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Angel Jayne B.

Mueño GED105-B20

Assessment 7

Brain Drains

(391 words)

Agriculture is our main source of income; the backbone of our country is not

supported and appreciated but is rather exploited by the rich to acquire more wealth.

Our country’s economy is only prosperous for the wealthy citizens and not for the

employees. Brain drain causes a large loss of competent personnel in governments,

businesses, and organizations. The word is frequently used to describe the migration of

groups of doctors, nurses, scientists, architects, engineers, or financial experts. Most of

our professionals seek to go abroad due to low wage income, working conditions,

benefits, and poverty.

The minimum wage in the Philippines is five hundred pesos a day or even less.

Moreover, due to the country's corrupt practices, most employers disregard minimum

wage legislation with impunity. Our professionals are not paid enough to sustain their

families and own needs. Other countries have a higher currency; it can support their

family when exchanged for the Philippine peso.

Compared to developed countries, factory practices in developing countries are

considered poor. Developing countries are frequently defined by low efficiency, low

literacy rates, low pay, and unstable economic conditions. In the 2017 report, the

Philippines obtained the same rating and ranked among the worst in aspects of workers’
rights. This is another reason why more Filipinos go abroad because of the better

working conditions and the benefits of the foreign country’s government (Canada, New

Zealand, Switzerland, Norway, etc.)

Poverty in our country is due to the corruption practiced by our government

officials. Another reason Filipinos end up working abroad is the local economy. Despite

the Philippines' recent economic progress, poverty remains widespread in the country,

particularly in highly urbanized areas. Poverty is mostly caused by the poor's low

earning capability and lack of accessibility to regular and profitable occupations, which

coerces the person to go abroad and look for money to provide. It is a mindset in our

country; if a family member goes abroad, it automatically imprints in their mind that they

will finally be lifted out of poverty.

OFWs work overseas to save money and, after a few years, return home to start

their own enterprises, buy a house, buy a car, and be able to eat three times a day with

proper food, etc. These OFWs are looking for the bare necessities in life to give their

families that our country cannot provide.

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