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Acheinu kol beit yisrael, han'tunim ‫ הַ נְׂ תּונִים ְׂבצָּ ָּרה‬,‫אַ חֵ ינּו כָּל בֵ ית י ְִׂש ָּראֵ ל‬

b'tzara uvashivyah, haomdim bein ,‫עֹומ ִדים בֵ ין בַ יָּם ּובֵ ין בַ יַבָּ ָּשה‬ ְׂ ָּ‫ ה‬,‫ּובַ ִש ְׂביָּה‬
bayam uvein bayabasha. ,‫ וְׂיֹוצִ יאֵ ם ִמצָּ ָּרה ִל ְׂרוָּחָּ ה‬,‫הַ ָּמקֹום י ְַׂרחֵ ם עֲלֵ יהֶ ם‬
Hamakom Y'racheim Aleihem ‫ הַ ְׂש ָּתא‬,‫ּומ ִש ְׂעבּוד ִלגְׂ אֻ לָּ ה‬ ִ ,‫אֹורה‬ ָּ ‫ּומאֲ פֵ לָּ ה ְׂל‬
v'yotziem mitzra lirvacha
.‫ּובזְׂ ַמן ָּק ִריב‬ִ ‫בַ ֲעגָּלָּ א‬
um'afaila l'orah umishiabud
lig'ulah, hashta ba'agala uvizman
kariv.V'nomar: Amen

As for our brothers, the whole house of Israel, who are given over to
trouble or captivity, whether they abide on the sea or on the dry land:

May the All-present have mercy upon them, and bring them forth from
trouble to enlargement, from darkness to light, and from subjection to
redemption, now speedily and at a near time; and let us say, Amen.

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