011

Geert Bekaert, Campbell R. Harvey, Christian Lundblad Financial Openness and Productivity Timothy J. Hatton, Jeffrey G. Williamson Are Third World Emigration Forces Abating? Wim Naud Entrepreneurship is Not a Binding Constraint on Growth and Development in the Poorest Countries Sverine Deneulin, Carole Rakodi Revisiting Religion: Development Studies Thirty Years On

Simone Dietrich The Politics of Public Health Aid: Why Corrupt Governments Have Incentives to Implement Aid Effectively N. Simon Morfit AIDS is Money: How Donor Preferences Reconfigure Local Realities Yoko Kijima, Keijiro Otsuka, Dick Sserunkuuma An Inquiry into Constraints on a Green Revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of NERICA Rice in Uganda Heather Montgomery, John Weiss Can Commercially-oriented Microfinance Help Meet the Millennium Development Goals? Evidence from Pakistan Lukas Menkhoff, Ornsiri Rungruxsirivorn Do Village Funds Improve Access to Finance? Evidence from Thailand Katrina Mullan, Pauline Grosjean, Andreas Kontoleon Land Tenure Arrangements and RuralUrban Migration in China Bradford L. Barham, Mercedez Callenes, Seth Gitter, Jessa Lewis, Jeremy Weber Fair Trade/Organic Coffee, Rural Livelihoods, and the Agrarian Question: Southern Mexican Coffee Families in Transition

Volume 39, Issue 2, Pages 147-294 (February 2011) - Ethnicity and Ethnic Strife
Ravi Kanbur, Prem Kumar Rajaram, Ashutosh Varshney Ethnic Diversity and Ethnic Strife. An Interdisciplinary Perspective Arjun Jayadev, Sanjay G. Reddy Inequalities between Groups: Theory and Empirics Peter Lanjouw, Vijayendra Rao Revisiting Between-Group Inequality Measurement: An Application to the Dynamics of Caste Inequality in Two Indian Villages Graham K. Brown, Arnim Langer Riding the Ever-Rolling Stream: Time and the Ontology of Violent Conflict James D. Fearon, David D. Laitin Sons of the Soil, Migrants, and Civil War Paul Richards A Systematic Approach to Cultural Explanations of War: Tracing Causal Processes in Two West African Insurgencies Ward Berenschot The Spatial Distribution of Riots: Patronage and the Instigation of Communal Violence in Gujarat, India Samsu Rizal Panggabean, Benjamin Smith Explaining Anti-Chinese Riots in Late 20th Century Indonesia Jean-Philippe Platteau Political Instrumentalization of Islam and the Risk of Obscurantist Deadlock

Patrick Eisenlohr Religious Media, Devotional Islam, and the Morality of Ethnic Pluralism in Mauritius Daniel Monterescu Estranged Natives and Indigenized Immigrants: A Relational Anthropology of Ethnically Mixed Towns in Israel Prerna Singh We-ness and Welfare: A Longitudinal Analysis of Social Development in Kerala, India

Volume 39, Issue 3 (March 2011)

Dilip Ratha, Prabal K. De, Sanket Mohapatra Shadow Sovereign Ratings for Unrated Developing Countries Peter Nunnenkamp, Hannes hler Aid Allocation through Various Official and Private Channels: Need, Merit, and SelfInterest as Motives of German Donors Chris Jones, Oliver Morrissey, Doug Nelson Did the World Bank Drive Tariff Reforms in Eastern Africa? Mark T. Buntaine Does the Asian Development Bank Respond to Past Environmental Performance when Allocating Environmentally Risky Financing? Yasuyuki Todo Impacts of Aid-Funded Technical Assistance Programs: Firm-Level Evidence from the Indonesian Foundry Industry Merima Ali, Jack Peerlings Value Added of Cluster Membership for Micro Enterprises of the Handloom Sector in Ethiopia Spencer Henson, Oliver Masakure, John Cranfield Do Fresh Produce Exporters in Sub-Saharan Africa Benefit from GlobalGAP Certification? Glenn Davis Stone Field versus Farm in Warangal: Bt Cotton, Higher Yields, and Larger Questions Syed Abdul Hamid, Jennifer Roberts, Paul Mosley Evaluating the Health Effects of Micro Health Insurance Placement: Evidence from Bangladesh Olivier Ecker, Matin Qaim Analyzing Nutritional Impacts of Policies: An Empirical Study for Malawi Yoshito Takasaki Do the Commons Help Augment Mutual Insurance Among the Poor? Amy R. Poteete, Jesse C. Ribot Repertoires of Domination: Decentralization as Process in Botswana and Senegal Louise Haagh Working Life, Well-Being and Welfare Reform: Motivation and Institutions Revisited

Volume 39, Issue 4 - pp. 475-672 (April 2011)


Paul Segal Resource Rents, Redistribution, and Halving Global Poverty: The Resource Dividend Andrew Williams Shining a Light on the Resource Curse: An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Natural Resources, Transparency, and Economic Growth Tavneet Suri, Michael A. Boozer, Gustav Ranis, Frances Stewa Paths to Success: The Relationship Between Human Development and Economic Growth Michel Beine, Frdric Docquier, Cecily Oden-Defoort A Panel Data Analysis of the Brain Gain Anirudh Krishna, Abusaleh Shariff The Irrelevance of National Strategies? Rural Poverty Dynamics in States and Regions of India, 19932005 Amita Chudgar Female Headship and Schooling Outcomes in Rural India Susan E. Chen, Priya Bhagowalia, Gerald Shively Input Choices in Agriculture: Is There A Gender Bias? Vegard Iversen, Cecile Jackson, Bereket Kebede, Alistair Munro, Arjan Verschoor Do Spouses Realise Cooperative Gains? Experimental Evidence from Rural Uganda Alejandro Arrieta, Ariadna Garca-Prado, Jorge Guilln The Private Health Care Sector and the Provision of Prenatal Care Services in Latin America Daniela Zapata, Dante Contreras, Diana Kruger Child Labor and Schooling in Bolivia: Whos Falling Behind? The Roles of Domestic Work, Gender, and Ethnicity Julia Paxton, Lauren Young Liquidity Profiles of Poor Mexican Households E. DURN, D.B. BRAY, A. VELZQUEZ, A. LARRAZBAL Multi-Scale Forest Governance, Deforestation, and Violence in Two Regions of Guerrero, Mexico Jacob A. Jordaan FDI, Local Sourcing, and Supportive Linkages with Domestic Suppliers: The Case of Monterrey, Mexico Bih Jane Liu MNEs and Local Linkages: Evidence from Taiwanese Affiliates Mahmut Yasar, Catherine J. Morrison Paul, Michael R. Ward Property Rights Institutions and Firm Performance: A Cross-Country Analysis Lisen Schultz, Andreas Duit, Carl Folke Participation, Adaptive Co-management, and Management Performance in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves

Volume 39, Issue 5 - pp. 673-874 (May 2011)


Stephan Haggard, Lydia Tiede The Rule of Law and Economic Growth: Where are We? Svetlana Andrianova, Panicos Demetriades, Chenggang Xu Political Economy Origins of Financial Markets in Europe and Asia Damian Tobin Austerity and Moral Compromise: Lessons from the Development of Chinas Banking System Joshua Aizenman, Michael Hutchison, Ilan Noy Inflation Targeting and Real Exchange Rates in Emerging Markets Massimiliano Cal, Dirk Willem te Velde Does Aid for Trade Really Improve Trade Performance? Gnther Fink, Silvia Redaelli Determinants of International Emergency AidHumanitarian Need Only? Bert DEspallier, Isabelle Gurin, Roy Mersland Women and Repayment in Microfinance: A Global Analysis Jrg Peters, Colin Vance, Marek Harsdorff Grid Extension in Rural Benin: Micro-Manufacturers and the Electrification Trap Elizaphan J.O. Rao, Matin Qaim Supermarkets, Farm Household Income, and Poverty: Insights from Kenya Jikun Huang, Huayong Zhi, Zhurong Huang, Scott Rozelle, John Giles The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Off-farm Employment and Earnings in Rural China Wan-Hsin Liu, Peter Nunnenkamp Domestic Repercussions of Different Types of FDI: Firm-Level Evidence for Taiwanese Manufacturing Jae-Yong Choung, Illyong Ji, Tahir Hameed International Standardization Strategies of Latecomers: The Cases of Korean TPEG, TDMB, and Binary CDMA Thomas Markussen, Finn Tarp, Katleen Van Den Broeck The Forgotten Property Rights: Evidence on Land Use Rights in Vietnam Wolfram Dressler, Robin Roth The Good, the Bad, and the Contradictory: Neoliberal Conservation Governance in Rural Southeast Asia Gary Bland Supporting Post-conflict Democratic Development? External Promotion of Participatory Budgeting in El Salvador World Politics - A Quarterly Journal of Dialogue and Discovery: In Search of International Relations Theories Beyond the West

Matthew S. Weinert
Reframing the PluralistSolidarist Debate

Meera Sabaratnam
IR in Dialogue but Can We Change the Subjects? A Typology of Decolonising Strategies for the Study of World Politics

March 24, 2011

Benjamin de Carvalho, Halvard Leira, and John M. Hobson The Big Bangs of IR: The Myths That Your Teachers Still Tell You about 1648 and 1919 Sungju Park-Kang Utmost Listening: Feminist IR as a Foreign Language Hidemi Suganami Causal Explanation and Moral Judgement: Undividing a Division Fiona Robinson Stop Talking and Listen: Discourse Ethics and Feminist Care Ethics in International Political Theory Fabio Petito In Defence of Dialogue of Civilisations: With a Brief Illustration of the Diverging Agreement between Edward Said and Louis Massignon Matthew Eagleton-Pierce Advancing a Reflexive International Relations

WORLD POLITICS, Vol. 63, No. 1, JanuaryMarch 22, 2011
Diana Dumitru and Carter Johnson Constructing Interethnic Conflict and Cooperation: Why Some People Harmed Jews and Others Helped Them during the Holocaust in Romania Andy Baker and Kenneth F. Greene The Latin American Lefts Mandate: Free-Market Policies and Issue Voting in New Democracies Cathie Jo Martin and Duane Swank Gonna Party Like Its 1899: Party Systems and the Origins of Varieties of Coordination ener Aktrk Regimes of Ethnicity: Comparative Analysis of Germany, the Soviet Union/Post-Soviet Russia, and Turkey Joel Sawat Selway Electoral Reform and Public Policy Outcomes in Thailand: The Politics of the 30-Baht Health Scheme

WORLD POLITICS, Vol. 62, No. 4, October 2010

Mark Fey and Kristopher W. Ramsay When Is Shuttle Diplomacy Worth the Commute? Information Sharing through Mediation Chappell Lawson, Gabriel S. Lenz, Andy Baker, and Michael Myers Looking Like a Winner: Candidate Appearance and Electoral Success in New Democracies

Lucio Baccaro and Marco Simoni Organizational Determinants of Wage Moderation Taylor C. Boas Varieties of Electioneering: Success Contagion and Presidential Campaigns in Latin America Emmanuel Teitelbaum Mobilizing Restraint: Economic Reform and the Politics of Industrial Protest in South Asia

WORLD POLITICS, Vol. 63, No. 2, April 2011

Alexander Lee Who Becomes a Terrorist? Poverty, Education, and the Origins of Political Violence Herbert Obinger and Carina Schmitt Guns and Butter? Regime Competition and the Welfare State during the Cold War Philipp Rhem Social Policy by Public Demand Philip Roessler The Enemy Within: Personal Rule, Coups, and Civil War in Africa Jillian Schwedler Can Islamists Become Moderates? Rethinking the Inclusion-Moderation Hypothesis

WORLD POLITICS, Vol. 63, No. 3, July 2011

John Gerring, Daniel Ziblatt, Johan Van Gorp, and Julin Arvalo An Institutional Theory of Direct and Indirect Rule Tariq Thachil Embedded Mobilization: Nonstate Service Provision as Electoral Strategy in India Daniel Sabbagh The Rise of Indirect Affirmative Action: Converging Strategies for Promoting "Diversity" in Selective Institutions of Higher Education in the United States and France Hugh Ward, Lawrence Ezrow, and Han Dorussen Globalization, Party Positions, and the Median Voter Ulrich Krotz and Richard Maher International Relations Theory and the Rise of European Foreign and Security Policy The British Journal of Politics & Kimberly Hutchings Dialogue between Whom? The Role of the West/Non-West Distinction in Promoting Global Dialogue in IR Piki Ish-Shalom Three Dialogic Imperatives in International Relations Scholarship: A Buberian Programme J. Ann Tickner

Dealing With Difference: Problems and Possibilities for Dialogue in International Relations
November 2010, Volume 12, Issue 4, Pages 477643

Timothy J. Ruback Let Me Tell the Story Straight On: Middlemarch, Process-Tracing Methods and the Politics of Narrative (pages 477497) David Richards and Helen Mathers Political Memoirs and New Labour: Interpretations of Power and the Club Rules (pages 498522) Jessica Pykett, Michael Saward and Anja Schaefe Framing the Good Citizen (pages 523538) Will Jennings Bureaucratic Performance and Control in British Politics: Asylum Policy 19942007 (pages 539568) Colin Copus The Councillor: Governor, Governing, Governance and the Complexity of Citizen Engagement (pages 569589) Aaron Edwards The Progressive Unionist Party of Northern Ireland: A Left-Wing Voice in an Ethnically Divided Society (pages 590614) Arlo Poletti Drowning Protection in the Multilateral Bath: WTO Judicialisation and European Agriculture in the Doha Round (pages 615633) ric Blanger, Richard Nadeau and Michael S. Lewis-Beck Forecasting the Vote for a Third Party: The British Liberals, 19742005 (pages 634643)

February 2011, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 1126

Christina Boswell, Andrew Geddes and Peter Scholten The Role of Narratives in Migration Policy-Making: A Research Framework (pages 111) Christina Boswell Migration Control and Narratives of Steering (pages 1225) Alex Balch and Andrew Geddes Opportunity from Crisis? Organisational Responses to Human Trafficking in the UK (pages 2641) Jrgen Carling and Mara Hernndez-Carretero Protecting Europe and Protecting Migrants? Strategies for Managing Unauthorised Migration from Africa (pages 4258) Erik Bleich Social Research and Race Policy Framing in Britain and France (pages 5974) Peter Scholten Constructing Dutch Immigrant Policy: ResearchPolicy Relations and Immigrant Integration Policy-Making in the Netherlands (pages 7592) Martin Bak Jrgensen Understanding the ResearchPolicy Nexus in Denmark and Sweden: The Field of Migration and Integration (pages 93109)

Christina Oelgemller Informal Plurilateralism: The Impossibility of Multilateralism in the Steering of Migration (pages 110126)

Cambridge Review of International Affairs

Volume 23, Issue 3, 2010
Alan Chong; Matthias Maass Introduction: the foreign policy power of small states Alan Chong Small state soft power strategies: virtual enlargement in the cases of the Vatican City State and Singapore Jacqueline Braveboy-Wagner Opportunities and limitations of the exercise of foreign policy power by a very small state: the case of Trinidad and Tobago Anders Wivel; Kajsa Ji Noe Oest Security, profit or shadow of the past? Explaining the security strategies of microstates Srdjan Vucetic Anglobal governance? Ralph Pettman Psychopathology and world politics Samuel Knafo Critical approaches and the legacy of the agent/structure debate in international relations

Volume 23, Issue 4, 2010

Chih-yu Shih The West that is not in the West: identifying the self in Oriental modernity Jiyoung Song How communist is North Korea? From the birth to the death of Marxist ideas of human rights Jane Freedman Mainstreaming gender in refugee protection Li Sheng Growth-volatility tradeoff in the face of financial openness: a perspective of developing economies

Special Issue: Complexity and the international arena Volume 24, Issue 1, 2011
Antoine Bousquet; Robert Geyer Introduction: complexity and the international arena Robert Geyer; Steve Pickering Applying the tools of complexity to the international realm: from fitness landscapes to complexity cascades

Kai Lehmann Crisis foreign policy as a process of self-organization Antoine Bousquet; Simon Curtis Beyond models and metaphors: complexity theory, systems thinking and international relations Armando Geller The use of complexity-based models in international relations: a technical overview and discussion of prospects and challenges Christopher Hill Changing the world? The problem of action in international politics

Das Argument 290 Inhalt (1/2011)
Volker Braun Die Zukunftsrede Frigga Haug Hanna Behrend 1922-2010 Gerhard Schoenberner Die kleine Tr Frigga Haug Wikipedia zum 10-jhrigen Bestehen

Sport als ideologische Macht und kulturelle Praxis

Klaus Weber Der verkrperte Aufstieg. Klettern im Neoliberalismus Georg Spitaler Populare Reprsentation und Cultural Citizenship zum Verhltnis von politischem Feld und Sport Peter Jehle Ein Spiel, viele Bedeutungen. Zu Paul Dietschys Geschichte des Fuballs Roman Horak berlegungen zum Fuballstadion Daniela Schaaf und Jrg-Uwe Nieland Der Widerspenstigen Zhmung. Zur Sexualisierung des Frauenfuballs Klaus Weber Mnchen, das Wintersport-Mekka Ingrid Galster Eine groe Qualitt meines Buches ist seine Ehrlichkeit. Postscriptum zu der Debatte um die Autobiographie Claude Lanzmanns

DAS ARGUMENT 289 - Die Stadt in der Revolte


Karl Heinz Gtze Zum Tode von Georg Bollenbeck 1947-2010 Volker Braun Erkundendes Verfahren Silke Wittich-Neven Sorgerechtskmpfe in Stadt und Land ber Mitnehmer und Mitgenommene

Die Stadt in der Revolte

Ellen Bareis, Peter Bescherer, Britta Grell, Armin Kuhn und Erwin Riedmann Die Stadt in der Revolte Wolfram Schaffar Der Aufstand, der seinen Namen nicht nennt.Die Rothemden in Bangkok {McIntyre}, Richard Pithouse Das Aufbegehren der Slums: Eine Wortmeldung aus Sdafrika Gregor Kritidis Irgendwann nehmen die Trnen Rache. Zur Renaissance des Anarchismus in Griechenland Ellen Bareis und Manuela Bojadijev Jenseits von Forderungen und Organisierung Revolten in den franzsischen Vorstdten Simone Beate Borgstede Der Kampf um die Herzen und Kpfe der Menschen

DAS ARGUMENT 288 - Gewalt und Hegemonie (Doppelheft), Heft 4/5 2010
Nachrufe auf Gnter Mayer, Bolvar Echeverra und Thomas Marxhausen Susi Zornig Rcktreten, aber richtig! Shopping with Octave. Wainwright, Joel Was verstehen Mnner und Frauen unter politischer Verantwortung? Elfriede Jelinek Raus! Sami Nar Die Ohnmacht der europischen Linken Etienne Balibar Extreme Gewalt - ber die Grenzen der politischen Anthropologie Raul Zelik Der Konsens des Schreckens - Zur hegemoniebildenden Wirkung herrschaftlicher Gewalt Wolfgang Fritz Haug ber Gewalt und Hegemonie Karl Marx Abschweifung ber produktive Arbeit

Raul Zelik Die Prsenz des Abwesenden. Eine Antwort auf Wolfgang Fritz Haug Bernd Rthers Ein Denkmal fr Carl Schmitt David Salomon Von Regeln und Ausnahmen - ber Recht, Gewalt und Hegemonie Timm Ebner und Jrg Nowak Struktur als Bruch - Alternativen zum autoritren Post-Althusserianismus bei Badiou und iek Wolfram Adolphi ber Hegemonie und Gewalt in der DDR Ursula Schrter Randglossen einer Beitrittsbrgerin Peter Mayo Gramsci, die Sdfrage und der Mittelmeerraum a Marxist? Inez Hedges Gewalt und performative Erinnerung in der Konstruktion palstinensischer Identitt Sigrid Asamoah Weniger wehleidig belastet den Haushalt nicht Cynthia Cockburn Geschlechterverhltnisse als Ursache von Militarisierung und Krieg Lisa S. Price Mnnliche Herrschaft und sexuelle Gewalt Frigga Haug Wie Gewalt gegen Frauen begreifen? Jane Kilby Judith Butler, Inzest und die Frage nach der Liebe des Kindes Judith Butler ber Gewalt (Auswahl und Einleitung von Jane Kilby) Durs Grnbein Selbstportrait als leerer Teller Vesa Oittinen Das lukcssche Paradigma des Intellektuellen Christian Sigrist Amilcar Cabral Klaus Meschkat Der historische Sozialismus ein Blick nach Lateinamerika

Das Journal fr Entwicklungspolitik


Ausgabe 26 (3) 2010-EntwicklungsexpertInnen: Andere entwickeln. Sich selbst entwickeln?

Berthold Unfried EntwicklungsexpertInnen: Andere entwickeln. Sich selbst entwickeln? Thomas Hsken Outside the Whale: The Contested Life and Work of Development Experts Hubertus Bschel Die Moral der ExpertInnen - Krise und Reformen in der westdeutschen "Entwicklungshilfe" und der ostdeutschen "Solidaritt" in Afrika sdlich der Sahara der 1960er und 1970er Jahre Eva Spies Exportgut "partizipative Entwicklung": Eine global anwendbare Form des Fremdverstehens? Alicia Altorfer-Ong They came as brothers, not masters - Chinese experts in Tanzania in the 1960s and 1970s Gerald Hdl "Es tut mir nicht leid, dass ich's gemacht hab'." Eine "Oral History" der sterreichischen Entwicklungshilfe

Ausgabe 26 (4) 2010 - The nature of development studies: An ecological perspective on uneven development
Inge Rpke Society's nature: Ecological Economics and the Combined Challenge of Environment and Distribution Alf Hornborg Uneven Development as a Result of the Unequal Exchange of Time and Space: Some Conceptual Issues Simron Jit Singh, Nina Eisenmenger How unequal is international trade? An ecological perspective using Material Flow Accounting (MFA) Anke Schaffartzik A Toe in America, a Heel in Asia? A Discussion of the Applicability of the Ecological Footprint to International Trade Michael Hauser, Ataharul Huq Chowdhury, Florian A. Peloschek, Simron Jit Singh Farmer participatory research: an approach to fostering community-led innovation in smallholder agriculture

Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture & Society.

McIntyre, Richard, Theodore Burczak, George DeMartino, Kenan Ercel, & Richard McIntyre Are Worker Rights Human Rights? Burczak, Theodore What Kind of Rights Do Workers Need to Eliminate Exploitation?

{DeMartino}, George On Marxism, Institutionalism, and the Problem of Labor Exploitation. Ercel, Kenan Are Collective Worker Rights Enough? {McIntyre}, Richard Response to Theodore Burczak, George DeMartino, and Kenan Ercel Coyle, Lauren The Birth of the Labor Bureau: Surveillance, Pacification, and the Statistical Objectivity Metanarrative. Osteen, Mark Jazzing the Gift: Improvisation, Reciprocity, Excess. Rakowitz, Michael Strike The Empire Back Episode IV: The Lord, The Homeland, The Leader. Pawling, Christopher Rethinking Heideggerian Marxism.

Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture & Society. 23 (1)

Ruccio, David F. Introduction to Under the Dome: The Ethics and Politics of Reading Capital. Sotiropoulos, Dimitris P. Kalecki's Dilemma: Toward a Marxian Political Economy of Neoliberalism Noonan, Jeff Use Value, Life Value, and the Future of Socialism. Brown, Matthew C. Marx for Medievalists: Rethinking Feudalism and Historicism in Capital. Oikonomou, Iraklis EU-U.S. Military Relations and the Question of the Transnational Capitalist Class. Rehmann, Jan Can Marx's Critique of Religion Be Freed from Its Fetters? Ford, James Edward From Being to Unrest, from Objectivity to Motion: The Slave in Marx'sCapital. Bonn Juego und Johannes Dragsbeck Un-/Re-Productive Maternal Labor: Marxist Feminism and Chapter Fifteen of Marx's Capital. Mallin, Sean Market Fetishism, or, Thinking like an Economist. {McCormick}, Ryan The Parallax of Labor: Marx as a Moralist. Best, Beverley Fredric Jameson Notwithstanding : The Dialectic of Affect.

Zene, Cosimo Self-Consciousness of the Dalits as Subalterns : Reflections on Gramsci in South Asia. Brown, Matthew C., James Edward Ford III, Jacquilyn Weeks, Sean Mallin, & Ryan McCormick Under the Dome: The Ethics and Politics of Reading Capital.

Nummer 36
Martin Birkner Jenseits des post-autonomem Tellerrandes: Die Notwendigkeit einer neuen linken Organisierung Robert Foltin Das Kochen organisieren Dieter A. Behr Zur Notwendigkeit der politischen Neu-Ausrichtung von transnationaler Organisierungsund Solidarittsarbeit. Kampagnen an der Schnittstelle von antirassistischen sowie klimaund landwirtschaftspolitischen Netzwerken zwischen Europa und Afrika Benjamin Opratko und Stefan Probst quivalenzketten und berraschungseier. Zu Form und Funktion linker Organisierung Michael Wolf ber die Zurichtung von Arbeitskraft im Zeitalter des Neoliberalismus oder Was haben Bologna-Proze und Hartz IV gemein? Gnter Buchholz Wirtschaft. Grundlagen, Geschichte, Perspektiven

Nr. 37 der grundrisse

Alain Badiou Tunesien, gypten: wenn der Ostwind die Arroganz des Westens hinwegfegt Ann-Kristin Kowarsch Frauenrte als Alternative zu Krieg, Vereinzelung und Mnnerherrschaft Kathi Beal, Wesley The American 1930s: A Literary History, by Peter Conn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Mahoney, Josef Gregory The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World Economy, by Minqi Li. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2008. Weeks, Jacquilyn In der Arbeit gegen die Arbeit LEBEN. Affektive Arbeit, feministische Kritik und postfordistische Politik Maya Gonzalez und Caitlin Manning: Wir kommen in Bewegungen mit all den Narben Interview mit Silvia Federici ber Kmpfe von Frauen um Arbeitsteilung, Wissen und (Re)Produktion Almut Bachinger

Lohn fr Hausarbeit reloaded. Die Debatte um den Lohn fr Hausarbeit und was daraus wurde Elisabeth Perchinig Vom konstruierten Subjekt zur gegenderten Marke Ich? berlegungen zum Begriff der lebendigen Person Johann-Friedrich Anders: Wie Marx nicht gelesen werden sollte Zur Kritik der neuen Marx-Lektre Karl Reitter Holloways Flirt mit der Wertkritik. Ein Rezensionsessay zum Buch Kapitalismus aufbrechen

NUEVA SOCIEDAD 230 | Noviembre-Diciembre 2010
Israel Covarrubias El PRI como orilla de la democracia. Despus de las elecciones de 2010 en Mxico Nicols Comini El rol del Consejo de Defensa de la Unasur en los ltimos conflictos regionales Jorge Riquelme Rivera y Juan Pedro Seplveda La reforma del Consejo de Seguridad: una mirada desde Amrica Latina Gonzalo Garcs Una pasin gastada Andrs Hoyos Libro 2.0 Gabriela Alemn Charadas Jeffrey Cedeo Literatura y mercado: algunas reflexiones desde Amrica Latina Esteban Schmidt Die globale Krise und der Angriff auf die Demokratie Aktivistin Maria und Stipe urkovi Im Osten nichts Neues: Interview zur Situation in Osteuropa Hanna Lichtenberger, Veronika Duma, Tobias Boos Hinter dem Faschismus steht? Peter Hallward Von der Flut zum Beben Paul Pop Zehn Filme, die man vor der Revolution gesehen haben muss Philipp Probst Vom Aufstieg und Fall der Profitrate FrhjahrLove Estar System

Ksenija Bilbija Borrn y cuento nuevo: las editoriales cartoneras latinoamericanas Ivn Thays Me acuerdo Hernn Vanoli Sobre editoriales literarias y la reconfiguracin de una cultura Martn Brauer La construccin del relato desde unos pases nufragos. Garca Mrquez, centro del canon Washington Cucurto El Hombre Polar regresa a Stuttgart. Seleccin de poemas

NUEVA SOCIEDAD 231 | Enero - febrero 2011

Veronika Duma, Julia Hofmann und Fanny Mller-Uri Birge Krondorfer, FrauenMdchenLesbenZentrum, Anna Svec, Flora Alvarado-Dupuy, Marlen Stahrmller und Neva Lw: Feuer und Flamme dem Patriarchat! Ein Interview. Gruppe Perspektiven, Ramin Taghian gypten The Revolution was Televised Katharina Kinzel, Hanna Lichtenberger Klassen im Widerspruch Benjamin Opratko Uni-Revolten als Klassenkmpfe? Colin Barker Der Aufstieg von Solidarnosc Sebastian Muhr, Julia Hofmann, Tobias Zortea, Tobias Boos Die neue Linke in Kolumbien Stefan Probst und Philipp Probst Nchterne Rebellion Csar Morales Oyarbide El fracaso de una estrategia: una crtica a la guerra contra el narcotrfico en Mxico, sus justificaciones y efectos Pablo Ospina Peralta Ecuador: intento de golpe o motn policial? Lorena Soler Paraguay: cuando la novedad no es el resultado. El proceso poltico que construy a Fernando Lugo Ricardo Bonilla Gonzlez Apertura y reprimarizacin de la economa colombiana. Un paraso de corto plazo Javier Garay La poltica de insercin internacional de Colombia Francisco Gutirrez Sann / Paula Zuluaga Borrero Hacia un pas minero: retos para el sistema poltico y el Estado

Socorro Ramrez El giro de la poltica exterior colombiana Alejo Vargas Velsquez El sistema poltico colombiano al inicio del gobierno de Santos Armando Silva Entradas y salidas para armar la Bogot ciudadana

NUEVA SOCIEDAD 232 | Marzo - Abril 2011

Marc Saint Upry Las dimensiones de la revolucin democrtica rabe Mercedes Isabel Botto Qu nos ensean los 20 aos del Mercosur? Christoph Reinprecht El regreso de la inseguridad social Jrgen Weller Panorama de las condiciones de trabajo en Amrica Latina Enrique de la Garza Toledo Ms all de la fbrica: los desafos tericos del trabajo no clsico y la produccin inmaterial lvaro Padrn Internacionalismo y renovacin. Los desafos del sindicalismo Alma Espino Trabajo y gnero: un viejo tema, nuevas miradas? Ricardo Antunes La nueva morfologa del trabajo en Brasil. Reestructuracin y precariedad Ernesto Rodrguez Empleo y juventud: muchas iniciativas, pocos avances. Una mirada sobre Amrica Latina Paula Lenguita Revitalizacin desde las bases del sindicalismo argentino Pilar Snchez Voelkl Masculinidad en la clase gerencial transnacional. Rituales del siglo XXI

Nr. 121 (2011) Entwicklungspolitik und Eigensinn

Erhard Berner, Georgina Gomez & Peter Knorring Ein bisschen weniger arm&blquo;: Die Logik der Subsistenzunternehmer Anna Mssener Begegnungen in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit - Perspektiven sudanesischer GenderaktivistInnen Arn Sauer & Karolin Heckemeyer:

Sexuelle Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentitt in der internationalen Menschenrechtsund Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Olaf Kaltmeier & Reinhart Kler PERIPHERIE-Stichwort: Moralische konomie, Jens Kastner Delegation und Erbauungswissenschaft. Zur Kritik der zapatismusnahen Forschung zu sozialen Bewegungen, S. 77

Nr. 120 (2010)

Postkoloniale Perspektiven auf Entwicklung

Aram Ziai Postkoloniale Perspektiven auf Entwicklung Patricia Deuser: Genderspezifische Entwicklungspolitiken und Bevlkerungsdiskurse: Das Konzept der Sexuellen und Reproduktiven Gesundheit und Rechte aus postkolonialer Perspektive Franziska Dbgen: Respect the Poor? Postkoloniale Perspektiven auf Armut Joshua Kwesi Aikins & Daniel Bendix: PERIPHERIE-Stichwort: post(-)colonial, Timo Kiesel & Daniel Bendix: White Charity: Eine postkoloniale, rassismuskritische Analyse der entwicklungspolitischen Plakatwerbung in Deutschland

Nr. 118/119 (2010) Postkoloniale Perspektiven auf Geschlechterpolitiken

Christa Wichterich Geschlechteranalysen und -diskurse in der Krise, Renate Kreile: Zwischen Purdah, Bollywood und Politik - Geschlechterverhltnisse und Transformationsprozesse in Afghanistan Marian Burchardt: Besser leben ohne Mnner? Taktische Religion, Geschlechterordnung und HIV/AIDS in Sdafrika Ulrike Schultz: "Dies ist keine Arbeit fr eine Frau wie mich" - Der Diskurs um Frauen(erwerbs)arbeit im Sudan, Ruth Streicher: Hegemoniale Deutungsmuster und ernste Spiele. Zur Konstruktion von Mnnlichkeit und Gewalt am Beispiel einer Gang in Osttimor Stefanie Kron: "Coyotes", "Passanten aus dem Norden" und "weie Witwen". Transmigration und Geschlecht im lndlichen Raum Guatemalas, Ilse Lenz & Hildegard Scheu:

PERIPHERIE-Stichwort Mnnlichkeiten, Ina Kerner PERIPHERIE-Stichwort Intersektionalitt Claudia Prinz: Hermann von Wissmann als "Kolonialpionier

Nr. 117 (2010)

Fuball peripher

Gerald Hdl: Afrika in der globalen Fuballkonomie Carlos Sandoval-Garca: Fuball: Nationale Identitt und Formen von Maskulinitt in Costa Rica Wilfried Schwetz, Donna McGuire & Crispen Chinguno: Warum sich Gewerkschaften um Mega- Sportevents kmmern sollten. Gewerkschaftliche Organisierung im Umfeld der Fuballweltmeisterschaften 2006 in Deutschland und 2010 in Sdafrika, Christina Peters: Umkmpfter Raum: Die Popularisierung des Fuballsports in Brasilien von 1890 bis 1930 Robert Meyer, Janosch Prinz & Conrad Schetter: Ein Spiel im Container? Zum Zusammenhang von Raum und Fuball Wolfgang Hein & Reinhart Kler: PERIPHERIE-Stichwort: peripher Diskussion: Rita Schfer: Prostitution whrend der Fuballweltmeisterschaft 2010 - Legalisierung, Entkriminalisierung oder Verbot?

Volume 42, Issue 3, Pages 263-404 (June 2011)
Clive Barnett Theory and events AbdouMaliq Simone The ineligible majority: Urbanizing the postcolony in Africa and Southeast Asia Sara Koopman Alter-geopolitics: Other securities are happening Chih Yuan Woon Undoing violence, unbounding precarity: Beyond the frames of terror in the Philippines Joanne Sharp A subaltern critical geopolitics of the war on terror: Postcolonial security in Tanzania Christopher Harker Geopolitics and family in Palestine Ron J. Smith

Graduated incarceration: The Israeli occupation in subaltern geopolitical perspective Arjen E. Buijs, Bas J.M. Arts, Birgit H.M. Elands, Jaap Lengkeek Beyond environmental frames: The social representation and cultural resonance of nature in conflicts over a Dutch woodland Suzanne Vallance, Harvey C. Perkins, Jennifer E. Dixon What is social sustainability? A clarification of concepts Tjard De Cock Buning, Claar De Brauw, Mariette Van Amstel NIMBY or how do the rural neighbours respond to genetically modified (GM) crops? An exploration of the structure of reactions by inhabitants in rural communities in The Netherlands to the commercial cultivation of GM crops in their community Petr Jehlika, Joe Smith An unsustainable state: Contrasting food practices and state policies in the Czech Republic Bjrnar Sther, Arne Isaksen, Asbjrn Karlsen Innovation by co-evolution in natural resource industries: The Norwegian experience Choon-Piew Pow Living it up: Super-rich enclave and transnational elite urbanism in Singapore Shirlena Huang, Brenda S.A. Yeoh Navigating the terrains of transnational education: Children of Chinese study mothers in Singapore

Volume 42, Issue 2, Pages 127-262 (March 2011) Themed Issue: New Feminist Political Ecologies
Paul Robbins, Martin D. Robbins Is geographic education the next financial bubble? Rebecca Elmhirst Introducing new feminist political ecologies Jinghua Ge, Bernadette P. Resurreccion, Rebecca Elmhirst Return migration and the reiteration of gender norms in water management politics: Insights from a Chinese village Yaffa Truelove (Re-)Conceptualizing water inequality in Delhi, India through a feminist political ecology framework Andrea J. Nightingale Bounding difference: Intersectionality and the material production of gender, caste, class and environment in Nepal Farhana Sultana Suffering for water, suffering from water: Emotional geographies of resource access, control and conflict Rebecca Elmhirst Migrant pathways to resource access in Lampungs political forest: Gender, citizenship and creative conjugality

Simon R. Bush, Marjolein Duijf Searching for (un)sustainabilty in pangasius aquaculture: A political economy of quality in European retail Bjrn Sletto Conservation planning, boundary-making and border terrains: The desire for forest and order in the Gran Sabana, Venezuela Jessica Dempsey The Politics of Nature in British Columbias Great Bear Rainforest Samuel Kinsley Anticipating ubiquitous computing: Logics to forecast technological futures Nick Gill, Paula Bialski New friends in new places: Network formation during the migration process among Poles in the UK

Volume 41, Issue 4, Pages 519-666 (July 2010) Themed Issue: Geographies of Peak Oil
Mrcio Moraes Valena Social rental housing for Brazilian cities? Lessons from military housing and a right-to-buy program Gavin Bridge Geographies of peak oil: The other carbon problem Emma Hemmingsen At the base of Hubberts Peak: Grounding the debate on petroleum scarcity Mazen Labban Oil in parallax: Scarcity, markets, and the financialization of accumulation Anna Zalik Oil futures: Shells Scenarios and the social constitution of the global oil market Gavin Bridge, Andrew Wood Less is more: Spectres of scarcity and the politics of resource access in the upstream oil sector Berit Kristoffersen, Stephen Young Geographies of security and statehood in Norways Battle of the North Peter North Eco-localisation as a progressive response to peak oil and climate change A sympathetic critique Ian Bailey, Rob Hopkins, Geoff Wilson Some things old, some things new: The spatial representations and politics of change of the peak oil relocalisation movement Alan Ingram Governmentality and security in the US Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Soyeun Kim

Greening the Dam: The case of the San Roque Multi-purpose Project in the Philippines Tor A. Benjaminsen, Jens B. Aune, Daouda Sidib A critical political ecology of cotton and soil fertility in Mali Anastasia Christou, Russell King Imagining home: Diasporic landscapes of the Greek-German second generation Merle Jacob, Tomas Hellstrm Public-space planning in four Nordic cities: Symbolic values in tension

Historical Materialism
Volume 18, Number 4, 2010
Post, Charles Exploring Working-Class Consciousness: A Critique of the Theory of the `LabourAristocracy'* Zanini, Adelino On the `Philosophical Foundations' of Italian Workerism: A Conceptual Approach Nguyen, Duy Lap Le Capital Amoureux : Imaginary Wealth and Revolution in Jean Genet's Prisoner of Love Losurdo, Domenico Moral Dilemmas and Broken Promises: A Historical-Philosophical Overview of the Nonviolent Movement Day, Gail; Edwards, Steve; Mabb, David `What Keeps Mankind Alive?': the Eleventh International Istanbul Biennial. Once More on Aesthetics and Politics Mann, Geoff Value after Lehman Jeannot, Thomas Reclaiming Marx's `Capital': A Refutation of the Myth of Inconsistency, Andrew Kliman, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2007. Moseley, Fred Reclaiming Marx's `Capital': A Refutation of the Myth of Inconsistency, Andrew Kliman, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2007 Day, Gail The Project of Autonomy: Politics and Architecture Within and Against Capitalism, Pier Vittorio Aureli, New York: The Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture at Columbia University and Princeton Architectural Press, 2008

Volume 19, Number 1, 2011

Bunyard, Tom Debord, Time and History Haldon, John Framing the Early Middle Ages

Davidson, Neil Centuries of Transition Harman, Chris Chris Wickham's Framing the Early Middle Ages Banaji, Jairus Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages: What Kind of Transition? Knight, Kelvin Agency and Ethics, Past and Present Moreland, John Land and Power from Roman Britain to Anglo-Saxon England? Astarita, Carlos Peasant-Based Societies in Chris Wickham's Thought Wickham, Chris The Problems of Comparison Spronk, Susan; Webber, Jeffery R.; Ciccariello-Maher, George; Denis, Roland; Ellner, Steve; Fernandes, Sujatha; Lebowitz, Michael A.; Motta, Sara; Purcell, Thomas The Bolivarian Process in Venezuela: A Left Forum Gaido, Daniel; Poy, Lucas A la conquista de la clase obrera: Los comunistas y el mundo del trabajo en la Argentina, 1920-1935 Historia del trotskismo en Argentina y Amrica Latina Marx en la Argentina: Sus primeros lectores obreros, intelectuales y cientficos Cesarale, Giorgio Marx e Hegel. Contributi a una rilettura Kennedy, Geoff Citizens to Lords: A Social History of Western Political Thought From Antiquity to the Middle Ages Wallis, Victor Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism: Electrification

Review of Radical Political Economics

December 2010; 42 (4)
Patrick Bond Water, Health, and the Commodification Debate Rodney Edvinsson A Tendency for the Rate of Profit to Fall? From Primitive to Flexible Accumulation in Sweden 1800-2005 Adalmir Marquetti,Eduardo Maldonado Filho,Vladimir Lautert The Profit Rate in Brazil, 1953-2003 Wonik Kim Simultaneous Transitions: Democratization, Neoliberalization, and Possibilities for Class Compromise in South Korea

Yavuz Yaar Gender, Development, and Neoliberalism: HIV/ AIDS in Cambodia

March 2011; 43 (1)

Victor D. Lippit, Ron Baiman,David Kotz, Mehrene Larudee, Minqi Li,Victor Lippit, Shaianne Osterreich Introduction: Chinas Rise in the Global Economy Andong Zhu and David M. Kotz The Dependence of Chinas Economic Growth on Exports and Investment Dic Lo and Yu Zhang Making Sense of Chinas Economic Transformation Martin Hart-Landsberg The Chinese Reform Experience: A Critical Assessment Chiara Piovani and Minqi Li One Hundred Million Jobs for the Chinese Workers! Why Chinas Current Model of Development Is Unsustainable and How a Progressive Economic Program Can Help the Chinese Workers, the Chinese Economy, and Chinas Environment Fred Moseley The Determination of the Monetary Expression of Labor Time (MELT) in the Case of Non-Commodity Money

June 2011; 43 (2)

Stephanie Paterson Rethinking the Dynamics of Abusive Relationships: The Implications of Violence and Resistance for Household Bargaining Devin Penner The Limits of Radical Institutionalism: A Marxian Critique of Thorstein Veblens Political Economy Saumya Chakrabarti A Macroeconomic Structure of Employment: Rural-Urban Conflict in a Kaleckian Framework Rex A. McKenzie Casino Capitalism with Derivatives: Fragility and Instability in Contemporary Finance Aimin Dang Social Dividend Based on Overproduction Dirk H. M. Akkermans Subcontracting and the Creation of Inequality in the Dutch Clothing Industry 1980-1992

The Journal of Environment & Development

December 2010; 19 (4)
Timothe Ollivier and Pierre-Nol Giraud The Usefulness of Sustainability Indicators for Policy Making in Developing Countries: The Case of Madagascar

Ngeta Kabiri The Political Economy of Wildlife Conservation and Decline in Kenya Bhim Adhikari,Saima Pervaiz Baig,and Usman Ali Iftikhar The Use and Management of Mangrove Ecosystems in Pakistan

March 2011; 20 (1)

Akihisa Mori Overcoming Barriers to Effective Environmental Aid: A Comparison between Japan, Germany, Denmark, and the World Bank Marvin Joseph F. Montefrio and David A. Sonnenfeld Forests, Fuel, or Food? Competing Coalitions and Biofuels Policy Making in the Philippines Michael J. Miller Persistent Illegal Logging in Costa Rica: The Role of Corruption Among Forestry Regulators Antto Vihma India and the Global Climate Governance: Between Principles and Pragmatism

June 2011; 20 (2)

David Humphreys Smoke and Mirrors: Some Reflections on the Science and Politics of Geoengineering Hari Bansha Dulal,Roberto Foa,and Stephen Knowles Social Capital and Cross-Country Environmental Performance Mari Bieri and Anja Nygren The Challenges of Certifying Tropical Community Forests: A Case Study From Honduras Susmita Dasgupta, Mainul Huq, Zahirul Huq Khan, Md. Sohel Masud, Manjur Murshed Zahid Ahmed,Nandan Mukherjee, Kiran Pandey Climate Proofing Infrastructure in Bangladesh: The Incremental Cost of Limiting Future Flood Damage Sikina Jinnah Strategic Linkages: The Evolving Role of Trade Agreements in Global Environmental Governance

Global Environmental Politics

Volume 10, Number 4, November 2010
David Schlosberg/ David Carruthers Indigenous Struggles, Environmental Justice, and Community Capabilities Magnus Bostrm/Kristina Tamm Hallstrm NGO Power in Global Social and Environmental Standard-Setting Katherine J. Goodwin Reconstructing Automobility: The Making and Breaking of Modern Transportation Shane Mulligan Energy, Environment, and Security: Critical Links in a Post-Peak World

Jon Birger Skjrseth/Jrgen Wettestad Fixing the EU Emissions Trading System? Understanding the Post-2012 Changes

Volume 11, Number 1, February 2011

Ian M. McGregor Disenfranchisement of Countries and Civil Society at COP-15 in Copenhagen Dana R. Fisher The Limits of Civil Societys Participation and Influence at COP-15: A Comment on Disenfranchisement of Countries and Civil Society at COP-15 in Copenhagen by Ian McGregor David Katz Hydro-Political Hyperbole: Examining Incentives for Overemphasizing the Risks of Water Wars Itay Fischhendler/Shlomi Dinar/David Katz The Politics of Unilateral Environmentalism: Cooperation and Conflict over Water Management along the Israeli-Palestinian Border Jessica Ayers Resolving the Adaptation Paradox: Exploring the Potential for Deliberative Adaptation Policy-Making in Bangladesh Christer Karlsson/Charles Parker/Mattias Hjerpe/Bjrn-Ola Linnr Looking for Leaders: Perceptions of Climate Change Leadership among Climate Change Negotiation Participants

Volume 11, Number 2, May 2011

W. Neil Adger/Jon Barnett/F. S. Chapin III/Heidi Ellemor This Must Be the Place: Underrepresentation of Identity and Meaning in Climate Change Decision-Making Jonas Meckling The Globalization of Carbon Trading: Transnational Business Coalitions in Climate Politics Eric Helleiner Introduction: The Greening of Global Financial Markets? Michael MacLeod/ Jacob Park Financial Activism and Global Climate Change: The Rise of Investor-Driven Governance Networks Jason Thistlethwaite Counting the Environment: The Environmental Implications of International Accounting Standards Adam Harmes The Limits of Carbon Disclosure: Theorizing the Business Case for Investor Environmentalism

Review of International Political Economy

Volume 17, Issue 5, 2010

Jill Steans; Daniela Tepe Introduction - Social reproduction in international political economy: Theoretical insights and international, transnational and local sitings Arne Ruckert The forgotten dimension of social reproduction: the World Bank and the poverty reduction strategy paradigm Juanita Elias Making migrant domestic work visible: The rights based approach to migration and the 'challenges of social reproduction' Lucy Ferguson Tourism development and the restructuring of social reproduction in Central America Genevieve LeBaron The political economy of the household: Neoliberal restructuring, enclosures, and daily life Rahel Kunz The crisis of social reproduction in rural Mexico: Challenging the 're-privatization of social reproduction' thesis

Volume 17, Issue 4, 2010

Henry Farrell; Abraham L. Newman Making global markets: Historical institutionalism in international political economy Elliot Posner Sequence as explanation: The international politics of accounting standards David Bach; Abraham L. Newman Governing lipitor and lipstick: Capacity, sequencing, and power in international pharmaceutical and cosmetics regulation Orfeo Fioretos Capitalist diversity and the international regulation of hedge funds Layna Mosley Regulating globally, implementing locally: The financial codes and standards effort Susan K. Sell The rise and rule of a trade-based strategy: Historical institutionalism and the international regulation of intellectual property Daniel W. Drezner Is historical institutionalism bunk?

Volume 18, Issue 1, 2011

James Brassett; Eleni Tsingou The politics of legitimate global governance Steven Bernstein Legitimacy in intergovernmental and non-state global governance Daniel Mgge

Limits of legitimacy and the primacy of politics in financial governance Lena Rethel Whose legitimacy? Islamic finance and the global financial order Robert O. Keohane Global governance and legitimacy Jan Aart Scholte Towards greater legitimacy in global governance Furio Cerutti The deeper roots of legitimacy and its future Kishore Mahbubani Can Asia re-legitimize global governance?

Volume 18, Issue 2, 2011

Hans Krause Hansen Managing corruption risks Bo Rothstein Anti-corruption: the indirect 'big bang' approach Thomas Rixen From double tax avoidance to tax competition: Explaining the institutional trajectory of international tax governance Thomas Marois Emerging market bank rescues in an era of finance-led neoliberalism: A comparison of Mexico and Turkey Iain Hardie How much can governments borrow? Financialization and emerging markets government borrowing capacity

Capitalism Nature Socialism

Volume 21, Issue 4, 2010
Joel Kovel Imperial Blues Costas Panayotakis Capitalism, Socialism, and Economic Democracy: Reflections on Today's Crisis and Tomorrow's Possibilities John Clark The Tragedy of Common Sense Part Two: From Ideology to Historical Reality Srgio Rivero; Paul Cooney Seisdedos The Amazon as a Frontier of Capital Accumulation: Looking Beyond the Trees Karen Charman Trashing the Planet for Natural Gas: Shale Gas Development Threatens Freshwater Sources, Likely Escalates Climate Destabilization

Reg Johanson Mortify Mary Mellor Escaping from Bondage Daniel Tanuro Marxism, Energy, and Ecology: The Moment of Truth Stephen Collis An overwhelmedness to which one responds Philip W. Bennett Reply to Kovel's Introduction Joel Kovel Reply to Bennett

Volume 22, Issue 1, 2011

Joel Kovel WikiLeaks Forever Joel Kovel On Marx and Ecology Jane Hindley; Ming-sho Ho; Hua-Mei Chiu Introduction: Neoliberalism, Social Movements, and the Environment in Taiwan Hwa-Jen Liu When Labor and Nature Strike Back: A Double Movement Saga in Taiwan Hua-Mei Chiu The Dark Side of Silicon Island: High-Tech Pollution and the Environmental Movement in Taiwan Yubin Chiu Old Constraints and Future Possibilities in the Development of Taiwan's Independent Labor Movement Ming-sho Ho; Jane Hindley The Humanist Challenge in Taiwan's Education: Liberation, Social Justice and Ecology Dave Channon Intersections Ellen Welcker Nesting Dolls Against Dichotomies of All Sorts Jennifer Sumner; Sophie Llewelyn Organic Solutions? Gender and Organic Farming in the Age of Industrial Agriculture Marco Giovenale from anachronisms

Volume 22, Issue 2, 2011

Patrick Bond

From Copenhagen to Cancn to Durban: Moving Deckchairs on the Climate Titanic Les Levidow; Helena Paul Global Agrofuel Crops as Contested Sustainability Part II: Eco-Efficient Techno-fixes? Fred Ho How Does Music Free Us? Jazz as Resistance to Commodification and the Embrace of the Eco-Logic Aesthetic Costas Panayotakis My Second Life as an Austerity Nut Craig Santos Perez from fatal impact statements [volume four: aircraft carrier berthing] Chung-Hsiang Kuang The Three-Pronged Approach to Reforming Taiwan's Media under Neoliberalism Yih-ren Lin Politicizing Nature: The Maqaw National Park Controversy in Taiwan Mark Wallace From The End of America, Book 8 David Buuck WEST CODES

Journal of Political Ecology

Volume 17 (2010)
Elisabeth Middleton A political ecology of healing. Ismael Vaccaro and Oriol Beltran Conservationist governmental technologies in the Western European Mountains: the unfinished transformation of the Pyrenees. Edwin Nuijten Gender and management of crop diversity in The Gambia. ames Arvanitakis and Spike Boydell The Miner and the Activist: a parable for our carbon constrained world. Mohammad Tanzimuddin Khan The Nishorgo Support Project, the Lawachara National Park, and the Chevron seismic survey: forest conservation or energy procurement in Bangladesh? Ylva Uggla What is this thing called 'natural'? The nature-culture divide in climate change and biodiversity policy.

Volume 18 (2011)
Shrinidhi Ambinakudige National Parks, coffee and NTFPs: the livelihood capabilities of Adivasis in Kodagu, India.

Laura Meitzner Yoder. Political ecologies of wood and wax: sandalwood and beeswax as symbols and shapers of customary authority in the Oecusse enclave, Timor. Sebastian Thomas and Paul Dargusch Engaging with carbon markets: the Libya case

Ecological Economics
Volume 70, Issue 1, Pages 1-136 (15 November 2010)
D.S. Holland Markets, pooling and insurance for managing bycatch in fisheries S.M. Hatefi, S.A. Torabi A common weight MCDADEA approach to construct composite indicators Nick Hanley, Mikolaj Czajkowski, Rose Hanley-Nickolls, Steve Redpath Economic values of species management options in humanwildlife conflicts: Hen Harriers in Scotland E. Garmendia, R. Prellezo, A. Murillas, M. Escapa, M. Gallastegui Weak and strong sustainability assessment in fisheries Thomas P. Holmes, Andrew M. Liebhold, Kent F. Kovacs, Betsy Von Holle A spatial-dynamic value transfer model of economic losses from a biological invasion Man Li Decomposing the change of CO2 emissions in China: A distance function approach Frederik A.W. Noack, Michael Manthey, Jack H. Ruitenbeek, M.R. Marvie Mohadjer Separate or mixed production of timber, livestock and biodiversity in the Caspian Forest Hogne N. Larsen, Edgar G. Hertwich Identifying important characteristics of municipal carbon footprints Eva Horvthov Does environmental performance affect financial performance? A meta-analysis Andries F. Hof, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Michel G.J. den Elzen A quantitative minimax regret approach to climate change: Does discounting still matter? Paula Castro, Axel Michaelowa The impact of discounting emission credits on the competitiveness of different CDM host countries Ashar Aftab, Nick Hanley, Giovanni Baiocchi Integrated regulation of nonpoint pollution: Combining managerial controls and economic instruments under multiple environmental targets Carlisle A. Pemberton, Emaline Harris-Charles, Hazel Patterson-Andrews Cultural bias in contingent valuation of copper mining in the Commonwealth of Dominica Bin Su, B.W. Ang Inputoutput analysis of CO2 emissions embodied in trade: The effects of spatial aggregation

Uta Sauer, Anke Fischer Willingness to pay, attitudes and fundamental values On the cognitive context of public preferences for diversity in agricultural landscapes

Volume 70, Issue 2, Pages 137-452 (15 December 2010)

Patrick M. Erwin, Susanna Lpez-Legentil, Peter W. Schuhmann The pharmaceutical value of marine biodiversity for anti-cancer drug discovery Phetkeo Poumanyvong, Shinji Kaneko Does urbanization lead to less energy use and lower CO2 emissions? A cross-country analysis Julia K. Steinberger, J. Timmons Roberts From constraint to sufficiency: The decoupling of energy and carbon from human needs, 19752005 Alistair McVittie, Dominic Moran Valuing the non-use benefits of marine conservation zones: An application to the UK Marine Bill Astrid Zabel, Stefanie Engel Performance payments: A new strategy to conserve large carnivores in the tropics? Congwen Zhang, Kevin J. Boyle The effect of an aquatic invasive species (Eurasian watermilfoil) on lakefront property values Monica Guillen-Royo Realising the wellbeing dividend: An exploratory study using the Human Scale Development approach Jason Potts, John Foster, Anna Straton An entrepreneurial model of economic and environmental co-evolution Jrgen Meyerhoff, Ulf Liebe Determinants of protest responses in environmental valuation: A meta-study Laura Rival Ecuador's Yasun-ITT Initiative: The old and new values of petroleum Stefan Tscharaktschiew, Georg Hirte The drawbacks and opportunities of carbon charges in metropolitan areas A spatial general equilibrium approach Reviva Hasson, sa Lfgren, Martine Visser Climate change in a public goods game: Investment decision in mitigation versus adaptation Fabrizio Carmignani, Desire Avom The social development effects of primary commodity export dependence Francisco X. Aguilar, Zhen Cai Conjoint effect of environmental labeling, disclosure of forest of origin and price on consumer preferences for wood products in the US and UK Joshua K. Abbott, H. Allen Klaiber

Is all space created equal? Uncovering the relationship between competing land uses in subdivisions Jeremy Franks Boundary organizations for sustainable land management: The example of Dutch Environmental Co-operatives Sofia Teives Henriques, Astrid Kander The modest environmental relief resulting from the transition to a service economy Manfred Lenzen, Joy Murray Conceptualising environmental responsibility Federico Demaria Shipbreaking at AlangSosiya (India): An ecological distribution conflict Giacomo D'Alisa, David Burgalassi, Hali Healy, Mariana Walter Conflict in Campania: Waste emergency or crisis of democracy Duygu Avc, Fikret Adaman, Begm zkaynak Valuation languages in environmental conflicts: How stakeholders oppose or support gold mining at Mount Ida, Turkey Leire Urkidi A glocal environmental movement against gold mining: PascuaLama in Chile Mart Orta-Martnez, Matt Finer Oil frontiers and indigenous resistance in the Peruvian Amazon Gustavo A. Garca-Lpez, Nancy Arizpe Participatory processes in the soy conflicts in Paraguay and Argentina Pere Ariza-Montobbio, Sharachchandra Lele Jatropha plantations for biodiesel in Tamil Nadu, India: Viability, livelihood trade-offs, and latent conflict Louise Takeda, Inge Rpke Power and contestation in collaborative ecosystem-based management: The case of Haida Gwaii Sandra Veuthey, Julien-Franois Gerber Logging conflicts in Southern Cameroon: A feminist ecological economics perspective Maria Cristina Vallejo Biophysical structure of the Ecuadorian economy, foreign trade, and policy implications Joan Martinez-Alier, Giorgos Kallis, Sandra Veuthey, Mariana Walter, Leah Temper Social Metabolism, Ecological Distribution Conflicts, and Valuation Languages Fabian Waltert, Felix Schlpfer Landscape amenities and local development: A review of migration, regional economic and hedonic pricing studies Estelle Dominati, Murray Patterson, Alec Mackay Response to Robinson and Lebron Learning from complementary approaches to soil natural capital and ecosystem services David A. Robinson, Inma Lebron

On the natural capital and ecosystem services of soils

Volume 70, Issue 3 (15 January 2011)

Xiaoyu Wu, Bowman Cutter Who votes for public environmental goods in California?: Evidence from a spatial analysis of voting for environmental ballot measures Yannis A. Phillis, Evangelos Grigoroudis, Vassilis S. Kouikoglou Sustainability ranking and improvement of countries Martin Drechsler, Florian Hartig Conserving biodiversity with tradable permits under changing conservation costs and habitat restoration time lags Valborg Kvakkestad, Arild Vatn Governing uncertain and unknown effects of genetically modified crops Karoline S. Rogge, Malte Schneider, Volker H. Hoffmann The innovation impact of the EU Emission Trading System Findings of company case studies in the German power sector Timothe Ollivier, Pierre-Nol Giraud Assessing sustainability, a comprehensive wealth accounting prospect: An application to Mozambique Mark Sagoff The quantification and valuation of ecosystem services Sibylle Wursthorn, Witold-Roger Poganietz, Liselotte Schebek Economicenvironmental monitoring indicators for European countries: A disaggregated sector-based approach for monitoring eco-efficiency Annemarie van Zeijl-Rozema, Ludovico Ferraguto, Pietro Caratti Comparing region-specific sustainability assessments through indicator systems: Feasible or not? Dorian Litvine, Rolf Wstenhagen Helping light green consumers walk the talk: Results of a behavioural intervention survey in the Swiss electricity market M.J. Mutenje, G.F. Ortmann, S.R.D. Ferrer Management of non-timber forestry products extraction: Local institutions, ecological knowledge and market structure in South-Eastern Zimbabwe Mick Common The relationship between externality, and its correction, and sustainability

Volume 70, Issue 4 (15 February 2011)

Karen Kastenhofer, Ulrike Bechtold, Harald Wilfing Sustaining sustainability science: The role of established inter-disciplines S. Niggol Seo An analysis of public adaptation to climate change using agricultural water schemes in South America

John Cullinan, Stephen Hynes, Cathal O'Donoghue Using spatial microsimulation to account for demographic and spatial factors in environmental benefit transfer Alan R. Collins, Peter Maille Group decision-making theory and behavior under performance-based water quality payments Patrick Withey, G. Cornelis van Kooten The effect of climate change on optimal wetlands and waterfowl management in Western Canada Masaaki Fuse, Eiji Yamasue, Barbara K. Reck, T.E. Graedel Regional development or resource preservation? A perspective from Japanese appliance exports Sergio Ulgiati, Amalia Zucaro, Pier Paolo Franzese Shared wealth or nobody's land? The worth of natural capital and ecosystem services Karin Perhans, Dan Glde, Jessica Gilbertsson, Anette Persson, Lena Gustafsson Fine-scale conservation planning outside of reserves: Cost-effective selection of retention patches at final harvest Andrea M. Leiter, Arno Parolini, Hannes Winner Environmental regulation and investment: Evidence from European industry data A.K. Chapagain, A.Y. Hoekstra The blue, green and grey water footprint of rice from production and consumption perspectives Jie Chang, Xu Wu, Anqin Liu, Yan Wang, Bin Xu, Wu Yang, Laura A. Meyerson, Baojing Gu, Changhui Peng, Ying Ge Assessment of net ecosystem services of plastic greenhouse vegetable cultivation in China Adriana Ressurreio, James Gibbons, Tomaz Ponce Dentinho, Michel Kaiser, Ricardo S. Santos, Gareth Edwards-Jones Economic valuation of species loss in the open sea Brant Abbott, G. Cornelis van Kooten Can domestication of wildlife lead to conservation? The economics of tiger farming in China Suk-Won Choi, Brent Sohngen, Ralph Alig An assessment of the influence of bioenergy and marketed land amenity values on land uses in the Midwestern US Rafael Reuveny, John W. Maxwell, Jefferson Davis On conflict over natural resources Ling Huang, Martin D. Smith Management of an annual fishery in the presence of ecological stress: The case of shrimp and hypoxia Jussi Lankoski, Markku Ollikainen Biofuel policies and the environment: Do climate benefits warrant increased production from biofuel feedstocks?

Bertrand Hamaide, Jack Sheerin Species protection from current reserves: Economic and biological considerations, spatial issues and policy evaluation Shigeru Matsumoto A duration analysis of environmental alternative dispute resolution in Japan Andrew F. Reeson, John G. Tisdell, Ryan R.J. McAllister Trust, reputation and relationships in grazing rights markets: An experimental economic study E. Mettepenningen, V. Beckmann, J. Eggers Public transaction costs of agri-environmental schemes and their determinants Analysing stakeholders' involvement and perceptions Nicholas Brozovi, Wolfram Schlenker Optimal management of an ecosystem with an unknown threshold L. Mouysset, L. Doyen, F. Jiguet, G. Allaire, F. Leger Bio economic modeling for a sustainable management of biodiversity in agricultural lands Carsten Herrmann-Pillath The evolutionary approach to entropy: Reconciling Georgescu-Roegen's natural philosophy with the maximum entropy framework Anne M. Wallis, Michelle L.M. Graymore, Anneke J. Richards Significance of environment in the assessment of sustainable development: The case for south west Victoria Jeffrey Wagner Incentivizing sustainable waste management Niaz Murtaza Pursuing self-interest or self-actualization? From capitalism to a steady-state, wisdom economy Charles Palmer Property rights and liability for deforestation under REDD+: Implications for permanence in policy design

Volume 70, Issue 5 (15 March 2011)

Lucia Scodanibbio Opening a policy window for organisational change and full-cost accounting: The creation of BC Hydro's water use planning program Therese Grijalva, Robert P. Berrens, W. Douglass Shaw Species preservation versus development: An experimental investigation under uncertainty Dongxia Yue, Xiaofeng Xu, Cang Hui, Youcai Xiong, Xuemei Han, Jinhui Ma Biocapacity supply and demand in Northwestern China: A spatial appraisal of sustainability Georg Mller-Frstenberger, Gunter Stephan What really matters: Discounting, technological change and sustainable climate

Craig H. Bullock, Marcus Collier When the public good conflicts with an apparent preference for unsustainable behaviour Pin Ng, Xiaobing Zhao No matter how it is measured, income declines with global warming Gregmar I. Galinato Endogenous property rights regimes, common-pool resources and trade Marcus Wagner Corporate performance implications of extended stakeholder management: New insights on mediation and moderation effects Jean-Franois Fagnart, Marc Germain Quantitative versus qualitative growth with recyclable resource Naizhuo Zhao, Nate Currit, Eric Samson Net primary production and gross domestic product in China derived from satellite imagery F. Barraquand, V. Martinet Biological conservation in dynamic agricultural landscapes: Effectiveness of public policies and trade-offs with agricultural production Deepak Malghan A dimensionally consistent aggregation framework for biophysical metrics Laure Bamire, Petr Havlk, Florence Jacquet, Michel Lherm, Guy Millet, Vincent Bretagnolle Farming system modelling for agri-environmental policy design: The case of a spatially non-aggregated allocation of conservation measures Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh Environment versus growth A criticism of degrowth and a plea for a-growth Giorgos Kallis In defence of degrowth Hamid Balali, Sadegh Khalilian, Davide Viaggi, Fabio Bartolini, Majid Ahmadian Groundwater balance and conservation under different water pricing and agricultural policy scenarios: A case study of the Hamadan-Bahar plain Manuela Castro e Silva, Aurora A.C. Teixeira A bibliometric account of the evolution of EE in the last two decades: Is ecological economics (becoming) a post-normal science?

Volume 70, Issue 6 (15 April 2011)

Artti Juutinen, Yohei Mitani, Erkki Mntymaa, Yasushi Shoji, Pirkko Siikamki, Rauli Svento Combining ecological and recreational aspects in national park management: A choice experiment application Franz Fuerst, Pat McAllister Eco-labeling in commercial office markets: Do LEED and Energy Star offices obtain multiple premiums? Olivier Damette, Philippe Delacote Unsustainable timber harvesting, deforestation and the role of certification

Douadia Bougherara, Laurent Denant-Boemont, David Masclet Cooperation and framing effects in provision point mechanisms: Experimental evidence Silvio Simonit, Charles Perrings Sustainability and the value of the regulating services: Wetlands and water quality in Lake Victoria Anke Fischer, Klaus Glenk One model fits all? On the moderating role of emotional engagement and confusion in the elicitation of preferences for climate change adaptation policies Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Thomas Hedemark Lundhede, Louise Martinsen, Berit Hasler, Bo Jellesmark Thorsen Embedding effects in choice experiment valuations of environmental preservation projects Lynne M. Osgathorpe, Kirsty Park, Dave Goulson, Szvetlana Acs, Nick Hanley The trade-off between agriculture and biodiversity in marginal areas: Can crofting and bumblebee conservation be reconciled? M. Dolores Garza-Gil, Manuel M. Varela-Lafuente, Gonzalo Caballero-Miguez, Marcos lvarez-Daz Analysing the profitability of the Spanish fleet after the anchovy moratorium using bootstrap techniques Thomas Knoke, Otto-Emmanuel Steinbeis, Matthias Bsch, Rosa Mara Romn-Cuesta, Thomas Burkhardt Cost-effective compensation to avoid carbon emissions from forest loss: An approach to consider pricequantity effects and risk-aversion Frances Homans, Tetsuya Horie Optimal detection strategies for an established invasive pest Sandra Derissen, Martin F. Quaas, Stefan Baumgrtner The relationship between resilience and sustainability of ecological-economic systems Shaun M. Tanger, Peng Zeng, Wayde Morse, David N. Laband Macroeconomic conditions in the U.S. and congressional voting on environmental policy: 19702008 Beilei Cai, Trudy Ann Cameron, Geoffrey R. Gerdes Distal order effects in stated preference surveys Ismail Erol, Safiye Sencer, Ramazan Sari A new fuzzy multi-criteria framework for measuring sustainability performance of a supply chain Hugh Kelley, Tom Evans The relative influences of land-owner and landscape heterogeneity in an agent-based model of land-use Solveig Glomsrd, Taoyuan Wei, Gang Liu, Jens B. Aune How well do tree plantations comply with the twin targets of the Clean Development Mechanism? The case of tree plantations in Tanzania Annick Hedlund-de Witt The rising culture and worldview of contemporary spirituality: A sociological study of potentials and pitfalls for sustainable development

Qing-feng Zhang, Fa-qi Wu, Li Wang, Lifeng Yuan, Long-shan Zhao Application of PCA integrated with CA and GIS in eco-economic regionalization of Chinese Loess Plateau John F. Raffensperger Matching users' rights to available groundwater Thomas Kastner, Michael Kastner, Sanderine Nonhebel Tracing distant environmental impacts of agricultural products from a consumer perspective Bedru Babulo Balana, Andy Vinten, Bill Slee A review on cost-effectiveness analysis of agri-environmental measures related to the EU WFD: Key issues, methods, and applications Peter Sderbaum Sustainability economics as a contested concept

Volume 70, Issue 7, (15 May 2011) Special Section: Ecological Economics and Environmental History
Timothy N. Cason, Lata Gangadharan Price discovery and intermediation in linked emissions trading markets: A laboratory study Awudu Abdulai, Victor Owusu, John-Eudes A. Bakang Adoption of safer irrigation technologies and cropping patterns: Evidence from Southern Ghana Doris Lpple, Tom Van Rensburg Adoption of organic farming: Are there differences between early and late adoption? Rama Mohana R. Turaga, Douglas Noonan, Ann Bostrom Hot spots regulation and environmental justice James Lennox, Wendy Proctor, Shona Russell Structuring stakeholder participation in New Zealand's water resource governance Aaron Strong, John Tschirhart, David Finnoff Is economic growth for the birds? Lota D. Tamini A nonparametric analysis of the impact of agri-environmental advisory activities on best management practice adoption: A case study of Qubec George E. Halkos, Nickolaos G. Tzeremes Oil consumption and economic efficiency: A comparative analysis of advanced, developing and emerging economies Inmaculada Martnez-Zarzoso, Antonello Maruotti The impact of urbanization on CO2 emissions: Evidence from developing countries Wisdom Akpalu, Worku T. Bitew Species diversity, fishing induced change in carrying capacity and sustainable fisheries management Brian Vander Naald, Trudy Ann Cameron

Willingness to pay for other species' well-being Tina D. Beuchelt, Manfred Zeller Profits and poverty: Certification's troubled link for Nicaragua's organic and fairtrade coffee producers Stefania Barca Energy, property, and the industrial revolution narrative Iago Otero, Giorgos Kallis, Ral Aguilar, Vicen Ruiz Water scarcity, social power and the production of an elite suburb: The political ecology of water in Matadepera, Catalonia Jouni Paavola Reprint of: Sewage Pollution and Institutional and Technological Change in the United States, 1830-1915 Simone Gingrich Foreign trade and early industrialisation in the Habsburg Monarchy and the United Kingdom Two extremes in comparison Evan D.G. Fraser Can economic, land use and climatic stresses lead to famine, disease, warfare and death? Using Europe's calamitous 14th century as a parable for the modern age Jouni Paavola, Evan D.G. Fraser Ecological Economics and Environmental History Joop de Boer, Harry Aiking On the merits of plant-based proteins for global food security: Marrying macro and micro perspectives Nele Lienhoop, Till Ansmann Valuing water level changes in reservoirs using two stated preference approaches: An exploration of validity Thomas C. Kinnaman The economic impact of shale gas extraction: A review of existing studies

Environment and Planning D: Society and Space

Volume 28 issue 5
Gary Y Okihiro Unsettling the imperial sciences Trevor Paglen Goatsucker: toward a spatial theory of state secrecy Graham Harman I am also of the opinion that materialism must be destroyed 7 Nicola Ansell The discursive construction of childhood and youth in AIDS interventions in Lesothos education sector: beyond global local dichotomies Mattias Wahlstrm

Producing spaces for representation: racist marches, counterdemonstrations, and publicorder policing Leigh Johnson The fearful symmetry of Arctic climate change: accumulation by degradation John Plger Presence-experiencesthe eventalisation of urban space Nicole Vitellone Just another night in the shooting gallery?: the syringe, space, and affect Cameron Duff On the role of affect and practice in the production of place Anders Blok Topologies of climate change: actor-network theory, relational-scalar analytics, and carbon-market overflows Matthew Collins Conflict and contact: the humane city, agonistic politics, and the phenomenological body Simon Springer Neoliberal discursive formations: on the contours of subjectivation, good governance, and symbolic violence in posttransitional Cambodia

Volume 28 issue 6
Chris Rumford Global Borders: an introduction to the special issue Henk van Houtum Human blacklisting: the global apartheid of the EUs external border regime Rutvica Andrijasevic, William Walters The International Organization for Migration and the international government of borders Olivier Thomas Kramsch The Rabelaisian border Maria Rovisco Reframing Europe and the global: conceptualizing the border in cultural encounters Liam ODowd From a borderless world to a world of borders: bringing history back in Catarina Kinnvall, Paul Nesbitt-Larking The political psychology of (de)securitization: place-making strategies in Denmark, Sweden, and Canada Nick Vaughan-Williams The UK border security continuum: virtual biopolitics and the simulation of the sovereign ban Luiza Bialasiewicz, Claudio Minca The border within : inhabiting the border in Trieste

Volume 29 Issue 1

Nigel Thrift Lifeworld Incand what to do about it Louise Crewe Life itemised: lists, loss, unexpected significance, and the enduring geographies of discard Beth Greenhough, Emma Roe Ethics, space, and somatic sensibilities: comparing relationships between scientific researchers and their human and animal experimental subjects Daniel Benjamin Abramson Places for the gods: urban planning as orthopraxy and heteropraxy in China Alan Ingram, Klaus Dodds Counterterror culture Sean Carter, Klaus Dodds Hollywood and the war on terror: genre-geopolitics and Jacksonianism in The Kingdom Jason Dittmer American exceptionalism, visual effects, and the post-9/11 cinematic superhero boom Chih Yuan Woon Protest is just a click away!'' Responses to the 2003 Iraq War on a bulletin board system in China Rachel Walsh What stories we tell when we talk about torture: mapping the geopolitics of compassion and the post-Abu-Ghraib national family in 24: Redemption and Rendition James Kneale Plots: space, conspiracy, and contingency in William Gibsons Pattern Recognition and Spook Country

Volume 29 Issue 2
Huub van Baar Europe's Romaphobia: problematization, securitization, nomadization Susan M Ruddick A dialectics of encounter Pierre Macherey Hegel reads Spinoza Roberta Hawkins, Diana Ojeda Gender and environment: critical tradition and new challenges Angharad Closs Stephens Beyond imaginative geographies? Critique, co-optation, and imagination in the aftermath of the War on Terror Shiloh R Krupar Alien still life: distilling the toxic logics of the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge Julian R A Clark, Alun R Jones

The spatialising politics of EUropean political practice: transacting eastness in the European Union Fraser MacDonald Doomsday fieldwork, or, how to rescue Gaelic culture? The salvage paradigm in geography, archaeology, and folklore, 1955 62 Christopher Bear, Sally Eden Thinking like a fish? Engaging with nonhuman difference through recreational angling Phillip Vannini Performing elusive mobilities: ritualization, play, and the drama of scheduled departures

Volume 29 Issue 3
Edward S Casey Border versus boundary at La Frontera Michael Dear, Mat Coleman, Roxanne L Doty Responses to Border versus boundary at La Frontera Ronald Rael Commentary: Border wall as architecture Luke Bennett Bunkerologya case study in the theory and practice of urban exploration Mark Jackson, Maria Fannin Letting geography fall where it may aerographies address the elemental Kathleen Stewart Atmospheric attunements Craig Martin Fog-bound: aerial space and the elemental entanglements of body-with-world Jason Groves The stone in the air: Paul Celans other terrain Jason B Mohaghegh, Seema Golestaneh Haunted sound: nothingness, movement, and the minimalist imagination Yuriko Saito The aesthetics of emptiness: sky art Kenneth R Olwig All that is landscape is melted into air: the aerography of ethereal space Peta Mitchell Geographies/aerographies of contagion Mary Thomas, Christian Abrahamsson, Geoff Mann, Richa Nagar, Tarun Kumar, Shiloh R Krupar, Jos Romanillos, Wendy S Shaw, Alessandra Bonazzi, Michael Sutcliffe, John Wylie, Heidi J Nast, Gunnar Olsson Fictional Worlds

International Socialism journal


Issue 128
Analysis Austerity politics There will be blood Panos Garganas Greece: striking back Tom Hickey and Philip Marfleet The South Africa moment: Palestine, Israel and the boycott Jamie Allinson Hamas, Gaza and the blockade Christakis Georgiou The euro crisis and the future of European integration Jane Hardy Crisis and recession in Central and Eastern Europe Jairus Banaji The ironies of Indian Maoism John Molyneux Michelangelo and human emancipation Neil Davidson From deflected permanent revolution to the law of uneven and combined development

Issue 129
The student revolt and the crisis Megan Trudell Mad as hatters? The Tea Party movement in the US Simon Behrman Police killings and the law Paul Blackledge Labourism and socialism: Ralph Milibands Marxism John Newsinger True crime stories: some New Labour memoirs Roddy Slorach Marxism and disability Joseph Choonara Decoding capitalism Andrew Stone Whats wrong with school history? Suzanne Jeffery

Why we should be sceptical of climate sceptics John Rose Tony Cliffs Lenin and the Russian Revolution

Issue 130
Alex Callinicos The return of the Arab revolution Engels on the power of nature Iain Ferguson The return of fear Chamseddine Mnasri Tunisia: the peoples revolution Philip Marfleet Act One of the Egyptian Revolution Jonny Jones Social media and social movements Dan Swain The student movement today John Riddell The origins of the united front policy David Renton The Tories, Eton and private schools Keith Flett I love the sound of breaking glass: the London crowd, 1760-2010


NLR 65, Sep-Oct. 2010
Silla Sigurgeirsdttir and Robert Wade Lessons from Iceland Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer Towards a New Manifesto? Joel Andreas A Shanghai Model? Yasheng Huang The Politics of China's Path Julian Stallabrass Museum Photography and Museum Prose

NLR 66, Nov-Dec 2010

Richard Walker

The Golden State Adrift Gopal Balakrishnan The Coming Contradiction Ho-fung Hung Uncertainty in the Enclave Michael Denning Wageless Life Asef Bayat Tehran: Paradox City Sven Lutticken Playtimes

NLR 67, Jan-Feb 2011

Daniel Finn Ireland on the turn? Jules Boykoff The Anti-Olympics Benno Teschke Decisions and Indecisions Horit Herman Peled and Yoav Peled Post-post-Zionism?

NLR 68, Mar-Apr 2011

Perry Anderson On the Concatenation in the Arab World Hazem Kandil Revolt in Egypt Gopal Balakrishnan The Geopolitics of Separation Alexander Cockburn In Fukushima's Wake Franco Moretti Network Theory, Plot Analysis Hal Foster Towards a Grammar of Emergency Paolo Flores d'Arcais Anatomy of Berlusconismo

NLR 69, May-Jun 2011

Isidro Lpez and Emmanuel Rodrguez The Spanish Model

Andrei Platonov On the First Socialist Tragedy John Grahl A Capitalist Contrarian Chin-tao Wu Scars and Faultlines Nol Burch and Allan Sekula The Forgotten Space Benno Teschke Fetish of Geopolitics Andrew Bacevich Tailors to the Emperor

New Political Economy

Volume 15, Issue 4, 2010
Andr Broome The Joint Vienna Institute Kenneth Dyson Norman's Lament: The Greek and Euro Area Crisis in Historical Perspective Gerhard Schnyder How Political Institutions Determine Corporate Governance Reforms: The Polity, Law and Corporate Practices in the Case of Switzerland Guido Starosta The Outsourcing of Manufacturing and the Rise of Giant Global Contractors: A Marxian Approach to Some Recent Transformations of Global Value Chains Nahee Kang Globalisation and Institutional Change in the State-Led Model: The Case of Corporate Governance in South Korea Lena Rethel The New Financial Development Paradigm and Asian Bond Markets Liam Clegg Our Dream is a World Full of Poverty Indicators: The US, the World Bank, and the Power of Numbers

Volume 16, Issue 1, 2011

Anthony Bebbington; Denise Humphreys Bebbington An Andean Avatar: Post-Neoliberal and Neoliberal Strategies for Securing the Unobtainable mt Snmez The Political Economy of Market and Regulatory Reforms in Turkey: The Logic and Unintended Consequences of Ad-hoc Strategies

John Peters The Rise of Finance and the Decline of Organised Labour in the Advanced Capitalist Countries Tugce Bulut; Christel Lane The Private Regulation of Labour Standards and Rights in the Global Clothing Industry: An Evaluation of Its Effectiveness in Two Developing Countries Peadar Kirby; Mary Murphy Globalisation and Models of State: Debates and Evidence from Ireland Nuno Martins Globalisation, Inequality and the Economic Crisis

Volume 16, Issue 2, 2011

William I. Robinson Giovanni Arrighi: Systemic Cycles of Accumulation, Hegemonic Transitions, and the Rise of China Neil Smith Uneven Development Redux Mazen Labban History, Space and Nature: Building Theory from the Exception Emily Eaton On the Farm and in the Field: The Production of Nature Meets the Agrarian Question Nik Heynen; Peter Hossler; Andrew Herod Surviving Uneven Development: Social Reproduction and the Persistence of Capitalism Julie Guthman Bodies and Accumulation: Revisiting Labour in the 'Production of Nature' Scott Prudham; Nik Heynen Introduction: Uneven Development 25 Years On: Space, Nature and the Geographies of Capitalism Rene Prendergast Sen and Commons on Markets and Freedom Daniel Mgge From Pragmatism to Dogmatism: European Union Governance, Policy Paradigms and Financial Meltdown Andreas Bieler Labour, New Social Movements and the Resistance to Neoliberal Restructuring in Europe

Monthly Review, An Independent Socialist Magazine

September 2010, Volume 62, Number 4
Robert Pollin The Wall Street Collapse and Return of Reality-Based Economics Jan Toporowski

The Wisdom of Property and the Politics of the Middle Classes Noam Chomsky Genocide Denial with a Vengeance: Old and New Imperial Norms Toms Mac Sheoin Chemical Catastrophe: From Bhopal to BP Texas City Al Sandine Cultural Impersonations and Appropriations: A Fashion Report Marge Piercy Workingclass nostalgia John W. Farley Our Last Chance to Save Humanity? Richard B. Du Boff A History of the Great BustStill With Us

Volume 62, Issue 05 (October)

John Bellamy Foster The Financialization of Accumulation zlem Onaran The Crisis of Capitalism in Europe, West and East David Bacon Equality and Rights for Immigrantsthe Key to Organizing Unions Marilyn Buck Two Poems John Bellamy Foster and Fred Magdoff The Great Financial CrisisThree Years On Jonah Raskin Red Cop in Red China: Qiu Xiaolongs Novels on the Cusp of Communism and Capitalism

November 2010, Volume 62, Number 6

John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark and Richard York Capitalism and the Curse of Energy Efficiency: The Return of the Jevons Paradox Peter Dickens The Humanization of the CosmosTo What End? James D. Cockcroft Mexico: Failed States, New Wars, Resistance Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz and John Womack, Jr. Dreams of Revolution: Oklahoma, 1917 Paul M. Sweezy The Guilt of Capitalism

Volume 62, Issue 07 (December)


Martin Hart-Landsberg ALBA and the Promise of Cooperative Development Qalandar Bux Memon The Striking Workers of Faisalabad, Pakistan Dan DiMaggio The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Test Scorer Paul Baran and Paul M. Sweezy Two Letters on Monopoly Capital Theory Jeff Dardozzi The Indiscreet Banality of the Bourgeoisie: The Church of LEED, Passive House, and the Dangers of Going Green Johanna Brenner Free-Market Feminism

Volume 62, Issue 08 (January)

Fred Magdoff Ecological Civilization John Bellamy Foster Capitalism and Degrowth: An Impossibility Theorem Richard Levins Continuing Sources of Marxism Looking for the Movement as a Whole Zuhal Yeilyurt Gndz WaterOn Womens Burdens, Humans Rights, and Companies Prof Ryan Wishart Heinbergs New Coal Question

Volume 62, Issue 09 (February)

Samir Amin The Trajectory of Historical Capitalism and Marxisms Tricontinental Vocation Richard York and Brett Clark Stephen Jay Goulds Critique of Progres Valerie Kaussen States of ExceptionHaitis IDP Camps Staughton Lynd Is There Anything More to Say About the Rosenberg Case Southern California Federation of Scientists and John W. Farley On Nuclear Power Response to John W. Farleys Our Last Chance to Save Humanity H. Rae Aston

Greed beyond Avarice Daniel Huberman Cannabis Goes Communist

Volume 62, Issue 10 (March)

John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesney The Internets Unholy Marriage to Capitalism Immanuel Wallerstein Structural Crisis in the World-System: Where Do We Go from Here? Julie L. MacArthur Mortgaging Irish Independence: From Financial Crisis to Socialist Resistance Don Fitz The Latin American School of Medicine Today: ELAM

Volume 62, Issue 11 (April)

John Bellamy Foster, Robert W. McChesney and R. Jamil Jonna Monopoly and Competition in Twenty-First Century Capitalism Beau Grosscup Cluster Munitions and State Terrorism Marge Pierc A hundred years since the Triangle Fire Michael Meeropol Not Naming Names Julius Rosenbergs Decidedly Political Decision Douglas Porpora Asia and the Great Financial Crisis

Volume 63, Issue 1 (May)

John Bellamy Foster and Paul M. Sweezy On the Laws of Capitalism Istvn Mszros The Dialectic of Structure and History: An Introduction Jon Flanders Labors Love Lost: War Among the Unions Elly Leary Labor Revolts in the 1970s Paul Buhle The Jack ODell Story Scott Borchert Woody Guthrie: Redder than Remembered

October 2010; 34 (3)
Adam David Morton The continuum of passive revolutio Neil Davidson Scotland: Birthplace of passive revolution? Ian G. McKay The Canadian passive revolution, 1840-1950 Chris Hesketh From passive revolution to silent revolution: Class forces and the production of state, space and scale in modern Mexico Ian Bruff Germanys Agenda 2010 reforms: Passive revolution at the crossroads Rick Simon Passive revolution, perestroika, and the emergence of the new Russia Kevin Gray Labour and the state in Chinas passive revolution Jamie C. Allinson and Alexander Anievas The uneven and combined development of the Meiji Restoration: A passive revolutionary road to capitalist modernity Alex Callinicos The limits of passive revolution

February 2011; 35 (1)

Brian O'Boyle and Terrence McDonough Critical realism, Marxism and the critique of neoclassical economics Tom Brass Unfree labour as primitive accumulation? Farhang Morady Who rules Iran? The June 2009 election and political turmoil Dan Jakopovich The construction of a trans-European labour movement Adam Hanieh The internationalisation of Gulf capital and Palestinian class formation Jim Shorthose Economic conscience and public discourse Hugo Radice Cutting government deficits: Economic science or class war?

June 2011; 35 (2)


Metin zuurlu The TEKEL resistance movement: Reminiscences on class struggle Jamie Morgan and Wendy Olsen Aspiration problems for the Indian rural poor: Research on self-help groups and microfinance zlem Onaran From transition crisis to the global crisis: Twenty years of capitalism and labour in the Central and Eastern EU new member states Gregor Gall and Jack Fiorito The backward march of labour halted? Or, what is to be done with union organising? The cases of Britain and the USA Brian Roper Reformism on a global scale? A critical examination of David Helds advocacy of cosmopolitan social democracy Fatma lk Seluk The rising mafioso capitalists, opportunities, and the case of Turkey Axel Kicillof and Guido Starosta On value and abstract labour: A reply to Werner Bonefeld Guglielmo Carchedi A comment on Bonefelds Abstract labour: Against its nature and on its time

Heft 4/2010 Kmpfe um geis-ti-ges Eigentum/Kmpfe in der Peripherie
Werner Raza, Paul Stepan, Johanna Muckenhuber Editorial Christian Schmidt Die Rolle des geistigen Eigentums im Kapitalismus der Gegenwart Christian Handke Die konomik des Urheberrechts Beobachten, Abwgen und Prinzipienreiterei Paul Stepan Digitalisierung und Copyright Leonhard Dobusch Creative Commons Privates Urheberrecht : (k)eine Lsung? James Boyle Cultural Environmentalism and beyond Christopher May The Global Politics of Intellectual Property Rights in the New Millenium Nadine Mller Umkmpfte intellektuelle Eigentumsrechte im Prozess der Computerisierung Joachim Becker

Lateinamerika zwischen Krise und Boom Jrg Goldberg Afrika in der Weltwirtschaftskrise Nathalie Homlong, Elisabeth Springler Effekte der Krise in Asien: Wachstum in Asien und die Suche nach der Mittelschicht

Heft 1/2011 Zukunftsaussichten

Heinz Steiner Wirtschaftspolitische Alternativen und warum sie keinen Anklang finden Birgit Mahnkopf Leitbilder auf dem Weg aus der neoliberalen Sackgasse Lutz Brangsch Kennziffernfragen sind Machtfragen. Politische Dimensionen von Gegenstand und Methode von Wachstumsdebatten Karl Georg Zinn Die verschleierte Stagnation oder die Antiquiertheit des Wachstumsglaubens in reichen Volkswirtschaften Mario Candeias Konjunkturen der Krise Elisabeth Klatzer und Christa Schlager Europische Wirtschaftsregierung eine stille neoliberale Revolution Jrg Flecker und Annika Sch-nauer In der Krise bewhrt und jetzt? Arbeitszeitverkrzung als Antwort auf gesell-schaftliche Herausforderungen Luise Gubitzer Was tun wir, wenn wir ttig sind? Dienste leisten Stefan Schmalz Eine kurze Geschichte des chinesischen Aufstiegs im kapitalistischen Weltsystem Gundula Ludwig Kritik als Haltung universitrer Bedingungen Benjamin Hornung, Andreas Meyerhfer und Matthias Elsas Wo Kritik war, ist Konsum: Das Problem mit Fair Trade Bernd Rttger Theoretische und praktische Probleme der Organisation anti-kapitalistischer bergnge

International Peacekeeping
Volume 17, Issue 4, 2010 Special Issue: Peacekeeping and Culture
Sad Haddad Teaching Diversity and Multicultural Competence to French Peacekeepers Janja Vuga

Cultural Differences in Multinational Peace Operations: A Slovenian Perspective Torunn Laugen Haaland Still Homeland Defenders at Heart? Norwegian Military Culture in International Deployments Maren Tomforde How Much Culture is Needed? The Intercultural Dilemma of the Bundeswehr in ISAF Delphine Resteigne Still Connected in Operations? The Milblog Culture Christoph Daniel Schaefer Local Practices and Normative Frameworks in Peacebuilding Tom Woodhouse Peacekeeping, Peace Culture and Conflict Resolution Helena Carreiras Gendered Culture in Peacekeeping Operations Robert A. Rubinstein Peacekeeping and the Return of Imperial Policing

Volume 17, Issue 5, 2010 Special Issue: South American Perspectives on Peace Operations
Franz Kernic; Lisa Karlborg Dynamics of Globalization and Regional Integration: South America and Peace Operations Carlos Chagas Vianna Braga MINUSTAH and the Security Environment in Haiti: Brazil and South American Cooperation in the Field Omar Gutirrez Conflict Scenarios, Defence Policy and Participation in Peace Operations: The Chilean Viewpoint Julia Buxton South America, Peace Operations and MINUSTAH: The View from Venezuela Rut Diamint Security Communities, Defence Policy Integration and Peace Operations in the Southern Cone: An Argentine Perspective Kai Michael Kenkel South America's Emerging Power: Brazil as Peacekeeper Arturo C. Sotomayor Velzquez Peacekeeping Effects in South America: Common Experiences and Divergent Effects on Civil-Military Relations Paulo Esteves Peace Operations and the Government of Humanitarian Spaces Kai Michael Kenkel Stepping out of the Shadow: South America and Peace Operations

Monica Herz Concepts of Security in South America Kai Michael Kenkel Dedication to Dr Pablo Gabriel Dreyfus and Ana Carolina Rodrigues

Volume 18, Issue 1, 2011

Jelena Juvan; Janja Vuga What Motivates Slovenian 'Peacekeepers'? Cornelius Friesendorf Paramilitarization and Security Sector Reform: The Afghan National Police M. J. Williams Empire Lite Revisited: NATO, the Comprehensive Approach and State-building in Afghanistan David H. Bayley The Morphing of Peacekeeping: Competing Approaches to Public Safety Hugo de Vries; Nikkie Wiegink Breaking up and Going Home? Contesting Two Assumptions in the Demobilization and Reintegration of Former Combatants Micah Zenko; Rebecca R. Friedman UN Early Warning for Preventing Conflict Karim Makdisi Constructing Security Council Resolution 1701 for Lebanon in the Shadow of the 'War on Terror'

Volume 18, Issue 2, 2011

Berit Bliesemann de Guevara; Florian P. Khn 'The International Community Needs to Act': Loose Use and Empty Signalling of a Hackneyed Concept Thierry Tardy A Critique of Robust Peacekeeping in Contemporary Peace Operations Ian Johnstone Managing Consent in Contemporary Peacekeeping Operations Bethan K. Greener The Rise of Policing in Peace Operations Christopher Spearin UN Peacekeeping and the International Private Military and Security Industry Kristine Hglund Obstacles to Monitoring: Perceptions of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission and the Dual Role of Norway

Volume 18, Issue 3 2011 Special Issue: China's Evolving Approach to Peacekeeping

Miwa Hirono; Marc Lanteigne Introduction: China and UN Peacekeeping Chin-Hao Huang Principles and Praxis of China's Peacekeeping Shogo Suzuki Why Does China Participate in Intrusive Peacekeeping? Understanding Paternalistic Chinese Discourses on Development and Intervention Courtney J. Richardson A Responsible Power? China and the UN Peacekeeping Regime Sarah Teitt The Responsibility to Protect and China's Peacekeeping Policy Marc Lanteigne A Change in Perspective: China's Engagement in the East Timor UN Peacekeeping Operations Miwa Hirono China's Charm Offensive and Peacekeeping: The Lessons of Cambodia - What Now for Sudan? Zhao Lei Two Pillars of China's Global Peace Engagement Strategy: UN Peacekeeping and International Peacebuilding

Development and Change

Volume 41, Issue 6 November 2010
Dorothea Hilhorst and Bram J. Jansen Humanitarian Space as Arena: A Perspective on the Everyday Politics of Aid Carolyn K. Lesorogol The Impact of Privatization on Land Inheritance among Samburu Pastoralists in Kenya Bodil Folke Frederiksen Mungiki, Vernacular Organization and Political Society in Kenya Nadine Beckmann and Janet Bujra The Politics of the Queue: The Politicization of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania Juliet Erazo Constructing Indigenous Subjectivities: Economic Collectivism and Identity in the Ecuadorian Amazon Sarah Radcliffe and Andrea Pequeo Ethnicity, Development and Gender: Tschila Indigenous Women in Ecuador Dominic Glover Exploring the Resilience of Bt Cotton's Pro-Poor Success Story

Volume 42, Issue 1 January 2011

Francis Cripps, Alex Izurieta and Ajit Singh

Global Imbalances, Under-consumption and Over-borrowing: The State of the World Economy and Future Policies Michael Lim Mah-Hui and Khor Hoe Ee From Marx to Morgan Stanley: Inequality and Financial Crisis Photis Lysandrou Global Inequality, Wealth Concentration and the Subprime Crisis: A Marxian Commodity Theory Analysis George Irvin Inequality and Recession in Britain and the USA Jos Gabriel Palma Homogeneous Middles vs. Heterogeneous Tails, and the End of the Inverted-U: It's All About the Share of the Rich Ashwani Saith Inequality, Imbalance, Instability: Reflections on a Structural Crisis Cormac Grda Famines Past, Famine's Future Jan Nederveen Pieterse Global Rebalancing: Crisis and the EastSouth Turn Jan Vandemoortele The MDG Story: Intention Denied Anirban Dasgupta A New Programme to Combat Poverty and Inequality? Murat Arsel Fuelling Misconceptions: UNEP, Natural Resources, the Environment and Conflict Marc Wuyts Growth, Employment and the ProductivityWage Gap: Revisiting the GrowthPoverty Nexus Amiya Kumar Bagchi Mobility: Internal and International Servaas Storm WDR 2010: The World Bank's Micawberish Agenda for Development in a ClimateConstrained World Dubravka Zarkov, Jeff Handmaker and Helen Hintjens Rhonda Copelon: Activist, Lawyer, Feminist K.P. Kannan K.N. Raj: Development with Equity and Democracy Jeremiah O. Arowosegbe Claude E. Ake: Political Integration and the Challenges of Nationhood in Africa Eric B. Ross A Critic Unfettered: The Legacy of Ernest Feder

Volume 42, Issue 2 March 2011

Robin R. Sears and Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez Forest Policy Reform and the Organization of Logging in Peruvian Amazonia Peter Kragelund Back to BASICs? The Rejuvenation of Non-traditional Donors Development Cooperation with Africa D.K. Leonard and M.S. Samantar What Does the Somali Experience Teach Us about the Social Contract and the State? Arindam Banerjee Food, Feed, Fuel: Transforming the Competition for Grains Naila Kabeer Between Affiliation and Autonomy: Navigating Pathways of Women's Empowerment and Gender Justice in Rural Bangladesh Jonathan Pattenden Social Protection and Class Relations: Evidence from Scheduled Caste Women's Associations in Rural South India

Review of International Studies

Volume 36 - Issue 04 - 2010
ANDREW R. HOM Hegemonic metronome: the ascendancy of Western standard time KAI HE The hegemon's choice between power and security: explaining US policy toward Asia after the Cold War DENNIS FLORIG Hegemonic overreach vs. imperial overstretch INANNA HAMATI-ATAYA Knowing and judging in International Relations theory: realism and the reflexive challenge ULRICH FRANKE and ULRICH ROOS Actor, structure, process: transcending the state personhood debate by means of a pragmatist ontological model for International Relations theory IVER B. NEUMANN Autobiography, ontology, autoethnology ROXANNE LYNN DOTY Autoethnography making human connections ODED LWENHEIM The I in IR: an autoethnographic account ROLAND BLEIKER and MORGAN BRIGG Introduction: forum on autoethnography and International Relations II

KYLE GRAYSON Dissidence, Richard K. Ashley, and the politics of silence MARK LAFFEY Things lost and found: Richard Ashley and the silences of thinking space CYNTHIA WEBER Interruption Ashley PHILIP NEL Redistribution and recognition: what emerging regional powers want DIRK NABERS Power, leadership, and hegemony in international politics: the case of East Asia SANDRA DESTRADI Regional powers and their strategies: empire, hegemony, and leadership DETLEF NOLTE How to compare regional powers: analytical concepts and research topics PHILIP NEL and DETLEF NOLTE Introduction: special section on regional powers in a changing global order WILLIAM WALKER The absence of a taboo on the possession of nuclear weapons T. V. PAUL Taboo or tradition? The non-use of nuclear weapons in world politics CAROL ATKINSON Using nuclear weapons LYNN EDEN The contingent taboo THEO FARRELL Nuclear non-use: constructing a Cold War history Volume 36 - Special Issue S1 (Evaluating Global Orders) - 2010 L. H. M. LING Journeys beyond the West: World Orders and a 7th century Buddhist Monk PIERS REVELL Ancient cynicism: a case for salvage HEIKKI PATOMKI Cosmological sources of critical cosmopolitanism OLAF CORRY What is a (global) polity? DAVID CHANDLER The uncritical critique of liberal peace DIMITRIOS KATSIKAS Non-state authority and global governance

DAVID OWEN Global justice, national responsibility and transnational power PHILIP CUNLIFFE Dangerous duties: power, paternalism and the responsibility to protect THERESA REINOLD The responsibility to protect much ado about nothing? STEPHANIE CARVIN A responsibility to reality: a reply to Louise Arbour WILLIAM BAIN Responsibility and obligation in the Responsibility to Protect THOMAS G. WEISS How United Nations ideas change history NICHOLAS RENGGER Introduction: Evaluating global orders

Volume 37 - Issue 01 - 2011

MARIA KOINOVA Can conflict-generated diasporas be moderate actors during episodes of contested sovereignty? Lebanese and Albanian diasporas compared JOHAN ERIKSSON and LUDVIG NORMAN Political utilisation of scholarly ideas: the clash of civilisations vs. Soft Power in US foreign policy JAMIE GASKARTH Where would we be without rules? A virtue ethics approach to foreign policy analysis OWEN WORTH Recasting Gramsci in international politics ELKE KRAHMANN Beck and beyond: selling security in the world risk society IVIND BRATBERG Ideas, tradition and norm entrepreneurs: retracing guiding principles of foreign policy in Blair and Chirac's speeches on Iraq DANIEL BAER The ultimate sacrifice and the ethics of humanitarian intervention BENJAMIN R. BANTA Virtuous war and the emergence of jus post bellum JONATHAN RYNHOLD The German question in Central and Eastern Europe and the long peace in Europe after 1945: an integrated theoretical explanation STEIN SUNDSTL ERIKSEN State failure in theory and practice: the idea of the state and the contradictions of state formation

MATTHEW STEPHEN Globalisation and resistance: struggles over common sense in the global political economy PRIYA CHACKO The search for a scientific temper: nuclear technology and the ambivalence of India's postcolonial modernity HILLEL FRISCH Why monarchies persist: balancing between internal and external vulnerability MELISSA G. CURLEY and JONATHAN HERINGTON The securitisation of avian influenza: international discourses and domestic politics in Asia VASSILIOS PAIPAIS Self and other in critical international theory: assimilation, incommensurability and the paradox of critique ELIZABETH A. BLOODGOOD The interest group analogy: international non-governmental advocacy organisations in international politics BEN O'LOUGHLIN Images as weapons of war: representation, mediation and interpretation DOUGLAS LEMKE Intra-national IR in Africa ANARA KARAGULOVA and NICK MEGORAN Discourses of danger and the war on terror: gothic Kyrgyzstan and the collapse of the Akaev regime MARCO ANTONIO VIEIRA Southern Africa's response(s) to international HIV/AIDS norms: the politics of assimilation

Volume 37 - Issue 02 - 2011

MICHAEL RIEMENS International academic cooperation on international relations in the interwar period: the International Studies Conference PETER WILSON Gilbert Murray and International Relations: Hellenism, liberalism, and international intellectual cooperation as a path to peace ERIC M. BLANCHARD Why is there no gender in the English School? BROOK M. BLAIR Revisiting the third debate (part I) JAN HANCOCK Human rights narrative in the George W. Bush Administrations JAMES PLUNKETT

The unipolar society: the value of an international society approach to preponderance XIAOMING ZHANG China in the conception of international society: the English School's engagements with China STEPHEN L. QUACKENBUSH Deterrence theory: where do we stand? JIM ROCHLIN Plan Colombia and the revolution in military affairs: the demise of the FARC RYAN WALTER States and markets JESSE RUSSELL Trading sovereignty for stability? The political economy of monetary integration SPYROS BLAVOUKOS and DIMITRIS BOURANTONIS Chairs as policy entrepreneurs in multilateral negotiations FENG ZHANG Reconceiving the balance of power: a review essay MAXIMILIAN TERHALLE Understanding the limits of power: America's Middle East experience ALEXANDER ANIEVAS The international political economy of appeasement: the social sources of British foreign policy during the 1930s DAVID MILNE The 1968 Paris peace negotiations: a two level game? HIRO KATSUMATA Mimetic adoption and norm diffusion: Western security cooperation in Southeast Asia? RUBEN ZAIOTTI Performing Schengen: myths, rituals and the making of European territoriality beyond Europe SHIPING TANG The security dilemma and ethnic conflict: toward a dynamic and integrative theory of ethnic conflict COLIN MCINNES HIV, AIDS and conflict in Africa: why isn't it (even) worse? IVER B. NEUMANN Entry into international society reconceptualised: the case of Russia


Herbst 2010
Felix Wiegand und Nico Schlitz Die FP Nutznieerin der Krise?

Bonn Juego und Johannes Dragsbeck Schmidt Die globale Krise und der Angriff auf die Demokratie Stipe urkovi und Maria Im Osten nichts Neues: Interview zur Situation in Osteuropa Hanna Lichtenberg, Veronika Duma, Tobias Boos Hinter dem Faschismus steht? Peter Hallward Von der Flut zum Beben Paul Pop Zehn Filme, die man vor der Revolution gesehen haben muss Philipp Probst Vom Aufstieg und Fall der Profitrate Julia Hofmann Kritische Soziologie reloaded Hans Phretmayer Mechanismen der Ideologie Tobias Boos Wo arbeitet die argentinische Demokratie? Georg Gangl Radikales Palaver Mario Becksteiner Auf der Suche nach den Subjekten

Frhling 2011
Gruppe Perspektiven gypten The Revolution was Televised Katharina Kinzel, Hanna Lichtenberger Klassen im Widerspruch Benjamin Opratko Uni-Revolten als Klassenkmpfe? Colin Barker Der Aufstieg von Solidarnosc Harry Cleaver Karl Marx: konom oder Revolutionr? Interview Feuer und Flamme dem Patriachat Sebastian Muhr, Julia Hofmann, Tobias Zortea, Tobias Boos Die neue Linke in Kolumbien Stefan Probst, Philipp Probst Nchtene Rebellion

Redaktion Perspektiven Rosinenpicken

Third World Quarterly

Volume 31, Issue 6, 2010
Shahra Razavi; Anne Jenichen The Unhappy Marriage of Religion and Politics: problems and pitfalls for gender equality Farida Shaheed Contested Identities: gendered politics, gendered religion in Pakistan Yeim Arat Religion, Politics and Gender Equality in Turkey: implications of a democratic paradox? Homa Hoodfar; Shadi Sadr Islamic Politics and Women's Quest for Gender Equality in Iran Ruth Halperin-Kaddari; Yaacov Yadgar Between Universal Feminism and Particular Nationalism: politics, religion and gender (in)equality in Israel Charmaine Pereira; Jibrin Ibrahim On the Bodies of Women: the common ground between Islam and Christianity in Nigeria Zoya Hasan Gender, Religion and Democratic Politics in India Rada Drezgi Religion, Politics and Gender in the Context of Nation-State Formation: the case of Serbia Virginia Guzmn; Ute Seibert; Silke Staab Democracy in the Country but not in the Home? Religion, politics and women's rights in Chile Ana Amuchstegui; Guadalupe Cruz; Evelyn Aldaz; Mara Consuelo Meja Politics, Religion and Gender Equality in Contemporary Mexico: women's sexuality and reproductive rights in a contested secular state Jacqueline Heinen; Stphane Portet Reproductive Rights in Poland: when politicians fear the wrath of the Church Elizabeth Bernstein; Janet R. Jakobsen Sex, Secularism and Religious Influence in US Politics

Volume 31, Issue 7, 2010

Patricia Owens Torture, Sex and Military Orientalism Nir Kshetri Diffusion and Effects of Cyber-Crime in Developing Economies Gregor Campbell Microfinancing the Developing World: how small loans empower local economies and catalyse neoliberalism's endgame

Donna Lee; Nicola J. Smith Small State Discourses in the International Political Economy Dorothea Hilhorst; Ian Christoplos; Gemma Van Der Haar Reconstruction 'From Below': a new magic bullet or shooting from the hip? Joanne Sharp; Patricia Campbell; Emma Laurie The Violence of Aid? Giving, power and active subjects in One World Conservatism Mohammad Samiei Neo-Orientalism? The relationship between the West and Islam in our globalised world JNC Hill Corruption in the Courts: the Achilles' heel of Nigeria's regulatory framework? Paul Alexander Haslam The Evolution of the Foreign Direct Investment Regime in the Americas Kent Eaton Subnational Economic Nationalism? The contradictory effects of decentralization in Peru

Volume 31, Issue 8, 2010

Jewellord T Nem Singh Reconstituting the Neostructuralist State: the political economy of continuity and change in Chilean mining policy Uma Kothari; Rorden Wilkinson Colonial Imaginaries and Postcolonial Transformations: exiles, bases, beaches Abdi Ismail Samatar; Mark Lindberg; Basil Mahayni The Dialectics of Piracy in Somalia: the rich versus the poor Mary-Laure Martin Child Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction: the case of flood-affected children in Bangladesh Barry Munslow; Tim O'Dempsey Globalisation and Climate Change in Asia: the urban health impact PJ Blackwell East Africa's Pastoralist Emergency: is climate change the straw that breaks the camel's back? Stephen P. Reyna The Disasters of War in Darfur, 1950-2004 Mark O'Keefe Chronic Crises in the Arc of Insecurity: a case study of Karamoja KM Bridges Between Aid and Politics: diagnosing the challenge of humanitarian advocacy in politically complex environmentsthe case of Darfur, Sudan Jonathan Whittall Humanitarian Early Warning Systems: myth and reality Barry Munslow; Tim O'Dempsey

From War on Terror to War onWeather? Rethinking humanitarianism in a new era of chronic emergencies

Volume 32, Issue 1, 2011

Nana K. Poku; Jim Whitman The Millennium Development Goals and Development after 2015 Amy Barnes; Garrett Wallace Brown The Idea of Partnership within the Millennium Development Goals: context, instrumentality and the normative demands of partnership Julia Kim; Brian Lutz; Mandeep Dhaliwal; Jeffrey O'Malley The 'AIDS and MDGs' Approach: what is it, why does it matter, and how do we take it forward? Philip McMichael; Mindi Schneider Food Security Politics and the Millennium Development Goals Tim Allen; Melissa Parker The 'Other Diseases' of the Millennium Development Goals: rhetoric and reality of free drug distribution to cure the poor's parasites Neil Renwick Millennium Development Goal 1: poverty, hunger and decent work in Southeast Asia Bernhard G. Gunter Achieving the MDGs and Ensuring Debt Sustainability Aram Ziai The Millennium Development Goals: back to the future? Jan Vandemoortele If not the Millennium Development Goals, then what? Nana Poku; Jim Whitman The Millennium Development Goals: challenges, prospects and opportunities

Volume 32, Issue 2, 2011

Jawad Syed; Faiza Ali The White Woman's Burden: from colonial civilisation to Third World development Nandita Dogra The Mixed Metaphor of 'Third World Woman': gendered representations by international development NGOs Kalpana Wilson 'Race', Gender and Neoliberalism: changing visual representations in development David Mario Matsinhe Africa's Fear of Itself: the ideology of Makwerekwere in South Africa Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni The World Cup, Vuvuzelas, Flag-Waving Patriots and the Burden of Building South Africa Danyel Reiche

War Minus the Shooting? The politics of sport in Lebanon as a unique case in comparative politics James F. Rochlin Who Said the Cold War is Over? The political economy of strategic conflict between Venezuela and Colombia Janet Conway Cosmopolitan or Colonial? The World Social Forum as 'contact zone' Nilima Gulrajani Transcending the Great Foreign Aid Debate: managerialism, radicalism and the search for aid effectiveness

Volume 32, Issue 3, 2011

Bruce Kidd Cautions, Questions and Opportunities in Sport for Development and Peace Peter Donnelly; Michael Atkinson; Sarah Boyle; Courtney Szto Sport for Development and Peace: a public sociology perspective Rebecca Tiessen Global Subjects or Objects of Globalisation? The promotion of global citizenship in organisations offering sport for development and/or peace programmes Roger Levermore The Paucity of, and Dilemma in, Evaluating Corporate Social Responsibility for Development through Sport Lyndsay MC Hayhurst Corporatising Sport, Gender and Development: postcolonial IR feminisms, transnational private governance and global corporate social engagement Scarlett Cornelissen More than a Sporting Chance? Appraising the sport for development legacy of the 2010 FIFA World Cup Byron Peacock 'A Secret Instinct of Social Preservation': legitimacy and the dynamic (re)constitution of Olympic conceptions of the 'good' Larry A. Swatuk; Moseki R. Motsholapheko; Dominic Mazvimavi A Political Ecology of Development in the Boteti River Region of Botswana: locating a place for sport Donald Njelesani Preventive HIV/AIDS Education through Physical Education: reflections from Zambia Robert Huish Punching above its Weight: Cuba's use of sport for South-South co-operation Christopher B. Dyck Football and Post-War Reintegration: exploring the role of sport in DDR processes in Sierra Leone Richard Giulianotti; Gary Armstrong

Sport, the Military and Peacemaking: history and possibilities Simon C. Darnell; David R. Black Mainstreaming Sport into International Development Studies

Volume 32, Issue 4, 2011

James Scott; Rorden Wilkinson The Poverty of the Doha Round and the Least Developed Countries Lloyd Gruber Globalisation with Growth and Equity: can we really have it all? Malreddy Pavan kumar Postcolonialism: interdisciplinary or interdiscursive? Rachel Hayman Budget Support and Democracy: a twist in the conditionality tale Janet Conway; Jakeet Singh Radical Democracy in Global Perspective: notes from the pluriverse Ziya nis Power, Interests and Coalitions: the political economy of mass privatisation in Turkey Katrina Lee-Koo Horror and Hope: (re)presenting militarised children in global North-South relations Jaremey McMullin Reintegrating Young Combatants: do child-centred approaches leave childrenand adultsbehind? Tatek Abebe; Sharon Bessell Dominant Discourses, Debates and Silences on Child Labour in Africa and Asia

Volume 32, Issue 5, 2011

Frdric Volpi Invoking Political Civility in the Middle East Armando Salvatore Civility: Between Disciplined Interaction and Local/Translocal Connectedness Framing Civility in the Middle East: alternative perspectives on the state and civil society Salwa Ismail Authoritarian Government, Neoliberalism and Everyday Civilities in Egypt Ewan Stein An Uncivil Partnership: Egypt's Jama'a Islamiyya and the state after the Jihad Pedro F. Marcelino; Hermon Farahi Transitional African Spaces in Comparative Analysis: inclusion, exclusion and informality in Morocco and Cape Verde Tim Jacoby Fascism, Civility and the Crisis of the Turkish State

Adham Saouli Hizbullah in the Civilising Process: anarchy, self-restraint and violence Michaelle Browers Official Islam and the Limits of Communicative Action: the paradox of the Amman Message Emma C. Murphy The Arab State and (Absent) Civility in New Communicative Spaces S. Sayyid Dis-Orienting Clusters of Civility

The British Journal of Politics & International Relations

Volume 12, Issue 4- Nov 2011
Timothy J. Ruback Let Me Tell the Story Straight On: Middlemarch, Process-Tracing Methods and the Politics of Narrative David Richards and Helen Mathers Political Memoirs and New Labour: Interpretations of Power and the Club Rules Jessica Pykett, Michael Saward and Anja Schaefer Framing the Good Citizen Will Jennings Bureaucratic Performance and Control in British Politics: Asylum Policy 19942007 Colin Copus The Councillor: Governor, Governing, Governance and the Complexity of Citizen Engagement Aaron Edwards The Progressive Unionist Party of Northern Ireland: A Left-Wing Voice in an Ethnically Divided Society Arlo Poletti Drowning Protection in the Multilateral Bath: WTO Judicialisation and European Agriculture in the Doha Round ric Blanger, Richard Nadeau and Michael S. Lewis-Beck Forecasting the Vote for a Third Party: The British Liberals, 19742005

Volume 13, Issue 1 Feb 2011

Christina Boswell, Andrew Geddes and Peter Scholten The Role of Narratives in Migration Policy-Making: A Research Framework (pages 111) Christina Boswell Migration Control and Narratives of Steering (pages 1225) Alex Balch and Andrew Geddes Opportunity from Crisis? Organisational Responses to Human Trafficking in the UK (pages 2641)

Jrgen Carling and Mara Hernndez-Carretero Protecting Europe and Protecting Migrants? Strategies for Managing Unauthorised Migration from Africa (pages 4258) Erik Bleich Social Research and Race Policy Framing in Britain and France (pages 5974) Peter Scholten Constructing Dutch Immigrant Policy: ResearchPolicy Relations and Immigrant Integration Policy-Making in the Netherlands (pages 7592) Martin Bak Jrgensen Understanding the ResearchPolicy Nexus in Denmark and Sweden: The Field of Migration and Integration (pages 93109) Christina Oelgemller Informal Plurilateralism: The Impossibility of Multilateralism in the Steering of Migration (pages 110126)

Volume 13, Issue 2 May 2011

Elizabeth Frazer and Kimberly Hutchings Remnants and Revenants: Politics and Violence in the Work of Agamben and Derrida (pages 127144) David M. McCourt Rethinking Britain's Role in the World for a New Decade: The Limits of Discursive Therapy and the Promise of Field Theory (pages 145164) David Stevens Reasons to be Fearful, One, Two, Three: The Preventing Violent Extremism Agenda (pages 165188) Robert Pyper and June Burnham The British Civil Service: Perspectives on Decline and Modernisation (pages 189205) Tom Dyson Defence Policy under the Labour Government: Operational Dynamism and Strategic Inertia (pages 206229) Andrew Sanders Northern Ireland: The Intelligence War 196975 (pages 230248) Matthew Flinders and Alexandra Kelso Mind the Gap: Political Analysis, Public Expectations and the Parliamentary Decline Thesis (pages 249268) Marc Hooghe Why There is Basically Only One Form of Political Trust (pages 269275) Justin Fisher, Jennifer van Heerde-Hudson and Andrew Tucker Why Both Theory and Empirics Suggest There is More than One Form of Trust: A Response to Hooghe (pages 276281)


Volume 42, Issue 5 November 2010

Julie MacLeavy and John Harrison New State Spatialities:Perspectives on State, Space, and Scalar Geographies (pages 10371046) Nick Gill Tracing Imaginations of the State: The Spatial Consequences of Different State Concepts among Asylum Activist Organisations (pages 10481070) John Allen and Allan Cochrane Assemblages of State Power: Topological Shifts in the Organization of Government and Politics (pages 10711089) Joe Painter Rethinking Territory (pages 10901118) Martin Jones and Bob Jessop Thinking State/Space Incompossibly (pages 11191149) Stijn Oosterlynck Regulating Regional Uneven Development and the Politics of Reconfiguring Belgian State Space (pages 11511179) Proinnsias Breathnach From Spatial Keynesianism to Post-Fordist Neoliberalism: Emerging Contradictions in the Spatiality of the Irish State (pages 11801199) Jung Won Sonn Contesting State Rescaling: An Analysis of the South Korean State's Discursive Strategy against Devolution (pages 12001224) Danny MacKinnon and Jon Shaw New State Spaces, Agency and Scale: Devolution and the Regionalisation of Transport Governance in Scotland (pages 12261252) Krisztina Varr Re-Politicising the Analysis of New State Spaces in Hungary and Beyond: Towards an Effective Engagement with Actually Existing Neoliberalism (pages 12531278) Greig Charnock Challenging New State Spatialities: The Open Marxism of Henri Lefebvre (pages 1279 1303)

Volume 43, Issue 1 January 2011

Markus Wissen and Ulrich Brand Approaching the Internationalization of the State: An Introduction (pages 111) Joachim Hirsch and John Kannankulam The Spaces of Capital: The Political Form of Capitalism and the Internationalization of the State (pages 1237) Alex Demirovi Materialist State Theory and the Transnationalization of the Capitalist State (pages 38 59)

Heide Gerstenberger The Historical Constitution of the Political Forms of Capitalism (pages 6086) Sol Picciotto International Transformations of the Capitalist State (pages 87107) Birgit Sauer and Stefanie Whl Feminist Perspectives on the Internationalization of The State (pages 108128) Miriam C. Heigl Social Conflict and Competing State Projects in the Semi-Periphery: A Strategic-Relational Analysis of the Transformation of the Mexican State into an Internationalized Competition State (pages 129148) Ulrich Brand, Christoph Grg and Markus Wissen Second-Order Condensations of Societal Power Relations: Environmental Politics and the Internationalization of the State from a Neo-Poulantzian Perspective (pages 149175) Ben Brisbois Pesticides, People and Power in Ecuador's Banana Industry: Participatory Epidemiology and Political Ecology Approaches to Occupational Health and Safety (pages 176179)

Volume 43, Issue 2 March 2011

Paul Chatterton, Vinay Gidwani, Nik Heynen, Andy Kent, Wendy Larner and Rachel Pain Antipode in an Antithetical Era : The Antipode Editorial Collective (pages 181189) Cynical Geographers Collective (CGC) Measuring Impact Beyond Academic Fame: An Alternative Social Impact Factor (pages 190194) Matthew T. Huber Gusher in the Gulf and the Despotism of Capital (pages 195198) Robina Mohammad and James D. Sidaway Stalingrad in the Hindu Kush? AFPAK, Crucibles and Chains of Terror (pages 199204) Ben Anderson Population and Affective Perception: Biopolitics and Anticipatory Action in US Counterinsurgency Doctrine (pages 205236) Andries Bezuidenhout and Sakhela Buhlungu From Compounded to Fragmented Labour: Mineworkers and the Demise of Compounds in South Africa (pages 237263) Irus Braverman Civilized Borders: A Study of Israel's New Crossing Administration (pages 264295) Jean Connolly Carmalt Human Rights, Care Ethics and Situated Universal Norms (pages 296325) Davina Cooper Theorising Nudist Equality: An Encounter Between Political Fantasy and Public Appearance (pages 326357) Stuart Hodkinson

Housing Regeneration and the Private Finance Initiative in England: Unstitching the Neoliberal Urban Straitjacket (pages 358383) James Lawson Chronotope, Story, and Historical Geography: Mikhail Bakhtin and the Space-Time of Narratives (pages 384412) Becky Mansfield Is Fish Health Food or Poison? Farmed Fish and the Material Production of Un/Healthy Nature (pages 413434) John Morrissey Architects of Empire: The MilitaryStrategic Studies Complex and the Scripting of US National Security (pages 435470) Ryan Powell Gypsy-Travellers and Welfare Professional Discourse: On Individualization and Social Integration (pages 471493) Sergei Shubin Where Can a Gypsy Stop? Rethinking Mobility in Scotland (pages 494524) Simon Springer Public Space as Emancipation: Meditations on Anarchism, Radical Democracy, Neoliberalism and Violence (pages 525562)

Volume 43, Issue 3 June 2011

Emily Boyd, Maxwell Boykoff and Peter Newell The New Carbon Economy: What's New? (pages 601611) Adam G. Bumpus The Matter of Carbon: Understanding the Materiality of tCO2e in Carbon Offsets (pages 612638) Mara Gutirrez Making Markets Out of Thin Air: A Case of Capital Involution (pages 639661) Philippe Descheneau and Matthew Paterson Between Desire and Routine: Assembling Environment and Finance in Carbon Markets (pages 662681) Ian Bailey, Andy Gouldson and Peter Newell Ecological Modernisation and the Governance of Carbon: A Critical Analysis (pages 682 703) Heather Lovell and Donald MacKenzie Accounting for Carbon: The Role of Accounting Professional Organisations in Governing Climate Change (pages 704730) David M. Lansing Realizing Carbon's Value: Discourse and Calculation in the Production of Carbon Forestry Offsets in Costa Rica (pages 731753) Roopali Phadke Resisting and Reconciling Big Wind: Middle Landscape Politics in the New American West (pages 754776)

Matthew Farish and Patrick Vitale Locating the American MilitaryIndustrial Complex: An Introduction (pages 777782) Patrick Vitale Wages of War: Manufacturing Nationalism During World War II (pages 783819) Alasdair Pinkerton, Stephen Young and Klaus Dodds Postcards from Heaven: Critical Geographies of the Cold War MilitaryIndustrial Academic Complex (pages 820844) Jenna M. Loyd Peace is Our Only Shelter: Questioning Domesticities of Militarization and White Privilege (pages 845873) John Morrissey Closing the Neoliberal Gap: Risk and Regulation in the Long War of Securitization (pages 874900) Catherine Lutz A Military History of the American Suburbs, the Discipline of Economics, and All Things Ordinary (pages 901906)

Progress in Human Geography

October 2010; 34 (5)
James Moore Darwins progress and the problem of slavery Sarah L. Holloway, Phil Hubbard, Heike Jns, and Helena Pimlott-Wilson Geographies of education and the significance of children, youth and families Geoff Mann Hobbes redoubt? Toward a geography of monetary policy Nick Gill New state-theoretic approaches to asylum and refugee geographies Maureen G. Reed and Shannon Bruyneel Rescaling environmental governance, rethinking the state: A three-dimensional review Duncan Fuller and Kye Askins Public geographies II: Being organic Trevor J. Barnes Taking the pulse of the dead: History and philosophy of geography, 2008-2009 Jack M. Loomis,Daniel R. Montello, and Roberta L. Klatzky Reginald G. Golledge (1937-2009)

December 2010; 34 (6)

Karen Bakker The limits of neoliberal natures: Debating green neoliberalism Christine Milligan and Janine Wiles Landscapes of care

Lily Kong Global shifts, theoretical shifts: Changing geographies of religion Ben Anderson Preemption, precaution, preparedness: Anticipatory action and future geographies Stuart Elden Land, terrain, territory Melissa W. Wright Geography and gender: Feminism and a feeling of justice Rachel Silvey Development geography: Politics and the state under crisis Michael Woods Performing rurality and practising rural geography Charles W.J. Withers GeObits 20092010

February 2011; 35 (1)

Jigang Bao and Laurence J.C. Ma Tourism geography in China, 1978-2008: Whence, what and whither? Danny MacKinnon Reconstructing scale: Towards a new scalar politics Paul C. Adams A taxonomy for communication geography Thomas Farole, Andrs Rodrguez-Pose, and Michael Storper Human geography and the institutions that underlie economic growth Neil M. Coe Geographies of production I: An evolutionary revolution? Jeremy W. Crampton Cartographic calculations of territory Ian Cook, Kersty Hobson,Lucius Hallett IV, Julie Guthman, Andrew Murphy, Alison Hulme, Mimi Sheller, Louise Crewe,David Nally,Emma Roe, Charles Mather, Paul Kingsbury,Rachel Slocum, Shoko Imai,Jean Duruz, Chris Philo, Henry Buller,Mike Goodman,Allison Hayes-Conroy, Jessica Hayes-Conroy, Lisa Tucker, Megan Blake, Richard Le Heron, Heather Putnam, Damian Maye, and Heike Henderson Geographies of food: Afters Gavin Brown,Kath Browne, Michael Brown,Gerda Roelvink,Michelle Carnegie,and Ben Anderson Sedgwicks geographies: Touching space

April 2011; 35 (2)

Chris Hamnett The reshaping of the British welfare system and its implications for geography and geographers Beth Greenhough Citizenship, care and companionship: Approaching geographies of health and bioscience

Dawn Day Biehler and Gregory L. Simon The Great Indoors: Research frontiers on indoor environments as active politicalecological spaces Adam D. Dixon Variegated capitalism and the geography of finance: Towards a common agenda Neil M. Coe and David C. Jordhus-Lier Constrained agency? Re-evaluating the geographies of labour Sarah Hall Geographies of money and finance I: Cultural economy, politics and place Clive Barnett Geography and ethics: Justice unbound Steve Herbert Contemporary geographies of exclusion III: To assist or punish? Veronica della Dora, Hayden Lorimer, and Stephen Daniels Denis Cosgrove and Stephen Daniels (eds) (1988) The Iconography of Landscape: Essays on the Symbolic Representation, Design and Use of Past Environments. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

June 2011; 35 (3)

Catherine Brace and Hilary Geoghegan Human geographies of climate change: Landscape, temporality, and lay knowledges Rachel Slocum Race in the study of food Arnt Flysand and Stig-Erik Jakobsen The complexity of innovation: A relational turn Paolo Giaccaria and Claudio Minca The Mediterranean alternative Andrew Jones and James T. Murphy Theorizing practice in economic geography: Foundations, challenges, and possibilities Lynn A. Staeheli Political geography: Wheres citizenship? Sarah Elwood Geographic Information Science: Visualization, visual methods, and the geoweb Robert J. Mayhew Historical geography, 2009-2010: Geohistoriography, the forgotten Braudel and the place of nominalism Marco Antonsich Rethinking territory Stuart Elden Response to Antonsich: The role of history


express- Zeitung fr sozialistische Betriebs- und Gewerkschaftspolitik

express Nr. 10-11/2010
Richard Dagger Der Preis eines offenen Systems Tarifeinheit per Gesetz? Analyse der BDA/DGBInitiative Gnther Schedel-Gschwendtner Leserbrief zu Randzonen austesten. Betriebsratswahlen in der Krise Tom Adler Betonfraktionen, ber Gewerkschaftspositionen zu S 21 Kirsten Huckenbeck Am Zug, eine kleine Wanderung durch den Motivgarten in der Hauptstadt des Protests Emanzipation & Frieden Oben bleiben. Weiter gehen. UAPA-Netzwerk Tarifvertrge fr Assistenten?, Einladung zur Konferenz Wolfgang Hien, Sonja Kapp, Andrea Gonnermann Flucht aus der Pflege, eine Studie zur guten Arbeit im Krankenhaus Thomas Gehrig Catch the Volk, ber Ab- und Hintergrnde der Integrationsdebatte Christian Frings Kmpfen in der Krise, ber den Fall Univeg Duisburg Betriebsgruppe des Klinikums Stuttgart Rslers Anschlag, zur Gesundheits-Reform Ingo Schmidt Krise sind immer die anderen, ... und wir sind wieder wer? Willi Hajek Gespenst auf Touren, ber die Bewegung zur Rcknahme des Rentengesetzes Anne Allex Vorschau Agenda 2080, zum Film von Andreas Arnstedt: Die Entbehrlichen

express Nr. 12/2010

Werner Sauerborn Hauptsache Gewerkschaft, eine gewerkschaftspolitische Zwischenbilanz, Teil I Marburger Bund rztInnen verteidigen Koalitionsrecht, ... fr freiheitliche wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Thomas Gehrig Wem gehrt die Commons-Debatte?, Versuch einer kommunistischen Rckereroberung

Boy Lthje Sag mir, wo Du stehst, Lehren aus den Streiks bei Autozulieferern in Sdchina

express Nr. 01/2011

Werner Sauerborn Hauptsache Gewerkschaft, eine gewerkschaftspolitische Zwischenbilanz, Teil II Edgar Weick Das Neue an der Neuen Linken Thomas Gehrig Hundert Wege des Kommunismus Marc Kappler rztliche Schweigepflicht, ber Versuche des Rhn-Konzerns, Kritiker juristisch einzuschchtern Peter Nowak Groer Aufwasch bei Accor, Filmdoku ber Arbeitskampf von Reinigungskrften in Frankreich Bernard Schmid Einer geht noch!?, zur Rolle des tunesischen Gewerkschaftsdachverbandes UGTT Murat akir Eine echte Revolution?, zur Entwicklung in Tunesien Bernard Schmid Tunesien: Weder EU, noch CIA, noch Mittelstand, eine Antwort auf Murat akir Wolfgang Schaumberg Auf neuen Wegen?, ber Bewegungen und Begegnungen in China Thomas Gehrig Statt Privateigentum und Lohnarbeit, ber Commons und die Praxis der Diggers Initiative Zusammen Leben e.V. Projekt Zurck, Transnationale Karawane von Bamako zum Weltsozialforum nach Dakar

express Nr. 02/2011

Anton Kobel Einzelhandel in Deutschland, ber Fakten, ImPressionen und DePressionen, Teil I Charly Brown Von der Selbstverwaltung in die Insolvenz, Lehrerkooperative in Frankfurt/Main vor dem Aus Marc Zitzmann Ethischer Ungehorsam, neue Formen des Widerstands gegen Reformen im ffentlichen Dienst Frankreichs Eckardt Johanning Privatsache, zur US-amerikanischen Gesundheitsreform Cecil Arndt/Christian Frings

Regeln brechen, Quellen der Macht ein Gesprch mit Frances Fox Piven Frances Fox Piven Mobilisierung der Arbeitslosen, ein Anlass zum Ansto

express Nr. 03-4/2011

Bernd Oliver Snderhauf Verfassungsfeind trifft Verfassungsfreund, das Grundgesetz auf dem Prfstand AG Wahlbeobachtung Wenn Wahlen was ndern, ein Rckblick auf die Landtagswahlen Bckler Impuls Hauptziel verfehlt, keine Hartz IV-Dividende fr keinen Anton Kobel Einzelhandel in Deutschland, ber Fakten, ImPressionen und DePressionen, Teil II NaRa/KH Raus aus dem Tarifknast, Proteste gegen Gesetz zur Tarifeinheit Hugo Claus Reallhne gesichert?, zur Tarifeinigung im ffentlichen Dienst der Lnder

express Nr. 05/2011

Markus Mohr Unendliche Geschichte?, die Gewerkschaften und die Ordnung des Ausstiegs Werner Sauerborn Mir knnet alles..., Aufstndle, Erflgle und Aufgble eine Bilanz zum 1. Mai Thomas Gehrig Commons auf Utopia, Beitrge zur Rckeroberung einer Debatte Anton Kobel Einzelhandel in Deutschland, ber Fakten, ImPressionen und DePressionen, Teil III David Jimenez Eine saubere Sache, unmenschliche Arbeitsverhltnisse in japanischen AKW lngst vor der Katastrophe Benjamin Weinthal Anhaltende Erziehungsdiktatur?, ber Lehrerproteste und Streikverbote in gypten NaRa Nicht von ungefhr..., Hintergrnde zum sozialen Fortgang der Revolution in gypten Miguel Sanz Alcantara Bewegung am Rand, aus SOC mach SAT Basisgewerkschaft Andalusiens wchst Jane Slaughter Von Wisconsin lernen..., ber gyptische Verhltnisse in den USA Kirsten Huckenbeck Selbstorganisation, Begriff, Konzepte, Erfahrungen ein deutsch-chinesischer Austausch, Teil II

Journal of European Integration

Volume 32, Issue 4, 2010
Malte Brosig The Challenge of Implementing Minority Rights in Central Eastern Europe Ece Ozlem Atikcan European Union and Minorities: Different Paths of Europeanization? Tom Delreux & Bart Kerremans How Agents Weaken their Principals Incentives to Control: The Case of EU Negotiators and EU Member States in Multilateral Negotiations Robert Geyer & Simon Lightfoot The Strengths and Limits of New Forms of EU Governance: The Cases of Mainstreaming and Impact Assessment in EU Public Health and Sustainable Development Policy

Issue 5 2010 Special Issue: European Neighbourhood through Civil Society Networks? Policies, Practices and Perceptions
Bohdana Dimitrovova Reshaping Civil Society in Morocco: Boundary Setting, Integration and Consolidation Aya Ergun Civil Society in Turkey and Local Dimensions of Europeanization Coniu oitu & Daniela oitu Europeanization at the EUs External Borders: the Case of RomanianMoldovan Civil Society Cooperation Gulnara Roll Civil Society Cooperation in the Face of Territorial Adversity: The EstonianRussian Case Elena Belokurova Civil Society Discourses in Russia: The Influence of the European Union and the Role of EURussia Cooperation Iwona Sagan PostSocialist Transformation, European Neighbourhood and Civil Society Networks between Poland, Russia and Ukraine: a Case of Multilevel Contingency James Wesley Scott & Ilkka Liikanen Civil Society and the Neighbourhood Europeanization through CrossBorder Cooperation?

Issue 6 2010 Special Issue: Rethinking EU Studies: The Contribution of Comparative Regionalism
Andrs Malamud Latin American Regionalism and EU Studies Louise Fawcett & Helene Gandois Regionalism in Africa and the Middle East: Implications for EU Studies Philomena Murray

East Asian Regionalism and EU Studies Gaspare M. Genna & Philippe De Lombaerde The Small N Methodological Challenges of Analyzing Regional Integration Fredrik Sderbaum & Alberta Sbragia EU Studies and the New Regionalism: What can be Gained from Dialogue? Alex WarleighLack & Luk Van Langenhove Rethinking EU Studies: The Contribution of Comparative Regionalism

Volume 33, Issue 1, 2011

Yannis Stivachtis & Stefanie Georgakis Changing Gender Attitudes in Candidate Countries: The Impact of EU Conditionality The Case of Turkey Jarle Trondal Domestic Agencies in an Emergent European Executive Order Tom Casier To Adopt or Not to Adopt: Explaining Selective Rule Transfer under the European Neighbourhood Policy John A. Scherpereel & Matthew C. Zierler Barriers to Socialization: Turkey and Regional International Organizations David Benson & Andrew Jordan Exploring the Toolkit of European Integration Theory: What Role for Cooperative Federalism?

Issue 2 2011 Special Issue: Europe After Enlargement

Bahar Rumelili Turkey: Identity, Foreign Policy, and Socialization in a PostEnlargement Europe Martin Dangerfield Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine: In or Out of European Regional International Society? Richard Sakwa Russia and Europe: Whose Society? Georgeta Pourchot The OSCE: A PanEuropean Society in the Making? Yannis A. Stivachtis & Mike Habegger The Council of Europe: The Institutional Limits of Contemporary European International Society? Mark Webber NATO: Within and Between European International Society Thomas Diez, Ian Manners & Richard G. Whitman The Changing Nature of International Institutions in Europe: the Challenge of the European Union Yannis A. Stivachtis & Mark Webber

Regional International Society in a PostEnlargement Europe

Journal of European Social Policy

John Gal Is there an extended family of Mediterranean welfare states? Francesco Figari Can in-work benefits improve social inclusion in the southern European countries? Christopher T. Whelan and Bertrand Matre Welfare regime and social class variation in poverty and economic vulnerability in Europe: an analysis of EU-SILC Ursula Dallinger Public support for redistribution: what explains cross-national differences? Jeroen van der Waal, Peter Achterberg, Dick Houtman, Willem de Koster,and Katerina Manevska Some are more equal than others: economic egalitarianism and welfare chauvinism in the Netherlands Eilidh MacPhail Examining the impact of the Open Method of Coordination on sub-state employment and social inclusion policies: evidence from the UK December 2010; 20 (5) Special Issue: Explaining Recent Shifts in Family Policy Margitta Mtzke and Ilona Ostner Introduction: change and continuity in recent family policies Peter Abrahamson Continuity and consensus: governing families in Denmar Claude Martin The reframing of family policies in France: processes and actors Leonard Schoppa Exit, voice, and family policy in Japan: limited changes despite broad recognition of the declining fertility problem Mary Daly Shifts in family policy in the UK under New Labour Trudie Knijn and Chiara Saraceno Changes in the regulation of responsibilities towards childcare needs in Italy and the Netherlands: different timing, increasingly different approaches Sigrid Leitner Germany outpaces Austria in childcare policy: the historical contingencies of conservative childcare policy Margitta Mtzke and Ilona Ostner Postscript: ideas and agents of change in time

February 2011; 21 (1)


Nam K. Jo Between the cultural foundations of welfare and welfare attitudes: The possibility of an in-between level conception of culture for the cultural analysis of welfare Tom Sefton,Maria Evandrou,Jane Falkingham,and Athina Vlachantoni The relationship between womens work histories and incomes in later life in the UK, US and West Germany Henning Lohmann Comparability of EU-SILC survey and register data: The relationship among employment, earnings and poverty Gert Verschraegen, Bart Vanhercke, and Rika Verpoorten The European Social Fund and domestic activation policies: Europeanization mechanisms Werner Eichhorst and Paul Marx Reforming German labour market institutions: A dual path to flexibility Esther Geisler and Michaela Kreyenfeld Against all odds: Fathers use of parental leave in Germany

May 2011; 21 (2)

Paulette Kurzer and Alice Cooper Hold the croissant! The European Union declares war on obesity Carina Schmitt and Peter Starke Explaining convergence of OECD welfare states: a conditional approach Timo Fleckenstein and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser Business, skills and the welfare state: the political economy of employment-oriented family policy in Britain and Germany Peter Taylor-Gooby Security, equality and opportunity: attitudes and the sustainability of social protection Platon Tinios International accounting standards as catalysts for pension reform: Greek pensions and the public/private boundary Hasan Hseyin Yldrm and Trkan Yldrm Healthcare financing reform in Turkey: context and salient features

Global Social Policy

December 2010; 10 (3)
Chee Heng Leng and Andrea Whittaker Guest editors introduction to the special issue: Why is medical travel of concern to global social policy? Meri Koivusalo Global Social Policy Forum: Introduction: Trade in health services and the commercialization of social and health policies Chantal Blouin

Trade in health services: Can it improve access to health care for poor people? Alireza Bagheri Global health regulations should distinguish between medical tourism and transplant tourism David Hunter and Stuart Oultram The ethical and policy implications of rogue medical tourism GKD Crozier Protecting cross-border providers of ova and surrogacy services? Imrana Qadeer Benefits and threats of international trade in health: A case of surrogacy in India Beth Kangas The burden of pursuing treatment abroad: Three stories of medical travelers from Yemen Mohd Jamal Alsharif,Ronald Labont,and Zuxun Lu Patients beyond borders: A study of medical tourists in four countries Chee Heng Leng Medical tourism and the state in Malaysia and Singapore Sallie Yea Trafficking in part(s): The commercial kidney market in a Manila slum, Philippines Dominique Martin Medical travel and the sale of human biological materials: Suggestions for ethical policy development Andrea Whittaker Challenges of medical travel to global regulation: A case study of reproductive travel in Asia

April 2011; 11 (1)

Meri Koivusalo Global Social Policy Forum: Introduction: Perspectives on global taxes and social policy Gillian Brock Reforms to global taxation and accounting arrangements as a means of pursuing global justice Dries Lesage and David McNair International cooperation against tax havens: Still a long way to go John Langmore A currency transaction tax Carlo Cottarelli and Michael Keen Global taxation: Aims and issues1 Stephen McBride Global taxes: A fiscal solution in need of a paradigm shift Herland Tejerina Silva,Pierre De Paepe,Werner Soors, Oscar V. Lanza,Marie-Christine Closon,Patrick Van Dessel,and Jean-Pierre Unger

Revisiting health policy and the World Bank in Bolivia John Weeks Mistaken identity: Middle income Moldova and the consequences Sharon Asiskovitch Dismantling the welfare state from the left? Localization of global ideas in the case of Israels 1998 Public Housing Law Kepa Artaraz New Latin American networks of solidarity?: ALBAs contribution to Bolivias National Development Plan (200610) International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

Vol. 34 Issue 4 December 2010

Oskar Verkaaik Terror and Territory: The Spatial Extent of Sovereignty By Stuart Elden (pages 1005 1007) Linda McDowell Unraveling the Garment Industry: Transnational Organizing and Women's Work By Ethel C. Brooks (pages 10041005) Jael Vizcarra Magallanes Everyday Urban Public Space: Turkish Immigrant Women's Perspective By Eda nl Ycesoy (pages 10021004) Bruce D. Haynes There Goes the Neighborhood: Racial, Ethnic, and Class Tensions in Four Chicago Neighborhoods and their Meaning for America By William Julius Wilson and Richard P. Taub (pages 10011002) Wenda Doff Residential Segregation Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone? By Eva Dick (pages 10001001) John Friedmann China's Emerging Cities: The Making of New Urbanism By Fulong Wu (pages 998999) Anthony Orum Naked City: The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places By Sharon Zukin (pages 997 998) Stefan Wellgraf Pride in the Project: Teens Building Identities in Urban Contexts By Nancy L. Deutsch; Street Gangs, Migration and Ethnicity Edited by Frank van Gemert, Dana Peterson and Inger-Lisa Lien; A World of Gangs: Armed Young Men and Gangsta Culture By John M. Hagedorn (pages 992996) ALAN HARDING, MICHAEL HARLOE and JAMES REES Manchester's Bust Regime? (pages 981991) MARISOL GARCA


The Breakdown of the Spanish Urban Growth Model: Social and Territorial Effects of the Global Crisis (pages 967980) ANA CRISTINA FERNANDES and ANDREAS NOVY Reflections on the Unique Response of Brazil to the Financial Crisis and its Urban Impact (pages 952966) ROBIN BLOCH Dubai's Long Goodbye (pages 943951) ROGER KEIL Crisis, What Crisis? Towards a Global Bust Regime? (pages 941942) MATTHEW WILSON Vertical Landscraping, a Big Regionalism for Dubai (pages 925940) JOS M. BARRUTIA and CARMEN ECHEBARRIA Developing a New Framework to Explain Transverse Evolution of Knowledge-Driven Regional Policy Networks (pages 906924 SUSAN G. BLICKSTEIN Automobility and the Politics of Bicycling in New York City (pages 886905) WINIFRED CURRAN In Defense of Old Industrial Spaces: Manufacturing, Creativity and Innovation in Williamsburg, Brooklyn (pages 871885) HELENE MARTIN-BRELOT, MICHEL GROSSETTI, DENIS ECKERT, OLGA GRITSAI and ZOLTN KOVCS The Spatial Mobility of the Creative Class: A European Perspective (pages 854870) STEFAN KRTKE Creative Cities and the Rise of the Dealer Class: A Critique of Richard Florida's Approach to Urban Theory (pages 835853) GWEN VAN EIJK Exclusionary Policies are Not Just about the Neoliberal City: A Critique of Theories of Urban Revanchism and the Case of Rotterdam (pages 820834) ANDREW WALLACE New Neighbourhoods, New Citizens? Challenging Community as a Framework for Social and Moral Regeneration under New Labour in the UK (pages 805819) MIA ARP FALLOV Community Capacity Building as the Route to Inclusion in Neighbourhood Regeneration? (pages 789804) JENNIFER DAY and ROBERT CERVERO Effects of Residential Relocation on Household and Commuting Expenditures in Shanghai, China (pages 762788) PO-FEN TAI Beyond Social Polarization? A Test for Asian World Cities in Developmental States (pages 743761) COLIN MCFARLANE The Comparative City: Knowledge, Learning, Urbanism (pages 725742)

Volume 35, Issue 1, Jan 2011

WALTER J. NICHOLLS The Los Angeles School: Difference, Politics, City (pages 189206) NINA LAURIE Gender Water Networks: Femininity and Masculinity in Water Politics in Bolivia (pages 172188) MIGUEL MARTNEZ The Citizen Participation of Urban Movements in Spatial Planning: A Comparison between Vigo and Porto (pages 147171) DAN IMMERGLUCK The Local Wreckage of Global Capital: The Subprime Crisis, Federal Policy and HighForeclosure Neighborhoods in the US (pages 130146) VIRGINIA PARKS Revisiting Shibboleths of Race and Urban Economy: Black Employment in Manufacturing and the Public Sector Compared, Chicago 19502000 (pages 110129) DANIEL SCHENSUL and PATRICK HELLER Legacies, Change and Transformation in the Post-Apartheid City: Towards an Urban Sociological Cartography (pages 78109) CHARLOTTE LEMANSKI Moving up the Ladder or Stuck on the Bottom Rung? Homeownership as a Solution to Poverty in Urban South Africa (pages 5777) LAURENT FOURCHARD Lagos, Koolhaas and Partisan Politics in Nigeria (pages 4056) RICHARD G. SMITH and MARCUS A. DOEL Questioning the Theoretical Basis of Current Global-City Research: Structures, Networks and Actor-Networks (pages 2439) Jennifer Robinson Cities in a World of Cities: The Comparative Gesture (pages 123)

Volume 35, Issue 2, March 2011

NASSER ABOURAHME Spatial Collisions and Discordant Temporalities: Everyday Life between Camp and Checkpoint (pages 453461) RMY BAZENGUISSA-GANGA The Bones of the Body Politic: Thoughts on the Savorgnan de Brazza Mausoleum (pages 445452) PEP SUBIRS Don't Ask Me Where I'm From: Thoughts of Immigrants to Catalonia on Social Integration and Cultural Capital (pages 437444) YVONNE P. DODERER LGBTQs in the City, Queering Urban Space (pages 431436) LIEVEN DE CAUTER

Towards a Phenomenology of Civil War: Hobbes Meets Benjamin in Beirut (pages 421 430) JONATHAN BACH Shenzhen: City of Suspended Possibility (pages 414420) BASAK SENOVA Exploring the City: Perceiving Istanbul through its Cultural Productions (pages 405413) ABDOUMALIQ SIMONE Introduction to Urban Life Itself (pages 403404) PUSHPA ARABINDOO City of sand: Stately Re-Imagination of Marina Beach in Chennai (pages 379401) CHRISTIAN SELLAR, MAKSIMILIANA EMILOVA, CHRASTINA DIMITROVA PETKOVA-TANCHEVA and KATHLEEN MCNEIL Cluster Policies in Bulgaria: European Integration, Postsocialist Dynamics and Local Level Initiatives (pages 358378) ERNESTO LOPEZ-MORALES Gentrification by Ground Rent Dispossession: The Shadows Cast by Large-Scale Urban Renewal in Santiago de Chile (pages 330357) MEG HOLDEN Public Participation and Local Sustainability: Questioning a Common Agenda in Urban Governance (pages 312329) MONICA W. VARSANYI Neoliberalism and Nativism: Local Anti-Immigrant Policy Activism and an Emerging Politics of Scale (pages 295311) MIKE RACO, ROB IMRIE and WEN-I LIN Community Governance, Critical Cosmopolitanism and Urban Change: Observations from Taipei, Taiwan (pages 274294) MARIE-HLNE BACQU, YANKEL FIJALKOW, LYDIE LAUNAY and STPHANIE VERMEERSCH Social Mix Policies in Paris: Discourses, Policies and Social Effects (pages 256273) RAQUEL ROLNIK Democracy on the Edge: Limits and Possibilities in the Implementation of an Urban Reform Agenda in Brazil (pages 239255) ANANYA ROY Slumdog Cities: Rethinking Subaltern Urbanism (pages 223238)

Volume 35, Issue 3

ALESIA F. MONTGOMERY Ghettos and Enclaves in the Cross-Place Realm: Mapping Socially Bounded Spaces Across Cities (pages 659675 ANDREJ HOLM and ARMIN KUHN Squatting and Urban Renewal: The Interaction of Squatter Movements and Strategies of Urban Restructuring in Berlin (pages 644658) JEFFEREY M. SELLERS and SUN-YOUNG KWAK

State and Society in Local Governance: Lessons from a Multilevel Comparison (pages 620643) JINN-YUH HSU State Tansformation and Regional Development in Taiwan: From Developmentalist Strategy to Populist Subsidy (pages 600619) LISA KIM DAVIS International Events and Mass Evictions: A Longer View (pages 582599) MICHAEL GOLDMAN Speculative Urbanism and the Making of the Next World City (pages 555581) VRONIQUE D.N. DUPONT The Dream of Delhi as a Global City (pages 533554) D. ASHER GHERTNER Gentrifying the State, Gentrifying Participation: Elite Governance Programs in Delhi (pages 504532) L. OWEN KIRKPATRICK and MICHAEL PETER SMITH The Infrastructural Limits to Growth: Rethinking the Urban Growth Machine in Times of Fiscal Crisis (pages 477503)

Environment and Planing A

Volume 42 Issue 10
Ivan Turok, Ken Sinclair-Smith, Mike Shand The distribution of the resident population across the City of Cape Town, 2001 2295 Anssi Paasi Regions are social constructs, but who or what 'constructs' them? Agency in question Loretta Lees Planning urbanity? 2302 2308 Divya P Tolia-Kelly, Mike Crang Affect, race, and identities 2309 2314 Mike Crang, Divya P Tolia-Kelly Nation, race, and affect: senses and sensibilities at national heritage sites 2315 Dan Swanton Sorting bodies: race, affect, and everyday multiculture in a mill town in northern England Alastair Bonnett Radicalism, antiracism, and nostalgia: the burden of loss in the search for convivial culture Anoop Nayak Race, affect, and emotion: young people, racism, and graffiti in the postcolonial English suburbs Jason Lim Immanent politics: thinking race and ethnicity through affect and machinism

Arun Saldanha Skin, affect, aggregation: Guattarian variations on Fanon Nigel Thrift Slowing down race Tim Butler, Chris Hamnett You take what you are given: the limits to parental choice in education in east London David Robinson The neighbourhood effects of new immigration Pengjun Zhao, Bin L , Gert de Roo Urban expansion and transportation: the impact of urban form on commuting patterns on the city fringe of Beijing Jeremy Nmeth Security in public space: an empirical assessment of three US cities Xuemei Jiang, Erik Dietzenbacher, Bart Los Targeting the collection of superior data for the estimation of the intermediate deliveries in regional input output tables Siiri Silm, Rein Ahas The seasonal variability of population in Estonian municipalities Issue 11 Shaun French, Andrew Leyshon 'These f@#king guys': the terrible waste of a good crisis Alex D Singleton The geodemographics of educational progression and their implications for widening participation in higher education Kean Birch, Andrew Cumbers Knowledge, space, and economic governance: the implications of knowledge-based commodity chains for less-favoured regions Elvin Wyly, Kathe Newman, Alex Schafran, Elizabeth Lee Displacing New York Christopher Harker On (not) forgetting families: family spaces and spacings in Birzeit, Palestine Mark Hunter Racial desegregation and schooling in South Africa: contested geographies of class formation Rosie Day Environmental justice and older age: consideration of a qualitative neighbourhood-based study Eva Andersson, John sth, Bo Malmberg Ethnic segregation and performance inequality in the Swedish school system: a regional perspective Deborah Roberts, David Newlands

The economic integration of new sectors in rural areas: a case study of the Shetland economy Crystal Legacy Investigating the knowledge interface between stakeholder engagement and planmaking Johanna Wolf, W Neil Adger, Irene Lorenzoni Heat waves and cold spells: an analysis of policy response and perceptions of vulnerable populations in the UK Ceclia Silva, Paulo Pinho The Structural Accessibility Layer (SAL): revealing how urban structure constrains travel choice David Martin Understanding the social geography of census undercount Samuel Kinsley Representing things to come: feeling the visions of future technologies Peter Jackson, Jonathan Everts Anxiety as social practice

Issue 12
Tomoki Nakaya 'Geomorphology' of population health in Japan: looking through the cartogram lens Chris Hamnett Moving the poor out of central London? The implications of the coalition government 2010 cuts to Housing Benefits James Faulconbridge, Donald McNeill Geographies of space design Norma M Rantisi, Deborah Leslie Materiality and creative production: the case of the Mile End neighborhood in Montral James R Faulconbridge Global architects: learning and innovation through communities and constellations of practice Donald McNeill Behind the Heathrow hassle: a political and cultural economy of the privatized airport Jennifer Wolch, Josh Newell, Mona Seymour, Hilary Bradbury Huang, Kim Reynolds, Jennifer Mapes The forgotten and the future: reclaiming back alleys for a sustainable city Yingling Fan Reexamining contemporary urbanism in the United States: convenient mix of the old and new Justin Spinney Performing resistance? Re-reading practices of urban cycling on Londons South Bank Tiit Tammaru, Magnus Strmgren, Olof Stjernstrm, Urban Lindgren

Learning through contact? The effects on earnings of immigrant exposure to the native population Allison Hayes-Conroy, Jessica Hayes-Conroy Visceral difference: variations in feeling (slow) food Silva Larson Regional well-being in tropical Queensland, Australia: developing a dissatisfaction index to inform government policy Aharon Kellerman Mobile broadband services and the availability of instant access to cyberspace Calvin Jones Less and less favoured? Britains regions in the energy crunch Emma Soane, Iljana Schubert, Peter Challenor, Rebecca Lunn, Sunitha Narendran, Simon Pollard Flood perception and mitigation: the role of severity, agency, and experience in the purchase of flood protection, and the communication of flood information

Volume 43 issue 1
Sarah Hall, Lindsay Appleyard Commoditising learning: cultural economy and the growth of for-profit business education service firms in London Hong Yi, Fiona F Yang, Anthony G O Yeh Intraurban location of producer services in Guangzhou, China Carola de Groot, Clara H Mulder, Marjolijn Das, Dorien Manting Life events and the gap between intention to move and actual mobility Danielle Galliano, Pascale Roux, Nicolas Souli ICT intensity of use and the geography of firms Kevin F Mole, Mark Hart, Stephen Roper, David S Saal Broader or deeper? Exploring the most effective intervention profile for public small business support Martin Letell, Gran Sundqvist, Mark Elam Steering through the neighbourhood: towards an advanced liberal risk society? Ipek N Sener, Chandra R Bhat A copula-based sample selection model of telecommuting choice and frequency Alassane Drabo Impact of income inequality on health: does environment quality matter? Franz Fuerst, Patrick McAllister, Claudia B Murray Designer buildings: estimating the economic value of signature architecture Jean-David Gerber, Stphane Nahrath, Patrick Csikos, Peter Knoepfel The role of Swiss civic corporations in land-use planning Karen Witten, Jamie Pearce, Peter Day Neighbourhood Destination Accessibility Index: a GIS tool for measuring infrastructure support for neighbourhood physical activity

Iain Docherty, Jon Shaw The transformation of transport policy in Great Britain? New Realism and New Labours decade of displacement activity

Volume 43 issue | 2
Jon Swords Featured graphic: Labours three-term spending record, 1997 2010 Lorraine Whitmarsh, Saffron ONeill, Irene Lorenzoni Climate change or social change? Debate within, amongst, and beyond disciplines Elizabeth Shove On the difference between chalk and cheesea response to Whitmarsh et al's comments on "Beyond the ABC: climate change policy and theories of social change" Kuniko Fujita The global financial crisis, state regime shifts, and urban theory Gran Therborn End of a paradigm: the current crisis and the idea of stateless cities Michael Indergaard Another WashingtonNew York consensus? Progressives back in contention Kuniko Fujita Financial crises, Japans state regime shift, and Tokyos urban policy Arun Agrawal, Ashwini Chhatre Strengthening causal inference through qualitative analysis of regression residuals: explaining forest governance in the Indian Himalaya Alex Franklin, Julie Newton, Jennie Middleton, Terry Marsden Reconnecting skills for sustainable communities with everyday life S W Tsang, C Y Jim Game-theory approach for resident coalitions to allocate green-roof benefits Emmanouil Tranos The topology and the emerging urban geographies of the Internet backbone and aviation networks in Europe: a comparative study Vaughan Higgins, Jacqui Dibden Biosecurity, trade liberalisation, and the (anti)politics of risk analysis: the Australia New Zealand apples dispute Fulong Wu, Nicholas A Phelps (Post)suburban development and state entrepreneurialism in Beijings outer suburbs Richard Black, Dominic Kniveton, Kerstin Schmidt-Verkerk Migration and climate change: towards an integrated assessment of sensitivity Jose M Barrutia, Carmen Echebarria Explaining and measuring the embrace of Local Agenda 21s by local governments David C Harvey, Harriet Hawkins, Nicola J Thomas Regional imaginaries of governance agencies: practising the region of South West Britain

Stephen Syrett, Leandro Sepulveda Realising the diversity dividend: population diversity and urban economic development

Issue 3
Mark Palmer, Geoff Simmons On becoming a mediatizing don and claiming the new spatial boundaries of academia Freerk Boedeltje Discontented geopolitics Helen Jarvis, Rachel Pain, Colin Pooley Multiple scales of time space and lifecourse Nicola Ansell, Lorraine van Blerk, Flora Hajdu, Elsbeth Robson Spaces, times, and critical moments: a relational time space analysis of the impacts of AIDS on rural youth in Malawi and Lesotho Lyndall Strazdins, Amy L Griffin, Dorothy H Broom, Cathy Banwell, Rosemary Korda, Jane Dixon, Francesco Paolucci, John Glover Time scarcity: another health inequality? Helen Jarvis Saving space, sharing time: integrated infrastructures of daily life in cohousing Yvonne Hung The role of the geographical imagination in young peoples political engagement Eldin Fahmy, David Gordon, Danny Dorling, Janette Rigby, Ben Wheeler Poverty and place in Britain, 1968 99 Johan Andersson, Robert M Vanderbeck, Gill Valentine, Kevin Ward, Joanna Sadgrove New York encounters: religion, sexuality, and the city Helen F Wilson Passing propinquities in the multicultural city: the everyday encounters of bus passengering Thomas Wainwright Elite knowledges: framing risk and the geographies of credit Edith de Meester, Aslan Zorlu, Clara H Mulder The residential context and the division of household and childcare tasks Josep M Campanera, Paul Higgins Quality of life in urban-classified and rural-classified English local authority areas Colin Lindsay, Donald Houston Fit for purpose? Welfare reform and challenges for health and labour market policy in the UK Karen Turner, Max Munday, Stuart McIntyre, Christa D Jensen Incorporating jurisdiction issues into regional carbon accounts under production and consumption accounting principles Paula Meth Crime management and urban governance: everyday interconnections in South Africa

Issue 4
Heike Mayer, Stuart Armstrong Featured graphic: the visual genealogy of spinoff companies in the technology sector in Seattle, 2008 Michael Batty When all the world's a city Riccardo Crescenzi, Andrs Rodrguez-Pose Reconciling top-down and bottom-up development policies Yu Zhou, Y H Dennis Wei Globalization, innovation, and regional development in China Yifei Sun, Debin Du Domestic firm innovation and networking with foreign firms in Chinas ICT industry Ingo Liefner, Stefan Hennemann Structural holes and new dimensions of distance: the spatial configuration of the scientific knowledge network of Chinas optical technology sector 810 829 Peilei Fan Innovation, globalization, and catch-up of latecomers: cases of Chinese telecom firms Graldine Pflieger, Florian Ecoffey The cost of urban sprawl and its potential redistributive effects: an empirical cost assessment for water services in Lausanne (Switzerland) Christos Kalantaridis, Zografia Bika Entrepreneurial origin and the configuration of innovation in rural areas: the case of Cumbria, North West England Gldem zatagan Shifts in value chain governance and upgrading in the European periphery of automotive production: evidence from Bursa, Turkey Ronald S Wall, Martijn J Burger, G A (Bert) van der Knaap The geography of global corporate networks: the poor, the rich, and the happy few countries Edwin Buitelaar, Maaike Galle, Niels Sorel Plan-led planning systems in development-led practices: an empirical analysis into the (lack of) institutionalisation of planning law Matthew Cotton, Patrick Devine-Wright Discourses of energy infrastructure development: a Q-method study of electricity transmission line siting in the UK Timothy Dixon, Noriko Otsuka, Hirokazu Abe Critical success factors in urban brownfield regeneration: an analysis of hardcore sites in Manchester and Osaka during the economic recession (2009 10)

Volume 43 Issue 5
Jennifer Bair, Marion Werner

Commodity chains and the uneven geographies of global capitalism: a disarticulations perspective Jennifer Bair, Marion Werner The place of disarticulations: global commodity production in La Laguna, Mexico Phillip A Hough Disarticulations and commodity chains: cattle, coca, and capital accumulation along Colombias agricultural frontier Priti Ramamurthy Rearticulating caste: the global cottonseed commodity chain and the paradox of smallholder capitalism in south India Christian Berndt, Marc Boeckler Performative regional (dis)integration: transnational markets, mobile commodities, and bordered North South differences Lieba Faier Fungi, trees, people, nematodes, beetles, and weather: ecologies of vulnerability and ecologies of negotiation in matsutake commodity exchange Paul Vallance Relational and dialectical spaces of knowing: knowledge, practice, and work in economic geography Ramon Farreny, Jordi Oliver-Sol, Marc Montlle, Enric Escrib, Xavier Gabarrell, Joan Rieradevall Transition towards sustainable cities: opportunities, constraints, and strategies in planning. A neighbourhood ecodesign case study in Barcelona Guo Chen Privatization, marketization, and deprivation: interpreting the homeownership paradox in postreform urban China Stephanie Farmer Uneven public transportation development in neoliberalizing Chicago, USA Fabian Frenzel, Steffen Bhm, Pennie Quinton, Andr Spicer, Sian Sullivan, Zoe Young Comparing alternative media in North and South: the cases of IFIWatchnet and Indymedia in Africa Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola Cross-border regionalization, the INTERREG III A initiative, and local cooperation at the Finnish Swedish border Edoardo Marcucci, Amanda Stathopoulos, Lucia Rotaris, Romeo Danielis Comparing single and joint preferences: a choice experiment on residential location in three-member households David Demeritt, Andrew Dobson, Tania Murray Li, Melissa Leach, Ian Scoones, Andy Stirling Pathways to sustainability: perspectives and provocations

International Feminist Journal of Politics

Issue 3-4 2010 Special Issue: New Directions in Feminism and Human Rights

Dana Collins, Sylvanna Falcn, Sharmila Lodhia & Molly Talcott A Feminist World is Possible: ARTISTS AND ACTIVISTS SPEAK ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS Yvonne A. Braun & Michael C. Dreiling THE AMPLIFICATION OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS IN LESOTHO Catherine Sameh Discourses of Equality, Rights and Islam in the One Million Signatures Campaign in Iran Rachel Lewis The Cultural Politics of Lesbian Asylum. ANGELINA MACCARONE'S UNVEILED (2005) AND THE CASE OF THE LESBIAN ASYLUM-SEEKER Julietta Hua PhD & Holly Nigorizawa US Sex Trafficking, Women's Human Rights and the Politics of Representation Jennifer Lynne Musto Carceral Protectionism and Multi-Professional Anti-Trafficking Human Rights Work in the Netherlands Michelle M. Jacob PhD Claiming Health and Culture as Human Rights. YAKAMA FEMINISM IN DAILY PRACTICE Papori Bora Between the Human, the Citizen and the Tribal. READING FEMINIST POLITICS IN INDIA'S NORTHEAST Pascha Bueno-Hansen Finding Each Other's Hearts. INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS AND THE DRIVE TO PROSECUTE SEXUAL VIOLENCE DURING THE INTERNAL ARMED CONFLICT IN PER Dana Collins, Sylvanna Falcn, Sharmila Lodhia & Molly Talcott New Directions in Feminism and Human Rights. AN INTRODUCTION Mallika Dutt Foreword Looking Back, Moving Forward. HUMAN RIGHTS AT A CROSSROADS

Volume 13, Issue 1

Henrik Berglund PhD Hindu Nationalism and Gender in the Indian Civil Society. A CHALLENGE TO THE INDIAN WOMEN'S MOVEMENT Gwynn Thomas Michelle Bachelet's Liderazgo Femenino (Feminine Leadership). REDEFINING POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN CHILE'S 2005 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN Jemima Repo & Riina Yrjl The Gender Politics of Celebrity Humanitarianism in Africa Lucian M. Ashworth Feminism, War and the Prospects for Peace. HELENA SWANWICK (18641939) AND THE LOST FEMINISTS OF INTER-WAR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Kimberly Williams Crime, Corruption and Chaos. SEX TRAFFICKING AND THE FAILURE OF US RUSSIA POLICY

Volume 13, Issue 2, 2011

Lara Montesinos Coleman & Serena A. Bassi Militant Manhood Revisited. A NOTE ON METHODS AND MADNESS Sian Sullivan Supposing Truth Is a Woman? A COMMENTARY Janet Conway Analysing Hegemonic Masculinities in the Anti-Globalization Movement(s) Lara Montesinos Coleman & Serena A. Bassi Deconstructing Militant Manhood. MASCULINITIES IN THE DISCIPLINING OF (ANTI)GLOBALIZATION POLITICS Laura Sjoberg & Jessica Peet A(nother) Dark Side of the Protection Racket. TARGETING WOMEN IN WARS Yvonne A. Braun Left High and Dry. AN INTERSECTIONAL ANALYSIS OF GENDER, DAMS AND DEVELOPMENT IN LESOTHO

European Journal of Women's Studies

November 2010; 17 (4) Special Issue: Feminist Technoscience Studies
Cecilia sberg and Nina Lykke Feminist technoscience studies Amade M'charek Fragile differences, relational effects: Stories about the materiality of race and sex Cecilia sberg and Jennifer Lum Picturizing the scattered ontologies of Alzheimers disease: Towards a materialist feminist approach to visual technoscience studies Katherine Harrison Detecting bodily and discursive noise in the naming of biotech products Corinna Kruse Forensic evidence: Materializing bodies, materializing crimes Petra Jonvallen Sex differentiation and body fat: Local biologies and gender transgressions Stine Willum Adrian Sperm stories: Policies and practices of sperm banking in Denmark and Sweden Cecilia sberg and Lynda Birke Biology is a feminist issue: Interview with Lynda Birke Sveva Magaraggia and Mariagrazia Leone Gender and womens studies in Italy: Looking back to look forward

February 2011; 18 (1)

Gail Lewis

The Europe of the European Journal of Womens Studies: Editorial Angie Voela Patterns and scripts: The revision of feminine heterosexuality in feminist theory and literature Berit von der Lippe and Tarja Vyrynen Co-opting feminist voices for the war on terror: Laura Bush meets Nordic feminism Dominic Alessio and Anna Lisa Jhannsdttir Geysers and girls: Gender, power and colonialism in Icelandic tourist imagery Gabriele Winker and Nina Degele Intersectionality as multi-level analysis: Dealing with social inequality Catrin Lundstrm and France Winddance Twine White migrations: Swedish women, gender vulnerabilities and racial privileges Catherine Hall Playing in the Dark and racing Englishness madeleine kennedy-macfoy Writing my life with her words Shirley Anne Tate laying in the Dark: Being unafraid and impolite Gloria Wekker I had been thinking [her] thoughts for so long I thought they were mine Kathy Davis Im just a girl who cant say no: Some reflections on responsibility and resistance Christina Scharff Disarticulating feminism: Individualization, neoliberalism and the othering of Muslim women Trine Rogg Korsvik Childcare policy since the 1970s in the most gender equal country in the world: A field of controversy and grassroots activism Tine Davids The micro dynamics of agency: Repetition and subversion in a Mexican right-wing female politicians life story Agns Hubert and Maria Stratigaki The European Institute for Gender Equality: A window of opportunity for gender equality policies? Johanna Kantola, 0Ov Cristian Norocel, and Jemima Repo Gendering violence in the school shootings in Finland

Femina Politica- Zeitschrift fr feministische Politikwissenschaft

2/2010: Governing Gender. Feministische Studien zum Wandel des Regierens

Brigitte Kerchner Regieren in einer komplexer werdenden Demokratie Gundula Ludwig "Frauen", "Mnner" und "der Staat". Foucaults Gouvernementalittsvorlesungen als Beitrag zu einer feministischen poststrukturalistischen Staatstheorie Stefanie Whl Die neoliberale Gouvernementalitt des Sozialen: Die offene Methode der Koordination in der Europischen Beschftigungsstrategie Manja Nickel Staatsfeminismus in Bulgarien und Kroatien: Die Politik gegen husliche Gewalt gegen Frauen Anil Al-Rebholz Regieren der Geschlechterverhltnisse im Wandel: Transnationale Strategien der Frauenbewegungen in der Trkei Julia Lepperhoff, Gabriele Wilde "Dauerbrenner" Equal Pay: Neue Perspektiven auf ein bekanntes Problem Anne Busch, Elke Holst Der Gender Pay Gap in Fhrungspositionen: Warum die Humankapitaltheorie zu kurz greift Gesine Fuchs Strategische Prozessfhrung, Tarifverhandlungen und Antidiskriminierungsbehrden: verschiedene Wege zur Lohngleichheit? Claudia Weinkopf Warum Frauen von einem gesetzlichen Mindestlohn besonders profitieren wrden Leila Hadj-Abdou Anti-Migrationspolitik im Namen der Geschlechtergleichheit. Das Paradox des feministischen Rechtspopulismus Akinyi Nzioki Land Grabbers and Women's Rights in Kenya Patricia Graf, Antje Daniel Politische Reprsentation von Frauen in Costa Rica eine Chance fr die Geschlechterdemokratie? Eva Buchholz UN Women Born!. Zur Reform der UN-Gleichstellungsarchitektur Jana Gnther Studienfinanzierung light 1/2011 Peace Matters. Leerstellen in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung Sarah Clasen, Eva Maria Hinterhuber, Jutta Bieringer Den Frieden im Blick: Neue Anstze in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Einleitung Simone Wisotzki Feministische Friedens- und Konfliktforschung - neue Anstze, neue Erkenntnisse?

Bettina Engels. Corinna Gayer Wie viel Feminismus soll es sein? Friedens- und Konfliktforschung zwischen feministischer Theorie, Gender und Mainstream Ruth Streicher Mnner, Mnnlichkeit und Konflikt: Eine kritische Reflektion des Forschungsstandes und ein Pldoyer fr konzeptionelle ffnungen Miriam Schroer-Hippel Mnnlichkeit und zivilgesellschaftliche Friedensarbeit - Konsequenzen aus der Genderund Konfliktforschung Cordula Reimann, Rahel Fischer Politische Rhetorik im Norden - lokale Realitt im Sden? Eine Fallstudie zur Implementierung von UN-Sicherheitsresolution 1325 Katharina Schoenes Talibanterroristen, freundliche Helfer und lchelnde Mdchen Die Rolle der Frauenrechte bei der Legitimation des Afghanistan-Einsatzes der Bundeswehr. Rita Schfer Forschungen afrikanischer WissenschaftlerInnen ber Gender und Kriege: Schwerpunkte und Kontexte Lena Correll Das Gespenst des deutschen Geburtenrckgangs: Eine kritische Analyse wissenschaftlicher Diskurse zum Bevlkerungswandel Karen Jaehrling Der lange Schatten der Deregulierung: Eine geschlechtersensible Bilanzierung des HartzIV-Kompromisses Eva Katharina Sarter Teilzeit als Armutsrisiko? Florence Herv Desgleichen hatte man noch nicht erlebt 100 Jahre Internationaler Frauentag Tanja Scheiterbauer Nordafrikas Revolutionen: Eine Chance fr mehr Geschlechtergerechtigkeit? Das Beispiel Tunesien Antje Daniel, Patricia Graf Die Debatte ber Abtreibungsrechte whrend der Prsidentschaftswahlen in Brasilien Positionen der KandidatInnen und Reaktionen der Zivilgesellschaft Judit Wirth Backlash in Hungary - same old story? Lilian Fankhauser Die Armeewaffe im Kleiderschrank. Geschlechterpolitische Debatten im Waffenparadies Schweiz Sabine Berghahn Der Gesetzesentwurf zur Zwangsverheiratung: Symbolische Verbesserung fr die Opfer oder populistische Kosmetik mit problematischen Nebenwirkungen?

Alexandra Scheele "Staatliche Zwangsbeglckung"? Von Quoten, Gleichstellung und einer Mnnerkommission Sigrid Metz-Gckel, Kirsten Heusgen, Christina Mller, Ramona Schrmann, Petra Selent Generative Entscheidungen und prekre Beschftigungsbedingungen des wissenschaftlichen Personals an Hochschulen Birgit Unger Gender Diversity in Forschernachwuchsgruppen: Hhere wissenschaftliche Ertrge werden nicht erreicht Brigitte Liebig Wissenschaftsfrderung und Gleichstellungspolitik: Das Nationale Forschungsprogramm Gleichstellung der Geschlechter der Schweiz

Gender & Society

October 2010; 24 (5)
Jill Weigt I Feel Like Its a Heavier Burden. . .: The Gendered Contours of Heterosexual Partnering after Welfare Reform Kate Cairns, Jose Johnston, and Shyon Baumann Caring About Food: Doing Gender in the Foodie Kitchen Stephen Benard and Shelley J. Correll Normative Discrimination and the Motherhood Penalty Kristen Schultz Lee Gender, Care Work, and the Complexity of Family Membership in Japan Ellen K. Scott I Feel as if I Am the One Who Is Disabled: The Emotional Impact of Changed Employment Trajectories of Mothers Caring for Children with Disabilities

December 2010; 24 (6)

Melissa J. Hodges and Michelle J. Budig Who Gets the Daddy Bonus?: Organizational Hegemonic Masculinity and the Impact of Fatherhood on Earnings David J. Maume, Rachel A. Sebastian, and Anthony R. Bardo Gender, Work-Family Responsibilities, and Sleep Sarah Winslow Gender Inequality and Time Allocations Among Academic Faculty Shannon Elizabeth Bell and Yvonne A. Braun Coal, Identity, and the Gendering of Environmental Justice Activism in Central Appalachia Tey Meadow A Rose is a Rose: On Producing Legal Gender Classifications

February 2011; 25 (1)


Christy Glass and va Fodor Public Maternalism Goes to Market: Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion in Postsocialist Hungary Kathleen E. Denny Gender in Context, Content, and Approach: Comparing Gender Messages in Girl Scout and Boy Scout Handbooks Elizabeth Ransom and Carmen Bain Gendering Agricultural Aid: An Analysis of Whether International Development Assistance Targets Women and Gender Anastasia Prokos An Unfinished Revolution: England Symposium Introduction Barbara F. Reskin and Michelle L. Maroto What Trends? Whose Choices?: Comment on England Barbara R. Bergmann Sex Segregation in the Blue-collar Occupations: Womens Choices or Unremedied Discrimination?: Comment on England Leslie McCall Women and Men as Class and Race Actors: Comment on England Nikki L. Graf and Christine R. Schwartz The Uneven Pace of Change in Heterosexual Romantic Relationships: Comment on England Sara L. Crawley Visible Bodies, Vicarious Masculinity, and The Gender Revolution: Comment on England Paula England Reassessing the Uneven Gender Revolution and its Slowdown

April 2011; 25 (2)

Laura Hamilton, Claudia Geist, and Brian Powell Marital Name Change as a Window into Gender Attitudes Irene Padavic and Jonniann Butterfield Mothers, Fathers, and Mathers: Negotiating a Lesbian Co-parental Identity Janice McCabe, Emily Fairchild, Liz Grauerholz, Bernice A. Pescosolido, and Daniel Tope Gender in Twentieth-Century Childrens Books: Patterns of Disparity in Titles and Central Characters Adam Love and Kimberly Kelly Equity or Essentialism?: U.S. Courts and the Legitimation of Girls Teams in High School Sport Eric Anderson Updating the Outcome: Gay Athletes, Straight Teams, and Coming Out in Educationally Based Sport Teams

June 2011; 25 (3)


Nicholas Solebello and Sinikka Elliott We Want Them to Be as Heterosexual as Possible: Fathers Talk about Their Teen Childrens Sexuality Alesha Durfee Im Not a Victim, Shes an Abuser: Masculinity, Victimization, and Protection Orders Marysol Asencio Locas, Respect, and Masculinity: Gender Conformity in Migrant Puerto Rican Gay Masculinities

Feminist Theory
December 2010; 11 (3) Special Issue: The child and childhood
Erica Burman and Jackie Stacey The child and childhood in feminist theory Daniela Caselli Kindergarten theory: Childhood, affect, critical thought Jane Kilby Judith Butler, incest, and the question of the childs love Deepa Sreenivas Forging new communities: Gendered childhood through the lens of caste Karen Lury Children in an open world: Mobility as ontology in New Iranian and Turkish cinema Sarada Balagopalan Rationalizing seclusion: A preliminary analysis of a residential schooling scheme for poor girls in India Karn Lesnik-Oberstein Childhood, queer theory, and feminism

April 2011; 12 (1)

Niamh Moore co/feminism and rewriting the ending of feminism: From the Chipko movement to Clayoquot Sound Lena Gunnarsson A defence of the category women Victoria Flanagan Girl parts: The female body, subjectivity and technology in posthuman young adult fiction Iveta Jusov European immigration and Continental feminism: Theories of Rosi Braidotti Jennifer Carlson Subjects of stalled revolution: A theoretical consideration of contemporary American femininity

Feminist Economics

Volume 16, Issue 3 2010 pages 1-224 Special Issue: Unpaid Work, Time Use, Poverty, and Public Policy
Maria S. Floro & Anant Pichetpongsa Gender, Work Intensity, and Well-Being of Thai Home-Based Workers Elena Bardasi & Quentin Wodon Working Long Hours and Having No Choice: Time Poverty in Guinea Sarah Gammage Time Pressed and Time Poor: Unpaid Household Work in Guatemala Killian Mullan Valuing Parental Childcare in the United Kingdom Sripad Motiram & Lars Osberg Gender Inequalities in Tasks and Instruction Opportunities within Indian Families Lan Liu, Xiao-yuan Dong & Xiaoying Zheng Parental Care and Married Women's Labor Supply in Urban China Tracey Warren, Gillian Pascall & Elizabeth Fox Gender Equality in Time: Low-Paid Mothers' Paid and Unpaid Work in the UK

Volume 16, Issue 4, 2010

Edm Domnguez, Rosalba Icaza, Cirila Quintero, Silvia Lpez & sa Stenman Women Workers in the Maquiladoras and the Debate on Global Labor Standards Almudena Sevilla-Sanz, Jose Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal & Cristina Fernndez Gender Roles and the Division of Unpaid Work in Spanish Households Melissa Binder, Kate Krause, Janie Chermak, Jennifer Thacher & Julia Gilroy Same Work, Different Pay? Evidence from a US Public University Angela Barns & Alison Preston Is Australia Really a World Leader in Closing the Gender Gap? Lilia Domnguez-Villalobos & Flor Brown-Grossman Trade Liberalization and Gender Wage Inequality in Mexico Anna Amilon The Temporary Leave Dilemma: Lone and Partnered Mothers in Sweden Saniye Dedeolu Visible Hands Invisible Women: Garment Production in Turkey

Volume 17, May 2011

Erynn Masi de Casanova Multiplying Themselves: Women Cosmetics Sellers in Ecuador Ben D'Exelle and Nathalie Holvoet Gender and Network Formation in Rural Nicaragua: A Village Case Study Cristina Carrasco and Mnica Serrano Lights and Shadows of Household Satellite Accounts: The Case of Catalonia, Spain

Joost de Laat and Almudena Sevilla-Sanz The Fertility and Women's Labor Force Participation Puzzle in OECD Countries: The Role of Men's Home Production Andreas Kotsadam Does Informal Eldercare Impede Women's Employment? The Case of European Welfare States

Feminist Review
Volume 96, Issue 1 (October 2010)
Anne M Cronin and Liz Oakley-Brownurban spaces: gender, genre, mediation Janet Wolff keynote: unmapped spaces gender, generation and the city Helen Wilcox ah famous citie: women, writing, and early modern London Alison Findlay playing for all in the city: women's drama Emma Vickers queer sex in the metropolis? place, subjectivity and the Second World War Janke Klok revolutionary voices: Nordic women writers and the development of female urban prose 18601900 Zo Skoulding Alice Notley's disobedient cities Nirmal Puwar introduction to open space Oriana Fox Once More with Feeling: an abbreviated history of feminist performance art Emma Jackson the eyes of Agns Varda: portraiture, cincriture and the filmic ethnographic eye Emma Parker on fiction, femininity, and fashion: an interview with Linda Grant Nirmal Puwar you and me do not start here

Issue 97 (February 2011) Issue 97: Religion and Spirituality

Lyn Thomas and Avtar Brah religion and spirituality Niamh Reilly rethinking the interplay of feminism and secularism in a neo-secular age

Kristin Aune much less religious, a little more spiritual: the religious and spiritual views of third-wave feminists in the UK Sherine Hafez women developing women: Islamic approaches for poverty alleviation in rural Egypt Claudia Liebelt on gendered journeys, spiritual transformations and ethical formations in diaspora: Filipina care workers in Israel Sarah-Jane Page negotiating sacred roles: a sociological exploration of priests who are mothers Farida Vis, Liesbet van Zoonen and Sabina Mihelj women responding to the anti-Islam film Fitna: voices and acts of citizenship on YouTube Nira Yuval-Davis my travels/troubles with religion some autobiographical reflections Pragna Patel women migrants and faith organisations: changing regimes of gender, religion and race in London Michelle Bastian the contradictory simultaneity of being with others: exploring concepts of time and community in the work of Gloria Anzalda

Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society

Signs, Vol. 36, No. 2 (Winter 2011)
Mary Gilmartin, Allen White Interrogating Medical Tourism: Ireland, Abortion, and Mobility Rights Annette B Ramrez de Arellano Medical Tourism in the Caribbean Andrew Mazzaschi Surgeon and Safari: Producing Valuable Bodies in Johannesburg Justin M Nolan, Mary Jo Schneider Medical Tourism in the Backcountry: Alternative Health and Healing in the Arkansas Ozarks Jie Yang Nennu and Shunu: Gender, Body Politics, and the Beauty Economy in China Minh-Ha T Pham The Right to Fashion in the Age of Terrorism Katherine Brickell We dont forget the old rice pot when we get the new one: Discourses on Ideals and Practices of Women in Contemporary Cambodia Sven Bergmann

Fertility Tourism: Circumventive Routes That Enable Access to Reproductive Technologies and Substances Alexander Edmonds Almost Invisible Scars: Medical Tourism to Brazil Amit Sengupta Medical Tourism: Reverse Subsidy for the Elite Beth Kangas Complicating Common Ideas about Medical Tourism: Gender, Class, and Globality in Yemenis International Medical Travel Mimi Thi Nguyen The Biopower of Beauty: Humanitarian Imperialisms and Global Feminisms in an Age of Terror Yiu Fai Chow Moving, Sensing Intersectionality: A Case Study of Miss China Europe Anna Kirkland The Environmental Account of Obesity: A Case for Feminist Skepticism

Vol. 36, No. 3, Spring 2011

Mary Hawkesworth Signs 20052015: Reflections on the Nature and Global Reach of Interdisciplinary Feminist Knowledge Production Chan Shun-hing Beyond War and Men: Reconceptualizing Peace in Relation to the Everyday and Women Jasmina Luki Protected by Friendship and Caring: Women and Peace in the Former Yugoslav Countries( Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela Intersubjectivity and Embodiment: Exploring the Role of the Maternal in the Language of Forgiveness and Reconciliation Lau Kin Chi Actions at the Margins Jacqueline Pitanguy Reconceptualizing Peace and Violence against Women: A Work in Progress Emiliana Bernard Stephenson Crossing the Border: Racism and Sexism in a Conflicted Country Sharon Bhagwan-Rolls Pacific Regional Perspectives on Women and the Media: Making the Connection with UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (Women, Peace, and Security) and Section J of the Beijing Platform for Action( Tsui Sit Double Task( Tani Barlow

The Big Words and Our Work: Peace, Women, and the Everyday Deepti Misri Are you a man?: Performing Naked Protest in India Jennifer Erickson, Caroline Faria We want empowerment for our women: Transnational Feminism, Neoliberal Citizenship, and the Gendering of Womens Political Subjectivity in Postconflict South Sudan Erica Michelle Lagalisse Marginalizing Magdalena: Intersections of Gender and the Secular in Anarchoindigenist Solidarity Activism Katie E. Oliviero Sensational Nation and the Minutemen: Gendered Citizenship and Moral Vulnerabilities Melissa W. Wright Necropolitics, Narcopolitics, and Femicide: Gendered Violence on the Mexico-U.S. Border Kathy E. Ferguson Gender and Genre in Emma Goldman

Vol. 36, No. 1, Autumn 2010

Kate Bedford, Shirin M. Rai Feminists Theorize International Political Economy Genevieve LeBaron, Adrienne Roberts Toward a Feminist Political Economy of Capitalism and Carcerality Elizabeth Bernstein Militarized Humanitarianism Meets Carceral Feminism: The Politics of Sex, Rights, and Freedom in Contemporary Antitrafficking Campaigns Lynne A. Haney Working through Mass Incarceration: Gender and the Politics of Prison Labor from East to West Maliha Safri, Julie Graham The Global Household: Toward a Feminist Postcapitalist International Political Economy Amy Bhatt, Madhavi Murty, Priti Ramamurthy Hegemonic Developments: The New Indian Middle Class, Gendered Subalterns, and Diasporic Returnees in the Event of Neoliberalism Christine Keating, Claire Rasmussen, Pooja Rishi The Rationality of Empowerment: Microcredit, Accumulation by Dispossession, and the Gendered Economy Marie L. Campbell, Katherine Teghtsoonian Aid Effectiveness and Womens Empowerment: Practices of Governance in the Funding of International Development Jennifer Bair On Difference and Capital: Gender and the Globalization of Production

Latin American Research Review


Volume 45, Number 3, 2010

Philip Oxhorn Latin America and the Caribbean. Editor's Foreword: Open Access to LARR for Hirotoshi Yoshioka Indigenous Language Usage and Maintenance Patterns among Indigenous People in the Era of Neoliberal Multiculturalism in Mexico and Guatemala Tracy Devine Guzmn Our Indians in Our America: Anti-Imperialist Imperialism and the Construction of Brazilian Modernity Omaira Bolaos Reconstructing Indigenous Ethnicities: The Arapium and Jaraqui Peoples of the Lower Amazon, Brazil Mara Victoria Murillo &Virginia Oliveros &Milan Vaishnav Electoral Revolution or Democratic Alternation? Daniel Chvez The Eagle and the Serpent on the Screen: The State as Spectacle in Mexican Cinema David Carey Jr. & M. Gabriela Torres Precursors to Femicide: Guatemalan Women in a Vortex of Violence William F. Vsquez & Alok K. Bohara Household Shocks, Child Labor, and Child Schooling: Evidence from Guatemala Fabiano Santos &Cristiane Batista Instituciones polticas y polticas pblicas en la Federacin brasilea

Volume 46, Number 1, 2011

Javier Auyero Patients of the State: An Ethnographic Account of Poor People's Waiting Antonio Torres-Ruiz HIV/AIDS and Sexual Minorities in Mexico: A Globalized Struggle for the Protection of Human Rights Simone R. Bohn Social Policy and Vote in Brazil: Bolsa Famlia and the Shifts in Lula's Electoral Base Jack A. Draper III Forr's Wars of Maneuver and Position: Popular Northeastern Music, Critical Regionalism, and a Culture of Migration Scott H. Beck& Kenneth J. Mijeski &Meagan M. Stark Qu Es Racismo?: Awareness of Racism and Discrimination in Ecuador Roger Atwood Gringo Iracundo: Roque Dalton and His Father Jacqueline Behrend The Unevenness of Democracy at the Subnational Level: Provincial Closed Games in Argentina

Isaac Caro Presencia de movimientos chitas en Amrica Latina: Su relacin con los atentados de Buenos Aires (1992, 1994) y con el eje Caracas-Tehern Mariel Aguilar-Sten & Arild Angelsen & Stein R. Moe Back to the Forest: Exploring Forest Transitions in Candelaria Loxicha, Mexico

Latin American Perspectives

November 2010; 37 (6)
Marcela Vsquez-Len Walking the Tightrope: Latin American Agricultural Cooperatives and Small-Farmer Participation in Global Markets Jessica Piekielek Cooperativism and Agroforestry in the Eastern Amazon: The Case of Tom-Au Brian J. Burke Cooperatives for Fair Globalization? Indigenous People, Cooperatives, and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Brazilian Amazon Marcela Vsquez-Len Free Markets and Fair Trade, Collective Livelihood Struggles, and the Cooperative Model: Two Case Studies from Paraguay Salvador Mart i Puig The Emergence of Indigenous Movements in Latin America and Their Impact on the Latin American Political Scene: Interpretive Tools at the Local and Global Levels Julie Cupples and Irving Larios A Functional Anarchy: Love, Patriotism, and Resistance to Free Trade in Costa Rica

January 2011; 38 (1)

Richard Stahler-Sholk and Harry E. Vanden A Second Look at Latin American Social Movements: Globalizing Resistance to the Neoliberal Paradigm Anthony Peter Spanakos Citizen Chvez: The State, Social Movements, and Publics Sara C. Motta Populisms Achilles Heel: Popular Democracy beyond the Liberal State and the Market Economy in Venezuela Marc Becker Correa, Indigenous Movements, and the Writing of a New Constitution in Ecuador Kenneth P. Jameson The Indigenous Movement in Ecuador: The Struggle for a Plurinational State Jos Daniel Benclowicz Continuities, Scope, and Limitations of the Argentine Piquetero Movement: The Cases of Tartagal and Mosconi Paula Abal Medina

Thoughts on the Visual Aspect of the Neoliberal Order and the Piquetero Movement in Argentina Amory Starr, Mara Elena Martnez-Torres, and Peter Rosset Participatory Democracy in Action: Practices of the Zapatistas and the Movimento Sem Terra Kara Zugman Dellacioppa The Bridge Called Zapatismo: Transcultural and Transnational Activist Networks in Los Angeles and Beyond Abigail Andrews How Activists Take Zapatismo Home: South-to-North Dynamics in Transnational Social Movements Bernd Reiter Whats New in Brazils New Social Movements?

March 2011; 38 (2)

Francisco Lpez Segrera The Cuban Revolution: Historical Roots, Current Situation, Scenarios, and Alternatives Lecio Morais and Alfredo Saad-Filho Brazil beyond Lula: Forging Ahead or Pausing for Breath? Theotnio dos Santos Globalization, Emerging Powers, and the Future of Capitalism ngel G. Quintero-Rivera Cultural Struggles for Hegemony: Salsa, Migration, and Globalization Ddimo Castillo Fernndez Hegemony and the U.S. Working Class

May 2011; 38 (3)

Jawdat Abu-El-Haj and Ronald H. Chilcote Intellectuals, Social Theory, and Political Practice in Brazil Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira From the National-Bourgeoisie to the Dependency Interpretation of Latin America Eli Diniz Democracy, State, and Industry: Continuity and Change between the Cardoso and Lula Administrations Ladislau Dowbor Intellectuals in a Network: A New Generation Faces the Challenges of Development Maria Arminda do Nascimento Arruda Modern Society and Culture in Brazil: The Sociology of Florestan Fernandes Bernardo Ricupero Florestan Fernandes and Interpretations of Brazil Sales Augusto dos Santos The Metamorphosis of Black Movement Activists into Black Organic Intellectuals

Marcos Chor Maio Florestan Fernandes, Oracy Nogueira, and the UNESCO Project on Race Relations in So Paulo Irlys Alencar F. Barreira Social Movements, Culture, and Politics in the Work of Brazilian Sociologists Bernardo Sorj and Sergio Fausto The Sociologist and the Politician: An Interview with Fernando Henrique Cardoso

Sozialismus: Kommentare und Analysen

Heft Nr. 10 (Oktober 2010), 37. Jahrgang, Heft Nr. 346
Redaktion Sozialismus konomie und Politik verkehrte Welt? Joachim Bischoff/Christoph Lieber Sarrazin und die Krise der Parteiendemokratie. Ein neosoziales Programm als Sptfolge der Agenda-Politik Guido Speckmann Ein Buch als Verdichtung von Diskursen Joachim Rock Ministerielle Wundertte Ursula von der Leyen schreibt das Sozialgesetzbuch neu Redaktion Sozialismus Atomkraft? Ja bitte! Die schwarz-gelbe Energie-Planwirtschaft Stephan Krull Krise von Auto und Mobilitt. Transformation oder Katastrophe Klaus Bullan Bildungsrepublik Deutschland ein frommer Wunsch Klemens Himpele / Sonja Staack Vorfahrt fr Bildung? Vom Scheitern einer zweiten Bildungsreform zum Klassenkampf von oben Otto Knig / Richard Detje Aktionswochen im Herbst. Gerechtigkeit geht anders wir brauchen einen Kurswechsel! Frank Deppe Aus der Krise lernen. Anmerkungen zur gewerkschaftlichen Strategiedebatte Ulrike Obermayr / Rolf Kulas Betriebsrtebildung zwischen Marktinteressen und politischem Anspruch. Autoritres aus Sden und Westen Bernhard Sander Frankreich Rckkehr der sozialen Frage Christina Ujma Italien Krise ohne linken Ausweg?

Edelbert Richter Eine andere Logik der Wiedervereinigung Ulrich Busch Abschied vom Staatssozialismus und anderen Lebenslgen. (zu Behrens, "Man kann nicht Marxist sein, ohne Utopist zu sein...") Marion Fisch Jud S Film ohne Gewissen (Filmkritik)

Heft Nr. 11 (November 2010), 37. Jahrgang, Heft Nr. 347

Redaktion Sozialismus Nur ein Bahnhof? Stuttgart 21 und der soziale Protest Joachim Bischoff/Bjrn Radke DIE LINKE Motor des Wandels? Joachim Bischoff / Richard Detje / Christoph Lieber / Bernhard Mller / Gerd Siebecke Systemkrise und Systemkritik im Alltagsbewusstsein Heinz J. Bontrup Alternativen und Visionen. Das Anliegen der Memorandum-Gruppe Andreas Fisahn Banken in ffentlichen Eigentum berfhren, aber wie? Detlef Umbach "Ein Phnomen, das in der Bundesrepublik noch nichtvorgekommen ist". Die Entwicklung des Arbeitsmarktes in der groen Krise Mohssen Massarrat Arbeitszeitverkrzung Projekt gegen Neoliberalismusund Massenarbeitslosigkeit Otto Knig/Richard Detje Meilenstein gegen Lohndumping. Tarifabschluss Stahl Zeitarbeiter bekommen erstmals gleichen Lohn wie Stammbeschftigte Oliver Nachtwey Institutionelle Macht und prekre BeschftigungIngar Solty. Die Tea Party und der hilflose Antifaschismus des Blocks an der Macht Harald Weinberg / Benjamin Cers Die gescheiterte Gesundheitsreform in den USA Meinhard Creydt Die not-wendige Vernderung des Alltagslebens. Zur Aktualitt von Henri Lefebvre Hans-Georg Draheim Kritischer konom und Vordenker der Linken: Fritz Behrens (1909-1980) Johannes Springer Carlos der Schakal (Filmkritik)

Heft Nr. 12 (Dezember 2010), 37. Jahrgang, Heft Nr. 348

Redaktion Sozialismus Der Kampf um die Mitte

Uli Cremer NATO 3.0 oder NATO 2.1? Hagen Khn Beschftigungsunsicherheit und Gesundheit Joachim Bischoff / Richard Detje berlebenskrise der EU Raoul Didier / Philipp Hersel / Rainald tsch / Axel Troost Die WestLB am Scheideweg Joachim Bischoff / Knut Persson / Bernhard Sander / Norbert Weber: Haben die Landesbanken eine realisierbare Zukunft? Eine etwas andere Sicht Otto Knig / Richard Detje Zeit der Krisentarifvertrge ist vorbei. Ausblick auf die Tarifrunde 2011 Peter Stahn Wissensarbeiter/innen managen sich selbst. Sind Gewerkschaften berflssig? Udo Achten Recht haben und Recht bekommen (zu Berg u.a., Tarifvertragsgesetz und Arbeitskampfrecht, Basiskommentar) Lothar Wentzel Heinz Drrbeck oder die Entstehung der betriebsnahen Bildungsarbeit (zu Stefan Mllers Biografie) Ingar Solty Die Tea-Party-Quittung. Das Scheitern des Obama-Projektsund die US-Zwischenwahlen 2010 Rolf Sieber Demokratisches Desaster bei den Zwischenwahlen in den USA Benedikt Behrens Was wird aus Lulas Erbe? Brasilien nach der Wahl von Dilma Rousseff Gerhard Stuby Ein Amt wird entzaubert. Der Bericht Das Amt und die Vergangenheit der Historikerkommission Jens Becker Soziologie als Korrekturwissenschaft zum Soziologentag 2010 Sabine Reiner Deutsche Zweiheit ein nchterner Blick auf die Einheit (zur AG Alternative Wirtschaftspolitik, Bilanz der Vereinigungspolitik) Johannes Springer Vapor Trail (Clark) (Filmkritik)

Heft Nr. 1 (Januar 2011), 38. Jahrgang, Heft Nr. 349

Joachim Bischoff / Richard Detje Die Krise des Euroregimes

John Bellamy Foster Die Finanzialisierung der Akkumulation Karl Georg Zinn Das konomische Wunderland und seine wunderbare Selbstgeflligkeit Joachim Bischoff / Bjrn Radke DIE LINKE Auf der Hhe der Zeit oder in neuen Grben? Andreas Hallbauer Reformalternativen heute ein neuer New Deal? Sinn, Konturen und mgliche Vorlagen eines mittelfristigen Politikkonzepts Christoph Lieber Wiederaneignung ffentlicher Rume in postdemokratischen Zeiten. Lehren aus Stuttgart 21 Jrgen Stamm Neuartiger Brgerprotest. Lernen beim Oben bleiben! Detlef Hensche Demokratisierung der Wirtschaft. Markt und Mitbestimmung Ansatzpunkte gewerkschaftlicher Revitalisierung Michael Wendl Eurokrise erfordert neue Lohnpolitik. Zu den Grenzen gesamtwirtschaftlicher Tarifpolitik Richard Detje Gute Arbeit 2011 (zum aktuellen Handbuch von IG Metall und ver.di) Aldo Natoli (1913-2010) Christina Ujma: Partisan, PCI-Politiker, Manifest-Grnder und Gramsci-Herausgeber. Luciana Castellina: 14. Juli 1948, das Attentat auf Togliatti Fritz Fiehler Was hat der Fetischcharakter der Ware mit der Geschichte zu tun? Thomas Marxhausen (1947-2010) Gine Elsner Reise nach Jerusalem zur Kristallnacht Mona Tilgner The Kids are all right (Filmkritik)

Heft Nr. 2 (Februar 2011), 38. Jahrgang, Heft Nr. 350

Uli Cremer/Wilhelm Achelphler Abzug nach Gutsherren-Art. Deutschlands weiter whrendes Engagement im Afghanistankrieg Heinz Bierbaum 2011 DIE LINKE in der Bewhrungsprobe Joachim Bischoff / Christoph Lieber / Bjrn Radke Weltgeschichtliche Totenbeschwrung oder radikale Reformpolitik? Zur KommunismusSehnsucht

Michael Wendl Vom Elend des Traditionssozialismus. Marx zwischen Revolutionstheorie und Reformismus Guido Speckmann Politische Deprivation und rechter Antikapitalismus. Zur neuen Mitte-Studie der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Guido Speckmann Die neue rohe Brgerlichkeit (zu Deutsche Zustnde 9) Bernhard Mller Wachsender Rechtspopulismus in Europa. Ausgrenzung charismatische Fhrerschaft Demokratiefeindlichkeit Bernhard Sander Zwischen Ratlosigkeit und Emprung. Franzsische Zustnde angesichts von Konjunkturschwche und politischen Eskalationen Joachim Bischoff Deutschland als Konjunkturlokomotive? Esther Almstadt / Matthias Dapprich Vom Gastarbeiter zum deutschen Muslim. Anmerkungen zur Integrationspolitik Barbara Stolterfoht Daseinsvorsorge vor dem Ausverkauf? Eine neue Analyse zum Verhltnis von Wohlfahrt und Wettbewerb Richard Detje / Helmut Martens / Horst Schmitthenner Neue Wirtschaftsdemokratie. Anstze zur berwindung der System- und Demokratiekrise Jrgen Klute Das Streikrecht Der Kirche ein Dorn im Auge! Margit Frackmann Arbeit ist mehr als ein halbes Leben. Auf den Spuren Bourdieus? Walter Baier Peter Kreisky (1944-2010) Integraler Sozialist Mario Kessler Historiker der Arbeiterbewegung und Bismarck-Biograf. Ernst Engelberg (1909-2010) Marion Fisch We want Sex (Filmkritik)

Heft Nr. 3 (Mrz 2011), 38. Jahrgang, Heft Nr. 351

Werner Ruf Ex oriente lux oder regime change light? Joachim Bischoff / Guido Speckmann Dominoeffekt in Arabien. Sorge um das Rohl und der widersprchliche gyptische Protest gegen den Westen Joachim Bischoff / Bernhard Mller Knig Olaf und die alte Sozialdemokratie

Sybille Stamm Eine unendliche Geschichte? 100 Jahre Internationaler Frauentag Johanna Klages Frauen in Chefetagen? Joachim Bischoff USA angeschlagene Hegemonialmacht Winfried Wessolleck Dioxinskandal und neoliberal-industriehriger Aktionsplan. Kapitalistische Deformation der landwirtschaftlichen Nahrungskette Otto Knig / Richard Detje Leiharbeit Lohndumping mit System Karola Boger / Thomas Hndel Soziale Mindeststandards statt Sozialdumping. Die Beschftigungspolitik der EU und die Arbeitnehmer-Freizgigkeit Dieter Sauer Re-Thematisierung der Arbeit. Arbeitspolitische Konsequenzen aus der Krise Gnter Bechtle / Marianna Colacicco In Richtung eines neuen Modells industrieller Beziehungen. Die Reichweite des neuen Fiat-Vertrages Ulrich Meditsch Kunst im flexiblen Kapitalismus. Das Beispiel der Auflsung der Kunstform Musik Gine Elsner Vom Pommerland nach Hamburg. Alfred Manz zum 90. Geburtstag Udo Achten Wenn Recht zu Unrecht wird (zu Glienke, Ungeshnte Nazijustiz) Nadine Helwig Die Kinder von Paris (Filmkritik)

Heft Nr. 4 (April 2011), 38. Jahrgang, Heft Nr. 352

Joachim Bischoff/Bjrn Radke Wutbrger geben Grnen einen Auftrag Uli Cremer Bombardieren geht ber Verhandeln. Der Westen interveniert in Libyen noch ein Krieg der Neuen NATO Redaktion Sozialismus Aus Brgerkrieg wird Krieg Guido Speckmann Brotaufstnde & Rohstoffspekulanten. Die Ursachen der schwankenden Lebensmittelpreise Karl Georg Zinn Technik als Prgelknabe politischer und konomischer Verantwortungslosigkeit

Joachim Bischoff/Richard Detje Euro-Club im Krisenkarussell Jens Becker Ob Fortschritt sei. Dem neuen SPD-Fortschrittsprogrammentwurf fehlt es an programmatischem und politischem Mut Detlef Umbach Hamburger SPD zurck zur Volkspartei? Michael Hartwig Whlergunst-Wanderung. Zum Ergebnis der Brgerschaftswahl 2011 in Hamburg Martin Knkler Hartz-IV-Regelstze am Existenzminimum vorbei Hartmut Reiners/Rolf Rosenbrock Das Elend der Gesundheitskonomie. Zum GKV-Finanzierungsgesetz der schwarz-gelben Koalition Wolfgang Trunk Inklusion behindertenpolitischer Fortschritt? Stephanie Odenwald Wie kann Deutschland es schaffen, ein weltoffenes Land zu sein? Snke Hundt Computerisierung Demokratisierung Systemberwindung? Zur Einschtzung des emanzipatorischen Potenzials neuer Arbeitsformen Heinz Niemann Die meist Unsichtbaren (zu: Benser/Schneider, Bewahren...) Johannes Springer Ein Mann, der schreit (Filmkritik)

Heft Nr. 5 (Mai 2011), 38. Jahrgang, Heft Nr. 353

Ingar Solty l, Kontrolle und Ideologie. Libyen und der neue Imperialismus Bernd Riexinger DIE LINKE braucht Bilder einer anderen Gesellschaft. Schlussfolgerungen aus dem Landtagswahlergebnis in Baden-Wrttemberg Redaktion prager frhling Folgt dem Neoliberalismus eine ko-kreative Hegemonie? Der Red-Green-Deal als linke Antwort auf die grne Herausforderung Jochim Bischoff / Hasko Hning / Bernhard Mller / Bjrn Radke / Bernhard Sander Wo wir stehen und wie es weitergehen kann. Zur Strategie der Partei DIE LINKE Horst Arenz / Werner Dreibus Leerstellen der Linkenoder: Was heit, sich breiter aufstellen? Joachim Bischoff / Richard Detje

Die europische Zsur. Verschrfung der Schuldenkrise und -politik gefhrdet Europas Demokratie Arbeitsgruppe Alternative Wirtschaftspolitik Wirtschaftliche Erholung mit hohen Risiken. Strategien gegen Schuldenbremse, Exportwahn und Eurochaos aus dem Memorandum 2011 Detlef Gerst Zwischen Wettbewerbspakt und Produzentendemokratie. Betriebsrte im Innovationsprozess Max Lill Neoliberale Alltagmythologien in der Krise. Zwischen brgerlichem Ressentiment und Gangsta Rap Christina Ujma 150 Jahre Italien. Geburtstagsfeier mit Hindernissen Jrg Roesler Die Treuhandprivatisierung Johannes Springer Utopia LTD. (Filmkritik)

Heft Nr. 6 (Juni 2011), 38. Jahrgang, Heft Nr. 354

Redaktion Sozialismus Das Misstrauen ist gewaltig Uli Cremer / Wilhelm Achelphler Libyen-Krieg und Bundeswehrreform Karl Georg Zinn Ein Blick auf den Euro ... ber das Jahr hinaus Joachim Bischoff / Richard Detje Europa am braunen Abgrund. Die Krise der EU und der Aufstieg des Rechtspopulismus Bernhard Mller Von Hartz IV zum System von der Leyen. Erneuter drastischer Umbau der Arbeitsmarktpolitik Michael Wendl Tunnelblick auf den Arbeitsmarkt. Eine Kontroverse ber die Wirkungen der Hartz IVReformen Michael Schlecht Strategische Fragen der Linken Fritz Fiehler Welche Eigentumsfrage? ber Wege zum Sozialismus im 21. Jahrhundert Klaus Steinitz Nachhaltigkeit und Wirtschaftswachstum. Konsequenzen fr eine linke Politik Werner Widuckel Demokratie fr gute Arbeit als Teil eines besseren Lebens

Hasko Hning Krisenbewusstsein. Ohnmacht und Wut in der Groen Krise Udo Achten Nachklnge. Zum 1. Mai 2011 Ingar Solty Laytongrad in Harperland? Konservativer Wahlsieg und historische Verschiebungen im Parteiensystem von Kanada Sabine Kebir Jahrzehnte in Atlantis. Zum Tod von Hanna Behrend Holger Schatz Der Zynismus des Faktischen (zu Ringger, Mat Euch an!) Nadine Helwig Geliebtes Leben (Filmkritik)

Sozialismus Supplements
November 2010
David Harvey Den antikapitalistischen bergang organisieren

Jnner 2011
Margit Frackmann Gute Arbeit Gute Bildung. Notwendige Voraussetzung fr eine gute Gesellschaft

Mrz 2011
EuroMemo Gruppe EuroMemo 2010/11. Der Krise entgegentreten: Solidaritt statt Sparkurs

Mai 2011
Karl Georg Zinn Wachstum | Wohlstand | Weltbevlkerung. Die demografische Herausforderung des 21. Jahrhunderts

WIDERSPRUCH 59- Integration und Menschenrechte
Ulrich K. Preu Integrationspolitik ohne Leitkultur. Zur kulturellen Unvertrglichkeit des Islam Gianni DAmato Der Kampf um Integration. Vom Integrationsdiskurs zur Praxis Simone Prodolliet Citoyennet. Zeit fr einen Perspektivenwechsel Annemarie Sancar

Grundrechtsbasierte Integrationspolitik Claudia Dubacher Die Hrtefallpraxis in der Ausschaffungspolitik Eva Mey Blockierte Secondas und Secondos. Biographische Studien zur Integration von Jugendlichen in der Schweiz Hilmi Gashi Die Migration fordert Gewerkschaften heraus Esteban Pieiro Phantasma der Integration. Interkultur und Schweizer Integrationspolitik Karin Scherschel Asylsuchende und Geduldete. Staatlich regulierte Integrationsverweigerung in Deutschland Christoph Butterwegge Die Demontage des Sozialstaates. Arme und Migrant/innen im Visier von Guido Westerwelle, Thilo Sarrazin und anderen Elisabeth Joris / Katrin Rieder Entschleierungen in der Kopftuch- und Burkadebatte. Gleiche Rechte statt Verbote Thomas Schaffroth Republikanischer Rassismus in Frankreich. Klassenkonflikte und staatlich verordnete Strategien der Eindmmung Frieder Otto Wolf Die Wiederkehr des Neo-Rassismus Ein Gesprch zwischen Manuela Bojadzijev, Birgit zur Nieden, Juliane Karakayali, Serhat Karakayali und Ceren Trkmen Soziale Krisen und Rassismen Heiner Busch Nach der Annahme der Ausschaffungsinitiative. Menschenrechtspolitik ohne Kompromisse Josef Lang Die Nationalkonservativen und linke Gegenstrategien Andreas Rieger Die Macht der Finanzwirtschaft in der Schweiz.Widersprche im Machtblock und Chancen eines Richtungswechsels Holger Schatz Versprechen, Verhngnis oder Vorschein? Zur Kritik am Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen Michael Wendl Traditionssozialismus und Streitkultur. DIE LINKE ringt um ihr politisches Selbstverstndnis Hans Schppi

Venezuela unter Dauerbeschuss. Parlamentswahlen 2010 und die Desinformationspolitik der Medien

WSI- Mitteilungen
WSI-Mitteilungen- Ausgabe 10/2010
Herbert Brcker Neue Erkenntnisse zu den Arbeitsmarktwirkungen internationaler Migration - Ein kritischer berblick ber vorliegende Befunde Ulf Banscherus, Klemens Himpele, Sonja Staack Akademische Berufsqualifizierung als konzeptionelle Herausforderung an Hochschulen, Politik und Studierendenforschung Linda Jochheim, Manfred Wannffel Neue Steuerung von Hochschulen: Auswirkungen auf Mitbestimmungs- und Partizipationsmglichkeiten Anne Lenze Regelleistung und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe Rudolf Martens Mobilittsbedarf - Ein verdrngtes Thema in der Regelsatzdiskussion Johannes Reich Die Mechanik individualisierter Gehaltssysteme Florian Blank, Simone Leiber Nachhaltige Finanzierung des Gesundheitssystems ohne Kopfpauschale

Ausgabe 11/2010- Arbeitsmarkt und Wirtschaftskrise

Alexander Herzog-Stein, Hartmut Seifert Der Arbeitsmarkt in der Groen Rezession - Bewhrte Strategien in neuen Formen Martin Rosemann, Andrea Kirchmann Wer sind die Betroffenen der Krise? Parallelen und Unterschiede zur vorangegangenen Krise Ulrike Stein, Fabio Aric Beschftigungspolitische Krisenreaktionen in Deutschland, Italien und dem Vereinigten Knigreich Claudia Bogedan Arbeitsmarktpolitik aus der "Mottenkiste"? Kurzarbeitergeld im Lichte politischer Interessen Stephan Kohns Arbeitsmarktreformen in Deutschland: Eine noch unvollendete Erfolgsgeschichte Simon Sturn, Till van Treeck Arbeitsmarktreformen in Deutschland: Hohe soziale Kosten ohne gesamtwirtschaftlichen Nutzen Roland Schneider Der OECD Employment Outlook 2010 - eine Quelle fr policy learning?

Ausgabe 12/2010
Andreas Boes, Tobias Kmpf Zeitenwende im Bro: Angestelltenarbeit im Sog der Globalisierung Antje Blcker, Manfred Wannffel Erweiterte Arbeitspolitik fr standortbergreifende Produktionssysteme Philipp Schaz, Eugen Spitznagel Makrokonomische Dynamik von Arbeitsmrkten. Ein Vergleich interner und externer Flexibilitten in den USA und in Deutschland Claus Schfer Zukunftsgefhrdung statt Krisenlehren - WSI-Verteilungsbericht 2010 Norbert Kuck, Hartmut Meine, Thomas Mller Vom Fachkrftemangel in Ostdeutschland zum Comeback des Flchentarifvertrages? Ein Praxisbericht aus Sachsen-Anhalt Annelie Buntenbach Hartz IV: Es geht um mehr als nur 5 Euro

Ausgabe 01/2011
Stefan Liebig Warum wir uns keine Ungerechtigkeiten mehr leisten knnen? Margitta Mtzke Individuelles Verhalten und sozialpolitische Anreize: Das fordernde Element im Wohlfahrtsstaat Florian Blank Wohlfahrtsmrkte in Deutschland - Eine voraussetzungsvolle Form der Sozialpolitik Jrgen Faik Demografie und Einkommensungleichheit Fikret z, Reinhard Bispinck Was verdienen Ingenieure und Ingenieurinnen? Eine Analyse auf Basis der WSILohnspiegel-Datenbank Sebastian Sick, Lasse Ptz Der deutschen Unternehmensmitbestimmung entzogen: Die Zahl der Unternehmen mit auslndischer Rechtsform wchst Johannes Reich, Wolfram Pchert Vergtung nach "gemessener" Zielerreichung: Zufallsergebnisse untergraben die Motivation Johannes Giesecke, Jan Paul Heisig Zunehmende Arbeitsmarktrisiken fr Geringqualifizierte - Herausforderungen und Handlungsoptionen

Ausgabe 02/2011 -Betriebliche Beschftigungsstrategien

Claudia Bogedan, Wolfram Brehmer, Hartmut Seifert Wie krisenfest sind betriebliche Bndnisse zur Beschftigungssicherung?

Ines Zapf, Alexander Herzog-Stein Betriebliche Einsatzmuster von Arbeitszeitkonten whrend der Groen Rezession Gernot Mhge Betriebliche Beschftigungssicherung durch interne Personalvermittlung Jens M. Schubert, Kerstin Jerchel Handlungsspielrume fr Tarifparteien und Interessenvertretungen bei der Arbeitszeitgestaltung Reinhard Bispinck, Heiner Dribbusch, Fikret z, Kea Tijdens, Maarten van Klaveren Auswirkungen der Wirtschaftskrise in Deutschland und den Niederlanden aus Sicht der Beschftigten Claus Schfer Wir brauchen die "Bedingungslose Grundzeit"

Ausgabe 03/2011
Dieter Rucht Demokratische ffentlichkeit als kritische ffentlichkeit Martin Brussig, Matthias Knuth Am Vorabend der Rente mit 67 - Erkenntnisstand und Erkenntnislcken zur Entwicklung der Erwerbschancen lterer Wolfgang Schroeder, Bettina Munimus Gewerkschaften als Interessenvertreter der lteren Generation? Karin Tondorf, Andrea Jochmann-Dll Von der Entgeltdifferenz zur Entgeltgleichheit der Geschlechter? Reinhard Bispinck, WSI-Tarifarchiv Tarifpolitischer Jahresbericht 2010: Beschftigungssicherung und gedmpfte Lohnentwicklung Thorsten Schulten WSI-Mindestlohnbericht 2011 - Mindestlhne unter Krisendruck Berndt Keller, Hartmut Seifert Atypische Beschftigungsverhltnisse. Stand und Lcken der aktuellen Diskussion Sandra Siebenhter Arbeitsmarkt Leiharbeit - Risiken und Chancen der knftigen Dienstleistungsfreiheit

Ausgabe 04/2011
Martin Kronauer, Gnther Schmid Ein selbstbestimmtes Leben fr alle. Gesellschaftliche Voraussetzungen von Autonomie Petra Bhnke Gleichheit und Sicherheit als Voraussetzung fr Lebensqualitt? Irene Becker Soziale Gerechtigkeit im Spiegel der Einkommensverteilung in Deutschland Henning Lohmann, Hans-Jrgen Andre

Autonomie oder Armut? Zur Sicherung gleicher Chancen materieller Wohlfahrt durch Erwerbsarbeit Gnther Schmid Strkung der Autonomie durch verhaltenssensible Arbeitsmarktpolitik Wulf Hopf Bildung, chancengleiche Konkurrenz und gleiche gesellschaftliche Teilhabe Hartmut Reiners Sozialpolitik und die Hegemonie der "Hausvterkonomie". Anmerkungen zur Sozialstaatsdebatte

Ausgabe 05/2011
Sonja Fehr, Georg Vobruba Die Arbeitslosigkeitsfalle vor und nach der Hartz-IV-Reform Martina Rebien, Anja Kettner Die Konzessionsbereitschaft von Bewerbern und Beschftigten nach den Hartz-Reformen Martin Dietz, Susanne Koch, Gerhard Krug, Gesine Stephan Die Entgeltsicherung fr ltere: ein Auslaufmodell? Bjrn Hacker Governments little helper: EU-Politikkoordinierung in der Alterssicherung Peter Ellguth, Susanne Kohaut Tarifbindung und betriebliche Interessenvertretung: Aktuelle Ergebnisse aus dem IABBetriebspanel 2010 Christel Degen Herausforderungen fr eine zukunftsfhige Strukturpolitik aus gewerkschaftlicher Sicht Heide Pfarr Die Entgeltgleichheit fr Frauen und Mnner erfordert ein Durchsetzungsgesetz

Ausgabe 06/2011- Europische Wirtschaftspolitik in der Krise

Philip Arestis, Malcolm Sawyer Abschied vom Euro? Joachim Becker Wachstumsmodelle und Krisenmuster in Osteuropa Jrg Bibow Europische Geldpolitik: fehlkonzipiert, irregeleitet und lernresistent Catherine Mathieu, Henri Sterdyniak Finanzpolitische Exit-Strategien und die europische Schuldenkrise Thomas I. Palley Stabilitt in der Whrungsunion: Pldoyer fr eine Staatsbank und eine Europische Finanzagentur Margit Schratzenstaller Vom Steuerwettbewerb zur Steuerkoordinierung in der EU?

Global Social Policy

December 2010; 10 (3)
Chee Heng Leng and Andrea Whittaker Guest editors introduction to the special issue: Why is medical travel of concern to global social policy? Meri Koivusalo Global Social Policy Forum: Introduction: Trade in health services and the commercialization of social and health policies Chantal Blouin Trade in health services: Can it improve access to health care for poor people? Alireza Bagheri Global health regulations should distinguish between medical tourism and transplant tourism David Hunter and Stuart Oultram The ethical and policy implications of rogue medical tourism GKD Crozier Protecting cross-border providers of ova and surrogacy services? Imrana Qadeer Benefits and threats of international trade in health: A case of surrogacy in India Beth Kangas The burden of pursuing treatment abroad: Three stories of medical travelers from Yemen Mohd Jamal Alsharif, Ronald Labont, and Zuxun Lu Patients beyond borders: A study of medical tourists in four countries Chee Heng Leng Medical tourism and the state in Malaysia and Singapore Sallie Yea Trafficking in part(s): The commercial kidney market in a Manila slum, Philippines Dominique Martin Medical travel and the sale of human biological materials: Suggestions for ethical policy development Andrea Whittaker Challenges of medical travel to global regulation: A case study of reproductive travel in Asia

April 2011; 11 (1)

Meri Koivusalo Global Social Policy Forum: Introduction: Perspectives on global taxes and social policy Gillian Brock Reforms to global taxation and accounting arrangements as a means of pursuing global justice

Dries Lesage and David McNair International cooperation against tax havens: Still a long way to go John Langmore A currency transaction tax Carlo Cottarelli and Michael Keen Global taxation: Aims and issues1 Stephen McBride Global taxes: A fiscal solution in need of a paradigm shift Herland Tejerina Silva, Pierre De Paepe, Werner Soors, Oscar V. Lanza, Marie-Christine Closon, Patrick Van Dessel, and Jean-Pierre Unger Revisiting health policy and the World Bank in Bolivia John Weeks Mistaken identity: Middle income Moldova and the consequences Sharon Asiskovitch Dismantling the welfare state from the left? Localization of global ideas in the case of Israels 1998 Public Housing Law Kepa Artaraz New Latin American networks of solidarity?: ALBAs contribution to Bolivias National Development Plan (200610)

Social Politics
Volume 17 Issue 3 Fall 2010
Fiona Williams and Rianne Mahon Introduction: Transnationality and Gender: Power, Policy, and Otherness Christine M. Jacobsen and Dag Stenvoll Muslim Women and Foreign Prostitutes: Victim Discourse, Subjectivity, and Governance Helga Eggeb The Problem of Dependency: Immigration, Gender, and the Welfare State Janine Dahinden Cabaret Dancers: Settle Down in order to Stay Mobile? Bridging Theoretical Orientations within Transnational Migration Studies Karen M. Booth A Magic Bullet for the African Mother? Neo-Imperial Reproductive Futurism and the Pharmaceutical Solution to the HIV/AIDS Crisis Andrea Krizsan and Raluca Popa Europeanization in Making Policies against Domestic Violence in Central and Eastern Europe

Volume 17 Issue 4 Winter 2010 -Special Issue: Reproducing and Resisting Whiteness in Organizations, Policies, and Places
Shona Hunter, Elaine Swan, and Diane Grimes Introduction: Reproducing and Resisting Whiteness in Organizations, Policies, and Places

Nomi Michel and Manuela Honegger Thinking Whiteness in French and Swiss Cyberspaces Shona Hunter What a White Shame: Race, Gender, and White Shame in the Relational Economy of Primary Health Care Organizations in England Elaine Swan States of White Ignorance, and Audit Masculinity in English Higher Education Pauline Leonard Old Colonial or New Cosmopolitan? Changing White Identities in the Hong Kong Police Anne O'Connell An Exploration of Redneck Whiteness in Multicultural Canada

Volume 18 Issue 1 Spring 2011- Issue Theme: Gender, Family, Policy: New Concepts, New Findings
Mary Daly What Adult Worker Model? A Critical Look at Recent Social Policy Reform in Europe from a Gender and Family Perspective Dorit Geva Not Just Maternalism: Marriage and Fatherhood in American Welfare Polic Sara Helman Let Us Help Them to Raise Their Children into Good Citizens: The Lone-Parent Families Act and the Wages of Care-Giving in Israel Daniel Engster and Helena Olofsdotter Stensta Do Family Policy Regimes Matter for Children's Well-Being? Deborah Stevenson, Christine Everingham, and Penelope Robinson Choices and Life Chances: Feminism and the Politics of Generational Change

Volume 18 Issue 2 Summer 2011, Special Issue: Sen's Capabilities and Agency Framework Applied to Work-Life Balance Across European Welfare States and Within Work Organizations
Barbara Hobson The Agency Gap in WorkLife Balance: Applying Sen's Capabilities Framework Within European Contexts Barbara Hobson, Susanne Fahln, and Judit Takcs Agency and Capabilities to Achieve a WorkLife Balance: A Comparison of Sweden and Hungary Aleksandra Kanjuo Mrela and Nevenka ernigoj Sadar Social Policies Related to Parenthood and Capabilities of Slovenian Parents Sonja Drobni and Ana M. Guilln Rodrguez Tensions Between Work and Home: Job Quality and Working Conditions in the Institutional Contexts of Germany and Spain Colette Fagan and Pierre Walthery

Individual Working-time Adjustments between Full-time and Part-time Working in European Firms Laura Den Dulk, Bram Peper, Nevenka ernigoj Sadar, Suzan Lewis, Janet Smithson, and Anneke Van Doorne-Huiskes Work, Family, and Managerial Attitudes and Practices in the European Workplace: Comparing Dutch, British, and Slovenian Financial Sector Managers

Economic Geology
September-October 2010, Volume 105, Issue 6
Jan Pasava, Hartwig Frimmel, Luo Taiyi, Magdalena Koubov, and Karel Martnek EXTREME PGE CONCENTRATIONS IN LOWER CAMBRIAN ACID TUFF LAYER FROM THE KUNYANG PHOSPHATE DEPOSIT, YUNNAN PROVINCE, SOUTH CHINAPOSSIBLE PGE SOURCE FOR LOWER CAMBRIAN Mo-NiPOLYELEMENT ORE BEDS Graham C. Begg, Jon A.M. Hronsky, Nicholas T. Arndt, William L. Griffin, Suzanne Y. OReilly, and Nick Hayward Lithospheric, Cratonic, and Geodynamic Setting of Ni-Cu-PGE Sulfide Deposits Sarah A. S. Dare, Sarah-Jane Barnes, Hazel M. Prichard, and Peter C. Fisher The Timing and Formation of Platinum-Group Minerals from the Creighton Ni-CuPlatinum-Group Element Sulfide Deposit, Sudbury, Canada: Early Crystallization of PGERich Sulfarsenides Stylianos Tombros, Karen St. Seymour, and Anthony E. Williams-Jones Controls on Tellurium in Base, Precious, and Telluride Minerals in the Panormos Bay AgAu-Te Deposits, Tinos Island, Cyclades, Greece C. J. M. Lawley, J. P. Richards, R. G. Anderson, R. A. Creaser, and L. M. Heaman Geochronology and Geochemistry of the MAX Porphyry Mo Deposit and its Relationship to Pb-Zn-Ag Mineralization, Kootenay Arc, Southeastern British Columbia, Canada Vigds Hardardttir, Mark Hannington, Jeffrey Hedenquist, Ingrid Kjarsgaard, and Karin Hoal Cu-Rich Scales in the Reykjanes Geothermal System, Iceland Richard H. Sillitoe and James K. Mortensen LONGEVITY OF PORPHYRY COPPER FORMATION AT QUELLAVECO, PERU Michael J. Mengason, Philip M. Piccoli, and Philip Candela AN EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF COPPER ON THE ESTIMATION OF SULFUR FUGACITY (fS2) FROM PYRRHOTITE COMPOSITION

November 2010, Volume 105, Issue 7

Lewis Teal and Alberto Benavides History and Geologic Overview of the Yanacocha Mining District, Cajamarca, Peru Anthony A. Longo, John H. Dilles, Anita L. Grunder, and Robert Duncan Evolution of Calc-Alkaline Volcanism and Associated Hydrothermal Gold Deposits at Yanacocha, Per Philip Schtte, Massimo Chiaradia, and Bernardo Beate Petrogenetic Evolution of Arc Magmatism Associated with Late Oligocene to Late Miocene Porphyry-Related Ore Deposits in Ecuador

Ana A. Rieger, Robert Marschik, Manuel Daz, Stefan Hlzl, Massimo Chiaradia, Bur Akker, and Jorge E. Spangenberg The Hypogene Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Mineralization in the Mantoverde District, Northern Chile Harald G. Dill, Reiner Botz, Zsolt Berner, M.B. Abdullah, and Abu Hamad The Origin of Pre- and Synrift, Hypogene Fe-P Mineralization during the Cenozoic along the Dead Sea Transform Fault, Northwest Jordan Bruce H. Wilkinson and Stephen E. Kesler Tectonic-Diffusion Estimate of Orogenic Gold Resources esus M. Velador, Matthew T. Heizler, and Andrew R. Campbell Timing of Magmatic Activity and Mineralization and Evidence of a Long-Lived Hydrothermal System in the Fresnillo Silver District, Mexico: Constraints from 40ar/39Ar Geochronology

December 2010, Volume 105, Issue 8

Richard H. Sillitoe, Jos Perell, and Alfredo Garca Sulfide-Bearing Veinlets Throughout the Stratiform Mineralization of the Central African Copperbelt: Temporal and Genetic Implications R. J. Chapman, J. K. Mortensen, E. C. Crawford, and W. Lebarge Microchemical Studies of Placer and Lode Gold in the Klondike District, Yukon, Canada: 1. Evidence for a Small, Gold-Rich, Orogenic Hydrothermal System in the Bonanza and Eldorado Creek Area R. J. Chapman, J. K. Mortensen, E. C. Crawford, and W. P. Lebarge Microchemical Studies of Placer and Lode Gold in the Klondike District, Yukon, Canada: 2. Constraints on the Nature and Location of Regional Lode Sources A. E. Williams-Jones, I. M. Samson, K. M. Ault, J. E. Gagnon, and B. J. Fryer The Genesis of Distal Zinc Skarns: Evidence from the Mochito Deposit, Honduras Huayong Chen, Alan H. Clark, and T. Kurtis Kyser The Marcona Magnetite Deposit, Ica, South-Central Peru: A Product of Hydrous, Iron Oxide-Rich Melts? Ryan Mathur, Molly Dendas, Spencer Titley, and Allison Phillips Patterns in the Copper Isotope Composition of Minerals in Porphyry Copper Deposits in Southwestern United States Natalie Eva Bursztyn and Gema Ribeiro Olivo PGE-Rich Ni-Cu Sulfide Mineralization in the Flin Flon Greenstone Belt, Manitoba, Canada: Implications for Hydrothermal Remobilization of Platinum Group Elements in BasicUltrabasic Sequences Sarah-Jane Barnes, Wolfgang D. Maier, and Edward A. Curl Composition of the Marginal Rocks and Sills of the Rustenburg Layered Suite, Bushveld Complex, South Africa: Implications for the Formation of the Platinum-Group Element Deposits

January-February 2011, Volume 106, Issue 1


Helen V. Thomas, Ross R. Large, Stuart W. Bull, Valeriy Maslennikov, Ron F. Berry, Rod Fraser, Shane Froud, and Robert Moye Pyrite and Pyrrhotite Textures and Composition in Sediments, Laminated Quartz Veins, and Reefs at Bendigo Gold Mine, Australia: Insights for Ore Genesis Jacob J. Hanley and Evan R. Gladney The Presence of Carbonic-Dominant Volatiles during the Crystallization of Sulfide-Bearing Mafic Pegmatites in the North Roby Zone, Lac des Iles Complex, Ontario Martin S. Appold and Zachary J. Wenz Composition of Ore Fluid Inclusions from the Viburnum Trend, Southeast Missouri District, United States: Implications for Transport and Precipitation Mechanisms Li Wenchang, Zeng Pusheng, Hou Zengqian, and Noel C. White The Pulang Porphyry Copper Deposit and Associated Felsic Intrusions in Yunnan Province, Southwest China A. Coggon, G. M. Nowell, D. G. Pearson, and S. W. Parman Application of the 190Pt-186Os Isotope System to Dating Platinum Mineralization and Ophiolite Formation: An Example from the Meratus Mountains, Borneo Alexandre Raphael Cabral, Ray Burgess, and Bernd Lehmann LATE CRETACEOUS BONANZA-STYLE METAL ENRICHMENT IN THE SERRA PELADA Au-PdPt DEPOSIT, PAR, BRAZIL Taryn R. Gray, Jacob J. Hanley, Jaroslav Dostal, and Marcel Guillong Magmatic Enrichment of Uranium, Thorium, and Rare Earth Elements in Late Paleozoic Rhyolites of Southern New Brunswick, Canada: Evidence from Silicate Melt Inclusions Jiuhua Xu, Craig J.R. Hart, Linlin Wang, Haixiang Chu, Longhua Lin, and Xiaofeng Wei CARBONIC FLUID OVERPRINTS IN VOLCANOGENIC MASSIVE SULFIDE DEPOSITS: EXAMPLES FROM THE KELAN VOLCANOSEDIMENTARY BASIN, ALTAIDES, CHINA

March-April 2011, Volume 106, Issue 2

Robert J. Duncan, Holly J. Stein, Katy A. Evans, Murray W. Hitzman, Eric P. Nelson, and Doug J. Kirwin A New Geochronological Framework for Mineralization and Alteration in the SelwynMount Dore Corridor, Eastern Fold Belt, Mount Isa Inlier, Australia: Genetic Implications for Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Deposits Serguei G. Soloviev Geology, Mineralization, and Fluid Inclusion Characteristics of the Kensu W-Mo Skarn and Mo-W-Cu-Au Alkalic Porphyry Deposit, Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan Stphane Faure, Stphanie Godey, Francine Fallara, and Sylvain Trpanier Seismic Architecture of the Archean North American Mantle and Its Relationship to Diamondiferous Kimberlite Fields Pietro Guj, Matthew Fallon, T. Campbell McCuaig, and Robert Fagan A Time-Series Audit of Zipfs Law as a Measure of Terrane Endowment and Maturity in Mineral Exploration Ylkay Kucu, Erkan Yilmazer, Nilgn Gle, Selda Bayir, Gkhan Demirela, Gonca Genaliodlu Kucu, Glay Sezerer Kuru, and Nuretdin Kaymaki


May 2011, Volume 106, Issue 3

Alexis Lambeck, Terrence P. Mernagh, and Lesley Wyborn Are Iron-Rich Sedimentary Rocks the Key to the Spike in Orogenic Gold Mineralization in the Paleoproterozoic? Ross R. Large, Stuart W. Bull, and Valeriy V. Maslennikov A Carbonaceous Sedimentary Source-Rock Model for Carlin-Type and Orogenic Gold Deposits Paul A. Lusty, Jon Naden, John J. Bouch, John A. McKervey, and James A. McFarlane Atypical Gold Mineralization in an Orogenic SettingThe Bohaun Deposit, Western Irish Caledonides Peter Vikre, Quentin J. Browne, Robert Fleck, Albert Hofstra, and Joseph Wooden Ages and Sources of Components of Zn-Pb, Cu, Precious Metal, and Platinum Group Element Deposits in the Goodsprings District, Clark County, Nevada Murray M. Allan, Gregg W. Morrison, and Bruce W. D. Yardley Physicochemical Evolution of a Porphyry-Breccia System: A Laser Ablation ICP-MS Study of Fluid Inclusions in the Mount Leyshon Au Deposit, Queensland, Australia R. Cas, G. Giordano, F. Balsamo, A. Esposito, and S. Lo Mastro Hydrothermal Breccia Textures and Processes: Lisca Bianca Islet, Panarea Volcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy John L. Mair, G. Lang Farmer, David I. Groves, Craig J. R. Hart, and Richard J. Goldfarb Petrogenesis of Postcollisional Magmatism at Scheelite Dome, Yukon, Canada: Evidence for a Lithospheric Mantle Source for Magmas Associated with Intrusion-Related Gold Systems Benedek Gl, Ferenc Molnr, and Dean M. Peterson Cu-Ni-PGE Mineralization in the South Filson Creek Area, South Kawishiwi Intrusion, Duluth Complex: Mineralization Styles and Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes Xu Lingang, Bernd Lehmann, Mao Jingwen, Qu Wenjun, and Du Andao Re-Os Age of Polymetallic Ni-Mo-PGE-Au Mineralization in Early Cambrian Black Shales of South ChinaA Reassessment

June-July 2011, Volume 106, Issue 4

Zoran Seat, M. A. Mary Gee, Benjamin A. Grguric, Stephen W. Beresford, and Nathalie V. Grassineau The Nebo-Babel Ni-Cu-PGE Sulfide Deposit (West Musgrave, Australia): Pt. 1. U/Pb Zircon Ages, Whole-Rock and Mineral Chemistry, and O-Sr-Nd Isotope Compositions of the Intrusion, with Constraints on Petrogenesis Blinda Godel, Zoran Seat, Wolfgang D. Maier, and Sarah-Jane Barnes The Nebo-Babel Ni-Cu-PGE Sulfide Deposit (West Musgrave Block, Australia): Pt. 2. Constraints on Parental Magma and Processes, with Implications for Mineral Exploration K. Lund, R. G. Tysdal, K. V. Evans, M. J. Kunk, and R. M. Pillers Structural Controls and Evolution of Gold-, Silver-, and REE-Bearing Copper-Cobalt Ore Deposits, Blackbird District, East-Central Idaho: Epigenetic Origins Todd A. Bonsall, Paul G. Spry, Panagiotis Ch. Voudouris, Stylianos Tombros, Karen St. Seymour, and Vasilios Melfos The Geochemistry of Carbonate-Replacement Pb-Zn-Ag Mineralization in the Lavrion District, Attica, Greece: Fluid Inclusion, Stable Isotope, and Rare Earth Element Studies A. M. Fairmaid, M. A. Kendrick, D. Phillips, and B Fu The Origin and Evolution of Mineralizing Fluids in a Sediment-Hosted Orogenic-Gold Deposit, Ballarat East, Southeastern Australia T. Ulrich, D. G. F. Long, B. S. Kamber, and M. J. Whitehouse In Situ Trace Element and Sulfur Isotope Analysis of Pyrite in a Paleoproterozoic Gold Placer Deposit, Pardo and Clement Townships, Ontario, Canada Baohong Hou, John Keeling, Anthony Reid, Martin Fairclough, Ian Warland, Elena Belousova, Larry Frakes, and Roger Hocking Heavy Mineral Sands in the Eucla Basin, Southern Australia: Deposition and ProvinceScale Prospectivity Luke Ootes, Ryan M. Morelli, Robert A. Creaser, David R. Lentz, Hendrik Falck, and William J. Davis The Timing of Yellowknife Gold Mineralization: A Temporal Relationship with Crustal Anatexis?

Urban Studies
Kevin Ward, Colette Fagan, Linda McDowell, Diane Perrons, and Kathryn Ray Class Transformation and Work-Life Balance in Urban Britain: The Case of Manchester Emre Korsu and Sandrine Wenglenski ob Accessibility, Residential Segregation and Risk of Long-term Unemployment in the Paris Region Annett Steinfhrer, Adam Bierzynski, Katrin Gromann, Annegret Haase, Sigrun Kabisch, and Petr Kluscek Population Decline in Polish and Czech Cities during Post-socialism? Looking Behind the Official Statistics Mark Joseph and Robert Chaskin Living in a Mixed-Income Development: Resident Perceptions of the Benefits and Disadvantages of Two Developments in Chicago Richard Ronald and Mee-Youn Jin

Homeownership in South Korea: Examining Sector Underdevelopment Gordon Dabinett Spatial Justice and the Translation of European Strategic Planning Ideas in the Urban Sub-region of South Yorkshire Carol Atkinson-Palombo Comparing the Capitalisation Benefits of Light-rail Transit and Overlay Zoning for Singlefamily Houses and Condos by Neighbourhood Type in Metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona Marco Percoco Airport Activity and Local Development: Evidence from Italy Liang Long, Jie Lin, and Kimon Proussaloglou Investigating Contextual Variability in Mode Choice in Chicago Using a Hierarchical Mixed Logit Model Stephen Mak, Lennon Choy, and Winky Ho Quantile Regression Estimates of Hong Kong Real Estate Prices

November 2010; 47 (12)

Nilay Yavuz and Eric W. Welch Addressing Fear of Crime in Public Space: Gender Differences in Reaction to Safety Measures in Train Transit John Hipp What is the Neighbourhood in Neighbourhood Satisfaction? Comparing the Effects of Structural Characteristics Measured at the Micro-neighbourhood and Tract Levels Mary P. Corcoran Gods Golden Acre for Children: Pastoralism and Sense of Place in New Suburban Communities Barry Goodchild, Gilles Jeannot, and Paul Hickman Professions, Occupational Roles and Skills in Urban Policy: A Reworking of the Debates in England and France Nick Drydakis Ethnic Differences in Housing Opportunities in Athens Lynda Cheshire, Peter Walters, and Ted Rosenblatt The Politics of Housing Consumption: Renters as Flawed Consumers on a Master Planned Estate Zhou Yu and Dowell Myers Misleading Comparisons of Homeownership Rates when the Variable Effect of Household Formation Is Ignored: Explaining Rising Homeownership and the Homeownership Gap between Blacks and Asians in the US Matthew Tonts and Michael Taylor Corporate Location, Concentration and Performance: Large Company Headquarters in the Australian Urban System Peter Franz and Christoph Hornych Political Institutionalisation and Economic Specialisation in Polycentric Metropolitan Regions: The Case of the East German Saxony Triangle

Maarten Jennen and Patrick Verwijmeren Agglomeration Effects and Financial Performance

November 2010; 47 (13) Special Issue: Urban Networks and Network Theory
Graldine Pflieger and Cline Rozenblat Introduction. Urban Networks and Network Theory: The City as the Connector of Multiple Networks Manuel Castells Globalisation, Networking, Urbanisation: Reflections on the Spatial Dynamics of the Information Age Diana Mok, Barry Wellman, and Juan Carrasco Does Distance Matter in the Age of the Internet? Pierre Dessemontet, Vincent Kaufmann, and Christophe Jemelin Switzerland as a Single Metropolitan Area? A Study of its Commuting Network Peter J. Taylor, Michael Hoyler, and Raf Verbruggen External Urban Relational Process: Introducing Central Flow Theory to Complement Central Place Theory Anne Bretagnolle and Denise Pumain Simulating Urban Networks through Multiscalar Space-Time Dynamics: Europe and the United States, 17th-20th Centuries Cline Rozenblat Opening the Black Box of Agglomeration Economies for Measuring Cities Competitiveness through International Firm Networks Christian Zeller The Pharma-biotech Complex and Interconnected Regional Innovation Arenas John Allen Powerful City Networks: More than Connections, Less than Domination and Control

December 2010; 47 (14)

George Galster, Roger Andersson, and Sako Musterd Who Is Affected by Neighbourhood Income Mix? Gender, Age, Family, Employment and Income Differences Ranji Devadason Cosmopolitanism, Geographical Imaginaries and Belonging in North London Mark Stephens Locating Chinese Urban Housing Policy in an International Context Zoua M. Vang Housing Supply and Residential Segregation in Ireland Taede Tillema, Bert van Wee, and Dick Ettema Road Pricing and Relocation Decisions of Dutch Households Miquel-ngel Garcia-Lpez and Ivan Muiz

Employment Decentralisation: Polycentricity or Scatteration? The Case of Barcelona Jose A. Belso-Martinez Outsourcing Decisions, Product Innovation and the Spatial Dimension: Evidence from the Spanish Footwear Industry Peter Lugosi, David Bell, and Krisztina Lugosi Hospitality, Culture and Regeneration: Urban Decay, Entrepreneurship and the Ruin Bars of Budapest Genevieve Giuliano, Peter Gordon, Qisheng Pan, and JiYoung Park Accessibility and Residential Land Values: Some Tests with New Measures Bun Song Lee, Soomyung Jang, and Sung Hyo Hong Marshalls Scale Economies and Jacobs Externality in Korea: the Role of Age, Size and the Legal Form of Organisation of Establishments

January 2011; 48 (1)

Yu Chen Occupational Attainment of Migrants and Local Workers: Findings from a Survey in Shanghais Manufacturing Sector Stef Adriaenssens and Jef Hendrickx Street-level Informal Economic Activities: Estimating the Yield of Begging in Brussels Richard J. White and Anne E. Green Opening up or Closing down Opportunities?: The Role of Social Networks and Attachment to Place in Informing Young Peoples Attitudes and Access to Training and Employment Robert Murdie and Carlos Teixeira The Impact of Gentrification on Ethnic Neighbourhoods in Toronto: A Case Study of Little Portugal ohan Andersson Vauxhalls Post-industrial Pleasure Gardens: Death Wish and Hedonism in 21st-century London Michael Duncan The Impact of Transit-oriented Development on Housing Prices in San Diego, CA Marlon G. Boarnet, Kenneth Joh, Walter Siembab, William Fulton, and Mai Thi Nguyen Retrofitting the Suburbs to Increase Walking: Evidence from a Land-use-Travel Study Barrie Needham, Arno Segeren, and Edwin Buitelaar Institutions in Theories of Land Markets: Illustrated by the Dutch Market for Agricultural Land Jill Grant and Katherine Perrott Where Is the Caf? The Challenge of Making Retail Uses Viable in Mixed-use Suburban Developments K.F. Gotham Resisting Urban Spectacle: The 1984 Louisiana World Exposition and the Contradictions of Mega Events

February 2011; 48 (2)


Udo Staber Partners Forever? An Empirical Study of Relational Ties in Two Small-firm Clusters Elsie L. Echeverri-Carroll and Sofia G. Ayala Urban Wages: Does City Size Matter? D. Rachel Lombardi, Libby Porter, Austin Barber, and Chris D.F. Rogers Conceptualising Sustainability in UK Urban Regeneration: a Discursive Formation Jenny Schuetz, Rachel Meltzer, and Vicki Bee Silver Bullet or Trojan Horse? The Effects of Inclusionary Zoning on Local Housing Markets in the United State Laurent Gobillon and Franois-Charles Wolff Housing and Location Choices of Retiring Households: Evidence from France Michael Ball Planning Delay and the Responsiveness of English Housing Supply Tadao Hoshino Estimation and Analysis of Preference Heterogeneity in Residential Choice Behaviour John Betancur Gentrification and Community Fabric in Chicago Neil Lee Ethnic Diversity and Employment Growth in English Cities Frank Goetzke and Tilmann Rave Bicycle Use in Germany: Explaining Differences between Municipalities with Social Network Effects

February 2011; 48 (3) Special Issue: Property Rights in Transition

Annette M. Kim Introduction: Real Rights to the CityCases of Property Rights Changes towards Equity in Eastern Asia Andr Sorensen Evolving Property Rights in Japan: Patterns and Logics of Change Annette M. Kim Talking Back: The Role of Narrative in Vietnams Recent Land Compensation Changes Lanchih Po Property Rights Reforms and Changing Grassroots Governance in Chinas UrbanRural Peripheries: The Case of Changping District in Beijing Yanjing Zhao and Chris Webster Land Dispossession and Enrichment in Chinas Suburban Villages Daniel Abramson Transitional Property Rights and Local Developmental History in China Susan Whiting Values in Land: Fiscal Pressures, Land Disputes and Justice Claims in Rural and Peri-urban China

Lawrence Lai Commentary: Journey through Six Property Rights Stories along the Pacific Rim John Gillespie Commentary: Theorising Dialogical Property Rights in Socialist East Asia Peter Marcuse Commentary: Post-socialist Property Rights: Whose Rights, to What and How?

March 2011; 48 (4)

Samantha Friedman Bringing Proximate Neighbours into the Study of US Residential Segregation Adam Marc Pine The Temporary Permanence of Dominican Bodegueros in Philadelphia: Neighbourhood Development in an Era of Transnational Mobility Wenda Doff and Reinout Kleinhans Residential Outcomes of Forced Relocation: Lifting a Corner of the Veil on Neighbourhood Selection Jeroen van der Waal and Jack Burgers Post-Industrialisation, Job Opportunities and Ethnocentrism: A Comparison of Twentytwo Dutch Urban Economies Filip De Maesschalck The Politicisation of Suburbanisation in Belgium: Towards an UrbanSuburban Divide Jamie Spinney, Pavlos Kanaroglou, and Darren Scott Exploring Spatial Dynamics with Land Price Indexes Hannu Laurila Optimisation of City Size Zoltn Csfalvay Searching for Economic Rationale behind Gated Communities: A Public Choice Approach Gwilym Pryce Bidding Conventions and the Degree of Overpricing in the Market for Houses Katherine V. Gough and Paul Yankson A Neglected Aspect of the Housing Market: The Caretakers of Peri-urban Accra, Ghana Chang Bum Ju and Shui-Yan Tang External Legitimacy, Goal Congruence and Collective Resistance: Environmental NGOs and Land Use Politics in South Korea

April 2011; 48 (5)

Iain Boyd Whyte Obituary: David Frisby Bo-sin Tang, Siu-wai Wong, and Sing-cheong Liu Institutions, Property Taxation and Local Government Finance in China Romola Sanyal Squatting in Camps: Building and Insurgency in Spaces of Refuge

Sunhee Sang, Morton OKelly, and Mei-Po Kwan Examining Commuting Patterns: Results from a Journey-to-work Model Disaggregated by Gender and Occupation Ian Shuttleworth and Anne Green Spatial Mobility Intentions, the Labour Market and Incapacity Benefit Claimants: Evidence from Northern Ireland Steve Connelly Constructing Legitimacy in the New Community Governance Meredith J. Greif, F. Nii-Amoo Dodoo, and Anuja Jayaraman Urbanisation, Poverty and Sexual Behaviour: The Tale of Five African Cities Jenny Muir Bridging and Linking in a Divided Society: A Social Capital Case Study from Northern Ireland Matthieu Permentier, Gideon Bolt, and Maarten van Ham Determinants of Neighbourhood Satisfaction and Perception of Neighbourhood Reputation Ghebreegziabiher Debrezion, Eric Pels, and Piet Rietveld The Impact of Rail Transport on Real Estate Prices: An Empirical Analysis of the Dutch Housing Market Rafael Gonzlez-Val Deviations from Zipfs Law for American Cities: An Empirical Examination Tony Chapman Smoke and Mirrors: The Influence of Cultural Inertia on Social and Economic Development in a Polycentric Urban Region

May 2011; 48 (6)

Mona Abaza Critical Commentary. Cairos Downtown Imagined: Dubaisation or Nostalgia? Frank Gaffikin and Mike Morrissey Community Cohesion and Social Inclusion: Unravelling a Complex Relationship Brendan Murtagh Desegregation and Place Restructuring in the New Belfast Jonathan Ilan Reclaiming Respectability? The Class-cultural Dynamics of Crime, Community and Governance in Inner-city Dublin Roberta Comunian Rethinking the Creative City: The Role of Complexity, Networks and Interactions in the Urban Creative Economy Adrienne La Grange Neighbourhood and Class: A Study of Three Neighbourhoods in Hong Kong Nebahat Tokatli, mr Kzlgn, and Jinsook Erin Cho The Clothing Industry in Istanbul in the Era of Globalisation and Fast Fashion

Diana Mitlin Shelter Finance in the Age of Neo-liberalism Yingling Fan, Asad Khattak, and Daniel Rodrguez Household Excess Travel and Neighbourhood Characteristics: Associations and Trade-offs Enda Murphy and James E. Killen Commuting Economy: An alternative Approach for Assessing Regional Commuting Efficiency Timo M. Kauppinen, Matti Kortteinen, and Mari Vaattovaara Unemployment During a Recession and Later Earnings: Does the Neighbourhood Unemployment Rate Modify the Association?

May 2011; 48 (7)

Brooke Sykes and Sako Musterd Examining Neighbourhood and School Effects Simultaneously: What Does the Dutch Evidence Show? Rik Wenting, Oedzge Atzema, and Koen Frenken Urban Amenities and Agglomeration Economies?: The Locational Behaviour and Economic Success of Dutch Fashion Design Entrepreneurs Todd Gabe and Jaison R. Abel Agglomeration of Knowledge Veiko Lember, Tarmo Kalvet, and Rainer Kattel Urban Competitiveness and Public Procurement for Innovation Sara Gonzlez Bilbao and Barcelona in Motion. How Urban Regeneration Models Travel and Mutate in the Global Flows of Policy Tourism Glen Searle and Pierre Filion Planning Context and Urban Intensification Outcomes: Sydney versus Toronto Deborah McCarthy Im a Normal Person1: An Examination of How Utilitarian Cyclists in Charleston South Carolina Use an Insider/Outsider Framework to Make Sense of Risks Stefan Gravemeyer, Thomas Gries, and Jinjun Xue Income Determination and Income Discrimination in Shenzhen Cheol-Joo Cho An Analysis of the Housing Redevelopment Process in Korea through the Lens of the Transaction Cost Framework Ulrich Kriese and Roland W. Scholz The Positioning of Sustainability within Residential Property Marketing

June 2011; 48 (8)

Tony Champion and Alan Townsend The Fluctuating Record of Economic Regeneration in Englands Second-order City-regions, 19842007

Geoffrey De Verteuil Evidence of Gentrification-induced Displacement among Social Services in London and Los Angeles Edward Goetz Gentrification in Black and White: The Racial Impact of Public Housing Demolition in American Cities Eric Fong and Jing Shen Explaining Ethnic Enclave, Ethnic Entrepreneurial and Employment Niches: A Case Study of Chinese in Canadian Immigrant Gateway Cities Marjolein Blaauboer The Impact of Childhood Experiences and Family Members Outside the Household on Residential Environment Choices Lia Karsten Childrens Social Capital in the Segregated Context of Amsterdam: An Historicalgeographical Approach Tony Shun-Te Yuo, Colin Lizieri, Phillip McCann, and Neil Crosby Rental Values in UK Shopping Malls Becky P. Y. Loo and Alice S. Y. Chow Spatial Restructuring to Facilitate Shorter Commuting: An Example of the Relocation of Hong Kong International Airport Tuukka Saarimaa Imputed Rental Income, Taxation and Income Distribution in Finland Andrea L. Sparks, Neil Bania, and Laura Leete Comparative Approaches to Measuring Food Access in Urban Areas: The Case of Portland, Oregon Darrin Hodgetts, Ottilie Stolte, Alan Radley, Chez Leggatt-Cook, Shiloh Groot, and Kerry Chamberlain Near and Far: Social Distancing in Domiciled Characterisations of Homeless People

International Journal of Action Research

International Journal of Action Research, 2011, volume 7, issue 1
Klaus Drre Functional Changes in the Trade Unions. From Intermediary to Fractal Organization? Ingrid Artus Union Low-pay-worker Representation and the sans-papiers Strikes in France Taylor McInnes, Charles P. Chen Chronic Career Indecision: Amalgamate Career Development Theories and Action Research Perspectives Maria Ozanira da Silva e Silva Constructing a Participatory Approach for the Evaluation of Social Policies and Programmes

International Journal of Action Research, 2010, volume 6, issue 2-3


Marianne Kristiansen, Jrgen Bloch-Poulsen Employee Driven Innovation in Team (EDIT) Innovative Potential, Dialogue, and Dissensus Alfonso Torres Carrillo Generating Knowledge in Popular Education: From Participatory Research to the Systematization of Experiences Mathew Tasker, Linda Westberg, Richard G. Seymour Action Research in Social Entrepreneurship: A Framework for Involvement Gunilla Albinsson, Kerstin Arnesson How Critical Can You Be as an On-going Evaluator? David Coghlan Interiority as the Cutting Edge between Theory and Practice: A First Person Perspective

International Journal of Action Research, 2010, volume 6, issue 1

John Shotter Movements of Feeling and Moments of Judgement: Towards an Ontological Social Constructionism Hans Christian Garmann Johnsen Scientific Knowledge through Involvement How to Do Respectful Othering Steffen Lehndorff Models of Capitalism in Europe: Towards the Return of the State? Hajo Holst, Oliver Nachtwey, Klaus Drre The Strategic Use of Temporary Agency Work Functional Change of a Non-standard Form of Employment

Research Policy
Volume 39, Issue 10, Pages 1253-1404 (December 2010)
Rjean Landry, Malek Sahi, Nabil Amara, Mathieu Ouimet Evidence on how academics manage their portfolio of knowledge transfer activities Cristina Bayona-Sez, Teresa Garca-Marco Assessing the effectiveness of the Eureka Program Robin Kleer Government R&D subsidies as a signal for private investors Sampsa Samila, Olav Sorenson Venture capital as a catalyst to commercialization Rinaldo Evangelista, Antonio Vezzani The economic impact of technological and organizational innovations. A firm-level analysis Iftekhar Hasan, Christopher L. Tucci The innovationeconomic growth nexus: Global evidence Joanna Chataway, Rebecca Hanlin, Julius Mugwagwa, Lois Muraguri

Global health social technologies: Reflections on evolving theories and landscapes Francesco Quatraro Knowledge coherence, variety and economic growth: Manufacturing evidence from Italian regions Davide Consoli, Dioni Elche-Hortelano Variety in the knowledge base of Knowledge Intensive Business Services Anders Brostrm Working with distant researchersDistance and content in universityindustry interaction Anna Bergek, Maria Bruzelius Are patents with multiple inventors from different countries a good indicator of international R&D collaboration? The case of ABB Prema-chandra Athukorala, Archanun Kohpaiboon Globalization of R&D by US-based multinational enterprises

Volume 39, Issue 9, Pages 1133-1252 (November 2010)

Paola Cillo, Luigi M. De Luca, Gabriele Troilo Market information approaches, product innovativeness, and firm performance: An empirical study in the fashion industry Anabel Marin, Subash Sasidharan Heterogeneous MNC subsidiaries and technological spillovers: Explaining positive and negative effects in India Eli Gimmon, Jonathan Levie Founder's human capital, external investment, and the survival of new high-technology ventures Stefan Haefliger, Peter Jger, Georg von Krogh Under the radar: Industry entry by user entrepreneurs abel Estrada, Gabriel de la Fuente, Natalia Martn-Cruz Technological joint venture formation under the real options approach Yamini Jha, Eric W. Welch Relational mechanisms governing multifaceted collaborative behavior of academic scientists in six fields of science and engineering Aida Caldera, Olivier Debande Performance of Spanish universities in technology transfer: An empirical analysis Taiyuan Wang, Stewart Thornhill R&D investment and financing choices: A comprehensive perspective Erica R.H. Fuchs Rethinking the role of the state in technology development: DARPA and the case for embedded network governance

Volume 39, Issue 8, Pages 1011-1132 (October 2010)

Peter E. Earl, Tim Wakeley

Economic perspectives on the development of complex products for increasingly demanding customers Panos Desyllas, Alan Hughes Do high technology acquirers become more innovative? Federico Munari, Raffaele Oriani, Maurizio Sobrero The effects of owner identity and external governance systems on R&D investments: A study of Western European firms Pedro de Faria, Francisco Lima, Rui Santos Cooperation in innovation activities: The importance of partners Lucio Picci The internationalization of inventive activity: A gravity model using patent data Riccardo Fini, Nicola Lacetera, Scott Shane Inside or outside the IP system? Business creation in academia Wilfred Schoenmakers, Geert Duysters The technological origins of radical inventions Andrea Bonaccorsi, Juan Vargas Proliferation dynamics in new sciences David C. Mowery, Richard R. Nelson, Ben R. Martin A response to our commentators Charles Perrow Comment on Mowery, Nelson and Martin Mark Huberty, John Zysman An energy system transformation: Framing research choices for the climate challenge Andrew Hargadon Technology policy and global warming: Why new innovation models are needed David C. Mowery, Richard R. Nelson, Ben R. Martin Technology policy and global warming: Why new policy models are needed (or why putting new wine in old bottles wont work)

Volume 40, Issue 1, (February 2011)

Michaela Saisana, Batrice dHombres, Andrea Saltelli Rickety numbers: Volatility of university rankings and policy implications Cinzia Daraio, Andrea Bonaccorsi, Aldo Geuna, Benedetto Lepori, Laurent Bach, Peter Bogetoft, Margarida F. Cardoso, Elena Castro-Martinez, Gustavo Crespi, Ignacio Fernandez de Lucio, Harold Fried, Adela Garcia-Aracil, Annamaria Inzelt, Ben Jongbloed, Gerhard Kempkes, Patrick Llerena, Mireille Matt, Maria Olivares, Carsten Pohl, Tarmo Raty, et al. The European university landscape: A micro characterization based on evidence from the Aquameth project Thomas Bolli, Frank Somogyi Do competitively acquired funds induce universities to increase productivity? Annamaria Conti, Patrick Gaule

Is the US outperforming Europe in university technology licensing? A new perspective on the European Paradox Carolin Haeussler Information-sharing in academia and the industry: A comparative study Emmanuel Dechenaux, Jerry Thursby, Marie Thursby Inventor moral hazard in university licensing: The role of contracts Janet Bercovitz, Maryann Feldman The mechanisms of collaboration in inventive teams: Composition, social networks, and geography Waverly Ding, Emily Choi Divergent paths to commercial science: A comparison of scientists founding and advising activities Gustavo Crespi, Pablo DEste, Roberto Fontana, Aldo Geuna The impact of academic patenting on university research and its transfer Carolin Haeussler, Jeannette A. Colyvas Breaking the Ivory Tower: Academic Entrepreneurship in the Life Sciences in UK and Germany Kate Bishop, Pablo DEste, Andy Neely Gaining from interactions with universities: Multiple methods for nurturing absorptive capacity Jerry G. Thursby, Marie C. Thursby Faculty participation in licensing: Implications for research Maria Theresa Larsen The implications of academic enterprise for public science: An overview of the empirical evidence Magnus Gulbrandsen, David Mowery, Maryann Feldman Introduction to the special section: Heterogeneity and universityindustry relations

Volume 40, Issue 2, Pages 179-340 (March 2011)

Tom Nicholas Cheaper patents Tooraj Jamasb, Michael G. Pollitt Electricity sector liberalisation and innovation: An analysis of the UK's patenting activities Boris Lokshin, John Hagedoorn, Wilko Letterie The bumpy road of technology partnerships: Understanding causes and consequences of partnership mal-functioning Yasuhiro Yamakawa, Haibin Yang, Zhiang (John) Lin Exploration versus exploitation in alliance portfolio: Performance implications of organizational, strategic, and environmental fit Mumin Dayan, C. Anthony Di Benedetto Team intuition as a continuum construct and new product creativity: The role of environmental turbulence, team experience, and stress

Boelie Elzen, Frank W. Geels, Cees Leeuwis, Barbara van Mierlo Normative contestation in transitions in the making: Animal welfare concerns and system innovation in pig husbandry Anat Hovav, Martin Hemmert, Yoo Jung Kim Determinants of Internet standards adoption: The case of South Korea Wouter P.C. Boon, Ellen H.M. Moors, Stefan Kuhlmann, Ruud E.H.M. Smits Demand articulation in emerging technologies: Intermediary user organisations as coproducers? Fernando Jimnez-Sez, Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, Jos L. Zofo, Elena Castro-Martnez Evaluating research efficiency within National R&D Programmes Dirk Czarnitzki, Petr Hanel, Julio Miguel Rosa Evaluating the impact of R&D tax credits on innovation: A microeconometric study on Canadian firms Marcus Antonius Ynalvez, Wesley M. Shrum Professional networks, scientific collaboration, and publication productivity in resourceconstrained research institutions in a developing country Raphael Kaplinsky Schumacher meets Schumpeter: Appropriate technology below the radar Andrea Filippetti, Daniele Archibugi Innovation in times of crisis: National Systems of Innovation, structure, and demand Christian R. stergaard, Bram Timmermans, Kari Kristinsson Does a different view create something new? The effect of employee diversity on innovation Ursula Weisenfeld, Ingrid Ott emic discipline and risk perception of technologies: An empirical study David Barber-Toms, Fernando Jimnez-Sez, Itziar Castell-Molina Mapping the importance of the real world: The validity of connectivity analysis of patent citations networks Frank J. van Rijnsoever, Laurens K. Hessels Factors associated with disciplinary and interdisciplinary research collaboration Igor Filatotchev, Xiaohui Liu, Jiangyong Lu, Mike Wright Knowledge spillovers through human mobility across national borders: Evidence from Zhongguancun Science Park in China Suk Bong Choi, Soo Hee Lee, Christopher Williams Ownership and firm innovation in a transition economy: Evidence from China Ram Mudambi, Tim Swift Proactive R&D management and firm growth: A punctuated equilibrium model Nuno Gil, Bruce S. Tether Project risk management and design flexibility: Analysing a case and conditions of complementarity Bjrn A. Sandn, Karl M. Hillman

A framework for analysis of multi-mode interaction among technologies with examples from the history of alternative transport fuels in Sweden Richard C.M. Yam, William Lo, Esther P.Y. Tang, Antonio K.W. Lau Analysis of sources of innovation, technological innovation capabilities, and performance: An empirical study of Hong Kong manufacturing industries Jaeyong Song, Kazuhiro Asakawa, Youngeun Chu What determines knowledge sourcing from host locations of overseas R&D operations?: A study of global R&D activities of Japanese multinationals Stephen B. Adams Growing where you are planted: Exogenous firms and the seeding of Silicon Valley Benedetto Lepori Koordination modes in public funding systems Anneloes Roelofsen, Wouter P.C. Boon, Roy R. Kloet, Jacqueline E.W. Broerse Stakeholder interaction within research consortia on emerging technologies: Learning how and what?

Volume 40, Issue 4 - (May 2011)

Henny A. Romijn, Marjolein C.J. Canils The Jatropha biofuels sector in Tanzania 20052009: Evolution towards sustainability? Matthew J. Higgins, Paula E. Stephan, Jerry G. Thursby Conveying quality and value in emerging industries: Star scientists and the role of signals in biotechnology Katja Rost The strength of strong ties in the creation of innovation Bertil Rolandsson, Magnus Bergquist, Jan Ljungberg Open source in the firm: Opening up professional practices of software development Maarten Cuijpers, Hannes Guenter, Katrin Hussinger Costs and benefits of inter-departmental innovation collaboration Bart Van Looy, Paolo Landoni, Julie Callaert, Bruno van Pottelsberghe, Eleftherios Sapsalis, Koenraad Debackere Entrepreneurial effectiveness of European universities: An empirical assessment of antecedents and trade-offs Markus Perkmann, Zella King, Stephen Pavelin Engaging excellence? Effects of faculty quality on university engagement with industry Shih-Chang Hung, Richard Whittington Agency in national innovation systems: Institutional entrepreneurship and the professionalization of Taiwanese IT Piera Morlacchi, Richard R. Nelson How medical practice evolves: Learning to treat failing hearts with an implantable device Volume 40, Issue 5 -(June 2011) Chris Hendry, Paul Harborne

Changing the view of wind power development: More than bricolage Yanuar Nugroho Opening the black box: The adoption of innovations in the voluntary sectorThe case of Indonesian civil society organisations Rui Baptista, Francisco Lima, Joana Mendona Establishment of higher education institutions and new firm entry Helena Forsman Innovation capacity and innovation development in small enterprises. A comparison between the manufacturing and service sectors Hiroyuki Okamuro, Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo Determinants of R&D cooperation in Japanese start-ups Junichi Nishimura, Hiroyuki Okamuro Subsidy and networking: The effects of direct and indirect support programs of the cluster policy Kieron Flanagan, Elvira Uyarra, Manuel Laranja Reconceptualising the policy mix for innovation Andrea M. Herrmann, Alexander Peine When national innovation system meet varieties of capitalism arguments on labour qualifications: On the skill types and scientific knowledge needed for radical and incremental product innovations Philip Kappen Competence-creating overlaps and subsidiary technological evolution in the multinational corporation Olof Ejermo, Astrid Kander, Martin Svensson Henning The R&D-growth paradox arises in fast-growing sectors Devi R. Gnyawali, Byung-Jin (Robert) Park Co-opetition between giants: Collaboration with competitors for technological innovation Thomas stebro, Peter Thompson Entrepreneurs, Jacks of all trades or Hobos?


Vol. 15, Iss. 4 (2010)
Peter De Smedt The Use of Impact Assessment Tools to Support Sustainable Policy Objectives in Europe Catrien J.A.M. Termeer, Art Dewulf, and Maartje van Lieshout Disentangling Scale Approaches in Governance Research: Comparing Monocentric, Multilevel, and Adaptive Governance Henrik Ernstson, Stephan Barthel, Erik Andersson, and Sara T. Borgstrm Scale-Crossing Brokers and Network Governance of Urban Ecosystem Services: The Case of Stockholm Selena Ahmed, John R. Stepp, Robban A. J. Toleno, and Charles M. Peters

Increased Market Integration, Value, and Ecological Knowledge of Tea Agroforests in the Akha Highlands of Southwest China Esther Turnhout, Severine Van Bommel, and Noelle Aarts How Participation Creates Citizens: Participatory Governance as Performative Practice Ole Mertz, Cheikh Mbow, Jonas stergaard Nielsen, Abdou Maiga, Drissa Diallo, Anette Reenberg, Awa Diouf, Bruno Barbier, Ibrahim Bouzou Moussa, Malicki Zorom, Ibrahim Ouattara, and Daniel Dabi Climate Factors Play a Limited Role for Past Adaptation Strategies in West Africa Jens Newig, Dirk Gnther, and Claudia Pahl-Wostl Synapses in the Network: Learning in Governance Networks in the Context of Environmental Management Jesse S. Sayles and Monica E. Mulrennan Securing a Future: Cree Hunters Resistance and Flexibility to Environmental Changes, Wemindji, James Bay Meine van Noordwijk and Beria Leimona Principles for Fairness and Efficiency in Enhancing Environmental Services in Asia: Payments, Compensation, or Co-Investment? Christian Hirschi Strengthening Regional Cohesion: Collaborative Networks and Sustainable Development in Swiss Rural Areas Sean S. Downey Can Properties of Labor-Exchange Networks Explain the Resilience of Swidden Agriculture? Rusty A. Feagin, M. Luisa Martinez, Gabriela Mendoza-Gonzalez, and Robert Costanza Salt Marsh Zonal Migration and Ecosystem Service Change in Response to Global Sea Level Rise: A Case Study from an Urban Region Sara A. Gagn and Lenore Fahrig The Trade-off Between Housing Density and Sprawl Area: Minimizing Impacts to Carabid Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Kerrie Anne T. Loyd and Jayna L. DeVore An Evaluation of Feral Cat Management Options Using a Decision Analysis Network Forrest D. Fleischman, Kinga Boenning, Gustavo A. Garcia-Lopez, Sarah Mincey, Mikaela SchmittHarsh, Katrin Daedlow, Maria Claudia Lopez, Xavier Basurto, Burney Fischer, and Elinor Ostrom Disturbance, Response, and Persistence in Self-Organized Forested Communities: Analysis of Robustness and Resilience in Five Communities in Southern Indiana Sarah Mika, Joanna Hoyle, Garreth Kyle, Timothy Howell, Benjamin Wolfenden, Darren Ryder, Daniel Keating, Andrew Boulton, Gary Brierley, Andrew P. Brooks, Kirstie Fryirs, Michelle Leishman, Mark Sanders, Angela Arthington, Robert Creese, Mark Dahm, Craig Miller, Brad Pusey, and Alexandra Spink Inside the Black Box of River Restoration: Using Catchment History to Identify Disturbance and Response Mechanisms to Set Targets for Process-Based Restoration Timothy G. OHiggins, Steven P. Ferraro, Darrin D. Dantin, Steve J. Jordan, and Marnita M. Chintala Habitat Scale Mapping of Fisheries Ecosystem Service Values in Estuaries Brent M. Swallow, Beria Leimona, Thomas Yatich, and Sandra J. Velarde

The Conditions for Functional Mechanisms of Compensation and Reward for Environmental Services Tricia G. Knoot, Lisa A. Schulte, John C. Tyndall, and Brian J. Palik The State of the System and Steps Toward Resilience of Disturbance-dependent Oak Forests Caren B. Cooper and Jennifer A. Smith Gender Patterns in Bird-related Recreation in the USA and UK Susannah M. Sallu, Chasca Twyman, and Lindsay C. Stringer Resilient or Vulnerable Livelihoods? Assessing Livelihood Dynamics and Trajectories in Rural Botswana Lauren S. Urgenson, R. Keala Hagmann, Amanda C. Henck, Stevan Harrell, Thomas M. Hinckley, Sara Jo Shepler, Barbara L. Grub, and Philip M. Chi Social-ecological Resilience of a Nuosu Community-linked Watershed, Southwest Sichuan, China Anna M. Hersperger, Maria-Pia Gennaio, Peter H. Verburg, and Matthias Brgi Linking Land Change with Driving Forces and Actors: Four Conceptual Models Beatrice Crona and Klaus Hubacek The Right Connections: How do Social Networks Lubricate the Machinery of Natural Resource Governance? Carl Folke and Lance Gunderson Resilience and Global Sustainability

Vol. 16, Iss. 1 (2011)

Samantha S. Stone-Jovicich, Timothy Lynam, Anne Leitch, and Natalie A. Jones Using Consensus Analysis to Assess Mental Models about Water Use and Management in the Crocodile River Catchment, South Africa Michel Etienne, Derick R. Du Toit, and Sharon Pollard ARDI: A Co-construction Method for Participatory Modeling in Natural Resources Management Raphael Mathevet, Michel Etienne, Tim Lynam, and Coralie Calvet Water Management in the Camargue Biosphere Reserve: Insights from Comparative Mental Models Analysis Andrew Reid Bell, Nathan Lee Engle, and Maria Carmen Lemos How does Diversity Matter? The Case of Brazilian River Basin Councils James Acheson and Roy Gardner The Evolution of the Maine Lobster V-Notch Practice: Cooperation in a Prisoner's Dilemma Game Colin Beier Factors Influencing Adaptive Capacity in the Reorganization of Forest Management in Alaska Maartje van Lieshout, Art Dewulf, Noelle Aarts, and Catrien Termeer

Do Scale Frames Matter? Scale Frame Mismatches in the Decision Making Process of a Mega Farm in a Small Dutch Village Verina Ingram and Justin Njikeu Sweet, Sticky, and Sustainable Social Business Dirk F. van Apeldoorn, Kasper Kok, Marthijn P.W. Sonneveld, and Tom (A.) Veldkamp Panarchy Rules: Rethinking Resilience of Agroecosystems, Evidence from Dutch DairyFarming Dirk J. Roux, Kevin Murray, Jeanne L. Nel, Liesl Hill, Hermien Roux, and Amanda Driver From Scorecard to Social Learning: A Reflective Coassessment Approach for Promoting Multiagency Cooperation in Natural Resource Management Nathan L. Engle, Owen R. Johns, Maria Carmen Lemos, and Donald R. Nelson Integrated and Adaptive Management of Water Resources: Tensions, Legacies, and the Next Best Thing Laura Astigarraga and Stphane Ingrand Production Flexibility in Extensive Beef Farming Systems Michael Rawson Clark and Joelyn Sarrah Kozar Comparing Sustainable Forest Management Certifications Standards: A Meta-analysis Rachel Carmenta, Luke Parry, Alan Blackburn, Saskia Vermeylen, and Jos Barlow Understanding Human-Fire Interactions in Tropical Forest Regions: a Case for Interdisciplinary Research across the Natural and Social Sciences. Bradley May and Ryan Plummer Accommodating the Challenges of Climate Change Adaptation and Governance in Conventional Risk Management: Adaptive Collaborative Risk Management (ACRM) Susan A. Mainka and Jeffrey McNeely Ecosystem Considerations for Postdisaster Recovery: Lessons from China, Pakistan, and Elsewhere for Recovery Planning in Haiti Alex O. Awiti Biological Diversity and Resilience: Lessons from the Recovery of Cichlid Species in Lake Victoria Martin J. Bunch, Karen E. Morrison, Margot W. Parkes, and Henry D. Venema Promoting Health and Well-Being by Managing for SocialEcological Resilience: the Potential of Integrating Ecohealth and Water Resources Management Approaches Ashlynn S. Stillwell, Carey W. King, Michael E. Webber, Ian J. Duncan, and Amy Hardberger The Energy-Water Nexus in Texas Janna M. Shackeroff, Lisa M. Campbell, and Larry B. Crowder Social-Ecological Guilds: Putting People into Marine Historical Ecology Rianne M. Bijlsma, Pieter W. G. Bots, Henk A. Wolters, and Arjen Y. Hoekstra An Empirical Analysis of Stakeholders Influence on Policy Development: the Role of Uncertainty Handling Anne Gerdien Prins, Bas Eickhout, Martin Banse, Hans van Meijl, Willem Rienks, and Geert Woltjer Global Impacts of European Agricultural and Biofuel Policies

Natalie A. Jones, Helen Ross, Timothy Lynam, Pascal Perez, and Anne Leitch Mental Models: An Interdisciplinary Synthesis of Theory and Methods Alan Watson, Roian Matt, Katie Knotek, Daniel R. Williams, and Laurie Yung Traditional Wisdom: Protecting Relationships with Wilderness as a Cultural Landscape Esther Turnhout and Susan Boonman-Berson Databases, Scaling Practices, and the Globalization of Biodiversity Max O. Stephenson, Jr. Considering the Relationships among Social Conflict, Social Imaginaries, Resilience, and Community-based Organization Leadership Arianne T. de Blaeij, Nico Polman, and Stijn Reinhard Economic Governance to Expand Commercial Wetlands: Within- and Cross-Scale Challenges Maja Schlter and Elke Herrfahrdt-Phle Exploring Resilience and Transformability of a River Basin in the Face of Socioeconomic and Ecological Crisis: an Example from the Amudarya River Basin, Central Asia Andrew Reid Bell Environmental Licensing and Land Aggregation: An Agent-Based Approach to Understanding Ranching and Land Use in Rural Rondnia Duan Biggs Understanding Resilience in a Vulnerable Industry: the Case of Reef Tourism in Australia Katharina Helming, Katharina Diehl, Tom Kuhlman, Torbjrn Jansson, Peter H. Verburg, Martha Bakker, Marta Perez-Soba, Laurence Jones, Pieter Johannes Verkerk, Paul Tabbush, Jake Breton Morris, Zuzana Drillet, John Farrington, Pierre LeMoul, Paul Zagame, Tomasz Stuczynski, Grzegorz Siebielec, Stefan Sieber, and Hubert Wiggering Ex Ante Impact Assessment of Policies Affecting Land Use, Part B: Application of the Analytical Framework Mara A. Mez Costa, Eddy J. Moors, and Evan D. G. Fraser Socioeconomics, Policy, or Climate Change: What is Driving Vulnerability in Southern Portugal? Katharina Helming, Katharina Diehl, Hanne Bach, Oliver Dilly, Bettina Knig, Tom Kuhlman, Marta Prez-Soba, Stefan Sieber, Paul Tabbush, Karen Tscherning, Dirk Wascher, and Hubert Wiggering Ex Ante Impact Assessment of Policies Affecting Land Use, Part A: Analytical Framework Katherine A. Spielmann, Margaret Nelson, Scott Ingram, and Matthew A. Peeples Sustainable Small-Scale Agriculture in Semi-Arid Environments Margaret C. Nelson, Michelle Hegmon, Stephanie R. Kulow, Matthew A. Peeples, Keith W. Kintigh, and Ann P. Kinzig Resisting Diversity: a Long-Term Archaeological Study Ignacio Palomo, Berta Martn-Lpez, Cesar Lpez-Santiago, and Carlos Montes Participatory Scenario Planning for Protected Areas Management under the Ecosystem Services Framework: the Doana Social-Ecological System in Southwestern Spain Matthijs Bonte, Pieter J. Stuyfzand, Adriana Hulsmann, and Patrick Van Beelen Underground Thermal Energy Storage: Environmental Risks and Policy Developments in the Netherlands and European Union

Marleen Buizer, Bas Arts, and Kasper Kok Governance, Scale and the Environment: The Importance of Recognizing Knowledge Claims in Transdisciplinary Arenas Federica Ravera, David Tarrasn, and Elisabeth Simelton Envisioning Adaptive Strategies to Change: Participatory Scenarios for Agropastoral Semiarid Systems in Nicaragua Anne van der Veen and Tagel Gebrehiwot Effect of Policy Interventions on Food Security in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia Esther Mwangi, Ruth Meinzen-Dick, and Yan Sun Gender and Sustainable Forest Management in East Africa and Latin America Jens Karlsson and Magnus Sjstrm Subsidized Fencing of Livestock as a Means of Increasing Tolerance for Wolves Jennifer F. Brewer Paper Fish and Policy Conflict: Catch Shares and Ecosystem-Based Management in Maines Groundfishery Jennifer K. Costanza and Aaron Moody Deciding Where to Burn: Stakeholder Priorities for Prescribed Burning of a FireDependent Ecosystem Jake Breton Morris, Valentina Tassone, Rudolf de Groot, Marguerite Camilleri, and Stefano Moncada A Framework for Participatory Impact Assessment: Involving Stakeholders in European Policy Making, a Case Study of Land Use Change in Malta Andrea Rawluk and Annelise Godber Widening the Scope of Scenario Planning in Small Communities: a Case Study Use of an Alternative Method Ryan C. Atwell, Lisa A. Schulte, and Lynne M. Westphal Tweak, Adapt, or Transform: Policy Scenarios in Response to Emerging Bioenergy Markets in the U.S. Corn Belt Driss Ezzine de Blas, Manuel Ruiz-Prez, and Cdric Vermeulen Management Conflicts in Cameroonian Community Forests Michele-Lee Moore and Frances Westley Surmountable Chasms: Networks and Social Innovation for Resilient Systems Amy E. Duchelle, Peter Cronkleton, Karen A. Kainer, Gladys Guanacoma, and Salvador Gezan Resource Theft in Tropical Forest Communities: Implications for Non-timber Management, Livelihoods, and Conservation Tom Veldkamp, Nico Polman, Stijn Reinhard, and Maja Slingerland From Scaling to Governance of the Land System: Bridging Ecological and Economic Perspectives Katharina Helming and Marta Prez-Soba Landscape Scenarios and Multifunctionality: Making Land Use Impact Assessment Operational Rodney van der Ree, Jochen A. G. Jaeger, Edgar A. van der Grift, and Anthony P. Clevenger

Effects of Roads and Traffic on Wildlife Populations and Landscape Function: Road Ecology is Moving toward Larger Scales

European Urban and Regional Studies

October 2010; 17 (4)
Anita Kokx and Ronald van Kempen Dutch urban governance: Multi-level or multi-scalar? Jose M. Barrutia and Carmen Echebarria Social capital, research and development, and innovation: An empirical analysis of Spanish and Italian regions Markku Sotarauta Regional development and regional networks: The role of regional development officers in Finland Carlos Oliveira and Isabel Breda-Vzquez Contradictory rescaling: Confronting state restructuring and the building of new spatial policies Veiko Sepp and Jaanus Veemaa The reproduction of Estonian provinces in the context of transitional administrative reform Bo Nilsson Ideology, environment and forced relocation: Kiruna - a town on the move Sanja Ivic he Assembly of European Regions Udine Declaration: Contradictory approaches to European and regional identities

January 2011; 18 (1)

Michael Storper Justice, efficiency and economic geography: should places help one another to develop? Michael Dunford and Godfrey Yeung Towards global convergence: Emerging economies, the rise of China and western sunset? Stein stbye and Olle Westerlund Industrial structure, regional productivity and convergence: The case of Norway and Sweden Sara Gonzlez The North/South divide in Italy and England: Discursive construction of regional inequality Vasilis Avdikos Local hegemonic blocs: The case of tourism in Rhodes Andrew Smith and Ingvild von Krogh Strand Oslos new Opera House: Cultural flagship, regeneration tool or destination icon?

April 2011; 18 (2)


Roberto Ezcurra,Belen Irizoz,Pedro Pascual,Manuel Rapn Agricultural productivity in the European regions: Trends and explanatory factors Ricardo Mndez and Simn Snchez Moral Spanish cities in the knowledge economy: Theoretical debates and empirical evidence Marta Lackowska and Karsten Zimmermann New forms of territorial governance in metropolitan regions? A PolishGerman comparison Johan Fredrik Rye Youth migration, rurality and class: a Bourdieusian approach Ali T. Akarca and Cem Balevent Persistence in regional voting patterns in Turkey during a period of major political realignment Finbarr Brereton, Craig Bullock, J. Peter Clinch, and Mark Scott Rural change and individual well-being: the case of Ireland and rural quality of life Karl Benediktsson and Anna Karlsdttir Iceland: crisis and regional development Thanks for all the fish?

Global Environmental Change

Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages 275-770 (May 2011)
Karin Bckstrand, James Meadowcroft, Michael Oppenheimer The politics and policy of carbon capture and storage: Framing an emergent technology Philip J. Vergragt, Nils Markusson, Henrik Karlsson Carbon capture and storage, bio-energy with carbon capture and storage, and the escape from the fossil-fuel lock-in Nils Markusson, Atsushi Ishii, Jennie C. Stephens The social and political complexities of learning in carbon capture and storage demonstration projects Asbjrn Torvanger, James Meadowcroft The political economy of technology support: Making decisions about carbon capture and storage and low carbon energy technologies Melisa Pollak, Sarah Johnson Phillips, Shalini Vajjhala Carbon capture and storage policy in the United States: A new coalition endeavors to change existing policy Elizabeth Wilson, Dongjie Zhang, Li Zheng The socio-political context for deploying carbon capture and storage in China and the U.S Katarina Buhr, Anders Hansson Capturing the stories of corporations: A comparison of media debates on carbon capture and storage in Norway and Sweden Christoph von Stechow, Jim Watson, Barbara Praetorius Policy incentives for carbon capture and storage technologies in Europe: A qualitative multi-criteria analysis

Atsushi Ishii, Oluf Langhelle Toward policy integration: Assessing carbon capture and storage policies in Japan and Norway Heleen de Coninck, Karin Bckstrand An International Relations perspective on the global politics of carbon dioxide capture and storage Jennie C. Stephens, Anders Hansson, Yue Liu, Heleen de Coninck, Shalini Vajjhala Characterizing the international carbon capture and storage community Mikael Romn Carbon capture and storage in developing countries: A comparison of Brazil, South Africa and India Mark Jaccard, JianJun Tu Show some enthusiasm, but not too much: carbon capture and storage development prospects in China Agns Bgu, Elodie Vintrou, Denis Ruelland, Maxime Claden, Nadine Dessay Can a 25-year trend in Soudano-Sahelian vegetation dynamics be interpreted in terms of land use change? A remote sensing approach Clark L. Gray Soil quality and human migration in Kenya and Uganda Diana Sietz, Matthias K.B. Ldeke, Carsten Walther Categorisation of typical vulnerability patterns in global drylands L.G. Horlings, T.K. Marsden Towards the real green revolution? Exploring the conceptual dimensions of a new ecological modernisation of agriculture that could feed the world Sarah Coulthard, Derek Johnson, J. Allister McGregor Poverty, sustainability and human wellbeing: A social wellbeing approach to the global fisheries crisis Shannon M. McNeeley, Martha D. Shulski Anatomy of a closing window: Vulnerability to changing seasonality in Interior Alaska Stuart R. Harrop, Diana J. Pritchard A hard instrument goes soft: The implications of the Convention on Biological Diversity's current trajectory Rasmus Klocker Larsen, Emma Calgaro, Frank Thomalla Governing resilience building in Thailand's tourism-dependent coastal communities: Conceptualising stakeholder agency in socialecological systems Giulia Wegner, Unai Pascual Cost-benefit analysis in the context of ecosystem services for human well-being: A multidisciplinary critique Jasper O. Kenter, Tony Hyde, Michael Christie, Ioan Fazey The importance of deliberation in valuing ecosystem services in developing countries Evidence from the Solomon Islands Martin D. Robards, Michael L. Schoon, Chanda L. Meek, Nathan L. Engle

The importance of social drivers in the resilient provision of ecosystem services Stefanie Hufnagl-Eichiner, Steven A. Wolf, Laurie E. Drinkwater Assessing socialecological coupling: Agriculture and hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico Anne M. Larson Forest tenure reform in the age of climate change: Lessons for REDD+ Timo Kumpula, Anu Pajunen, Elina Kaarlejrvi, Bruce C. Forbes, Florian Stammler Land use and land cover change in Arctic Russia: Ecological and social implications of industrial development Giles Atkinson, Kirk Hamilton, Giovanni Ruta, Dominique Van Der Mensbrugghe Trade in virtual carbon: Empirical results and implications for policy Detlef P. van Vuuren, Morna Isaac, Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz, Nigel Arnell, Terry Barker, Patrick Criqui, Frans Berkhout, Henk Hilderink, Jochen Hinkel, Andries Hof, Alban Kitous, Tom Kram, Reinhard Mechler, Serban Scrieciu The use of scenarios as the basis for combined assessment of climate change mitigation and adaptation Nigel W. Arnell, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Morna Isaac The implications of climate policy for the impacts of climate change on global water resources Consuelo Varela-Ortega, Irene Blanco-Gutirrez, Christopher H. Swartz, Thomas E. Downing Balancing groundwater conservation and rural livelihoods under water and climate uncertainties: An integrated hydro-economic modeling framework Hans de Moel, Jeroen C.J.H. Aerts, Eric Koomen Development of flood exposure in the Netherlands during the 20th and 21st century Richard J. Dawson, Tom Ball, Jonathan Werritty, Alan Werritty, Jim W. Hall, Nicolas Roche Assessing the effectiveness of non-structural flood management measures in the Thames Estuary under conditions of socio-economic and environmental change Nathan L. Engle Adaptive capacity and its assessment Natasha Kuruppu, Diana Liverman Mental preparation for climate adaptation: The role of cognition and culture in enhancing adaptive capacity of water management in Kiribati Jane Yardley, Ronald J. Sigal, Glen P. Kenny Heat health planning: The importance of social and community factors Lisa Dilling, Maria Carmen Lemos Creating usable science: Opportunities and constraints for climate knowledge use and their implications for science policy Lorraine Whitmarsh Scepticism and uncertainty about climate change: Dimensions, determinants and change over time Channing Arndt, Sherman Robinson, Dirk Willenbockel Ethiopia's growth prospects in a changing climate: A stochastic general equilibrium approach

Peter D. Howe Hurricane preparedness as anticipatory adaptation: A case study of community businesses M . Farrelly, R. Brown Rethinking urban water management: Experimentation as a way forward? Michel G.J. den Elzen, Andries F. Hof, Mark Roelfsema The emissions gap between the Copenhagen pledges and the 2 C climate goal: Options for closing and risks that could widen the gap Seema Arora-Jonsson Virtue and vulnerability: Discourses on women, gender and climate change Christopher Aitken, Ralph Chapman, John McClure Climate change, powerlessness and the commons dilemma: Assessing New Zealanders preparedness to act Andrew J. Newsham, David S.G. Thomas Knowing, farming and climate change adaptation in North-Central Namibia

Volume 21, Issue 1 -pp. 1-274 (February 2011)

Arun Agrawal, Ashwini Chhatre Against mono-consequentialism: Multiple outcomes and their drivers in socialecological systems Peter Newell The elephant in the room: Capitalism and global environmental change Joshua.E. Cinner, Carl. Folke, Tim. Daw, Christina.C. Hicks Responding to change: Using scenarios to understand how socioeconomic factors may influence amplifying or dampening exploitation feedbacks among Tanzanian fishers Eric Neumayer, Fabian Barthel Normalizing economic loss from natural disasters: A global analysis Lea Berrang-Ford, James D. Ford, Jaclyn Paterson Are we adapting to climate change? Kelly C. de Bruin, Rob B. Dellink How harmful are restrictions on adapting to climate change? Syud Amer Ahmed, Noah S. Diffenbaugh, Thomas W. Hertel, David B. Lobell, Navin Ramankutty, Ana R. Rios, Pedram Rowhani Climate volatility and poverty vulnerability in Tanzania Lorraine Whitmarsh, Gill Seyfang, Saffron ONeill Public engagement with carbon and climate change: To what extent is the public carbon capable? Elisa Frank, Hallie Eakin, David Lpez-Carr Social identity, perception and motivation in adaptation to climate risk in the coffee sector of Chiapas, Mexico Arunprakash T. Karunanithi, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Tarsha Eason, Heriberto Cabezas

The characterization of socio-political instability, development and sustainability with Fisher information Michael Howlett, Sima Joshi-Koop Transnational learning, policy analytical capacity, and environmental policy convergence: Survey results from Canada Danny Cassimon, Martin Prowse, Dennis Essers The pitfalls and potential of debt-for-nature swaps: A US-Indonesian case study Thomas A. Morton, Anna Rabinovich, Dan Marshall, Pamela Bretschneider uncertainty in climate change communications Kathleen A. Farley, Christina Tague, Gordon E. Grant Vulnerability of water supply from the Oregon Cascades to changing climate: Linking science to users and policy Martina K. Linnenluecke, Alexander Stathakis, Andrew Griffiths Firm relocation as adaptive response to climate change and weather extremes T. Rogers-Hayden, F. Hatton, I. Lorenzoni Energy security and climate change: Constructing UK energy discursive realities P. Krishna Krishnamurthy, Joshua B. Fisher, Craig Johnson Mainstreaming local perceptions of hurricane risk into policymaking: A case study of community GIS in Mexico Daniel H. de Vries Temporal vulnerability in hazardscapes: Flood memory-networks and referentiality along the North Carolina Neuse River (USA) Julien-Franois Gerber Conflicts over industrial tree plantations in the South: Who, how and why? Rachel A. Howell Lights, camera action? Altered attitudes and behaviour in response to the climate change film The Age of Stupid Tim Harries, Edmund Penning-Rowsell Victim pressure, institutional inertia and climate change adaptation: The case of flood risk Jochen Hinkel Indicators of vulnerability and adaptive capacity: Towards a clarification of the science policy interface Antony Millner, Richard Washington What determines perceived value of seasonal climate forecasts? A theoretical analysis R.I. Arthur, R.M. Friend Inland capture fisheries in the Mekong and their place and potential within food-led regional development Declan Conway, E. Lisa F. Schipper Adaptation to climate change in Africa: Challenges and opportunities identified from Ethiopia Matthew B. Charlton, Nigel W. Arnell

Adapting to climate change impacts on water resources in EnglandAn assessment of draft Water Resources Management Plans David Manuel-Navarrete, Mark Pelling, Michael Redclift Critical adaptation to hurricanes in the Mexican Caribbean: Development visions, governance structures, and coping strategies

Volume 20, Issue 4, Pages 547-752 (October 2010)

W. Neil Adger, Katrina Brown, Declan Conway Progress in global environmental change Elinor Ostrom Polycentric systems for coping with collective action and global environmental change Mike Hulme Problems with making and governing global kinds of knowledge Frans Berkhout Reconstructing boundaries and reason in the climate debate B.L. Turner II Vulnerability and resilience: Coalescing or paralleling approaches for sustainability science? Thomas W. Hertel, Marshall B. Burke, David B. Lobell The poverty implications of climate-induced crop yield changes by 2030 Gorka Merino, Manuel Barange, Christian Mullon, Lynda Rodwell Impacts of global environmental change and aquaculture expansion on marine ecosystems Hans-Martin Fssel How inequitable is the global distribution of responsibility, capability, and vulnerability to climate change: A comprehensive indicator-based assessment Graciela Gil-Romera, Henry F. Lamb, David Turton, Miguel Sevilla-Callejo, Mohammed Umer Long-term resilience, bush encroachment patterns and local knowledge in a Northeast African savanna Emma L. Tompkins, W. Neil Adger, Emily Boyd, Sophie Nicholson-Cole, Keith Weatherhead, Nigel Arnell Observed adaptation to climate change: UK evidence of transition to a well-adapting society Heinz Schandl, Jim West Resource use and resource efficiency in the AsiaPacific region Craig A. Johnson, Krishna Krishnamurthy Dealing with displacement: Can social protection facilitate long-term adaptation to climate change? Alexa Spence, Nick Pidgeon Framing and communicating climate change: The effects of distance and outcome frame manipulations

James D. Ford, Lea Berrang-Ford, Malcolm King, Chris Furgal Vulnerability of Aboriginal health systems in Canada to climate change L. Petheram, K.K. Zander, B.M. Campbell, C. High, N. Stacey Strange changes: Indigenous perspectives of climate change and adaptation in NE Arnhem Land (Australia) Margot W. Parkes, Karen E. Morrison, Martin J. Bunch, Lars K. Hallstrm, R. Cynthia Neudoerffer, Henry D. Venema, David Waltner-Toews Towards integrated governance for water, health and socialecological systems: The watershed governance prism Fernanda Michalski, Jean Paul Metzger, Carlos A. Peres Rural property size drives patterns of upland and riparian forest retention in a tropical deforestation frontier Ioan Fazey, Mike Kesby, Anna Evely, Ian Latham, Daniel Wagatora, Jude-Edward Hagasua, Mark S. Reed, Mike Christie A three-tiered approach to participatory vulnerability assessment in the Solomon Islands David G. Ockwell, Ruediger Haum, Alexandra Mallett, Jim Watson Intellectual property rights and low carbon technology transfer: Conflicting discourses of diffusion and development Jonathan R. Barton, Arnt Flysand The political ecology of Chilean salmon aquaculture, 19822010: A trajectory from economic development to global sustainability

Journal of Sustainable Development

Vol 4, No 3 (2011)
Brian Osende, John Patrick Abraham, Greg Mowry Small-Scale Use of Solar Power in Remote, Developing Regions: A Case Study Ibrahim Khalil Adam, Ahmad Galadima, Auwalu Inuwa Muhammad Biofuels in the Quest for Sustainable Energy Development Vereda Johnson Williams A Case Study of the Desertification of Haiti Rachel JC Chen Effects of Climate Change in North America: An Overview Anupam Khajuria, Takanori Matsui, Takashi Machimura Economic Growth Decoupling Municipal Solid Waste Loads in Terms of Environmental Kuznets Curve: Symptom of the Decoupling in India Cesar A Poveda, Michael G Lipsett A Rating System for Sustainability of Industrial Projects with Application in Oil Sands and Heavy Oil Projects: Origins and Fundamentals Stephen O. Oluwatobi, Oluranti. I. Ogunrinola Government Expenditure on Human Capital Development: Implications for Economic Growth in Nigeria


Priyono Suryanto, Mohd.Zaki Hamzah, Azmy Mohamed, Moh.Azani Alias, Nawari Nawari, Wiratno Wiratno Exploring the Potential of Silviculture Agroforestry Regime as a Compatible Management in Southern Gunung Merapi National Park, Java, Indonesia Keinichi Kanno, Takeshi Hidaka, Tetsuo Kaneko, Hirofumi Kawazumi, Morio Karube, Youichi Kaneko, Shigefumi Toyofuku, Toshiyuki Hirayama, Rumiko Saiki, Yayoi Oda, Keiji Nakanishi, Keiji Nakaishi, Susumu Kobori, Aki Hayata The Partnership between a University and 5 Schools for Wise Use of Biodiversity Yan Li Research on the Performance Measurement of Green Supply Chain Management in China Manoch Wongsuryrat, Kasem Chunkao, Piboon Prabuddham, Mitree Daungsavat Distribution, Abundance and Conservation Status of Dugong around Koh Talibong, Trang Province, Thailand Hamoon Khelghat-Doost, Zainal Abidin Sanusi, Tunku Fatimah Firdaus Dato Tunku Faridd, Govindran Jegatesen Institutions of Higher Education and Partnerships in Education for Sustainable Development: Case Study of the Regional Center of Expertise (RCE) Penang, Malaysia Dende Gbolagade Adejumo An Assessment of the Impact of Industrial Development Centres (IDCS) On Generation of Employment by Small Scale Businesses in Nigeria Farzaneh Sasanpour, Mohamd Solymani Mehrejani Evaluation on the Sustainability of Metropolitan Environment for Good Urban Management by Ecological Footprint Model Zhou You, Wenkuan Chen, Liu Song An Evaluation on Construction Land Intensive Use in Chengdu City Raed M. Elottol, Azizi Bahauddin A Competitive Study on the Interior Environment and the Interior Circulation Design of Malaysian Museums and Elderly Satisfaction AKPOMUVIE ORHIOGHENE BENEDICT Breaking Barriers to Transformation of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: A Human Development Paradigm Austin Otegbulu, Olusola Johnson The Impact of Jacuzzi Bathtubs on House Prices Hongquan Li, Houhog Jin, Yongmin Hua, Chuanchuan Kong, Li Lin Green Research based on Cultural Three-Hierarchy Theory Rosemond Boohene, James Atta Peprah Women, Livelihood and Oil and Gas Discovery in Ghana: An exploratory Study of Cape Three Points and Surrounding Communities Nicholas Fielmua The Role of the Community Ownership and Management Strategy towards Sustainable Access to Water in Ghana (A Case of Nadowli District) Muhammad khan, Naeem Akram, Muhammad Iftikhar ul Husnain, Ihtsham ul Haq Padda, Saima Akhtar Qureshi

Poverty-Environment Nexus: Use of Pesticide in Cotton Zone of Punjab, Pakistan Jacopo Parigiani, Aman Desai, Roselyne Mariki, Reid Miner The Carbon Footprint of an East African Forestry Enterprise Seyed Manaf Hashemi, Hadi Mahmoudinejad, Omid Ahadian Improvement of Environment Security and Decrease of Crimes with the Confirmation of CPTED (with the Emphasis on Irans Condition) AWOREMI, JOSHUA REMI, ABDUL-AZEEZ, IBRAHEEM ADEGOKE, OPOOLA, NURAIN. A. An Appraisal of the Factors Influencing Rural-Urban Migration in Some Selected Local Government Areas of Lagos State Nigeria D K Shangodoyin, T A Lasisi The Role of Statistics in National Development with Reference to Botswana and Nigeria Statistical Systems Lei Wang, Changquan Wang, Bing Li, Wanqiu Wang Sustainable Land Use Evaluation in Wanzhou District

Vol 4, No 2 (2011)
Omid Ahadian, Amin Alizadeh, Omid Azeri, Hadi Mahmoudinejad Urban Management and Internal Immigration regarding Socio-cultural Aspects (With Special Attention on Irans Experiences and Condition) Chuanlian Song Analysis on the Urgency of Environmental Cost Control of Agricultural Product Processing Industry in Jilin Province Olabosipo Fagbenle, Felix Makinde, Adedamola Oluwunmi Factors Influencing Construction Clients/Contractors Choice of Subcontractors in Nigeria Km. Saroj Gupta Environment Court in India The Role of Judiciary in Promoting Sustainable Development: Need of Specialized Austin C. Otegbulu Economics of Green Design and Environmental Sustainability Zhou You, Wenkuan Chen, Liu Song Evaluating Ecological Tourism under Sustainable Development in Karst Area Aper, J.A, Agbehi, S.I The Determining Factors of Rural Water Supply Pattern in Ugbokolo Community, Benue State- Nigeria Abdul Malek Abdul Rahman, Hirda Lailani Khalid, Yusri Yusup Optimizing Wind Power for Energy Efficient Building Design in Tropical Hot-humid Climate of Malaysia Mengchun Ding, Dan Wang, Ying Wang SCP Paradigm Analysis and Countermeasures of Chinas Automobile Industry AKPOMUVIE, ORHIOGHENE, BENEDICT

Tragedy of Commons: Analysis of Oil Spillage, Gas Flaring and Sustainable Development of the Niger Delta of Nigeria Debasis Guha, S. Mandal, A. Dutta Evaluation of Urban Lentic Water Quality Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis Romzi A., Ahmad Tarmizi A. R., Mansur T., Anna Lynn A. B., Budi Anto M. T., Nordin, M Loyalty (The National Principles): Strengthening Eco-Tourism Industry in Sabah, Malaysia Abdullah- Al- Mamun, Sazali Abdul Wahab, C. A. Malarvizhi p174 Examining the Effect of Microcredit on Employment in Peninsular Malaysia Wenhui Zhao, Haibin Sun, Hui Wang, Quansheng Shi Game Analysis of the China Wind-farm Investment Market Zurina Mahadi, Abdul Samad Abdul Hadi, Hukil Sino Public Sustainable Development Values: A Case Study in Sepang, Malaysia Dongmei Qu, Junpeng Qu Research on the Priority of Environmental Tort Obligation in Bankrupt Enterprises under the Background of Low Carbon Economy Nedhal Ahmed M. Al-Tamimi, Sharifah Fairuz Syed Fadzil, Wan Mariah Wan Harun The Effects of Orientation, Ventilation, and Varied WWR on the Thermal Performance of Residential Rooms in the Tropics Beytola Mahmoudi, Amin Haghsetan, Raheleh Maleki Investigation of Obstacles and Strategies of Rural Tourism Development Using SWOT Matrix Akachi Odoemene Social Consequences of Environmental Change in the Niger Delta of Nigeria OLABISI S. YUSUFF Students Access to Housing: A Case of Lagos State University Students Nigeria Meiying Yang On the Principles and Target Mode of Overall Planning for the China Public Goods Supply Arif Rahman Hakim, Sri Subanti, Mangara Tambunan Economic Valuation of Nature-Based Tourism Object in Rawapening, Indonesia: An Application of Travel Cost and Contingent Valuation Method Amornwan Resanond, Thanwa Jittsanguan, Damrong Sriphraram Companys Competitiveness Enhancement for Thai Agribusiness through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) AJIBOLA, M. O., OLOKE, O. C., OGUNGBEMI, A. O Impacts of Gated Communities on Residential Property Values: A Comparison of ONIPETESI Estate and Its Neighbourhoods in IKEJA, Lagos State, Nigeria Margaret Gangte Sustainable Community Development Alternative: Unlocking the Lock (Case Study of Northeast Region of India) O.A. AKINJARE, C.A. AYEDUN, A.O. OLUWATOBI, O.C. IROHAM Impact of Sanitary Landfills on Urban Residential Property Value in Lagos State, Nigeria

Md. Sanuwar Rashid Longing for Sustainability- A General View of Western Market Siti Norsazlina Haron, Md Yusof Hamid Quality of Hospital In-use: Usability Evaluation Method as an Assessment Grigoris Giannarakis, Nikolaos Litinas, Ioannis Theotokas A Delphi Study to Identify Corporate Social Responsibility Indicators: The Case of Greek Telecommunication Sector Hasnat Dewan Does the Primary Condition for a Sustainable Human Development Meet the Feasibility Condition of Cost-Benefit Analysis?

Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Ayman Mohamed Nour The Potential of GIS Tools in Strategic Urban Planning Process; as an Approach for Sustainable Development in Egypt Mohamad Fadzil Basir Ahmad, Kamarul Ariffin Abd Rashid Lecturers Industrial Attachment Programme to Increase Lecturers Soft Skill and Technological Competencies for Global Stability and Security Andr Melachio Tameko, Hermann Pythagore Donfouet, Fondo Sikod The Economic Valuation of Improved Urban Parks: A Case Study of Warda Park Amir Ghayour Kazemi, Amir Hossein Shirvani An Overview of Some Vernacular Techniques in Iranian Sustainable Architecture in Reference to Cisterns and Ice Houses Zhiquan Wu, Shaoxiang Zhou, Liansuo An The Second Law (Exergy) Analysis of Hydrogen Enu, Donald Bette, Ugwu, Ude Human Security and Sustainable Peace Building in Nigeria: The Niger Delta Gabriel Kayode Babawale, Yewande Adewunmi The Impact of Neighbourhood Churches on House Prices Nanik Ram, Imamuddin Khoso, Shaukat Ali Raza, Kamran Shafiq, Faiz.M. Shaikh Sustainable Rural Development though Women Participation in SMEs Business Growth in Sindh Efe Ewaen Ikponmwosa, Musbau Ajibade Salau Effect of Short Steel Fibre Reinforcement on Laterized Concrete Columns Weihua Du Cooperative Game on Economic Management of Air Environment Harjeet Kaur Impact of Human Resource Factors on Perceived Environmental Performance: an Empirical Analysis of a Sample of ISO 14001 EMS Companies in Malaysia Hongquan Li, Houzhong Jin, Guoying Yuan Research on Brand Equity of SportsTake the Replacement of the Brand Lining as Example

Aremu Mukaila Ayanda, Adeyemi Sidikat Laraba Small and Medium Scale Enterprises as A Survival Strategy for Employment Generation in Nigeria Lawal P.O Effects of Sand/Gravel Mining in Minna Emirate Area of Nigeria on Stakeholders ONI Ayotunde Olawande, AJAYI Cyril Ayodele Effects of Property Tax on Sustainable Housing Delivery in Lagos State, Nigeria Massoomeh Hedayati Marzbali, Aldrin Abdullah, Nordin Abd. Razak, Mohammad Javad Maghsoodi Tilaki A Review of the Effectiveness of Crime Prevention by Design Approaches towards Sustainable Development Olufemi Daniel Durodola, Samuel Adesiyan Oloyede Empirical Determination of Property Assets Management Styles in South-Western Nigeria Hotels Masood Sarwar Awan, Nasir Iqbal, Muhammad Waqas The Impact of Human Capital on Urban Poverty: The Case of Sargodha City Jean Hugues The Economic Value of Congo Basin Protected Areas Goods and Services Cecilia Gonalves Simes, Lavinia Poruschi, Misa Masuda Compensations for Avoided Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Implications from Direct Payments Salam Bash AlMaliky, Zainab Qahtan ElKhayat Performance of Trickling Filter with Bio Fillings for the Treatment of Municipal Waste Atikah Fukaihah Amir, Foong Swee Yeok, Aldrin Abdullah, Abdul Malek Abdul Rahman The Most Effective Malaysian Legume Plants as Biofacade for Building Wall Application Joel Efiong Changing Pattern of Land Use in the Calabar River Catchment, Southeastern Nigeria Ayman Mohamed Nour Challenges and Advantages of Community Participation as an Approach for Sustainable Urban Development in Egypt Chad McGuire, Helen Perivier The Nonexistence of Sustainability in International Maritime Shipping: Issues For Consideration Mamadou SAMAKE, Zhonghua Tang, Win HLAING, Innocent NDOH MBUE, Kanyamanda Kasereka, Waheed O. Balogun Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment in Shallow Aquifer in Linfen Basin, Shanxi Province, China Using DRASTIC Model Muhammad Zudhy Irawan, Tomonori Sumi Promoting Active Transport in Students Travel Behavior: A Case from Yogyakarta (Indonesia) Stephen D. Reay, Judith P. McCool, Andrew Withell

Exploring the feasibility of Cradle to Cradle (product) design: perspective from New Zealand Scientists Nicholas Christos Zaferatos Sustaining the Ancient Olive Community: Strategies for Mediterranean Sustainable Development Don Clifton Progressing a Sustainable-world: A Case study of the South Australian Government

Vol. 3, No. 4, December 2010

Jimmy O. Adegoke, Mofoluso Fageja, Godstime James, Ganiyu Agbaje, Temi E. Ologunorisa An Assessment of Recent Changes in the Niger Delta Coastline Using Satellite Imagery Fagbenle, Olabosipo I., Oluwunmi, Adedamola Building Failure and Collapse in Nigeria: the Influence of the Informal Sector Francis Bisong, Elizabeth Andrew-Essien Indigenous Land Tenure Reforms in the Conservation of Common Property Resources in the High Forest Regions of South-Eastern Nigeria Imamuddin Khoso, Nanik Ram, Babak Mehmood, Faiz. M.Shaikh, Kamran Shafiq Sustainability: Its Changing Paradigm and Rural Development in Sindh Yanping Liu Establishing Modern Concept of Wealth, Prompting Chinese Social Sustainable Development M. O. Bello, Ashaolu T. A. Teleworking and the Demand for Office Space in Lagos Island, Nigeria Seidawan Hosseini, Soran Shangapour Study of Sustainable Settlements of Hawraman, Kurdistan, and Its Sustainable Approaches to Design of a Residential Complex in Mosha Touristic Village, Iran Xiangwei Liu Remote Sensing Image Classification of the Improved BP NN Ayo Emmanuel Olajuyigbe Sustainable Water Service Delivery: An Assessment of a Water Agency in a Rapidly Urbanizing City in Nigeria Sergio Alvarez, Sherry L. Larkin Valuing Ecological Restoration and Recreational Benefits in a Mountain Protected Area: The Case of Los Nevados National Park, Colombia Joshua M. Pearce, Christine Morris Blair, Kristen J. Laciak, Rob Andrews, Amir Nosrat, Ivana ZelenikaZovko 3-D Printing of Open Source Appropriate Technologies for Self-Directed Sustainable Development Jie Zhou, David Picken, Chunlu Liu Demystifying the Supply of Capital and Labour in a Nations Economic Chain Anna Grana, Tullio Giuffr, Marco Guerrieri

Exploring Effects of Area-Wide Traffic Calming Measures on Urban Road Sustainable Safety Jay Liebowitz The Role of HR in Achieving a Sustainability Culture Santosh Jagtap, Prabhu Kandachar Representing Interventions from the Base of the Pyramid Don Clifton Progressing a Sustainable-world: A Socio-ecological Resilience Perspective Jinjin Chen Comparison of Energy Efficiency of Developed Regions in China at Similar Economic Level between 1995 and 2007 Shah Md. Atiqul Haq, Tom Vanwing, Luc Perception, Environmental Degradation and Family Size Preference: a Context of Developing Countries Alexandre Marco da Silva, Steven Frederick Durrant Potential Use of Polyacrylamide for Soil Erosion Control in Brazil Dietmar Grimm, Judd Boomhower, Jason Blau Can Catch Shares Reduce the US Federal Deficit Huabai Bu, Shizhen Bu, Yang Research on the Source Explanation and Measurement of Economic Performance the Enterprises Implement Green Production---Analysis Based on Enterprises Value Net Barnes Anger Poverty Eradication, Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development in Nigeria Hashem Hashem Nejad, Mohsen Feyzi, Morteza Sedigh Investigating the Occupants' Behaviors and Perceptions Concerning the Sustainable Transportation System in Tehran City Chinasak Suwan-achariya Additional Work: Strategies for Adaptation of People in Crisis Period I. J. EKPOH Adaptation to the Impact of Climatic Variations on Agriculture by Rural Farmers in NorthWestern Nigeria Mayowa Olusola Ajibola Valuation Inaccuracy: An Examination of Causes in Lagos Metropolis Yingjuan Feng, Yan Wang, Lili Wu Based on Regional Trade Analysis of Mechanism to Enhance Product Competitiveness Al-Hafzan Abdullah Halim, Anas Zafirol Abdullah Halim An Analysis of Dampness Study on Heritage Building: A Case Study Ipoh Old Post Office Building and Suluh Budiman Building, UPSI, Perak, Malaysia Akpomuvie Orhioghene Benedict

Towards Effective Use of ICTS and Traditional Media for Sustainable Rural Transformation in Africa Nooriati Taib, Aldrin Abdullah, Sharifah Fairuz Syed Fadzil, Foong Swee Yeok An Assessment of Thermal Comfort and Users Perceptions of Landscape Gardens in a High-Rise Office Building

Environmental Policy and Governance

November/December 2010 Volume 20, Issue 6
Simon Joss Accountable governance, accountable sustainability? a case study of accountability in the governance for sustainability (pages 408421) Sabine Weiland Sustainability transitions in transition countries: forest policy reforms in South-eastern Europe (pages 397407) Karin Book, Lena Eskilsson and Jamil Khan Governing the balance between sustainability and competitiveness in urban planning: the case of the Orestad model (pages 382396) Allan Cochrane Exploring the regional politics of sustainability: making up sustainable communities in the South-East of England (pages 370381)

January/February 2011 Volume 21, Issue 1

Karoline Van den Brande, Sander Happaerts and Hans Bruyninckx Multi-level interactions in a sustainable development context: different routes for Flanders to decision-making in the UN commission on sustainable development (pages 7082) Rebecca Swainson and Rob C. de Loe The importance of context in relation to policy transfer: a case study of environmental water allocation in Australia (pages 5869) Benjamin K. Sovacool Cursed by crude: the corporatist resource curse and the bakutbilisiceyhan pipeline (pages 4257) Mlissa Francois and Bertrand Hamaide Certified emission reductions weights for improved CDM projects (pages 3141) Reimund Schwarze, Manijeh Schwindt, Hannelore Weck-Hannemann, Paul Raschky, Ferdinand Zahn and Gert G. Wagner Natural hazard insurance in Europe: tailored responses to climate change are needed (pages 1430) Pieter Glasbergen Understanding partnerships for sustainable development analytically: the ladder of partnership activity as a methodological tool (pages 113)

March/April 2011 Volume 21, Issue 2


Charlotte Da Cunha and Ines Omann News from the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE) Gert Tinggaard Svendsen Evaluating and Regulating the Impacts of Lobbying in the EU? The Case Study of Green Industries (pages 131142) Liam Phelan, Ros Taplin, Ann Henderson-Sellers and Glenn Albrecht Ecological Viability or Liability? Insurance System Responses to Climate Risk (pages 112 130) Juha Hiedanp and Daniel W. Bromley The harmonization game: Reasons and rules in European biodiversity policy (pages 99 111) Thorkil Casse and Anders Milhj Community Forestry and Forest Conservation: Friends or Strangers? (pages 8398)

May/June 2011 Volume 21, Issue 3

Fabio Iraldo, Francesco Testa, Michela Melis and Marco Frey A Literature Review on the Links between Environmental Regulation and Competitiveness (pages 210222) Mahelet Getachew Fikru Does the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Enable Us to Understand the Environmental Performance of Firms? (pages 199209) Jesper Holm, Inger Stauning and Bent Sndergrd Local Climate Mitigation and Eco-efforts in Housing and Construction as Transition Places (pages 183198) Ibon Galarraga, Mikel Gonzalez-Eguino and Anil Markandya The Role of Regional Governments in Climate Change Policy (pages 164182) Patrick Huntjens, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Benoit Rihoux, Maja Schlter, Zsuzsanna Flachner, Susana Neto, Romana Koskova, Chris Dickens and Isah Nabide Kiti Adaptive Water Management and Policy Learning in a Changing Climate: a Formal Comparative Analysis of Eight Water Management Regimes in Europe, Africa and Asia (pages 145163)

Journal of Cleaner Production

Volume 18, Issue 15, Pages 1485-1574 (November 2010)
S. Geetha, K. Ramamurthy Environmental friendly technology of cold-bonded bottom ash aggregate manufacture through chemical activation Deanna Kemp, Carol J. Bond, Daniel M. Franks, Claire Cote Mining, water and human rights: making the connection Mariliz Gutterres, Patrice M. Aquim, Joana B. Passos, Jorge O. Trierweiler Water reuse in tannery beamhouse process Sanda Midi-Kurtagi, Irem Silajdi, Tarik Kupusovi

Mapping of environmental and technological performance of food and beverage sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Sheng-Wei Nie, Wang-Sheng Gao, Yuan-Quan Chen, Peng Sui, A. Egrinya Eneji Use of life cycle assessment methodology for determining phytoremediation potentials of maize-based cropping systems in fields with nitrogen fertilizer over-dose Mats Zackrisson, Lars Avelln, Jessica Orlenius Life cycle assessment of lithium-ion batteries for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles Critical issues Ali Hasanbeigi, Christoph Menke, Lynn Price The CO2 abatement cost curve for the Thailand cement industry Yong Geng, Wang Xinbei, Zhu Qinghua, Zhao Hengxin Regional initiatives on promoting cleaner production in China: a case of Liaoning Jacob Park, Joseph Sarkis, Zhaohui Wu Creating integrated business and environmental value within the context of Chinas circular economy and ecological modernization Joachim H. Spangenberg, Alastair Fuad-Luke, Karen Blincoe Design for Sustainability (DfS): the interface of sustainable production and consumption

Volume 18, Issues 16-17 - (November 2010)

Rodolfo N. Sousa, Marcello M. Veiga, Bern Klein, Kevin Telmer, Aaron J. Gunson, Ludovic Bernaudat Strategies for reducing the environmental impact of reprocessing mercury-contaminated tailings in the artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector: insights from Tapajos River Basin, Brazil A.K. Prusty, Trupti Das, A. Nayak, N.B. Das Colourimetric analysis and antimicrobial study of natural dyes and dyed silk L.M. Alves, T.C.D. Pardal, P.A.F. Martins Nosing thin-walled tubes into axisymmetric seamless reservoirs using recyclable mandrels Lei Liu, Xiaoming Ma Technology-based industrial environmental management: a case study of electroplating in Shenzhen, China Alessandro Franco, Michele Lanzetta, Luca Romoli Experimental analysis of selective laser sintering of polyamide powders: an energy perspective B.G. Ridoutt, P. Juliano, P. Sanguansri, J. Sellahewa The water footprint of food waste: case study of fresh mango in Australia Julie A. Bailey, Paul Amyotte, Faisal I. Khan Agricultural application of life cycle iNdeX (LInX) for effective decision making Weili Jiang, Zengwei Yuan, Jun Bi, Li Sun Conserving water by optimizing production schedules in the dyeing industry Frank Boons, Angelica Mendoza Constructing sustainable palm oil: how actors define sustainability

B.M. Smyth, B.P. Gallachir, N.E. Korres, J.D. Murphy Can we meet targets for biofuels and renewable energy in transport given the constraints imposed by policy in agriculture and energy? Silvia Blajberg Schaffel, Emilio Lbre La Rovere The quest for eco-social efficiency in biofuels production in Brazil L. Rigamonti, M. Grosso, M. Giugliano Life cycle assessment of sub-units composing a MSW management system Jeffrey K. Seadon Sustainable waste management systems Yue Moriizumi, Naohiro Matsui, Hiroki Hondo Simplified life cycle sustainability assessment of mangrove management: a case of plantation on wastelands in Thailand Rosa Maria Dangelico, Pierpaolo Pontrandolfo From green product definitions and classifications to the Green Option Matrix A. Chee Tahir, R.C. Darton The Process Analysis Method of selecting indicators to quantify the sustainability performance of a business operation Genserik Reniers, Wout Dullaert, Lenny Visser Empirically based development of a framework for advancing and stimulating collaboration in the chemical industry (ASC): creating sustainable chemical industrial parks Ramesh Subramoniam, Donald Huisingh, Ratna Babu Chinnam Aftermarket remanufacturing strategic planning decision-making framework: theory & practice

Volume 18, Issue 18 pp. 1775-1872 (December 2010)

Mohammad Ali Tavanaie, Ahmad Mousavi Shoushtari, Fatemeh Goharpey Polypropylene/poly (butylene terephthalate) melt spun alloy fibers dyeable with carrierfree exhaust dyeing as an environmentally friendlier process Meor Othman Hamzah, Ali Jamshidi, Zulkurnain Shahadan Evaluation of the potential of Sasobit to reduce required heat energy and CO2 emission in the asphalt industry Teng-Chien Chen, Yun-Hwei Shen, Wen-Jhy Lee, Chih-Chung Lin, Meng-Wei Wan The study of ultrasound-assisted oxidative desulfurization process applied to the utilization of pyrolysis oil from waste tires J.A. Sanchez, I. Pombo, R. Alberdi, B. Izquierdo, N. Ortega, S. Plaza, J. Martinez-Toledano Machining evaluation of a hybrid MQL-CO2 grinding technology Sanni Eloneva, Eeva-Maija Puheloinen, Jaakko Kanerva, Ari Ekroos, Ron Zevenhoven, Carl-Johan Fogelholm Co-utilisation of CO2 and steelmaking slags for production of pure CaCO3 legislative issues Maurizio Bevilacqua, Flavio Caresana, Gabriele Comodi, Paola Venella Life cycle assessment of a domestic cooker hood

R. De Palma, V. Dobes An integrated approach towards sustainable entrepreneurship Experience from the TEST project in transitional economies Otvio Jos de Oliveira, Jos Roberto Serra, Manoel Henrique Salgado Does ISO 14001 work in Brazil? Angela van der Heijden, Peter P.J. Driessen, Jacqueline M. Cramer Making sense of Corporate Social Responsibility: Exploring organizational processes and strategies Michael D.K. Lobendahn Wood, Fabrice Mathieux, Daniel Brissaud, Damien Evrard Results of the first adapted design for sustainability project in a South Pacific small island developing state: Fiji

Volume 19, Issue 1 - (January 2011)

Iaki Heras-Saizarbitoria, Jos F. Molina-Azorn, Gavin P.M. Dick ISO 14001 certification and financial performance: selection-effect versus treatmenteffect Samindi M.K. Samarakoon, Ove T. Gudmestad The IPPC directive and technique qualification at offshore oil and gas installations Hatice engl, Thomas L. Theis An environmental impact assessment of quantum dot photovoltaics (QDPV) from raw material acquisition through use Stefan Gold, Stefan Seuring Supply chain and logistics issues of bio-energy production Heln Williams, Fredrik Wikstrm Environmental impact of packaging and food losses in a life cycle perspective: a comparative analysis of five food items Miriam Borchardt, Marcos H. Wendt, Giancarlo M. Pereira, Miguel A. Sellitto Redesign of a component based on ecodesign practices: environmental impact and cost reduction achievements Metta Chareonpanich, Ornanong Jullaphan, Clarence Tang Bench-scale synthesis of zeolite A from subbituminous coal ashes with high crystalline silica content Chengkang Gao, Dan Wang, Hui Dong, Jiuju Cai, Weiguang Zhu, Tao Du Optimization and evaluation of steel industrys water-use system H. Shang, J.A. Scott Minimizing leakage from a smelter off-gas system by enhanced control Mohan Yellishetty, Gavin M. Mudd, P.G. Ranjith The steel industry, abiotic resource depletion and life cycle assessment: a real or perceived issue? Mara-Vicenta Galiana-Aleixandre, Jos-Antonio Mendoza-Roca, Amparo Bes-Pi Reducing sulfates concentration in the tannery effluent by applying pollution prevention techniques and nanofiltration

Volume 19, Issues 2-3 -(January-February 2011)

Rodrigo Lozano, Don Huisingh Inter-linking issues and dimensions in sustainability reporting Pl Brjesson, Linda M. Tufvesson Agricultural crop-based biofuels resource efficiency and environmental performance including direct land use changes Jingchun Sun, Jianhua Chen, Youmin Xi, Junhu Hou Mapping the cost risk of agricultural residue supply for energy application in rural China Rickard Arvidsson, Sara Persson, Morgan Frling, Magdalena Svanstrm Life cycle assessment of hydrotreated vegetable oil from rape, oil palm and Jatropha Rethabile Melamu, Harro von Blottnitz 2nd Generation biofuels a sure bet? A life cycle assessment of how things could go wrong Sofia Ahlroth, Mns Nilsson, Gran Finnveden, Olof Hjelm, Elisabeth Hochschorner Weighting and valuation in selected environmental systems analysis tools suggestions for further developments Xiaoling Zhang, Liyin Shen, Yuzhe Wu Green strategy for gaining competitive advantage in housing development: a China study Jovita Mercedes Hojas Baenas, Rosani de Castro, Rosane Aparecida Gomes Battistelle, Jos Alcides Gobbo Junior A study of reverse logistics flow management in vehicle battery industries in the midwest of the state of So Paulo (Brazil) Thomas W. Sloan Green renewal: incorporating environmental factors in equipment replacement decisions under technological change Kathleen B. Aviso, Raymond R. Tan, Alvin B. Culaba, Jose B. Cruz Jr. Fuzzy inputoutput model for optimizing eco-industrial supply chains under water footprint constraints Zainab Z. Ismail, Enas A. Al-Hashmi Assessing the recycling potential of industrial wastewater to replace fresh water in concrete mixes: application of polyvinyl acetate resin wastewater Ye Ding, Xiao Feng, Khim H. Chu Optimization of hydrogen distribution systems with pressure constraints Thomas Budde Christensen Modularised eco-innovation in the auto industry Jing Hu, Zuobing Xiao, Rujun Zhou, Weijun Deng, Mingxi Wang, Shuangshuang Ma Ecological utilization of leather tannery waste with circular economy model Ilton Curty Leal Junior, Mrcio de Almeida D'Agosto Modal choice for transportation of hazardous materials: the case of land modes of transport of bio-ethanol in Brazil Brigita Altenbaher, Sonja ostar Turk, Sabina Fijan

Ecological parameters and disinfection effect of low-temperature laundering in hospitals in Slovenia Jess Rives, Ivan Fernandez-Rodriguez, Joan Rieradevall, Xavier Gabarrell Environmental analysis of the production of natural cork stoppers in southern Europe (Catalonia Spain) Alan Richardson, Kathryn Coventry, Jennifer Bacon Freeze/thaw durability of concrete with recycled demolition aggregate compared to virgin aggregate concrete David Laurence Establishing a sustainable mining operation: an overview

Volume 19, Issue 4 -pp. 285-388 (March 2011)

Laura Sokka, Suvi Pakarinen, Matti Melanen Industrial symbiosis contributing to more sustainable energy use an example from the forest industry in Kymenlaakso, Finland Nils Markusson Unpacking the black box of cleaner technology Yutao Wang, Jian Liu, Lars Hansson, Kai Zhang, Renqing Wang Implementing stricter environmental regulation to enhance eco-efficiency and sustainability: a case study of Shandong Provinces pulp and paper industry, China J.K. Kaldellis, P. Fragos Ash deposition impact on the energy performance of photovoltaic generators Alessandro K. Cerutti, Marco Bagliani, Gabriele L. Beccaro, Fabrizio Gioelli, Paolo Balsari, Giancarlo Bounous Evaluation of the sustainability of swine manure fertilization in orchard through Ecological Footprint Analysis: results from a case study in Italy Song Jian, Tao Wenyi, Chen Wuyong Kinetics of enzymatic unhairing by protease in leather industry Kongliang Xie, Fangfang Cheng, Weiguo Zhao, Lei Xu Micelle dyeing with low liquor ratio for reactive dyes using dialkyl maleic acid ester surfactants G. Ingarao, R. Di Lorenzo, F. Micari Sustainability issues in sheet metal forming processes: an overview Paul Upham, Leonie Dendler, Mercedes Bleda Carbon labelling of grocery products: public perceptions and potential emissions reductions Joo P. Santos, Marta Oliveira, Fernando G. Almeida, Joo P. Pereira, Ana Reis Improving the environmental performance of machine-tools: influence of technology and throughput on the electrical energy consumption of a press-brake Q.Z. Yang, G.J. Qi, H.C. Low, B. Song Sustainable recovery of nickel from spent hydrogenation catalyst: economics, emissions and wastes assessment

Patricia Fitzpatrick, Alberto Fonseca, Mary Louise McAllister From the Whitehorse Mining Initiative Towards Sustainable Mining: lessons learned

Volume 19, Issues 6-7 (April-May 2011)

Ali Shams-Nateri Reusing wastewater of madder natural dye for wool dyeing Darja B. arkovi, aklina N. Todorovi, Ljubinka V. Rajakovi Simple and cost-effective measures for the improvement of paper mill effluent treatment A case study Fernando Pelisser, Nilomar Zavarise, Tiago Arent Longo, Adriano Michael Bernardin Concrete made with recycled tire rubber: Effect of alkaline activation and silica fume addition Mieczysaw Trypu, Katarzyna Biaowicz CaCO3 production using liquid waste from Solvay method Rodolfo Sousa, Marcello Veiga, Dirk Van Zyl, Kevin Telmer, Sam Spiegel, Jeff Selder Policies and regulations for Brazils artisanal gold mining sector: analysis and recommendations Binod Neupane, Anthony Halog, Shashi Dhungel Attributional life cycle assessment of woodchips for bioethanol production Bushra Waheed, Faisal I. Khan, Brian Veitch, Kelly Hawboldt Uncertainty-based quantitative assessment of sustainability for higher education institutions Luis M. Alves, Eduardo J. Dias, Paulo A.F. Martins Joining sheet panels to thin-walled tubular profiles by tube end forming Oliver Ioan Avram, Paul Xirouchakis Evaluating the use phase energy requirements of a machine tool system M. Pizzol, P. Christensen, J. Schmidt, M. Thomsen Eco-toxicological impact of metals on the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem: A comparison between eight different methodologies for Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Wang Xiang, Chen Ming Implementing extended producer responsibility: vehicle remanufacturing in China Katharina Bunse, Matthias Vodicka, Paul Schnsleben, Marc Brlhart, Frank O. Ernst Integrating energy efficiency performance in production management gap analysis between industrial needs and scientific literature Harry Geerlings, Ron van Duin A new method for assessing CO2-emissions from container terminals: a promising approach applied in Rotterdam M. Pizzol, P. Christensen, J. Schmidt, M. Thomsen Impacts of metals on human health: a comparison between nine different methodologies for Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Domnita Fratila, Cristian Caizar

Application of Taguchi method to selection of optimal lubrication and cutting conditions in face milling of AlMg3 Christopher A. Bolin, Stephen T. Smith Life cycle assessment of borate-treated lumber with comparison to galvanized steel framing Christopher A. Bolin, Stephen Smith Life cycle assessment of ACQ-treated lumber with comparison to wood plastic composite decking M. Baran, M. Yldrm, A. Ylmaz Evaluation of ecological design strategies in traditional houses in Diyarbakir, Turkey Laia Domnech, David Saur A comparative appraisal of the use of rainwater harvesting in single and multi-family buildings of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (Spain): social experience, drinking water savings and economic costs Akram El korchi, Dominique Millet Designing a sustainable reverse logistics channel: the 18 generic structures framework Rodolfo N. Sousa, Marcello M. Veiga, John Meech, Janis Jokinen, Aguinaldo J. Sousa A simplified matrix of environmental impacts to support an intervention program in a small-scale mining site Sylvain Plouffe, Paul Lanoie, Corinne Berneman, Marie-France Vernier Economic benefits tied to ecodesign

Volume 19, Issues 9-10 - (June-July 2011)

Kiyohiro Kubota, Asako Kamizono, Shigeki Miyachi, Michio Yuki, Masaru Masuda Development and verification of new evaluation indicators for chemical management in corporations to meet WSSD goals Patricio C. Velsquez-Lpez, Marcelo M. Veiga, Bern Klein, Janis A. Shandro, Ken Hall Cyanidation of mercury-rich tailings in artisanal and small-scale gold mining: identifying strategies to manage environmental risks in Southern Ecuador Nicolas Serres, Dorian Tidu, Simon Sankare, Franoise Hlawka Environmental comparison of MESO-CLAD process and conventional machining implementing life cycle assessment J. Garca-Ten, E. Monfort, M.P. Gmez-Tena, V. Sanz Use of coatings to minimise acid emissions during ceramic tile firing Matthew Franchetti ISO 14001 and solid waste generation rates in US manufacturing organizations: an analysis of relationship Gabriel Meneghetti Fa Gomes,Talita Furlanetto Mendesa and Keiko Wadaa Reduction in toxicity and generation of slag in secondary lead process Alberto Gomez, Monica A. Rodriguez The effect of ISO 14001 certification on toxic emissions: an analysis of industrial facilities in the north of Spain

Benjamin C. McLellan, Ross P. Williams, Janine Lay, Arie van Riessen, Glen D. Corder Costs and carbon emissions for geopolymer pastes in comparison to ordinary portland cement Remei Aldrich, F. Xavier Llaur, Josep Puig, Pere Mutj, M. ngels Plach Allocation of GHG emissions in combined heat and power systems: a new proposal for considering inefficiencies of the system A. Ryan, L. O Donoghue, H. Lewis Characterising components of liquid crystal displays to facilitate disassembly Harald Schoenberger Lignite coke moving bed adsorber for cement plants BAT or beyond BAT? Joakim Krook, Annica Carlsson, Mats Eklund, Per Frndegrd, Niclas Svensson Urban mining: hibernating copper stocks in local power grids Mohammad Mirjalili, Khosro Nazarpoor, Loghman Karimi Eco-friendly dyeing of wool using natural dye from weld as co-partner with synthetic dye Alan Lelah, Fabrice Mathieux, Daniel Brissaud Contributions to eco-design of machine-to-machine product service systems: the example of waste glass collection Suiran Yu, Qingyan Yang, Jing Tao, Xia Tian, Fengfu Yin Product modular design incorporating life cycle issues - Group Genetic Algorithm (GGA) based method Germn Arana-Landin, Iaki Heras-Saizarbitoria Paving the way for the ISO 14006 ecodesign standard: an exploratory study in Spanish companies Cheng Jung Yang, Jahau Lewis Chen Accelerating preliminary eco-innovation design for products that integrates case-based reasoning and TRIZ method Zhaohua Wang, Bin Zhang, Jianhua Yin, Xiang Zhang Willingness and behavior towards e-waste recycling for residents in Beijing city, China David Browne, Bernadette ORegan, Richard Moles Material flow accounting in an Irish city-region 19922002 Leah Mason, Timothy Prior, Gavin Mudd, Damien Giurco Availability, addiction and alternatives: three criteria for assessing the impact of peak minerals on society Don Goldstein, Rachel Hilliard, Valerie Parker Environmental performance and practice across sectors: methodology and preliminary results Pekka Peura, Timo Hyttinen The potential and economics of bioenergy in Finland Isabel Gallego-lvarez, Luis Rodrguez-Domnguez, Isabel-Mara Garca-Snchez Study of some explanatory factors in the opportunities arising from climate change Frank Boons, Wouter Spekkink, Yannis Mouzakitis

The dynamics of industrial symbiosis: a proposal for a conceptual framework based upon a comprehensive literature review


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