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April 2022

Tutorium 6: Some notes

Aufgabe eins

Discussing answers from the previous week’s exercises. We went through the following
example sentences and discussed how to approach sentences like these; Identifying the
subject of the sentence, or sentences should always be your first step as this gives you
valuable information about the articles and pronouns that fit in with the sentence.

 Das ist keine Flasche, das ist eigentlich eine Tasche. Sie ist weiß.
(eigentlich = actually, and it gives us the biggest clue in this sentence as to what the
true subject of the sentence is, Die Tasche.)
 Das ist eine Zeitung. Sie ist kein Buch.
(Here I have included the pronoun ‚Sie‘ at the start of the second sentence, this
instantly tells you that the Newspaper = Die Zeitung, is the subject in the first
sentence, thus ruling out the option of using the negative, which would be keine.)
 Mein/Das Bett ist kein Tisch. Es muss ordentlich sein.
(Very few beds are tables so we can deduce that we need to use the masculine
negative, because Tisch is masculine, thus ‚kein‘. Side note that ‚sein‘ always uses
nominative case. Also note the pronoun for the neutral subject is ‚Es‘)

Aussprache Aufgabe eins

(We read through the following paragraphs from page 39 in the course book out loud, and
translated the meanings in class together. Read through them again and try to link the
paragraphs to the pictures.)
Aufgabe zwei

Definite article Indefinite article Negative

Masculine Der ein kein
Feminine Die eine keine
Neutral Das ein kein
Plural Die --- keine

(Note the addition of the plurals row to the table, this is one of the main grammatical
introductions in Lektion 6. We went over the plural forms of the newly introduced vocab in
Lektion 6.)

Aufgabe drei

Singular Plural

Der Laptop Die Laptops

Die E-Mail Die E-Mails

Das Handy Die Handys


Die Briefmarke Die Briefmarken

Die Rechnung Die Rechnungen

Das Telefon Die Telefone

Das Formular Die Formulare

Der Drucker Die Drucker

Die Maus Die Mäuse

Der Computer Die Computer

Der Stift Die Stifte

Das Notizbuch Die Notizbücher

Der Kalender Die Kalender

Der Bildschirm Die Bildschirme

(Look back through past Lektionen and look for the plural versions of previous vocab)

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