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1OR 1111 '> \1\.1 OI CJOOD ORDER

Preface 5
Welcome 7
The sensory k1tchen 8
Tasting 10
Rec1pes 16
ndex 378
About the chef 388
Acknowledgements 391


>-ie 1s not 1n any way unfnendly, JUSI tac1turn, concise, accurate
and extremely focused 1n a qu1et, humble way - look1ng like a shy,
Scand1navian Keanu Reeves At the same time he's a culinary
heavywe1ght wllh a cu1s1ne that is too unique - too diverse - to
simply be p1nned down as New Nordic.
l've never meta chef so determined to excel. He doesn't waste
any time and is constantly on the move 1n the pursu1t of outper- nght taxonomy: "lts modern1st!'', "1t's techno-emot1onal!" "1t's
forming himself, creating new d1shes and techniques 1n a pace neomolecu1arsensorynord1c!" "1t's„. 1t's". But 1t doesn't need
that leaves you qu1te breathless. some lazy shorthand descript1on; 1t JUS! needs to be tasted."
Neomolecularsensorynordic". Try tastlng the word - 1t's nearly
One might th1nk that 1t's a natural leftover from his earl1er years impossible.
as a compet1tion chef. w1ning a range of awards such as "Chef Ronny Emborg's cuisine 1s hyper creative, - often techn1cally
of the Year" and "Culinary Star of Europe". But unlike most stars mind-b owing and w1t'l a very personal signature 1n a time
1n the restaurant world, l've learned that 1t means remarkably when pretty much all k1tchens 1n the North wants to be a part of
little to Ronny Emborg what other chefs thinks of h1m and h1s the "class1c" back to nature New Nordic success and cook1ng
gastronomy. He's aware of be1ng 1n front of most and welcomes style - that he JUSt m1ght turn out to be the Neo 1n New Nordic
a fair portion of respect and he sincerely appreciates the - the one taking this young culinary language, which also has
appreciation of his guests. But the whole star chef spotlight he 1ts restrict1ons through rules and dogmas, - on yet unknown
experiences these years, 1s obviously a means to an end not paths where he unconven!lonal combines 1t w1th the 1llusionary
h1s nature. wizardry of molecular techniques, 1ntensively taught at EI Bulli
This also shines through in h s kitchen that is silent, like a and Mugar tz, and the deep yumriiness of the classic French
secret agent on a mission No shouting, no grand gestures, cuisine in which he orig1nally was tra1ned and also cooked
no d1vaism, no stress. Subtle as a well -oileo cul1nary Aston when be1ng personal chef to our MaJesty, the Queen.
Martin 089, prodt..cing series of flawless masterp1eces on
Let me try to exempl1fy through one of h1s countless s1gnature
p1cturesquely plates, that dishes, "The Birch Tree", 1n wh1ch he creates a class1c 1ce
equally 1mpress and move cream 1nfused w1th smoke of burned natural b1rch wood.
diners from around the world. Shaped as a long cylinder and tightly wrapped into a bark
How? Because of an unpre- made of ox1dized celeriac sk1n buttered in birch wood syrup.
cedented focus, countless Added tw1gs made of chervil stalks frozen in ice water. glazed
hours of hard work and a and rolled 1n sweet malt powder. and decorated w1th cherv1I
razor-sharp m1se en place. leaves before this now remarkable, delicate and authentic
Absolutely noth1ng is left to visualized tree trunk is placed on dehydrated chocolate, looking
coincidences or daily moods like 1t was freshly cut down lay1ng on the forest so:I
- his d1shes are sharpened New Nordic 1n 1dea and products. Both molecular and class1c
unt1I t·1ey reacll an 1ncredible 111 technique and v1suals French and New Nord1c 111 navors.
high level of perfect1on Staged 1n an aesthet1c, avant-garde and mouthwatenng
A New York T1mes best manner that truly challenges one's percept1on of food
selhng food wnter recently lt's qu1te s1mply, genius.
wrote follow1ng after having
had 21 servings "Each new Kristian Brask Thomsen
d1sh has you grasp1ng fo' the Cul nar; Ambassador
RY RO r r /\!BOR(,


Al the courses 1n th1s bo::>-< wcre created oy Ronny Emborg
dunng 2008 2013 Ths cookbook 1s mainly for professionc:ils,
which means that '.re special equ1prnent !hat 1s used 1n th1s book
may be hard to find 1n a private harne. lt s, however, poss1ble to
ordinary k1tcl1e11 tuols, l.Jut we cä1111ot guarä11lee that the results
are s1milar to the ones you will see 1n th1s book.


Sorre ot the d1shes 1n th1s book may be harmful to pregnart
womP.r rhildren and el:ierly people Always tai<e vour precautrons
and contact your doctor or health care profess1011al ~ y::>.J are
concerned about your reath. So'lle herbs rrentroned in th1s
book can easily be mistaken for poisonous lock-a-likes. so please
be careful w1th the authorisation before US ng therr.


Mechani::::al hardware tends to vary from country to countr; and
even frorr kltchen to k1tchen. Ovens and burners may vary in
temperatures. even though trey are set to obta1n the same heat
level. Hum1dity can be a factor as weil. Th1s 1s why all cooking
times are ind1cat1ve Measuring tablespoons are level Fggs am
medium eggs Milk 1s whole mrlk 3.5 %. Cream is 38 % unless
oth91'\VIS9 specifred.

S:::m e of the tectnques rr th s bock are advanced This is why we
have taken step-by·step prctures of the cornplete µrocess tu hetµ
1llustrate thewhole orocess and qivean easy, but detarled overview.

You wil d1scover that some of the specrf ed quant1t1es cirP rFtther
large. The result will not be the same 11 you scale down the rec1pes

All sauces must be serveo at the table to ensure the maximum
ntensity of :he aromas, brrng out t'1e taste and wret the appet1te
The µlale 111usl l1dve 'I e same temperature as the d1Sh rtself. Hot
d shes should be serve:i on 'leate:J plates Colc dishes s'lould
oe served on ehr led plates.


We live 1n a world of senses. Everyth1ng we experience 1s cap-

tured and brought to our consc1ousness only by our senses
They are our s1ngle po1nt of contact to the reality in which we
act. A gentle summer breeze k1ss1ng our cheek has to be cap-
tured and decoded by our senses before 1t even makes any
sense 1n our bra1ns. The same can be sa1d about the crackling
hiss from a New Year's rocket before it explodes in the sky in
a deafening boom, leav1ng colourful tra1ls across the sky. The
smell burns 1n our nose, our eardrums v1brate and the eyes
perce1ve flam1ng magenta and cobalt blue.
Our senses gu1de us through the world - sound. colour, feehng, Chas1ng the best produce 1s Throughout a menu, we always pursue the dehcate shades cf
smell and taste Noth1ng makes the senses feel more ahve than to chase nature 1tself E3ut no the dlffere1t colours. After all, nature 1s our maestro. There are
the act of eat1ng, and nothing makes more sense than to enioy matter how much we try to always three different tastes represented 1n every d1sh A d1sh
a good meal. And is 1t from th1s feeling that the sensory kitchen control 1t, nature always has can have several tastes, but never less than three. One 1ngre-
1s born. Food is so much more than iust taste. the final say, and we must dient can work Vvonders w1tn anotrer. but by add ng the th1rd
obey rts seasons like a ser- taste, everyth ng explodes and makes t1e d1sh unique
FEELINGS 1 THE KITCll l:.N vant obeys h1s master We
In the sensory kitchen, we try hard to bnng all the senses 1nto do th1s 1n an attempt to make Al TLR ALL. WL ARl LIVING IN A WORLD or Sl NSL s.
play when we cook for our guests. The question is: How do the kitchen more honest, but Nature gave us our senses, and our senses gave us nature.
you morph all the different senses into one 1n one meal? That mostly and s1mply because 1t Together they form a partnersh1p made 1n heaven, which we
1s a good quest1on, and we ask ourselves that every single day. by far generates ttie best taste. always try to oract1se 1n our cook1ng. Respectfully, we actually
One way is to always have contradictory expressions on the lf you pay attent1or to our try to cooy nature 1tself an the plate, w1th all 1ts diverse
plate. different textures for the mouth to explore and be sur- servings 1ou will also realize express1ons from cold, hard rocks to iu1cy, sweet fru1ts. A plate
pnsed by. To us 1t 1s extremely 1mportant that the feeling 1n the that the colours 1n ou' k1tche1 1s noth1ng mcre t'lan an empty canvas on wh1::h we pa1nt our
mouth varies and st1rs emot1ons. The very 1dea of the dish 1s refect the season. In the setting and thus 1llustrate the reahty of the food . From qravel,
eas1er to ach1eve once cnsp meets soft, JUicy follows crunchy summert1me we serve green, sand and stone, leaves, branches and bark to the flowers,
and chewy plays w1th tender. iu1cy anc v gorous creat - grass and seeds. we 1nteract w1th natura senses and place
The d1sh simply becomes more 1nterest1ng 1f we from the very uns wt11le w1ntert1me follows them 1n front of the eyes, ears, noses, frngers and mouths of
beg1nning are aware of these contrad1ctions that complement a darker, deeper and more our g1,,ests. In thrs way, you can sense nat1,,re on a plate.
each other and make everyth1ng fall 1nto place. In other words thoughtful tra1I. After all, we live in a world of senses„.
- get the senses go1ng One of the ma1n goals of the sensory
kitchen 1s to touch as many senses as poss1ble. Taste, colour,
smell, and s1ght - everyth1ng counts


When the wa1ter places a new d1sh 1n front of the guest. 1t is only the t1p of the 1ceberg. That d1sh
1s the culm1nat1on of a long process that may have had many tw1sts and turns along the way.
Our cook1ng 1s a methodlcal cycle of llfe. from the very flrst idea unt1I the final result Dunng th1s
process. the appearance. taste or presentat1on may change many t1mes One of our most 1mpor-
tant tools 1s the wntten exam that all d1shes need to pass 1n order to make 1t to the dlnner table.
We analyze all the d1shes thoroughly and use a tasting 1ndex. In order for th1s to succeed, 1t 1s
very 1mportant that everyone 1n the k1tchen part1c1pates 1n g1v1ng feedback and hav1ng an open
d1alogue. so every llttle element of the dish can be opt1m1zed. The tast1ng 1ndex follows this chro-
nolog1cal model:


First th1ngs first The presentat1on of the d1sh. We put ourselves 1n our guests' shoes and care-
fully listen to how we present the d1sh verbally. lt 1s actually an art to present a d1sh 1n the correct
manner. wh1ch is short. prec1se. to the po1nt. and yet gets the message through. lt we choose
to expla1n all the deta1ls of the cullnary process whlle po1nt1ng out all elements on the plate. we
would very quickly lose the attent1on of any guest, and the food would get cold dunng the lecture.
We do not want that, and ne1ther do the guests. Th1s is why we a1m to reduce the presentat1on to
the most 1mportant 1nformat1on. We do not say what can be seen w1th the eye. Through practice
in the kitchen and 1n front of our statt. we choose the most important deta1ls and try to relate 1t to
the guest's personal expenence.

The olfactory sense 1s the one that 1s f1rst act1vated, when a new d1sh 1s placed on the table. 11 the A good texture g1ves a good Taste s and will always be the most 1mportant part of the d1sh. lt 1s flne-tuned by find1ng the
guest is met immediately w1th a recognisable yet ent1c1ng aroma. a successful d1sh would create feelrng 1n the mouth. lt 1s as perfect balan:e betwee1 sweet. sour. salty. bitter and umam1. Our ccok1ng stnves for taste that
a level excitement. but never 1nvade the comfort zone of the guest Smell 1s except1onally simple as that. Every dish is pure Hay should taste hke hay, and brrch should taste like brrch Thrs rs also the reason why
important to us. To emphasize th1s sense. we 1ncorporate alcohol 1n many d1shes, sauces, _ and should cons1st of different we do not use sherr1 fo- the beetroot sauce, but use beetroot w1ne 1nstead. Th1s 1s :he only way
even our 1ce cream. because alcohol releases the aroma molecules. tP.xt11rPs. whrcr ptfcrently mrx lo find the es.c;ence of each taste and make 1t as pure as poss1ble. As a ground rule. we use at
the contrasts 1n surprisrng least three different flavours in each d1sh. In that way. the sense of taste always brings a nev.t
compos1t1ons. We work w1th d1scovery w1th every b1te.
The appearance of a dish 1s the true face of the k1tchen. You cannot hide anyth1ng The dlsh elerrents such as soft. crun-
represents your visual expression, and hopefully, does its fair share to impress. We pay a lot of chy, warm, cold, hard heavy, fll[ Wll OL I D l ~ ll

ältent1on to the overall aesthet1cs and look closely for harmony in the d1sh. ls anyth1ng destroy- chewy and tender, and they The last th1ng we analyze 1s the dish seen from an overall perspect1ve lJoes 1t make sense. do the
1ng the balance by st1ck1ng out? ls the dish to organic? Does it need more of an edge? Do the all have to vary throughou1 compone1ts work together, and could anyth ng be opt1mized in any way? Where does th1s dish
colours vary enough or is the palette too bland? By trying to mix sharp and soft the menu belong rn the menu, or rs somethrng not workrng? All drshcs go through this tastrrg workshop
on the plate tt er express1ons
. we a empt to g1ve the eye someth1ng to explore and thereby be st1mulated. The before they are incorporated 1nto the menu and fir-ally sent to tre wa1t119 guests. Scmet1mes
sensory k1tchen works in many layers t a d1sh 1s stopped one step from the finish llne. Even thouqh 11 is hard to q1ve up on an a most
1 dh . JUS as many d1shes work in many layers. Some th1ngs are
P adce . igh on the plate. some lower. Perhaps surpnses are hidden in the d1sh or maybe they are complete d1sh. rt 1s more 1mportant to rely on the feedback and acceot the cl1anges or cn'.rque.
in isgurse and have to be found Drshe b because 1t all comes down to one simple quest1on: s tt11s perfect1on?
colo rf 1 1 t . s can e served in their natural surroundrngs; on rocks.
u u p a es or on top of a Jumper bush.

The sensory k1tchen works 1n many layers and at many levels. The expenence ot d1ning 1n our
k1tchen 1s thus unfolded beyond the food served on the plate A S1mp1e everyday act1on can
suddenly transform itself 1nto a sensory ambush. A line of see-through glass pots w1th coloured
fabnc inside on the way to the restrooms automatically draws the attent1on of the guests.
No signs, no explanat1on. Still the cunos1ty of the guests 1s aroused. The s1ght puzzles them the1r
fingers gently litt the del cate lid and suddenly ar 1ntense and pleasant aroma reaches the nose.
Every fabnc 1s infused w1th the essence of each and every course :hat is be1ng served at the table
Every pot holds a clue or the cul1nary treasure hunt that is going on at the table you 1ust left Call 1t
a detailed map of the whole menu, but these pots only play w1th one sense - the sense of smell.
The pots thus help prov1de a complete overv1ew of the menu Where have we been, where are
we go1ng? When the guests return to thc1r table, we can hear the
chatter start. 'Was that 1urnper 1n pot 4?', 'I th1nk we are hav1ng spruce in some form in our next
dish', 'What did you smell 1n pot 6?'.
When the last guests leave the restaurant the room smells wonderfully 1ntense from all the
different aromas who have been playing with the guests and giving trem yet anotner layer of the
sensory k1tchen.


lt you cannot remember the name of a recipe but do have a

mental 1mage of the dish, you can sk1p the hard work and use
the 1ndex of pictures, wh1ch starts on page 378

lt you want to know if a certain dish is categorized as a snack,

starter, ma1n course or dessert you can see where the dish
belong in the index from page 385.

f you come across a recipe with unspecified basics like sugar

water, broth and syrup then you will find these basic recipes
from page 372.

lt you do not know the meaning of a word, are not familiar with
a technical term or a p ece of equipment you can find definition
of the words from page 373.

Enjoy and bon appetit...

Sugar peas and lemon verbena oil

Sugar peas Wash and dry the sugar peas

Lemon verbena oil Pick the leaves from the lemon verbena and flat-leaved parsley and wash them in cold water
L Dry away the excess water from the washed herbs.
4 q ~ it v i r .l"' f!!'y Blend 011 and herbs 8 m1nutes until the 01l 1s dark green.
1, ~ c unfk Nt>r cl-!PCJ Drain the oil through a dish towel.

Freeze-dned pea powder Blend the freeze-dried peas finely and s1eve. Save the powder.

To assemble and serve Also see the following pages.

Use an injection needle filled w1th lemon verbena 011 and fill the sugar peas from the top.
Brush the bottom half of the sugar pea w1th lemon verbena Oll
Sprinkle the 01led part of the sugar pea w1th the powder from the freeze-dried peas

4 Pea ice cream, red currant and mint snow

Pea 1ce cream S!lr egg yolks and sugar together.

Heat milk. cream, peas and glucose, blend and stra1n
1 rn k Slowly pour the m1xture 1nto the egg yolk.
HX q r irr Put the m1xture 1n a Thermomix and blend for 5 m1nutes at 80 <
r i ,t n7 d >qg yo k.c Sieve the m1xture and pour 1n a paco beaker
ou 11 < Process the trozen 1ce on a Pacoiet, place 1t 1n a styrofoam cooler and store 1t 1n the freezer.
l"q"Jp ,e

Mint snow Boil the sugar and water. then ch1ll.

When the syrup 1s ch1lled. blend in the mint and freeze the mixture 1n a paco beaker
.vit ' Use a Pacoiet for the frozen mint for 10 seconds.
, 'J T t 1t>.:i Scrape out the snow wh1ch has formed 1nto liquid nitrogen.
Repeat the process unt1I the paco beaker is empty.
Store the snow 1n the freezer.

Mint 011 Blend mint, parsley and 011for 8 m1nutes 1n a Thermomix until the oil 1s dark green.
200 Drain the oil through a net and keep cool.
1 (X) q ht eavcc:1 Pörc ley
tJOC 9 sunfl< WF. c.oo:J o

To assemble and serve Remove the peas from the1r pod.

Place the peas 1n the bottom of a bowl together with the red currant.
j !eo pcx Arrange a spoonful of mint 011 around the peas.
Decorate the peas w1th leaves of mint and pea sprouts.
Form an egg shaped scoop of pea 1ce and place in the bowl.
4 ·tluve, Arrange a spoonful of mint snow next to the pea ice cream and serve 1mmediately.

Watcr lilies, edible crab and walnut

Walnut puree Bod crearn, water and 011 and blend w1th the walnuts
j S1eve the m1xture and ch11I, covered by cl1ng film

1 1 yy t

Edible crab Bnng the water to a bo1I.

Cook the ed1ble crab 1n the water for 4 minutes and place 1t 1n 1ce water afterwards.
wdte Remove the meat from the crab and 1ts claws.
Sät Mix the meat ot the crab w1th the ch1lled walnut puree.
Season w1th salt and lernen 1u1ce.

To assemble and serve Cut the stalk of the 5 Indian cress .

Cut the leaves round 1n a d1ameter of 5 cm w1th a round pla1n cutter.
t i Place a teaspoon of ed1ble crab on top of the 5 round leaves w1thout stalk.
s fl<w Cut out 5 other Indian cress w1th 2 cm of stalk and place on top of the leave w1th the crap meat.
Make a little hole 1n the top leaves. nght next to the stalk and place a small cress flower.
Place the leaves 1n a bowl w1th water.

Aebleskiver with porcini

Conf1t of porcmi Cut the porcinis 1engthw1se 1n two.

Heat the clanf1ed butter.
Let the porc1nis s1mmer on the stove untll tender.
S1eve and save the butter for the aeblesk1ve dough
Use the porc1nis as porc1ni f1lhng

Aeblesk1ve dough Wh1sk the egg wh1tes unt1I st11f.

Blend flour. cream. salt, egg yolk and lernen zest together
q Mix 1n the melted porcini butter.
Fold the st11f egg wh1tes 1nto the dough.
F1ll the dough 1n an 1c1ng bag
1 lPC} '
z •

P1ckled cabbage Cut the cabbage f1nely and place 1t 1n water and v1negar.

Porc1ni fllhng Press the v1negar mannade out of the p1ckled cabbage 1n a s1eve.
Mix the cabbage w1th the rest of the 1ngred1ents and put 1t 1n an 1c1ng bag

To assemble and serve Heat the pan for the aeblesk1ver and apply some porcini butter
Fill the aeblesk1ve pan half full w1th the dough.
J 1, When a crust has formed turn the aeblesk1ve halfway over and apply some more dough.
' 1 A "" r When the bottom half of the dough also forms a crust turn the aeblesk1ve aga1n so there
o cJ;..• 1s iust a small hole 1n the ball.
F1ll the hole w1th the porc1ni f1ll1ng ,
Seal the hole w1th some dough, turn the aeblesk1ve and cook until flnished .
Make a small hole 1n the centre of the aeblesk1ve and place a p1ece of each herbes
Serve the aeblesk1ver.

A little something about aebleskiver
The aeblesk1ve (apple slice) has been around for a long time.
lt started as an ord1nary apple d1pped 1n flour and eggs before
1t was fned 1n butter on a hot pan.
Then the aeblesk1ve developed into the more known k1nd,
rounder. made of pancake dough, considered a great delicacy
and offered to the lucky lads and lad1es who worked on the
farms during the 18th century.
The best-known author of Oenmark. Hans Christian Andersen
actually talked about the aeblesk1ve 1n the story 'The Cripple'
lf you want to know yourself. you need to know your h1stoncal
journey and the Oanish aeblesk1ve 1s true h1story on a plate
Nowadays 1t 1s mostly eaten at Chnstmas and represents the
qu1ntessence of Oanish "hygge" (cos1ness) dunng the long dark
w1nter months 1n Oenmark.

Grilled onions with compote of goosebcrry
and onion ash

Gnlled onions Gnll the onions on charcoal unlll tender. Turn them over re<Jularly
4 Let the gnlled onions cool.
Cut the cold onions lengtt1w1se. take out the cooked part and save the shells for serv1ng.
<>Cl t Cut the cooked 1ns1de of tt1e onion f1nely and season w1th salt

Oll 1nfused w1th onion Peel the shallots. cut them, pul them 1n a stock pot w1th hot 011 and heat them
When the onions are fned and turned brown. s1eve the 011 and let 11 cool.
l ..l •

Emulsion of onion Botl the eggs for 4 m1nutes and let them cool.
Peel the cold eggs. blend them w1th salt and lemon 1u1ce.
4 1 V. h Slowly wh1sk 1n the oll unt1I the m1xture becomes homogeneous
' llt
l ,i t

P1ckled green gooseberry 8011 the unnpe green goosebernes w1th v1negar and water
compote Let them cool 1n the mannade, they are ready after one week.
~ l p qr, Cut the gooseberries and season w1th lemon 1uice. • •

:,r ..

• •
. ·.

•· • , ..
Onion ash Peel the z1ttau onion and break 11 1nto layers
Spread out the onion on bak1ng sheets and a1r dry them for 2 days.
• • •
Bake the dried onion at 200 °C. unt1l 1t 1s black.
Cool the burned z1ttau onion and blend 1nto a powder • • • ••

To assemble and serve
Place 2 shells of the burned on1on on a plate, one facing upwards. one facing downwards
Fill the half onion that has a chamber w1th the emulsion.
. ._. .. .·
: .

.„ •
Place a teaspoon of gooseberry compote on top
Heat the cut out onions and ftll up until the shell is full.
• •
Spnnkle the shell w1th a ftne layer of onion ash
Serve the dish 1mmed1ately

The Birch Tree

Dned b1rch wood shav1ngs Dry t11e birch wood shav1ngs 1n the oven for 12 hours at 90 C.
t ~

Cream of b1rch Put the dry birch wood shav1ngs, sugar and salt 1n a deep gastro tray.
Heat milk and cream and pour over the 1ngred1ents.
i '11 Place the gastro tray 1n the oven at 70 C, 80 % wind cycle for 12 hours.
~q iar Sieve the cream of b1rch through a net
<, l

.:i rj b t

Bark of celenac See the follow1ng pages.

B1rch 1ce cream Heat the cream to 80 C and wh1sk 1t 1nto the egg yolks
Pour the m1xture 1nto a Thermomix and blend at low speed on 80 cc for 4 m1nutes.
i< Freeze the m1xture 1n a paco beaker.
ir •r Fold clear stnps 1nto the plast1c tubes.
4 1 • „ Wld When the 1ce 1s trozen, process 1t on a Pacoiet, f1ll 1t 1n the plast1c tubes and freeze.
r" 1 1 Take out the trozen 1ce trom the tube and take off the clear stnps.
Cut th1s cyhnder 1nto p1eces of 12 cm and treeze again.
Lay the cyhnders on the unbrushed s1de of the celeriac, roll the band of celenac and treeze aga1n.

Dehydrated malt chocolate Wh1sk egg wh1tes and sugar a1ry.

Melt the chocolate, st1r 1n the egg yolks and fold 1n the st1ff egg wh1tes.
St1r malt and salt 1n the m1xture
Pour the chocolate mousse 1n a th1n layer on bak1ng sheets on a gastro tray
Dry the chocolate rnousse 1n the oven at 70 °C for 14 hours
Let the dry chocolate mousse cool at room temperature and crush 1nto a powder.

Malt branches See the follow1ng pages.

To assemble and serve Spnnkle the malt ct1ocolate onto the plate.
Tnm the birch 1ce cream w1th bark 1n both ends and arrange on the plate
1 rr Add ttie branches of malt
Sf)ray sorne water on the lernon verbena and lay thern on the cherv1I branches
l-1nally ;manoe tt1e lemon verbena and red oxahs leaves.

Celeriac bark Caramellze the honey to 185 C and add the hol water
S1eve the honey mannade when 1t has a cons1stency as syrup.
Peel the celenac and make bands on a vegetable mach1ne.
Vacuum seal the bands between 2 bak1ng sheets.
Cook the bands 1n a water bath at 83 C for 40 m1nutes.
Chili the cooked bands of celenac 1n 1ce water
Dry the bands of celenac w1th a p1ece of paper and brush w1th honey syrup on one s1de
Malt branches Pluck all the leaves from the cherv1I branches and put the branches 1n 1ce water.
Mix malt powder and cocoa powder really good.
" J rdlt P'."""1e Wh1sk egg wh1tes and powdered sugar to a glaze.
oc 1>je• Drain the chervil branches
Dip the chervll branches 1n the glaze. one at the time, and then in the malt powder.
Shake oft the spare powder and place the branches on bak1ng fo1I.
Dry the branches at room temperature tor 24 hours.
Pickled whitc asparagus, elder fiowcr and roses

Eider flower pickled white Peel the asparagus, cut of the top and bottom, nnd cut them 11110 s quares.
asparagus Cut the square asparagus 1nto 4 long p1eces.

r J Put the p1eces 1n a vacuum bnu closely up aga1nst each other and vac uum seal to keep their shape.
Use the elder flower v1negar and wnter to gently heat up the asparagus when serv1ng

Ph 1

Egg yolk sauce When serving wh1sk egg yolk, salt, v1negar and duck stock a1ry over a water bath.

Cnspy duck breast Cut the duck breast 1n 1 mm th1n sllces and bake them between 2 sheet pans w1th some
we1ght on top to keep pressure at 170 °C , 100 ° o wind cycle for 10 m1nutes
Let the tat run oft the duck breast.

P1ckled elder flower Cut the 2 clusters of elder ffower 1nto smaller ones and wash them 1n water.
Lay the small Clusters 1n water and v1negar.

1~ l

P1ckled unnpe green Cover the unnpe goosebernes w1th salt and salt them for 24 hours.
gooseberry Wash the salt of the bernes and place them 1n v1negar and water.


To assemble and serve

Whisk egg yolk, salt, v1negar and duck stock a1ry over a water bath and keep 11 warm wh11e
the other elements are being prepared.
( ut 1r
Gently warm the asparagus 1n the elder flower vinegar and water
Let the liquid run oft the hot asparagus, season w1th salt and place them offset on a plate.
•r d Jtr~""r
Arrange the dish w1th the cut out roses, lemon verbena, p1ckled elder flower. th1n slices of
p1ckled gooseberry and cnspy duck breast.
When serv1ng, pour the egg yolk creme 1n the m1ddle of the plate.

~>€ J8q Green asparagus, leaves, asparagus puree with beech
leaves oil and hcatcd cream

Green asparagus Remove top and bottom of the a~paragus and cut them so they are 9 cm long

Beech leave oil B!end beech leaves, parsley and oil for 8 m1nutes n a Thermomix. 11ntll thP. rnl goes dark green
S1eve the o 1 through a net and cool.
lC 8 fit IP lVtl\J pcr>:.""f
'00 q _,urftowu c;E*'d 1

Asparagus puree Cut the bottom of the asparagus and cut thcm 1nto smaller p1eces.
Cover tl e µ1ec.:t!s w1th clarif1ed butter and bo1I them until tender.
S1eve lhe butter and save 11 for serving.
Blend lhe lender asparagus to a smoolr lexture, s1eve Ihm igh a net and season w1th salt

Asparagus puree with beech Mix all l11e 111gred1ents.

leaves 011 You can only heat up lhe puree once. or 1t will curdle.

'1 4 :.31

' l d >;: JrdQJ~ Vl:"'l'CJJ

18 l bet. h E'<IVE'S OI

Pickled beech leave Separate the leaves and lay them 1n v1negar and water.

P1ckled p1ne needles Remove the needles from the p1ne

Pour vinegar and water over lhe p ne needles.

Fried elm leaves Fry the elm eaves at 175 ~c 1n sunflower seed 011 and lel lhe 01 run off.
n Season w1th salt.

Warm cream Wh1sk the cream a1ry and gently warm 1t before serving
J r

To assemble and serve Saute the asparagus n the asparagus butter from the asparagus puree
Warrr the asparagus puree and place 11 on the pla:e.
4r f" SP.ason thP. sautP.ed asnarngus w1th salt and sprinkle wllh the n1ckled and dned oft p1ne needles
Place the a~paragus offset on top o f the puree.
Decorate the d1sh w1th elm leaves, pine needles and beech leave, both tresh, fried and p1ckled.
• 'lf N 00 il IVG Warrr up the a1ry wh1pped cream and pour the sauce at the serv1ng table.

New beech branches and vinegar powder

Beech leave branches Wash the beech leave branc hes and dry the water oft.

nfl lW < ~* l
Fry the beech leave branches at 160 °C. unt1I no more bubbles appcar from the branc h
Let the 011 run oft the beech leave branches and season w1th f1ne salt. -
Vinegar powder Mix malto and v1negar powder together.

cl ' iar P< v\•Jer

To assemble and serve Sprinkle the beech leave branches w1th a th1n layer of v1negar powder through a s1tter.

s,M'' 4 Freeze-dried green strawberries, ymer and fennel pollen

Process of freeze-drying Freeze-dry1ng works by freez1ng the material and then reduc1ng the surround1ng pressure
to allow the frozen water 1n the material to sublimate direclly from the solid phase to the
gas phase In other words to remove water from the product w1thout turn1ng 1t 1nto a liquid.
Some criteria must be met to do this:
The strawberries should be -20 ·c when start1ng.
There needs tobe a vacuum in the oven. (lt lowers the boiling po1nt of the water)
When hav1ng a stable vacuum (around 0,5 mlb} apply heat to the oven so the ice starts
to evaporate. The steam needs to be caught by a steam trap, which should be colder
than the product 1tself (around -30 °C). When the steam hlts the trap 1t turns 1nto 1ce
The strawbernes are done when they reach a temperature around 50 'C.
The whole process takes around 35 hours.
The advantage of freeze-dry1ng compared to other dry1ng methods is the fact that only the
water is removed. Everyth1ng eise like taste. form, colour, v1tam1ns, m1nerals, 01ls etc. stays
in the solid part of the product.

Freeze-dned green Freeze the green strawbernes to -20 °C.

strawbemes Freeze-dry them for 1 hour at 45 "C.
1 k1 " 1t <; Set the temperature to 75 C for 8 hours
F1nally set the temperature to 50 ·c for 12 hours.

Ymer cream Wh1sk ymer and salt together and pour 1t in a squeeze bettle.
1 r
2 1 -,a11

Fenne! pellen See the follow1ng pages.

To assemble and serve Pipe the ymer cream 1n the bottom of a small bowl and sprinkle the edges w1th fennel pellen.
Lay the freeze-dned green strawberries in another bowl

Fennel pollen Hang the fennel flowers
•r for dry1ng for 3 days
at room temperature w1th
a tray underneath
When the fennel flower nre
completely dry, shake the
flowers so the fennel pollen
falls off.
4 Raw squid, blackcurrant and parsley puree

Squ1d Remove the arms from the squ1d.

Cut the body of the squ1d lengthw1se 1nto two.
Clean the meat 1n cold water
Remove the purple rnembrane from the meat
Cut the meat 1nto 6 p1eces.
On one s1de of the meat there 1s a th1n tough membrane. Cut 11 oft on all 6 p1eces.
Freeze the p1eces to tendenze the meat
Cut the frozen squ1d meat 1nto pieces of 0,5 x 4 cm
Store the squ1d p1eces 1n the freezer

Blackcurrant sauce Blend the mussel stock w1th blackcurrant and season w1th salt.
Sieve the blackcurrant sauce through a net.

Parsley puree Bo1I the parsley and sp1nach unt1I tender.

1X Lay the tender parsley and sp1nach 1n ice water. the press unt1I there 1s no more water left.
Freeze the parsley and sp1nach in a paco beaker.
'lXifl' J l Process the frozen parsley puree 4 t1mes on a Paco1et
Blend the parsley puree smooth w1th some water and xantana in a Thermomix.
Season the puree w1th salt and pass 1t through a tam1s

P1ckled kohlrab1 Peel the kohlrab1 and cut th1n sllces on a vegetable mach1ne.
Lay 2 bands of kohlrabi on top of each other 1n a vacuum bag w1th v1negar and
'l JPll;.if water and vacuum seal them.
l ""1t ' Cut the double layer of kohlrab1 1nto 5 x 1 cm.

Rings of shallots Peel the onion and slice 1t th1n.

Separate the ornons nngs and place 1n 1ce water unt1I serv1ng

To assemble and serve Season the frozen squ1d w1th salt and place on a plate.
Place the p1ckled kohlrab1 learnng aga1nst the squid.
fr< dnerJ t d K rr..i1 t Place the ornon nngs aga1nst tt1e pickled kohlrab1.
u1 rt 1r .,, 11 lt eaveo Put the cut out parsley p1eces on the other side than the kohlrab1.
/"'1( 1 , ' JJ'8 JI Oecorate the dlsh w1tl1 parsley puree and freeze-dned blackcurmnt.

Cara1nelized milk skin, sweetbread, pickled red pearl
onions and broth on bumed onions

Cutaway the tat and memt>rane trom the sweetbreads and pul them 1n water for an hour to soak.
Season w1th salt and keep cool tor 12 t1ours. Cut the salted sweetbreads 1nto 8 smaller p1eces
"' 'l
ot 20 grams each and vacuum seal them w1tl1 clanf1ed butter
Cook the sweetbreads 1n a water bath at 67 C for 45 m1nutes and then let them cool.

Caramehzed milk sk1n Pour the milk on a 28 cm non stick pan and reduce.
When the milk has formed a caramellzed milk sk1n in the bottom of the pan then remove the
excess milk w1th a spatula. Cut the sk1n 1nto 2 p1eces and remove trom the pan.
Spray the milk sk1n w1th milk and keep 1t warm in a closed conta1ner unt1I serv1ng

Leek ash Cut the leek 1nto 2 and spread 11 out onto bak1ng sheets and a1r dry 1t for 2 days.
Bake the dned p1eces ot leek 1n the oven at 200 °C unt1I black, let them ch1ll and blend 1nto a powder.

Onion stock Cut out shallots, garhc and leek 1n the same d1rect1on as their fibres run
Dry try them on a pan until they are black on the cutt1ng surface.
• i Put the onions 1n a stock pol w1th chicken stock and water and bnng to a bo1I.
J< ~ K Pour the stock w1th onion 1nto a deep gastro tray and cover w1th alum1nium toll .
< i K i ,t1 Put the gastro tray 1n the oven at 83 C. 100 % wind cycle for 12 hours.
11"!1,.M0 S1eve the onion stock and reduce until 1t has an 1ntense taste.
'1 • ken •rxK Mix 100 grams of the stock w1th 0, 1 gram xantana .

' l •

P1ckled red pear1 onions Vacuum seal the onions and cook them in a water bath at 83 C for 11 m1nutes.
Place the cooked onions 1n 1ce water.
CJ )( Cut oft the bottom and press at the top so the layers separate from each other
l tJf Ir t Place the onion layers 1n beetroot 1u1ce and blackcurrant v1negar.

Thymeo1I Blanch thyme and parsley until tender and place them 1n ice water.
'1 lq Squeeze the water out of the thyme and parsley.
q~;rr ~M
Blend lhyme, parsley and 011 for 8 minutes 1n a Thermomix. unt1I the 011 goes dark green.
S1eve the 011 through a net and cool.

To assemble and serve Fry the sweetbreads 1n clanf1ed butter unt1I cnsp on all s1des.
Season the fried sweetbreads w1th salt and place on a plate.
r j X<
Season the milk sk1n w1th salt and place over the sweetbreads.
Decorate the milk sk1n w1th herbs and herb stems.
Spht the hot onion stock w1th the thyme 011 and pour when serving
* 4 Bumed ash bread, s1noked fresh goat cheese
and dried salmon

Ash See follow1ng pages

Ash bread Warm milk and butter 1n a stock pot not h1gher than 30 C. Add yeast to the milk
Mix all 1ngred1ents together 1n a m1x1ng bowl and knead the dough at full speed for
' q "'* 1txi t r~ 7 m1nutes, unt1I the dough turns long and elast1c.
l q ~ gar F1ll a bread form halfway up w1th the dough
''> l Prove the bread for 40 m1nutes un!ll 1t reaches the edge, then baked at 200 ·c for
" J c• 25 - 30 m1nutes w1th hot a1r and then left to cool.
l tl.' rt t i F .r Cut the now cold ash bread 1n th1ck shces of 3 cm and remove the crust from the bread.
<~ Break uneven pieces from the bread shces
1 13! Spray the p1eces w1th ash water and leave to dry for 2 hours.
K. er

Ash water Mix all 1ngred1ents and bnng to a bo1I.

S1eve the water through a cloth

Smoked fresh goat cheese Mix all ingred1ents and s1eve through a flne s1eve.

Oned salmon Remove the bones. sk1n and brown parts on the bottom of the salmon. Cut 1t 1nto small p1eces.
8011 the small salmon p1eces for 15 m1nutes - whisk dunng the process so the salmon falls apart.
S1eve tt1e water from the salmon and squeeze 1t from all leftover water
Lay the salmon back 1n the stock pol and dry fry for 3 hours at 80 cc while wh1sk1ng cont1nuously.
When the salmon 1s completely dry, let 11 cool and pass through a colander.
Season 100 grams dned salmon w1th 5 grams salt

To assemble and serve Spray the bread w 1th clanf1ed butter. season with salt and place 1n the oven at 200 C for 2 m1nutes.
Burn the top of the hot p1eces of bread w1th a hand-held gas burner.
Spray the smoked fresl1 goat cheese 1n the bottom of a bowl.
Cover the cheese w1th a t111n layer of dried salmon.


Ash Burn the hay w1th a hand-held gas burner until it turns into ash.
2 .J J "' Let the ash cool and sieve through a tam1s.
11ar11 Peel the cloves of garlic and lay them on bak1ng sheets to air dry for 2 days.
' '"'.a J n r Bake the dried garhc at 200 C until they are black. Let them cool and blend to a powder
1 1eei< Peel the z1ttau onion, d1v1de 1nto chunks, and lay them on bak1ng sheets to a1r dry for 2 days.
Bake the dned onion at 200 C unt1I they are black. Let them cool and blend to a powder.
Cut the leek 1nto two, div1de 1nto chunks, and lay them on baking sheets to a1r dry for 2 days.
Bake the dned leeks at 200 C until they are black. Let them cool and blend to a powder
Raw 1nushroom

Mushroom slices Remove any leftover d1rt from the mushrooms .

Cut t11em 1nto th1n slices on a slicer

Cut out the Slices 1nto round st1apes w1th a cutter.
Lay 8 mushroom slices together as shown on the p1cture.
Put them on a tray, then 111 a vacuum bag and vacuum seal them at 100 % .

Mushroom powder Remove any leftover d1rt from the mushrooms .

. .·.. Place the mushrooms on del1ydrator trays and dry them 1n the dehydrator at 40 ~c for 24 hours .

... .:- .;:- '·
Let the dned musl1room cool at room temperature and blend to a powder.

.• ·.
'· Mushroom oil Cut the mushrooms 1nto slices and place them 1n 011.
Let the 011 s1mmer on low heat for an hour.
·. S1eve the oll through a net.

:" . „
.· ,
, ;-...
. ..
• „ ••„

Mushroom malto Mix the 1ngred1ents unt1l 1t turns 1nto a powder.

... . "
„ „ „ „.

. ,„ To assemble and serve Open the vacuum bag and take the mushrooms out.
: Sprinkle them w1th mushroom powder and malto and season w1th salt
Place them on a plate

Frozen flowers, sca buckthom, skyr mousse
and egg yolk

Skyr mousse Wh1sk the crearn gently anc1 folcJ in the skyr.
Whisk egg wh1tes and sugar airy ancl fold 1n w1th the skyr cream.
Carefully ftll 1t 1n an 1c1ng bag
H :1 11wt'
l .qar

Egg yolk See the follow1ng pages.

Sea buckthom puree See the follow1ng pages. „

Sea buckthom 011 Blend freeze-dned sea buckthorn and 011 for 5 m1nutes at h1ghest speed.
JUC S1eve the 011 through a net and let 1t cool
When the 011 cools. 1t separates 1nto two. Use the clear part of the 011.

Cnspy yoghurt Wh1sk egg wh1tes salt and v1negar

Add sugar and powdered sugar httle by httle and wh1sk for 5 m1nutes unt1l 1t goes tough.
4 1 Carefully mix 1n the yopol and c1tnc ac1d httle by little.
< 1 ai:iplt. jer vi iar Brush a th1n layer of the m1xture onto bak1ng paper and dry 1t 1n a dehydrator at 63 C for 12 hours.
'-! ['J<.Mdo? j J,ji:lf

l(X q Jqar

1• g f• z <lnEld voghur'
Y •r d(j

Flowers and cnspy yoghurt in Freeze all 1ngred1ents 1n liquid n1trogen when serving at the table.
ltqu1d nitrogen

• rr d


To assemble and serve Place some sea buckthorn puree 1n the bowl and pa1nt the s1des (See the follow1ng pages).
Place some skyr mousse 1n the m1ddle of the bowl.
Let the otl run oft the egg yolk <ind place 1t 1n the m1ddle of the s~r mousse.
Place drops of sea buckthorn oll next to the egg yolk.
Freeze the flowers, d11l ancl t11e cnspy yogt1urt 1n t11e l1qu1c1 rntrogen.
When serv1ng at the table use a slotted spoon to grab the frozen flowers.
Place the flowers on one s1de of the bowl

Egg yolk Break the egg and remove the egg wh1tes from the yolk.
Place the egg yolk 1n a plast1c container and cover 1t w ith oil.
• i.J f !\ rc""'e(j Put the plast1c conta1ner 1n the oven at 60 ·c. 40 % wind cycle for 8 hours.
Sea buc kthorn puree Blend sea buckthorn and water and s1eve 1t through a net. Bo1I the 1u1ce w1th c1tras.
tt Blend agar agar 1nto the boil1ng sea buckthorn 1u1ce and bo1I for 30 seconds.
•l 1vdtf Chili the sea buckthorn 1u1ce.
1 'r<.1s When the m1xture 1s completely ch1lled and turned 1nto a gel, blend 1t to a smooth texture.
w i r S1eve the puree and ch1ll Pa1nt the bowl w1th the sea buckthorn puree when serv1ng.
, 4 Razor clam, pea pods and green strawberries

Razor clam Remove the razor clcim from 1ts shell

Cut away the 1ntes11nal and the slomach
Cut the clam 1nto 4 p1eces, freeLe 1t and let 1t thaw aga1n to tendenze lhe meat.

Razor clam snow Season the razor clam stock w1th salt
_:i lreeze lhe razor därn stock 1n a paco beaker
Salt Put the frozen razor clam stock rn a Pacoiet, process for 10 se1,;u11tJ::; änd put the snow which
has formed 1nto liquid nitmgen Repeat the process until the paco beaker rs cmpty.
When all the l1qu1d nitrogen 1s evaporated blend the snow and place 1t 1n 'he freezer.

Razor clam sauce Season the razor clam stock w1th salt.
Blend the razor clam stock w1t'1 the other 1ngredients and sieve the sauce tnrough a net.
1l~ :d! J Vacuum ::,ec1I the sauce and Place 11 in the fndge for 24 hours to remove the a1r bubbles.
'J ~

1 ~ <: t

Bronze fennel oil Blend the b·onze fennP.I äntJ u1I fur 8 rninutes 1n a Thermomix, urt1I the 011 goes dark green.
S1eve the 011 througr a net and let 1• chill

Sugar peas Cut the sugar peas 1nto two, lengthwise, w1thout cutt1ng the µud.
Save the peas for serving for the sauce.
Cut off the end pieces of the pods. Place the pods in 1ce water for 4 hours

To assemble and serve Season Ire razor clams vV1th salt and pul them on a plale
Let the waler run off the sugar pea pods. season with salt and place on top of the razor clam.
rs Guarter tre green st•awberries and place on the plale
4 4r !<. ~~ Decorate tlle d1st1 w tt1 lxv1Le fennel sprouts, nowers ar1 d tarrayun leäves.
Spllt thc razor clarn sa..icc w 1th thc bronze fennel oil and lay 1n thc pcns.
t .z ' r • Place Ire razor clBm snow as the final piece.

Chocolate wax, cream icc cream and toastcd bread

Sea buckthorn 1u1ce Blend the sea buckthorn and s1eve t11e 1u1ce through a clolh.
hen 11 cools 11 separates 1nto two. Use lhe clear part of the 1u1ce.
Place the 1u1ce 1n the fndge · W ·

Sea buckthorn gel Blend the sea buckthorn and water and s1eve lhrough a net
. r Boil the JUICe w1t11 c1lras.
o1ssolve the soaked gelallne 1n lhe 1u1ce and let 11 cool.

1 1 ~

Chocolate Wax Blend the sea buckthorn gel.

lE' Heat the 011. butter. glucose and salt to 40 cc.
1 Pour the melted chocolale 1nto the 011 m1xture.
1t The oil m1xture and chocolate will curdle
Blend the chocolate 1nto the sea buckthorn gel 1n a th1n steady stream.
Put the m1xture 1n a hair wax metal conta1ner and store 1n the fndge for 1 2 hours.

l ..dlt

Cream 1ce cream Wh1sk the egg yolk and sugar

Bo1I milk, cream and glucose and pour 1nlo the egg m1xture 1n a th1n steady stream wh1le
k constantly wh1sk1ng.
Pour the m1xture 1n a Thermomix and blend for 5 m1nutes at 80 cc.
• r ugar S1eve the m1xture and pour 1n a paco beaker and freeze.
Process the frozen 1ce on a Pacoiet and keep 1t in a styrofoam cooler 1n the freezer.

Dned whrte bread Cut the bread 1nto shces and remove lhe crust.
Blend the bread 1nlo crumbs, spnnkle them on a tray and let them dry for 12 hours.

Toasted bread Mix the bread crumbs w1th butter and bake 1n the oven at 145 cc 1n 40 m1nules.
Let the butter run off lhe golden bread crumbs.

Salted condensed milk Cover the can of condensed milk w1th waler and let it bo1I for 5 hours
Let the milk cool and m1x 1n salt.
4 l .~

To assemble and serve Have the chocolale ha1r wax metal contc:uner ready to serve w1lh a wooden spoon
Brush the plate w1lh a lhin layer of lhe salled condensed milk, 1n the shape of a square.
Cover the square w1lh lhe loasted bread.
Place a scoop of cream 1ce c rearn 1n lhe m1ddle of the bread crumbs and serve 1mmed1ately.
Apply the c hocolate wax wrth lhe w ooden spoon at lhe table.

4 Egg yolk, broad beans, oyster sauce and eggshells

Egg yolk Break the egg and remove ttie egg wh1tes from the yolk.
r >< < 1 Place the egg yolk 1n a plast1c conta1ner and cover 1t w1th 011
< ~ Put the plast1c conta1ner 1n the oven at 60 C, 40 % wind cycle for 5 hours.

Oyster sauce Heat the clam mussel stock and cream

1 x: Blend the xantana 1nto the mussel sauce
~ 1 J -r ,. ,., Blend oysters and K1rks cream cheese 1n the sauce.
, q l(J'tdfkJ When serv1ng m1x 1n shallots and cherv1I.
, 1 o ter

Eggshells See the follow1ng pages.

Chervil 011 Bled cherv1I and 011 for 8 m1nutes 1n a Thermomix unt1I the oll goes dark green.
-i S1eve the 011 through a net and let 1t ch1ll.
JC. J hf-ry:

Broad beans Remove the broad beans from the1r pods, remove the th1n membrane and cut 1nto two.
Vacuum seal the beans w1th cherv1I 011 and store 1n the fndge for 3 hours.
l 1 rerv

Ta assemble and serve Let the oil run off the broad beans and season w1th salt.
Arrange the beans 1n a c1rcle 1n a bowl
Decorate the circle of broad beans w1th fnsee salad, chervil, red leaf mustard, w1nter
purslane. m1zuna salad and New Zealand sp1nach.
Drain the 011 from the egg yolk and place 1t 1n the centre of the nest
Heat the mussel sauce and when 1t 1s bo11ing blend 1t w1th oyster and K1rks cream cheese.

' f l j IVf! Do not let the sauce bo1I alter m1x1ng

ld Add the chopped cherv1I and shallots and spht the oyster sauce w1th the cherv1I 011.
Decorate the nest of herbs w1th eggshells.


40 eggshells Blend the egg \\h1te powder so 1t becomes even finer.

B end a l the ingred1ents at IO\\ speed.
S eve i:he lactose m1xture through a net
Ä\ 0 d a' bubb es dunng the whole process.
n ate the ba oons to a size wh1ch 1s s1mllar to an egg
Dip the balloons 1n the lactose m :ture and hang them to ory for 16 hours
Makeasma hoe1ntheballoons .vithtnednedlactoseon That .-.a theru s O\\of\ lea\est~baJoon
vVher> me ba loons are deflated careful~ remove :he she:ls.
,4 Blue mussel, horseradish foam,
kohlrabi and green strawberries

Blue mussels Boll the blue mussels for 12 seconds ano then place them in ice water
Peel tne blue mussels out of the1r shells, check for leftover shell and remove the beards.

1torserad1sh foam Heat the m1 k to 40 rc a11u uissol11e the gelat1ne 1n the m1 k

Add flnely grated horserad1sh to the milk and let it rest for 15 minutes.
, 'lC' q w11c e..., I< S1eve the milk through a net
, .:i fn y gr...ted r r<=:_rarl1Sr Mix 1n the rema1ning 1ngrcdicnts.
IF....VF" f qeidt1nc Let 'le horseradish m1xture GOOI to a yel.
2 1clf"or J1, :e Mix the gel ard f1ll 11 on a half lltre s1phon w1th 2 siphon cartndges
1 J sau Spray the horserad1sh s1phon onto clear strips form1ng little dots.
Place a new clear stnp on top of ovcry dot.
Freeze the dots 1n an a1· blast freezer.
When the foam 1s frozen peel oft the c lear stnps.
Store the foam n the freezer.

Kohlrabi Place the bands of o<ohlrab1 on top of each other in a vacuum bag with v1negar and wate•
and then vacuum seal them
r 0 r•nar Cut the bands of Kohlrabi into a 1 cm w1de and 35 cm lang shape.
, () q·

Dill oil Blend d II and oil for 8 m1nutes 1n a Thermomix, until the oil goes dark green.
Sieve the oil through a net and et 1t ch1ll

Ptekled sago grains Botl the water. add the sago grains.
Boil the sago grains until there 1s a httle wh1:e centre 1n the sago grains
q .,...d·~· Let :he boiled sago grrnns cool in n s1cvc under runni'lg cold water.
Z(, o ~r;iqar Place the bo1led sago grains 1n the chillec cill vnegar for 24 rours.

Buttemi1lk sauce Blend the xantana 1n the mussel stoco<.

Add the rest of the 1ngrodicnts nnd s1eve the sauce.
l q xan· i"e
1' 1 h J'tf ' 1"1 ik

r< q cre1rn
„,„:; ll <Jlt

To assemble and serve l et the liquid run oft the pickled kohlrab1, season w t11 salt, fold and place on a plate.
Decorate the i<ohlrab1 with th1n 1uarters ot green strawbernes. p1ckled sago gra1ns and d1ll
r f tw l Season the blue musscl w1th salt and place cn the plate.
• W"'Rf'Y Place the froLeri t1rnserac1s'l foam on top. lt will melt and covcr thc tluc rn.1sscl.
Spht the butterm1tk sauce w1th d1ll 011.

Bark with pine salt

Bark of celenac Tnm the celenac and make th1n bands on a vegetable mach1ne
Cut the celenac bands 1nto 15 cm long and 5 cm w1de shapes.
Brush the celenac p1eces w1th a very th1n layer of malt extract on one s1de.
'-1 Fry the celeriac bands at 160 C unt1I no more bubbles appear and the celenac
does not hold any more liquid.
Turn the celeriac p1eces often dunng frying.
Let the oil run off the fned celenac on 011 absorbing paper.
Place the celenac bark on paper and pul 11 1n a dehydrator at 60 °C for 2 hours to
make any leftover oll d1sappear.

P1ne salt Pluck the p1ne needles, wash them and dry them from water on a tea towel for 1 hour.
l. Blend the p1ne needles and salt flakes and s1eve.

To assemble and serve Season the celeriac bark w1th salt flakes on one s1de and place on a branch w1th no bark.

1't»-l Pigeon breast, violet kale in two textures
sunflower puree and split saucc with thyme oil

P1geon Cut the th1ghs oft the p1geon anc save for ·he sauce.
Place the p19ec11011 a tray and steam 1t 1n the oven at 56 °C for 1 hot 1r.
Let the coo~ed pgeon cool, cut away the breasts and remove the skrn.
Vacuum seal tho brcusts one by one.

Sauce Saute the shallots 1n buttP.r unt1I they are golden.

l J ·r Add the honey and let 1t caramel ze.
tb 'Ppt<i <;• al uh Add vi11egar when the honey rs caramellzed and reduce until almost noth1ng 1s left.
h k n c,ti.X'K Add the ch1cken stock, veal stock and bones from the pigeon.

1 1"1" )('~
Bring to a boil nnd s1mmer for 2 hours.
g ~.t... t> y Sieve the sauce and ·educe unt1I it has an 1ntensc flavour.
d r ><. 1r Sieve the sauce tnro11gh a net and season w1th salt and lemon Juice.
t:J. H • l P1t noc

Toasted sun flower seed M x the sur ifluwer seeds wrth the 011 ard bake 1n the o·Jen at 150 C, 60 % wind cycle for
30 m1nutes.

Sunflo wer seed puree Heat the seeds w1th cream and blend.
Fill the pu'ee on a paco beaker and freeze.
ori ..J u, r Process the frozen puree 3 t1mes on a PacoJet.
Sdtt Heat the puree, sieve t1 1ruugll a riet arnJ season with salt.

Thyme oil Blunch :hymc ond pnrslcy urtil tender and theri place in ice watar.
q Squeeze all the water ou'. of the :hyme and parsley
1t ,rre i Blend thymP., pilrsley a'ld oil for 8 minutes in a Thermomix until the 011 goes dar-< green
1 S1eve the 011t1rough a net and let 1t chill.

Red kale Cutaway the stem frum t11e centre of the leaves and cut the rest 1nto small bunches.
Cook the bunches when serv1rg

Cnspy red kale Blanch ;he kale bunches in salt water anrl let the water run off.
Press each bunch and put 1t on a tray
'1') ',J•I Place the tray Wlt'l the small bunches 1n the dehydrator let telll dry for 12 hours at GO nc
'2 • rr J 11) ir t r '00 kd P

To assemble and serve Heat the p1geon breasts n a wntcr bath at 58 C for 15 m1nutes.
Gently pan fry t'lc breasts on one side ano season w1th salt.
• yr While tre p1geon breasts ;:ire rAsting warm up the s1.;nflower puree w1th some water and brush
1 ~ • t 1 ~ ~ <Rf. rl onto a platP P!ace t1·e pigeon breas~ on top.
Saute the kale bunct1es on a dry pan and season w1th salt.
::Jecorate the breast w1l11 t11e sauteed kae, the crispy kale toasted sunflower seed and thyme
Splrt tt1e 110· sauce with the thync 011 and table s1de sauce 1t.

Spent grain bread with chumed butter and onion butter

Sourdough Mix all the 1ngred1ents and plilce a warm place for 12 hours.

1 l yC l
1t 11 T

l!V P
..:i M 1P1LJr

Spent gra1n bread Mix all 1ngred1ents and knead for 15 m1nutes - on a machine at medium speed.
Place chng film over the dough and place 1n the fndge for the next day.
11 ' Place the cold dough in Silicon;; bak1ng forms, 25 grams of dough 1n each form.
Let the dough nse for 40 m1nutes.
ih Bake the bread 1n a combo oven at 200 °C, 70 % steam for 6 m1nutes
qt Take the bread out of the forms, place 1t on a sheet pan, bottom s1de up.
Bake for 5 more m1nutes at 220 °C. Let the bread cool.
'-l 'tx~ When serv1ng bake the bread at 220 'C for 2 m1nutes.
X 11V tJhur
2 lKfX'.I p. ~ • t:l'
] alt

Churned butter Mix the buttermilk and cream and pour 1t 1n a container w1th a hd on.
Place at room temperature for 2 days.
~ tx..I' "Tl 1< Place the soured cream 1n the fridge for 12 hours.
Whisk the cold cream on a K1tchen A1d untll the buttermilk separates.
Sieve the butter from the butterm1lk and season 100 grams of butter w1th 1 gram salt.

Fned ornon Peel the shallot and cut lengthw1se. Chop and fry 1t in 011 at 175 C unt.l 1t 1s golden
Let the 011 run off the ornon and let 1t cool. Finely chop the cold fried ornon
i fryr 1 Put the thyme tw1gs 1n a bag and place them 1n the freezer. Shake the bag w1th the frozen
. ' thyme tw1gs and the leaves will fall off. Dry the leaves in a dehydrator for 12 hours at 40 C.

Ornon puree Peel the onions and cut lengthw1se.

Saute the onions in butter unt1I they are golden and tender.
lX LI' r
Sieve the ornons and blend them to a smooth texture. Sieve them through a fine s1eve.

Ornon butter Blend all 1ngred1ents together.

t "


To assemble and serve Place the butter 1n bowls ar'cJ 111 th

' 1 P ornon butter 1n bowls and scrape so tlle top becomes level
Spnnkle fned ornon nnd chopped ttiyrne on top ot ttie ornon butter
Rel ieat the bread at 220 C lor 2 rrnnutos.

Spent grain from stout beer from N0rrebro Bryghus
There 1s 3 phases to brew1ng beer· mash1ng, herb separallon and herb bo11ing. Mash1ng is the
process of extract1ng the contents of malt by water and natural enzymes. You heat up the mash
(crushed dned m;:ilt anrt water) to a g1ven temperature and a certa1n pH level wh1ch keeps the
different enzyme systems act1ve

When the contents are extracted 1nto the liquid, you normally ra1se the temperature. wh1ch makes
the enzymes to break down aga1n. Mashing stops at a temperature of 76 C Spent gra1n are the
insoluble parts of the gra1n wh1ch are leftover after filtenng away the herb separat1on when brew1ng.

Airy meringue with rapeseed oil,
yellow beetroot sorbet and red oxalis

Formed rapeseed Oll creme Bo1I the sugar and cream.

Add lemon zest and let 1t rest 5 m1nutes.
1 X ;.!IT S1eve the cream through a net
Boil the cream and blend w1th egg yolk, iota. and the soaked gelat1ne, rapeseed oll and salt
Place chng film on a 4 cm cutter and f1ll 0,5 cm up w1th creme.
Let the creme cool and place 1n the fndge.

Alry menngue Blend iota and xantana 1n water

Boil the m1xture for 2 minutes while constantly st1rring.
1 ~ ~1 Add the soaked gelat1ne and bo1I for 2 more m1nutes.
L • q td While the m1xture bo1ls, wh1sk egg wh1tes a1ry and wh1sk 1n the sugar httle by little
1 Xü!1'ir.d Whisk the boiled syrup 1nto the egg wh1tes little by httle.
6•q c J!}J.' Whisk the meringue until 1t 1s cold and take 1t out of the form .
.' g eo i wti.tF c Now place the 8 cremes 1nto the 8 round and chng filmed cutters w1th a d1ameter of 5 cm.
F1ll meringue 1n the round cutters so the creme 1s completely covered.
Place the forms w1th meringue 1n the fndge for 4 hours

Thyme oil Blanch thyme and parsley until tender and place in ice water.
" i Squeeze out all the water of the thyme and parsley.
"' ~ ><.eo yrr 31/E": Blend thyme, parsley and 011 for 8 m1nutes 1n a Thermomix, until the oil goes dark green
t.rx. J S1eve the 011 through a net and let 1t ch1ll.

Butterm1lk sauce Mix all 1ngredients together.

Yogurt menngue Wh1sk the egg wh1tes slightly.

Add salt and v1negar.
Add powdered sugar and sugar httle by httle
When the menngue 1s turn1ng st1ff add the c1tnc acid.
Pipe the menngue on to s1hcon mats form1ng small dots.
Sprinkle the srnall dots with yopol.

" Dry the rnenngue dots at 50 C for 12 hours in a dehydrator.

More on next page..

Yellow beetroot sorbet 8011 the yellow beetroots tender 1n water.
Peel the beets when they are tender.
Boil water. glucose and sugar.
Add the soaked gelat1ne. the peeled yellow beetroots and blend the mixture
Sieve the sorbet m1xture through a tam1s.
1 f qc ;at1ne Add the rest of the ingred1ents.
b 1 1nEd rT'lll<Jokl Put cling film on the m1xture and let 1t rest for 1 hour.
'> q Jred 'lc.w- Then s1eve the m1xture.
b J fr< h t lf lVf' Freeze the sorbet m1xture 1n a paco beaker.
6 q fr< Process the frozen sorbet on a Pacoiet. put 1t in a styrofoam cooler and place 1t 1n the freezer
~ l Ir ~ 'TJ(,IP " 'lbf''lä
4 g fT'(Vl ~

To assemble and serve Remove the cling film from the form w1th the a1ry meringue.
Place the form w1th the menngue 1n the m1ddle of a plate and remove the nng
Spray blueberry iu1ce on the red oxalis stems and spnnkle the stems w1th powder
from freeze-dried bluebemes.
Carefully place the stem on one side of the plate.
Decorate the stem w1th the yoghurt dots.
Form an egg shaped scoop of sorbet and place next to the stem
Pour on the buttermilk sauce when serv1ng.

Red oxahs w1th blueberry When serving - spray on blueberry Juice on the red oxalis stems - not the flowers.
powder Spnnkle the stems w1th powder from freeze-dned blueberries.

f•C1T1 ·-0 Xd c

<' g t.tJeb& ry _,
'rtc 7f C'lr-ed t oer


Unnpe apples baked 1n hay Peel the apples. d1v1de 1nto quarters and remove the core.
Place the quarters 1n a deep gastro tray and cover w1th hay
>PH. k l0Pd~re, Place the gastm tmy w1th the apples and hay 1n thc over on a sheet pan w1th holes.
j 1Pi- <'µX' Bake at 1 70 ' C, 40 % wind cycle, unt1I apples are tender.
Remove the hay trom the apples and blend the apples - the cons1stency can get a b1t thick
because unripe apples has a h1qh leve of peclln.
Ad1ust the cons1stency w1th freshly squeezed applc 1u1ce until it 1s smootr s1eve 1t through a net.

Browned butter Heat the bJtter to 1 75 ' C and cool in a gastro t'ay, so the whey 1n the butter does not get burned.
When the outter is cooled s1eve 1t through a cloth.

Jerusalem art1chokes Peel Jerusalem artichokes and cover w1th browned butter.
Cook the Jerusalem art1chokes 1n the browned butter at med1Jm heat, Lnt1I they are al dente
r W1f'd t:i rtttr Let the Jerusalem art1chokP.s r,ool 1n tre butter

Reduced apple v1negar Caramehze the honey unt 1dark golden, add the v1negar and bnng 1t to a boil.

Cnspy Jerusalem art1chokes roots should be fresh, not dry and soft.
· 2frf< ~,Je c ·e„111."c Fry the roots at 175 C. u'lt1I no more bubbles are com1ng from the roots.
1~ •v c, e•, ,f e 52' rri Let thc oil run off thc roots and season with salt.
drt ...~ Fry the Jerusalem art1chokes chips at 175 ' C, urtll no more bubbles are com1ng from the chips.
fl r N : f red X t e:lvfo Let the oil run off the Chips and season with salt
l dir ' r r Fry the beech leaves at 1 75 °C, let the oil run off the leaves and season wi:h salt.

Raw Jerusalem art1chokes Remove excess water frorn the shces 1n a salad sp1nner.

Autumn atmosphere See the follow1ng p;:iges.

To assemble and serve Spray reduced apple v1negar on a plate.

r: Pan fry the Jerusalem art1chokes in brown butter.
1r ') J> ll '.'JV(, Heat the apple puree and place on a plate.
season the wdnn Jt:rusalem art1chokes w1th SDll and olace on top of the puree.
Decorate the Jerusalem art1chokes w1th all the crispy elements, flowers nncJ herbs
When ser.·1ng ade a teaspoon of brown butter as sauce.
'"'lace the J<lr with autumn atmosphere an the 'able and take of the lid.

Autumn atmosphere
To recreate the atmosphere of autumn 1n the restaurant. sounds
of wh1stllng w1nds are recorded on a mp3 player.
The mp3 player 1s placed 1n the bottom of a 1ar and then covered
with natural elements from the autumn
When serving the autumn d1sh the jar will be placed 1n the
m1ddle of the table. and when the d1sh 1s presented the hd will
be taken off and the sound 1ntroduced as autumn atmosphere.



'elVf-.4 Pickled kohlrabi, Baltic prawn
and freeze-chied prawn powder

P ckled kohlrab1 Peel the kohlrabt and rnake th1n bands on a vegetable mar.h1ne
Cut out rcund shaoes of the kohlrabi wiih a c..liarneter of 8 cm
' ,:i 'llJter Place the round kohlrabi p1eces 1n water anci Vlnegar. unt1I they are tender and p1ckled
' \.J v:'legdr

lntense prawn stock Pan fry lhe µrawns 1n oil and pour them 1n a bak1ng pan.
r1 r i, Cover the JYawns with boil ng water and place aluminiurr foil on thc pan.
oü J 1 Place the bak1ng pan 1n the oven at 83 C for 12 hours.
IA itt'r Sieve the stock through a net.
, l r 3t1- rollfy Caramelize the heath honey 1n a stock pot, add :he apple v1negar and reduce unt1I
Jr;~ ier" riegar a most noth1ng 1s left
Add trie Balt1c prawn stock and reduce until the flavour is ver; intense.
Sieve the stock through a cloth.

Baltic prawn Chop the Balt1c prawn finely and m x w1th K1rks cream creese and season w1th salt

, JKi~ ur~


To assemble and serve Let the vinegar mannade run oft the round kohlrab1p1eces.
Place the Balt1c prawn µaste 1n t11e centre of the kohlrab1.
1 yarr N Fold the kohlrab1 arcund the prawn r<iste - forming a tnangle.
Brush a serv1ng plate w1th a th1n layer of intense prawn s:ock
Spray on freeze-dried prawn
Flace the little prawn packages cn top.
Deco'ate the packages w1th yarrow.

Cucumber plant, mullet, parsley puree
and white wine sauce

Cucumber plant Cut oft the top 20 cm from the cucumber plant and save for later.
Pluck the little cucumbers w1th flowers from the stem.
Pluck the small and b19 leaves from the stem.

Mullet Season the mullet w1th salt, cut into 30 grams pieces and vacuum seal w1th some clanf1ed butter.
l'T 'W Cook the mullet 1n a water bath at 58 C for 5-6 m1nutes depend1ng on how thick 1t 1s.

Foamy wh1te wine sauce Reduce wh1te w1ne and wh1te onion to 200 grams and then blend.
Blend the cream. butter. clam mussel stock and reduced wh1te w1ne
j wt • Heat the wh1te w1ne sauce to 60 C .
. k Blend lec1thin, sucro and xantana 1nto the wh1te w1ne sauce.
P<if'" Sieve the wh1te w1ne sauce through a net and season w1th salt.
q H tt

5 1 tr r
'l )('

<qXJJ t na
c: j t

Parsley puree Boil parsley and sp1nach unt1I tender Then place 1n 1ce water.
4 l 1 lt Squeeze out all the liquid from the parsley and sp1nach.
Freeze parsley and sp1nach 1n a paco beaker.
1• '.:ln i Process the frozen parsley puree 4 t1mes on a Pacojet.
Blend the parsley puree smooth w1th some water and xantana.
Season w1th salt and s1eve the parsley puree through a net.

To assemble and serve See the follow1ng pages.


To assemble and serve Boil the stem of the cucumber plant for 30 seconds and season w1th salt.
f rt Boil the small cucumbers for 1O seconds w1thout the flower touching the water and season wrth salt.
J rrnn veroena Place the stem of the cucumber plant on a plate.
chf'rvil Spray parsley puree next to the top of the plant and the bottom.
2 flowerr.g 'ltt:·ru: trom rNi oxalls Place the 2 little cucumbers 1n the parsley puree - one at the top and one at the bottom.
:? ;orrel sprouts Place the mullet on the parsley puree at the bottom of the plant
Cover the mullet and puree with a b1g cucumber leave 1n the bottom and a small leave at the top.
Decorate the b1g cucumber leave w1th chervil, sorrel, lemon verbena and the stem of a
flowenng red oxalis.
Foam the sauce w1th a hand blender and then split it with clanfied butter.
Apply the foam when serving at the table.
Elm leaves with tartare

Elm leaves Brush the leaves so they are clean

Tartare Blend all 1ngredients, except the ca'f meat.

:, , J Mix in the scraped calf's meat and season w1th salt.
~grru< ard
„' ,( 1110 s
1 q ( "10n IUIC8

4 ri 'l"'f"l.1to oowuer
1 '> g salt
P. q ~ in~ )we seeu 01
'2,f'> i t )l'.x;ruu1s.

q r lpet rnot f'C''"l thE> ': 1lf

To assemble and serve Season a spoonful of tartare w1th freshly grated horserad1sh and cover with an elm leave.

Fried Jerusalem artichoke, truffie and red oxalis

Fried Jerusalem art1chokes Clean the Jerusalem art1chokes

4 • Bake the Jerusalem art1 :hoke: at 180 C for 30 m1nutes.
t 1 bul' r 1 ng Let the baked Jerusalem art1chokes cool 1n cold water. Dry them from water
When serv1ng fry the Jerusalem artichokes at 1 75 °C 1n clanf1ed butter

Jerusalem art1choke compote Bake the Jerusalem art1chokes at 185 C for 30 minutes.
Let the Jerusalem artichokes cool.
Cut the Jerusalem art1chokes into 2 and remove the sk1n.

Truffle puree Reduce the cream to 100 grams.

Heat all 1ngredients 1n the reduced cream and blend smooth on a Thermomix.
-:i 'r,+;e '11 S1eve he puree through a tam1s .
.X 1 pc +p h.irr t" )k >cJ
'V, t1 ~t

,-Xg ~....,

OC J .1ater
Jg< •
3 g l iay 1c.h

To assemble and serve Heat the truffle puree and place a spoonful on a plate.
Heat the clanfied butter to 175 ·c and fry the Jerusalem artichokes unt1I golden all over.
~.., •oo Xd Wh1le the Jerusalem art1chokes are fry1ng. cover the truffle puree completely w1th leaves
from red oxalis.
Let the butter run oft the fried Jerusalem art1chokes, season w1th salt and place on the plate
nex1 to the truffle puree.

~ {\Jf, 4 Frozen meat shavings, bleak roe,
egg yolk creme and herb emulsion

Frozen shavings of veal Trim the veal toos1de for tendons anrl vens
tops1de Cut the meat 1n the same d1rPct1on as the fibres run
1X 1
Cut the meat 1nto ::> long p1eces of about 8 cm and wrap t1e meat 11 1c..:ling film and treeze.
When the meat p1eces are frozen take them out of the chny film.
Cut th1n shavings of the frozen meat on a sltc..:er.
Store the shavings 1n the freezer u11lll serv1ng.

Herb emulsion Blend herbs, ch1cken stock, shallots and salt until smooth.
Blend the 0111n the puree, until a th1ck mayonnarse appears
2 g •.::irragor Chili the he·b emulsion and fill 1n an icing bag.
25 q 'lt!\ Store 1n the fndge.
lj~ k,t('(

~ sat'


Egg yolk creme Cook the eggs ,n a wntcr at 63.5 °C for 2 hours and let them chill.
Break the eggs and wash away the egg wh1tes from t1e egg yolk in coltJ water.
1 "> y 'X:llt Dry of any excess waler fru111 the yulks and pass them through a fine s1eve.
Mix the egg yolk creme w1th salt.

Dned wh1te bread Cu'. the bread 1nto sllces and remove the crust.
Blend the bread 1nto crumbs, spnnkle them on a tray and let them dry •or 12 hours.

Toasted bread Mix the bread crumbs w1th butter and bake in the oven at 145 °C for 48 m1nutes.
Let the butter run oft the goljen bread crumbs.
q PC' butt r
~ •r

To assemble and serve Spray ttie herb emuls1on on a plate

r Spray the egg yolk creme on the plate next to the hero emuls1on
, gc~ Arrange freshly grated horserad1sh, bleak roe cress, chupped u111un and roasted bread crumbs.
"i g oµrxJ 'h il ot& Decorate the d 1sh w1th the frozen shav1ngs of meat.
L q" ly r·K J r or< rad sh
o t leak rve

Tue idea behind frozen rneat
Most of the time when you eat meat it is warm. The 1dea of serving trozen meat 1s to create a
fresh, light and refresh1ng d1sh. The spec1al structure of the meat and the 1ntense colour is the
express1on of the dish By freez1ng the meat quickly the meat juice 1s evenly d1stnbuted and
no gray stnpes will appear When you eat the dish the cold meat will appear very fresh.
The feellng 1n the mouth will be refresh1ng and mouthwatering when the meat thaws wh1le eat1ng 1t

s. ~ 1 Grilled pork belly marinated in malt,
fresh radish, pickled radish seeds and ramsons

Malt mannade Chop the or1ons and saute 1n 011.

Add ma;t syrup, sugar beet syrup and onion ash and b·1ng to a bo1I.
q< fu , r seed Blend the mannade and s1eve.
11)(. q r :l~ ">YfvP
l uq r Df'E!! ~vr .p

• oi

5...' q c nion ash

Pork belly Blend the salt 1n the water and leave the pork belly 1n the srilt wril!'!r for ? hours
.,.. ./ ~ ·' R1nse the salted pork belly 1n cold water and then vacuum seal 1t
.c.X: J s * Cook the pcrk belly 1n a watPr ba•h at 68 C for 12 hours.
1 r lf1< oo 'i Place the ccoked pork belly under some we1ght and place n the fndge.
M:t. rr >1r ~ie Cut the cold pork belly 1nto slices of 2,5 cm.
Cut every slice into a square and remove all the sk1n.
Brush tre squares w1th tro malt rrannade and vacuum seal them one by one to keep the1r shape.

Onion ash Peel the yellow onion, cut 1nto quarters, spread ou: on a bak1ng sheets and air dry 101 2 days.
Bake the cJriecJ yellow 0111011 at 200 °C un!ll it is black, let 1t ct1ill dnd blend tu a powder.

Cnspy potato chips Blend all 1ngred1ents 1n a Thermomix - the dough will be very th1ck.
1 1 ' •, Spray out the dough on a s1llcon rnat 1n shapes look1ng llke branches.
,.Ac, g watE.· Spnnkle the branches wi'.h onion ash.
:J q &at Bake the eh ps at 160 "C, 40 % wind cycle for 15 rninutes w1th the a1r shutter open.
'J flower set;.'d
• q pc •_ito 1 r r

Ramsons 011 Blend the ramscns. pars ey and 011 for 8 minutes 1n a Thermomix, until the oi goes dark green.
Sieve the oil through a net and let 1t ch1ll.
'l t 'Cl i:: y l\/,"

l< ft 'NP c,ef< j

Sauce on fned pork bones Fry the pork bones 1n thP oven at 200 C. 100 % wind cycle for 20 m1nutes

l" r Bring broth, stock and water to ri boil

c1 r kc brot1 Place the fned pork bones 1n a deep gastro tray and pour 1n the boil1ng broth
'I t kff ' >d< Cover the tray w1th alum1nium foil and place 1n thP oven at 83 'C. 100 % w ind cycle for 12 hou·s.
' Wdl r After 12 hours s1evo tho stock through a cloth and redur.e 1111111 the flavour 1s intense.
Ar lf, .reqar Season the sauce wth applo cider v1negar and salt

More on nexl page. „

P1ckled rad1sh seeds Saak the rad1st1 seeds 1n water for 12 hours.
S1eve the wnter lrom the soaked rad1sh seed
Place t11e rad1sh seeds 1n v1negar and water

To assemble and serve Place the park t)elly mannated 1n malt on the gnll w1th the top on unt1I the centre of the
park belly s hat.
Wh1le the park belly 1s Ort the gnll prepare the rad1shes 1n water and butter.
Season t11e pork t)elly w th salt and place on a plate
Let the water run off tt">e rad1shes season w1th salt and arrange on the plate.
Decorate the d1sh with ch1ps, ch1ckweed, ramsons nowers and cut out ramsons 1eaves.
Spht the hat &auce with the ramsons 011 and add the p1ckled rad1sh seeds
Serve the sauce at the table

Se.rve•, 4 Bumed cucumber, parsley puree, bitter herbs,
chicken skin chips and sauce on toasted chicken skin

Burned small fresh When serving place the cucumbers on a hot pan and dry fry them until they are burned

cucumbers on one s1de. Then season w1th salt.

Chives puree Boil the chives and sp1nach until tender.

40. :;i r )P~ -i 1v• „ Place the tender ch1ves and spinach 1n ice water, then squeeze the water out in a s1eve
:;-oo q spinach Freeze ch1ves and spinach 1n a paco beaker.
· g xantana Process the frozen ch1ves puree 4 t1mes on a Pacoiet.
Blend the puree smooth w1th some water and xantana on a Thermomix.
Season the ch1ves puree with salt and press through a tam1s.

Toasted chicken skin Spread out the ch1cken sk1n on baking sheets and bake 1t at 175 C, 50 % wind cycle for
1 kg ·1 :KP.n ;Kir 20 minutes. Let the crispy ch1cken sk1n cool on 011 absorb1ng paper.

Chicken skin chips Blend the chicken stock and the roasted chicken skin.
g t( ia: .t1 .d r Km KJn Blend 1n the other 1ngredients and sieve.
30C g .:h1c1<er stock Roll the mixture paper th1n between 2 silicon mats and bake them under some we1ght at
96 g nf'e fiour 180 °C, 100 % wind cycle and open air shutter for 6 m1nutes.
'36 g tapioca four After the 6 minutes remove the top mat and turn the wind cycle down to 40 %.
11 g salt Bake the ch ips for 4 more m1nutes.
Break the chips 1nto p1eces and make sure they are dry.

Sauce on toasted chicken skin Heat the ch1cken stock and blend with the other 1ngred1ents.
g t1 ested r :kPn ;kJr Sieve the sauce through a net.
1 1 , h1c;ken stock
1Jg uilt

22 q apple c1de:r vimgar

To assemble and serve Place the cucumbers on a hot pan and dry fry them until they are burned on one side.
H1 •rt r r pi r< r Then season w1th salt.
ö or on flowe.r::; Spray some ch1ves puree in the centre of the plate.
2 ( ive herbs Press someth1ng round and flat on top of the puree so a vacuum 1s created.
2 xr:nP-s Carefully litt aga1n to form the pattern.
Place the grilled cucumbers on one s1de of the pattern and decorate with herbs and flowers.
Place the ch1cken ch1ps on top of the herbs and burned cucumbers.
Foam the hot sauce w1th a hand blender and add the sauce when serv1ng.

~ ~~ 4 Gravel

Wh1te meringue Wh1sk egg wh1tes at slow speed.

While wh1sk1ng the egg wh1tes heat the water, sugar and apple c1dcr v1ncgar to 121 C.
g<J Wh1sk the syrup 1nto the wh1sked eyy wt11tes
b: q v....'Er Spray the menngue onto bak1ng sheets and bake at 70 C for 12 hours.
vii't\.l<.r AdJust the heat to 100 ~c and let the meringue hake tor 1 more hour.
Let the meringuc <.;OOI and keep 1n an airtight conta1ner

Ash menngue Wh1sk egg wh1tes at slow speed

While wh1sking the egg wh1tes. heat the water, sugar and aoplo cider v1regar to 121 °C
1 "- JT Wl11s><; tt1e syrup 1nto the wh1sked egg wh1tes.
Wh1s><; the hay ash 1nto the meringue
:r Spray the menngue onto baking sheets and bake at 70 °C for 12 hours.
Ad Just the heat to 100 C ancJ let the menngue bake for 1 rnore tKJur
Let the menngue cool and ><;eep 1n an a11ig'1t conta1ner.

Caramelized sugar menngue Wh1sK egg wh1tes at slow speed.

Wh1le wh1sking the egg wh1tes, heat the water, sugar and apple c1der v1negar to 165 °c.
14 g A.J<l<1r Add water and let the temperature drop to 100 °C
t '3 w1ter Heat the caramel water to 121 ' C and whisk 1n thc wh1skcd cgg wh1tcs.
, l dlJI= lder 1tne'Jar Spray the menngue onto bak1ng sheets and bake at 70 cc for 12 hours
Adiust the heat to 100 ' C and let the menngue bake for 1 more hour.
Let thc mcnnguc cool and keep in an a1rt1ght conta1ner.

Rosemary snow Heat the milk, cream, sugar and rosemary to 80 °C .

Let the milk w1th rosemary rest for 10 minutes and then sievP away the rosemary.
Mix the l"lay ash and the soaked gelat1ne 1nto the rosemary milk.
Let the rosemary mll><; cool.
F111 tre rosemary gel 1n half a li:re siphon and spray 1t into liquid nitrogen.
TJdrY Bend the frozen rosernary rn1I><; 1n a ~hermom1x and store 1n tre frcczcr unt1I serv1ng.

Rosemary malto See :he folluw111y pages

Hay baked apples Peel the ariplP.s.

Place tl e apples 1n a gastro troy and cover w1th hay.

' l
Place a tray w1th holes over the apples and bake dl 170 rc. 20 °o w nd cycle for 25 m1nutes.
RP.move the hay frorn the bakes apples and blend them to a puree.

d J S1eve the puree 1n a f1no s1eve.

Add hay ash, apple 1u1ce and 1ac11c ac1d to the apple puree.

More on nexl oage

Apple grarnta Blend all 1ngred1ents and s1eve 1nto a deep gastro tray and place 1t 1n the freezer
Scrape the apple m1xture w1th a fork and make granita.
e Store the apple grarnta 1n a styrofoam cooler 1n the treezer.
><1 q Jt r

Milk sorbet Heat sugar, milk and glucose unt1I the sugar is d1ssolved.
Dissolve the soaked gelat1ne in milk
l rr t< Let the milk m1xture cool and flll 1t 1n a paco beaker and place 1n the freezer.
4 ~J se Process the frozen milk m1xture on a Paco1et and store in a styrofoam cooler
Store the milk sorbet unt1I serv1ng

To assemble and serve Pour liquid rntrogen over a brown menngue, 2 wh1te menngue and 3 grey menngue
and crush 1nto b1gger p1eces w1th a w'"l1sk.
Place a spoonful of milk sorbet 1n the bowl.
Spray the apple puree around the milk sorbet
Cover the milk sorbet and the apple puree w1th apple granita
Place a th1n layer of rosemary snow on top.
Oecorate the bowl w1th frozen menngue and finally spnnkle a teaspoon of rosemary malte on top.

Rosemary malte Heat the oil and rosemary to 65 °C.

Let the rosemary oil rest 1n the fridge for 24 hours and then s1eve.
1 '
llY Mix the malte and hay ash and add 20 grams rosemary oil.
Jy i ~ Place a spoonful of rosemary malte 1n a colander and spray w1th rosem~ry 011
Shake the colander w1th the malto so sniall rocks of malte are tormed

A little something about apples baked in hay
Before ttie 1ndustnahsation. hard manual labour was not for the fa1nt of heart The haNest made
the farmers sweat when the scythe was swung. the sun would scorch the1r backs as they hfted
yet another stack of hay onto the horse-drawn carnage. Work was hard but work was also
essential for suNIVlng.

Once the last golden dust from haystacks had settled. the farmers went 1nto the fields again.
In the1r blistered hands were apples. wh1ch they scattered between the rema1ning hay on the
ground A t1nderbox was used to set the ground on f1re and as evening came and the f1re
had d1ed out and the smoke blown away, there, like httle iewels of extraord1nary taste. la1d the
hay-baked apples. Full of sweet baked flavours g1v1ng the farmers a b1te that made the whole
day worthwhile.

Brewing beer on toasted hay

Equ1pment fo r brew 1ng Fermenter

Around 66 beer bottles (33 cl)
1 bettle capper
1 bag of beer caps

Fermentation Before you start 1t 1s 1mportant to make sure that all product1on equ1pment 1s sterile.
' i First th1ng to make is a yeast starter. lt 1s 1mportant that 1t is made a couple of hours before 1t
w...·e< needs to be used so 11 1s fully ready.
.:. tu„!XJI. )f vJqdl Use a clean glass bottle 0,25 - 0,5 liter.
Pour two teaspoons of sugar 1nto the bottle.
Add cold water from the tap unt1I the bottle 1s half full.
Measure the temperature - 1f 1t 1s over 30 °C, place the bottle in cold water untll the temperature
drops below 30 -c
Add the yeast and use a paper towel to close of the top of the bottle. That way, the C02 which
1s formed can get out and no bacteria can get 1n.
Store the bettle at around 24 C (at least 20 C)
Dunng the next hour or 2 you will see the liquid start1ng to foam.

From hay water to herb Place the hay 1n a deep gastro tray w1th a pan perforated with vent1ng holes on top.
Toast the hay 1n the oven at 180 °C for 50 m1nutes.
• '1 t •c ~ 1Y Boil the water and pour over the hay 1n the gastro tray.
X ~ trrr Cover the tray w1th alum1nium 1011 and place in the oven at 83 'C for 12 hours.
k~ g t J Jneij rr " • ><tr S1eve the hay water and pour in a stock pot Heat the stock pot to around 65 'C

When the hay water reaches 60 - 70 "C, add the c rushed malt.
Leave 1t at a medium temperature for half an hour
Then remove most of the malt w1th a slotted spoon
Add the dried malt extract and mix until 11 is dissolved.
Now the m1xture 1s called "herb".

First hop add1t1on Turn up the heat under the herb and add the first batch of hops (40 g).
When 1t reaches bo1ling po1nt turn down the heat and st1r unt1I the hops s1nks to the bottom.
Let 1t s1mmer for 45 m1nutes .

More on the next page. „

Add the second addit1on of hops (20 g) and the clear herb. Clear herb forces the prote1ns Round three When you reach the final level 1t 1s time to get the beer 1nto bottles.
Second add1t1on o f hops
together and will make them sink to the bottom, hence mak1ng a clear beer. However the yeast cells need to have a final meal 1n order to produce the amount of carbon
O WJt f d1ox1de (C02) needed 1n the beer.
Let 1t bo1I for 15 m1nutes and extract taste.
D1ssolve 50 grams sugar completely 1n 0,5 htre bo1l1ng water.
lt 1s 1mportant to keep an eye on the time so noth1ng of the taste evaporates.
Let 1t cool and pour 1n the fermenter
Stir w1th a sterihzed brewing spoon.
Preparing the fermenter Use the 15 m1nutes to prepare the fermenter.
R1nse 1t w1th water to get nd of any excess stenlizat1on leftovers Be careful not to st1r up the th1ck layer of yeast and dregs on the bottom.
lt 1s ok 1f some yeast is wh1rled up

Th1rd add1tion of hops Turn off the heat.

Transfer to bottles Transfer the beer to the bottles - this time 1t does not need to get ox1d1zed.
Add the th1rd and last add1t1on of hops and st1r weil.
Be sure the tube 1s all the way at the bottom of the bottle to avoid too much splashing
G1ve 11 1O m1nutes. wh1le the herb gradually cools.
Leave 1 cm of a1r in each bottle - 1f there is not enough a1r the pressure can make the bottle blow up.
Thal way you save the aromas trom the hops and they are not lost 1n the bo1hng
Pour the hot herb 1n the fermenter through a sieve.
final fermentlng The beer needs time to ferment a final time so place 1t 1n a room w1th a temperature of 20- 24 °C.
The hobs create a natural filter so the dregs from boiling are filtered away.
A couple of weeks will do.
What gets through will turn 1nto sed1ments.
More often than not a th1n layer of yeast will form 1n the bottom of the bottles.
Now 1t is time for the beer to rest a cold place. 10-15 °C for a couple of months is perfect.
Round one Fill the termenter w1th 22 htres of cold tap water.
Check the temperature. lt 1t 1s over 30 ·c. it needs to cool down.
Put a lid on the fermenter but not a1r tight because then a vacuum will be created when it cools.
Swirl the beer 1n the fermenter so 1t mixes w1th the hot and sugary herb and measure w1th a
hydrometer. The result should be around 1.045 wh1ch means that the sugar 1n the herb
"we1ghs" 4,5 % more than pure water.

Round two As soon at the temperature drops below 30 °c. pour the yeast starter 1n the herb.
Put on the lid w1th the a1r lock and store away for fermentation.
The best temperature for ferment1ng 1s around 20 °C.
At temperatures below 18 °C the fermentation takes a long time.

Fermenting Let the beer ferment for 1 - 2 weeks.

You can check how long the fermentation process is by measunng with a hydrometer. lt needs
to reach a level between 1.008 and 1.014. Th1s means that the sugar is converted 1nto alcohol.

Shoulder of lamb, chives powder,
leek and fried tendons

Shoulder of lamb Blend the salt 1n water.

t Cut out the deboned lamb by 1ts 101nts and place 1t 1n the salt water for 2 hours
1w t< Rinse the meat p1eces 1n cold water and vacuum seal it w1th some 011.
• \. 1 xilt Cook the lamb 1n a water bath at 65 C for 24 hours.
~urfl .YMc -n 1 Let the cooked lamb cool and cut 1nto p1eces of 45 grams each.
L.irrt>• 1t Vacuum seal the p1eces one by one w1th lamb fat 1n the bag.

Lamb sauce Drizzle some 011on the lamb bones and roast them in the oven at 190 °C for 45 m1nutes.
Chop the shallots and saute them 1n bu!ter unt1I they are golden
11 '~rx 1 ro +, Add honey and caramelize.
r "-!:. Cf()(.>< Add apple c1der v1negar and reduce until not much 1s left.
tcd et x>< Add lamb stock, veal stock and the roasted lamb bones.
l 'iE th • ine ~ Let the sauce s1mmer for 2 hours constantly sk1mm1ng oft the foam that comes to the surface.
q1 11 neq S1eve the lamb sauce through a net and reduce until 1t has an 1ntense flavour.
X. 1 !"lt b< '€'<.

Lamb v1naigrette Stir all ingred1ents together and heat when serv1ng .
l j ~"
1bg gmt f t
lt q lürr b xi1JC

Centre of leek Cut the roots oft the leeks. Then cut oft the next 8 cm and vacuum seal them
Cook the leek p1eces in the oven w1th steam at 83 C, 100 % wind cycle for 25 m1nutes.
Let the leeks cool and peel off the 3 outer layers
Vacuum seal the leeks one by one 1n the1r own separate vacuum bags.

Ch1ves powder Blend the freeze-dned ch1ve and s1eve through a fine s1eve and keep in an a1rt1ght conta1ner

Fned tendons See the follow1ng pages

To assernble and serve Heat the lamb 1n a water bath at 70 ·c for 5 m1nutes.
Pan fry the lamb 1n clanf1ed butter on one s1de, season w1th salt and let the fat run off.
" ,t lU1 r j 1 :
av c While fry1ng the lamb, heat up the leeks 1n the water bath.
Place a s1llcone mat with a round hole cut out on a plate.
Place the lamb and leeks and sprinkle with ch1ves powder.
Decorate the d1sh w1th Indian cress and fried tendons.
Finally remove the s1licone mat
Heat the lamb v1na1grette and serve the sauce at the table.

Fned tendons Dry the tendons 1n a dehydrator for 48 hours.
Tear the dned tendons 1n stnps
Fry the tendons at 195 C. unt1l they puff up.
Season the cnspy tendons w1th salt.
4 Sweetbread with endive and fermented fungi sauce

Sweetbread Trim the sweetbreads for tendons and salt for 12 hours.
Rinse the salted sweetbreads 1n cold water, dry them and place them 1n a vac uum bag w1th
clanfied butter Cook the sweetbreads 1n a water bath at 68 cc for 2,5 ho urs.
Let the cooked sweetbreads cool 1n 1ce water

Fermented fungi Cut the fung1 1nto 6 p1eces each and season w1th salt.
1< Vacuum seal the salted fung1 and place them somewhere warm for 7 days - the bag will 1nflate
q tir v.r rr c1 r0< a llttle b1t when the fung1 ferments.
1 q Open the bag after 7 days and s1eve. Save the liquid for sauce

Fermented fung1sauce Heat all 1ngred1ents and blend w1th a hand blender

•Pd fu

Cooked endive Vacuum seal the endive salads w1th clanfied butter and cook at 83 -c for 5 m1nutes.
Cut the salads 1nto 2 lengthw1se and pan fry on the flat side right before serv1ng.
1l q c 1r•100 t J1ter

Sour onion compote Boil the white onion unt1I tender.

Peel the wh1te onion and chop finely.
Season 100 grams chopped onion w1th 6 grams of apple cider v1negar.

To assemble and serve Heat the sweetbreads 1n a water bath at 90 C for 1O m1nutes.
Then pan fry the sweetbreads until they are golden.
<:iw- Season the fned sweetbread w1th salt and place on a plate.
k"' d tw lc Pan fry the end1ve salads on the flat side, season w1th salt and place on a plate.
• DUr 11 Heat the sour onion and form the onion 1nto a triangle shape us1ng 2 teaspoons
• "'ltw /f' i .n '>f." r t- a c Decorate the d1sh w1th the herbs. Create foam of the heated sauce w1th a hand blender.
4 ,t ,t "E f'u'v c

~ „ Frozen halibut, salted and dried cod roe
and anchovy creme

Halibut Clean the hahbut for blood ond sk1n

Cut the halibut 1nto long p1eces of 60 gram::; each
dOO t ~ >1.. ,.. Roll each p1ece 1n chng f1h 11 ä11tJ p1ace 1n the freezer
Unpäck ead1 p1ece of the wzen halibut and cut lengthw1se on a slicer in shces of 1,5 mm.
Store the hahbut shav1ngs 1n the freezer.

Anchovy creme Wh1sk the egg yolks a1ry.

2 -:J Gently wh1sk 1n the 011 unt1l 1t turns srnooth.
-J ~ ~--q ~y<JK St1r the mayonna1se with salt, d11l mustard, apple c1der v1negar and v1negar powder.
5 g ~d

Egg yolk creme Cook the eggs in a water bath at 63,5 °C for 2 hours and then let them cool.
Break thb eggs and wash away the egg whtes from the egg yolk in cold water.
ti q salt Dry the egg yolk and pass them through a fine s1eve.
St1r the egg yolk creme w1th salt.

Dned cod roe See the follow1ng pages.

Dned wh1te bread Cut the bread 1nto slices and remove the crust.
Blend the bread 1nto crumbs. spnnkle trem on a tray and let the11 ary for 12 hours.

Toasted bread Mix the bread crurrhs w1th butter and bake in the oven at 145 °C fcr 40 m nutes.
Let the bJtter n,n oft the golden brearl crumbs

q~ Jlt

To assemble and serve Spray the egg yolk creme 1n the cenlre of a plate 1n one long line
Spray the anchovy creme next to 1t
• ci irdtOO ';c11tt d c:nd Jnro ,.. JCJ Cover the cremes w1th the grated d ned cod roe.
r >e Sf thf fr l mr') p1gr-s) Deco•ate w1th chopped shallots, cress. grated horserad1sh and toasted breac.J

'1 ! J<ha1 tc Place the frozen halibut shavngs on the plate


Salted and dried cod roe Rinse the cod roe carefully under running cold water and dry it off.
frf t j r
Place the cod roe 1n salt so 1t rs covered for 2 days.
4 ><g fir e ..>alt After 2 days, carefully change the salt and salt for another 2 days.
Repeat th1s process unt1I no more ilqurd appears from the roe.
Carefully nnse the salted roe under running cold water and dry 1t w1th paper.
Hang the roe to dry for about a week. lt should have a firm texture.
scfV Organic carrot with tarragon

Carrot Clean the carrot w1th a wet nylon sponge until 11 s completely clP.ein
rr t Tnm the top of the carrot
t iJ Drill a hole nght below the carrut top us ng a 6 mm drill b1t.

Cod gel trom cod skin R1nse the cod sk1n 1n cold water
j ~ r Place the cod sk1n 1n a stock pot and pour water ovcr.
,' 1" q c;old witer Cover t11e stock pol::> :>urfdce w1th baking sheets.
Let the water s1mrrer for 4 hours w1tnout bo1ling.
S1eve the cod liquid and let 11 cool.

Tarragon emuls1on Blend tarragon leaves, cod gel, shallots and salt smooth
Gently blend oil into the puree.
>-.fl J ')(1 ~ Let t1e tarragon emulsion cool.
10y<; d '<;

Onion ash Peel the onion and break 1nto quarters.

Spread the onions onto bak1ng sheets and a1r dry for 2 days.
Bake the dried onions at 220 C, unt1I they become back.
Let thc burned onion cool down and blend to a powder

Plckled elder flower Cut the elder flower 1n bunches and wash them.
Place tne elder flower bunches in water and v1negar.
L:lr V ji:f

To assemble and serve See the following paaes

To assemble and serve Make a liny hole 1n the front of the carrot 1n order to level out the pressure when the tarragon
'1 emulsion 1s sprayed 1n
t ci11tw J~ Then spray the tarragon emuls1on 1n from the top of the carrot.
1 lar• ~ "" '" Sprinkle the carrot w1th onion ash
~ >n n ~ wns Decorate the spnnkled carrot w1th pickled elder flowers and then decorate 1t w1th onion flowers.
cilantro flowers and d1ll.
Scallops in horseradish gel and sea creme

Horserad1sh gel 8 011 the sea water and milk ndd grated horserad1sh and let 1t rest 1n the milk for 3 rrnnutes
S1eve the milk through a net and ndd the soaked gelat1ne - avo1d a1r bubbles.
1 Jt Place chng film over the gel and store a warm place unt1I needed.
,.., • l t-rie

Salted scallops 1n Peel the scallop out of the shell and break 1nto 4 p1eces Season each of the scallop p1eces
horseradish gel w1th salt on both s1des and place 1n the fndge for 6 hours. Brush the salt and Juice oft the
4 scallops after 6 hours. Freeze the scallop p1eces 1n liquid nitrogen Place a toothp1ck 1n each
frozen scallop p1ece and d1p 1n the horserad1sh gel so 1t forms a th1n membrane around the
scallop. Place the scallops 1n the gel 1n a closed conta1ner 1n the fndge unt1I serv1ng
They will be ready to use after 3 hours 1n the fridge.

Cottage cheese w1th horserad1sh Wash the cottage cheese 1n cold water, let the water run oft and season w1th salt
Spray horserad1sh iu1ce on the cottage cheese w1th a vaporizer when serv1ng.

Dill 011 Blend d1ll and 011for 8 m1nutes 1n a Thermomix untll the oil goes dark green
o lr S1eve the 011 through a net and let 11 ch1ll.
f,')IM'" o-0

Mussel sauce Wash the mussels 1n cold water.

Put the mussels, dlll, lemon thyme, shallots and wh1te w1ne in a stock pot and bo1I until
ie ~ the wh1te w1ne 1s almost gone - then add water to cover the mussels.
1 l Bnng the mussels to a boil and s1mmer at medium heat for 30 m1nutes.
S1eve the broth 1n a cloth and reduce unt1I the flavour 1s 1ntense.
q Season 1 oo grams reduced broth w1th salt and blend w1th 0.1 gram xantana
XJ • J Sieve the broth through a net and store 1n the fridge unt1I serving.


Sea water creme 8011 sea water and water. add agar agar and blend.
8oil for 2 more m1nutes
Blend the sea water aga1n and s1eve through a net and place in the fndge.

l ldr ') Blend the sen water puree to n gel and s1eve.
Stir 1 oo grams rnayonnaise w1th 75 grams of sea water gel.
Season the scallops 1n horsemd1sh gel w1tl1 salt on the s1de fac1ng the plnte.
To assemble and serve
Season tt e wnshed cottage clleese w1t11 salt, spmy on horsernd1sh 1u1ce ant1 pL1ce on tl1e plate
Decorate the dist1 witli w1nter cress leaves. stems from w1nter cress and <1111
Spht the mussel Juice w 1tt1 the dlll 011 •md mrange 1n the centre of t11e plate.
F1nally spray on sea water creme and scrve.

14 1
Raspberries, herb sorbet, lactose flakes and sweet cicely

Lactose flakes St1r all 1ngred1ents together and blend carefully to avo1d a1r bubbles.
Make a th1n layer of t11e lactose rrnxture on acetate film and dry at room temperature
q j for 12 hours.

Jq J)tv\IO' j 'i cll

Herb sorbet Heat sugar. water, and glucose unt1I the sugar 1s d1ssolved.
Add the soaked gela!lne .
.,. • Place the syrup 1n t11e fndge.
o 1 Blend the cold syrup w1th the herbs and s1eve.

Pour the herb m1xture 1n a paco beaker and freeze.
Process the frozen 1ce on a Pacoiet, fill 1t 1n hem1sphencal forms and place 1n the freezer.

g Pill! pr t

Frozen milk Heat milk, cream and sugar until the sugar 1s d1ssolved.
Dissolve the soaked gelat1ne 1n milk.
J • dfTI Place the milk 1n the fridge.
JCJ ir Gently wh1sk the milk gel and pour 1t 1n a s1phon.
tnio Spray the milk s1phon 1nto liquid nitrogen.
Wh1sk so the milk foam breaks and place 1t 1n the freezer.
When all the liquid nitrogen 1s evaporated blend the frozen milk foam
Place the frozen milk 1n the freezer.

To assemble and serve Place the raspberries 1n a circle.

F1ll the circle w1th frozen milk.
Take the herb ice out of the form and place 1t on top of the frozen milk.
Decorate the hem1sphencal herb sorbet w1th sweet cicely.
Arrange the lactose flakes and serve 1mmed1ately.

-v~ -i Hay sorbet from toasted hay,
hay crea1n and freeze-dried strawberries

Toasted hay See the follow1ng pages

Hay water Boil water and pour over the hay 1n a deep gastro tray.
Cover the tray with aluminit..m fo1I and place 1n the oven at 83 °C for 12 hours
! ><q w. •er Sieve the hay water and let 11 cool

Hay sorbet Heat hay water, glucose and sugar unt1I the sugar 1s d1ssolvcd.
Dissolvc thc sookcd gelnt1ne 1nto t'1e hay water.
l:l ~ 1,, ~ „ Let the hay water cool and pour in a paco beaker and freeze
L x. g ~ qil' Process the frozen hay :>orl..>E:~l 011 a Pacojet, fill 1t 1n a styrofoal"1 cooler and store 1t n the freezer
'> e f ~ lf tn·'€'

Hay cream Cover the hay w1th crearn and bring to a boil.
Take the cream oft the reat wren t starts to bo1 .
4' q Jh '<3!"1 Let the hay c reme rest for an hour then s1eve through a cloth and cool.

Anise water Bnng all 1ngred1ents to a bc1I.

Let the an se water cool for an hour and :hen s1eve.
~ ..-i lred %00! c t:'y

10 g ~ JgL!r

Hay oil Heat the 1ngred1ents to 90 °C.

"> .:i • Let the hay 011rest for 12 tiuurs and then s1eve throJgh a cloth.

Hay st1cks Blend the 1ngredients until the dough 1s very th1ck.
1"'v1< p Spray the mixture onto an oiled s1hcone mat 1n long st1cks.
~ g wdt?r Bake the sticks for 6 m1nutes at 160 'C. 60 % wind cycle.
• q Jdlt

1 g JX>t..ll tar '"

Freeze-dned strawbenry Blend the freeze-dned strawbernP.s finely and sieve through a fine sieve.

To assemble and serve Place a teaspoon of freeze dneu str awberry powder in the bottom of a bowl
Form an egg shaped scoop o· hay sorbet and place on top cf the strawberry.
Decorate the hay sorbet Wlth hay st1cks.
Pour on the cold hay cream when serv1ng

Toasted hay Place the hay 1n a deep gastro tray covered w1th a perforated tray
i ' Toast the hay 1n the oven at 180 °c for 50 m1nutes.

Grilled white asparagus,
pickled unripe blackcurrant and cheese foam

Gnlled wh1te asparagus Peel U1e asparagus, tnm t11ern 1nto a round shape and cut off both ends.
Gnll the aspmagus wl1en serv1ng
"" r

Raw shces of asparagus Peel the asparagus.

Cut off the bottorn and sllce them 1n lang th1n bands on a silcer
Fold the bands around your f1nger to form a cyilnder
Place them 1n 1ce water to keep their shape.

Cheese foam Bali asparagus 1u1ce and milk and add the other 1ngred1ents.
i" Blend 1t all together.
S1eve 1t through a net.

IX ' l

' l
' l

P1ckled green blackcurrant R1nse the unnpe blackcurrant, then salt them for 24 hours
t-- Wash oft all salt and cover them w1th water and v1negar
They are ready for use after one week.

To assemble and serve Gnll the asparagus at high heat.

Season the gnlled asparagus w1th salt and place them on a plate.
,t Let the liquid run oft the asparagus bands and place them on top of the gnlled asparagus.
Decorate the asparagus w1th asparagus sprouts and p1ckled blackcurrant
Foam the warm cheese foam w1th a hand blender.
Arrange the foam and serve.

Crispy milk skin with pistachio

Cnspy milk skin Pour the milk 1n a pan w1th a d1arneter of 28 cm

Boil the milk at medium heat unt1I a th1n layer of carameltzed milk sk1n appears 1n the bottom
of the pan. Remove the excess milk.
Cut the sk1n 1nto 2 and scrape 1t off the pan w1th a spatula 1n a way so each sk1n gets as many
wnnkles as poss1ble. Place the sk1n over a long p1ece of wood to obta1n a long shape.
Press one end of the sk1n together to form a funnel shape.
When the milk sk1n 1s rested, place 1t 1n a dehydrator at 50 'C, until the sk1n 1s cnspy.

P1stach10 creme Heat cream and water and pour over the p1stach10.
Add sugar and salt and blend to a th1ck paste.
lJ. q v. ,t•r Freeze the p1stach10 paste 1n a paco beaker
'1 q E' PI ·:.K • rut Process the frozen p1stach10 paste 3 t1mes on a Pacojet and freeze aga1n.
12 i u<u Repeat th1s process 3 t1mes.
1 y Jt

To assemble and serve St1r the cold p1stachio creme unt1I smooth and sieve.
r Spray p1stach10 creme 1n the centre of the milk sk1n and decorate w1th red oxalts leaves.
1O• J xar"' lt.ive, Arrange the crispy milk skin on a cloth napk1n 1n a bowl.

Fermented whole garlic

Gar11c See the follow1ng pages

To assemb e and serve Cut a garhc 1nto 2 - save the shells for serv1ng.
Oivide the garlic 1nto 8 pieces
tr ,,rr • wn Store the p1eces at room tempe•ature for one hour before servng.
Place trie garl1c 1n the1r shells and decorate w1th thymc flowers

Garlic Place the garllc 1n an a1rtight container.
.lar Wrap the conta1ner 1n alum1nium foil so no light will reach the garlic.
Place the garlic 1n a dehydrator at 68 C.
Leave the garlic for 45 days
Take out the conta1ner w1th garlic.
lf the shells are wet. dry them 1n the dehydrator unt1I the shell is dry.
Keep the garlic 1n an a1rt1ght conta1ner
Ymer liqueur

Ymer hqueur Break the eggs and m1x v.1th 'he other 1ngred1e1ts
S1eve the m1xture through a f1ne s1eve and pour 1n a glass bottle w1th stopper
* j .._ The lqueur 1s ready after 24 t'ours 1n the fndge
..i ;i
t t \Jdkl

Fried unripe elderbeny branch

Salted, p1ckled and fned See the follow1ng pages

elderberry branches

Pickled unnpe elderberry Pluck the elderberry, cover them w1th salt and salt them 24 hours 1n the fndge.
• t rr Wash oft the salt from the elderberry 1n cold water.
s 11 Cover the bernes w1th apple cider v1negar and water and place 1n the fndge
0<.> q w3tcr The bernes are ready after one week.
::Jdl"P JrVn8q ·

Vinegar powder St1r the 1ngredients together.

1 q r iegur pov~.lf r

Fry1ng Heat the oil to 170 °c

• X 1 Fry the elderberry branches 1n 011.
Let the oil run oft the elderberry branches and season w1th salt.

To assemble and serve Spnnkle v1negar powder on the elderberry branches through a s1eve.
f rr t Decorate the elderberry branches w1th p1ckled elderberry, npe elderberry and dill.
4 d II t\N\q

Salted, p1ckled and fned Vacuum seal the elderberry branches w1th salt
elderberry branches Place the branches 1n the fndge for 1 2 hours
4 J Wash the salted elderberry branches in water and vacuum seal w1th vinegar and water
r dcrberle" Aga1n place the branches 1n the fndge for 12 hours.
q ..,., ter Let the v1negar run off the pickled elderberry branches
d ir Dry the branches 1n the oven at 55 °C for 14 hours w1th the a1r shutter open.
Sa' Fry the dried branches 1n 011 at 170 "C nght before serv1ng.

Buttenn1lk whey Heat the butterm1lk unt1l 1t curdles and s1eve through a cloth.

Buttenn1lk whey 1ce cream Heat the butterm1lk whey until the sugar 1s d1ssolved.
Let the whey cool and add the lemon 1u1ce.
~ , l<.u Pour the whey on an 1ce mach1ne and make 1ce.
q lf rr e Serve the 1ce cream d1rectly from the 1ce mach1ne

Freshly peeled almonds Break the almonds, take them out of the1r shells and remove the sk1n.
Cut each almond 1nto 4 p1eces lengtt1w1se

Almond milk Toast the almonds 1n the oven for 20 m1nutes at 150 °C.
Place the toasted almonds 1n a stock pot and bo1I with milk and cream
1< Let the milk rest for 30 m1nutes.
l ' Blend the milk 1n a Thermomix and s1eve through a net.
i St1r 650 grams of almond milk together w1th salt. syrup and lemon 1u1ce.
l c J~ ')( ~

Almond creme Vacuum seal the almonds w1th milk and cook 1n a water bath at 83 °C for 2 hours.
Blend the almonds and milk unt1I smooth and s1eve.
..! l wr rT t< Add salt.
, 'l :i~

Almond malto Mix all ingred1ents.

1 ! 'T *

Candyfloss Heat the candyfloss mach1ne and add sugar.

When the candyfloss starts to form collect 1t w1th a wooden spoon.
Store the candyfloss 1n an a1rt1ght conta1ner.

Block of 1ce Fill a bowl halfway up w1th water and place in the freezer.

To assemble and serve Pour the almond milk 1n a p1tcher.

Place a spoonful of almond malto on the block of ice.
Spray the almond creme on top.
Place a spoonful of butterm1lk 1ce cream on top of the almond creme and place the
candyfloss on top of the 1ce cream and serve 1mmed1ately.
Pour on milk at the table

&-'VE, 4 Camomile mousse, sorrel granita and milk gel

Camom1le tea Hea~ the water to 40 C and add the tea.

Let the tea steep 1r the fridge for 24 1-'ours.
"' J dr ed d P 11 e • Ne' Sieve the tea 11-'rough a net.

Camom1le mousse Heat the camem1le w1th sugar lernen juice and zest 1..int1I thc sugar is disselved
J :l" Oissolvc thc senkcd gclallne 1n the hot tea.
50 g ;1IT'cm1e tea Sieve lhe tea t11rough a net.
/e~t tr1.:m h:1l 1 1 l<"IC'l Wh1sk the whole eggs ano egg yolk unt1I they are a1ry and slir them 1n the tea
1 1eaw 'q& Jt ~ Wh1sk the mixture over ice water unt1l 1t has a creamy texture.
~ \l J:d ; ~nzEd wti01t. egg Pou' the gently whisked cream 1nto the egg m1xture httle by httle us1ng a spatula
1. o;.i~r 7 00 :ig i< Place chng film over the camom1le mousse and store in the fridge.
! nnrT'

'~ rr..>r ;:;G

Milk gel Brush 4 trays w1th 011

~5C q \ 8011 milk, pour 1n a Thermomix and blend at 80 <C.
8o 1t1 Blend the iota 1nto the milk.
S1eve the hot milk nto a sauce d1spenser so the air bubbles will gather on top
Pour milk 1n the eiled trays 1n a 2 mm th1ck layer, wrap in cling film and place 1n the fndge.

Sorrel ju1ce Chop the sorrel and 1.Jle11d w1th water.

~ Sieve through a net
15<" g Cf d V.dt"r
f, q yr ,r., -i) %

Sorrel gran1ta Freeze the serrel iu1ce in a th1n layer 1n a deep gastro tray.
While freez1ng scrape thc ju1cc wrth a fer-< and make grarnta every 15 r11nutes

Lernen sugar Mix all ingredients together, split •hem up 1nto htle chunks on baking fo1I.
Dry the chunks 1n a dehydrator at 40 C for 12 hours.

lsomalt pearls Pass the 1somalt throug~1 a t;oarse s1eve Use enly the larger 1somalt r1eces left.
Spread out the 1somalt pieces on a sihcone mat and bake them at 180 C unt1I the sugar 1s melted.
Let the iso'Tlalt pearls cool. Lse the ones w1th air bubbles i11

Ta assemble and serve Place a big sf)Oorful of camomile mousse on a plate

Cu~ thc sides of the mrlk gel, gently hft 11 up and fold over the mousse.
4 f re< ti r J c
Oecorate the milk gel w1th herbs. lernen sugar and isomalt pearls
Place a spoonful of sorre yr arnta next to the rnousse arid serve 1rnmed1ately.

t rT lt- Vt>

Carbonated ton1atoes

Carbonated tomato Make a llttle cut 1n the bottom of the tomatoes.

Blanch the tomatoes 1n boillng water for 10 seconds, place them 1n 1ce water and remove the1r skin
4 p11<. n J7 J ~ Place sk1nned tomatoes 1n a tialf a lltre s1phon bottle, put the s1phon lld back on and add 4
cartndges and leave 1t for 4 hours in the fndge .

To assemble and serve Get rid of the pressure by shoot1ng out all the qas.
When there 1s no more pressure in the bettle take the lid off and pour out the tomatoes.
4 , i an re ~ lVE', ,1 ,t Decorate the top of the tomatoes w1th Indian cress leaves cut out llke stars.
ke • irc: Place the tomatoes on a plate.

C'Jt>.... ~ 1 Langoustine baked in pine,
cod crumbs and emulsion of mackerel roe

Langoust1ne Remo11e the head from the lanqoustine. peel off the shell trom the tail and devein 11,
4 , 1 Cold smoke the tnmmed langoust1ne w1th a smoke gun loaded with dned pine needle:;.
r it ~.., Place the smoKed langoustine ur 1 2 p1ne tw1gs and wrap 1n baking sheets which are
iJ J~ <> t1ed at the top

P1ne salt Pluck the pine rieedles. wash them and dry off any oxcess water.
Blend the needles and sa t rlake~ and s1eve.

Cod gel from cod skin R1nse the cod sk1n 1n cold water.
Place tt1e cud ~k111 111 a ~tuck pol and add water.
l wa Cover the pots surfa::e with bak1ng sheets.
Let the wa•er simmer for 4 hours at low heat and do not let 1t bell.
S1ovo tho cod liquid and lot 11 cool.

Dip Blend mackerel roe. salt. cod gel. shallots and lernen 1u1ce to a SrlOOth paste
i< Gently blend 1n the eil slowly.
>d S1eve the emuls1on.
St1r 200 grams ot emuls1on w1th 80 grams of buttermilk and season w1th sait.

Cod bread crumbs See tho follow1ng pages.

To assemble and serve Put tre package w1tr the langoust1ne 1n a preheated oven at 210 ·c. 80 % wind cycle for 4 m1nutes.
4, Fill a bowl w1th d1p and a bowl w1th cod crurrb
Unpack the 1angoust1ne, SOO$On w1th p1ne salt, place on new p1ne tw1gs and serve 1mmediately.
The dish 15 eaten wi'h yoJr fingers, so 11 1~ served w1th an attendant wot w1pe w1th p1ne arcma


Cod bread crumbs Remove skin and bones from the cod and then cut into small pieces.
S. ervP~ 2( Boil the small pieces for 15 minutes.
1 half ccid Wh1sk so that the cod meat turns into cod dust.
Sieve the water from the cod and squeeze out any excess water.
Place the cod dust back in stock pot and dry fry it for 1,5 hour at 80 °C wh1le whisking regularly.
When the cod is completely dry and looks like bread crumbs let 1t cool.
Season 150 grams crispy cod w1th 5 grams of salt.
Potato shclb, picklcd 5ccd , Ve tcrha\ ~ chcc~e
and broth on toastcd potato peel

Potato shells Half the potatoes and ho ow them out us ng a melc ba er

Vacuum scal the shclls w1th clanfled butter 6 1n each bag - separate tnem trom ea r other
Cook the pototocs in o wator bath at 83 C for 60 ri nJtes and then cool „ 1ce water
Potato s1phon 801 the peeled pototoes unt1 they are tericJer
S1e11e the potatoes omJ let tt1e water run of'
Heat milk w1th butter ond blend w1th the bo1led potatoes and salt
t , Add egg wh1tes s1eve the potato puree through a net and f1ll 1t 1n a s1phon
Keep the s1phon warm 1n a water bath at 50 'C

Potato ch1ps Cut the potatoes 1nto th1n shces us1ng a mandol1ne and cut them out wtth o round cutter
~ • Plac;e the potato shces 1n 1ce water
Fry tl ie sl1ces 1n otl at 170 °C, u:-it1I they are golden.
Let tt1e o 1run off the chips and season w1th salt

Potato stock See tr e follow111y pages.

P1ckled seeds Soak the dlll seeds 1n w<:1ter lur 24 hours.

Place the soakea seeos 111 l1alf the vinegar and half the water
q d v r t><J:-i1 When the ramsons have L>lo::;::;omed pluck the bulbs
• x g wat • Cover the bulbs w1th salt and pl<:1ce 111 the fridge for 12 hou·s.
g' bJ tx, Rinse the bulbs ano place them 1n t11e otller hal' of the V1nega• and wotcr
::>a!' Let the ramsons bu bs steep for 7 day::; before using.

Vestemavs cheese Cut the crust ol the creese and cut the cheese 1nto smaller p eces
Blend the p1eces 1nto crumbs 1ttle by httle

Watercress 011 Blend watercress a1d 011 lor 8 minutes 1n a Tt1ermom1x unt 1the 011 goes dork green
S1eve the 011 throug1 a net and cool

To assemble and serve Warm the potato peels 1n a water bath at 90 °C for 5 mnutes
Sieve away tl'e butter, season the peels w1tl1 salt and place the pcels on a pldte
Sprinkle the Vesterhavs cheese ancJ de p1ckled seeds on the pototocs
oecorate t1e potato peels w1tt1 wntercress leave::; stems a'ld pototo ch ps

Spray on the potnto s1pt1on.

Split the t1ot potato broth w1th the watercress 011

.... •
·~ · .. /


Potato stock Brush oil on the potato peels and toast them in the oven at 150 °C, 50 % wind cycle for 40 m1nutes.
1"< :J p >tato rieels Cover the peels w1th broth, bring to a boil and let it simmer for 5 minutes.
1 1cr1c;ker· stock Pull the broth off the heat and let 1t steep for 15 minutes.
Xßntana S1eve the broth and reduce unt1l 1t has an 1ntense flavour of potato shells.
Salt Blend 100 grams potato broth w1th 0, 1 gram xantana and season w1th salt.
Heat the broth to remove the a1r bubbles.
St c, 1 D1ied scallops and intense blue mussel

50 scallop chips Place the scallops 1n a paco oeaker and freeze.

Process the frozen scallops 4 t1mes on a Paco1et, until they turn 1nto a shghtly st1cky paste
Brush the scallop paste onto sihcone mats form1ng 6 cm w1de tracks 111 the full le11yll1 of t11e rnat.
D1v1de ttie brushstrokes 1nto flelds of 6 x 8 cm.
Place the Silicone mat 1n the oven at 50 C, 40 % wind cycle and open a1r shutter.
When the scallop chips start to let go of the Silicone mat they should be removed from t"le oven.
Cut round edges on each scnllop chip using a sc1ssor.
Place the scallop chips 1n a dehydrator at 40 C for 4 hours.

Cod gel of cod sk1n R1nse the cod sk1n 1n cold water.
Place the skin 1n a steck pot and add the water.
l w it Cover the surface of the stock pot w1th baking sheets
Let the water s1mmer for 4 hours on low heat w1thout boihng.
Sieve the cod liquid a"ld let 11 cool.

Blue mussel emulsion Blend the t:lue mussels and cod stock un:il 1t 1s smooth.
Gently blend ir the 011 httle by httle.
<cXJ ~ Sieve the blue mussel emulsion through a net.
~g d c d 5toc><; St1r the emulsion w1th lemon j1 iic:e. lemon thyme. mayonna1se and season w1th salt.
,14gmay: :1Cl:>t
r J hciµpei1 P'""")f) trl'pl( eaves
e. 'r'Jr"' 1 lf n

lntense blue mussel powder See the follow ng pages.

To assemble and serve Pipe the blJe mussel emuls on 1n the bottom of a bowl.
Cover t'1e creme with the 1ntense blue mussel powder and decorate w1th thyme flowers.
nr tt yrie Arrange the cnspy scallop ch1ps on a cloth napkin.

lntense blue mussel powder Reduce the mussel stock to 1 dec11ttre.
r Pour 100 grams reduced clam mussel stock 1nto a round 18 x 18 cm plastlc conta1ner.
Place the conta1ner 1n the oven at 67 cc
1 b!JE>m, :0<.k w1th open a1r shutter for 48 hours.
Peel the dried mussel iu1ce out of the conta1ner and let 1t cool at room temperature.
Blend the mussel flakes into powder.
1<> Juniper bush parfait, forest berries and crispy liehen

Jumper bush syrup Boil the syn.:p w1th glt1r.osP. and then let 1t cocl.
When 11 1s completely r.olcl hlend 1t w1th the iurnper bush, unt1I the syrup 1s completely green
>i, , 11 ">e S1eve the syrup through a f1ne nP.t
~ l 1rpe.r ..)(, h

A.Jry iuniper bush parfait Wh1sk egg yolk and sugar a1ry
'.J 19 Whisk the cream a1ry.
2.C q s<JO~r Fold 1n the egg yolks w1th the iurnper syrup and then the cream.
J qref'r 1u PE· yn,µ Fill the mixture 1n a half htre s1phon and add 2 s1phon cartridges
l50 •" Spray 300 qrams parfa1t 1nto a 2,5 htre vacuum container
• Edf o• Q€ :1' t> Create a vacuum 1n the conta1ner until the m1xture reaches the top then stop the vacuum
Place the container in the freezer for 6 hours.
Take the a1ry parfa t out of the conta1ner and brake into 6.
Place the pieces of iuniper parfa1t 1n the freezer unt1I serving.

Lemon verbena iu1ce Blend all 1ngred1ents until the syrup is completely green.
Sieve the ju1ce through a fine net and fill it 1n a spray bottle.
~q TK7 vb!'bena
300 q ~ yrup "/:, %

Crispy liehen See the follow1ng pages.

Jumper bush oil Blend all ingredients 1n a Thermomix for 5 m1nutes at h1ghest speed.
S1eve the oil through a cloth
n l)tir bl.JSh

Sugar p1ckled forest bemes Boi! all ingredients.

When the bernes are boil1ng, remove them from the heat and let 'hem cool.
4 gt lfrl('
4 y t')( ikPter'lf'<

~r,l\) l 'll.J J3r

1()(, (j vYct'f.:r

More on next page. .

Bluebeny sauce Boil water, sugar and glucose and pour 1t over the freeze·dned bluebernes.
1.- Add the gelat1ne.
N"dt Let the Juice steep for 12 hours and s1eve through a cloth
Save the soaked blueberries for the puree
x._ y si.Jg ' Season the sauce w1th lernen 1u1ce when serving.
1 IE ,f ' ~t tu ,

Lenc , 1r0

Bluebeny puree to paint Blend the ingred1ents for 15 minutes 1n a Thermomix at highest speed.
the bowl Sieve the m1xture through a f1ne s1eve
lkOO t

t t:-.. J(

Lernen verbena and juniper Spread out the herbs on a bak1ng tray and let them dry at room temperature unt1I completely dry.
bush powder Blend the dned herbs to a powder and sieve through a tam1s.

f l,'l'"
"' l

Malt branches Melt the butter and m1x all the 1ngred1ents
Place the dough a warm place for 1 hour.
J gar Spray out the dough as branches.
• '1 f:'Qg v..r 1f Decorate each branch w1th 4 freeze·dned blueberries.
Sprinkle the branches w1th lernen verbena powder and bake at 150 °C for 10 m1nutes.

To assemble and serve Pa1nt the bowl w1th the blueberry puree on the 1nside.
Place the broken p1eces of parfa1t 1n the m1ddle of the bowl.
1: l Pi ! Decorate the parfa1t w1th liehen, lernen verbena leaves and malt branches.
Warm the blueberry sauce and ad a spoonful of sugar pickled forest bernes.
Split the hot sauce w1th iuniper bush oll and season w1th some lernen 1u1ce.


Cnspy liehen Wash the liehen thoroughly and remove all d1rt w1th a tweezer
Jf Place the clean liehen 1n syrup for 4 hours.
c li ••
n Cl port~1l Sd
Squeeze the syrup out by hand.
Spray lemon verbena iu1ee on the liehen with a vaponzer

l"f10I "be i.J8 Dry the vaponzed liehen 1n a dehydrator for 5 hours at 60 C .

Crispy potato, tn1ffle and rapeseed flowers

Potato ch1ps Peel the potato and cut out long th1n threads on a vegetable mach1ne
Soak the potato threads 1n cold water for 10 m1nutes.
Dry the threads 1n a salad sp1nner.
i t Fry the threads 1n oil at 180 C unt1I they start to go golden.
When they are golden gather them 1n bJnches w1th a tweezer
Let the 011 run oft the potato bunches on a p1ece of paper and season w1th salt

To assemble and serve Grate truffle over the potato ch1ps and decorate w1th rapeseed flowers.


s. r'J „ ,' Chicken skin with algae flakes and sea creme

Cnspy ch1cken skin Scrape the tat fro m the ch1cken sk1n and place the sk1n nat on a p1ece of bak1ng sheet.
Place another bak1ng sheet on top of the sk1n
p i, kt ~Kin Place the skin between 2 sheet pans w1th we1ght on top so the skln 1s baked under pressure.
'r .,, the t -u.a ,t Bake the sk1n at 170 ' C for 30 m1nutes, 100 percent w ind cycle and open air shutter.
Cut the cnspy ch1cken sk1n 1nto long shapes wh1le 1t 1s hol.
Season the cnspy chicken sk1n w1th salt

Sea algae flakes Wash the sea lettuce 1n cold water.

Vacuum seal the sea lettuce w1th water.
Jlva a h.J<" Place the vacuum bag in the oven at 68 °C for 12 hours.
'"){, l v../e:r S1eve the hqu1j tt1rougt1 a s1eve
Pour 160 grams o f liquid 1n a 1 litres plast1c container - 1t will reach about 1 cm 1n he1ght
Place the conta1ners 1n the oven at 68 °C for 14 hours, 60 /o wind cycle and closed a1r shutter.
Remove the cnspy ftakes of algae from the plast1c :::onta1ner.
Place the ftakes 1n a dehydrator at '10 °C .

Sea creme Bnng sea water and water to a botl

Add agar agar. blend and then boil for 2 more minutes.
J it< RIP.nd the sea water again and s1eve through a net and place in the fridge.
b l qur d iar Blend the sea water gel to a puree and s1eve thro1.,gh a ta'ilis.
t'XJ l,... , irr St1r 200 qrams of mayonna1se w1th 150 grams of sea water gel.

To assemble and serve Spray sea creme 1n the centre of the ch1cken sk1n and decorate w1th caklle.
Finally place a sea algae flakes on top of the creme.

& c, , Lamb fibres, lingonberry, celeriac and mustard seeds

Lamb breast Dissolve salt in water and place tre lamb breast in the water for 2 hours.
VacuLm seal the larnb breast and cook in a water bath at 83,5 •c for 12 hours
l w..,· • Remove fat and bones from tt',e lamb breast and pluck the meat in fibres
4 JJ l c,clt VacuLm seal the lamb f1bres w1th some lamb fat.

Celenac puree Peel the celeriac, cut 1t 1nto smaller p1eces and blend finely.
Place the blended celeriac 1n water w1th lemon iu1ce.
't: q c:rc irr S1eve away the water from thc cclenac.
~~' q t II': ' Melt butter 1n a stock pot at medium heat and ball the celeriac tender 1n the outter
J eh -irr d lel'lll S1eve away the butter and blend the celenac smooth. Adjust the cons1stency w1th cream .
e.;n :1 Sieve the celeriac puree through a net and season with salt and horserad1sh iu1ce.

Celeriac bands Peel the celeriac and make th1n bands on a vegetable mach1ne
Place the ce enac bands 1n ice water w1th some lemon iu1ce.

L1ngonberry Rnse the lingonberry gently. FrPP.7e lhP.m rinrl let trem thaw ;:igriin
Place lhe thawed hngonber ry on baking sheets and dr; for 12 hours at room temperature.

Lamb sauce Brush some orl on the amb bones and toast them 1n thP. oven at 190 cc for 45 m1nutes.
Cut shallots 1nto stnps am.J saute t11ern 1n butter until golden.
ro q • Jhot" Add honey and let 1t caramehze, add apple cider vinegar and reduce until almost noth1ng is left.
J 1 r, .._ r tc.. k Add lamb stock, veal stock and tne toasted lamb bones and let thP. sriuce s1mmer 'or 2 hours
rrt tc ... k wh1le constantly skrnming off the foam that comes lo the surlace.
gr ith r- ~tEY Sieve the lamb sauce through a net and reduce unt1l 1t has an intense flavour.
1 q lP .ilf> ~ vn 1f Season w1th apolo c1dcr v1negar and sal'..
'l Jrrl tx €

For the sauce C'lOJ:: shallo:s fnely.

• f Mix the shal ots, mustard seeds and hngonberry 1n:o hat larnu fat when serving

~ dll: l l<">r bery

i Q 1ifTIO f lt

To assemble and serve warm up the celeriac puree and season w1th frosh horseradish 1u1ce rind place on a plate.
Warm up the lamb meat 1n a water bath at 90 "C for 5 m1nutes.
Let the tat run off the meat and season w1th salt and place on top of the celeriac puree.
Dry the celenac bands in a sälacJ spinner, spray on horseradlsh 1u1ce w1th a vaporizer, squeeze
them together and place on top of the lamb meat
Place the cherv1I stoms and mustard IP.ave stems on the celeriac band.
Mix the lamb fat w th frnely chopµecJ shallots, mus:ard seeds and lingonberry. the lamb sauce and pour over the lamb.

Cod, shrimp, dehydrated tomato and watercress puree

Cod shnmp powder Cut the cod 1nto p1eces of 45 grams.

l St1r tomato powder, prawn powder and the meat glue and s1eve 1t over the cod covenng all sides.
Jr l rnp Place the cod p1eces 1n the fndge for 1 hour and then vacuum seal them one by one.
, i • t ~ Jwd< r Cook the cod 1n a water bath at 42 °C for 12 m1nutes.
Let the cooked cod cool 1n ice water.

Dehydrated tomato flesh Make a cut in the bottom of the tomatoes and remove the stem.
Blanch the tomatoes for 30 seconds and place 1n 1ce water.
Peel the sk1n oft the blanched tomato and place them on a baking sheet bottom fac1ng down.
Place the tomatoes 1n the oven at 50 °C, 40 % wind cycle for 12 hours.
After 12 hours remove the centre of the tomato so 1t 1s only the flesh left back.
Keep the dehydrated tomatoes 1n a warm place un!ll serving.

Watercress puree Boll watercress and sp1nach until tender and then place 1n ice water.
Squeeze out all water from the watercress and sp1nach and freeze 1n a paco beaker.
J. q c,~ na Process the frozen watercress 4 tlmes on a Pacoiet.
• q >c tar i Blend the puree smooth w1th some water and xantana
Sd1t Season w1th salt and s1eve through a net.

Shrimp stock Pan fry the shnmp 1n 011

Cover the shnmp w1th stock and water
2 ,... kE"' et")(,~ Let the stock boil for 1.5 hour and s1eve.
1v.. it-"J Reduce the stock to a 1/4
Sur ~ >Ner c AE'<J C'

Foam on toasted shnmp Heat shrimp stock. cream and milk.

Blend lec1th1n, sucro. lemon Juice and salt 1nto the sauce .
• 1 1 'E'illT

• l r"1 k
!.> q , l


L r1 ,u;

To assemble and serve Heat the cod 1n a water bath at 56 °C for 4 minutes.
Place the watercress puree and tomato on a plate
Season the cod w1th salt and arrange.
Decorate the d1sh w1th w1nter cress and watercress.
Foam the hot shrimp sauce and pour over the d1sh when serv1ng

Skate wing, frozen dill juice and leek roots

Skate w1ng Cut the skate from the bones, remove thc skin and season w1th salt on both s1des.
Vacuum seal the skate w1ny and cook 1n a water bath at 50 C for 1 minutes.
Let the cooked skate cool in 1ce water and peel the w1ng 1n stnps (5 stnps flP.r nerson).

Frozen d1ll 1u1ce Sec thc following pagcs.

Leek roots and leek ash Clean the leek roots and place 1n 1ce water. Cut the leek into ::> and separate the layers from each
other. Spread the layers onto bak1ng sheets and a1r dry them for 2 days. Bake the dned leek
1 loc-< layers 1n lhe oven al 200 C unt1I they are black, let them cool, blend 1nto a powder and s1eve.

Potato ch1ps Peel the potato and make lcng bands on a vegetable machine and placc 1n watcr.
Remove all excess water f1om the µolalo bands 1n a salad sp.nner. Brush the potatoes and
g a s1 icone mat w1th oil and place the bands on the mat one by one Spnnkle leek ash on the
J " r: 'Jt bands and bake them in the oven at 170 cc. 40 % wind cycle for 1O m1nutes
Dill 011 Blend d1ll and 011 for 8 m1nutes 1n a Thermomix until the oil goes dark green.
Sieve the oil through a net and let 1t ch1ll
xg< t .Je

Bakskuld broth Cut the bakskuld (dried and salted common dab) into 2 x 2 cm cubes and saute them in butter.
" until they are golden
• g t unH Add shallots, garlic and ::;aule for 2 more m1nutes.
Add lernen juice and let the ju1ce reduce.
1 c,rr r ! gar' Add water and let the sauce simmP.r for an hour
'.'B Sieve the stock lhrough a cloth .
' mter

Bakskuld sauce Wa'm cream and stock, blend w1th xantnna and season with salt.
S1e·Je the sauce through a tam1s and let 1t cool.
• '~ irr Add the roe when serv1ng.
g N:lf t<.111
4 nL , f b dK 'Cf

4 a'.XJ(nf 1 t trc,Jt r

Cucumber Cut the cucumbers into 6 c1 n µ1eces Cut out 12 1ong ones w 1th no seecis
· w1th .an expandable
cutter. Vacuum sea the cucumber cyl1nders and store at roorn lemperature until serving

To assemble and serve Remove the cucu111be1 s from the vacuum bag, season w1th salt and place on a plate.
Arrange the skate wing stnps ottset and next lo the cucumbers.
Decorate thP. rlish w1th hert.:s, leek roots and potato chips.
Push the frozen d1ll 1u1ce out of the tubes anJ ,., Pace
1 on top of the cucumbers.

Sp1t the bakskuld sauce w1th d1ll 011, add the roe and scrve the sauce at thP. table.
1 'l '

Frozen d1ll 1u1ce Heat the mussel stock and add the soaked gelat1ne
~ i1 Add the other 1ngredlents and blend 1n a Thermomix until
2c lO g rr us.c,e1 iu e the Juice 1s completely green
.! le M:>_, if <J• lat 'ie Sieve the 1u1ce through a tam1s
u ~ Jx 1rt na Pour the d1ll 1u1ce 1n dnnking straws and place in the freezer.
' <J "Jlt Seal the end of the straws w1th the vacuum mach1ne.
Milk ice crcam vaporized with buttermilk
puree of fried black salsify and sugar beet'syrup

Milk ice cream vaponzed w1th Heat cream, milk, Sugar and glucose to 80 ec and whisk 1nto t'1e egg yolks.
buttermilk Pour trie mixture into a Thermomix and blend at me:::Jium speed at 80 oc for 4 mnules.
S1eve the mixture and freeze 1n a raco beaker.
Run the frozen ice on a Pac:njet.
c< P91 ~ks Pour 1'1e milk 1cP. cn:iam 1nto a conta1ner and make it 1 cm high. Then freeze again.
?00 R ~Jg ' Cut out 8 round p1eces of the milk 1ce cream.
6( g g l,Y OSE' Freeze the cut out p1eces 1n an a1r blast frcczer.
, J(' q lll.Jt'Err' lk Pour the buttermilk into a spray gun.
Dip the 8 pieces of milk 1ce cream onc by one 1n liquid nitrogen, spray on bullerr111lk with
a vaponzer and placc thc 1cc cream back 1n the freezer 1mmediately

Butterm1lk siphon Heat 50 grams buttermilk and sugar and add the soaked gelallne 1nto the buttermilk
Gently add the cold butterm1lk little by litte.
~ e.av", -.f Qe:at r e. Add lemon Juice. s1eve ihe bullermilk anc.J lel 1t cool.
t';) 1&JCJa' Wh1sk the butterrrnlk gel gently and pour on a siphon.
~ l 110' , u Add 2 s1phon cartridges to half a htre s1phon.
Shake the bottle and store 1t 1n the freezer.

Sugar beet syrup Mix all ingredients

J ~ be 1r ;~

'i.. g SY' IP 00%

Black sals1fy ch1ps Wash the black salsify thoroughly.

•, Cut the washed black sals1fy into th1n discs on a slicer.
"llCg for 1ryinq Place the dlscs in cold water.
Let the water run oft the d1scs and trv them at 170 C until they are golden.
Let the oil run oft the golden c11ps on 011 absorb1ng paper.

Pan fned black sals1fy puree Peel the black salsity and saute them 1n clanfied butter untd they are golden.
Add milk and bo1I them un;il tender. Sieve and save the milk.
•(,( ~ ' r ed bt,t'Pr Blend the black sals1fy.
1 kq nl:irk c,,11 1fy Adci the milk little by little to ad1ust the texture and make sure the puree 1s sr1ooth .
••~ 1 ,yn_.r <{) ~ S1eve the ri1Jree through a tamis and season w1th lemon juice, syrup and salt
E 'J E'rnc:n 11 1r
') :i...::.t

To assemble and serve Place thc vaporizeo mi k ice cream nn the centre of a plate and temper it for 5 minutes.
After 5 m1nutcs place a spoorful of hlac.k sals1fy ch1ps next to the ice cream .
1 ...._" lr ~ fr >rT • rre Spray on the purec and buttermilk s1phon and finally add the sugar beet syrup
r W ..;~J Serve the dlsh 1mmediatcly

' vt 4 Ox brisket soil, potato and browned butter

Hay ash Burn the hay w1th a gas torch unt1l 1t turns 1nto ash.
Let the ash cool and s1eve 1t through a tamis.

Brined ox bnsket See the follow1ng pages

Soil See the follow1ng pages.

Potato puree Clean the potatoes and remove all d1rt

Cook the potatoes 1n a closed plast1c conta1ner 1n a m1crowave at 100 % for 10 m1nutes.
L)('( '1 ~~, Remove the th1n sk1n from the potatoes.
'JI l fT'I k Heat 200 grams potatoes w1th 200 grams butter and wh1sk - the compote will curdle.
, q :.alt S1eve the compote through a f1ne s1eve and let the puree cool
Whisk milk and salt 1n the puree unt1I the texture is fluffy and creamy and heat up when serv1ng.

Browned butter emuls1on 8011 the eggs for 4 minutes and place them 1n ice water.
Peel the boiled eggs and blend w1th salt and apple cider v1negar.
<oo q brOMlt l outlcr Gently add the browned butter llttle by l1ttle 1nto the egg mixture. Do not let 1t pass 40 °C.
,i q xllt Store the browned butter emuls1on at room temperature.
3g lP~ C J(Jpr y 1r e<JJr

Cooked potatoes Boil the potatoes al dente 1n salt water - the potatoes should feel firm.
Let the boiled potatoes cool in cold water
f{' q butt!:'f Heat the potatoes 1n 50 grams butter and water when serv1ng.
~ q .v11 ' When they are warm let the water and butter run off and season w1th salt.

To assemble and serve Brush the browned butter emuls1on on a plate and sprinkle w1th finely chopped lovage
and lemon thyme leaves
.:. q fflE''Y hc P::ied 1< \/Cl lEl Heat the potato puree w1th milk unt1I the texture of the puree 1s smooth.
r•1on tr'f.11€ eaves Cover the browned butter emuls1on w1th the potato puree.
Warm the cooked potatoes w1th some butter and water and season w1th salt.
Let the butter and water run oft the potatoes and place them on the plate.
Cover the d1sh with the brisket soil and serve 1mmed1ately.

Bnned ox bnsket Vacuum seal the bnsket and cook it in a water bath at 80 oc for 24 hours So1I St1r the f1bres w1th the hay ash httle by httle unt1I they are all covered
Pluck the cooked bnsket into ind1v1dual meat fibres . Put the black f1bres 1n a stock pol and whisk w1th a hand m1xer over medium heat unt1i the

1 1>1 f1bres are small and f1ne da not let them get cnspy and dry
1 Place the f1ne f1bres 1n a sealed conta1ner, cold smoke them with dned birch and season with satt
Store the smoked meat f1bres 1n a warm place until serv1ng
Malt leathcr with salted condensed milk

Malt leather Blerd water. auar 119ar nncJ pect111

Bring the m1xture to a botl ancl bctl tor 2 mnutes
Add t11e rest of ·t1e 1ngre<11ents and tmng to a bo11 aga1n.
Blerd the m1>1ture 011 tl Tt1errnomx and place 1n the fndge for 12 hours.
Glerd the malt gel srroott1 .ind s1eve.
VaCUltm Seal tt1e rn1xture and f)lnce 11 tn lhe fndge for 12 'lüur5.
Brush lho rn1Kturo 1n n lh1n layer on a s1hcone mat and let t d:y at room temperature for 1G hours.
Cut the dried malt leather 1nto squnrcs.

Salted condensed milk Botl tt'>e cond1:insi>d rrltlk 1n th 0 can covered tn p enty of water for 5 hours.
Let 1he can cool in 1ce wate
St1r the salt 1nto ttie c.:mdensed rrtlk

To assemble and serve Spray the salted conde„sed milk 1n the cen!fe of the malt leatrer and fold the leather around
the condensed m k

Monk:fish in shades of green

M onkfish Remove the sk1n and bones from the monkfish.

Cut out the monkf1sh 1nto p1eces of 45 grams each.
Gently salt the monkf1sh p1eces and vacuum seal them w1th some clanf1ed butter.
Cook the monkfish 1n a water bath at 40 °C for 1 hour.

Broccoli stem and Remove the stem from the broccoli florets and peel 1t.
broccoli slices Cut the peeled stem 1nto 4 long p1eces.
Blanch the stem for 30 seconds and place them in 1ce water.
Place the removed broccoh florets 1n 1ce water for 10 m1nutes.
Cut the crispy broccoh florets on a slicer set to 0,5 mm.
Trim the top and place the shces 1n ice water.

Glasswort sauce Heat the blue mussel stock and blend all the 1ngredients 1n a Thermomix at 70 °C for 6 m1nutes.
4 S1eve the sauce through a net and season w1th salt.
'1( '] ,;: tl
lb( q butter
0 t l Xdnt m

'> -:i alt

Sea lettuce Wash the sea lettuce thoroughly in cold water

P1ckle the sea lettuce 1n water and vinegar for 5 m1nutes.
q 11)1:8 td fVl~l!' Cut out the p1ckled sea lettuce 1nto squares 1O cm wide.

J l wat@r

Butter emuls1on Blend the xantana 1nto the water.

Heat the water and slowly add the butter.
1:, g \'<Jter Blend the emuls1on when all the butter is added and season w1th salt.
lg , irtani

To assemble and serve Remove the monkfish from the water bath and pan fry 1t in clanfied butter.
f i. r 1 Place the monkf1sh tall in the centre of the plate.
l <Jki.., f\( w~r·, Place the p1ckled sea lettuce on top.
1 ( lk. ave, Heat the broccoli stems 1n the butter emuls1on and place them next to the monkfish.
Decorate the monkfish and broccoli stems w1th broccoli slices and herbs.
Heat the sauce, foam 1t w1th a hand blender and pour at the table.

Con1 thrcads, saltcd crcam and le1non herbs

Corn threads Blanch t"e lemon grass and cut 1nto 2

Peel the com t11reac1s 'rom the tmt>y cor11. tnm 1n both ends and cut 1n•o 2.
T1e the lemon grass arouncl one end of the corn threads
Cut o!f the corn and p ace in 1cc water

Lemo11 verbena 011 Blend cill 111yre<J1ents tor 8 rn1nutes 111 n Thermomix at h1ghest speed.
S1eve the Oll Hirough o nel.

Salted cream St1• tre 1ngre<.J erts and pour 1t 111 a squeA7e hottle

To assemble and serve Place t~e corn tti•eads on cne s de of the bowl
Decorate the corn threads fac 119 down with corn lemo11 balm and lemo11 verbe11a
Pour salted crearn by one SJde of t'1e corn trreads and lernon verbena oll by tre other
Mackerel water and smoked lard

Mackerel water Cut the mackerel 1nto 2 lengthw1se and clean away the blood
Vac ium seal the rria:kerel w1th cold water (also see next pay-3).
Place the vacuum bag w1th thc mackerel 1n the oven at 68 ~c far 12 hours.
Sieve the mackercl watcr through a cloth

Smoked lard Chop the lard in a meat d 1uµper mach1ne

L 1 Place the choppetl lartl 1n a stock po'. and bring to a boil with some water.
1 ~e '11 J bf>llyl When all the fat has melted, bo11away all the water unt1I the lard has a clear colour.
Wat<r Let the fat cool unt1l ,t 1s lukewarm.
t r l • sfT' kl 1 Cold smoke the fat w1th a S'Tloke gun filled w1th b1rch shav1ngs.
q J 1ll"I S e\ie the smoked lard through a cloth wh1le 1t 1s st1ll lukewarm.
Gently pour the srnoked lard 1n hquid n1trogen 1ttle by 11ttle while wh1skmg.
Pace the frozen lard 1nto the f'eezer.

To assemble and serve Pace a teaspoon of the f·ozen smoked lard 1n a deep bowl.
Heat the mackerel water and season wrth salt.
Pour mackerel water over the lard

A little something about mackerel water
Taste 1s always the most 1mportant th1ng. Even though we are working 1n a sensor; k1tchen
that combines all senses. the sense of taste is still holds the first place. The mackerel water 1s a
culmination of these thoughts We wanted to g1ve pra1se to one of the most deltcate fish that live
1n the Danish waters. The taste of mackerel is unique and extremely refined and this deserves a
leading role 1n a dlsh where the gastronom1cal spotlight is a1med at taste and noth1ng eise. This 1s
why we serve a bowl w1th water lt really doesn t seem like much. but the 1ntense mackerel taste
surprises w1th a clean and unamb1guous expression once you put your llps to the bowl and start
s1pp1ng. A ltttle lard emphas1zes a great feeling n the mouth and t1es everyth1ng together.

Salt baked and grilled turnip,
crea1n chcese creme and grill atmosphere

Salt dough Knead all 1ngredents

Qw •

Salt baked turn1p Wrap the turn1r!'; 1n the salt dough.

Place the turnips offset on a sheet pan and l.Jake at 1 70 •c until they reach
a core tempe1ature uf 95 •c .
lmmed1ately take the turn1ps out of the salt dough and nnse 1n cold water

Cream cheese creme St1r the ingredients and sieve through a fine s1eve.
Store the creme a warm place until serving,
q ....
Q -

Atmosphere of gnll See the next page.

To assemble and serve Trim the bottom of the turnip so 1t cnn stand on 1ts own whcn placed on the gnll.
W"len the turn1p 1s hot 1n the centre bu1 n 1t with a gas torch unt1I 1t 1s l.Jlack.
,t iUt lnddr r •rc _, M „k r d Place the turn1p on a plate and lean the Indian cress aga1nst 1t..
c,tdl«s Decorate the stems from the Indian cress w1th winter cress. thyme and onion flowers.
•Mr r r ~'> eav ~
1 Pour on the IJkewarm cream cheese creme when serving.
:? t'i rrE tv.nq Place the Jar w1th the atmosphere of gnll 1n the centre of :he table anrl rP.move thP. llrl.

Atmosphere of grill
To create an atmosphere of grill 1n the restaurant, sounds of
crackltng fire have been recorded onto an mp3 player. The mp3
player is then placed in the bottom of a 1ar and then covered
w1th charcoal. When serv1ng the gnlled turnip the Jar 1s placed
( r
1n the centre of the table and when the dish is be1ng presented,
the hd 1s removed and the sounds flow across the table.

4 Lamb bones with fungi

Porc1n1 butter Cut each porc1rn 1nto 2 lengthw1se.

ri Heat the clanfied butter and let the porc1rns s1mmer on low heat unt1I they are tender
d r !'"' Sieve away the butter t1rough a net.

Fungi powd er Spread out mushroom, chanterelle and porc1ni onto a sheet pan and dry them 1n the oven
at 50 -c for 14 hours
n' KO ci':nUt..: e Let the fung1 cool at room temperature and blend to a powder.
o. "> k9 P< rr-1 S1eve the fung1 powder.

Lamb bones Blend salt in water until 1t is d1ssolved

Vacuum seal the brine and lamb breast for 2 hours
40C .:i c;att R1nse the bnned meat under cold water and vacuum seal w1th the porc1rn butter and cook
br i t t :=irnb "".„ in a water bath at 83 'C for 12 hours.
txrc Let the cooked lamb breast cool in 1ce water
Pnr 00!' ' Dry off the porcini butter and cut 1nto p1eces between the bones
F....nq pcNdG'.' Place the lamb p1eces uncovered on a tray to air dry 1n the fridge for 6 hours.
Ar PtQ ,... J :i c"~e Brush the lamb pieces all ovor w1th mome champ1gnon note cepe.
Pc rc ni df')IT ->! Place the lamb bones on a p1ece of paper 1n a dehydrator at 70 °C for 30 minutes.

Lukewarrn moss Wash, nrse and dry the moss really carefully.
Store the moss on a damp cloth in an airtight conta1ner and place 1n a warm place.

To assemble and serve Brush the s1des of the lamb bone w1th some arome champignon note cepe (porc1rn aroma).
Sprinkle the sides w1th fung1 powder.
Serve the lamb w1th lukewarm moss to clean the fingers.

Mackerel marinated in hay ash, I
green tomatoes, buttermilk sauce and frozen juice

M ackerel F1llet the mackerel and remove the sk1n.

Remove the m1ddle section w1th the brown hne leav1ng 2 long p1eces of mackerel.
Dr J ~ iY Cold smoke the mackerel w1th a smoke gun and the dned hay in an a1rt1ght conta1ner.

Frozen tomato 1uice Wh1sk the ingredlents

1()(1 q ' ·r Freeze the tomato 1u1ce 1n round s1hcone conta1ners - 10 m1hl1tres 1n each conta1ner.
tonldtCJt c, When the 1u1ce 1s frozen, gently remove 1t from the conta1ner
1 1 .xi1t Store the frozen Juice on bak1ng sheets 1n the freezer until serv1ng.
1 q C,J(JJf

Dill oil Blend dill and 011 for 8 minutes 1n a Thermomix until the oil goes dark green.
xq S1eve the oll through a net and let 1t ch1ll.
tX.q wr !PCl

Hay ash Burn the hay w1th a gas torch unt1l 1t turns into ash.
1 , Let the ash cool and sieve it through a tamis.

Dill emuls1on Blend dill, ch1cken stock, shallots and salt.

1r • ' 1 j1 Gently blend the oil 1nto the puree httle by l1ttle unt1I the emuls1on 1s smooth.
c.~(l1t1(>avuyrA<L, e.cJrh-1<Pr•<toc1<. Flll the d1ll emuls1on 1n a squeeze bettle .
•• qc;hd'lh
i."- q c,alt

Butterm1lk sauce
Blend the Xantana 1nto the mussel stock.
1 x:l"'aru Add the rest of the 1ngred1ents and sieve the sauce.
1':X q b;.ttemi K
1,' 1 >dl

Green tomatoes Cut the tomatoes 1nto th1n quarters.

1t· Vacuum seal the tomato quarters w1th tomato 1u1ce.
lx:' 1 "l(Jt '),CE' fr "' qre<- r

\ "l(j\ JC

To assemble and serve Season the smoked mackerel w1th salt and roll 1t 1n hay ash.
Place the mannated mackerel on a plate
Arrange the vacuumed green tomatoes and the cut out cucumbers.
hatt ' Decorate the d1sh w1th watercress and fennel flowers.
Spray on the d1ll emuls1on and place the frozen tomato 1u1ce on top.
Spht the butterm1lk sauce w1th d1ll oil and pour the sauce at the table.

Goosefoot with crayfish, peppergrass snow and cakile

Crayf1sh B tanch the c rayfisti to r 30 seccnds and place 1n 1ce water

Peel the c rayf,sh, c ut them 11110 2 and d:ive1n them.
Chop 2 of the c rayfish f1nely and season w 1th satt

Crayf1sh stock Blend the crayfish stock w1th xantano and season with salt
S1eve the crayfish stock through a net and vocuum seal 11 for 24 hours.
l x. nt

Dill oil Blend dill and 011 for 8 minutes 1n a Thermomix until the oil goes dark grPP.n
~ Sieve the 011 through a net and let 1t chill.

Peppergrass snow Heat the milk and d1ssolve the gelat1ne n the milk.
.... Add the rest of the 1ngred1ents and blend the mi k
q <,a..„ Pour the mixture 1n a s1phon.
~ St.<'ddlSti Spray the peppergrass into hquid nitrogen
x ~ 3V: .., Whisk the frozen peppergrass foam 1nto p1eces and place it 1n the freezer.
, a ec, f qelat ne When the liquid nitrogen is evaporated blend the frozen peppergrass foam 1nto snow
o1 et'r J:.Jice Store the snow in the rreezer

To assemble and serve Season the halved crayf1sh ta1ls w1th salt and place the one half on the goosefoot leaf.
Place the chopped crayf1sh meat on top to help keep the tear closed .
PfTPf'rir ec< "'..lf Decorate the opening of tt1e leaf w1th cakile and dill.
Place the peµperg1 ass snow next to the leaf.
Spht the crayf1sh stock w1th d1ll 011.

Mullet, fungi, blue mussel emulsion and tree sauce

Mullet F1llet the mullet and cut 1nto 8 long p1eces of 8 cm .

Season each p1ece of mullet w1th salt, freeze and thaw aga1n to soften the meat.

Fungi powder Spread out the fung1 on a sheet pan and dry them 1n the oven at 50 C for 14 hours.
Let the fungi cool at room temperature and blend to a powder
4J J ~<iflt ·re e Sieve the fungi powder.
' ) 1rrtO!i>i)

81rch tree water, b1rch tree oil See the follow1ng pages.
and b1rch tree cream

Tree sauce Heat the tree water and tree cream.

Add salt and xantana and blend the sauce
r ~ troo m:.lf'l S1eve the sauce through a net.
tJ t>-'> g >:&'klnä

Blue mussel emuls1on Blend blue mussels. salt, clam mussel stock and gelat1ne until smooth.
) l J Slowly add the oil.
2' ">qwtt
1 / l c &P fl'l~ strx K
') 5 ea! f gelat ClE'
1 'l g <,(Jr f; l'Nel' <.eed

To assemble and serve Roll the mullet pieces 1n fung1 powder and place on a plate.
Spray on the blue mussels emuls1on.
~ „ 'PT r ~t.d n Decorate the dish w1th Indian cress and d1scs of chanterelle and mushrooms.
fl.l1Q1 PQWder Roll the cherv1I stems 1n fung1 powder and arrange on the plate.
'> .ut t. ndJr ff l&l\R~ Split the tree sauce w1th the tree oll and pour the sauce when serv1ng.
<' ;e:: l '11U "'CXJf'l

4 "" n :e!: 1 h:Jrt1•re e

Oried b1rch tree Dry the b1rch tree in the oven at 90 °c for 12 hours.

t 9ark

Birch tree oil Warm up the 1ngred1ents to 90 C and turn oft the heat.
Let the tree steep 1n the 011 for 2 hours.
g After 2 hours, sieve the 011 through a cloth

Birch tree cream Vacuum seal the 1ngred1ents and cook in a water bath at 80 °C for 2 hours
1r ö Sieve the cream through a cloth.
oü g dned b1rcr

Birch tree water Vacuum seal the 1ngred1ents and cook in a water bath at 60 ·c for 14 hours
~ anF'rl b1rch Sieve the water through a cloth.
41 water

Shrimp with 'r0dgr0d med fl0de'

Rodgrod med flode Rodgrod med flode 1s a Danish class1c - red bernes served w1th cold cream.

Mannated shnmp Boil water and pour 1t over the freeze dned raspbernes.
Let the water steep for 10 m1nutes and s1eve.
'lX) J W l't" S!lr the sieved iu1ce w1th beetroot iu1ce and place 1n the fndge
2(l q frE'<:»E' J r•t'<.j lchPhPr~" Peel the shnmp and deve1n 1t.
!) 1 Nv SI 1111nr' Vacuum seal the peeled shnmps w1th the cold Juice and let 11 steep for 30 m1nutes.
After the 30 m1nutes. take them out of the bag and let the JUice run off

Sour bemes granita St1r all 1ngredients.

Freeze the Juice 1n a th1n layer
1 cr lr bery , e Break the frozen Juice 1nto pieces and freeze in liquid nitrogen
· ) l ht>Ty <:> Blend the frozen pieces of iu1ce to a powder 1n a Thermomix.
q d 1: VJf. • 1 e Keep the granita in a styrofoam cooler in the freezer unt1I serving.
1'11 g bet<"cx t 1, e
1"' gw„ter
1 ex q OOl'y hnapp:,

Parsley oil Blend the 011and the plucked parsley at h1ghest speed for 8 m1nutes.
3tC\,H f 1 c ir Sieve the parsley 011 through a cloth and let 1t cool.
riCX> q c nfk M • ,ef«J c1

Cream sauce Used for serv1ng.

To assemble and serve Let the berry ju1ce run off the shnmp and season w1th salt.
Place the shrimp offset on a plate.
"> ~re ie !W', Place the fresh lingonberry and freeze-dned blackcurrant on the shrimp.
& heM IP.clVe!, Decorate the shnmp w1th herbs
1 t111lwlq~ Place the berry granita between 2 shnmps.
,v ~ JM IP we, Split the cream sauce with the parsley oil and pour the sauce when serv1ng
2 pure ane
<, 'r• 1 <' cj J Oh.JE: 0C'11F

Cod, airy egg white, spring cabbage and tarragon

Cod Remo1;e the sk1n from the coct and season witr salt.
Place the cod 1n the fnd;Je for 1 hour and then out 1t 1n an air blast freezer
When the cod 1s frozen. cut 1t 1nto prec1se squares of 45 grams a piece.
Vacuum seal the cod p1P.ce~ wh1le frozen and place tnem in the fridge „mtil thoy hovo thowod
When the cod 1s thawed cook 1t 1n a water bath at 42 °c tor 15 minutes.

Tarragon v1negar Wash the tarragon and pour over v1m~oar

Leave the vinegar to steep a few days.

Alry egg wh1tes Whisk the 1ngredients ary.

Fill the mixture 1n a 1 litre plastic co1ta1ner coated w1th cling film.
1 J '3f'c1 ~ Steam the m1xture 1n the oven at 100 cc. 50 % wind cycle for 14 m1nutes
Let the mixture cool and cut 1nto squares of 5 cm each.

Sauce Heat the mussel stock and b end in the xantana

n l rr

1 St1r 1n the rest of the 1ngred1ents.
t ,• •
~ „ q 1dlT 1 i r '1€'.JU Foam the sauce before serv1ng .
.• q :x.Jt
'(() g t)l,ttPr

Tarragon 011 Blend the tarragon and oil for 8 m1nutes 1n a Thermomix until the 011 goes dark green.
Sieve the oil through a net and let rt cool.

Spnng cabbage D1vide the spring cabbage 1nto leaves and wash thoroughly.
Remove the stem of the leaf and save 1t for steaming later.
Cut out round leaves from the rest of the spnrg cabbage.
Store the cut out round leaves 1n 1ce wa'.er until seru1ng

To assemble and serve Heat the cod 1n the oven at 60 °C for 2 minutes.
Cook the s'.em frorn the spring cabbage in sorne water and season w1th salt
1r d "'lä 0 Let the water run oft the cut out spnng cabbage leaves and season w1th salt.
< .c1 Spray tarragon v1negar on the airy egg wh1te w1th a vaponzer.
Place the hat co<.J on a plate and arrange the airy egg wh,te w1th the 1lot sJ,:nng cnbbage stems.
oecorate the dish with the cut out spnng cabbage leaves. cak1le and flowers frorn cabbage
Heat the sauce, foam t an<l split 11 w1th the ta·ragon 011.

4 Warm cauliflower, oyster and egg yolk creme

Cauhflower s1phon Cut the caullflower 1nto bunches and bo1I them 1n water unt1I tender.
Press out the water from the bolled caullflower 1n a sieve.
Jtl • em Heat the cream
lJ.'... lJ iJ 1whrt c Blend all 1ngredients 1n a Thermomix w1th the heat turned on unt1I the temperature reaches 80 °c
4 ,1 Kilt S1eve the caullflower puree through a fine net and pour 1n a s1phon.
Add 2 s1phon cartridges to half a litre s1phon bettle.
Shake the bettle thoroughly and place 1t 1n a water bath at 60 °C.

Cauhflower stalk Peel the cauliflower stalk.

Cut the peeled caullflower stalk 1nto little cubes .
Place the cauhflower cubes 1n 1ce water

Egg yolk creme Cook the eggs In a water bath at 63.5 °C for 2 hours
}l Let the eggs cool in 1ce water
f. g salt Peel the cold eggs and remove all egg wh1te from the egg yolk.
Let the water run off the egg yolks and s1eve through a fine s1eve.
Stir salt in the egg yolk creme.

Limfjord oysters Open the Umfjord oysters and s1eve the water 1nto a bowl.
n 1 , .te Wash the oysters 1n cold water. cut them 1nto cubes and place them 1n the oyster water aga1n.

Parsley oll Blend parsley and 011 for 8 m1nutes 1n a Thermomix until the oil goes dark green.
S1eve the oil through a net and let 1t cool

To assemble and serve Spray a spoonful of egg yolk creme 1n the ceram1c egg cup.
Place one spoonful of the chopped oyster on top of the egg yolk creme.
Place one spoonful of caul1flower stalk on top
Pour 1n one spoonful of parsley oil.
Fill up the ceram1c egg cup w1th warm cauliflower s1phon

Mikados of celeriac, blackcurrant and ymer

Ymer 1ce cream Blend all 1nqredients.

q; Pour l.he m1xture 1r a paco beaker and freeze.
Jl Process the frozen m1xture on a Pacoiet.
< rx J.J< r Store the ymer ice cream 1n a Styrofoam cocler
• 1 t l Ll

Cnspy celenac Peel the celenac arici make bands from 1t on a vegetable machine.
Lay the bands 1n syrup
rnrr ,K Let the syrup run off the celeriac banas
Place them ~at on a s1licone ma: and pul them in the oven at 55 °C, 110 % wind cycle for 12 hours.

Celeriac st1cks Wh1sk egg wh1te powder and water at low speed cn a Kitchen Aid mach1ne.
Boil celeriac juice, v1ncgc:ir, sugar and isomalt to 121 °C .
Pour it into the egg mixture on high speed.

Spray the meringLe onto a s11icone mat, forning 1019 st1cks.
j l <omaJt Sprinkle the st1cks w1th freeze-dned blackcurrant.
l< l/\tllt pc1'N1 r Dry the menngue st1cks 1n the oven at 55 'C for 12 hours w1th the a1r shut1er open.
11>1 e11a ce Store the crispy celeriac sticks 1n an airtight conta1ner unt1I serving

"( To assemble and serve Place an egg shaped scoop of ymer 1ce cream on a plate.
, r Arrarge the crispy celeriac bands on top.
r., ·~ xa;:; ooves Place the slicks on top and decorate the d 1sh w1th freeze-driec.J l.Jlackcurrant and red oxalis.

. :·~ ~.
4 "' l~ 1r d ~ d t< Ur''lf't<

Beef beetroot and smoked hone marrow

Beet tenderlo1n Tnm the beef tenderlo1n and cut 1nto p1eces of 56 grams each.
Season the pieces w1th salt and vacuum seal the meat 1n a bag
Cook the meat in a waler bath al 54 C for 40 m1nutes.
Qu1ckty pan fry lhe meal 1n bulter nght before serv1ng

Sauce Chop the shallots and saute lhem 1n butter unt1I they are golden
lt JttE Add honey and lel 11 caramellze.
1, CJ c;~I it Add apple v1negar and reduce until almest nolh1ng 1s left
<I h ken tnck Add chicken stock and veal stock and let 11 reduce to a good cons1stency.
'lvo-~>'iek S1eve the sauce and season w1th lernen ju1ce and salt.
51 l h< iey

"i g Wt ld f V '1E'qd'

Smoked bone marrow Melt lhe bone marrow, s1eve lhrough a nel and smoke 1t w1th b1rch tree bark.
Dr.00 b< t> tm b ir1<

Sauce fill1ng Chop all ingred1ents very flnely.

CJ gar' c

Parsley puree Boil the parsley and sp1nach unt1I tender.

4 Xqf 1
Let the parsley and sp1nach cool 1n ice water then squeeze out all excess water.
ac n ra. h Freeze the parsley and sp1nach 1n a paco beaker.
1 y Xdr' l."ia Process the frozen parsley puree 4 t1mes on a Pacoiet
Blend the parsley puree smooth w1th some water and xantana.
Season w1th salt and s1eve through a net.

Beetroot bands Make bands of the beetroot on a vegetable machine.

l Jt I• Cut out the beetroot bands 1n 6 x 14 cm shapes
')()Cl q bt<f trwt Jr r Boil the bands al denle 1n beetrool JUICe and water when serv1ng.
'XlG ~ wdter Let lhe iu1ce run off lhe bands and season w1th salt.

To assemble and serve Cook the beetrool bands and pan fry lhe meat 1n butter
Heat lhe parsley puree and form a llne w1th 11 us1ng a spoon
I J:' ir Jpy 'r ' ,tc Season the meat w1lh sall and place on the plate.
Fold the beetroot bands and place on lhe meat.
Decorate the folded beelrool bands w1th parsley sprouts.
Spill the hol sauce w1th lhe sm oked bone marrow and add the sauce f11t1ng.
Serve the sauce at the table.

Blueberries, elder flower and lemon

Bk.Jeberry hem1spherical shape Bring cream and sugar to a bo1I.

01ssolve the soaked gelat1ne 1n the cream and pour 1t over the 'Ah1te chocolate
Stir the hot cream and chocolate w1th egg yolks.
Blend the chocolate m1xture w1th the bluebernes and s1eve.
Pour l1qu1d nitrogen 1n a Styrofoam cooler

• t m tP hc dt•' Place a ladle 1n the liquid nitrogen unt1I 1t is completely trozen.
f")( ("1 q r. arr Place the ladle 1n the blt..eberry mixture for 15 seconds, pull 1t up aga1n and place back 1n
• ~ z• 1r j t u< 0€11 c the hqu d nitrogen unt11 the blueberry m1xture 1s trozen.
tt fT ~ ipµ~ Carefully peel out the hem1sphencal shape from the !adle and place 1t an a1r blast freezer

- Frozen lemon 1u1ce St1r all ingredients and pour the juice into silicone forms .
Fi 110 ml 1n each so they end up be1ng 2 mm th1ck.
·. .'
" C 1"" ,tEV Remove the Juice from tne forms w'1en they are frozen .
„ . • • , , Jdl' Store them cn baking sheets in the freezer unt1I servmg .

.. ·. „_
„. •

Elderflower cord1al R nse the clusters

.. Cut the lernen 1nto sllces

• „. Boil water and pour over the sugar. c1tnc ac1d and e derflower dusters.

.. .„· -

„... . ~.
X. riwgar
\ 'I. • • , .... •
Li 1 r 1e dErfltiw& Let the elderflower cord1al steep for 3 days and then s1eve.
• - "!: .: • : - - ...„ ... ~ ..c... „.
.~- ;,~

·. ' -. i)~ .··_

.. „
„ ' .
- '
. •
.... , Jq 1 rron1u1c
~gc tnr acd
· ~: „ ·'3 „ ~ -~ . „ ·t .·.·' . •. „

·~ .., • :, . •L ":. . • • !.. • -

„ .~ • • - Elderberry s1phon Oissolve the soaked gelat1ne 1n the water which 1s heated up.
4 Add the elderflower cord1al.
'Q. 11v te- Ptace thc clderflower cordial 1n the fridge
1 9f 1a1 r"' Gently whisk the cold e derflower cordial and fill 1t in a siphon
1 1P'T' Add 2 s1pho'1 cartridges to half a litre s1phon bottle and place 1t 1n the fndge

To assemb e and serve .A.rrange 7 bluebernes 1n the centre of a plate.

Peel tre frozen lemon 1u1cc out of the form and place on top of the blueberries.
q tr ' e 1r r 'luwt '° Spray on the elderflower s1phon on top of the frozen lemon 1u1ce.
P. frE!>h t UP.bE 'T _, Place the frozen blueberry hem1spherical shape on top of the elderflower s1phon.
1 •reue Jr L Jeb+-<ny Spnnkle the hem1sphencal shape w1th the freeze-dned bluebernes.
Arrange elderflowers on the d1sh and place a blueberry next to the construct1on.
Serve the d1::;l 1 11wned1ately

Pear ice crea1n, rosemary gel
and arame seaweed pickled in liquorice

Pear sorbet Heat pear iu1ce, gluc:osP. ;:mrl sugar unt1I the sugar 1s d1ssolved .
D1ssolve the soaked gelat1ne 1n the pear ju1ce
F• pr ir Let the pear 1u1ce cool and pour 1t 1n a paco beaker and freeze.
gg Process the frozen pear sorbet on a Pacoiet, flll 1t 1n a styrofoam cooler and store 1t in the treezer.
11(' q C:J<J.lf

c.~ t Jf ot 1el1t1f"lf'

Arame seaweed 1n liquorice Bnng the syrup to a bo1I. blend in the raw liquorice and then s1eve.
Place the m1xture 1n the fndge
t q 1rdt• 1 rcm q1 or e Soak the seaweed 1n cold water 2 t1mes o f 10 m1nutes each
, > ar JT)I- .:;eawee J Bo1I the seaweed tender 1n slightly salted water.
Then place the seaweed in the liquorice mixture and let 1t steep for 5 hours.

Rosemary gel Blend parsley. water and syrup until the water goes green.
Blend 1n the rosemary and s1eve through a net.
~, ri • it e<1ved ~.urs y 1eaw· Heat 0.5 dec11itre rosemary water and dissolve the soaked gelat1ne 1n the water.
1tX: 9 ,fup Pour the 2 liqu1ds together
....'i.' g wJte r Put cling film over the rosemary gel and place 1t a lukewarm place.

Liquorice creme Warm up cream. sugar, salt and liquonce until the sugar is d1ssolved.
Dissolve the soaked gelat1ne in the cream.
80 , ">ug.Jr Pour 0.5 dec11itre creme 1n each of the 4 bowls and place 1t 1n the fndge.
1' ::i r er LAl.i 'd"" 1~ j( "' When the creme has stiffened. pour over a thin layer of rosemary gel.
.: e fcy:..:i'il"
' q ~I

Cnspy chocolate Melt the chocolate.

•w Heat water and sugar to 145 ~c.
hoc 1te Wh1sk the chocolate on a Kitchen Aid us1ng the flat beater m1xer at h1ghest speed.
,m q ·uq~ Wh1le wh1sk1ng gently pour 1n syrup httle by little until the chocolate crystallizes.

Pear pieces Cut out the pear and make small discs when seNing
f r ,.

To assemble and seN e Place one teaspoon of cnspy chocolate on one side of the bowl.
Let the l1quonce run oft the arame seaweed, chop 1! f1nely and place 1t next to the cnspy chocolate
thyn- ft :wer< Place the cut out pear d1scs next to the seaweed and decorate w1th lernen thyme leaves.
Arrange an egg shaped scoop of pear sorbet and seNe 1mmediately.

Veal tail, caramelized yogurt, rowans
and langoustine foam

Veal tatl Vacuum seal the veal ta1ls w1th some oil and coor< them in a water bath at 75 c for 24 hours
Let the cooked ta1ls cool and peel the meat 1n long p1eces.
Vacuum seal the p1eces 1n the1r own separate vacuum bag one by one w1th sol"1e browned butter

Caramellzed yogurt Vacuum seal the dra1ned yogurt tn a vacuum bag

Place the vacuumed yoqurt in a pressure cooker.
Pour 1n a lot of water and boil the yogurt under pressure for 1 ,5 hours.
Let the cooke<i yoourt cool down and break 1t 1nto pieces.

Langoustme stock Pan fry the langoust ne shells in some oil.

Cover the shells w1th the chicken stock a11d water and let them boil for 1 ,5 hours and then s1eve.
"~Oe k Reduce the stock to 1/ 5 .


Langoust1ne foam Heat the langoustine stock. cream and milk

Blend lec1th1n. sucro, lemon 1u1ce and salt 1nto the sauce.

1 q wcro
1 IJ lf 11 r
L.e.'""Y r UC6


Ptckled rowans Cover the berries w1th salt ard let the1"1 steep for 24 hours.
Rinse the salted bernes under cold water.
Boil up the berries w1th v1negar and water.

"·xnr Place the bernes w1th syrup 1n the fndge

W t r

To assemble and serve Heat the veal ta1I 1n a water bath at 60 er, for 4 minutes.
Place the yogurt in a conta1ncr w1th cling film over and heat it tn the oven at 50 "C for 2 m1nutes
A h l lt f c>· ,.;ped Pan fry the veal ta1I u11lil cnspy on one s1dc and season with s~lt

:lrO r tem Place the veal ta11 on a plate and a11 arge the yogurt next to the tall
'1 ft l' .rir 1 tic'.)l)E.i Spnnkle the c hopped parsley and conander stems around the yogurt .
p: r <\. Add the rowans and decorate w1th herbs
l der and arrange when serving.
Foam the hot langoust1ne foam w1th a hand b en

4 Cream cheese from biodynamic milk and cream,
salt-baked cabbage, cabbage sprouts and pine vinaigrette

Cream cheese Heat the milk. salt and cream to 30 °C .

Whisk 1n the rennet.
Qt Xl11 1 rr Pour the milk 1n a conta1ner and place 1t 1n a lukewarm place untll the milk has a creamy texture
~ l 'E'r • (around 20 m1nutes), then place 1n the fridge.
t l ~

Salt-baked cabbage Knead salt, nour, water. and 01l 1nto dough.
Wrap the wh1te cabbage 1n the salt dough
Bake 1t at 170 cc unt1l 1t reaches a core temperature of 85 ec
Let the baked cabbage cool and take them out of the salt dough.
Cut the cabbage 1nto th1n shces and remove the outer top leaves from each shce.

Pear1 ornons Place the ornons 1n water w1thout remov1ng their peel. Let them bo1I unt1I they are al dente
1 „ Let the ornons cool 1n 1ce water.
Peel the ornons and cut 1nto 2 lengthw1se.

Kohlrabi Cut the kohlrab1 1nto th1n quarters and blanch them.

P1ne v1negar Pour the v1negar over the p1ne sprouts.

After one week 1n the fndge the p1ne sprouts and v1negar are ready to use.

Whey from p1ne milk Vacuum seal the milk and p1ne and p lace in the fndge unt1I the day after.
S1eve the p1ne from the milk.
' r 1~~orv. Bring 500 grams of p1ne milk to a bo1I
nf>q<.lr Add 100 grams of p1ne v1negar and let the milk steep for 1O m1nutes. (fhe milk 1s go1ng to curdle)
q x3r t-in i S1eve the m ilk through a cloth
Blend 400 grams of whey from the p1ne milk w1th 0,5 gram of xantana.

Pine 011 Blend the 011and p1ne needles 1n a Thermomix for 5 m1nutes and s1eve through a tam1s.
400 H JI
1 X) -.J

More on next page

Pme v1na1grette Chop the p1ckled p1ne sprouts f1nely.
1~ Heat all 1ngred1ents 1nclud1ng the chopped p1ne sprouts when serv1ng

1 H'nt

P1ckled crab-apples Bnng all 1ngred1ents to a bo1I

Then place the v1negar and apples 1n the fndge.
1f When they have been 1n the fridge for a week they are ready to use.
l Jl r

To assemble and serve Heat the slices of salt baked cabbage. peart onions and quarters of kohlrab1
1n some water and butter
4 lbocl l'" c,rx Jtc, Place the disc of wh1te cabbage on a plate.
c, Season the wh1te pearl onions w1th salt and arrange w1th 2 quarters of kohlrab1
kweed lt- so they form a sem1c1rcle shape on the plate.
Blanc the cabbage sprouts 1n salted water
Remove all excess water from the blanched cabbage in a salad sp1nner.
Arrange the cabbage sprouts offset between the onions.
Oecorate the d1sh w1th w1nter cress and ch1ckweed.
Place a spoonful of cream cheese 1n the centre of the d1sh.
Heat the v1na1grette and add the p1ckled crab-apples.
Serve the sauce over the cabbage at the table.
Poached oystcr, pea juice, tarragon oil and pca

Limf1ord oyster Open the oysters ;;nd s1eve tt1e oyster water through a net
Wash the oysters from any leftover shell n the oyster water.
Save the oyster water for oyster gel.

Kohlrabi w1th chervil and Sec thc following pages ...


Butter emuls1on Blend the xantana 1n the seawa1er

Heat the seawater and add butter llttle by little.
"> g )/"; 'E' When all the butter 1s absorbed, blend the emulsion w1th a hand blender.

Pea sauce See the follow1ng pages ..

Sugar peas Cut the sugar peas 1n 2 lengthw1se and w1thout cutt1ng in the pod 1tself
Take out the peas and save them for the sauce when serv1ng
Trim the top and bottorn or tt1e µea~ and place the pods 1n cold water for 4 t1ou·~

Rolls of kohlrabi Peel the kohlrab1 and make th1n bands on a vegetable mach1ne.
K it · 1t Cut out the bands in rectangles of 4 x 6 cm.
Marinate the rectangles 1n oyster water and roll them 1nto rolls.

Tarragon 011 Blend tarragon and 011 for 8 m1nutes 1n a Thermomix until the oil goes dark gree11.
Sieve the oil through a net and let 1t cool.

To assemble and serve Heat :he oysters 1n the butter emulS1on. season with salt and place on a plate.
Place the oyster gel on top of the oysters.
4 Pf , ~ r rt Season tre kohlrab1 ro ls w1th salt and place on the p'a te.
Dip the pea pod 1n boil111y water for 5 seconds and season w1th salt
Arrange thc pca pods around the oysters
Decorate the d1sh w1th pea sprouts.
Split the rot pea sauce w1th tarragon 011 and place the peas 1n the sauce
Pour the sauce at the table

Pea sauce Wash and blanch the pea pods.
~ Blend the pods, heat them up and sieve them through a cloth to extract pea juice.
1 1qr,..a Blend pea Juice, oyster water, xantana and salt
g y<;•• water Sieve the pea sauce through a tamis

Kohlrabi w1th cherv1I and Peel the kohlrab1 and make th1n bands on a vegetable mach1ne.
oyster gel Place the kohlrab1 bands in a vacuum bag w1th v1negar and water and vacuum seal them
Open up the vacuum bag immed1ately
ri v :Jdr Cut out round p1eces of the vacuumed kohlrab1 bands.
y w:iter Bring the oyster water to a boil and s1eve through a cloth
•' Add agar agar, blend the boiling oyster water and boil for 1 m1nute.
q ir Make a th1n layer of gel and place 1t 1n the fridge to cool.
4 Cut out the oyster gel w1th the same size cutter as used for the kohlrab1.
Place a cherv1I leaf on the kohlrab1 and then place the oyster gel on top
Sf''V(' 8 Fried bread with bakskuld creme

Bakskuld stock Cut out the bakskuld 1nto rough p1eces and saute in 011

1 baK.>kud J 'CJ Then cover the bakskuld w1th water and bnng to a bo1I.
Let the stock s1mmer untll the taste 1s intense and then sieve through a cloth.

Branches Knead all 1ngred1ents together 1nto dough.

20 ~ Jr Vacuum seal the dough 1n a vacuum bag and place 1n the fndge unt1I the next day.
Ei q n Jlt Roll out the dough 1n a thin layer on a pasta mach1ne, cut the layer 1nto th1n stnps
1g finr wlt and the fry them 1n 011 at 180 C until they are cnspy.
• 1 L;hc,k.. J <tue K

Bakskuld oil Cut out the bakskuld 1nto rough p1eces and vacuum seal them w1th the 011.
q Place the bag in a water bath at 60 C for 1 hour to let the 011 infuse w1th bakskuld.
l3U <J baK..)l(l.J J

Bakskuld emuls1on Ball the eggs in water for 4 m1nutes and let them cool.
:i' Peel the cold eggs and blend them with salt and lemon juice.
l tJ lf "1:.lfl Jl, E' Gently blend the 011 into the egg mixture llttle by llttle unt1I it has a smooth texture.
8 q <;alt
4l)() g t Jk< kuld Oll

To assemble and serve Place the branches 1n the bowl.

Spray on llttle dots of bakskuld creme on each branch.
':> rt roo >a c lf ~,x, Place a cut out red oxalls leaf on every dot.

4 Pear terrine, pine granita and frozen yogu11

Pear s1phon Heat pear 1u1ce a"ld suga1 and Lhssolve the soaked gelatine in the hquid
~ Then add the lemon 1u1ce.
! Ji S1eve the 1u1ce and place 1t 1n the fndge.
o Whisk the pear gel a1ry w1th i:l wt11sk and fltt 1t on a siphon.
1 l Tl( Add 2 Siphon cartndges to '1atf a titre s1phon bo:tle, shake the bottle weil and place 11 1n the fricige

Yogurt mousse Wh1sk the c1eam ö1ry önd fold 1n w1th the ycgurt.
•• J Wh1sk egg wh1tes and sugar airy and fold 1n the yogurt l'T1ixture. Finally stir 1n :he lacttc ac1d.
14 ll r rr Fill a meta! conta1ner w1th liquid nitrogen and pour in the yogurt m1xture httle by httle.
~ l'.-d t 1rtPr' iq W!ln - When all ot the mousse 1s frozen blend 1: to a powder on a Thermomix and store 1n the freezer

Pine granrta Blerd flat-leaved parsley. cold water. lemon juice and cold syrup anci s1eve trmuah a net to
l t i. riake the parsley juice .
• >'-. g d -1v i'Pr Blend 275 grams of parsley JU ce and the fresh pire sprouts in a Thermomix for 5 m1nutes
{' 1 E :i • F S1eve the mix11 ire ;:inri frP.e7f! 11 1n a thin layer in a deep gastro tray.
, Je ,,,rup % Dunng the freezing process scrape the ]Jice w1th a fo'k to make granita
2f6 l ~fSt:!'/JU .8

Pear terrine Heat the Juice and dissolve the soaked gelatine 1r 1t. Cling wrao the gel and place 11 lukewarm.
" Coat thc 1ns1de of a plast1c conta1ner w1th cling film and use the co"ltainer to form the temne.
' tl ci pear 11, t: Pee the pears, remove the core and spht each pear into 12 small pieces.
' Dar c,h ~ KJs ~ ,.o..ars lmmediately place the pear p1eces in syrup w1th pot a v1t and poach unt1I tender
Sru~ 50 % Sieve the tender pear p eces from the syrup and m1x thcm 1n w1th the paar gel.
'1 pcl c.l v!I Take up the pieces one by one and place them 1n a container as closely together as poss1oly
When all the pear p1eces are arranged pour over the hot gel so the pear p1eces are iust covered
Cling film wrap the ptfür cuntainer and place another one w1th water onto 11 to create pressure.
Put the terrine 1n the fridge When 1t has settled remove 1: from the conta1ner and freeze 1t
Cut out the frozen terrire 1nto 4 rectangles of 1 x '0 cm ana store the11 1n tt'IEl freezer.

Pear bands Make long bands of the pears on a vegetable machine.

Cut out the bands 1n rectangles of 1 ,5 x 10 cm and vacuum seal them w1th pear 1u1ce and pot a v1t
Roll the pear bards to a cyllnder before serving
H ti t

To assemble and serve Place the pear temne on a plate.

Let the iu1ce run off the pear bands wrap them around a f1nger so tlley forma cyhncler and
place them next to the •err ne.
Decorate tt1e ternne m1d tt·e pear bands w1th p1ne needles dlld sorrel reaves
Spnnkle a spoontul ot tro7en ')Ogurt between the pear rolls, spnnkle a spoonful ot pine granita
on top of tt1e mousse nntJ sprny on a pear s1phon and serve 1mrnec11a·e1y

Beet sprouts, anchovy oil and soured cream

Soured cream Mix the cream and butterm1lk together.

Store 1t at room temperature for 48 hours to make the cream ac1d1fy.
l butt 'T !< Place the soured cream 1n the fndge
~ g JI Wh1sk the ch1lled soured cream w1th salt unt1I 1t has a smooth texture.

Anchovy 011 Heat the 1ngred1ents to 60 °C and s1eve through a net.

h t pr

·11. q

Hay ash Burn the hay w1th a gas torch unt1l 1t turns 1nto ash.
Let the ash cool and s1eve through a tamis

To assemble and serve Brush the bottom of a bowl w1th the soured cream.
Pour the anchovy 011 on unt1I 1t looks hke the p1cture.
Dip the roots from the beet sprouts 1n hay ash and arrange around the soured cream.

4 Broken pieces of quid, dill and winter pur lanc

Broken p1eces of squ1d See l11e followng pages.

011' snow Roughly chop the sp1nach and d1ll and cover w1th bo1hng mussel stock
Blend the sp1nach, d1ll, mussel stock. xantana and sat and treezA 1t 1n a paco heaker
qrJ Process the frozen puree 3 tmes on a Paco1et and seasor w1th salt
Pour the puree in a half a htre s1phon bottle and add 2 s1pl1011 <.;artr1uye~.
, l Xdrtc1na Spray the dill puree into liquid nitrogen
8.?Jt Blend the frozen dill foam to a snow texture. Store 1t in a styrcfoam cooler 1n the freezer unt1I serv1ng

Mussel gel Wash the mussels 1n cold water

Boil the mussels, d1ll, lemon thyme, shallots and wh1te w1ne until the wh1te wine 1s reduced
1nto almost ncth1ng.
1 d "Mg Then add water to cover the mussels.
Bnng the mussels to a bo1I and smmer at f"')ed1Lm heat for 30 m1nutes.
Sieve the broth through a cloth and reduce until 1t has an 1ntense flavour.
, ~t • JP' • ~,., Season 100 grams reduced broth w1th salt and dissclve a soaked leaf of gelat1ne 1n the broth.
Wat:.r Make the broth settle 1n shal ow plates and place them in the fridge.

P1ckled unnpe elderberry Pluck the elderberr1 from the1r clusters, cover them with salt and salt them for 24 hours 1n tre fndge.
j1 ·rt 'n Wash oft all tre salt frori the elderberry 1n cold water.
Sdlt Cover the elderberry w1th apple c1der vinegar and water and place 1n the fridge.
{' g w. .'"r The elderberry are ready to use after one week in the fndge
l dlJ~ E' dt' Vll lf'(<tl

Potato ch1ps Pee the potatoes and roll them into long threads on a vegetable mach1ne.
Let the liquid run cff the threads and roll the potato threads w1th hay ash
Place the black pctato threads on a s1hcone mal and spray on 011 w th a vaponzer
iy h Season the potato threads w1th salt and bake them at 175 ~c. 20 % wind cycle, ooen a1r
shutter for 15 minutes

Winter purslane Spray v1negar on the purslane stalk w th a vaponzer and season w1th salt
4 .,.., tP.r, Cut the chives 1nto 2 lengthw1se and tear out long strips.
, h:-ve Wrap the curly strips around the flower from the winter cress.
1 r,. kM '.dRrt:irry Place pickled elderberry next to the flower and deco·ate w1th d1ll tw1gs.
~ d1 +vv 1„ F1nally decorate the flower w1lh the potato ch1ps.

To assemble and serve Place the bruker 1 p1eces of squ1d offset on a plate on top of the mussel qel
When the broken p1eces of squ1d 1s thawed arrange t11e w1nter purslane
Place a spoonful of d1ll snow nexl to the VV1nter purslane ttowe·
Serve 1mmed1atel\'.

Broken pieces of squid Let the lernen verbena leaves dry at roorn ternperature for 24 hours.
~u1J 1 1 dITT Blend the lernen verbena leaves to a powder and sieve through a tarnis.
1oo g lemor verbera leaves Rernove the arms frorn the squ1d
Cut the body of the squid 1nto 2 lengthw1se.
Rinse the rneat in cold water.
Rernove the purple artery rnernbrane frorn the rneat.
Cut the trirnrned rneat into 6 pieces.
Rernove the thin chewy rnernbrane frorn one side of all 6 pieces of rneat.
Dry the squid p1eces w1th a clean dishtowel and season with salt.
Spnnk le all sides of the squid w1th the lernon verbena powder
Freeze the pieces in liquid n1trogen
Bang a vacuurn bag with the frozen squ1d aga1nst the table so the squ1d breaks into p1eces.
Store the broken p1eces of squ1d 1n the freezer.

Raw potato slices, potato creme and ram on oil

Raw slices of potato Cut the potatoes 1nto th1n shces us1ng a s11cer and cut them into a round shape v.ith a cutter
• it Place the slices 1n cold water for 5 hours.
Replace the water w1th fresh water e•ery half hour.

Potato creme Heat all 1ngred1ents, blend and s1eve through a flne sieve.

f3{ l bUtt r
f ..,

Scoops of potato Cut the potatoes 1n half and form the'l1 into a round shape us1ng a Parisienne scoop.
Vacuum seal the scoops of potato w1th clanfied butter and cook 1n a water bath at
83 cc for 20 minutes and then let them cool in ice water

Ramsons oil Blend the ramsons anrl 011 for 8 m1nutes 1n a Thermomix unt1I the 011 goes dark green.
S1eve the 011 through a net and let 11 cool

Potato ch1ps Cut the potatoes 1nto th1n slices on a mandoline and cut them 1nto a round shape using a cutter.
Place the sllces 1n 1ce water
' ru 1 Ceep fry the potato sllces 1n oil at 1 ?'J °C until they are golden
<alt Let the oil run oft the ch1ps and season w1th salt

To assemble and serve Pour the potato creme in a Thermomix and blend at low speed and the heat set to 90 °C
Heat the scooi::s of potato 1n a water bath at 90 °C for 6 m1nutes.
:.i1ie Sieve away the butter and season the potatoes w1th salt and place them on a plate
Let the water run oft the potato sllces and i:;lace a cut out ramsons leaf on each shce
Place the potato sllces on the plate w1th the ramsons leaf fac1ng downwards.
Decorate the dish w 1th potato ch1ps.
Spl1t the hot potato creme w1th ramsons 011 and serve the sauce at the table.

4 Green rhubarb, whipped cream of rhubarb
and wheatgrass j uice

Wheatgrass water Blend the ingred1ents nnd s1eve througt1 a ne!.

Save the m1xture for the wheatgrass 1u1ce and rhubarb stnps.

Green rhubarb 1u1ce Cut the rhubarbs 1nto smaller p1eces and blend w1th water.
S1eve the 1u1ce through a net
q w<lt , Bring the 1u1ce to a bo1I and s1eve through a net aga1n.
Save the 1u1ce tor wh1pped cream of rhubarb and wheatgrass 1u1ce.

Wheatgrass 1u1ce Stir all 1ngred1ents together.

' l J •r
' q F

~ „ llt> E'

Pearls Heat cream, milk and sugar unt1I the sugar 1s d1ssolved.
) 1 'E • Let the hqu1d cool and st1r 1n the cream cheese.
1< q re<Jm Sieve the creme and fill 1t 1n a small squeeze bottle.
q cuqur Then squeeze out httle drops 1nto liquid nitrogen to create small pearls
" ~ f1QCJ y k Store the frozen pearls in the freezer.
q rr k

Rhubarb stnps Peel the rhubarbs and cut them 1nto stnps.
Place the strips 1n the wheatgrass 1u1ce and syrup and place 1n the fridge.

Wh1pped cream of rhubarb Mix all 1ngred1ents together.

„ J Whisk the m1xture w1th a hand m1xer unt1l 1t beg1ns to stiften.
g x..irwr 1

! ~ f tt/'" r
! l 11 d

To assemble and serve Place the wh1pped cream of rhubarb 1n a bowl and serve the bowl next to the d1sh 1tself.
Let the hqu1d run oft the rhubarb stnps and place them 1n a bowl.
Pour in 2 tablespoons of wheatgrass 1u1ce.
Decorate the rhubarb stnps w1tt1 lemon balrn leaves
Spnnkle a spoonful o f pearls over the rhubarb stnps and serve 1mmed1ately.

Razor clam, bcetroot, puffed wheat grain
and hor eradish sauce

Razor clam Remove the razor clams trom the1r shell and cut away the1r stomach and intest1ne
Then freeze the clam and let 1t thaw to make the meat more tender
Sa• Season w1th salt before serv1ng

Beetroot bands Make long beetroot bands on a vegetable mach1ne and cut them 1nto 16 rectangles of 1 x 6 cm. o
Place the beetroot p1eces lJetween 2 p1eces of bak1ng sheets and then 1n a vacuum bag Cook
the beetroot bands 1n a water bath at 83 °C for 75 minutes and then let them cool 1n 1ce water

Sago gra1ns Boil the water, add lhe sago gra1ns.

Boil the sago gra1ns unl1I lhere 1s a little wh1te centre 1n the sago gra1ns.
g Sieve away the water and nnse the sago gra1ns 1n runrnng cold water.
Place the sago gra1ns in beetroot 1u1ce and v1negar and let them steep 12 hours 1n the fndge

Puffed wheat grains See the tollow1ng pages.

Frozen beetroot 1u1ce Mix the 1ngred1ents toqether and season the Juice w1th salt.
Fill 10 m1hlitres beetroot 1uice 1n each s1l1cone conta1ner and place the th1n round d1scs 1n the freezer.
t:,L 1 bt..'f>" ;:){ t J (8

1 ~:xi t

Horseradish sauce Blend the razor clam stock w1lh xanl ana and heat 1t up w1lh cream
• , Blend salt and lhe finely graled horserad1sh into the sauce.
3 g xantar d S1eve the sauce through a net and lel 11 cool.
g oom
ir l'P.d r ld"'

Dill emuls1on Blend dill. cold ch1cken stock, shallots and salt.
Gently b end the 011 1nto the puree httle by httle.

1 qc l „
1 J I+

~ , fl tWerSf. dCI

0111011 Blend the oil and plucked dill al h1ghest speed for 8 minutes
Sieve the dill 011 lhrough a cloth and let 11 cool

To assemble and serve Now cut out the beetroot bands into 9 x 5 cm shapes. They will shrink wl1en cooked
Place lhe razor c 1am on the beelroot bands • season wl!h sa11 anll roll tt1em l1ke a cannellorn
Decorale the beetroot bands w1th sago gra1ns and d1ll Place lhe putted wheat gra1ns on

the outside o f one o f ltlfl t)eelrool cnnnellorn

< •
Arrange lhe (jill ernulsion and place the frozen
beetrool 1u1ce on top ot it. Spht the tiorserad1st1 sauce w1tt1 tlle d1:I o1I

Puffed wheat grains Saak the wheat gra1ns in water for 12 hours.
..J JVh el gra1ns R1nse the gra1ns, cover them 1n water and boil them until they are very tender.
1ex:: q water Sieve away the water and place the wheat grains on bak1ng sheets and let them dry 1n the
30g satt oven for 1 2 hours at 68 C
Place the dried wheat grains 1n a conta1ner which is placed in a water bath w1th salted water
Cover the conta1ners to keep the mo1st 1nside and make the gra1ns absorb 1t.
Do not let the wheat gra1ns tauch the water but let them absorb the mo1sture in the container
for 48 hours. Make the wheat gra1ns puff in oil at 180 °C and season w1th salt.
Ra\v shrimp, dill imprint and cheese foa1n

Shnmp Peel the shnmp out of the shell and deve1n 1t

Keep 'he shnmp 1n the fndge unt1I serving

Dill puree See the follow1ng pages.

Salad stalks Pluck the leaves from the httle gern salad.
Cut the salad stalk 1nto long triangles and place them 1n ice water
The dish requ1res 5 long triangle stalks per person.

Cheese foam Heat the clam mussel stock and m1 k.

.... ' c Pour the liquid over the rest of the 1ngrec1ents and blend 1t
Sieve the cheese foam through a net and make 1t foam w1th a hand m1xer before serv1ng

'Q rtr

Toasted bread Freeze the bread

t" j Cut out the frozen bread 1n th1n sllces on a sllcer and remove the crust
Spray clanfied butter on the bread w1th a vaponzer and roll them 1nto a cyllndncal shape
Bake the s 1ces 1n the oven at 150 'C for 30 m1nutes.
Season the toasted bread sl1ces wi'h salt and let the butter run off

Onion nngs Peel the onion and cut 1t 1n th1n shces.

Separate the onion nngs and keep them in 1ce water unt1I serv1ng

To assemble and serve Spray some d1ll puree 1n the centre of the plate.
Press someth1ng round and flat hke the botto'Tl of a glass into the puree to make a vacuur"I.
4 d 'WT The vacuum forms a pattern when 1t 1s carefully removed aga1n.
r rr .,. 1 c aj Season the raw shnrnps w1th salt and place them 1n a crescent shape around the dill 1mpr int.
Decorate the shnmps w1th salad stalks, onion rings, dill m1zuna salad and toasted bread p eces
Heat the cheese foam and place the foam on the d1sh when serving Only use the top foam.

Dill puree Boil the dill and sp1nach tender and then place 1n 1ce water before squeez1ng out all excess water
-:i j Freeze the dlll and sp1nach 1n a paco beaker
:?CX.. ti 1 iclO Process the frozen d1ll puree 4 t1mes on a Pacojet.
1 g x.:in'dr ~ Blend the d1ll puree to a smooth texture witn some water and xantana, season w1th salt and
sieve through a net. Use the d1ll puree when serv1ng.
Grilled marrow and bone,
fermented porcini and raw chestnut

Gnlled bones w1th marrow Spht the bone lengtt1w1se and then across so 1t ends up be1ng 5 cm lang - you can ask
"" your butcher to do 1t

Fermented porc1n1 See the follow1ng pages.

Raw chestnuts Peel the chestnuts.

Burn the peeled chestnuts w1th a gas torch all over so the th1n membrane comes loose.
Remove the rnembrane from the chestnuts.
Place the chestnuts 1n 1ce water for 2 hours.
Cut the chestnuts 1n th1n sl1ces.
Place the slices 1n 1ce water unt1I serv1ng.

To assemble and serve Place the bo11es w1th marrow on the gnll w1th the bone fac1ng down.
Place the lid on the gnll and gnll the bones at medium heat.
Tue bone is done when the centre of the marrow becomes soft.
Regularly check the bones dunng the1r grilling
Heat the fermented porcini and place on top of the grilled bone w1th marrow.
Let any excess water run oft the chestnut slices and decorate the bones w1th them.

Fermented porc1rn Cut the porc1rn 1nto 6 p1eces and apply salt to all sides.
i Ir Vacuum seal the salted porc1rns and place them lukewarm for 7 days.
g salt The bag will expand a httle when the porcirns are ferment1ng.
Open the bag after 7 days, sieve away the liquid and cut the porcinis finely.
Duck breast, blackcurrant
beetroot and beetroot wine sauce

Duck breast Remove the sk1n from the duck breast

Season the duck breast w1th salt and cut 1n 2 across
Vacuum seal the 2 p1eces of duck w1th 011
Cook the duck breast 1n a water bath at 58 °C for 2 hours

Red pearl ornons Vacuum seal the red pearl onions w1th the1r peel still on and steam them in the oven at
83 cc for 12 m1nutes Let the red pearl ornons cool.
t>la k ,rr irt v. ecpr Cut all red onions into 2 pieces lengthw1se and separate the layers trom each other
i t>t>t tw• u c Cover the layers 1n blackcurrant v1neqar and beetroot iu1ce and store 1t 1n the fndge tor 24 hours.

P1ckled green blackcurrant R1nse the unnpe blackcurrants and Jet them lay 1n salt for 24 hours.
Rinse away all salt from the bernes and cover them w1th water and v1negar
Sd!t Place them 1n the fndge for 7 days.
( j f J i.'"
1 () 1 wJ.'er

Beetroot w1ne See the following pages

Beetroot sauce Reduce beetroot w1ne and blackcurrant v1negar to 1/6.

1 " v. .t• K Reduce the beetroot iu1ce to 1/6.
42"> ~ beetroot 11...1ce St1r together beetroot wine/vinegar reduction w1th beetroot juice reduct1on and duck stock.
1' '.l blac„<c0rrmt vimq& Split the sauce w1th duck fat when serv1ng.
l'J ~ tiet,tr JO' wme Sieve the beetroot sauce through a net and season w1th salt
[}JCI{ ' .:lt

Beetroot band s Cut off the top and bottom of the beetroot and peel 1t
Make thin bands from the beetroot on a vegetable mach1ne
Cut the bands 1nto 50 cm long stnps and keep them 1n the beetroot iu1ce and 1ce water.

To assemble and serve Remove the duck breast from the water bath. dry oft any excess iu1ce and pan fry 1t 1n clanf1ed butter.
Let the fried duck breast rest for 4 m1nutes
' e\.J ..... fü.lrth eave•, Cut the duc;k IJreast 1nto 2 lengthw1sc and glaze 1t w1th some hP.etroot w1ne sauce
4 "" 11e "'rt""" Heat the ornons 1n beetroot iu1ce.
4 1r t.i k ,rrJnt Place the glazed duck breast and the onion layers on a plate.
Place the p1ckled green blackcurrants and npe blackcurrants on the duck brenst and ornon layers.
Let the beetroot Juice run off the beetroot stnps and shape thern llke a small bunch and place 11
on top of the duck breast and ornons.
Oecorate the d1sh w1tt1 wölercress and red amaranth.
Split the sauce w 1tt1 duck tat, season w1th some beetroot w1ne nnd pour the sauce at the table

Beetroot wine
Beetroot w1ne Bake the beetroots 1n the oven at 68 °c for 12 hours.
Let the beetroot cool and peel them .
• ><.fJ ~ri ir Cover the peeled beetroots with water and Jet them boil for 25 m1nutes.
Let the liquid cool and sieve the iu1ce 1nto a fermenter
• +
f •r ..i d Add all other 1ngred1ents and st1r weil unt1l the 1ngredients are dissolved.
tPa ;pcx>n patoly1 dr Place the a1rlock on lhe fermenter and let the beetroot Juice ferment until no more air
erzyr"' ·~ Ur l 1rdde p< •1111ntru1t 1s leav1ng the bottle.
1 •e isponr o' yc ,et r 1tr ent Fill the fermented beetroot liquid on a carboy (a glass bottle with an a1rlock for ferment1ng).
The dead yeast will sink to the bottom of the bottle so make sure the sed1ments does not
transfer to the carboy. Place the a1rlock on the bottle and let the w1ne ferment until it 1s done.
When absolutely no more a1r is leav1ng the airlock the w1ne 1s done ferment1ng and can be bottled.
All equ1pment must be stenlized 1n bo1ling water before us1ng.

Beetroot and liquorice

Beetroot 1ce cream Heat the beetroot 1u1ce w1th sugar ano glucose.
1bE tr t D1ssolve the soaked gelat1ne 1n the beetroot iuce and add the lemon Juice
w Let the beetroot 1u1ce cool and freeze t 1n a paco bea-<er.
When 1t is frozen process 1t on a Pacojet, f1ll the 1ce cream 1n a styrofoam cooler and store 1t 1n
the freezer untli serv1ng


,. •
' JI

Frozen liquonce

lf1 JU E'

Q re<11"1

Wh1sk the egg yolk and sugar a1ry.
Bring 150 grams of cream to a bo1I and melt the liquonce in the cream
St1r the soaked gelatine and hay ash 1nto the warm cream

. ...~ . .• . r.
• .. „ J• • -.,
'1 lt

~ 8Cl\I
j ~dW qU<:''lCE'

4 g eqgyck
1 ~ .ltire
Pour the hat cream over the wh1te chocolate and blend w1th a hand m1xer untli all the chocolate
is melted and the texture 1s smooth.
:,~:. Fold the liquonce mixture w1th the wh1sked egg yolks to make a liquonce mousse

' t;

„ ,,
.,„..... ..„. ,..
,.,. . ..
. . „( „-" .

.. .. •

::itate Whisk 150 grams of cream air1 and fcld 1t 1n.
Fill a big metal container w1th liquid rntrogen
Gently pour the liquonce mousse into the liquid nitrogen httle by little

, „. .' •
When all tho liquorico mousso 1s frozon blend 1t to a powder i:1 a Thermomix.
Store the frozen liquorice mousse 1n a styrofoam cooler 1n the freezer until serv1ng.

.. • Ash malto Stir together the malto and hay ash and add the oil.
Place a spoonful of ash malto 1n a b19 colander and spray some lemon oil on the malto.
~2 g rr»lt'J Shake the colander with the malto to form little rocks of the malto
5 'l f).;lyd~h

To assemble and serve Pour some hqu1d rntrogen 1n the liquorice mousse and sprinkle a spoonful 1n the centre of a plate.
Sprinkle the malto stones on the plate.
tr • ~ tvvrt +>·e Scoop a round scoori nf beetroot ice cream and place it on top of the hquonce mousse
Decorate the beetroot 1ce cream w1th beetroot sprouts and serve 1mmed1ately.

ry • Jerusalem artichoke peels,
apple peel powder and hazelnut

Jerusalem art1choke peels See the follow1ng pages.

Apple puree Bake the apples 1n the oven at 175 °C for 25 m1nutes.
Blend the baked apples to a smooth puree and then sieve 1t.
, g t1C u d Season 100 grams of apple puree w1th 2.5 grams lact1c ac1d
Keep the apple puree 1n the fridge until serv1ng.

Apple peel powder Spread out the apple peels on a sheet pan and dry them at room temperature for 24 hours.
Blend the dried apple peels to a powder on a coffee grinder.

Toasted hazelnuts Toast the hazelnuts 1n the oven at 175 °C , 70 % wind cycle for 10 m1nutes.
Let the toasted nuts cool and freeze them 1n liquid rntrogen
Blend the frozen hazelnuts to a powder on a Thermomix.

Hazelnut mayonna1se Whisk egg yolk. lemon iu1ce and mustard airy.
l, Gently wh1sk the hazelnut oil into the a1ry egg yolks little by llttle .
• q >f11u e Stir the hazelnut mixture. cream and cream cheese 1nto a smooth tex1ure
"> g rr Jn ird
"<lg „ "' r it r
l fta!"'

X. q r lf" tl'-!E";e

To assemble and serve Brush a th1n layer of apple puree on the 1ns1de of the Jerusalem art1choke peels.
Spnnkle the ins1de w1th toasted hazelnuts powder
Spray some hazelnut mayonna1se 1n the centre of the bowl.
Cover the hazelnut mayonna1se w1th the powder from the apple peels
Place the Jerusalem art1choke peels offset 1n the hazelnut mayonna1se.

Jerusalem art1choke peels Bake the Jerusalem artichokes in the oven at 180 °C for 30 m1nutes
r " Let the baked Jerusalem artichokes cool in cold water.
• v: 1or fryirq Dry off any excess water from the Jerusalem art1chokes and cut off the1r bottom and top.
Carve out the inside of the Jerusalem art1choke w1th a teaspoon so noth1ng but the peel is left.
Fry the Jerusalem artichoke peels at 170 ' C unt1I they are golden all over.
Let the oil run off the fned Jerusalem art1choke peels and place them 1n a detiydrator unt1I serv1ng.
Brush a th1n layer of apple puree on the 1nside of the Jerusalem art1choke peels and spnnkle
with finely blended toasted hazelnuts.
Meringue of white currants and salted ymer

Meringue of wh1te currant Bnng the wh1te currants 1u1ce and c1tras to a bo1I and s1eve through a net.
Let the hot wh1te currant 1u1ce cool.
'< rr 1 • Blend the cold wh1te currant 1u1ce. egg wh1te powder. syrup and xantana
rt' and then wh1sk 1n a K1tchen A1d until the m1xture turns st1ff
~ iq wti te ,:itrwd r Spray out the wh1te currant foam on s1llcone mats - half as httle fung1 tops,
'· J i V" ·~ half as small stalks for the fung1
q ;; 1 • m Sprinkle all the tops w1th roughly chopped freeze-dned cranbernes
Let the wh1te currant foam dry 1n a dehydrator at 50 °C for 12 hours.

Salted ymer St1r all 1ngred1ents together.

l l • l ~

To assemble and serve Place the menngue stalks offset on a plate.

Spray ymer on the top of the stalks and f1nally place the meringue tops on top.

4 Skate wing, b1ack salsify,
crispy chicken skin and hay burned mussel auce

Skate w1ng Cut the skate w1ng 1nto p1eces of 40 grams each
' v. Seascn eac h p1ece w1th salt on both s1des and keep them 1n the fndge until serving

Cnspy ch1cken sk1n Scrape oft tt1e fat from the c h1cken sk1n and spread the sk1n flat out on baking sheets.
Place another bak1ng shcct on top of the ch1cken skin and place some we1ght on 1t so
the chicken skin 1s baked under nressure
Bake the sk1n 1n the oven at 1 70 C for 30 minutes, 100 % wind cycle anrl ooen a1r shutter.
Break the crispy chicken sk1n 1nto p1eces wrile it is still hot and season w1th salt.

Fned black sals1fy puree Peel the black sals1fy ana saute them 1n butter unt1 they are golden.
Pour on milk and boil the black sals1fy unt1I they are completely tender
'l 'Tl k Sieve away the mil< and olend the black sals1fy.
lu 'E 1 t. rttE- Use the milk to adjust the consistency of the puree unt1I 11 1s smcioth
'lt<.iar Sieve the puree through a net and season v.1th salt and lemon J.Jice
) Cl c..Jt

Hay burned mussel sauce See the follow1ng pages.

Black sals1fy ch1ps Wash the black sals1fy thoroughly ;:m d cut them across in 1 mm slices on a sllcer.
:i1 t1 Deep fry the sllces at 170 C until they are golden.
Let the Oll run oft the ch1ps and season w ith salt.

Fned black sals1fy Peel the black sals1fy into a round shape and cut oft the top and bottom.
Pan fry the black sals1fy 1n cla11fied butte1 when serving - shake the pa'1 so they roll around
in the outter.

To assemble and serve Pan fry the black sals1fy 1n clanfied butter wh1le heating up the puree.
When the black sa s1fy is golden pan fry the skate wing in clanfied butter.
k\o\'E'E<l tw.g Fry the skate wing golden on one s1de and very shortly on the other side.
rnzum J d Season the skate w1ng w1th salt and place 11 on a plate with tt1e gultJen ::;1ue up.
p JUt Place the chicken skin an top of the skate w1ng .
Arrange the black sals1ty and puree and decorate w1th salad. herbs and ch1ps.
Split the hot hay burned mussel sauce w1th clanfied butter and oour the sauce at the table.

Hay burned mussel sauce Wash the blue mussels 1n cold water and place them 1n a b1g stock pot w1th a b1g surface
Spnnkle the hay over the blue mussels.
'1Cq ~iav Take the stock pot outside and burn the hay w1th a gas torch . /
1 g ~ ir tar 1 Cover the mussels and the burned hay w1th water. bring to a boil and let 1t s1mmer for 10 m1nutes.
~t S1eve the mussel stock and let 1t reduce unt1I 1t has an 1ntense navour.
too W' r Blend 100 grams of 1ntense stock w1th 0, 1 gram of xantana and season w1th salt.
Spllt the sauce w1th c1anf1ed butter when serving.
>1 Zucchini ftower, pumpkin seed oil ice cream.
sea buckthom and frozen buttermilk

Pumpk1n seed 01l 1ce cream Blend the cold syrup w1th all the other 1ngredients
1 vr Pour the m1xture 1n a paco beakcr and freeze
Process the pumpk1n seed 1ce cream 2 t1mes on a Pacoiet.
X" 1ri µklr 'iE'< l Put the 1ce cream 1n a styrofoam cooler and store 1t 1n the treezer until serving
q y X1 lr' n;.it Jf l

H ] 'XI l

l 1g r ci< ~ [ <>Y

Butterm1lk snow Heat the syrup

Dissolve the soaked gelat1ne 1n the syrup.
4 q t: "e<TT K l et the syrup cool to room temperature and st1r 1n the butterm1lk and lact1c ac1d
2 <i ~ Fill the mixture 1n a half Illre siphon bottle and add 2 siphon cartndges
' rl'vt><, t oe ':'€ Spray out the buttermilk s1phon 1nto liquid nitrogen.
Blend the frozen butterm1lk foam to snow 1n a Thermomix.
Store the butterm1lk snow in a styrofoam cooler in the freezer unt1I serv1ng.

Pumpk1n seed malte Brush some 011 on the pumpk1n seeds and bake them at 170 °C, 40 % wind cyclo for 7 m1nutes.
Let the toasted pumpk1n seeds cool and chop them roughly
?,o J purrr K.n $eed .J11 Mix the malto and pumpk1n seed oil and fold in the pumpkin seeds.
~" ':l 'Tlalto

To assemble and serve Place the pumpk1n seed malto on a plate and arrange the sea buckthorn next to 1t.
!f r Clean the zucch1n1 flower, cut 1t open lengthwise and remove the flower core
ia LU< ;t n 'kmt:> Scoop an egg-shaped scoop of pumpk1n ice cream on top of the malto.
' 'r h tiurkthorrs Fold the zucch1ni flower around the 1ce cream
Place the buttermilk snow next to the zucchini flower and on top of the sea buckthorn
Serve the dish 1mmediately.

Shells of resin with pine sprouts

Shells of resin See the tollow1nu p aoes

P1ckled p1ne sprouts Pour v1negar an<1 water over ttie p1ne sprouts and place therP 1n the fndge
The p1ne sprouts nre rentJy alter 24 hours.

JWlt r

Raw apple Cut the apf)le 1nto slices 0,5 cm tt11ck

1[ Cut out 20 round p1eces from tt1e shces nnd place them 1n lernen 1u1ce.

To assemble and serve Let the liquid run oft the am>le p1eces and p1ne sprouts
Place 2 p1eces of apple and 2 p1ne sprouts 1n each res1n shell.
.,,.., Decorate the p1ne sprouts w1th (1111
Place the shells on a plate

Shells of resin St1r together all ingred1ents and place the m1xture in the fndge for 12 hours.
St1r the dough and brush a th1n layer on silicone mats.
Let the dough dry at room temperature for 24 hours.
Cut the dough 1nto squares and deep fry them unt1I they are golden.
q &&t Fold the fned squares whtle they are still hol.
Liquorice shoelaces

Shoelaces Bnng water to a bo1 and blend agar agar 1nto the boll1ng nater
Add milk chocolate and cocoa and bring 1t to a bo1 again.
J Blend the hat chocolate m1xture and sieve through a net.
J't> Suck up the hat chocolate m1xture through a th1n plast1c tube and 1et 1t cool in 1ce :;ater
~ .ldl' ldf Once the chocolate m1xture is rested spray •t out in a zigzag pattern on baking sheets
ri :i e i:x.. ner Let the th1n chocolate threads dry 1n a dehydrator at 60 °C for 48 hours.

To assemble and serve Spnnkle 8/10 of the shoelace w1th liquorice powder.

lc~ cream from toasted sunflower seeds, lemon verbena,
cnspy Jerusalem artichoke chips and apple

Sunflower seed 1ce cream Toast the sunflower seeds 1n the oven at 160 °c, 60 % wind cycle for 5 nui iutes.
Heat tre cream and m1 k .

J ' f if"' Wh1sk the milk 1nto the egg yolks and sugar and blend 11 1n a Thermomix at medium Speed
l'JI q rr >< at 80 °C for 4 minutes.
• x: g <.UC.df Blend the sunflower seeds 1nto the m1xture.
4 [)._ •t:- 1,z d egq vuks Let the milk cool and fill 1t 1n a paco beaker and freeze.
v,6 g ..,., t Process the frozen ice cream on a Paco1et.
Put the ice cream 1n a styrofoam cooler and store 1t 1n tre freezer for 2 hours.
Make uneven p1eces of the sunflower seed 1ce cream us1ng 2 forks, place them in liquid
nitrogen for 4 seconds and then return them to the freezer.

Apple puree w1th lemon verbena Peel and core the apples and cut them 1nto quarters
Vacuum seal the apple quarters.
1 l s ,g3."' Place the vacuum bag 1n a conta1ner and cook it in the microwave for 7 m1nutes at 1200w.
• q rr in VE"tt'k.l J ~ Blend trie tender apples w1th sugar and let them cool.
Blend tne cold apple puree w1th lemon verbena and sieve through a net

Apple s1phon Heat the syrup and dissolve the soaked gelat1ne 1n 1t.
Add apple ju1ce and lemon juice to the syrup and place 1t 1n the fndge
appleB Wh1sk the apple gel a1ry w1th a wh1sk and fill 1! on a siphon.
'r• q c;yrup ~>CJ % Add 2 siphon cartridges to half a litre siphon bottle.
r g IErr'':>n JL. c-.. Shake the bottle thoroughly and place 1t 1n the fndge.
~ k:iJW.S c.f gi,!at111P

Cnspy Jerusalem art1choke ch1ps Grate the Jerusalem art1chokes on a Microplane grater and place them in cold water.
Sieve the Jerusalem art1chokes and squeeze out any excess water.
/ver c,eed Fry the Chips 1n oil at 175 ec urtil they are golden.

To assemble and serve Place a spoonful of crispy Jerusalem art1chokes ch1ps 1r the bottom of the bowl
Arrange the sunflower seed ice cream on top.
Spray in the apple puree with lemon verbena and spray 1n the apple foam from s1µt1on ne)(t to 11.

Serve the dish 1mmed1ately.

Brisket, milk skin, beefjerky and stinging ncttle sauce

Bnned bnsket Vacuum seal the bnsket and cook 1t 1n a water bath at 80 cc for 24 hours.
Save half the bnsket for beef 1erky
Cut the other half 1nto p1eces of 35 grams each and vacuum seal 1t.

Grilled beef 1erky Pluck the meat 1nto separate f1bres

2" g tir ne<.1 l .h ·t ~ ," 1 i t Fold the meat w1th hay ash and onion ash unt1I all s1des are covered.
q 01 or> <-11 Oeep fry the black meat flbres 1n 011 at 190 C unt1I they are cnspy.
1 (j ... y <-h

Milk skin Blend sk1mmed milk powder and whey protein in the milk.
Pour the m1xture 1n a stock pot and heat 1t up to 75 °C . A milk skin will form on the top.
L q <.K. e.1 rr k µmdi:;r Loosen the mtlk sktn from the stock pol sides and carefully place 1t onto a bak1ng sheet
l v.„ey ~ tt;.n and apply some milk to keep 1t moist

Stinging nettle sauce Blanch the sp1nach and st1ng1ng nettle and squeeze out all excess water.
Blend the blanched st1ng1ng nettle and spinach w1th the veal stock and s1eve through a net.
'r.c q >,Jil":l h Season the sauce w1th salt.
'ffi J c,t1r 1nci nt ttle eav~

Parsley oil Blend parsley and oil for 8 mrnutes 1n a Thermomix unt1I the oil goes dark green.
<CX g p; k. 1 ' 1 S1eve the oil through a net and cool.
1)( X ~

Ornon ash Peel the yellow onion and break 1nto layers.
Place the onion layers on baking sheets and let them air-dry for 2 days.
Bake the dned onton layers in the oven at 200 °c until they become black.
Let the burned onion layers cool and blend them to a powder

Hay ash Burn the hay w1th a gas torch until 1t turns 1nto ash.
Let the ash cool and sieve through a tam1s.

To assemble and serve Heat the brisket at 90 °C for 5 minutes.

Place the warm bnsket on a plate and cover 1t w1th the milk skin.
4 '11Ur 1 lf --~ llJts Place the beef 1erky on top of the milk sk1n.
4 kv. tw l Decorate the beef 1erky w1th ch1ckweed and ground elder.
Split the st1ng1ng nettle sauce w1th parsley oil and pour the sauce when serv1ng


Tea m1xture Heat the cream, syrup and tea to 60 C and let 11 steep for 5 m 1nutes
S1eve the cream through a net.
0 1ssolve the soaked gc1at1ne 1n the cream arid st1r 1n the hay ash
N l:"l Place cl ng filrr over the m1xture and leave 1t at room teriperature for 2 hours
· ~
y JV •

Pear 1ce cream 1-<eat pear puree, cream, sugar and pear brandy to 80 °c
Dissolve the soaked gelat1ne 1n the mixture
J rt:J' Sieve the m1xture through a net and pour t 1n a paco beaker and place 1t 1n tne freezer
ri ~ When the ice cream 1s trozen process 1t on a Pacoiet ard transfer 11 to 8 stone shaped forms
'tnncty nght away and place them 1n the freezer aga1n.
11 • e When the ice cream 1s trozen remove the pear stones trom the fcrms and place them 1n the treezer.
Dip the frozen pear stones in liquid nitrogen for 5 secon::ls. the'l 1n the tea m xture and then
ir liquid nitrogen aga1n.
Store the pear stones in the freezer. They are ready to serve af:er 10 hours.

Ash malto St1r malto and hay ash together and add oil.
Place a spoonful of ash malto 1n a colander and spray an some lemon 011.
1 q "dY dsr Shake the colander with the ash malto to form pebbles
4' q rr3lto

Whrte malto Heat sunflower seed oil and lemon thyme to 65 ' C.
Let the lernon t11yrne oil ~teeµ for 24 l1ours 111 the fridge and then s1eve 1t.
L q ~ '"'-Y~ Stir malto together w1th 20 grams of thyme Oll.
<1' J •c, Aace a spoonful of tryme malto 111 a colander ard spray on scmo lomon oll.
Shake the colander w1th the wh1te malto to form pebbles.

To assemble and serve Decorate a plate w1th malte stones and arrange 2 pear stones
Decorate w1th a lemo'I thyme shoot.
' • 1 PrT •rre Let the dish rest for 5 m1nutes before sel'Vlng.

~ 4 Skagen Hain, pickled and new beech leaves

Cnspy and smoked Thinly roll out the Skagen Harn between 2 p1eces of bak1ng sheets.
Skagen Harn Bake the Skagen Harn between 2 sheet pans at 150 °C for about 2.5 hours.
4 u Smoke the cnspy p1eces of Skagen Harn w1th the dned beech tree
Jd x:Jbet h ldvr J 111'
mokJ l

P1ckled beech leaves Place the beech leaves 1n water and apple cider vinegar for a week to p1ckle

Smoked malto Stir together all the 1ngred1ents.

To assemble and serve Decorate the cnspy and smoked Skagen Harn w1th the p1ckled beech leaves
Then decorate w1th the new beech leaves.
r:. x 8<J OCe< h ..1ves Sprinkle the smoked malto on the Skagen Harn and arrange them 1n the tree
lrwty t


Lamb tartare, ramsons and crispy rye bread

Cnspy rye bread Freeze the rye bread.

Cut the frozen rye bread 1nto 8 th1n slices of 1,5 mm each us1ng a slicer
J tl\.11 r Cut out the rye bread shces 1nto round shapes Ls1ng a cutter and divide them in 2.
Spray the crescent shaped ryf! bread w1th clanfted butter and bake thern under pressure
between 2 sheet pans at 150 °C, 50 % wind cycle for 25 m1nutes until they are golden

Lamb tartare St1r together all 1ngred1ents

l finel'y 1 il

.Fi j #" ' pepper

Ramsons 011 Blend all ingred1ents for 8 m1nutes on a Thermomix at highest speed.
Sieve the 011 through a net.
'X l r im )f1'._ le :NP.<;
t M i par<,if"y lt t'',

Ramsons mayonna1se Wh1sk egg yolk, salt, mustard and lemon iu1ce a1ry
Gently wh1sk the oil 1nto the egg mixture little by little, unt1I the mayonnaise 1s smooth

2 g rru~tard
8 g le..., )r JU ce
E..'.) J 'dlT c,ons oll

To assemble and serve Spray ramsons mayonna1se on one side of the cnspy crescent shaped rye bread.
Place veal on tt1e olt1er side of tl1e crispy crescent stiaped rye IJread.
rr i:. 2"Y ,pr ,ts Comb1ne the 2 rye bread p1eces and decorate the sandw1ch gap w1th parsley sprouts.

4 Crispy bladder wrack and skyr

Bladder wrack Wash 1he bladder wrack 1n colcl wnter.

1r Hang the blndder wrack to a1r-cJry unt1l 1t becomes so cnspy that 11 1s easy to break.
Deep fry the bladder wrack at 175 C.
, lt Let the 011 run off the bladder wrack and season w1th salt.
Place the bladder wrack 1n a dehydrator at 60 •c for 2 hours.

Skyr creme Wh1sk the skyr and salt and f1ll 1t 1n a squeeze bottle.

To assemble and serve Place the fried bladder wrack between the stones and decorate w1th glasswort.
Spnnkle the plate w1th Sp1ruhna and decorate w1th skyr creme.
g Nf_ 1<
P< 'j;c

Fried celeriac, hazelnuts and Gravenstcin apple

Baked celenac Pack the celenac 1n alum1nium 1011 and bake 11 at 175 c until it reaches a core temperature of 80 c
Let tt1e celenac cool and cut 1nto shces of 2 cm
Cut out each shce w1th a round cutter.

Hazelnut puree Toast the hazelnuts in the oven at 175 C, 70 % wind cycle for 10 minutes.
Blend all 1ngred1ents and freeze in a paco beaker
Process the frozen puree 2 times on a Pacoiet

Hazelnut sauce St1r all 1ngred1ents together.

' Sieve the m1xture through a net.

• l :i.:: r .rt

Gravenstein apple Before serv1ng make long bands on a vegetable mach1ne and cut them 1nto squares of 3 x 3 cm

Hazelnut Break the hazelnuts and peel off the shell.

~ •, Remove the skin from the hazelnuts us1ng a knife.
Cut the hazelnuts w1th no sk1n 1nto 2 lengthw1se and place them 1n ice water

To assemble and serve Heat the celenac 1n a water bath at 80 °C for 10 minutes.
Pan fry the celeriac 1n clanf1ed butter on one side unt1l 1t 1s golden.
Season the celenac w1th salt and place 11 on a plate.
Arrange hazelnuts on and around the celenac.
Place the apple shces around the celenac.
Decorate the d1sh w1th lemon thyme leaves.
Heat and foam the hazelnut sauce w1th a hand blender and pour the sauce at the table

4 Hare, quince and wilted leaves

Hare Trim the hare by remov1ng the legs from the body and the back from the nbs.
Vacuum seal the legs and the back 1n the1r own separate vacuum bags.
Cook the legs 1n a water bath at 56 ' C for 12 hours and let them cool
Cook the back in a water bath at 56 C for 1 hour.
Qu1ckly pan fry the legs and back and glaze them 1n sauce nght before serv1ng.

Toasted walnut puree Toast the walnuts 1n the oven at 175 °C, 70 % wind cycle for 10 m1nutes.
Blend all 1ngred1ents and freeze them in a paco beaker.
&'" Process the frozen puree 2 t1mes on a Pacojet, heat 1t up before serv1ng and season w1th salt.

'1 1W IE'

Sauce from hare Cook the legs 1n the oven at 190 ' C for 60 m1nutes to get the legs golden.
Place the legs in a stock pot. pour over the broth, cover w1th water and bring to a bo1I.
tir tr Place alum1nium fo1I over the stock pot and place 1t in the oven at 83 ·c for 12 hours.
4 v11Jt r Sieve the stock and reduce unt1l 1t has an 1ntense flavour.
Xdf • r.c;1 Regularly sk1m the sauce while reduc1ng
S<J1t Blend 100 grams of 1ntense sauce with 0, 1 gram of xantana and season w1th salt.

Fned qu1nce Peel the quinces, cut them 1nto 4 quarters and remove the core
Vacuum seal the quinces and cook them 1n a water bath at 60 C for 15 minutes.
Let the qu1nces cool and qu1ckly pan fry them before serv1ng.

Cnspy goosefoot leaves See the following pages.

w1th blackcurrant

Goosefoot leaves w1th qu1nces See the follow1ng pages.

To assemble and serve Ou1ckly pan fry the legs and back and glaze them 1n sauce.
Carefully heat up the walnut puree w1thout lett1ng 11 dry out.
Place the puree on a plate form1ng a circle
qr n 1 foct lf'JVP, Arrange the hare leg and the peeled walnut.
Ou1ckly pan fry the qu1nces 1n some clanfied butter and place them on the plate
Place the wilted leaves on top.
Heat the sauce, split 1t w1th clanf1ed butter and pour 11 when serv1ng.
Cnspy goosefoot leaves Blend blackcurrant and sugar for 5 m1nutes unt1I the pect1n 1s weil integrated 1nto the m1xture.
w1th blackcurrant then s1eve 11. Wast1 the goosefoot leaves and blanch thern for 20 seconds. Let the leaves cool
1n 1ce water and rnake sure all excess water 1s dned off Brush the blanched leaves with a th1n
c:Jr' layer of blackcurrant puree on both s1des. Hang the leaves to tiry un!ll tt1ey curl and then place
them 1n a dehyclrator tor 12 hours at 50 °C.
Goosefoot leaves Peel the quinces and remove the core. Vacuum seal the quinces with sugar and cook them in
with quinces a water bath at 80 °C for 15 minutes until they are tender. Blend the qu1nces for 5 minutes and
16 ye1 o.~ gc .et t l811es then sieve. Wash the goosefoot leaves and blanch them for 20 seconds. Let the leaves cool
2') >::i qu1nre 1n 1ce water and make sure all excess water 1s dried off. Brush the blanched leaves w1th a th1n
20 1 r .dfe >ugar layer of qu1nce puree on both sides. Let the leaves dry at 20 °c for 6 hours until they reach a
leathery texture.
Onglet, wild herbs, chive and morel sauce

Onglet Tnm the tendons nnd tat off the meat and cut 1t 1nto p1eces of 50 grams each
Season the p1eces w1th salt and vacuum seal each p1ece 1n the1r own separate
vacuum bag w1th sorne 011.
Cook the meat 1n a water bath at 56 C for 3 hours.

Fungi sauce Pour ch1cken stock over the mushrooms and dned morels 1n a stock pol
k Top w 1th water unt1I the fung1 are covered 1n liquid.
'l 1d j (Y
Heat the stock pol to 85 C and then place alum1nium foil over the top.
c:,• l(t< Place the stock pot 1n the oven at 83 °c for 12 hours.
g 1f Sieve the broth through a net.
g . Reduce the broth to 2 lltres.
F 'a'U Season the sauce w1th apple c1der v1negar and salt and blend 1n the xantana.
V ltE'f Heat the sauce when serv1ng.

Ch1ve 0 11 Blend ch1ve and 011for8 minutes in a Thermomix unt1I the 011 goes dark green.
Sieve the 011through a net and let 11 cool.
X: wer j

Ch1ve s1phon Whisk egg yolk. water, v1negar and salt a1ry at low heat.
Gently whisk the 011 1nto the egg m1xture l1ttle by httle
6 J 3'' Pour the m1xture 1n half a Illre s1phon bottle and add 2 siphon cartndges.
• ,:i w it1er Keep the s1phon at 40 C.
f r.J'f K

To assemble and serve Make sure all excess liquid 1s removed from the meat and pan fry 11 in clanf1ed
butter w1th some thyme.
Let any excess liquid run o ff the meat, season w1th salt and let 11 rest for 2 m1nutes.
Saute 50 grams sp1nach and 4 grams tarragon 1n some 011.
Place the meat on a plate and place the sauteed sp1nach and tarragon on top

4 Oecorate the meat w1th herbs and spray on the ch1ve siphon.

1 l r" • rJ i Heat the sauce up 'lnd pour 1t at the table.

4 Oyster, aluminium foil
and parsley cre1ne in algae powder

Limfjord oyster Open the oysters and s1eve tlle oyster water through a net.
1t 1L c Wash away any leftover shell frorn the oysters and cut them 1nto 2 lengthw1se

Aluminium foil from See the following pages.

oyster water

Parsley mayonna1se 1n See the follow1ng pages

Sp1ruhna malto

Horserad1sh cream Stir the ingredients together and let 1t steep for 15 m1nutes.
Sieve the horserad1sh cream and squeeze out a.I liquid from the horserad1sh
• 1' y II' t jr Jd

P1ckled sago gra1ns Boil the water, add the sago gra1ns and bo1I unt1 there 1s a little wh1te centre 1n the sago gra1ns.
Let the boiled sago gra1ns cool 1n a s1eve under running cold water.
1 '"" i• r Place the bolled sago gra1ns 1n the ch1lled d1ll v1negar for 24 hours.
'L() oor "'f v l r

To assemble and serve Season the oyster p1eces w1th salt and place them on a plate
Place the p1ckled sago gra1ns on the plate and decorate w1th bronze fennel.
b br .z~ 'er tv. l Spray the cold parsley creme 1nto the Sp1rulina malto.
Cover the parsley creme w1th Sp1ruhna malto and take them out us1ng a spatula
Shake the parsley creme covered in Sp1ruhna malto and place 1t on the plate.
Place the alum1nium fo1I over each oyster.
Spht the horserad1sh cream w1th the parsley 011.
Parsley mayonnaise 1n Stlr the Spirulina powder and malto together.
Sp1rulina malto Blend parsley and oil for 8 m1nutes 1n a Thermomix unt1I the oil goes dark green.
Sieve the 011 through a net and let 1t cool.
iO~mit Wh1sk egg yolk and salt a1ry.
~ <.lV i parc; fTy Gently wh1sk 1n the 011 little by httle until the mixture is very th1ck.
~ fJ n~ :me· .-,epa F1nally add the lacllc ac1d and let the mayonna1se cool
~ gegqy K Spray the cold parsley creme into the Sp1ruhna malto
2"i q r arc:;ey oll Cover the parsley creme w1th Sp1ruhna malto and take them out us1ng a spatula.
2 g salt Shake the parsley creme from the excess Sp1rullna malto
g act1c; acd
Aluminium toll from Blend oyster water, salt and agar agar 1n a Thermomix at 100 C
oyster water S1eve the liquid when the oyster water reaches 100 ' C.
Place the oyster gel 1n round shapes 1n llttle trays and let 1t sei
CJ '' Place the gel on bak1ng sheets and brush the s1de fac1ng up w1th
1i, i iar silver powder that 1s mixed w1th some water.
1 Dry the sllver gel 1n a dehydrator at 50 °C for 14 hours.
Freeze-dried icc cream

Freeze-dned 1ce cream Cut the varnlla pod 1nto 2 lengthw1se and heat 1t up 1n the cream
Wh1sk the sugar and egg yolk rnry.
Wh1sk the wnrrn crearn 1nto the e<JQ yolks.
d Pour the m1xture 111 a Thermomix and blend at medium speed at 80 °C for 5 m1nutes.
lQ Sieve the 1ce cream m1xture through et net. let 1t cool down and process 11 Ofl an 1ce cream mach1ne
Let the varnlla 1ce cream set 1n round cutters and then place thern 1n the freezer.
Remove the Cutters and freeze-dry the 1ce cream.

Freeze-dry1ng Freeze-dry1ng works by freez1ng the material and then reduc1ng the surround1ng pressure to
allow the frozen water 1n the material to subhmate directly from the solid phase to the gas phase

Freeze-dry1ng 1s done 1n th1s process:

The 1ce cream needs tobe -20 <c
Make a vacuum 1n the oven wh1ch lowers the waters bo1hng po1nt
When a stable vacuum 1s ach1eved (ca. 1mlb) add heat and let the 1ce cream evaporate
Catch the steam 1n a steam trap wh1ch IS colder than the product (around 30 °C) and when
the steam h1ts th1s trap 1t turns 1nto 1ce aga1n
The 1ce cream 1s ready when 1t has a temperature around 60 C
Th1s process takes around 24 hours.

The good th1ng about freeze-dry1ng compared to other dry1ng methods 1s that frei .ze dry1ng
conta1ns all taste. colour. v1tam1ns. m1nerals and so on and only removes the water from the

Salted halibut, green gooseberry
and bitter hazelnut milk

Salted halibut Remove the skin and blood from the halibut and cut 1t into long p1eces.
Wrap them in chng film and place them 1n the freezer.
Cut the pieces 1nto thin shces, season w1th salt and place in the fndge for 6 hours.

Winter cress w1th roots See the follow1ng pages

Goosebeny gel Heat the gooseberry iu1ce. sugar, salt and lemon Juice and dissolve the soaked gelat1ne
1ex, q u 1n the m1xture.
3t i IE'lltl'lf. Place the gooseberry juice 1n the fr1dge.

Browned butter emuls1on Boil the eggs for 4 m1nutes and place them 1n 1ce water.
1 Peel the cold eggs and blend them w1th salt and apple cider v1negar.
1CXJ i brCM'flfXJ' Gently blend the browned butter 1nto the egg m1xture httle by little and keep the temperature
3 \) ;alt under 40 °C. .. . )

.J lJ ClJ,ple clder v.r1e<pr Store the browned butter emuls1on at room temperature. ' ,
.. -
. '

P1ckled unnpe goosebeny Cover the unripe goosebernes w1th salt and let them steep for 24 hours.
1 l ~ 't r Wash oft the salt from the goosebernes.
lJj ~ <lPpl(' Place the goosebernes 1n v1negar and water.
:J" ' vinegar
l 'X.l g Vv ltPr The p1ckled unnpe gooseberries are ready to use after about 24 hours.

Burned hazelnuts Remove the skin from the hazelnuts and burn them w1th a gas torch until they are black all over

Bands of kohlrab1 Peel the kohlrab1 and make bands on a vegetable machine.
Brake the kohlrab1 bands 1nto uneven pieces and place them 1n ice water.

Toasted hazelnuts See the follow1ng pages.

Bitter hazelnut milk Vacuum seal the whole milk and toasted hazelnuts and place them 1n a water bath at 60 °C for
30 minutes.
J1 ted h:lZP ut Sieve the milk through a net.
, q XdJ' • ir ar 11 q i t Blend the sieved hazelnut milk wrth salt and xantana and let 1t cool.

To assemble and serve Place 3 p1eces of salted hahbut on a plate. Arrange hazelnuts, 2 p1ckled unnpe goosebemes
and one teaspoon of gooseberry gel on top of the salted hahbut. Let the water run oft 5 p1eces of
1 "" 1 kohlrab1 and finely grate burned hazelnut over them using a Microplane and season wrth salt.
1 4 ~ • Now decorate the salted hahbut p1eces w1th the kohlrab1 pieces. Place the w1nter cress wrth hay
•r ll ash on the root on top. Spray browned butter emulsion on the plate Spht the bitter hazelnut milk
w1th the toasted hazelnut oll and serve the sauce at the table


Winter cress with roots Pluck the w1nter cress with 1ts roots.
Clean the dirt from the roots. wipe away any water and keep them 1n the fndge unt1l serving.
2 l hay -,h When serv1ng cover the roots w1th hay ash.
Toasted hazelnuts Toast the hazelnuts 1n the oven at 250 C for 30 m1nutes.
Let the hazelnuts cool amJ then blend them
Je1u alc1n artichoke ice cream •
frozen goosebcrry foam and gratcd hazclnut

Jerusalem art1choke 1ce cream Brown the butter 1n a stock pot

Peel tt1e Jerusalem art1chokes cut them 1nto s11ces and saute un11 tender 1n the browned butter
t S1eve the Jerusalem art1ch0Kes when they are tender.
Add milk, syrup and glucose to the Jerusalem art1chokes and heat 11 up
01ssolve the soaked gelat1ne 1n the hol milk.
Sieve the Jerusalem art1chokes from the milk and blend the milk w1th Cremodar> and sucro
4 q S1eve the milk through a net and add lemon 1u1ce.
Pour the m1xture 1nto a paco beaker and freeze.
Process the frozen 1ce cream on a Pacoiet, place 111n a styrofoam cooler and store 1t 1n the
freezer untll serving.

Grated hazelnuts Grate the hazelnuts w1th the1r sk1n removed on a Microplane.

Gooseberry foam Heat the syrup and d1ssolve the soaked gelat1ne 1n 1t.
Add the gooseberry 1u1ce, s1eve the m1xture and place 1t 1n the fndge
When the gooseberry 1u1ce 1s set as a gel wh1sk 1t a1ry on a K1tchen A1d
lf >t?berry Fill the a1ry gooseberry foam 1n a plast1c conta1ner coated w1th cllng film on the 1ns1de.
<:iw '.:i • re Place the gooseberry foam 1n the freezer
Take the frozen gooseberry foam out of the conta1ner and cut 1t 1nto smaller p1eces.
Place the p1eces 1n liquid nitrogen.
Blend the frozen gooseberry foam 1n a Thermomix and place 1t 1n the freezer aga1n

Hazelnut mayonna1se Wh1sk egg yolk and sugar a1ry.

Gently wh1sk the hazelnut 01l 1nto the egg m1xture httle by little.
Season the mayonna1se w1th lemon 1u1ce.

To assemble and serve Spray the hazelnut mayonna1se 1n the centre of the plate.
Place an egg shaped scoop of Jerusalem art1choke 1ce cream on top of the hazelnut mayonna1se
Cover one side of the Jerusalem art1choke 1ce cream w1th grated hazelnuts
Cover the other half w1tt1 the frozen gooseberry foam.
Serve the d1sh irnmed1ately.
4 Cockles, compressed cucumber and celery,
parsley sauce and sour cream snow

Cockles Wash the cockles 1n cold water

Blanch the cockles for 20 seconds and place them 1n 1ce water.
Take the cold cockles out of their shells, remove the stomach and check the 1ntest1ne for sand.

P1ckled celeriac bands Peel the celenac and cut them 1nto th1n bands.
Cut out the edges of the celenac bands to make them look uneven.
( q"" e<nr Place the celenac bands 1n the v1negar and water
11.. ] Welf>'

Celeriac ch1ps Wash the celenac and peel off the outer layer.
Make th1n bands of the celenac and deep fry the thin celeriac bands at 175 C.
Let the oil run off the celeriac chips. season w1th salt and place them 1n the dehydrator at 50 C

Parsley sauce Heat the mussel stock and blend all ingredients for 5 m1nutes at h1ghest speed.
4bl • Steve the parsley sauce through a net.
c/ j Xdl1llfd

,1 q < J~

7t, l ftat < ived par ,lby IEHJP'>

Cream snow Sltr together all 1ngred1ents and s1eve through a net.
" Freeze the cream 1n a paco beaker.
•1 ~ sl<y1t.:"t'<Jar Process the frozen cream for 10 seconds in a Pacoiet and scrape out the snow form1ng into
,• '1 xl t liq uid nitrogen Repeat th1s process until the beaker is empty
S1eve away the liquid nitrogen and place the cream snow 1n the freezer.

Compressed cucumber Peel the cucumber and spltt 11 1nto 6 pieces lengthw1se. Cut away the seeds.
Vacuum seal the cucumber p1eces w1th some parsley sauce.

Compressed celery Peel the celery. remove the threads and tnm the s1des so the pieces are the same th1ckness.
Vacuum seal the peeled celery w1th some parsley sauce.

To assemble and serve Cut 4 rectangles of 1 x 2 cm each out of the compressed cucumber and celery.
Season the p1eces w1th salt and arrange them so they form a square on a plate.
Alternately cucumber and celery.
Decorate the square of cucumber and celery w1th cockles.
Place the p1ckled celenac bands on top.
Decorate the dish w1th w1nter purslane and celeriac ch1ps.
Finally add the parsley sauce and add a spoonful of frozen cream snow.

Walnuts, cclcry and dill oil

Walnut creme See the following pages

Celery grarnta Mix all 1ngred1ents and freeze thern 1n a deep gastro tray
When the m1xture 1s frozen scrape 11 w1th a fork to make grarnta
q Store the grarnta 1n the freezer unt1I serv1ng.

Dill 011 Blend d1ll and oil for 8 m1nutes 1n a Thermomix unt1I the 011 goes dark green
i r. Sieve the 011 through a net and let 1t cool

Apple bands Make bands of the apple on a vegetable mach1ne

1v Cut the apple bands 1nto 12 x 3 cm shapes - 3 bands of apple are needed for each serv1ng
1 Vacuum seal the bands w1th apple 1uice and lernen 1u1ce.
Roll the apple bands 1nto a cyhndncal form before serving

To assemble and serve Take the walnuts out of the1r form. place 3 on a plate and let them thaw.
Place the rolled up apple bands between the walnuts.
J ~JV'. l Cut 2 mm shces of the celery and place 2 pieces on each apple band.
of er f Decorate the top of the celery slices w1th d1ll.
Arrange a spoonful of grarnta on the plate
Pour a teaspoon of d1ll 011 over the grarnta and some of the plate when serv1ng
Walnut creme Bring the cream to a boil and blend in the iota.
1" g ream Add sugar, salt and walnut oil while the mixture is blending.
7o q toasted walnut 011 Let the creme set 1n 16 walnut forms and place them in the freezer.
55 g sugar lt 1s important that the mixture does not get below 80 °C before 1t sets.
1 q salt Take out the frozen walnuts from the forms and keep them 1n the freezer.
1,3 q iota
Fallow dccr, black alsify rolled in hay ash
and sour bcrrie

Fallow deer Blend water and salt untll the salt 1s d1ssolved
Cute the tallow deer Miet 1nto p1eces ot 50 grams each.
Place the p1eces in the bnne for 8 m1nutes and then nnse w1th cold water
>e1 Vacuum seal the fallow deer p1eces and cook them 1n a water bath at 52 5 C for 1 hour

Sauce Cut the onions and saute thern 1n butter until they are golden.
Add honey and let 11 caramelize.
1 wr Add the raspberry v1negar and reduce.
Add game stock and veal stock and reduce unt1l 1t reaches a good texture
PI: S1eve the sauce through a net and season w1th berry schnapps, salt and raspberry v1negar.

a 1 K

Berry butter Mix the 1ngred1ents and put 1t 1n a vacuum bag.

Cook the vacuum bag 1n a water bath at 52.5 °c for 2 hours.
rr i • S1eve the butter through a net.

Black sals1fy 1n hay ash See the follow1ng pages.

Black sals1fy puree Peel the black sals1fy and cut it out 1nto small p1eces that are bo1led 1n cream until tender.
Sieve away the cream.
, rr Blend the sals1fy and add a little cream to get a smooth texture.
Sut Season the puree w1th salt.

Gel Bnng the beetroot 1u1ce and raspberry ju1ce to a bo1l and blend 1n the agar agar.
Let the mixture set 1n a th1n layer and place 11 1n the fndge
Hl ~ When the gel 1s firm cut 1t 1n squares.
Brush each piece of gel w1th 011 and spnnkle on finely chopped 1uniper nnd freeze-dned bernes

To assemble and serve Remove the meat from the water bat11 and dry oft the liquid.
Pan fry the meat 1n clanf1ed butter and let 1t rest for 2 m1nutes
Place the gel on top of the meat and place 1t on a plate.
Pan fry the black sals1fy 1n clanf1ed butter unt1I they are yolden
Dry away the butter wlille IM sals1fy 1s still hot.
Roll the sals1fy 1n a t111n layer ot hay nsh nnd place 11 on the plate
Heat the t>lack sals1fy puree ond place 11 on t11e plate
Sµht ttie sauce witli borry butter nnd pour the sauce at tt1e table

~·'... '• ...

Black salsify 1n hay ash Burn the hay with a gas torch untll 1t turns 1nto ashes.
ir y Let the ash cool and s1eve 1t through a tam1s.
Peel the black sals1fy 1nto round shapes and cut them into 17 cm long p1eces. •
4 bl i k Sdl >lfie~ Blanch the black sals1fy for 1 m1nute
.. ,
The hay ash 1s used when serv1ng. . ., _.. „ .

• „
JL \ T 10 Bl \ l RI \l Pli \BI l ll \l

Syrup 40 % Bring the water and sugar to a boil unt1I Lhe sugar 1s dissolved and the liquid 1s clear Agar agar Denved by red algae and sea weed Used for warm gels and th1ckening Does not melt when heated

Atr blast freezer A freezer wh1ch qu1ckly cools and freezes food by provuJ1ng a constant c1rkulat1on of very cold a r

Syrup 50 % Bring the water and sugar to a boil unt1I the sugar 1s dissolved and the liquid 1s clear Asparagus sprouts Ltttle sprouts from the asparagus plant before 1t blossoms

Baking fo1I Easy to use teflon cook1ng mats wh1ch can tolerate heat

Clam mussel stock Wash the razor clams 1n cold water. put them 1n a stockpot and cover w1th cold water Bakskuld Bakskuld 1s salted, dned and smoked common dab. Trad1tional 1n the south west of Jutland
Bnng the stockpot to a boil and then cook gently for 30 m1nutes.
Wll Pass the stock through a sieve. Reduce unt1l 1t has a powerful taste. Beetroot sprouts Small sprouts from beetroot that have been havested early, before they develop 1nto real leaves
Stra1n the reduced stock through a cloth and chill.
Bronze fennel Herb w1th a resemblance to anise and celeriac. Leaves look ltke fennel but have a milder taste
Mussel stock Wash the mussels 1n cold water, put them 1n a stockpot and cover w1th cold water. of arnse.
Bnng the stockpot to a bo1I and then s1mmer for 1 ,5 hours, then s1eve.
Reduce the stock unt1I 1t has an 1ntense taste of mussel Cak1le Plant that thnve 1n sahne env1ronments, such as seacoasts and salt marshes
Strain the reduced stock through a cloth and chill
Chard sprouts Small sprouts from the chard that have been havested early, before they develop 1nto real leaves
Chicken stock Oil the chicken bones and wings w1th suntlower oil. Put them 1n separate gastro trays and put
1 r t , them in a 180 °C hot oven until they are golden brown. Chtckweed An herb known since the Stone Age and commonly found all over the world
Put the golden brown ch1cken bones and w1ngs 1a deep gastro tray w1thout the tat from bak1ng
Bring a stockpot ot water to a bo1I and pour over the chicken p1eces. Chinese ch1ves flower L1ttle wh1te ftowers from the ch1nese ch1ves.
Cover the gastro tray w1th alum1rnum to1I and put 1t in the oven 12 riours at 83 °c.
After 12 hours. s1eve the stock 1nto a new stockpot, remove the tat. Reduce the stock unt1l 1t Cilantro flower The flower from the c1lantro herb wh1ch blossoms early summer
has an 1ntens taste. Dunng the process sk1m off any scum and froth that rises to the surface.
Stra1n the reduced stock through a cloth and ch1ll Citras Powder made from c1trus fru1ts Citras can reduce the level ot ac1d 1n tood.

Veal stock Smear the veal bones and wings with sunflower 011. Put them 1n a 185 C hot oven unttl Clear stnps Th1n transparent 1011
they are golden brown.
Put the golden brown veal bones and w1ngs 1a deep gastro tray w1thout the tat. Clover small green herb with a sltght taste of grass Tt1ere are about 300 spee1es ot clover
lfvBt Bnng a stockpot ot water to a boll and pour over the veal bones.
Cover the gastro tray w1th alum1nium toll and put 1t 1n the oven 12 hours at 83 °C. Milk from which water has been removed and sugar added so the tex.ture 1s ltke soft caramel
Condensed milk
After 12 hours, s1eve the stock 1nto a stockpot, remove the tat. Reduce the stock unt1l 1t
has an 1ntens taste. Dunng the process sk1m off any scum and tro:h that rises to the surface Red berry with an acidic and bitter taste. They have a high level of benzo1c ac1d
Stra1n the reduced stock through a cloth and ch1ll.

Cremodan A stabihzer used for 1ce crenm to g1ve a creamy texture

Ch1cken broth Put the ch1cken w1ngs 1n a deep gastro tray.
Bnng a stockpot of water to a bo1I and pour over the w1ngs so they are covered. Holds a steady ternperature and can't go over 68 degrees Used to dehydrate
Cover the gastro tray w1th alum1nium fo1I and put 1t 1n the oven 12 hours at 83 °C.
S1eve the broth and sk1m off any scum and froth.
Egg wh1te powder Freeze-dned egg wt11te as a powder
Reduce the stock. Dunng the process sk1m off any scum and froth that nses to ttie surface
Stra1n the reduced stock through a cloth
Flower ctusters from tl1e eitler 1ower tree wll1ct1 t>lossoms in the summer
Eider flower


Elm leaves Leaves from the elm tree Liquid rntrogen lJqulC1 rntrogen 1s rntrO<Jen in a liquid state at an extremely low temperature lJqu d rntrogen 1s
around 200 C ancJ 1t bo1ls at -196 C

Fennel flower The flower from the fennel plant wh1ch blossoms 1n the summer and has a strong flavour of anise.
Malt extract Th1ck, dark, sweet syrup made from malt. The extract 1s rnacie from different k1nds of sprouting

Flowenng cabbage The flower from a broccoh gra1ns wh1ch me dned, thus stopp1ng the process.

Gastro tray Sheet pan w1th h1gher sides. Malto Malto 1s a product based on maltodextnn. a carbohydrate obta1ned from cornstarch molecules,
1n th1s case those of tap1oca, wh1ch have been broken down. lt 1s employed as a bulk1ng agent,
Glasswort Plant that thnve in sahne environments, such as seacoasts and salt marshes. but can also absorb 01ls. Malto 1s a powder

Goosefoot Th1s plant 1s used both as a vegetable and an herb. Mandoline A mandohne 1s a cook1ng utens1I used for shc1ng and for cutt1ng in several widths and th1cknesses

Ground elder Ground elder 1s a perennial plant 1n the carrot family that grows 1n shady places. Th1s spec1es Oakmoss Oakmoss, 1s a spec1es of liehen lt can be found 1n many temperate forests throughout the

1s native to Euras1a. Northern Hem1sphere 1nclud1ng Denmark, and espec1ally Jutland

Heartsease Ed1ble flower that can be found 1n many different species. Olive Herb Olive Herb 1s a low ma1ntenance perenrnal w1th ed1ble leaves that have an 1ntense olive aroma.

Indian cress A plant where the leaves and flowers are edible. Has a strong cress and peber taste Orpine Ed1ble green groundcover w1th several subspec1es.

lnfused E.g. 1nfused oil wh1ch is a 2 hour process of transfernng flavour and scent 1nto a carner oil. Pacoiet Pacoiet 1s a profess1onal k1tchen apphance that micro purees deep-frozen foods 1nto ultra-f1ne

lt can be used to add flavour to cooking oils. lf you heat up oil with caramehzed onions. the textures such as mousses, sauces and sorbets w1thout thaw1ng Comes w1th a paco beaker

011 will steal the taste. All herbs and vegetables can be used.
Parsley flower The flower from parsley which blossoms 1n July.

Iota A gelling agent extracted from a type of red algae. Used for soft and elast1c gels.
Pea sprouts The httle sprouts from the pea
Jerusalem art1choke flower The flower from the Jerusalem art1choke plant which blossoms 1n September.
Pectin Pect1n 1s produced commerc1ally as a wh1te to light brown powde1, ma1nly extracted from c1trus

Lact1c ac1d Laclic acid 1s a liquid found pnmanly 1n sour milk products. fru1ts, and 1s used 1n food as a gelling agent part1cularly 1n 1ams and 1ell1es lt 1s water soluble
and solid1f1es upon coohng
Lactose Lactose 1s a disacchande sugar denved from galactose and glucose that 1s found 1n milk.
Lactose makes up around 4 ,5 % of milk Peppergrass The leaves, sprouts, and fru1ts of th1s plant are all edlble The leaves have a horserad1sh-hke
peppery taste lt grows by the beach.
Lavender Flowenng plant w1th a very aromat1c aroma.
Pine leaf Small pine buds pnmanly from Norway spruce wh1ch can be found dunng spring
Leaves of b1rch Small buds from the b1rch tree.
Purslane Green herb w1th a shgl1tly sour taste.
Lec1th1n A powder that has low solub11ity 1n water, but 1s an excellent emuls1f er. lt 1s usually avarlable
from sources such as soy beans and used for foam1ng sauces. iurces and other hqurds. Potato flakes Bo1led potntos ttl;-it are spun 1n a centnfuge anc1 dneci

Lemon thyme A variat1on of thyme w1th a taste of lemon. Powclered milk 1s a manufactured da1ry product made hy evaporat1ng ,5 1,8 % m1 k to dryness
Powdered milk

Lemon verbena A crtrus herb also known as lemon beebrush WilcJ ramsons urows in Denmar1< ancJ are called tt1e qarl1c of tt1e forrest TI1e leaves have a
streng t<1ste ol onion anci the plant t>lossoms w1tt1 wl11te flowers 1n Apnl nnd May

Red amaranth Amaranth 1s known all over the world (Approx. 60 spec1es recogrnzed). We mostly use the red one. Sweet c1cely PIJnt that grows 1n shady places lts leaves can he used as a herb e tner raw or cooked
w1tt1 a ratt1er strong taste rerrnniscent of anise Wh1te flowers when bloorrnng
Red beech leaves The httle leaves from the red beech wh1ch appears 1n the spnng.
Sweet peas An herb w1th over 100 different spec1es. Some are ed1ble some po1sonous We mostly use sea pea
Red currant Bnght red translucent ed1ble bernes w1th 3-10 bernes on each raceme
Tagetes Herb that comes 1n many different tastes and aromas The nowers are b1g and ed1ble.
Red oxalis Herb w 1th dark red and ac1d1c leaves.
Telescope cutter A 10 cm long cutter used for cutt1ng long and th1n cyhnders
Rock tnpe Lichen cons1st1ng of a fungus and a photosynthet1c partner. Not very common 1n Denmark but
can be found further north. Thermomix A blender for mak1ng puree and 1ce cream w1th 1nduct1on heat1ng

Rowanberry Uttle acid1c and bitter berry wh1ch are found 1n clusters. Th1ck & easy Powder used as th1ckernng agent Made from mod1fied corn starch and maltodextnn.

Sago gra1ns Uttle wh1te pearls or gra1ns made from the p1th of the sago palm. In Denmark a sort of sago 1s Vacuum bags Bags used when vacuum seahng produce They tolerate heat up to 125 C.
made from corn starch.
Vacuum food sealer mach1ne A mach1ne that uses an a1r pump to create a partial vacuum 1n wh1ch food can be stored or cooked
Sauce d1spenser A sauce dispenser 1s dos1ng funnel for sauce.
Vegetable machine Manual mach1ne made from plast1c used to cut vegetables w1th. Can cut really th1n bands or
Sea buckthorn Uttle acidic orange berries with a high v1tamin C content. Can be harvested from autumn to w1nter spaghett1s, depending on wh1ch knife 1s used.

Sheet pan A rectangular metal pan used 1n an oven. Versa wh1p A soy protein that can replace egg wh1tes or gelat1n. lt can aerate and stab1hze foams

Silicone mat (S1lpat) Th1n mat that prov1des a non-stick surface w1thout fat or parchment paper. Typ1cally used 1n Watercress A green herb that can be used before 1t blossoms. lt has a streng and peber hke taste of cress.
baking. Silpat s1hcone mats can w1thstand heat up to 250 cc.
Wheatgrass A food prepared trom the cotyledons of the common wheat plant lt proVldes a lot of Chlorophyll
Siphon A bottle that creates foam by us1ng C02. Usually 2 cartridges are used for half a hter bettle.
Winter cress Green herb w1th a strong taste of cress and mustard
Siphon cartndge Cartridges that are used in a s1phon to produce the foam. The cartridges conta1n C02
Wood flour Dry flour made from b1rch. Used for smok1ng.
Shcer A slicer is a automat1c tool used to slice cold cuts, vegetables and bread in m1ll1meter th1n slices.
Woodruff Small green plant that blossoms 1n the spring The leaves are ed1ble and t1as a strong sweet
Smoke gun A handheld mach1ne that can shoot smoke. Used for cold smok1ng hay aroma, espec1ally when dned.

Sorrel A perennial herb that 1s cult1vated as a garden herb or leaf vegetable with an ac1d1c taste. Extracted trom corn starch. A gum w1th great th1cken1ng power for sauces and other hqu1ds

Sp1ruhna The lat1n name 1s Evern1a Prunasta A blue green algae as a powder A flowenng plant wtuch kan be found 1n almost every. Yarrow has httle wh1te flowers

Styrofoam cooler A box made of polystyrene Good for keep1ng cool Ymer 15 a Oarnst1 soured milk product wh1ch has been known s1nce Hl30 lt 1s made by
fermenting whole milk w1th the bactenal culture L.actococcus lact1s
Sucro Due to 1ts high stab1hty as an emuls1f1er Sucro 1s used to prepare oll 1n water type emuls1ons.

Yopol Yopol 1s c1 powderecJ yoghurt

lt-.1\Gl') IN lllL PAGC OR()[ R

78 81

25 29 30
88 92

37 43

„ .. 44

, ~ ~----

48 51 56
113 121 127

59 68 70
131 136 140


143 144 148 151 207 213 214

154 158 161 165 218 226 229

166 169 170 176 230 233 237 238

180 184 191 192 247 248
243 244

196 199 200 258

252 255

267 268 271 272 327 J28 331 332

276 279 280 284 335 350

--.. ~ *'

288 294 298 361 362

301 353 358

305 306 310 313


317 323 324

\l Pll \BI II( \l \\ 11 III!\; CiROLP\

Snacks Aeb!eskiver w1th porcini

Bark with n1ne salt
Beet sprouts, anct1ovy 011 and soured crearn 270
Burned ash bread. smoked fresh goat cheese and dned salmor 53
Carbonated tomatoes 168
Ch1cken sk1n w1th algae flakes and sea creme 193
Corn threads, salted cream and lemon herbs 215
Cnspy bladder wrack and skyr 330
Cnspy milk sk1n w1th p1stach10 150
Cnspy potato, truffle and rapeseed flowers 190
Dned scallops and 1ntense blue mussel 181
Elm leaves w1th tartare 101
Fermented whole garhc 155
Freeze dned green strawbernes, ymer and tennel pollen 45
Fned bread w1th bakskuld creme 266
Fned unnpe elderberry branch 160
Jerusalem art1choke peels. apple peel powder and hazelnut 300
Lamb tartare, ramsons and cnspy rye bread 329
Mackerel water and smoked lard 219
Meringue of wh1te currants and salted ymer 304
New beech branches and vinegar powder 42
Organ1c carrot w1th tarragon 137
P1ckled kohlrab1. Balt1c prawn and freeze-dried prawn powder 93
Raw mushroom 57
Skagen Harn, p1ckled and new beech leaves 326
Shells of res1n w1th p1ne sprouts 312
Sugar peas and lemon verbena 011 16
Warm cauhflower. oyster and egg yolk creme 242
Waier lilles. ed1ble crab and walnut 23

Appetizers Blue mussel, horseradish foam. kohlrab1 and green strawbernes 75

Broken p1eces of squ1d, d1ll and w1nter purslane 273
Cockles. compressed cucumber and celery, parsley sauce and sour cream snow 360

Cod, shnmp, dehydrated tomato and watercress puree 198

Cucumber plant. mullet, parsley puree and wtiite w1ne sauce 96
Egg yolk, broad beans, oyster sauce and eggst1ells
Frozen hal1but salted and dned cod roe and anchovy creme
Goosefoot w1th crayf1sh. peppergrass snow and cnk1le
Gnlled mnrrow and bone, fermented porc1ni and raw chestnuts
Gnlled ornons w1tt1 compote of gooseberry ancJ onion ast1
Umgoust1ne bake<11n rm1e, coc1 cruml>s nnd emuls1on ot rnackerel roe

Mnckerel rnannated u1 hay ash green tornatoes. butterm1lk sauce ond frozen 1u1ce
Monkflst1 1n green st1ndes

Mullet. fung1. blue mussel emuls1on and tree sauce 232 Desserts A1ry rner1ngue w1th rapeseed 011, yellow beetroot sorbet and red oxa 1s 84
Oyster. alum1nium fo1I and parsley creme 1n algae powder 344 Beetroot and hquonce
Raw shrimp, d1ll 1mpnnt and cheese foam 285 Bluebemes, elder flower and lemon
Raw squid, blackcurrant and parsley puree 49 Camorrnle mousse. sorrel granita and milk gel 167
Razor clam. beetroot, puffed wheat gra1ns and horserad1sh sauce 281 Chocolate wax, cream 1ce cream and toasted brearJ
Razor clam. pea pods and green strawbernes 65 Frozen flowers, sea buckthorn. skyr mousse and egg yolk 58
Salted halibut. green gooseberry and bitter hazelnut milk 352 Gravel
Scallops 1n horserad1sh gel and sea creme 141 Green rhubarb, wh1pped cream of rhubarb and wheatgrass iu1ce 278
Shnmp w1th 'rodgrod med flode' 236 Hay sorbet trom toasted hay, hay cream and freeze dned strawbemes 145
lce cream \toasted sunflower seed) lemon verbena, Jerusalem art1choke ch1ps, apple 321
Smaller d1shes Burned cucumber. parsley puree. bitter herbs. chicken skin ch1ps and sauce on sk1n 112 lceberg
Caramehzed milk sk1n, sweetbread. p1ckled red pearl onions and broth on burned onions 50 Jerusalem art1choke 1ce cream. frozen gooseberry foam and grated hazelnut 359
Cod. a1ry egg wh1te. spnng cabbage and tarragon 239 Juniper bush parfa1t, forest bernes and cnspy liehen 185
Cream cheese (b1odynam1c). salt baked cabbage, cabbage sprouts and pine v1na1grette 254 L1quonce shoelaces 316
Fried celeriac. hazelnuts and Gravenste1n apple 333 Malt leather w1th salted condensed milk 211
Fned Jerusalem artichoke, truffle and red oxahs 102 Mikados of celenac. blackcurrant and ymer 245
Frozen meat shav1ngs. bleak roe. egg yolk creme and herb emulsion 105 Milk 1ce cream vaponzed w1th butterm1lk, puree of fned sals1fy and sugar beet syrup 205
Green asparagus, leaves. asparagus puree w1th beech leave 011 and heated cream 39 Pea 1ce cream. red currant and mint snow 20
Grilled wh1te asparagus. p1ckled unnpe blackcurrant and cheese foam 149 Pear 1ce cream. rosemary gel and arame seaweed p1ckled 1n hquonce 250
Lamb bones w1th fung1 227 Pear ternne. p1ne granita and trozen yogurt 269
Ox bnsket soil, potato and browned butter 206 Raspbernes. herb sorbet. lactose flakes and sweet c1cely 142
P1ckled wh1te asparagus. elder flower and roses 36 Stones 325
Poached oyster. pea 1u1ce. tarragon 011 and peas 259 The Birch Tree 31
Potato shells. p1ckled seeds. Vesterhavs cheese and broth on toasted potato peels 177 Walnuts. celery and d1ll 011 363
Raw potato shces. potato c reme and ramsons 011 277 Zucchini flower. pumpk1n seed 011 1ce cream. sea buckthorn and trozen butterm1lk 311
Salt baked and gnlled turnip, cream cheese creme and gnll atmosphere 223
Shoulder of lamb. chives powder. leek and fned tendons 126 M1scellaneous A httle someth1ng about aeblesk1ver 21
Skate w1ng. sals1fy, cnspy ch1cken sk1n and hay burned mussel sauce 307 A httle someth1ng about apples baked 1n hay 119
Skate w1ng. frozen d1ll 1u1ce and leek roots 201 A httle someth1ng about mackerel water 220
Veal tail, caramehzed yogurt, rowans and langoust1ne foam 253 Aroma pots 13
Atmosphere of gnll 224
Main d1shes Autumn 89 Autumn atmospt1ere 90
Beet, beetroot and smoked bone marrow 246 Beetroot w1ne 296
Brisket, milk sk1n, beef ierky and st1ng1ng nettle sauce 322 Brew1ng beer on toasted hay 120
Duck breast. blackcurrant. beetroot and beetroot w1ne sauce 295 Freeze dned 1ce cream 351
Spent grains frorn stout beer from Norrebro Bryghus 83
Fallow deer. sals1fy rolled 1n hay ash and sour bernes 361
Gnlled park belly mannated 1n malt, tresh rad1sh. pickled rad1sh seeds and ramsons 109 Spent gra1ns breacl w1th churned butter and onion butter 80
Hare, qu1nce and w1lted leaves 334 Simple syrup, stock and t>roth 372
Lamb f1bres, hngonberry. celenac and mustard seeds 197 Tt1e 1tle.1 beh1nd frozen meat 106
Onglet, wild herbs, ch1ve and morel sauce 341 Ymor hqueur 159
P1geon breast, v1olet kale 1n two textures sunflower puree and spht sauce w1tt1 tt1yrne 011 79
Sweetbread w1th end1ve and fermented fung1 sauce 130

386 387

Ronny Emborg 1s one the most famous chefs 1n Denmark and

a ns1ng star on the 1nternat1onal cuhnary scene. He 1s h1ghly
respected for h1s strong technical ab1hty and h1s extra-ord1nary
v1sual style, wh1ch makes guests wonder 1f what they are
presented w 1th 1s food or art. Hence h1s nickname - The Wizard
Offic1ally, he was tra1ned 1n the weil renowned Molskroen 1n 2004
but very qu1ckly Her Maiesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark
spotted h1s talents and he became personal chef to the Danish
Royal Fam1ly.

During h1s time as sous-chef at the most exclus1ve hotel 1n Copenhagen, d'Angleterre. Ronny
Emborg also J01ned the national culinary team of chefs where he got the taste for compet1t1ve
cook1ng In 2007. wh1le be1ng sous-chef at Restaurant Geranium, he part1c1pated 1n his first national
championsh1p, 1n wh1ch he won the gold medal and the t1tle as 'Chef of the Year' in Denmark.
New offers drew Ronny Emborg abroad and h1s talents where 1ntensely tra1ned 1n Spa1n where
he worked 1n some of the world's best restaurants, Hacienda Benazuza EI Bulli Hotel, Mugantz
and finally EI Bulh.
Shortly after return1ng to Denmark he was headhunted for h1s
first execut1ve chef pos1t1on at Restaurant AOC 1n Copenhagen
where he 1ntroduced the sensory k1tchen . The Michelin gu1de
qu1ckly took not1ce and awarded h1m a Michelin star - the very
first for the restaurant
When Hotel d'Angleterre 1n 2013 reopened they called for
Ronny Emborg to be the head chef and 1n charge of the 32
chefs working 1n Restaurant Marchal, putt1ng the hotel back on
the 1nternat1onal cuhnary map.
Ronny Emborg 1s a very popular star chef who is often inv1ted to
travel the world as a guest chef to showcase his culinary talents
for the grow1ng audlence who wants to experience haute cu1sine
food 1n 1ts most unique manner.

2000 Tra1ned at Molskroen. 2004 Chef to Her Maiesty the Queen at the royal yacht Dannebrog.
2005 Sous-chef at Hotel d'Angleterre. 2006 Souschef at Restaurant Prem1sse. 2007 Sous-chef
at Restaurant Geranium 2007 Hacienda Benazuza EI Bulli Hotel 2008 Mugantz 2008 EI Bulh.
2009 Sous-chef at Restaurant Herman 2009 Execut1ve chef. Restaurant AOC 2013 Execut1ve
chef at Restaurant Marchal, Hotel d'Angleterre


RO'\\.I \ 1 \Ol \IORTF'\SE'\ My partner 1n cnme, co-author and co-writer of rec1pes.

Slvl\C BIRCK Photography of food, d1shes and portra1ts

BO'\Nl L'r CKC l'v1DD Graphie Design and layout


COLLLAGUES For 1nsp1rat1on, 1nput. constructive cnt1cism ..

Christian Aaro, Morten Magh, Christian Gerhard Gad1ent, Morten Olsen, Scott Chancellor, Mads
Scndergaard, Anil Gurung, Martin Gervard. Prashant RaJ Baniya, Magnus Fredlund, BJarke Von

ISBN 978 87 996520 1-3

Copyright Ronny Emborg 2013

Rec1p1es. Ronny Emborg
Editor. Rasmus Kramer Schou
Photography: S1gne B1rck
Graphie Design: Bonnelycke mdd
Reproduct1on and pnnt1ng Narayana Press

www ronnyemborg com

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