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Der/ Die / Das

Der- Masculin Die - Feminin Das - Neutru

The following nouns have the The following nouns have the The following nouns have the
article der: article die: article das:

 Nouns for masculine persons and  Nouns for feminine persons and  Diminutives (–chen, –
functions/professions: Vater, Pilot functions/professions: Mutter, Frise lein): Kaninchen, Fräulein;
, Arzt; use, Ärztin;  Nouns derived from
 Names of  Names of motorcycle brands: Harley infinitives: Essen, Schreiben;
seasons: Frühling, Sommer, Herb Davidson, BMW (only  Nouns derived from
st, Winter; motorcycle), Yamaha; adjectives: Gute, Böse;
 Names of  Names of planes and ships: Boeing  Names of
months: Januar, Juli, Dezember; 747, Titanic; colors: Rot, Gelb, Blau;
 Names of days of the  Cardinal numbers: Eins, Drei;
week: Montag, Dienstag, Sonntag The following categories of nouns
; The following categories of nouns have mainly the article das:
 Names of compass have mainly the article die:
directions: Nordwest(en), Süd(en);  Almost all of the 112 known
 Names of  Names of plants and chemical
precipitations: Regen, Schnee, H trees: Birke, Chrysantheme, Rose; elements: Aluminium, Kupfer,
agel; exceptions: der Ahorn, das Uran;
 Names of car Veilchen; 6 exceptions: der
brands: Audi, BMW, Mercedes; Kohlenstoff, der
 Names of trains: IC; Sauerstoff, der Stickstoff, der
 Nouns derived from verbs without Wasserstoff, der
suffix: Gang, Fang; Phosphor, der Schwefel;
 Names of
Unele: metals: Blei, Messing, Zinn;
exceptions: die Bronze, der
 Names of alcoholic Stahl;
beverages: Cognac, Wein, Whisk  Fractions: Drittel (⅓), Viertel
ey; (¼);
exceptions: das Bier; exception: die Hälfte (½);
 Names of rivers outside
Europe: Amazonas, Mississippi;
 Names of mountains: Mont
Blanc, Kilimanjaro;
exception: die Zugspitze;

Cuvintele care au terminatiile de mai

jos primesc articolul die:

Cuvintele care au terminatiile de mai  –falt: Vielfalt;

jos primesc articolul der:  –heit: Freiheit, Sicherheit;
Cuvintele care au terminatiile de
 –keit: Möglichkeit, Schnelligkeit;
 –er (nouns derived from mai jos primesc articolul das:
 –schaft: Freundschaft, Mannschaft;
verbs): Fahrer, Lehrer;  –t (nouns derived from
 –ismus: Kapitalismus, Journalism  –ial: Material, Potenzial;
verbs): Fahrt, Tat;
us;  –ung: Leitung, Zeitung;
Most of nouns with the following
Most of nouns with the following suffixes have the article das:
Foreign nouns with the suffixes below
suffixes have the article der: have the article die:
 –ment: Instrument, Parlament;
 –ant: Demonstrant, Elefant;  –ade: Hitparade, Marmelade;
exceptions: das Croissant, das exceptions: der
 –age: Garage, Passage;
Restaurant; Konsument, der Zement;
 –anz: Eleganz, Dominanz;
 –ling: Lehrling, Schützling;  –nis: Ergebnis, Tennis;
 –enz: Existenz, Tendenz;
exceptions: das Dribbling, das exceptions: die
 –ik: Kritik, Musik;
Bowling; Fahrerlaubnis, die Wildnis;
 –ion: Diskussion, Koalition;
 –ner: Rentner, Schaffner, Zöllner;  –o: Auto, Konto;
 –tät: Identität, Qualität;
exceptions: die Avocado, der
 –ur: Agentur, Reparatur;
exceptions: das Banner, die Euro;
Wiener (Wurst);  –tum: Quantum, Ultimatum;
Most of nouns with the following
 –or: Motor, Traktor; exceptions: der Reichtum, der
suffixes have the article die:
exceptions: das Gegentor, das Irrtum;
Chlor;  –um (nouns of Latin
 –e: Grenze, Lampe;
origin): Publikum, Museum, St
exceptions: der Junge, der Friede;
Beware: this is applicable only to  –ei: Abtei, Metzgerei; adium;
nouns in singular. All nouns in plural exceptions: das Ei, der Papagei;
have the article die. Beware: this is applicable only to
 –ie: Diplomatie, Psychologie;
Beware: diminutives have always the exceptions: der Junkie, der Hippie; nouns in singular. All nouns in
article das: der Kopf → das  –in: Ärztin, Studentin; plural have the article die.
Köpfchen. exceptions: das Benzin, der

Beware: diminutives have always the

article das: die Hand → das

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