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it is a type of counseling services that focuses on helping clients in various law enforcement

settings,such as juvenile,delinquency centers and those who are behind bars serving their
a. Career counseling
b. Crisis counseling
c. Rehabilitation counseling
d. Correctional counseling

which of the following counseling services that focuses on helping the older clients address
their various concerns?

a. Career counseling
b. School counseling
c .Gerontology counseling
d. Community counseling

What are the 3 core conditions in relationship building?

a. Equality,Confrontation,Unconditional love
b. Empathy,Unconditional positive treatment, congruence
c. Uncondition positive regards, empathy,confrontation
d. Empathy,unconditional positive regard,congruence

During this stage,counselors gain an in depth understanding of their clients through

assessment.This can be done through the use of standardized and non-standardized means.

a. Relationship building
b. Assesment and diagnosis
c. Intervention and problem solving
d. Termination and follow up

It is a counseling method that highlight the task of cognition in psychological functioning.

Cognition are thoughts,beliefs,and internal images about events in their lives. It is also
underscore mental processes and their effects on mental health.
a. cognition-experiental theories
b. cognitive-behavioral theories
c. classic theories
d. cognitive-experiental theories

1. D
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. B

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