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Đề số 8 phần Đọc - Viết môn Anh vào lớp 6 THCS NN

Quiz ID: 4986

Question 1 (Question ID: 139-162468)

Choose the correct words in the box and write them on the lines. You do not need to use all the words.

clinician addiction embarrassing approach owe

informal processor ambition critic preserve

Example: suitable for relaxed friendly situations. informal
1. Q1.1....................:
critic someone who gives their opinion of a play, film, book, etc.
2. Q1.2....................:
approach a method of doing something or dealing with a problem
addiction something that a person cannot stop doing
3. Q1.3....................:
4. Q1.4....................: to have to give someone a particular amount of money because you have bought something from them or have borrowed
money from them
processor the part of a computer that performs operations on the information that is put into it
5. Q1.5....................:
6. Q1.6....................: making you feel nervous, ashamed, or stupid

Question 2 (Question ID: 139-15816)

This is the first time I _____ myself in the house.
A. locked
B. have locked
C. am locking
D. lock
Question 3 (Question ID: 139-47240)
Tim: "_____."
Paul: "I disagree. The course is too expensive for us."
A. That academy isn’t good.
B. That summer course is unaffordable.
C. Do you like that course?
D. Why not take that summer course?
Question 4 (Question ID: 139-161786)
Coming into the classroom, the teacher saw a sea _____ warm smiles.
A. on
B. in
C. of
D. with
Question 5 (Question ID: 139-79936)
Her new novel is _____ out next month.
A. bringing
B. coming
C. going
D. arriving

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Question 6 (Question ID: 139-160237)
Jessica was born in Australia, but she has spent _____ of her life there.
A. only a few
B. very little
C. a few
D. a little
Question 7 (Question ID: 139-18243)
After graduating from university in Vietnam, she went on _____ for a Ph.D. course at an
Australian University.
A. applying
B. apply
C. applied
D. to apply
Question 8 (Question ID: 139-127173)
Lots of houses _____ by the earthquake last year.
A. are destroying
B. destroyed
C. were destroyed
D. were destroying
Question 9 (Question ID: 139-4369)
We moved to the countryside because we wanted to be close to _____ nature.
A. a
B. the
C. an
D. Ø
Question 10 (Question ID: 139-145254)
Tell Madison and Grace that they _____ take some extra money with them because it's a very
expensive resort.
A. prefer
B. would rather
C. had better
D. would prefer

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Question 11 (Question ID: 139-107426)
Of the two boys, Harry is _____ one.
A. smart
B. smartest
C. the smarter
D. the smartest

Complete the conversation between two people. What does the student say to the assistant in
the tourist information office? Write the correct letter A - J for each blank. You do not need to
use all the letters.
A. Thank you. I’ll go there now.
B. I suppose so.
C. Oh, are they different ones? I didn't know as my friends told me that there was one kind only.
D. That's fine. Is Park Street just after the High Street?
E. Can I use them?
F. I have to go on foot so I prefer the one that is near here. Is that far from here?
G. Well, I’m a high school student, not at the university.
H. Yes, please. Where are the tennis courts?
I. How can I go there?
J. Do you know any tennis court nearby?
Question 12 (Question ID: 139-119566)
Assistant: How can I help you?
Student: Q12.1....................

Assistant: Are you looking for the university tennis courts or the city ones?
Student: Q12.2....................
Assistant: Yes. Are you a university student? They can use the university ones.
Student: Q12.3....................

Assistant: So, you need to go to the city tennis court. It is in Park Street.
Student: Q12.4....................

Assistant: Well, if you walk, it's about 20 minutes.

Student: Q12.5....................
Assistant: That's right. Take the third road on the left, then it's on the right.
Student: Q12.6....................

Assistant: You're welcome.

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Question 13 (Question ID: 139-162456)
Read the passage. Choose a word from the box.

satisfactory | treatments | experiments | computer modeling | fear | dependent

The use of animals in medical research has many practical benefits. Animal research has enabled
researchers to develop Q13.1....................
treatments for many diseases, such as heart disease and depression. It

wouldn’t have been possible, years ago, to develop vaccines for diseases like smallpox and polio
without animal research. Every drug anyone takes today was tested first on animals. Future medical
research is Q13.2....................
dependent on the use of animals. Which is more important: the life of a rat or that

of a three-year-old child?
Medical research is also a Q13.3....................
satisfactory way of using unwanted animals. Last year, over twelve

million animals had to be killed in animal shelters because nobody wanted them as pets.
The fact that humans benefit cannot be used to justify using animals in research any more than
experiments They are
experimenting on other humans. Animals suffer a lot during these Q13.4.....................
forced to live in small cages, and they may be unable to move. Much of the research that is carried
out is unnecessary anyway.
Animals have the same rights as humans do to be able to move freely and not to have pain or
Q13.5.................... forced on them. Researchers must find other ways of doing their research, using
computer modeling
cell culture and Q13.6..................... There should be no animals in research laboratories in the least.

Read the passage and use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to
answer each question.
They say money can’t buy you happiness, but new research published in the journal Science
suggests that it can, if you spend it on someone else. “Simply making very small changes in how
you spend money can make a difference for happiness,” said Elizabeth Dunn, an assistant professor
at the University of British Columbia, who led the research along with Michael I. Norton, an
assistant professor at Harvard Business School. Studies of happiness have long found that, unless
people are extremely poor, getting more money brings surprisingly small gains in positive feelings.
The researchers suspected that perhaps the reason people weren’t happier was not because of the
money itself, but rather because of what they did with their money - mainly, spending it on
possessions for themselves.
The research was done at a small Boston-area medical supply company, where employees received
bonuses averaging about $5,000. The researchers measured their levels of happiness before and
after receiving the money. What they found, said Norton, was that “the size of the bonus you get
has no relation to how happy you are, but the amount you spend on other people does predict how
happy you are.”
The researchers used a five-point scale, asking people, “Do you feel happy in general?” There were
five answers provided: yes, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or no. They found that people
could expect to go up a full point on the scale if they spent about a third of the bonus on others,
Dunn said. She calls this “prosocial” spending. She continued with the example of Tim and Dan:

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They both answered the question that they were happy “sometimes” before receiving the bonus. If
Dan spent a third of his bonus “prosocially” and Tim spent none in this way, the researchers would
expect that after spending their bonuses, Dan would be happy “most of the time.” This is exactly
what happened. The study fits in well with other current research that finds that helping others is the
best way to help yourself. People who give more and are more socially connected are happier.
“There’s so much benefit to the person who contributes to others that I often think that there is no
more selfish act than a generous act,” said Tal Ben-Shahar, author of the book Happier and teacher
of a positive psychology course on happiness, Harvard’s most popular class. During one week of
the course, BenShahar asks students to do five small acts of kindness a day. Examples of these
could be giving change to homeless people, being nice to waiters, or calling grandparents. “The
effect of it is quite remarkable and lasts for much longer than a day,” he said.
Similarly, the Science study found that spending a small amount of money could bring large results.
In a separate experiment, the researchers gave college students either $5 or $20 and told them to
quickly spend the money. Some were told to spend it on themselves - on a bill or a gift to
themselves. And some were told to spend it on others - on a donation to charity, or a gift to
someone else. The vast majority of the students predicted that they would be happier with $20 than
That evening, the participants’ happiness levels were measured. But again, the amount of money did
not matter. Those who spent it on others felt happier than those who spent it on themselves. “We
don’t want to suggest that more money would never matter,” Dunn said. “It’s just that in our
studies we found that how people spent their money mattered at least as much as how much money
they received. Indeed, there was no effect at all on the amount of money received [in the two
Part of the explanation could be that people tend to be made happier by experiences than by
possessions, said Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of The How of Happiness. Americans tend to spend
their money on possessions, she said, but research shows that the happiness from a bigger house or
television set quickly decreases as people get used to the benefits and face the responsibility that
comes with ownership. However, taking a friend out to lunch, say, is more of an experience and
more likely to bring longer-lasting good feelings. Also, when a person acts kindly, she said, “There
are social consequences: You might enhance your friendship. You might make new friends. People
might give in turn.”
So why don’t more people realize that spending money on others is a reliable road to happiness?
One reason may be because it’s much easier to count money than to measure happiness, Norton
said. “If you think about getting ahead in life, you can say, ‘Last year I made X, and now I’m
making X plus 10.’ But people don’t conceive of their lives as ‘I was 71 happy last year, and now
I’m 76 happy.” Even if they do, the reasons for greater happiness may not be obvious to them, he
Dunn said that when she wrote up the study, it was close to the holidays, and she decided that,
instead of giving her family things, she would get them gift certificates to a website that allows
people to choose various charitable projects to support. "I’ve never gotten more positive responses
to any gift I’ve given my family,” she said. "I was giving them the gift of giving."

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Question 14 (Question ID: 139-162509)
1. According to Elizabeth Dunn, what aspect does money affect people? Q14.1....................
2. People have "prosocial" spending when they spend part of their Q14.2....................
money on others.
3. What is the greatest way to help yourself be happier following the example of Tim and Dan?
help others
4. In the Science study, students who donated to charities felt Q14.4.................... than the other
5. What makes people happier rather than possessions? Q14.5....................
6. What can people choose on the website with their gift certificates? Q14.6....................
various charitable projects

Question 15 (Question ID: 139-162517)

Complete the second sentence using the word given that has the same meaning to the first.
She looks like my cousin Mary. (reminds) => ..........
She reminds me of my cousin Mary.

Question 16 (Question ID: 139-162519)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
She knows a lot more about that book than I do.
=> I don't know ..........
I don't know as much about that book as she does.

Question 17 (Question ID: 139-162521)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
We don’t visit you very often because you live so far away. => If you ..........
If you didn't live so far away, we would visit you often.

Question 18 (Question ID: 139-162526)

Complete the second sentence using the word given that has the same meaning to the first.
Her attitude interests me very much. (find) => ..........
I find her attitude interesting.

Question 19 (Question ID: 139-146000)

Rewrite the sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the original one.
The beauty of the city really impressed Maryam. => Maryam was............
Maryam was impressed by the beauty of the city.

Question 20 (Question ID: 139-162527)

Complete the second sentence using the word given that has the same meaning to the first.
The girl attracted everybody's attention at the party. She wore a blue dress. (who)
=> ..........
The girl who wore a blue dress attracted everybody's attention at the party.

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Đề số 11 ôn thi môn Anh vào lớp 6 trường Hà Nội -
Quiz ID: 6254

Question 1 (Question ID: 145-239783)

For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words or a number or
a date or a time.
You will hear a radio presenter talking about a photography competition for children.
00:00 / 00:00

Photography Competition
Competition is for children between: (0) 8 and 12 years old
Topic of photos: Q1.1....................
First prize: Q1.2....................
Send all photos with postcard to: Star Radio, 24 Q1.3...................., London
Postcard to show child's: name, age, phone number
Date photos to be received by: Q1.4.................... August
Exhibition of photos to take place at: Q1.5....................
Question 2 (Question ID: 145-239822)
You will hear a girl, Jenni, and a boy, Max, planning dinner in a restaurant for their class.
Decide if each sentence is correct (TRUE) or incorrect (FALSE).
00:00 / 00:00

1. Max wants to have the food that he usually eats. Q2.1....................

2. The Chinese restaurant will be closed. Q2.2....................
3. They have both been to the Mexican restaurant. Q2.3....................
4. They agree to set a fixed price for the meal. Q2.4....................
5. The whole class will choose the restaurant. Q2.5....................

Q2.1. A. False B. True

Q2.2. A. True B. False

Q2.3. A. False B. True

Q2.4. A. False B. True

Q2.5. A. True B. False

Question 3 (Question ID: 145-6558)
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. believed
B. prepared
C. involved
D. constructed

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Question 4 (Question ID: 145-6546)
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. suggest
B. disappear
C. scientist
D. raise
Question 5 (Question ID: 145-178587)
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. health
B. ready
C. heavy
D. appear
Question 6 (Question ID: 145-45660)
Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
A. successful
B. cognitive
C. different
D. wonderful
Question 7 (Question ID: 145-178543)
Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
A. offer
B. promise
C. enter
D. compete
Question 8 (Question ID: 145-83380)
- "They’ve got some great clothes on sale in there!"
- "If only I _____ the time to go shopping!"
A. will have
B. can have
C. had
D. have
Question 9 (Question ID: 145-67068)
Lots of people these days belong to _____ networking websites.
A. society
B. social
C. socially
D. socialize

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Question 10 (Question ID: 145-226199)
The manager announced the best solution _____ the city's traffic problem.
A. on
B. to
C. in
D. by
Question 11 (Question ID: 145-136540)
We haven't got any food! We _____ go to the supermarket.
A. must
B. have to
C. could
D. ought
Question 12 (Question ID: 145-129697)
_____ swimming is considered to be _____ good way of losing weight.
A. The / a
B. ∅ (no article) / a
C. A / the
D. The / the
Question 13 (Question ID: 145-11112)
Scientific _____ can help to explore some places and discover more and more remote parts of
the world.
A. surveys
B. experiments
C. research
D. expeditions
Question 14 (Question ID: 145-11301)
The athlete has tried his best to _____ his SEA Games title and records.
A. involve
B. perform
C. defend
D. support
Question 15 (Question ID: 145-21028)
You should be very _____ to your teachers for their help.
A. considerate
B. thankful
C. gracious
D. grateful

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Question 16 (Question ID: 145-224922)
Pavarotti _____ his last performance at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.
A. has given
B. gives
C. gave
D. was giving
Question 17 (Question ID: 145-49822)
Reading helps you learn vocabulary easily as you will _____ new words without even
realizing it when you read.
A. pick up
B. look in
C. look up
D. face up
Question 18 (Question ID: 145-239484)
We'd prefer to spend time with my children _____ work at weekends.
A. rather then
B. to
C. rather than
D. than
Question 19 (Question ID: 145-35895)
Peter applied for a job which would entail him moving to Holland, _____ the new company
was based.
A. which
B. that
C. when
D. where
Question 20 (Question ID: 145-23301)
If we continue to use fuels at the current rate, we _____ to face a fuel crisis.
A. would soon have
B. soon have had
C. will soon have
D. will soon have had
Question 21 (Question ID: 145-25993)
People would _____ use their cars less often if public transport was more efficient.
A. probably
B. likely
C. unexpectedly
D. heavily

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Question 22 (Question ID: 145-239839)
I stopped _____ my pizza and got up to answer the door.
A. eat
B. eating
C. eaten
D. to eat
Question 23 (Question ID: 145-177315)
Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
You should to read more books if you want to improve your English vocabulary.
A. to read
B. if
C. to improve
D. vocabulary
Question 24 (Question ID: 145-212225)
Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
Her doctor suggested that she reduced her working hours and take more exercise.
A. sugggested
B. reduced
C. working
D. more
Question 25 (Question ID: 145-34556)
Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
Because her sickness, she didn’t take part in the final exam held last Sunday.
A. Because
B. take part in
C. held
D. last Sunday
Question 26 (Question ID: 145-239500)
Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
We’ve got few eggs in the fridge, so we could make an omelet.
A. few
B. in
C. so
D. an

Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh

Question 27 (Question ID: 145-183209)
Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
Penny got really annoying yesterday because someone threw rubbish in front of her house.
A. got
B. annoying
C. someone
D. thew rubbish
Question 28 (Question ID: 145-239869)
Choose the correct word from the box and fill in the blank.

practical training schedules violent missions

destinations equipment attempt responsible tragedy

In the US Coast Guard’s national motor lifeboat school, trainee boat drivers often find themselves at
the mercy of waves that can kill them. They must face some of the most Q28.1.................... and
unpredictable seas. In an area known as the ‘Graveyard of Pacific’, drivers learn how to cope with
the kind of rough conditions that they will frequently face in their job, battling against severe
The Q28.2....................
training is important as these skills will help them to perform their dangerous life-
saving Q28.3.....................
Equipment Instructor Aaron Ferguson is convinced that the motor lifeboat school
gives the students the best kind of training.
The two-week class ends with the students ready to do the ‘man-overboard drill’. For the student,
Ralph Johnson, this is the chance to prove that he can move the liveaboard through huge waves
while keeping it steady. The rescue Q28.4....................
attempt succeeds and he passes the test. For the
instructors, there is satisfaction in knowing that the skills students learn here might one day prevent
a terrible Q28.5.....................
Adapted from Close-up B1 pre-intermediate student’s book)

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Question 29 (Question ID: 145-151763)
Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
Halloween is celebrated on October the 31st Q29.1.................... year. It originated from a pagan
holiday and the Christian holiday of All Saints’ Day. The name Halloween is a Q29.2....................
version of All Hallows’ Eve. Today, it is more of a fun day for children and has Q29.3....................
lost its religious roots. Halloween has many easily identifiable symbols. The colors orange and black
are widely used. In particular, orange pumpkins and fires and black witches, cats and costumes are
common Q29.4.................... of this day. One of the biggest Halloween activities is trick-or-treating.
This is when children knock on doors and ask for a small gift. If they don’t get anything, they’ll
play a trick on the person who opens the door. Food also plays a big part of Halloween. Toffee
apples are very popular and Q29.5.................... is anything made from pumpkin.

Q29.1. A. whole B. every C. all D. entire

Q29.2. A. shorts B. shortlist C. shorten D. shortened

Q29.3. A. largely B. larger C. largest D. large

Q29.4. A. futures B. featured C. futuristic D. features

Q29.5. A. so B. at C. to D. as

Read the following passage then choose the best answer to each question below.
Mercury is the smallest member of the sun’s family. It is only 3,100 miles across. It is also the sun’s
swiftest planet. Its yearly journey round the sun is only 85 days.
Mercury always keeps one side towards the sun. On this side it is always day, on the other side it is
always night. We only see the lighted side.
Mercury appears to us like a yellowish-orange star. The nearest planet to the sun, it is always seen
near the sun, either just before sunrise or soon after sunset. People sometimes call Mercury the
morning star or evening star.
Mercury is half the size of the earth. Because it is much lighter, it has much less gravity. If you can
visit Mercury in a spaceship, you will find it a strange world. Its low gravity makes you feel very
light. If your weight on earth is 100 pounds, your weight on Mercury is only 27 pounds. Looking at
the sun from Mercury, you can see that it’s much more brilliant than it is seen from the earth. And
the yellow center of the sun appears three times bigger from Mercury. On its lighted side, Mercury’s
temperature is about 300 degrees centigrade. But the dark side is extremely cold, 150 degrees below
zero so Mercury is probably the coldest as well as the hottest of the planets.

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Question 30 (Question ID: 145-177129)
What is the passage mainly about?
A. Mercury
B. Gravity
C. Solar system
D. Members in Solar system
Question 31 (Question ID: 145-177132)
The word "swiftest" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. coldest
B. hottest
C. biggest
D. fastest
Question 32 (Question ID: 145-177130)
We cannot see the dark side of Mercury because _____.
A. it always appears just before sunrise or soon after sunset
B. it always keeps one side towards the sun
C. it is too far for us to see
D. it moves very fast
Question 33 (Question ID: 145-177131)
On the lighted side, the Mercury’s temperature is _____.
A. 85 degrees centigrade
B. 100 degrees centigrade
C. 300 degrees centigrade
D. zero degree centigrade
Question 34 (Question ID: 145-177133)
The word "it" in paragraph 4 refers to _____.
A. the sun
B. gravity
C. the earth
D. Mercury
Question 35 (Question ID: 145-146097)
Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
The policeman did not run so fast as the thief. (THAN)
The thief ran faster than the policeman.

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Question 36 (Question ID: 145-236937)
Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
This is the first time I have heard about the tram system in Hanoi. (NEVER)
I have never heard about the tram system in Hanoi.

Question 37 (Question ID: 145-155038)

Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
The book was so interesting that we couldn't put it down. (SUCH)
It was such an interesting book that we couldn't put it down.

Question 38 (Question ID: 145-223263)

Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
It took him two days to decorate the living room. (SPENT)
He spent two days decorating the living room.

Question 39 (Question ID: 145-161891)

Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
Did they build the garage at the same time as the house? (BUILT)
Was the garage built at the same time as the house?
Question 40 (Question ID: 145-239858)
Make a complete sentence using the given words. Change the form of the words or add other
words if necessary.
My dad / repair / his car / when / a storm / suddenly / come up / .
My dad was repairing his car when a storm suddenly come up.

Question 41 (Question ID: 145-178270)

Make a complete sentence using the given words. Change the form of the words or add other
words if necessary.
One / disadvantages / living here / lack / public transport.
One of the disadvantages of living is lack of public transport.

Question 42 (Question ID: 145-182202)

Make a complete sentence using the given words. Change the form of the words or add other
words if necessary.
Most / us / forget / how / hard / the / problem.
Most of us forgot how hard the problem is.

Question 43 (Question ID: 145-239970)

Make a complete sentence using the given words. Change the form of the words or add other
words if necessary.
It is / good idea / eat / different/ kind/ fruits and vegetables / our daily meals.
It is a good idea to eat different kind of fruits and vegetables in our daily meals.

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Question 44 (Question ID: 145-239971)
Make a complete sentence using the given words. Change the form of the words or add other
words if necessary.
If / I / you, / I / improve / computer skills / get / better job.
If I were you, I would improve my computer skills and get a better job.

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