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Instruction: As your final output for this semester, you are to conduct a Case Study instead of a 5-
chapter research paper related to your field. Your paper must be 5-6 pages long, and encoded. This
should be done by group with 5-6 members only. Below is a template as your guide on what to write in
your case study.

I. Introduction:
A. Introduce the building or company or establishment you are studying (include photos)
B. Describe the electrical problems they are having.

II. Problem Identification:

A. Identify the main problems with the electrical systems in the building or company.
B. Describe what is wrong.
C. Explain how the problem is affecting the building or company (include photos).

III. Analysis:
A. Examine the problems in more detail.
B. Use basic electrical terminology to explain what is causing the problems.
C. Describe how the problems are affecting the building or company.

IV. Possible Solutions:

A. Think of possible solutions to the problems you identified in the previous section.
B. Describe each solution.
C. Explain how each solution would solve the problem.

V. Recommendation:
A. Based on your analysis and the possible solutions you came up with, make a recommendation
for what the building or company should do to fix the electrical problems.
B. Explain why you think this is the best course of action.

VI. Conclusion:
A. Summarize your findings.
B. Emphasize the importance of addressing the electrical problems in the building or company.
C. End with a concluding statement or call to action.
PLEASE READ: This is an example of a Case study. However, this is only a summarized version. What
you need to write is a 5-6 pages long Case Study.

In this case study, we will look at a small business that is having electrical problems. The business is a
hair salon and spa that provides services such as haircuts, massages, and facials. The electrical problems
are causing disruptions to the salon's operations, and the business owner is concerned about safety.

Problem Identification:
The main problem with the electrical systems in the salon is that the power keeps going out. This means
that the salon can't use certain equipment, such as hair dryers and styling tools, which are necessary for
providing services to customers. The power outages are also causing inconvenience for customers who
have appointments, and it is affecting the salon's ability to attract new customers.

The cause of the power outages is an overloaded electrical panel. This means that there are too many
electrical devices being used at the same time, which is putting too much strain on the electrical system.
The power outages are also creating safety concerns, as the salon's staff and customers could be at risk
of injury due to the sudden loss of power.

Possible Solutions:
One possible solution is to upgrade the electrical panel to handle more power. Another solution is to
limit the number of electrical devices being used at the same time, or to stagger their use so that the
electrical system isn't overloaded. Installing surge protectors and backup generators are also possible
solutions that could help prevent power outages.

Based on our analysis and the possible solutions we came up with, we recommend that the salon
upgrade their electrical panel and install surge protectors to prevent power outages. We also
recommend that they limit the number of electrical devices being used at the same time, and stagger
their use to prevent overloading the electrical system.

In conclusion, the electrical problems at the salon are having a negative impact on their operations and
the safety of their staff and customers. It is important that they address these problems as soon as
possible to ensure that they can continue providing high-quality services to their customers in a safe and
reliable manner.

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