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u virtual console injector

Wii u virtual console list. How does wii u virtual console work. What is wii u virtual console. Is virtual console still available for wii u. Ultimate wii u virtual console injector. How to get wii u virtual console.

Teconmoon, piratesephiroth Mit diesem Tool können GameCube-Spiele, Wii-Spiele und Wii-Homebrews in Wii-Virtual-Console-Titel injiziert werden. Auch Wii-Kanäle lassen sich somit starten. So kann das GamePad in einigen Fällen als Classic Controller verwendet werden und wenn Wii-Homebrews injiziert werden, kann der höhere CPU-Takt der Wii
U genutzt werden, was insbesondere Not64 und WiiSXR zu Gute kommt. Verwende am besten keine Sonderzeichen im Titel und achte auch darauf, dass dein Windows-Username keine Sonderzeichen beinhaltet! Falls das Tool bei dir nicht funktioniert, probiere UWUVCI AIO. Vorbereitung PC-Software: Windows 7 oder höher .NET Framework 4.6.1
oder höher Unter Windows 8 und 10 muss auch das .NET Framework 3.5 aktiviert sein Eines der folgenden: Ein GameCube-Spiel Ein Wii-Spiel Ein sauberer Dump kann per USB-Loader erstellt werden Wenn die WBFS aufgeteilt ist, müssen die anderen Dateien "game.wbf1" etc. heißen (das machen USB-Loader beim Dumpen automatisch) Eine Wii-
Homebrew Für manche Homebrews (bspw. Not64 und WiiSXR) gibt es Forwarder, die direkt die boot.dol von der SD-Karte laden – ansonsten muss jede neue Version neu injiziert werden Einen Kanal zum Starten Ältere WiiWare-/Virtual-Console-Spiele musst du eventuell vorher patchen Icon und Banner (Bilder müssen als PNG vorliegen, ist
einfacher): 128×128 Icon 1280×720 TV-Banner Optional: 854×480 GamePad-Banner Falls keins vorhanden ist, wird das TV-Banner genommen und verkleinert Optional: Boot-Sound als WAV mit einer Länge von maximal sechs Sekunden Falls keiner vorhanden ist, wird der Standard WiiVC-Bootsound genommen Einfallslos? Fertige Banner gibt es auf
GBATemp! Fertige Banner lassen sich auch direkt im Programm von GitHub herunterladen. Erklärung der Optionen 1. Required Source Files: Game: Wii-Spiel, Wii-Homebrew oder Gamecube-Spiel Falls du noch keine "nincfg.bin" auf deiner SD hast, kannst du mit dem "Nintendont SD Card Menu" eine erstellen – dazu muss die SD am PC eingelegt
sein Icon: 128×128 Bild Banner: 1280×720 Bild 2. Optional Source Files: 2nd GC Disc: Die zweite Gamecube-Disc, falls GC Retail Injection ausgewählt ist GamePad Banner: Banner, welches beim Start auf dem GamePad angezeigt wird – muss 854×480 Pixel groß sein (wenn keins vorhanden ist, wird das TV-Banner runterskaliert) Boot Logo: 170×42
Bilddatei, welche dann oben links angezeigt wird Boot Sound: WAV-Sound (wird auf sechs Sekunden gekürzt) 3. GamePad/Meta Options: Name: Name, der angezeigt wird – es lässt sich auch eine zweite Zeile nutzen TitleID: Wird automatisch ausgefüllt und sollte nicht geändert werden, damit es nicht zu Konflikten mit bereits installierten Titeln
kommt GamePad Emulation Mode Keine, nur Wiimotes (empfohlen) Classic-Controller-Emulation (funktioniert nur mit einigen Spielen, Kompatibilitätsliste auf GBATemp) Du kannst beim Start auswählen, ob das GamePad als Classic Controller genutzt werden soll – bejahst du dies, kannst du leider keine weiteren Wiimotes verbinden Vertikale und
horizontale Wiimote-Emulation (IR und Bewegungssteuerung funktionieren nicht, nur für einige Spiele nützlich) Classic Controller/kein Classic Controller erzwingen (siehe Kompatibilitätsliste) 4. Advanced: Nintendont Options: 4:3 forcieren Eigene main.dol (üblicherweise zum Testen benutzt) Autoboot deaktivieren (bootet das Spiel nicht
automatisch) Wii Homebrew Patches: Sollen Wiimotes deaktiviert werden? GamePad nicht als Classic Controller nutzen Nur eine handvoll an Homebrews kann das GamePad als Classic Controller nutzen – das sind die, die libwiidrc nutzen.

Darunter fallen bspw. Nintendont und Some-YAWMM-Mod cafe2wii-Patches, um den höheren CPU-Takt der Wii U zu nutzen (nützlich für bspw. Not64 und WiiSXR) Einmalig: Wii U Starbuck Ancast Key (B5D8AB06ED7F6CFC529F2CE1B4EA32FD) Muss in den NAND installiert werden Sign c2w Patcher muss vor dem Start auf der Wii U ausgeführt
werden Wii Retail Injection / vWii NAND Title Launcher Patches: 5. Build Title: Wii U Common Key: D7B00402659BA2ABD2CB0DB27FA2B656 Rhythm Heaven Fever (USA) Title Key: Fängt mit 04EA an, zu finden auf "that title key site" bzw. einem Archiv davon, da es die Original-Seite nicht mehr gibt Danach prüfen, ob alles grün ist und
abschließend BUILD TITLE drücken. Installation der fertigen Titel Folgendes muss auf die SD-Karte der Wii U: Installation: Starte den Homebrew Launcher Starte eine CFW mit Sigpatches Starte den WUP-Installer GX2 Installiere den Inhalt Denk dran falls du eine Wii-Homebrew mit cafe2wii-Patches injiziert hast: Du musst in den NAND installieren!
Starten: Im nächsten Tab! Starten GameCube-, Wii-Spiele, Wii-Kanäle und Wii-Homebrews ohne cafe2wii-Patches: Starte vorher Tiramisu Starte die neue VC! Je nach gewählter Option kannst du eventuell Classic-Controller-Emulation aktivieren. Wii-Homebrew mit cafe2wii-Patches: Packe den Sign c2w Patcher auf deine Wii U SD-Karte Starte diesen
(TIPP: wer Haxchi verwendet kann diesen auch in die config.txt eintragen) Starte die neue VC! Fehlerbehebung Fehler beim Starten oder Installieren eines Titels: Anleitung nicht gelesen – Sigpatches sind nicht aktiv. Blackscreen beim Starten eines Titels: Möglicherweise inkompatibel, besonders bei Wii-Homebrews und Classic-Controller-Injects
muss man aufpassen. Prüfe auch die Kompatibilitätsliste.
Classic-Controller-Emulation: Falls es Probleme damit gibt, probiere folgendes: Drücke HOME auf dem GamePad nach Spielstart Meist reicht das schon aus – dann einfach das HOME-Menü schließen (bspw. bei Sonic Colours). Falls es nicht geht, lies weiter! Halte POWER auf dem GamePad, bis es sich ausschaltet (dies schaltet nicht die Konsole aus,
ignoriere die Warnungen und halte den Knopf einfach gedrückt!) Warte einige Sekunden und schalte das GamePad wieder an Drücke einige Tasten auf dem GamePad, um es erneut zu synchronisieren Wenn das erfolgreich war, siehst du den Cursor auf dem Bildschirm und kannst ihn mit dem linken Analog-Stick bewegen Drücke HOME auf dem
GamePad, um das HOME-Menü zu schließen Das GamePad sollte jetzt den Classic Controller emulieren Falls das nicht klappt, ist das Spiel inkompatibel mit der CC-Emulation IOS58-Fehler: Du hast die Anleitung nicht gelesen – aktualisiere Nintendont auf deiner SD-Karte. Beispiel Not64 injizieren und die zusätzliche Power der Wii U nutzen: Not64
herunterladen und auf die SD verschieben (die "apps" und "not64" Ordner reichen) Im Programm "Wii Homebrew Injection" wählen Die boot.dol von Not64 auswählen PNGs herunterladen (347 KB) Icon und Banner auswählen Unter "GamePad/Meta Options" den Namen "Not64" eintragen Unter "Advanced" "cafe2wii patching" aktivieren und den
Ancast-Key (B5D8AB06ED7F6CFC529F2CE1B4EA32FD) eintragen Hier auch "Don’t use GamePad as Controller" auswählen, da es nicht funktioniert – nur mit älteren Mod von FIX94 Build Title auswählen Wii U Common Key eintragen: D7B00402659BA2ABD2CB0DB27FA2B656 Rhythm Heaven Fever (USA) Title Key eintragen – fängt mit 04EA an, zu
finden auf “that title key site” (können wir hier nicht anbieten) "BUILD" auswählen Titel per WUP-Installer installieren (siehe Tab "Installation") Sign c2w Patcher ausführen und Not64-"VC" starten Fertig! Nach einem Neustart Schritt 10 wiederholen Der Source-Code der Anwendung kann auf GBATemp heruntergeladen werden. Want more?

Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Hi This is a program that allows you to inject games into the Virtual Console of the Wii U. It is compatible with NES, SNES, N64, GBA and NDS games. Download <-- 1.1.4 Characteristics - Easy to use graphic interface. - Contextual help and two languages, English and Spanish. - Automatically
recognize ROM formats, *.nes, *.fds, *.sfc, *.smc, *.z64, *.n64, *.v64, *.gba and *.nds - Support images *.png, *.jpg and *.bmp - Configuration of the N64 Virtual Console, easily disables the dark filter, aspect ratio and display scale of the game. It simplifies the incorporation of the ".ini" configuration file for the game and has an advanced editor
"VCN64ConfigEditor". - The Title ID reflects whether you have used the same combination of ROM and base game. - Option to package the result (WUP Installer format) or leave it unpacked (Loadiine format). - It is able to remember the folders of your ROM collections and image gallery. - You can use any game as a base (you can only inject the ROM
if the base supports it, although this does not guarantee that the game works). - Use Wii U Virtual Console games packed (files, title.cert, title.tik, title.tmd, "*.app" and "*.h3") or unpacked (folders code, content and meta) as base.

Have the Wii U Common Key on hand (search for it on Google). Requires .NET Framework 4.6 or higher. Usage Mode selection Auto - The program adapts automatically according to the chosen ROM. - Enable the base game load after choosing the ROM. - In this mode you will use the image templates of NES, SNES (USA), N64, GBA and NDS, as
appropriate. Famicom - You can only choose ROMs for Famicom and NES. - Enable the base game load for Famicom and NES.
- Use Famicom image templates. NES - You can only choose ROMs for Famicom and NES. - Enable the base game load for Famicom and NES. - Use the NES image templates. Super Famicom - You can only choose ROMs for Super Famicom and SNES. - Enable the base game load for Super Famicom and SNES.

- Use Super Famicom image templates. SNES (EUR) - You can only choose ROMs for Super Famicom and SNES. - Enable the base game load for Super Famicom and SNES. - Use the SNES (EUR) image templates. SNES (USA) - You can only choose ROMs for Super Famicom and SNES. - Enable the base game load for Super Famicom and SNES. - Use
the SNES (USA) image templates. N64 - You can only choose ROMs for N64. - Enable the base game load for N64. - Use the N64 image templates. GBA - You can only choose ROMs for GBA. - Enable the base game load for GBA. - Use the GBA image templates. NDS - You can only choose ROMs for NDS. - Enable the base game load for NDS. - Use the
NDS image templates. Main In this section you just need to put the name of the game and load a base (you can use the same base that is already loaded).
Choosing a ROM is optional! If you choose a ROM, the program will change the name that appears in the console menus to the new name you set and will inject the selected ROM.

If you do not choose a ROM, the program will not change the name of the base game, the new name you entered will only be used to name the output folder and the base game ROM will not be modified. Useful if you just want to edit some option of the Virtual Console without modifying anything else. You can change the Virtual Console settings. For
Famicom and NES - Change the aspect ratio, 7:5 (default and not recommended), 8:7 (native, recommended for square pixels), 4:3 (used in old square televisions) and 16:9 (widescreen, to occupy the full width of modern televisions). - Change the speed emulation, 60 FPS (for NTSC games) or 50 FPS (for PAL games). - Change the number of players.
For Super Famicom and SNES - Change the aspect ratio, 4:3 (default, it was used in old square televisions), 8:7 (native, recommended to obtain square pixels) and 16:9 (wide screen, to occupy the full width of the modern televisions). - Change the speed emulation, 60 FPS (for NTSC games) or 50 FPS (for PAL games). - Change the number of players.
- Change the sound volume (only for SNES base games type B1 and B2). For Nintendo 64 - Disable the dark filter. - Change the aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9 (this stretches the image if the ROM does not have a widescreen patch) - Change the display scale of the game.
- Change the display position of the game. - Choose the configuration file that corresponds to the game you are going to inject (not all games have a configuration file and partly because of that they do not work in the Virtual Console). You can download all the configuration files (made by Nintendo) here.
Screenshots Images In this section you can modify the menu icon and the game presentation images. You can load only the image of the title screen and it will be updated in all templates, Select the year of launch of the game, the number of players it supports and if you want to show or hide the name you gave the game. You also have the option to
keep the images of the base game. Useful if you just want to edit some option of the Virtual Console without modifying anything else. For Nintendo DS, you can use the ROM icon instead of the title screen image. Screenshots Injecting To enable the buttons, name the game and load a base. Injecting a ROM is optional (see the Main section). By
clicking on the "Do pack" button you will have to select a folder where the game will be placed in WUP Installer format (files, title.cert, title.tik, title.tmd, "*.app" and "*.h3"). If you have not yet set the Wii U Common Key, it will result in a failed injection (technically the injection is performed, but the result cannot be packed). By clicking on the "Do not
pack" button you will have to select a folder where the game will be placed in Loadiine format (folders, code, content and meta). Regardless of whether it fails or not, an injection will show the program log file. Screenshots Settings In this section you can enter the Wii U Common Key, this will allow you to package and unpack games in WUP format.
You can change the language of the program and disable contextual help. Screenshots Changelog 1.1.4 (2020-09-15) - Add the option to modify the dark filter of NDS games. - Change some default Virtual Console settings. - Changes the version of psb.exe (inject_gba_C) to improve compatibility with 32-bit computers. 1.1.3 (2020-07-07) - Change the
type of Title-ID (from 00050000 to 00050002) this should correct error 199-9999 despite having enabled a CFW.
- Fixes a bug that validates some previously injected games without being correctly identified. 1.1.2 (2020-07-04) - Add a message when you change the application mode having a ROM selected. - Change the description of the load base game button. 1.1.1 (2020-07-03) - Now correctly load the ROMs without product code. - Now padding automatically
the GBA ROMs when needed. 1.1 (2020-02-29) - Allows modifying the frame rate and the number of players in the NES and SNES games. - Allows you to modify the sound volume for some SNES base games. - Add the option to individually modify the vertical and horizontal zoom of the N64 games. - Allows you to move the game image area of the N64
games. - Fixes an error that prevented editing the N64 Virtual Console settings without injecting a ROM. - Includes VCN64Config Editor 1.2. - Some minor fixes. 1.0.9 (2020-01-26) - Fix a bug when placing a short name without a defined target console. 1.0.8 (2020-01-11) - NDS ROM titles are now displayed correctly.
- Some minor fixes. 1.0.7 (2020-01-09) - Fix an bug in which the size of the NES ROMs to be injected is not correctly evaluated. 1.0.6 (2019-12-29) - Improves validation of N64 ROMs. - Improves NES aspect ratios. 1.0.5 (2019-12-27) - Update the version of CNUSPacker. - Some minor fixes. 1.0.4 (2019-12-27) - Fix a bug where the short name was
always used as a long name. - Fix a bug where the name was not drawn on the template images if it was not previously passed through the Images section. 1.0.3 (2019-12-26) - Fix an error in the way of transferring the common key to CNUSPacker. 1.0.2 (2019-12-25) - Fix an error when loading encrypted base games, the load was always failed due to
a resource management error. 1.0.1 (2019-12-20) - Replaces the use of NUSPacker.jar in favor of CNUSPacker.exe. 1.0 (2019-12-19) - Initial release. Disclaimer The tools packaged with this application belong to their respective developers. CNUSPacker by NicoAICP, Morilli CDecrypt v3.0 by Crediar, phacox.cll inject_gba_C by Morilli *More details
Last edited by phacox_cll, Sep 15, 2020 Reactions: FirsTcase, TroubledPickle, jesterscourt and 40 others Sounds Great .... But man i could never get the n64 games working is this a simple task ? Sounds Great .... But man i could never get the n64 games working is this a simple task ? As you know, the compatibility of the N64 Virtual Console is
limited, partly because of the few N64 configuration files available. But this is only an initial version, there are other ways (Wii64 and Not64) you just need to make it simpler to incorporate with the Wii U, do not lose hope Reactions: SuperDan Beautiful, going to test it later. Is it doable to remove the dark filter for GBA games like it is for N64 games?
Reactions: MetoMeto Beautiful, going to test it later. Is it doable to remove the dark filter for GBA games like it is for N64 games? I delved very little with the GBA Virtual Console. In fact, I didn't know I had a dark filter. If you have information on how to remove the dark filter, I can incorporate this function. always gives rom base error, how to solve?
always gives rom base error, how to solve?
Be sure to place the Wii U Common Key in the Settings section. If so, what base game are you using and in what format (packaged or unpackaged)? That would help diagnose the problem. Last edited by phacox_cll, Dec 21, 2019 I delved very little with the GBA Virtual Console. In fact, I didn't know I had a dark filter. If you have information on how to
remove the dark filter, I can incorporate this function. Sadly, I never saw it being done on the Wii U and I don't even know if it's possible. I hope someone shows up knowing how to do it, but I've been hoping for this for so long it's like I have reached resignation lol. What base game are you trying to load? You can share the "PhacoxsInjector.log" file of
your failed load attempt for more details. Reactions: jeannotte I've tried a lot like breath of fire, super mario world, super castlevania IV. Here is the log: Phacox's Injector 1.0.1 25/12/2019 11:49:36 Language to EN. Players changed: None TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated.
Changed mode to Indeterminate. GUI changed to default. Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Wii U Common Key files: OK! ROM format: SNES_USA GUI changed to SNES (USA). Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Reading ROM... ROM is valid. Hash: 2AC3 Size: 4
MiB Settings button clicked. Injecting button clicked. Show name enabled. Use short name: Chrono Trigger TV preview updated.
GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated.
GamePad preview updated. Title screen changed. Release date enabled: 1995 TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Main button clicked.
Loading SNES base... The base is invalid.
System.InvalidOperationException: No process is associated with this object. at System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState(State state) at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_HasExited() at System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState(State state) at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_ExitCode() at PhacoxsInjector.NusContent.Decrypt(String inputPath, String
filename, String outputFilename) at PhacoxsInjector.WiiUInjector.GetAppFileName(String path) at PhacoxsInjector.SNESInjector.ValidateEncryptedBase(String path) at PhacoxsInjector.WiiUInjector.LoadBase(String path) at PhacoxsInjector.PhacoxsInjectorGUI.AskBase() Could not load base. Loading SNES base... The base is invalid.
System.InvalidOperationException: No process is associated with this object. at System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState(State state) at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_HasExited() at System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState(State state) at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_ExitCode() at PhacoxsInjector.NusContent.Decrypt(String inputPath, String
filename, String outputFilename) at PhacoxsInjector.WiiUInjector.GetAppFileName(String path) at PhacoxsInjector.SNESInjector.ValidateEncryptedBase(String path) at PhacoxsInjector.WiiUInjector.LoadBase(String path) at PhacoxsInjector.PhacoxsInjectorGUI.AskBase() Could not load base. I've tried a lot like breath of fire, super mario world,
super castlevania IV. Here is the log: Phacox's Injector 1.0.1 25/12/2019 11:49:36 Language to EN. ... Could not load base. Thanks for the data to correct this bug.
The load of encrypted base games was always failed due to a resource management error. Version 1.0.2 (now available) fix the bug. Reactions: jeannotte Now loading base is ok, but after that is the rom injected automatically? or should I go to injecting section and choose do not pack or do pack?
They are not able to click. Where the files are saved?? You must go to the Injecting section to do the injection. The ROM is taken directly from the file you select at the beginning. Placing a name is mandatory to enable the buttons in the Injecting section. For NES and SNES it is necessary that the size of the ROM you want to inject be smaller or equal
to the size of the base game ROM. The base game stores (decrypted) in a "base" folder, next to the executable, with a console suffix ("base_*console*"), all modifications are made in that folder until you select one of the options of injected "Do not pack" or "Do pack", if you do not select an option the base is not modified. Depending on the option you
select, the folder already modified will be copied or encrypted in the path that was selected. Be sure to place the Wii U Common Key in the Settings section. If so, what base game are you using and in what format (packaged or unpackaged)? That would help diagnose the problem. i am downloading base games with wiiu usb helper, right? It worked to
pack the files, but when I was going to install gave an error, that was missing files or corrupted.
Error was in how "Phacox's Injector" transferred the common key to CNUSPacker, it was not doing well, so the files were being encrypted with a key in zeros. Version 1.0.3 fixes the bug.
(Version 1.0 doesn't have that bug either.) Page 2 Error was in how "Phacox's Injector" transferred the common key to CNUSPacker, it was not doing well, so the files were being encrypted with a key in zeros. Version 1.0.3 fixes the bug. (Version 1.0 doesn't have that bug either.) tested and working. but now no matter what is written in long name,
the injector will always use what is written in short name. Hi! I try snes injection with 1.03v, and problem persist.. Thanks for your hard work! --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- oh!! I see the error!!!!!! For some reason CNUS packer is searching encyptKeyWith, not encryptKeyWith, I create this file and now works.. Last edited by
Lord_Kimbou, Dec 27, 2019 Reactions: phacox_cll tested and working.
but now no matter what is written in long name, the injector will always use what is written in short name. You're right, the short name was always used as a long name. Thanks for the feedback. Version 1.0.4 is now available. Hi! I try snes injection with 1.03v, and problem persist.. Thanks for your hard work! --------------------- MERGED --------------------------
- oh!! I see the error!!!!!! For some reason CNUS packer is searching encyptKeyWith, not encryptKeyWith, I create this file and now works.. "encyptKeyWith" instead of "encryptKeyWith" is a bug of the CNUSPacker version found in the latest Release available on GitHub. When I verify the source code, I notice that it is already corrected. "Phacox's
Injector" will eventually include the corrected version. By testing version 1.05, the invalid base rom problem has returned. Did you copy and paste over the previous version? In this case it is better to decompress it in clean since it must generate new batch files and update CNUSPacker. @phacox_cll would be nice to also insert gbc and gb The Wii U
virtual console is not compatible with GB or GBC. It is possible to inject GB and some GBC games by previously converting them to GBA format with GoombaColor. In my future plans (one way or another) I want to facilitate the injection of games for MSX, TurboGrafx-16, GB, GBC, VirtualBoy, GameCube and Wii. In addition to blurring the
incompatibilities with the NES, SNES, GBA and N64 games (obviously this is possible if we no longer depend only on the emulators created by the big N). Reactions: Zense and DonCaballero Quick question. For removing the dark filter on N64 games, I simply download the official VC files, then decrypt them.
After making the file with the dark filter removed, I replace the FrameLayout.arc file in the official VC files then repack and install it. I'm wanting to mess with the aspect ratio of NES games. Is there a simple file I can replace like with N64 games in the official VC files? Quick question. For removing the dark filter on N64 games, I simply download the
official VC files, then decrypt them. After making the file with the dark filter removed, I replace the FrameLayout.arc file in the official VC files then repack and install it. I'm wanting to mess with the aspect ratio of NES games. Is there a simple file I can replace like with N64 games in the official VC files? There is no file that you can replace to change
the aspect ratio of the NES virtual console. For the NES and SNES games, all the configuration is embedded in the executable file ".rpx". With my injector you can edit the aspect ratio of the NES and SNES virtual console without modifying anything else. For this you need the common Wii U key and the virtual console game, you do NOT need ROM.
First go to the Settings section and enter the common key, if it is correct the text box is disabled and a green check will replace the red mark. After that, change the mode from "Auto" to "NES" or "SNES (USA)" in the lower left and return to the Main section. If you have already changed the mode, in the Main section you will NOT need to choose a
ROM to load the base game. Put anything in the "Short name" box (the name of the game will not be modified), click on the "Load base" button, select the game you want to edit the aspect ratio and wait for it to load, A green check and its data should appear. In the section "VC Settings" change the aspect ratio. In the Images section, activate the
three checkboxes next to the "Icon", "TV" and "GamePad" buttons. And disable the "Show name" checkbox. This to keep the presentation images of the game unchanged. Finally, in the Injected section, click on the "Do not pack" button or on the "Do pack" button, select the output folder. The result will be in a folder with the name "Short name [Title
ID] (Edit)". Do you want to edit it to an aspect ratio that is not available in the program? Reactions: Zense No. The reason I was asking was that simply changing the file in the officially downloaded VC title meant keeping all the startup images and text without having to edit/make them myself. I didn't realize the program could automatically do that.
Thanks. Reactions: phacox_cll Another quick question, sorry. I noticed someone else had asked, but do you have plans to remove be able to remove the dark filter from GBA games as well as NES games? I have disassembled and searched the hexadecimal data how to remove both the dark filter and the bilinear filter from the NES virtual console but I
have failed again and again . As for the GBA virtual console I have not done the "homework", but if someone finds a way to do it for both GBA and NES I will gladly implement it in the injector. Reactions: Zense I seemed to remember there being a way to remove dark filter from NES games, but I can't find it right now. Still I believe the Wii U, NES
Classic and 3DS use some sort of the same NES emulator (I believe the SNES one is called canoe and is used across all of those and maybe switch too.). It could be helpful to search for how they removed the dark filters from those, since I know they've done that for the 3DS NES emulator. Here's another thread that might shed some light on NES and
GBA dark filter removal. Here's a link to a gbatemp post that explains how to adjust the NDS games with aspect ratio and brightness (dark filter?). The same link is for a thread where a lot of adjustments to wii u emulators are posted, for example N64 with widescreen etc.. Also thanks and great work with your injector! Last edited by Zense, Jan 25,
2020 Reactions: phacox_cll I seemed to remember there being a way to remove dark filter from NES games, but I can't find it right now. Still I believe the Wii U, NES Classic and 3DS use some sort of the same NES emulator (I believe the SNES one is called canoe and is used across all of those and maybe switch too.). It could be helpful to search for
how they removed the dark filters from those, since I know they've done that for the 3DS NES emulator.
Here's another thread that might shed some light on NES and GBA dark filter removal.
Here's a link to a gbatemp post that explains how to adjust the NDS games with aspect ratio and brightness (dark filter?).
The same link is for a thread where a lot of adjustments to wii u emulators are posted, for example N64 with widescreen etc.. Also thanks and great work with your injector! I know that Wii U, 3DS, NES/SNES Classic and Switch use the same formats for NES/SNES ROMs, which consists of a metadata wrapper (header and footer) and the original
ROM itself (although the metadata differs slightly between ROMs of NES (fcrom?) and SNES ROMs (sfrom)), I don't know if the emulator is the same, but I doubt it since the architectures are different (Wii U is PowerPC while 3DS, NES/SNES Classic and Switch are ARM), however I'm going to investigate it. I read the whole thread of
"the_randomizer" before publishing my injector looking just how to remove the filters from the NES virtual console and used the research they did on that thread as a starting point to do my own research... without results. The structure of each Wii U virtual console is very different. On the one hand, there is NES/SNES, where the ROM and the
display configuration are inside the executable file. Then for N64 the executable file is independent of the folder structure where the ROM is associated with a ".ini" configuration file and where the display configuration is in the "FrameLayout.arc" file (where the dark filter is a layer over the game layer).
Then for GBA the ROM (and the display configuration) are encapsulated in an encrypted data structure composed of two files ("alldata.psb.m" and "alldata.bin") and respective independent executable. And on the other hand for NDS the executable is also independent from the ROM that is compressed in a simple ".zip" file and the display
configuration is in the "configuration_cafe.json" file (where the dark filter is actually a parameter 80% brightness). This is a consequence of the fact that each emulator was developed by a different team (it seems to me that NES/SNES for NCL, N64 for NST, GBA for M2 and NDS for NERD). I have yet to finish a program that allows you to edit the
files "configuration_cafe.json" (I intended to integrate it into my program "DSInject" as was "VCN64Config" for "64Inject"), and I also have pending to publish in my github a program that allows reading the header of ELF files, decompress and recompress RPX files, and read the metadata of the NES/SNES RPX files. With this last one I made the file
"NES_SNES_VC_Characteristics" Reactions: Zense Are you able to implement a way to overscan NES and SNES games like N64 in addition to being able to change the aspect ratio? Are you able to implement a way to overscan NES and SNES games like N64 in addition to being able to change the aspect ratio? By changing the values that managed to
identify it in the "the_randomizer" thread, it is only possible to change the width of the output image of the game, the height remains constant. That is to say, I can make the image as thin as a vertical line or so wide that the image comes out from the sides of the screen, but I cannot make it as thin as a horizontal line or it comes out for above and
below the screen. Thanks for this, this is great! How is the latest release coming along? Is there a list of Nintendo 64 titles that are compatible with injection? It doesn't surpass this list, does it? EDIT: So I tried using this and attempted to follow all directions but somehow got stuck at the "The Base is Invalid" error. Last edited by Cloud9Skywalker,
Feb 8, 2020 Page 3 Thanks for this, this is great! How is the latest release coming along? Is there a list of Nintendo 64 titles that are compatible with injection?
It doesn't surpass this list, does it?
EDIT: So I tried using this and attempted to follow all directions but somehow got stuck at the "The Base is Invalid" error. I was having the "Base is Invalid" error, what you have to do is unpack the official VC files. I used Wii U USB Helper to download the official files, then you right click on them and say "Unpack". Keep all your unpacked folders in
their own folder, and then you can use those as your bases. --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- @phacox_cll the issue I'm having is "Error Code: 199-9999". I've got my Wii U all set up so I can play anything from Wii U USB Helper, including the official N64 game files. But when I inject anything (no matter whether I'm changing the dark filter
or widescreen settings or not), even if I'm just trying to inject Super Mario 64 into itself, everything works properly and the files pack up, I'm able to install them with WUP Installer, but as soon as I try to play them it gives me Error Code: 199-9999 on my Wii U. I always run Haxchi first, and I've tried running Mocha as well, but it doesn't make a
difference. Again, everything will play except injected N64 games. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Spoiler: PhacosInjector.log Phacox's Injector 1.0.9 2/8/2020 8:50:14 AM Language to EN. Players changed: None TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Changed mode to Indeterminate. GUI changed to default. Menu icon preview updated.
TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated.
Wii U Common Key files: Not found. ROM format: N64 GUI changed to N64. Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Reading ROM... ROM is valid. Hash: F635 Title: Army Men Sarge Product code: NAME Loading N64 base... The base is invalid. System.Exception: Common Key Files error. at
PhacoxsInjector.NusContent.Decrypt(String inputPath, String filename, String outputFilename) at PhacoxsInjector.WiiUInjector.GetAppFileName(String path) at PhacoxsInjector.WiiUInjector.ValidateEncryptedBase(String path, String cvFileName) at PhacoxsInjector.N64Injector.ValidateEncryptedBase(String path) at
PhacoxsInjector.WiiUInjector.LoadBase(String path) at PhacoxsInjector.PhacoxsInjectorGUI.AskBase() Could not load base. Loading N64 base... The base is valid. Loaded base:Hash: BE3CEC5F, SVN: 2234 TIME: 2016/02/02 10:56:10 Title: Mario Party 2 (USA/EUR/JPN) Reading N64 Config file... N64 Config file is valid. Hash: 59B2 Settings button
clicked. Injecting button clicked. Show name enabled. Use long name: Army Men: Sarge's Heroes TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Settings button clicked. Invalid Wii U Common Key: D7B00402659BA2ABD2CB0DB27FA2B656 Invalid Wii U Common Key: Valid Wii U Common Key.
Injecting button clicked. Settings button clicked.
Injecting button clicked. Show name enabled. Use long name: Army Men: Sarge's Heroes TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Title screen changed. Keep menu icon: true Menu icon preview updated. Keep TV image: true TV preview
updated. Keep GamePad image: true GamePad preview updated. Keep GamePad image: false GamePad preview updated. Keep TV image: false TV preview updated.
Keep menu icon: false Menu icon preview updated. Players changed: 4 TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Release date enabled: 1999 TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Injecting button clicked. Main button clicked. Settings button clicked. Injecting button clicked. Show name enabled. Use long name: Army Men: Sarge's
Heroes TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Main button clicked. Show name enabled. Use long name: Army Men: Sarge's Heroes TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Injecting button clicked. Inject encrypt: True Short name: SargesHeroes Long name: Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
N64 darkFilter: False N64 widescreen: False N64 zoom: 100 Show name enabled. Use long name: Army Men: Sarge's Heroes TV preview updated.
GamePad preview updated. Change menu icon. Change TV image. Change GamePad image. Starting injection...
Injection success! Show name enabled. Use long name: Army Men: Sarge's Heroes TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Main button clicked. Injecting button clicked. Inject encrypt: True Short name: SargesHeroes Long name: Army Men: Sarge's HeroesWIDE N64 darkFilter: False N64 widescreen: True N64 zoom:
100 Show name enabled. Use long name: Army Men: Sarge's HeroesWIDE TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Change menu icon. Change TV image. Change GamePad image. Starting injection... Injection success! Main button clicked. ROM format: N64 Players changed: None TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. GUI
changed to N64. Loaded base: Hash: BE3CEC5F, SVN: 2234 TIME: 2016/02/02 10:56:10 Title: Mario Party 2 (USA/EUR/JPN) Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated.
Reading ROM... ROM is valid. Hash: C997 Title: ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK Product code: NZSE Loading N64 base... The base is valid. Loaded base:Hash: 71FC1731, SVN: 2190 TIME: 2016/01/05 04:50:14 Title: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (USA/EUR) Show name enabled. Use long name: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask TV preview
updated. GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Title screen changed.
Release date changed: 2000 TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Release date validated: 2000 TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Players changed: 1 TV preview updated.
GamePad preview updated. Injecting button clicked. Show name enabled. Use long name: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Injecting button clicked. Settings button clicked. Main button clicked. Show name enabled. Use long name: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask TV
preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Injecting button clicked. Inject encrypt: True Short name: Majora Long name: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask N64 darkFilter: False N64 widescreen: True N64 zoom: 100 Show name enabled. Use long name: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask TV preview updated. GamePad
preview updated. Change menu icon. Change TV image. Change GamePad image. Starting injection... Injection success! Main button clicked. Show name enabled. Use long name: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated.
Images button clicked. Main button clicked. Last edited by axlanian, Feb 8, 2020 Thanks for this, this is great! How is the latest release coming along? Is there a list of Nintendo 64 titles that are compatible with injection? It doesn't surpass this list, does it? EDIT: So I tried using this and attempted to follow all directions but somehow got stuck at the
"The Base is Invalid" error. Version 1.1 is almost ready (but do not expect many new features)... This compatibility list is the same for all injector programs, however, it is not definitive since there are many combinations of base game + rom + configuration file, which have not been tested.
An invalid N64 base may be due to: If the base game is in WUP Installer format - The common key is missing. - Does not contain the file "code\cos.xml". - It does not contain the file "code\VESSEL.rpx". If the base game is in format for Loadiine - It does not have the "content \ config" folder or the "content\rom" folder. - You do not have any of the
following files: - "code\app.xml". - "code\cos.xml". - "code\VESSEL.rpx". - "content\BuildInfo.txt". - "content\config.ini". - "content\FrameLayout.arc". - "meta\iconTex.tga". - "meta\bootTvTex.tga".
- "meta\bootDrcTex.tga". - "meta\meta.xml". @phacox_cll the issue I'm having is "Error Code: 199-9999". I've got my Wii U all set up so I can play anything from Wii U USB Helper, including the official N64 game files. But when I inject anything (no matter whether I'm changing the dark filter or widescreen settings or not), even if I'm just trying to
inject Super Mario 64 into itself, everything works properly and the files pack up, I'm able to install them with WUP Installer, but as soon as I try to play them it gives me Error Code: 199-9999 on my Wii U. I always run Haxchi first, and I've tried running Mocha as well, but it doesn't make a difference. Again, everything will play except injected N64
games. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
You are performing the injections correctly. I don't know the reason why some consoles have the error code 199-9999 regardless of the CFW.
But I know that some people have solved this by installing the games injected into the console memory, if they were installing it on an external disk or vice versa, if they were installing it in the console memory, they go on to install them in a external disk. You can also load games through Loadiine. What is your case, in which memory are you installing
them? Reactions: Zense I installed them to the NAND. I'll try them on the USB storage and see if that makes a difference then? @phacox_cll HOLY CRAP THAT WORKED So I get what was going on now. When my injects were working, I hadn't connected USB storage yet. Then after I connected USB storage, they all started bringing up Error 199-
9999. So with USB storage attached, I just had to move them all from the NAND to the USB, and they now play perfectly, including some Widescreen patches! Thank you so much, I love your injector! Reactions: phacox_cll Version 1.1 is almost ready (but do not expect many new features)... This compatibility list is the same for all injector programs,
however, it is not definitive since there are many combinations of base game + rom + configuration file, which have not been tested. An invalid N64 base may be due to: If the base game is in WUP Installer format - The common key is missing. - Does not contain the file "code\cos.xml". - It does not contain the file "code\VESSEL.rpx". If the base game
is in format for Loadiine - It does not have the "content \ config" folder or the "content\rom" folder.
- You do not have any of the following files: - "code\app.xml". - "code\cos.xml". - "code\VESSEL.rpx". - "content\BuildInfo.txt". - "content\config.ini". - "content\FrameLayout.arc". - "meta\iconTex.tga". - "meta\bootTvTex.tga". - "meta\bootDrcTex.tga". - "meta\meta.xml". Thank-you for linking me to that, much appreciated. I'm sure it's useful in some
These are pretty much the steps I took to use your injector. - opened PhacoxsInjector - checked Wii U common key, it now states "the common key was loaded correctly' - clicked choose and selected my F-Zero X.n64 file - added short name - removed dark filter - visited ' and saved the eShop .png icon to use as my title screen image. - included
respective release date I am unsure of what to do with the load base button and how to proceed. To install packages on my Wii U I use WUP Installer. I hope that helps. thanks! @Cloud9Skywalker download Wii U USB Helper and use that to download the official N64 VC files to your PC. Then when they're in your "downloaded" section, you right-click
on them and select "unpack". The unpacked folder is what you select as a "base". To know which base games you need, there is a compatibility list in the GBAtemp wiki, but it won't let me post a link.
Just search for "WiiU VC N64 Inject compatibility list" Reactions: phacox_cll Thank-you for your help. I was able to use boot my backup, the WiiU VC N64 inject compatibility list helped a lot as a reference when injecting. Great release, thank-you. Is the VC the best hope for accurate Nintendo 64 emulation? There are other methods to emulate 64 so
just interesting to see development occur with the VC option instead of other emulation. Regardless, I hope you continue development, good luck. --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- You are performing the injections correctly. I don't know the reason why some consoles have the error code 199-9999 regardless of the CFW. But I know that
some people have solved this by installing the games injected into the console memory, if they were installing it on an external disk or vice versa, if they were installing it in the console memory, they go on to install them in a external disk. You can also load games through Loadiine. What is your case, in which memory are you installing them? I just
did my installation with WUP Installer GX2 after selecting the option 'do pack'. I installed my injected game into the external storage memory I have and it worked. I didn't receive this error. Everything good on my end.​ Thank-you for your help. I was able to use boot my backup, the WiiU VC N64 inject compatibility list helped a lot as a reference when
injecting. Great release, thank-you. Is the VC the best hope for accurate Nintendo 64 emulation? There are other methods to emulate 64 so just interesting to see development occur with the VC option instead of other emulation. Regardless, I hope you continue development, good luck.
I just did my installation with WUP Installer GX2 after selecting the option 'do pack'. I installed my injected game into the external storage memory I have and it worked. I didn't receive this error. Everything good on my end.​ The emulation of Nintendo 64 is a complicated issue, even the oldest PC emulators have some problems. Previously for
GameCube, emu-kidid, Tehpola and sepp256 developers launched the mupen64gc emulator (based on PC mupen64), renamed cube64, later ported it to the Wii (not Wii U) under the name of Wii64. From Wii64 several forks have emerged, such as Not64 from developer Extrems, or compilations of Wii64 from developer FIX94 designed to take
advantage of some features of the Wii U. However, everything is Homedrew of the Wii, there is currently no Nintendo 64 emulator native of the Wii U more than the official Virtual Console, which is "closed" and it was designed just to make the games work well that the great N wanted and could publish, the fact that other ROMs work is a
consequence of the fact that they have no requirements outside of what was thought for the Virtual Console.
Not64 and the FIX94 Wii64 compilations can be run on the vWii of the Wii U and you can unlock the vWii clock frequency (overclock) by means of sign_c2w_patcher to improve emulation. Search Google "vWii Homebrew Forwarder Wii64" (includes quotes) to find emulators ready to install via WUP Instaler GX2 (you will need to do some research, I
can't leave direct links here). Wii64 and Not64 compatibility list here. Reactions: Cloud9Skywalker I havent used this tool but went through the first few pages to get a better sense of the material. So my queation is then, do we use an existing legit copy of a DS game from the store and inject it? Does this imply a very limited number of DS titles you
can inject? I havent used this tool but went through the first few pages to get a better sense of the material. So my queation is then, do we use an existing legit copy of a DS game from the store and inject it? Does this imply a very limited number of DS titles you can inject? Injecting a ROM is basically replacing the legitimate game ROM with the ROM
you want. Consequently, the limit of different (basic) injections of the NDS virtual console is the number of legitimate base game combinations per existing ROM files. I have identified 27 versions of the NDS virtual console and there are more than 2000 NDS ROMs, that is, to create more than 54,000 different (basic) injections, although many will not
work due to game features that were not contemplated in the virtual console. The main idea of the program is to make it easier for anyone to test if a ROM works, without restrictions other than those of each Wii U virtual console. I think I get it. I went ahead and tried a bunch of injections... all but gba and nes and fd. N64 and DS work like a charm.
SNES? Not so much. But then I used whatever was present in Super Mario RPG to run it so I might need to do a bit of trial and error. No Mega Man or All Stars games worked on it so I figure I need to dial it back and try a different rom.
So I ran into problems with SNES and I haven't been able to solve it. Ive attempted injects over: Mario RPG and Diddy's Kong Quest The titles I have used are Super Mario All Stars, Super Metroid, Mega Man Soccer (for good measure I had two hack games that shouldve worked I thought Mega Man and Bass with english patch and Mega Man X3
Zero Project.) I used Short Name did not click on long name, both packed and unpacked.
Im really at my wits endtrying to dis over what is going wrong.
The results are as follows: the game boots to a black screen on the Wii U or cycles over the virtual console boot logo of the title with the pleasant virtual console music in the background. So I ran into problems with SNES and I haven't been able to solve it. Ive attempted injects over: Mario RPG and Diddy's Kong Quest The titles I have used are Super
Mario All Stars, Super Metroid, Mega Man Soccer (for good measure I had two hack games that shouldve worked I thought Mega Man and Bass with english patch and Mega Man X3 Zero Project.) I used Short Name did not click on long name, both packed and unpacked. Im really at my wits endtrying to dis over what is going wrong. The results are
as follows: the game boots to a black screen on the Wii U or cycles over the virtual console boot logo of the title with the pleasant virtual console music in the background. The problems reported with the typical when a base game is not suitable for the ROM you want to inject. For Mega Man Soccer use as a base game Pac-Man 2: The New adventures
(USA). For Mega Man and Bass use Kai: Tsukikomori (晦 - つ き こ も り) (JPN) as the base game. For Super Mario All Stars, use Kirby's Dream Land 3 (US) as a base game. Apparently, Mega Man X3 Zero Project is not compatible with any base. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Super
Metroid officially launched for the virtual console. Here is a list of SNES compatibility.
The problems reported with the typical when a base game is not suitable for the ROM you want to inject. For Mega Man Soccer use as a base game Pac-Man 2: The New adventures (USA). For Mega Man and Bass use Kai: Tsukikomori (晦 - つ き こ も り) (JPN) as the base game. For Super Mario All Stars, use Kirby's Dream Land 3 (US) as a base
game. Apparently, Mega Man X3 Zero Project is not compatible with any base. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Super Metroid officially launched for the virtual console. Here is a list of SNES compatibility.
Thank you very much! Is it possible to edit an .ini file in a way where the screen ratio completely meets the edges vertically? Horizontally it's fine, I don't want to stretch the image and I know these games are not 16:9.
But vertically, some of the games meet the edges completely and some don't so I am unsure if it's because the games boot natively. So, just curious if it's an .ini thing that needs to be set. Page 4 Is it possible to edit an .ini file in a way where the screen ratio completely meets the edges vertically? Horizontally it's fine, I don't want to stretch the image
and I know these games are not 16:9. But vertically, some of the games meet the edges completely and some don't so I am unsure if it's because the games boot natively.
So, just curious if it's an .ini thing that needs to be set. It's possible. The version 1.2 of "VCN64Config Editor" can modify to your liking the options of the Render, CanvasWidth and CanvasHeight (the internal resolution), currently you can only trim the edges with the ClipTop, ClipRight, ClipBottom and ClipLeft options and modify the general scale
with the option Zoom. Reactions: Cloud9Skywalker does this new version delete the original pdf manuals of the base games? The manuals of the games are not in ".pdf" format, the manuals are in ".bfma" format. My program does not delete or modify the ".bfma" files in any way.
For the N64 virtual console, the "PDFURL" option exists in the ".ini" configuration files, which indicates a web address to the manual in ".pdf" format, when editing the ".ini" configuration file with "VCN64Config Editor" this option is disabled by default with a ";" and you will have to enable it manually if you want to use it. Reactions: Cloud9Skywalker
The manuals of the games are not in ".pdf" format, the manuals are in ".bfma" format. My program does not delete or modify the ".bfma" files in any way. For the N64 virtual console, the "PDFURL" option exists in the ".ini" configuration files, which indicates a web address to the manual in ".pdf" format, when editing the ".ini" configuration file with
"VCN64Config Editor" this option is disabled by default with a ";" and you will have to enable it manually if you want to use it. i'm brazilian, and i was using the injector to exchange some games (mostly zelda) that have in english on the virtual console for roms translated into my language. All remained with the original manuals, the only ones that
were not were the Nintendo 64 OoT and MM. As I injected these two with the new version of their program, I wanted to know if the reason for the manuals being missing was the injector. thanks. Reactions: phacox_cll Hey, so I'm trying to use the injector to inject Banjo-Kazooie over Mario Golf. Everything looks good in the app - green checkmarks
everywhere, including the Wii U common key - and it even says the injection (Do Pack, WUP format) was successful. But the output folder is empty (as in, it's named correctly but contains no files) Any ideas why this might be the case? I've tried restarting the app as well as my computer. No dice. Edit: Interestingly, it works when I select "Do Not
Pack." Apparently this behavior tends to occur when the common key isn't entered correctly, but I've double- and triple-checked that mine is 100% correct. And again, the app even put a green checkmark next to it. Edit 2: Here's the log file, with some redactions in case of forum rule violations: Phacox's Injector 1.0.9 2/23/2020 9:56:17 PM Language
to EN. Players changed: None TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Changed mode to Indeterminate. GUI changed to default. Menu icon preview updated.
TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Wii U Common Key files: OK! ROM format: N64 GUI changed to N64. Loaded base: Hash: [REDACTED], SVN: 1955 TIME: 2015/06/16 04:09:03 Title: Mario Golf (USA/EUR) Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated.
Reading ROM... ROM is valid. Hash: [REDACTED] Title: Banjo-Kazooie Product code: [REDACTED] Show name enabled. Use short name: Banjo TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Keep menu icon: true Menu icon preview updated. Keep TV image: true TV preview updated. Keep GamePad image: true GamePad
preview updated. Settings button clicked. Injecting button clicked. Show name enabled. Use short name: Banjo TV preview updated.
GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Main button clicked. Show name enabled. Use short name: Banjo TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Injecting button clicked. Main button clicked. Reading N64 Config file... N64 Config file is valid. Hash: [REDACTED] Injecting button clicked. Inject encrypt: True
Short name: Banjo Long name: Banjo N64 darkFilter: True N64 widescreen: False N64 zoom: 100 Show name enabled. Use short name: Banjo TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Keep menu icon.
Keep TV image. Keep GamePad image. Starting injection... Injection success! Last edited by Eclipse42, Feb 24, 2020 Hey, so I'm trying to use the injector to inject Banjo-Kazooie over Mario Golf. Everything looks good in the app - green checkmarks everywhere, including the Wii U common key - and it even says the injection (Do Pack, WUP format)
was successful. But the output folder is empty (as in, it's named correctly but contains no files) Any ideas why this might be the case? I've tried restarting the app as well as my computer. No dice. Edit: Interestingly, it works when I select "Do Not Pack." Apparently this behavior tends to occur when the common key isn't entered correctly, but I've
double- and triple-checked that mine is 100% correct.
And again, the app even put a green checkmark next to it. It is not a common key problem. The program does not validate (green checkmark) an incorrect key and the behavior when the common key is not present results in a fault message unlike your case. The problem may be in the file write permissions of CNUSPacker. Is the problem only with
that ROM and base game or is it general for any injection you want to pack? Note: As far as I know it is not necessary for you to censor the hash of the log, from that number it is not possible to obtain the file from which it was computed. Thanks for the reply! Just tried injecting A Bug's Life into F-Zero X. Same result. Running the app as administrator
didn't seem to help either. Edit: Same results with Injectiine. Edit 2: Well... I figured it out. Apparently I was a little too D.I.Y. when it came to acquiring my base game. See, I had dumped it from my own Wii U via FTP. That’s the version I’ve been using up to this point, with no success. So I decided to try it with a version of Mario Golf I downloaded
and unpacked from a certain... helpful app, and it worked. Somehow. I’m just thankful this ordeal is over, but I’m also curious why my own dump failed. Last edited by Eclipse42, Feb 25, 2020 Thanks for the reply! Just tried injecting A Bug's Life into F-Zero X. Same result. Running the app as administrator didn't seem to help either. Edit: Same results
with Injectiine. Edit 2: Well... I figured it out.
Apparently I was a little too D.I.Y. when it came to acquiring my base game. See, I had dumped it from my own Wii U via FTP. That’s the version I’ve been using up to this point, with no success. So I decided to try it with a version of Mario Golf I downloaded and unpacked from a certain... helpful app, and it worked. Somehow.
I’m just thankful this ordeal is over, but I’m also curious why my own dump failed. I'm glad you found a solution. Possibly the dumped game has some restriction at the permission level of the file system or at the level of eshop keys. Note: Both Injectiine and my program use CNUSPacker (made by NicoAICP and Morilli), to repackage the games. Just
wandering did banjo tooie ever get working in the end I know along time ago it didn’t but I’m checking up?
Just wandering did banjo tooie ever get working in the end I know along time ago it didn’t but I’m checking up? Banjo Tooie works, but with several details.
Visit WiiU N64 Virtual Console Research in the "Compatability > WiiUVC Ini's" section. Research by CORE.
Note: The compatibility of N64 games with the Wii U virtual console depends on: 1) The ROM file. 2) The ".ini" configuration file. 3) The base game.
You can do the injection with my program or with Injectiine or manually, the result will be the same for the same ROM, config ".ini" and base game. Reactions: Reecey Banjo Tooie works, but with several details. Visit WiiU N64 Virtual Console Research in the "Compatability > WiiUVC Ini's" section. Research by CORE. Note: The compatibility of N64
games with the Wii U virtual console depends on: 1) The ROM file. 2) The ".ini" configuration file. 3) The base game. You can do the injection with my program or with Injectiine or manually, the result will be the same for the same ROM, config ".ini" and base game. Thanks I could never get that game working which is one off my favourites but that
was a very longtime ago. I will look at the details see if I can do it yes I will be using your injector. @phacox_cll what wiiu virtual console game should I use as my base this is new to me before it was all using DS virtual as base?
I’m really out off touch, it’s been a while? Last edited by Reecey, Feb 26, 2020 Thanks I could never get that game working which is one off my favourites but that was a very longtime ago. I will look at the details see if I can do it yes I will be using your injector. @phacox_cll what wiiu virtual console game should I use as my base this is new to me
before it was all using DS virtual as base? I’m really out off touch, it’s been a while? In general for N64 ROMs uses games that were officially released for the N64 Virtual Console. Specifically for Banjo Tooie you can use as base games "Ogre Battle 64", "ExciteBike 64", "Bomber Man 64", "Harvest Moon 64" or "F-Zero X". So to be clear, does Banjo
Tooie still exhibit the crashing mentioned in the N64 injection compatibility wiki? Or did the INI file you mentioned fix it? I only ask because the "known issues" section of the INI doesn't mention crashing. Last edited by Eclipse42, Feb 27, 2020 Reactions: CORE So to be clear, does Banjo Tooie still exhibit the crashing mentioned in the N64 injection
compatibility wiki? Or did the INI file you mentioned fix it? I only ask because the "known issues" section of the INI doesn't mention crashing. I don't know if the problem of crashes in general and of the specific crash at level 5 is solved with the adjustments that @CORE proposes. Reactions: CORE Regarding Banjo Tooie. under Render Settings.
NeedPreParse = 1 Has proven to fix crashing on some Games AeroGauge and Daikatana. Only other thing to try is another Build but I think that only one other Build works and it practically the same as newest Build. However I have noticed some Crashing with Builds not made exclusively for Games like using Donkey Kong or SM64 injected into
FZeroX. Your better off using the official builds that they run with just make Ini changes to your desire. If someone wants to send me their Save File I will gladly take a look into Banjo Tooie some more I have revised the Ini several times but have never experienced the issue myself because have not played long enough so PM ME Sav File and I will
take a look. Another Game Mystical Ninja apparently cant use MemPak = 1 endless loop? I have no trouble with it so far I chose erase pak and then create new save incase that what resolved it? TrueBoot = 1 Disables Expansion Pak amongst other changes in most cases slows things down it can be disabled after you get Game running and maybe get
things running a bit better but may become unstable. Last edited by CORE, Feb 27, 2020 Reactions: phacox_cll In general for N64 ROMs uses games that were officially released for the N64 Virtual Console. Specifically for Banjo Tooie you can use as base games "Ogre Battle 64", "ExciteBike 64", "Bomber Man 64", "Harvest Moon 64" or "F-Zero X". I
remembered what to do and I got it working thanks but I have now realised reading the other comment and gbatemp wiki, it seems to crash on level 5 somewhere, which you can get passed apparently by starting & restarting the game.
I’ve not got there yet but the pal game runs really well. Edit: your right I don’t think n64 vc games were available to inject into I think I had left for the switch scene very close to there release on eshop, Banjo Tooie certainly wouldn’t work back then for some reason I do remember that. Dementium 2 inject would not work either not sure if that also
works now? Last edited by Reecey, Feb 27, 2020 I remembered what to do and I got it working thanks but I have now realised reading the other comment and gbatemp wiki, it seems to crash on level 5 somewhere, which you can get passed apparently by starting & restarting the game. I’ve not got there yet but the pal game runs really well. Edit:
your right I don’t think n64 vc games were available to inject into I think I had left for the switch scene very close to there release on eshop, Banjo Tooie certainly wouldn’t work back then for some reason I do remember that. Dementium 2 inject would not work either not sure if that also works now? I know that Dementium: The Ward works, but
about Dementium 2 I have no information. The NDS Virtual Console is more limited in terms of emulator configurations (none could increase the previous compatibility), you can try injecting the game in the 27 versions of the NDS Virtual Console (look the file "PhacoxsInjector_VC_Hash_List.xlsx" sheet "NDS") to check if a ROM is compatible. when
using the NDS compatibility list wiki there are many games that simply have "nds2wiiu" as their injection.
How do i know what base rom will work with this injector? Did nds2wiiu have a known default base rom? By the way I've used this for every possible N64 injection thats known to work and they do all work great. Thanks for this tool! Just this portion of the DS injections has me confused. One more question as well - at least one of the base roms (Yoshi
Touch & Go) seems to share some relationship with Brain Age, which i used to install CBHC on my Wii U.
Will installing an injection with this base cause an issue with CBHC? Last edited by brightlight54, Feb 29, 2020 when using the NDS compatibility list wiki there are many games that simply have "nds2wiiu" as their injection. How do i know what base rom will work with this injector? Did nds2wiiu have a known default base rom? By the way I've used
this for every possible N64 injection thats known to work and they do all work great. Thanks for this tool! Just this portion of the DS injections has me confused. Nds2WiiU makes injections using the file "hachihachi_ntr.rpx" with CRC32 "8071CB03" which corresponds to the Mario Kart DS (USA/EUR/JPN) and New Super Mario Bros. (USA/JPN),
games of the NDS Virtual Console. If you use the aforementioned games as base games, you will get (in theory) the same compatibility as using Nds2WiiU. Nds2WiiU makes injections using the file "hachihachi_ntr.rpx" with CRC32 "8071CB03" which corresponds to the Mario Kart DS (USA/EUR/JPN) and New Super Mario Bros. (USA/JPN), games of
the NDS Virtual Console. If you use the aforementioned games as base games, you will get (in theory) the same compatibility as using Nds2WiiU. Thank you! Also I edited my first post with an additional question. at least one of the base roms (Yoshi Touch & Go) seems to share some relationship with Brain Age, which i used to install CBHC on my Wii
U. Will installing an injection with this base cause an issue with CBHC? Any advice is appreciated! Page 5 Thank you! Also I edited my first post with an additional question. at least one of the base roms (Yoshi Touch & Go) seems to share some relationship with Brain Age, which i used to install CBHC on my Wii U. Will installing an injection with this
base cause an issue with CBHC?
Any advice is appreciated! The Wii U file system uses the Title ID to organize the games in different folders. When you install a game that has the same Title ID of another that you previously installed, the contents of the folder corresponding to that Title ID are overwritten with the files of the new game. In other words, to avoid a problem with your
CBHC installation you should take care that the Title ID of any game does not match the Title ID of the game you used for CBHC. As far as I know my program does not generate conflicts with Title IDs of official games. My injector generates the Title IDs as follows: For Famicom/NES: 0005000061XXXXZZ For Super Famicom/SNES:
0005000062XXXXZZ For N64: 0005000064YYYYNN For GBA: 000500006AXXXXZZ For NDS: 00050000D5XXXXZZ Where XXXX is the CRC16 of the ROM, ZZ is an index that corresponds to the Virtual Console version, YYYY is the CRC16 of the N64 ROM concatenated (byte level) with the configuration file ".ini" and NN It is a value consisting of
three bits of flags (Darkfilter, Widescreen and "Frame scale-traslation") plus five bits of a corresponding index the version of the N64 Virtual Console. Base games with the same version of the Virtual Console will provide the same ZZ index or the same NN value (if the flag bits are also the same). If you are curious you can check the indexes of each
version of the Virtual Console in the file "PhacoxsInjector_VC_Hash_List.xlsx", mentioned above. The Wii U file system uses the Title ID to organize the games in different folders.
When you install a game that has the same Title ID of another that you previously installed, the contents of the folder corresponding to that Title ID are overwritten with the files of the new game.
In other words, to avoid a problem with your CBHC installation you should take care that the Title ID of any game does not match the Title ID of the game you used for CBHC. As far as I know my program does not generate conflicts with Title IDs of official games. My injector generates the Title IDs as follows: For Famicom/NES: 0005000061XXXXZZ
For Super Famicom/SNES: 0005000062XXXXZZ For N64: 0005000064YYYYNN For GBA: 000500006AXXXXZZ For NDS: 00050000D5XXXXZZ Where XXXX is the CRC16 of the ROM, ZZ is an index that corresponds to the Virtual Console version, YYYY is the CRC16 of the N64 ROM concatenated (byte level) with the configuration file ".ini" and NN It
is a value consisting of three bits of flags (Darkfilter, Widescreen and "Frame scale-traslation") plus five bits of a corresponding index the version of the N64 Virtual Console. Base games with the same version of the Virtual Console will provide the same ZZ index or the same NN value (if the flag bits are also the same). If you are curious you can check
the indexes of each version of the Virtual Console in the file "PhacoxsInjector_VC_Hash_List.xlsx", mentioned above. gotcha, thanks again. sounds like im pretty safe sometimes injecting snes games the error appears (ROM size: 4mb) and I can't inject the game. What can this be?
sometimes injecting snes games the error appears (ROM size: 4mb) and I can't inject the game.
What can this be? Look that the base game is ROM size: 4 MiB. Injections of NES and SNES games are limited by the maximum size of the original ROM. any idea why zelda alttp doesn't work when injected in the original virtual console game, but when injected into the super metroid does it work? I have no idea. What kind of fail do you have? Is the
ROM a hack ROM or is it the original ROM? Does the original virtual console game have the right ROM Size? Can you provide the log file? Get a black screen is usual when the ROM is not compatible with the virtual console or with the configuration. The configuration file contains settings for the virtual console emulator, each N64 ROM needs some
specific configuration to function properly. You can check CORE's research for some information about all the settings and you can use the VCN64Config Editor program to create or edit configuration files. In the compatibility list you can get some configuration files.
Reactions: CORE None of my injections work. They pack and install fine but it always gives error 199-9999 whenever I try to launch. I'm running CHBC EDIT works only if I install to USB, not NAND. What gives? Last edited by raidriar, Mar 9, 2020 You are not first to have that problem, I repeat what I put post #42 of this thread: You are performing
the injections correctly. I don't know the reason why some consoles have the error code 199-9999 regardless of the CFW. But I know that some people have solved this by installing the games injected into the console memory, if they were installing it on an external disk or vice versa, if they were installing it in the console memory, they go on to install
them in a external disk.
You can also load games through Loadiine. And I attach this information from post #45: HOLY CRAP THAT WORKED So I get what was going on now. When my injects were working, I hadn't connected USB storage yet. Then after I connected USB storage, they all started bringing up Error 199-9999. So with USB storage attached, I just had to move
them all from the NAND to the USB, and they now play perfectly, including some Widescreen patches! ... I need help I did all the right steps I’m trying to inject Super Smash Bros for N64 I used Mario golf as the base rom Everything seemed to work fine The game loads But when it’s done loading The game freezes How can I fix this ;SmashBrothers
USA [RomOption] RetraceByVsync = 0 RSPMultiCore = 1 UseTimer = 1 [FrameTickHack] Hack0 = 1281250 Hack1 = 0 [RSPG] RIntAfterGTask = 1 [Sound] BufFull = 0x3800 BufHalf = 0x1000 BufHave = 0x1000 Use FZeroX as Base. Check my Blog for more info and ini's. Last edited by CORE, Mar 10, 2020 Reactions: phacox_cll Do I have to use a
.ini file I tried F zero X as the base rom, and it still didn’t work --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- I’m using mocha CFW You must use an .ini file with the configuration that CORE shared or the file "Unale0.404.ini". You must use a CFW, but it doesn't matter which CFW you are using. Do I use this .ini file for all n64 games or just super smash
bros --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- Also is Mario golf the base rom for smash bros n64 Each N64 ROM requires a different ini file.
Use F-Zero X as the base game to inject Super Smash Bros. ;SmashBrothers USA [RomOption] RetraceByVsync = 0 RSPMultiCore = 1 UseTimer = 1 [FrameTickHack] Hack0 = 1281250 Hack1 = 0 [RSPG] RIntAfterGTask = 1 [Sound] BufFull = 0x3800 BufHalf = 0x1000 BufHave = 0x1000 Use FZeroX as Base. Check my Blog for more info and ini's.
Question: when the compatibility list says the .ini file is "by nintendo" what i must do? Page 6 In some base games, in addition to including the respective .ini file (located in "/content/config/") they include other .ini files.
Many of those extra files correspond to games that did not officially come out, but in which the big N was working. All those files and a list of which game corresponds to each file can be found in the initial post of this thread as "All existing Wii U VC N64 config files made by Nintendo" in the information block with compatibility lists. In some base
games, in addition to including the respective .ini file (located in "/content/config/") they include other .ini files. Many of those extra files correspond to games that did not officially come out, but in which the big N was working. All those files and a list of which game corresponds to each file can be found in the initial post of this thread as "All existing
Wii U VC N64 config files made by Nintendo" in the information block with compatibility lists. For exemple, I want to make a VC inject from DK64, but with widescreen option avaliable, so I must use the original release of DK64 as base and his own ini file from this mentioned folder? Well, its worked with Donkey Kong 64 and Ocarina of time, but
Mario 64 freezes the console witj Black Screen Yes on the three cases I followed the conpatinility list for the bases and used the ini inside the base Most Rom Hacks wont work of SM64 due to differences the original even has a couple patches in Memory to work and you also need CalculateLOD = 1 via Render Settings.
There is already SM64 Officially Released aswell just incase anyone wondering. I think Not64/Wii64 can run some Rom Hacks for those interested, do C2W OverClock and your good you can also grab forwarders I put together with C2W OverClock enabled. Checkout my Blog under Compatibility and you can find my Ini's at bottom Compatibility. Last
edited by CORE, Mar 12, 2020 Reactions: phacox_cll I'm trying to run the original one. I want to use it on my loadiine in widescreen, because I will play on an old CRT TV. Using WiiU on 16:9 and widescreening the game, the game goes full screen on CRT, because on original virtual console release, the resolution dont fits the fulll crt screen. Donkey
Kong 64 is my base and HEre the Ini that I choose: ;Super Mario64 P [RomOption] ;BackupType 0 Auto 1 SRAM 2 Flash 3 EEPROM BackupType = 3 ;BackupSize 2048 16K 4K 512 BackupSize = 512 Rumble = 0 UseTimer = 1 [Render] CalculateLOD = 1 Last edited by soniccomcisbr, Mar 12, 2020 Two details: - Have you already tried the widescreen
ROM on an emulator? - The .ini file you are using is for the PAL version of the game, but officially the PAL version did not come out for the virtual console, for the PAL regions the same NTSC version was released as in the USA.
Consequently, the .ini file you are using does not contain the patches required to run the game, only the .ini file from the USA version has the patches. Reactions: CORE I was going to try to inject the Donkey Kong 64 Improvement Patch'd Game into my Wii U, but I have had no luck finding the Wii U Common Key. I assumed I need the Common Key
for F-Zero X since it is the Base I was going to use for the game, but I'm not sure how to find it, I must admit.
Edit: Nevermind, with a little research, I was able to find the Common Key, but alas, I couldn't seem to get the Improvement Patch'd Version of Donkey Kong 64 to work, unfortunately. Last edited by Rython, Mar 12, 2020 Could someone help please? I could not load the base for the nds injection. Have used the new super mario nds rom that should
work but its says invalid base. So which format you need to use? edit: okay already find it out. by the way: awesome tool is there a way to enable d-fix and widescreen in the tool itself? Last edited by SnakeEater, Mar 12, 2020 @soniccomcisbr You are missing the idle Memory patch. Amongst other Vertices and Texture Fixes.
A lot of Games require custom made Patches to Textures/Vertices/RAM/Speed Hacks and various translations. Different Bases and Configurable Ini Files will only get you so far without the above which is not an easy task to produce. Although Possible with other Emulators and Debugging you just need to know what your looking for. Mario Party 2 or
DK64 apparently work but you may need to hex edit the file header to match Mario Party 2 and set BackupSize = 2048. Use Mario Party 2 Ini. I will be fixing up my blog peeps seem to have trouble finding Ini's.
Reactions: phacox_cll Page 7 I have another question: Is there a way to force the language?
I wanted to play Prof. Layton in german, but the eu Version is always english... this is strange because my settings on console are german. ini files are configuration/settings files they basically are used to setup and run the Rom Files for example. [RomOption] TrueBoot = 1 Rom Settings A Specific Boot Method that also disables Expansion Pak.
Banjo Tooie and a few others require it to Run. Reactions: phacox_cll not necessarily working with an 'inject application' but i believe it was done with the title ID of "0005000E10199300" so I guess it's a modified version of DK64 EUR? Do you know this for a fact as in you've played it from beginning to end or what? The compatibility list says it freezes
at different spots. Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story Yoshi Touch & GO/Kirby Squeak Squad DSI exception error at first fight with Bowser. (Loadiine V4) Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story Kirby Squeak Squad Softlocks in battle once in the stomach with Kirby as host (has minor graphical issues and slowdowns as well), so it's unplayable. On other
hosts, first Bowser fight works but first real Mario battle has no HUD and soft-locks when choosing an option. Through manipulation of Suspend Points, it is possible to get past Trash Pit (and glitched battles), but the game hard-locks at the Midbus battle in Cavi Cape. Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story Mario Hoops 3-on-3 Fixes softlock bug in
Bowser's stomach. However, the game hard-locks at the Midbus battle in Cavi Cape Reactions: phacox_cll Do DS games have .ini files? Do DS games have .ini files? No. NDS game injections do not require ".ini" files. The NDS and N64 injections are completely different and an N64 base cannot be used for an NDS game. Game compatibility is provided
by the base game. If a ROM has already been tested with all the bases available and it has not worked, it means that this ROM will require characteristics outside the capabilities of the Virtual Console. In other words it is not compatible and it will not be. Therefore, performing a manual injection or with my program or with any other program ensures
the same compatibility, always. Reactions: JayMathis You can download dll separately just type in search and there be few sites to download from or you can Framework runtime files and Visual Runtime files. If download the dll put it in Injector folder. x86 and x64 though most of the time you should only need x64 via 64Bit OS not both
32Bit OS is x86. --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- I had yoshi touch and go working via loadiine appeared to play fine, never got princess peach to run though. not necessarily working with an 'inject application' but i believe it was done with the title ID of "0005000E10199300" so I guess it's a modified version of DK64 EUR? What is this? DS
Game Inject using Title ID from N64 Virtual Console and Game worked? Last edited by CORE, Mar 17, 2020 What is this? DS Game Inject using Title ID from N64 Virtual Console and Game worked? i doubt it , but some info in the xml's must be from it cuz some decent editing was done. we played some , i just never go into it. im just saying i dont
think the compatability list is 'bible' Reactions: CORE Page 8 I’m not getting an error anymore but the base rom doesn’t work when I try to load it.
--------------------- MERGED --------------------------- Nevermind Last edited by Spikemech88, Mar 18, 2020 An invalid N64 base may be due to: If the base game is in WUP Installer format - The common key is missing. - Does not contain the file "code\cos.xml". - It does not contain the file "code\VESSEL.rpx". If the base game is in format for Loadiine - It does
not have the "content\config" folder or the "content\rom" folder. - You do not have any of the following files: - "code\app.xml". - "code\cos.xml". - "code\VESSEL.rpx". - "content\BuildInfo.txt".
- "content\config.ini". - "content\FrameLayout.arc". - "meta\iconTex.tga". - "meta\bootTvTex.tga". - "meta\bootDrcTex.tga". - "meta\meta.xml". An invalid NDS base may be due to: If the base game is in WUP Installer format - The common key is missing. - Does not contain the file "code\cos.xml". - It does not contain the file "code\hachihachi_ntr.rpx". If
the base game is in format for Loadiine - It does not have the "content\0010\assets" folder or the "content\0010\data" folder. - You do not have any of the following files: - "code\app.xml". - "code\cos.xml". - "code\hachihachi_ntr.rpx ".
- "content\0010\configuration_cafe.json ". - "content\0010\ ". - "meta\iconTex.tga". - "meta\bootTvTex.tga". - "meta\bootDrcTex.tga". - "meta\meta.xml". I have another question: Is there a way to force the language?
I wanted to play Prof. Layton in german, but the eu Version is always english... this is strange because my settings on console are german. First make sure you have the European version with multilanguage (English, German, Spanish, French, Italian) and not the English European version. When installing the European version with multilanguage on
my console (configured in Spanish) the game loaded in Spanish. Then I went to Data Management to delete the save file to avoid conflicts and set my console to French language and reloaded the game, the game now loaded in French. If the above does not work (as it seems to be your case), you must modify the multilanguage ROM manually using
the DSlazy tool, unpack the game and rename the language folders, from the language you want to the language that appears by default (in your case 'de' folders to 'en' folders), repack the game, test it on a PC emulator and inject it as the original ROM. Note: The audio is always English. Reactions: CORE Are you ever going to fix newer super Mario
bros DS? dam , doesnt work , should be easy swap it was my next one to try in 0005000010195A00 why doesnt it work , asm hacks ? so we need a WiiU version of the NSMBW_Mod_ISO_Builder but for DS Should I test other games with other base roms to see if the games work? --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- Also I’m trying different base
roms to test if newer super Mario bros ds will work. Should I test other games with other base roms to see if the games work? Also I’m trying different base roms to test if newer super Mario bros ds will work. yes you should, the lists there for that. (to error is human ,list could be misleading due to many variables) if newer didnt work in there i doubt
a dif base will help that one ... did you install and also try loadiine? Should I test other games with other base roms to see if the games work? Also I’m trying different base roms to test if newer super Mario bros ds will work. Yes, you should test on your own as there is no information for all existing ROMs. You can post here the compatibility
information you find to help others. I tried f zero X for the base rom for Mario star road and it didn’t work.
--------------------- MERGED --------------------------- Should I try different .ini files? Investigating .ini file configurations is an option, but to my knowledge Mario Star Road is not supported. Page 9 I tried running Mario star road in wii64 but the game runs terrible. --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- The game runs slow and the audio is terrible Mario
Star Road is too complex to run the same goes for other Mario 64 Mods simply hit and miss. An Idle Memory Patch is required for Mario 64 and the setting CalculateLOD = 1 under Render Settings. There are also various Vertices and Texture Fixes via Ini as well. So you basically need something very close to the Original to even run. Most if Boot will
hang after Title Screen. Checkout my Blog I have also updated Ini section since peeps had issues finding it. Just Below Compatibility Spoiler, my Compatibility List is also very recent so check that out too I have made a list what runs best via Wii64/Not64/WiiU Inject/Wii Inject/GC Inject practically Zero. I have some more Ini's in the works and will add
them when get round to it. Last edited by CORE, Mar 19, 2020 Reactions: phacox_cll And newer super Mario bros DS I don't know what base games you've already tried, but chances are you will get the same result. I tried Mario kart DS Yoshi touch and go Mario kart ds Zelda phantom hourglass Mario hoops 3 on 3 Kirby squeak squad Kirby mass
attack New super Mario bros --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- Should I keep trying? No, you should listen to phacox and realize it's just not possible. There was never and will never be 100% compatibility for DS games on Wii U and you want to play rom hacks that no one told you worked. This is the compatiblity list anything on it that says
so works anything else does not period. It says Newer Super Mario Bros doesn't work, and Mario Star Road isn't even listed so there should be no expectation from you that you could get it to work. Last edited by JayMathis, Mar 20, 2020 Compatibility lists are for reference only, but not final. There are 27 versions of the NDS virtual console, if you try
to inject a ROM in each version and it does not work in any, it is definitive that said ROM is not compatible with the virtual console. You can check which titles contain a certain version in the file "PhacoxsInjector_VC_Hash_List.xlsx". Do you think I should keep trying until there are no base roms left? Only if you have time to spare and just to make
sure that is not compatible, I repeat that it is most likely not work with any base. I would not like to waste your time. Hello guys, I'm completely new to this hacking stuff, so forgive me my stupid question but... the hell is base? Can't figure it out, I don't know what to choose or what to download to get this tool working.
Page 10 Hello guys, I'm completely new to this hacking stuff, so forgive me my stupid question but... the hell is base?
Can't figure it out, I don't know what to choose or what to download to get this tool working.
A base is a game that was officially released for the Virtual Console. For example, "Adventure Island" for NES, "Donkey Kong Country" for SNES, "Super Mario 64" for N64, "Rayman Advance" for GBA or "Yoshi Touch & Go" for NDS.
I cannot include base games in the program due to copyright. Yeah, I thought so when I've read all the comments and compability list. But why do I need to select a folder, not file? I selected a folder with Donkey Kong Country, but got the error saiyng base is invalid. And whatever I do, I always get this error. You must select the folder because the
game is made up of several files, if you only selected one file the path of all the other files would be missing. Have you already entered the Common Key in the Settings section? Yes, and it is correct. Am I missing something? Maybe folders should be organised in some way? Where should I put base rom? The file you have there is a ROM, it is not a
base game. The base games are made up of files (title.cert, title.tik, title.tmd, "* .app" and "* .h3") or folders (code, content and meta). So that's what I was missing from the very beginning. Thank you my friend. Thus, we return to my first question – where can I find base? "This app could not be started." I allowed it to run (nothing's blocking it) and
windows does that. any way to fix this? yes,that is all it says. it also asks if I want to view more details about the error. The executable window is completely black. It seems to be an error thrown by Windows, not the program. tinyurl alias (to the screenshot, this is my 2nd post): ub2toty (I also have a base game) It's also worth noting that it asks twice
before automatically closing the app, and Yes acts the same as No, they both just close the error window Last edited by a-problem, Mar 23, 2020 So I’m using wii64, not64, WiiSXR, and when I try to boot up a save file. My system freezes, how can I fix this. I’m using a Wii U vwii. For a start your issue is nothing to do with Phacox's Injector. But I know
that the latest Wii64 Crashes something to do with Config file atleast for me on my WiiU Official not Fix94 Fork.
I can’t find the .ini file anywhere. Have you already read the initial post of this thread? It's where all the compatibility lists are like: "All existing Wii U VC N64 config files made by Nintendo". --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- yes,that is all it says.
it also asks if I want to view more details about the error. The executable window is completely black. It seems to be an error thrown by Windows, not the program. tinyurl alias (to the screenshot, this is my 2nd post): ub2toty (I also have a base game) It's also worth noting that it asks twice before automatically closing the app, and Yes acts the same
as No, they both just close the error window The content that the tinyurl alias redirects to is not accessible to everyone, I can't see the screenshot. Hello So I am in the middle of creating my first nds injection (and first injection overall with this program). Which dimensions should the images have for Icon, GamePad and TV Banner respectively? I
know that the GamePad banner for example would usually be 854x480P, but that's for the entire screen and I can see that the cover art only takes up a smaller amount of space on the entire image. I don't want my Cover Art to look distorted, so that's why I am asking.
EDIT: Just noticed that when I try to use one of my own images for GamePad banner that is bigger than 854x480p, it just covers the entire screen and that doesn't look good. Do you have .psd files or some templates for the icons? EDIT 2: Nevermind. I figured out that you can edit ONLY the small space and leave the rest of the template as is, by
selecting an image/Icon under Title Screen. And the best part is that you can also still edit the whole Cover for individual Screens while using this option. This is what I wanted to do Last edited by XaneTenshi, Mar 25, 2020 Reactions: phacox_cll Hello So I am in the middle of creating my first nds injection (and first injection overall with this program).
Which dimensions should the images have for Icon, GamePad and TV Banner respectively?
I know that the GamePad banner for example would usually be 854x480P, but that's for the entire screen and I can see that the cover art only takes up a smaller amount of space on the entire image. I don't want my Cover Art to look distorted, so that's why I am asking. EDIT: Just noticed that when I try to use one of my own images for GamePad
banner that is bigger than 854x480p, it just covers the entire screen and that doesn't look good. Do you have .psd files or some templates for the icons? EDIT 2: Nevermind. I figured out that you can edit ONLY the small space and leave the rest of the template as is, by selecting an image/Icon under Title Screen. And the best part is that you can also
still edit the whole Cover for individual Screens while using this option. This is what I wanted to do View attachment 200829 Hi You have discovered that I programmed some layers to customize the presentation of the games, in descending order: - Background (only visible if the program does not have a target console or cannot find the files in the
resources/images folder). - Title screen box. - Boot image frame.
- Texts: Name, Release date, Players. More important than the dimensions is the aspect ratio to avoid distorting the images, since the program automatically resizes the images. These are the dimensions and aspect ratios: Icon: 128x128, 1:1 TV: 1280x720, 16:9 GamePad: 854x480, 16:9 Title screen (NES, SNES, N64, NDS): 400x300, 4:3 Title screen
(GBA): 399x266, 3:2 For the text the program uses Trebuchet MS at 10em, the text boxes are: Only short name: Position 578x340, Size 640x50. Line 1 long name: Position 578x313, Size 640x50. Line 2 long name: Position 578x368, Size 640x50. Release date: Position 586x450, Size 250x40. Players: Position 586x496, Size 200x40. This applies to the
1280x720 image and then resized to 854x480 for the GamePad. Reactions: CORE and XaneTenshi Page 11 Hi and thanks for your app. I injected some VC NDS games successfully.
I want to ask you if there is a possibility of adding, in future releases, the option to edit some configurations (like 2x scale render, pause folding, stretch to full screen or remove the background of the NDS phat image) in base_nds/content/0010/configuration_cafe.json directly from the UI rather than editing or copy/paste or copy/replace the
aforementioned file. Today I was changing some screen resolution values in that file and I guess it looks nice to have this option for injects.
I uploaded some example TV screenshots taken directly from the Wii U. Keep up the good work! Reactions: phacox_cll Hi You have discovered that I programmed some layers to customize the presentation of the games, in descending order: - Background (only visible if the program does not have a target console or cannot find the files in the
resources/images folder). - Title screen box. - Boot image frame. - Texts: Name, Release date, Players. More important than the dimensions is the aspect ratio to avoid distorting the images, since the program automatically resizes the images. These are the dimensions and aspect ratios: Icon: 128x128, 1:1 TV: 1280x720, 16:9 GamePad: 854x480, 16:9
Title screen (NES, SNES, N64, NDS): 400x300, 4:3 Title screen (GBA): 399x266, 3:2 For the text the program uses Trebuchet MS at 10em, the text boxes are: Only short name: Position 578x340, Size 640x50.
Line 1 long name: Position 578x313, Size 640x50. Line 2 long name: Position 578x368, Size 640x50. Release date: Position 586x450, Size 250x40. Players: Position 586x496, Size 200x40. This applies to the 1280x720 image and then resized to 854x480 for the GamePad.
Thanks for the explanation. This will certainly help me the next time I will be doing an injection. The image that I was used for TV is, ironically, big enough for the GamePad, but not big enough for the TV Image XD. I can see that the image was indeed resized, and it still looks good enough to me. I do have one small suggestion though: When I first did
the injection and tried it on my Wii U, the game worked fine, but the whole game was just the Base game that I had used, everything except for the images was wrong. Like the ROM had not been injected at all. It was only when I looked at my conversion in the Injector that I, by sheer coincidence, found the issue. I had chosen my ROM to be injected
before I had chosen the appropriate profile for the injection type. What I didn't notice at the time was that my loaded ROM was unloaded the moment I switched the profile to nds. You won't necessarily see this, because the profile can be changed from any Menu in the Injector, and you will only see the ROM being unloaded if you are in the Main tab
when you do it. So I'd suggest that you either: Make a check that ensures the preloaded ROM won't get unloaded as long as the ROM matches the selected profile or Make a pop-up that warns the user that the ROM will/has been unloaded after they select a profile. I hope this makes sense. I have a bad habit of going into excessive details when I
describe things like this XD Reactions: phacox_cll When you chose a ROM in Auto Mode the program detects which target Virtual Console to use, there is no need to adjust the Mode after that. If at any time you change the Mode, the ROM you chose will be deselected (I will put a message that warned of this fact). You were able to do the injection
without a selected ROM because you had put a name and loaded a base game, surely you noticed that the result of that "injection" was "name [title id] (edited)". This behavior is expected as it allows you to edit the Virtual Console settings and presentation images without modifying the ROM and the meta.xml file. Reactions: XaneTenshi and
markehmus When you chose a ROM in Auto Mode the program detects which target Virtual Console to use, there is no need to adjust the Mode after that. If at any time you change the Mode, the ROM you chose will be deselected (I will put a message that warned of this fact). You were able to do the injection without a selected ROM because you had
put a name and loaded a base game, surely you noticed that the result of that "injection" was "name [title id] (edited)". This behavior is expected as it allows you to edit the Virtual Console settings and presentation images without modifying the ROM and the meta.xml file. Well....Damn...That makes sense I guess my half OSD just told me to change the
profile to NDS regardless because "Things will be better if you do"... I did actually notice that the injection result was named [title id] (edited). I had no idea why it also said edited however, but I remember it especially because the "correct" injection that I did afterwards didn't have (edited) in the name. Reactions: phacox_cll An injection can fail for
multiple reasons.
Post the contents of the log file "PhacoxsInjector.log" from a failed injection to analyze what happens to you. Copy and paste here the contents of the file "PhacoxsInjector.log" to find out what happened.
Phacox's Injector 1.1 3/28/2020 7:05:39 PM Language to EN. Players changed: None TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. GUI changed to Famicom. Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Changed mode to Indeterminate. GUI changed to default. Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated.
GamePad preview updated. Wii U Common Key files: OK! ROM format: N64 GUI changed to N64. Loaded base: Hash: BE3CEC5F, SVN: 2234 TIME: 2016/02/02 10:56:10 Title: Mario Party 2 (USA/EUR/JPN) Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Reading ROM...
ROM is valid. Hash: 1DB0 Title: MarioParty Product code: CLBE Reading N64 Config file... N64 Config file is valid.
Hash: 155A Show name enabled. Use short name: Mario Party TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Menu icon preview updated. Menu icon changed. TV preview updated. TV image changed. Show name disabled. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. TV preview updated. TV image changed. GamePad
preview updated. GamePad image changed.
Main button clicked. Show name disabled. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Injecting button clicked. Settings button clicked. Injecting button clicked. Inject encrypt: True Short name: Mario Party Long name: Mario Party N64 DarkFilter: True N64 Widescreen: False N64 Horizontal Zoom: 100 N64 Vertical
Zoom: 100 N64 Translation X: 0 N64 Translation Y: 0 Show name disabled. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Change menu icon. Change TV image. Change GamePad image. Starting injection... System.Exception: Encrypt fail. at PhacoxsInjector.NusContent.Encrypt(String inputPath, String outputPath) at
PhacoxsInjector.N64Injector.Inject(Boolean encrypt, String outputPath, String shortName, String longName, Bitmap menuIconImg, Bitmap bootTvImg, Bitmap bootDrcImg) at PhacoxsInjector.PhacoxsInjectorGUI.Inject(Boolean encrypt) Injection failed. Main button clicked. Show name disabled. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated.
Images button clicked. Main button clicked. Injecting button clicked. Inject encrypt: True Short name: Mario Party Long name: Mario Party N64 DarkFilter: False N64 Widescreen: False N64 Horizontal Zoom: 100 N64 Vertical Zoom: 100 N64 Translation X: 0 N64 Translation Y: 0 Show name disabled. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated.
Change menu icon. Change TV image. Change GamePad image. Starting injection... System.Exception: Encrypt fail. at PhacoxsInjector.NusContent.Encrypt(String inputPath, String outputPath) at PhacoxsInjector.N64Injector.Inject(Boolean encrypt, String outputPath, String shortName, String longName, Bitmap menuIconImg, Bitmap bootTvImg,
Bitmap bootDrcImg) at PhacoxsInjector.PhacoxsInjectorGUI.Inject(Boolean encrypt) Injection failed. Encryption appears to be failing resulting in Inject Fail? CommonKey Issue? I have had a couple if issues due to No Product IDs but to resolve I just used another Inject and swapped out Rom and made necessary adjustments to Meta.xml and Title Id
aswell as making a Header on Rom with HexEditor. A simple copy and paste and edit the Four Characters to whatever you choose for an ID. It is not a problem with the common key ("Wii U Common Key files: OK!"). You are having a problem with running the batch file "resources/pack/run.bat". Delete it and try to make an injection again. Reactions:
CORE The injection as such is being performed, the failure lies in the file "resources / pack / run.bat" or in the program "resources / pack / CNUSPACKER.exe". You can do two more things: It is possible that you are trying to put the injection result in a path where CNUSPacker does not have write permissions, you can grant administrator permissions
to CNUSPacker or change to a path that does not require special permissions. You can do the packaging manually.
Open a command window and put yourself in the path where CNUSPacker is located, run the command: >CNUSPacker -in -out -encryptKeyWith Inputfolder should be something like: C:\Users\YourUserName\PathTo\PhacoxsInjector\base_n64 Outputfolder should be something like:
C:\Users\YourUserName\PathTo\PhacoxsInjector\base_n64_encrypted You must use absolute paths and the common key that you already know. Reactions: GBATmpEhUmaBOSTAAAA My first time using this software and I'm already stumped. I'm trying to inject Mario's Early Years (fun with numbers AND fun with letters) but the wiki doesn't mention
which game to use as a base.
Do I have to try all of the ones that normally come up until I find one that works?
Secondly, will Gameboy/Gameboy Color ever be supported? I want to create channels for Mario Land 1 and 2 DX (the colored versions) For the trilogy of "Mario's Early Years!" You must use "The Ignition Factor (USA)" from the Virtual Console as a base game. How did I get to that base game?
I used the list of characteristics of the NES and SNES Virtual Console, knowing that the ROMs that are interesting to inject are 1MiB, I filtered the list by "ROM raw size" to "1048576 bytes", to further reduce I filtered by "Region" to "USA" and by "Type" to "B2", then I started testing base games from bottom to top (newest to oldest), I did injection
without packaging (Do not pack button) and tried the result in CEMU, if I get black screen I try another base game (I change the filters in the list if necessary).
If the game loads I proceed to make a packed injection (Do pack button) and test on the real console. You can currently inject Game Boy and Game Boy Color games if you previously convert them to GBA format using Goomba Color, (try GBC to GBA conversions previously in an emulator as not all Game Boy Color games are supported). Reactions:
pakrett and denpanosekai Page 12 Thanks for the great info. And which game should I use as base for Mario Land 1 and 2 (DX-patched?) after I've converted them through Goomba? After converting the GB or GBC games to GBA with Goomba Color you must pad the end of the files with zeros to get to 2097152 bytes since the GBA Virtual Console
verifies that the ROM has 2 MiB, 4 MiB, 8 MiB, 16 MiB or 32 MiB. As a base game you can use Rayman Advance (USA/EUR). Reactions: pakrett and CORE So I know that the chance of any fix is probably slim to none, but I'll ask anyway: While playing Pokémon "Platinum" (definitely not playing Moemon Platinum or something like that), I get a
Communication error upon visiting the Underground. Is there any way to fix this? Maybe a homebrew or something that can run in the background to simulate the Wireless features? I don't care about the Multiplayer aspect of the Underground, but you can find evolution stones in there and I need those XD. EDIT: I guess this is kinda the wrong place
to ask, and after doing a bit of research, it seems that Wiimmfi could be what I am looking for. If anyone does know how to setup Wiimmfi with VC titles, I would appreciate some help though Last edited by XaneTenshi, Mar 31, 2020 So I know that the chance of any fix is probably slim to none, but I'll ask anyway: While playing Pokémon "Platinum"
(definitely not playing Moemon Platinum or something like that), I get a Communication error upon visiting the Underground. Is there any way to fix this? Maybe a homebrew or something that can run in the background to simulate the Wireless features? I don't care about the Multiplayer aspect of the Underground, but you can find evolution stones
in there and I need those XD. EDIT: I guess this is kinda the wrong place to ask, and after doing a bit of research, it seems that Wiimmfi could be what I am looking for. If anyone does know how to setup Wiimmfi with VC titles, I would appreciate some help though Every communication aspect in all GBA or NDS VC emulator titles is not coded on Wii
Wiimmfi only works on the vWii side unfortunately. Reactions: XaneTenshi and phacox_cll Well that F****** blows!! Guess I won't be going to the Underground any time soon then... Just to be sure: I've read that all you really need to do to get Wiimmfi up and running is to change your internet settings to a specific dns and I've seen this work (although
this was with an actual DS). I can certainly change those settings on the Wii U side of things, but of course it won't matter if the VC titles won't even see that you are connected. Is this the case? Thats correct. Even if you try to configure a wireless connection in WiFi connection Games, ie Mario Kart DS (internal Wifi config cant find an Access Point),
the emulator just show an error information. Reactions: XaneTenshi Anyone managed to get Goldeneye to work? I realize the compatibility list shows it’s not likely but I gotta keep trying Reactions: CORE I can't center the image on Banjo Kazooie, does anyone know how to fix it? I’m using donkey Kong 64 as the base Clip Left, Right, Top, Bottom via
[Render] settings. Alternatively you can use Wexos Toolbox and adjust in FrameLayout.arc. 0.99 For Banjo Tooie. With that said Not64 Emulates more Accurately FrameBuffer when you press Start Pause Screen. Reactions: pibewill and phacox_cll I'm sorry if it's impolite to ask this, 'cause you know, is your work and all of that, but is there a way to
avoid the watermark when creating an inject? Reactions: CORE That easily swapped out buddy I use All Custom cause I use Loadiine. Cart Art Carousel Custom TV Banner Custom Icons Wheel Im sure it just place holder to get started because you can edit the file with your own it not permanent. Last edited by CORE, Apr 11, 2020 Reactions:
phacox_cll and E1ite007 That easily swapped out buddy I use All Custom cause I use Loadiine.
Cart Art Carousel Custom TV Banner Custom Icons Wheel Im sure it just place holder to get started because you can edit the file with your own it not permanent. Gonna try it then. Thanks pal. Also, you join'd GBAtemp on my 19th birthday. LOL. Reactions: CORE That watermark is not placed by the program, it is from the default image. Go to the
Image section and use the TV and GamePad buttons to change it to the image you want. Although it's the same other users told me earlier, thanks for responding "amigo". Thank you so much for this utility, it is awesome. I have a problem though then trying to inject Gunstar Super Heros for GBA. Starting injection... System.Exception: psb.exe fail. at
PhacoxsInjector.GBAInjector.InjectRom() at PhacoxsInjector.GBAInjector.Inject(Boolean encrypt, String outputPath, String shortName, String longName, Bitmap menuIconImg, Bitmap bootTvImg, Bitmap bootDrcImg) at PhacoxsInjector.PhacoxsInjectorGUI.Inject(Boolean encrypt) Injection failed. Do you have a clue whats causing this? The problem
resides in the file "/resources/gba/inject.bat" or in the same "/resources/gba/psb.exe". When there is an error in execution. Does the same happen with other ROMs? If you changed the path to the program folder, delete the ".bat" files so that the program generates them with the new path. (It is an error that I have to correct for the next version).
Reactions: LarryD I'm sorry if it's impolite to ask this, 'cause you know, is your work and all of that, but is there a way to avoid the watermark when creating an inject? You can use the universal .psd template made by cucholix for using in photoshop to edit the bootTVTex, it requieres more editing than with phacoxs injector btw. Not trying to dismiss
his work, just claryfing there are alternate options if anyone wants a more accurate VC look. Reactions: LarryD, E1ite007, CORE and 1 other person The problem resides in the file "/resources/gba/inject.bat" or in the same "/resources/gba/psb.exe". When there is an error in execution. Does the same happen with other ROMs? If you changed the path
to the program folder, delete the ".bat" files so that the program generates them with the new path. (It is an error that I have to correct for the next version). I deleted the app folder, made a fresh one and it worked again.
It started the same error again after 4 injects.
Deleting and making a fresh app folder from the ZIP fixed it again. I managed to install every game I wanted to inject (Mother 3 english patched, F-Zero Climax english patched, Gunstar Heroes) with the exception of Rhythm Tengoku with the newest english translation patch.
When i start the inject the Wii u crashes right after the vc boot screen. The rom works fine in mGBA.
I will try to inject the unpatched rom, maybe that works. And I really can not thank you enough for this application, it is waaaay easier to use then the others around and makes GBA injects work for once. Reactions: phacox_cll Page 13 For Rhythm Tengoku try a different base game. For faster testing you can use the Do not pack button, and load the
file "code\m2engage.rpx" in CEMU. Reactions: LarryD and CORE Do NES Classic Injects for GBA work? So if I recall correctly, Nintendo platforms in addition to N64 also had graphical problems / dark filters on Wii U.
Does using an injection get past that, or is it baked into Nintendo's emulation? i.e. will SMB 3 look better if I use an injection rather than the official download? An injection involves using the official Nintendo emulation, injecting a ROM is basically erasing the original ROM and pasting the ROM you chose, this does not replace the corresponding
emulator. However, there are some parameters that can be edited (both in official games and in injections), these vary from one Virtual Console to another. NES: Aspect ratio, Emulation Speed and Number of players. SNES: Aspect ratio, Emulation Speed, Number of players and Sound volume. N64: Dark filter, Widescreen, Zoom, Translation and
Config file. GBA: Nothing for now. NDS: Layauts and Brightness (editing the file "content/0010/configuration_cafe.json"). With my program you can edit these parameters without injecting a ROM, just select a target virtual console, load the game you want to edit as a base game, put a short name and edit the parameters. You can prevent the
presentation images from being replaced by using the corresponding checkboxes in the Image section and finally generating the edited VC game in the Injecting section. We have not yet found a way to remove the dark filter from NES, SNES and GBA virtual consoles, or how to remove the bilinear filter for NES and SNES. Reactions: xs4all, LarryD,
CORE and 1 other person So I have a couple of questions and the second one might be a little difficult to answer but here goes. So far, I have only installed a single .nds vc game on my Wii U.
I CAN use the same base to inject all of my .nds games, right? If the answer is yes, here's the second question: Yesterday I stumbled onto this neat little thread which allows you to install custom forwarders using the same principle as HaxChi. That is, you install a DS game and use the HaxChi Installer to overwrite the contents of the game with
whatever you want. I know that I have to use different DS games for each Forwarder I want to install, but here's the question: Could .nds VC games created with this Injector conflict with the Custom Forwarders installed using the above method, if both a game and a forwarder uses the same base ds game? Ex. I have Pokemon Platinum installed with
Yoshi's Island DS as a base. Assuming I even can, If I install Yoshi's Island as a base for one of my forwarders, would this create any problems? So I have a couple of questions and the second one might be a little difficult to answer but here goes. So far, I have only installed a single .nds vc game on my Wii U. I CAN use the same base to inject all of my
.nds games, right? If the answer is yes, here's the second question: Yesterday I stumbled onto this neat little thread which allows you to install custom forwarders using the same principle as HaxChi. That is, you install a DS game and use the HaxChi Installer to overwrite the contents of the game with whatever you want. I know that I have to use
different DS games for each Forwarder I want to install, but here's the question: Could .nds VC games created with this Injector conflict with the Custom Forwarders installed using the above method, if both a game and a forwarder uses the same base ds game? Ex. I have Pokemon Platinum installed with Yoshi's Island DS as a base. Assuming I even
can, If I install Yoshi's Island as a base for one of my forwarders, would this create any problems? The base can be the same, it's the Title ID that must be unique, this injector, same goes for other injectors out there will create a unique Title ID when you create an inject, regardless if your using the same base or not, think of like a SLOT, as long as the
slot is not used by any other inject that is currently installed then it will be fine. As for your second question, I dont quite understand what your trying to achieve with this method? If you just want to create custom DS injects with different games, then just continue to use this app, install, and you have individual game icons on your WiiU menu.
Reactions: XaneTenshi The base can be the same, it's the Title ID that must be unique, this injector, same goes for other injectors out there will create a unique Title ID when you create an inject, regardless if your using the same base or not, think of like a SLOT, as long as the slot is not used by any other inject that is currently installed then it will be
fine. As for your second question, I dont quite understand what your trying to achieve with this method? If you just want to create custom DS injects with different games, then just continue to use this app, install, and you have individual game icons on your WiiU menu. Thanks for the reply. And that's the thing, I don't just want to create custom DS
Injects with different games, which is what thid tool does. It's one of the things I want to do though. The other method can be used to create forwarders (Channels) for different Homebrew on the SD Card. Think of the HomeBrew Launcher Channel. It's essentially just a Menu shortcut (Forwarder, Channel, whatever you wanna call it) for the
Homebrew Launcher. I want to create this type of Channel for other HomeBrew, Like SaveMii Mod. However both these methods uses a similar approach; they both essentially inject/install something else over the original base, and thus I was afraid that if the same base was used, that it could cause conflicts, and in worst case scenario, semi-bricks.
Your explanation of the TitleID however makes it look like this won't be a problem, as long as each Title ID is different. I confirm. As long as the Title ID is different, there will be no conflicts between official games, injections or Forwarders. Also note that my program generates the same Title ID for the same ROM and base game combination. As
follows for VC NDS: 00050000D5XXXXZZ Where XXXX is the CRC16 of the ROM, ZZ is an index (from 0x01 to 0x1B) that corresponds to the Virtual Console version. I had already mentioned this before for all Virtual Consoles. Reactions: XaneTenshi Hello everyone, Did anyone get work Diddy Kong Racing? I tried with this configuration the same was
in the configuration file. the game has a black screen, but I hear the sound normally and the buttons also. My Diddy kong racing version is "Diddy Kong Racing (U) (M2) (V1.1) [!]" UNDYE1.098.ini Diddy Kong Racing US Diddy Kong Racing (USA) (Rev A) No Mario Party 2 (USA). Sorry for my bad english Hello everyone, Did anyone get work Diddy
Kong Racing? I tried with this configuration the same was in the configuration file. the game has a black screen, but I hear the sound normally and the buttons also. My Diddy kong racing version is "Diddy Kong Racing (U) (M2) (V1.1) [!]" UNDYE1.098.ini Diddy Kong Racing US Diddy Kong Racing (USA) (Rev A) No Mario Party 2 (USA). Sorry for my
bad english This game doesn't work as an inject, when injecting N64 games, best to check the following sites to make sure the game works, or you will be wasting your time. WiiU VC N64 inject compatibility list site HERE. The above list is somewhat up to date but there might be games that might be working but the wiki have not been updated.
Alternatively you can access @CORE blog HERE, which he maintains and constantly updated with all/any N64 inject related info. Reactions: phacox_cll, pedrobonfim and CORE Hi pals i've got the Sin & Punishment N64 rom translated and dubbed to spanish. I've tried to make en injection to Wii U with Injectiine and Phacox's Injector but no success.
Please if somebody want to try and test a successfully injection and want to share to us, all the spanish community will be much appreciated Last edited by makination, Apr 19, 2020 No linking to roms allowed, I suggest you remove the rom ASAP! Hi pals i've got the Sin & Punishment N64 rom translated and dubbed to spanish. I've tried to make en
injection to Wii U with Injectiine and Phacox's Injector but no success. Please if somebody want to try and test a successfully injection and want to share to us, all the spanish community will be much appreciated EDIT: Please PM me for the link Try using the official "Sin & Punishment [00050000101B4800]" USA eShop as the base, I injected the
Spanish dub a while back using a different method of injecting and it works. I have not used the injector provided on this thread so I can't comment on how/if it will work, only providing info that it does work. Reactions: CORE and phacox_cll No linking to roms allowed, I suggest you remove the rom ASAP! Try using the official "Sin & Punishment
[00050000101B4800]" USA eShop as the base, I injected the Spanish dub a while back using a different method of injecting and it works. I have not used the injector provided on this thread so I can't comment on how/if it will work, only providing info that it does work. It worked, thanks a lot :') Reactions: CORE, phacox_cll and xs4all It worked,
thanks a lot :') No worries, well if you want to get creative, the Spanish translation patch should have come with the English/Spanish user manual in PDF. What you can do is edit the config ini settings prior to injecting and change the URL to point to this PDF file, your WiiU needs to be online. If done successfully, when you access the in game manual,
instead of accessing the default PDF manual on Nintendo server, instead it will access whatever PDF you redirected in the config ini settings. Some things to remember, out of all the VC's, Im pretty sure N64 is the only one that accesses the user manual online in PDF. The WiiU uses its web browser to open the PDF, you have to find an online cloud
storage that hosts the file in RAW format. Meaning, when you access the PDF in a web browser it doesn't use any built in PDF viewer that the site uses, such example is, Google Drive, DropBox, etc.. these have their own PDF viewers embedded which the WiiU's web browser does not support. I recommend using Cloudinary as your file host as this is
the one that I managed to get the PDF to work with the WiiU's web browser, a fellow member on another site which is no longer availble recommend this hosting site to me when I was trying to figure this out. One thing I have not yet tried or looked into yet is to see if you can host the file locally on your home network via a webserver to see if this
works instead of an online web server. For testing the PDF file, before injecting, try to access the PDF file first by using the WiiU's web browser, if this works, then your good to go. As for the WiiU being online, for me personally, I think it is safe, mine has always been online, injected/tested/installed many custom injects and never have any issues. I
have 3 WiiU's, all in the same scenario, no issues. Sorry for being slightly off topic but the above info might be useful for those that want that extra authentic feel of using game manuals with their N64 custom injects. EDIT: Forgot to add, you need to look at any of the base game's config ini settings to see the entry lines for the online user manual info
that you need to add. Last edited by xs4all, Apr 20, 2020 Reactions: makination and CORE Has anyone got Screen Settings For. Vertical SplitScreen DRC/TV Regarding DS Games I cant seem to get it to work? No worries, well if you want to get creative, the Spanish translation patch should have come with the English/Spanish user manual in PDF.
What you can do is edit the config ini settings prior to injecting and change the URL to point to this PDF file, your WiiU needs to be online. If done successfully, when you access the in game manual, instead of accessing the default PDF manual on Nintendo server, instead it will access whatever PDF you redirected in the config ini settings. Some
things to remember, out of all the VC's, Im pretty sure N64 is the only one that accesses the user manual online in PDF. The WiiU uses its web browser to open the PDF, you have to find an online cloud storage that hosts the file in RAW format. Meaning, when you access the PDF in a web browser it doesn't use any built in PDF viewer that the site
uses, such example is, Google Drive, DropBox, etc.. these have their own PDF viewers embedded which the WiiU's web browser does not support. I recommend using Cloudinary as your file host as this is the one that I managed to get the PDF to work with the WiiU's web browser, a fellow member on another site which is no longer availble
recommend this hosting site to me when I was trying to figure this out. One thing I have not yet tried or looked into yet is to see if you can host the file locally on your home network via a webserver to see if this works instead of an online web server. For testing the PDF file, before injecting, try to access the PDF file first by using the WiiU's web
browser, if this works, then your good to go. As for the WiiU being online, for me personally, I think it is safe, mine has always been online, injected/tested/installed many custom injects and never have any issues. I have 3 WiiU's, all in the same scenario, no issues. Sorry for being slightly off topic but the above info might be useful for those that want
that extra authentic feel of using game manuals with their N64 custom injects. EDIT: Forgot to add, you need to look at any of the base game's config ini settings to see the entry lines for the online user manual info that you need to add. Thanks for your advices. Next inject I want to try is the Mario 64 Star Road. I saw a compatibility list but I read
there are issues. Maybe with the USA Mario 64 base? I you have done that inject successfully please let me know Enviado desde mi Redmi Note 8 Pro mediante Tapatalk Thanks for your advices. Next inject I want to try is the Mario 64 Star Road. I saw a compatibility list but I read there are issues. Maybe with the USA Mario 64 base? I you have done
that inject successfully please let me know Enviado desde mi Redmi Note 8 Pro mediante Tapatalk SM64 Star Road doesn't work, I remember I tried every trick, settings, bases, cant get the game to boot. Reactions: makination Page 14 Hi guys, I can't run the latest Mario 64 Odyssey hack (the one released 2020-04-18) I'm using the USA rom, patched
with the online tool and inject using the Super Mario 64 base. The patched ROM is 64MB though. That might be the issue? Were the previous versions of the hack only 8MB?
The wiki shows them all as "perfectly running" Hi guys, I can't run the latest Mario 64 Odyssey hack (the one released 2020-04-18) I'm using the USA rom, patched with the online tool and inject using the Super Mario 64 base.
The patched ROM is 64MB though. That might be the issue? Were the previous versions of the hack only 8MB? The wiki shows them all as "perfectly running" The previous v5 of this hack was still in the SM64 world, the new one that Kaz released is a whole new game with new levels. So different game to v5, most of his rom hacks are a hit and miss.
The previous v5 of this hack was still in the SM64 world, the new one that Kaz released is a whole new game with new levels. So different game to v5, most of his rom hacks are a hit and miss.
Right. Is there a base game that's 64GB? I also can't get Super Mario 64 - 60FPS + Widescreen V2 to work despite following the wiki's instructions (super mario 64 as base, disable dark filter) Last edited by denpanosekai, Apr 20, 2020 Right. Is there a base game that's 64GB? I also can't get Super Mario 64 - 60FPS + Widescreen V2 to work despite
following the wiki's instructions (super mario 64 as base, disable dark filter) With the handful of N64 VC's released on the eShop, the biggest are Orge Battle 64 and Paper Mario, both roms are at 40mb, 64mb roms DOES work, such example is Pokemon Stadium 2, unlike other VC consoles where you can't inject anything bigger than the base rom,
this does not seem to apply to N64 injects, in saying that Resident Evil 2 is also 64mb but this game can't be injected. It all comes down to the emulator that Nintendo is using and the config ini settings, I use F-Zero X for most of my N64 injects since this seems to be the latest build of whatever emulator they are using and the most compatible. If "X"
game doesn't work then I will experiment with other base and config ini settings. Kaz the guy who mods these games tends to create the mods to be used with Project64 emulator, if it works as a inject is a bonus. As for Super Mario 64 - 60FPS + Widescreen V2, this does work, after you have patched the rom, have you tested to make sure the game
actually works first before injecting? Does the game load in Project64 emulator? Has anyone got Screen Settings For. Vertical SplitScreen DRC/TV Regarding DS Games I cant seem to get it to work? I created these a while ago, I have two configs that I use, one with gap and the other without, different games will use the gap as usable area. Both
configs are set as the default layout.
Last edited by xs4all, Apr 20, 2020 Reactions: CORE and phacox_cll It all comes down to the emulator that Nintendo is using and the config ini settings, I use F-Zero X for most of my N64 injects since this seems to be the latest build of whatever emulator they are using and the most compatible. If "X" game doesn't work then I will experiment with
other base and config ini settings. Kaz the guy who mods these games tends to create the mods to be used with Project64 emulator, if it works as a inject is a bonus. As for Super Mario 64 - 60FPS + Widescreen V2, this does work, after you have patched the rom, have you tested to make sure the game actually works first before injecting? Does the
game load in Project64 emulator? I just tried using F-Zero X for Mario Odyssey 64 and Super Mario 64 60FPS V2... neither worked. Which gets me to think that I don't know if I've successfully injected N64 using this tool. I've done GBA and SNES but not N64. I must be doing something wrong!!! And yes both of the patched ROM load in Project64 just
fine. On my WiiU I get a black screen and a hard system lockup (I must disconnect the power cable) If I want to inject zelda ocarina of time gamecube eur into zelda ocarina of time eur will the game run at 60hz ? If I want to inject zelda ocarina of time gamecube eur into zelda ocarina of time eur will the game run at 60hz ? I think so but why not use
USA Version instead? NoIntro. *hint* Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask already run awesome and look and feel great. The only thing you would need is to use MasterQuest via Nintendont Experience v2 Emulator. Last edited by CORE, Apr 21, 2020 Reactions: jacobsson You need a game that was released out for the Virtual Console. For example, for
the NES Battle City ROM you need the "Mario Bros. (USA) Virtual Console game" as a base. Reactions: jacobsson Does the NDS VC Inject use the 2x resolution or is it possible to do so in settings? Also how do i get the NDS2WIIU base? AFAIK it is a separate program. Last edited by SAORIxMEGUMIN, May 7, 2020 It depends on the base game, some
NDS WIIU VC games have different executable files (rpx) and even by changing the parameters in configuration_cafe.json it won't scale at 2x render scale. I see. I was going to try to manually do it by changing the render scale in configuration_cafe.json Problem is I don't think i have iosuhax for nuspacker since i have CBHC. I haven't delved into Wii
U hacking like I have other platforms. Reactions: jacobsson I see.
I was going to try to manually do it by changing the render scale in configuration_cafe.json Problem is I don't think i have iosuhax for nuspacker since i have CBHC. I haven't delved into Wii U hacking like I have other platforms. You can use New Super Mario Bros as base game for NDS injections with 2x render scale. If the injected game have
cinematic scenes (e.g. metroid prime hunters), the videos will look cropped or glitch. Another issue: when closing the injected game with 2x scale, sometimes the console will freeze, leaving no other option than pushing the power button for 5 seconds. Last edited by zerofalcon, May 8, 2020 Reactions: phacox_cll You can use New Super Mario Bros as
base game for NDS injections with 2x render scale. If the injected game have cinematic scenes (e.g. metroid prime hunters), the videos will look cropped or glitch. Another issue: when closing the injected game with 2x scale, sometimes the console will freeze, leaving no other option than pushing the power button for 5 seconds. I would like to add
that only the EUR/PAL version of New Super Mario Bros supports 2x Scale, and when existing the game, your console WILL always lock up when trying to exit back to the WiiU menu. The only other game that supports 2x Scale is Brain Age - Train Your Brain In Minutes A Day - (US), but using this as a base with 2x Scale is glitchy. Reactions: one-
piece, phacox_cll and zerofalcon I notice NES compatibility list has very few titles. I want to do Mc Kids. Should I use Dr. Mario? It's like the main title used on that very small list. I notice NES compatibility list has very few titles. I want to do Mc Kids. Should I use Dr. Mario? It's like the main title used on that very small list. Ok, Im going to get a little
bit technical here, for me and from personal experience, when injecting NES games, first you need to check what type of MAPPER the game you want to inject is using. You can find this info with either google search or use a PC emulator, boot the rom and there should be an option to check the game info. Then, you need to make a list of all the NES
games on the eShop that has been dumped, then again, find out the MAPPER for each of those games. Now you just need to match, close as possible, the MAPPER of the rom your injecting and the base rom, but the rom your injecting cant be bigger than the base rom, it has to be equal or less. The NES emulator that Nintendo is using doesnt seem to
be a generic one that has all the MAPPER included, they do it per game basis. I find it that NES injects are trial and error to get working, you will come to a point where you tried every single base and the game still wont work, this is when I use PocketNES emulator for the GBA. I inject a NES game into PocketNES, the output will be a GBA rom, you
then need to pad the GBA rom created by PocketNES to be one of the original sizes of an actual GBA rom. Then inject this as a GBA game, PocketNES supports MAPPERS but the only downside is the resolution that it outputs because of the GBA resolution it uses. Most will not follow the above rules and just inject regardless but the above will save
you a lot of headaches.
Last edited by xs4all, May 19, 2020 Reactions: phacox_cll Page 15 What in GBATEMP do you mean by base? Hello! I can't get nes games like: Battletoads, Battletoads & Double dragon to work? Jackal, Dynablaster, Super Mario bros 2, Super Mario bros 3. Wii U shows black screen or artifacts with flashing screen and broken sound. I used different
basic games and different game images when making them, nothing helps. What to do? What base game should I use? Maybe it's the program? I used Phacox versions 1.08 and 1.1. P.S. the rest of the games work well. Hello! I can't get nes games like: Battletoads, Battletoads & Double dragon to work? Jackal, Dynablaster, Super Mario bros 2, Super
Mario bros 3. Wii U shows black screen or artifacts with flashing screen and broken sound. I used different basic games and different game images when making them, nothing helps. What to do? What base game should I use? Maybe it's the program? I used Phacox versions 1.08 and 1.1. P.S. the rest of the games work well. Do people actually read
stuff on here? From those games, Im assuming your trying to inject NES games? Read my reply on the previous page. Also SM2 and SMB3 are official eShop release and have been dumped so no need to inject. Ok, Im going to get a little bit technical here, for me and from personal experience, when injecting NES games, first you need to check what
type of MAPPER the game you want to inject is using. You can find this info with either google search or use a PC emulator, boot the rom and there should be an option to check the game info. Then, you need to make a list of all the NES games on the eShop that has been dumped, then again, find out the MAPPER for each of those games. Now you
just need to match, close as possible, the MAPPER of the rom your injecting and the base rom, but the rom your injecting cant be bigger than the base rom, it has to be equal or less. The NES emulator that Nintendo is using doesnt seem to be a generic one that has all the MAPPER included, they do it per game basis. I find it that NES injects are trial
and error to get working, you will come to a point where you tried every single base and the game still wont work, this is when I use PocketNES emulator for the GBA. I inject a NES game into PocketNES, the output will be a GBA rom, you then need to pad the GBA rom created by PocketNES to be one of the original sizes of an actual GBA rom. Then
inject this as a GBA game, PocketNES supports MAPPERS but the only downside is the resolution that it outputs because of the GBA resolution it uses. Most will not follow the above rules and just inject regardless but the above will save you a lot of headaches. Battletoads, Battlrtoads & double dragon require a base game based on MAPPER № 7
(Rare's AOROM). The JACKAL game requires MAPPER № 66 (GNROM). The problem is that games containing these mappers have not been officially published in eshop, does this mean that it is impossible to run them using your program? Or can I find a replacement? Can you tell us what you can replace these mappers with? Battletoads, Battlrtoads
& double dragon require a base game based on MAPPER № 7 (Rare's AOROM). The JACKAL game requires MAPPER № 66 (GNROM). The problem is that games containing these mappers have not been officially published in eshop, does this mean that it is impossible to run them using your program? Or can I find a replacement? Can you tell us what
you can replace these mappers with?
Dont waste your time with these injects, Ive already tried a while ago, you next best option is to use PocketNES to get these to work as an inject or use NES homebrew emulator. Last edited by xs4all, Jun 15, 2020 I used PocketNES and Packed it into a file .gba multiple NES games. Next, using your Phakos Injector program, I made a gta installation
file to install it on WiiU. And used the base games for GBA: the Legend of Zelda The Minish Cap and Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga. Everything compiled successfully, but after installing via APP installer on Wii U, when I run this file, I get a black screen.
Am I using the wrong base game? There seems to be some problem with compiling GBA games. Help. I used PocketNES and Packed it into a file .gba multiple NES games. Next, using your Phakos Injector program, I made a gta installation file to install it on WiiU. And used the base games for GBA: the Legend of Zelda The Minish Cap and Mario and
Luigi Superstar Saga. Everything compiled successfully, but after installing via APP installer on Wii U, when I run this file, I get a black screen. Am I using the wrong base game? There seems to be some problem with compiling GBA games. Help. You need to PAD the gba file that PocketNes creates, meaning, you have to make sure the PocketNes
GBA file matches any of the official GBA rom sizes.
Have a look at the GBA roms sizes, you will notice, its either 4mb, 8mb, 16mb or 32mb, I use hex edit software (HxD) to add either 00 or FF to the end of the file, making it exactly the same size as the original gba gom size. Im sure there are software thaty can pad the file but I do the old fashion manual way. Again, you should READ more, I already
explained that you should pad the file when creating PocketNes gba files for inject.
Reactions: phacox_cll Thank you! The problem with the black screen was that it was necessary to make the size of the .gba rom exactly 4 or 8 Mb, as in the original cartridges. In the 16-bit editor, I added the missing bytes to the end of the file, and the zeros in the bytes (00 in the 10-bit numeral system or FF in the 16 - bit one). The number of bytes to
add calculated on the calculator, subtracting from the original size of the gba rom the size of the resulting program PockeNES. Only one problem remained, on WiiU in PocketNES you can only play one player, the second player can not play in any way. Why? How do I set up a second player? im new to this. is this better than injectiine so far? mostly
just want n64 The is not a matter of better or worse, compatibility is limited by the Virtual Console not by the program you use to do the injection. There is also the fact that there is no extensive documentation that ROM is compatible with which base game.
My program is simply intended to make it easier to do compatibility tests and settings. Thank you! The problem with the black screen was that it was necessary to make the size of the .gba rom exactly 4 or 8 Mb, as in the original cartridges. In the 16-bit editor, I added the missing bytes to the end of the file, and the zeros in the bytes (00 in the 10-bit
numeral system or FF in the 16 - bit one). The number of bytes to add calculated on the calculator, subtracting from the original size of the gba rom the size of the resulting program PockeNES.
Only one problem remained, on WiiU in PocketNES you can only play one player, the second player can not play in any way. Why? How do I set up a second player? The GBA Virtual Console is not intended for more than one player. Hello, how can I change the sound that is heard when starting the game? the sound it has is nice but i would like to
customize the games completely including the sound heard when loading the game, with TeconMoon's WiiVC injector, it could change the boot music The is not a matter of better or worse, compatibility is limited by the Virtual Console not by the program you use to do the injection. There is also the fact that there is no extensive documentation that
ROM is compatible with which base game. My program is simply intended to make it easier to do compatibility tests and settings. The GBA Virtual Console is not intended for more than one player. K I got interested in this one because of the features of no dark filter and aspect ratio for n64 games which i think isnt in injectiine. kinda makes me
wanna reinstall all of mine to fill up the screen okay, I'm understanding every thing up to when it asks for a base?
what does that actually mean I'm supposed to be looking for? I try to choose another rom but nothing shows up, what am I supposed to be using for a base? please help thank you would love to see a tutorial video for this never mind guys I figured it out, I was being a noob lol, thanks Last edited by Centrix, Jun 22, 2020 Reactions: phacox_cll Hello,
how can I change the sound that is heard when starting the game? the sound it has is nice but i would like to customize the games completely including the sound heard when loading the game, with TeconMoon's WiiVC injector, it could change the boot music Hello, TeconMoon's WiiVC injector uses wav2btsnd to customize the loading sound. I have
not implemented it in my program so you will have to manually edit the file. Just replace the "bootSound.btsnd" file inside the "meta" folder in the corresponding base_xxx before injecting the ROM file. Reactions: Blinx Page 16 Thanks, I had been looking for a way to edit the sound file and now I understand it better, it will not be difficult for me to
modify those files since I understand it very well, will you plan to implement wav2btsnd in the next update? If it is, it would be great Last edited by Blinx, Jun 23, 2020 Reactions: phacox_cll Also getting "VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found" error when trying to load a base rom. Have tried reinstalling .NET framework and the visual c++ redistributable
2015. Even tried downloading VCRUNTIME140.dll on its own and placing it in system32 (althrough there was already a vcruntime140.dll there) Any suggestions? Is there something fucked up in my system32 folder? I have a VCRUNTIME140.DLL, a VCRUNTIME140_1.DLL and a VCRUNTIME140_clr0400.DLL Thanks, I had been looking for a way to
edit the sound file and now I understand it better, it will not be difficult for me to modify those files since I understand it very well, will you plan to implement wav2btsnd in the next update? If it is, it would be great Maybe not in the next version, but eventually. Also getting "VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found" error when trying to load a base rom.
Have tried reinstalling .NET framework and the visual c++ redistributable 2015. Even tried downloading VCRUNTIME140.dll on its own and placing it in system32 (althrough there was already a vcruntime140.dll there) Any suggestions? Is there something fucked up in my system32 folder?
I have a VCRUNTIME140.DLL, a VCRUNTIME140_1.DLL and a VCRUNTIME140_clr0400.DLL Your files seem fine. What version of Windows are you using? 32 or 64 bit?
What versions of the .Net Framework do you have installed? If the error is only presented to you when the program tries to unpack the base game you can try to unpack it previously, you can NUS Converter to check if the error is reproduced. Maybe not in the next version, but eventually. Your files seem fine. What version of Windows are you using?
32 or 64 bit?
What versions of the .Net Framework do you have installed? If the error is only presented to you when the program tries to unpack the base game you can try to unpack it previously, you can NUS Converter to check if the error is reproduced. 64-bit Windows 10, ".NET Framework 4.8 Advanced Services" and ".NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0
and 3.0)" are both listed under Windows Features. Both turned on. Also have the 2015 - 2019 Visual C++ Redist. installed and that is the x64 version.
I'll try the NUS converter and see if the error is reproduced. EDIT: Can confirm that the error is reproduced with NUS converter. UPDATE: Solved the problem by downloading the x86 version of the 2015 - 2019 Visual C++ Redist. It appears the programs are not compatible with the x64 version. Last edited by hectichobo, Jun 24, 2020 Reactions:
phacox_cll The program is compiled for 32-bit platforms for compatibility. I will also be releasing the 64-bit version for the next release. Thanks for this great tool.
I like to suggest the addition of the following feature: Please add a GB/GBC mode, so that it is possible to inject ROMs of these consoles, changed with the goombacolor emulator and by the process of zero padding (these made by the user with other tools to turn GB/GBC ROMs into GBA ROMs with 16 MB). I know that a tool like "GB/GBC injection
injectiine" already does great part of this processes, but, recently, I have not been successful in using it. I believe that this insertion will not be very laborious, since the injection process will remain the same for GBA, and the "conversion" of the ROM will be done by the user. The significant change to this mode would be the addition of the GBC VC
icon and banner templates, which I attach here (I forgot who is the original author of the templates :/). Could you consider this addition? Last edited by fernando_kamui, Jun 25, 2020 Beautiful, going to test it later. Is it doable to remove the dark filter for GBA games like it is for N64 games? That's what i actually wait all this time, for that nasty filter
to be removed once and for all, and that stupid big-ass Question mark on a game-pad. It's so big it's distracting when playing GBA on game-pad screen! Dark filter and Question mark. Only 2 things i wish are removed! And it will be a dream come true...GBA on Wii U Last edited by MetoMeto, Jun 25, 2020 Reactions: DonCaballero and uhhh_adam I
second removing the question mark on GBA games if possible. Just came back to let you know that you're doing gods work.
Reactions: MetoMeto The base is not a ROM, it is a Virtual Console game. --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- I second removing the question mark on GBA games if possible. Just came back to let you know that you're doing gods work. How? (It would be good to include it in the program). The base is not a ROM, it is a Virtual Console game. ----
----------------- MERGED --------------------------- How? (It would be good to include it in the program).
Absolutely no idea how or even if it can be done.
The question mark opens up the manual for the base rom, that's all I really know. I imagine the base rom would need to be modified in some way before the injection.
Could be as easy as running it through a process that deletes the data for the manual's icon or even replaces it with a transparent icon or an icon so small you can't see it. - but I'm no expert and for all I know that could corrupt the whole rom. Last edited by hectichobo, Jun 26, 2020 Trying to inject the english translation of Rockman & Forte for SNES
but no matter what I do it won't let me press the buttons in the injection section. I've loaded a correct base, put the game's name, inserted correct Wii U Common Key, etc. Trying to inject the english translation of Rockman & Forte for SNES but no matter what I do it won't let me press the buttons in the injection section. I've loaded a correct base,
put the game's name, inserted correct Wii U Common Key, etc. Are you using "&" for the game name by any chance? If so, try "and" instead.
Reactions: hectichobo Are you using "&" for the game name by any chance?
If so, try "and" instead. I fixed it somehow. Was using Super Mario World as the base, tried a couple of different games and found that Donkey Kong Country worked for some reason. That's what i actually wait all this time, for that nasty filter to be removed once and for all, and that stupid big-ass Question mark on a game-pad. It's so big it's
distracting when playing GBA on game-pad screen! I never noticed the question mark until now lol. But the dark filter is a crime against humanity. Reactions: MetoMeto and Stealphie While I have successfully injected GBA rom hacks like Pokemon Ash Gray and Theta Emerald, I was wondering if this is possible with the n64 injector. Would needing
the .ini file make this impossible or would I be able to use the .ini for the original game? Would really like to inject games like Smash Remix and the various SM64 rom hacks Page 17 I never noticed the question mark until now lol. But the dark filter is a crime against humanity.
I presume you never played on a game-pad than, 'cause it's pretty hard NOT to spot it. I don't see it as a "crime", but i would never understand the lack of option to remove it or to keep it in settings. In fact i would never understand why developers exclude options. I know they intend for a game to play in a certain way, but options never hurt that. Like
for example they could have added more control options in "Metroid: Other M" except only one, and an excuse for that is that game should be played THIS way, not THAT way..... i mean that's cool, but why i cant choose after i finish the game or before, whatever. Same goes for Dark filter. Good thing someone actually gave that option for N64 games
and it's not official at that. For me, GBA games on a WiiU are unplayable in their current state, with that big-ass "?" mark and Dark filter. I hope someone removes that for good. --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- You can get backups of your games via USB Helper. Now im even more confused... i seriously have no idea how to use this
injector.... Last edited by MetoMeto, Jul 1, 2020 Hi I'm a noob to this whole thing . On the Main tab of the injector - what do I select as my base? I saw the compatiblity list and I am trying to inject Star Fox 64 so based on this list does this mean I need to get the Mario Golf Rom as the base? Or what do you typically set as the base? It seems to want a
folder when trying to select this so I don't think it is the Rom specifically that it is looking for. Thank you in advance Hi I'm a noob to this whole thing . On the Main tab of the injector - what do I select as my base? I saw the compatiblity list and I am trying to inject Star Fox 64 so based on this list does this mean I need to get the Mario Golf Rom as the
base? Or what do you typically set as the base? It seems to want a folder when trying to select this so I don't think it is the Rom specifically that it is looking for. Thank you in advance Yes, you will want the base listed on the compatibility list. You do infact want a folder with the virtual console version of the game inside, not a rom of the n64 game. You
could hypothetically find what you're looking for with something like Wii U USB helper Still wondering about n64 rom hack injection if anyone knows anything. Also, was wondering if anyone has made any programs or websites where you can easily create/download official looking banners and icons. It's easy enough to make them myself with GIMP,
but I feel like it'd be a lot easier/quicker if there was something that could do it automatically akin to how Teconmoon's GC/Wii injector downloads banners/icons automatically from Cucholic's (sp?) repo. Last edited by hectichobo, Jul 2, 2020 I've been having 199-9999 errors when starting games injected with this tool, forcing me to reboot the
console. I've tried various ds and n64 games with the same result. I can run Wii/GC injections from the TeconMoon tool flawlessly, so I know it's not an issue with my CFW. The error shows my firmware version as 999.999.99 U, further confirming that the CFW is indeed enabled when I try to run them. Anyone else have this issue? Last edited by
PiesOfNorth, Jul 4, 2020 how do i even get the base file Does this run n64 games at the same speed as the official VC? Like if I add my backup of my copy of mario 64 with this method would it run the same as the one from the eShop? Does this run n64 games at the same speed as the official VC? Like if I add my backup of my copy of mario 64 with
this method would it run the same as the one from the eShop?
Not sure what your trying to achieve here? Super Mario 64 was officially released on the eShop and has been dumped, so no need to create a custom inject for this game, just install the dumped official eShop version of Super Mario 64.
Not sure what your trying to achieve here?
Super Mario 64 was officially released on the eShop and has been dumped, so no need to create a custom inject for this game, just install the dumped official eShop version of Super Mario 64. I don’t know how to do that yet, was gonna look into that later. Thanks for telling me. An injection involves using the official Nintendo emulation, injecting a
ROM is basically erasing the original ROM and pasting the ROM you chose, this does not replace the corresponding emulator. However, there are some parameters that can be edited (both in official games and in injections), these vary from one Virtual Console to another. NES: Aspect ratio, Emulation Speed and Number of players. SNES: Aspect
ratio, Emulation Speed, Number of players and Sound volume. N64: Dark filter, Widescreen, Zoom, Translation and Config file. GBA: Nothing for now.
NDS: Layauts and Brightness (editing the file "content/0010/configuration_cafe.json"). With my program you can edit these parameters without injecting a ROM, just select a target virtual console, load the game you want to edit as a base game, put a short name and edit the parameters. You can prevent the presentation images from being replaced
by using the corresponding checkboxes in the Image section and finally generating the edited VC game in the Injecting section. We have not yet found a way to remove the dark filter from NES, SNES and GBA virtual consoles, or how to remove the bilinear filter for NES and SNES. So does your program allow someone to edit an official virtual console
game to do that? I have mario 64 virtual console and was wondering if I could use your tool to change it easily. Yes, try it and tell me how it goes.
Yes, try it and tell me how it goes. I just tried it and all it did was make it so I could boot the game, but it would freeze while loading (before sm64 title screen). I used the base, not the ROM if it matters. I disabled the dark filter and enabled the widescreen hack/fix. I tried it without the check marks by 'images' and it didn't work. However, once those
were checked and I tried reinstalling it, it worked! Thanks a lot! However, it doesn't show the title screen properly on the wii u even though I imported base, which means I have to go find the image online somewhere. Furthermore, even though I had release date and players check marked and filled in, they don't show up at all. Is there any fix to
these 2 problems? Otherwise this was a phenomenal tool. Last edited by , Jul 14, 2020 is there any way to get rid of the black bar at the bottom of the screen with N64 games? I know i could just adjust the scaling and move it around but i dont want to be doing trial and error for a day just nail it down is there any way to get rid of the black bar at the
bottom of the screen with N64 games? I know i could just adjust the scaling and move it around but i dont want to be doing trial and error for a day just nail it down What method are you using to adjust the scaling?
Also, you know you can use CEMU emulator to test your injects? Saves you time installing on your WiiU to test. For me I use the same method to disable the dark filter on N64 injects, there is a screen aspect ratio setting, I just play with that until I fill up the top/bottom black bars with incremental changes. Reactions: phacox_cll I just tried it and all it
did was make it so I could boot the game, but it would freeze while loading (before sm64 title screen). I used the base, not the ROM if it matters. I disabled the dark filter and enabled the widescreen hack/fix. I tried it without the check marks by 'images' and it didn't work. However, once those were checked and I tried reinstalling it, it worked!
Thanks a lot! However, it doesn't show the title screen properly on the wii u even though I imported base, which means I have to go find the image online somewhere. Furthermore, even though I had release date and players check marked and filled in, they don't show up at all. Is there any fix to these 2 problems? Otherwise this was a phenomenal
tool. I don't quite understand what the problems are. To keep the base game home screen, check the checkboxes next to the "Icon", "TV" and "GamePad" buttons. You should see the images from the base game in the preview. Take into consideration that if you already did a shot with the base game images have changed. Checking the checkboxes
gives priority to the image of the base game, so "Show name", "Release date" and "Players" are not taken into account. is there any way to get rid of the black bar at the bottom of the screen with N64 games? I know i could just adjust the scaling and move it around but i dont want to be doing trial and error for a day just nail it down Not all N64
games have a black bar at the bottom of the screen, and not all games have a black bar of the same size, so you must adjust it manually depending on the game. You can run the game in CEMU (at 1280x720) and take a screenshot, measure the height of the black bar, and use that exact data to adjust the image all at once. Last edited by phacox_cll, Jul
19, 2020 Hoping someone can help me. I'm having some issues when trying to do SNES injects similarly to what was described by another poster earlier in the thread. Namely, I'm trying to make an inject of Tetris & Dr. Mario (it's a long story), but all three of my attempts have failed; each hangs at the VC intro screen and plays the music indefinitely.
I've tried using EarthBound, Link to the Past, and SMRPG as my bases, but none have worked. Rather than continue on blindly trying things, I thought I'd come here for help. Is there some method to the madness that can help me figure out what base to use?
Unfortunately I don't know of an efficient method to find out which base game to use. I already have some data collected for a compatibility list, I hope to publish them soon. You can use Donkey Kong Country (USA) as the base game for Tetris & Dr. Mario (USA). Reactions: lordofsquad Page 18 For most of my SNES injects, last count was just over
550 successful SNES injects (Im now retired with injects), I use Donkey Kong Country as the base, this base seems to work best. I have already injected Tetris & Dr Mario (US), works fine with DKC as base. Reactions: fire10 and lordofsquad Anyone knows of a WS patch for Paper Mario 64? I am not asking for a ROM, just a good working WS patch. If
that is not allowed, my apologies. So, the thing is, yesterday i injected EarthBound using DKC as base, it worked wondefully, so today i wanted to inject Final Fantasy VI, and all of a sudden the base game was invalid and so it was the WIii U common key, any idea of what happened? Not all N64 games have a black bar at the bottom of the screen, and
not all games have a black bar of the same size, so you must adjust it manually depending on the game. You can run the game in CEMU (at 1280x720) and take a screenshot, measure the height of the black bar, and use that exact data to adjust the image all at once. bro I don't think the zoom and positioning tools are working as they should in the
inyector, I calculated everything pixel by pixel in photoshop and the game still doesn't scale as it should, there is always a black bar on the bottom and it seems like the zoom option only recognize values with a 5 multiplier So, the thing is, yesterday i injected EarthBound using DKC as base, it worked wondefully, so today i wanted to inject Final
Fantasy VI, and all of a sudden the base game was invalid and so it was the WIii U common key, any idea of what happened? It is not a common key problem. Try reinstalling everything from zero. bro I don't think the zoom and positioning tools are working as they should in the inyector, I calculated everything pixel by pixel in photoshop and the game
still doesn't scale as it should, there is always a black bar on the bottom and it seems like the zoom option only recognize values with a 5 multiplier Which game do you want to inject and which region?
(so that I can reproduce the problem). Reactions: Anastimafilia Which game do you want to inject and which region? (so that I can reproduce the problem). i was trying to inject Banjo kazooie USA, using star fox 64 as base, i noticed the game ran smoother without any INI selected i ended up doing trial and error for about an afternoon, but yeah like i
said, the zoom and centering values are arbitrary, check the attached file to see the values that ended up working I'm about done with the game by this point, it works very well with very few graphical glitches and slow downs, the golden secret chest in treasure trove cove has a small texture glitch and for some reason the lobby area for goby's valley
has a weird slow down, but yeah everything else runs fine, i tried injecting Tooie just to see if it was even possible and so far CEMU is stuck in a black screen, I haven't tried installing it on the Wii U yet as i feel it will be a waste of time, have anyone in this thread tried it? Reactions: phacox_cll ii tried injecting Tooie just to see if it was even possible
and so far CEMU is stuck in a black screen, I haven't tried installing it on the Wii U yet as i feel it will be a waste of time, have anyone in this thread tried it? Banjo Tooie does work, but don't waste your time, there is a particular point in the game where it freezes and you cannot proceed any further. I thought it was a once off but a few other people in
my inner and outer circle has also confirmed this. Back when I was doing injects, I normally use F-Zero X as the base since this is the latest build of whatever emulator Nintendo is using out of all the bases, then again, if it doesn't work then you have to experiment. Also make sure you check out the WiiU VC N64 inject compatibility list site HERE, or
check @CORE blog regarding everything N64 injection, it is very detailed and in dept, these will help with your N64 injections.
Reactions: uhhh_adam, Anastimafilia and phacox_cll thanks for all the helps guys I want to re inject DK64 but with the dark filter removed, do you guys know how to modify it without messing around with it too much? Choose N64 mode on the right side, load DK64 as base game, DO NOT choose any ROM, put any short name. Change the dark filter.
In the images section select the three checkboxes next to the Icon, TV and GamePad buttons. Inject. The result folder should be named "short name (edited)". This indicates that no ROM was injected or metadata was modified, only the Virtual Console configuration and the images that are not marked with the respective checkbox are changed.
Reactions: CORE and Anastimafilia Hey, great tool! Sorry for the stupid question, but to remove the dark filter, the checkbox has to be unchecked, right? Just came back to say thanks for ur tool it really helped reinstall and zoom in alot of my n64 games on there. just have to find a way to successfully fine tune analog stuff for Army Men Sarges Heroes
2 and both Bust A Move games but Duke Nukem was easy to fix with a stick limit of about 60 if anyone wants to play that comfortably especially since it's a 4 player game.
Also since I game this alot with my little nephew and cousins to show them good multiplayer games, I've tested that stick limits will apply to all 4 players in case anyone was wondering. Reactions: phacox_cll Just came back to say thanks for ur tool it really helped reinstall and zoom in alot of my n64 games on there. just have to find a way to
successfully fine tune analog stuff for Army Men Sarges Heroes 2 and both Bust A Move games but Duke Nukem was easy to fix with a stick limit of about 60 if anyone wants to play that comfortably especially since it's a 4 player game. Also since I game this alot with my little nephew and cousins to show them good multiplayer games, I've tested that
stick limits will apply to all 4 players in case anyone was wondering. Have you tried messing around with F-Zero X stick calibration? The official release of the game is unplayable for me. Dunno what value could fix the game. Reactions: uhhh_adam Hello, thank you for making this tool. This is the first injection tool I found that I could get to work. I
have a question on how to use the N64 config ini tool. After I have injected and packed the rom where do I find the config at, and where do I save it to? EDIT: I figured it out! Last edited by shun00, Sep 4, 2020 Reactions: phacox_cll is every n64 compatible with this method?
like banjo kazooie or perfect dark would run smooth on wiiu? Thank you so much for this tool! It's really helpful. I only have one question, if someone could help me. I'm trying to inject the widescreen mod for Super Mario 64. The game works perfectly but the text is a little corrupted. Not unreadable but definitely annoying. I've tried injecting it into
Mario 64 and F-zero.
Does anyone know a setting or something that may fix it? The z64 rom itself does not have any graphical corruptions. Last edited by Raize, Sep 10, 2020 Reactions: uhhh_adam I've tried to inject a patched Rhythm Tengoku for loadiine and it doesnt work. Without the patch it works but with any patch it seems to not work. edit: nevermind it was my
rom. Last edited by TogekissFan, Sep 10, 2020 Page 19 Thank you so much for this tool! It's really helpful. I only have one question, if someone could help me. I'm trying to inject the widescreen mod for Super Mario 64. The game works perfectly but the text is a little corrupted. Not unreadable but definitely annoying. I've tried injecting it into Mario
64 and F-zero. Does anyone know a setting or something that may fix it? The z64 rom itself does not have any graphical corruptions. I would also like to know if there is any way to fix that Is there a base SNESVC rom with at least 6MB rom size? No Reactions: Spearel18 Yeah, I even checked every available JPN roms on Wii U USB Helper. Best I
found is 4MB... Oh well, guess I can't inject the Super Metroid A Link to the Past Crossover Randomizer since it requires a 6MB Base. Emulation is my only option with that. But I injected a FFVI, works like a charm. Great work mate! Reactions: phacox_cll So im on a loss here, i got super mario 64 ds wup installed and it looks very grainin so i tryed
the renderscale set to 2 and i dont see a diference, i even tryed 4 and still no change so i want to ask is mario 64 ds imune to renderscale options on ds vc injection? does anyone have a renderscale 2 super mario 64 ds wup ready to install that could link me in pm? the buttons in the injection section cannot be enabled. I was injecting a nes game. I
chose the rom, put the name and load a base vc. What can I do next? --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- the buttons in the injection section cannot be enabled. I was injecting a nes game. I chose the rom, put the name and load a base vc. What can I do next? Changed the base rom to match the target rom size. Problem solved! Hi - I can't seem
to get any base game to work for DS injections. e.g. I dumped Zelda Phantom Hourglass (using ddd) directly from my Wii U and it does not contain a "meta" folder. Any idea how to get this to work? I have a couple DS games to use as a base but none seem to have that meta folder. Editing: I figured out the above issue using the "dumpling" app which
generated the meta folder correctly. Now my issue is the injector is failing to create a packed WUP-installable version. It creates the folder for the game but it is empty. If I switch to the loadiine version it works fine, but the packed version only produces an empty folder. Is this a known bug? Last edited by UsualNoise, Oct 7, 2020 I do not know why it
is not creating the packaging. You can provide me with the log to know what happens. I do not know why it is not creating the packaging. You can provide me with the log to know what happens. Thanks - I was trying to create the packed version from the code/content/meta folder structure, perhaps that doesn't work and you have to create it from an
already packed folder? If so, is there any direction about how to dump a digital virtual console title from the Wii U in packed format? I've looked around but can't find anything simple like ddd. I own several VC DS games I can use but I'm not seeing a straightforward way to dump the title in packed format. I can dump in non-packed format but then
the problem is I don't see any way to install that as a title after I do an injection.
Seems like something probably exists to do what I'm attempting so sorry if I've missed something obvious. It doesn't matter if the origin is a packaged or non-packaged base, you should be able to package it. Try using NUS Converter or directly with NUSPacker to manually package the game. The log file should shed some light on this. It doesn't
matter if the origin is a packaged or non-packaged base, you should be able to package it. Try using NUS Converter or directly with NUSPacker to manually package the game. The log file should shed some light on this. Thanks, I'll see if I can use NUSPacker to convert my non-packed injected game into an installable file. I looked at the log file but I
don't think it will help, attaching here. The result of trying to create a packed version from a non-packaged base is a folder with the injected game name but nothing inside it. Phacox's Injector 1.1.4 10/7/2020 2:50:32 PM Language to EN. Players changed: None TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. GUI changed to Famicom. Menu icon
preview updated. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Changed mode to Indeterminate. GUI changed to default. Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Wii U Common Key files: OK! ROM format: NDS GUI changed to NDS. Loaded base: Hash: 9566F967, Release date: 2015/11/13 Title: The Legend
of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (USA/EUR/JPN) Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Reading ROM...
ROM is valid. Hash: 74E7 Title: JAM SESSIONS Product code: AHDE Show name enabled. Use short name: Jam Sessions TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Images button clicked. Use NDS icon enabled. Menu icon preview updated. TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Injecting button clicked. Inject encrypt: True Short
name: Jam Sessions Long name: Jam Sessions NDS DarkFilter: False Show name enabled. Use short name: Jam Sessions TV preview updated. GamePad preview updated. Change menu icon. Change TV image. Change GamePad image.
Starting injection... Injection success! Reactions: phacox_cll Apparently the problem is related to the fact that the game is a dump and not an exact duplicate. I don't know exactly what the difference is. Let me know if you manage to pack it with NUSPacker. Let me know if you manage to pack it with NUSPacker. I just finished doing this (first time
using NUSPacker so there was a learning curve).
Anyway, it worked just fine and I was able to install on my Wii U and run it as a VC DS title. Everything worked fine! Thanks for the help and the utility. While it would be cool to have it auto-generate the packed version from unpacked it's certainly not necessary as there is a separate utility that does the job. Thanks again! Reactions: phacox_cll Just to
report an exception catched during the injection of 1080° Snowboarding for N64. (I'm not sure if this one has been reported yet) See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ************** System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path
'G:\wii64\roms\1080 Snowboarding.v64' is denied. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean
bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) at PhacoxsInjector.RomN64..ctor(String filename) at PhacoxsInjector.N64Injector.SetRom(String romPath) at PhacoxsInjector.PhacoxsInjectorGUI.buttonRom_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at
System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at
System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd,
Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) ************** Loaded Assemblies ************** mscorlib Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.8.4220.0 built by: NET48REL1LAST_C CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll ---------------------------------------- PhacoxsInjector Assembly Version: Win32 Version: CodeBase: file:///D:/USB/Wii%20U%20NDS%20Crack/PhacoxsInjector/PhacoxsInjector.exe ---------------------------------------- System.Windows.Forms Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.8.4200.0 built by: NET48REL1LAST_C CodeBase:
file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll ---------------------------------------- System Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.8.4200.0 built by: NET48REL1LAST_C CodeBase:
file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Drawing Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.8.3752.0 built by: NET48REL1 CodeBase:
file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Configuration Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.8.4190.0 built by: NET48REL1LAST_B CodeBase:
file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Core Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.8.4220.0 built by: NET48REL1LAST_C CodeBase:
file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Xml Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.8.3752.0 built by: NET48REL1 CodeBase:
file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll ---------------------------------------- ************** JIT Debugging ************** To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this application or computer (machine.config) must have the jitDebugging value set in the section. The application must also be compiled with debugging enabled. For example: When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box. It only happened on this rom, thanks for this great tool Phacox. Reactions:
phacox_cll Thanks for the report, possibly in the next revision it will be fixed. This exception occurred because the program does not have the permissions to access the file, possibly it was marked as read-only.
Reactions: Dabu47 i have one n64 game that i would like to inject so i can play it on Wii U i followed instructions but no luck,the game is space invaders & the base rom is banjo kazooie but i have tried few others . any help is greatly appreciated. i have one n64 game that i would like to inject so i can play it on Wii U i followed instructions but no
luck,the game is space invaders & the base rom is banjo kazooie but i have tried few others .
any help is greatly appreciated.
banjo kazzoie cant be a base rom since it was never released lol, banjo is already an inject in itself. also from what i see in the compatibility list you need mario golf to inject(newer base probably works too like f zero) and the following setting on the ini file [RomOption] RetraceByVsync = 0 UseTimer = 1 [Input] StickModify = 2 banjo kazzoie cant be a
base rom since it was never released lol, banjo is already an inject in itself.
also from what i see in the compatibility list you need mario golf to inject(newer base probably works too like f zero) and the following setting on the ini file [RomOption] RetraceByVsync = 0 UseTimer = 1 [Input] StickModify = 2 how do you load the base rom the app will only load folders & nothing happens when it does? also where is the ini file I
tried injecting both Pokemon Sapphire and Pokemon Emerald using Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga as the base game, and Phacox says successful, but when I start up the injected VC games on the Wii U, I just get a white screen after the Gameboy Advance logo. I can still control the virtual console and exit and stuff, but the ROM never starts. Anyone
else experience this? I have other VC games working that I installed from Wii U USB Helper, but I wanted to play some games that are not available through that app. I tried injecting both Pokemon Sapphire and Pokemon Emerald using Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga as the base game, and Phacox says successful, but when I start up the injected VC
games on the Wii U, I just get a white screen after the Gameboy Advance logo. I can still control the virtual console and exit and stuff, but the ROM never starts. Anyone else experience this? I have other VC games working that I installed from Wii U USB Helper, but I wanted to play some games that are not available through that app. I tried injecting
both Pokemon Sapphire and Pokemon Emerald using Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga as the base game, and Phacox says successful, but when I start up the injected VC games on the Wii U, I just get a white screen after the Gameboy Advance logo.
I can still control the virtual console and exit and stuff, but the ROM never starts. Anyone else experience this? I have other VC games working that I installed from Wii U USB Helper, but I wanted to play some games that are not available through that app. I tried injecting both Pokemon Sapphire and Pokemon Emerald using Mario & Luigi: Superstar
Saga as the base game, and Phacox says successful, but when I start up the injected VC games on the Wii U, I just get a white screen after the Gameboy Advance logo. I can still control the virtual console and exit and stuff, but the ROM never starts. Anyone else experience this? I have other VC games working that I installed from Wii U USB Helper,
but I wanted to play some games that are not available through that app.
I tried injecting both Pokemon Sapphire and Pokemon Emerald using Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga as the base game, and Phacox says successful, but when I start up the injected VC games on the Wii U, I just get a white screen after the Gameboy Advance logo. I can still control the virtual console and exit and stuff, but the ROM never starts.
Anyone else experience this? I have other VC games working that I installed from Wii U USB Helper, but I wanted to play some games that are not available through that app. --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- Sorry, not sure why it posted me 5 times, I only submitted once... I tried injecting both Pokemon Sapphire and Pokemon Emerald
using Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga as the base game, and Phacox says successful, but when I start up the injected VC games on the Wii U, I just get a white screen after the Gameboy Advance logo. I can still control the virtual console and exit and stuff, but the ROM never starts. Anyone else experience this? I have other VC games working that I
installed from Wii U USB Helper, but I wanted to play some games that are not available through that app. --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- Sorry, not sure why it posted me 5 times, I only submitted once... Same problem for me here for Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen And when i'm launching ruby and sapphire i have the gameboy logo
(not gameboy advance) and after nothing happens ... Page 20 this was written by google translator. for some reason the packaging buttons remain disabled even after selecting the rom and base Has anybody been able to get Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, or LeafGreen to work? If so, what exactly are the settings that you used? I have
used the base suggested by the compatibility list and used patches previously highlighted, nothing has worked. Has anybody been able to get Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, or LeafGreen to work? If so, what exactly are the settings that you used? I have used the base suggested by the compatibility list and used patches previously
highlighted, nothing has worked. From memory, these games have FLASH save, you need to patch the rom to SRAM save and it should work. I injected these games ages ago and it works fine, however RTC (real time clock) doesnt work unless there is a specific RTC patch for the game. Reactions: E1ite007, phacox_cll and steve257 From memory,
these games have FLASH save, you need to patch the rom to SRAM save and it should work. I injected these games ages ago and it works fine, however RTC (real time clock) doesnt work unless there is a specific RTC patch for the game. Thank you! I found a SRAM Patcher and now Pokemon Ruby works great! The base I used was whatever the
compatibility chart said. I read somewhere else on the forum that SRAM creates problems with saving the game after beating the Elite 4. Did that ever happen to you? Reactions: phacox_cll Thank you! I found a SRAM Patcher and now Pokemon Ruby works great! The base I used was whatever the compatibility chart said. I read somewhere else on
the forum that SRAM creates problems with saving the game after beating the Elite 4. Did that ever happen to you? Great you got it working, sorry I injected the game for someone, tested for 5 minutes to see if the game boots. So I never fully played the whole game to see if it works till the end. Hello, I am interested in getting NTSC Mario Party 3
working on a Pal Wii U, will this be possible?
The reason I would like to get the NTSC version working us due to the speed Pal games run at compared to NTSC back then. Also on another note I have Mario party 2 downloaded from eshop on my pal Wii U, I assume this is the old pal release? I ask as thinking of dumping this if I can to then act as base for NTSC Mario Party 3 but assume that
won't work if it's the pal release. Thank you. There is no problem if the Virtual Console game is NTSC on a PAL console. As a base, use the games that you can get via USBHelper or JNUSTool, the dumped games present problems when using them as a base. For Mario Party 3 (USA) you need the specific configuration file "Undoe0.556.ini". You can
find it in the link "All existing Wii U VC N64 config files made by Nintendo" in the first post. Reactions: MarcusF Error was in how "Phacox's Injector" transferred the common key to CNUSPacker, it was not doing well, so the files were being encrypted with a key in zeros. Version 1.0.3 fixes the bug. (Version 1.0 doesn't have that bug either.) Hello,
Managed to install the game, but it flashes on various screens as well as bad sound glitches, not sure what else might be the issue? I did make the game wide-screen and made it so it wouldn't be grey. Thanks again. Edit: sorry just read on the comparability list "To make this work, open the Mario Party 3 rom on a Hex editor and change the game's
title ID (NMVE) to the Mario Party 2 title ID (NMWE). Then open the Mario Party 2 ini and change the backup type to 0 and backupsize to 2048, runs perfectly". I haven't done this yet, is this still true, and if so which Hex editor do you recommend? Thank you for all your help. Last edited by MarcusF, Jan 2, 2021 Yes. Forget that detail, you must
change the Mario Party 3 ROM header to Mario Party 2, it is the first 0x40 bytes. Use mh-nexu's HxD hex editor. For the rest, the differences of the configuration .ini are the mentioned "BackupType = 0" and "BackupSize = 2048", you can use the Mario Party 2 .ini and modify it or use the .ini that already has that configuration, the that I mentioned
Reactions: MarcusF Yes. Forget that detail, you must change the Mario Party 3 ROM header to Mario Party 2, it is the first 0x40 bytes. Use mh-nexu's HxD hex editor. For the rest, the differences of the configuration .ini are the mentioned "BackupType = 0" and "BackupSize = 2048", you can use the Mario Party 2 .ini and modify it or use the .ini that
already has that configuration, the that I mentioned before. Thanks again, all working great now. Final question, is there anyway of installing completed saves for injected games? Or do you inject them already with the completed save? Thank you for all your help.
For that you can use SaveMii, but it is difficult to find saves for injected games. As far as I know you can't use emulator saves. Reactions: MarcusF Have you tried messing around with F-Zero X stick calibration? The official release of the game is unplayable for me. Dunno what value could fix the game. Sorry for laaaate response, went on a WiiSX &
New3DS binge for a bit piling games. Wow tbh FZero is one of those games i didnt play enough on console to even notice that! Maybe you might need to do that one because I wouldnt know what would be just right. Only thing that kinda annoys me is that even if i mess with the number, games like Army Men Sarges Heroes 2, Bust-A-Move 2 & Bust-
A-Move '99 seem too still have this ultra sensitive control stick and I still havent figured it out and fixed it yet. Does Fzero feel too sensitive? I was able to race fine on mine and put Climax too --------------------- MERGED --------------------------- Thank you so much for this tool! It's really helpful. I only have one question, if someone could help me.
I'm trying to inject the widescreen mod for Super Mario 64. The game works perfectly but the text is a little corrupted. Not unreadable but definitely annoying. I've tried injecting it into Mario 64 and F-zero. Does anyone know a setting or something that may fix it? The z64 rom itself does not have any graphical corruptions. neat. for some reason I
wasnt able to get widescreen mario64 to work I unfortinately cannot edit the compatability list so i just want to point this out: Ermii Kart DS: Legacy Edition DOES NOT WORK through both Lodiine and Wup Installer. It crashes upon starting. (Injected into Mario Kart DS.) Ultimate Spider-Man for GBA, on the other hand, works. It was injected into
Mario Kart Super Circut. Reactions: phacox_cll I unfortinately cannot edit the compatability list so i just want to point this out: Ermii Kart DS: Legacy Edition DOES NOT WORK through both Lodiine and Wup Installer. It crashes upon starting. (Injected into Mario Kart DS.) Ultimate Spider-Man for GBA, on the other hand, works. It was injected into
Mario Kart Super Circut. I'm able to edit those pages, I have updated both the DS and GBA compatibility list wiki with your results.
Reactions: phacox_cll I've been so confused. Firstly, does the base have to be virtual console for the same system you want to inject? All it says is virtual console base... Secondly, I see that the base can either be in loadiine format or WUP format. How does this work? what folder do I select, or should the folder be named something specific for the
program to detect? Thirdly, I would need to be on CFW every time I want to boot up one of these titles, once I eventually get one to inject and pack right? The main reason I want to know is so I can test an OOT ROM patched with things to see if they'll run on the Wii U. But I'm not exactly the most fluent when it comes to doing stuff like this either, so
it would be helpful if someone could clarify these things, as well as tell me if it would be necessary to look into this more before I attempt to do anything. Or if I should just hold back and wait until OOT is fully decompiled, and ported with mod support to the Wii U like SM64 was.
Thanks in advance for anyone that can clarify and help me out! And also apologies as I rarely check this site, so I may reply rather late.
I've been so confused. Firstly, does the base have to be virtual console for the same system you want to inject? All it says is virtual console base... Secondly, I see that the base can either be in loadiine format or WUP format. How does this work? what folder do I select, or should the folder be named something specific for the program to detect?
Thirdly, I would need to be on CFW every time I want to boot up one of these titles, once I eventually get one to inject and pack right? The main reason I want to know is so I can test an OOT ROM patched with things to see if they'll run on the Wii U. But I'm not exactly the most fluent when it comes to doing stuff like this either, so it would be helpful
if someone could clarify these things, as well as tell me if it would be necessary to look into this more before I attempt to do anything. Or if I should just hold back and wait until OOT is fully decompiled, and ported with mod support to the Wii U like SM64 was. Thanks in advance for anyone that can clarify and help me out! And also apologies as I
rarely check this site, so I may reply rather late. Hello, something late I answer you. You must use a base game from the same system that you want to inject. The base game can be in either Loadiine format (decrypted NUS Content) or in WUP Installer format (encrypted NUS Content). When you select a base game in WUP Installer format, the
program decrypts it to be able to inject the ROM (that's what the Common Key is for). The base game folder does not need to have a specific name. When loading a base game you must select the folder that contains the files title.cert, title.tik, title.tmd, "* .app" and "* .h3", if they are in WUP Installer format. Or select the folder that contains the
folders "code", "content" and "meta", if it is in format for Loadiine. The program scans the content of the folder you select and determines if it is a valid base game for the ROM you chose. For any backup of the virtual console, be it an official launch or an injection, you must load a CFW before opening the game. As a recommendation, try injecting a
GBA game first, getting an N64 game to work on Wii U is more difficult because it requires a configuration file. Hey guys, just came back to ask if anyone has tried this yet with Dinosaur Planet?? (N64 Starfox Adventures Prototype) There may be more posts after this. Page 21 I can't get Final Fantasy III DS to work, according to the compatibility list I
have to use Kirby Squad Squad as a base and I use Loadiine GX to launch it, the Virtual Console interface launches perfectly, but I get a permanent black screen Any ideas? Hello. New to this malarky and puzzled about a few things. What is the common key? is it the key of the base game you using to inject your chosen game into? When your game is
ready do you just install it with wup installer like any pther game? Where does Loadiine v4 come into the process? Thank you. I can't get Final Fantasy III DS to work, according to the compatibility list I have to use Kirby Squad Squad as a base and I use Loadiine GX to launch it, the Virtual Console interface launches perfectly, but I get a permanent
black screen Any ideas? Try installing the game with WUP Installer. Hello. New to this malarky and puzzled about a few things. What is the common key? is it the key of the base game you using to inject your chosen game into? When your game is ready do you just install it with wup installer like any pther game? Where does Loadiine v4 come into the
process? Thank you. The Wii U Common Key is a general key used by all consoles to encrypt and decrypt content. It is not included in the program or in the forum for copyright reasons. You will have to ask google. It consists of 32 hexadecimal numbers, starts with D7… and ends with… 56. When the game is ready you can install it with WUP Installer
just like any other Wii U game. Loadiine v4 does not go into any part of the injection process. Loadiine is simply used to load the game from the SD card. Currently Loadiine GX2 v0.3 is the development version, with "Loadiine-nightly-d46e455" being the most recent. Reactions: xxThe_Dice_manxx Thanks for the reply, most helpful. One more puzzle, I
downloaded yoshi touch and go from the usb helper program as the base for the injection and phacox's tool says it is not a valid game?
What have I done wrong? It says in the compatibility list that yoshis touch and go is the base for the game I want to inject. Edit: never mind got it, the wii key. Last edited by xxThe_Dice_manxx, Apr 2, 2021 Try installing the game with WUP Installer. I did, I mentioned Lodiine because in the compatibility list it appears that it works with Loadiine Same
thing happens when I use the WUP Installer, ROM works fine in an emulator EDIT: I installed like 10 other games using the tool and they work flawlessly, the only issue is with this particular game Last edited by porygon3000, Apr 2, 2021 I did, I mentioned Lodiine because in the compatibility list it appears that it works with Loadiine Same thing
happens when I use the WUP Installer, ROM works fine in an emulator EDIT: I installed like 10 other games using the tool and they work flawlessly, the only issue is with this particular game It's the ROM. I found several dumps of the game, I injected all and only one works correctly. Specifically, you must use the Psyfer dump with Hash: AD30. It's
the ROM. I found several dumps of the game, I injected all and only one works correctly. Specifically, you must use the Psyfer dump with Hash: AD30. View attachment 255983 That is exactly the one I'm using lmao I'm using the latest version of your app, everything in the Wii U is up to date (Using the app that connects to the internet and installs
everything to the console, forgot the name), even the console firmware... Well, looks like it's something on my Wii U xD Oh BTW, I didn't say it but thanks a lot for this amazing app Reactions: phacox_cll Hi everyone I made a thread in the Emulation forum but I dunno if that's the right place to ask, so here I am. Bsasically I booted up the Majora's
Mask inject and there's a ful second of input delay and the background blacks out when I pull the menu up which sometimes causes a softlock. When I read the compatibility list Majora's Mask didn't have any issues and all the other N64 games I've played like Banjo-Kazooie and Paper Mario and Bomberman Hero don't have any problems
(Bomberman 64 had graphical glitches but was still playable, just not in a state where I wanted to keep going).
So I'm wondering if this is a known thing for Majora's Mask on the 64 or if I just had bad luck and I need to reinstall a different ROM of the game. Thanks for any advice. Edit: Deleted the game and reinjected it, still lag and visual glitches on the menu screen and I only noticed now but there's some visual effects missing in the opening cutscenes like
blur and effects. Has anyone else experienced this? Bomberman 64 has a glitch where the Gold Cards don't appear but that's it, every other N64 game I have is fine. Please help.
Majora's Mask is one of my all time favourite games and I'd love to play it again. Last edited by MadMonster, Apr 4, 2021 Hi everyone I made a thread in the Emulation forum but I dunno if that's the right place to ask, so here I am. Bsasically I booted up the Majora's Mask inject and there's a ful second of input delay and the background blacks out
when I pull the menu up which sometimes causes a softlock. When I read the compatibility list Majora's Mask didn't have any issues and all the other N64 games I've played like Banjo-Kazooie and Paper Mario and Bomberman Hero don't have any problems (Bomberman 64 had graphical glitches but was still playable, just not in a state where I
wanted to keep going).
So I'm wondering if this is a known thing for Majora's Mask on the 64 or if I just had bad luck and I need to reinstall a different ROM of the game. Thanks for any advice. Edit: Deleted the game and reinjected it, still lag and visual glitches on the menu screen and I only noticed now but there's some visual effects missing in the opening cutscenes like
blur and effects. Has anyone else experienced this? Bomberman 64 has a glitch where the Gold Cards don't appear but that's it, every other N64 game I have is fine. Please help. Majora's Mask is one of my all time favourite games and I'd love to play it again. Use the official release. Basically it needs the config INI file. Hi! Is there a way to extract
save files from games that have been injected using this software? Specifically, I am trying to extract a ds save file (.sav) of Ace Attorney Investigations 2 that I injected into New Super Mario Bros. I have tried savemii, but it doesn't show up as an option. I think that it might be exclusive to this injector. I have a few games on my Wii U that I have
injected with this injector and none of them (including the aforementioned AAI2) show up on savemii. A file for Banjo-Kazooie that I got online pre-injected showed up just fine. Am I missing something here?
In the DS compatibility list it says under the AAI2 translation patch that whoever tested it "took the save file off the SD card and played past that part on an emulator, then I saved and put the new save file on the SD card and continued playing on the Wii U." This is exactly what I am trying to do (for the same part in the game actually), but I am really
stumped as to how to do it. Not sure how if this is the right place to ask this, but any help would be greatly, GREATLY appreciated. Hi! Is there a way to extract save files from games that have been injected using this software? Specifically, I am trying to extract a ds save file (.sav) of Ace Attorney Investigations 2 that I injected into New Super Mario
Bros. I have tried savemii, but it doesn't show up as an option. I think that it might be exclusive to this injector. I have a few games on my Wii U that I have injected with this injector and none of them (including the aforementioned AAI2) show up on savemii. A file for Banjo-Kazooie that I got online pre-injected showed up just fine. Am I missing
something here? In the DS compatibility list it says under the AAI2 translation patch that whoever tested it "took the save file off the SD card and played past that part on an emulator, then I saved and put the new save file on the SD card and continued playing on the Wii U." This is exactly what I am trying to do (for the same part in the game
actually), but I am really stumped as to how to do it. Not sure how if this is the right place to ask this, but any help would be greatly, GREATLY appreciated. I ran into this and the reason, from what I gathered, is that the title ID that is created, is not able to be read by savemii. When I created a DS game it created a title ID that was completely new for
the prefix [00050002] when it seems that savemii can only, or will only read ones that [0050000, 0050001]. I had to manually change the title ID, but it was a pain in the ass. My wonderment is how to change the title ID before injection (I know you can go in later and change it via the meta.xml) but I have not seen a clear guide on how to change it on
this program before injection. Any help? Last edited by cagerhager, Apr 10, 2021 Reactions: phacox_cll Good to know those details. The program used to generate a title ID that started with 0050000, but this has been changed as occasionally games would not start regardless of whether a CFW was loaded (error 199-9999). You can check this in the
changelog. It seems that SaveMii does not support demo games (start with 0050002). Currently the title ID generated by the program cannot be changed manually. I will give option to choose the title ID in a review. Reactions: cagerhager hay there, nice app, um i have one question tho, for the base, how do you find/get it?
and does the base depend on the game you want to inject? i mean like for the castlevainas, the two of three use NDS2WU as base, thanx I'm getting empty folders following the injection process. What am I doing wrong? edit: Can I only inject games I already own? I can't use a DS dump on GBA roms (fair enough), but that dump just isn't working for
the DS games I want to inject. Last edited by hellowhirled008, Apr 15, 2021 Can somebody fix the NES Compatiblte list? There's way too small information of the injects. hay there, nice app, um i have one question tho, for the base, how do you find/get it? and does the base depend on the game you want to inject? i mean like for the castlevainas, the
two of three use NDS2WU as base, thanx You can get the base games via Wii U USB Helper or JNUSTool. The base game depends on the version of the (official) emulator, depending on the version of the emulator some ROMs will work or not. Obviously if you want to inject a GBA ROMs you must use a GBA virtual console game as a base.
NDS2WiiU refers to an old application that makes injections using the game New Super Mario Bros. (USA) as the base game. ( . I'm getting empty folders following the injection process. What am I doing wrong? edit: Can I only inject games I already own? I can't use a DS dump on GBA roms (fair enough), but that dump just isn't working for the DS
games I want to inject. I know that the program behaves strangely when you use a virtual console dump taken directly from the Wii U. To avoid that use the backups that you can get through the applications I mentioned above. Can somebody fix the NES Compatiblte list?
There's way too small information of the injects. That is up to the editors of the Wiki, I too would like them to expand and update the lists, but apparently there is not much interest in the injections of NES and SNES. I have tried to make an inject of a "Zelda Link to the past" translation romhack, but I can not get it to work. I used the IPS translation on
a USA rom. It works when using bSnes emulator. I have used VC Zelda Link to the past EUR and USA as base I also tried the ROM with and without header (used TUSH) I also tried extracting the rom from my wiiu with dumpling. This works, I was able to play the extracted rom in bSnes emulator. So I then patched that rom with the IPS translation,
the rom was still working in the emulator. When I inject the rom into the VC base, it will show on the wiiu but it will not get past the Virtual Console intro screen. In the super left corner it shows loading for a few seconds and then the wiiu just freezes.... Are there any settings I need to adjust? any help in making this work would be very much
appreciated! Last edited by KitMikro, Apr 24, 2021 In order for me to replicate the bug, I need to know which IPS patch you are using. In general, for SNES games, use Donkey Kong Country (USA) as the base game, since it seems to be the base game most compatible with other ROMs. In order for me to replicate the bug, I need to know which IPS
patch you are using. In general, for SNES games, use Donkey Kong Country (USA) as the base game, since it seems to be the base game most compatible with other ROMs. Thanks for your reply! and the great tool you've made I am using the Dutch translation by "Ok Impala!". Last night I figured so much looking at the compatibility list but it was to
late to try. So this morning I tried again with Donkey Kong and got the same result... After this I tried Super Metroid and it finally booted but the graphics were scrambled. I remembered I was still using the extracted ROM so I injected it with an original USA patched rom and now it is working! Super! now I don't have to translate the whole game to
my kid and he can play it on his own. Now let's hope the translation doesn't include any hidden curse words hahaha Last edited by KitMikro, Apr 25, 2021 Reactions: phacox_cll Page 22 I tried to inject based on "BIG BRAIN ACADEMY" which is the cheapest NDS VC available at e-shops in Japan, but none of the games I have started. If I start Pokemon
Platinum (JP), is there a suitable NDS VC to base it on? Hi, I have a question: can the same base game (e.g. Yoshi's Land DS) be injected with and then installed with different games (e.g. Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon SoulSilver), or would I have to use another host game to install SoulSilver? Many thanks in advance. is ds vc injection anything
like n64 injection back on the wii where individual games had various hacks and tweaks to the packaged emulator so it really mattered what game you used as a base?
I'm trying to get twewy to work, but it freezes on a white screen after you run from the first battle when injected into phantom hourglass. I'm wondering if I might find success with trying different base titles or something, or if they all more or less use the same ds emulator and it just can't handle twewy for some reason edit: I've also tried injecting it
into mario hoops (a square enix game might work better?) but still no dice, so I'm beginning to assume it's just not going to work. also tried launching it with loadiine and copying a save made in an emulator so get past the battle, but it just crashes on the next one Last edited by Dr. Hobo, Jun 8, 2021 Is it possible to use this tool to inject an AR code?
Like for widescreen in an N64 game? Or does that have to be done separately somehow? Hi, I just dicovered how to inject games to ply games directly instead of using emulators. It's great. I just have one question : Is there somewhere I can find the images (icon, TV, Gamepad), so I can avoid having to create them myself ? Thanx EDIT : Found some
here : Last edited by 20100, Jul 2, 2021 Reactions: phacox_cll Hey @phacox_cll can you add GB, GBC, PCE? I'm trying to find HEX codes and instructions to edit Zelda Majora's Mask EUR M4 ROM to enable widescreen, but I can't find. Any help would be appreciated. I tried to inject based on "BIG BRAIN ACADEMY" which is the cheapest NDS VC
available at e-shops in Japan, but none of the games I have started. If I start Pokemon Platinum (JP), is there a suitable NDS VC to base it on? is ds vc injection anything like n64 injection back on the wii where individual games had various hacks and tweaks to the packaged emulator so it really mattered what game you used as a base? I'm trying to get
twewy to work, but it freezes on a white screen after you run from the first battle when injected into phantom hourglass. I'm wondering if I might find success with trying different base titles or something, or if they all more or less use the same ds emulator and it just can't handle twewy for some reason edit: I've also tried injecting it into mario hoops
(a square enix game might work better?) but still no dice, so I'm beginning to assume it's just not going to work. also tried launching it with loadiine and copying a save made in an emulator so get past the battle, but it just crashes on the next one There are 27 versions of the Nintendo DS virtual console, the catalog is available in the original post in
the file. The list indicates the official titles that contain a version of the emulator and is ordered according to the release date of the first game that included the version (assuming that the latest version is the most worked version). Hi, I have a question: can the same base game (e.g. Yoshi's Land DS) be injected with and
then installed with different games (e.g. Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon SoulSilver), or would I have to use another host game to install SoulSilver? Many thanks in advance. You can use the same base game to inject different games. The Wii U uses the Title-ID to identify each game, so the program discards the Title-ID of the base game and
generates different Title-IDs according to the injected ROM thus avoiding overwriting games. Is it possible to use this tool to inject an AR code? Like for widescreen in an N64 game? Or does that have to be done separately somehow? It is not possible to inject AR codes since they are not general purpose emulators, the virtual console was made only
to run certain games and nothing else, but fortunately some other games work and that is what the injection is based on. You need to modify the ROM before injecting it (or find out how the config files for Nintendo 64 games work). Hey @phacox_cll can you add GB, GBC, PCE? Yes, in the future. Reactions: Zense, trogdon and XDeltaOne Odd question
@phacox_cll, but you have resolution options for NES, SNES, and N64 and it has got me thinking, would it be possible to make a version of the injector that could display the games twice as tall where the top half of the screen appears on the TV and the bottom half on the Game Pad (or vice versa), ideally with the option to also stretch the screen to
fill the width of the screens if we wish too. Reason being, I want 2 player split screen multiplayer games to be able to be playable where one player gets one entire screen to themselves and the other player gets the other screen all to themselves. I know resolution wouldn't be great, but I don't care all that much about that if we could get this kind of
functionality in for applicable games.
Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 would be brilliant examples that could take advantage of this, as is Spy vs. Spy for the NES. Last edited by MikaDubbz, Sep 22, 2021 I'm having a unique issue using Phacox's Injector. I can select a file for the game and images but not for the base. When I try to select a base I can only select a folder and not game
itself. I've also tried typing in full file path and it wouldn't take.
I tried another computer and I was still stuck. I used this years before and have injected several games, but now I'm having this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm having a unique issue using Phacox's Injector. I can select a file for the game and images but not for the base. When I try to select a base I can only select a folder and not
game itself. I've also tried typing in full file path and it wouldn't take. I tried another computer and I was still stuck. I used this years before and have injected several games, but now I'm having this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Selecting a base, in the app you have to select a "folder" containing the base, you cant select a "single" file
for the base. If your selecting a folder for the base and the app doesnt recognise is, then grab another base instead. EDIT: What files are you using for your base? I wonder if inejcting zelda's birthday into zelda OOT/MM VC will work?
and play past the kokiri forest area, as on andriod, it won't load into the kokiri forest area, so the game isn't complete able. maybe on wii u it'll work properly? Update: after using this injector tool along with zelda's birthday hack and the OOT N64 VC (E) as base, i loaded the game on wii u and it worked out fine, sure it had a few missing graphics like
the black textbox and some other stuff, but the game works fine with no freezes or glitches (minus the graphics). and it even loads up past the kokiri forest enternance area . on android, this area will not load whatsoever and i dunno why this happens, but on wii u using oot as a base with this hack, it plays prefectly fine past this problematic area. not
sure if it'll work with MM VC base ttho. Last edited by 2DSGamerdude, Nov 16, 2021 Cool injector. What would be nice is to be able to enter a separate Long Title when generating the images, instead of using the Long Title from the Main section. For example, "Advance Wars: Dual Strike" has to use two lines for the image, but you can use 1 line for
the text when hovering over the icon. Another example being "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All". So for the Long Tile: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All While the image would say: Ace Attorney - Justice For All The text for Released: is different for each region: Japan = ####年 発売 USA = Released: #### Europe =
Released in Europe: #### Cool if the user could select which one to use, and maybe enter their own text? Last edited by RadioShadow, Jan 18, 2022 Hi, iv been using this tool to mario a mario party injection and filled out everything apart from 1 box. I have no idea what im even looking for to put in the load base section Please help I know this is an
old thread, but hopefully someone can help me out. I understand everything for the most part when it comes to injecting N64 games using this program. However, with all the base games (DK64, Mario Golf, F-Zero, etc.) how do I make these games wide-screen? Since these are already base games, would I just find the same rom of that game, use its
base and ini file, and I would be ready to go? Or is there a different method of achieving base games as wide-screen. For example, on the inject compatibility list, base games DK64 USA, Sin & Punishment USA are not listed. Also many other base games (if I were to collect their respective Roms) require other base games to work. Could I not just use
(for example) a rom of Super Mario 64 USA, inject it into a base game of Super Mario 64 USA (enabling widescreen) and its ini file to get loadline version that is wide-screen? Or does it not work that way? Hopefully this makes sense! Thanks! Mit dem praktischen Ultimate Wii U VC Injector kannst du Spiele in die Wii U Virtual Console injizieren.
Folgende Systeme werden unterstützt: NES SNES N64 GBA NDS PC Engine MSX Wii GameCube Wii-Themes (Vorsicht!) Einige Systeme unterstützen noch zusätzliche Patches, wie etwa die Entfernung des Dunkelfilters für N64-Spiele, die Aktivierung von Widescreen oder einen pixelgenauen Modus. Enthalten ist auch eine Hilfe. Die fertigen Injects
lassen sich mit Sigpatches und dem WUP-Installer installieren.

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