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Based on the search results, here are some characteristics of the public relations (PR) profession:

- Requires specialized skills and knowledge that are obtained through education and training[1][2][6].

- Has a formal, written code of ethics that outlines the standards of behavior and conduct for the

- Involves a high level of responsibility and personal integrity towards oneself, the public, the
organization, and the country[1][6].

- Requires a dedication to serving the public or community and making decisions that prioritize the
interests of the public, nation, and organization over personal interests[1][6].

- Involves managing an organization or PR department with clear strategic planning, autonomy, and
the ability to work with other stakeholders[1][6].

- Involves being a member of a professional organization that provides guidance, direction, and a
commitment to upholding the profession's code of ethics[1][6].

- Requires continuous learning and adaptation to new trends and technologies in the field[5].

- Requires attention to detail and the ability to handle many details at once[5].

- Requires honesty, sincerity, and respect for the profession and its stakeholders[6].

- Requires fairness and the avoidance of violating the rights of others[6].

- Requires autonomy in carrying out professional duties based on one's skills, knowledge, and

It is important to note that these characteristics may vary depending on the specific context and








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