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bkrzung German English

(German) Foreign Office (FO, Brit.),
AA Auswrtiges Amt
State Dept. (U.S.)
in the place cited, loc. cit.
a.a.O. am angegebenen Ort
(loco citato)
Abb. Abbildung illustration
Abf. Abfahrt departure
Abk. Abkrzung abbreviation
Abo Abonnement subscription
Abs. Absender sender, return address
Abt. Abteilung department
abzgl. abzglich less, minus
a.D. an der Donau on the Danube
a.D. auer Dienst retired, ret. (after name/title)
Allgemeiner Deutscher
ADAC General German Automobile Club
Automobil Club
Adr. Adresse address
AG Aktiengesellschaft incorporated (stock company)
Example: Volkswagen AG (Volkswagen, Inc.)
die Allgemeinen
AGB Terms and Conditions (of Use)
AKW Atomkraftwerk atomic power plant (also see KKW)
a.M. am Main on the Main (river)
Example: Frankfurt a.M. (Frankfurt/Main, Frankfurt on the Main)
am. amerikanisch American
amtl. amtlich official
Anh. Anhang appendix
Ank. Ankunft arrival
Anl. Anlage encl., enclosure
Anm. Anmerkung note
AOK Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse public health insurance
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der
Working Group of the Public
ARD Broadcasting Organizations of the
Rundfunkanstalten der
Federal Republic of Germany
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Note: The ARD is a conglomerate of each of Germany's state and regional
broadcasters. It also runs the national Erstes Deutsches Fernsehen TV network. Also
see ZDF.
a.Rh. am Rhein on the Rhine
ASW auersinnliche Wahrnehmung ESP, extrasensory perception
A.T. Altes Testament Old Testament
Aufl. Auflage edition (book)
AW Antwort Re: (email), in reply
b. bei at, with, near, c/o
Bd. Band volume (book)
beil. beiliegend enclosed
bes. besonders especially
Best.-Nr. Bestellnummer order number
Betr. Betreff Re:, regarding
Bezeichnung term, designation
Bezirk district
BGB Brgerliches Gesetzbuch civil code
BGH Bundesgerichtshof German supreme court
BH Bstenhalter bra, brassiere
Bhf. Bahnhof train station
BIP Bruttoinlandsprodukt GDP, gross domestic product
BKA Bundeskriminalamt Germany's "FBI"
BLZ Bankleitzahl bank code number
BRD, Bundesrepublik FRG, Federal Republic of
Deutschland Germany
b.w. bitte wenden please turn over
bzgl. bezglich with reference to
bzw. beziehungsweise respectively
ca. circa, zirka circa, approximately
C&A Clemens & August popular clothing chain
CDU Christlich-Demokratische Union Christian Democratic Union
Chr. Christus Christ
CJK Creutzfeld-Jakob-Krankheit CJD, Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease
CSU Christlich-Soziale Union Christian Socialist Union
Note: In addition to the conservative CDU and CSU (Bavaria) political parties, there
are the socialist SPD, the environmental Greens (die Grnen), and the liberal FDP.
See Political Party Abbreviations for more.
Christlicher Verein Junger
CVJF YWCA (Cevi Switzerland)
Christlicher Verein Junger
Note: When it was founded in Berlin in 1883, the abbreviation CVJM stood
for Christlicher Verein Junger Mnner ("young men"). In 1985, the name was
changed to Christlicher Verein Junger Menschen ("young people") to reflect the fact
that women as well as men could be CVJM members. In German Switzerland, the
YWCA and YMCA combined in 1973 to form what is now known as "Cevi Schweiz."
The first YMCA was founded in London in 1844.

Abkrzung German English

der ltere
d.. senior, the elder, Sr.
(also see d.J. below)
Deutscher Akademischer
DAAD German Academic Exchange Service
DaF Deutsch als Fremdsprache German as a foreign lang.
DAG Deutsche Angestellten-Gewerkschaft
German Employees Union
(ver.di) (now called ver.di)
DB Deutsche Bahn German Rail

GDR (East Germany)

DDR Deutsche Demokratische Republik
German Democratic Republic
German Football (Soccer)
DFB Deutscher Fuballbund
DGB Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund German Federation of Unions
dgl. dergleichen, desgleichen the like
d.h. das heit i.e., that is
Di Dienstag Tuesday
Deutsche Industrie- und German Chamber of Industry &
Handelskammer Commerce
DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung German Institute for Standardization
Dipl.-Ing. Diplom-Ingenieur qualified engineer, M.S.
Dipl.-Kfm. Diplom-Kaufmann business school grad
Dir. Direktion administrative office
Dir. Direktor administrator, manager, principal
Dir. Dirigent conductor (music)
der Jngere
d.J. junior, the younger, Jr.
(also see d.. above)
DJH Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk German Youth Hostel Association
DKP Deutsche Kommunistische Partei German Communist Party
DM Deutsche Mark German mark
Do Donnerstag Thursday
dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur German Press Agency
DPD Deutscher Paketdienst a German UPS
DRK Deutsches Rotes Kreuz German Red Cross
Dr. med. Doktor der Medizin M.D., medical doctor
Dr. phil. Doktor der Philosophie PhD., doctor of philosophie
dt. deutsch German (adj.)
Dtzd. Dutzend dozen
DVU Deutsche Volksunion German People's Union
The DVU is a German far-right political party.
fast, through train (stops only in
D-Zug Direkt-Zug
larger cities)
EDV elektronische Datenverarbeitung elctronic data processing
EC, European Community (now the
EG Europische Gemeinschaft
e.h. ehrenhalber hon., honorary (degree, etc.)
ehem. ehemals/ehemalig formerly/former
eigtl. eigentlich actually, really
einschl. einschlielich including, inclusive
EK Eisernes Kreuz Iron Cross
EKD Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland Protestant Church in Germany
EL Esslffel tpsp., tablespoon
E-Literatur erhobene Literatur serious literature
E-Musik erhobene Musik classical music
Opposite: U-Lit./U-Musik = Unterhaltungslit./Unterhaltungsmusik = light lit./music (pop music)
entspr. entsprechend corresponding, accordingly
erb. erbaut built, erected
erw. erweitert expanded, extended
Erw. Erwachsene adults
ev. evangelisch Protestant
registered organization
e.V. eingetragener Verein
not-for-profit organization
evtl. eventuell perhaps, possibly
e.Wz. eingetragenes Warenzeichen registered trademark
exkl. exklusive excluding, exclusive of
EZB Europische Zentralbank ECB, European Central Bank
f. und folgende(r, s) and following
Fa. Firma company, firm
Fam. Familie family
In Addresses: "Fam. Schmidt" = The Schmidt Family
FAZ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Germany's "New York Times"
FC Fuball Club football (soccer) club
FCKW fluorohydrocarbons
Free Democratic Party
FDP Freie Demokratische Partei
"Die Liberalen"
F.f. Fortsetzung folgt to be continued
Ffm. Frankfurt am Main Frankurt on the Main
FH Fachhochschule college, tech. institute
"free body culture," naturism,
FKK Freikrperkultur
Forts. f. Fortsetzung folgt to be continued
Fr. Frau Mrs./Ms.
Fr Freitag Friday
FRA Frankfurter Flughafen Frankfurt Airport
Frl. Frulein Miss
Note: Any German woman age 18 or above is addressed as Frau, whether she is married or not.
frz. franzsisch French (adj.)
Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der
FSK Ger. movie rating system
FU Freie Universitt Berlin Free University Berlin

Abkrzung German English

g Gramm gram, grams
geb. geboren, geborene born, nee
Gebr. Gebrder Bros., brothers
gedr. gedruckt printed
gegr. gegrndet established, founded
gek. gekrzt abridged
Ges. Gesellschaft association, company, society
gesch. geschieden divorced
gest. gestorben died, deceased
Gewerkschaft Erziehung und
GEW German teachers union
gez. gezeichnet signed (with signature)
German agency responsible for
Die Gebhreneinzugszentrale der
collecting mandatory fees (17
GEZ ffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten
/month per TV set) for public
in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
TV and radio (ARD/ZDF)
ggf./ggfs. gegebenfalls if applicable, if required
GmbH Gesellschaft mit beschrnkter Haftung Inc., Ltd. (limited liability co.)
Russian Confed. of Indep. States
GUS Gemeinschaft Unabhngiger Staaten
ha Hektar hectare(s)
NOTE: 1 Hektar = 2.471 acres
Hbf. Hauptbahnhof main train station
NOTE: Larger cities may have more than one station. The main one in Munich, for example, is
labeled Mnchen-Hbf. to distinguish it from Mnchen-Ost (Ostbahnhof, east station) or other
train stations in Munich.
HH Hansestadt Hamburg Hanseatic (League) Hamburg
HNO Hals Nase Ohren ENT = ears, nose, throat
H+M Hennes & Mauritz a clothing store chain

room with breakfast only, half

HP Halbpension
hpts. hauptschlich mainly
Hptst. Hauptstadt capital city
Hr./Hrn. Herr/Herrn Mr.
Hrsg. Herausgeber editor, edited by
Hhere Technische Bundes-Lehr- und technical school with testing
-Versuchsanstalt facilities (Austria)
technical school (Austria, ages
HTL Hhere Technische Lehranstalt
i.A. im Auftrag per, as per
i.b. im besonderen in particular
i.B. im Breisgau in Breisgau
Freiburg i.B. - Freiburg in southwest Germany, as opposed to Freiburg in Switzerland (Fribourg)
or other Freiburgs.
IC Intercityzug intercity train
ICE Intercity-Expresszug Ger. high-speed train
i.H. im Hause in-house, on the premises
Chamber of Industry &
IHK Industrie- und Handelskammer
i.J. im Jahre in the year
"unoffical collaborator" who
IM inoffizieller Mitarbeiter (der Stasi) spied for the Stasi in East
Ing. Ingnieur engineer (title)
Inh. Inhaber owner, proprietor
Inh. Inhalt contents
inkl. inklusive incl., including, inclusive of
IOK Internationales Olympisches Komitee IOC, Intl. Olympic Committee
i.R. im Ruhestand ret., retired
i.V. in Vertretung by proxy, on behalf of
i.V. in Vorbereitung in preparation
i.V. im Vorjahr in the previous year
IWF Internationale Whrungsfonds IMF, Intl. Monetary Fund
jew. jeweils each, each of, each time
Jh. Jahrhundert century
JH Jugendherberge youth hostel
jhrl. jhrlich annual(ly), yearly
Abkrzung German English
KaDeWe Kaufhaus des Westens large Berlin dept. store
lieutenant commander (U-boat
Ka-Leut Kapitnleutnant
Kap. Kapitel chapter
kath. katholisch Catholic (adj.)
Kfm. Kaufmann merchant, businessman, dealer, agent
kfm. kaufmnnisch commercial
Kfz Kraftfahrzeug motor vehicle
KG Kommanditgesellschaft limited partnership
kgl. kniglich royal
KKW Kernkraftwerk nuclear power plant
Kl. Klasse class
KMH Kilometer pro Stunde kph, km per hour
k.o./K.o. knocked out/knockout knocked out/knockout
Kripo Kriminalpolizei police crime unit, CID (Br.)
kaiserlich und kniglich imperial and royal (Austro-
ster.-Ungarn Hungarian)
KZ Konzentrationslager concentration camp
l. links left
l Liter liter, litre
led. ledig single, unmarried
LKW/Lkw Lastkraftwagen truck, lorry
Lok Lokomotive locomotive
MA Mittlealter Middle Ages
Military Counterintelligence
MAD Militrischer Abschirmdienst
Germany's CIA or MI5
Member of the Bundestag
MdB Mitglied des Bundestages
Member of the Landtag (state
MdL Mitglied des Landtages
m.E. meines Erachtens in my opinion
MEZ Mitteleuropische Zeit CET, Central Eur. Time
MfG Mit freundlichen Gren Sincerely, with kind regards

Mi Mittwoch Wednesday
Mio. Million(en) million(s)
Mo Montag Monday
mbl. mbliert furnished
MP Maschinenpistole machine gun
MP Militrpolizei military police
Mrd. Milliarde(n) billion(s)
"knife tip" (recipes)
Msp. Messerspitze
a pinch of...

medizinische(r) technische(r)
MTA medical technician
mtl. monatlich monthly
m.W. meines Wissens as far as I know
MwSt. VAT, value-added tax

Abkrzung German English

N Nord(en) north
nml. nmlich namely, viz., i.e.
n.Chr. nach Christus AD, anno domini
NN das Normalnull sea level
NNO Nordnordost north northeast
NNW Nordnordwest north northwest
NO Nordosten northeast
NOK Nationales Olympisches Komitee National Olympic Committee
Nationaldemokratische Partei National Democratic Party of
Deutschlands Germany
Note: The NPD is a German far-right, neo-Nazi party.
Nr. Nummer No., number
NRW Nordrhein-Westfalen North Rhine-Westphalia
NS Nachschrift PS, postscript
n.u.Z. nach unserer Zeitrechnung modern era
O Osten east
o. oben above
approved for all ages,
o.A.* ohne Altersbeschrnkung
no age limit
OB Oberbrgermeister mayor, Lord Mayor
o.B. ohne Befund negative results
Obb. Oberbayern Upper Bavaria
BB sterreichische Bundesbahnen Austrian Federal Railways
od. oder or
OF* Originalfassung orig. version (movie)
o.g. oben genannt above mentioned
OHG offene Handelsgesellschaft general partnership
OmU* Originalfassung mit Untertiteln orig. version with subtitles
PNV ffentlicher Personennahverkehr public (commuter) transportation
Austrian Broadcasting (radio &
ORF Oesterreichischer Rundfunk
sterr. sterreichisch Austrian
OSO Ostsdost east southeast
O-Ton* Originalton original soundtrack
*Im Kino (At the movies) See the special section below for more German movie abbreviations.
Note: die O-Tne = "in their own words" (recorded sound bites, voice recordings)
VP sterreichische Volkspartei Austrian People's Party
p.Adr. per Adresse c/o, care of
die Partei des Demokratischen
PDS Party of Democratic Socialism
Note: The PDS is an offshoot of the former East German SED party. It draws most of its
membership from eastern Germany.
Pfd. Pfund lb., pound (weight)
Pkw/PKW Personenkraftwagen automobile, car
PH pdagogische Hochschule teacher's college
Pl. Platz square, plaza
PLZ Postleitzahl postal code, ZIP
PS Pferdestrke horsepower
qkm Quadratkilometer square km
qm Quadratmeter square meter(s)
Note: The abbreviations km2 or m2 are more modern and preferred.
QWERTZ QWERTZ-Tastatur (Ger.) QWERTZ keyboard
*Im Kino (At the movies) - The following abbreviations are commonly found in German movie
listings. Hollywood movies shown in Germany and Austria usually have a dubbed German
soundtrack. In German-speaking Switzerland subtitles are the norm. In larger cities and university
towns it is easy to find OmU or OF films shown in the original language, with or without German
dF, dtF deutsche Fassung = German dubbed version
k.A. keine Angabe = not rated, unrated, no information
FSF Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Fernsehen = German TV rating board
FSK Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft = German film rating board
FSK 6, FSK ab 6 rated age 6 and up (More at the FSK site - in German.)
o.A. ohne Altersbeschrnkung = approved for all ages, no age limit
OF Originalfassung = original-language version
OmU Originalfassung mit Untertiteln = orig. lang. with subtitles
SW, s/w schwarz/wei = black & white

See the Web site for actual movie listings in many German cities.
Abkrzung German English
r. rechts right
RA Rechtsanwalt attorney, lawyer, barrister
Red Army Faction, a German leftist
RAF Rote Armee Fraktion
terrorist organization of the 1970s
Radio Berlin-Brandenburg
RBB Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
RBB Online
Reg.-Bez. Regierungbezirk admin. district
R-Gesprch Retour-Gesprch collect call, reverse-charge call
RIAS Rundfunk im amer. Sektor Radio in the American Sector
Note: During the Cold War, RIAS was Berlin's most popular radio station. Operated by the U.S.
Army in Germany, RIAS and RIAS 2 went out of business at the end of 1993. RIAS 2 became r.s.2
- just another part of Sender Freies Berlin (SFB, now RBB). Read about the history of RIAS in
r.k., r.-k. rmisch-katholisch RC, Roman Catholic
rm. rmisch Roman (adj.)
rm.-kath. rmisch-katholisch Roman Catholic
RTL - European radio and TV
Note: An amazing outgrowth of the old Radio Luxembourg that once broadcast commercial
radio across the border into Germany, today's RTL is a huge media empire with radio and TV
stations in Germany and other European countries. If you read German, see the RTL Chronik site
for a history of the old Radio Luxembourg days - and a trip down memory lane for those of us who
once listened to "der frhliche Wecker" morning show.
S Sden south
S S-Bahn commuter rail line, metro
S. Seite p., page
s. sich oneself, yourself (with refl. verbs)
s.a. siehe auch also see
Sa. Samstag Saturday
SB Selbstbedienung self-service
Note: An SB-Laden is a self-service store. You will also see the SB sign at self-serve gas/petrol
stations (SB-Tankstelle).
SBB Schweizerische Bundesbahnen Swiss Federal Railways
schles. schlesisch Silesian (adj.)
schwb. schwbisch Swabian (adj.)
schweiz. schweizerisch Swiss (adj.)
Socialist Unity Party, former East
SED Sozialistiche Einheitspartei
German political party (see PDS)
s.o. siehe oben see above
So. Sonntag Sunday
sog. so genannt so-called
SR Saarldischer Rundfunk Radio Saarland
SSO Sdsdost south southeast
SSV Sommerschlussverkauf end-of-summer sale
SSW Sdsdwest south southwest
St. Sankt saint
St. Stck (per) piece
StGB Strafgesetzbuch Ger. penal code
Str. Strae street, road
StR. Studienrat tenured teacher

StVO Straenverkehrsordnung Ger. traffic laws & regulations

s.u. siehe unten see below
sdd. sddeutsch southern German
SW Sdwest(en) southwest
Southwest Radio & TV (Baden-
SWR Sdwestrundfunk
tgl. tglich daily, per day
Tb/Tbc Tuberkulose tuberculosis
technical college, institute of
TH Technische Hochschule
TU Technische Universitt technical institute, univ.
TV Technische berwachungsverein German UL lab, MOT (Br.)
Note: The German TV is responsible for product safety. German motorists must submit their
cars to a "tuef inspection." Failing a TV inspection can mean having no car to drive.

Abkrzung German English

u. und and
U Umleitung detour
U U-Bahn metro, subway, underground
u.a. und andere and others
u.a. unter anderem among others
u.. und hnlich and similarly
u.. und hnliches and the like
u.a.m. unter andere(s) mehr and more, etc.
u.A.w.g. um Antwort wird gebeten RSVP
UB Universittsbibliothek university library
UdSSR Union der Sowjetischen Sowjetrepubliken USSR, Soviet Union (until 1991)
UFA/Ufa Universum-Film AG German film studio (1917-1945)
UG Untergeschoss basement, lower floor
UKW Ultrakurzwellen FM (radio)
die UNO Vereinte Nationen UN, United Nations (Organiz.)
usw. und so weiter and so on, etc.
u.v.a.(m) und vieles andere (mehr) and many others
u.U. unter Umstnden possibly
V. Vers line, verse
v.Chr. vor Christus BC, before Christ
state-owned business in East
VEB Volkseigener Betrieb
Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutheranische United Lutheran Church of
Kirche Deutschlands Germany
Verf. Verfasser author
verh. verheiratet married
verw. verwitwet widowed
vgl. vergleiche cf., compare, reference
v.H. vom Hundert percent, per 100
VHS Volkshochschule adult educ. school
vorm. vormals formerly
vorm. vormittags a.m., in the morning
VP Vollpension full board and lodging
a now-extinct Ger. video recording
VPS Videoprogrammsystem
v.R.w. von Rechts wegen by law
v.T. vom Tausend per 1000
v.u.Z. vor unserer Zeitrechnung before the common era, BC
W West(en) west
WC das WC toilet, restroom, WC
WDR Westdeutscher Rundfunk West German Radio (NRW)
Western European Time
WEZ Westeuropische Zeit
same as GMT
WG Wohngemeinschaft communal/shared apartment/flat
WS Wintersemester winter semester
WSV Winterschlussverkauf end-of-winter sale
WSW Westsdwest west southwest
Wz Warenzeichen trademark
Z Zeile line
Z Zahl number
z. zu, zum, zur at, to
z.B. zum Beispiel e.g., for example
ZDF Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen Second German TV (network)
z.Hd. zu Hnden, zu Handen attn., attention of
Zi. Zimmer room
ZPO Zivilprozessordnung civil action/decree (divorce, etc.)
zur. zurck back
zus. zusammen together
z.T. zum Teil partly, in part
Ztr. Zentner 100 kg
zzgl. zuzglich plus, in addition
currently, at present, for the time
z.Z. zur Zeit
being, at the time of
Symbole (Symbols)
* geboren born
small cross or
gestorben died
dagger sign
Paragraf section, paragraph (legal)
der Euro euro


address book (email) s Adressbuch
answer, reply (n.) e Antwort, e-mail abbrev.

AW: (RE:)
"at" sign [@] r Klammeraffe, s At-Zeichen

Although the German for "@" (at) as part of an address should be "bei"
(pron. BYE), as in: "XYX bei DEUTSCH.DE" (, most German-
speakers pronounce "@" as "et" mimicking English "at."

attachment (email) (n.) r Anhang, s Attachment

back, previous (step, page) zurck
bookmark n. s Bookmark, s Lesezeichen
browser r Browser (-), r Web-Browser (-)
bug (in software, etc.) r Bug (-s), e Wanze (-n)
cancel (an operation) v. (eine Aktion) abbrechen
caps lock e Feststelltaste
check one's email die E-Mail abrufen
compose (an email message) (eine Mail) schreiben
computer r Computer, r Rechner
connection r Anschluss, e Verbindung
continue (to next step, page) weiter
back, return (to) zurck
copy n. e Kopie (-n)
a copy eine Kopie (EYE-na KOH-PEE)
copy v. kopieren
cut (and paste) ausschneiden (und einfgen)
data e Daten (pl.)

delete (v.) lschen, entfernen

download (n.) r Download, (pl.) die Downloads, e bertragung (email)
download (v.) 'runterladen, herunterladen, downloaden, bertragen (email)
draft (email) (n.) r Entwurf
drag (to) (v.) ziehen (auf)
email/e-mail (n.) e E-Mail (eine E-Mail senden), die/eine Mail, e E-Post
email messages (n., pl.) die Mails (pl.)
new messages (n., pl.) neue Mails (pl.)
sort messages (v.) die Mails sortieren
unread mail/messages (n., pl.) ungelesene Mails (pl.)

Das E-Mail? Some Germans may tell you that email in German is das rather
than die. But since the English word stands for die E-Post or die E-Post-Nachricht,
it's difficult to justify das. Dictionaries say it's die (feminine). (Das Email means
email/e-mail, send email (v.) e-mailen, mailen, eine E-Mail senden
email address (n.) e E-Mail-Adresse
email messages (n., pl.) die Mails (pl.), die Benachrichtigungen (pl.)
emailbox, e-mailbox, mailbox (n.) r Postkasten, e Mailbox
in-box (n.) r Eingang, r Posteingang
out-box (n.) r Ausgang, r Postausgang
enter (name, search term) (v.) (Namen, Suchbegriff) eingeben, eintragen
enter/return key e Eingabetaste
error r Fehler
error message e Fehlermeldung
escape key e Escapetaste
folder, file folder r Ordner, s Verzeichnis
folder (directory) list e Ordnerliste, e Verzeichnisliste
hack (n.) r Hack
hyperlink, link r Querverweis, r Link, r/s Hyperlink
image s Bild (-er)
in-box (email) r Posteingang
install (v.) installieren
instructions e Anleitungen, e Anweisungen
Follow the instructions on the screen. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem
insufficient memory ungengender Speicher, nicht geng Speicher(kapazitt)
Internet s Internet

ISP, Internet service provider r Provider, der ISP, r Anbieter

junk mail, spam die Werbemails (pl.)
Tech Words From K-P
key (on keyboard) e Taste
keyboard e Tastatur
laptop (computer) r Laptop, s Notebook (The German terms r
Schorechner or Tragrechner are rarely used.)
load (v.) laden
log in/on (v.) einloggen
he's logging in er loggt ein
she can't log in sie kann nicht einloggen
log out/off (v.) ausloggen, abmelden
link (n.) r Querverweis, r/s Link
link (to) (v.) verweisen (auf) accus., einen Link angeben
link, combine, integrate verknpfen
mailbox e Mailbox (computers and email only)
mailing n. s Mailing (mass mailing or mail shot)
mailing list e Mailingliste
mark (as read) v. (als gelesen) markieren
memory (RAM) r Arbeitsspeicher, r Speicher
amount of memory e Speicherkapazitt
insufficient memory ungengender Speicher
not enough memory to load image nicht genug Speicher, um Bild zu laden
menu (computer) s Men
menu bar/strip e Menzeile/e Menleiste
message (email) e Nachricht, e Mail (eine Mail)
email messages die Mails (pl.)
new messages neue Mails (pl.)
sort messages die Mails sortieren
unread messages ungelesene Mails (pl.)
message (notice) e Meldung (-en)
message window s Meldungsfenster
mouse (mice) e Maus (Muse)
mouse click r Mausklick
mouse pad e Mausmatte
right/left mouse button rechte/linke Maustaste
monitor n. r Monitor
online adj. online, angeschlossen, verbunden
open v. ffnen
open in new window in neuem Fenster ffnen
operating system s Betriebssystem (Mac OS X, Windows XP, etc.)
page(s) e Seite (-n)
page up/down (key) Bild nach oben/unten (e Taste)
password s Passwort, s Kennwort
password protection r Passwortschutz
password protected passwortgeschtzt
password required Passwort erforderlich
paste (cut and paste) einfgen (ausschneiden und einfgen)
post (v.) eine Nachricht senden/eintragen
post a new message neue Nachricht, neuer Beitrag/Eintrag
power (on/off) button e Netztaste
power cord s Netzkabel
press (key) (v.) drcken auf
previous - next zurck - weiter
previous settings vorherige Einstellungen (pl.)
printer r Drucker
print cartridge(s) e Druckpatrone(n), e Druckerpatrone(n), e Druckkopfpatrone(n)
program (n.) s Programm
restart (program) neu starten
return/enter key e Eingabetaste
screen (monitor) r Bildschirm
scroll (v.) blttern
search (v.) suchen
search engine e Suchmaschine
search form e Suchmaske
settings die Einstellungen (Pl.)
shift key e Umschalttaste
shortcut s Schnellverfahren, r Shortcut
as a shortcut im Schnellverfahren
shut down, close (application) beenden
shut down (computer) herunterfahren (...und ausschalten)
the computer is shutting down der Computer wird heruntergefahren
restart neu starten
space key die Leertaste
spam, junk mail (n.) die Werbemails (pl.)
spell check (a document) e Rechtschreibung (eines Dokuments) prfen
spell-checker e Rechtschreibhilfe, r Rechtschreibprfer (-)
start (program) (v.) starten
he starts the program er startet das Programm
restart neu starten
subject (re:) r Betreff (Betr.), s Thema (topic)
subject (topic) s Thema
submit (v.) absenden, senden, einen Befehl absetzen
submit button r Submit-Knopf, r Sendeknopf
system s System
system requirements Systemvoraussetzungen pl.
tag n. s Tag ("HTML tag" - not to be confused with r Tag = day)
text r Text
text box r Textkasten, e Textbox
text field s Textfeld (-er)
text message r SMS (see "SMS" for details)
thread (in a forum) r Faden
tool s Tool (-s), s Werkzeug (-e)
toolbar e Toolbar (-s), e Toolleiste (-n)
transfer, download v. herunterladen (email, files)
transfer, move (to a folder) verschieben
trash n. r Papierkorb, r Abfalleimer
troubleshoot Fehler beheben
turn on, switch on einschalten
Turn on your printer. Schalten Sie den Drucker ein.
underline n. (_) r Unterstrich
update n. e Aktualisierung (-en), e nderung (-en), s Update (-s)
last update (on) letzte nderung (am)
upgrade n. s Upgrade (-s)
user r Anwender, r Benutzer, r Nutzer, r User
user I.D. s Nutzerkennzeichen (-)
virus s/r Virus (Viren)
Trojan horses, viruses, worms Trojaner, Viren, Wrmer
virus scanner r Virenscanner (-)
Wi-Fi s WLAN (pron. VAY-LAHN) - Wireless LAN (local area network)
Note: In the U.S. and many other countries, "Wi-Fi" is used as a synonym for
WLAN, although technically the term is a registered trademark related to the WECA
(Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance) organization that developed the Wi-Fi
standard and the Wi-Fi logo. See the Wi-Fi Alliance site for more.
worm (virus) r Wurm (Wrmer)
Trojan horses, viruses, worms Trojaner, Viren, Wrmer

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