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SED 803

Materials for Teaching Science and Mathematics


1. (a) Explain the perspective of learning science with reference to scientific

The perspective of learning science revolves around developing scientific literacy, which
refers to the ability to understand, evaluate, and apply scientific knowledge and concepts in
various contexts. Scientific literacy encompasses not only knowledge of scientific facts and
theories but also the skills necessary to think critically, solve problems, and make informed
decisions based on scientific evidence.
When learning science, the focus is not solely on memorizing facts but on fostering a deeper
understanding of the scientific process and principles. It involves actively engaging in
scientific inquiry, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and drawing evidence-based
conclusions. Through this process, learners develop the ability to think scientifically, ask
meaningful questions, and evaluate the validity and reliability of scientific information.
Overall, the perspective of learning science with reference to scientific literacy aims to
empower individuals with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to engage with
science in a meaningful way. It enables them to critically evaluate scientific information,
appreciate the process of scientific inquiry, and make informed decisions that impact their
lives and society as a whole.

(b) Apply the scientific literacy and conceptual change to nature of materials for
teaching mathematics.
Applying scientific literacy and conceptual change to the teaching of mathematics can help
students develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and their real-world
applications. When it comes to the nature of materials, scientific literacy emphasizes the
importance of using authentic and relevant materials that reflect how mathematics is used in
the world around us. This approach promotes the integration of mathematics and science,
allowing students to see the connections between the two disciplines.
The following strategies can be used to incorporate scientific literacy and conceptual change
into the teaching of mathematics, specifically related to the nature of materials:
Real-world contexts, Problem-solving investigations, Conceptual understanding,
Collaborative learning, Reflection and metacognition, Integration of science and
mathematics, ongoing assessment.
By incorporating scientific literacy and conceptual change into the teaching of mathematics,
specifically related to the nature of materials, students can develop a deeper understanding
of mathematical concepts and their relevance in the real world. This approach encourages
critical thinking, problem-solving, and a lifelong appreciation for the interconnectedness of
science, mathematics, and the materials we encounter every day.
2. (a) Give brief detail on knowledge as a social activity with reference to
perspective of learning science
Knowledge as a social activity refers to the idea that learning is not solely an individual
endeavor but is shaped by social interactions and the collective construction of knowledge
within a community. From the perspective of learning science, this concept emphasizes the
role of social interactions, collaboration, and communication in the acquisition and
development of scientific knowledge.
In summary, the perspective of learning science as a social activity emphasizes the
importance of social interactions, collaboration, and communication in the construction and
development of scientific knowledge. By creating learning environments that encourage
collaboration, dialogue, and engagement with diverse perspectives, students can deepen their
understanding of science and develop the skills necessary for scientific inquiry and
(b) Explain the acquisition and participation in the context of student
conceptual learning of science.
In the context of student conceptual learning in science, the concepts of acquisition and
participation play important roles in facilitating understanding and knowledge development.
Acquisition: Acquisition refers to the process through which students acquire new
knowledge, skills, and concepts. It involves the intake and assimilation of information into an
individual's existing cognitive framework. During the acquisition phase, students receive
information, observe demonstrations, or engage in activities designed to introduce or
reinforce scientific concepts. The teacher plays a crucial role in facilitating the acquisition
process by presenting content in a clear and organized manner, providing explanations, and
answering questions. However, acquisition alone is insufficient for deep understanding; it
must be followed by active participation.
Participation: Participation refers to the active engagement of students in the learning
process. It involves students' active involvement in discussions, investigations, problem-
solving, and critical thinking. Through participation, students construct their own
understanding of scientific concepts and develop a deeper grasp of the subject matter. Active
participation encourages students to apply acquired knowledge to real-world situations, ask
questions, analyze data, and collaborate with peers. It fosters critical thinking skills,
creativity, and scientific inquiry.
The combination of acquisition and participation is essential for effective science education.
While acquisition provides students with the necessary content knowledge, participation
allows them to actively process and internalize that knowledge, leading to a deeper
understanding of scientific concepts. Both aspects complement each other, creating a
dynamic learning environment that promotes conceptual learning and scientific literacy
among students.
3. (a)Examine controlling discourse with reference to language in science
Controlling discourse in science education involves the ways in which language is used to
shape and influence the communication, understanding, and interpretation of scientific
concepts and ideas. Language plays a crucial role in science education as it is used to convey
scientific knowledge, construct meaning, and facilitate scientific inquiry. However, the use of
language in science education can sometimes be a source of power dynamics, bias, and
control over discourse which includes:
1. Terminology and Jargon:
2. Simplification and Oversimplification
3. Authority and Expertise
4. Bias and Assumptions
5. Discourse Community and Norms
To address these issues and promote inclusive and critical science education, it is important to:
Foster a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students feel comfortable
expressing their ideas and questioning scientific concepts.
Use multiple forms of representation (e.g., visuals, analogies, real-world examples) to
enhance understanding and bridge language barriers. Encourage the use of plain language
and avoid excessive jargon when appropriate, ensuring that scientific concepts are accessible
to diverse audiences.
Promote an awareness of bias and diversity in science, emphasizing the importance of
multiple perspectives and contributions to scientific knowledge.
Engage in dialogue and discussion, allowing students to express their thoughts and challenge
scientific ideas while maintaining a respectful and evidence-based approach.
(b) Describe the importance of creating group for meaning-making in the
language of science
Creating groups for meaning-making is of utmost importance in the language of science.
Science is a collaborative endeavor that relies on the collective effort and shared knowledge
of individuals to advance our understanding of the natural world. By forming groups,
scientists can engage in fruitful discussions, exchange ideas, challenge assumptions, and
collectively make sense of complex phenomena.
Creating groups for meaning-making in the language of science fosters collaboration,
facilitates diverse perspectives, promotes collaborative learning, enables rigorous peer
review, aids in constructing knowledge, addresses ethical considerations, and enhances
effective communication. By harnessing the power of collective intelligence, groups
contribute to the advancement of scientific understanding and the pursuit of truth.
4. (a) What is Social Agency in science learning?
Social agency in science learning refers to the active participation and engagement of
individuals in the process of acquiring scientific knowledge and skills through social
interactions. It emphasizes the role of social interactions, collaboration, and shared
experiences in facilitating science learning.
In traditional educational settings, science learning often involves a passive transmission of
knowledge from teachers to students. However, the concept of social agency recognizes that
learners are not passive recipients but active participants who can shape their own learning
When social agency is incorporated into science learning, students are encouraged to take
ownership of their learning, ask questions, investigate scientific phenomena, and collaborate
with their peers. They are given opportunities to engage in scientific practices such as
observing, experimenting, analyzing data, and communicating their findings.
Social agency in science learning can take various forms, including group work,
collaborative problem-solving, peer teaching, and participation in scientific discussions and
debates. These activities promote the development of critical thinking skills, scientific
reasoning, and a deeper understanding of scientific concepts.
By fostering social agency in science learning, educators aim to create an environment where
students actively construct their knowledge, develop scientific literacy, and apply scientific
thinking to real-world situations. It recognizes the importance of social interactions and
shared experiences in promoting meaningful and effective science education.
(b) Describe Hidden Conflict in science learning
Hidden conflict in science learning refers to the underlying tensions, contradictions, or
challenges that may arise during the process of teaching and learning science but are not
easily visible or acknowledged. These conflicts can hinder effective science education and
impact students' understanding and engagement with scientific concepts. Some of which
1. Personal Beliefs versus Scientific Evidence
2. Authority and Autonomy
3. Abstract Concepts versus Concrete Understanding
4. Standardized Testing versus Inquiry-Based Learning
5. Cultural Relevance and Representation
Addressing hidden conflicts in science learning requires a proactive approach that
promotes critical thinking, inquiry-based learning, culturally responsive teaching practices,
and open dialogue to help students navigate conflicting ideas and develop a deeper
understanding of scientific concepts. It also involves creating a supportive and inclusive
learning environment where students feel safe to express their thoughts and challenge
existing knowledge paradigms.
5. (a) Enumerate the characteristics of sociocultural change in the perspective to

Contextual Influence: Sociocultural change recognizes the importance of the social and cultural
context in which learning takes place. It emphasizes that learning is influenced by the broader
social and cultural factors, such as family, community, and societal values.
Cultural Diversity: Sociocultural change recognizes that different cultures have unique ways of
transmitting knowledge, values, and practices, and that these cultural differences should be
respected and incorporated into educational settings.
Social Interaction: Sociocultural change emphasizes the role of social interaction in learning. It
recognizes that learning is a social activity that occurs through interactions with others, such as
teachers, peers, and the community. Collaborative learning, discussion, and dialogue are seen as
important components of effective learning.
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD): Sociocultural change emphasizes the concept of the
Zone of Proximal Development, introduced by psychologist Lev Vygotsky. The ZPD refers to
the gap between a learner's actual developmental level and their potential developmental level
with the assistance of more knowledgeable others.
Cultural Tools and Artifacts: Sociocultural change recognizes the role of cultural tools and
artifacts in learning. These can include language, symbols, technologies, and other resources that
are used within a particular culture to mediate learning. Cultural tools shape the ways in which
individuals think, communicate, and make meaning of the world.
Learning as Participation: Sociocultural change views learning as an active process of
participation in cultural practices and communities. It emphasizes that learning occurs through
engagement in real-world tasks and activities that are meaningful and relevant to the learner's
cultural context.
Continuous Learning: Sociocultural change recognizes that learning is a lifelong process that
continues beyond formal educational settings. It acknowledges the importance of informal
learning, self-directed learning, and learning through experiences and interactions in various
contexts. Learning is seen as a dynamic and ongoing process throughout one's life.
Power and Equity: Sociocultural change acknowledges the role of power dynamics and social
inequalities in learning. It highlights the need for educational systems to address issues of equity
and ensure that all learners, regardless of their cultural background, have equal opportunities to
access quality education and succeed in their learning journey.
These characteristics of sociocultural change in the perspective of learning emphasize the
importance of understanding the social and cultural contexts in which learning occurs and
promoting inclusive and meaningful educational practices that support diverse learners.

(b) Explain the perspective to learning of science with reference to conceptual

The perspective of learning science with reference to conceptual change is rooted in the idea that
learning involves the modification and reconstruction of pre-existing knowledge and beliefs.
Conceptual change theory emphasizes that students possess preconceived notions about scientific
concepts and phenomena, which may be inconsistent with scientifically accepted ideas. To truly
understand and learn science, individuals need to undergo a process of conceptual change, where
their existing misconceptions are replaced by accurate and scientifically valid concepts.
The process of conceptual change involves several key elements:
a. Preconceptions
b. Cognitive Conflict
c. Accommodation
d. Conceptual Restructuring
Overall, the perspective of learning science with reference to conceptual change recognizes the
importance of addressing preconceptions and promoting deep conceptual understanding. By
actively engaging students in the process of conceptual change, educators can help them
construct more accurate scientific knowledge and develop a solid foundation for future learning
in the field of science"

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