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• Nouns
• Singular vs. plural
• Count vs. noncount
• Numerals
• Pronouns
• Universal pronouns
• Partitive pronouns
• Quantifying pronouns
• Predeterminers
• Central determiners
• Postdeterminers

In English, number is a feature of nouns, demonstratives,

personal pronouns and verbs. Nouns have singular or plural number
and verbs in the 3rd person vary for singular and plural agreement with
the subject noun. The nouns which, according to the main rule, are
singular are singular count nouns (a boy, a table), mass nouns
(advertising, our music, the butter) or proper nouns (John, Cairo, the
Thames). The only nouns which normally occur in the plural are plural
count nouns, i.e. nouns denoting ‘more than one’: two boys, the tables,
these ideas…
This unit, thus, aims to provide an insightful analysis of the
expression of quantity in English, since this is an important and chief
aspect in the mastery of a foreign language.
All of this will be done under the perspective of some of the most
important grammarians in the field, namely, Greenbaum, Leech, Quirk
and Starvick, A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
(1985), Leech and Starvick, A Communicative Grammar of English
(1986), Swan, Practical English Usage (1995); Rodney Huddleston and
Geoffrey K. Pullum, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language
(2002) and Thomson and Martinet, A Practical English Grammar

In general, the notion of quantity refers to the ‘number’ or ‘the

amount of’ items we are dealing with, and it is the answer to questions
such as How much...? and How many...? They both ask for similar
information, except for a specific difference about the ‘exact amount of’,
which can be definite (two, four), indefinite (some, any), or drawn from
other means. Answers are directly drawn from different sources, such
as nouns (one book, two books), pronouns (nobody, everybody,
somebody), determiners (a, the, my, some, every, each), or verbs
(shout vs scream), and also from other grammatical structures such as
partitive constructions (a glass of milk ) or idioms (She is as cold as a
These expressions play their role in a linguistic description in
terms of function, within a larger linguistic structure (subject, object,
determiner, and so on), and word-class (noun, adjective, verb, and so
on) when we view them as something that has individual
characteristics. Both function and word class are relevant for our
present purposes since we must examine the expression of quantity
through them. These expressions can be grouped together into word
classes following morphological and syntactic rules. Moreover, they
share a number of properties, for instance, on

morphological grounds (typical endings for nouns, such as –s and ‘s) or

on the syntactic ground (indefinite pronouns functioning as
determiners: any of you).
The notion of quantity can be expressed by the different
linguistic levels: phonology, morphology, syntax, lexis and semantics.
Phonology deals with pronunciation of singular and plural forms (bus,
buses); morphology deals with plural markers (–s, -es); syntax with the
establishment of rules that specify which combinations of words
constitute grammatical strings (determiner + noun); lexis deals with the
expression of amount by means of idioms (stubborn as a mule ), verb
choices (rain vs. pour), adverbial expressions (speaking loud), or
partitive constructions (a piece of furniture); and finally, semantics deals
with meaning where syntactic and morphological levels do not tell the
difference (‘You are here’ – you, 2nd person singular or you, 2nd
person plural).

In order to describe quantity in terms of number, we must relate

this notion to the general term ‘noun’, which denotes the class to which
the categories of number, gender and case have their primary
application in languages. Here, we will deal with the expression of
number, first, regarding nouns, second, numerals and, finally,
• Nouns

• Singular vs. plural

The contrast singular vs. plural is drawn from the category of

number which operates through subject-verb concord and pronominal
reference, where every noun form is understood grammatically as
either singular or plural. Singular, then, relates to the quantity one for
count nouns, whereas plural relates to the quantity more than one for
count nouns. Within the term plural, different types are included. We
can distinguish between variable vs. invariable plurals. In turn, each of
these is subdivided into different types:

-Non-count nouns:
concrete (gold, furniture)
-Non-count nouns:
abstract (music,
Singular homework)
invariable -Proper nouns
(The Alps,the
-Some nouns ending in –
s (news, billiards)
INVARIABL -Abstract adjectival heads
E (the bad, the mean)
-Summation plurals
PLURALS scissors)
-Pluralia tantum in
Plural –s (thanks,
invariable outskirts)
-Plural proper nouns
(the Netherlands)
-Unmarked plural
(cattle, sheep )
heads (the
young, the rich)
Regular Plurals in –s or –es (boy-
plurals boys; fly-
VARIABLE Irregular Voicing (knife -knives;
plurals thief-thieves) Mutation
(man-men; goose-geese)
-en plural (brother-
brethren) zero plural
foreign plurals (analysis-

Within variable plurals, we distinguish first, regular plurals

(adding –s/-es) and irregular plurals (voicing, mutation, -en plural, zero
plural and foreign plurals). Second, within invariable plurals, we also
distinguish, on the one hand, singular invariables (concrete vs. abstract
noncount nouns, proper nouns, some nouns ending in –s (news), and
abstract adjectival heads), and, on the other hand, plural invariables
(summation plurals, pluralia tantum in –s, some plural proper nouns,
unmarked plural nouns, and personal adjectival heads: the rich).
Finally, in addition to singular and plural number, we may distinguish
dual number in the case of both, either, and neither, since they can
only be used with reference to two.
Focusing on VARIABLE PLURALS, we shall distinguish between
regular and irregular plural formation. Since the vast majority of English
nouns are count, they take plural formation in a regular and predictable
way in sound and spelling.
Regarding sound, the plural of a noun is usually made by adding
–s to the singular, which is the unmarked form, and is regularly realized
in three ways at the phonological level: first, /s/ after bases ending in
voiceless sounds except sibilants (books, roofs, lips, hats); second,
/z/ after bases

ending in voiced sounds except sibilants (trees, bars, days, beds, dogs,
pens); and third, /iz/ after bases ending in a sibilant (horses /s/, noises
/z/, brushes, mirages, churches, and bridges).
Regarding spelling, for the most part, plurals are formed by
simply adding –s to the singular (cat-cats, girl-girls). Other regular
plurals add –es in nouns ending in –z, -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x and –o
(waltzes, gases, dresses, wishes, matches, boxes and tomatoes).
However, at the sound level, all of them get an extra syllable /iz/ when
pronounced, except for those words ending in -o (echoes, potatoes),
which are realized as /schwa+s/. Moreover, note that words or foreign
origin or abbreviated words ending in –o add –s only (dynamo-
dynamos, kilo -kilos, photo-photos, soprano- sopranos). The spelling –
(e)s is also found in the following two cases, where the spelling of
the base is affected: first, in words ending in a consonant symbol + -y,
where y changes into i (body- bodies, country-countries). Note that
there is a change in the words ending in –f, where the f of the base is
changed into v (calf -calves, knife-knives, leaf-leaves).
Yet, there are some exceptions to the general pluralization rule
which may present some irregularities. Thus, first, (1) voicing, which is
a change in the base, from voiceless to voiced consonant, when a the
regular suffix –s/-es is added (bath-baths, house -houses). Note that
this may be reflected in spelling (knife-knives) or not (mouth-mouths).
Secondly, (2) mutation, when a few nouns undergo a change of vowel
sound and spelling (‘mutation plurals’) without an ending (foot- feet,
louse-lice, tooth -teeth, goose-geese, man-men). Thirdly, (3) –en plural,
pronounced with schwa, involves both vowel change and an irregular
ending, as for instance, child children, ox - oxen, and brother-brethren,
when used in the sense of ‘fellow members’. Fourth (4), zero plurals,
which on being unquestionable count, have no difference in form
between singular and plural, when referring to animals in general
(sheep, cattle), and in particular, to those viewed as prey (They hunted
two reindeer/woodcock and caught two trout/salmon ). Note the
difference here between, on the one hand invariable nouns, which are
either singular (The music is so trendy) or plural (All the cattle are in the
field ), and, on the other hand, zero plural nouns, which can be both
singular and plural (This sheep is small/all those sheeps are small).
Finally, (5) foreign plurals within regular type formation are those used
in technical usage, whereas the –s plural, which is an English regular
form is more natural in everyday language (Compare formulas
(general) and formulae (in mathematics). Numerous nouns adopted
from foreign languages, especially Latin and Greek, still retain the
foreign inflection for plural (stimulus-stimuli; corpus-corpora; criterion –
Secondly, regarding INVARIABLE PLURALS, we may
distinguish invariable singular vs invariable plural nouns which are
resistant to number contrast, since there are singular nouns that cannot
ordinarily be plural (meat, sugar), and plural nouns that cannot
ordinarily be singular (binoculars, sunglasses).

Within singular invariables, which take a singular verb, we

distinguish five main types: (1) concrete noncount nouns (cheese, gold,
furniture); (2) abstract noncount nouns (homework, music, injustice);
(3) some proper nouns (Shakespeares, her Mondays, Christmases);
(4) nouns ending in – s are particular words, (news), some diseases
(German measles, mumps, rickets), names in –ics (Physics, classics,
phonetics), some games (bowls, dominoes, fives), and finally, (5) some
proper nouns (Brussels, Athens, Wales) or collective nouns (The
States, committee, government, team).
Within plural invariables, we shall distinguish five main types as
well. Thus, (1) summation plurals (or binary nouns), which refer to
entities which comprise or are perceived as comprising two parts such
as tools, instruments, or articles of dress (scissors, forceps; tweezers,
scales; shorts, tights). Countability is usually achieved through quantity
partition, thus ‘a pair of’, ‘several pairs of’; (2) pluralia tantum in –s are
nouns that only occur in the plural and refer to entities which comprise
or are perceived as comprising an indefinite number of parts
(communications=means of communication, and similarly, The Middle
Ages(=Medieval Times), arms (=weapons), customs (=customs duty),
goods (=a goods train), the Lords (=The House of Lords), spirits
(=mood). Note that with some items there is vacillation between
singular and plural since when they have no –s, there is a difference in
meaning (brain-brains, cloth -clothes, a troup of scouts-troops, manner-
manners). (3) Some proper nouns are pluralized when a title applies to
more than one succeeding name, as in ‘the two Miss Smiths’, ‘the
Kennedys’, and ‘the two Germanys’, especially in British English
commercial use meaning ‘the firm of’ (the Smiths). Moreover, (4) we
also find unmarked plural nouns which are not plural in form and
emerge from some pluralia tantum, thus The data is/are useful, and
similarly cattle, clergy, offspring, people, police… And finally, (5) some
personal adjectival heads of human nature, such as the rich, the
young. Remember that compound nouns form the plural in different
ways, thus adding plural in the first element (passer-by, passers-by); in
both first and last element (manservant, menservants), and the last and
most usual way, adding plural in the last element (boyfriend,
boyfriends; grownup, grown-ups). Also, initials can be made plural
(MPs=Members of Parliament, VIPs=very important persons).
• Count vs. noncount
Nouns also reflect the category of number with the contrast
between count vs. noncount nouns. Thus, the term count refers to an
‘individual interpretation of an item’ from a larger set of discrete units
that could be counted (table, building, tree, car, book, computer, disk),
whereas noncount refers to an ‘undelimited’ interpretation of a
substance (liquid or solid) rather than a unit (sand, soap, jam, paper,
water, air).

Countable nouns are easily detected because of plural forms, and

uncountable nouns are reflected in general abstract terms such as
names of substances (bread, beer, coffee); abstract nouns (advice,
experience, fear, relief); other nouns countable in other languages
(baggage, camping, damage, furniture, shopping). Uncountable nouns
are always singular and are not used with indefinite articles, but often
preceded by quantifiers like some, any, no, a little (I don’t want (any)
advice; I want (some) information).
Hence, a plural triggers a count interpretation, the same as
numerals, quantifiers (many, few, several, much, little), and definite or
indefinite articles. Common countable nouns can be preceded by
numerals, quantifiers (except for much, little), and definite/indefinite
articles whereas common noncount nouns can only be followed by the
quantifiers much and little and the definite article. Consider the
following examples:
‘They heard strange noises last night’ vs. ‘Don’t make much noise’.

With singular nouns, the determiners one, a, another, each,

every, either, neither force a count interpretation, whereas enough,
much, most, little and unstressed some or any induce a noncount
interpretation. A singular common noun without any determiner will
normally take a noncount interpretation (He drinks whisky). Also, the
majority of nouns can be used with either kind of interpretation when
using partitive constructions (a piece of, an item of, a bottle of, a loaf
• Numerals

The expression of quantity by means of numerals is given by

three sets: cardinal numbers (one, two, three…), ordinal numbers (first,
second…), and fractions.
Cardinal and ordinal can function as pronouns or as determiners,
except for nought / zero. This figure is called ‘nought’, oh, zero, and nill.
We say ‘nought’ when it occurs as the name of the numeral, being
replaced by the determiner no or the pronoun none in general use.
We use ‘oh’ to say numbers and figures at the same time, and when
saying figures separately, as in telephone numbers, post codes,
address numbers. Then, figures are pronounced in groups of three or
four. When used to refer to temperature, ‘zero’ is used, for both British
and American English (It is zero degrees Celsius today), and we say
‘nil’ when talking about games (They won four-nill).
Ordinals are normally preceded by an article, usually the definite
article (Today is the eleventh). Ordinals are used when talking about
fractions and decimals (1/6=one sixth; 2/5=two fifths) or when
expressing order or priority (He was the first one to cross). Finally, the
notion of quantity is also conveyed by singular and plural
measurements in fractions and decimals with the

structure ‘of a + singular noun’ (two sixths of a centimetre) or

‘decimals’+ plural noun (2,8 millimetres=two point eight millimetres).
• Pronouns

For our purpose, we shall concentrate on indefinite pronouns,

which include: universal, partitive, and quantifying pronouns. (See
appendix 1).
• Universal pronouns

In order to examine universal pronouns, we must consider first

the universal compound indefinites (everyone, everybody, everything;
no one, nobody, nothing), where the suffixes –one and
–body are used for people, whereas the ending –thing is for objects,
and –where for places. The universal pronouns and determiners
comprise each, all, every, and the every compounds. Despite their
singular form, the compounds have collective reference, and along with
every they entail reference to a number of three of (usually) more. Each
entails reference to two or more, and has individual reference. Thus:

There were two boys who called and I gave an apple

to each / *everybody. There were seven boys who
called and I gave an apple to each / everybody.

Indefinite personal pronouns functioning as pronouns take

singular verbs, despite their entailment of plural meaning, (Everybody
was out; no one wanted to come), thus, ‘every- compounds’ and each
are used with personal count nouns in singular, and everything and
each with unipersonal count nouns. In plural, both personal and non-
personal count nouns refer to all/both and all is used for both singular
and plural nouns.
Among their main grammatical features, every and its compounds
take a singular form. Also, since universal pronouns denote people,
they can take genitive suffixes as in everybody’s car. Regarding each, it
may appear alone as a pronoun, but it is common to find the
expression each one. Both and all are used for count nouns in plural.
All is also used for nouncount nouns and both refers to dual number.
They may appear medially with plural reference (They both/all are quite
intelligent), referring to two people. In very formal style, all is used to
mean everybody (All those who speak Italian), and is also used in
negative constructions (Not all the people speak Italian here).

PRONOUNS Persona Non-
l personal
Everyon Everythin
Singul Prono e g
ar un Everyb Everywh al
ody ere l
Each Each
Plural Prono All /
un both

• Partitive pronouns
Parallel to the universal pronouns, we have three sets of partitive
pronouns with associated determiners (every, all, both, a(n), some, any,
either, neither, none, no): assertive partitive indefinites, non-assertive
partitive indefinites, and negative partitive indefinites.
Some is used for plural count and noncount nouns, both personal
and non-personal (You need some lawyers/water). When some is used
to talk about an uncertain or indefinite quantity (Would you like some
sugar?), it is pronounced with the weak form. Yet, although some is
used in interrogative form, its basic meaning is still assertive. However,
when used as a pronoun (I already have some), it is pronounced with a
strong form.
Non-assertive partitive indefinites express two ideas at the
time, but still an uncertain number of identity since the basic meaning
is negative. In negative and interrogative sentences we have anyone
and anybody for singular personal count nouns (I didn’t see anybody)
and anything for singular non-personal count nouns (She didn’t buy
anything). In plural, for count nouns in general, any (as some) is used
for noncount as well (She had no bananas/idea). Since any is the
negative counterpart of some, we may find it functioning as a pronoun
(Did you find the pepper?- No, I didn’t find any). Its counterpart ‘either’
functions as a determiner, meaning ‘one or the other’, and occasionally
Negative partitive pronouns include nobody and no one for
personal reference in count singular nouns whereas, nothing ’ nowhere
have non-personal reference. None and neither are used for singular
count nouns, both personal and non-personal, and only none is used
for plural count and noncount nouns.


Assertive Pronou Someon
Singular n e
Determi someth so
ner ing me
A / an
Plural Pronoun &
Determiner some
Non- Pronoun Anyone
Singular Anything
Determine Either
r Any
Plural Pronoun &
Determiner Any
Negative Pronou Nobo
Singular n dy An
Determi Nothi y
ner ng No
No No
one ne
None / neither
Pronoun &
Plural Determiner None

• Quantifying pronouns
Also called quantifiers, this type of pronouns refer to the
increase or decrease of ‘the totality, lack of, or partial amount’ of
something. They fall into three main subclasses:

• Quantifiers which can only function as pronouns: they are the

universal and partitive pronouns together, thus someone, somebody,
something; anyone, anybody, anything; everyone, everybody,
everything; and no one, nobody, nothing, and none: ‘I seem to have
forgotten everything’ and None of the girls has/have been invited’.
Numerals are included in this type and, in particular, cardinal numbers
(I bought three).
• Quantifiers which can function both as pronouns and as
determiners: these are divided into two types: first, enumerative
quantifiers for singular and count nouns (a, an, one, and numerals)
or plural count and noncount nouns (some, enough, both, all). Second,
general quantifiers for count nouns (many, (a) few, several) and
noncount nouns (much, (a) little). Thus, the following quantifiers,
functioning both as pronouns and determiners, may be included here:
some, any, each, all, both, either, neither; much, many (more, most);
(a) little, less, least; (a) few, fewer, fewest; plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a
great deal of; enough, and several (‘So far I have discovered few
Within enumerative quantifiers, we also include cardinal and
ordinal numbers. Apart from numerals, we include general quantifiers,
which comprise a variety of words and expressions. For instance, many
and much are not different in meaning but they differ in context, since
many is used only with plural count nouns (He said many stupid things)
and much only occurs with noncount nouns.

But we may also use phrasal quantifiers, such as a great deal of

or a large number of + plural noun (There are a large number of
witnesses) or a large amount of + singular noun (We have a great deal
of time). In informal style, they appear again in affirmative sentences
but using other expressions, such as plenty of, a lot of, lots of, or loads
of, used for both count and noncount nouns. Many and much have
other particular uses, for instance, when combined with too, so, or as in
order to provide a negative feeling to the ‘amount of’ under
consideration (‘too many children were at home).
Similarly, few or a few or several are used with count nouns,
whereas little and a little, or a little of occur with noncount nouns, in
singular. When comparing few and little, we find a positive/negative
contrast depending on whether the definite article is used or not. For
instance, when using the article ‘a few biscuits’, they have a positive
meaning, thus, ‘several biscuits’. However, negative meaning is
conveyed with no article.
Several is rarely preceded by a determiner, and is always used
with plural count nouns (He had several lovers). The quantifier enough
is used with both count and noncount nouns (There are enough chairs /
wine). Moreover, each operates with singular reference (Each member
came) and is targeted on the individual among the totality whereas all
and both make plural and dual universal reference (Both men were
Neither is used with singular verbs (Neither parents realized what
was going on) and its opposite is either. With either we only use a
singular noun (Either room is ok). Finally, the

comparatives much, more, most; little, less, least; and few, fewer,
fewest where more refers to count and noncount nouns, less only
noncount, and fewer only count.
• Quantifiers that function as determiner only. To this subclass
belong every and no, as in ‘Everybody has its rights’ and ‘He has no
money and no prospects’.

Pre- Central Post
determiner determiner determiner
REALIZATION all definite article cardinal
both indefinite numbers
dou article ordinal
ble demonstrative numbers
half pronouns next, last
twic possessive few, fewer,
e pronouns fewest little,
many relative less, least
(a) pronouns many, more,
such genitive most other
(a) anot ow
what her n
(a) any sa
each me
eithe suc
r h
er no

There are three classes of determiners regarding the expression

of quantity, and therefore, number. Thus, predeterminers, central
determiners, and postdeterminers, since they co-occur with the noun
classes: singular count, plural count, and noncount nouns. Depending
on the items they are combined with, they will have different
realizations, and some of the pronouns seen before will turn into
determiners. The function determiner marking number can be
realized by a wide range of items, such as the definite article, the
indefinite article, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns,
numerals, and certain indefinite pronouns marking number, which were
considered to be pronouns and determiners at the same time. These
comprise words such as each, all/both, no and the every compounds
(count pronouns) and all /none (noncount).

• Predeterminers

Predeterminers form a class mutually exclusive, preceding those

central determiners with which they can co-occur. Two subsets can be
distinguished: (1) all, both, half, and (2) the multipliers. Regarding all,
both, half, they have in common the positive characteristics of being
able to occur before the articles, the demonstratives, and the
possessives (all/both/half the/these/our students). However, they also
have the negative characteristic of not occurring before determiners
that themselves entail quantification: every, each, (n)either, some, any,
no, enough.
The items all and half occur with plural count and noncount
nouns, as in all the books/all the music and all books/all music, and
half the book(s)/half the music. Note that half is the only one that can
be followed by the indefinite article or numerals since fractions other
than half are usually followed by an of-phrase article (She read a
quarter of the book; half an hour). However, both occurs with plural
count nouns both books.
Secondly, regarding multipliers, we include the items once, twice,
three times, expressions of emphasis and costing. Therefore, the items
double and twice can combine with both singular and plural heads (all
poetry; four times Peter’s salary; half this cheese; twice these sums).
On the other hand, expressions such as many, such and what, when
realizing the predeterminer function, are obligatory followed by the
indefinite article (many a time, such a disgrace, what a pity).
• Central determiners

Central determiners include the definite and indefinite articles as

their commonest determiners since their distribution is dependent upon
the class of the accompanying noun (singular or plural). In order to
relate definiteness to number, we have the following system for count
and noncount nouns. First, beside the sole definite article the, we have
two indefinite articles a and zero marker, the former occurring with
singular count nouns, its zero analogue with noncount and plural count
Second, there are several other determiners that can co-occur
equally with singular count, plural count, and noncount nouns: the
demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those); the possessive
pronouns (my, our, your, his, her, its, their); the relative pronouns
(which, what, whose); specifying genitive (all Peter’s clothes).

SINGULAR Definite The book The music
Indefinite A book Music
PLURAL Definite The
Indefinite Books

Other items include the negative determiner no (He has no car),

the universal determiners every and each (We’ll interview every/each
student), the nonassertive/negative dual determiners either and neither
(Parking is not permitted on either side of the street), the general
assertive determiner some (I would like some bread), the general
nonassertive determiner any (We haven’t any bread), the quantitative
determiner enough (We have enough bread), also, the quantitative
much (We have much bread).
The definite article, the demonstrative and possessive pronouns,
and the genitive are alike in that they can be preceded by the
predeterminer items all, both, double, half and twice, and followed by
cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers and the words last and next. The
indefinite article, for instance, can be preceded by half, many, such and
what. An exception in combinations is that of every + a possessive (his
(John’s, whose) every wish).
• Postdeterminers

Postdeterminers take their place immediately after determiners.

They include cardinal and ordinal numbers, next, last; few, fewer,
fewest; little, less, least; many, more, most; other, own, same, such.
Postdeterminers fall into two classes: ordinals (first, fourth, last, other)
and quantifiers (cardinal numbers, many, few, plenty of, a lot of). We
should note a contrast involving few, a few, a little, little, and also
between assertive and nonassertive usage. For instance, some items
are predominantly assertive (plenty of, a few, a little, a good many),
while others are predominantly nonassertive (such as much, many):
seven days, one more drink; the first two pages; the next few years, the
last two weeks; few other people, little more news; many more
accidents; (many) other problems, my own car.


Both count and noncount nouns can enter constructions denoting

part of a whole. This provides a means of imposing number on
noncount nouns, since the partition is generally expressed by a count
noun of partitive meaning, such as piece or sort, which can be
singular or plural, followed by an of-phrase.
Here, we may include noncount means, plural count nouns
concerning specific sets of nouns, and singular count nouns. These are
the expressions of precise measure ( a yard of cloth, two kilos), and
also of fractional partition (He ate a quarter of that beef).
Regarding noncount means, phrasal quantifiers provide a means
of imposing countability on noncount nouns as the following partitive
expressions illustrate: general partitives, as in plenty of, a lot of, lots
of, a great/good deal of, a large/small quantity/amount of, a
great/large/good number of.
Other typical partitives can be used very generally when talking
about noncount nouns, referring to little bits of concerning measures,
thus a pint of beer, a spoonful of medicine, a pound of butter, a slice of
cake/bread/meat, a roast of meat, a few loaves of bread, a bowl of
soup, a bottle of wine, a cup of coffee, a packet of sugar, a blade of
grass, some specks of dust, and so on. Moreover, general partitives
may be included, as in two pieces/a bit/an item of
Regarding plural count nouns, we tend to have partitives relating
to specific sets of nouns, as in a flock of sheep/pigeons, two flocks of
sheep; an army of ants; a company of actors; a crowd of people; a
series of concerts, two series of concerts; a pair of scissors.
As for singular count nouns, we find a piece of a leather belt, a
page of a book, two pieces of a broken cup, two acts of a play.

Other means of expressing quantity may be drawn from the

semantic choice of verb, adverbial phrases, and certain idioms which
may imply the notion of quantity. Thus, we may increase or decrease
the ‘amount of’ the item implied in our speech by means of using
different verbal choices, as for instance, the contrast between rain vs.
pour, run vs. rush, eat vs. gulp, hit vs. smash, talk vs. whisper, and so
on. Secondly, within adverbial phrases, we may increase or decrease
the notion of quantity by using certain adverbs in a sentence, such as
the so-called frequency adverbs. For instance, compare the sentences
‘I always go swimming four times a week’ (100% frequency) vs. ‘I
never go swimming’ (0% frequency). Thirdly, certain idiomatic
expressions may

imply a relevant difference in quantity, both concrete or abstract. For

instance, compare ‘Charles is a bit stubborn’ vs. ‘Charles is stubborn as
a mule’, ‘She is very sensitive’ vs. ‘She is cold as ice’.

Although the questions How much? and How many? may appear
simple and straightforward, they imply a broad description of the
means that make an appropriate answer suitable for students and
It is a fact that students must handle the four levels in
communicative competence in order to be effectively and highly
communicative in the classroom and in real life situations. The
expression of quantity proves highly frequent in our everyday speech,
and consequently, we must encourage our students to have a good
managing of it.

Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., Quirk, R., Svartvik, J., A Comprehensive

Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman, 1985.
Huddleston, R. and G.K. Pullum. The Cambridge Grammar of the
English Language. C.U.P., 2002.
Hymes, Del. On Communicative Competence. London: Penguin, 1972.
Leech, G and Svartvik, J. A Communicative Grammar of English.
Singapore: Longman., 1986.
Swam, M. Practical English Usage. OUP, 1995.
Specific Central Personal (subject –I, you-,
pronouns object –me, him-, genitive –their)
Reflexive (myself, yourself,
himself, ourselves,
Reciprocal (each other, one
another) Possessive (mine,
yours, his, hers, ours, theirs)
Relative Who, which, that, whose
Interrogative Who, whom, whose, which, what

Demonstrative This, that, these, those

Universal Each, all, every, and every
pronouns Assertive (someone, something;
some, several)
Non-assertive (anyone,
anything, anywhere)
Negative (no one,
nobody, nothing,
nowhere, neither)

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