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Friday, October 13, 2023

Student Screening Tool: COVID-19 Screening Tool for

Principal’s Message
A reminder that we will have an early dismissal for all students next Thursday, October 19
Quick Links to accommodate our high school interviews. The school day will end at 1:10 p.m. for all
St. Joseph students. Yellow bus and van school transportation will be adjusted accordingly. OC
Transpo will follow the regular schedules. Please see below for more details on how to
OCSB schedule an interview.
High School Semester 1 Letters of Early Intervention and
OSTA Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interview
Semester 1 Letters of Early Intervention were distributed on Thursday. Please note that
Parish Links letters are not mandatory and are only sent when a teacher has a concern about a
St. Patrick's student’s progress so far this semester. Some teachers may have communicated their
Fallowfield concerns through a phone call, rather than by a letter.

St. Andrew's
Our Semester 1 Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Thursday,
613-843-9767 October 19. Interviews are scheduled for 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Online booking is available now until Wednesday, October 18 at 2:00 p.m.

Board Trustee For instructions on how to book an appointment, please refer to: Booking an Appointment
Spencer for Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interviews

Phone: Grade 7 Vaccination
Our Grade 7 immunizations will take place from October 16th-20th. Permission forms and
information has been shared with families electronically and has been sent home with your
spencer.warre student. For more information please visit OPH Routine Vaccination for Kids.
Here is a copy of the permission form:
Follow on
Grade 7/8 Snowsuit Collection
A reminder that until October 20th, your student can bring gently
used snow pants to their period 1 class. A cash donation of $2 or
more can be made through SchoolCash Online.
Learning In Action
Allô, je m'appelle Victoria et je suis une
élève de la 9e année dans la première
période de Mme Simpson.

Hier sur jeudi le 12eme Octobre nous

avons pris du temps pour apprendre et
parler à propos des différents types de
roches! M. Paradis a apporté une portion
de sa collection de roches, pour nous aider
à déterminer les différents types de roches.
Toutes les roches étaient mises sur les
tables avec des petites pièces de papier
pour nous dire avec quels chiffres ça va
avec quelle roches. En groupe de deux
mes camarades de classe et moi nous
avons travaillé ensemble pour classifier les roches dans les groupes. Heureusement
mercredi en classe nous avons travaillé fort pour créer une liste très détaillée pour identifier
les trois différent types de roches. Les roches sont, Sédimentaire, Métamorphique, et
Magmatique. On a revu les différentes définitions pour chaque groupe pour nous aider à
déterminer quelle roche va avec quel groupe. Avec toutes leurs ressources pour nous aider
nous avons eu une chance pour classifier chaque roche dans leur correcte groupe.

J’ai vraiment apprécié cette expérience car ça nous a forcé à travailler ensemble et pour
travailler avec nos mains dans un environnement éducatif. Avec toutes nos différentes
opinions sur chaque roche ça la fait pour le travaille était beaucoup plus facile à
comprendre les différents groupes. Maintenant je me sens plus confiant avec cette topique
de géographie et je me sens préparer pour les futurs assessments dans cette topique.

English version:
Hello! My name is Victoria and I'm a grade 9 student in the homeroom of Ms Simpson.

Yesterday, Thursday October 12th we spent a portion of our class time learning and talking
about rocks. Mr. Paradis brought in a group of his rocks from his collection for us to
investigate and determine in what group the rocks belonged to. All of the rocks were set up
on tables with little post notes telling us what number went with which rock. In groups of 2,
we worked together to classify the rocks in each correct group. Luckily on Wednesday our
class worked hard to create a detailed list of the three types of rocks: igneous, metaphoric
and sedimentary. We had a specific list of key details to help us identify the different groups
of rocks and help us determine which rock went where. With all of these resources being
used we had the chance to correctly classify the rocks.
I really enjoyed this activity because it was hands-on and allowed me to work with my
classmates in a learning environment. With all of the different opinions on each rock it
made it a lot easier to understand the different groups, and makes me feel a lot more
confident about future assessments on this topic!
Thank you for reading!

Celebrating Our Student Athletes

Congratulations to our Senior Girls’ Basketball team on their 60-33 win this week against
Sacred Heart.

Congratulations also go out to our Varsity Boys’ Football team who continued their
undefeated season with their 50-0 win against St. Mother Teresa.

I would also like to take this opportunity to celebrate the athletic accomplishments outside
of the school.

This summer, four St. Joseph students represented

Team Canada at the Senior Little League World
Series in Easley, South Carolina.

Congratulations to Charlie,Justin, Nolan, and

Owen! To learn more about this amazing
accomplishment, please click the following link: St.
Joseph Students Head to the Little League World

Take care and enjoy your weekend,

Alison Strucchelli

A Message from Our Chaplaincy Leader

In light of recent world events, I invite you to join me in praying for peace, for a more
merciful and fraternal world, and for the renewal of our hope in dark times.

Hope is not a fleeting feeling.

Hope is how we’re able to get to peace and joy. Hope doesn’t
just bubble up like an emotion in surprise. It sustains us through
any surprise.

When we accept the gift of God’s victorious work to reconcile us

sinners to him, we base our lives on the hope of God’s higher
ways and his greater plan. So, if we ever feel scared or worried,
it is this biblical hope that carries us. We are part of a bigger

Biblical hope isn’t because things are all as we’d like them to be. It’s choosing to follow the
path of goodness in the midst of trials, “knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance;
and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not
disappoint...” (Romans 5:3-5).

Pope Francis reminds us that, “We must restore hope to young people, help the old, be
open to the future, and spread love. Be poor among the poor. We need to include the
excluded and preach peace.”

We don’t walk this road alone. To journey with the Catholic community, connect with our
local Barrhaven church St Andrew’s here or see this month’s Ottawa-wide Catholic events
open to all.

Best, Chaplain Amanda

Student Fee with Yearbook

To make the cost of the yearbook more accessible to families, the Student Fee will once
again include the cost of the yearbook. This has been a very successful way for our
students to get this memorable keepsake.

● The student fee for families with one student is $55.00 and will include one yearbook
● The student fee for families with two students is $110.00 and includes two
● There is a fee of $25 for each additional student in the family (for an additional
yearbook). For example, the fee for three students will be $135.00 (which includes
three yearbooks).

Parents and guardians can submit the student fee through the School CashOnline. Your
support is greatly appreciated.

Please make sure to select the appropriate option for every student in your family at St.
Joseph and "ADD to CART" after each student's selection. If this fee is not paid, the
student will not receive a yearbook. Please note there is no guarantee that yearbooks will
be available for purchase at a later date.
Our student fee funds a professionally produced yearbook, the cost of student ID cards, as
well as programs, resources and activities for students. For example, student fees
subsidize the cost of Student Council activities, spirit building activities, transportation,
guest speakers, field trips, student awards, enrichment and leadership opportunities,
school clubs, teams, etc.

For Your Planning: High School RSTs and Exams

The final mark of a high school course is a combination of the term work (70%) and a
summative evaluation (30%). The summative may be a rich summative task (RST) or a
combination of an RST and an exam.

Attendance during RSTs and exams is essential to student success, as the summative
components of a course are mandatory and are to be completed during the scheduled

Please note that RSTs and final exams will not be rescheduled for holiday or travel
convenience. All appointments should be scheduled so as not to conflict with exams and
RSTs. Your student’s vice-principal must be contacted prior to an RST or exam, should a
medical issue arise. Medical certificates will be required to permit alternate arrangements
for final exams.

Student Services Updates

Grade 9 Take Our Kids To Work Day:

Take Our Kids to Work Day is the most recognized career exploration event in Canada.
This year, Take Our Kids to Work Day will take place on Wednesday, November 1st.

What is the program about?

Take Our Kids to Work Day is an experiential learning opportunity for Grade 9 students
across Canada. Students spend the day at the workplace of a parent, relative, friend, or
volunteer host. Through Take Our Kids to Work Day, students are able to witness the world
of work firsthand, prompting early career planning, and enabling students to make informed
decisions pertaining to their future goals and endeavors. The Take Our Kids to Work Day
initiative has three main objectives:
• To offer students a view of the work world and to foster an understanding of its demands
and opportunities.
• To allow students to see their parents or other adult volunteer hosts in different roles and
to understand what they do to support a family.
• To emphasize that education goes far beyond the classroom walls and that the
preparation of younger generations for the future is a community responsibility.
What if it is not possible to go to work with a parent?
There are other ways for your child to participate:
• Ask a relative, neighbor or family friend to take your child to work.
• Ask a parent who is taking his or her child to work if your son or daughter can join them
for the day.
• Contact local businesses and ask if they are participating in Take Our Kids to Work day.

It will be up to students and families together to plan for this day. Grade 9 students will not
be in attendance at school on this day; their day will consist entirely of being at a work site.

Upcoming Post Secondary Visits for Grade 12 Students:

October 31st - Atlantic University Fair in the atrium at St. Joseph from 9:30 - 10:30 am. No
sign-up needed. Discover Year (a gap year program) will also have a booth set up.

All Ontario universities will be present at the Ontario University Fair held on November
1st at 5pm at the Nepean SportsPlex. This event is open to all students/parents. More
information can be found here.

Support for High School Students

If your child did not successfully complete a credit, it may be

possible for them to complete the course through Credit

For more details on their eligibility and to ask questions,

please have your student contact their guidance counselor.

School Council Corner

Join the St. Joseph Catholic School Council’s Facebook page as another way to connect
with the St. Joseph community. Follow us at

If you have any questions, please send an email to

CSPA Updates

The Next CSPA Meeting is Wednesday, October 25

CSPA (Catholic School Parents' Association) is a volunteer parent organization that
represents parents and elected school council members of the Ottawa Catholic School
Board. Please visit the CSPA website where you'll find
information and resources for anyone looking to support their child's educational journey,
as well as registration links to the monthly meetings and great events held throughout the

Meetings and events will be held in person as well as virtually. All parents and guardians
are welcome to attend. The next CSPA General Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,
October 25th at 7PM. For those who wish to join in person, it will be at Our Lady of Peace
ES. Please register to attend, selecting the appropriate ticket so we know how you will be
joining us:

Please visit the CSPA website to learn more about School Councils and our role in the

Important Dates

October 16-19: Grade 7/8 OPH Vaccinations

Thursday, October 19: High School Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interviews

November: OCSB Indigenous Education Month

Wednesday, November 1: Grade 9 Take Our Kids to Work Day; Launch Career
Exploration (Grades 10-12)

Friday, November 3: Annual High School Black Student Forum

Friday, November 10: PD Day (all grades)

St. Joseph High School
3333 Greenbank Road
Nepean, Ontario K2J 4J1

Phone: 613-823-4797

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