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Hamburger Beiträge zur Archäologie und
Kulturgeschichte des antiken Mittelmeerraumes

Herausgegeben von
Martina Seifert und Leon Ziemer
Griechische Monumentalgräber

Regionale Muster und ihre Rezeption

im ägäischen Raum in klassischer
und hellenistischer Zeit

Herausgegeben von
Christof Berns und Caroline Huguenot

Düren 2020
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen
Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.

Redaktion und Layout: Leon Ziemer

Bild auf der Titelseite: Krannon, Tholos-Grab (Photo: Ephorate of Antiquities of Larisa)

Copyright Shaker Verlag 2020

Alle Rechte, auch das des auszugsweisen Nachdruckes, der auszugsweisen
oder vollständigen Wiedergabe, der Speicherung in Datenverarbeitungs-
anlagen und der Übersetzung, vorbehalten.

Printed in Germany

ISBN 978-3-8440-7500-7
ISSN 2366-410X

Shaker Verlag GmbH • Am Langen Graben 15a • 52353 Düren

Telefon: 02421 / 99 0 11 - 0 • Telefax: 02421 / 99 0 11 - 9
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Vorwort........................................................................................................... v

Einleitung...................................................................................................... vii

Abstracts........................................................................................................... xv

Bibliographie................................................................................................... 337


Dimitra Malamidou.......................................................................................... 1
Aspects of Monumentality in the Funerary Architecture of Amphipolis, Northern

Christof Berns.................................................................................................. 17
Zwei Arten monumentaler Grabarchitektur in Knidos

Reinhard Heinz............................................................................................... 35
Monumentality and Refinement – The Architecture of the Belevi Mausoleum

Olivier Henry.................................................................................................. 55
De l’ombre à la lumière. Une étude de monumentalité funéraire autour du site
de Labraunda

Vassiliki Patsiada.............................................................................................. 81
Rhodes – Monumental Tombs and Rhodian Society


Georgia Karamitrou-Mentessidi........................................................................ 107

Aiani – The Monumental Tombs of the Royal Necropolis

Barbara Schmidt-Dounas................................................................................. 131

Tomb A of Katerini and Monumental Cist Graves in Macedonia

Maria Stamatopoulou – Stella Katakouta........................................................... 147

Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods
– An Overview

Frank Rumscheid............................................................................................ 175

Hekatomnidengräber in Halikarnassos und Mylasa. Voraussetzungen und Folgen
VI Inhaltsverzeichnis


205 Mustafa Şahin

Ein Kammergrab mit Dromos in Görükle – Bursa

221 Caroline Huguenot

Caractéristiques architecturales des tombes « macédoniennes » d’Asie Mineure

243 Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets

De la Macédoine à la capitale lagide. – Transmission, réception, évolution des modèles
d’architecture et de décor funéraires. Premières hypothèses pour la Tombe d’Alexandre


267 Martin Seyer

Vorbild im Monumentalen. Zur Adaption dynastischer Grabanlagen in Lykien

295 Paul Widera

Die hellenistischen Grabbauten auf der Peloponnes. Überlegungen zu Form und

315 Felix Pirson – Ute Kelp

Tumuli in Pergamon und die Tradition makedonischer Kammergräber

Mit dem vorliegenden Band werden Ergebnisse einer Tagung veröffent-

licht, die am 10. und 11. Februar 2012 im Topoi-Haus in Berlin Dahlem
stattgefunden hat. Wir freuen uns, dass die Referentinnen und Referenten
unserer Einladung nach Berlin gefolgt sind und ihre Forschungsergebnisse zur
Diskussion gestellt haben. Die Tagung wäre nicht möglich gewesen ohne die
logistische und finanzielle Unterstützung des Exzellenzclusters »Topoi – The
Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civili-
zations«. Einen erheblichen Teil der Kosten hat außerdem die Fritz Thyssen-
Stiftung Köln getragen. Beiden Institutionen gilt unser aufrichtiger Dank.
Nach einer langen Verzögerung der Drucklegung haben Martina Seifert und
Leon Ziemer sich freundlicherweise bereit erklärt, den bereits einer Peer Re-
view unterzogenen Band kurzfristig in der Reihe »Gateways« zu publizieren.
Auch dafür bedanken wir uns herzlich.

Christof Berns und Caroline Huguenot


Im griechischen Kulturraum der historischen Zeit waren monumentale Grab-

bauten, anders als in einigen Nachbarkulturen, eine späte Erscheinung. Extrem
aufwendige Monumente blieben selten, die an verschiedenen Orten belegten
archaischen Tumuli waren in ihrer Wirkung relativiert durch ihre vergleichs-
weise geringe Größe und die Einbindung in Nekropolen, wo sie in größerer
Zahl auftraten. Noch die stärker architektonisch geprägten Bezirke der klas-
sischen und frühhellenistischen Zeit wirkten in der Gleichförmigkeit ihrer
Mauern bescheiden, wenn man sie der Formenvielfalt und dem dekorativen
Aufwand der gleichzeitigen öffentlichen Architektur gegenüberstellt1. Differenz
scheint demgegenüber zunächst vor allem mit dem ephemeren Aufwand der
Bestattung oder, seit der hellenistischen Periode, in der Institutionalisierung des
Gedenkens an herausgehobene Personen in der Art von Heroenkulten erzeugt
worden zu sein2.
Monumentale, den an einem Ort üblichen Standard sprengende Formen von
Grabbauten sind erst seit der klassischen Zeit in größerer Zahl belegt. Dabei
scheint das Repräsentationsmuster zunächst in bestimmten Regionen an der
Peripherie der griechischen Welt entwickelt worden zu sein. Dies gilt vor al-
lem für Makedonien, Thrakien, Lykien und Karien, sowie (seit dem 3. Jh. v.
Chr.) Alexandria, wo mit den charakteristischen Grabkammern, tempelartigen
Bauten oder Peristylanlagen jeweils spezifische Modelle aufwendiger Grabar-
chitektur entstanden sind. Sie wurden in hellenistischer Zeit auch in zentrale-
ren Bereichen der griechischen Welt rezipiert und entfalteten dort eine eigene
Dynamik, die in eine nahezu beliebig wirkende Vielfalt von Entwürfen mün-
dete und dabei auch mit einer Umdeutung der ursprünglichen Vorlagen einher
gehen konnte3. Das Ziel der am 10. und 11. Februar 2012 im Topoi-Haus der
FU Berlin abgehaltenen Tagung zu „Greek Monumental Tombs – Regional
Patterns and their Reception in the Aegean World during the Classical and
Hellenistic Periods“ war es, mit dem wissenschaftlichen Austausch über frühe
monumentale Grabarchitektur in verschiedenen geographischen Bereichen der
griechischen Welt eine bessere Vorstellung von den Umständen der Etablie-
rung dieses Repräsentationsmusters und seiner Diffusion im ägäischen Raum
zu gewinnen.
Dabei ergab sich die Frage nach den Trägern der neuen Repräsentationsform.
Zwar lassen sich einige besonders prominente Monumente mit Vertretern der
einschlägigen Herrscher-Dynastien verbinden, doch zeigen die absolute Zahl
und die räumliche Verteilung, dass der Kreis der Auftraggeber insgesamt größer
war. Wie definierten sie mit Hilfe der Architektur ihre Rolle? Unter welchen
konkreten Bedingungen finden die Modelle eine weitere Verbreitung in den

1 Koenigs u. a. 1980; Bergemann 1997; 2 Engels 1998; Kistler 1998; Fabricius

Hildebrandt 2006 (s. Kap. 6.2 über 2010.
Lage und Aussehen der Grabbezirke); 3 Kader 1995.
Sporn u. a. 2013.
x Berns – Huguenot

einzelnen Regionen und schließlich in nahezu allen Teilen des ägäischen Grie-
chenlands? Wenn etwa in Griechenland die Kammergräber makedonischen
Typs dominieren, welche mit einer makedonischen Elite in Verbindung ge-
bracht werden können, wem sind dann die übrigen monumentalen Gräber
gewidmet? Lassen sich andere Typen entsprechender Grabbauten ebenfalls mit
bestimmten Entitäten verbinden? Wie erklärt sich entsprechend das typologi-
sche Spektrum der Grabbauten im kleinasiatischen Griechenland, wo zwar eine
gewisse Tradition monumentaler Gräber bestand, aber gleichwohl mit dem 4.
Jh. v. Chr. eine deutliche Zunahme und vor allem eine neue Qualität der Ge-
staltung zu beobachten ist?
Bislang ließen sich diese Fragen kaum auf einer breiteren Basis beantworten,
schon weil von den mehr als hundert monumentalen Grabbauten der diversen
Typen, die insgesamt aus Griechenland und Kleinasien bekannt sind, nur we-
nige angemessen publiziert sind4. Unsere Kenntnisse basieren vielmehr über-
wiegend auf vorläufigen Berichten, die selten mehr als summarische Beschrei-
bungen einzelner Anlagen liefern und beispielsweise über deren topographische
Situation wenig mitteilen. Auch die Frage nach den Auftraggebern bleibt dabei
meist offen. Ein grundsätzliches Problem stellt zudem der geringe Grad der
Erhaltung vieler solcher Monumente dar, der Rekonstruktionen erschwert, so
dass vielfach nur ein unzureichender Eindruck von der Gestalt des gesamten
Bauwerks vermittelt wird. Hier ergeben sich nun jedoch verschiedene Pers-
pektiven für eine verbesserte Untersuchungsgrundlage, da in jüngerer Zeit eine
Reihe einschlägiger Anlagen zum ersten Mal im Detail untersucht und do-
kumentiert werden konnte (vgl. hier die Beiträge von HEINZ, KARAMIT-
spektakuläre Neuentdeckungen der letzten Jahre wie das Königsgrab in Milas
(RUMSCHEID), das Kammergrab von Görükle in Bithynien (ŞAHİN) oder
die Grabkammer eines Tumulus in Pergamon (PIRSON – KELP).
Angesichts der lange Zeit relativ schlechten Kenntnisse der einzelnen griechi-
schen Grabbauten ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass mit den Publikationen von
J. Fedak und M. Ch. Hellmann nur zwei übergreifende Darstellungen zum
Thema vorliegen. Sie vermitteln jeweils einen ersten Überblick über das Mo-
numentspektrum, sind aber aufgrund des behandelten weiten zeitlichen und
geographischen Rahmens notwendigerweise auch stark von Generalisierungen
geprägt5. Von einem spezielleren Interesse waren zwei in jüngerer Zeit veran-

4 Coupel – Demargne 1969; Miller schungen am Monument in vielen

1993b; Oberleitner 1994; Sismanidis Teilen überholt: Ruggendorfer 2016
1997; Chrysostomou 1998; Jeppe- und Heinz 2017.
sen 2002; Delemen 2004; Tsimbidou 5 Fedak 1990; Hellmann 2006. Vgl. fer-
Avloniti 2005; Lucchese 2009. – Die ner zu dem rituellen Umgang: Kurtz
Publikation von Praschniker – Theu- – Boardman 1971.
er 1979 ist durch die jüngeren For-
Einleitung xi

staltete Tagungen geprägt, die auf die Verbreitung bestimmter Monumenttypen

konzentriert waren, respektive Grabbezirken und Tumuli6. Eine Reihe von
Untersuchungen hat auch das Monumentspektrum relativ eng gefasster Regio-
nen und Zeiträume in den Blick genommen7. Wir haben uns demgegenüber
um eine Perspektive bemüht, welche die komplexen Vorgänge in den verschie-
denen Regionen in ihrer Eigenart berücksichtigt und sie zugleich in Beziehung
zueinander setzt, wie es etwa für entsprechende Prozesse in der römischen Welt
bereits unternommen worden ist8. Dabei sind wir von der Erwartung ausgegan-
gen, dass die einzelnen Regionen oder auch spezifische Orte eine zentrale Rol-
le in der Entwicklung von Modellen monumentaler Grabarchitektur gespielt
haben, deren Verbreitung an bestimmte Netzwerke bzw. Verbindungen von
Akteuren geknüpft gewesen ist. Diese übergreifende Perspektive verbindet die
hier vorgelegten Beiträge mit der seinerzeit eingerichteten Forschergruppe A-II
des Excellence-Clusters »Topoi – The Formation and Transformation of Space
and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations«, deren Anliegen die Erforschung des
Verlaufs von Innovationen und der Bedingungen und Mechanismen ihrer Ver-
breitung war.
Das Thema wurde auf der Tagung in einer Reihe von Fallstudien zu einzelnen
Monumenten beziehungsweise lokalen Kontexten aus dem Zeitraum vom 5.
bis zum 2. Jh. v. Chr. erarbeitet, wobei ein Schwerpunkt auf solchen Befunden
lag, die in jüngerer Zeit neu entdeckt oder durch Detailforschungen besser er-
schlossen worden sind. Dabei entsprach eine gewisse Konzentration auf Make-
donien und das südwestliche Kleinasien der räumlichen Verteilung der frühen,
für die Frage nach der Etablierung der Muster wichtigen Befunde. Der thema-
tische Focus auf den Ägäis-Raum und die begrenzte Zeitspanne vom späten 5.
bis zum 2. Jh. v. Chr. sollte es hingegen erlauben, auf der Basis einer gewissen
Befunddichte ein hinreichend konkretes Bild von den Prozessen der Heraus-
bildung wie auch der Verbreitung des Repräsentationsmusters zu erarbeiten.
»Monumentalität« als Kriterium der Definition wurde in diesem Zusammen-
hang nicht im Sinne der absoluten Größe oder eines bestimmten konstruk-
tiven beziehungsweise materiellen Aufwandes verstanden, sondern im Sinne
der Exzeptionalität innerhalb des jeweiligen Kontextes. Den entsprechenden
Grabbauten eignete dabei ein besonderer Symbolcharakter9. Die Beiträge be-
rücksichtigen deshalb Beispiele unterschiedlicher Typen und Formate. Ebenso
wenig sollte die topographische Zuordnung für sich ein Auswahlkriterium sein.
Es sollen also einzeln in der Landschaft (außerhalb einer geschlossenen Nekro-
pole) oder innerhalb einer Stadt errichtete Denkmäler berücksichtigt werden,
ferner aber auch Grabbauten innerhalb der Nekropolen, sofern sie sich durch
ihre Größe, Formensprache oder ähnliche Gesichtspunkte klar von dem lokalen
Standard absetzen.

6 Sporn 2013; Henry – Kelp 2016. 8 Moretti – Tardy 2006.

7 Z. B. Huguenot 2008; Henry 2009. 9 Vgl. dazu Lembke 2005, bes. 48-–51.
xii Berns – Huguenot

Obwohl die zum Druck eingereichten Beiträge durchaus unterschiedliche me-

thodische Herangehensweisen vertreten10, versuchen sie in ihrer Summe Ant-
worten auf vor allem vier zentrale Fragen zu finden, die mit dem Problem der
Monumentalisierung von Grabarchitektur verbunden sind: Welche Formen
von Monumentalisierung lassen sich beobachten und welche Funktion haben
sie? Unter welchen Umständen entstanden die Modelle monumentaler Gra-
barchitektur, die in der Folge oftmals als Referenz dienten? Welches sind die
Mechanismen der Diffusion solcher Modelle sowie, komplementär dazu, wie
wurden sie lokal rezipiert? Diese Leitfragen bestimmen auch die Gliederung
der Publikation.
Im ersten Teil werden anhand von Untersuchungen zu einzelnen Denkmälern
oder lokalen Kontexten das breite Spektrum von Monumentalisierungsformen
und zugleich der jeweils spezifische Symbolcharakter deutlich. Zunächst gibt
D. MALAMIDOU eine Übersicht über die Nekropolen von Amphipolis und
das Spektrum ihrer Grabmäler in klassischer Zeit. Grabbauten wurden hier of-
fenbar im Zusammenhang mit der Ansiedlung makedonischer Veteranen nach
der Eroberung der Stadt in der Mitte des 4. Jh. errichtet, wohingegen sich zu-
vor nur bescheidene Markierungen der Bestattungsstellen in Form von Stelen
nachweisen lassen. Die neue Repräsentationsform trat hier also plötzlich auf
und diente zunächst der Selbstdarstellung einer spezifischen sozialen Gruppe.
Am Beispiel des hellenistischen Knidos nimmt CH. BERNS dann das Publi-
kum der Grabmonumente in den Blick. Er unterscheidet zwischen epheme-
ren und statischen Formen der Monumentalisierung, die mit unterschiedlichen
Gruppen von Adressaten verbunden werden. Große Grabanlagen haben an
dem Ort die Form offener ummauerter Bezirke und schufen einen Rahmen für
ein kollektives Gedenken der lokalen Gemeinschaft. Demgegenüber ist ein auf-
wendiger, architektonisch gestalteter Grabbau durch seine spezifische Position
im Gelände auf auswärtige Betrachter ausgerichtet. R. HEINZ untersucht ein
paradigmatisches Herrschergab. Bei dem von ihm neu bearbeiteten Grabbau
von Belevi (3. Jh.) stand offenbar der Versuch im Vordergrund, durch die bau-
liche Perfektionierung, die zahlreiche optische Verfeinerungen einschloss, ein
einzigartiges, dem Anspruch des Auftraggebers auf Überlegenheit entsprechen-
des Monument zu schaffen. Während die ersten Beiträge die Grabarchitektur
thematisieren, lenkt O. HENRY den Blick auf signifikante Veränderungen

10 Über die hier vorgelegten Beiträge tur repräsentativer Grabanlagen des

hinaus wurde auf der Tagung zu fol- Hellenismus« (J. Fabricius), »The Ori-
genden Themen vorgetragen: »Attic gins of the Voussoir Vault and ist Early
Tomb Architecture – A Sketch of its Occurrence in the Greek World« (H.
Development from the 7th to the Late von Mangoldt) sowie »Bithynische
4th Century BC« (A. Scholl), »Von Tumuli. Zur Monumentalisierung ei-
feinen und großen Unterschieden: ner traditionellen Grabform in helle-
Soziale Distinktion und die Architek- nistischer Zeit« (H. Mert).
Einleitung xiii

einfacher Bestattungsstellen. Mit der Dominanz der Hekatomniden über das

karische Heiligtum von Labraunda vollzog sich dort ein grundsätzlicher Wan-
del in der Ausgestaltung der herkömmlichen, in den Felsboden getieften kas-
tenartigen Grablegen, die mit einfachen Platten bedeckt und daher im Boden
verborgen blieben. Ab der Mitte des 4. Jh. wurden vergleichbare Anlagen mit
einem massiven dachförmigen Deckel verschlossen, so dass sie dauerhaft sicht-
bar blieben. Die Veränderungen verbindet O. Henry mit einem Wandel des
Grabkultes und einer neuen Todesauffassung unter den Hekatomniden. Im Fall
der Gräber von Rhodos, denen sich V. PATSIADA widmet, wurde das Kon-
zept der Monumentalität nicht nur auf die Architektur der einzelnen Gräber
angewendet. Vielmehr lässt sich das Ensemble der Nekropolen selbst als ein
Monument verstehen. In beeindruckender Weise eingerichtet unter Berück-
sichtigung der Topographie und der natürlichen Gegebenheiten, stellen sie ein
gutes Beispiel der Architektur einer Funerärlandschaft dar.
Der zweite Teil der Publikation beschreibt die Entwicklung früher Monumental-
gräber und ihre jeweilige Bedeutung. Die von G. KARAMITROU-MENTES-
SIDI vorgestellten Denkmäler in der Nekropole des obermakedonischen
Aiani aus dem 5. und frühen 4. Jh. leiten sich von traditionellen Grabformen
her, deren Aufwand freilich extrem gesteigert und die teils um elaborierte ober-
irdische Konstruktionen bereichert wurden. Sie erlauben einen gänzlich neuen
Blick auf die Selbstdarstellung der elimiotischen Könige in einem instabilen,
von Auseinandersetzungen des makedonischen Reiches mit seiner Peripherie
geprägten Umfeld11. Die Monumentalisierung herkömmlicher Kistengräber
kann B. SCHMIDT-DOUNAS im Detail am Beispiel des Grabs A von Ka-
terini (zweites Viertel 4. Jh.) aufzeigen, das den Übergang zum neuen Typ der
Kammergräber vertritt. Dabei wird deutlich, wie in einem Vorgang des Expe-
rimentierens die architektonischen Grenzen, etwa im Hinblick auf die Decken-
konstruktionen, immer weiter verschoben wurden, um neue, den Ansprüchen
der makedonischen Elite genügende Grabformen zu realisieren. Im Thessalien
des 5. Jh. ist nach den Ausführungen von M. STAMATOPOULOU und ST.
KATAKOUTA zu beobachten, wie sich eine schmale Elite in der Konzeption
ihrer Grabanlagen an dem Muster bronze- und früheisenzeitlicher Tholosgrä-
ber orientiert und damit offenbar Bezüge zu einer als heroisch verstandenen
Vergangenheit schaffen wollte. Die Gestaltung der von F. RUMSCHEID be-
sprochenen zwillingshaften Mausoleen in Halikarnassos und Mylasa schließ-
lich war auf das Anliegen der hekatomnidischen Herrscher ausgerichtet, ihre
herausgehobene Stellung symbolisch zu unterstreichen. Die Lage im Zentrum
der beiden Stadtanlagen unterstrich die Besonderheit der beiden Bauten, deren
Größe ältere Herrschergräber in den Schatten stellte und deren Architektur
Elemente unterschiedlicher baulicher Traditionen aus den von den Hekatom-
niden regierten Gebieten verband.

11 Vgl. Hammond 1989, 77–89.

xiv Berns – Huguenot

Die Beiträge des dritten Teils diskutieren in ihrer Summe unterschiedliche

Modelle von Verbreitungsvorgängen. M. ŞAHIN vertritt im Zusammenhang
mit der spezifischen Deckenkonstruktion des Kammergrabes von Görükle
in Bithynien ein Modell linearer Diffusion. Das von ihm entdeckte und hier
zum ersten Mal vorgelegte Kammergrab des 2. Jh. liegt abseits einer antiken
Agglomeration, aber am Kreuzungspunkt bedeutender Überlandrouten. Die
Grabkammer ist mit einem »Laternen-« oder »Galatischen Dach« gedeckt. Ge-
genüber bisherigen Vorstellungen, die von einer Entwicklung dieser Konst-
ruktionsweise in Thrakien und ihrer Verbreitung in Kleinasien durch einwan-
dernde Galater ausgingen, vertritt er eine ägäische Entstehung. Sie sei über
Karien nach Ionien vermittelt worden und habe in der Folge einen größeren
Erfolg in Bithynien und schließlich in Thrakien gehabt. Demgegenüber ist der
Beitrag von C. HUGUENOT allgemeiner der Architektur tonnengewölbter
Gräber in Griechenland und Kleinasien gewidmet und zeigt an ihrem Beispiel
die vielfältigen Einwirkungen auf die Diffusionsprozesse auf. Ausgangspunkt
der Überlegungen ist die Beobachtung, dass Grabanlagen mit Tonnengewölben
nicht nur im spätklassischen und hellenistischen Griechenland, sondern eben-
so im gleichzeitigen Kleinasien zahlreich belegt sind. In Kleinasien kommen
dabei sowohl Kragstein- als auch Keilsteinkonstruktionen vor, ohne dass sich
eine Entwicklung von der einen zur anderen Technik wahrscheinlich machen
oder sie sich jeweils konsequent mit bestimmten Entitäten verbinden ließen.
Es handelt sich offenbar eher um annähernd gleichwertige Varianten, für die
sich die Auftraggeber nach ökonomischen Kriterien entschieden. A.-M. GUI-
MIER-SORBETS schließlich befasst sich mit der Genese der alexandrinischen
Grabarchitektur, die zahlreiche makedonische Elemente aufweise. Diese seien
allerdings in einen veränderten, stärker auf die Memorialfunktion ausgerichte-
ten Kontext eingefügt, der auf die Sicherung des sozialen Status des Verstorbe-
nen und die Stärkung der familiären Verbindungen abziele. Als unmittelbares
Vorbild für das Konzept habe das Alexandersema gedient.
Im letzten Teil der Publikation werden drei Schlaglichter auf die Vielfalt der
lokalen Rezeption und Adaption der Muster geworfen. M. SEYER schlägt mit
Blick auf die typologische Vielfalt der unzähligen, meist oberirdisch errichte-
ten Grabmonumente Lykiens vor, in den reliefdekorierten Gräbern sowie in
den Pfeiler- und den Tempelgräbern der archaischen und klassischen Zeit die
ältesten Grabformen der Elite zu erkennen, an deren Vorbild sich in der Folge
ein größerer Kreis von Auftraggebern bei der Errichtung von bescheidenen
Grabanlagen orientiert habe. Auf der Peloponnes arbeitet P. WIDERA drei
Grundmuster monumentaler Grabarchitektur heraus, deren Formenapparat im
Wesentlichen auf die Sakralarchitektur rekurrierte, wobei aber eine große re-
gionale Vielfalt in der konkreten Umsetzung der Vorbilder zu beobachten sei.
F. PIRSON und U. KELP untersuchen schließlich die Genese der pergame-
nischen Tumuli als der charakteristischen lokalen Form des Monumentalgra-
bes. Dabei verbinden sie den experimentellen Charakter der frühen Beispiele
Einleitung xv

mit der Vielfalt der lokalen Dynasten, während die Adaption makedonischer
Grabriten und Architekturtypen in hellenistischer Zeit offenbar auf Pergamons
neuer Rolle als Diadochenstaat zurückzuführen ist.
Insgesamt zeigen die hier versammelten Beiträge, dass Prozesse der Monumen-
talisierung von Grabarchitektur sich in dem betrachteten Zeitraum eher punk-
tuell im Sinne eines signifikanten Qualitätssprungs als graduell im Sinne einer
kontinuierlichen Entwicklung vollzogen. Monumentalität ist daher als eine ei-
gene, konzeptionelle Qualität zu verstehen. Sie diente vielfach als Mittel zur
Repräsentation von Ansprüchen spezifischer Gruppen oder auch nur einzelner
Herrscher, deren Rolle in Situationen des Umbruchs besonderen Herausforde-
rungen ausgesetzt war.
Die Erwartung weniger, in einzelnen Regionen entstandener Modelle, deren
Diffusion im ägäischen Raum sich anhand von Entwicklungslinien nachvollzie-
hen lasse und von eng gefassten Gruppen von Akteuren getragen werde, ist in-
des zu modifizieren. Zum einen geben die Beiträge in ihrer Summe die Vielfalt
der formalen Ausprägungen monumentaler Grabanlagen zu erkennen. An den
einzelnen Orten entstanden spezifische Modelle, die oftmals an lokale Vorläufer
anknüpften, das gebräuchliche Muster aber durch eine Steigerung der Größe
oder durch charakteristische Zutaten veränderten. Zum anderen müssen cha-
rakteristische Innovationen der hellenistischen Grabarchitektur nicht unbedingt
im Sinne einer linearen Abhängigkeit auf bestimmte Ursprünge zurückgeführt
werden. Am Beispiel der Keilsteingewölbe, die ältere Formen aufwendiger
Kammerdecken ersetzten, wurde die Möglichkeit pluraler, an verschiedenen
Orten unabhängig voneinander auftretender Entwicklungssprünge deutlich.
Ein unmittelbarer Einfluss bestimmter Gruppen wie der makedonischen Of-
fiziere zeigt sich hingegen vor allem dann, wenn nicht nur einzelne Archi-
tekturformen, sondern ein komplexes Repräsentationsverhalten einschließlich
spezifischer Riten sich verändert.
Zu den Neuerungen der Grabarchitektur gehört auch der Einsatz des deko-
rativen Apparates der öffentlichen Baukunst. Das Auftreten spezifischer for-
maler Muster wie der bekrönenden Stufenpyramiden an verschiedenen Orten
legt es nahe, dass die Bauten sich aufeinander bezogen, wobei die Vielfalt der
Entwürfe im Einzelnen das Bestreben erkennen lässt, ein individuelles Mo-
nument zu errichten. Podien, Säulen, Gebälke und Giebel bildeten Elemente
einer Architektursprache, mit der sich ein übergreifender Diskurs etablierte.
Dieser wurde jedoch, wie die weiter bestehende lokale Vielfalt der sepulkralen
Anlagen zeigte, von wenigen überregional agierenden Bauherren getragen. Erst
die veränderten Bedingungen der römischen Kaiserzeit führten zu einer breite-
ren Verankerung dieser spezifischen Form von monumentaler Grabarchitektur.

Christof Berns – Caroline Huguenot



Dimitra Malamidou
This study gathers archaeological information about the evolution of funerary
monuments in Amphipolis, Northern Greece, during the Classical and Helle-
nistic periods. Important archaeological investigation and excavations in the last
decades offer a clear image for the topography and organization of Amphipolis’
necropoleis. Several types of graves are attested, showing distinctive architec-
tural and typological features. Patterns of formation and diffusion of funerary
practices, grave goods and burial types are examined through the archaeological
evidence in relation with historical information for this flourishing ancient city.


Christof Berns
In this contribution, the term »monumental« is related to different ways of
memorialization depending on the situation of their reception. Two differing
models are defined on the basis of the tomb architecture: Spacious, temenos-
like structures provide a frame for ephemeral acts of memory. In this case, the
idea of »monumentality« is created by the number of people taking part in and
the temporal duration of the events. It seems to depend on a primarily local
public. In contrast to this, architecturally designed tombs by their material mass
and their architectural decoration create a permanent monumentality that is
independent from collective acts of memory. They seem to be addressed to a
mostly supralocal public.


Reinhard Heinz
The early Hellenistic Mausoleum of Belevi in Ionia was a royal tomb of mo-
numental size. The recent building research adduced evidence for the lower
and upper storeys, for the layout of the roof, and details of the design of the
peristasis and the display architecture. The monument was designed with clear
proportions. Regardless of its huge size numerous optical refinements were
included in the design: in addition to curvature, entasis and inclination of co-
lumns, entablature, socle walls as well as doors, a slight widening of the middle
bay and continuous tapering of dimensions to increase the effects of perspective
were carried out. The basic layout of the mausoleum type deriving from Lycia
and Caria was fused together with local, oriental, Macedonian and mainland
Greek elements.
xviii Abstracts


Olivier Henry
In Caria, a region situated in the South-West of ancient Asia Minor, numerous
and important discoveries in the field of monumental funerary architecture
were recently made. Besides the famous Maussolleion of Halikarnassos, already
notorious in ancient times, we count nowadays many monuments, from the
Halikarnassos peninsula to the highlands of Caria, which seem to represent spe-
cific features of Carian funerary culture. Most of these tombs with sumptuary
architecture reveal not only the strong identity of the deceased, but also the
intention of the local elite to mark the landscape. The object of this contri-
bution is not about studying the characteristics of these dynastic tombs – one
article would not be sufficient –, but rather to point out the phenomenon of the
monumentalisation of »common« graves, or at least more modest than the ones
often highlighted by the scientific actuality. Therefore, based on the peculiar
case of Labraunda, this contribution aims to shed light on the development of
these graves, which at a certain time moved out of the shadows into the lime-
light, and to underline what this evolution can tell us about burial and cultural
customs of the Carians.


Vassiliki Patsiada
Monumental grave complexes appeared in Rhodes only in the period of its
supreme economical and commercial prosperity, i. e. from the last decades of
the 3rd century until the 1st century AD. Before this period both graves and
funerary monuments had in general simple forms. The monumental grave com-
plexes of the Rhodian necropolis present a remarkable diversity and originality
in their architectural shape. These monuments were erected by members of an
economic and social elite consisting of Rhodian citizens and foreigners perma-
nently residing on the island. A decisive role in the foreigners’ integration, as
well as in the social display of eminent citizens was played by the multiple asso-
ciations, which had ownership of some of the monumental grave complexes,
while others were family tombs.


Georgia Karamitrou-Mentessidi
The groups of tombs and the vast cemetries discovered during excavations all
around the antique city of Aiani date from the Late Bronze Age to the Late Hel-
lenistic times. In the royal necropolis of the Archaic and Classical period, the
Abstracts xix

tombs consist of a variety of types. Their monumental form, the testimonies of

cultic worshipping, as well as the richness and quantity of grave offerings allow
us to consider them of royal character and certainly confirm their link with the
Elimiote royal family of which some members are mentioned by Herodotus,
Thucydides and Xenophon.


Barbara Schmidt-Dounas
Tomb A of Katerini was excavated by Katerina Despini in 1976 and 1977. In
her preliminary reports the tomb was dated in the 2nd quarter of the 4th cen-
tury B.C. and the excavator suggested that the structure was a kind of transiti-
onal type of, or precursor to, the Macedonian chamber tombs common in the
Hellenistic period. The ceiling construction of Tomb A of Katerini proves to
be an advanced development of the ceiling in Tomb A at Aiani. It constitutes
a close parallel to the ceiling of the Palatitsia tomb, whose construction follows
the same principles. In the northern part of the grave chamber of Tomb A of
Katerini, fragments of an iron sword were found. Its blade was decorated on
both sides along its length with tiny animal friezes inlaid in gold, which are
comparable to blades from the Mycenaean period.


Maria Stamatopoulou-Stella Katakouta
This article offers an overview of monumental tomb architecture in Thessaly
from the late Archaic to the late Hellenistic period. It discusses the persistence
from the 6th to late 4th centuries B.C. of tholos tombs and (later) chamber
tombs with corbelled (pyramidal) roofs at Pharsalos, Krannon and Yerakari, a
typically Thessalian phenomenon, against alternative modes of funerary repre-
sentation and architecture, namely carefully built cist tombs, often with interior
decoration, grouped under tumuli. Tholos/chamber tombs seem to go out of
fashion in the second half of the 4th century BC. During the Hellenistic period,
despite the strong Macedonian presence in Thessaly, the Macedonian tomb
is attested in comparatively few sites of the region. The spatial distribution of
Macedonian tombs and their architecture are discussed in comparison to similar
monuments in the Greek peninsula and against other elaborate tomb structures
from Thessaly.
xx Abstracts


Frank Rumscheid
The unfinished Uzunyuva at Mylasa was to be a direct but further developed
successor to the Maussolleion at Halikarnassos and also stood within the city
walls. The builder-owner of the Uzunyuva is probably the brother and succes-
sor of Maussollos, Idrieus (ruler 351–344), who may have been buried in the
relief sarcophagus of the completed burial chamber. Neither the Hekatomnid
portraits of the Maussolleion nor those from the Uzunyuva are to be accurately
identified, but in addition to the actual rulers, there may still be shown other
members of the dynasty. The Maussolleion, whose architecture symbolically
combines elements of Lycian tombs, East Greek buildings and Karian corbel
technique, influenced subsequent ancient monumental tombs, and gives still
today its name for elaborate sepulchral buildings.


Mustafa Şahin
This article introduces a chamber-tomb which was discovered in 2006 by chan-
ce during construction work in an area that marked the southern boundary
of Bithynia in ancient times. The tomb, built of stone, consists of a chamber
and the dromos in front. The burial chamber is covered with a special roof
construction, a so-called latern roof. Through this particular roof construction,
which is not very common within Anatolia, the monument attracted attention.
The tomb of Görükle must have been built in about the 2nd century B.C.
according to the ceramics found in the grave-chamber and a coin of Prusias II.


Caroline Huguenot
›Macedonian‹ tombs correspond to a group of chamber tombs from Northern
Greece, which main characteristics are well defined. This model was widely
diffused and does not seem to have gone through fundamental modifications
in mainland Greece. On the other hand, it seems to have been influenced in
various ways in Asia Minor, which might be explained by a strong tradition of
monumental funerary architecture, favouring the adoption and adaptation of
the Macedonian model. It has to be confronted with the linear corbel-vaulted
tombs, almost not attested in mainland Greece, and which technique produces
the same visual effect as a barrel-vault. Some interpretations regarding the co-
existence of both techniques will be proposed, in order to determine if these
technical aspects can be related to specific social or ethnic groups.
Abstracts xxi


Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets
The architecture of the first monumental tombs of Alexandria has its origins in
Macedonian models and above all the tomb of Alexander. For better worship
of his remains, Ptolemy has opened access to the burial chamber during the
cult celebrations. This change in the memorial rites has led to a change in the
architectural models displayed at the first tombs of the Alexandrian elite. The
crossing of the evidence obtained from the written testimonies with the archa-
eological remains leads to the hypothesis of a tomb, which opens to a peristyle,
with an underground burial chamber cut into the rock and a ground floor,
behind a two-story peristyle. Maybe there was also a Tholos.


Martin Seyer
The Lycian peninsula in south-west Asia Minor is shaped by its countless tomb
structures to a greater extent than any other cultural landscape in Asia Minor.
Examples of its differing types are found in every size and quality, from modest
constructions with poor quality handiwork up to monumental sepulchres for
representatives of the ruling elite. In spite of all of the difficulties that arise when
attempting to date the Lycian tomb buildings, it does seem that the imposing
tombs of rulers, in most cases decorated with reliefs, represent the oldest ex-
amples of the individual types, and can be considered as their prototypes. Over
the course of time, these were adapted and carried out in more modest form as
places of rest for a larger group of people, as elucidated in the present article by
reference to the pillar tomb and the temple tomb types.


Paul Widera
Hellenistic grave monuments on the Peloponnesus have played only a marginal
role in research. In the meantime, more than 50 grave constructions have been
documented. The most common are Peribolos tombs, evidence of which can
be provided from almost the entire peninsula. A smaller group are grave mo-
numents with a temple-shaped facade, which can only be found in Alipheira,
Phigaleia and Sparta. In Messene alone, evidence of three examples of chamber
tombs could be provided. For all three types, the builders borrowed design
elements from sacred architecture. Furthermore, it can be shown that the orga-
nisational principle of necropoleis on the Peloponnesus were streets of tombs,
outside as well as within cities.
xxii Abstracts

(page 315–335) TUMULI IN PERGAMON

Ute Kelp – Felix Pirson
In Pergamon monumental tombs of Hellenistic times are – as far as we know
them – tumuli. Funerary representation is not limited to the burial of one or
more deceased individuals or the size and location of the grave monument. In
fact, these tumuli were also a way of symbolic appropriation of the landscape
by social groups or political entities who wanted to express a territorial claim of
the land. They also show the continued development of traditional grave types
and can be traced back to local tumuli with cist graves surrounded by a crepis.
Tumuli 2 and 3 are first steps towards monumentalization culminating in the
erection of the Yığma Tepe. While the Pre-Hellenistic Taşdam Tepe Tumulus
and its quite experimental grave chamber can be associated with local dynasts in
the Caicos valley, the tumuli of Pergamon reveal the strong impact of Macedo-
nian burial culture under Attalid rule.
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly
in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods
An Overview

The contribution of Thessaly for the study of monumental funerary architec-

ture of the Archaic to Hellenistic periods is little known, despite the existence
of distinctive local styles and tomb monuments. As will become clear from the
discussion below, the number of monumental tombs dating from the Archaic
to Hellenistic periods is surprisingly small, especially when one considers the
proverbial wealth of the Thessalian elite landowning families and the oligarchic
systems by which the Thessalian cities were governed. Even so, the variability
of the tomb monuments and their structural peculiarities make them unique
both to the region and mainland Greece as a whole, and therefore worthy of
discussion. During the late Archaic and Classical periods typical for the region
is a series of built tombs that most likely deliberately imitate monuments of
the ›heroic‹ (Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age) past, namely tholos tombs
covered by mounds. At the same time, in the late 5th and 4th centuries, some
Thessalians, most characteristically the Pharsalians, adopted grave periboloi of
the Attic type, alongside a new, tomb-type, peculiar to Thessaly: built chamber
tombs of square plan and a corbelled pyramidal roof. Both tholos and chamber
tombs with pyramidal roofs cease to be made by the late 4th century B.C..
In the Hellenistic period, monumental funerary architecture is rare; tombs of
the Macedonian type are the most elaborate funerary monuments in Thessaly
although their number is small compared to the very strong presence of Mace-
donians in the region.

We will begin this discussion with the most characteristic tomb type for the
region, the built tholos tomb. Tholos tombs with corbelled vaults are known
in Thessaly since the Mycenaean period; together with Messenia and Crete, the
type continues in the Early Iron Age for collective burial1. Tholos tombs are
characterized by a tripartite arrangement: A thalamos (chamber) with corbelled-
vault, preceded by a built (and roofed) stomion (entranceway) and a dromos
The earliest known monument of the type post-dating the Geometric period
was erected some time in the late 6th century over a Late Helladic IIB built
chamber tomb, in the western cemetery of Pharsalos, the leading city of the
tetrad Phthiotis (fig. 1 no. 11; figs. 2–3)2. The tomb (conventionally named ›the

1 Galanakis 2008, vol. 1, 76–85; vol. 3, Verdelis 1951, 157–163; Verdelis

131–146. 227–232; Georganas 2000; 1952a, 185–198 and pl. II for plan
Stamatopoulou 1999 vol. 1, 36–39; and sections of the tomb; Verdelis
Stamatopoulou 2016, 181. 1953, 128–132; Verdelis 1954, 153–
2 On Pharsalos: Decourt u. a. 2004, 155; Katakouta – Karagounis 2006,
702–704 (cat. no. 413); Béquignon 319–324 figs. 2–11. The final pub-
1970; Katakouta – Toufexis 1994; lication of the tomb is underway by
Stamatopoulou 2007b. On the tomb: the authors.
148 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta

Figure 1: Verdelis tomb‹) was built of local grey limestone and was covered by an earthen
Map of Thessaly mound that was surrounded by a stone enclosure wall, that was 19 m in diame-
showing the sites ter and is preserved to a height of 1.50 m. The tomb consisted of a round cham-
with monumental ber built in the polygonal system, 4.50 m in diameter, covered with corbelled
tombs discussed in roof, a roofed stomion (3.30 m long by 1.18 – 1.53 m wide) and a built dromos
this volume. (3.95 m long by 1.12 m wide)3. Inside the tholos, on either side of the entrance,
two monolithic sarcophagi were found looted and partially destroyed4.
The tomb’s construction, in the polygonal style, is unattested in earlier funerary
architecture of the region, but there are close similarities with sections of the
city’s fortifications, which have been dated on masonry evidence to the late
6th-early 5th centuries5.
Despite its looting numerous artefacts were retrieved from the tomb. Nails and
decorative elements of a door, found near the entrance of the stomion in the
dromos, suggest that the entrance to the stomion was closed by a wooden door.
Notable among the finds is the black-figure crater in the Manner of Exekias,
bearing on the main side a Homeric-style battle, possibly for the body of Pat-

3 Verdelis 1951, 158–159; Verdelis 1952a, 4 Verdelis 1951, 158 fig. 31a; 159 dra-
186 and pl. II on the dimensions of the wing IV.
tomb. Also: Koenigs u. a. 1980, 39. 5 Katakouta – Toufexis 1994, 197; Kata-
kouta – Karagounis 2006, 320.
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly 149

Figure 2:
View of the tholos
tomb at Pharsalos
(»Verdelis tomb«).

roklos, and a four-horse chariot on the other; the majority of its fragments were Figure 3:
found in the stomion, near the entrance6. Plan and elevations
The finds of the tomb7, and the masonry style suggest a date of construction in of the »Verdelis
the late 6th century B.C., perhaps the last third of the century, and a usage until, Tomb«.
at least, the late 4th century B.C.8.

6 Verdelis 1951, 160–161; Verde- by Verdelis in his Praktika reports.

lis 1952b. On the pottery from the 7 In particular the pottery from the
tomb: Katakouta – Stamatopoulou foundations (Verdelis 1954, 153–
(forthcoming a); also: Kavvadias 154), the Laconian cup and the cra-
2010; Kavvadias (forthcoming). We ter in the Manner of Exekias: Verdelis
should note here that, although the 1952b.
majority of the finds from the tomb 8 As is implied by the chytridia, the
have been located, we are still missing askoi and trefoil oinochoai: Verdelis
some of the pottery sherds illustrated 1952a, 189–190 figs. 5. 6.
150 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta

The tomb’s location directly above a

rich Mycenaean tomb9, in the imme-
diate vicinity of two other Late Bron-
ze Age tombs and near the edge of the
Early Iron Age necropolis10; the tri-
partite arrangement of the tomb, the
relatively large dimensions of the tho-
los and its type of roofing which bring
Figure 4: to mind earlier tholos tombs from
View of the second Thessaly; the discovery of the crater
late Archaic tholos with the Homeric style battle over the
tomb in the western body of a dead warrior, all are features
cemetery of Phar- that hint at a conscious reference to
salos. the past. Moreover, the discovery of
chytridia dating from the 4th century B.C. in the dromos, the area in front of it
and the upper layers of the mound11, similar to those regularly found in founda-
tion deposits in houses of Pharsalos, indicate that commemorative rites/visits to
the tomb took place in that period. All the above, have led scholars to characte-
rize the monument as a ›heroon‹12. It is evident that this tholos tomb was a point
of reference in the western necropolis of Pharsalos during the classical period,
since a 4th century peribolos tomb ›faced‹ the tholos and not the adjacent road13.
At the same time, we do not think that on present evidence it is possible to fully
evaluate and understand the nature of the funerary assemblage, or the nature of
the later use of the tomb, i.e. whether it was used for burials or for tomb cult,
because the tomb was found plundered, some of the decorated pottery from this
tomb is still to be located, and the immediate vicinity of the tomb has not been
investigated since the 1950s.14.
A second tholos tomb, of roughly similar date, was discovered in the same ce-
metery, about 60 m southeast of the »Verdelis tomb«15. It consisted of a circular
chamber, 4 m in diameter, and a short stomion, 1.80 m long, whose width de-

9 On the Mycenaean tomb: Verdelis Tsingarida 2003, 105–106 (who

1952a, 190–192 and 1953, 128–132 however erroneously places the first
no. 2; Katakouta – Karagounis 2006, use of the tomb to the 8th century
321 fig. 99; Papadimitriou 2001, 125 B.C.).
(90). 13 On this peribolos: Stamatopoulou –
10 Katakouta 2012; among the tombs Katakouta 2013, 86. Verdelis 1954,
of the Early Iron Age necropolis were 157–159; Verdelis 1955, 140.
also tholos tombs. 14 For example we have no information
11 Verdelis 1954, 153; Verdelis’ archive on whether the aformentioned pottery
in the Ephorate of Antiquities of Mag- was used in enagismoi, bore traces of
nesia (Volos). burning, was deliberately broken etc.
12 Marzolff 1994, 267, followed by Lip- 15 Verdelis 1955, 142–144 no. 3 (›grave
polis u. a. 2007, 511. See also recently B‹), 144 figs. 6–7 pls. 45β 46 α–β. In-
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly 151

creased towards the entrance to the chamber (1.60 – 1.85 m wide) (fig. 4). The
tomb was preserved to a height of 0.30 – 0.80 m, but the inward inclination of
the walls confirmed that it was of the tholos type and not a circular enclosure,
similar to those known from Pharsalos and Krannon16; however, its very frag-
mentary state does not allow further discussion of its architecture17.
Although looted, ten small stone repositories were still in the chamber, one
with the name ΑΓΑΠΑ inscribed on the lid18, while many sherds of Attic black-
figure vases were found in the chamber, mainly near the entrance of the tomb19.
The recent re-discovery of the finds in Athens has provided significant infor-
mation about the date and period of use of the monument and the interests of
the burying group. At least four black figure Attic amphorae were placed in
the tomb, as well as a black-glaze amphora and a black-glaze hydria of large
dimensions. The style of the amphorae dates them in the period from the end
of the 6th century to the end of the first quarter of the 5th century20. The large
number of Attic black-figure amphorae in a single burial context is unusual
for the region. Also exceptional is the large number of ossuaries, ten, found in
the chamber of the tomb. Cremation is relatively rare in Thessaly during this
period; in all other tholos and chamber tombs from Thessaly that date to the
late Archaic and Classical periods, inhumation in sarcophagi is the predomi-
nant burial rite. The iconography of the vessels is common for the period, but
would also fit the interests of the burying group: Dionysiac themes; male erotic
pursuit; hoplite race.
The third and most developed example of a tholos tomb was discovered in
neighbouring Krannon (fig. 1 no. 6), a major city of the Thessalian plain,
›home‹ of the legendary family of the Skopads21. The cemetery at Krannon ext-
ends over a very large area, about 2.5 km to the south of the city; many tumuli
are still visible today, mainly along the road that led to south, towards Pharsalos.
On the east side of this road, the single known example of a tholos tomb of
the Classical period in Thessaly was excavated in 1960 (figs. 5-6)22. The tomb
consisted of a semi-underground circular chamber, 3.28 m in diameter, and a

formation on the tomb survives in the (ΦΑ 9) pl. 71.

Archives of the Ephorate of Antiqui- 19 See n. 6 for a discussion of the
ties of Magnesia (Volos), D. R. Theo- findspot of the ›Verdelis‹ tomb ves-
charis’ Archive, file 28: ›Report on the sels, some also near the entrance of
year 1955‹ p. 2–3 no. 4 (with plans of the chamber.
the tomb); Stamatopoulou 1999, vol. 20 For the pottery from the tomb, see Kata-
II fig. 12. kouta – Stamatopoulou forthcoming a;
16 See below n. 27. Mannack forthcoming; Katakouta –
17 Verdelis 1955, 142–143 pl. 45b fig. Stamatopoulou 2019, 297–298.
6. Verdelis makes no reference in his 21 On Krannon: Decourt u. a. 2004,
report but we think it is likely that it 694–5 (cat. no. 400); Stamatopoulou
too was covered by a mound. 1999, vol. II cat. no. 35 ; Batziou-Ef-
18 Doulgeri-Intzesiloglou 2000, 152–3 stathiou – Karagounis 2013.
152 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta

short stomion, to the

west of the chamber,
made up of two wide
steps (0.62 m long by
0.97 m wide)23. The
tomb did not have
a built dromos. The
entrance to the tomb
was closed by a dry-
stone wall, part of which survived. Inside the chamber,
two poros sarcophagi were found, one badly destroyed.
They had been placed on the paved floor of the chamber,
on either side of the entrance; remains of a wooden coffin
or cover were preserved inside the intact sarcophagus24.
Although the tomb was looted, the pottery fragments
collected from the tholos suggest a period of use in the
Figure 5a (above): first half of the fifth century25.
Published section The Krannon tomb is exceptionally well built, in ashlar masonry, with decora-
and plan of the tive drafted margins on the corners of the blocks and a paved floor. Its plan, the
tholos tomb at semi-underground placement of the chamber, the existence of a stomion and
Krannon. the method of closing the entrance with a dry-stone wall are elements that recall
built tholos tombs of the Early Iron Age26. It is interesting to note that unlike
Figure 5b (right): Pharsalos, at Krannon there does not seem to have been a tradition of tholos
Unpublished sketch tomb architecture during the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age; instead
by D. Theocharis circular enclosures with a short passageway were used for collective burials27.
of the plan of the On present evidence the Krannon tholos tomb seems to be the latest example
tholos tomb at of the type in Thessaly.
22 Theocharis 1960, 179–181. 180 dra- thiou – Karagounis 2013, 17, 28–29
wing 4; Archives of the Ephorate of figs. 29–31. In 2016, many fragments
Antiquities of Magnesia (Volos): D. R. of one of the sarcophagi, bearing pain-
Theocharis’ Archive, file 24, p. 14–15, ted decoration (mostly mouldings)
and drawings of the tomb (titled: were located in the Volos Museum;
Tomb 7 (B)) dated: 4.10.60. they are under study by the authors.
23 Theocharis 1960, 180 plan 4 pl. 25 Theocharis 1960, 181 pl. 155a. The
154β–γ; Milojčić 1960, 175–176 pottery from the tomb was identified
Abb. 18. in the Volos Museum in 2013 and is
24 The existence of the second sarcopha- under study by the authors.
gus that is not depicted in the publis- 26 Stamatopoulou 2016, 187.
hed plan of the tomb (see above n. 27 See for example the round peribolos
23), is clear from the drawing by D. enclosure with a passageway that was
Theocharis in the Archives of the Epho- investigated at the locality Girlenia,
rate of Antiquities of Magnesia, fig. 5b: dating to the Early Iron Age: Tziafalias
Stamatopoulou 1999, vol. II fig. 7b – Zaouri 1999, 144 fig. 2. 146–7 figs.
pls. 9a. 13c. See also: Batziou-Efsta- 9–10. At Agios Georgios near Kran-
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly 153

Figure 6:
View of the tholos
tomb at Krannon.


During the 5th century a typically Thessalian tomb type emerges in the region,
the built chamber tomb of rectilinear plan with a corbelled pyramidal roof28.
To-date four examples are known from Thessaly, two from Krannon, one from
Pharsalos and the last one from Yerakari at the northern edge of the eastern
Thessalian plain (fig. 1 no. 3). Despite differences in details and masonry style,
all tombs, which were found plundered, display the same basic features. The
tomb chamber, of square plan, was of relatively small size (side ranges from 2.25
m – 4 m) and was carefully built in the isodomic or pseudo-isodomic style with
ashlar blocks. Its paved floor was set slightly below the surface of the threshold,
and the walls of the chamber created a toichobate and orthostate course on the
lower vertical part, while their upper part inclined inwards to form a corbelled
pyramid. The chamber was in all cases preceded by a short stomion, whose
upper part/lintel was emphasized; in at least two examples the dromos that led
to the tomb had built side walls. Although only in the two Krannon tombs is
the existence of the mound confirmed, it is highly likely that all were originally
covered by an earthen mound. The roofing system of these chambers (corbel-
ling), the presence of a stomion and/or dromos, the placing of sarcophagi in
the chamber, are features that relate the chamber tombs to the Pharsalos and
Krannon tholos tombs and thus to the Thessalian tradition of built corbel-

non the periboloi are less canonical in 187; also Katakouta 2012, 241, 248
shape, more ellipsoid, and constitute fig. 3 for examples from Pharsalos.
adaptations of this type; they are co- 28 For a discussion of these tombs: Sta-
vered by a tumulus and date to the matopoulou 1999, vol. I 39–47; Sta-
Archaic period: Tziafalias 1994 (with matopoulou 2016, 187–190; Stama-
earlier bibl.); Stamatopoulou 2016, topoulou – Katakouta forthcoming.
154 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta

Figure 7 (right):
View of the tholos
tomb at Krannon.

Figure 8 (above):
Krannon, cham-
ber tomb, detail
of the upper part vaulted tombs. Although looted, the masonry style, the pottery and other finds
of the walls of the (discussed below) suggest that they were constructed and in use from the second
chamber. half of the 5th century to the late 4th century B.C..
The emergence of built chamber tombs with pyramidal roof at a time when
tholos tombs ceased to be constructed in the region, in the second half of the
5th century B.C., may be linked to the preferred burial mode, inhumation in
stone sarcophagi, for which a rectilinear plan was more appropriate. Although
in the Late Bronze Age built chamber tombs with chambers of rectilinear and
round plan co-existed29, we think that in the Classical period the appearance
of the chamber tomb with pyramidal roof is an adaptation of the tholos tomb.
Given the importance of these tombs and the fact, that so far they are unique to
the region30, it is worth offering a brief description of the individual tombs. We
shall begin with the Krannon tombs, one of which was found directly opposite
the already discussed tholos tomb (figs. 7-8). Conventionally named ›tomb A‹,
it had a small chamber (side: 3.15 m; maximum preserved height: 3.23 m) and
a stomion to the south, formed by a projection of the chamber walls, that was
emphasized by a large monolithic lintel31. The recent restoration works of the

29 Galanakis 2008, vol. 1,76–85; Stama- Thracian funerary architecture, where

topoulou 2016, 182. tholos architecture is popular in the
30 Theodossiev 2007 for a discussion of 4th century B.C.
the Thessalian tombs in the context of 31 Theocharis 1960, 177–179; Protono-
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly 155

Figure 9 (left):
Krannon, View
of the ›Deilaki

Ephorate of Antiquities of Larisa have revealed the existence of a dromos in

front of the entrance of the tomb, consisting of work-chips and beaten earth.
In addition, two stone rectangular slabs were found at the outer part of the
dromos, set upright; in the space between them a burial was placed in the 2nd
century B.C.. They had originally served as guides when the fill needed to be
removed for new burials32. The entrance to the chamber was sealed by a pair
of probably wooden doors33. On the outside of the stomion, towards the dro-
mos, the opening was closed by a dry-stone wall. The upper part of the tomb
is destroyed, but its capstone suggests that it was covered with a pyramidal roof.
Inside the chamber one or more sarcophagi were placed on the paved floor;
only fragments survived the looters34. The pottery recovered from the tomb
suggests a date in the late 5th – early 4th century B.C..
The second tomb of this type at Krannon (conventionally named: the ›Deilaki‹
tomb) was located about 250 m south, along the same road (fig. 9)35. This tomb
had a dromos consisting of two parts: the inner, stone-built, part was set slightly

tariou-Deilaki 1960, 44–45 fig. 11; 34 Notes in the unpublished notebook

Stamatopoulou 1999, vol. II fig. 8 pls. of D. R. Theocharis in the Archives of
15–16. the Ephorate of Antiquities of Magne-
32 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta forthco- sia (Volos), dated 12.10.60.
ming. 35 Protonotariou-Deilaki 1960; Stama-
33 Theocharis 1960, 179 plan 3. topoulou 1999, vol. II figs. 9–11 pls.
156 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta

Figure 10:
Krannon, View
of the painting on
the back wall of the

Figure 11:
Krannon, Painted
sarcophagus lid.

off-centre and its sides were higher towards the chamber; the outer part, to-
wards the street, was not built but near its end two large stone slabs were found
on either side of it, serving as guides for the users of the tomb, when the fill
was removed for new burials36. The entrance to the tomb was again emphasized
by a monolithic lintel, with a pediment carved on its upper part. The walls
of the chamber, built of yellowish sandstone in an ashlar manner, preserved
punch marks that create a decorative effect. Holes for iron nails on the upper
vertical part of the walls suggest that various objects or garlands hung on them,
a practice better attested in neighbouring Macedonia37. The rear wall of the
chamber, opposite the entrance, bore figure painted decoration, a unicum for
Thessaly, that according to the excavator depicted a banquet scene on a white
background (fig. 10)38. Inside the chamber two monolithic stone sarcophagi
were placed on either side of the entrance, covering the entire length of the

36 Archives of the Ephorate of Antiqui- (for Macedonia).

ties of Larisa. 38 Protonotariou-Deilaki 1960, 34–35
37 Protonotariou-Deilaki 1960, 33–34; fig. 8; Milojčić 1960, 177; Stama-
also: von Mangoldt 2012, 36 n. 317 topoulou 1999, vol. II pl. 1.
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly 157

chamber. The northern sarcophagus bore painted decoration, which according Figure 12a-b:
to the excavator consisted of ornaments on the body and a boar hunt scene on Pharsalos, chamber
the pediment on the lid. The fragments of the painted sarcophagus were re- tomb: plan and sec-
cently re-discovered in the storerooms of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Larisa tions of the tomb.
(fig. 11); it is evident that both pediments were decorated with painted scenes.
The southern sarcophagus contained a wooden coffin whose edge had a relief
meander band39. Based on the finds retrieved from the tomb and its masonry a
date in the second half of the 4th century was proposed by the excavator40.
In Pharsalos, the only known tomb of this type was excavated in the western ce-
metery of the city. It had a square chamber, the largest known so far (side 4 m),
and a short stomion facing the road (fig. 12)41. Its walls were only preserved to
a height of 1 m and most of their upper part is missing. Still, the inward incli-
nation of the upper part of the walls, to form a corbelled roof, is clear. A sarco-
phagus was found inside the chamber, placed in a pit in the bedrock, a unique
arrangement so far for this type of grave42. Until recently the only evidence
for the date of the tomb was Verdelis’ brief statement that it contained pottery

39 Protonotariou-Deilaki 1960, 36–41 β. 45α; Orlandos 1955, 44–46; Archi-

and drawing 17 on p. 43. The study ves of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Ma-
of the painted decoration of the tomb gnesia, D. R. Theocharis’ archive, file
is underway by the authors. 28, ›Pharsalos: Report for year 1955‹ p.
40 Protonotariou-Deilaki 1960, 42–43; 2 no. 3 (with detailed measurements
Theocharis 1960, 175 pl. 154α (for of the stomion); Katakouta – Kara-
the jewelry); Stamatopoulou 2016, gounis 2006, 324–325 fig. 12; Stama-
437–348. topoulou – Katakouta (forthcoming).
41 Verdelis 1955, 140–142 no. 2 pl. 44α– 42 Verdelis 1955, 142 pl. 45a.
158 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta

Figure 13a-b:
Yerakari, chamber
tomb: plan and sec-
tions of the tomb.

sherds of the second half of the 5th century43. The recent, preliminary, study of
the pottery from the tomb, which despite the looting was plentiful, suggests a
date for the construction of the tomb in the third quarter of the 5th century; the
use of the tomb extended until the end of the 5th century B.C.44.
Moving further north, the fourth example of a chamber tomb of this type
was discovered at Yerakari (fig. 1 no. 3; fig. 13) 1 km east-northeast of the
settlement on the hill Palaiokastro45. The settlement, which remains unexplo-
red, controlled the basin of Ayia and the eastern part of the Thessalian plain.
Unfortunately neither the settlement nor the cemetery have been investigated

43 Verdelis 1955, 142. topoulou 1999, vol. II cat. no. 67

44 For a discussion of the pottery from (with earlier bibliography); Stama-
the tomb, see Katakouta – Stama- topoulou 2016, 189–190 and re-
topoulou 2019, 298–305. cently: Stamatopoulou – Katakouta
45 Gallis 1973a and 1973b; Stama- forthcoming.
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly 159

Unlike the other tombs of this

type, here the small chamber
(side 2.25 m) was almost comple-
tely underground; it had a rela-
tively long built dromos (3.65 m
long), which formed a roofed low sto-
mion (0.70 m wide × 0.90 m high)
towards the entrance. The construc-
tion of the chamber was in the pseu-
do-isodomic style; judging from the
published images and plans it seems
less careful/decorative than the Kran-
non tombs. The few finds, most no-
tably the bolsal and a Corinthian type
skyphos, can be dated to the late 5th
– early 4th centuries.
The tomb is very interesting, both for
its type and location. Its discovery at Figure 14:
the northern edge of the eastern Thes- Krannon, plan of
salian plain at a considerable distance the Sarmanitsa
from Krannon and Pharsalos suggests tumulus.
that such tombs were not concentra-
ted in the central Thessalian plain but were geographically widely dispersed.


Bearing in mind the limited research on Thessalian necropoleis and the large
number of tumuli in the plain that remain uninvestigated, it is reasonable to
assume that built tholos or chamber tombs must have been more numerous
than the existing sample suggests. Even so, their number is very small compa-
red to tholos tombs that date to the Late Bronze Age or, especially, the Early
Iron Age and thus seem to have been used by a small, select, group. It is worth
pointing out that, even though some Thessalian elite groups chose to bury their
dead in funerary monuments that consciously, if not systematically, archaize,
not all affluent Thessalians chose this mode of self-representation in burials.
At Krannon tumuli covering cist graves, built of monolithic and well-dressed
stone slabs, stone sarcophagi, occasionally tile-covered graves, and stone reposi-
tories co-existed in the vicinity of the mounds protecting built tombs. Notable
among them is the ›Sarmanitsa‹ tumulus, located to west of the acropolis (fig.
14)46. It contained twenty-six graves, of both adults and children, which were

46 Hourmouziadis 1970; Zaouri 1989; the tomb; Stamatopoulou 1999, vol.

Tsiaka forthcoming, for the pottery of II cat. no. 35.
160 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta

clustered at its two ends. The tumu-

lus was used from the end of the 6th
century to the third quarter of the 5th
century B.C.. The burials are rich by
contemporary Thessalian standards as
is inferred by the care of the const-
ruction of the sarcophagi (monolithic,
with well-dressed interiors and traces
of red plaster)47, the discovery of im-
ported Attic pottery (mostly lekythoi)
and of an iron sword inside sarcopha-
gus XX48.
Turning to Pharsalos, the two late Ar-
chaic tholos tombs already discussed
were part of a large, organised ceme-
tery. Our knowledge of the western
cemetery of the city during the 6th and
Figure 15: early 5 centuries BC is still limited, but it is clear that in the period of cons-

Plan of the Schis- truction and initial use of the tholos tombs there were also individual burials
meni Magoula in stone sarcophagi that were not grouped under tumuli49. In the late 5th and
tumulus. 4th centuries B.C., remarkable variety characterizes the grave typology in this
cemetery: peribolos tombs of the Attic type (although smaller and less elabora-
te)50; tumuli covering a small number of burials in stone sarcophagi and/or cists,
secondary cremations in metal urns placed in stone repositories51.
Typical of affluent burials in the Thessalian plains during the Classical (but also
the Hellenistic) period are tumuli used for a limited number of burials in stone
sarcophagi or elaborately made stone cists. A good example is the Schismeni Ma-
goula tumulus, situated about 1.5 km from the settlement on the site Gremnos
(fig. 1 no. 5; fig. 15)52. The well constructed tumulus covered three monolithic
sarcophagi, sunk in pits in the bedrock, that were used for single inhumations,
which were well-furnished in organic materials but sparse in metal offerings
or pottery. The pottery and a silver coin found in the tombs date them in the
second half of the 4th century B.C.
47 In particular grave V where the stone 50 Verdelis 1951, 155–157; Verdelis
sarcophagus was placed in a pro- 1952a, 199–203; Stamatopoulou –
tective stone casing: Hourmouziadis Katakouta 2013.
1970, 279–280 pl. 237γ. 51 Verdelis 1951, 154–155; Verdelis
48 Hourmouziadis 1970, 280–282; Za- 1953, 127.
ouri 1989, 232 gr. XX. Also: Stama- 52 On the tumulus: Milojčić 1956, 170–
topoulou 1999, vol. I 31–32; Stama- 172; Biesantz 1957; Stamatopoulou
topoulou 2016, 190–191. 1999, vol. I 52; vol. II cat. nos. 23. 57.
49 As for example the single sarcopha- It is noteworthy that traces of an axial
gus found in 1952, east of the tholos post (0.20 m. thick) with remains of
tomb: Verdelis 1952a, 201–203. wood were observed at the centre of
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly 161

Further east, in the intensively investi-

gated area around the Gulf of Pagasai,
modern Volos, no built tholos/cham-
ber tombs of the Archaic or Classical
periods have been found to-date, de-
spite the strong Late Bronze Age and
Early Iron Age tradition of built tholos
tombs53. In this region, the most ela-
borate tomb types and best furnished
burials tend to be in monolithic sarco-
phagi or well-dressed stone-lined cist
tombs. The same seems to apply to
Pherai, the leading city of the region;
the best known example is the ›Thy-
marakia‹ tumulus (fig. 1 no. 10), in
the still largely uninvestigated, nort-
hern cemetery. This tumulus is situa-
ted on a prominent site, on a hill near
the road to Larisa. It was the resting place of a family, and was in use from the
second half of the 5th century to the early 3rd century B.C.54. The cist graves of Figure 16:
this tumulus were very carefully constructed of monolithic stone slabs that fitted Drawing of the
perfectly. The inner face of these slabs was carefully finished and decorated by interior decoration
a single incised line running along the sides creating a Π-shaped frame that was of the Thymarakia
often accentuated with colour, while the most elaborate examples were further tumulus tombs.
decorated with incised Ionic columns, some preserving red and blue colour
on the capitals (fig. 16). The offerings of these tombs, although lacking metal
vessels or jewellery, imply substantial investment and care by the burying group.
The custom of using cist graves with incised Ionic columns in the interior for
well-to-do burials seems to be particular to the area around the Gulf of Pagasai,
with Pherai and/or Pagasai the possible centres of production55. In the central
Thessalian plain, cist tombs with interior decoration imitating architectural fea-
tures are known from Larisa (fig. 1 no. 4) and, recently, from the vicinity of the
village Amygdali near Lake Karla (fig. 1 no. 9), but in both cases the tombs here
the mound: Biesantz 1957, 38–43. chive and for his significant practical
Remains of enagismoi were visible help.
above each sarcophagus: Biesantz 53 Morgan 2003, 95–102; Stamatopou-
1957, 40; Biesantz 1959, 74 fig. 1. lou 2016, 192–193.
Important documentation exists in 54 Adrymi-Sismani 1983; Doulgeri-Int-
the archive of the excavations in the zesiloglou 1994, 79; Arachoviti 1994,
Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte 127 fig. 1; Stamatopoulou 1999, vol.
und Vorderasiatische Archäologie II cat. no. 63.
in Heidelberg. M. Stamatopoulou 55 List of examples: Stamatopoulou
would like to thank P. Marzolff for 1999, vol. I 23–26 (with earlier biblio-
alerting her to the existence of this ar- graphy); vol. II pl. 5.
162 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta

date to the Hellenistic period and the rather rudimentary columns have Doric
capitals, not Ionic56. There has been much speculation about the meaning of
these architectural features. Some scholars see in them a reference to the sanctity
of the tomb and a higher/heroized status of the deceased whereas others exp-
lain them as an allusion to elaborate domestic architecture57. It is very difficult
to come to a satisfactory all encompassing interpretation, especially because in
most cases the tombs were found looted. When intact, as for example in the
Thymarakia tumulus at Pherai and the Military airport tumulus in the eastern
cemetery of Larisa, the grave goods hint at a concern with the afterlife or the
needs of the deceased for the journey to the Underworld, but there is no evi-
dence for a ›higher‹/heroized status of the deceased58. The similarity of the ar-
rangement to the interior decoration of the Judgement Tomb at Lefkadia might
imply an allusion to domestic architecture, peristyle courts of elaborate houses,
at least for the Hellenistic tombs59. In any case, our appreciation of the practice
of decorating the interior of tombs with columnar features will undoubtedly
be enhanced following the discovery in Macedonia, at Aigai, of two large built
chamber tombs with interior decoration of Ionic half columns, dating – accor-
ding to the excavator – to the 5th century B.C.60.
The Macedonian control of large parts of Thessalian territory from the late 4th
century onwards did not alter significantly the burial landscape of the region.
As with the Classical period, built tombs remained a minority choice. More

56 Well made cists tombs with interior the late Classical and especially Hel-
incised decoration were found in La- lenistic periods, yet, Ionic columns
risa, especially at the Military Airport are often represented in scenes of
tumulus: Tziafalias 1980, 281; Gallis the prothesis on black–figure pottery
1982, 62–63. Also: Toufexis 1991 and funerary plaques, alluding to an
(163 Thessalonikis st; 31 Augoustou open space, perhaps the courtyard of
and Elladiou st); Katakouta 1994 the house. For examples, see Shapiro
(Camp of 1st Army’s Division Head- 1991, figs. 1. 7; but see Lynch 2006
quarters); Toufexis 1996 (Ch. Smyr- on the danger of reading too much in
nis st). Stamatopoulou 1999, vol. I the depiction of columns on vases.
26–27; Karapanou – Katakouta 2000, 60 Kottaridi 2013, 131. Also announce-
163. For the Amygdali tomb: Archives ment in the Greek e–journal Archaeo-
of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Larisa. logia: of 20 March 2013 (http://www.
57 Imitation of temple architecture: Pa-
pazapheiri 1961–62, 30 (the sanctity νέοι–βασιλικοί–τάφοι–στις–αιγές/). We
of the tomb); Psarra 1999, 601 n. 17; would like to thank A. Kottaridi for
Karapanou – Katakouta 2000, 163. showing us these tombs and discus-
The tomb as house of the deceased: sing the evidence for their date. Be-
Kurtz – Boardman 1971, 272; Fedak sides Aigai/Vergina, the practice of
1990, 177. decorating the interior of cist tombs
58 Stamatopoulou – Kravaritou 2018, with Ionic columns is attested in
148–152. Macedonia on the island of Agios
59 It is well known that elaborate dome- Achillios in the Prespes region: Psarra
stic architecture is a phenomenon of 1999, 601. The commonalities bet-
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly 163

popular seem to have been tumuli containing cist graves, monolithic sarcophagi
or stone repositories. Typical examples include: the tumulus at Pilaf Tepe, near
the border of the territories of Pherai and Demetrias, where reportedly a ram
was buried in a specially prepared cist, that was situated above a stone theke that
contained the cremated remains of the deceased in a silver situla and numerous
grave gifts61; the tumulus at Sykiai or Sykeon (fig. 1 no. 12), a site neighbouring
Krannon, that was used from the late 4th century to the middle of the 3rd cen-
tury B.C. for five well furnished burials in monolithic stone sarcophagi, some
of which were protected in stone casings62. Further west, at the border city of
Gomphoi (fig. 1 no. 8), with its strong Macedonian connections during this
period, a tumulus that was investigated in 2000, and remains unpublished, con-
tained six cist graves, that date to the 3rd century B.C.. Nearly all graves were
furnished with gold jewellery. Among the numerous offerings of grave 2, were
two silver ossuaries, one bearing the decoration of a dog in high relief on its lid,
gold threads and an intact sword in its case63. At Pelinna, modern Petroporos
(fig. 1 no. 7), a tumulus (15 m in diameter and 1 m high) in the southern ceme-
tery of the city covered three graves, which were grouped within a stone peri-
bolos enclosure64. These were: a stone theke containing the cremated remains
of probably a man in a large bronze pyxis together with a spear head and a gold
danake; a monolithic sarcophagus, with the inhumed remains of a woman laid
on a stretcher and reportedly those of an infant buried in a lebes, and numerous
grave goods, among them a gilt wreath, gold hair ornaments, a gold danake,
and more importantly, the two famous gold ivy-shaped leaves with ›Orphic/
Bacchic‹ texts that had been placed on the adult female’s chest. This was most
likely a family tumulus, since only a generation separates the burials: from the
1st to 2nd quarter of the 3rd century B.C.65.

ween Thessaly and Macedonia are a 63 Archives of the Ephorate of Antiqui-

very interesting topic that requires ties of Larisa.
further exploration. 64 Tziafalias 1992, 133–134; Karapanou
61 We have already mentioned the tu- – Katakouta 2004, 120–126. On the
mulus in the eastern cemetery of La- cemeteries of Petroporos: Stama-
risa, inside the Military Airport of the topoulou 1999, vol. II cat. no. 48;
modern city, in use during the 2nd Karapanou 1997; Katakouta 1997.
century BC: Tziafalias 1980, 281– 65 We should also note here grave 4 at
282; Gallis 1982, 62–63. For the Pilaf the locality Koulia at Petroporos: a
Tepe tumulus: Edmonds 1900. The monolithic stone sarcophagus was
tomb is under study for publication covered under a low tumulus. The
by Stamatopoulou. grave contained a male adult inhu-
62 Hatziaggelakis 1999; Stamatopoulou mation burial and distinctive/unusual
1999, vol. II cat. no. 52 pl. 10c–d; on finds: Karapanou 1997, 521–522; Ka-
stone casings: Stamatopoulou 1999, rapanou – Katakouta 2004, 115–120.
vol. I 31–32.
164 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta


As mentioned earlier, the most elabo-
rate tomb type during the Hellenistic
period in Thessaly was the Macedo-
nian tomb; still their number is very
small – three examples – and, if at all
meaningful, the geographical distri-
bution shows a concentration in the
northern regions. Further south, in
the former perioikic regions of Pthti-
otis, Malis and Ainis, six examples are
known, from Lamia, Mexiates (twin
tomb), Hypata, Perivoli Pthtiotidos,
Figure 17: Larisa, all situated along routes/major passa-
Macedonian tomb ges66.
at Palaiochoria. All three Macedonian tombs found
in Thessaly, at Larisa, Petroporos and
Azoros were only partially investigated in the early part of the 20th century
by A. Arvanitopoulos; they had been looted already in antiquity, and remain
unpublished. As will become clear from the presentation below all were quite
small, with simple facades that bore no elaboration67. The Macedonian tomb at
Palaiochoria Larisas (fig. 1 no. 4; fig. 17) was situated about 5 km south of the
city. Although its exact location is not known today, on the basis of a military
map of the Greek Kingdom dated 1909 it appears that the tomb was situated
south of the city, on the hills south-east of the modern cemetery of Larisa. The
tomb was thus located within the chora of ancient Larisa, most likely related to an
isolated rural installation/private estate and not part of the organised cemeteries
of the city68. It was a small single-chamber tomb69, built of ashlar poros blocks
in the pseudo-isodomic style and roofed by a barrel vault. No traces of a dromos

66 Dakoronia 1983; Bougia 2005 (Ar- 127–128; Arvanitopoulos 1909, 27–

gyrochori Hypatis); Huguenot 2006; 44; Aρχ. Αρβ. 4, 19–33: 14.10.1906–
Huguenot 2008, 255: she links the 24.10.1906, with drawing of the east
location of Macedonian tombs along (front) side of the tomb on p. 26; Sta-
major passes/routes to movements of matopoulou 1999, vol. II cat. no. 46;
Macedonian garrisons in the region. Huguenot 2008, 260; von Mangoldt
Also: von Mangoldt 2012, 167–168 2012, 168–170 cat. no. B 69 (with
cat. no. B 68 (Lamia); 203–206 cat. earlier bibliography; he hypothesizes
nos. B 85–86 (Mexiates); 230–232 that the tomb was situated near Kran- B 104 (Perivoli); 305 cat. no. non, which is evidently not true).
B 145 (Hypata). 69 Outer dimensions: L 3.77 m; W 2.58
67 For a brief discussion of these tombs: m; H 2.95 m; Inner dimensions: L
Huguenot 2008, 260–263. 2.87 m × W 1.68 m wide, preserved
68 It was excavated between 17–24 Oc- H 2.45–2.65 m.
tober 1906: Arvanitopoulos 1906,
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly 165

Figure 18:
Petroporos, Mace-
donian tomb, view
of the roof of the
dromos and the

were observed. Access to the tomb was from the east, where the entrance was
emphasised by a large monolithic lintel, whose sides bear clear traces of a relieving
margin; the entrance was closed with a single marble slab70.
Information about the contents and the appearance of the chamber is limited.
It was apparently simple, with the floor made of packed earth and the walls co-
vered with whitish plaster71. Based on information by locals, the excavator pro-
posed that the burial mode may have been cremation with the remains deposi-
ted in a hydria, which in turn, was placed in a stone cubic repository that was
found nearby72. Among the few finds from the chamber, the pots and sea-shells
with traces of coloured powders in their interior and the bronze mirror disc,
imply that least one of the occupants of the grave might have been a woman73.
The simplicity of the tomb’s construction, its almost complete plundering, and
the uncertainty concerning its exact location, make an accurate date difficult;
the early 3rd century B.C. has been proposed on the basis of the pottery and its
masonry style74.
The second Macedonian tomb in the region, at Petroporos75 (fig. 18) was si-
tuated by the road connecting Larisa with Trikke, in the southern cemetery of
ancient Pelinna. The tomb was covered under a large tumulus and was placed

70 On the roofing of this tomb, its faça- 74 Arvanitopoulos 1909, cl. 40–41; von
de and the similarities to the tomb at Mangoldt 2012, 170.
Argyrochori Hypatis: Bougia 2005, 75 It was excavated in November 1906:
17–18. Arvanitopoulos 1906, 128–130;
71 Arvanitopoulos 1909, cl. 33. 36. Aρχ. Aρβ. 4, 47–59 with drawings
72 Arvanitopoulos 1909, fig. 2. of the tomb; also unpublished ma-
73 Arvanitopoulos 1909, cls. 38–40 fig. nuscript by the excavator written
3. on 30.11.1906 and titled: »Τύμβος
166 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta

off-centre76. It consists of single chamber (measuring 5.70 × 4.50 m), preceded

by a short, stone built and flat-roofed, dromos (dimensions: 2.00 × 3.80 m); the
entrance to the dromos was carefully sealed with poros blocks. The walls of the
tomb were built of soft poros blocks, except for the roof of the dromos, which
was constructed of reused white limestone beams/blocks. Much of the chamber
walls and most of the vault had collapsed already in 1906. Light pink plaster
covered the surface of the walls and the floor of the tomb; in addition, plaster
remains with blue colour were retrieved from the chamber, one bearing part
of a relief moulding with blue and white colour. At the southwestern corner of
the chamber a stone cylindrical ossuary was found in situ, therefore, as in the
Larisa tomb, cremation was most likely the burial rite77. On the basis of a few
pottery fragments retrieved from the fill of the tumulus (one with West-slope
decoration), a date to the 3rd century has been tentatively proposed for the con-
struction of the tomb78. The presence of a Macedonian tomb at Pelinna, a city
with a consistent pro-Macedonian policy, is hardly surprising.
Further north, in Perrhaibia, a region under direct Macedonian control until
the early 2nd century B.C., the only known Macedonian tomb discovered to-
date is the single-chamber tomb at Azoros (fig. 1 no. 1), partially investigated
in 1913 by Arvanitopoulos79. According to the excavator the single chamber
tomb was closed by an elaborate marble two-leaf door80, and contained two
sarcophagi in the interior.
At Demetrias, a city fully integrated in the Macedonian kingdom, no Macedo-
nian tombs have been discovered to-date despite the very extensive exploitati-
on of its necropoleis81. The only monument that could potentially be linked to
its monarchical/dynastic connections is the unfinished edifice on a large terrace

Παλαιού Γαρδικίου« in the archive Antiquities of Larisa; Huguenot 2008,

of the Greek Epigraphic Society. 257.
Cleaning operations undertaken by 78 von Mangoldt 2012, 234.
the Ephorate of Antiquities of Larisa in 79 Arvanitopoulos 1914, 192–193; Αρχ.
2000 led to a reconstruction and new Αρβ. 41, report on 15.3.1913. More
study of the monument: Katakouta – recently: Lucas 1992, 111; Lucas
Karagounis 2006, 325–326 and figs. 1997, 168 fig. 10 on 158; von Man-
13–15; see also von Mangoldt 2012, goldt 2012, 115 cat. no. B 38 (with
233–234 cat. no. B 106. earlier bibliography).
76 Based on Arvanitopoulos’ unpublis- 80 Lucas 1992, 111 fig. 48.
hed reports. The mound’s perimeter 81 On the cemeteries of Demetrias:
was 99 m and its height 6 m: Arva- Arvanitopoulos 1928, Stamatopou-
nitopoulos 1906, 128. There have lou 1999, vol. II cat. no. 12. More
been many interventions at the site recently: Nikolaou 1995; Nikola-
because of modern building and be- ou 1996 (northern cemetery); Ni-
cause of the setting of a look-out post kolaou 2000a; Nikolaou 2000b;
during World War II. Batziou-Efstathiou – Triantaphyl-
77 Katakouta – Karagounis 2006, 325– lopoulou 2003–09.
326 and Archives of the Ephorate of
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly 167

Figure 19:
Tsiourba Mandria:
1916 daybook page,
showing a sketch/
plan of the excava-
ted area.

above the theatre (»Hill 84«), which was identified by P. Marzolff as the heroon
for the ktistai and archegetai of Demetrias82, Demetrios Poliorketes and Anti-
gonos, whose cult is epigraphically attested in the city83. Marzolff’s hypothesis is
very attractive, but the lack of conclusive evidence for its purpose cannot allow
further discussion.
Other than Macedonian tombs, the only other elaborate tomb complex of Hel-
lenistic date was partially investigated by Arvanitopoulos in 1911 and 1916, in
Perrhaibia, in the chora of Gonnoi, at the locality Tsiourva Mandria, ancient
Gonnokondylos (fig. 1 no. 2)84. The excavation was not completed and the
last season of the excavation was never reported85. Two built structures were
found on a small terrace by the torrent Dyo Dendra, dating to the 3rd century
B.C., with further graves in the vicinity that date as late as the 1st century B.C.
(fig. 19). A third built structure lay about 3.80 m to the east of the ›portico‹,

82 Arvanitopoulos 1912, 161–165; Mar- 20 Aug. 1913: where he proposes

zollf 1987; Marzolff 1996, 107–120; that there was a mound in the area.
Marzolff 1994, 268 and fig. 27. See also: Helly 1973a, 39–44. 88 and
83 Kravaritou 2013. fig. 5 on p. 40, cartes II –IV and pls.
84 Arvanitopoulos 1911, 323–329, with 30 –31; Marzolff 1994, 268 and fig.
plan of the area on fig. 8. p. 321 28 on p. 271; Stamatopoulou 1999,
(the area is indicated in the plan by vol. I 221–224. vol. II cat. no. 62.
the letter N) and 9 on p. 325; Arva- 85 The only reference is in the daybooks
nitopoulos 1914, 210–213. See also: of Arvanitopoulos in the archive of
Αρχ. Αρβ. 37, 13–21 Sept. 1911 (with the Archaeological Society of Athens:
drawings of the buildings and ar- Αρχ. Αρβ. 45: 1916: 12–22 Sept. 1916
chitectural members); Αρχ. Αρβ. 42, (with plan of the excavated site).
168 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta

Figure 20:
Tsiourba Mandria:
1911 daybook page
with a sketch/plan
of the second, porti-
co-style building at
the site (1911).

in a small rise of the terrain. Only the euthynteria, made of marble blocks, and
a course of orthostate blocks on the east side remain in situ. The building was
rectangular in plan, measuring 5.37 by 4.77 m, and possibly faced north. The
only finds around the building were fragments of black-glaze pottery. It is not
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly 169

Figure 21:
Tsiourba Mandria:
1911 daybook page
with a sketch of the
door leaf from the
second building at
the site.

certain whether it was related to the other two buildings86.

The first structure was essentially a wall, 9.47 m long, built of well dressed li-
mestone blocks preserved in two courses, reaching a total height of 0.74 m, and
resting on a 10.11 m long euthynteria87. The upper course is 0.18 m deeper than
the lower one; at the two ends of the wall were poros corner stones, protruding
for about 0.36 m. Although Arvanitopoulos identified it as a monumental stair-
case, it was most likely a socle or krepis wall for a retaining wall, because the

86 See Helly 1973a, 44. 87 Arvanitopoulos 1911, 324 fig. 9; Hel-

ly 1973a, 40-41 fig. 5 pls. 30,1; 31,1.
170 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta

space between the first and second courses of the limestone wall is too shallow
for a monumental staircase, and the poros corners are not strong enough to
support such a staircase88. A block of grey marble, found in front of the buil-
ding, which probably belonged to the upper courses of the wall, preserved half
of a funerary epigram, inscribed in letters of the 3rd century B.C., identifying
the owner of this monument with Damokrates, son of Aristokrates, who died
in battle89.
The second structure, about 2 m. further north, was a rectangular building,
5.10 by 2 m, built of grey limestone ashlar blocks, that rested on an euthynteria
of white marble slabs (fig. 20); seven courses survived to a preserved height of
1.35 m90. An opening, 4.30 m wide on the western side faced the torrent,
while another one on the eastern side, 1.36 m wide, may have been closed
by a two-leaf stone false door (a block was found inside the building: fig. 21).
The discovery of an inscribed architrave block inside the structure, mentioning
Aristokrates, son of Damokrates (0.335 by 1.105 by 0.52 m)91 and unfluted
column shafts in the nearby torrent bed92, led the excavator to propose that the
western opening was in antis. A number of marble pan and cover tiles and lion-
head spouts seem to have belonged to the building, as well as part of life-size
clay sculpture93. The structure has been dated on epigraphic and architectural
evidence in the 3rd century B.C.. Helly had wondered whether the monument
was in fact a ›Macedonian‹ Tomb94. However the marble rooftiles exclude such
an identification95. The building is definitely of funerary character. The plan
of the building, the elaboration with columnar architecture and the discovery
of statuary could fit with a family ›heroon‹/mausoleum96, such as those known
from many sites, Mamousia Aigialeias, the Charmyleion of Kos or Late Helleni-
stic Messene97. However, more work must be done on-site before this tentative
hypothesis can be elaborated further.

88 As proposed by B. Helly, ibid. 94 Helly 1973a, 43 n. 5.

89 Arvanitopoulos 1911, 324; Arvani- 95 Huguenot 2008, 40 n. 38 also refuted
topoulos 1915, 22–24 no. 261 and fig. the possibility that it was a Macedoni-
11; Helly 1973b, 208–209 no. 211. an tomb.
90 Arvanitopoulos 1911, 324–326; Helly 96 First proposed by Arvanitopoulos
1973a, 41–44 fig. 6 pl. 30,2; 31,2. 1911, 328–329. Also: Helly 1973a,
91 Helly 1973b, 214–215 cat. no. 219. 43–44 and 88; Marzolff 1994, 268,
92 Description of the unfluted column characterizes this sepulchral complex
drums in Αρχ. Αρβ. 45, 17 Sept. 1916, as being of royal inspiration.
no. 233. 97 The funerary building of Hellenistic
93 Arvanitopoulos 1911, 327; Αρχ. Αρβ. date (late 3rd century B.C.) from Ma-
37, pages dated 17 Sept. 1911 and mousia Aigialeias, ancient Keryneia,
20 Sept. 1911 with drawings noting in Achaia, consisted of a Π-shaped
the findspot of all finds, 21 Sept. retaining peribolos wall, 17 m long,
1911 no. 213 (description of marble whose front took the form of an ar-
rooftile); Aρχ. Aρβ. 45, 12–14 Sept. chitecturally articulated facade, with
1916. half-columns, a false door and relief
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly 171

The inadequate exploration and publication of the Thessalian necropoleis al-
lows only very general conclusions about the choices of the local communities.
It seems however that the funerary landscape of the region did not change dra-
matically from the late 6th to the 2nd centuries B.C. and that mortuary variability
was pronounced, reflecting differing choices and aspirations on the part of the
burying groups.
In the late Archaic and Classical periods, built tholos and chamber tombs with
corbelled and pyramidal roofs imitate in a selective (and often random) manner
features that recall earlier funerary architecture with elite associations. The close
proximity of built tombs of tholos and rectilinear plan in the same necropolis,
as at Pharsalos and especially Krannon, makes the difference in choice of tomb
type all the more interesting. Still, the phenomenon of the parallel existence
and association of rectilinear and curvilinear corbel-vaulted tombs is attested in
Thessaly, already in the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age98.
The date of the construction of the built corbelled vaulted tholoi and chambers
in the late 6th and 5th centuries B.C., and their concentration at Krannon and
Pharsalos are significant. The limited archaeological exploration of the cemete-
ries of Larisa (since the major eastern cemetery is in the site of the modern mili-
tary airport), and of the tumuli cemetery at Krannon and the archaeological site
of Argissa (to which the Schismeni Magoula tumulus belongs) form a serious
obstacle in appreciating the full extent and diffusion of this typical Thessalian
architecture. As we have argued elsewhere, the use of this archaizing funerary
architecture occurred at a period, when elite competition was very strong in
the region at both local and Pan-Hellenic level99. The prominence of the ari-
stocratic families of Thessaly in choral poetry and public life, the appearance of
a hero-cult in relation to the monumental Mycenaean tholos tomb at Georgi-
kon, and the strong variability in funerary practices imply a strong competition
among these groups, and an attempt to ›build‹ their own identity within the
emerging cities. These monuments continued throughout the 5th and into the
4th centuries B.C., periods when factional strife characterized political life in the
region100. The small number of the surviving tholos and chamber tombs reveals
that even though monuments of the past probably influenced the appearance
of a few imposing tomb structures, this did not prompt a uniform reaction nor
a wide diffusion of tholos architecture. Given the deliberate archaizing choices

shields (preserved height: 1.40 m) 2006, 84–85.

and two graves behind the false 98 Galanakis 2008, 84.
doors: Dekoulakou 1994; Vordos – 99 Stamatopoulou 2007a; Stamatopou-
Kolia 2008, 48–49 and fig. 21. For lou 2016, 191–194.
Hellenistic heroa: Hellmann 2006, 100 On the political situation in Thessaly
281–283 fig. 390 (Charmyleion); in this period, see also Bosnakis 2013,
308–310; Themelis 2000; Fedak 19–36. 186–188.
172 Stamatopoulou – Katakouta

in this funerary architecture, and the concentration of the built chamber tombs
in necropoleis such as Pharsalos and Krannon, homes of well-known Thessalian
landowning elite families, it is tempting to associate the built tombs to them and
cists tombs under tumuli to other affluent Thessalians. Yet, due to the looting
of all these built tombs and the absence of epigraphic testimonia, such an iden-
tification would be hazardous.
On present evidence this distinctive local funerary architecture reached its end
towards the end of the Classical period (late 4th century B.C.). The reasons
behind the abandonment of these, typically Thessalian, tomb types are not yet
fully understood. As affluent burials in tumuli with stone cists and sarcophagi
continue it appears that the abandonment of the tholos-like built tombs may be
related to the local circumstances of specific families/burying groups, since we
cannot see a clear link between burials and historical events.
In the Hellenistic period monumental funerary architecture remained a choice
of a very small minority. The impact of Macedonian funerary architecture in the
region seems to have been small. In the case of Macedonian tombs, their plun-
dering and inadequate exploration hinder a full understanding of the funerary
rite, and the identity/status of the deceased. Most are of modest dimensions,
bear minimal ornamentation in comparison to those from Lower Macedonia,
and seem to have been used for women as well as men (although evidence is
minimal). They may be related with Macedonians permanently resident in the
region or with Thessalians who were either related to the Macedonian army/
court or wished to emulate their customs101. The direct association of Macedo-
nian tombs with garrisons is difficult to accept, given their absence at Gonnoi,
Demetrias and Pharsalos and their small numbers in areas where the presence or
movement of Macedonian armies is attested by literary testimonia, numismatic
hoards and epigraphically102.
Thus, the favoured choice throughout Thessaly during the periods under dis-
cussion in this paper seems to have been grouping a small number of graves,
mostly monolithic sarcophagi or well-made and occasionally decorated cists,
under tumuli. The use of a tumulus for just a few generations and the discovery
of burials of both sexes as well as children suggest that they were predominantly
used by families.
To conclude, in the Classical and Hellenistic periods only a very small section
of wealthy Thessalians chose to invest in monumental built tombs. This is in

101 Huguenot 2008, 48–49. 255–263. of construction, postdating the end

102 It is worth noting in this context the of the Macedonian control of the
Macedonian–type tomb at Argyro- region, indicates that the type was
chori Hypatis, which has been dated popular to the local elite regardless
to the 2nd quarter of the 2nd century of ethnic origin or pro-Macedonian
B.C., the latest example of this type attitudes: Bougia 2005, 22–23.
in the valley of Spercheios. Its date
Monumental Funerary Architecture in Thessaly 173

agreement with the overall impression gained from the study of the funera-
ry practices of the region. Throughout the periods under study, monumental
chamber tombs were the exception rather than the rule, and well-built (and
often decorated) cist tombs or stone sarcophagi placed under mounds and well-
equipped with grave goods, offered alternative means for the burial of affluent

The authors would like to thank the organisers of the conference Prof. C. Berns and Dr.
C. Huguenot for their invitation to participate and their hospitality. Thanks are also
due to the Board of the Archaeological Society of Athens esp. its Director General, Dr.
Vassileios Petrakos, and Greek Epigraphic Society, esp. Dr. Angelos P. Matthaiou for
access to archival material from A.S. Arvanitopoulos’ and N. Verdelis’ excavations; Dr.
P. Marzolff and Prof. J. Maran for access to H. Biesantz’s archives in Heidelberg; the
Directors and colleagues of the Ephorates of Antiquities of Magnesia and Larisa for access
to their archives and permission to study archaeological material; Ms Ioanna Ninou for
much practical help.

Stella Katakouta Maria Stamatopoulou

Mourouzi 3 The Ioannou Centre for Classical and
Larisa 412 22 Byzantine Studies 66 St Giles,
Oxford OX1 3LU

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Alle Bildrechte liegen mit Ausnahme der erwähnten Abbildungen bei den je-
weiligen Verfassern:

Beitrag Berns: Abb. 1: Verf. mit A. Dalyancı und L. Steinmann; Abb. 3: Verf. mit
S. Aydal; Abb. 4: Verf. mit A. Dalyancı; Abb. 6: Verf. mit A. Dalyancı; Abb. 9:
Krischen 1944; Abb. 12: Newton 1863 Taf. 63; Abb. 13: Halikarnassos: Jeppesen;
Abb. 14: Verf. mit A. Dalyancı.
Beitrag Heinz: Abb. 1. 2. 7. 8: © ÖAW-IKAnt, Photo by A. Sulzgruber; Abb. 3.
4. 10. 15. 16: © ÖAW-IKAnt, Plan by author; Abb. 5: Heinz 2017, Taf. 122, de-
tail; Abb. 6: Heinz 2017, Abb. 79; Abb. 9: Heinz 2017, Taf. 63.8; Abb. 11: Heinz
2017, Abb. 76; Abb. 12: Heinz 2017, Taf. 85.3, trimmed; Abb. 13: Ruggendorfer
2016, Taf. 99.2, trimmed; Abb. 14: Heinz 2017, based on Taf. 135, details, altered;
Abb. 17: Heinz 2017, Taf. 138, detail.
Beitrag Schmidt-Dounas: Abb. 1: Photo: Aik. Despini; Abb. 2: Fig.: Δεσποίνη
1980, 199 ill. 2; Abb. 3: Fig.: Δεσποίνη 1980, 201 ill. 3; Abb. 5: Photo: P.
Bilali – I. Nazlis.
Beitrag Stamatopoulou: Abb. 3: Verdelis 1953, Pl. II; Abb. 4: Photo: Archives of
the Archaeological Society of Athens; Abb. 5b: Theocharis 1960, 180, plan 4; Abb.
6-7: Photo: Ephorate of Antiquities of Larisa; Abb. 9-11: Photo: Ephorate of Anti-
quities of Larisa; Abb. 12: Verdelis 1955; Abb. 13: Gallis 1973a; Abb. 14: Source:
Archives of the 15th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities (Larisa); Abb.
15: Source: Biesantz 1957, 41-42, Abb. 2; Abb. 16: Source: Adrymi-Sismani
1983, 26, drawing 3; Abb. 17: Arvanitopoulos 1909; Abb. 18: Source: Archives
of the 15th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities (Larisa); Abb. 19-21:
Source: Archives of the Archaeological Society of Athens.
Beitrag Rumscheid: Abb. 1: Jeppesen 2002, Frontispiz; Abb. 2: Photo Archiv
W. Hoepfner; Abb. 8: Photo W. Oberleitner; Abb. 9: Ausschnitt aus Praschniker
– Theuer 1979, 73 Abb. 52, Stufenpyramide entfernt vom Verfasser; Abb. 11:
Zeichnungen Chr. von Weichs mit Ergänzungen des Verfassers.
Beitrag Sahin: Abb. 4: Zeichnung: Gözde Kırlı; Abb. 6: Zeichnung: Gözde Kırlı;
Abb. 9: Zeichnung: Gözde Kırlı.
Beitrag Huguenot: Abb. 1: réalisation C. Huguenot, d’après O. Henry, Considérer
la mort: de la protection des tombes dans l’antiquité à leur conservation aujourd’hui,
Les dossiers de l’IFEA 2, 2003, 40; Abb. 2: Kasper 1976/1977, Tf. II; Abb. 3:
Kasper 1966, Abb. 58; Abb. 4: Henry 2009, fig. 37, 66; Abb. 5: Henry 2009,
fig. 35; Abb. 6: Varkivanç 1993, Tf. 22; Abb. 7: Müller-Wiener 1972, Beil. 5.6;
Abb. 8: Carstens 2002, fig. 10; Abb. 9: Özgen – Öztürk 1996, fig. 82; Abb.
10: Henry 2009, fig. 37, 66; Abb. 11: Delemen 2004, fig. 18; Abb. 12: Conze
Abbildungsnachweise 395

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1971, Abb. 4, Tf. 2; Abb. 17: Kleiner 1968, Abb. 90; Abb. 18: Schazmann
1934, Abb. 3.
Beitrag Guimier-Sorbets: Abb. 1: Adriani 1966, pl. 45, fig. 171; Abb. 2: Adria-
ni 1966, pl. 44, fig. 167; Abb. 3: Adriani 1966, pl. 45, fig. 172; Abb. 4: Grimm
1998, fig. 93c, p. 94; Abb. 5: Cl. A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets, ArScAn; Abb. 6:
Kottaridi 2011a, fig. 267-268, p. 234; Abb. 7: Adriani 1936, pl. XXXII; Abb. 8:
Cl. A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets, ArScAn; Abb. 9: Guimier-Sorbets – Michaelidès
2009, fig. 21.7, p. 219.
Beitrag Seyer: Abb. 1: Z. Kuban, Die Nekropolen von Limyra. Bauhistorische Studien
zur Klassischen Epoche, Forschungen in Limyra 4 (Wien 2012), © Ch. Steimel; Abb.
2: © Projekt „Corpus der Lykischen Sprachdenkmäler“/Foto: L. Fliesser; Abb. 4:
I. Jenkins, Greek Architecture and its Sculpture (London 2006) 161 Abb. 151.; Abb. 5:
© Projekt „Corpus der Lykischen Sprachdenkmäler“/Foto: R. Hügli; Abb. 6: ©
Projekt „Corpus der Lykischen Sprachdenkmäler“/Foto: L. Fliesser; Abb. 7: T.
Marksteiner, Trysa – Eine zentrallykische Niederlassung im Wandel der Zeit,
WForsch 5 (Wien 2002) Abb. 132; Abb. 8: © ÖAW-ÖAI/Foto: N. Gail; Abb.
9: © ÖAW-ÖAI/Foto: N. Gail; Abb. 10: © ÖAW-ÖAI/Foto: N. Gail; Abb.
11: © ÖAW-ÖAI/Foto: N. Gail; Abb. 12: © Projekt „Corpus der Lykischen
Sprachdenkmäler“/Foto: L. Fliesser; Abb. 13: I. Jenkins, Greek Architecture and
its Sculpture (London 2006) 187 Abb. 179; Abb. 14: © ÖAW-ÖAI/Foto: F.
Krinzinger; Abb. 15: © ÖAW-ÖAI/Foto: R. Hügli; Abb. 16: © ÖAW-ÖAI;
Abb. 17-21: © Projekt „Corpus der Lykischen Sprachdenkmäler“/Foto: L. Fliesser.
Beitrag Widera: Abb. 1: Α. Κ. Ορλάνδος, Η Αρκαδική Αλιφείρα και τα Μνημεία
της (Αθήνα 1967/1968) 233 Πιν. 164; Abb. 2: Ν. Γιαλούρης, Ελληνιστικόν
Νεκροταφείον Γιάλοβης Παλαιοναυαρίνου (Κορυφασίου), ADelt 21, 1966,
Chron. Πιν. 158α; Abb. 3: Λ. Παρλαμά, Νεκροταφείον του Δ΄ αἰ. Π. Χ. παρα το
Μαζί Ολυμπίας, AAA 5, 1972, 206-223, Πιν. 15; Abb. 4: Κ. Κρυστάλλη, Σικυὼν,
ADelt 22, 1967, Chron. Πιν. 124β; Abb. 5: Ι. Δεκουλάκου, Ταφικό Μνημείο
στην Κερύνεια Αρχαίας (Θεσσαλονίκη 1994) Σχ. 21; Abb. 6: Α. Κ. Ορλάνδος, Η
Αρκαδική Αλιφείρα και τα Μνημεία της (Αθήνα 1967/1968) 203 Πιν. 141; Abb. 7:
Ξ. Αραπογιάννη, Ανασκαφές στη Φιγάλεια, in: V. Mitsopoulos-Leon (Hrsg.),
Forschungen in der Peloponnes. Akten des Symposions anläßlich der Fei-
er „100 Jahre Österreichisch Archäologisches Institut Athen“ in Athen 5.3.-
7.3.1998 (Athen 2001) 300 Abb. 1; Abb. 8: J. C. Thorn, The Necropolis of Cy-
rene. Two Hundred Years of Exploration (Roma 2005) 499 Fig. 286; Abb. 9:
S. Müth, Eigene Wege. Topographie und Stadtplan von Messene in spätklas-
sisch-hellenistischer Zeit (Rahden 2007) 111 Abb. 49; Abb. 10: Π. Γ. Θέμελης,
Ήρωες και Ηρώα στη Μεσσήνη (Αθῆναι 2000) 116 Πιν. 102; Abb. 11: J.
Ito, Architectural Studies of the three Grave Monuments in the Gymnasium
Complex at Ancient Messene (Kumamoto 2002) 171 Fig. 44; Abb. 12: Α. Κ.

Ορλάνδος, Η Αρκαδική Αλιφείρα και τα Μνημεία της (Αθήνα 1967/1968)

217 Πιν. 147; Abb. 13: Λ. Παρλαμά, Νεκροταφείον του Δ΄ αἰ. Π. Χ. παρα
το Μαζί Ολυμπίας, AAA 5, 1972, 206-223, Πιν. 1; Abb. 14: Verf. nach Π. Γ.
Θέμελης, Ήρωες και Ηρώα στη Μεσσήνη (Αθῆναι 2000) 3 Πιν. 1; Abb. 15:
P. Themelis, Messene, Recent Discoveries (Sculpture), in: M. Stamatopoulou – M.
Yeroulanou (Hrsg.), Excavating Classical Culture. Recent archaeological Discoveries
in Greece (Oxford 2002) 232 Fig. 3;
Beitrag Pirson – Kelp: Abb. 1: V. Stappmanns und A. Wirsching nach Wulf
1994 Beil. 6; Abb. 2: Archiv der Pergamongrabung des DAI. Foto F. Pirson; Abb.
3: Archiv der Pergamongrabung des DAI. Foto U. Kelp; Abb. 4: D-DAI-IST-
Perg.1278; Abb. 5: V. Stappmanns und A. Wirsching nach Wulf 1994 Beil. 6;
Abb. 6: Archiv der Pergamongrabung des DAI. Foto U. Kelp; Abb. 7-9: V. Stapp-
manns; Abb. 10: D-DAI-IST-PE10-Gr-01_139 (A. Wirsching); Abb. 11: D-
DAI-IST-PE10-Gr-01-K_002 (B. Engels); Abb. 12: D-DAI-IST-Perg.1276;
Abb. 13: D-DAI-IST-Perg.1280; Abb. 14: Foto P. Grunwald; Abb. 15: D-
DAI-IST-Kb 10247 (W. Schiele); Abb. 16: Foto P. Grunwald; Abb. 17-19: V.
Stappmanns; Abb. 20-22: Archiv der Pergamongrabung des DAI. Foto F. Pirson.

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