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German Level A1 Roadmap

German A1 Level:

The A1 level is the beginner level in German language learning, according to the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). At this level, you will be able to:


Simple, everyday phrases and expressions: These include familiar greetings, introductions, and basic
questions and answers.

High-frequency vocabulary: This includes words and phrases related to personal information, your
immediate environment, and familiar topics like family, shopping, and work.

Short, slow, and clear speech: This includes simple instructions, announcements, and everyday


Engage in simple conversations: You can introduce yourself and ask and answer basic questions
about your personal background, family, and daily life.

Use basic phrases and sentences to describe yourself and your surroundings: This includes
expressing your needs and preferences, asking for things, and giving simple descriptions of people,
places, and objects.

Interact in a simple way: You can exchange basic information on familiar topics, but you may need
help with more complex matters.


Write short, simple texts: This includes personal information, basic descriptions, and short messages.

Write common expressions and phrases: This includes greetings, introductions, and basic questions
and answers.

Here are some specific topics and areas you should focus on at the A1 level:

Greetings and introductions: Lernen Sie, sich vorzustellen und andere zu begrüßen.
Numbers and basic counting: Lernen Sie die Zahlen von 1 bis 10 und einfache Zählweisen.

Basic verbs and conjugations: Lernen Sie die wichtigsten Verben im Präsens und Imperativ.

Personal pronouns: Lernen Sie die Personalpronomen (ich, du, er, sie, es, wir, ihr, sie) und ihre

Basic adjectives: Lernen Sie einfache Adjektive, um Dinge und Personen zu beschreiben.

Basic questions and answers: Lernen Sie, einfache Fragen zu stellen und zu beantworten.

Basic expressions of time and date: Lernen Sie, die Uhrzeit und das Datum auszudrücken.

Basic prepositions: Lernen Sie die wichtigsten Präpositionen und ihre Verwendung.

Simple sentences and sentence structure: Lernen Sie, einfache Sätze mit Subjekt, Verb und Objekt zu

Describing your family and home: Lernen Sie, Ihre Familie und Ihr Zuhause zu beschreiben.

Talking about your daily routine: Lernen Sie, Ihren Tagesablauf zu beschreiben.

Talking about your hobbies and interests: Lernen Sie, über Ihre Hobbys und Interessen zu sprechen.

Shopping and basic transactions: Lernen Sie, einzukaufen und einfache Transaktionen

Ordering food and drinks: Lernen Sie, Essen und Getränke zu bestellen.

Resources for learning German A1:





Deutsch lernen:

Easy German:

Remember, consistency is key to learning any language. Set realistic goals, practice regularly, and
don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Most importantly, have fun with the process!

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