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Basic and Applied Ecology 8 (2007) 97—116


Host plant location by Chrysomelidae

Patricia Fernandez, Monika Hilker

Freie Universität Berlin, Angewandte Zoologie/Ökologie der Tiere, Haderslebener Str. 9, 12163 Berlin, Germany

Received 30 December 2005; accepted 27 May 2006

Chrysomelidae are a taxon with an enormous plethora of highly specialised
Leaf beetles;
herbivorous species. The present study provides an overview of the knowledge
Host search;
available so far on cues guiding chrysomelids to locate a host plant. Host location
Host plant speciali-
behaviour will be addressed from different trophic perspectives. Cues from
undamaged host plants are distinguished from cues released from damaged ones.
Adaptive evolution;
The role of host plant cues is considered with respect to the surrounding vegetation
Plant volatiles;
and to the presence of competitors. Only very little is known on how enemies
Plant damage;
searching for prey influence a chrysomelid’s choice for a plant. Finally, also
the impact of phytopathogens on host location in Chrysomelidae is addressed. The
pheno- and genotypic plasticity of chrysomelid host location behaviour might have
facilitated pioneering new host plants. For a better understanding of adaptive
evolution, we conclude that future studies on host plant location by chrysomelids
need to address in addition to ecological and behaviourals aspects more intensively
also the molecular questions of adaptation.
& 2006 Gesellschaft für Ökologie. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Chrysomelidae (Blattkäfer) bilden ein Taxon mit einer enormen Fülle an hoch
spezialisierten herbivoren Arten. Diese Studie bietet eine Zusammenstellung des
verfügbaren Wissens über Signale, die Chrysomeliden zur Wirtpflanzensuche nutzen.
Die Wirtsuche wird dabei auf verschiedenen trophischen Ebenen analysiert. Signale
ausgehend von unbeschädigten Pflanzen werden unterschieden von Signalen
beschädigter Pflanzen. Die Rolle von pflanzlichen Signalen wird auch im Kontext
der umgebenden Vegetation und der Gegenwart von Konkurrenten betrachtet. Es ist
nur wenig darüber bekannt, wie die Gegenwart von Fraßfeinden die Wirtspflanzen-
suche der Blattkäfer beeinflusst. Auch der Einfluss von Phytopathogenen auf die
Wirtssuche von Chrysomeliden wird skizziert. Die große phäno- und genotypische
Plastizität des Wirtssuchverhaltens von Blattkäfern könnte das Erobern neuer
Wirtspflanzenarten erleichtert haben. Die bisher vorwiegend verhaltensbiologischen
und ökologischen Studien zeigen, dass es für ein besseres Verständnis der adaptiven
Evolution der Chrysomelidae in Zukunft von besonderer Bedeutung sein wird, auch

Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 30 8385 3918; fax: +49 30 8385 3897.
E-mail address: (M. Hilker).

1439-1791/$ - see front matter & 2006 Gesellschaft für Ökologie. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
98 P. Fernandez, M. Hilker

auf molekularer Ebene die Anpassung von Blattkäfern an ihre Wirtspflanzen noch
intensiver zu untersuchen.
& 2006 Gesellschaft für Ökologie. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Cues from uncolonised host plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
The plant’s environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
The plant’s plasticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
The beetle’s plasticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Perception of host plant cues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Detoxification of noxious plant secondary components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Cues from colonised host plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Cues from colonised host plants emitted by the herbivores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Cues from colonised host plants emitted by the damaged foliage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Cues from colonised host plants emitted by the predators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Cues from phytopathogen-infected plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Future challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Introduction by different factors, among them plant parameters

such as plant primary and secondary metabolites,
Chrysomelidae form a taxon of enormous diver- as well as by plant architecture, distribution and
sity with nearly 40,000 species, almost all of which availability (Ehrlich & Raven, 1964; Strong, Lawton,
are phytophagous (Futuyma, 2004; Jolivet & Haw- & Southwood, 1984). The success of a herbivorous
keswood, 1995). The host plants range from insect using a particular plant depends on the
bryophytes over tree ferns to gymno- and angio- herbivore’s ability to locate this plant, to use its
sperms (Jolivet & Hawkeswood, 1995). Some nutrients, and to cope with its defensive devices.
species are specialised to feed upon roots, others These abilities are dependant upon the pheno- and
use above-ground plant material and feed upon genotypic plasticity of the herbivore (Bernays,
flowers and leaves. Many chrysomelids are feeding 2001; Chapman, 2003; Futuyma, 2000; Thompson,
mono- and oligophagously on specific plant taxa, 1996) and of the plant (Gardner & Agrawal, 2002).
others – especially among the Eumolpinae, Crypto- A particular herbivore individual feeding upon a
cephalinae, and Clytrinae – are able to use a wide plant is usually not feeding alone, but faces
range of very different plants. Out of 139 chry- conspecific and heterospecific competitors as well
somelid genera in North America, 46.8% use one as phytopathogens altering the plant quality, and
genus of host plant, and 46.7% use between 2 and 5 thus influencing the herbivore’s success on the
genera (Mitchell, 1981). However, even when plant (Denno, McClure, & Ott, 1995; Rostás, Simon,
having specialised on a narrow range of plant & Hilker, 2003). With respect to the third trophic
species, no evolutionary dead end has been level, predators and parasitoids may strongly affect
entered. Instead, even highly specialised chry- the use of suitable plants by herbivores (Bernays &
somelids are able to switch to new host plant Graham, 1988; Price et al., 1980; Vet & Dicke,
species, if, e.g., predation pressure on the ances- 1992).
tral host plant becomes too strong (Gross, Fa- Thus, ecological bottom-up and top-down factors
touros, & Hilker, 2004; Gross, Fatouros, Neuvonen, as well as geno- and phenotypic factors of the
& Hilker, 2004; Termonia, Hsiao, Pasteels, & herbivore influence its association with a host
Milinkovitch, 2001). plant. The huge diversity of chrysomelids specia-
The factors driving host plant specialisation of lised on such a wide range of host plants offers an
insects have been discussed intensively from ideal tool to study the mechanisms of adaptive
different perspectives (e.g., Bernays & Graham, evolution. Unlike the Lepidoptera, which form
1988; Thompson, 1999). The composition of the another important taxon of herbivorous insects
herbivore community on host plants is influenced that has been studied intensively with respect to
Host plant location 99

host plant interactions, larvae and adults of deposition have been presented (Hilker & Meiners,
Chrysomelidae generally use the same ecological 2006). We will address questions such as, e.g.,
niche. Like numerous herbivorous hemimetabolous which cues might guide a chrysomelid beetle during
insects, also chrysomelids need to choose a host host plant search? Which factors influence its
plant suitable for egg deposition, larvae, and searching behaviour? We will differentiate in the
adults. In several species, the host plant even gives following between cues and factors from non-
shelter for the pupal stage. When choosing a host colonised (Table 1) and already herbivore-colonised
plant that serves for the entire development of the plant individuals (Table 2) on the one hand, and
offspring and nutrition of the adult stage, it might phytopathogen-infected plants (Table 3) on the
be beneficial to take into account the change of other hand. When encountering already colonised
host plant quality in the course of time and season, plants, chrysomelids need to be able to respond
as well as alteration of host plant quality due to selectively to the most beneficial cues among a
previous oviposition and feeding activity (Awmack plethora of information, i.e., herbivore-induced
& Leather, 2002; Hilker & Meiners, 2006). plant cues, cues released by con- and heterospe-
The demands on a herbivorous insect for success- cific herbivores, cues released by predators or
ful colonization of a suitable host plant are parasitoids. A colonised host plant might indicate
immense. Refined perceptive abilities are neces- on the one hand a suitable plant individual (not
sary to locate a plant and enormous integrative only for feeding, but also for finding mates), and on
abilities to recognize the suitability of a plant. the other hand a place where intra- and inter-
When having started feeding upon a plant, reliable specific competition might lower performance. A
digestive abilities are necessary to gain sufficient colonised host plant might also indicate a higher
nutrients from the plant and to detoxify possible danger of being detected by enemies, or a place
noxious secondary plant components. De Jong and where species interact through shared natural
Nielsen (2002) stated that ‘‘adaptive evolution can enemies. In addition to herbivores and carnivores
only be fully understood when the genetic basis of present on a host plant, phytopathogens are well
adaptations is unravelled’’. Even though general known to change the attractiveness of a host plant.
adaptation such as, e.g., detoxification of plant Thus, also the response of chrysomelids to diseased
toxins by P450-monooxygenases (Scott & Wen, plants will be addressed.
2001) or glutathione-S-transferases (Ranson &
Hemingway, 2005) have been studied in several
insect species, so far little knowledge is available
on the genetics of specific adaptations of herbivor-
Cues from uncolonised host plants
ous insects to host plants. This is true also for the
The search pattern of a chrysomelid beetle for its
huge taxon of Chrysomelidae. A few and highly
host plant needs to show a high flexibility and to
interesting molecular studies are available on the
take into account the enormous variation of: (a)
digestive adaptation of chrysomelids to plant toxins
the environment in which the plant is growing; (b)
(see below), but very little is known about the
the geno- and phenotypic plasticity of the plant
genes influencing host plant search. Several studies
itself; and (c) also the beetle’s plasticity and
have considered the questions how chrysomelids
motivation. Moreover, host plant cues are usually
locate their host plants, which cues stimulate them
not detected via a single perception ‘‘channel’’,
to feed upon a plant, and which factors might force
but by visual, olfactory, and contact cues, thus
them to leave a plant (Jermy, 1994; Matsuda, 1988;
requiring highly integrative abilities of the chry-
Mitchell, 1994). Many of these studies focus on
somelid. When having encountered a plant, the
specific chrysomelid taxa or specific factors by
beetles need to be able to efficiently digest the
which the insects orient to a host plant and
plant material and to cope with plant toxins. These
‘‘decide’’ to accept it.
aspects of host plant search and its acceptance will
Our aim is (1) to outline the high diversity and
be addressed below with respect to plants not yet
plasticity of cues and factors that chrysomelids
being colonised by a herbivore (compare Table 1).
face when searching for a host plant, and, by
providing such an overview, (2) to elucidate the
most urgent future research questions we should The plant’s environment
address in this field. The review uses literature of a
time period ranging from 1926, when McIndoo did The preferences of Chrysomelidae for host plants
first olfactometer experiments with the Colorado were shown to change according to abiotic con-
potato leaf beetle, to 2006, when recent studies on ditions. Feeding preferences of Colorado potato
induction of plant defence by chrysomelid egg leaf beetles (CPB) for Solanum tuberosum and
100 P. Fernandez, M. Hilker

Table 1. Cues/Factors from undamaged host plants affecting host location in leaf beetles; reference: exemplifying
the impact of the respective cue/factor (F ¼ field study; L ¼ laboratory study; studies of a ¼ adults, l ¼ larvae)

Cue/factor Chrysomelid taxon Field, Lab Parameter studied Reference

adult, larvae

Soil texture Diabrotica spp. F; l Population density Beckler et al. (2004)

Elevation F; l Population density French et al. (2004)
Vegetation diversity Leptinotarsa L; a Attraction () Thiery and Visser (1986)
Vegetation density Galeruca tanaceti F; a Oviposition (+) Meiners and Obermaier (2004)
Trirhabda canadensis F; a Host colonisation (+) Morrow et al. (1989)
Plant genotype Altica spp. F, L; a Feeding Pettis et al. (2004)
Chrysophtharta F, L; a Oviposition, feeding Rapley et al. (2004)
Chrysomela scripta F, L; a Feeding Lin et al. (1998)
Phyllotreta spp. L; a Feeding Nielsen et al. (2001)
Phratora vulgatissima L; l Development Glynn et al. (2004)
Plant phenotype Agelastica alni F, L; a, l Feeding, oviposition Dolch and Tscharntke (2000)
(changed by
neighboured plant)
Plant size Leptinotarsa L; a Attraction (+) Visser (1976)
L; a Attraction (+) Bolter et al. (1997)
F; a Attraction (+) Hoy et al. (2000)
Altica subplicata F; a Abundance(+), feeding Bach (1993a)
F; a Colonisation (+) Bach (1993b)
Cassida canaliculata F; a Oviposition (+) Heisswolf et al. (2005)
F; l Survival (+) Heisswolf et al. (2005)
Leaf age Chrysophtarta agricola F; a Feeding (+) Nahrung and Allen (2003)
F, L; a Oviposition () Nahrung and Allen (2003)
Several willow leaf L; a Feeding () Ikonen (2002)
L; a Feeding () Miyamoto and Nakamura
F, L; a, l Feeding, oviposition King et al. (1998)
Larval development
Galerucella F, L; a Oviposition () Tanaka and Nakasuji (2002)
Plant visual cues Leptinotarsa L; a Attraction (+) Zehnder and Speese (1987)
L; a Attraction (+) Jermy et al. (1988)
L; a Attraction (+) Szentesi et al. (2002)
Phyllotreta striolata L; a Attraction (+) Yang et al. (2003)
Oreina cacaliae L; a Attraction (+) Kalberer et al. (2001)
Plant volatiles Leptinotarsa L; a Attraction (+) Visser and Thiery (1986)
(undamaged plant) decemlineata L; a Attraction (+) Thiery and Visser (1995)
Agelastica alni L; a Attraction (+) Park et al. (2004)
Trirhabda canadiensis L; a Attraction (+) Puttick et al. (1988)
Diabroticites spp. L, F; a Attraction (+) Metcalf and Metcalf (1992)
F; a Attraction (+) Naranjo (1994)
L; l Attraction (+) Hibbard and Bjostad (1988)
Leaf morphology Willow leaf beetles F; a, l Feeding Rowell-Rahier (1984a)
L; a Feeding Rowell-Rahier (1984b)
L; a, l Abundance Soetens et al. (1991)
Host plant location 101

Table 1. (continued )

Cue/factor Chrysomelid taxon Field, Lab Parameter studied Reference

adult, larvae

Phyllotreta cruciferae L; a Feeding Palaniswamy and Bodnyark

Cerotoma trifurcata F, L; a Feeding Lam and Pedigo (2001)
Plant nutrients Diverse chrysomelids L; a, l Feeding Matsuda (1988)
L; F; a Feeding (+) Hunt et al. (1994)
L; a Feeding (+) Ikonen (2002)
Plant secondary Flea beetles L; a, l Feeding Nielsen (1978, 1988)
Diabroticites L, a Feeding Metcalf et al. (1980)
L; a Feeding Abe et al. (2000)
Willow leaf beetles F, a, l Feeding Rowell-Rahier (1984a)
L, a Feeding Rowell-Rahier (1984b)
L; a, l Abundance, oviposition Rank (1992)
F; a Feeding Rank (1992)
L; a Feeding Kohlemainen et al. (1995)
L; a Feeding Ikonen (2002)
Ophraella communa L; a Feeding Tamura et al. (2004)

A positive or negative correlation between the plant cue/factor and the parameter studied is indicated by (+) and (), respectively. If
no (+) or () label is given, the cues/factors had varying effects.

Table 2. Cues/factors from damaged or colonised host plants affecting host location in leaf beetles; reference:
exemplifying the impact of the respective cue/factor (F ¼ field study; L ¼ laboratory study; studies of a ¼ adults,
l ¼ larvae)

Cue/factor Chrysomelid taxon Field/lab Parameter studied Reference


Sex pheromones Diabroticites F, L, a Attraction (+) Chuman et al. (1987)

L; a Attraction (+) Guss et al. (1984)
Longitarsus jacobaea F, L; a Attraction (+) Zhang and McEvoy (1994)
Leptinotarsa decemlineata L; a Attraction (+) Levinson et al. (1979)
L; a Male movement, mating Jermy and Butt (1991)
Aggregation Leptinotarsa decemlineata L; a Attraction (+) Dickens et al. (2002)
L Miscellaneous Oliver et al. (2002)
Oulema melanopus L; a Electrophysiology Cossé et al. (2002)
F, L; a Attraction (+) Rao et al. (2003)
Phyllotreta cruciferae F, L; a Attraction (+) Peng and Weiss (1992)
F; a Attraction (+) Peng et al. (1999)
Acalymma vittatum F; a Attraction (+) Smyth and Hoffmann
Chrysomelid Altica carduorum L; a Aggregation (+) Wan and Harris (1996)
faecal cues
Leptinotarsa decemlineata L; a Oviposition () Szentesi (1981)
Chrysomelid Several Chrysomelinae L; a Feeding () Raupp et al. (1986)
L; a Feeding (), Hilker (1989)
oviposition ()
F; a Dispersal (), Schindek and Hilker (1996)
oviposition ()
102 P. Fernandez, M. Hilker

Table 2. (continued )

Cue/factor Chrysomelid taxon Field/lab Parameter studied Reference


Plant volatiles Leptinotarsa decemlineata L; a Attraction (+) Bolter et al. (1997)

(induced by L; a Attraction (+) Schütz et al. (1997)
L; a Attraction (+) Landolt et al. (1999)
Oreina cacaliae L; a Attraction (+) Kalberer et al. (2001)
Phyllotreta spp. F; a Attraction (+) Vincent and Stewart,
F; a Attraction (+) Pivnick et al. (1992)
L; a Feeding () Palaniswamy and Lamb
Plant volatiles Xanthogaleruca luteola L; a Attraction Meiners et al. (2005)
(induced by egg Feeding (+)
Plant volatiles Epitrix hirtipennis F; a Abundance () Thaler (1999)
(induced by
Presence of Diabrotica undecimpunctata L; a Feeding () Williams et al. (2001)
enemies howardi
Acalymma vittatum L, F; a Feeding () Williams and Wise (2003)
Emigration (+)

A positive or negative correlation between the plant cue/factor and the parameter studied is indicated by (+) and (), respectively. If
no (+) or () label is given, the cues/factors had varying effects.

Table 3. Phytopathogen infection of a host plant affecting host location in leaf beetles (F ¼ field study;
L ¼ laboratory study; studies of a ¼ adults, l ¼ larvae)

Phytopathogen Chrysomelid taxon Field/lab Observed behaviour Reference

taxon adult/larvae

Uromyces rumici Gastrophysa viridula F, L; a Oviposition () Hatcher et al. (1994)

Hatcher (1995)
Puccina carduorum Cassida rubiginosa L; a Oviposition (–) Kok et al. (1996)
Feeding (–)
Phoma destructiva Cassida rubiginosa L; a Oviposition (–) Kruess (2002)
Feeding (–)
L; l Development time (–), Kruess (2002)
weight (–),
mortality (–)
Alternaria brassicae Phaedon cochleariae L; a Oviposition (–) Rostás and Hilker (2002)
feeding (–)
L; l Feeding (+) Rostás and Hilker (2002)
Melampsora allii- Plagiodera versicolora L; a Oviposition (–) Simon and Hilker (2005)
fragilis feeding (–)
L; l Development time (), Simon and Hilker (2003)
weight (–),
mortality (–)
Melampsora epitea Phratora vulgatissima L; a Feeding () Peacock et al. (2003)
Erysiphe Diabroticites F; a, l Population density () Moran and Schultz (1998)
Cladosporium Diabrotica L; l Feeding (+) Moran (1998)
cucumerinum undecimpunctata

A positive or negative effect of the plant infection by a pathogen on the parameter studied is indicated by (+) and (), respectively.
Host plant location 103

S. dulcamara appeared to depend on the tempera- clones depending on the amount of a specific
ture (Bongers, 1970). Wind speed affected move- surface component, alpha-tocopheryl quinone
ments of Trirhabda canadensis towards host plants. (Lin, Binder, & Hart, 1998). In contrast, Phyllotreta
At high wind speeds, host plants located upwind spp. did not discriminate between wild Arabidopsis
were colonised, whereas at low wind speeds, also thaliana and metabolically engineered plants con-
host plants located not upwind were found (Mor- taining four-fold more sinalbine, suggesting that
row, Tonkyn, & Goldburg, 1989). only the presence (and not the concentration) of
The landscape structure in which a host plant this compound stimulated feeding (Nielsen, Han-
grows may significantly influence its detectability sen, Agerbick, Petersen, & Halkier, 2001). Neither
and, thereby, the degree of plant attack did Phratora vulgatissima show any preference for
(Tscharntke & Brandl, 2004). For example, the one of the 10 genotypes generated from a cross
abundance of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera and D. between Salix viminalis and S. dasyclados, even
barberi was found to be associated with soil texture though the genotypes differed significantly in foliar
and elevation (Beckler, French, & Chandler, 2004; nitrogen concentrations and phenolic substances
French, Beckler, & Chandler, 2004). Also vegetation (Glynn, Ronnberg-Wastljung, Julkunen-Tiitto, &
diversity may influence host plant finding. Diverse Weih, 2004).
vegetation might lower the detectability of a The phenotype of an uncolonised host plant can
specific host plant species. Specific host plant also change with the neighbourhood to colonised
odour might be masked by volatiles from non-host plants from the same species (see review in Bruin,
plants (Bruce, Wadhams, & Woodcock, 2005). For Dicke, & Sabelis, 1995; Dicke & Bruin, 2001; Karban
example, mixing non-host odour with host odour & Baldwin, 1997). Volatiles induced by herbivores
neutralised the usually positive response of the in one plant may enhance the production of
Colorado potato beetle (CPB), Leptinotarsa decem- volatiles in undamaged, neighboured plants which
lineata, to host odour (Thiery & Visser, 1986). may change their attractiveness to herbivores. A
When searching for a host plant, the patch size field study showed that undamaged alder trees
and host density can influence the herbivore0 s were less attractive to the alder leaf beetle
choice (Bach, 1984; Meiners & Obermaier, 2004; Agelastica alni when located in the neighbourhood
Schoonhoven, Jermy, & van Loon, 1998). The of alder trees damaged by this species (Dolch &
vegetation structure where the host plant grows Tscharntke, 2000).
is well known to influence the success of locating a The size of a plant may influence the chrysome-
host plant (Bach, 1984; Hassel, 1978; Meiners & lid’s choice. When encountering patches of unco-
Obermaier, 2004). The polyphagous tansy leaf lonised host plants, the largest one might be the
beetle Galeruca tanaceti, for example, preferred most attractive one because it might release the
to lay eggs in a structurally highly complex highest quantities of attractive odour or the most
vegetation (in terms of host density and vegetation conspicuous visual cues. The CPB was shown to be
height and coverage), which might be a strategy to attracted by large (460 cm height), but not by
hide from an abundant egg parasitoid (Meiners & small plants (o 25 cm height) (Bolter, Dicke, van
Obermaier, 2004). The goldenrod leaf beetle, Loon, Visser, & Posthumus, 1997; Visser, 1976). In
Trirhabda canadensis, preferred to colonise plots field studies, larger potato plants also attracted
with a higher density of host plants (Morrow et al., more CPB than smaller ones (Hoy, Vaughn, & East,
1989). 2000). Willow flea beetles, Altica subplicata,
tended to colonise and damage taller hosts (Bach,
1993a, b). Furthermore, the monophagous tortoise
The plant’s plasticity beetle Cassida canaliculata preferred to oviposit on
large host plants, Salvia pratensis. These large
Like other herbivores, chrysomelids need to cope plants provided significantly higher nitrogen con-
with the genotypic plasticity of their host plants. tent. Larvae feeding upon leaves of large plants
For several species, preferences for specific geno- developed significantly faster than those on leaves
types are well known, like Altica spp. preferring of small plants (Heisswolf, Obermaier, & Poethke,
certain cultivars of crape myrtles, Lagerstroemia 2005).
indica L., for feeding (Pettis, Boyd, Braman, & Intra-plant differential foliage selection by chry-
Pounders, 2004), or Chrysophtharta agricola pre- somelids has been found in several studies. No
ferring particular strains of Eucalyptus globulus for general pattern of preference for, e.g., young
oviposition (Rapley, Allen, & Potts, 2004). Feeding leaves is detectable so far. Different foliage may
preferences of the cottonwood leaf beetle, Chry- be used for different purposes, a possible strategy
somela scripta, varied significantly among poplar to provide intra-plant niches for different
104 P. Fernandez, M. Hilker

developmental stages. The paropsine leaf beetle Perception of host plant cues
Chrysophtharta agricola preferred adult eucalypt
foliage to juvenile leaves for feeding, but juvenile The role of visual cues for host plant location in
foliage was preferred for oviposition (Nahrung & chrysomelids has most intensively been studied in
Allen, 2003). Some willow leaf beetles were shown CPB. These beetles use a light compass reaction to
to prefer feeding upon young host plant leaves with maintain a course when foraging. They approach
the highest nitrogen content (Ikonen, 2002; Miya- host and non-host plants by orientating to silhou-
moto & Nakamura, 2004). Likewise, female adults ettes (Jermy, Szentesi, & Horvath, 1988) and colour
of Galerucella nipponensis preferred young or (Szentesi, Weber, & Jermy, 2002; Zehnder &
middle-aged leaves to old leaves as oviposition Speese, 1987). But also for a few other chrysome-
sites on its aquatic host plant Trapa japonica lids, visual cues were shown to influence orienta-
(Tanaka & Nakasuji, 2002). The willow leaf beetle tion. Sensitivity to different wavelengths may even
Plagiodera versicolora preferred to oviposit in the change according to the time of the day, as was
field on leaves near the centre of branchlets (i.e., shown for the flea beetle Phyllotreta striolata
older leaves), whereas in the laboratory, females (Yang, Lee, & Wu, 2003). The perception of plant
preferred young leaves to old ones (King, Crowe, & visual cues may also modify the response to host
Blackmore, 1998). These results indicate that in the plant volatiles, as was shown by Kalberer, Turlings,
field other cues such as light or danger of predation and Rahier (2001): More adult Oreina cacaliae were
might have influenced the choice for oviposition found to respond to host plant volatiles in a wind
sites in P. versicolora. tunnel when the beetles could see the plant instead
of only perceiving the volatiles.
Olfactory attraction to host plants has been
The beetle’s plasticity studied intensively in several chrysomelid species.
The first demonstration that volatile emissions by
Host plant preference of the individual herbivor- plants attract a chrysomelid species was performed
ous insect usually changes during its life time, by McIndoo (1926) who showed the attractiveness
because the selection of a plant depends on the of volatiles emitted by potato plants to CPB adults,
internal state of the individual herbivore, e.g., its which was later confirmed in more detail by several
age and hormonal state, hunger, or experience other studies (e.g., Thiery & Visser, 1995; Visser &
(Bernays, 1995; Courtney, Chen, & Gardner, 1989; Thiery, 1986). Since then numerous lab and field
Jermy & Szentesi, 2003; Papaj & Prokopy, 1989; studies have been conducted on the attractiveness
Schoonhoven et al., 1998; Szentesi & Jermy, 1990). of host plant volatiles to chrysomelids. For exam-
Diabrotica virgifera virgifera larvae were found to ple, the alder leaf beetle Agelastica coeruleae was
be strictly monophagous, feeding only on corn shown to clearly distinguish between leaf odour
roots, while the adult beetles are polyphagous from nine different Betulaceae species (Park, Lee,
(Chyb, Eichenseer, Hollister, Mullin, & Frazier, Shin, Kim, & Ahn, 2004). Also the goldenrod leaf
1995). Age, sex, and dietary history affected the beetle Trirhabda canadensis moved upwind towards
feeding response to cucurbitacins in Acalymma host odours in an olfactometer (Puttick, Morrow, &
vittatum feeding on cucumber (Smyth, Tallamy, Lequesne, 1988). In the field these beetles move
Renwick, & Hoffmann, 2002). Orientation of adult towards the highest concentration of host plants
CPB to host odour was shown to depend on the (Morrow et al., 1989). Several adult Diabroticites
satiation of the beetles (Thiery & Visser, 1995). In have been shown to be attracted by volatiles
Galerucella lineola, preferences seemed to be released from blossoms of Curcurbitaceae (Metcalf
unstable because they could be modified by food & Metcalf, 1992). Diabrotica species have also been
experience in the early adult stage (Ikonen, Sipura, shown to display oriented movement towards their
Miettinen, & Tahvanainen, 2003). Experience was host when forced to fly at a distance of 1 m from
found to change feeding preference or host plant the edge of the crop (Naranjo, 1994). Furthermore,
acceptance also in bruchid species (e.g., Szentesi & CO2 was found to be an attractant for larvae of the
Jermy, 1990). Such changes in feeding preference western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgi-
can be explained as changes in the sensitivity of fera. The attraction was enhanced when corn
deterrent and phagostimulant receptors, as has volatiles were added to the CO2 source (Hibbard
been shown for other taxa in relation to age, & Bjostad, 1988).
nutrient status, and experience (Chapman, 2003; Once on the host plant, several traits perceived
Schoonhoven, Simmonds, & Blaney, 1991; Sim- by contact such as morphological leaf character-
monds, Blaney, & Schoonhoven 1992; Simmonds, istics and the concentration of chemical constitu-
Schoonhoven, & Blaney, 1991). ents (both nutrients and secondary metabolites)
Host plant location 105

are well known to affect host plant choice in glands (Hartmann, Theuring, Schmidt, Rahier, &
Chrysomelidae (Chapman, 2003; Jermy, 1994; Pasteels, 1999; Rowell-Rahier, Witte, Ehmke, Hart-
Matsuda, 1988; Mitchell, 1994; Morris, Grevstad, mann, & Pasteels, 1991). The N-oxides are trans-
& Herzig, 1996; Schoonhoven et al., 1998). Leaf ferred through the gut without previous reduction,
trichomes, for example, were shown to influence most probably by specific membrane carriers
host selection in a wide range of chrysomelid (Narberhaus et al., 2004). In contrast to Oreina,
species (e.g., Lam & Pedigo, 2001; Palaniswamy & flea beetles (Longitarsus) do not conjugate tertiary
Bodnaryk, 1994; Rowell-Rahier, 1984a, b; Soetens, PA with glucosides, but are instead able to oxidise
Rowell-Rahier, & Pasteels, 1991). these toxins, so that also in these species PA-N-
The role of plant nutrients has mainly been oxides are accumulating in the haemolymph and
studied with respect to performance of chrysome- defensive glands (Dobler, Haberer, Witte, & Hart-
lids, but several former studies reviewed by mann, 2000; Narberhaus et al., 2004). Several
Matsuda (1988) also addressed the role of primary other plant toxins are known to be sequestered by
plant metabolites such as sugars, amino acids, chrysomelids and stored in the haemolymph or
vitamins, and lipids as feeding stimulants. For defensive glands (Pasteels, Rowell-Rahier, Braek-
example, some studies showed that preference of man, & Daloze, 1994). However, the mechanisms of
Chrysomelidae for specific leaves was due to transfer of the plant toxins through the gut into
nutritive traits such as nitrogen (Hunt, Liptay, & glands of the leaf beetles have most intensively
Drury, 1994; Ikonen, 2002). been studied for PA.
Several classes of secondary plant metabolites
have intensively been studied as feeding stimulants
for Chrysomelidae, especially glucosinolates of
Cues from colonised host plants
Brassicaceae in flea beetles (e.g., Nielsen, 1978,
1988; Renwick, 2002), cucurbitacins of Cucurbita-
Both cues released by the herbivores already
ceae in Diabroticites (Abe, Matsuda, & Tamaki,
colonizing the plant and plant cues induced by
2000; Metcalf, 1994; Metcalf, Metcalf, & Rhodes,
herbivore feeding or by oviposition can influence
1980), phenolglycosides of Salicaceae in willow leaf
the choice for a host plant (compare Table 2).
beetles (e.g., Ikonen, 2002; Kohlemainen, Julku-
nen-Tiitto, Roininen, & Tahvanainen, 1995; Pas-
teels, Braekman, Daloze, & Ottinger, 1982; Rank, Cues from colonised host plants emitted by
1992; Rowell-Rahier, 1984a, b; Topp, Kulfan, Zach, the herbivores
& Nicoloni, 2002), or ragweed triterpenoid and
caffeic acid derivatives in an Ophraella species Conspecifics already colonizing a plant may
(Tamura et al., 2004). release pheromones attracting more conspecifics.
There is ample evidence for the use of pheromones
in Chrysomelidae (literature overview: Metcalf,
Detoxification of noxious plant secondary 1994; Morris et al., 1996; Müller & Hilker, 2004).
components One of the first chrysomelid species, in which
female-produced sex pheromones were detected,
Other secondary plant metabolites, especially was the banded cucumber beetle, Diabrotica
pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) from Asteraceae and balteata (Cuthbert & Reid, 1964). Later, the female
Boraginaceae, have been investigated with parti- sex pheromones of 11 further Diabrotica spp. have
cular respect to the physiological detoxification been identified (Chuman et al., 1987; Guss, Sonnet,
mechanisms by chrysomelids. Different strategies Carney, Branson, & Tumlinson, 1984). These pher-
of PA detoxification evolved in the Chrysomelidae. omones are aliphatic ketones as well as propano-
Neotropical Chrysomelinae (Platyphora) take up ates and acetates. Female sex pheromones are also
the toxic plant tertiary PA and shift them to supposed to be present in the ragwort flea beetle
defensive glands where they are stored unchanged. Longitarsus jacobaea (Zhang & McEvoy, 1994) and
The efficient transport of the toxins from the gut the CPB (Jermy & Butt, 1991; Levinson, Levinson, &
into the glands obviously prevents detrimental Jen, 1979).
effects of the toxins (Hartmann, Theuring, Witte, Also several aggregation pheromones have been
& Pasteels, 2001; Pasteels, Theuring, Windsor, & detected in chrysomelids. A male-produced aggre-
Hartmann, 2003). Alpine Chrysomelinae (Oreina) gation pheromone was recently identified in the
convert toxic plant tertiary PA into non-toxic CPB (Dickens, Oliver, Hollister, Davis, & Klun, 2002;
glucosides, while non-toxic plant PA-N-oxides are Oliver, Dickens, & Glass, 2002). Males of the
sequestered in the haemolymph and defensive cereal leaf beetle Oulema melanopus produce an
106 P. Fernandez, M. Hilker

aggregation pheromone (Cossé, Bartelt, & Zilkows- Cues from colonised host plants emitted by
ki, 2002; Rao, Cossé, Zilkowski, & Bartelt, 2003). the damaged foliage
Furthermore, the presence of an aggregation
pheromone produced by males was proposed for For a wide range of plants it has been shown that
the flea beetle Phyllotreta cruciferae (Peng & attack by herbivorous insects induces defensive
Weiss, 1992; Peng, Bartelt, & Weiss, 1999) and for plant responses. Especially the induction of plant
the striped cucumber beetle Acalymma vittatum volatiles in response to herbivore feeding (Agrawal,
(Smyth & Hoffmann, 2003). Tuzun, & Bent, 1999; Arimura, Kost, & Boland,
Several studies indicate that chrysomelids aggre- 2005; Dicke & van Loon, 2000; Karban & Baldwin,
gate in response to faecal cues on the plant as has 1997) or egg deposition by herbivorous insects
been reviewed by Müller and Hilker (2004). For (Hilker & Meiners, 2002, 2006) can affect the
example, adults of Altica carduorum aggregated on search of herbivores for a host plant.
faeces of larvae and adults that had fed on the The odour released from damaged host plants
thistle Cirsium arvense. When other Cirsium spp. often differs qualitatively and quantitatively from
served as hosts, faeces were not attractive (Wan & the one of undamaged plants (Vet & Dicke, 1992).
Harris, 1996). This result suggests that attractive Since herbivore-infested plants emit volatiles in
plant compounds and/or their metabolites were much larger amounts than undamaged ones, it was
concentrated in the gut and excreted with faeces. proposed that herbivore-infested plants are more
However, conspecifics on a plant do not only easily perceived from a distance (Dicke, Sabelis,
release cues attracting further conspecifics. The Takabayashi, Bruin, & Posthumus, 1990; Turlings,
CPB oviposited less on sites with larval traces, Tumlinson, & Lewis, 1990). Indeed, several chry-
which suggests a deterrence effect of larval faeces, somelids have been shown to orient preferably to
but the role of other herbivore or plant semio- feeding-damaged plants. For example, odour from
chemicals cannot be excluded (Szentesi, 1981). damaged potato plants was more attractive to the
Several chrysomelid larvae also release exocrine CPB than odour from undamaged ones (Bolter et
defensive secretions when disturbed by conspecific al., 1997; Landolt, Tumlinson, & Alborn, 1999;
adults (Pasteels et al., 1982). The adults are Schütz, Weissbecker, Klein, & Hummel, 1997). Also
strongly deterred by secretion of these larvae Oreina cacaliae was preferentially attracted to
(Hilker, 1989; Raupp, Milan, Barbosa, & Leonhardt, damaged host plants of Petasites paradoxus and
1986; Schindek & Hilker, 1996). Adenostyles alliariae (Kalberer et al., 2001). In the
Heterospecific Chrysomelidae have also been field, Phyllotreta cruciferae and P. striolata were
shown to deter each other. Larvae of the willow attracted by traps baited with allyl isothiocyanate,
leaf beetle species Phratora vulgatissima and P. one of the compounds released especially by
vitellinae mutually deterred adults of the other damaged crucifers (Pivnick, Lamb, & Reed, 1992;
species by their defensive secretions (Hilker, 1989; Vincent & Stewart, 1984).
Hilker, unpublished data). Chrysomelids have also The herbivore’s response to induced plant vola-
been shown to deter heterospecific non-chrysome- tiles may significantly depend on the degree of
lid insects. The willow leaf beetle Plagiodera damage, and thus, the quantity and quality of
versicolora was able to deter caterpillars of volatiles released by the damaged plant. Most of
Nymphalis antiopa by its exocrine defensive secre- the studies that considered different levels of
tion (Raupp et al., 1986). Female potato leaf herbivore damage found that the strength of
hoppers Empoasca fabae oviposited less on plants induced responses usually correlates positively with
that were infested by CPB or covered by their the level of damage (reviewed in Karban &
faeces (Tomlin & Sears, 1992). Baldwin, 1997). Behavioural assays in a locomotor
In several chrysomelid species, attraction of compensator showed that mechanical damage
conspecifics to an already colonised plant was inflicted with scissors in potato foliage resulted in
reported, but the causes are not clear. The loose- short-term (less than 15 min) attraction of CPB
strife leaf beetle Galerucella calmariensis was (Bolter et al., 1997). On the contrary, more severe
strongly attracted by conspecifics when settling damage with carborundum powder resulted in a
on a plant after dispersal (Grevstad & Herzig, longer lasting attraction (at least 1 h). The elm leaf
1997). Females of the blue willow beetle, Phratora beetle Xanthogaleruca luteola has been shown to
vulgatissima, were shown to be much stronger adjust its behavioural response to oviposition-
attracted to potted willow plants with conspecific induced elm leaf volatiles with respect to the egg
beetles and feeding damage than to control plants density. When elm twigs were carrying a small egg
with either only damage or beetles (Peacock, load, the oviposition-induced volatiles attracted
Lewis, & Herrick, 2001). elm leaf beetle females. However, when elm twigs
Host plant location 107

were heavily laden with eggs, the volatiles induced by induced plant volatiles, other cues encountered
deterred X. luteola (Meiners, Hacker, Anderson, & when already arrived at the damaged plant might
Hilker, 2005). Volatiles from a plant with low egg induce the insect to leave this plant. For example,
load might indicate a suitable host plant to the elm even though allyl isothiocyanate was attractive to
leaf beetle females, whereas odour from a heavily P. cruciferae, induced plants were obviously
egg-laden plant might indicate a high risk of egg avoided for feeding. When exposing feeding-in-
parasitisation. The eulophid egg parasitoid Oomy- duced crucifer plants to P. cruciferae several days
zus gallerucae is known to be attracted by elm after wounding, the induced plants suffered less
volatiles induced by a high egg load (Meiners & further feeding damage than the non-induced
Hilker, 2000). control ones (Palaniswamy & Lamb, 1993). In the
Other studies show that chrysomelids are also field, the abundance of the flea beetle Epitrix
able to adjust their behaviour according to herbi- hirtipennis was reduced on tomato plants that had
vore density on the host plant. However, it is not been treated with jasmonate over 3 years (Thaler,
clear from these studies whether induced plant 1999).
volatiles or other insect-derived cues mediate The attractiveness of herbivore-induced plant
these adjustments. For example, the golden rod volatiles to chrysomelids was shown to depend
leaf beetle Trirhabda virgata was observed to leave upon the internal state of a chrysomelid beetle (see
host patches that had a high density of conspecific above) as well as on the background of odour at
adults and heavy larval damage, but no emigration which specific volatiles are perceived. For exam-
flights were detected from low-density patches ple, in CPB the amplitudes of electroantennograms
with little defoliation (Herzig, 1995). For larvae of for (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, a typical green leaf
Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, it was suggested that volatile released from potato after damage, in-
under low to moderate plant infestation levels, creased from the day of beetle emergence over at
little or no larval movement occurs after initial least 6–8 days of adulthood (Dickens, 2000a).
establishment on a susceptible host. However, However, CPB was not attracted to a single green
under high infestation levels, significant movement leaf volatile (Visser & Avé, 1978). A green leaf
occurred from damaged to undamaged neighbour volatile obviously needed to be perceived in
plants (Hibbard, Higdon, Duran, Schweikert, & context with other plant volatiles to become
Ellersieck, 2004). This behaviour might protect attractive, since CPB was shown to significantly
them from infestation by entomopathogens, since respond to specific blends of green leaf volatiles in
entomopathogenic nematodes have been shown to behavioural tests (Dickens, 2000b). In Cassida
be attracted to root volatiles induced by Diabrotica denticollis, the common green leaf volatile (Z)-3-
feeding (Rasmann et al., 2005). hexenol did not attract larvae, when offered singly,
The induced release of volatiles is not limited to but the presence of this green leaf volatile
the site of damage, but can occur systemically, enhanced the herbivore’s ability to differentiate
which means that undamaged leaves near damaged between host and non-host plants (Müller & Hilker,
ones also emit attractants (Dicke et al., 1990; 2000).
Turlings & Tumlinson, 1992). When the water lily
Nuphar luteum macrophyllum was damaged by
feeding of Galerucella nymphaeae, adult beetles Cues from colonised host plants emitted by
consumed significantly more immature leaf tissue the predators
(undamaged leaves that had not yet reached the
pond surface) from heavily damaged plants than Volatiles from herbivore-induced plants are well
from the less damaged ones (Bolser & Hay, 1998). known to attract enemies of the feeding stages or
Also feeding and oviposition of the elm leaf beetle of the eggs (Hilker & Meiners, 2006; Hilker,
Xanthogaleruca luteola induced field elm leaves Rohfritsch, & Meiners, 2002; Price et al., 1980;
(Ulmus minor) to emit volatiles systemically (Mei- Vet & Dicke, 1992). Several studies are available
ners & Hilker, 2000; Wegener, Schulz, Meiners, showing or strongly indicating that herbivores are
Hadwich, & Hilker, 2001). Beetles preferred to feed able to recognise the presence of enemies by
upon systemically induced leaves compared to infochemicals (Dicke & Grostal, 2001). However,
uninfested ones (Meiners et al., 2005). there is only very little evidence that chrysomelids
The volatiles from a herbivore-infested plant possess the ability to detect enemies in time.
represent a food source with competitors and The cucumber leaf beetle Diabrotica undecim-
elevated risk of influx of predators and parasitoids. punctata howardi was able to detect the presence
Thus, it is difficult to predict whether herbivores of a spider. The mere presence of the spider
will be attracted or repelled. Even when attracted Rabidosa rabida caused females D. u. howardi to
108 P. Fernandez, M. Hilker

spend less time on the host plant and to feed less the mustard leaf beetle Phaedon cochleriae. Leaf
(Williams, Snyder, & Wise, 2001). Adults of D. u. consumption and oviposition were higher on
howardi were able to instantaneously recognise healthy leaves (Rostás & Hilker, 2002). The adult
dangerous predators versus taxonomically related willow leaf beetle Plagiodera versicolora avoided
ones that are no true risk. Beetles might use both feeding and oviposition on leaves infected by the
size and shape to recognise a predator (Snyder & rust Melampsora allii-fragilis. Leaves closely ad-
Wise, 2000). When present at higher densities on jacent to the infection site were avoided while
host plant leaves, spiders were detected by the leaves farther away from the site of damage were
striped cucumber leaf beetle, Acalymma vittatum. accepted as readily as healthy ones (Simon &
It was shown that this chrysomelid species mainly Hilker, 2005). In the same system, larval perfor-
relies on tactile cues, but also visual ones to detect mance was also detrimentally affected by rust
the enemy (Williams & Wise, 2003). So far, it is infection: increase of mortality, decrease of larval
unknown whether these chrysomelid species are weight and prolonging of developmental time
also able to respond to deposits released by a (Simon & Hilker, 2003). Likewise, Phratora spp.
spider (silk, feces), as was shown for the scarab avoided feeding upon rust infected willow leaves
beetle Popillia japonicae and the coccinellid (Peacock, Hunter, Yap, & Arnold, 2003). By asses-
Epilachna varivestis (Hlivko & Rypstra, 2003). sing the insect and fungus community structure in
the field, the density of Diabrotica undecimpunc-
tata howardi, D. virgifera virgifera, and Acalymma
vittatum was found to correlate negatively with
Cues from phytopathogen-infected the presence of powdery mildew Erysiphe cichor-
plants acearum on leaves of Cucurbita cepo x texana
(Moran & Schultz, 1998).
In the last years, an increasing number of studies Although it is less common, herbivores may also
is focusing on microorganisms affecting the inter- prefer plant tissue infected by pathogenic fungi.
action between plants and herbivores, adding a Diabrotica undecimpunctata removed more leaf
new level of complexity to this system (for a area from cucumber leaf discs if these had been
literature overview see Hatcher & Paul, 2001; infected with the necrotrophic fungus Cladospor-
Rostás et al., 2003). A fungal infection can change ium cucumerinum for 3 days (Moran, 1998). Like-
the host plant’s suitability for herbivores and vice wise, second instar larvae of P. cochleariae
versa (Hatcher, 1995). Although both, beneficial consumed more from Chinese cabbage leaves
and detrimental impacts can be found, most infected with A. brassicae than from healthy ones
studies demonstrated that fungal infection of the (Rostás & Hilker, 2002).
host plant had negative or no effects on the While the effects of plant infection by phyto-
herbivore (Rostás et al., 2003). Infection of plant pathogens on herbivores have been addressed in a
tissue by rust fungi is well known to affect considerable range of studies, only little is known
herbivore behaviour (compare Table 3). The leaf about how these interactions are mediated (Rostás
beetle Gastrophysa viridula fed and oviposited less et al., 2003). Changes in nitrogen contents were
on dock plants (Rumex obtusifolius) infected by the found in rust-infected dock plants that are avoided
rust fungus Uromyces rumicis than on healthy by G. viridula. But these diseased plants also
plants in laboratory experiments. These results contained higher concentrations of calcium oxalate
were partly confirmed in manipulative field experi- (Hatcher, 1995; Hatcher, Paul, Ayres, & Whittaker,
ments (Hatcher, 1995; Hatcher, Paul, Ayres, & 1995). Whether these or other cues were indeed
Whittacker, 1994). When giving the choice, adults responsible for the reduced feeding activity on
of Cassida rubiginosa consumed more of healthy rust-infected dock plants is unclear. In Chinese
leaves of Carduus thoemeri than of tissue infected cabbage infected by Alternaria brassicae, probably
by the rust fungus Puccina carduorum. But the an increased peroxidase activity caused avoidance
number of eggs laid did not differ between healthy of diseased plants by the mustard leaf beetle
and diseased plants. On infected leaves, feeding (Rostás, Bennett, & Hilker, 2002).
and oviposition were confined to pustule-free areas
(Kok, Abad, & Baudoin, 1996). In cage experiments,
adults of C. rubiginosa also fed and oviposited less
on leaves of Cirsium arvense if they were infected Future challenges
by the necrotroph Phoma destructiva (Kruess,
2002). Likewise, Chinese cabbage leaves infected Huge knowledge is available on factors influen-
by Alternaria brassicae were avoided by females of cing chrysomelid behaviour during host location.
Host plant location 109

However, only little is known on the mechanisms Phyllotreta nemorum to survive on certain types of
how these factors affect a chrysomelid, and, Barbarea vulgaris depends on the presence of
moreover, how they act in concert. Further knowl- major, dominant R-genes. Some of these genes
edge on this proximate level will endow us to are located on the sex chromosomes (X and Y). The
elucidate the evolution of host specialization in B. vulgaris types studied cannot be successfully
Chrysomelidae. Knowledge on the receptors by attacked by beetles lacking the R-genes. A single Y-
which chrysomelids perceive plant cues as well as linked R-gene has been shown to be sufficient to
more information about the enzymes and transport convert a flea beetle genotype incapable of living
proteins necessary for digestion and detoxification on the B. vulgaris types into a genotype that is able
will show us which physiological and molecular to survive on these plants (Nielsen, 1997, 1999).
changes are necessary to successfully use a host When considering the adaptation of leaf beetles
plant. to so many plant toxins, more studies are needed
When addressing the perception of host plant that address detoxification mechanisms of leaf
cues by chrysomelids, we need to ask how specific beetles. The ability of sequestration of plant toxins
are the receptors detecting host plant volatiles or is widespread in Chrysomelidae. The exciting
feeding stimulants. How finely tuned is the percep- studies on the fate of plant pyrrolizidine alkaloids
tion of plant cues and how are all the signals in leaf beetles, as outlined above, provide deep
integrated by the beetles? Electrophysiological insight into the transport mechanisms of these
recordings of neural activity of chemosensory plant secondary components and their storage
sensilla exposed to combinations of components (e.g., Dobler & Rowell-Rahier 1994; Hartmann et
provide some information on the integration of al., 1999; Hartmann, Theuring, Witte, Schulz, &
signals on the neuron level, as, e.g., the study by Pasteels, 2003; Narberhaus, Theuring, Hartmann, &
Hollister, Dickens, Perez, and Deahl (2001) on Dobler, 2003; Narberhaus et al., 2004). The
galeal taste neurons in CPB showed. Even simple stimulating studies by Termonia, Pasteels, Windsor,
structure–activity bioassays may give us first hints & Milinkovitch (2002) on sequestration abilities of
on the binding domains of receptors and, thus, Platyphora leaf beetles revealed that these species
provide us with information on receptor specificity, may sequester both plant amyrins and pyrrolizidine
as did the studies by Metcalf and Lampman (1991), alkaloids. They suggest that this dual sequestration
Chyb et al. (1995), or Kim and Mullin (1998) on could be a key mechanistic strategy to enable host
taste and olfactory receptors in Diabroticites. plant switches. Also the dual abilities of sequestra-
Phylogenetic analyses using molecular and mor- tion of toxic plant components and of de novo
phological data sets may shed some light on the synthesis of defensive devices could facilitate host
monophyly of chrysomelids feeding on plants with plant shifts. The elegant studies by Feld, Pasteels,
specific secondary metabolites. By such studies, and Boland (2001) and Kuhn et al. (2004) showed
Gillespie, Kjer, Duckett, and Tallamy (2003) could that some chrysomeline larvae possess the ability
show that feeding upon cucurbitacins in Chrysome- both to transport plant glycosides to defensive
lidae has developed convergently in several taxa. glands and to produce iridoid monoterpene de
They suggest that the affinity of Old and New World novo.
rootworm species to cucurbitacins is due to slight When trying to elucidate the evolution of host
taste receptor modifications (loose receptor hy- plant specialisation in a chrysomelid species, a
pothesis, Tallamy, Mullin, & Frazier, 1999). Simi- multitrophic view is needed taking into account
larly, feeding upon pyrrolizidine alkaloid containing also the impact of microorganisms, predators, and
plants by Longitarsus flea beetles has evolved parasitoids in addition to plant characters. For
several times independently (Dobler, 2001), thus example, Gross, Podsiadlowski, and Hilker (2002)
again suggesting that the evolution of the physio- and Gross, Fatouros, and Hilker (2004), Gross,
logical prerequisites of feeding on these toxic Fatouros, Neuvonen et al. (2004) studied the
plants may require only slight modifications of an driving forces of a shift from Salix spp. to birch in
ancestral character. Labeyrie and Dobler (2004) Chrysomela lapponica. Costs and benefits of feed-
could demonstrate that a very tiny change of a ing on either plant type were evaluated. Finally,
protein enabled a chrysomelid to conquer a new the results suggest that not a better nutrition on
host plant. They showed that two Chrysochus birch, but a specialist natural enemy present on
species evolved the ability to feed on plants with Salix spp. might have forced this leaf beetle species
toxic cardenolides by substituting a single amino to pioneer birch as new host plant.
acid of the binding site of the cardenolide sensitive A straightforward combination of molecular,
enzyme, thus acquiring cardenolide insensitivity. physiological, (bio)chemical, and ecological studies
Likewise, the ability of larvae of the flea beetle in the future will help to understand how
110 P. Fernandez, M. Hilker

chrysomelids evolved the ability to conquer so to landscape attributes. Agricultural and Forest
many different plants. As outlined here, numerous Entomology, 6, 129–139.
ecological and behavioural studies are available. Bernays, E. A. (1995). Effects of experience on host plant
Thus, more of our future studies need to use selection. In R. T. Cardé, & A. C. Lewis (Eds.),
genomics, quantitative genetic analyses, as well as Chemical ecology of insects 2 (pp. 47–64). Chapman
the candidate gene approach as tools to provide a & Hall: New York.
deeper insight into the ecology and evolution of Bernays, E. A. (2001). Neural limitations in phytophagous
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as well as Klaus Hövemeyer, Göttingen, for their 143–153.
very useful and valuable comments on an earlier Bolter, C. J., Dicke, M., van Loon, J. J. A., Visser, J. H., &
version of this manuscript. Many thanks are also Posthumus, M. A. (1997). Attraction of Colorado
due to all members of our lab in Berlin, especially potato beetle to herbivore-damaged plants during
to Roland Schroeder, who helped to collect the herbivory and after its termination. Journal of
Chemical Ecology, 23, 1003–1023.
literature. P.F. was supported by the Fundación
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