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MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCIES: Investigate the relationship between volume and
temperature at constant temperature of a gas. (S9MT-llj-20)
I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1. Explain Charles’s Law
2. Investigate the relationship between volume and temperature at constant pressure of a gas.; and
3. Recognize the importance of Charles’ s Law to real life situation
Topic: Charles’s Law
Reference: Science 10 Learner’s Manual
Mat erials: Science 10 Learner’s Manual, Laptop, Projector, bottle, balloon, bowl or container, hot
water, activity sheets, manila paper, markers.
1. Preliminary Activity
a. Greeting and prayer
b. Checking of attendance
c. Review of the previous lesson: “Don’t Turn the Page Yet”
2. Motivation: “Say My Name Before You Enter”
For this activity students are guided with the game mechanics, a student who got the answer
correctly will be given an opportunity to get his/her points or school items like ballpen by rolling the roleta
Game Mechanics:
1. Analyze every photos.
2. Guess the word or phrase that can be formed if you combined the groups of pictures.
3. A student who got the correct answer will be given a chance

Pea + sick (s) =


Team + pea + rate + ture
= Temperature

Gas + law = Gas Law

+ law


Ball + lume + Volume


Press + sure = Pressure


At + moist + pear = Atmosphere

Presentation of lesson
Teacher will state first the objectives of the lesson.
a. Lesson Proper

ACTIVITY: Hot’n Cold Like You

The teacher will remind the students for some precautionary measures before conducting the activity
since the it requires hot water as one of the needed materials for the experiment. While conducting the
experiment the teacher will circulates around the classroom to read each student’s initial understanding of
the concept and supervise them to avoid some minor laboratory incidents.
After that, the class will be divided into five groups, let them do the experiment for 10 minutes.
Right after that, each group will discuss the result of the experiment and answer the guide questions, each
group will be provided with manila paper and pentel pen for them to write their outputs for group
presentation and choose their representative to explain their group data.
(Please see attached activity sheet)
After the experiment, the teacher will call each representative of the group to explain the result of their
activity by answering the following guide questions.

1. What happened to the toy balloon when boiling water applied in it?
2. What happened to the toy balloon when cold water applied in it?
3. Based on your observation, how does the change in temperature relate to the volume of
gas in the balloon?

Teacher will also question each group for valid and logical result before explaining the Charles’s Law

Charles Law
 Charles’s Law as proposed by Jacques Charles about 1800
 Jacques Charles’s studied the direct mathematical relationship temperature and volume of a gas.
 As temperature increases, the volume of the gas increases.
 Charles’s Law states that volume is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL the Kelvin temperature at
constant pressure.
 To convert temperature form Celcius to Kelvin, you add 273.5

Go back to its respective groups the students will be given a real life application of Charles’s Law
and explain how Charles’s La w are being applied in each situation. They will be instructed also that the
activity has a time limits of three minutes. The teacher will circulate and assess students while on the
process of discussing the given situations. After the discussion each group should select representative to
explain and share their answer.
(Please see attached activity sheet)


 What is the importance of Charles’s Law in our everyday lives?

 How does it work in a real-life situation?
 Give another example of application s of Charles’s Law

Great job! You are almost done with this module. Let’s summarize what you have learned from the lesson
and activities by choosing the correct word inside the parentheses. Use a ½ crosswise of paper and write only
the correct answer.

1-5. A French physicist, 1. (Robert Boyle, Jacques Charles) in 1787 proposed the relationship between 2.
(volume and pressure, volume and temperature). He concluded that when the 3. (pressure, temperature) is kept
constant, its volume is 4. (directly, inversely) proportional to the 5. (pressure, temperature)
6-10. Charles’ Law means that the volume of a gas increases as the 6. (pressure, temperature) 7. (drops,
rises) and the volume decreases as 9. (pressure, temperature) (drops, rises).

Instruction: In your Science notebook, take down important details and answer the following
guide questions:
1. Study pages 371-374 0f your Science 10 Learner’s Material for the sample calculation of
Charles’s Law.

Prepared by: Checked and Observed by:


Subject Teacher Assistant School Principal II

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