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á¶ê~å‡\ò– 7
á¶ê~°O– 10 #=¸<å
(22 (2)= xÜ«∞=∞=Ú K«∂_»O_ç)

„jÜ«Ú`« `«Ç¨ÏjÖò^•~ü QÍiH˜, 1. ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î^•~°∞ ¿Ñ~°∞

........................... =∞O_»ÅO (JO>Ë Pã≤÷x á⁄Ok# =ºH˜Î ÖË^• |kb ^•~°∞)
........ lÖÏ¡ 2. `«O„_ç ¿Ñ~°∞
3. =Ü«∞ã¨∞û, =$uÎ, x"å㨠ã¨÷ÅO, z~°∞<å=∂
4. J<庄HÍO`«O KÕã≤# =ºH˜Î ÖË^• |kb KÕã≤#
=ºH˜Î ¿Ñ~°∞, `«O„_ç ¿Ñ~°∞.
JÜ«∂º/ J=∂‡, 5. =Ü«∞ã¨∞Î, =$uÎ, x"å㨠ã¨÷ÅO, z~°∞<å=∂

................... "åã¨Î=ÙºÅ∞ ............. QÍi ‰õΩ=∂~°∞_»∞ J~Ú# N ............ QÍ~°∞ „"åã≤ WzÛ#
il+¨ì~°∞ HÍx ^Œ™êÎ"ÕA ^•fi~å <Õ#∞ ........... QÍi #∞O_ç ......... `Õk# H˘#∞QÀÅ∞ / |kb
^•fi~å D „H˜Ok Éèí∂=ÚÅ#∞ á⁄O^•#∞. ¿ãHõiOz# qã‘Î~°‚O
=sæHõ~°} K≥e¡OѨÙÅ "≥Ú`«ÎO
ã¨Éò _çq[<£

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

D Éèí∂q∞H˜ ã¨O|OkèOz „ѨÉèí∞`åfixH˜ U q^èŒ"≥∞ÿ# "≥Ú`åÎÅ∞ |HÍ~Ú ÖË^Œ∞. /

D Éèí∂q∞H˜ ã¨O|OkèOz ........ QÍ#∞ (ZO^Œ∞HÀã¨O ÃÑ·HõO |HÍ~Ú L#fl^À P JOâßxfl WHõ¯_»
`≥eÜ«∞*ËÜ«∂e) ~°∂. ............ Å "≥Ú`«ÎO „ѨÉèí∞`åfixH˜ K≥e¡OK«=Åã≤ LOk.
D ÔˆH\Ï~ÚOѨ٠ÖË^• |kb 1973 PO„^èŒ „Ѩ^Õâ◊ Éèí∂ã¨O㨯~°}Å (=º=™êÜ«∞ Hõ=∞`åÅÃÑ·
QÆi+¨ì Ѩiq∞u) K«@ìO, 1976 Ѩ@ì} Éèí∂ QÆi+¨ì (Ѩiq∞u, „Hõ=∞|núHõ~°}) K«@ìO, 1959
PO. „Ѩ. Ã+_»∂ºÅ∞ „áêO`åÅ Éèí∂q∞ (|kb x|O^èŒ#, 1977 PO. „Ѩ. JÃã·<£¤ Éèí∂=ÚÅ
(|^ŒÖÏ~ÚOѨ٠x¿+^èŒ) K«@ìO Ö’x x|O^èŒ#ʼnõΩ =ºuˆ~HõOQÍ [~°QÆÖË^Œ∞.


D „H˜Ok ^Œ™êÎ"ÕAÅ#∞ WO^Œ∞‰õΩ [`« Ѩ~°∞ã¨∞Î<åfl#∞.

(^Œ™êÎ"ÕAÅ#∞ WHõ¯_» „"åÜ«∞O_ç) (™ê‰õΔΩÅ∞ Z=Ô~·<å LO>Ë "åi ¿Ñ~°∞¡ WHõ¯_» „"åÜ«∂e.)
D Éèí∂q∞ ˆH\Ï~ÚOѨ٠/ |kb K≥Å∞¡`«∞Ok Jx „ѨHõ\˜ã¨∂Î 1971 PO.„Ѩ. Éèí∂q∞ ǨωõΩ¯Å
iHÍ~°∞¤, Ѩ\Ïì^•~°∞ áêãπ ѨÙã¨ÎHÍÅ K«@ìO Ö’x 5–Z (4) qÉèÏQÆO, 1989 PO. „Ѩ. Éèí∂q∞
ǨωõΩ¯Å iHÍ~°∞¤, Ѩ\Ïì^•~°∞ áêãπ ѨÙã¨ÎHÍÅ xÜ«∞=∂=o 22 (5) (1) xÜ«∞=∞O „H˜O^Œ XHõ ^èŒ$=
Ѩ„`åxfl *Ïs KÕÜ«∞=Åã≤OkQÍ <Õ#∞ HÀ~°∞`«∞<åfl#∞.

^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î^•~°∞ ã¨O`«HõO.
ÃÑ·# `≥eã≤# q+¨Ü«∂Å∞ <å‰õΩ `≥eã≤#O`« =~°‰õΩ <Õ#∞ #q∞‡#O`« =~°‰õΩ x["≥∞ÿ#=x
WO^Œ∞=¸ÅOQÍ „ѨHõ\˜ã¨∞Î<åfl#∞.

ã¨÷ÅO : `Õn : ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î^•~°∞ ã¨O`«HõO



á¶ê~å‡\ò– 8
á¶ê~°O– 11 #=¸<å
PO„^èŒ „Ѩ^Õâò Éèí∂q∞ ǨωõΩ¯Å∞ =∞iÜ«Ú Ñ¨\Ïì^•~°∞ áêã¨∞ѨÙã¨ÎHÍÅ xÜ«∞=∂=o
11= #=¸<å
(22(3)= xÜ«∞=∞O K«∂_»O_ç)

`«Ç¨ÏjÖò^•~ü HÍ~åºÅÜ«∞O
....................... lÖÏ¡

.......... =∞O_»ÅO ........... „QÍ=∞OÖ’ L#fl .......... ZHõ~åÅ∞ qã‘Î~°‚O QÆÅ ....... 㨈~fi <≥O|~°∞
Ö’x Éèí∂q∞ ˆH\Ï~ÚOѨ٠/ |^ŒÖÏ~ÚOѨ٠K≥Å∞¡ÉÏ@∞#∞ HÀ~°∞`«∂ ........... ‰õΩ=∂~°∞_≥·#/1
(‰õΩ=∂Ô~Î J~Ú# / ÉèÏ~°º J~Ú#) 1(N / N=∞u) ......... J<Õ PÜ«∞# 1971 PO„^èŒ „Ѩ^Õâò
ǨωõΩ¯Å iHÍ~°∞¤, Ѩ\Ïì^•~°∞ áêã¨∞ ѨÙã¨ÎHÍÅ K«@ìO 5Z qÉèÏQÆOÖ’x (10 = LѨ qÉèÏQÆO
„H˜O^Œ, D „H˜O^Œ ã¨O`«HõO KÕã≤# "åi Z^Œ∞@ ^•YÅ∞ KÕã≤# ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î#∞ ............. `Õk .........
<å_»∞ (k#O ¿Ñ~°∞) L^ŒÜ«∞O ........... QÆO@ʼnõΩ / ™êÜ«∞O„`«O ...... QÆO@ʼnõΩ Ñ¨ijÅ#
xq∞`«ÎO KÕѨ@ì_»O [~°∞QÆ∞`«∞O^Œx WO^Œ∞ =¸ÅOQÍ `≥eÜ«∞ KÕÜ«∞_»"≥∞ÿ#k. qKå~°}
ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ g∞~°∞ Éèí∂q∞ ˆH\Ï~ÚOѨ٠ÖË^• |^ŒÖÏ~ÚOѨىõΩ ã¨O|OkèOz J=ã¨~°"≥∞ÿ#
=∞ødHõ ^Œ™êÎ"ÕA ѨÓ~°fiHõ ™êHΔͺxfl ^•YÅ∞ KÕÜ«∞=Åã≤#k. q∞=Ú‡Å#∞ HÀ~°_»"≥∞ÿOk. g∞~°∞
qKå~°}‰õΩ Ç¨[~°∞ HÍ#@¡~Ú`Õ P q+¨Ü«∂xfl g∞ Ѩ~ÀHõΔOÖ’ x~°‚O~ÚK«_»O [~°∞QÆ∞`«∞Ok.

`Õk : `«Ç¨ÏjÖò^•~ü

1. 8.8.1989 <å\˜ "≥∞"≥∂ <≥O|~°∞ 120010 / _ç.F. (U =∞iÜ«Ú P~ü) 88–2, Ô~"≥#∂º (U
=∞iÜ«Ú P~ü) KÕ KÕ~°Û|_ç#k.



á¶ê~å‡\ò– 9
á¶ê~°O– 12 #=¸<å

PO. „Ѩ Éèí∂q∞ ǨωõΩ¯Å∞ Ѩ\Ïì^•~°∞ áêã¨∞ѨÙã¨ÎHÍÅ xÜ«∞=∂=o

12= #=¸<å
(22(3)= xÜ«∞=∞O K«∂_»O_ç)
`«Ç¨ÏjÖò^•~ü HÍ~åºÅÜ«∞O
....................... lÖÏ

.......... =∞O_»ÅO ........... „QÍ=∞OÖ’ L#fl ........ ZHõ~åÅ∞ qã‘Î~°‚O Hõey# ...... <≥O|~°∞
Éèí∂q∞ ˆH\Ï~ÚOѨ٠/ |kb K≥Å∞¡ÉÏ@∞#∞ HÀ~°∞`«∂ 2(„ / N=∞u) ........ ‰õΩ=∂~°∞_≥·#/1
(‰õΩ=∂Ô~Î J~Ú# / ÉèÏ~°º J~Ú#) 1(N / N=∞u) ......... J<Õ PÜ«∞# 1971 PO„^èŒ „Ѩ^Õâò
ǨωõΩ¯Å iHÍ~°∞¤, Ѩ\Ïì^•~°∞ áêã¨∞ ѨÙã¨ÎHÍÅ K«@ìѨ٠5Z qÉèÏQÆOÖ’x (10 = LѨ qÉèÏQÆO
„H˜O^Œ, D „H˜O^Œ ã¨O`«HõO KÕã≤# "åi Z^Œ∞@ ^•YÅ∞ KÕã≤# ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î#∞ ........ `Õk <å_»∞
(k#O ¿Ñ~°∞) L^ŒÜ∞« O/™êÜ«∞O„`«O ...... QÆO@ʼnõΩ Ñ¨ijÅ# xq∞`«OÎ KÕÑ@ ¨ _ì O» [~°∞QÆ∞`«∞O^Œx
WO^Œ∞ =¸ÅOQÍ `≥eÜ«∞ KÕÜ«∞_»"≥∞ÿ#k. qKå~°} ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ g∞~°∞ Éèí∂q∞ ˆH\Ï~ÚOѨÙ
ÖË^• |^ŒÖÏ~ÚOѨىõΩ ã¨O|OkèOz J=ã¨~°"≥∞ÿ# =∞ødHõ ^Œ™êÎ"ÕA ѨÓ~°fiHõ ™êHΔͺxfl ^•YÅ∞
KÕÜ∞« =Åã≤#k q∞=Ú‡Å#∞ HÀ~°_"» ∞≥ Oÿ k. g∞~°∞ qKå~°}‰õΩ Ç¨[~°∞ HÍ#@¡~Ú`Õ P q+¨Ü∂« xfl
g∞ Ѩ~ÀHõΔOÖ’ x~°‚~ÚOK«_»O [~°∞QÆ∞`«∞Ok.

`Õk : `«Ç¨ÏjÖò^•~ü

1. 8.8.1989 <å\˜ "≥∞"≥Ú <≥O|~°∞ 120010 / _ç.F. (U =∞iÜ«Ú P~ü) 88–2, Ô~"≥#∂º (U
=∞iÜ«Ú P~ü) KÕ KÕ~°Û|_ç#k.
2. 8.8.1989 <å\˜ "≥∞"≥Ú <≥O|~°∞ 120010 / _ç.F. (U =∞iÜ«Ú P~ü) 88–2, Ô~"≥#∂º (U
=∞iÜ«Ú P~ü) KÕ ã¨ik^ŒÌ|_ç#k.



á¶ê~å‡\ò– 10
„QÍ=∞ Ô~"≥#∂º JkèHÍi / =∞O_»Å Ô~"≥#∂º W<£ÃãÊHõì~ü x"ÕkHõ
„QÍ=∞O ...........
`Õk ....................
NÜ«Ú`« ......... QÍ~°∞,
................ =∞O_»ÅO
JÜ«∂º, J=∂‡ !
q+¨Ü«∞O: Ѩ\Ïì Éèí∂=ÚÅ∞– N / N=∞u ......, `«O„_ç / Éèí~°Î ...., x"åã¨O ..... H˘#fl
Éè∂í q∞ ....... ã¨~ˆ fi <≥O|~°∞ ..... qã‘~Î O‚° Ѩ\Ïì ~Ô "≥#∂º iHÍ~°∞Ö
¤ ’ #"≥∂^Œ∞
KÕÜ«∞_»O, áêãπ|∞H±/ >ˇÿ\˜Öò _ô_£ W=fi_»O QÆ∞iOz.
ã¨∂K«# : N /N=∞u ...... `«O„_ç / Éèí~°Î ........ QÍi ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î `Õk .............
ÃÑ· ã¨∂K«# ^ŒÜ«∞`À ѨijeOK«QÆÅ~°∞. N / N=∞u ....... `«O„_ç / Éèí~°Î ......, x"åã¨O .........
QÍ~°∞ ............. „QÍ=∞ 㨈~fi <≥O. ...... Ö’ ...... qã‘Î~°‚O QÆÅ Éèí∂q∞x ........ ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ N
/ N=∞u ....... `«O„_ç / Éèí~°Î ......, x"åã¨O ......... QÍi #∞Oz H˘#∞QÀÅ∞ KÕã≤ ™êQÆ∞ KÕã¨∞Î#fl@∞¡,
Hõ#∞Hõ "åi ¿Ñ~°∞# Ô~"≥#∂º iHÍ~°∞¤Ö’ #"≥∂^Œ∞ KÕã≤ "åiH˜ áêãπ|∞H±, >ˇÿ\˜Öò _ô_£ W=fi=∞x
ÃÑ· q+¨Ü«∞OÖ’ „QÍ=∞OÖ’ qKå~°} KÕÜ«∞QÍ ....... „QÍ=∞O, 㨈~fi <≥O. ....... Ö’x ..........
qã‘Î~°‚O QÆÅ Éèí∂q∞x ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î^•~°∞ N / N=∞u ....... `«O„_ç / Éèí~°Î ......, x"åã¨O .........
QÍi #∞Oz ........ ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ H˘#∞QÀÅ∞ KÕã≤ ™êQÆ∞ KÕã¨∞Î#fl@∞ x~åúiOK«|_çOk. D
Éè∂í q∞ ã¨iǨÏ^Œ∞Ì ~Ô `· ∞« Å#∞ ‰õÄ_® qKåiOK«QÍ ^Œ~M° Ïã¨∞^Î •~°∞ D Éè∂í q∞x H˘#∞QÀÅ∞ KÕâß~°x,
Éèí∂q∞ ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î^•~°∞ J#∞Éèí=OÖ’<Õ LO^Œx `≥eÜ«∞KÕâß~°∞. Hõ#∞Hõ ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î^•~°∞ ¿Ñ~°∞
Ô~"≥#∂º iHÍ~°∞¤Ö’ #"≥∂^Œ∞ KÕã≤, Ѩ\Ïì^•~°∞ áêãπ|∞H± =∞iÜ«Ú >ˇÿ\˜Öò _ô_£ =∞OE~°∞
K≥Ü«∂ºÅx ã≤á¶ê~°ã¨∞ KÕã¨∞Î<åfl#∞.

[`«Ñ¨iz# Ѩ„`åÅ∞: g∞ q^èÕÜ«ÚÅ∞

3. „QÍ=∞ Ô~"≥#∂º JkèHÍi / =∞O_»Å Ô~"≥#∂º W<£ûÃÑHõì~ü


á¶ê~å‡\ò– 11
13 (Z) #=¸<å
(22 (5) (1) xÜ«∞=∞O, 5–Z 92) qÉèÏQÆO „H˜O^Œ)

`«Ç¨ÏjÖò^•~ü HÍ~åºÅÜ«∞O

Éèí∂q∞ q„HõÜ«∞O ˆH\Ï~ÚOѨ٠K≥Å∞¡|_ç JÜÕ∞ºÖÏ KÕÜ«∂Åx HÀ~°∞`«∂ ......... "åãÎ̈=ÙºÅ∞

(z~°∞<å=∂ )N ................. QÍi ‰õΩ=∂~°∞_»∞/ ÉèÏ~°º N / N=∞u .......... K«@ìO Ö’x 5–Z
qÉèÏQÆO „H˜O^Œ ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î KÕâß~°∞. xs‚`« x|O^èŒ#Å „ѨHÍ~°O [iÑ≤# qKå~°}Ö’ ............
QÍi ‰õΩ=∂~°∞_»∞ / ÉèÏ~°º N / N=∞u ................ J<£il+¨ì~°∞¤ ^Œ™êÎ"ÕA ^•fi~å N ......... QÍi
‰õΩ=∂~°∞_»∞/ ÉèÏ~°º N / N=∞u .......... QÍiH˜ K≥Ok# D „H˜Ok J#∞ã¨∂zÖ’ xiÌ+¨ì Ѩiz#
Éèí∂=ÚÅ#∞ H˘#∞QÀÅ∞ KÕã≤#@∞¡ `≥eã≤Ok.
1908 ÉèÏ~°`« il„¿ãì+¨#∞ K«@ìO Ö’x x|O^èŒ#Å „ѨHÍ~°O ã¨^Œ~°∞ ˆH\Ï~ÚOѨÙ^•~°∞ /
|kb^•~°∞ il„¿ãì+¨#∞ ~°∞ã¨∞=Ú#∞ ™êìOѨ٠_»∂º\© "≥Ú`åÎxfl _çáêl@∞ KÕÜ«∞=Åã≤OkQÍ
1971 PO„^èŒ „Ѩ^âÕ ò Éè∂í q∞ ǨωõΩ¯Å iHÍ~°∞¤ Ѩ\Ïì^•~°∞ áêã¨∞ ѨÙã¨HÎ ÍÅ K«@Ñì Ù¨ 5–Z qÉèÏQÆOÖ’x
(2)= LѨ qÉèÏQÆO „H˜O^Œ HÀ~°_»"≥∞ÿ#k. Pã≤Î qÅ∞=#∞ x~°‚~Úã¨∂Î ˆH\Ï~ÚOѨىõΩ
ã¨O|OkèOz# J<£il+¨~ì ∞° ¤ ^Œ™êÎ"A Õ Ü≥ÚHõ¯ `Õnx ѨÙ~°ã¯¨ iOK«∞H˘x K«@ì „Ñ¨HÍ~°O il„¿ãì+#¨ ∞
~°∞ã¨∞=Ú#∞, ™êìOѨ٠_»∂º\©H˜ JÜÕ∞º "≥Ú`åÎxfl x~°‚~ÚOz 15 ~ÀAÅÖ’QÍ P q+¨Ü«∂xfl
kQÆ∞= ã¨O`«HõO KÕã≤# JkèHÍiH˜ `≥eÜ«∞*ËÜ«∞=Åã≤#kQÍ ã¨Éò il„™êì~°∞#∞ HÀ~°_»"≥∞ÿ#k.
J ÖÏ KÕÜ«∞_»O =Å¡ ˆH\Ï~ÚOѨÙ^•~°∞ / |kb^•~°∞KÕ ÃÑ·HÍxfl _çáêl@∞ KÕ~ÚOz K«@ìO
Ö’x 5–Z qÉèÏQÆO 22(50 (2) xÜ«∞=∞O „H˜O^Œ K≥Å∞¡ÉÏ@∞ ^èŒ$= Ѩ„`åxfl *Ïs KÕÜ«∞_®xH˜
P JkèHÍiH˜ gÅ=Ù`«∞Ok.
=∞O_»ÅO „QÍ=∞O 㨈~fi <≥O|~°∞ "≥∞@ì/=∂QÍ}˜ ¿ãHõiOz# qã‘Î~°‚O

................. =∞O_»ÅO
N ã¨Éò il„™êì~°∞ QÍiH˜.


á¶ê~å‡\ò– 12
13 (a) #=¸<å
^èŒ$= Ѩ„`«O
(5Z, (4) qÉèÏQÆO 22 (22) „H˜O^Œ)

`«Ç¨ÏjÖò^•~ü HÍ~åºÅÜ«∞O

Éè∂í q∞ q„HõÜ∞« O Hˆ \Ï~ÚOѨ٠K≥Å∞¡|_ç JÜÕ∞ºÖÏ KÕÜ∂« e# HÀ~°∞`«∂ .............. "åã¨=Î ÙºÅ∞
(z~°∞<å=∂) N ................. QÍi ‰õΩ=∂~°∞_»∞/ ÉèÏ~°º N / N=∞u .......... K«@ìO Ö’x 5–Z
qÉèÏQÆO „H˜O^Œ ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î KÕâß~°∞. K«@ìO „H˜O^Œ x~°‚~ÚOz# q^èŒOQÍ `«QÆ∞ qKå~°} ѨÓiÎ
KÕã≤# `«~°∞"å`« WO^Œ∞‰õΩ [`«Ñ¨iz# J#∞ã¨∂z, Ãã¯KüÖ’ q=iOz# "å\˜Ö’ 㨈~fi <≥O. ......
Ö’ ........... qã‘Î~°‚O QÆÅ Éèí∂q∞x ......... QÍi ‰õΩ=∂~°∞_»∞ / ÉèÏ~°º J~Ú# N / N=∞u
................ J<£il+¨ì~°∞¤ ^Œ™êÎ"ÕA ^•fi~å N ......... QÍi ‰õΩ=∂~°∞_»∞/ ÉèÏ~°º N / N=∞u ..........
QÍiH˜ K≥Ok# D „H˜Ok J#∞ã¨∂zÖ’ xiÌ+¨ì Ѩiz# Éèí∂=ÚÅ#∞ H˘#∞QÀÅ∞ KÕã≤#@∞¡ `≥eÜ«∞
=zÛ# ^Œ$ëêìº#∞, 1971 PO„^èŒ „Ѩ^Õâò Éèí∂q∞ ǨωõΩ¯Å iHÍ~°∞¤, Ѩ\Ïì^•~°∞ áêãπ ѨÙã¨ÎHÍÅ
K«@Oì 5–Z qÉèÏQÆÑÙ¨ (4) LѨ qÉèÏQÆO Ü≥ÚHõ¯ x|O^è#Œ Å „H˜O^Œ, ã¨Éò il„™êì~∞° HÍ~åºÅÜ«∂xfl
ã¨O„ѨkOz il„¿ãì+¨#∞ ~°∞ã¨∞=Ú, ™êìOѨ٠_»∂º\©H˜ QÍ#∞ ~°∂. .......... "≥Ú`åÎxfl _çáêl@∞
KÕÜ«∞=Åã≤OkQÍ ã¨^Œ~°∞ ˆH\Ï~ÚOѨÙ^•~°∞ / |kb^•~°∞#∞ HÀi# ^Œ$ëêìº#∞, PÜ«∞# 1908
ÉèÏ~°fÜ«∞ il„¿ãì+#¨ ∞ K«@Ñì Ù¨ x|O^è#Œ Å „ѨHÍ~°O il+¨~ì ∞° ¤ ^Œ™êÎ"AÕ ^•fi~å Éè∂í q∞ Hˆ \Ï~ÚOѨÙ
/ |kb [iy L#fl@¡~Ú`Õ K≥e¡Oz LO_Õ il„¿ãì+¨#∞ ~°∞ã¨∞=Ú, ™êìOѨ٠_»∂º\©H˜ ã¨=∂#
"≥Ú`«OÎ J~Ú# ~°∂. ......... (JHõ~Δ åÅÖ’ ............) Å#∞ _çáêl@∞ KÕã#≤ O^Œ∞# 1971 PO„^è„Œ Ѩ^âÕ ò
Éèí∂q∞ ǨωõΩ¯Å iHÍ~°∞¤, Ѩ\Ïì^•~°∞ áêãπ ѨÙã¨ÎHõO K«@ìO Ö’x 5Z qÉèÏQÆO „H˜O^Œ <å‰õΩ
JѨÊyOz# JkèHÍ~åÅ#∞ ѨÙ~°ã¯¨ iOK«∞‰õΩx „H˜O^Œ q=iOz# ÃÑ· Hˆ \Ï~ÚOѨ٠/ |kb K≥Å∞¡|_ç
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Ô~q#∂º (U =∞iÜ«Ú P~ü KÕ ã¨ik^ŒÌ |_ç#k)
2. 15.1.1994 <å\˜ l.F.Ü«∞"£∞.Ü«∞ãπ. <≥O. 36, Ô~q#∂ºKÕ KÕ~°Û|_ç#k.


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Ô~q#∂º (U =∞iÜ«Ú P~ü KÕ ã¨ik^ŒÌ |_ç#k)



[5-A. Regularisation of certain
alienations or other transfers of lands:-

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, the
Registration Act, 1908 or any other law for the time being in force, 2[where a person in an
occupant] by virtue of an alienation or transfer made or effected otherwise than by registered
document, the alienee or the transferee may, within such period as may be prescribed, apply
to the Mandal Revenue Officer for certificate declaring that such alienation of transfer is valid.

(2) On receipt of such application, the Mandal Revenue Officer shall after making such
enquiry as may be prescribed require the alienee or the transferee to deposit in the office of
the Mandal Revenue Officer an amount equal to the registration fees and the stamp duty that
would have been payable had the alienation or transfer been effected by a registered docu-
ment in accordance with the provisions of the Registration Act, 1908 as fixed by the Register-
ing Officer on a reference made to him by the Mandal Revenue Officer on the basis of the
value of the property arrived at in such manner as may be prescribed:

Provided that the Mandal Revenue Officer shall not require the alienee or the transferee to
deposit the amount under this sub-section unless he is satisfied that the alienation or the
transferee to deposit the amount under this sub-section unless he is satisfied that the alien-
ation or transfer is not in contravention of the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Land Reforms
(Ceiling on Agriculture Holdings) Act, 1973, the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act,
1976, the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Areas Land Transfer Regulation 1959 and the Andhra
Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act, 1977.

(3) Nothing contained in sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) shall be deemed to validate
any alienation where such alienation is in contravention of the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh
land Reforms (Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings) Act, 1973, the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regu-
lation) Act, 1976 , the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Areas Land Transfer Regulation 1959 and
the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act, 1977.

(4) the Mandal Revenue officer on deposit of an amount specified in sub-section (2) shall
issue a certificate to the alienee or the transferee declaring that the alienation or transfer is
valid from the date of issue ot certificate and such certificate shall, notwithstanding anything in
the Registration Act, 1908be evidence of such alienation or transfer as against the alienor or
transferor or any person claiming interest under him.

1. A.P.Act 1 of 1989.

2. Subs. by Act 24 of 1989



(5) the recording authority, shall on the production of the certificate issued under sub-sec-
tion (2) make any entry in the pass book to the effect that the person whose name has been
recorded as an occupant is the owner of the property].


1. Nature and Scope ................................................................ 51

2. Regularisation of Document and not transaction .................. 52

3. Who can apply ..................................................................... 53

4. Scope - What can be regularised ......................................... 53

5. Extent of Power ..................................................................... 54

6. Rules and Procedure ............................................................. 55

7. No revision agaisnt orders before amendment ...................... 56



This section in newly introduced by A.P. Act I of 1989 which is potent with far reaching
consequences. the objects and reasons appended to A.P. Act 1 of 1989 which inserted this
section States that it has also been decided to regularise certain unregistered alienation or
other transfers of land, so that loans can be raised on such land. As, the section affects
substantive rights of the parties, in must be strictly construed. this section provides for
regularisation of certain alienations or other transfers of land by the M.R.O. notwithstanding
anything contained in this Act or Transfer of Property Act or Registration Act or any other law
for the time being in force. However, the provision seems to be a transitional one as applica-
tion for regularisation can be made only within such period as may be prescribed. Rule 22 as
amended by G.O. Ms No. 677 Rev. (A&R) Dept. 3-9-98 lays down that the application be filed
in from ‘X’ on or before 31-10-98, provided the alienation / transfer took place before 31-7-

This ias again amended after about the gap of six years by G.O. Ms No. 45 Rev. (SSI) dt.
17-1-06 extending time for filing application in form ‘x’ unto 31-03-2006 for transfers upto 31-

There is nothing in this section, which makes the regularisation compulsory. It is clear from
the word may in sub-section (1) that it is purely optional for the occupant claiming transfer
under an unregistered deed to make such application, within the period prescribed.




The Section says that where the name of any person is recorded as the occupant in the
record of rights by virtue of an alienation or transfer, made or effected otherwise than by a
registered document, such alienee or transferee may apply within the period prescribed for a
certificate that such alienation or transfer is valid. But the section sekks to cure only deficiency
of non-registration. On regularisation, the document becomes admissible as evidence of alien-
ation or transfer as stated in sub-section (4). If the entire section read as a whole, it is clear that
regularisation is to the document and not the transaction. Factors vitiating documents like
incompetency absence of valid consent etc. connot be cured.

3. who can apply

Thus, to invoke this section, the person must be:-

(i) an occupant;

(ii) by virtue of alienation or transfer;

(iii) made or effected otherwise than by way of a registered document.

Hence, Agreement, Which only creates a right in personam and not in the property is not
covered. No doubt, the words, “otherwise than by a registered document” are capable of cov-
ering cases where there is no document at all, but it appears from the scheme of the section
and the rules made thereunder, that he can regularise the transfers only in cases of transfers
under unregistered documents.


A Divsion Bench of A.P. High Court in K. Seetharama Reddy V. Hassan Ali Khan, 2003 (1)
ALT 276: 2003(1) ALD 563 (DB): 2003(1) LS 168 (DB), held that an agreement of sale simplic-
iter is not enough for regularization of the document under Sections 5-A of the Act. It was
further held that only those transactions where formalities of registrations remains to be com-
pleted can be regularized under Sec.5-A. In Sri. Bhavanarishi Co-operative House Building
Society, Hyderabad V. Joint Collector, R.R. Dist, 2002 (5) ALD398: 2003 (1)ALT 182: 2003 ALT
(Rev) 130: 2003AIHC 4044(DB), a learned single Judge held that an agreement of sale or
even a oral transfer could be regularized under this section. This was reversed by a Division
Bench in Konkana Ravinder Goud v. Bhavanarishi Co-operative House Building Society, 2003
(6) ALT 1 (DB).

The Division Bench held:

“A bare reading of the aforementioned provision makes it clear that Section 5-a has been
enacted with a view to regularize certain alienation or other transfers of land, which other-



wise are not complete by registered instruments. In the light of this salutary object contained
in the Act, the word ‘transfer’ obviously is to be construed to mean transfer as is understood in
general sense of the term as defined in transfer of property Act which is the statute that gov-
erns all transfer of movable or immovable properties. The word “transfer” has been defined
under section 5 of the Transfer of Property Act with reference to the word “convey”, Sec. 5 of
the Transfer of Property Act reads thus:

Section 5: Transfer of Property defined:- In the following section “transfer of property”

means an act by which a living person conveys property, in present or in future, to one or more
other living persons, or to himself and one or more other living persons; and “to transfer prop-
erty” is to perform such act.”

The above judgment of Division Bench is followed in N.S. Srinivas V. Madduri Mallareddy,
2005 (1) ALT 169: 2005 (1) ALD 260: Mukhala Kotilingam V. Joint Collector, R.R. District,
Hyderabad, 2005 (2) ALD 838; see also M.B. Ratnam v. Revenue Divisonal Officer, R.R.
Distritct East Division, Hyderabad, 2003 (1) ALT 688, 698para 25 (DB): 2003 (1) ALD 826. It is
held that partition is not a transfer within the meaning of this section B. Pushpamma v. Joint
Collector, Ranga Reddy District, 2005 (1) ALT 240.


Though the section enables the M.R.O. to regularise the transfers, it appear he cannot
embark upon deciding serious disputes as to title. Where the transfer is disputed on the basis
of fraud, coercion, forgery or other circumstances undr which a contract may become void or
voidable, it may not be proper and competent for the M.R.O. to enquire into and decide as
such questions can only be decided by civil court. Nor such questions can be decided in a
summary enquiry like this Further, the MRO being an authority under the statute has to trace
its power only to the sepecific provisions of the statute and hence cannot assume the role of
civil court See 1986(1) LLJ 408 (Mad)

Orders of the courts of limited jurisdiction like Revenue Courts are only conclusive so far
as their proceedings are concerned. The revenue courts have no power or jurisdiction to de-
cide the title conclusively and the proceedings do not operate as res judicata. K.G. Krishna
Murthy V. Balappa, AIR 1985 NOC 6 (AP); [Hindusthan Steel Ltd., Rourkela V. Smt. Kalyani
Banerjee, AIR 1973 SC 408 (relied on)] This rule does not apply to cases under U.P Zamindari
Abolition and Land Reforms Act, which bars Jurisdiction of civil court. Shri Ram v. 1st Addl.
Dist. Judge, (2001)3 SCC 24:2001 (92) RD 241; Kamla Prasad V. Krishna Kant Pathak, 2007
(51) AIC 50 (SC)


Rule 22 declares that the M.R.O. Shall issue a general notification in from IX in District
Gazette and also in the Village , calling for such application, in from X within 15 days of such



notification. By amendment to Rule 22 under G.O. Ms. No. 52 dt. 11-01-1996 the fifteen day
time is taken away and instead, the date is fixed as 29-2-1996. Again, by G.O. Ms No. 1020
Rev. (A &R) dt. 03-12-1997 this date is substituted by 31-3-98. Again Rule 22 is amended by
G.O. Ms. 677 Rev. (A&R) Dept. dt. 03-09-1998, extending the time upto 31-10-1998. This
extension of time under this rule from time to time is not a healthy practice as it gives scope to
getting a number of ante- dated and fraudulent documents regularised. Yet, after about six
years gap, sub-rule (2) of Rule 22 was substituted to enable alienee or transferee to file
application in from ‘x’ on or before 31-03-2006, on the notification of M.R.O under sub rule (1)
thereof, in respect of transfers made before 31-12-2000 vide G.O. Ms. No. 45 Rev. (SSI) dt.

In all cases, a notification under sub-rule (1) of 22 is a must. The M.R.O shall issue a notice
to the transferor in From XI and also cause notice in From XII to all other persons interested
and appoint a date for enquiry. After the necessary enquiry and satisfying himself that the
transfer is not invalid, he shall require the alienee or transferee to deposit such sum as may be
fixed by the Registering Officer on a reference made by M.R.O., within one month or such
further time as may be extended. On deposit of such sum in the treasury, the M.R.O. shall
issue a certificate in Form XIII-B and the transrer shall be valid from the date of issue of such
certificate and shall communicate the same to the Sub-Registrar concerned in Form XIII-C
who shall file in the relevant register and make necessary index. The M.RO. shall also make
necessary chages in the R.O.R. and issue a pass book to the occupant in the category of
owner pattadar.




(See Rule 22(1) read with Section 5-A))

Whereas the A.P. 1(Rights in land) and Pattadar Pass Books Act, 1971 has come into
force in the area in which the village............................. (Name of the Village)...............................
(Name of the Mandal............................ (Name of the Division).................................... (Name of
the District) is situate (hereinafter referred to as the said village).

Now, therefore, under Rule 22(1) of the A.P. 1(Rights in Land) and Pattadar Pass Book
Rules, 1989.

The Undersigned hereby :

(a) Calls Upon all the Persons claiming interst in any land in the said village recorded as an
occupant in the Adangal/ pahani Patrika or in the Record of Rights by Virtue of a alienation
or transfer made or affected otherwise than by registered document, and, the alienee or
the transferee may within (15) days, form the date of the publication of this notice apply to
the undersigned for a certificate declaring that such alienation or transfer is valid in the
form prescribed.

(b) As per the provision of Section 5-A of the A.P. 1(Rights in Land) and pattader Pass Books
Act, 1971 the Mandal Revenue Officer after due enquiry and hearing will consider the
issue of a Certificate declaring such alienation or transfer is legal, on payment of
Registration fees and stamp duty as provided for in Section 5-A(2) of the A.P. (Rights in
Land) and Pattader Pass Books Act.


Mandal Revenue Officer.

1. Subs.for the words 'Record of Rights in Land' by G.O.Ms.No.36,Rev (A&R) dt.15-1-1994



(See Rule 22(2))
The Mandal Revenue Officer,
............................... Mandal
.............................. District

1. Name of the Applicant

(i.e. alienee or transferee) :
2. Father’s / 1(husband’s name) :
3. Age, Profession and place
of residence and address :
4. Name of the alienor or
Transferor, with Father’s/
(husband;s name) :
5. Age, profession and place
of residence and Address :


I have acquired by allenation/transfer the following lands from ..................on

an unregistered document. dated..........................signed by Shri/ 1(smt/Kum)............................S/

o/ 1(d/o / w/o).....................................R/o...............................

Mandal Village Survey No. Sub-Division if any Extent Patta No. if any
1 2 3 4 5 6

Classification Area Acquired Amount of consideration Remarks

Wet Dry I.D.
7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Subs.for the words 'Record of Rights in Land' by G.O.Ms.No.36,Rev (A&R) dt.15-1-1994 Memo.No.1200 1D/D.O.(A&R/88-2Revenue (A&R) 8.8.1989



There are no amounts due to Government in respect of the land.

An amount of due to the Government in respect of the
land towards........................(here mention the item against which the amount is outstanding)
The allenation or transfer is not in contravention of provisions of the A.P. Land Reforms
(Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings) Act. 1973 and the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act,
1976, the A.P. Scheduled Areas Land Transfer Regulation, 1959 and the A.P. Assigned and
(prohibition of Transfer) Act. 1977.
I also enclose the following documents :

(Here2 (give)the Name of the witnesses, if any.

list of documents) should be stated here.

I request you to issue a certificate under Section 5-A(4) of the A.P. 3(Rights in Land) and
pattadar Pass Booka Act. 1971 and Rule 22(5)(ii) of A.P 3(Rights in Land) and pattadar Pass
Book Rules, 1989, declaring that the alienation/transfer of the land is valid.

Yours faithfully,
Signature of the applicant.

I hereby declare that the facts stated above are true to the best of my knowledge and

Place :
Date Signature of the applicant.

1. Memo.No.1200 1D/D.O.(A&R/88-2Revenue (A&R) 8.8.1989

2. Corrected by Memo.No.1200 1D/D.O.(A&R/88-2Revenue (A&R) 8.8.1989
3. Subs.for the words 'Record of Rights in Land' by G.O.Ms.No.36,Rev (A&R) dt.15-1-1994



(See Rule 22(3))

Office of the

Mandal Revenue Officer

.........................Mandal in


Notice is hereby given that the application filed before the undersigned under sub-

section (1) of Section 5-A of the A.P 2(Rights in Land) and pattadar Pass Books Act, 1971 by
(Sri/Smt.)................ S/o / 1(D/o/W/o.)..............................for validation of alienation/Transfer of
land bearing Survey No......................measuring......................acres, situated

in.....................Village..........................Mandal. will be taken up for consideration at................A.M./

P.M...............on......................(day of the week).......................(date) at the time of hearing you

are to produce necessary oral and documentary evidence bearing on the alienation or transfer.

if you fail to appear at hearing the matter will be decided exparte.

Mandal Revenue Officer.

Date :





1. Memo.No.1200 1D/D.O.(A&R/88-2Revenue (A&R) 8.8.1989

2. Subs.for the words 'Record of Rights in Land' by G.O.Ms.No.36,Rev (A&R) dt.15-1-1994



(See Rule 22(3))
(Office of the

Mandal Revenue Officer

.........................Mandal in


Notice is hereby given that the application 3(filed by Sri/Smt/Kum)..........................S/o

/ 1(D/0 / W/o) ......................for Validation of alienation /Transfer of land bearing

No.....................measuring.......................acres, situated in........................Village of..................

Mandal........................ before the undersigned, will be enquired into at......................A.M./

P.M....................(day of the week).....................(date) at..........................(place) under Section

5A of the Act and Rule....................................

Any Person interested in the case should be persent at the hearing and should produce

necessary oral or documentary evidence bearing on the claims that he may have in this

Mandal Revenue


Date :

1. Memo.No.1200 1D/D.O.(A&R/88-2Revenue (A&R) 8.8.1989

2. Subs.for the words 'Record of Rights in Land' by G.O.Ms.No.36,Rev (A&R) dt.15-1-1994
3. Corrected by Memo.No.1200 1D/D.O.(A&R/88-2Revenue (A&R) 8.8.1989



(Under Section 5-A(2) Rule 22(5)(i))

Office of the

Mandal Revenue Officer



............................................................................ (address) who has applied for validation

of sale/Alienation under Section 5-A of the Act. The enquiry conducted under the rules pre-
scribed reveals that Sri........................S/ fount to be the purchaser of the land

by unregistered document in respect of the lands specified in the Scheduled below for the
lands belonging to Sri .............................. S/o.....................under sub-section (2) of Section

5-A of the A.P. 1(Rights in Land) and pattadar Pass Book Act, 1971, the said alienee/trans-

feree is required to deposit the registration fee and stamp duty amount in accordance with
the provisions of Indian Registration Act, 1908.

The Sub-Registrar is therefore requested to fix up the value of the velue property and
fix up the amount equal to registration fee and stamp duty under the law with reference tothe

date of the unregistered alienation and intimate to the undersigned within a month to enable

him to get the amount deposited by the alienee/transferee and issue validation certificate
under Section 5-A of the Act and Rule 22(5)(ii)

Mandal Revenue Officer.



1. Subs.for the words 'Record of Rights in Land' by G.O.Ms.No.36,Rev (A&R) dt.15-1-1994



(Under Section 5-A (4) Rule 22(5)(ii)

Office of the
Mandal Revenue Officer

Whereas .....................(name).......................................(Father’s name) ................

(address) applied for validation of sale / Alienation under section 5-A of the Act. After completion
of a due enquiry as prescribed under the law. Sri ................................... S/o............... is
found to be the purchaser of the land by an unregistered document in sy . No. ........................
extent ............................... from Sri................................ described in detail in the schedule
and sketch attached, and whereas under the provisions of sub-section (4) of Section 5-A of
the A.P. 1(Rights in land) and pattadar pass book Act, 1971, the said alienee/transferee was
required to deposit on amount................. towards registration fees and stamp duty in
consultation with the sub-Registrar’s Office and he has deposited an amount Rs...............
(in wards) ............. equal to the registration/transfer been effected by a Registered document
in accordance with provision of the Indian Registration Act, 1908 towards alienation/ transfer
Therefore by virtue of the power vested in me under section 5-A of the A.P. 1(Rights in land)
and pattadar Pass book Act, 1971, I order that the above alienation/ transfer described
below as valid.

Schedule: Description and landed property (rough sketch attached)............ if sketch

is not available


Mandal Revenue Officer.


The persons interested

Copy to the Recording Authority to take action of recording the occupant as owner u/
s. 5-A(5) Copy to the Sub-Registrar, concerned.

1. Subs.for the words 'Record of Rights in Land' by G.O.Ms.No.36,Rev (A&R) dt.15-1-1994

2. Corrected by Memo.No.1200 1D/D.O.(A&R/88-2Revenue (A&R) 8.8.1989



From XIII(C)
(To be filled up by M.R.O. and attached to order in Form No. XIII-B Rule 22(5)(iii))

1. Sl.No. & year of the

(reference) of M.R.O Officer
(for each calender year)

2. Number and date of the order ]

of M.R.O. in which the
transaction is validated

3. Name of S.R.O to which

the transaction relates.

4. Name/s of the Village/s where

the property is situated.

5. Description of the property

effected S.No. extent in
Matric measurements with
4boundaries; (Copy of the
doct. to be enclosed)

6. Name/s of the 1(transferee/s

with full addresses

7. 1
(Name/s) of the transferee/s
with full addresses

8. Nature of the transaction

9. Date of execution of document.

10. (i) market value as per Basic

Valuation Register
(ii) Consideration shown in the
document (for sale deeds only)



11. Amount collected towards.

(i) stamp Duty.
(ii) Transfer Duty.
(iii) Registration fee.
12. Particulars of challan in which
the amount is remitted into the
treasury (Challan No. Date and
Name of Treasury) Copy of the
Challan to be enclosed).

Signature of the
Recording Authority (M.R.O)
with date and seal.

1. Corrected by Memo.No.1200 1D/D.O.(A&R/88-2Revenue (A&R) 8.8.1989



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