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2/2/2017 Sprache, Sprachen, keltisch, Altkeltische Wortliste A

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Heinrich Tischner Altkeltische Wrterliste

FehlheimerStrae63 Email:
64625 Bensheim Old Celtic Vocabulary

Celtica Deutsch English
aba Flus s , Was s er riv er, water
bllos Apfelbaum apple
abanas Affen m onk ey s
abona Flus s riv er
abro heftig v iolently
abro-, am bru s tark s trongly
ac auno, ac ona Fels roc k
ac ito- Feld field
*ac m o-, ac aunum Stein s tone
*ac os s c hnell fas t
ad an, bei, z u at, to, towards
ad- s ehr v ery m uc h
adaec - Nac ht night
adarc a Sc hilfs c haum reed foam
ades Fe feet
adiant Wuns c h, Begierde des ire, longing
*adro- Wohnung dwelling
ad.s edo Nac hbar, Anwohner neighbour, adjac ent res ident
ad.trebon Bes itz pos s es s ion
Aedrinos Augus t / Septem ber Augus t / Septem ber
aegua Ziege? goat?
aeguas ? Eic he oak
ag- frc hten to be afraid
agnua Feldm a (120 x 120 Fu) field m eas ure (120 x 120
*agos m nnlic hes Kalb m ale c alf
agros Sc hlac ht, Niederlage battle, defeat
agu- Kam pf fight
aidu- Feuer fire
aim il- Hitz e heat
*ais tos gereift; v erbrannt; erweic ht m atured; burned; s oftened
ala Pflanz e (Art) plant (k ind)
alabi s c hn beautifully
alac os lebhaft, m unter liv ely , liv ely
alauda Haubenlerc he hood lark
alaus a Fis c h (Art) fis h (k ind)
alb- Flus s ; wei; Berg riv er; white; m ountain
*albena Auerhahn m ountain c oc k , wood
grous e
alc e(s ) Elc h elk , m oos e
ales , alis Fels roc k
alios anderer, z weiter others , s ec ond
alioterus Frem der, Pilger s tranger, pilgrim
alisa Erle alder
allo.broges Aus lnder foreigner
allus Stein s tone
alorc us Sc hwan s wan
alox inum G etrnk (Werm ut) v erm outh
alto- G lied m em ber
*alto- Hhe, Klippe, Hgel height, c liff, hill
am arc - s ehen to s ee
amb.actos Hriger, Diens tm ann; Bote bondm an, s erv ant;
m es s enger
*am ben Butter butter
ambi- um about
am bi- Verz unung fenc ing
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2/2/2017 Sprache, Sprachen, keltisch, Altkeltische Wortliste A
*am bio- Um wurf c ape, wrap
*am bis Flus s riv er
am bi.s agrus eigens innig? s tubborn?
am bru gewaltig enorm ous
am ellus Pflanz e (Art) plant (k ind)
am m a Vogel (Art) bird (k ind)
am m antis G rom utter grandm other
an bleiben, warten to rem ain, to wait
an.ala blas en blow
ana Sum pf s wam p
Anagantios J anuar / Februar J anuary / February
*anav o- Harm onie, M us ik , Poes ie harm ony , m us ic , poetry
anax G ef (Art) pot (k ind)
anc oragus , -rav us Lac hs (Art) s alm on (k ind)
*anc os Hak en; Knec ht hook ; farm hand
ande/o- gegen agains t
andera junge Frau y oung wom an
andergus blind blind
ande.ritum M ndung m outh, delta
*ando- blind blind
andras tos unbes iegbar inv inc ible
anec to- Bes c htz er Bes c huetz er
*anem u Seele s oul
aneps a wei k nows
anex tlo- Bes c htz er protec tor
'anm atos ungut not good
*anm en- Nam e nam e
ans a Flus s gttin riv er goddes s
anu G tterm utter m other of gods
apa Was s er water
ape als , nac hdem as , after
ar-, er- s ehr v ery
arabon ruhig, s anft (Flus s ) c alm , gentle (riv er)
*aran-, agreno- Sc hlehe s loe
ardis Punk t, Spitz e point, peak
ardu- hoc h high
are- Ac k erland field
are- bei, v or, fr at, forwards , for
arepos Pflug plough, plow
arg(i)os hell, glnz end bright, s hining
arganto- Silber s ilv er
argo- Held hero
ariax Frs t, Vornehm er princ e, noble m an
arinc a G etreideart v ariety of grain
artav us M es s er k nife
artinna Ras ierm es s er raz or
arto- Stein s tone
artos Br bear
artv a G rabs tein grav es tone
arus ion Waidpflanz e plant of woad
arv a s c hnell fas t
as s anja Rippe rib
at.epo Reiter rider
*ata, ate wieder again
atan Flgel wing
ate- hinber, durc h ov er there, through
te- und and
ate.gnatos bek annt k nown, well k nown
ate.gnio Wis s ens c haft, Literatur, s c ienc e, literature, poetry
Dic htung
ate.noux 15. Tag im M onat 15 th day of m onth
*atr Vater father
atinia Ulm e (Art) elm tree (k ind)
at.rebates Bewohner, Bes itz er inhabitant, owner

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2/2/2017 Sprache, Sprachen, keltisch, Altkeltische Wortliste A
at.tegia Htte, Zelt hut, tent
attilus Str (Art) s turgeon (k ind)
*aus - s c hpfen to draw water
aus ac a Fis c h (Art) fis h (k ind)
aus os O hr ear
*autura Brunnen? well, s pring?
av gern haben, frdern, to lik e, to lov e, to prom ote,
begns tigen to fav our
*av ella Winds to gus t of wind
*av ello gierig greedily
av entos gleic h, gerec ht equiv alent, fairly
*av eros Kind c hild
av i- gut good
av ios ; hav ia Enk el grandc hild
av os Flus s riv er
av otis Hers teller produc er
nach oben Alfred Holder, Alt-celtischer Sprachschatz 1896 Datum: 1980 / 2005
bersicht (leider vergriffen) Aktuell: 23.02.2010

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